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Garden Cities of To-Morrow

English defnition= barely
Romanian defnition=abia,de-abia
ex: ..this note is sarely needed..
English defnition= a belt or sash worn aro!nd the waist.
Romanian defnition=br"!, ent!r#
ex: ..the im$ortane of a $ermanent girdle of o$en and agri!lt!ral
land aro!nd the town..
English defnition= loated inside% inner
Romanian defnition=&ndre$tat s$re interior
ex: ..on wedges of o$en s$ae thr!sting inward and onfning
English defnition=a ertifate or 'o!her a(nowledging a debt
Romanian defnition=obliga)i!ne,titl! de rean)#
ex: The $!rhase money is s!$$osed to ha'e been raised on
mortgage debent!res,..
English defnition= law settled, fxed, or absol!te% being witho!t
Romanian defnition=&ntemeiat,legal,legitim
ex: The estate is legally 'ested in the names of fo!r gentlemen..
English defnition= to or toward that $lae% in that diretion% there
Romanian defnition= &ntr-aolo
ex: ..as to those who may migrate thither..
Gothi Re'i'al *rhitet!re
English defnition=to be deoradet with ornaments
Romanian defnition=deorat,&m$odobit
ex: +al$ole,s rooms are adorned - some might say o'er-adorned-
English defnition= ha'ing !s$s or $oints
Romanian defnition= ! '"rf!ri, ! ol)!ri.! $!nte, $!ntat
ex: ..with to!hes li(e !s$ed eilings and ro(eted arhes-
English defnition= to s$read here and there% satter
Romanian defnition=a a/terne, a &m$r#/tia
ex: ..he merely too( deorati'e to!hes and strewed them abo!t
with abandon.
English defnition= barely s!0ient
Romanian defnition=ins!0ient,$!tin
ex: Most $aid sant heed to a!thenti $ro$ortion..
English defnition= attention
Romanian defnition=$r!den)#,aten)ie
ex: Most $aid sant heed to a!thenti $ro$ortion..
1ario!s 1itorian ho!ses and styles
English defnition= bra(et of stone, wood, bri(, or other b!ilding
material, $ro2eting from the fae of a wall and generally !sed to
s!$$ort a ornie or arh.
Romanian defnition= br"!, ent!ra
ex: 3ti( 3tyle ho!ses are almost always made with wood and ha'e
large, $rominent bra(ets and orbels.
English defnition=the hi$$ed $art of a roof whih is hi$$ed only for
a $art of its height, lea'ing a tr!nated gable.
Romanian defnition=
ex: Common 4eat!res 4o!nd on 1itorian 3ti( 3tyle 5omes also
inl!de 6er(inhead dormers.
English defnition= a ontainer, s!h as a slatted wooden ase,
!sed for storing or shi$$ing.
Romanian defnition=ontainer, o/ mare,!tie
ex: * rate of srolled bra(ets might fnd its way to 7ansas-
English defnition= a $in or rod holding a bobbin or s$ool on whih
thread is wo!nd on an a!tomated s$inning mahine.
Romanian defnition=ax, arbore,osie,ti2#
ex: +ith their s$indles and $orhes, some 4ol( 1itorian homes
may s!ggest 8!een *nne arhitet!re.
English defnition= a thin oblong $iee of material, s!h as wood or
slate, that is laid in o'erla$$ing rows to o'er the roof or sides of a
ho!se or other b!ilding.
Romanian defnition=/indril#, albie, granite,2gheab,$r!ndi/
ex: 3hingle 3tyle homes !s!ally ha'e these feat!res: ontin!o!s
wood shingles on siding and roof 9rreg!lar roof line, ross gables-
English defnition= belfry, ga:ebo, $innale
Romanian defnition=foi/or
ex: 3ome ha'e tall t!rrets, s!ggesti'e of 8!een *nne arhitet!re.
English defnition= is a shortened name for a gambrel roof sha$e, a
!s!ally symmetrial two-sided roof with two slo$es on eah side
Romanian defnition=
ex: 3ome ha'e gambrel roofs, ;alladian windows, and other
Colonial Re'i'al details..
19CT<R9*= G*R>E=3
English defnition= dirty and wrethed, as from $o'erty or la( of
Romanian defnition=l#sat &n $#r#sire,s#r##ios, boln#'iios, 2alni
ex: The 1itorian age, the age of ind!strial re'ol!tion and s?!alid
English defnition= being or seeming to be e'erywhere at the same
time% omni$resent
Romanian defnition=omni$re:ent
ex: *s a side note, 6ose$h 5oo(er, diretor of 7ew from @ABC-AC, is
redited with $o$!lari:ing the !bi?!ito!s rhododendron in Dritain.

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