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There are three facts that are essential to todays trial: Jamie Frosh is dead; Jamie Frosh

was shot and killed; the person on the other end of that gun was Sazer Larson. These facts are
uncontested and irrefutale. !e are not here today to dispute these facts. !e are here to
determine whether "r.#"s. Larson committed murder when she#he fired the four shots that killed
Jamie Frosh.
$s defined in the State of Kansas v. Adrey% murder is the killing of another human eing
that occurs with delierate premeditation and malice aforethought. &n other words% in order to
pro'e the defendant is guilty% we the prosecution must pro'e to you that the defendant acted with
the intent to kill Jamie Frosh and that he planned the act prior to actually committing it. !e will
ring you three witnesses who will show eyond a reasonale dout that the defendant murdered
Jamie Frosh on July (% )**+.
The first witness you will hear from is ,ill ,raham. "r. ,raham went to high school
with oth the Jamie Frosh and the defendant% and remained close with Jamie Frosh. -e will
testify that the defendant and Jamie Frosh had a strained relationship in high school and the
defendants rocky transition ack to ci'ilian life after ser'ing in the "arines seemed unlikely to
dramatically alter the dynamic. The tension was still e'ident on July (% when "r. ,raham and
Jamie Frosh had a run.in with the defendant at a local restaurant. Later% they saw the defendant
again at Sammlee /ark% where% "r. ,raham will tell you% he saw the defendant pull out a gun%
aim it at Jamie Frosh% and fire se'eral times.
The ne0t witness who will testify efore you is 1a'eigh Foster !allace. "r. !allace has
een on the !ichita police force for the last )2 years and was the detecti'e in charge of
in'estigating the July (
shooting. -e will descrie the e'ents immediately following the
shooting% including the arrest and initial 3uestioning of the defendant. -e will also go on to talk
aout the remarkale accuracy of the shots fired as well as the information he gathered from the
defendants apartment.
Finally% you will hear from 1r. 1ana /iltch. 1r. /iltch is a clinical psychologist at the
4eterans $dministration -ospital in $ndo'er% 5ansas and was the psychologist who inter'iewed
the defendant prior to his#her discharge from the "arines. &t was her responsiility to determine
whether the defendant suffered from any sort of post.traumatic stress disorder or other comat
stress that would render him#her unale to cope with the return to ci'ilian life. She will testify to
the fact that she administered se'eral tests designed to determine whether the patient has /TS1%
as well as consulting the 1iagnostic Statistical "anual 61S".&47. 1r. /iltch will tell you that the
defendant did not meet the criteria to e diagnosed with /TS1. She will also talk aout her
inter'iew with the defendant after the July (
shooting and how that inter'iew affirmed her
pre'ious conclusion that the defendant did not at any time suffer from post.traumatic stress
8our honor% ladies and gentlemen of the 9ury% this case is aout facts. 1uring todays
testimony% & would like you to listen carefully for the facts% ecause they will paint you a clear
picture of what happened in the park on that fateful &ndependence 1ay. $nd & would also ask you
to ear in mind the facts that & mentioned earlier. Jamie Frosh was shot and killed y Sazer
Larson. !e will pro'e to you that the four shots fired at Jamies head and chest were not a
mistake% ut murder.

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