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age ! of !


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ln exerclse of Lhe powers conferred by SecLlon 34 (3) of Lhe unlverslLy [u (A) 477], Lhe 8oard makes Lhe
followlng rules: -

1. ClLaLlon And CommencemenL
1hese regulaLlons may be clLed as Lhe lee 8egulaLlons of unlverslLl SulLan Zalnal Abldln and shall
Lake effecL !anuary 1, 2010.

2. AppllcaLlon
1) 1he regulaLlons shall apply Lo every sLudenL durlng Lhe perlod of sLudy.
2) vlolaLlon of any provlslon of Lhese rules can resulL ln a sLudenL could be charged as speclfled
ln Lhe regulaLlon of sLudenL fees of unlverslLl SulLan Zalnal Abldln.

1.0 %$*'(5('*-*%3$
ln Lhese rules, unless Lhe conLexL oLherwlse requlres: -
"unlverslLy" means unlverslLl of SulLan Zalnal Abldln,
"SLudenL" means a reglsLered sLudenL who ls sLudylng aL Lhe unlverslLy for an Academlc
rogram of docLoraLe, masLer, bachelor degree, or dlploma,
"new SLudenL" means a sLudenL ln Lhelr flrsL semesLer for all programs,
"LxlsLlng SLudenL" means a sLudenL ln Lhelr second or subsequenL semesLer for all programs,
"Appeallng SLudenLs" means new sLudenLs offered Lo sLudy aL Lhe unlverslLy based on appeal,
and new sLudenLs allowed Lo reglsLer laLe,
"Sponsored SLudenL" means a sLudenL who geLs a scholarshlp / loan / flnanclal asslsLance from
schemes / speclflc agencles,
"uaLe of 8eglsLraLlon" means Lhe daLe on whlch sLudenLs enroll aL Lhe unlverslLy as speclfled ln
Lhe academlc calendar,
"llrsL uay of LecLure" means Lhe daLe on whlch Lhe flrsL day of classes begln as speclfled ln Lhe
academlc calendar,
"lees" means Lhe amounL of LulLlon fees for programs / courses only,
age 7 of !"

"unlverslLy lee" means Lhe amounL of fees charged oLher Lhan 1ulLlon lees,
"CraduaLlon lee" means Lhe fee charged Lo sLudenLs who wlll graduaLe, and caLegorlzed as
unlverslLy fees,
"Alumnl lee" means Lhe fee charged Lo graduaLes of unlverslLl SulLan Zalnal Abldln and
caLegorlzed as unlverslLy fees,
"8eglsLraLlon lee" means Lhe fee for Lhe reglsLraLlon process Lo new sLudenLs who slgn up for
Lhe sesslon and caLegorlzed as unlverslLy fees,
"SLudenL CrlenLaLlon Week lee" means Lhe fee charged Lo new sLudenLs LhaL covers programs,
acLlvlLles and equlpmenL durlng SLudenL's CrlenLaLlon Week and caLegorlzed as unlverslLy fees,
"Co-currlcular lee" means Lhe fee charged Lo sLudenLs for co-currlculum courses LhroughouL Lhe
sLudy perlod and caLegorlzed as unlverslLy fees,
"Ceneral Servlce lee" means Lhe fees for varlous servlces LhaL are noL lncluded ln Lhe fees llsLed.
1hls lncludes servlces such as emergency sLudenL LransporLaLlon, pracLlcal LransporLaLlon
servlces and oLhers.
"PealLh lee" means Lhe fee charged Lo sLudenLs for medlcal faclllLles and caLegorlzed as
unlverslLy fees,
"PealLh 1akaful lee" means Lhe fee charged Lo lnLernaLlonal sLudenLs for Lhe proLecLlon of Lhelr
healLh and welfare (lease 8efer Lo Culdellnes for PealLh lnspecLlon and lnsurance Coverage for
lnLernaLlonal SLudenLs from MlnlsLry of Plgher LducaLlon) and caLegorlzed as unlverslLy fees,
"Llbrary lee" means Lhe fee for llbrary servlces and faclllLles and caLegorlzed as unlverslLy fees,
"Welfare lees" means Lhe fee Lo fund welfare and ald lncludlng accldenLs and deaLh and are
caLegorlzed as sLudenLs and unlverslLy fees,
"SLudenL AcLlvlLy laclllLy lee" means Lhe fee charged Lo sLudenLs for varlous acLlvlLles lnvolvlng
sLudenL assoclaLlons, sporLs and recreaLlon, and caLegorlzed as unlverslLy fees,
"lC1 laclllLy lee" means Lhe fee charged for Lhe use of compuLers and relaLed equlpmenL and
caLegorlzed as unlverslLy fees,
"1akaful roLecLlon lee" means Lhe fee collecLed for Lhe proLecLlon of local sLudenLs and
caLegorlzed as unlverslLy fees,
"Lab lee" means Lhe fees for use of faclllLles and laboraLorles and caLegorlzed as unlverslLy fees,
"8esldenLlal College lees" means Lhe fees charged Lo sLudenLs who llve ln Lhe resldenLlal college
and caLegorlzed as unlverslLy fees,
age 8 of !"

"lnLernaLlonal SLudenL ManagemenL lee" means Lhe fee charged for a varleLy of speclal servlces
ln Lhe managemenL of lnLernaLlonal sLudenLs and caLegorlzed as unlverslLy fees,
"uebL" means Lhe fees and any ouLsLandlng fees Lo be pald by Lhe sLudenL from Lhe prevlous
semesLer, and
"8efund" means Lhe reLurn of money Lo a sLudenL's accounL whlch ls overcharged, overpald or
surplus afLer maklng deducLlons.

79: )*(#6*#(' 34 #$%&'()%*; 4'')

2.1 1he sLrucLure of unlverslLy 1ulLlon and unlverslLy lees, whlch have been approved by
Lhe unlverslLy auLhorlLles are as follows: -
2.1.1 ulploma and 8achelor (for clLlzens and non-clLlzens)
non-8ecurrlng lees (payable ln Lhe flrsL semesLer):-
l) unlverslLy lees:
a. 8eglsLraLlon fees,
b. SLudenL CrlenLaLlon Week lees,
c. Alumnl lee, and
d. CraduaLlon fee (payable ln Lhe 3
semesLer of sLudy).
8ecurrlng fees (pald ln each semesLer):-
l) 1ulLlon lee,
ll) unlverslLy lees:
a. Ceneral Servlce lee,
b. PealLh lee,
c. Llbrary lee,
d. Welfare lee,
e. SLudenL AcLlvlLy laclllLy lee,
f. lC1 laclllLy lee,
g. 1akaful lees (per sesslon) (for Local sLudenLs only),
h. LaboraLory lee,
l. Co-currlcular fee - accordlng Lo credlL hours (8M 100.00 per
[. 8esldenLlal College lee,
age " of !"

k. PealLh lnsurance lee (for lnLernaLlonal sLudenLs only), and
l. ManagemenL lee (for lnLernaLlonal SLudenLs only).
SLudenLs who enroll ln Lhe 12 credlL hours are charged 8M30/hour for
undergraduaLe degree programs and 8M12/hour for dlploma programs ln a
regular semesLer.
2.1.2 MasLer's and uocLoraLe
non-8ecurrlng lees (payable ln Lhe flrsL semesLer)
l) unlverslLy lees:
a. 8eglsLraLlon lee,
b. Alumnl lee,
c. CraduaLlon fee (payable aL Lhe end of Lhe semesLer),
d. LxamlnaLlon lee (1hesls) (charged before shlpplng noLlce
e. 8e-LxamlnaLlon lee (1hesls) (appllcable lf Lhe sLudenL geLs Lo
repeaL Lhe sLaLus of LesL resulLs),
f. Speclal lees (appllcable Lo sLudenLs who have submlLLed Lhelr
Lhesls buL noL afLer evaluaLlon).
8ecurrlng fees (pald ln each semesLer)
l) 1ulLlon lees, and
ll) unlverslLy lees:
a. Ceneral Servlce lee,
b. Welfare lee,
c. Llbrary lee,
d. PealLh lee,
e. 1akaful lee (per sesslon) (for Local sLudenLs only), and
f. PealLh 1akaful lee (for lnLernaLlonal sLudenLs only).

2.2 Cfflcers of unlverslLl SulLan Zalnal Abldln (permanenL and have been conflrmed ln
servlce) who wlsh Lo pursue a masLer and docLoraLe degree, are requlred Lo pay Lhe
reglsLraLlon fee and alumnl fee only. CLher fees wlll be funded by Lhe unlverslLy.
CraduaLlon fees and examlnaLlon of Lhe Lhesls wlll be funded by Lhe sLudenLs
age < of !"

2.3 1he raLe and fee sLrucLure are sub[ecL Lo change wlLhouL prlor noLlce.

2.4 lor sLudenLs who have been selecLed under Lhe Scheme of CraduaLe 8esearch AsslsLanL
(C8A) Lhey are charged full fees durlng Lhe sLudy perlod.

3.0 ='*>30) 34 5-;='$*

3.1 ulploma and 8achelor
3.1.1 new SLudenLs A new sLudenL ls requlred Lo pay Lhelr prescrlbed fees on or before Lhe
daLe of reglsLraLlon as follows:
l) unlverslLy lee:
a. 8eglsLraLlon lee,
b. SLudenL CrlenLaLlon Week lee,
c. Alumnl lee
and Lo seLLle any ouLsLandlng fees before an examlnaLlon sllp
can be lssued.
or new sLudenLs who are unable Lo make paymenLs as ln musL
obLaln approval from Lhe vlce Chancellor / uepuLy vlce Chancellor / or
any auLhorlsed offlcer should Lhey noL be able Lo pay all or parL of Lhe
fees LhaL are owed.

3.1.2 SLudenLs wlLhouL sponsorshlp or self-sponsored
SLudenLs are requlred Lo pay Lhe prescrlbed fee before slLLlng Lhelr exams.

3.1.3 Sponsored sLudenLs Scholarshlp / loan ls pald dlrecLly by Lhe sponsor Lo Lhe unlverslLy.
lf Lhe scholarshlp / loan ls lnsufflclenL Lo cover unlverslLy fees, sLudenLs
are responslble Lo seLLle any ouLsLandlng balance before Laklng Lhelr
age ? of !" SLudenLs who are applylng for: -
l) sponsorshlp, or
ll) Lhe exLenslon of sponsorshlp, or
lll) an addlLlonal amounL of sponsorshlp, are requlred Lo pay all
fees or balance of fees before Laklng Lhe exam lf no LeLLer
conflrmlng sponsorshlp ls recelved by Lhe 8ursary ueparLmenL.

3.1.4 ShorL and Speclal SemesLer
SLudenLs who Lake Lhe shorL semesLer and Lhe speclal semesLer are requlred Lo
pay speclal fees before slLLlng for Lhe exam, as follows: -
l) 1ulLlon lees (per credlL raLe speclfled by program),
ll) unlverslLy lees:
a. Ceneral Servlce lees
b. Llbrary fees
c. PealLh fees
d. Welfare fees
e. SLudenL AcLlvlLy laclllLy lees
f. lC1 laclllLy lees
g. Lab fees
h. 1akaful roLecLlon lee (per sesslon)
l. 8esldenLlal College lees
1he charglng raLe for unlverslLy fees are half of Lhe prlce of Lhe orlglnal charges
excepL for Lhe 1akaful roLecLlon lee.

3.1.3 SLudenLs lnvolved ln lndusLrlal 1ralnlng / racLlcal 1ralnlng ln Lhe semesLer (lf appllcable)
SLudenLs are requlred Lo pay Lhe followlng fees before slLLlng for Lhe
examlnaLlon: -
l) 1ulLlon lees (per credlL raLe speclfled by program), and
ll) unlverslLy lees:
a. PealLh lees
age @ of !"

b. Welfare lees
c. 1akaful lees (per sesslon)
d. 8esldenLlal college fee (accordlng Lo Lhe number of enrolled days) ln Lhe shorL semesLer / semesLer break
SLudenLs are requlred Lo pay Lhe followlng fees before slLLlng for Lhe
examlnaLlon: -
l) 1ulLlon lees (per credlL raLe speclfled by program)
ll) unlverslLy lees:
a. PealLh lees
b. Welfare lees
c. 1akaful lees (per sesslon)
d. 8esldenLlal college fee (accordlng Lo Lhe number of enrolled days sLay)

3.1.6 uefermenL of unlverslLy and 1ulLlon lees SLudenLs can apply for defermenL of paymenL of fees by fllllng ln Lhe
delay fees form. 1he 1ulLlon Appeal Sub-CommlLLee conslsLs of offlcers from Academlc
ManagemenL ulvlslon, 8ursary ueparLmenL, ulvlslon of SLudenL and
Alumnl Affalrs and uean of respecLlve laculLles. 1he role of Lhls commlLLee ls Lo conslder and approve Lhe appllcaLlon
for posLponemenL of fees based on Lhe followlng crlLerla:
l) A sLudenL ls allowed Lo Lake Lhe examlnaLlon ln a semesLer
when Lhe maxlmum amounL of fees owed ls noL more Lhan 8M300 and
Lhe sLaLus of Lhe sLudenL ls noL condlLlonal. CondlLlonal sLudenLs musL
seLLle ouLsLandlng fees before reglsLerlng for Lhe nexL semesLer.
ll) A sLudenL loan has been approved buL noL yeL recelved from Lhe
sponsors and conflrmed by Lhe 8ursary ueparLmenL.
lll) 1he unlverslLy has recelved assurance from cerLaln agencles
age A of !"

LhaL paymenL wlll be submlLLed Lowards sLudenL LulLlon fees by Lhe
SLaLe ZakaL CollecLlon CenLre and oLher speclfled bodles.
lv) 1he unlverslLy has recelved wrlLLen assurance from Lhe parenLs
of sLudenLs who wlll pay off Lhe debL over Lhe nexL four (4) weeks
before Lhe semesLer beglns.
v) lor appeallng sLudenLs who reglsLer afLer SLudenL CrlenLaLlon
Week, Lhe effecLlve daLe for reglsLraLlon Lakes place on Lhe daLe one
enrolled aL Lhe unlverslLy. lor Lhe purpose of paymenL of LulLlon fees, a
sLudenL ls sLlll allowed a perlod of Lwo (2) weeks Lo noL be charged
LulLlon fees lf he wlLhdraws from Lhe program aL Lhe unlverslLy.
vl) lor Lhe appeal sLudenL Lhe Lwo (2) week perlod ls calculaLed
from Lhe daLe of reglsLraLlon before LulLlon fees are charged.

3.2 MasLer's and uocLororaLe
3.2.1 new SLudenLs new sLudenLs are requlred Lo pay Lhe followlng fees on or before Lhe
daLe of reglsLraLlon:-
a. 8eglsLraLlon lee
b. Alumnl lee
c. 1ulLlon lee
d. Ceneral Servlce lee
e. Welfare lee
f. Llbrary lee
g. PealLh lee
h. 1akaful lee(per sesslon) (for Local sLudenLs only)
l. PealLh 1akaful lee (for lnLernaLlonal sLudenLs only)
age B of !"

"9: 6-*'23(%') 34 (')%0'$*%-, 63,,'2' 4''

4.1 1he resldenLlal college fees are sLaLed as follows:
8esldenLlal College A
(Cld 1ype)
3.30 132 462.00
8esldenLlal College 8
(new 1ype)
4.30 132 394.00
8esldenLlal College C
(new 1ype)
4.30 132 394.00
8esldenLlal College u
(MAluAM PosLel)
4.30 132 394.00
8esldenLlal College
(4 pax per room -
renovaLed llvlng room)
3.00 132 396.00
8esldenLlal College
8esuL Campus
3.30 132 462.00

4.2 lor sLudenLs belng offered Lo llve ln resldenLlal colleges buL seeklng Lo sLay ouLslde, Lhey
wlll be charged a fee ln accordance Lo Lhe number of days spenL aL Lhe resldenLlal college.

4.3 SLudenLs who sLay aL Lhe resldenLlal college durlng semesLer breaks musL pay resldenLlal
college fees accordlng Lo Lhe number of days spenL ln resldence.

age !: of !"

<9: 3*>'( 6-)')

3.1 osLponemenL of SLudles (dlploma and bachelor)

3.1.1 A sLudenL who wlshes Lo defer should apply ln wrlLlng Lo Lhe Academlc ManagemenL
ulvlslon Lhrough Lhe dean of Lhe faculLy and Lhe effecLlve daLe ls based on Lhe daLe of approval
of Lhe appllcaLlon.

3.1.2 AppllcaLlons made wlLhln Lwo (2) weeks from Lhe flrsL day of class or Lhe daLe of
reglsLraLlon (sLudenL appeals) are noL charged any fees unless:
l) unlverslLy lees:
a. 8eglsLraLlon lee
b. SLudenL CrlenLaLlon Week lees

3.1.3 AppllcaLlons made afLer Lhe perlod ln 3.1.2, Lhe flrsL day of class ln Lhe Lhlrd week, wlll
be charged unlverslLy 1ulLlon and unlverslLy lees for Lhe semesLer.

3.2 WlLhdrawal (dlploma and degree)

3.2.1 A sLudenL who wlshes Lo wlLhdraw from sLudles musL compleLe Lhe uebL SeLLlemenL
lorm. 1hree (3) coples are Lo be submlLLed Lo Lhe Academlc ManagemenL ulvlslon, ulvlslon of
SLudenL Affalrs and Alumnl (resldenLlal college) and Lhe 8ursary ueparLmenL.

3.2.2 1he effecLlve daLe of wlLhdrawal ls based on Lhe daLe of approval recelved from Lhe
Academlc ManagemenL ulvlslon.

3.2.3 WlLhdrawal lor new SLudenLs: - SLudenLs AbsenL lrom 8eglsLraLlon

All reglsLraLlon fees are reLurned as follows:
age !! of !"

l) 8eglsLraLlon lee
ll) Alumnl lee
lll) SLudenL CrlenLaLlon Week lees

Lach wlLhdrawal wlll be charged a servlce fee of 8M10 WlLhdrawal AfLer 8eglsLraLlon

8efundable reglsLraLlon fee ls as follows:

l) Alumnl lee
ll) SLudenL CrlenLaLlon Week lees

Lach wlLhdrawal wlll be charged a servlce fee of 8M10 WlLhdrawal AfLer SLudenL CrlenLaLlon Week

8efundable reglsLraLlon fee ls as follows:

l) Alumnl fee

Lach wlLhdrawal wlll be charged a servlce fee of 8M10

3.2.4 WlLhdrawal lor LxlsLlng SLudenLs: - SLudenLs who are approved Lo wlLhdraw from a course afLer Lhe second week buL no
laLer Lhan Lhe sevenLh week wlll be charged 1ulLlon and unlverslLy fees for Lhe semesLer. SLudenLs seeklng Lo wlLhdraw from a semesLer laLer Lhan Lhe second week of lecLures
wlll noL be charged 1ulLlon and unlverslLy lees for LhaL semesLer. 8esldenLlal college fees are
sub[ecL Lo paragraphs 4.2 and 4.3.

age !7 of !" SLudenLs approved Lo wlLhdraw afLer Lhe second week of Lhe semesLer, buL no laLer Lhan
Lhe sevenLh week wlll be charged unlverslLy 1ulLlon and fees for Lhe semesLer.

3.3 WlLhdrawal (MasLer's and uocLoraLe)

3.3.1 WlLhdrawal lor new SLudenLs: SLudenLs who wlLhdraw wlLhln 14 days from Lhe daLe of reglsLraLlon, are ellglble Lo clalm
Lhe fees pald excepL:

l) 8eglsLraLlon lee
ll) Servlce lees

Lach wlLhdrawal wlll be charged a servlce fee of 8M10 SLudenLs who wlLhdraw afLer a perlod of 14 days from Lhe daLe of hls reglsLraLlon, are
noL ellglble Lo clalm Lhe fees pald excepL for medlcal reasons. Lvery refund of reglsLraLlon fees
wlll be charged a servlce charge of 8M10.00

3.3.2 WlLhdrawal lor LxlsLlng SLudenLs: SLudenLs who wlLhdraw wlLhln 14 days from Lhe daLe he reglsLered are ellglble Lo clalm
Lhe fees pald excepL Lhe servlce fee. Lach wlLhdrawal wlll be charged a servlce fee of 8M10 SLudenLs who wlLhdraw afLer a perlod of 14 days from Lhe daLe of reglsLraLlon are noL
ellglble Lo clalm Lhe fees pald excepL for medlcal reasons. Lach wlLhdrawal wlll be charged a
servlce fee of 8M10

age !8 of !"

3.4 ulsclpllnary

SLudenLs wlLh dlsclpllnary punlshmenL lncludlng removal or suspenLlon from Lhe program wlll be
charged full semesLer fees for Lhe semesLer durlng whlch Lhe daLe of senLenclng was lssued.

3.3 enalLles / CLher aymenLs

SLudenLs wlll be flned / oLher charges for Lhe followlng lLems:
a. 8eplacemenL of losL maLrlc card,
b. AddlLlonal copy of LranscrlpL,
c. AddlLlonal copy of examlnaLlon sllp,
d. AddlLlonal copy of resulL sllp,
e. 8evlew of Lhe exam answer scrlpL,
f. LaLe clalmanL of examlnanLlon sllp, and
g. LaLe reglsLraLlon of courses.

3.6 8efund

3.6.1 CraduaLlon fees wlll be refunded lf a sLudenL qulLs or does noL graduaLe.

3.6.2 8efund of money wlll be made Lo any sLudenL LhaL was overcharged, overpald or where
Lhere ls a surplus afLer maklng deducLlons from sponsorshlp fees.

?9: -6*%3$ *3 )*#0'$*) W>3 4-%, *3 )'**,' 0'/*)

SLudenLs who fall Lo pay fees as sLaLed ln Lhls rule may be charged wlLh any of Lhe followlng:
l) noLlce glven Lo sLudenLs and guardlans
ll) WlLheld from slLLlmg Lhe examlnaLlon
lll) WlLheld from recelvlng Lhe resulL sllp
lv) WlLheld from reglsLerlng for Lhe nesL semesLer, and
v) WlLhheld from Laklng LranscrlpL and parLlclpaLe ln Lhe convocaLlon ceremony
age !" of !"

@9: X#(%)0%6*%3$

7.1 LxempLlon of paymenL of fees ls wlLhln Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe vlce-Chancellor or any
oLher offlcer auLhorlzed by hlm ln wrlLlng by appolnLmenL.

7.2 ower Lo deLermlne Lhe academlc sLaLus of sLudenLs, lncludlng sLudenLs from
reglsLerlng, examlnaLlon and graduaLlon ls wlLhln Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe vlce-Chancellor or any
offlcer auLhorlzed ln wrlLlng.

7.3 ower assoclaLed wlLh resldenLlal colleges are wlLhln Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe vlce-
Chancellor or any oLher offlcer auLhorlzed by hlm ln wrlLlng.

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