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Index and Issue status of QMS Page Issue Date

Cover Sheet
Index & Issue Status 1 & 2 01 28.01.08
0 Introduction 3 01 28.01.08
0.1 Lucky cement Limited 3 01 28.01.08
0.2 Distribution List 3 01 28.01.08
1 Scope 4 01 28.01.08
1.1 General 4 01 28.01.08
2 ormati!e "e#erence 4 01 28.01.08
3.1 $erti#ication Scope 4 01 28.01.08
3.2 %&clusions 4 01 28.01.08
3.3 'erms & De#initions 4 & ( 01 28.01.08
4 )uality *ana+ement System , 01 28.01.08
4.1 General "e-uirement , 01 28.01.08
)*S Grap.ics / 01 28.01.08
Identi#ication o# 0rocesses 8 01 28.01.08
4.2 Documentation "e-uirements 8 01 28.01.08
4.2.1 General 8 01 28.01.08
Grap.ics 1 01 28.01.08
4.2.2 )uality *anual 10 01 28.01.08
4.2.3 $ontrol o# Documents 10 01 28.01.08
4.2.4 $ontrol o# "ecords 10 01 28.01.08
4.2.( *ana+ement "esponsibility 10 01 28.01.08
(.1 *ana+ement $ommitment 10 01 28.01.08
(.3 )uality 0olicy Grap.ics 11 01 28.01.08
(.2 $ustomer 2ocus 12 01 28.01.08
(.4 0lannin+ 12 01 28.01.08
(.4.1 )uality 3b4ecti!es 12 01 28.01.08
(.4.2 )uality *ana+ement System 0lannin+ 12 01 28.01.08
)*S 3r+ani5ation $.art 12 01 28.01.08
*ain 3r+ani5ation c.art 13 01 28.01.08
(.( "esponsibility6 7ut.ority and $ommunication 14 01 28.01.08
(.(.1 "esponsibility & 7ut.ority 14 & 1( 01 28.01.08
(.(.2 *ana+ement "epresentati!e 8*"9 1( 01 28.01.08
(.(.3 Internal $ommunication 1, 01 28.01.08
(., *ana+ement "e!ie: 1, 01 28.01.08
(.,.1 General 1, 01 28.01.08
(.,.2 "e!ie: Input 1, 01 28.01.08
(.,.3 "e!ie: 3utput 1, 01 28.01.08
, "esource *ana+ement 1, 01 28.01.08
,.1 0ro!ision o# "esources 1, 01 28.01.08
,.2 ;uman "esources 1, 01 28.01.08
,.2.1 General 1, 01 28.01.08
,.2.2 $ompetence6 7:areness & 'rainin+ 1/ 01 28.01.08
,.3 In#ra Structure 1/ 01 28.01.08
,.4 <ork %n!ironment 1/ 01 28.01.08
/ 0roduct "eali5ation 1/ 01 28.01.08
/.1 0lannin+ o# 0roducts "eali5ation 1/ 01 28.01.08
/.2 $ustomer "elated 0rocesses 1/ 01 28.01.08
/.2.1 Determination o# "e-uirement "elated to t.e 0roduct 1/ 01 28.01.08
/.2.2 "e!ie: o# "e-uirements "elated to t.e 0roduct
/.2.3 $ustomer $ommunication
Issue = 01 Date> 01?01?2001 0a+e 1 / 21
Index and Issue status of QMS
/.4 0urc.asin+
/.4.1 0urc.asin+ 0rocess
/.( 0roduction & Ser!ice 0ro!ision
/.(.1 $ontrol o# 0roduction & Ser!ice 0ro!ision
/.(.2 @alidation o# 0rocesses #or 0roduction & Ser!ices
/.(.( 0reser!ation o# 0roduct
/., $ontrol o# *onitorin+ & *easurin+ De!ices
8 *easurement6 7nalysis & Impro!ement
8.1 General
8.2 *onitorin+ & *easurement
8.2.1 $ustomer Satis#action
8.2.2 Internal 7udit
8.2.3 *onitorin+ & *easurement o# 0rocesses
8.2.4 *onitorin+ & *easurement o# 0roduct
8.3 $ontrol o# on $on#ormin+ 0roduct
8.4 7nalysis o# Data
8.( Impro!ement
8.(.1 $ontinual Impro!ement
8.(.2 $orrecti!e 7ction
8.(.3 0re!enti!e 7ction

Issue = 01 Date> 01?01?2001 0a+e 2 / 21
0. Introduction
0.1 Lucky Cement Limited
It is a fulfillment of a dream, a vision of our late Chairman to lead the organization
from softness of textiles to concrete progress of cement.
Starting from Pezu in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP in !""# $hen the
%ags of Cement %egan to flo$ into the mar&et, la'ing the foundation of 'et another
production facilit' in (arachi the commercial hu% and Port Cit' of Pa&istan.
)he *ualit' of +uc&' Cement spea&s for itself as illustrated %' the follo$ing test
Complies not onl' $ith Pa&istan standard ,PS-./.-!"0/(12 %ut also surpasses the
3ritish standard specification ,3S !.4 !"502.
Ph'sical test
Setting time 6 expansion
Normal test result (7PC
Pa&istan Standard
PS ./.-!"0/(1
3ritish Standard
3S !.4 !"50
Initial setting time (min !.8 9 !:; :; minimum :; minimum
Final setting time (min !08 9 .88 #88max #88max
<xpansion (mm 8 9 !.; !8max !8max
Compressive strength (mortar
8/ da' curing (psi :.88 9 :;88 ..88 (minimum //;8 (minimum
85 da' curing (psi ;/88 9 ;;88 /:88 (minimum N=S
.0 da' curing (psi #588 9 5888 ;888(minimum ;";8(minimum
Continu! Im"ro#ement$
>t luc&' cement, $e %elieve in improving and enhancing costumer satisfaction, in
order to achieve the organizational o%?ectives and %enefits %' implementing IS7 "88!4
We have successfull' added the follo$ing services4
!. Introduced a fleet of @%ul&ersA to reduce deliver' and loading time for shipments.
.. <sta%lishing silos at the port to maintain su%stantial *uantit' of cement read' for
loading to maintain suppl' c'cles.
/. )o meet the rising demand of cement $orld-$ide $e have completed an additional
production plant at our (arachi factor' $ith production capacit' of approximatel'
five thousand tons a da'.
Com"etence T%rou&% 'no(!ed&e nd E)"erience
It is gratif'ing to note that the ne$ additional plant at the (arachi factor' is installed
%' the luc&' cement local team $ithout an' guidance or support from e*uipment and
machiner' manufacturers.
Issue = 01 Date> 01?01?2001 0a+e 3 / 21
0.* Di$tri+ution Li$t
!. Chairman
.. Chief <xecutive 7fficer
/. <xecutive Birector
:. Birector Finance
;. Ceneral Danager Dar&eting
#. Birector 7perations
5. Ceneral Danager and Danagement 1epresentative (D1
0. Internal +ead >uditor=Eualit' Coordinator=Bocumentation Incharge
". Certification 3od'
1. ,co"e
1.1 Ceneral
EDS specifics ho$ the re*uirements of the Standard are fulfilled and4
a ena%les the organization to demonstrate its a%ilit' to consistentl' provide
product according to costumer and applica%le statutor' and regulator'
re*uirements, andF
% to enhance costumer satisfaction through effective application of the EDS and
process continuall' improving the EDS and meeting customer and applica%le
statutor' and regulator' re*uirements.
Certi-iction ,co"e
Production, local sale and <xport of Portland Cement Conforming to PS-./.-!"0/(1
1.* A""!iction
<xclusions descri%ed %lo$ are ta&en from clause 54
..*.* Re#ie( o- re/uirement$ re!ted to t%e "roduct
Dar&eting department at the head office is responsi%le for handling tenders and
contracts and for$ards orders for execution to the factor'.
..0 De$i&n nd De#e!o"ment
+uc&' cement produces Portland cement according to PS-./.-!"0/(1
..1.* 2!idtion o- "roce$$e$ -or "roduction nd $er#ice "ro#i$ion
Special processes are not involved. Portland cement is Gerifia%le %' EC at all stages
from mining to pac&aging.
..1.0 Identi-iction nd trce+i!ity
+uc&' cement follo$s continuous production process, %eside, in process product gets
mixed at %lending, clin&ering, grinding and cement silos.
)he onl' identification is the pac&aging date printed on the documents that too is not possi%le
on the suppl' of loose cement.
*. Normti#e re-erence
1eferences are ta&en from4
! )he latest issue of IS7-"88!4.880 - International Standard - Eualit' management
s'stems - re*uirements.
. IS7-"8884 .888 H Eualit' management s'stems H Fundamentals and Goca%ular'.
Issue = 01 Date> 01?01?2001 0a+e 4 / 21
3. Term$ nd De-inition$
)he )erms and Befinitions as given in IS7 "888 appl'.
Where ever the term IproductJ appears it covers IserviceJ as $ell.

)erms and Befinitions used in this manual and related EDS are ta&en from the
Standard. Ko$ever, terms used locall' are listed %elo$4
!. EDS - Eualit' Danagement S'stem
.. +EP - +uc&' Eualit' Procedure
/. W I - Wor& Instructions
:. E F - Eualit' Forms
;. C<7 - Chief <xecutive 7fficer
#. < B - <xecutive Birector
5. ) B - )echnical Birector
0. B 7 - Birector 7perations
". B F - Birector Finance
!8. C D - Ceneral Danager
!!. BCD - Beput' Ceneral Danager
!.. Dgr4 - Danager
!/. BD - Beput' Danager
!:. >D - >ssistant Danager
!;. Sr. - Senior
!#. Sup - Supervisor
!5. Dech. - Dechanical
!0. <6I - <lectrical6 Instruments
!". BCS - Bistri%uted Control S'stem
.8. +C+ - +uc&' Cement +imited
.!. K7 - Kead 7ffice
... K7B - Kead 7f Bepartment
./. N7. 71 L - Num%er
.:. 7PC - 7rdinar' Portland Cement
.;. 7P - 7perator
.#. EC - Eualit' Control
.5. CC1 - Central Control 1oom
.0. I+> - Internal lead >uditor
.". D 1 - Danagement 1epresentative
/8. DIS - Danagement Information S'stem
/!. Prod. - Production
/.. +a%. - +a%orator'
//. +> - +a%. >ttendant
/:. 1ev. - 1evision
/;. Sec. - Section
/#. S7 - Securit' 7fficer
/5. P6B - Planning and Bevelopment
/0. D7 - Dedical 7fficer
/". P+C - Programma%le +ogic Control
Issue = 01 Date> 01?01?2001 0a+e ( / 21
3. 4u!ity Mn&ement ,y$tem
3.1 5ener! Re/uirement$
+uc&' Cement +imited have esta%lished, understood, implemented and maintained its
EDS and improve its effectiveness continuall', in accordance $ith the re*uirements of
IS7 "88!4.880
)he organization has4
a determined the processes re*uired for the EDS and their application throughout
the organization. Identified processes in se*uential order facilitating relationship
and interactionF
% determined the se*uence and interaction of these processes,
c determined the effective criteria and methodolog' to ensure that the operation and
monitoring of these processes are effective,
d ensured the availa%ilit' of resources and information needed for the operation and
monitoring of these processes,
e monitor, measure and anal'ses these processes, and
f implement corrective actions to achieve conformit' to planed arrangements.

>ll processes forming the Eualit' Danagement S'stem are managed according to the
re*uirements of this Standard.
Presentl', all activities affecting the *ualit' of products are underta&en $ithin the
organization except pac&ing %ags. >s and $hen re*uired appropriate procedures for
outsourcing shall %e esta%lished.
Processes are identified in se*uential orderF relationship and interaction are esta%lished to
achieve planned results.
Procedure De"rtment Re$"on$i+i!ity
+EP-DIN-8!6 8. Dining Danager
+EP-EC-8! Eualit' Control Danager
+EP-P17B-(lin-8!,8.,8/6 8:
Production 7ffice
Central Control 1oom
Crusher= Stac&er
1a$ Dill
Coal Dill
Cement Dill
Pac&ing Plant
>ssistant Danager
>ssistant Danager
Beput' Danager
>ssistant Danager
Senior Beput' Danager
+EP-Dech-C1-8!6 8.
+EP-Dech-1D-8!6 8.
+EP-Dech-(+-8!6 8.
+EP-Dech-CD-8!6 8.
+EP-Dech-PP-8!6 8.
(Dechanical Daintenance
1a$ mill
Cement Dill
Pac&ing Plant
Bra$ing office
Wor& Shop
>ssistant Danager
>ssistant Danager.
Senior >ssistant Danager
Issue = 01 Date> 01?01?2001 0a+e , / 21
+EP-Dech-M)-8! Mtilit' Danager
+EP-INS)-8! Instrument Danager
+EP-<+-8!6 8. <lectrical Daintenance Sr. Danager
+EP-BCS-8!, 8.6 8/ Bistri%uted Control S'stem Danager
+EP-Civil-8! Civil Sr. Danager
+EP-S)1-8!, 8.6 8/
+EP-K1-8!, 8., 8/, 8:6 8;
+EP-B<S-8!6 8.
(Kuman 1esources= >dmin
Kuman 1esource
>dministration Safet'
>dministration Securit'
Industrial 1elation
Beput' Ceneral Danager
>ssistant Danager
Beput' Danager
Senior Danager
Senior Danager
Beput' Danager
Beput' Danager

4u!ity Mn&ement ,y$tem 6!o( C%rt
3.* Documenttion re/uirement$
Issue = 01 Date> 01?01?2001 0a+e / / 21
3.*.1 5ener!

Eualit' Danagement S'stem documentation comprises of4
) Eualit' polic' and o%?ectivesF
+) Eualit' DanualF
c) Eualit' procedures and records re*uired %' IS7 "88!4 .880F
d) Bocuments and records inessential for the effective paining, operation and
control of its processes as determined %' the organizationF
6!o( C%rt O- Documenttion7 4P$7 8I$ nd Record$
Issue = 01 Date> 01?01?2001 0a+e 8 / 21
3.*.* 4u!ity Mnu!
ED is esta%lished and covers4
a Scope of Eualit' Danagement S'stem and details and ?ustification for exclusionsF
% reference to related documentationsF
c Flo$ chart covering the EDS processes and their interaction.
3.*.0 Contro! o- document$
Bocuments relating to the Eualit' Danagement S'stem are controlled.
Bocumented procedure defining controls is esta%lished.
a to approve documents ade*uac' prior to issueF
% revie$, update and re-approve documentsF
c to ensure that changes and current revision status of document are identifiedF
d to ensure availa%ilit' of relevant documents at the point of useF
e to ensure that documents are legi%le and identifia%leF
f to ensure that documents of external origin re*uired for the planning and operation
of the EDS are identif' and the distri%ution controlledF
g to prevent accidental use of o%solete documents and appl' suita%le identification if
the' are retained for specific purposesF
3.*.3 Contro! o- Record$
1ecords are esta%lished and controlled to ensure evidence to re*uirements and
effective operation of EDS
Bocumented procedure is esta%lished, implemented and maintained to define controls
needed for the identification, legi%ilit', storage, protection, retrieval, retention and
1. Mn&ement Re$"on$i+!y
1.1 Mn&ement commitment
)op management is committed to the development and implementation of EDS and its
continual improvement for effectiveness %'
a communicating the importance of meeting customer, statutor' and regulator'F
re*uirements to the organizationF
% esta%lishing the *ualit' polic'F
c ensuring that *ualit' o%?ectives are esta%lishedF
d conducting management revie$sF
e ensuring that re*uired resources are availa%le.
1.* Cu$tomer -ocu$
)op management ensures that customer re*uirements are determined and fulfilled to
enhance customer satisfaction.
Issue = 01 Date> 01?01?2001 0a+e 1 / 21
Issue = 01 Date> 01?01?2001 0a+e 10 / 21
1.0 4u!ity "o!icy
)op management ensures that the *ualit' polic'
a is appropriate to the purpose of the organization,
% is committed to fulfilled re*uirements and improve the effectiveness of the EDS
c provide a frame$or& for esta%lishing and revie$ing *ualit' o%?ectivesF
d is communicated and understood $ith in the organization, andF
e revie$ed for continual suita%ilit'.
1.3 P!nnin&
1.3.1 4u!ity O+:ecti#e$
Eualit' o%?ectives including those covering product re*uirements are esta%lished, at
the relevant functions in &eeping $ith the *ualit' polic'.
)he *ualit' o%?ectives are4
7rganizational o%?ective4
)o sustain sales including exports
1.3.* 4u!ity Mn&ement ,y$tem "!nnin&
)op management ensures that4
a EDS is planned according to the re*uirements given in :.! as $ell as the *ualit'
o%?ectives of the organizationF
% Buring changes to EDS the integrit' of the s'stem is maintained.
Issue = 01 Date> 01?01?2001 0a+e 11 / 21
G* A *"
QCO/ Mgr.
AM. Mech
ILA / Mgr.
Auditor Auditor Auditor Auditor Auditor
Auditor Auditor Auditor Auditor Auditor Auditor
Issue = 01 Date> 01?01?2001 0a+e 12 / 21
1.1 Re$"on$i+i!ity7 ut%ority nd communiction
1.1.1 Re$"on$i+i!ity nd ut%ority
)op management ensures that responsi%ilities and authorities are defined and
communicated to people $ithin the organization.
I. C%irmn = C%ie- E)ecuti#e o--icer (CEO)
)he Chairman and C<7 are responsi%le for providing guidance and the re*uired
resources needed to ensure efficient and effective running of the organization.
II. E)ecuti#e Director (ED)
1eports to the C<7 and is responsi%le for the over all running of the organization.
III. Tec%nic! Director (TD)
1eports to the <B and is responsi%le to oversee and provide technical advice to the top
IG. Director O"ertion$ (DO)
1eports to <B and is responsi%le for the operations at the plant site.
G. Director 6innce
1eports to <B and is responsi%le to control Finance 6 >ccounts of the compan'.
GI. Director Po(er 5enertion
1eports to )B and is responsi%le for running 6 maintenance of Po$er Plant at (arachi
GII. 5M. Mrketin&
1eport to <B and is responsi%le for local 6 <xport mar&eting.
GIII. 5ener! Mn&er "!nt
1eports to B7 and is responsi%le for the operations of (arachi plant.
1eports to CD plant and is responsi%le for Kuman resources, >dmin 6 Securit',
Stores, >ccounts and Bispatches.
N. D5M Lo&i$tic
1eports to Birector Finance and is responsi%le for the suppl' of loose cement to the
local mar&et and for exports.
NI. ,r. Mn&er Admin = ,ecurity
1eport to CD plant and is responsi%le for administration and securit'.
NII. ,r. Mn&er E!ectric!
1eport to C.D plant and is responsi%le for electrical maintenance
NIII. Mn&er E!ectric!
1eports to Sr. Danager electrical and is responsi%le for the maintenance of electrical
NIG. Mn&er Production C!inker
1eports to CD plant and is responsi%le for Clin&ering.
NG. Mn&er Production Cement
1eports to CD plant and is responsi%le for cement mill, pac&ing plant and %ul& loading
NGI. Mn&er($) Mec%nic!
1eports to CD plant and is (are responsi%le for the maintenance of various
e*uipments at allocated areas.
Issue = 01 Date> 01?01?2001 0a+e 13 / 21
NGII. Mn&er($) Minin&
1eport to CD plant and are responsi%le for running the Dining Bepartment and
ensuring availa%ilit' of ade*uate stoc&s of ra$ materials.
NGIII. Mn&er 4u!ity Contro!
1eports to CD plant and is responsi%le for the Eualit' Control Bepartment.
NIN. ,r. Mn&er Ci#i!
1eports to CD plant and is responsi%le for the civil construction $or& at plant.
NN. Mn&er DC,
1eports to CD plant and is responsi%le for BCS and P+C.
NNI. Mn&er In$trument
1eports to CD plant and is responsi%le for the instrumentation of the pant
NNII. De"uty Mn&er Account$
1eports to BCD P6B related to finance matters inside the plant.
NNIII. De"uty Mn&er Di$"tc%
1eports to BCD P6B and is responsi%le for dispatch of cement to various
NNIG. De"uty Mn&er Di$"en$ry
1eports to BCD P6B and is responsi%le for the up &eep and running of the
NNG. A$$i$tnt Mn&er ,tore$
1eports to BCD and is responsi%le for the running of Store Bepartment.
NNGI. ,r. DM$ nd DM$ ,r. AM$ nd AM$ nd En&r$
Sr.BD and BD report to K7B. Sr. >D, >D report to BD and <ngineers report to >D
and carr' out special tas&s %eside normal duties.
1eport to >D and <ngrs. and carr' out special assignments %esides da' to da' $or&.
NNGIII.Intern! Led Auditor (ILA)
Danager Dechanical has %een appointed as I+> %' C.D=D1. Ke is responsi%le for
planning, scheduling audits and %riefing internal auditors a%out their assigned ?o%s and
reporting of findings.
In case of argument, difference of opinion %et$een the auditors and the auditee, I+> is
responsi%le for controlling the situation.
NNIN. Documenttion Inc%r&e (DI)
>D mechanical has %een appointed as BI %' D1, $ho is responsi%le for the
completion, maintenance and modification of documentation as re*uested %' the
concerned department and approved %' D1.
1.1.* Mn&ement Re"re$entti#e (MR)
CD has %een appointed as D1 %' the top management and is responsi%le for4
a <sta%lishing, implementing and maintaining EDS and its processes.
% (eeping the top management a$are of the progress of EDS and need for
improvement, if an'.
c <sta%lishing the importance of customer re*uirements and satisfaction
throughout the organization.
D1 is responsi%le for scheduling, organizing and conducting Danagement 1evie$
Deetings and liaising $ith the outside agencies for certification and surveillance to
Issue = 01 Date> 01?01?2001 0a+e 14 / 21
sustain the EDS
1.1.0 Intern! communiction
Internal *ualit' audits, internal *ualit' training, management revie$ meeting,
interoffice memos, ?oint group %riefings, intercom s'stem and ver%al instructions
esta%lish the channels of regular communication $ithin the organization ensuring the
effectiveness of EDS and DIS.
1.> Mn&ement Re#ie(
1.>.1 5ener!
)op Danagement revie$s the Eualit' Danagement S'stem to ensure its continued
effectiveness and suita%ilit' according to changing technolog' and customer
Danagement 1evie$ is conducted %iannuall' to ensure suita%ilit', ade*uac' and
effectiveness of EDS. )he revie$ includes assessing opportunities for improvement
and changes to the *ualit' polic' and *ualit' o%?ectives. 1ecords are maintained.
1.>.* Re#ie( in"ut
Danagement revie$ includes information on
a results of auditsF
% customer feed%ac&F
c process performance and product conformit' F
d 1esults of corrective and preventive actionsF
e Follo$ of actions from previous revie$sF
f Changes affecting the EDSF
g recommendations for improvementsF
h EDS polic' and o%?ectives.
1.>.0 Re#ie( out"ut
1evie$ output shall include decisions related to
a Improvement of EDS and its processesF
% Improvement of product related to customer re*uirements .
c 1esource needed.
>. Re$ource mn&ement
>.1 Pro#i$ion o- re$ource$
)he organization determines and provides the re*uired resources.
a Implementation, maintenance and improvement of EDSF
% <nhancing customer satisfaction %' fulfilling customer re*uirementsF
>.* ;umn re$ource$
>.*.1 5ener!
Personnel performing duties effecting conformit' to product re*uirements are selected
on the %asis of education, training, s&ills and experience.
Issue = 01 Date> 01?01?2001 0a+e 1( / 21
>.*.* Com"etence7 (rene$$ nd trinin&
)he organization fulfills the follo$ing re*uirements4
a Betermining the re*uired competence for $or& affecting conformit' to product
% Provide training or ta&e other actions to achieve re*uired competenceF
c <valuate effectiveness of training or other actionsF
d Inform the personnel of their relevance and importance of their activities and
contri%ution to the achievement of the *ualit' o%?ectivesF
e 1ecords pertaining to training, education, s&ills and experience are maintainedF
>.0 In-r$tructure
)he organization has determined the infrastructure re*uired to meet products
re*uirements. Infrastructure comprises of the follo$ing as needed4
a 3uildings, $or&space and related utilitiesF
% Process e*uipment (%oth hard$are and soft$areF
c Supporting services such as transport, communication or information s'stemF
>.3 8ork en#ironment
)he organization has determined and managers the $or& environment to achieved
conformit' to product re*uirements.
.. Product re!i?tion
..1 P!nnin& o- "roduct re!i?tion
)he organization has planned the re*uired processes for product realization in line $ith
the other processes of EDS.
)he follo$ing re*uirements are fulfilled $hile planning product realization processes
a Eualit' o%?ectives and product re*uirements are esta%lishedF
% 1elated documents and resources are esta%lishedF
c Gerification, monitoring, measurement, inspection and test activities ensuring
product conformit' are esta%lished
d 1elevant records confirming conformit' of the product meeting re*uirements are
)he planned results are according to organizationAs re*uirements and $or&ing
..* Cu$tomer re!ted "roce$$e$
..*.1 Determintion o- re/uirement$ re!ted to t%e "roduct
)he organization determines4
a Customer re*uirements regarding product including deliver' and post deliver'
% 1e*uirements not stated %' the customer, %ut necessar' to the intended use, $here
c Statutor' and regulator' re*uirements applica%le to the productF
d >n' special re*uirements considered essential %' the organizational.
Issue = 01 Date> 01?01?2001 0a+e 1, / 21
..*.* Re#ie( o- re/uirement$ re!ted to t%e "roduct.
Kead office is responsi%le for en*uires, tenders, *uotations and acceptance for the
suppl' of Cement to various institutions. >s soon as en*uiries or orders are received %'
the mar&eting department the' revie$ the en*uiries for product specifications, suppl'
schedules and availa%ilit' of stoc&s to ensure that4
a Product re*uirements are definedF
% In case of variation from those previousl' expressed are resolved %efore
c )he organization has the capacit' and capa%ilit' of fulfilling the customer
In the a%sence of $ritten specifications from the customer, the re*uirements are
documented and verification o%tained from the costumer.
In case product re*uirements are modified, the organization ensures that the relevant
documents are changed accordingl' and relevant personnel are informed.
..*.0 Cu$tomer communiction
)he follo$ing re*uirements are covered through the K7.
a Product informationF
% <n*uiries, orders and amendments to the contract are handled %' the mar&eting
c Customer feed %ac& including complaints.
..3 Purc%$in&
..3.1 Purc%$in& "roce$$
+ocal purchase, incase of emergenc' is handled %' the factor' against cash. Ko$ever,
all purchases including imports are handled %' the head office against re*uisitions
raised %' the factor'.
For the purchase of machiner' and e*uipment, the head office o%tains *uotations form
approved suppliers and for$ards to the factor' for final selection and approval to
ena%le the head office to place orders accordingl'.
..3.* Purc%$in& in-ormtion
>s explained, orders are placed for suppl' %ased on the re*uisitions raised %' the
factor'. Ko$ever, the head office is responsi%le for the valuation and revaluation of
suppliers as $ell as for placing orders

..3.0 2eri-iction o- "urc%$ed "roduct
7n the receipt of goods, the concerned department conducts the inspection to ensure
that the goods are according to re*uirement, prepares inspection report and for$ards to
the indenting section, $ho for$ard the report to the head office for release of pa'ment.
Issue = 01 Date> 01?01?2001 0a+e 1/ / 21
..1 Production nd $er#ice "ro#i$ion
..1.1 Contro! o- Production nd $er#ice "ro#i$ion
)he organization has planned and carries out Production and service provision under
controlled conditions that include, as applica%le4
a >vaila%ilit' of information descri%ing the characteristics of the productF
% Wor& instructions, as re*uiredF
c Mse of suita%le e*uipmentF
d Donitoring and measuring e*uipmentF
e Implementation of monitoring and measurementF
f Product release, deliver' and post deliver' activitiesF
..1.1 Pre$er#tion o- "roduct
In the case of cement, handling, storage, pac&ing, preservation and deliver' are areas
of concern, as the product is easil' affected %' $eather, transportation and storage
From mining to mixing and production handling is strictl' controlled. )he operators,
engineers and related managers are *ualified, trained and experienced to ensure
conformit' of product at all times.
We follo$ the principle of continuous production and suppl' $hich ena%le the
organization to transport and deliver total production preventing damage and
+uc&' Cement transporters are tried 6 tested $ho ensure safe deliver' to the
..> Contro! o- monitorin& nd me$urin& de#ice$
)he monitoring and measurement re*uirements are determined and appropriate
e*uipment is availa%le to ensure conformit' of product to planned re*uirements.
Donitoring and measurement is carried out in a $a' that is consistent $ith the
monitoring and measurement re*uirements
Deasuring devices are cali%rated to ensure valid results4
a cali%rated at scheduled intervals against standards that are tracea%le to national or
international measurements standardsF
% measurement devices are ad?usted or re-ad?usted as and $hen neededF
c measurement devices are identified to determine cali%ration status is maintainedF
d unauthorized or un*ualified personnel are prevented from ad?usting or re-ad?usting
the measurement devicesF
e measurement devices are stored and used under conditions that prevent damage or
In case, the measurement devices are found to %e out of cali%ration, previous
verification results are re-verified to ensure conformance to re*uirements. Where
computer soft$are is in use for verification purposes, validit' of such soft and
hard$are is chec&ed for accurac'.
Issue = 01 Date> 01?01?2001 0a+e 18 / 21
@. Me$urement7 n!y$i$ nd im"ro#ement
@.1 5ener!
)he organization has planned and implemented the re*uired monitoring, measurement,
anal'sis and improvement processes.
a Conformance of the products to planned arrangementsF
% <ffectiveness of EDSF
c Continual improvements in the EDS according to changing technolog', mar&et
needs and customer re*uirements.
@.* Monitorin& nd me$urement
@.*.1 Cu$tomer $ti$-ction
Dar&eting department at the K7 has the mechanism to o%tain information a%out
customer perception of the organization and satisfaction $ith the product.
@.*.* intern! udit
Internal audits are planned, schedules, conducted and follo$ed for evaluating the
effectiveness of corrective actions. >ll functions are audited at latest once a 'ear.
Ko$ever some activates are audited more fre*uentl', %eside those functions that
re*uest special audits from time to time.
Internal audits help in determining4
a conformit' to the International Standard and EDSF
% )he effective implementation and maintenance of EDS.
>udit program is planned according to status and importance of the processes,
activities and areas, as $ell as the results of previous audits. )he audit scope and
methods are defined in the related procedure including selection of auditors, conduct of
audits, o%?ectivit' and impartialit'
Internal audits are underta&en %' trained internal auditors independent of the activit'
%eing audited.
)he audit results are recorded %rought to the attention of the auditee for ta&ing
appropriate corrective action if needed.
1ecords of audits are maintained and discussed in the D1D.
@.*.0 Monitorin& nd me$urement o- "roce$$e$
Internal audits and EC point out conformance or other$ise of EDS processes. When
planned results are not achieved, appropriate corrective or preventive action are
implemented, and assist for effectiveness.
@.*.3 Monitorin& nd me$urement o- "roduct
>t all stages from ra$ materials to production and deliver' records of inspection and
testing are maintained to identif' the status of product. 7nl' those products that pass
all the stages of inspection are released for the deliver'.
Issue = 01 Date> 01?01?2001 0a+e 11 / 21
1ecords are maintained for evidence of meeting planned arraignments and authorit'
for release of product to the costumer. )he product is not release until all re*uirements
are fulfilled, unless other$ise approved %' relevant authorit' or the customer.
@.0 Contro! o- nonAcon-ormin& "roduct
Non conforming products are not a part of cement production as %alancing of material
to achieve planned results is a continuous process.
)he organization handles the nonconforming product in one or more of the follo$ing
a ta&ing action to eliminate the cause for nonconformit'F
% authorizing use under concession %' appropriate authorit' or costumerF
c through action that precedes the original use or applicationF
d ta&ing action that is appropriate to the effects or potential effects of the
nonconformit' if a defected product is delivered and the defect is detected after
>fter the correction of a nonconforming product, re-verification to demonstrate
conformit' to re*uirements.
1ecords of nonconformities, action ta&en, concessions o%tained shall %e maintained
@.3 An!y$i$ o- Dt
Bata pertaining to production, EC, pac&ing, and deliver' is su%mitted to the CD plant
$ho for$ards it to production office for compilation. Bata helps $ith the anal'sis of4
a Customer satisfactionF
% Conformit' to product re*uirementsF
c >nal'zing the characteristics and trends of processes and products, including
opportunities for preventive actionsF
d Improving supplier efficienc'.
@.1 Im"ro#ement
@.1.1 Continu! im"ro#ement
)he EDS is continuall' improved $ith the help of internal audits, *ualit' polic',
*ualit' o%?ectives, anal'sis of data, corrective and preventive actions and D1D.

@.1.* Correcti#e ction
)he organization ta&es action to eliminate causes of nonconformities to prevent
recurrence, appropriate to the effects of nonconformities encountered.
Bocumented procedure is esta%lished in con?unction $ith preventive action defining
re*uirements for4
a >nal'zing non-conformities including customer complaintsF
% Betermining the causes of non-conformitiesF
c Betermining the appropriate corrective action preventing recurrence of NC
d Betermining and implementing corrective action neededF
e Corrective action results are recordedF
f 1evie$ing the corrective action for effectiveness.
Issue = 01 Date> 01?01?2001 0a+e 20 / 21
@.1.0 Pre#enti#e ction
)he organization determines appropriate actions to eliminate the causes of potential
NC to prevent occurrence, according to the effects of the potential pro%lems.
1elevant procedure for preventive action in con?unction $ith corrective action is
esta%lished that covers4
a Identif'ing potential non-conformitiesF
% Betermining if action is neededF
c Betermining and implementing the action neededF
d Daintaining records of actions ta&enF
e >ssessing preventive action for accurac' and effectiveness.
Issue = 01 Date> 01?01?2001 0a+e 21 / 21

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