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NSEN 6618 Radwaste Management

Homework 1 (Due 5 September)

Read: Chapters 1 and 2 of the text.
Radwaste manaement !s tru"# a mu"t!d!s$!p"!nar# %e"d that often re&u!res
know"ede of the "ea" and po"!t!$a" aspe$ts of the %e"d.
1. 'or ea$h of the fo""ow!n( pro)!de the re&uested number of entr!es( w!th
br!ef des$r!pt!ons as ne$essar# or appropr!ate.
(*) +u$"ear ut!"!t!es
San ,nfre( D!ab"o Can#on( 'ort Ca"houn
(1) ,ther -.S.( non.ut!"!t#( $ommer$!a" ent!t# that $reates rad!oa$t!)e waste
(1) D,/ o0$!a" (past or present)
1homas D2Aost!no 3+u$"ear Se$ur!t#4
(2) +RC Comm!ss!oners (past or present)
Da"e 5"e!n( 6eter 7#ons
(1) 7o$at!on of uran!um m!ne !n +orth Amer!$a
+orthwest +ebraska8 Southwest South Dakota
(2) -S nat!ona" "aborator!es (other than 9+7)
:rookha)en (:+7)( Sand!a (S+7)
(2) Radwaste d!sposa" s!tes
;966( ;aste Contro" Spe$!a"!sts 3Andrews 1exas4
(1) A s!te that has app"!ed for a new nu$"ear "!$ense
< :e"" :end +66
(1) +u$"ear power p"ant !n the news !n 2<1=
>ermont ?ankee
2. 6ro)!de a $op# of an !nterest!n stor# about rad!oa$t!)e waste !n the news
!n the "ast @ months (!)e $omp"ete referen$e !nfo). Summar!Ae the ma!n
po!nts of the stor# here and des$r!be wh# #ou th!nk !t !s !nterest!n.
A nu$"ear waste fa$!"!t# !s p"anned to be bu!"t for "ow "e)e" waste b# AR/>A
9+C. !n Southeastern 9daho. 1he p"an !s to ha)e the fa$!"!t# be!n $onstru$t!on
ear"# 2<15 and be ab"e to a$$ept waste !n 2<1C. 1h!s !s !nterested be$ause of
the d!re$t !mpa$t on waste !n Southeast 9daho and the Dob potent!a"s
surround!n su$h a fa$!"!t#. 9t !s a"so )er# !nterest!n be$ause !t has been
"!$ensed b# the +RC and !s set to break round.
NSEN 6618 Radwaste Management
*. 9n ear"# 1EB1( approx!mate"# =<<(<<< a""ons of rad!oa$t!)e water were
"o$ated !n the basement of the $onta!nment bu!"d!n of the 1hree F!"e 9s"and
-n!t 2 nu$"ear p"ant. 1he pr!n$!pa" sour$es of th!s a$t!)!t# were
Cs at 15@
Cs at 2@ C!8$m
. How man# atoms per $m
of these
rad!onu$"!des were !n the water at that t!meG
=. +u$"ear %ss!on weapons $onta!n p"uton!um meta" 3p!ts4. 1he !sotop!$
$ontent !s t#p!$a""#
6u (HE<I)(
6u (JBI) and
6u (K<.5I). ;r!te the
de$a# e&uat!ons for these !sotopes. ,"der p!ts are $hem!$a""# pro$essed and
reformed !nto new p!ts. 9n th!s pro$ess( de$a# produ$t
Am !s remo)ed.
;h# !s th!s spe$!es $ons!dered prob"emat!$G
5. -ran!n!te (-,
) !s a natura" m!nera" form of uran!um. 1h!s m!nera" !s
spread throuhout m!n!n ta!"s( the "arest )o"ume of an# s!n"e t#pe of
rad!oa$t!)e waste. Compute the a$t!)!t# of one ram of th!s m!nera".

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