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Basic uses of articles are assumed known.

This is one way to refer to classes, and is perhaps more formal than using a
The tiger is threatened with extinction.
National groups
Groups as a whole:
The French eat in restaurants more than the English.
Single examples are not formed in the same way:
A Frenchman/woman, an Englishman/woman.
Other groups
If these are clearly plural:
the Social Democrats, The Rolling Stones
Note the difference:
Pink Floyd, ueen !no article"
Unique objects
the moon, the sun
Note that there are other suns and moons in the universe.
This #lanet has a small moon.
These tend to be uni!ue.
The director o$ studies
If the title is post"modified #has a description coming after the noun$, the is
more li%ely, but not essential. &ompare:
She %ecame President in &''(.
She %ecame !the" President o$ the )nited States in &''(.
Other titles
The may be part of the title, and so is capitalised.
Newspapers: The *nde#endent, The Sunday Times
usical instruments
+ane #lays the $lute.
The guitar is my $a,ourite instrument.
It is, of course, still possible to use a where it would naturally be used.
There was a small %rown $lute in the window o$ the sho#.
!mphatic use
This is heavily stressed and emphasises the following noun.
This hotel is the #lace to stay.
' "eographical names
The following use the-
(ivers: the Thames
)ountain ranges: the Al#s
*ceans: the .editerranean
+ni!ue features: the /hannel, the Arctic
&ompass points,areas: the East, the .iddle East
&ountries: collective or plural: The )nited 0ingdom, The 1etherlands
This does not apply to:
)ountain pea%s: E,erest #but The .atterhorn"
&ontinents: Asia
&ountries: France
The definite article is sometimes used before -ebanon and Gambia:
The 2e%anon The 3am%ia
#lace names
.ost"modification, especially with ... o $ . . . plays a role in place names.
2eeds )ni,ersity/The )ni,ersity o$ 2eeds
2ondon 4ridge/The Tower o$ 2ondon "/
If the first part of a place"name is another name, then normal rules about
0ero article apply.
4rown5s Restaurant
The 3arden 6ouse 6otel
The same applies in geographical names:
/an,ey *sland
The *sle o$ .an
' Most and the most
Most hotels in England are ,ery ex#ensi,e, #ma%ing a generalisation$
This is the most expensive hotel in town, #tal%ing about a specific hotel$
$mportance of conte%t
The definite article refers to already mentioned items, and so its use depends
on context.
The Smiths had a son and a daughter. The son was in the Army and the
daughter was training to %e a doctor.
7n the Saturday, there was a terri%le storm.
1ere, the Saturday refers to a day in an area of time already mentioned.
7n the Saturday of that week ...
&ompare: Tony is a %uilder. Tony was the %uilder o$ that house.
$n measuring
Three times a week. Fi$ty kilometres an hour.
89.:; a kilo. 8&:,;;; a year.
2ormally, #er can replace a/an.
Unknown people
+se of a/an emphasises that a person is un%nown.
A .r +ones called while you were out.
.atthew Smith is one o$ my $a,ourite artists, #a person$
A .atthew Smith hangs in their %edroom, #a painting$
'ome unique organisations do not use the.
Parliament, but The !6ouse o$" /ommons
)ost streets do not use an article.
3reen Road 3odwin Street
3xceptions are:
4 The 6igh Street The Strand
and street names without preceding ad5ectives. &ompare:
6olly Dri,e The Dri,e

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