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Nick Thomas

UN 1015
Why I deserve an A
If asked, ha! "rade do yo# deserve in !his c$ass !h#s far,% I o#$d res&ond i!h an A'%
(es&i!e !akin" 1) credi!s !his semes!er, a$on" i!h *ein" a &ar! of an en!er&rise, I have mana"ed
!o com&$e!e a$$ of !he assi"nmen!s and readin"s for !his c$ass, a$on" i!h con!ri*#!in" !o
c$assroom disc#ssions' A$so, d#rin" &eer revie, I have mana"ed !o he$& o!her s!#den!s i!h
!heir on &a&ers, markin" #& co#n!$ess errors, as e$$ as he$&in" !hem "ro as ri!ers'
The &oin! of a c$ass is !o $earn !he ma!eria$ covered as e$$ as he$&in" o!hers !o $earn' +o
far in!o !he c$ass, I have done a$$ of !he readin"s, a$on" i!h &ar!ici&a!in" in !he c$ass disc#ssions
a*o#! !he readin"s' Thro#"h !his, I have $earned !he ma!eria$ &resen!ed, a$on" i!h he$&in" !o
f#r!her ed#ca!e o!her s!#den!s on !he ma!eria$ as e$$' A$so, !hro#"h !he crea!ive ri!in"s, I have
en"a"ed in!o !he !o&ic more' ,e!!in" !he freedom !o *e a*$e !o ri!e a*o#! a !o&ic of my choice
has "rea!$y &i-#ed my in!eres! in !he .n"$ish $an"#a"e in "enera$' This ne$y fo#nd in!eres! i$$
he$& in o!her c$asses !ha! re-#ire ri!in", as e$$ as in !he f#!#re for any /o* !ha! may re-#ire i!'
0vera$$, I fee$ !ha! my con!ri*#!ions !o !he c$ass des&i!e my $ar"e ork$oad !his semes!er
has *een eno#"h !o deserve my "rade in !his c$ass !o *e an A so far' 1y in&#! and o&inions on
!he readin"s, as e$$ as my #sef#$ness in aidin" o!her s!#den!s in !heir on ri!in", has
#$!ima!e$y $ed !o ha! I fee$ is A2!y&e ork' 3o&ef#$$y, I can kee& !his #& !hro#"h !he co#rse of
!he semes!er, res#$!in" in a fina$ "rade of an A'
Thro#"ho#! !his ri!in", I #sed many emo!iona$ a&&ea$s !o !ry !o convince !he reader of
!he "rade !ha! I deserve in !he c$ass !h#s far' 4irs!, I *ein" *y a&&ea$in" !o !he a#dience5s
emo!ions, or !he #se of &a!hos, hen I descri*e my hard ork$oad !his semes!er' The reader !hen
fee$s sorry for me, and can &ro*a*$y re$a!e ha! I am "oin" !hro#"h' A$so, in doin" so, I add
credi*i$i!y !o myse$f' In men!ionin" !ha! I am &ar! of an en!er&rise, I have shon !ha! I ork
hard, shoin" !ha! I have a "ood ork e!hic'
Ne6!, I a&&ea$ !hro#"h $o"os, or $o"ic' I do !his *y &resen!in" ac!#a$ in2c$ass e6am&$es on
hy I deserve an A, descri*in" ho I he$& o!hers !o $earn, and I inc$#de ho I do a$$ of !he
readin"s' This is a $o"ica$ a&&ea$ *eca#se orkin" hard and &ar!ici&a!in" in c$ass, $o"ica$$y
means "e!!in" a "ood "rade'
The ho$e !ime, I am kee&in" in mind !ha! !he !ar"e! a#dience is !he !eacher, meanin" I
do no! need !o e6&$ain !hin"s !ha! occ#r in c$ass, !ha! someone e$se mi"h! no! #nders!and'
7as!$y, since !he &#r&ose of !he &a&er is !o e6&$ain hy I deserve an A, I end i! i!h an
overa$$ s#mmary, descri*in" hy I deserve i!, "ivin" a *rief overvie of ha! !he !o &revio#s
&ara"ra&hs ere a*o#!'

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