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3 components of energy expenditure: Resting Metabolic

Rate, Energy expended with exertion, the thermic effect of food
2. 3-4 months: How often is it recommended to reassess fitness?
3. 4: How many calories are in 1 gram of carbohydrate?
4. 4: How many calories are in 1 gram of protein?
5. 5: How many servings of fruits and vegetables per day?
6. 6: How many servings of whole grains should you eat per day?
7. 6: How many components are associated with a Fitness
8. 6 dimensions of wellness: Emotional, Social, Intellectual,
Spiritual, Physical, Occupational
9. 8: How many risk factors are associated with the ACSM
Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors?
10. 9: How many calories are in 1 gram of fat?
11. 22: Protein is digested into how many amino acids?
12. 45-65%: What percent of your diet per day should be
13. Abdominals: opposing muscles of the erector spinae
14. abdominals: opposing muscles of the erector spinae
15. Actin: structural protein that makes up the thin filaments of
myofibrils; functions in muscle contraction
16. action: people are actively changing their behavior in this stage.
17. Active (unassisted) Stretching: static or ballistic, performed
alone, using the concentric contraction of the opposing muscles
18. Acute Injury: sudden onset due to a specific trauma, such as
twisting the ankle
19. Acute Muscle Soreness: occurs during and immediately after
exercise and is due to the accumulation of lactate, decreased
oxygen, and tissue swelling within the muscle
20. Adenosine Triphosphate: molecule found in every cell of the
body that is composed of adenosine, ribose, and 3 phosphate
groups. It is the form in which food energy is stored in your cells
21. Adhesions: abnormal adherance of collagen fibers to
surrounding tissues during immobilization or after an injury,
resulting in a loss of normal elasticity
22. Adipose Tissue: a kind of body tissue containing stored fat that
serves as a source of energy
23. advantages of max tests: large amount of information
gathered, actual measurement of a person's ability at a high level
24. advantages of submax tests: less expensive, less risky, less
specialized equipment is required, testing personnel does not
have to be as highly trained or qualified
25. Aerobic Energy System: virtually unlimited capacity for
making ATP, uses carbs, fat, protein for fuel. Slow to produce
26. aerobic system: Which energy system uses glucose, fat and
protein for fuel?
27. Age: 1. Men >45 Women >55
28. Agonist: Prime mover, or the contracting muscle that is
responsible for the movement that you see
29. Alignment Cue: clearly state which joints are moving and
which are still
30. Anaerobic Glycolytic System: Glucose is used for fuel and is
either blood glucose or muscle glycogen, broken down in to
pyruvic acid, when there is insufficient oxygen it then is
transformed into lactic acid
31. anaerobic glycolytic system: This system provides much of
the energy for sustained, high-intensity things such as:soccer,
field hockey, ice hockey, lacrosse, basketball, volleyball, tennis
32. Anaerobic Threshold: when work becomes so intense, muscle
cells cannot supply the additional energy and rely more on the
anaerobic system to produce ATP. At this level, lactic acid begins
to accumulate
33. Anatomical Position: standing position with hands down and
palms facing forward
34. Ankle Dorsiflexion: bring top of the foot toward the shin
35. Ankle Eversion: Pronation. Arch flattens
36. Ankle Inversion: Supination, Arch lifts
37. Ankle Plantar Flexion: bring soles of the foot downward
(pointing toes)
38. Anorexia Nervosa: an eating disorder in which a normal-
weight person (usually an adolescent female) diets and becomes
significantly (15 percent or more) underweight, yet, still feeling
fat, continues to starve.
39. Antagonist: Muscle that works (opposite) to the prime mover
and reflexively elongates to allow the agonist to contract and
move the joint
40. Anterior and Medial Deltoids: opposing muscles of the
posterior deltoid, mid-trapezius and rhomboids
41. anterior medial deltoids: opposing muscles of the latissimus
42. aorta: Oxygenated blood flows from the heart through the:
43. Appendicular Skeleton: forms the extremities and is
composed of the shoulder girdle, arm bones, pelvic girdle, and
leg bones, , the portion of the skeleton that attaches to the axial
skeleton and has the limbs attached to it
44. Approach Goals: yield more positive results because positive
outcomes are emphasised often yielding happy moments
45. atrium: each of the two upper chambers of the heart that
receives blood that comes into the heart
46. Avoidance Goals: may result in anxiety, depression, and less
enjoyment, even if the goal is achieved
47. Axial Skeleton: part of the skeleton that contains skull,
vertebral column, ribs, and sternum
48. Balance: ability to maintain a position without moving for a
certain period of time, and can also be defined as a state of bodily
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49. Ballistic Stretching: characterized by bouncing, pulsing,
rapid, or uncontrolled-type movements
50. barriers to exercise: lack of access to exercise, expense of
exercise, depression and lethargy, multiple health problems, fear
of injury, history of sedentary lifestyle
51. Beta oxidation: A metabolic sequence that breaks fatty acids
down to two-carbon fragments that enter the citric acid cycle as
acetyl CoA.
52. biceps: opposing muscles of the triceps
53. Body Composition: refers to the percentage of weight that is
fat and is based on the assumption that body weight can be
divided into various components
54. bodybuilding: judged according to muscle hypertrophy,
definition, and symmetry.
55. Bonking: inadequate supply of glucose to the brain, leading to
light-headedness, lack of coordination and weakness
56. Breathing Cue: remind your clients to breathe
57. Bulimia Nervosa: an eating disorder characterized by episodes
of overeating, usually of high-calorie foods, followed by
vomiting, laxative use, fasting, or excessive exercise
58. Bursae: liquid-filled membranes that protect soft tissues as they
pass by bony projections
59. Bursitis: inflammation of a bursa
60. calculate protein needs: 1. body weight x .45 =body weight in
2. body weight kg x .8
61. Carbohydrate Loading: pre-event practice used by endurance
athletes to maximally load their muscles with stored glycogen
62. Cardiac Muscle: forms the walls of the heart
63. Cardiac Output: heart rate x stroke volume. usually measured
in liters (or milileters) of blood pumped per minute
64. Carotid Artery: located at the larnyx of neck, used for
measuring heart rate
65. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: caused by mechanical
compression, which results in reduced blood flow to the median
66. Cartilage: a white, semi-opaque, fibrous connective tissue that
cushions the joints and prevents wear on the joint surfaces
67. Cervical Spine: the first seven vertebrae, or the neck
68. Chronic Injury: excessive, repeated stress is placed on one
area of the body over an extended period of time, the affected
tissues may begin to fail
69. Cigarette Smoking: 3. Current smoker, or quit 6 months prior
70. Circuit Weight Training: resistance exercises performed one
after the other without rest for approximately 20 minutes
71. Circumduction: movement in which an extremity describes a
circle (360 degrees)
72. closed kinetic chain: feet stationary but able to move upper
body. Touching a nonmovable surface-distal end stationary
proximal end moves
73. Coccygeal Spine: 4 vertebrae, fused to form the tailbone
74. Complete Protein: animal or fish based foods that supply
essential amino acids
75. Complex Carbohydrates: carrots, broccoli, corn, potatoes,
bread, cereal, pasta, rice and beans
76. Concentric Training: exerting more force than is placed on it,
results in shortening of muscle
77. contemplation: during this stage individuals are seriously
considering change but still are not ready to initiate new
78. Contusion: bruising from a direct blow, resulting in capillary
rupture, bleeding, and inflammation
79. COPD: airway resistance increases making it difficult to breathe
80. Core Exercise: any exercise that is multi-joint and recruits one
or more large muscle groups or areas with the synergistic help of
one or more smaller muscle groups
81. Core Training: refers to the center of the body. Incorporates
stabilization exercises for muscles of the spine, neck, pelvis, and
82. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS): A temporary
muscle soreness and stiffness that occur 24 to 48 hours after
performing unaccustomed eccentric muscle contractions and last
for three to four days.
83. Diabetes mellitus: a condition of abnormal use of glucose
usually caused by too little insulin or lack of response to insulin
84. Diastolic pressure: amount of pressure still remaining against
the arterial walls as the heart relaxes before the next contraction
85. disadvantages of max tests: needs special, expensive
equipment, riskier due to potential abnormal heart waves
86. disadvantages of subxmax tests: less information is
obtained, only estimated and not actually achieved
87. Dislocation: displacement of a bony part of a joint that leads to
soft tissue damage, inflammation, pain, and muscle spasm
88. Distal: further from the trunk, situated farthest from point of
attachment or origin, as of a limb or bone
89. Dynamic Constant Resistance: external resistance or weight
that does not vary through the range of motion
90. Dynamic Variable Resistance: attempts to match the
external resistance to the exerciser's strength curve. Strength
varies throughout the range of motion of each muscle
91. Eccentric Training: Also called negative resistance training,
is a muscular action in which the muscle lengthens in a
controlled manner.
92. Electron transport system: the final sequence of reactions in
the aerobic production of ATP
93. Erector Spinae: extends the back, provides resistance and
helps us bend over at the waist
94. Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption: additional
oxygen consumed immediately after an exercise bout when the
body is no longer exercising
95. excessive kyphosis: Hunchback or increase in primary
96. excessive lordosis: Swayback or increase in secondary
97. Exercise: What is the term that is defined by incorporating
skill-related, health-related, and physiologic components?
98. Extension: return from flexion, movement that increases the
angle between 2 bones
99. Family History: 2.Myocardial Infarction, Sudden death before
55 of father, 65 of mother
100. Fascia: fibrous connective tissue that forms sheaths for
individual muscles.
101. Fast Twitch Fibers: poor aerobic endurance, short-duration,
high-intense activities and fatigue quickly
102. Female Athlete Triad: amenorrhea, osteoporosis, and eating
disorders; when left untreated they damage the musculoskeletal
and reproductive systems
103. Femur: the longest and thickest bone, upper leg bone
104. Fiber: primarily indigestible type of carbohydrate found in fresh
fruits, vegetables and grains
105. Fiber: What is the primary indigestible type of carbohydrate
found in fresh fruits, vegetables and grains?
106. Fibromyalgia: widespread pain in joints, muscles, ligaments,
heightened pain at "Tender" points
107. First Class Lever: fulcrum is in between the applied force and
resistance. example = see-saw
108. Flexibility: range of motion possible around a joint, or around
a series of joints
109. Flexion: joint angle diminishing, most movements are forward
110. Forced vital capacity: amount of air that can be forcefully
exhaled after a maximal inahle
111. Frontal Plane (coronal): divides the body into front and
back. Abduction and Adduction occur within the frontal plane
112. Glenohumeral: shoulder - structure: synovial; ball and socket
function:diarthrotic ROM:multiaxial flexion, extension,
abduction, adduction, circumduction, rotation
113. Glucose: body's usable form of carbohydrate
114. Glycemic Index: carbohydrate ranking developed to help
define which carbohydrate foods may or may not contribute to
the insulin surge and eventual resistance problem
115. Glycemic Load: calculated by multiplying the grams of
carbohydrates by the glycemic index
116. Glycolysis: a metabolic process that breaks down
carbohydrates and sugars through a series of reactions to either
pyruvic acid or lactic acid and release energy for the body in the
form of ATP
117. Golfer's Elbow: Inflammation and pain of the flexor and
pronator muscles of the forearm where their tendons originate on
the medial epicondyle of the humerus; Epicondylitis
118. Golgi tendon organ: proprioceptor protects the muscle from
excessive shortening or lengthening
119. Hamstrings: Biceps Femoris, Semitendinosus,
120. HDL cholesterol: "good" blood cholesterol, helps remove
plaque from the arterial walls, returning it to the liver. 60 mg/dl
or more
121. Health Risk Factor: any factor that increases the chance that
an individual will develop a disease or condition
122. Heart Rate Reserve: The difference between maximum heart
rate and resting heart rate
123. High Nutrition Density: papaya, peppers, wheat bran, bell
peppers, greens, skim milk
124. Hip Abductors: works the muscles on the outer part of the
upper thigh muscles, A muscle that draws a body part away from
the midline or axis of the body.
125. hip abductors: opposing msucles of the hip adductors
126. Hip Adductors: Works the muscles on the inside of the thigh
(groin muscles)., Inward toward the median axis of the body or
of an extremity.
127. Hitting the Wall: having an inadequate supply of glycogen
(Carbs) for muscular work. Makes for excessive fatigue and a
desire to quit
128. Horizontal Plane (transverse): divides the body into upper
and lower portions. Rotation occurs within the horizontal plane
129. Hypertension: a common disorder in which blood pressure
remains abnormally high (a reading of 140/90 mm Hg or
130. Iliopsoas: hip flexors
131. in identifying risk factors: One professional role of a
personal fitness trainer is to assist clients:
132. Incomplete Protein: lacks one or more of the essential amino
acids. Generally from plants, fruits, grains, vegetables
133. Insoluble fiber: includes cellulose, found in whole grains,
outside of seeds, fruits, legumes. Promotes more efficient
elimination may play a role in colon cancer prevention
134. Ischemia: lack of blood flow
135. Isokinetic: muscle actions performed on special equipment in
which speed is controlled
136. Isokinetic Resistance: maintains constant muscle tension at
a steady speed or velocity
137. Isometric Resistance Training: involves contracting a
muscle in a held position, usually against a wall, weight
machine, or against another part of the body
138. ITB syndrome: an overuse injury, typically caused by a tight
iliotibial band. The band is aggravated by excessive or abnormal
rotational movements of the femur and tibia by walking or
139. Joint: a point at which 2 or more bones meet and where
movement occurs
140. Karvonen formula: aka max heart rate reserve method;
training HR = max HR - resting HR X target intensity (40/50-
85%) + resting HR
141. Krebs cycle: the acetyl CoA formed in the first component of
aerobic metabolism enters into the citric acid cycle
142. Lactic Acid: produced in muscles during rapid exercise when
the body cannot supply enough oxygen to the tissues
143. larger: In general, the ______ muscles are worked first
144. Lateral Rotation: rotate outward, away from the midline
145. latissmus dorsi: opposing muscles of the anterior medial
146. LDL cholesterol: "bad" blood cholesterol, delivers plaque to
the arterial walls. < 100 mg/dl
147. Lean Body Mass: structural and functional elements in cells,
body water, muscle, bones, and other organs (anything that is
not fat)
148. leg press: What is one example of a closed kinetic chain
149. Ligament: band of fibrous tissue that connects bone to bone
and provides joint stability.
150. Ligament Laxity: results from being born with ligaments that
have a higher degree of elastic properties. "double jointed"
151. Low Nutrition Density: high in fat, sugar, refined
carbohydrates, alcohol
152. Lumbar Spine: 5 vertebrae, lower back
153. maintenance: this is the stage that sustains long-term
ongoing consciousness of the new behavior and successful
integration of it into the lifestyle
154. Maximal oxygen uptake: the maximum amount of oxygen
consumed and utilized by the body during an all-out effort to
155. Maximum Heart Rate: The heart's maximum working
capacity. To find maximum heart rate = subtract age from 220
Examples: 220 - 14 = 206
156. Medial Rotation: rotates inward, towards the middle of the
body (Pronation)
157. Medical History Form: helps identify individuals at risk for
cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, musculoskeletal or other
potential problems
158. meniscus tears: cartilage tears caused by traumatic blows ot
the knees, and by bending and straightening the knee to far
159. Metacarpals: Hand bones. 5 bones numbered from 1-5, medial
to lateral
160. Minute Ventilation: total amount of air breathed per minute
161. Mitochondria: a subcellular structure where oxidation takes
162. Monounsaturated Fat: shown to reduce LDL cholesterol
without affecting the beneficial HDL cholesterol. Good sources =
canola oil, peanut oil, avocado oil
163. Motivational Cue: motivational cues such as "You can do it!"
and "Great Job!"
164. Motor Neurons: send messages from the brain and spinal
cord to the muscles causing a neuromuscular response
165. Motor unit: A single motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it
166. Multiple-Set system: consists of 3 to 6 sets of an exercise,
usually the same weight load throughout
167. Muscle Endurance: capacity to sustain repeated muscle
actions, as in push-ups or sit ups, or sustain fixed, static muscle
actions for an extended period of time
168. Muscle hypertrophy: an increase in the muscle fiber size,
specifically an increased cross-sectional area resulting from
increased myofibrilis
169. Muscle Power: explosive aspect of strength, is the product of
strength and speed of movement
170. muscle spindle: Lie parallel to the muscle fibers; detect
changes in muscle length and speed
171. Muscle Stability: ability of a muscle or muscle group to
stabilize a joint and maintain its position without movement. (to
perform a sustained isometric contraction)
172. Muscle sTrain: overstretching, overexertion, or overuse of soft
tissue, less severe than a sprain. May occur from a slight trauma
or unaccustomed repeated trauma
173. Muscle/Tendon Rupture or Tear: with a partial tear, pain
is felt when the muscle is stretched or contracted against
resistance. With a complete tear, muscle is incapable of working
174. muscular fitness: term used to describe the relationship
between Muscular Strength & Muscular Endurance
175. muscular flexibility: the achievable range of motion at a joint
or group of joints without causing injury
176. Muscular Strength: maximum force a muscle or muscle group
can generate at one time
177. Myocardial Infarction: Hear attack occurs due to lack of
blood flow through the coronary arteries to the heart muscle
178. Nutrition Density: concept of eating foods that are very
nutritious relative to the number of calories
179. olympic lifting: compete in the clean and jerk
180. open kinetic chain: When the distal end of an extremity is not
fixed to any surface, allowing any one joint in the extremity to
move or function separately without necessitating movement of
other joints in the extremity.
181. Optimal Blood Pressure: systolic <120 diastolic<80
182. Osteopenia: premature bone thining, with a bone density of 1-
2.5 standard deviation units below average
183. Overload Principle: increasing the intensity (resistance),
frequency, or duration of the training above the levels normally
184. overtraining symptoms: decline in physical performance,
elevated blood pressure, muscle tenderness and joint soreness,
loss of muscle strength, loss of motivation to exercise
185. Parkinson's Disease: disorder of the nervous system,
specifically of the basal ganglia, a mass nerve of cells in the
brain that is responsible for motor functions
186. Passive (assisted) Stretching: stretch is initiated by another
person or outside force and the person being stretched is passive
187. Patella: kneecap
188. pectoralis major: opposing muscles of the posterior deltoid,
mid-trapezius, and rhomboids
189. Periodization: variations in the training program over the
course of several months or a year, that help to improve
performance and prevent injury, staleness, and burnout
190. perpendicular: Personal trainers should make sure that the
caliper is ______ to the skinfold
191. Phosphagen System: supplies energy very quickly and is the
primary source of energy for very high-intensity exercise
192. phosphagen system: If the activity can be sustained for no
more than 15-20 seconds then the _____ is the primary source
of energy
193. Phytonutrients: neither vitamins or minerals. They are
substances that plants manufacture to protect themselves from
viruses, bacteria, fungi, insects and drought.
194. Piriformis syndrome: Excessive use of the gluteal muscles in
some athletes (e.g., ice skaters, cyclists, rock climbers) can lead
to hypertrophy or spasm of the piriformis muscle, which can
compress the sciatic nerve. In individuals with a proximal split of
the sciatic nerve (~12%), the common fibular nerve can become
compressed as it passes through piriformis.
195. Plateau: a point where further increases in strength become
difficult and progress seems to stop
196. Plyometric Training: involves using the stretch reflex to
increase muscle fiber recruitment. (squat jumps, tuck jumps,
medicine ball passes)
197. Polyunsaturated Fat: divided into omega-6 vegetable oils and
omega-3 fish oils.
198. power lifting: compete in 3 lifts: bench press, squat, dead lift
199. pre-contemplation: people in this stage are not even thinking
about a new behavior pattern. Unmotivated, resistant and
engage in avoidance tactics
200. Pre-exhaustion: exercises that isolate large muscles first,
prior to exercises that work both large and small muscles
201. Prediabetes: fasting plasma glucose >100 mg
202. Prehypertension: systolic = 120-1389 mmHG diastolic = 80-
89 mmHg
203. Preipheral Artery Disease: condition of atherosclerosis in
the extremities, primarly affecting the calves.
204. preparation: individuals in this stage are preparing to
change. May call a health club, buy an exercise video
205. Progressive resistance exercise: resistance must be
gradually, progressively increased as the muscles adapt to a
given exercise
206. Pronation: hands downward
207. Prone: lying face down
208. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation: flexibility
technique that promotes or hastens the neuromuscular response
through stimulation of the proprioceptors
209. Proprioceptors: sense the degree of tension and the length of
the muscle
210. Quadriceps: consists of 4 muscles: vastus lateralis, vastus
medialis, vestus intermedius, rectus femoris
211. quadriceps: opposing muscles of the hamstrings
212. Radial Artery: artery of the lower arm. It is felt when taking
the pulse at the wrist.
213. Rate of perceived exertion: subjective measure of intensity
level of an activity using a numerical scale
214. Recovery Heart Rate: the heart rate of an individual 3 to 5
minutes after a workout. Should be around 100 beats per minute.
If any higher, then more conditioning is needed. Body is not
recovering fast enough., the gradual return of the heart rate to
resting levels within 5-10 minutes of a session of normal
cardiovascular physical activity or exercise
215. Residual lung volume: amount of air remaining in the lungs
after a complete and total forced exhale
216. Resting Blood Pressure: What test may require that it can
only be taken by licensed health care providers?
217. Resting Heart Rate: Obtained first thing in the morning
when you are completely relaxed but conscious, before getting out
of bed
218. Resting Metabolic Rate: accounts for 60-75% of daily
expenditure and is higher in individuals with a high percentage
of lean body mass
219. Rheumatoid Arthritis: a chronic autoimmune disease with
inflammation of the joints and marked deformities
220. RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
221. Rotation: movement around an axis or pivot point
222. rotator cuff muscles: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres
minor, subscapularis
223. Sacral Spine: fused to form the sacrum
224. Sacrum: bone formed from five vertebrae fused together near
the base of the spinal column
225. Safety Cue: lets client know about a potential injury risk and
how it can be minimized
226. Sagittal Plane (medial): divides the body into right and left
portions. Flexion and extension occur within the sagittal plane
227. Sarcomere: each section of a myofibril in muscle
228. Saturated Fats: primarily from animal sources, butter, whole
milk dairy products, meat.
229. Scapulae: shoulder blades
230. scoliosis: abnormal lateral curvature of the spine (S-shaped
231. Second Class Lever: fulcrum or axis is at the end of the lever,
resistance is in the middle, applied force at the opposite end.
example = wheelbarrow
232. Sedentary Lifestyle: 4. not participating in at least 30
minutes of moderate intensity activity 3 x a week
233. Self-Efficacy: inner confidence that a person has that he or she
will be able to accomplish a task
234. Sensory Neurons: bring messages back to the brain and
spinal cord from the muscles, skin and other areas of the body
235. shin splints: pain in the shin due to repetitive impac loading
236. shoulder girdle: The trapezius moves the:
237. Simple Carbohydrates: sugars, fruits and vegetables, lactose
from milk, cane or beet sugar
238. Single-Set System: basic system ( one set 8-12 reps for each
muscle group) that is widely recommended and used for
beginners and those interested in an effective, time efficient
239. sit and reach test: trunk flexion test primarily measures the
flexibility of the hamstring and erector spinae muscles, as well as
the calf and upper back muscles
240. Skeletal Muscle: A muscle that is attached to the bones of the
skeleton and provides the force that moves the bones.
241. sliding filament theory: widely accepted theory of muscle
shortening during contraction, thick & thin filaments slide past
one another
242. slow twitch: Which muscle fiber type is predominantly used
during endurance events? (marathons)
243. Slow Twitch Fibers: slow to fatigue and have a high level of
aerobic endurance, used for long-term, low to moderate intensity
activities ranging from maintaining proper posture to long-
distance running
244. SMART: Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented,
Realistic/relevant, Timed
245. Smooth Muscle: a muscle that contracts without conscious
control and found in walls of internal organs such as stomach
and intestine and bladder and blood vessels (excluding the heart)
246. Soluble fiber: fruits, vegetables, seeds, brown rice, barley and
oats. Appears to lower blood cholesterol levels and retard the
entry of glucose into the bloodstream
247. Specificity: specific adaptions in the metabolic and
neuromuscular systems depending on the type of program or
exercises that are performed
248. Sprain: usually caused by a severe s tress, stretch or tear of the
soft tissues such as ligaments or joint capsules
249. Static Stretching: low-intensity, long-duration muscle
elongation; ideally in a supported position that allows the muscle
fibers to relax
250. Stroke Volume: the amount of blood pumped with each beat or
251. Subluxation: an incomplete or partial dislocation that often
involves secondary trauma to the surrounding tissue
252. submaximal exercise test: assess the client's functional
aerobic fitness, show improvement of that level over time, help
develop an appropriate level of exercise intensity
253. Subtalar Joint: Ankle eversion and Ankle inversion
254. Super-Set System: any combination of 2 different exercises
immediately following one another without a rest
255. Supination: hands upward
256. Supine: lying on the spine
257. Synovial joints: have a small space between the articulating
bones that allows for a greater range of motion
258. Synovial membrane: secretes synovial fluid which provides
nourishment, lubrication, and hydrotastic cushioning for the
259. Synovitis: inflammation of a synovial membrane; an excessive
amount of synovial fluid
260. Systolic pressure: amount of pressure or force exerted against
the arterial walls immediately after the heart has contracted
261. Talocrural Joint: hinge, synovial,distal tibia, fibular form
mortise for trochlea of talus, primary motions are dorsiflexion
and plantarflexion,
262. Target Heart Rate: the approximate heart rate a person needs
to maintain during aerobic exercise in order to benefit from the
workout; target heart rate for teens: 145-170
263. Tendinitis: inflammation of a tendon leading to scarring or
calcium deposits
264. Tendon: dense, fibrous connective tissue that forms the end of
a muscle and attaches muscle to bone
265. Tennis Elbow: painful inflammation of the tendon at the outer
border of the elbow resulting from overuse of lower arm muscles
(as in twisting of the hand)
266. teres major: Medially rotates and adducts the arm
267. Third Class Lever: axis as one end, applied force in the
middle and resistance at the opposite end. example = using a
hammer to drive a nail into a piece of wood
268. Thoracic Spine: 12 vertebrae, where the ribs attach
269. Tibia: Shin bone. On medial side of the leg. Bears most of the
270. Total lung capacity: sum of the residual volume and the forced
vital capacity
271. transtheorectical model: 5 stages in the change process,
precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action,
272. transverse abdominals: What primary muscle has no actual
joint action?
273. Tri-Set System: 3 different exercises immediately following
one another
274. Triceps: opposing muscles of the biceps
275. triceps: opposing muscles of the biceps
276. Triglycerides: main type of fat found in the diet and in adipose
tissue. Desirable serum levels are under 150 mg/dl
277. use visualization: In wellness, a physical method used to
break the stress/tension cycle is to:
278. Valsalva Maneuver: occurs when a person holds his or her
breath during a strenuous activity, such as lifting weights or
shoveling snow
279. Venous Return: The amount of blood returned to the heart by
the veins
280. ventricle: Each of the two lower chambers of the heart that pumps blood out of the heart
281. Visual Cue: demonstrating a move
282. Vitamins: non-caloric, organic compounds that the human body cannot produce on it's own
283. Volume: total number of repetitions performed multiplied by the total amount of weight, or resistance, used during a single training
session. (Reps x Weight = Volume)
284. Wellness: Behaviors that minimize diseases and disabilities
285. Wrong/Right Cue: help kinesthetically feel when they are in alignment and using proper form. Showing the correct and incorrect way of
doing something.

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