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Testing opt-out/Refusal guide for ILLINOIS
Form completed by More Than A Score
Contact information (email): cassie.creswell@gmail.com !uliemfain@gmail.com
"ist of #ssessments
PARCC Grades 3-8, some in Grade 11
DLM Grades 3-8 and 11
ACT p!s "ri#in$

ACT "or%&e's
ACC(SS )or (LLs *&-1+,
(-PLOR(.PLAN */, 10,
There are aso n!mero!s o#her assessmen#s speci)ic #o dis#ric#s i%e Chica$o P!1ic Schoos
*CPS,2 #here)ore, 3e recommend as%in$ 'o!r chid4s #eachers and principa a1o!# 3ha# #es#in$ is
#a%in$ pace, inc!din$ 3he#her 'o!r dis#ric# a##aches hi$h-s#a%es )or s#!den#s #o a par#ic!ar #es#5
$pecial considerations for t%e abo&e assessments
"i#h #he e6cep#ion o) #he PARCC and ACC(SS, #he res# o) #he a1o7e assessmen#s are o3-s#a%es
and #here)ore no# re8!ired 1' s#a#e a35 The ne3 PARCC assessmen#s are repacin$ ISAT )or
eemen#ar' schoo and PSA( )or hi$h schoo and 3i 1e !sed )or s#a#e-e7e schoo
acco!n#a1ii#' cac!a#ions5
A)#er +019, #he PSA( and i#s 1a##er' o) #es#s 3i no on$er 1e a hi$h schoo dipoma
re8!iremen#5 Ins#ead #he hi$h schoo PARCC, $i7en #o s#!den#s 3ho ha7e compe#ed cer#ain
e7es o) co!rse ma#eria, 3i 1e re8!ired ins#ead and 3i 1e #he score inc!ded on hi$h schoo
#ranscrip#s5 See #his doc!men# )rom #he Iinois S#a#e :oard o) (d!ca#ion *IS:(, )or more de#ais
on 3ho 3i #a%e PARCC in Sprin$ +019; h##p;..3335is1e5ne#.assessmen#.pd)s.+01<.IL-
'rocedures for opt-out/refusal
Iinois a3 has no #es#in$ op#-o!# pro7ision or speci)ied paren#a ri$h# #o op# s#!den#s o!#5 S#a#e
a3 s#a#es #ha# a chidren in speci)ied $rades m!s# 1e #es#ed; =The S#a#e :oard o) (d!ca#ion
sha ann!a' #es#; *i, a p!pis enroed in #he 3rd, <#h, 9#h, >#h, ?#h, and 8#h $rades in readin$
and ma#hema#ics and *ii, a p!pis enroed in #he <#h and ?#h $rades in #he 1ioo$ica and
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ph'sica sciences5 In addi#ion, #he S#a#e :oard o) (d!ca#ion sha #es#555 a p!pis enroed in #he
3rd, 9#h, >#h, and 8#h $rades in 3ri#in$ d!rin$ #he +008-+00/ schoo 'ear and each schoo 'ear
#herea)#er5@ *Arom 109 ILCS 9.+-35><, *)rom Ch5 1++, par5 +-35><, Sec5 +-35><5,
Addi#iona', in order #o 1e a3arded a hi$h schoo $rad!a#ion dipoma, pre7io!s' s#!den#s had
#o #a%e #he s#a#eBs Prairie S#a#e Achie7emen# #es# *!s!a' $i7en #o hi$h schoo C!niors, a#ho!$h
#he' did no# need #o =pass@ #he #es# #o $rad!a#e5 *109 ILCS 9.+-35><, *)rom Ch5 1++, par5 +-35><,
Sec5 +-35><5, "i#h #he in#rod!c#ion o) PARCC, #he hi$h schoo PARCC e6ams 3i 1ecome #he
$rad!a#ion re8!iremen# ins#ead o) #he PSA(5

A#ho!$h Iinois re8!ires p!1ic schoos #o adminis#er #hese #es#s, IS:( does pro7ide an
e6ha!s#i7e is# o) possi1e reasons )or schoos #o !se 3hen decarin$ #ha# a s#!den# has no# #a%en
a s#a#e-re8!ired #es# in #his char#; h##p;..3335is1e5ne#.sis.pd).no#D#es#in$5pd)5 These =Reasons )or
no# Tes#in$@ inc!de medica' e6emp#, home1o!nd e6emp#, in Cai, o!# o) s#a#e.co!n#r',
deceased, a1sen# or re)!sa, i5e5 =s#!den# presen# 1!# re)!sed #o par#icipa#e in #es#in$5@ #s suc%
t%e state clearly recogni(es t%at students may refuse to participate in testing. 'arents are
encouraged to refuse in writing on be%alf of t%eir c%ildren w%o are legal minors.
The S!preme Co!r# has repea#ed' hed #ha# paren#s posses #he =)!ndamen#a ri$h#@ #o =direc# #he
!p1rin$in$ and ed!ca#ion o) #heir chidren5@ A!r#hermore, #he Co!r# decared #ha# =#he chid is
no# #he mere crea#!re o) #he S#a#e; #hose 3ho n!r#!re him and direc# his des#in' ha7e #he ri$h#
co!ped 3i#h #he hi$h d!#' #o reco$niEe and prepare him )or addi#iona o1i$a#ions5@ *Pierce 75
Socie#' o) Sis#ers, +>8 F5S5 910, 93<-39, The S!preme Co!r# cri#iciEed a s#a#e e$isa#!re )or
#r'in$ #o in#er)ere =3i#h #he po3er o) paren#s #o con#ro #he ed!ca#ion o) #heir o3n5@ *Me'er 75
Ne1ras%a, +>+ F5S5 3/0, <0+5, In Me'er, #he S!preme Co!r# hed #ha# #he ri$h# o) paren#s #o raise
#heir chidren )ree )rom !nreasona1e s#a#e in#er)erences is one o) #he !n3ri##en Gi1er#iesG
pro#ec#ed 1' #he D!e Process Ca!se o) #he Ao!r#een#h Amendmen#5 *+>+ F5S5 3//,5
In reco$ni#ion o) 1o#h #he ri$h# and responsi1ii#' o) paren#s #o con#ro #heir chidren4s ed!ca#ion,
#he Co!r# has s#a#ed, =I# is cardina 3i#h !s #ha# #he c!s#od', care and n!r#!re o) #he chid reside
)irs# in #he paren#s, 3hose primar' )!nc#ion and )reedom inc!de prepara#ion )or #he o1i$a#ions
#he S#a#e can nei#her s!pp' nor hinder5@ *Prince 75Massach!se##s, 3+1 F5S5 198,
)rgency for opt-out/refusal
IS:( pans #o )!' impemen# #heir assessmen#s ai$ned 3i#h #he CCSS in +01< )or readin$ and
ma#h and ha7e chosen #he assessmen#s pro7ided 1' PARCC )or #his p!rpose5 This 3i i%e' oc%
in )or se7era 'ears a ne3 assessmen# s#r!c#!re5
The IS:( is aso !sin$ a comprehensi7e S#!den# In)orma#ion S's#em *SIS, #o #rac% da#a
coec#ed )rom assessmen#s5 See here )or in)o; h##p;..3335is1e5ne#.sis.de)a!#5h#m
The hi$h schoo PARCC re8!ires A$e1ra II5 :!# A$e1ra II 3i no# 1ecome a $rad!a#ion
re8!iremen# in Iinois !n#i +01?5 I# is !ncear 3ha# 3i 1e re8!ired o) s#!den#s $rad!a#in$ in
+01> 3ho ha7e no# #a%en #he necessar' co!rse3or% )or PARCC2 #he' 3i i%e' 1e $i7en a
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O7era, #he ci#' o) Chica$o is an epicen#er o) #es#-1ased re)orm5 Paren#s ha7e 1e$!n #o or$aniEe
#o ca )or a mora#ori!m on adminis#erin$ #he PARCC in #he sprin$ o) +0195 A mass 1o'co## o)
#he PARCC in ie! o) a mora#ori!m is panned5 An op#-o!# or re)!sa o) #es#in$ 3o!d 1e a
po3er)! mo7e an'3here in #his s#a#e5 Pease see #he is# o) addi#iona reso!rces #o connec# 3i#h
o#her paren#s and #eachers re)!sin$ PARCC5
Hi$h S#a%es Tes#in$I
Is no# scien#i)ica'-1ased and )ais #o )oo3 #he F5S5 Go7ernmen#Bs o3n da#a on
Aos#ers #es# dri7en ed!ca#ion #ha# is no# mee#in$ #he indi7id!a.in#eec#!a needs o)
Presen#s a racia and economic 1ias #ha# is 1ene)icia #o 3hi#e midde.!pper cass s#!den#s
and de#rimen#a #o (n$ish an$!a$e earners, impo7erished s#!den#s, and s#!den#s o)
Is in opposi#ion #o #he correc#i7e ac#ion in $aps in oppor#!ni#' and reso!rces sanc#ioned
1' #he Aisca Aairness Ac#5
S!ppor#s compici#' o) corpora#e in#eres#s ra#her #han democrac' 1ased on p!1ic
Aos#ers coercion o7er coopera#ion 3i#h re$ards #o )edera )!ndin$ )or p!1ic ed!ca#ion5
Promo#es a c!#!re o) 'in$, chea#in$, and e6poi#a#ion 3i#hin #he schoo comm!ni#'5
Has !sed #he achie7emen# $ap #o )os#er a =de )ac#o@ se$re$a#ion #ha# has res!#ed in
separa#e and !ne8!a ed!ca#ion )or minori#ies5
Addi#iona', da#a coec#ion o) s#!den#Bs pri7a#e in)orma#ion canno# 1e $!aran#eed
sec!ri#' or #ha# i# 3i no# 1e a1!sed in some 3a' 1' #hird par#' en#i#ies5

Lo3er #es# scores and hi$her )ai!re ra#es, 3hich are i%e' #o occ!r 3i#h more )re8!enc' 3i#h
Common Core and PARCC 3i 1e !sed #o )ire #eachers, crea#e more onine earnin$ scenarios
e7en in eemen#ar' schoos, and cose more p!1ic schoos #o 1e repaced 3i#h char#er schoos---
schoos pri7a#e' r!n 3i#h p!1ic doars5
$ample language to include in opt-out/refusal
Since no op#-o!# pro7ision is 3ri##en in#o IL a3, a $enera e##er ci#in$ IS:(4s reco$ni#ion o) a
s#!den#4s ri$h# #o re)!se #o par#icipa#e in a s#a#e #es# 3o!d 1e s!))icien# #o 1e$in a re)!sa
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$ample *pt *ut "etter
JAdpa#ed )rom AairTes#, Kan!ar' +008L
"e do no# 3an# o!r chid, DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, #o #a%e #he PARCC or an'
o#her s#andardiEed #es#s5 As o!r chid4s e$a represen#a#i7es, 3e are re)!sin$ on his.her 1eha),
and #h!s he.she 3i no# 1e par#icipa#in$ in #hese e6ams5 Pease respec# o!r paren#a ri$h#s and
re)rain )rom as%in$ o!r chid #o re)!se #he #es# his.herse)5
The ran$e o) o!r chidBs in#eec#!a and emo#iona 8!ai#ies is no# meas!red 1' s#andardiEed
#es#s5 "e are dissa#is)ied 3i#h #hese #es#s )or man' reasons5 The' donB# meas!re meanin$)!
earnin$5 The' crea#e inappropria#e press!res on chidren5 The' crea#e co!n#erprod!c#i7e ri7ar'
amon$ schoos and comm!ni#ies5 The'Bre responsi1e )or ess ri$oro!s and en$a$in$ ed!ca#ion
1eca!se #eachers )ee compeed #o raise #he scores5 :e##er--more reia1e and more a!#hen#ic--
)orms o) assessmen# are a7aia1e5
"e o1Cec# on mora $ro!nds #o s#andardiEed #es#s con#ri1!#in$ #o discrimina#ion, increasin$ p!pi
aiena#ion, and sp!rrin$ !ns!ccess)! s#!den#s #o drop o!#5 "e )ind s#andardiEed #es#in$ socia'
!nconsciona1e---eadin$ #o $a#e %eepin$ and perpe#!a#in$ socia se$re$a#ion5
As concerned paren#s 3i#h #he responsi1ii#' and ri$h# #o 1e in7o7ed in #he academic #rainin$ o)
o!r chid, i# is 3i#hin o!r e$a and mora ri$h# #o op# o!# o) s#andardiEed #es#in$ and insis# !pon
1e##er 3a's o) e7a!a#in$ o!r chidBs !nders#andin$ o) ideas5 "e re8!es# !se)!, a!#hen#ic
assessmen#s 3hich ad7ance )airness, acc!rac', 8!ai#', and e8!i#'; e7a!a#ions s!ch as #he
Learnin$ Record *ana'sis o) s#!den#sB earnin$ o7er #ime 1' a #eacher 3ho %no3s #hem 3e,,
3or% sampin$ o7er #ime, s#r!c#!red and in)orma o1ser7a#ions and in#er7ie3s, per)ormance and
e6hi1i#ions, a!dio and 7ideo#apes, por#)oio and Co!rna assessmen#s, and e7a!a#ion inc!din$
inp!# )rom #eachers, s#!den#s, paren#s, co!nseors, and principas5
Si$na#!re o) paren#.$!ardian
Resources and organi(ations
+ore T%an # $core h##p;..more#hanascorechica$o5or$, Chica$o-1ased coai#ion o) se7era
paren#-r!n ed!ca#ion ac#i7is# or$aniEa#ions, Chica$o-area ed!ca#ion researchers and #he Chica$o
Teachers Fnion2 can pro7ide assis#ance on s#a#e-re8!ired #es#s2 and ma' 1e a1e #o connec# 'o!
3i#h o#hers resis#in$ #es#s in 'o!r re$ion5 (mai in)oMmore#hanascorechica$o5or$
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C%icago Teac%ers )nion h##p;..3335c#!ne#5com., #he' ma' aso 1e a1e #o pro7ide assis#ance
ese3here in #he s#a#e5
Catalyst C%icago: h##p;..3335ca#a's#-chica$o5or$.
,llinois Federation of Teac%ers: h##ps;..3335i)#-a)#5or$.
Teac%ers for $ocial -ustice: h##ps;..3335)ace1oo%5com.#eachers5)orC!s#ice
C*R. Teac%ers *Ca!c!s o) Ran%-and-)ie (d!ca#ors 3i#hin CTF,;
#dministrator/s 'ledge on .t%ical Treatment of $tudents 0%o *pt *ut: )or adminis#ra#ors
#o p!1ic' anno!nce e6ac#' ho3 chidren 3ho are no# #a%in$ s#andardiEed #es#s 3i 1e #rea#ed
3i#hin a schoo comm!ni#'
#dditional or miscellaneous information
Ceares# descrip#ion o) #he assessmen#s IS:( 3i 1e re8!irin$ )or +01<-+019;
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