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QRST( 1 5 %)
1. As computers are getting less expensive, the are !!!!!!! use" in schools an" o##ices to"a.
$A% &i"el $B% expecte"l $'% consciousl $(% in#luentiall
2. )r. 'hang al&as tries to ans&er all *uestions #rom his stu"ents. +e &ill not !!!!! an o# them even i#
the ma soun" stupi".
$A% re#orm $B% "epress $'% ignore $(% con#irm
,. -rene "oes not thro& a&a use" envelopes. .he !!!! them / using them #or ta0ing telephone messages.
$A% "esigns $B% reccles $'% "isguises $(% manu#actures
4. 'heese, po&"ere" mil0, an" ogurt are common mil0 !!!!.
$A% pro"uces $B% pro"ucts $'% pro"uctions $(% pro"uctivities
5. Although he is a che#, 1o/erto !!!!! coo0s his o&n meals.
$A% rarel $B% /itterl $'% naturall $(% s0ill#ull
6. (ue to the earl /onus sstem, the 100 !!!!!!!! positions in this high-tech compan have attracte"
man applicants #rom aroun" the islan".
$A% loal $B% evi"ent $'% tpical $(% vacant
2. -# ou &ant to /orro& maga3ines, tapes, or '(s, ou can visit the li/rar. 4he are all !!!!!! there.
$A% su##icient $B% marvelous $'% impressive $(% availa/le
5. 4he #ire in the #ire&or0s #actor in 'hanghua set o## a series o# po&er#ul !!!!!!!!! an" 0ille" #our
$A% explosions $B% extensions $'% inspections $(% impressions
9. A goo" government o##icial has to !!!!!!!! the temptation o# mone an" ma0e the right "ecision.
$A% consist $B% insist $'% resist $(% persist
10. 4he "rug "ealer &as !!!!!!!! / the police &hile he &as selling cocaine to a high school stu"ent.
$A% threatene" $B% en"angere" $'% "emonstrate" $(% arreste"
11. 4he rise o# oil prices ma"e scientists search #or ne& energ resources to !!!!!! oil.
$A% appl $B% replace $'% in#orm $(% persua"e
12. 6ithout much contact &ith the outsi"e &orl" #or man ears, 7ohn #oun" man technological inventions
!!!!! to him.
$A% natural $B% common $'% #oreign $(% o/8ective
1,. 4he me"icine ou ta0e #or a col" ma cause !!!!!9 tr not to "rive a#ter ou ta0e it.
$A% inci"ent $B% violence $'% /acteria $(% "ro&siness
14. 4o gain more !!!!!!, some legislators &oul" get into violent phsical #ights so that the ma appear in
4: ne&s reports.
$A% pu/licit $B% reputation $'% signi#icance $(% communication
15. 4o live an e##icient li#e, &e have to arrange the things to "o in or"er o# !!!!! an" start &ith the most
important ones.
$A% authorit $B% priorit $'% regularit $(% securit
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2 94
gRhi( 1 5 %)
;xperts sa that creativit / "e#inition means going against the tra"ition an" /rea0ing the rules. 4o /e
creative, ou must "are !!$16%!!, an" courageousl express our o&n outloo0 an" !!$12%!! &hat ma0es ou
But "oes our societ encourage chil"ren to /rea0 the rules< -=m a#rai" the ans&er is no. 4he #amous #ilm
"irector Ang >ee recalls his #ather=s "isappointment &ith him &hen he &as oung. !!$15%!! a small chil", he
&oul" pic0 up a /room an" preten" to /e plaing guitar #or the entertainment o# #amil guests. 4hen, &hen he
&as stu"ing #ilm in college, he &oul" exhaust himsel# 8ust #or a per#ormance tour. +is #ather, !!$19%!!
al&as hope" that he &oul" get a ?h( an" /ecome a pro#essor, !!$20%!! &ith a sco##@ A6hat is all this
nonsense<BC But it later turne" out that it &as exactl his courage to Are/elC an" to express his o&n i"eas that
mar0s his #ilms &ith "istinct creativit.
16.$A% re/el $B% to re/el $'% re/elling $(% /e re/elle"
12.$A% ta0e pri"e in $B% #all short o# $'% get out o# $(% 0eep up &ith
15.$A% .ince $B% Dor $'% 4o $(% As
19.$A% &ho $B% &hile $'% that $(% &hen
20.$A% relieve" $B% relaxe" $'% relie" $(% reacte"
;uropean politicians are tring to get the EF Government to ma0e cigarette companies print photos on
the pac0ets. 4hese photos &ill sho& !!$21%!! smo0ing "amages our health. 4he shoc0ing pictures inclu"e
images o# smo0e-"amage" lungs an" teeth, &ith remin"ers in large print that smo0ers "ie ounger.
4he picture !!$22%!! have /een use" in 'ana"a #or the last #our ears. -t has /een ver success#ul an"
has le" to a 44H !!$2,%!! in smo0ers &anting to 0ic0 the ha/it. At the moment ;E to/acco manu#acturers
onl have to put &ritten health &arnings on cigarette pac0ets !!$24%!! the "angers o# smo0ing.
4he aim o# the campaign is to remin" people o# the "amage the "ea"l &ee" "oes to their /o". -t is
/elieve" that this &oul" /e to the /est interest o# all people, !!$25%!! teens &ho might /e tempte" to start
smo0ing. 4hese "rea"#ul photos ma change the impression among teenagers that smo0ing is cool an" sex.
21.$A% &hen $B% ho& $'% &here $(% &hat
22.$A% sm/ols $B% &arnings $'% commercials $(% "ecorations
2,.$A% increase $B% change $'% portion $(% "rop
24.$A% highlight $B% highlights $'% highlighting $(% highlighte"
25.$A% in #act $B% rather than $'% regar"ing $(% especiall
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94 3
(o plants have #eelings< 4here is currentl no reason to /elieve that plants experience pain, /ecause the
are "evoi" o# central nervous sstems an" /rains. Animals are a/le to #eel pain !!$26%!! the can use it #or
sel#-protection. !!$22%!!, i# ou touch something hot an" #eel pain, ou &ill learn #rom this!!$25%!! that ou
shoul" not touch that item in the #uture. In the other han", plants cannot move !!$29%!! an" "o not nee" to
learn to avoi" certain things, so this sensation &oul" /e unnecessar. Drom a phsiological stan"point, plants
are completel "i##erent #rom animals. 4he cannot #eel pain. 4here#ore, !!$,0%!! animals= /o" parts, man
#ruits an" vegeta/les can /e harveste" over an" over again &ithout "ing.
26.$A% although $B% /ecause $'% &hen $(% so that
22.$A% -n contrast $B% Be#ore long $'% Dor example $(% 4o /egin &ith
25.$A% "iscom#ort $B% prescription $'% en8oment $(% satis#action
29.$A% #rom "oor to "oor $B% #rom place to place $'% #rom top to toe $(% #rom case to case
,0.$A% as &ith $B% #or $'% unli0e $(% except #or
nR)o( 1 0 %)
Dalling in love is al&as magical. -t #eels eternal as i# love &ill last !!$,1%!!. 6e naivel /elieve that
someho& &e are !!$,2%!! #rom the pro/lems our parents ha". 6e are assure" that &e are "estine" to live
happil ever a#ter.
But as the magic #a"es an" "ail li#e !!$,,%!!, it happens that men, #orgetting that men an" &omen are
suppose" to /e "i##erent, continue to expect &omen to thin0 an" react the &a men "o9 &omen, !!$,4%!!,
expect men to #eel an" /ehave the &a &omen "o. !!$,5%!! ta0ing time to un"erstan" an" respect each other,
&e /ecome "eman"ing, resent#ul, 8u"gmental, an" intolerant.
!!$,6%!!, our relationships are #ille" &ith unnecessar "isagreements an" con#licts. .omeho&, pro/lems
creep in, resentments /uil", an" communication !!$,2%!!. )istrust increases an" re8ection an" repression
sur#ace. 4he magic o# love is then lost.
:er !!$,5%!! people are a/le to gro& in love. Jet, it "oes happen. !!$,9%!! men an" &omen are a/le
to respect an" accept their "i##erences, love has a chance to /lossom. >ove is, !!$40%!!, magical, an" it
certainl can last i# &e remem/er our "i##erences an" respect each other.
$A% /rea0s "o&n $B% 'onse*uentl $'% similarl $(% in"ee" $;% #e&
$D% #orever $G% -nstea" o# $+% ta0es over $-% #ree $7% As long as
- , -
4 94
R( 3 2 %)
Dor man ears, - &as convince" that m su##ering &as "ue to m si3e. - /elieve" that &hen the &eight
"isappeare", it &oul" ta0e ol" &oun"s, hurts, an" re8ections &ith it.
)an &eight-conscious people also mista0enl /elieve that changing our /o"ies &ill #ix everything.
?erhaps our &orst mista0e is /elieving that /eing thin e*uals /eing love", /eing special, an" /eing cherishe".
6e #antasi3e a/out &hat it &ill /e li0e &hen &e reach the long-a&aite" goal. 6e &or0 ver har" to reali3e this
"ream. 4hen, at last, &e #in" ourselves there.
But &e o#ten gain /ac0 &hat &e have lost. ;ven so, &e continue to /elieve that next time it &ill /e
"i##erent. Kext time, &e &ill 0eep it o##. Kext time, /eing thin &ill #inall #ul#ill its promise o# everlasting
happiness, sel#-&orth, an", o# course, love.
-t too0 me a long &hile to reali3e that there &as something more #or me to learn a/out /eaut. Beaut
stan"ar"s var &ith culture. -n .amoa a &oman is not consi"ere" attractive unless she &eighs more than 200
poun"s. )ore importantl, i# itLs happiness that &e &ant, &h not put our energ there rather than on the si3e
o# our /o"< 6h not loo0 insi"e< )an o# us strive har" to change our /o", /ut in vain. 6e have to #in" a
&a to live com#orta/l insi"e our /o" an" ma0e #rien"s &ith an" cherish ourselves. 6hen &e change our
attitu"es to&ar" ourselves, the &hole &orl" changes.
41. 4he passage tries to highlight the importance o# !!!!!!!!!!!!.
$A% /o" si3e $B% attitu"es to&ar" li#e
$'% culture "i##erence $(% "i##erent /eaut stan"ar"s
42. 6hat "oes the &or" AeverythingC in paragraph 2 mean<
$A% All the pro/lems. $B% All the properties.
$'% 4he &hole &orl". $(% 4he a/solute truth.
4,. 6hat can /e in#erre" a/out the author<
$A% 4he author is a .amoan.
$B% 4he author succee"e" in losing &eight.
$'% 4he author has /een trou/le" / herMhis &eight.
$(% 4he author pro/a/l got &oun"e" in &ars or acci"ents.
44. Accor"ing to the author, &hat is the common vie& o# those &ho have lost some &eight #irst an" gaine" it
/ac0 later<
$A% 4he #eel angr a/out the regaine" &eight.
$B% 4he are in"i##erent to the regaine" &eight.
$'% 4he #eel optimistic a/out #uture plans on &eight control.
$(% 4he thin0 the shoul" give up their #uture plans on &eight control.
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94 5
In (ecem/er 26, 200,, the &orst earth*ua0e in more than a "eca"e "evastate" Bam, a historic cit in
-ran. At least 25,000 people "ie" in the *ua0eNnearl a thir" o# the citLs population. An" thousan"s more
&ere le#t homeless, hungr, an" grieving.
Bam &as a cit o# mu"-/ric0 houses, ol" monuments an" an ancient castle. But nearl everthing
crum/le" in the "isaster. Ine reason the earth*ua0e cause" such "amage &as that BamLs /uil"ings &ere ma"e
mostl #rom /a0e" mu". 4hese /uil"ings collapse" in heaps o# "ust an" san".
Bam &as /est 0no&n #or its 2,000-ear-ol" castle /uilt out o# mu", stra&, an" the trun0s o# palm trees.
4he castle &as so /ig that it &as once the cit o# Bam itsel#. ?u/lic "&ellings line" its groun" level9 a
mar0etplace an" t&o mos*ues also #it com#orta/l insi"e.
Bam once /lossome" as a tra"ing post on the .il0 1oa". -n the 16th an" 12th centuries, treasures #rom
the Dar ;ast &ere carrie" along the roa" into the capital cities o# ;urope. Di#t ears ago, teams o# architects
/egan restoring the historic treasures o# the cit. ;ver since, thousan"s o# visitors have come to a"mire them.
-n the #ace o# this trage", #oo" an" other supplies #rom aroun" the &orl" lan"e" in the provincial capital
o# Ferman on .un"a. 6ith such support, spiritual lea"er Aatollah Ali Fhamenei vo&e", A6e &ill re/uil"
Bam stronger than /e#ore.C
45. 4his passage is most li0el ta0en #rom a$n% !!!!!!!!!!.
$A% ne&spaper $B% histor text/oo0
$'% /oo0 revie& $(% maga3ine on international tra"e
46. 6hat &as Bam most #amous #or<
$A% Beauti#ul palm trees. $B% Dre*uent earth*ua0es.
$'% An ol" mu" an" stra& castle. $(% 4reasures #rom the Dar ;ast.
42. 4he use o# /a0e" mu" #or /uil"ings explains !!!!!!!!!!!!.
$A% &h the earth*ua0e occurre"
$B% &h Bam collecte" so man treasures
$'% &h Bam "evelope" into a tra"ing post
$(% &h the earth*ua0e cause" such "amage
45. 6hich o# the #ollo&ing is 'I11;'4 a/out the earth*ua0e in Bam<
$A% A/out 50,000 people survive" the earth*ua0e.
$B% Kot man countries sent #oo" an" supplies to Bam.
$'% 4he 200, earth*ua0e &as the #irst one in its histor.
$(% 4he cit o# Bam &oul" /e "eserte" a#ter the earth*ua0e.
7et lag, cause" / traveling /et&een time 3ones, is /ecoming a common pro/lem #or #re*uent travelers@
#or 49 per cent it is onl a nuisance an" #or 45 percent it is a real pro/lem. -t is cause" / "isruption to the
internal /iological cloc0, an" ma lea" to "igestive pro/lems, tire"ness, an" sleep "isruption.
Generall spea0ing, our /iological cloc0 is slightl "istur/e" i# &e 8ust move into the next time 3one, /ut
8et lag /ecomes a pro/lem once &e have passe" through three or #our time 3ones. 4he /o" ta0es a/out one
"a to get over each hour o# time "i##erence. But the seriousness o# 8et lag pro/lems also "epen"s on our
- 5 -
6 94
"irection o# travel. -# &e go north or south, &e &on=t notice an "i##erence, /ecause there is usuall no time
3one change. +o&ever, i# &e travel &est &e &ill /e in a"vance o# ourselves as #ar as our internal cloc0 is
concerne", an" pro/lems ma arise. A &est-to-east 8ourne, on the other han", ma0es us late compare" to the
local time. -t o#ten "eman"s even greater e##ort in a"8ustment since &e are not *uic0 enough to catch up &ith
the ne& time sche"ule. 4here#ore, a trip #rom Ke& Jor0 to >os Angeles o#ten causes #e&er pro/lems than a
>os Angeles-Ke& Jor0 trip.
49. A traveler &ho su##ers #rom 8et lag has pro/lems in !!!!!!!!!!!.
$A% a"8usting his /iological cloc0
$B% 0no&ing the "irection o# a 8et
$'% 0no&ing the "istance o# his #light
$(% getting use" to the &eather o# a ne& place
50. -# one travels across three time 3ones, he nee"s a/out !!!!!!!!!! hours to get over his 8et lag pro/lem.
$A% 24 $B% ,6 $'% 45 $(% 22
51. A person ma su##er the most serious case o# 8et lag &hen he ta0es a !!!!!!!!!! 8ourne.
$A% east-to-&est $B% &est-to-east $'% north-to-south $(% south-to-north
52. 4he main purpose o# the passage is to !!!!!!!!!!!.
$A% explain the cause o# 8et lag pro/lems
$B% teach us ho& to avoi" 8et lag pro/lems
$'% explain the "i##erences /et&een time 3ones
$(% sho& the &as to lessen the "egree o# 8et lag pro/lems
Iriginall #rom tropical .outh America, the re" #ire ant gaine" entr to the Enite" .tates through the port
o# )o/ile, Ala/ama in the late 19,0s on cargo ships, /ut the #irst colon o# the re" ants &as not #oun" until
1942 / a 1,-ear-ol" /o in his /ac0ar".
-t imme"iatel /egan to thrive in the ne& lan" an" colonies sprea" *uic0l throughout the southeastern
states. B 1925 the re" importe" #ire ant ha" coloni3e" over 52 million hectares o# the Enite" .tates. Ko&, it
has in#este" more than 225 million hectares in the countr.
1e" importe" #ire ants /uil" moun"s in an tpe o# soil. 4he also ma0e moun"s in"oors. ;ach nest use"
to have /ut one *ueen, /ut no& man moun"s are o#ten #oun" &ith multiple *ueens. 6ith multiple *ueens at
&or0, its population increases rapi"l. -t=s common to #in" a nest &ith over 25,000 &or0ers.
1e" importe" #ire ants can cause a num/er o# pro/lems. 4he construct their colonies on precious
#armlan", inva"ing crops &hile searching #or insects un"ergroun". 4he also li0e to ma0e their moun"s in
sunn areas, heavil in#esting la&ns an" pastures. 4he can *uic0l strip #ruit trees o# their #ruit. .mall /ir"s
such as /a/ *uails are #air game to the expan"ing colon. 4he appear to /e attracte" to electromagnetic
#iel"s an" attac0 electrical insulation or &ire connections. 4he can cause electrical shorts, #ires, an" other
"amage to electrical e*uipment. 6orst o# all, their stings can /e #atal to livestoc0 an" humans.
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94 7
5,. 6hen &as the #irst nest o# the re" ant #oun" in the Enite" .tates<
$A% -n 19,0s. $B% -n 1942. $'% -n 1925. $(% A#ter 1925.
54. 6hich o# the #ollo&ing is 41E; accor"ing to the article<
$A% ;ach nest o# the re" ant has one *ueen.
$B% 4he re" ant &as originall #oun" in Korth America.
$'% 4he re" ant can repro"uce oung ants ver *uic0l.
$(% 4he re" ant "oes not /uil" moun"s insi"e the house.
55. 6hat 0in"s o# pro/lems can the re" ant cause<
$A% +ealth, social, an" agricultural. $B% +ealth, social, an" environmental.
$'% .ocial, environmental, an" agricultural. $(% +ealth, agricultural, an" environmental.
56. 6hat is the purpose o# the article<
$A% 4o as0 #or help to 0ill the re" ant.
$B% 4o urge people to protect the re" ant.
$'% 4o provi"e in#ormation a/out the re" ant.
$(% 4o see0 help #rom the government to control the re" ant.
1 R ( 8 %)

gR( 2 0 %)


sa!l<n^8< A-n the ;nglish class last &ee0, OC 8yr
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