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Ubuntu, Django, and H
Python Game Develop
Python Game Develop
Configure Notep
RetroPie: Raspberry Pi Retro Gaming Setup
Raspberry Pi running the Raspbian OS
Boot into emulationstation, a GUI frontend to RetroArch allowing you to select any
emulators' games
Use of xboxdrv to use an xbox controller to play with
Automount of a windows shared drive where all your ROM's are stored
What I'm going to show you how to configure
RetroPie: Raspberry Pi
Classic Flipcard Magazine Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
Funinstall Get back to the fun in life with helpful tips on co
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Configure Notep
Download the following:
Windows: Win32DiskImager
Raspbian. For this setup, I got: 2012-10-28-wheezy-raspbian.zip.torrent
Imaging tool
Operating system
Dynamic Views template. Powered by Blogger.
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1. Insert your sd card into your
computer. When it mounts, open
up My Computer and find what
drive letter it mounted as.
2. Open Win32DiskImager
3. Click the folder on the right, and
select the 2012-10-28-wheezy-
raspbian.img file.
4. Make sure the device is the same
drive letter as your sd card.
5. Finally, click "Write."
6. After it finishes, you can close Win32DiskImager, and remove your sd card.
1. Insert your imaged sd card into your RaspberryPi
2. Plug in an ethernet cable to provide internet access
3. Plug in a usb keyboard (later connect via ssh)
4. Power on your RaspberryPi
sudo raspi-config
1. Set your memory split to 128 if you have Model A, and 256 if you have Model B
2. Extend the root filesystem
3. Enable the ssh server
4. Exit and reboot
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Note: For systems like the SNES, you may be required to overclock your Pi all the way to
the highest setting or else you'll notice some performance issues. It's not recommended as
it could reduce the lifetime of your device. Do so at your own risk, but just know it's an
option for speed increase.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install -y git vim dialog iotop python-software-
properties xboxdrv
(Information taken from https://github.com/petrockblog/RetroPie-Setup)
git clone --depth=0 git://github.com/petrockblog/RetroPie-Setup.git
cd RetroPie-Setup
chmod +x retropie_setup.sh
sudo ./retropie_setup.sh
Select the first option to compile from source. This step will take 6-7 hours to
When it's finished, allow a reboot of the RaspberryPi.
sudo vim /etc/inittab
Auto Log On
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Find the line that looks like:
1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
And change it to be:
#1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
1:2345:respawn:/bin/login -f pi tty1 </dev/tty1 >/dev/tty1 2>&1
Where "pi" is your username.
Execute the following key combinations to write the changes.
1. Go to your Windows Computer
2. Add a new user called "pi" with a password of your choice.
3. Create a folder called "roms"
4. Inside of "roms" create two more folders. One called "nes" and the other "snes".
5. Right click on the "roms" directory, and share it. Make sure the "pi" user has read/write
access to the directory.
Back on the Raspberry Pi:
Configure Windows Share
Automount the Windows Share on boot of Raspberry Pi
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sudo mkdir -p /media/roms
sudo vim /etc/fstab
At the end of the file, append the following:
// /media/roms cifs username=pi,pas
sword=PASSWORD 0 0
Where: - is your servers IP address
roms - is the name of your shared folder
/media/roms - is the location on your raspberry pi where it will mount to
pi - is the windows users account with access to your shared folder
PASSWORD - is the pi user's password on the windows computer
cd && mkdir xbox && cd xbox && touch mapping && touch load.sh &&
chmod +x load.sh && vim load.sh
Add the following text:
#!/bi n/bash
cd /home/pi /xbox
xboxdrv --confi g /home/pi /xbox/mappi ng --si l ent &
Execute the following key combinations to write the changes.
Configure xboxdrv on boot
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vim mapping
Add the following text:
si l ent=true
tri gger-as-button=true
[ui -axi smap]
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[ui -buttonmap]
[ui -buttonmap]
[ui -buttonmap]
l t=BTN_6
[ui -buttonmap]
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[ui -buttonmap]
# EOF #
Execute the following key combinations to write the changes.
sudo vim /etc/rc.local
Before the final "exit 0", add the following line:
sudo /home/pi /xbox/l oad.sh
Execute the following key combinations to write the changes.
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Execute the following key combinations to write the changes.
cp /home/pi/RetroPie/configs/nes/retroarch.cfg /home/pi/RetroPie/conf
Your file should look like the following:
# Al l setti ngs made here wi l l overri de the gl obal setti ngs for the current emul ator core
i nput_pl ayer1_j oypad_i ndex = "0"
i nput_pl ayer1_a = "v"
i nput_pl ayer1_b = "b"
Execute the following key combinations to write the changes.
Configure NES and SNES Controller Layouts
cp /home/pi/RetroPie/configs/snes/retroarch.cfg /home/pi/RetroPie/con
vim /home/pi/RetroPie/configs/nes/retroarch.cfg
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Your file should look like the following:
# Al l setti ngs made here wi l l overri de the gl obal setti ngs for the current emul ator core
i nput_pl ayer1_j oypad_i ndex = "0"
i nput_pl ayer1_a = "b"
i nput_pl ayer1_b = "n"
i nput_pl ayer1_x = "v"
i nput_pl ayer1_y = "m"
Execute the following key combinations to write the changes.
vim /home/pi/.emulationstation/es_systems.cfg
Navigate down to the Nintendo Entertainment System
vim /home/pi/RetroPie/configs/snes/retroarch.cfg
Configure new ROM location
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Navigate down to the Super Nintendo.
Execute the following key combinations to write the changes.
Configure EmulationStation to load on Boot
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sudo raspi-config
Choose the option that starts EmulationStation on Boot
Let it reboot.
Posted 20th December 2012 by Erik Horton
Labels: emulationstation, Raspberry Pi, raspbian, retro gaming, retroarch, retropie, xboxdrv

You should now be booting into emulation station, with a listing of all your
Emulators + Roms to choose from.
I ran through this write up rather fast, so if you run into any issues setting it up
please let me know.

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