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This agreement of Rent executed on at Mumbai on 1

day of October 2004 BETWEEN
Mr M !" #$o !M aged about 4% years residing at & '(ace name) &hereinafter referred to
as the OWNER *hich ex'ression sha((" *here+er the context 'ermits" be deemed to
inc(ude their successor" (ega( re'resentati+es and assigns)" being the 'arty of the
,-R#T !.RT
M$s 012 !+t 3td of Mumbai" a com'any incor'orated under the 'ro+isions of the
4om'anies .ct" 1567 and ha+ing its registered office &'(ace name)8 &hereinafter referred
to as the TEN.NT) being the 'arty of the #E4ON/ !.RT9
Whereas the !arty of the ,irst !art is the (ega( o*ner of Office No % admeasuring
about 1"000 s: ft &4ar'et .rea) on the ground ,(oor in the Bui(ding ;no*n as &'(ace
name)&hereinafter referred to as the office 'remises ) and has ac:uired the 'ro'erty
+ide #a(e /eed dated <anuary 1" 2000 and registered the same *ith the registrar of
assurances =ide #eria(No10
-n 4onsideration of the rent hereinafter reser+ed and a(( the co+enants and conditions
hereinafter contained to be obser+ed and 'erformed on the 'art of the Tenant"
the O*ner does hereby grant" transfer" demise by *ay of Rent Office No " &'(ace
name) admeasuring about 1"000 #: ,t of *hich the 'arty of the first 'art is the so(e
o*ner and is entit(ed in (a* to execute this Rent .greement" together *ith 'assages"
staircases" (andings and other easements be(onging and 'ertaining to the said 'remises
unto and to the use of the Tenant for a 'eriod of >>>>>>>>>>>>"
commencing on >>>>> by 'aying unto the O*ner during the said 'eriod a
month(y renta( of Rs 10"000$? &Ru'ees Ten Thousand on(y) &#ub@ect to deduction of T/#
as may be a''(icab(e)" sub@ect to the fo((o*ing terms and conditions9
.N/ WAERE.# the 'arty of the second 'art is desirous of ta;ing the said office
'remises on rent for the sa;e of housing their office o'erations and for the 'ur'ose
a''roached the 'arty of the first 'art for the said reduced in *riting" *hich are as fo((o*s9
a To 'ay the month(y rent by che:ue dra*n in fa+our of the o*ner ie Mr
M! referred ear(ier" on or before the BBB day of the subse:uent Eng(ish
ca(endar month &eg Rent for ,ebruary *i(( be 'aid by 6
b To use the demised 'remises for the Officia( $ 4ommercia( 'ur'ose of the
Tenant on(y
c To 'ay the charges for consum'tion of e(ectricity $ te(e'hone direct(y to
the concerned authorities as 'er bi((s recei+ed by them
d To 'ermit the O*ner or his authoriCed re'resentati+es to enter the demised
'remises at a(( reasonab(e hours for the 'ur'ose either for ins'ection of the
demised 'remises as and *hen necessary
e Not to sub(et" assign or other*ise 'art *ith 'ossession of the demised
'remises &*ithout the 4onsent of the O*ner) to any third 'arty
f To de(i+er 'eacefu( 'ossession of the demised 'remises to the O*ner on
the ex'iration of the rent or its ear(ier determination in such condition as is
consistent *ith the co+enants and conditions herein contained
g To de'osit a sum of Rs >>> &Ru'ees >>> on(y) *ith the O*ner
being the interest free Rent /e'osit This de'osit *i(( be refunded by the
o*ner to the tenant at the time of ta;ing +acant 'ossession of the rented
'remises u'on ex'iry of the term or other*ise
h To 'ay ser+ice charges for additiona( amenities 'ro+ided for the office
faci(ities etc
!eriod .mount
a Rs >>$? 'er month
b Rs >>$? 'er month
c Rs >>$? 'er month
i To abide by the bye?(a*s and regu(ations of the #ociety and (oca(
authorities inc(uding Munici'a( 4or'oration in re(ation to the demised
@ To ;ee' the O*ner indemnified and ho(d him free against a(( demands or
c(aims in res'ect of non obser+ance of any ru(es" bye(a*s etc *hatsoe+er
'ertaining to the 'remises
1 #ub@ect to the Tenants co+enants" to 'ay the maintenance" taxes and other
charges inc(uding any other duties that may be (e+ied by any go+ernment
during the course of this agreement 'ayab(e to Mr M!
2 To .((o* Tenant to ma;e such a(terations in the demised 'remises to ma;e
it usab(e as his office 'remises" *ithout disturbing or causing damage to
the main structures of the Bui(ding
1 .fter detai(ed discussions bet*een the O*ner and the Tenant" it is
ex'(icit(y agreed bet*een both 'arties that after the ex'iry of the Rent
'eriod of >>>>>>> or any other extension of this renta(
arrangement the Tenant sha(( gi+e bac; the +acant 'ossession of the
'remises to the O*ner
2 -n the e+ent of any defau(t in 'ayment of rent or any other terms and
conditions of this agreement by the Tenant for a continuous 'eriod of BBBB
months" this agreement sha(( stand automatica((y terminated and the
O*ner sha(( forfeit a(( de'osits and ad+ance 'aid by the Tenant and sha((
ha+e the right to enter the said 'remises and ta;e bac; 'hysica( 'ossession
of the said 'remises *ithout any 'rior notice
G The #ecurity de'osit *i(( other*ise be returned in one insta((ment to the
Tenant at the end of the Renta( 'eriod on hand(ing o+er bac; 'eacefu(
'ossession of the 'remises to the O*ner .t the time of hand(ing o+er bac;
the 'ossession to the O*ner" the Tenant sha(( c(ear a(( the bi((s 'ertaining
to the 'remises such as rent" e(ectricity and if any such 'ayment remains to
be 'aid" the same sha(( be deducted from the security de'osit by the
O*ner and the ba(ance 'aid bac; to the Tenant
4 That the O*ner $ his authoriCed agents sha(( ac;no*(edge and gi+e +a(id
and du(y stam'ed recei't for e+ery 'ayment made by the Tenant and such
recei't sha(( be conc(usi+e 'roof of such 'ayment
6 This .greement can be terminated by gi+ing One MonthHs notice in
*riting by either 'arties to the .greement
#-ENE/" #E.3E/ .N/ /E3-=ERE/ )
By the *ithin named O*ner )
Mr M ! )
&#on of Mr ! M )
-n the 'resence of )
#-ENE/" #E.3E/ .N/ /E3-=ERE/ )
By the Withinnamed the Tenant )
M$s 012 !=T 3T/ )
Through their /irector Mr>>>>>>>>> )
-n the 'resence of9 )

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