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Life cycle of Penaeus monodon

Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Crustacea
Order: Decapoda
Family: Penaeidae
Genus: Penaeus
Species: Penaeus monodon
Life history:
Adult shrimps are bottom dwellers the offshore areas at depth of 20 to
0 meters! "he life cycle starts with the spawnin# or release of e##s by #ra$id or
ripe female!
Spawnin# occurs at ni#ht some host after copulation in species with an
open thelyum! %##s are released in lar#e numbers and fall slowly to the seabed!
200000&'0 lac e##s are released in one time!
%mbryonic de$elopment last between '2&'( hours at temperature
between 2)&2(*c and salinity ran#e from +2&+, -!
After spawnin# the lar$ae hatch out '2&', hours! "here are mainly si.
phases en/oyed in the life cycle! Such as:
3n the lar$al sta#e: Si. phases of nauplius4 three phases of proto5oa4
three phases of mysis are in$ol$ed! After passin# lar$al sta#e4 the lar$ae
metamorphose into the post lar$ae!
"he youn# post lar$ae or fry mo$e shore wards and start appearin# in
the coastal waters around two wee6s into their post lar$ae life!
"he continue mi#rations towards man#ro$e and other brac6ish water
areas which ser$e as their nurseries or feedin# #rounds4 #rowin# to lar#e
/u$eniles4 post /u$eniles and sub&adult! At this sta#e4 Penaeus monodon is mainly
carni$orous4 feedin# on slow mo$in# microscopic animals4 small crabs4 shrimps4
molluscs4 marine worms4 detritus etc!
Althou#h first matin# occurs in the estuaries4 it is only durin# or after
mi#ration bac6 to the offshore areas that full ripenerin# of the o$aries ta6es
place! First spawnin# occurs at '0 months of a#e4 upon arri$al in the offshore
areas4 followed by 2&+ more consecuti$e spawnin# within a sin#le season!
"he adult remain in the ocean upto a ripe old a#e of +4) or , years
unless they die earlier of predation or diseases!
In the life cycle:
Phase Begins at Duration Mode of life Habitat
%mbryo Fertili5ation '2 hours Plan6tonic Outer littoral
1ar$ae 7atchin# 20 days Plan6tonic Outer 8 inner
littoral 5one
2u$enile Completion of #ill
', days 9enthic %stuary
Sub&adult Complement of
maturation first
)&, months 9enthic Outer 8 inner
littoral 5one
Adult Completion of
'0 months 9enthic Outer littoral
5one :20&0 m
Coastal / estuarine /
brackish water
(!"#! $%
&ceanic waters
(#!"'! $%%
Post lar$ae < Post lar$ae < =ysis < >oea

Adolescent 0 Sub&adults 0 Adults 0 %## 8 %mbryo
Life cycle of Macrobrachium rosenbergii
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Crustacea
Order: Decapoda
Family: Palaemonidae
Genus: =acrobrachium
Species: Macrobrachium rosenbergii
Life history:
"here are four sta#es in the life of a fresh water prawn! 1i6e as:
From the a#e of 0& months4 fast #rowin# indi$iduals are capable of
reproduction! A female prawn with #onad4 copulate /ust after moltin# with a male
prawn lea$in# a hard shell!
Durin# copulation the male deposit a #elatiness mass sparmetophore
and the under side of recei$e of the female4 tectiscess her wal6in# le#s! "he
female prawns release the e## a few hours to a few days after copulation! A fully
matured female of ,0 #m can carry ,0000&'00000 e##s!
As the e##s are e.truded from the #onophore4 they are fertili5ed by
non&motile sperm! "he fertili5ed e##s are then transferred to a breed chamber on
the underside of the abdominal appenda#e! %##s are maturated for 2' days and
then hatch immediately after hatchin# the female can a#ain release e##s! 3n
same case4 a female can lay e##s twice a month!
"he e##s of the prawn are sli#htly elliptical the lar#er e##s bein# 0!B&
0! mm in len#th! "hey are bri#ht oran#e in colour!
Durin# hatchin# the females drop down streams to the limits of
brac6ish water in estuaries and coastal marshes! Capid mo$ement of the female
pleopods dispenses the newly hatched lar$ae4 which normally swim with their
heads down!
%$en lar$ae hatch in freshwaterD they will be needed sur$i$e if they are
put into brac6ish water within 28+ days!
1ar$ae are Plan6tonic and de$elop in brac6ish water for + to B wee6s!
After 2,&+0 days lar$ae met metamorphosis into P1!
P1 can tolerate a wide ran#e of salinity4 but freshwater in their sur$i$al
habitat! And so4 2&+ wee6s after metamorphosis4 the P1 mo$e a#ainst the current
and so towards freshwater canals and ri$ers! All freshwater de$elopment ta6es
place in the in the ri$er!
In the life cycle:
Gonad 0 Copulation :hours&days; 0 %##s
Fertili5ed e##s
9reedin# chamber :2' days;
Adult < Post lar$ae :2,&+0 days; < 1ar$ae :+&B wee6s; < 7atch :2 8 + days;
Life cycle of Lates calcarifer
Phylum: Chordata
Sub&phylum: Eertebrata
Class: Pisces
Sub&class: "eleostomi
Order: Percomorphi
Family: Centropomidae
Genus: 1ates
Species: Lates calcarifer
Life history:
Lates calcarifer :sea bass; spends most of its #rowin# period :2&+
years; in fresh water bodies4 such as ri$ers and la6es which are connected to the
3t has a rapid #rowth rate4 often attainin# a si5e of +&, 6# within 2&+
years! Adult fish :+&) years; mi#rate towards the moth of the ri$er from inland
waters into the sea where the salinity ran#es between +0&+2 - for #onad
maturation and subseFuent spawnin#!
"he fish spawns accordin# to the lunar cycle :usually at the on set of
the new moon or the full moon; durin# the late e$enin# :'(00&2000 hours;
usually in synchrony with the incomin# tide!
"his allows the e##s and the hatchin# to drift into estuaries! 7ere4
lar$al de$elopment ta6es place after which they mi#rate further upstream to
At present4 it is not 6nown whether the spent fish mi#rates upstream or
spends the rest of its life in the marine en$ironment!
Smith :'GB,; noted that some fish spend their whole life in fresh water
en$ironment where they #row to a len#th of B, cm and 'G!( 6# body wei#ht!

=i#rate downstream %## driftin#4
1ar$al de$elopment
=i#rate upstream

Fi#ure: =i#ration pattern of Lates calcarifer
"he #onads of such fish are usually unde$eloped! 3n the marine
en$ironment4 sea bass attainin# a len#th of '! m ha$e been recorded in the
3ndo&Australia re#ion!

(ub")hylu*: Crustacea
Spawnin# #round
Salinity :+0&+2 -;
@ursery #round
Salinity :2,&+0 -; Coastline
Feedin# #round
9rac6ish water 8 Fresh water bodies
Class: Copepoda Class: Cirripedia Class: =alacostraca
%.& Copepods %.& 9arnacles
(ub"class: Stomatopoda (ub"class: Peracarida (ub"class: %ucarida
%.& =antis shrimp
&rder: Amphipod &rder: 3sopoda
%.&Grammarus %.&9opyrus
&rder: %uphausiacea &rder: Decapoda
(ub"order: @atantia :swimmin#; (ub"order: Ceptantia :crawlin#;
Infra"order: Penaeidea Infra"order: Caridea
%.& Prawns %.& Shrimps
Infra"order: Astacura Infra"order: Palinura Infra"order: 9rachyura Infra"order: Anomura
%.& Clawed lobsters %.& Spiny lobsters %.& "rue crab %.& 7ermit crab

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