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Limba engleza
1. A/An i a !rit i"e# b$ a %&"rt &' ("ti%e re)"iring a per&n t& appear be'&re t*e %&"rt at
a pe%i'ie# time.
a. invocation
b. order
%. "bp&ena
d. warrant
2. A/An i a !ritten tatement !*i%* i igne# an# !&rn be'&re a &li%it&r an# !*i%* %an
t*en be "e# a e+i#en%e in %&"rt *earing.
a. injunction
b. a''i#a+it
c. indictment
d. warrant
,. T*e !rit &r#ering a per&n t& be br&"g*t be'&re a %&"rt &r ("#ge- & t*at t*e %&"rt ma$ a%ertain
!*et*er *i #etenti&n i la!'"l i %alle# . .
a. certiorari
b. Habea C&rp"
c. capias
d. ratio legis
.. T*e appli%ati&n &' t*e !rit &' Habea C&rp"- al& %alle# t*e /reat 0rit1
a. has never been suspended throughout United States history.
b. *a been "pen#e# #"ring time &' !ar 2t*e Ci+il 0ar3 an# nati&nal %rii.
c. has been suspended whenever the newly elected president of the United States so
4. An amen#ment i .
a. an official approval of something which then becomes legally binding.
b. a formal proposal to be discussed and voted on in a debate or meeting.
c. an addition, alteration or improvement to a motion or document.
#. a #e%ii&n ma#e b$ a ("#ge &r magitrate.
5. A/An i a !ritten tatement &' t*e #etail &' t*e %rime !it* !*i%* &me&ne i
%*arge# in t*e C&"rt.
a. complaint
b. allegation
c. verdict
#. in#i%tment
6. A a general r"le- !it* t*e e7%epti&n &' min&r- mentall$ #i&r#ere# per&n an# #r"n8en
per&n-all nat"ral per&n *a+e '"ll %&ntra%t"al .
a. intention
b. consideration
%. %apa%it$
d. acceptance
9. In t*e U:A- man"'a%t"rer 're)"entl$ *a+e t& 'a%e .. "it.
a. in#"trial
b. liability
c. unreliability
d. palimony
;. Da+i# <ran8 *a# t& pa$ *ea+$ .............. t& *i '&rmer empl&$er- pl" a##iti&nal legal %&t.
a. damage
b. remedy
c. charges
#. #amage
1=. A >.............. %&ntra%t? in%l"#e an$ %&ntra%t en'&r%eable "n#er tat"t&r$ &r %&mm&n la!.
a. good faith
b. la!'"l
c. witnessed
d. trustworthy
11. T*e <irt Amen#ment pr&te%t t*e ...... &' t*e pre in t*e U.:. &' Ameri%a.
a. emancipation
b. deliverance
c. release
#. 'ree#&m
12. T*e rep&rter !a %alle# t& teti'$ be'&re a ........ %&n%erning *i 8n&!le#ge &' t*e #r"g a%ti+itie
rep&rte# in *i arti%le.
a. great jury;
b. large jury;
c. majestic jury;
#. gran# ("r$.
1,. An &r#er 'r&m a *ig*er %&"rt #eman#ing t*at a l&!er %&"rt en# "p t*e re%&r# &' a %ae '&r
re+ie! i %alle# ............
a. indictment;
b. subpoena;
%. %erti&rari@
d. Habeas Corpus.
1.. C*&&e t*e %&rre%t legal %&ll&%ati&n1
a. to allow certiorari;
b. to give certiorari;
c. to present certiorari;
#. t& grant certiorari.
14. In t*e enten%e1 No cruel punishments shall be inflicted upon the prisoners. t*e +erb to inflict
a. t& %a"e &met*ing pain'"l &r "npleaant t& be "''ere# b$ &me&ne ele@
b. to cause extreme physical pain to someone in order to extract information.
c. to harm someone without any reason;
15. In t*e enten%e1 The rights presented in the Constitution shall not be construed. t*e +erb to
construe mean1
a. to comment upon the meaning of something.
b. to misunderstand the meaning of something;
%. t& interpret t*e meaning &' &met*ing@
16. In t*e enten%e1 The news about the NSAs eavesdropping programs...- t*e +erb to eavesdrop
a. to let ones ears drop;
b. t& liten e%retl$ t& t*e pri+ate %&n+erati&n &' &t*er@
c. to whisper secrets to someones ear.
19. In t*e enten%e1 The federal government has vowed to prosecute..., t*e +erb to vow mean1
a. t& ple#ge- pr&mie- &r "n#erta8e &lemnl$@
b. to pronounce a vowel;
c. to ta!e a solemn oath.
1;. In t*e enten%e1 The government must prove beyond any reasonable doubt that, t*e p*rae
beyond any reasonable doubt mean1
a. giving someone the benefit of the doubt;
b. beyond any suspicion of guilt;
%. alm&t %ertain pr&&' nee#e# t& %&n+i%t a per&n in a %riminal %ae.
2=. In t*e p*rae1 obtaining information respecting the national defense- t*e !&r# respecting
a. regar#ing- %&n%erning@
b. obeying, not violating;
c. showing or having respect for.
21. In t*e enten%e1 To convict a person for disclosing classified information, t*e e7prei&n to
disclose information mean1
a. t& ma8e in'&rmati&n 8n&!n@
b. to receive money in exchange of information;
c. to loo! for more information.
22. In t*e enten%e1 The FCS will forfeit the assets of those engaged in federal crimes. t*e +erb to
forfeit mean1
a. to sell something at a lower price;
b. t& %&n'i%ate &met*ing a a penalt$ '&r an &''en%e- brea%* &' %&ntra%t@
c. to destroy or damage something by an act of vandalism.
2,. In t*e enten%e1 any organi!ations defraud the public and private health care systems. t*e
+erb to defraud mean1
a. to destroy or damage something especially by secret means;
b. to legally provide or obtain funds, capital, or credit for something;
%. t& illegall$ &btain m&ne$- rig*t- pr&pert$ 2'r&m &me&ne3 b$ 'ra"#.
2.. In t*e enten%e1 The "TA#A amended the fraud chapter of title $% of the &nited States Code -
t*e +erb to amend means1
a. t& alter &r re+ie 2legilati&n- a %&ntit"ti&n- et%.3 b$ '&rmal pr&%e#"re@
b. to ma!e someone pay a certain amount of money exacted as a penalty;
c. to judge "something# with disapproval; censure.
24. In t*e enten%e1 "dentity fraud involves the misappropriation of another person's personal
identifying information- t*e +erb to misappropriate mean1
a. to have as one$s property%to own;
b. t& appr&priate '&r a !r&ng &r #i*&net "e/t& embezzle &r teal mt*@
c. to give "a person# wrong directions or instructions.
25. In t*e enten%e1 Criminals use this information to run up debts on another person's account-
t*e e7prei&n to run up debts mean1
a. to get rid of ones debts by running;
b. to pay bac! ones debts;
%. t& ama/a%%"m"late &r in%"r #ebt.
26. In t*e enten%e1 Criminals use this information to ta(e over e)isting financial accounts.- t*e
e7prei&n to ta(e over mean1
a. to cancel the validity of % abolish;
b. t& a"me t*e %&ntr&l &r management &'@
c. to examine % investigate smth for accuracy.
29. In t*e p*rae1 to provide an appropriate penalty for each offence- t*e !&r# penalty mean1
a. a handicap awarded against a player or team for illegal play, such as a free shot at goal
by the opposing team, loss of points, etc;
b. loss, suffering, or other unfortunate result of ones own action, error;
%. a legal &r &''i%ial p"ni*ment- "%* a a term &' impri&nment.
2;. In t*e enten%e1 "n e)change for (ic(bac(s, some patients undergo unwarranted medical
procedures, t*e !&r# (ic(bac(s mean1
a. money given to a person to ensure that something is !ept secret;
b. money to be paid as compensation to a person for injury, loss, etc;
c. money or valuables used as a bribe;
#. illegal %&mmii&n pai# t& &me&ne !*& *elp in a b"ine #eal@
,=. In t*e enten%e1 *ithout an indictment from a grand +ury, prosecutors cannot bring charges
against an individual. t*e legal term indictment mean1
a. ac&uittal;
b. an &''i%ial !ritten tatement a%%"ing &me&ne &' a %rime &r an &''en%e@
c. an informal statement saying that someone is guilty of a crime;
d. allegation.
,1. In t*e enten%e1 The &.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear ,ran!burgs cases. t*e +erb to hear
a. to accidentally listen to what someone is saying;
b. t& liten t& !*at t*e plainti'' *a t& a$@
c. to listen to all the facts in a case in a court of law in order to ma!e a legal decision.
,2. In t*e enten%e1 -udge .ayes states that the freedom of the press is not above the law. t*e
p*rae to be above the law mean1
a. n&t t& *a+e t& &be$ t*e la!@
b. to obey the law;
c. to critici'e the law;
d. to enforce the law.
,,. In t*e enten%e1 The third lawyer rebutted some of the allegations contained in the notice. t*e
+erb to rebut mean1
a. t& pr&+e t*at t*e tatement are !r&ng- &''ering %&n+in%ing arg"ment@
b. to support the statements with convincing arguments;
c. to deny the allegations, without offering convincing arguments.
,.. T*e $n&n$m&" term '&r t*e a#(e%ti+e counterfeit A counterfeit documents/notes A i1
a. '&rge#
b. embe''led
c. illegal
d. fraudulent
,4. PIB i t*e abbre+iati&n &' .
a. (ersonal )dentity *ame;
b. Per&nal I#enti'i%ati&n B"mber@
c. (ersonal )nformation *umber.
,5. C*&&e t*e Engli* e)"i+alent '&r t*e Latin legal p*rae nolle prose0ui1
a. +do not follow criminals, interdiction issued by the Court to police officers;
b. >#& n&t p"r"e?1 p&!er "e# b$ t*e Att&rne$C/eneral t& t&p a %riminal trial@
c. +do not release criminals from prison.
,6. C*&&e t*e Engli* e)"i+alent '&r t*e Latin legal p*rae 0uid pro 0uo1
a. >&ne t*ing '&r an&t*er?1 a%ti&n #&ne in ret"rn '&r &met*ing #&ne &r pr&mie#@
b. with the authority of %on behalf of;
c. +because of lac! of care, decision wrongly made by a court "which does not therefore set
a precedent#.
,9. In t*e enten%e1 The ta)payer does not have locus standi in this court. t*e Latin p*rae locus
standi means,
a. +place to stay, right to witness a trial in a court of law;
b. +place of the seal, used to show where to put the seal on a document;
%. >pla%e t& tan#?1 rig*t t& appear an# be *ear# in a %&"rt@
,;. In t*e enten%e1 The same ratio legis is found in the laws of continental 2uropean countries. T*e
Latin p*rae ratio legis mean1
a. +reason for deciding, main part of a court judgment setting out the legal principles
applicable to the case;
b. >rea&n &' t*e la!?1 t*e prin%iple be*in# a la!@
c. +reason of the court, the argument the court has for the final ruling in a case.
.=. In t*e enten%e1 A writ ne e)eat regno can be issued to prevent the embe!!ler from leaving the
country. t*e Latin p*rae ne e)eat regno mean1
a. >#& n&t lea+e t*e %&"ntr$?1 inter#i%ti&n a##ree# t& a #ebt&r t*at i being pr&e%"te#@
b. +do not pursue, power used by the -ttorney./eneral to stop a criminal trial;
c. +do not leave the house, interdiction addressed to an offender placed under house arrest.
.1. In t*e enten%e1 The secretary signed per pro the manager. t*e Latin p*rae per pro mean1
a. the person who signs at the foot of a document;
b. !it* t*e a"t*&rit$ &' /&n be*al' &'@
c. forging the signature of a superior in his%her absence.
.2. In t*e enten%e1 For further information, see the documents listed hereunder. t*e te7t
>re'eren%e !&r#? hereunder mean1
a. at the bottom of a document;
b. under the signature of the person who signs the documents;
%. "n#er t*i *ea#ing &r bel&! t*i p*rae.
.,. In t*e enten%e1 This case will henceforth be (nown under the name of State vs. -ohnson. t*e
>te7t re'eren%e? !&r# henceforth mean1
a. 'r&m t*i time &n@
b. stated later in this document;
c. according to this document.
... In t*e enten%e1 The case proceeded notwithstanding the ob+ections of the defendant. t*e >te7t
re'eren%e? !&r# notwithstanding mean1
a. conse&uently;
b. in pite &'@
c. by whatever means.
.4. In t*e enten%e1 "n criminal law, mens rea is usually one of the necessary elements of a crime.
T*e Latin term mens rea mean1
a. +good will, a feeling of benevolence, approval, and !indly interest;
b. +wilful misconduct, behaviour which may harm someone and which is !nown to be
%. >g"ilt$ min#?1 mental tate re)"ire# t& be g"ilt$ &' %&mmitting a %rime.
.5. In t*e enten%e1 .e got an in+unction preventing the company from selling his car. t*e
legal term in+unction mean1
a. act of bringing someone to court to answer a charge;
b. ban or written court order, telling someone not to do something;
%. %&"rt &r#er %&mpelling &me&ne t& t&p #&ing &met*ing &r n&t t& #& &met*ing@
.6. In t*e enten%e1 "f a contract isnt signed by both parties, is it legally binding3 t*e legal term
binding mean1
a. !*i%* legall$ '&r%e &me&ne t& #& &met*ing@
b. which is acceptable because it is true;
c. which is open to negotiation.
.9. Amen#ment ID &' t*e C&ntit"ti&n &' t*e Unite# :tate &' Ameri%a pr&*ibit1
a. the security of peoples lives, houses, papers and effects;
b. an$ "na"t*&rize# ear%*e an# eiz"re !it*&"t a +ali# !arrant- legall$ i"e# '&r a
pe%i'i% p"rp&e@
c. peoples rights to offer resistance to having their houses searched without a valid
.;. Amen#ment D &' t*e C&ntit"ti&n &' t*e Unite# :tate &' Ameri%a tip"late t*at1
a. no person shall be held responsible for a crime without the right to spea! in front of the
/rand 0ury;
b. no person shall be forced to answer for a crime in front of the /rand 0ury;
%. n& per&n *all be 8ept in %"t&#$ !it*&"t an in#i%tment &' a /ran# E"r$.
4=. Amen#ment IF &' t*e C&ntit"ti&n &' t*e Unite# :tate &' Ameri%a a$ t*at1
a. the rights stipulated in the Constitution can be interpreted and applied as everyone
b. t*e rig*t tip"late# in t*e C&ntit"ti&n *all n&t be mi%&ntr"e# & a t& "n#ermine
&t*er t*at pe&ple *&l# #ear@
c. the rights stipulated in the Constitution can always be amended in accordance with the
old ones that people treasure.
41. I' parti%ipant . an$ pr&blem !it* t*e m&nit&ring e)"ipment- t*e$ m"t n&ti'$
&''i%er imme#iatel$.
a. will experience
b. e7perien%e
c. experiences
d. would experience
42. I' t*e #e'en#ant *a a pri&r %riminal re%&r#- *i enten%e *ar*er.
a. !ill be
b. is
c. would be
d. should be
4,. A gran# ("r$ #e%i#e i' t*ere a pr&bable %a"e t& in#i%t 2a%%"e3 in#i+i#"al &r
%&rp&rati&n &n %riminal %*arge bae# "p&n t*e e+i#en%e preente#.
a. will be
b. has been
%. i
d. would be
4.. I' a per&n ... t*at *e/*e *a been !r&ng'"ll$ impri&ne#- *e/*e .
t*e rig*t t& %*allenge t*e legalit$ &' t*eir %&n'inement.
a. believe, will have
b. will believe, may have
%. belie+e- ma$ *a+e
d. has believed, will have
44. I' t*e !rit &' *abea %&rp" ... - t*e pri&ner !ill be br&"g*t int& %&"rt.
a. will be issued
b. i i"e#
c. had been issued
d. were issued
45. I'- a'ter *earing b&t* i#e- t*e %&"rt t*at t*e gr&"n# '&r t*e %&n'inement are
illegal- t*e petiti&ner .
a. 'in#- i releae#
b. will find, is released
c. has found, had been released
d. found, will be released
46. I' I *a# 8n&!n !*at an &penCen#e# )"eti&n i- I ... m$ lat e7am.
a. will pass
b. would pass
c. will have passed
#. !&"l# *a+e pae#
49. I' $&" !ere "%* a g&&# la!$er- $&"r arg"ment ... in t*e preent
a. will hold up
b. !&"l# *&l# "p
c. would held up
d. would had held up
4;. I' $&" ... t*e #e+il? a#+&%ate an# . &me e7%epti&n t& t*e la!$er? arg"ment-
!e %&"l# *a+e !&n &"r lat %ae.
a. have played, "have# found
b. play, find
c. would have played, "would have# found
#. *a# pla$e#- 2*a#3 '&"n#
5=. I' $&" ... (&"rnalit %&+ering t*e :"preme C&"rt- !*at !&"l# $&" !rite in a
m"r#er %ae arti%leG
a. are
b. !ere
c. had been
d. have been
51. I' t*e #e'en#ant !ere '&"n# g"ilt$- t*e ("r$ t*e appr&priate enten%e- a
li'e term &r #eat*.
a. will then determine
b. !&"l# t*en #etermine
c. might then determine
d. would then have determined
52. I' t*e enten%e &' #eat* '&r rape ... t*e Eig*t* Amen#ment- t*e rapit ma$ re%ei+e
a li'e enten%e.
a. +i&late
b. is violated
c. will violate
d. has violated
5,. E"#ge t*e a"t*&rit$ t& *&l# (&"rnalit in %&ntempt &' %&"rt- i' rep&rter ...
t& %&mpl$ !it* an &r#er t& re+eal t*e i#entit$ &' "nname# &"r%e.
a. had, refused
b. *a+e- re'"e
c. have, would refuse
d. have, will have refused
5.. I' t*e gran# ("r$ it pr&%ee#ing in e%ret- re)"iring a (&"rnalit t& re+eal
%&n'i#ential &"r%e !&"l# *a+e been %&ni#ere# pr&e%"t&rial ab"e.
a. *a# %&n#"%te#
b. has conducted
c. conducted
d. would have conducted
54. I' a (&"rnalit? &"r%e i engage# in illegal a%ti+itie an# t*at t*e (&"rnalit %&"l#
be re)"ire# t& i#enti'$ *im/*er- t*e &"r%e ... *eitant t& tal8.
a. !new, would be
b. 8n&!- !ill be
c. is !nown, will be
d. will !now, will be
55. I' rep&rter . t& i#enti'$ t*eir %&n'i#ential &"r%e be'&re a gran# ("r$- t*e
pre !ill n&t tr"l$ be 'ree.
a. will be forced
b. must be forced
%. are '&r%e#
d. can be forced
56. Unle $&" . t*ing &"t- !e *all *a+e t& g& t& %&"rt.
a. dont wor!
b. !&r8
c. will wor!
d. wont wor!
59. I' t*e pe#etrian ... b$ a p&li%eman- t*e '&rmer *&"l# *a+e ma#e a
%&mplaint t& t*e nearet p&li%e tati&n.
a. *a# been aa"lte#
b. is assaulted
c. will be assaulted
d. is to be assaulted
5;. I' t*e (&"rnalit? t&r$ %riminal a%ti+it$- *e !&"l# *a+e rep&rte# it.
a. has involved
b. involves
%. *a# in+&l+e#
d. will involve
6=. I' a pr&e%"t&r ... a gran# ("r$ in+etigati&n in ba# 'ait*- (&"rnalit mig*t
*a+e a rig*t t& re'"e t& re+eal t*eir &"r%e.
a. !ere %&n#"%ting
b. is conducting
c. had been conducting
d. will be conducting
61. I' t*e t"#ent *a#n?t been enr&lle# in t*e E&"rnalim II %la- t*e$ arti%le ab&"t
#i+&r%e an# teenage pregnan%$ &me $ear ag&.
a. wont write
b. wouldnt write
c. wouldnt written
#. !&"l#n?t *a+e !ritten
62. I' t*e tea%*er ............ t*e arti%le 'r&m being p"bli*e# in t*e paper- t*e t"#ent
!&"l#n?t *a+e br&"g*t "it t& t*e U.:. Ditri%t C&"rt '&r t*e Eatern Ditri%t &' Mi&"ri.
a. *a#n?t pr&*ibite#
b. hasnt prohibited
c. wouldnt have brought
d. prohibited
6,. T&m !ill be pr&e%"te# i' t*e$ ..... *ar# e+i#en%e againt *im.
a. 'in#
b. will find
c. will have found
d. finds
6.. T&m !&"l#n?t *a+e *i##en t*e m"r#er !eap&n i' *e ...... inn&%ent.
a. would have been
b. *a# been
c. has been
d. would be
64. H&" .................. a %*an%e t& en(&$ $&"r 'ree#&m i' $&"r pre+i&" %&n#"%t *a# been
a. mig*t *a+e *a#
b. might had
c. might had had
d. might has
65. H&" %&"l# *a+e er+e# $&"r enten%e in le t*an t*ree !ee8 i' $&" ...... t& 1== *&"r
%&mm"nit$ !&r8.
a. have been sentenced
b. *a# been enten%e#
c. would be sentenced
d. were sentenced
66. ........................... #i''erent i' t*e %*&&l ne!paper !ere !ritten b$ member &' an
e7tra%"rri%"lar %l"bG
a. 3he ruling in that case would have been ...
b. 0&"l# t*e r"ling in t*at %ae *a+e been ...
c. 4ill the ruling in that case have been ...
d. 3he ruling in that case will have been ...
69. T&m !ill be releae# t& t*e %&mm"nit$ i' t*e C&"rt ............. t*at *e i eligible '&r t*e
*&me %&n'inement pr&gram.
a. will decide
b. decide
%. #e%i#e
d. would decide
6;. T*e pre %ann&t tr"l$ be 'ree "nle it .. at libert$ t& rep&rt &n t&rie &' p"bli%
interet- i.e. t*e #r"g %rii.
a. is not
b. i
c. will be
d. will not be
9=. I' rep&rter *a+e t& i#enti'$ t*eir %&n'i#ential &"r%e be'&re a gran# ("r$- t*e$ .............
t&rie &' p"bli% interet.
a. !ill n&t be able t& p"bli*
b. will be able not to publish
c. wouldnt have been able to publish
d. would have been able not to publish
91. I' a rep&rter i '&r%e# t& re+eal *i &"r%e- la! en'&r%ement ............ a 'e! %riminal.
a. may be able to apprehended
b. may be to apprehend
%. ma$ be able t& appre*en#
d. be able to apprehend
92. certiorari b$ a *ig*er %&"rt- it mean t*at t*e ("ti%e *a+e #e%i#e# t& let t*e l&!er
%&"rt? #e%ii&n tan#.
a. )f 5 is denied
b. Unless 5 is denied
%. I' i n&t #enie#
d. Unless 5 is not denied
9,. H&" *a# better .................... $&"r %rime rig*t n&!- !*en $&" till *a+e a %*an%e.
a. to confess
b. confessing
%. %&n'e
d. confessed
9.. I !&"l# rat*er .......... t*e ret &' m$ li'e in (ail t*an %&n'e t& a %rime I #i# n&t %&mmit.
a. pen#
b. to spend
c. spending
d. spent
94. He ma#e me .............. all m$ %*arge- t*reatening me !it* a g"n.
a. to drop
b. #r&p
c. dropping
d. to have dropped
95. He let me .............. !*i%* &pti&n !a t*e bet '&r m$ #i''i%"lt it"ati&n.
a. #e%i#e
b. deciding
c. to decide
d. being to decide
96. Let? ............. a *&rt %&''ee brea8 an# #e%i#e a'ter!ar#.
a. ta!ing
b. to ta!e
c. too!
#. ta8e
99. 0*$ n&t ................. $&"r %ae later- !*en !e *a+e '"rt*er in'&rmati&n.
a. to discuss
b. shall we discuss
%. #i%"
d. discussing
9;. He i 'ar t&& "ne7perien%e# ......... t& %*ie' ("ti%e.
a. to being promoted
b. t& be pr&m&te#
c. to has been promoted
d. being promoted
;=. T*e p&li%e are ai# . &n t*i %ae '&r man$ m&nt*- !it*&"t an$ re"lt &
a. to be wor!ing
b. t& *a+e been !&r8ing
c. to had wor!ed
d. to being wor!ing
;1. T*&"g* m$ par&le &''i%er i 8ille# at inter+ie!ing- %&"nelling an# aeing *"man
behaviour, he doesnt appear ....... their opinion on this matter.
a. sharing
b. t& *are
c. to being sharing
d. share
;2. Apparentl$- pr&'ei&nal %riminal ten# ... t& t*e %ene &' t*e %rime.
a. to have returned
b. returning
c. to be returned
#. t& ret"rn
;,. T*e C&"rt i t*&"g*t ... "n("tl$ . *im t& 1= $ear in pri&n- !it*&"t an$ p&ibilit$
&' par&le.
a. to 5. sentence
b. t& *a+e enten%e#
c. to having 5 sentenced
d. to being 5 sentenced
;.. :e+eral *ig*Ce%"rit$ mea"re nee# be'&re *earing t*e !itnee.
a. be ta!en
b. ta!en
%. t& be ta8en
d. to have been ta!en
;4. He re%&mmen#e# " ... an appeal a &&n a t*e +er#i%t i pr&n&"n%e#.
a. t& ma8e
b. ma!ing
c. to have made
d. ma!e
;5. 0e are "re t*at *e #i#n?t mean ... per("r$@ *e !a ("t t&& a'rai# ... t*e
a. committing, to tell
b. t& %&mmit- t& tell
c. to have committed, telling
d. commit, to be telling
;6. T*e$ ma#e *im ... "n#er #"re- !it*&"t all&!ing *i la!$er ... preent #"ring
t*e %r&Ce7aminati&n.
a. to spea!, to be
b. spea!ing, being
c. to be spea!ing, to be
#. pea8- t& be
;9. I *ate $&" b"t &"r !itne eem it a'ter all.
a. t& interr"pt- t& *a+e ma#e
b. interrupting, to ma!e
c. to interrupting, to have made
d. interrupt, to ma!e
;;. E+er$b&#$ *ate ................ la! e7pene- epe%iall$ !*en t*e$ *a+e e7%ee#e# all
a. to pay
b. pa$ing
c. to be paid
d. to be paying
1==. I l&&8 '&r!ar# t& ...................$&" in C&"rtI 0e *all ettle t*ing t*en.
a. eeing
b. see
c. have seen
d. saw
1=1. ><in# me a g&&# la!$erI I #&n?t !ant t& ri8 .................. t*e ret &' m$ li'e in (ail.?
a. pen#ing
b. to spend
c. having spended
d. spend
1=2. I a#+ie# *im ................. t& %&"rt an# a%%"e *im &' %&npira%$ %rime againt
a. t& g&
b. going
c. to going
d. to have gone
1=,. :*e #e%i#e# t& #r&p all t*e %*arge- .................... &' 'irtC#egree m"r#er.
a. lest he should be accused
b. so that he may be accused
c. lest he should not be accused
#. '&r 'ear *e i a%%"e#
1=.. M$ la!$er "ggete# t*at I ......................... &nline legal a#+i%e a l&ng time ag&.
a. had ta!en
b. *&"l# *a+e ta8en
c. could ta!e
d. having ta!en
1=4. T*e ("#ge re)"ire# t*at t*e baili'' ........................ t*e #e'en#ant- !*& !ill it in t*e #&%8.
a. shall call
b. must call
c. should call
#. *a# %alle#
1=5. >:*all !e pr&%ee#G It? n& "e ................ '&r t*e #e'en%e !itne !*& *a %&ntra#i%te#
*i pre+i&" tetim&n$I?
a. to wait
b. having to wait
%. !aiting
d. wait
1=6. >I?m &rr$ H&"r H&n&"r- b"t I %an?t *elp .............. !*en I pea8 ab&"t m$ #e%eae# &n.?
a. %r$ing
b. not to cry
c. not crying
d. cry
1=9. T*e$ arri+e# *&me ..................... t*at t*e *&"e *a# been b"rgle#.
a. finding
b. having found
%. t& 'in#
d. to have found
1=;. Depite ........................ (aile# '&r #r"g %rime 4 $ear ag&- *e *a ("t been ta8en int&
%"t&#$ '&r t*e ame %&"nt.
a. to have been
b. *a+ing been
c. to being
d. having to be
11=. Jriti* Air!a$ regret ........................... t*at t*e 'lig*t JA 4.1 'r&m Pari *a been
a. announcing
b. having announced
%. t& ann&"n%e
d. announce
111. He %&"l#n?t *elp ...................... t*at t*e #e'en#ant *&!e# n& rem&re.
a. not to notice
b. not having noticed
%. n&ti%ing
d. notice
112. T*e tate ("#ge all&!e# *im ............... *i %&"rtCapp&inte# la!$er an# repreent
*imel' at trial
a. to fire
b. 'iring
c. to have fired
d. fire
11,. I "gget ...................... "p&n t*e %ae a'ter t*e rep&n#ent? reb"ttal.
a. to deliberate
b. #eliberating
c. to be deliberating
d. deliberate
11.. T*e ("#ge a#mitte# ..................... bribe 'r&m &ne &' *i #e'en#ant m&nt* be'&re t*e
a. to ta!e
b. to be ta!ing
%. *a+ing ta8en
d. having too!
114. He 'in# it *ar# ..................... t*e %&rr"pt $tem &' ("ti%e in t*i t*ir# !&rl# %&"ntr$.
a. enduring
b. t& en#"re
c. having endured
d. for him to endure
115. He *a been %*arge# !it* ................ an# mali%i&" #etr"%ti&n &' pr&pert$ an# *a
been ta8en int& %"t&#$.
a. tresapass
b. trepaing
c. tresspassing
d. to trespass
116. T*e #e'en#ant a#mitte# .. in t*e b"il#ing at t*e time &' t*e r&bber$- b"t
#enie# ..................... t*e e%"rit$ g"ar#.
a. to have been, to have shot
b. to be, to shoot
%. *a+ing been- *a+ing *&t
d. to having been, having shoot
119. It "rprie me ................. t*at *e *a been a%%"e# &' m&ne$ la"n#ering.
a. hearing
b. to have heard
%. t& *ear
d. being heard
11;. T*e &li%it&r a#+ie# *i %lient .............. t*e a''i#a+it !*i%* %&"l# t*en be "e# a
e+i#en%e in %&"rt *earing.
a. t& ign
b. to have signed
c. signing
d. sign
12=. 0&"l# $&" min# .................... "p !*en t*e +er#i%t i pr&n&"n%e#G
a. to stand
b. stand
c. being stand
#. tan#ing
121. >I tr&ngl$ &b(e%t t& ................. treate# li8e a *ar#ene# %riminalI?
a. be
b. is
%. being
d. been
122. On being %r&Ce7amine#- *er *"ban# tr&ngl$ #enie# a g"n at *er.
a. to have pointed
b. *a+ing p&inte#
c. to point
d. being pointed
12,. 0e 8eep . t*e la!Cma8er t*at ne! la! *&"l# be intit"te# againt p"bli%
a. telling
b. to be telling
c. being told
d. having tell
12.. All '&reigner %&mplain t*at t*e$ are n&t "e# t& ... &n t*e le't i#e &' t*e r&a#.
a. drive
b. have to drive
%. #ri+ing
d. having driven
124. I?# rat*er $&" m$ pri&r %riminal re%&r# t& $&"r parent.
a. dont mention
b. #i#n?t menti&n
c. havent mention
d. wont mention
125. I' &nl$ $&" . me earlier ab&"t $&"r pre+i&" %&n+i%ti&nI
a. inform
b. *a# in'&rme#
c. informed
d. informing
126. E+en i' t*e$ . !illing t& teti'$ againt *im- t*e enten%e !&"l# *a+e remaine# t*e
a. were
b. are
c. having been
#. *a# been
129. It? time t*e$ !it* a &l"ti&n againt internati&nal e7tra#iti&n.
a. %ame "p
b. had come
c. will come up
d. should come up
12;. He !a & an7i&" t& lea+e t*e %&"rt r&&m a i' *e ... %&n+i%te# t& a li'eCtime in
a. has been
b. *a# been
c. were
d. having been
1,=. I !i* t*e p&li%e all t*e !itnee "n#er t*e !itne pr&te%ti&n pr&gram@
n&! it? t&& late '&r t*iI
a. placed
b. *a# pla%e#
c. should place
d. to place
1,1. :"pp&e $&" &' epi&nage- !*at !&"l# $&" #& t& #e'en# $&"rel'G
a. are accused
b. should be accused
%. !ere a%%"e#
d. are being accused
1,2. It? *ig* time &meb&#$ ... *im &' ban8r"pt%$ 'ra"# %rimeI
a. "pe%te#
b. had suspected
c. should suspect
#. "pe%t
1,,. I' &nl$ t*e$ ... m&re re&"r%e t& ta8ing %are &' t*eir %lientI
a. investing
b. have been investing
c. should invest
#. !ere in+eting
1,.. :"pp&e t*e %&"rt .................. $&" t& teti'$ againt $&"r 'rien#- !*at !&"l# $&" #&G
a. summons
b. will summon
%. "mm&ne#
d. should summoned
1,4. T*e ("r$ !&"l# rat*er t*e #e'en#ant ................... #e%epti+e &n t*e p&l$grap* tet t*e
pre+i&" !ee8.
a. hadnt been
b. werent
%. !&"l#n?t *a+e been
d. having been
1,5. :*e !i*e t*e &pp&ing la!$er .............. t& ee an$ ne! e+i#en%e be'&re #ep&iti&n.
a. isnt entitled
b. !eren?t entitle#
c. havent been entitled
d. wont be entitled
1,6. I' !e . m&re ab&"t t*e +er#i%t- !e !&"l# be rea#$ t& *a+e a pre releae.
a. might !now
b. !now
c. will !now
#. 8ne!
1,9. Imagine $&"r 'irt !itne n&t t& teti'$ in t*e lat min"te- !*at !&"l# $&" #&
a. decide
b. #e%i#e#
c. has decided
d. having decided
1,;. I !i* $&" . t& term !it* t*e !&rl# $&" are li+ing inI
a. come
b. are coming
%. %ame
d. have come
1.=. T*e #e'en#ant? !i'e !i*e t*e pr&e%"t&r .................. '&r a enten%e &n t*e *ig*
a. wont as!
b. dont as!
c. didnt as!
#. *a#n?t a8e#
1.1. :"pp&e t*ere ............ t*e p&ibilit$ &' par&le in t*e 'e#eral $tem- !&"l# an$
#e'ene att&rne$ a8 '&r lenien%$G
a. is
b. !ere
c. has been
d. being
1.2. I' &nl$ t*e$ &n !*at gr&"n# *e *a# been arrete#I
a. have mentioned
b. mention
c. will mention
#. *a# menti&ne#
1.,. T*e$?# &&ner *e a !a$ t& #eal !it* *er preent it"ati&n &n *er &!n.
a. '&"n#
b. finds
c. founded
d. has found
1... I' &nl$ t*e$ . &met*ing t& re#"%e t*e in%reaing n"mber &' i#entit$ t*e't.
a. #i#
b. do
c. will do
d. have done
1.4. I?# rat*er *e . t*e ret &' *er li'e in (ail t*an ell #r"g '&r a li+ing.
a. spends
b. pent
c. will spend
d. has spent
1.5. :"pp&e $&" ........................ b$ t*e pr&e%"t&r? &''i%e t*at $&" are %*arge# !it* a
mi#emean&r- !&"l# $&" %&nta%t an att&rne$G
a. will be notified
b. !ere n&ti'ie#
c. were notifying
d. may be notified
1.6. I' &nl$ t*e #e'en#ant .................. %lean t& t*e ("#ge ab&"t *i in+&l+ement in t*e e7"al
aa"lt &' t*e teenage girlI
a. *a# %&me
b. will come
c. is going to come
d. comes
1.9. Un'&rt"natel$- t*e p&a%*er en#e# "p .................... !it* i7 %&"nt &' p&eing
"nli%ene# g"n.
a. to have been charged
b. to be charged
%. being %*arge#
d. to being charged
1.;. T*e 'am&" pit%*er !a %*arge# !it* ................ t& p&e %&%aine !it* t*e intent t&
#itrib"te it.
a. conspiration
b. %&npiring
c. conspire
d. being conspired
14=. In /e&rgia pri&ner an# #etainee are "e# t& ............... t&rt"re# an# ab"e# b$ p&li%e
an# e%"rit$ '&r%e.
a. be
b. have been
c. having
#. being
141. It i +ital t*at t*e #e'en#ant . t*e bene'it &' t*e #&"bt.
a. be gi+en
b. can be given
c. should be give
d. is given
142. T*e ("#ge inite# t*at t*e +er#i%t be'&re t*e C&"rt a#(&"rn '&r l"n%*.
a. *&"l# be pr&n&"n%e#
b. being pronounced
c. be pronouncing
d. will be pronounced
14,. T*e ("#ge &r#ere# t*at t*e %&"rt pr&%ee#ing ................ '&r an *&"r.
a. may be adjourned
b. *&"l# be a#(&"rne#
c. can be adjourned
d. might be adjourned
14.. T*e magitrate #e%i#e# t*at t*e !&man ..................imme#iatel$.
a. *&"l# be releae#
b. could have being released
c. might release
d. is released
144. Un#er n& %ir%"mtan%e !ill I #i%l&e t*e name &' m$ &"r%eI Hea+en . I
a. forbids
b. '&rbi#
c. forbade
d. will forbid
145. it t& a$ t*at *e i terribl$ &rr$ '&r !*at *e #i#.
a. Sufficient
b. :"''i%e
c. Suffices
d. Sufficed
146. . !*at ma$- I *all n&t #r&p t*e %*arge againt *imI
a. Comes
b. Coming
%. C&me
d. 3o come
149. It !a &"t &' t*e &r#inar$ t*at t*e ("#ge ... t*e la!$er repreenting t*e
plainti'' an# repe%ti+el$ t*e rep&n#ent t& arg"e t*eir %ae in parallel.
a. should be as!ing
b. has as!ed
%. *&"l# *a+e a8e#
d. to have as!ed
14;. T*e member &' t*e %&mmii&n e7pree# a #eire t*at t*e parti%ipant . in
an *&"r.
a. reconvened
b. to reconvene
c. might reconvene
#. *&"l# re%&n+ene
15=. T*e "ggeti&n i t*at !e .matter m&re eri&"l$.
a. too!
b. ta!ing
%. *&"l# ta8e
d. would ta!e
151. I #i#n?t #are tell t*e tr"t* let I . arrete# '&r %&npira%$ %rime.
a. *&"l# be
b. were
c. shouldnt be
d. will be
152. He began t& be !&rrie# let t*e$ ............ *im &' m&rtgage 'ra"# %rime #"ring t*eir
a. may accuse
b. *&"l# *a+e a%%"e#
c. shall have accused
d. accused
15,. It i #eman#e# t*at t*e C&"n%il . %&mm&n r"le appli%able t& internati&nal
a. laid down
b. la$ #&!n
c. should laid down
d. lays down
15.. T*e #e'en#ant 'irt %&nta%te# t*e plainti'' b$ telep*&ne &n 2= t* &' Mar%*- 2==9 an# t*e
'&rmer #eman#e# t*at *e ................ K 1===.== imme#iatel$.
a. should have be given
b. has been given
%. be gi+en
d. may be given
154. T*e p&li%e &''i%er #e%i#e# t*at t*e pimp .. *i la!$er t*e min"te *e !a
a. be called
b. shall have called
c. has called
#. *&"l# *a+e %alle#
155. T*e pr&teter "rge# t*at t*e #e'en#ant . &n bail- e+en i' *e *a# been
arrete# &n %*arge &' aa"lt &n *i !i'e.
a. will be released
b. would be release
c. being released
#. be releae#
156. It !a "nbelie+able t*at *e . t*e ame %ell !it* t*e m&t #anger&"
inmate- in a *ig*Ce%"rit$ pri&n.
a. shall have shared
b. *&"l# *a+e *are#
c. having shared
d. shares
159. 0*ere+er $&" . - I *all pr&te%t $&" againt $&"r enemieI
a. have gone
b. ma$ g&
c. will be going
d. are going
15;. H&!e+er #i''i%"lt t*i pr&blem - I !ill &l+e it in a min"teI
a. shall be
b. will be
%. ma$ be
d. be
16=. . $&" ma8e t*e bet &' $&" li'e- ("#ge an# i"e man$ ta$Ca!a$ &r#er '&r
+i&lent e7C*"ban#I
a. Should
b. Shall
c. 6ight
#. Ma$
161. Her "pp&rter- !*& *a# &%%"pie# m&t &' t*e r&! in t*e pa%8e# %&"rtr&&m !ere
!&rrie# let *e a pri&n enten%e.
a. receives
b. *&"l# re%ei+e
c. may receive
d. received
162. <ar ..... it 'r&m me t& ma8e allegati&n be'&re *a+ing &me pr&&'.
a. away is
b. is
c. should be
#. be
16,. I #&n?t 8n&! *&! $&" %an p"t . ... "%* an "nbearable it"ati&n.
a. by with
b. up of
%. "p !it*
16.. T*e pr& b&n& la!"it 'ile# againt t*e tate br&"g*t . an in%reae in t*e ("#ge?
a. in
b. around
%. ab&"t
164. I g"e t*e printer in t*e la$er? &''i%e *a eit*er r"n ... paper &r *a br&8en
a. away with, down
b. &"t &'- #&!n
c. off with, off
165. :e+eral la! 'irm *a+e #e%i#e# t& la$ . empl&$ee an# %all ... all me#i%al
malpra%ti%e %ae.
a. &''- &''
b. out, off
c. up, down
166. H&" *a+e t& learn *&! t& ... i' $&" are "''ering 'r&m *ig* tre le+el.
a. draw bac!
b. !in# #&!n
c. hold up
169. M$ la!$er %an bear . t*e tr"t* &' m$ t&r$ !it* "btantial e+i#en%e.
a. in
b. away
%. &"t
16;. At t*e %rime %ene- t*e$ trie# t& bring t*e "n%&n%i&" !&man ... b"t !it*&"t an$
a. r&"n#
b. up
c. over
19=. Depite all #i''i%"lt$- *e 'inall$ manage# t& %arr$ t*e &r#er *e *a# been gi+en.
a. about
b. off
%. &"t
191. Hi (&8e %a"g*t . rig*t a!a$ an# t*e member &' t*e ("r$ !ere +er$ e7%ite#.
a. &n
b. through
c. out
192. T*e *ig* %rime rate in t*i Ameri%an tate . "rgent mea"re.
a. brings about
b. lays down
%. %all '&r
19,. I' n&b&#$ %&me . a &l"ti&n &&n- !e *all be *el# rep&nible '&r planting
e+i#en%e in *i %ar.
a. "p !it*
b. in with
c. out with
19.. I' $&" #&n?t 8n&! t*e p&li%e emergen%$ p*&ne n"mber- $&" %&"l# l&&8 it ... in t*e
p*&ne #ire%t&r$.
a. into
b. on
%. "p
194. O"r la! 'irm !ill be ta8en . b$ t*e La!$er? C&rp&rati&n.
a. in
b. out
%. &+er
195. B&! it !&"l# be a g&&# time '&r " t& bring t*e matter &' %*il# "pp&rt in L&mania.
a. in
b. "p
c. out
196. I *a+e a +er$ "rgent meage. C&"l# $&" p"t me . t& Mr. Leig*- pleaeG
a. t*r&"g*
b. off
c. up
199. He p"t *i 'ail"re in C&"rt p"re ba# l"%8- b"t till *&pe# '&r t*e bet.
a. up to
b. #&!n t&
c. bac! to
19;. I m"t a#mit it !a *ar# '&r me n&t t& gi+e ... t& *i t*reat.
a. away
b. out
%. in
1;=. 0e %an?t r"le... t*i arg"ment in t*e 'inal *earing.
a. &"t
b. off
c. down
1;1. O"r plan t& %all t*e !itne '&r t*e #e'en%e 'ell . #"e t& a mi%arriage &' ("ti%e.
a. about
b. away
%. t*r&"g*
1;2. H&" are !earing me !it* $&"r ann&$ing allegati&nI
a. in
b. &"t
c. over
1;,. E+er$b&#$ %&ni#ere# t*at t*e ("#ge *a# a rea&n t& let *im ... li8e t*at.
a. &''
b. on
c. away
1;.. 0*$ #&n?t $&" p"t $&"r %laim t& be grante# t*e rig*t t& a 'air an# pee#$ trialG
a. in
b. out
%. '&r!ar#
1;4. >H&"r H&n&"r- I %an tan# t*e #e'en#antI I #eman# t& be *ear#I?
a. in for
b. "p '&r
c. down to
1;5. H&"r 8ill'"l la!$er !ill tal8 *im teti'$ing be'&re t*e ("r$.
a. int&
b. about
c. against
1;6. T*e matter !a & #eli%ate- t*at t*e ("#ge *a# t& t*in8 it ...... be'&re ann&"n%ing t*e
a. up
b. &+er
c. out
1;9. T*e ("#ge %&"l# n& l&nger p"t ......... *i *&l#ing t*e %&"rt in %&ntempt.
a. off with
b. down to
%. "p !it*
1;;. I t*in8 $&" are entitle# t& p"t .... a %laim an# a8 t*e in"ran%e %&mpan$ t& pa$ '&r t*e
a. off
b. in
c. into
2==. H&! %an a $&"ng- "ne7perien%e# la!$er 8eep ................. !it* t*e latet la! an#
a. "pCt&C#ate
b. down.to.earth
c. high and dry

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