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Good morning everyone. Im Bong Sze Yin. Today, I would like to present the
causes o !I"S. #ow do you get !I"S$ You don%t actually &get& !I"S 'ut you might
get inected with #I(, and later you might develop to !I"S. You can get inected with
#I( rom anyone who is inected, even i they don%t look sick 'ut their 'lood, vaginal
luid and the 'reast milk o people inected with #I( has enough o the virus in it to
inect other people.
Thereore, what are causes o !I"S$ The causes o !I"S including the se)ual
intercourse, tattoo and piercing, drug in*ection, mother to child transmission and
'lood transusions and 'lood products.
+irst and oremost, se)ual intercourse can 'e divided into three categories,
which are oral se), vaginal se) and anal se). ,hat is oral se)$ The oral se) is one
o the se)ual activities involving the stimulation o the genitalia 'y use o mouth,
tongue and teeth. Through the oral se) with someone who is inected with #I(, then
the inected luid could get into their mouth easily. Besides, #I( might enter their
'loodstream i they have 'leeding gums or tiny sores in their mouth.
-e)t, the vaginal se) is occurred 'etween emale and male. I a man with #I(
has vaginal intercourse without a condom, then #I( can pass into the woman%s 'ody
through the lining o the vagina. The risk o #I( transmission is increased i the
woman has a cut or sore inside or around her vagina. +or male, i a woman with #I(
has se)ual intercourse without a condom, #I( could get into the man%s 'ody through
a sore patch on his penis or 'y getting into his urethra. The risk o #I( transmission
is also increased i there has any contact with 'lood in the vagina i intercourse
occurs during a woman%s period.
.n the other hand, anal se) carries the higher risk o #I( transmission than
other se)ual intercourse. #I( can pass into the 'ody through the lining o anus. I a
man takes the insertive position in anal se) with a man or woman who has #I(, then
the risk o getting #I( has 'een increased rapidly.
!part rom se)ual intercourse, tattoo and piercing can also transmitt the #I(
to other people. +or e)ample, i the e/uipment has not 'een sterilised 'eore having
the tattoo or piercing, there could 'e a signiicant risk o e)posure i the person
'eore was #I( positive. The unhygiene regulations o governing tattoo and piercing
polours might 'ring the #I( to the customers as the instrument used are not sterile.
+urthermore, drug in*ection in which the transmission o 'lood0'orne virus 'y
sharing the in*ecting e/uipments might cause someone rom getting into !I"S too.
Sharing needles, spoons, ilters and 'lood0contaminated water is thought to 'e three
times more likely to transmit #I( than se)ual intercourse.
Besides, #I( can 'e transmitted through mother and child transmission. +or
e)ample, pregnancy which means the transmission and mi)ing o 'lood 'etween
oetus and the mother will transmitt the virus to the child. It is mainly 'ecause 'oth o
their 'loods have 'een mi)ed together and the inected 'lood o the mother surely
will low into the childrens 'ody. The 'reasteeding o a #I( inected mother will
transmitt the #I( to her kids too as the 'reast milk o the mother already inected
with the #I( too.
1astly, 'lood transusions and 'lood products is also one o the causes o the
!I"S inection. Some people have 'een inected through a transusion o inected
'lood. This is mainly 'ecause some o the 'lood is untested or #I( 'eore used. !s
a result, the person who undergoes the 'lood transusion will inect with #I(.
.n the other hand, many people will think that the #I( will 'e transmitted
easily throughout the passing o air and as a result, they do not dare to communicate
or come close together with those #I(0inectors. !ctually, this way o thinking is
totally wrong and unreasona'le. They should realize that not all the actors can pass
the #I( to everyone. Some o the 'ehaviours will not transmitted the #I( to
someone such as kissing, coughing or sneezing, sharing clothes, eating together or
sharing utensils or even the mos/uito 'ite, insect 'ite or houselies will not
transmitted this #I( to them.
Thereore, we must realize and get to know the causes o !I"S and try do not
look down on these #I( or !I"S inectors. Thanks.

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