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Anatomy Boards Questions:


1. Tendon what kind of fibers
o dense CT - organized
dense regular CT is found in muscles, tendons, etc
o Dense irregular CT
This is found in the dermis! (not the epidermis)
o Loose
Aka areolar CT found in lamina propria
2. Where does the middle cardiac veins empty into?
coronary sinus
Anterior cardiac vein drains directly into the right atrium whereas all others drain
into the coronary sinus. All of the others include: small, great, oblique, and middle
cardiac veins.
Coronary sinusdrains most of blood from the heart wall, opens into the right
atrium between the inferior vena cava and the atrioventricular orifice. It is a
continuation of the great cardiac vein. Small and middle cardiac vein are tributaries
to coronary sinus
The great cardiac vein runs in front alongside the anterior. The middle cardiac vein
runs in with the posterior artery.

3. What is found in the villi of intestines?
Lamina propria
Other options: Submucosa
Villi: have lacteals, and that it is in the lamina propria and not in the submucosal. In
past years, the villi has characterized the small intestine

4. Where is fat found?
CT layers

5. Which immune structure is most isolated from blood
thymus cuz of t cell maturation
Adult thymus is isolated from parenchymablood thymus barrier. Barrier non-
existant in child
Spleen, thymus, palatine and pharyngeal tonsils DO NOT have numerous afferent
vessels entering them as do lymph nodes
other options: spleen, lymph node, palatine tonsil

6. What kind of collagen do you find in dentin?
Type I collagen
Types of Cartilage:
Hyaline cartilage (most common): contains many closely packed fine collagenous
fibers. Covers and protects bone; precursor to bone and where strong support is
needed but some flexibility is desirable. Makes up the costal cartilages, the
cartilaginous rings of the trachea, joints, nose, and the main support of the bronchial
Fibrocartilage: most closely resembles dnse, irregular, CT (consists of dense matrix
of collagenous fibers) Withstands tension and compression. Found in
intervertebral discs (vertebra) knee joint, TMJ, and syphysis pubis
Elastic cartilage: similar to hyaline cartilage but the ifbers are not as closely packed.
More importantly, elastic cartilage contains many elastic fibers (elastin). Forms the
external ear and is also found in the epiglottis, the auditory meatus and the larynx

7. What organic substance is most common found in dentin
The answer should be TYPE I COLLAGEN!
In dentin collagen
cementum collagen and praline
enamel NO COLLAGEN! Only protein, and its rich in PROLINE!

8. What diffuses across membranes easily except?
Glucose also requires GLUT transporters, and secondary active transport, but Na+
is least diffusible.
Other options: Na, Ethanol
O2, CO2 both diffuse across easily. Na and glucose both need an active primary
transport, while ethanal is polar and does not cross as easily

9. What is only found in pancreas
centro acini
other options: serous acini, zymogen enzyme precursors, not sure answer
Pancreaseboth exocrine and endocrineposterior to abdominal wall.
Retroperitoneal organ, except for small portion of tail which lies in the lienorenal
ligament. Head and neck neslt in the curve of the duodenum, body is behind
stomach tail extends to spleen.
Endocrine (Islets of Langerhanscells of pancreas)
Alpha cellsglucagon
Betainsulin, carb metabs
Deltasomatostatin which acts locally within the islets of Langerhans to depress
the secretion of both insulin and glucagon
Acinar cellspancreatic juices including lipases, carbohydrases and proteases to
digest fats, carbs, and proteins

10. How does stomach take in more food
receptive relaxation
not sure answer

11. Which structure and tissue is matched correctly
know the type of epith in kidney (simple cuboidal in the tubules) and bladder
(transitional) gallbladder-simple columnar
thin loop
thick loop
bowmans capsule

12. Know what the renal papilla empties into
minor calyx
Internal features of kidney:
Cortex: outer layer (glomeruli are located here)
Medulla (inner layer, consists of renal pyramids)
Renal columns: found between pyramids. Cortical tissue
Renal papilla: apex of pyramids, here the collecting ducts pour into minor calyces
Minor calyces: unit to form major calyces, which then unit to form renal pelvis

13. Where do you find oxyphil cells?
Parathyroid gland
Oxyphil cells have no known function. Chief cells of the PT gland secrete PTH

14. What vein joins the facial vein to the cavernous plexus?
Ophthalmic v.
Cavernous sinus:
created by superior and inferior ophthalmic vein, the cerebral veins, and the
sphenoparietal sinus.
Located on either side of the sella turcica of sphenoid bone in middle crainial
Empty by way of superior petrosal sinuses into the transverse sinuses which
become the sigmoid sinuses. Then empty to jugular foramen by becoming the
internal jugular vein.
These veins do not have valves and so can also drain anteriorly into
ophthalmic vein

15. Where is the ulnar n. most likely to get damaged?
At the elbow
Other choices : wrist, hands
Brachial plexus (C5 C8 and T1)
Formed in the posterior triangle of the neck
Extends into the axilla supplying nerves to the upper limbe
Has three cords:
Posterior (axillary and radial nerves are main branches)
Lateral (musculocutaneous nerve is main branch)
Medial (ulnar nerve is main branch)
- Median nerve forms its two heads (medial and
lateral from the medial and lateral cords)
Surgical neck of the humerus: axillary midshaft of humerus: radial. Dislocate
The radial nerve is most commonly injured in a mid-humeral shaft fracture, because
it runs in the radial (spiral) groove of the humerus

16. What artery first branches off of the subclavian a?
vertebral a.

17. What does the sigmoid sinus empty into?
Internal jugular v
Internal jugular originates when sigmoid passes through the jugular foramen

18. Which vessel does a berry aneurysm damage?
Middle cerebral artery
Linticulostriate arteriesarteries of stroke penetrate basal nuclei and are
branches of middle cerebral (largest of internal carotid arteries)
Aneurysm in anterior communicating is most common place for it to occur

19. What do you not see in the carotid triangle?
Superficial temporal artery
Components of the carotid triangle include carotid arteries, internal jugular vein,
vagus nerve
Superficial temporal vein: drains the scalp and side of head, descending anterior to
the ear and plunges into the substances of the parotid gland
It is not a part of any of the triangles, but does join with the maxillary vein to
become the retromandibular

20. What is not found in the parotid gland?
Facial artery
Components found in the parotid gland include: external carotid artery, facial nerve,
superficial temporal vein, auriculotemporal nerve, etc.

21. What innervates the lower lip and the labial mucosa?
Mental n.
It would have to be a division of V3, VII does musculature, not the labial mucosa,
so this seems right

22. What innervates the mucosa over the sublingual glands?
Lingual n. (not sure)
the deep lingual artery supplies it and the lingual nerve innervates it????

23. What innervates the buccal mucosa and the gingival over the mand molars?
Buccal nerve. (V3)
Not the long buccal nerve from facial VII

24. When you stick out your tongue and it deviates to the left which muscle is injured?
Left genioglossus
If the genioglossus muscle is paralyzed the tongue has a tendency to fall back and
obstruct the oropharyngeal airway with risk of suffocation
All structures deviate to the side of the injury with the exception of the uvula with
deviates to the opposite side.

25. Which tract of the corticobulbar only innervates to the contralateral side of the face?
VII, only the lower half of the face below eyebrowsfor superior.
Corticobulbar is bilateral for everything except for facial and
Other options: Hypoglossal n. (not sure)

26. What does the internal thoracic artery become?
Musculophrenic and superior epigastrica
Internal thoracicarises from first part of Subclavian artery and descends BEHIND
the first six costal cartilages just lateral to the sternum
Two terminal arteries of internal thoracic artery are superior artery (enters rectus
sheath and supplies the rectus muscle as far as the umbilicus) and the
musculophrenic arter (supplies the diaphragm and lower intercostal spaces

27. The sympathetic system does not do which of the following?
Direct blood to the skin.
Sympathetic division: prepares body for intense physical activity in emergencies
(fight or flight) through adrenergic effects.
HR blood glucose rises,
blood diverted to skeletal muscles.
Pupils dilate, bronchioles dilate,
and the adrenal medulla releases Epi and NE

28. What does sympathetic system have the most control over?
The vessels of the skin
Vasomotor sympathetic fibers are thought to end on blood vessels

29. Where is the origin of the medial pterygoid muscle?
Pyramid part of the palatine bone
These arent the answers
Lateral of lateral plate
Medial of medial plate

Medial pterygoid Origin: Lateral
pterygoid plate and
tuberosity of maxilla
Insertion: Medial
surface of angle of
Elevates mandible and
moves mandible

30. Where does the hamulus connect to?
Medial pterygoid plate
the tensor veli palatine attaches to it
The medial pterygoid plate forms the posterior limit of the lateral wall of the nasal
cavity and ends inferiorly as a hamulus. A small, slender hook that acts as a pulley
for the tensor veli palatine tendon to change its dirction of pull from vertical to
horizontal thereby tensing the soft palate

31. What do you find in the pterygoid palatine fossa?
Pterygopalatine fossa communicates laterally with infratemporal fossa by way of
pterygopalatine (pterygomaxillary) fissure
pterygopalatine fissurecommunicates
medially with nasal cavity through sphenopalatine foramen,
posteriorly through sphenopalaitne foramen,
posteriorly with the cranial cavity through the foramen rotundum,

32. If you cut midsaggitally, what do you NOT cut through?
Otheranswers: Cricoid, 2
trachea, thyroid

33. What innervates the inner larynx?
Recurrent laryngeal
I think she left out some of the question. If it refers to the any muscle of the larynx
it would be the recurrent laryngeal, except the cricothyroid which is done by the
external laryngeal nerve
the recurrent laryngeal also does the cricopharyngeus as it comes out from under it
If the question is regarding sensory, as I think it is, then it depends on which part
The internal laryngeal nerve (along with superior laryngeal artery) pierce the
thyrohyoid membrane and go to supply the larynx ABOVE the vocal folds
The recurrent laryngeal does it BELOW the vocal folds on its way up

34. Where does muscles of facial expression come from?
branchial arch
First arch cartilage (Meckels cartilage)
o closely related to the developing middle ear;
o becomes ossified to form the malleus and incus of middle ear
o Meckels cartilage characterized by being a model for the mandible but
not participating in the formation of any part of the mandible
o Fate is dissolution with minor contributions to ossification

Second arch cartilage (Reicherts cartilage)
o closely related to the development of the middle ear,
o becomes ossified to form the stapes of the middle ear and
o the styloid process of the temporal bone
Third arch cartilageossifies to form part of the hyoid bone
Fourth and sixth arch cartilagesfuse to form the laryngeal cartilages, except
for the epiglottis
Fifth arch is absent

35. What characterize the nonarticulating tissues of the TMJ
Fibrocartilage The correct answer should be periosteum. Articulating surfaces have
fibrocartilage or fibrous connective tissue.
If the answer choice said fibrous CT thats what I would go with! Unless if its an
elder, then it would be fibrocartilage
Some years it is specified as dense regular connective tissues

36. What cytoplasm covers myofibrils?
Other options
o Epimysium is the CT layer that envelopes the entire muscle
o Perimysium:
continuation of the outer fascia, dividing the interior of the muscle
into bundles of muscle cells.
The bundle of cells surrounded by each perimysium is called a
Endomysium: CT surrounding each muscle fiber

37. What is in side of myofibrils
sarcoplasm.: cytoplasm of muscle cells is called
Sarcoplasm of each muscle fiber contains many parallel, threadlike structures called

38. What fails to fuse in cleft lip
medial nasal and maxillary processes
Cleft palate is most common oral defect, palatal shelves dont fuse. Later the nasal
septum fuses to top of shelves
o Cleft lip and palate:
Isolated cleft lip: more common males
Palate: more common in males
Cleft lip is more common on left side

39. Where is the tympanic membrane
lateral of middle cavity
also would be the medial wall of the external cavity
Ear consist of:
o External ear: auricle and the external auditory canal. Receives sound waves
o Middle ear (tympanic cavity)contains three small bones or ossicles, the
malleus (hammer) stapes (stirrup) and incus (anvil) Also contains two
muscles: the stapedius muscle, which is the smallest skeletal muscle in the
body, and the tensor tympani muscle
o Inner ear: consists of the acoustic apparatus, the vestibular apparatus, and
the semicircular canals. It is composed of the body and membranous
o lateral of inner cavity

40. What does cephalic vein join to?
Axillary v
o Axillary vein begins at the lower border of the teres major muscle as the
continuation of the basilic vein. As it ascends to the inferior margin of the
first rib it becomes the subclavian. basilicaxillarysubclavian + internal
jugular = brachiocephalic
o Cephalicdrains venous from radial side to the antebrachium and brachium
into axillary

41. What innervates the extensors of the arm and forearm?
radial nerve!
o The radial nerve is most commonly injured in a mid-humeral shaft fracture,
because it runs in the radial (spiral) groove of the humerus

42. All of these nerves and arteries travel together except:
lingual artery and nerve
o Lingual artery does not follow the lingual nerve. It passes deep to the
hyoglossus muscle and genioglossus and has branches of: suprahyoid, dorsal
lingual, sublingual, deep lingual (the terminal branch) which ascends
between the genioglossus and the inferior longitudinal muscles.
Other options could have been: inferior alveolar, ?

43. Where does the auriculotemporal come from
Auriculotemporal nerve
o Is arises from the posterior division of the mandibular nerve (v3)
o provides posterior sensory innervation to TMJ. Pain from TMJ is
transmitted in the capsule and periphery of the disk by the
auriculotemporal nerve. Joint receives only sensory innervation
o carries some secretory fibers from the otic ganglion to the partid gland.
The PS came from the lesser petrosal

44. What does the solitary tract give to?
o Geniculate ganglion:
located within the facial canal (petrous portion of the temporal bones) and
contains sensory neurons via the chorda typani of the facial nerve that
innervate taste buds on the anterior two-thirds of the tongue
For taste! Solitary tract carries fibers of 7, 9 and 10!
Solitary tract: a slender, compact fiber bundle extending longitudinally through the
dorsolateral region of the medullary tegmentum, surrounded by the nucleus of the
solitary tract, below the obex decussating over the canalis centralis, and descending
over some distance into the upper cervical segments of the spinal cord. It is
composed of primary sensory fibers that enter with the vagus, glossopharyngeal,
and facial nerves, and in part convey information from stretch receptors and
chemoreceptors in the walls of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and intestinal tracts;
in rostral parts of the tract impulses are generated by the receptor cells of the taste
buds in the mucosa of the tongue. Its fibers are distributed to the nucleus of the
solitary tract.

45. Where are the sensory neurons located in the spine?
Dorsal root ganglion
The motor are found in the lateral horns
All spinal nerves are mixed:
o Ventral roots contain motor neurons. Cell bodies are located in the spinal
o Dorsal root contains axons of sensory neurons. Cell bodies are located
outside the spinal cord in dorsal root ganglia and arise from neural crest
o The roots join to form mixed spinal nerves
Posterior ramipass posteriorly to supply the skin and dep muscles
of the back
Anterior rami supply the rest of the body wall and the limbs
Both are mixed nerves

46. What is a primary jaw closer
the temporalis may be stronger, but only in the final parts of clothing, that last
couple of cm, but the masseter does the bulk of the closing, so its the primary jaw
closer in my mind

47. When you are in postural position and you close to ICP what muscle do you use
See above

48. What ligament in TMJ prevents posterior and inferior displacement?
Temporomandibular ligament
The temperomandibular joint has an outer oblique portion which limits the extent of
jaw openings and initiates translation of the condyle down the articular eminence

49. Which of the following temporomandibular joint ligaments restricts the movement of the
disc away from the condyle during function?

50. You find all of the following between the medial pterygoid muscle and the ramus except?
Lingual artery
Things you would find: masseter artery, inf alv n., lingual nerve

51. What does ansa cervicalis innervate?
Infrahyoid muscles: except thyrohyoid which is C1
o depressors of larynx and hyoid after they have been drawn up with pharynx
to swallow (deglutition),
o lie btw deep fascia and visceral fascia over the thyroid gland, trachea, and
o innervated by ansa cervialis from C1,2,3.

52. What innervates levator palpebrae superioris muscle?

Nerve Site of exit from skull Functions
V1 ophthalmic Superior orbital fissure S = cornea, skin of nose,
forehead, scalp
V2 Maxillary Formane rotundum S = nasal cavity, palate, max.
teeth, skin of cheek, upper lip
V3 Mandibular Foramen ovale S = tongue, mand. Teeth,
mandibule, skin of chin, floor of
mouth, TMJ
M = muscles of mastication
Abducens Superior orbital fissure M = lateral rectus muscle of the
Oculomotor Superior orbital fissure M = levator palpebrae
superioris and most of the
external eye muscles
PS = ciliary muscle of the lens
and sphincter muscle of the
Trochlear Superior orbital fissure M = superior oblique muscle of
the eye
M = Motor S = sensory PS = parasympathetic

53. What nerve originates from the dorsal midbrain
o Trochlear nerve IV:
o supplies the superior oblique muscle
o smallest cranial nerve
o only cranial nerve that emerges from dorsal aspect of the brainstem

54. Whats papilla of the tongue does not have taste buds
filliform.. . . .
o Taste buds:
o Are associated with peg-like projections on the tongue mucosa called lingual papillae.
o Contain a cluster of 40 to 60 gustatory cells as well as many more supporting cells
o Each gustatory cell is innervated by a sensory neuron
o Kinds of Lingual papilla:
most numerous, small cones arranged in V shaped rows paralleling
the sulcus terminalis on the anterior two thirds of tongue.
Characterized by absence of taste buds and increased keratinzation
knob-like in appearance, they are found on the tip and sides of the
Most likely to be injured when someone bites their tongue
These taste are innervated by the facial nerve VII
largest but fewest in number. Arranged in an inverted V shaped row
on the back of tongue.
Associated with the ducts of Von Ebners Glands.
Taste buds are inervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve IX
found on lateral margins as 3-4 vertical folds.
These taste buds are innervated by both the facial nerve and the
glosspharyngeal nerve

55. Which papilla do you find the most in ant 2/3?
See above

56. What does CN 9 innervate?
o Glossopharyngeal nerve:
o Originates from the anterior surface of the medulla oblongata along with
the vagus nerve and spinal accessory nerve.
o Passes laterally in the posterior cranial fossa and leaves skull through the
jugular foramen
o Supply sensation to the pharynx and posterior third of tongue
o Cell bodies of these sensory neurons are located in the superior and
inferior ganglia of this nerve
o Descends through the upper part of neck along with the internal jugular
vein and internal carotid artery to reach posterior border of the
stylogpharyngeus muscle to which it supplies somatic motor fibers
o Causes the gag reflex (innervates mucous membranes of the fauces)

57. What forms the ligamentum teres?
Umbilical vein
Ductus venosusligamentum venosumonly fetal vessel to carry oxygen
rich blood and nutrients
Umbilical veinplacenta to liver, forms major portion of umbilical cord,
nutrient rich blood from placenta to fetus, forms the round ligament of the
liver after birth
Foramen ovalopening btw right and left atria to shunt flood passed the
pulmonary circuitry, closes at birth and becomes the fossa ovalis, a depression
in the ineratrial septum
Ductus arteriosumbetween pulmonary trunk and aortic arch to bypass
pulmonary circuitry, closes shortly after birth, atrophies, and becomes the
ligamentum arteriosum
Umbilical arteriesarise from internal iliac arteries ass/with umbilica cord,
transports blood from fetus to placenta

58. What does the right ventricle pump blood into?
Pulmonary trunk

59. What does the submandibular gland duct empty from?
Sublingual caruncle
Whartons ducts: drains submandibular gland, arises from deep portion of gland and
crosses the lingual nerve in the region of the sublingual gland to terminate on the
sublingual caruncle (papilla) adjacent to the base to the base of the sublingual

60. What separates the two sections within the TMJ
Articular disc (meniscus)
o Consists of fibrocartilagenous tissue, which resembles dense, irregular
connective tissue. It is capable of providing smooth articulating surface
o Meniscus is a biconcave oval plate and divides the joint into superior and
inferior spaces. The superior joint space is bounded by the articular fossa
and the articular eminence. The inferior joint space is bounded below by the
Meniscus varies in thickness, the thinner, central intermedia zone
separate the thicker portions called the anterior and posterior bands.
(the posterior band is the thickest)
Posteriorly the meniscus is continguous with the posterior
attachment tissues called the bilaminar zone which is vascular,
innervated tissue that plays an important role in allowing the condyle
to move forward

61. What is the superior portion of the TMJ borders?
The mandibular fossa and the superior of the disc

62. Hyaline cartilage serves what function?
Serves as a covering for most joints, All of them, except the TMJ and the knee
joint, which are fibrous!
Articular cartilage: thin layer of hyaline cartilage that covers the smooth articular
bone surfaces. No blood vessels or nerves (TMJ CONTAINS FIBROU-

63. What forms the floor of the mouth

64. Which sheath is the submandibular and the parotid gland continuous with?
Deep cervical
Not sure some choices: Prevertebral, Buccopharyngeal, No clue and I dont have
internet to look this up, but this is what I would put deep cervical, Neck muscles

65. What is not found in the posterior mediastinum
phrenic n.
It loops ABOVE the root of the lungs while the vagus goes under vagus??
Inferior mediastinum:
o Anterior mediastinum: part of the thymus gland, some lymph nodes,
branches of the internal thoracic artery
o Middle: pericardium and heart, the phrenic nerve and its accompanying
o Posterior: descending (abdominal aorta, thoracic duct, esophagus, azygos
system of veins, vagus nerves, splancnice nerves, and many lymph nodes

66. What is found behind the arch of the azygos vein?
Right vagus nerve
This continues its way DEEP to the arch, thus its the answer!
Other options:
- No this merges way before the arch of the azygou
Thoracic duct
- It wouldnt be this as the thoracic duct courses over to the left to get into the
superior mediastinum to get into the junction of the left internal jugular vein
and left Subclavian

67. What kind of epithelia is found in the maxillary sinus?
pseudostratified ciliated columnar epi:
Surface layer of mucous membrane of the nasopharynx
o also lines the nasal cavity, the paranasal sinuses, the nsaopharynx, the trachea,
and the bronchial tree (except the lining of the respiratory bronchioles, which
lose their cilia and change to cuboidal and then to squamous)

68. Epaxial? Ramus comunicans, anterior body..Jared thinks it is ventral rami.. . Epaxial =
Above or behind any axis, such as the spinal axis or the axis of a limb

69. Deep. goes to tip of tongue (injured if injure tip of tongue)
Sublingual goes to sublingual gland
Deep lingual does tip of tongue

70. Which of the following is the most superior branch of the external carotid artery:
Maxillary and superficial temporal arteries are two terminal arteries of external
External carotid
Anterior branches: Superior thyroid, lingual, facial, maxillary
Posterior: ascending pharyngeal, occipital, posterior auricular, and
superficial temporal

71. Which of the following is a main branch of the celiac trunk?
Left Gastric Artery of Celiac Artery
celiac trunk
a) hepatic artery: liver, upper pancreas, duodenum, and gallbladder;
b)left gastric: stomach and esophagus;
c) splenic: spleen, stomach, and omentum

72. Which of the following are retroperitoneal organs:
Ureter, Kidney, Adrenals
Retroperitoneal organs develop behind the peritoneum and also include the
Listing the parts of the large intestine in order results in positions that alternate
between retroperitoneal and intraperitoneal: ascending colonretro;
transversintraperitoneal; descendingretro; sigmoidintra; rectumretro
(ileum refersto to a part of hip bone)
o Organs do not have mesenterie.
o Structures on posterior abdominal wall are retroperi
o ascending, descending colon, kidney, and pancreas, suprarenal gland,
IFC and abdominal aorta

73. Max sinus drains where?
Middle meatus
Superior meatuslies below and lateral to superior conchae, receives the
openings of the posterior ethmoidal sinuses
Middle meatusreceives the openings of the frontal sinus which drains into
the infundibulum of the middle meatus, also the drainings from the midle
ethmoidal sinuses which drain onto the thmoidal bulla (rounded prominence
on the lateral wwall of the middle meatus
Openings of the anterior ethmoidal sinuses and maxillary sinus which drain
into the middle meatus via the hiatus semilunares (groove on the lateral wall
of the middle meatus that is continuous with the infundibulum
Inferior meatusreceives the opening of the nasolacrimal duct which drains
lacrimal fluid from the surface of the eye into the meatus for evaporation
during respiration

74. Posterior border of pterygopalatine fossa?
Options: Pterygo process of sphenoid (and greater wing of sphenoid), vertical
palatine plate, or post max?
Pterygopalatine foss communicates laterally with infratemporal fossa by way of
pterygopalatine fissure
pterygopalatine fissurecommunicates
o medially with nasal cavity through sphenopalatine foramen,
o posteriorly through sphenopalaitne foramen,
o posteriorly with the cranial cavity through the foramen rotundum,

75. What does not open into the infratemporal fossa:
Other options: Rotundom (V2), Ovale (V3), Ptergomax (pterygopalatine foramen),
petrotympanic (chorda tympani)
Boundaries of Infratemporal fossa:
o Anterior wall: posterior surface of maxilla
o Posterior wall: tympanic part and styloid process of temporal bone
o Medial wall: lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone
o Lateral wall: ramus of the mandible
o Roof: infratemporal surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone.
contains foramen ovaletransmits V-3
o Floor: point where the medial pterygoid muscle inserts into the medial
aspect of the mandible near the angle
Contents of infratemporal fossa:
o Lower portion of temporalis muscle
o Medial and lateral pterygoid
o Maxillary artery and most branches
o Pterygoid plexus of veins
o Mandibular nerve and branches
o Chorda typani
o Otic ganglion (PS ganglion associated with glossopharyngeal nerve)

76. What week do teeth start developing:
6 wks

77. Post pituitary arises from which structure?
o Diencephalon, a major autonomic region of the forebrain, is almost completely
surrounded by the cerebral hemispheres of the telencephalon. Its chief
components include the thalamus, hypothalamus epithalamus, and pituitary
gland. The third ventricle forms a midplane cavity within the diencephalons

78. Emergency tracheotomy is conducted between which structures?
Emergency tracheotyomy most easily made by an incision through the median
cricoid cartilage to the thyroid cartilage and is inferior to the space between the
vocal cords (rima glottides) where aspirated objects usually get lodged.
Tracheotomy allows fro air to pass between the lungs and the outside air

79. ADH from posterior pituitary

80. Which glands are purely serous?
Parotid gland
Von Ebners is the only other gland that is purely serous

81. Testosterone secreted:
Endocrine , exocrine, merocrine, apocrine
It has to be endocrine, if its not an option then who knows
A merocrine secretion is eliminated from the cell by exocytosis. The secretory
granule fuses with the plasma membrane to release the product. These proteins are
packaged in membrane-bound vesicles and sent to the plasma membrane. (Uro-
plaquens are synthesized in the rough ER and packaged in the golgi apparatus.) They
are labeled with tags that take them to the membrane for exocytosis. Salivary
glands, pancreatic glands, and most exocrine glands use this method.

82. Lower 1/3 esophagus is smooth muscle
Esophagus10 inches, behind trachea in thorax, emptying in cardiac portion of
stomach through cardiac orifice. Esophagus has upper third with skeletal and smooth
muscle and lower 2/3 with smooth muscle only
Esophagus receives blood from inferior thyroid artery, branches of descending
thoracic aorta, and left gastric art
EsophagusPS from esophageal branches of vagus nerve. Motor fibers from
recurrent laryngeal of vagus nerve and S innervation from esophagea plexus of

83. Submucous in duodenum: none, only in the lamina propria
Small intestines: mucosa only: lacteals, capillaries, and can be densely infiltrated by
Gastric: lamina and submucosalthe rugae
Peyers patchof the ileum goes lamina propria and submucosal. Peyers and tonsils

84. What parallels posterior interventricular artery
Middle cardiac vein
other options: great, lesser cardiac vein)?

85. Crista terminalis is located where?
Right atrium
Crista terminalis: vertical muscular ridge that runs along the right atrial wall from the
opening of the SVC to the IVC. Provides origin fro the pectinate muscle. Represents
junction btw the sinus venosus and the heart in the developing embryo. Also
represented on the external surface of heart by the vertical groove called the sulcus

86. Where does ductus arteriousus occur?
Between the pulmonary trunk and the aortic arch
Patent ductus arteriosus:
Lung resistance decreases and shunt becomes left to right with subsequent
right ventriculal hypertrophy and failure
Associated with continuous machine-like murmur. Patency maintained by
PGE synthesis and low O2 tension
Indomethacin is used to close patent ductus arteriosus, and PGE is used to
keep it open to sustain life in case of transposition of greater vessels

87. Thymus is associated with which of the following structures?
Hassals corpuscle
Thymus: no afferent lymphatics of lymphatic nodulesblood from the internal
thoracic and inferior thyroid arteries, innervated by vagus and phrenic nerves. Has
double embryologic originlymphocytes derived from hematopoietic stem cells,
while Hassalls corpuscle epithelium derived from endoderm of THIRD pharyngeal
POUCH with an unknown function

88. In which mediastinum is the thoracic duct located?
posterior mediastinum
Posterior: descending (thoracic aorta, thoracic duct, esophagus, azygos system
of veins, vagus nerves, splancnice nerves, and many lymph nodes

89. Ansa cervicalis innervates which of the following suprahyoid muscles?
Suprahyoid muscles:
o Stylohyoid
pulls hyoid superiorly and posteriorly during swallowing,
fixes hydoid bone for infrahyoids
innervated by VII
o Digastric:
(anterior) Opens mouth by depressing mandible. Innervated by
(posterior) fixes hyoid for infrahyoid action. Innervated by VII
o Mylohyoid
elevates hyoid,
raises floor of mouth for swallowing,
depressed mandible when hyoid is fixed
innervated by V3
o Geniohyoid
elevates tongue,
depress mandible, works with mylohyoid
innervated by ansa cervicalis, which is a loop formed by
branches from the cervical plexus (C1, C2, C3)

90. Know difference between skeletal, smooth, cardiac (at least 4 questions about!)

91. Contract lead to the shortening of which of the following areas?
I band shorten

92. Which muscle wraps around the hamulus?
Tensor veli palatine
Tensor veli plati: tenses the palate and opens the mouth of the auditory tube during
swallowing and yawning. Curves around the pterygoid hamulus. If hamulus was
fractured the actions of this muscle would be affected
The medial pterygoid plate forms the posterior limit of the lateral wall of the nasal
cavity and ends inferiorly as a hamulus. A small, slender hook that acts as a pully
for the tensor veli palatine tendon to change its direction of pull from vertical to
horizontal therby tensing the soft palate

93. Where does the inferior head of the lateral pterygoid insert?
on condyle,
Other areas of insertion include: Neck of mandible (condyle) and articular disc
Origin Lateral pterygoid plate and the greater wing of the sphenoid bone

94. To which component of muscle does calcium bind to displacement of inhibitor before
Troponin C
Calcium binding to muscle
o Calcium binds to troponin C on the thin filaments, causing a conformational
change in troponin that permits the interaction between actin and myosin
o After calcium binds with troponin, tropomyosin moves from its blocking
position permitting actin and myosin to interact
o High energy myosin bin weakly to actin subunits, however, when inorganic
phosphate is released from the myosin, the mhyosins bind tightly to the actin
o Energy stored in the high-energy myosin is discharged, and the myosin head
swivel, pulling on the thin filaments.
o This repeated pulling of the thin filaments past the thick filaments toward
the centers of the sarcomeres draws the Z lines closer together, and the
muscle fiber shortens (contracts)
o This process is repeated as long as calcium ions are bound to troponin and
ATP is available.
o Once calcium ions are returned to the sarcoplasin reticulum, tropomyosin
moves back into its blocking position and prevents further interaction
between high-energy myosins and actin subunits
o Contraction ceases and the muscle fibers relax

95. A successful IA injection
only penetrates the buccinator muscle
o During inferior alveolar nerve block injection, the needle passes through the
mucous membrane and the buccinator muscle and lies lateral to the medial
If needle passes posteriorly at level of mandibular foramenpenetrate
parotid and have facial paralysis.
If needle tip passes well below the foramen, you will penetrate the medial

96. In which bone does trigeminal ganglion lie in?
Sphenoid bone
In the middle cranial fossa

97. Which nerve represents the terminal branch of the opthalmic nerve?
supraorbital n.

98. Which nerve innervates the buccinator muscle?
Facial nerve
Buccinator muscle:
o Innervated by the facial nerve:
o Origin:
Pterygomaxillary ligament
Pterygomandibul[ar raphe: a thin, fibrous band running from the
hamulus of the medial pterygoid plate down to the mandible
o Inserts: orbiuclaris oris and skin at the angle of the mouth. It is tranversed
by the parotid duct
o Does not move jaw
o Proprioceptive fibers are derived from the buccal branch of V3
o Actions:
Move boluses of food out of vestibule of mouth and back towards
molar teeth
Tense the cheeks during blowing and whistling
Assist with closure of mouth
o Facial and maxillary arteries supply blood

99. Which nerve provides sensory information about the buccinator muscle?

100. Nucleus solitarius = taste (not inf. Salivatory nuc)
Superior salivatory nucleus: a group of preganglionic parasympathetic motor
neurons situated rostrally and laterally to the inferior salivary nucleus it governs
secretion of the lacrimal, sublingual, and submaxillary glands by way of the facial
nerve and the sphenopalatine and submandibular ganglia
Inferior salivatory nucleus: a group of preganglionic parasympathetic motor
neurons situated rostrally and laterally to the inferior salivary nucleus it governs
secretion of the lacrimal, sublingual, and submaxillary glands by way of the facial
nerve and the sphenopalatine and submandibular ganglia

101. From which nerve does the parotid gland receive parasympathetic innervation?
Auriculotemperal from otic ganglion, not submand ganglion
However, the PS comes from the lesser petrosal out of the VII from the middle ear
Otic ganglion:
o Small PS ganglion that functionally associated with the glossopharyngeal
o Situated below foramen ovale and is medial to the mandibular nerve
o Tympanic and lesser petrosal branches of the glossopharyneal nerve supply
pre-ganglionic parasympathetic secretomotor fibers
o Postganglionic fibers leave the ganglion and join the auriculotemporal nerve

102. Hyoid bone arises from branchial arch?
Third arch cartilageossifies to form part of the hyoid bone

103. Which muscles is responsible for medial rotator of glenohumeral joint?
teres major
the pectoris major, latissiumus dorsi, and teres major all medially rotate the arm
the teres minor rotates the arm laterally

104. Which nerve pierces throhyoid membrane?
Internal laryngeal:
travels with superior laryngeal artery and pierces the thyrohyoid membrane.
Supplies mucous membranes of the larynx above the vocal folds with
sensory sensation.
External laryngeal: travels with superior thyroid artery and supplies the
cricothyroid muscle

105. Smooth muscle property: muscarinic, nicotinic, and adrenergic effect

106. Cerebral aqueduct is from which part of the brain?
Four ventricles:
o Two lateral ventricles are hollow C shaped spaces within the right and left
cerebral hemispheres
o Third ventricle forms a median cavity within the diencephalong (forebrain)
the two interventricular foramina of Monro are oval openings which provide
communication between the third and lateral ventricles. The cerebral
aqueduct in the midbrain connects the third and fourth ventricsl
o Fourth ventricle: located in the metencephalong (hindbrain). Contains two
openings in its walls called lateral apertures (foramina of Luschka) and a
single opening in its roof called the medial aperuture (foramen of Magendie)
These apertures connect the ventricular system with the subarachnoid space.
After circulating throughout the subarachnoid space the CSF is returned to
the circulatory system by filtration through arachnoid villi that protrude
mainly into the venous drainage sinuses of the cranial cavity
Obstruction of cerebral aqueduct cause enlargement of the two lateral and third
ventricles (not the fourth) This is referred to as a non-communicating
hydrocephalus because the lateral ventricles are not in communication with the
subarachnoid space

107. Emissary sinus drain dural sinus
o Emissary veins connect the venous sinuses of the dura mater with the extracranial
veins (2000)
Veins of vein are direct tributaries to the dural sinuses (cerebral sinuses or the
sinuses of dura mater)
Emissary veinsvalveless connect the dural sinuses with the veins of scalp.
Found in foramen ovale is a means

108. Which anatomic structure is the last thing to disappear down respiratory tract?
Smooth muscle
It goes down all the way the alveolar ducts until right at the alveolus
Other options: cartilage, cilia, or SM- I think SM)

109. All glucose resorbed in proximal tubule

110. Attached gingival lack which of the following?
No submucosa in attached ging (given all the options are the lining mucosas)
Free gingival groove is the line of demarcation between the attached gingival and
the free gingival

111. Collateral ligaments (discal ligaments) hold disc in place with condylar movement
Articular disc seated on condyle and held in place by the collateral ligaments that are
attached to the medial and lateral poles of the condyles

112. Oblique make up most of PDL
Oblique fibers: insertions in cementum and extending apically in alveolus.
Compose 1/3 or all fibers. Resist forces along the long axis of tooth, masticatory
forces. Found in middle third of tooth.

113. Diff b/w tuft, spindle, lamella, perikymata, in enamel
Enamel tufts: fan shaped, hpocalcified structures of enamel rods that proect from the
dentinoenaml junction into the enamel proper (unknown function)
Enamel spindles: elongated odontoblastic processes (hair like) that traverse ht DEJ
from the underlying odontoblasts. May sere as pain receptors
Enamel lamellae: defects in the enamel resembling cracks or fractures which traverse
the entire length of crown from surface ot DEJ. Contain mostly organic material and
may provie an area for decay (bacteria) to enter

114. Enamel rod parallel at heads, deviate by tails

115. Which of the following is not in pulp:

116. The dentin of the crown of a tooth and that of root differ in that the primary curvature of
the tubules decrease in the root dentin

117. The subclavian vein runs where in relation to the anterior scalene muscle
Subclavian vein crosses the first rib anterior to the anterior scalene muscle; its
tributaries are: external jugular on the left side at the angle of its junction with the
internal jugular vein It receives the thoracic duct. On the right side it receives right
lymphatic duct at the same location.

118. If bad sensory on face and cant close mouth and ringing in ear? Then damage to?
trigeminal and vestibulococh as exit brain stem?

119. Fracture of condyle inferior to pterygoid fovea, but mandible doesnt undergo
necrosiswhy not?
Innervation from lat pterygoid art or from IA art

120. Superior orbital fissure b/w which 2 bones
lesser and greater wings of sphenoid

121. Which foreman doesnt lie in middle cranial fossa
I thought jugular foreman

122. Which is a branch of 3
part of max art
either infraorbital,
sphenopalatine is the other terminal branch
other option: ant deep temporal

123. Which nerve supplies erector spinae muscles in spine
Dorsal rami

124. Which nerve supplies posterior arm

125. Which part of brachial plexus runs in axillary sheath
cords and axillary vein
axillary sheath is a continuation of the prevertebral fascia and it goes between the
anterior and middle scalene

126. Whats in carotid sheath?

127. Which nerve supplies esophagus

128. Which artery supplies parathyroids
inferior thyroid from thyrocervical
o four superior (superior thyroid artery from external carotid) and inferior
(inferior thyroid artery from thryocervical trunk) pairs on posterior of
PTH regulates calcium and phosphate metabolism of body. ESSENTIAL
for LIFE. Innervention by superior cervical ganglion

129. Which isnt supplied by 3 unpaired branches off aorta
adrenal glands
other options: appendix
other correct options: could be testicular, middle super renal, lumbar

130. Vagus supplies ascending colon (not the other parts distal to left colic flexure)

131. How does pterygopalatine fossa open into nasal cavity
sphenopalatine foreman

132. 2 questions about nerve of pterygoid canal
which is parasympathetic (deep petrosal) and something else

133. Where is cell body of nerve in pulp
trigememinal gang

134. Which nerve innervates buccal mucosa
long buccal from facial
buccal of V3 provides sensory

135. Which muscle plays an important role in moving mandibule but is not a muscle of
either mylohyoid or digastric
posterior digistric is responsible for the initial rotation of the condyle about its axis

136. Where does anterior jugular vein originate?
Other options: muscular or digastric triangle I think

137. What do parotid and pancreas have in common
serous cells

138. Whats unique about mixed glands?

139. Striated ducts have mitochondria in basement membrane folds
Striated ducts of the salivary glands are lined by a single layer of tall, columnar
epithelial cells with radially arranged mitochondria
Composed of simple low columnar epithelium

140. Where are crypts of lieberkuhn located?
Lamina propria, mucosa only
Other option: submucosal
Colon epitheliumsimple columnar with microvillous border to increase surface
area for absorption of water from lumen.
Goblet cells mucus lubricates dehydrating fecal mass.
CRYPTS OF LIEBERKUHN (intestinal glands) invade lamina propria (not the
same as goblet cells). No villa formed in large intestines
peyers patches are also located in submucosal, Aurbachs is between muscularis
external (Myenteric), the other is supervicial at the border of the submucosal and
the internal cicrcualr.
Find mucous glands in submucosou. Brunners and esophageal.

141. Know the different types of CT
know where reticular fibers are (see question 1)
Principal fibers of the PDL demonstrate collagen fibers, NOT reticular or other
types of fibers

142. What is in tunica adventitia of medium sized artery made of?
Collagen or reticular fibers
Reticular fibers stain different

143. Origin and insertion of spenomandibular ligament
Lingula is tongue shaped projection of bone that serves as the attachment for the
sphenomandibular ligament

144. Nerve supply to facial mucosa of mandi. post teeth
Buccal of V3

145. Which artery of external carotid artery you can't find in carotid triangle
Superficial temporal

146. Histo. related to articular cartilage

147. Know where the Corticobulbar tract ends? Ask Jared
The muscle nucleus of the facial muscles
If ventral horn is option choose it, but it might also be the somatic muscle, or
something to do with the motor aspect of cranial nerves
Options: ie tectum (caliculi, superior and inferior are part mid brain. Superior: is
vision, inferior is auditory).. something peduncle.. etc..

148. Nerve that innervates the mucosa of floor of mouth under floor of mouth, side of tongue?
Lingual nerve

149. Not invested by deep vertebral fascia?

150. Know what structure lies immediately lateral to medial pterygoid
Lingual nerve IS NOT PRESENT
Inferior alveolar vein, artery and nerve and the lingual nerve are found in space
between the medial pterygoid muscle and the ramus of the mandible

151. Nuclei
mesenchephal: proprioception,
solitarius (in medulla): taste VII, IX, and X (geniculate is in thalamus)
spinal: pain
principal (chief): normal touch

152. What crosses over the midline in the corticle bulber tract?
o CN VII, and XII

153. Facialparotid & submandibular

154. Origin of superior head of medial pterygoid muscle
Pyramid part of the palatine bone

155. Epithelium of masticatory mucosa of hard palate
Parakeratinized is mainly for attached gingiva
Someone wore a malfitting denture. The change is from unkeratizine

156. What characteristics of articular cartilage:
vascular, blood supply, perio.., easily

157. What cranial nerve that crosses over the midline (CN6in the brain???)
VII and XII are the two that synapse on the corticobulbar
Facial is coricobulbar tract crosses over, but it depends
V cross over after synapsing ipsilaterally in the pons

158. What innervates the epaxial portion of dermomyotome:
primary dorsal????
ventral rami , rami communicans (sympathetic that connect from spinal cord to the
sympathetic trunk, sympathetic chain ganglia), 1 other

159. Somatic afferent cell bodies are found where
a. Other options: Dorsal horn, Ventral horn, SC

160. What runs with azygos?
right vagus

161. Death from Hep C is:
Inhibition of urea synthesis

Proprioception goes straight to mesencephalic it is the only three neurons

order: trigeminal: 2
cell body: Principal nucleus: regular touch, Spinal: pain in the brain stem,
are in the thalamus 4
order are cortex.


1. Jaw-jerk reflex goes through what ganglion? trigeminal, etc

2. Pterygoid plexus something about a specific vein.deep facial and maxillay
o Pterygoid plexus of veins surrounds the maxillary artery occupying the infratemporal fossa
associated with pterygoid muscles. Receives veins that correspond to the maxillary artery.
Terminates posteriorly in the maxillary vein and anteriorly in the pterygoid plexus drains
via the deep facial vein into the facial vein

3. Nerve that innervates thumb median nerve

4. Nerve that innervates diaphragm phrenic n.

5. Fibers in pterygoid canal? parasympathetic & sympathetic

6. superior thyroid and external laryngeal run together

7. Retroperitoneal structures pancreas, spleen, ?

8. What causes formation of Protocord plate: ecto and endoderm

9. What makes anterior fauces? palatoglossus

10. What palatal muscle is not innervated by X? tensor levi palatini

11. What does ectomesenchyme give rise to? dentin, cementum, bone, alveolar process

12. bud stage, cap stage, bell stage

13. Where do gomphosis (tooth in a socket) occur? Jaw, spine, etc

14. What lies in the deltopectoral triangle: basilica vein, cephalic
vein, musculotaneous nerve

15. Cigarette smoking does not contribute to the cancers in: larynx, stomach, esophagus, pancreas,
bladder, (the other it does not contribute to is colon)

16. Where are pituicytes: neurohypophysis

17. Nissl Substance - rER

18. Mucosa of the anterior 2/3 of tongue is from the: Rathke pouch, tuberculum impar (posterior
1/3), lateral lingual swelling

19. Salivary glands are located: circumvallate (von Ebners)

20. Taste buds: have a turnover rate of 30 days, are located on the ventral and dorsal surface of

21. The pterygopalatine fossa is bordered by:
o palatine (medial wall: opening to the sphenopalatine foramen to nasal cavity, with the same
artery and the nasopalatine nerve) and sphenoid (posterior wall: foramen rotundum to
middle cranila cavity, pterygoid canal to foramen lacerum, and palaotvaginal canal to
choana; and the roof being formed by the greater wing and body)

22. Jaw reflex nerves located in Semilunar = Trigeminal ganglion
o Semilunar ganglion = gasserian ganglion: large, flattened, sensory ganglion of the
trigeminal nerve, lying close to the cavernous sinus in the middle cranial fossa

23. Bundle bone cementum (Sharpeys fibers)

24. Alpha 1 receptors vasoconstriction

25. IgG is activated where? Myoepithelial, Striated, etc

26. Superior part of carotid triangle Posterior belly of digastric muscle

27. Lateral border of retropharyngeal space Carotid sheath

28. Pterygoid Plexus and Maxillary vein drain into what? External Jugular vein, Retromandibular

29. Abductor of vocal fold posterior cricoarytenoid

30. Damage to abducens nerve? right abductor of right eye; raise __ eye, lower eye

31. Nerve to thumb median

32. Sickle Cell Anemia? 33%, 61, 75, 78 oxygen carrying capacity
78% is the oxygen carrying capacity, or the oxygen content. Hematocrit in sickle cell
anemia is 35%, you would divide it the normal of 45%

33. lingual artery relation to hyoglossus muscle deep (located btw the hyoglossus and

34. which muscle depresses lateral borders of tongue? Genioglossus, hyoglossus, etc

35. which nerve fibers travel throughout the course of the lingual nerve to receive sensory input
from ant 2/3 of tongue? Chorda tympani

36. which vessel is outside the portal triangle? Portal v, central v, hepatic a, bile duct

37. the parotid duct pierces which muscle? Buccinator

38. If something enters lymph in GI area, where will it first reach bloodstream? Brachiocephalic v

39. Where are submucosal glands located? Duodenum (ie Brunners glands), stomach

40. Whats the fxn of gastroesophageal sphincter? Prevents reflux of stomach contents

41. L coronary artery exits the aorta where? Superior to aortic valve, inf to aortic valvecongenital

42. Malformation that causes shunting of blood from left pulmonary artery to aorta? Ductus

43. Dermis has CT that is? Dense and regular (this is cornea and ligaments and tendons), dense
and irreg, reticular, areolar, loose

44. Haversian canals are oriented in which direction w/respect to long axis of long bone? Parallel,
perpend, oblique

45. Haversian canals? Communicate w/volkmanns canals

46. when odontoblastic processes disintegrate, they leave? Dead tracts

47. something about transeptal fibers of PDL
Transseptal fibers: extend from tooth to tooth, coronal to the alveolar crest and area
embedded in the cementum of adjacent teeth. Not found on the facial aspect, and have no
attachment to alveolar crestal bone. They maintain the integrity of the dental arches
(sometimes classified as principal fibers of the PDL)

48. Epith cell rests derived from what? hertwigs epi root sheath

49. Enamel formation depends on? Stratum intermedium

50. the anterior 2/3 mucosa of tongue is derived from? Lateral lingual swellings

51. difference b/n coronal and root dentin? Granular layer of Tomes (its in root dentin)

52. What can be damaged when dissecting the parotid gland. facial n, retromd vein, ext carotid a,
superfic temp art, > auric n. branches, Mx arteries, auriculotemp

53. H. pylori- #1 cause of peptic ulcer; #1 cause of chronic gastritis = chronic gastritis (chronic
gastritis / ulcer)

54. know contents of deltopectoral triangle cephalic (or thoracoacromial a) for sure cephalic v

55. know origin and insertion of trapezius: spine of scapula;

56. kidney: whats in cortex and pyramid: Medulla loop renal papilla minor calyx; renal
papilla = end of pyramid

57. contents of middle cranial fossa (II VI), pterygo fossa: rotundum, Medial perpendicular
o Middle cranial fossa: formed by sphenoid, temporal, and parietal bones
Temporal lobes of cerebrum
Hypophysis cerebri (pituitary gland)
Optic and carotid canal
Superior orbital fissure
Trigeminal impression for trigeminal ganglion
Separate the middle ear cavity and sphenoid sinus

58. know hypobranchial / hypopharyngeal eminence = copula; 3
arch post 3
of tongue;
(middle cranial fossa) = copula = 3
pharyngeal arch
Posterior one-third of tongue is formed by two elevationsthe copula (from second arch)
and the hypobranchial eminence (from the third arch)

59. what is gomphosus? Tooth and socket

60. ligamentum teres- remnant of umbilical vein; round ligament of liver; R lobe physically
bigger; L fxnly

61. platysma innervated by facial nerve

62. pigmentation of oral mucosa: Addisons disease, pigmentation of mouth doesnt go away

63. whats secrete gastrin? Gastrin: enteroendocrine; ( H secr; tightens LES, relaxes pyloric
sphincter, outflow), in calcitonin

64. G cell; CCK: I cell; Secretin: S cell; Gastric inhib peptide: K cell (all in duodenum)

65. Acid / fats secretin release / CCK which --| outflow (secretin bicarb, CCK glucagons;
GIP insulin secr
o Enteroendocrine cells (gastrin or G cells) of the pyloric glands of the stomach
mucosa secrete the hormone gastrin.
o Gastrin is absorbed in the blood and carried to the oxyntic glands (gastric glands)
in the body of the stomach. There it stimulates the parietal cells to secrete HCL
o relaxes the pyloric sphincter, activates the pyloric pump, and contracts the
esophageal sphincter

66. pituicytes pars nervosa POST lobe; glial cells from the post pitutary

67. pericyte can fibroblast, M, SM (outside of post cap venule)

68. herring bodies dilated end of nerve, they store oxytocin and prolactin in the posterior
pituitary, made in supraoptic and paraventricular and decent the

69. infratemporal fossa major artery = maxillary artery

70. 3 musc, 3 ns, IA, chorda tympani + Lingual; 2 vs: Mx artery

71. carotid sheath is lateral border of retropharyngeal space

72. retroperitoneal space = pancreas Rocker Kids Party Down c AC/DC Records (rec, kid, panc,
duod, ascending / descending colon; R

73. extraction see nail hemorrhage = infective endocarditis (janeway lesions (palm - macule)
osler nodes (nodular)

74. OSHA protect what? Pt, employees, health care workers

75. third-order neuron for pain of face = thalamus trigem spinal thalamus cortex

76. herpes latency is where? Trigeminal ganglion

77. drainage of carcinoma of larynx = cervical nodes

78. opens the vocal cords = lat posterior cricoarytenoid, cricothyroid tenses; relaxes:

79. greater palatine nerve innervates posterior hard palate

80. lateral lingual swelling - ant 1/3 of tongue mucosa made from lat lingual swelling;
overtakes; 1

81. lateral clefting cleft palate = intermaxillary and maxillary; all the way back lateral palatine /
Mx shelves

82. Edinger-westfall nucleus:preganglionic para motor neurons CN III, ciliary gang
sphincter / ciliary muscle; destrxn dilation

83. sup / inf salivatory; dorsal motor nuc 4 vagus

84. N. to pterygoid = sympathetic and parasympathetic

85. J chain = secreted in mucosa IgA protects IgA from cleavage secretory portion

86. Mast cell content = histamine and Eosinophilic chemotactic factor

87. Extrapyramidal = posture Gross mvmt; = extrafusal; posture / muscle spindle

88. Main component of enamel = 99% inorganic


90. Carpul tunnel:
Captain of the carpul tunnel: capatus, Three muscles go through it: flexor palmaris,
digitorum profundus and superficialis (flexor policis longus?????), AND the median nerve.


Thyroglossal duct cyst

93. CARTILAGE IS AN AVASCULAR / non innervated TISSUE. Chondroitan sulfate / keratin
sulfate in cart / cornea;

94. heparin sulfate in Type IV collagen

95. Types of collagen????
I: everywhere, bone, dentin, tendons
III: reticular fiber
IV: basal lamina


97. What is the superior border of the carotid triangle? Post digastric

98. What are the contents of the deltopectoral triangle? A: cephalic vein. Not basilic vein!

99. Which papillae of the tongue do not contain tastebuds? Valate (circumvallate), fungiform,
foliate have; filiform dont

100. What structure is located immediately distal to the terminal bronchioles? A: respiratory

101. 60% oxygen and 40% nitrous oxide gas mixture why will person stop breathing? B/c of
stimulation to carotid body b.c of increase oxygen. IX body, by itself; IX / X sinus (sum
of ns)

102. REFLEX: Hering-Breuer Lung stretch; X medula spinal cord; Frank-Starling =
contractility; Bainbridge - HR; Haldane Reflex release O2 higher affinity 4 CO
hystheresis inhale / exhale diff path

103. ionotropic contractility; chronotropic HR; Dromotropy condxn velocity

104. What must be cut in order to expose the submd duct from an intraoral approach.
Floor of mouth, mucous memb

105. What structures pierce the thryohyoid membrane? Int laryngeal n, Sup laryng art from sup
thyroid a

106. Know that central chemoreceptors are sensitive to carbon dioxide and not oxygen. CO
/ H


107. What nerve innervates omohyoid? Ansa cervicalis

108. Embryogenesis of neural plate: PROCHORDAL PLATE precursor to stomatodeum /
buccopharyngeal memb

109. Deltopectoral region vein cephalic v., basilic v., some other choices
Superficial Veins: The main superficial veins in this area are the cephalic and basilic veins
that originate from the dorsal venous arch in the hand.
The cephalic vein ascends in the superficial fascia along the lateral border of the wrist and
along the anterolateral surface of the forearm and arm. Superiorly the vein passes between
the deltoid and pectoralis major muscles and enters the deltopectoral triangle where it joins
the axillary vein.
The basilic vein runs in the superficial fascia on the medial side of the forearm and the
inferior part of the arm. It then passes deeply and runs superiorly into the axilla, where it
joins deep brachial veins to form the axillary vein.
The median cubital vein is the communication between the basilica and cephalic veins in
the anterior part of the elbow region (cubital fossa).

113. Where does syphilis aneurysm occur? Ascending aorta
Descending aorta, ascending aorta, right ventricle, left ventricle, circle of willis
Syphilitic aneurysm In people with untreated syphilis, the infection can spread to the
portion of the aorta nearest the heart (Ascending aorta?), producing a thoracic aortic
aneurysm 15 to 30 years after the first signs of syphilis.

114. Contents of infratemporal fossa maxillary a.
Infratemporal fossa is deep and inferior to the zygomatic arch and posterior to the maxilla.
The boundaries of the fossa are:
o -Laterally: ramus of the mandible
o -Medically: lateral pterygoid plate
o -Anteriorly: maxilla
o -Posteriorly: condylar process of mandible and styloid process of temporal bone
o -Superiorly: inferior surface of greater wing of sphenoid
o -Inferiorly: where medial pterygoid attaches to mandible near its angle
o -Inferior part of temporalis muscle
o -Medial and lateral pterygoid muscles
o -Maxillary artery
o -pterygoid venous plexus
o -mandibular, inferior alveolar, lingual, buccal nerves
o -chorda tympani
o -otic ganglion

115. Pterygopalatine fossa foramen rotundum
Pterygopalatine fossa: small pyramid of space inferior to the apex of the orbit.
Contents of the fossa:
o -terminal branches of maxillar artery
o -maxillary nerve (CN V2)- enters via the foramen rotundum and in fossa gives
rise to:
the zygomatic nerve
-nerve of pterygoid canal
-pterygopalatine ganglion

116. Blood supply to nose sphenopalatine a., PSA a., other choices
The blood supply of the medial and lateral walls of the nasal cavity is from:
o -branches of the sphenopalatine artery
o -the anterior and posterior ethmoid arteries
o -the greater palatine artery
o -the superior labial artery
o -lateral nasal branches of the facial artery

117. What innervates posterior palatine? greater palatine. . . what about the lesser palatine,
which innervates mostly the soft palate?
The sensory nerves of the palate are branches of the pterygopalatine ganglion. The greater
palatine nerve supplies the gingivae, mucous membrane and glands of most of the hard

118. Whats common about salivary glands & myoepithelial cells?
Myoepithelial cells = contractile epithelial cells that are located on the surface of some of
the salivary gland acini to facilitate the flow of saliva out of each lumen into the connecting

119. The presynaptic cell body of eye thing, where is it? Edenger-Wesphal nucleus
The preganglionic cell bodies of the oculomotor nerve (CN III) parasympathetics lie in the
Edinger-Westphal Nucleus of the midbrain. The preganglionic fibers course ventrally in the
midbrain with somatic fibers of the oculomotor nerve and emerge from the ventral aspect
of the midgrain within the oculomotor nerve. They join the inferior division of the
oculomotor nerve and enter the ciliary ganglion.
Edinger-Westphal nucleus = A small group of preganglionic parasympathetic motor
neurons in the midline near the rostral pole of the oculomotor nucleus of the midbrain; the
axons of these motor neurons leave the brain with the oculomotor nerve and synapse on the
cells of the ciliary ganglion which in turn innervate the sphincter muscle of the pupil and
ciliary muscle. Destruction of this nucleus or its efferent fibres causes maximal paralytic
dilation of the pupil; also demonstrated to project fibres to lower levels of the brainstem
and all spinal levels.

120.. What does the abducens n. do? abduct right eye, etc, etc
The abducens nerve (CN VI) innervates the Lateral Rectus muscle of the eye and
participates in the abduction of the eyeball.



1. What happens when you puncture your left lung?
-left lung collapses
-right lung collapses
-both lungs collapse

2. During endochondral ossification, you see parallel rows of enlarged chondrocytes. What is
occurring there?
-hypertrophy and calcification

3. zygmaticotemporal and zygomaticofacial are branches of what nerve?
-v2according to BRS

4. As a tooth undergoes attrition, it maintains contact with the opposing dentition. This is a result
-secondary dentin
-apical cementum
-alveolar bone
-coronal enamel
-bundle bone

5. Know that calcitonin is made by parafollicular cells of thyroid

6. Which of the following can be used to differentiate between arch of aorta and brachial artery?
-Tunica media
-tunica adventitia

7. Tap masseter?
-initiate stretch reflex

9. The thenar muscles are innervated by the

10. If you damage the coracoid process, which muscles are damaged?
-pec minor and short head of biceps brachii; could also have answered with the

11. Most inferior branch of external carotid
-superior thyroid

12. The inability to move the diaphragm because of a complete spinal section at

13. Spinal cord lesion at T2
-same side below T2 is affected
corticospinal-- motormedulla
spinothalamicpaint and temp: S.C
medial lemniscusproprioception: medulla
spino cerebral: unc. Proprio: same side???

14. What is an enamel spindle
-elongated odontoblastic process

15. Which muscles close the nasopharynx?
-tensor veli palatini and levator veli palatini; palatoglossal closes oropharynx

16. Which of the following bones is NOT part of the calavaria? (skull base)

17. If there is a deficiency of sensation on the left side of the face where is the deficit in the brain?
-right parietal

18. Which pair of muscles are innervated by V?
-Medial and lateral pterygoid

19. Where is the cell body of a somatic afferent located?
-dorsal root ganglia

20. What type of muscle has intercalated discs?

21. If you touch a person's right cheek, which lobe gets stimulated?
-left parietal

22. Which vein connecting the cavernous sinus with facial vein?
-superior ophthalmic
Deep facial veinis facial to the plexus.?
Face has no valves and backflow of infection can get into the sinuses via the deep facial vein
(via pterygoid plexus) and superior ophthalmic vein (via cavernous sinus)

23. Increased sympathetic stimulation would cause all of the following EXCEPT:
Increased blood flow to the skin


1. What is the medial wall of the axilla? Serratus anterior
medial wall: upper ribs and their intercostal muscles and serratus anterior mscl
lateral wall: humerus
posterior wall: subscapularis, teres jamor, and lats
anterior wall: pectoralis major and minor
base axillary fascia
apex: interval between the clavicle scapula, and first rib
contents: axillary vascularture, branches of the brachial plexus, the long and short
heads of the biceps brachii, and the coracobrachilais

2. Bifurcation of trachea is at T5/sternal angle

3. What passes between superior and middle pharyngeal constrictor? Stylopharyngeus muscle and
glossopharyngeal nerve stylohyoid ligament (comes off the second branchial arch)

4. What covers articular disc? Dense fibrous connective tissue, fibrocartilage

5. Major portion of hard palate and soft palate is derived from? Palatine process of maxillathis
should be the right answer but it wasnt listed. Palatine shelves, horizontal plates of the
palatine bonethis is only the very last part and seems to cover the soft palate

6. What comprises the floor of submandibular triangle? digastric

7. If parotid gland is removed, what structures are likely to be injured? External carotid and
glossopharyngeal (facial nerve, retromandibular vein, ext carotid artery = superfic temp art, >
auric n. branches, Maxillary arteries, auriculotemperal nerve)

8. What is the difference between cellular and acellular cementum?

9. Left coronary artery leaves the aorta at what location? Arises from the left aortic sinus, just
above the aortic semilunar valve, AFTER

10. Injection through greater palatine foramen into pterygopalatine fossa will cause what? Too
much could cause numbness to eye, nose and other facial structures???

11. What is the primary function of gastroesophagueal sphincter? Prevent reflux

12. Basilar artery is formed by what? 2 vertebral arteries coming together

13. Intercostal arteries are between what muscles? Internal and innermost intercostal muscle

14. Nasopalatine nerve goes through what foramen? Incisive forament\

15. What artery supplies the upper lip? Superior labial artery of facial

16. What mastication muscle does not contract when mandible is elevated and closing?
Temporalis? Myelohyoid

17. What nucleus innervated the muscle derived from branchial arches? Nucleus ambiguous
The neurons of the central nervous system that innervate muscles derived from branchial
arches are found in nucleus ambiguous (CN 9 and 10)

18. Pain carried by glossopharyngeal nerve goes to what nucleus? Superior ganglion of IX
Pain fibers in the glossopharyngeal nerve synapse in the spinal nucleus of the
trigeminal nerve

19. What does long thoracic nerve innervate? Serratus anterior

20. The striated muscle of the tongue is derived from? First or second branchial arch, myotomes

21. Injury to spinal accessory nerve will lead to what? Inability to raise scapula. Accessory
innervates the trapezius which elevates the scapula, draws head back, adducts scapula, braces
shoulder, and draws scapula down.

22. What is the epithelium of gallbladder? Simple columnar, Simple cuboidal, simple squamous,
ciliated pseudostratified squamous

23. Submucosal glands can be seen in what? Duodenum Brunners glands

24. What organs are retroperitoneal? Rocker Kids Party Down c AC/DC Records (rec, kid, panc,
duod, ascending / descending colon; R

25. What are the branches of Subclavian artery? Internal thoracic, vertebral, thyrocervical trunk

26. Spheno-occipital synchondrosis is what type of cartilage? Hyaline

27. TMJ is innervated by? Auriculotemporal, also sees messeteric and one other that I always

28. Which muscle has tendon that wraps around pterygoid hamulus? Tensor veli palatine

29. If dentin formation occurs AFTER the breaking up of root sheath of Hertwig, what forms?
Lateral cannal???
Accessory root canals are formed by a break or perforation in the root sheath
BEFORE the root dentin is depositedStraight from Decks
After first root dentin is deposited, the cervical portion of Hertwigs epithelial root
sheath breaks down and this new dentin comes in contact with the dental sac.

30. What is the component in enamel? Enamel spindle, tuft, lamelle, calcified rods. All of them

31. Buccinator muscle originates where? Buccopharyngeal raphe (pterygomandibular raphe), as
well as the maxilla, mandible, ptergomaxillary ligament

32. What veins drain into cavernous sinus? Ophthalmic artery (internal carotid), and CN VI
What goes through sinus and what is on the wall: oculomotor, abducens, trochlear, and ophthalmic
nerve all lie in the wall of sinus.

33. Right lymphatic duct drain what structures? Right side of head and neck, right upper extremity
and right side of thorax

34. What is the pressure of large veins at right atrium? Lowest pressure, vena cava is 4 mm Hg,
atria must be lower

35. What is constant throughout the cardiovascular system? Endothelium, smooth muscle, vasa

36. Skeletal muscle differs from cardiac muscle in what way? Skeletal muscle can hypertrophy
so can cardiac, has shorter action potential,

37. Facial nerve exists where? Stylomastoid foramen

38. Where is the lumbar puncture usually done? L3 L5

39. Which is NOT found in pulp cavity nerve fibers? lymphatics, blood vessels, cementoblasts

40. Which is derived from neural crest? Parasympathetic preganglionic cell bodies, sympathetic
preganglionic cell bodies, sypathethic postganglionic cell bodies (97 test)

41. Anterior pillar of fauces? Palatoglossus

42. All of the following are innervated by hypoglossal nerve except what? Palatoglossus

43. What is the depression on the upper lip called? Philtrum

44. What kind of fibers are found in large numbers in the middle third of the root? oblique

45. Which is not the reason pulp cavity gets smaller? Caries, thermal shock, normal mastication,

46. What is the dark band on skeletal muscle? Myosin

_______________question in more recent year
______________stuff to still go over
______________ not positive on the answer


1. The mylohyoid is not considered a primary elevator of the mandible and the lateral pterygoid is
in rare instances.
2. The vertebral artery is most often a branch of the subclavian artery
3. The maxillary sinus and the nasal cavity is situated in the middle nasal meatus at the semilunar
4. A branch of the ansa cervicalis supplies the innervation for the sternohyoid muscle
5. Principal fibers of the PDL demonstrate collagen fibers, NOT reticular or other types of fibers
6. Melanocytes migrate to the lamina propria of the oral mucosa from the neural crest
7. The left recurrent laryngeal nerve passes beneath the ligamentum arteriousum
8. Unilateral cleft lip results from the failure of the fusion/merging of the maxillary process and
medial nasal process
9. The pre-ameloblasts and pre-odontoblasts correspond best to the epidermis and dermis
CONSCIOUS PROPRIOCEPTION travel in the spinal cord
11. There are no capillaries in the epidermis. However, there are eleiden, desmosomes, mitotic
cells, and free nerve endings
12. The secondary center of ossification is found in the epiphysis, not the epiphyseal plate, or the
diaphysis. Grows radially. The primary ossification is in the diaphysis
13. Lymph from the superior quadrant of the mammary gland drains first to the nodes that are
adjacent to the axillary veins
14. The teres major is responsible for the medial rotator at the gleno-humeral joint
15. Testosterone is elaborated from the sertoli cells. It is produced by the Leydig cells
16. The root sheath (Hertwig) must be broken for cementum to be deposited
17. Hassalls corpuscles are characteristic of the thymus
18. Which of the following histological describes oral mucosa found on the floor of the mouth:
nonkeratinized epithelium with a lamina propria and a submucosa
19. Muscle found in the wall of the arteriole has fibers with single, centrally placed nucleus
(smooth muscle)
20. The left coronary artery arises from the ascending aorta
21. The NUCLEOLUS is most directly involved in synthesis of ribosomal RNA
22. The lingual nerve is located directly on the lateral surface of the medial pterygoid
23. The carotid sheath contains the vagus nerve, the internal jugular vein, and the common carotid
artery, BUT NOT the ansa cervicalis
24. The oral part of the pharynx communicates directly with the oral cavity, the laryngopharynx,
and nasopharynx, NOT, the trachea, esophagus, maxillary sinus, larynx, tympanic membrane,
or nasal cavity
25. Foramen:
a. The mandibular nerve passes through the foramen ovale
b. The optic nerve passes through the optic canal
c. The maxillary artery passes through the infratemporal fossa
d. Middle meningeal artery passes through the foramen spinosum
26. The nerves of the anterior abdominal wall lie immediately deep to the internal oblique muscle
27. Glycocalyx are located extracellularly
a. At the apical surface, microvilli form finger-like processes called the brush border.
They have a core of microfilaments and a glycocalyx coat. Actin filaments anchor
the microvilli in the exoplasmic zone of the cell (cytoskeleton
b. On all cell surfaces recall there is a plasma membrane and on the outer surface of that
are carbohydrates and lipids called a glycocalyx. Plant cells have a thick cellulose
covering. Animals have a less rigid carbohydrate covering that is responsible for blood
grouping ABO antigens. Antigenicity is imparted by the glycocalyx. That
glycocalyx is particularly well developed in the intestinal absorptive cells of the kidney
where its components are involved in absorption.
28. Lysosomes, microtubules, tonofibrils, and karatohyalin granules are all located intracellularly
29. The sublingual caruncles are elevations that are located on both sides of the lingual frenum
30. The platysma is supplied by the facial nerve
31. The inferior parathyroid gland develops from the fourth pharyngeal arch
32. The retromandibular vein is formed within the parotid gland by the union of the superficial
temporal and maxillary veins
33. The greater splanchnic nerve consists of sympatheit fibers from vertebral spinal levels T5 T9
34. The bifurcation of the trachea lies at the level of the sternal angle
35. Proprioceptive information related to muscles of mastication is conveyed by neurons located in
the mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve
36. The articulating surface of the adult mandibular condyle is covered by collagenous connective
37. Fibrocartilage normally occurs in intervertebral discs
38. Touch receptors are most numerous per unit area in the tip of the tongue
39. The apical third of the root has the thickest layer of cementum
40. The esophagus has stratified squamous epithelium
41. In a histologic section through the epiphyseal plate of the femur of an 18 year old male, the
zone of hypertrophy and maturation show cartilage lacunae swollen and chondrocytes enlarged
42. In erythropoiesis, there is an increased cytoplasm acidophilia from the proerythroblasts
43. Initially the developing heart is between the prochordal plate and the notochord
44. Pharyngeal tonsils are characteristically covered by ciliated pseudostratified columnar
a. This is the distinguishing feature Histologically from the palatine tonsils
b. Palantine tonsil has squamou
c. Tonsils are the only ones that dont have crypts
45. Urinary bladder differs from gallbladder in that urinary bladder is lined with transitional
epithelium and gallbladder is lined with simple columnar epithelium
46. Epithelium with microvilli is most often associated with absorption
47. The maxillary nerve passes through the foramen rotundum
48. An apical abscess of a mandibular second molar can reach the floor of the mouth by
contiguous spread due to the lingual attachment of the mylohyoid muscle
49. Apical granules in parenchymal cells of the salivary gland represent secretion precursors, not
large mitochondria or primary lysosomes
50. The ascending aorta differs from the superior vena cava in that the aorta has more elastic tissue
in the tunica media
51. Sharpeys fibers from the PDL insert into the bundle bone and the cementum, not the cortical
52. The lingual nerve receives temperature sensation from the tip of the tongue
53. Enamel rods converge as they pass from the DEJ toward the surface in the area of fissures,
NOT incisal edges, or cervical lines
54. The V shaped demarcation that separates the anterior 2/3 of tongue from the posterior is the
sulcus terminalis
55. Meckels cartilage is responsible fro the directional growth of the mandible
56. Emissary veins connect the venous sinuses of the dura mater with the extracranial veins
57. Parietal cells produce gastric intrinsic factor
58. A deviation of the tongue, when protruded, away from the midline results from damage to the
59. An outer fibrous coat and an inner osteogenic cellular layer is found in periosteum
60. The lingual nerve innervates the mucosa of the floor of the oral cavity
61. Free gingival groove is the line of demarcation between the attached gingival and the free
62. Blood vessels are not found in cementum, but cells, lacunae, canaliculi, and collagen fibers are
found in cementum
63. The maxillary artery is the major artery in the infratemporal fossa
64. The nasolacrimal duct drains into the inferior meatus
65. Postganglionic fibers from the pterygopalatine ganglion are not found in the parotid gland, but
are found in the lacrimal, palatal, nasal septal mucosa, and lateral nasal mucosa
66. The splenic artery is a branch of the celiac trunk
67. Preganglionic nerve cell bodies form fibers that reach the otic ganglion are located in the
inferior salivatory nucleus


1. Type I collagen is secreted by odontoblasts as the organic components of the dentin matrix
2. The amount of CT involutions (crypts) distinguishes the palatine and the pharyngeal tonsils
from one another. The ________ has more crypts
3. The levator veli palatine: is an
a. extrinsic muscle of the soft palate
b. elevates the soft palate
c. is innervated by the vagus nerve
d. inserts in a palatine aponeurosis
e. BUT DOES NOT HOOK around the HAMULUS, the tensor veli palatine does.
4. The infratemporal fossa contains:
a. Lingual nerve
b. Long buccal nerve
c. Inferior alveolar nerve
d. Posterior superior alveolar nerve
e. BUT NOT the pterygopalatine ganglion
5. Osteoclasts originate from monocytes
6. Osteoblasts and mesenchymal cells originate fro osteoprogenitor cells
7. Nucleuses:
a. Spinal: pain and temperature
b. Principle: sensory and touch
c. Mesencephalic: proprioception
8. Blood from the cephalic vein drains into the axillary vein
9. The temporal lobe of the cerebral hemisphere lies in the middle cranial fossa
10. Blood levels of Ca++ control the action of the parathyroid gland
11. Muscles and their arches:
a. First: mastication
b. Second: facial expression
c. Third: stylopharyngeous, IX
d. Fifth: trapezius/SCM and CN XI
12. Bowmans capsule has what type of epithelium has simple squamous and on the visceral it has
13. An infection spreading by way of the lymphatic system from the vermiform appendix first
enters the blood stream at the junction of the internal jugular and subclavian veins
(brachiocephalic vein)
14. The internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve pierces the thyrohyoid membrane
15. Cells of the stratum granulosum in the keratinized portion of the oral mucosa are
characterized by the presence of numerous keratohyalin granules.
16. Preganglionic PS fibers that synapse in the pterygopalatine ganglion travel in the greater
petrosal nerve (which is from the facial)
17. The phrenic nerve provides the major sensory supply to the parietal pericarcium branches
18. The articular eminence represents the anterior boundary of the mandibular fossa of the
temporal bone
19. Microglia exhibit phagocytic activity in the central nervous system
20. The hypoglossal nerve travels from the carotid triangle into the submandibular triangle of the
21. In the temperomandibular joint, a very dense collection of organized elastic fibers is found in
the posterior inferior lamina of the bilaminar zone
22. Stimulation of the lesser petrosal nerve in an adult causes secretion in the parotid gland
23. The greater petrosal nerve causes secretion in the lacrimal gland
24. The internal thoracic artery gives rise to the superior epigastric and musculophrenic
25. The branches of the maxillary artery supply:
a. Nasal septum: sphenopalatine/lateral nasal
b. Mandibular incisors: lingual artery
c. Hard and soft palate: greater palatine
d. Muscles of mastication: 2
segment of maxillary artery
e. BUT NOT supraorbital area: which is supplied by the ophthalmic of the internal carotid
26. The parotid and von Ebners are pure serous
27. The palatine is the only pure mucous
28. The following venous channels has direct connection with the pterygoid venous plexus:
a. Maxillary vein
b. Deep facial vein
c. Intraorbital vein
d. Posterior superior alveolar vein
e. BUT NOT the vertebral artery, nor internal carotid artery, which is represented by
superior ophthalmic
29. Buccal mucosa has nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelia
30. The frontal bone forms the roof of the orbit
31. Mature dental pulp contains loose connective tissue
32. Simple columnar epithelium is normally associated with the internal lining of the majority of
the gastrointestinal system
33. There is a distinct change in the type of surface epithelium at the junction of the stomach and
34. In mammalian skeletal muscles, the T tubules are found at the junction of the A and I bands
35. The lingual raphe is not located at the boundary between the body
and the root of the tongue
36. The thyrocervical trunk is comprised of the inferior thyroid, the transverse cervical artery and
the suprascapular artery
37. Lymphatic vessels in the upper limb follow veins
38. Basophils and mast cells each secrete heparin and histamine
39. Ameloblasts will form enamel if the stratum intermedium is present
40. The middle cardiac vein drains into the coronary sinus, which then drains into the right atrium
41. The presence of collagen fibers differentiates between cementum and enamel
42. Peritubular is the most highly mineralized type of dentin
43. The anterior pillar of the fauces is composed of the mucosal fold containing the palatoglossus
44. The retroperitoneal organs consists of the:
45. The oldest enamel in a fully erupted first molar is located at the DEJ under a cusp
46. In an adult, a Babinski sign indicates damage to the upper motor neurons
47. The posterior aspect of the condyle can be palpated by way of the external auditory meatus
48. During the life span of a multirooted tooth, dentin continues to form most rapidly on the roof
of the pulp chamber
49. The articular disc of the temporomandibular joint consists in dense fibrous connective tissue
containing some chondrocytes
50. Proteins for extracellular use can be synthesized from rough endoplasmic reticulum
51. Intelligence and sensory motor functions of a patient appear to be intact. However, the pt lacks
self discipline and is unable to plan for the future or to organize behaviors into logical
sequences. A lesion is most likely from the frontal lobe
52. The primary function of cementum is to serve as an attachment to the PDL
53. The posterior belly of the digastric is supplied by the facial nerve
54. Rupture of the middle meningeal artery is likely to lead to subdural hematoma
55. The mylohydoid ridge line is found on the body of the mandible
56. An abnormal increase in blood pressure in a healthy person will result in an increased number
of impulses traveling to the heart over the Vagus
57. During fetal development a shunt from the pulmonary artery leads to the aortic arch. This is
called ductus arteriosus
58. The amount of fibrous CT increases in the pulp with age
59. The phrenic nerve is in direct contact with the prevertebral fascia (and anterior scalene)
(maybe infrahyoid fascia)
60. Cell bodies of neurons mediating proprioception from the face lie in the mesencephalic (jaw
jerk reflex)
61. Mucosa from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue develop primarily from the lateral lingual
62. Type II pneumocytes produce surfactant
63. Sphenomandibular ligament is the one most damaged following inferior alveolar nerve blocks
64. Endochondral ossification occurs in formation of the long bones
65. The junction of the tooth surface and the cervical epithelium is composed of basal lamina-like
66. Upper motor neuron paralysis of the facial nerve most commonly affects the contralateral face
below the eyeballs.
a. Lower motor neurons would effect ipsilateral of the whole face
67. The pharyngeal pouches:
a. 1: auditory tube
b. 2: palatine tonsil
c. 3: thymus
d. 3 + 4: parathyroid
e. BUT NOT the parotid gland
68. Blastocytes usually occur in the upper portion of the uterine cavity (day fiveday of
implantation: blastula, morula, blastocyste)
69. Cranial nerves 9,10, and 11 all leave cranium by way of the jugular foramen.
70. The hypoglossal nerve exits through the hypoglossal canal
71. CN: 3,7,9,10 all have PS components
72. The nasopalatine nerve reaches mucosa in the oral cavity via the incisive papilla
73. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum dominate in steroid producing cells but not in protein
producing, thats for RER
74. Atretic follicles are found in the ovary
75. Elastic cartilage is found in the pinna of the external ear
76. Keratocytes are tonofibrils that are well developed
77. The golgi apparatus assembles glycoprotiens for extracellular use
78. Type of tissue in tunica media can be used to distinguish between a section of the arch of the
aorta and a section of the branchial artery
79. The biceps brachii participate in flexion at the gleno-humoral joint and flexion at the humero-
ulnar joint
80. Rugae do not increase the surface area of the small intestines
81. Elastic fibers are found in the aorta, the pulmonary veins, medium-sized arteries, BUT NOT
82. Submucosal glands are usually located in the duodenum
83. The thickest stratum corneum is found in the palm
a. Stratum lucidum is missing in thick keratinized epithelium
84. A laceration of the palatal mucosa in the area of the first molar is most likely to damage the
greater (anterior) palatine nerve
85. Nerves associated with the cavernous sinus include: abducens, trochlear, trigeminal,
oculomotor, BUT NOT facial
86. Pars nervosa is responsible for the release of oxytosin
87. The lingual artery is found between the hyoglossus and genioglossus
88. Diaphragm is most concerned with quiet respiration
89. The tentorium cerebelli contains each of the following venous sinuses:
straight, transverse, superior petrosal, BUT NOT inferior petrosal
90. The muscles appearing at the floor of the posterior triangle include the scalene medius, spenius
capitus, levator scapulae, scalenus posterior, BUT NOT sternohyoid
91. Cell bodies of sympathetic fibers in the nerve of the pterygoid canal come from the superior
cervical ganglion
92. Lysosomes is an organelle that contains many hydrolytic enzymes
93. Inorganic crystals in enamel have their long axes parallel to the rods in bodies of the rods and
deviating increasingly in the tails
94. Striated ducts of the salivary glands are lined by a single layer of tall, columnar epithelial cells
with radially arranged mitochondria.



1. Lymphatic drainage of the lower eyelid, the upper lip, and skin and muscles of the nose and the
cheek is initially into the submandibular node
2. A surgeon who operated on the anterior abdominal wall found a muscle that had fibers running
anteriorly and inferiorly. They are called the external oblique
3. Polymerization of the molecules into collagen fibrils occurs in the extracellular space
4. Cell bodies of postganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers to the eye are located in the superior
cervical ganglion
5. Langerhan cells are intraepithelaial cells associated with the immune system
6. The wall of the orbit consists of the following bones: zygomatic
7. The carotid sheath represents the lateral boundary of the
retrophararyngeal space at the level of the oropharynx
8. Fungiform papilla is characterized by red spots on the dorsal surface of the tongue
9. The medial antebrachial cutaneous is a sensory nerve.
10. The thoracodorsal, long thoracic, medial pectoral, and lower subscapular nerves are all motor
11. The microglial cell exhibits phagocytic activity in the central nervous system
12. The maxillary nerve enters the pterygopalatine fossa through the foramen rotundum
13. Maxillary artery:
a. Nasal septum : terminal branch of sphenopalatine
b. Mandibular incisors: 1
c. Hard and soft palate: 3 rd part
d. Muscles of mastication: 2 ncd part
14. The skin of the forehead is supplied by the superficial temporal
15. The buccinator muscle originates from the pterygomandibular ligament (raphe) and alveolar
processes of the maxilla and the mandible
16. The trapezius, sternothyroid, SCM and inferior belly of the omohydoid are
wrapped in deep cervical fascia. The anterior scalene is not
17. Seromucous glands are characterized by demilunes
18. The radial nerve is a major nerve of the posterior aspect of the arm and forearm
19. The eyelids are closed by contraction of the obicularis oculi, levator palpebrae keep them open
20. Postganglionic PS fibers to the parotid reach the gland by way of the auriculotemporal, via the
otic ganglion, which receives PS from the lesser petrosal from the geniculate ganglion
21. The right posterolateral thoracic wall is drained by the azygous vein, not the hemiazygous, or
the right brachiocephalic
22. The thyrocervical trunk is comprised of the:
a. Inferior thyroid
b. Transverse cervical artery
c. And the suprascapular artery
23. The adrenal medullas is not under direct control from the pituitary
24. Glycocalyx??? Are located extracellularly
25. Fibrocartilage normally occurs in the intervertebral discs
26. Abundant endoplasmic reticulum causes an intense basophilia in osteoblasts
27. The proximal ???? initiates the mesial drift of a posterior tooth
28. The following pass through the jugular foramen:
a. Vagus
b. Glossopharyngeal
c. Spinal accessory
d. NOT the hypoglossus, which passes through the hypoglossal canal
29. Celiac trunk:
a. Left gastric, splenic, common hepatic
b. NOT: short gastric, right gastric, gastroduodnal, or proper hepatic
30. Proteins fro extracellular use can be synthesized by the rough endoplasmic reticulum
31. The fundus of the stomach contains parietal cells
32. Villi are located in the mucosa of the small intestines, NOT the rectum, stomach, esophagus, or
large intestine
33. The adult spleen:
a. Production of lymphocytes
b. Storage of RBC
c. Destruction of RBC
d. Filtraiont of bloot to detect foreign bodies
e. NOT production of RBCfetal function
34. A uniform growth of the epithelial diaphragm results in the formation of a single rooted tooth
35. The trapezius muscles inserts on the spine of the scapula
36. Certain nerve fibers form a plexus in the pulp cavity. The cell bodies of these fibers are found
in the trigeminal ganglion
37. Adipose tissue is found in the submucosa at the lateral level of the premolars
38. The motor neurons in the anterior ventral horn of the spinal cord are multipolar
39. The palatoglossues is responsible for the formation of the arch just anterior to the palatine
40. The sphenomandibular ligament is most often damages in the inferior alveolar nerve block
41. The bone composing the cortical plate of the alveolar process consists of compact bone with
haversina systems and lamalle)
42. The vagus and sympathetic nerves innervate the lungs
43. The myeloid space is found in cancellous bone
44. The oblique PDL fibers serve primarily to prevent movement of the tooth in the apical
45. Enamel lamellae represents a thin leaflike structure that extend from the enamel surface toward
the DEJ and consists mainly of organic material
46. The first synapse for the tactile discrimination from the face occurs in the chief sensory nucleus
of V
a. Trigeminal ganglion: cell bodies
b. Spinal nucleus of V: pain and temperature
c. Mesencephalic of V: proprioception
47. The substantia gelatinosa is a nucleus that has been postulated to serve as a part of the gala
control system for pain
48. Injection of a local anesthetic containing a vasoconstrictor into the attached gingival would
affect the blood vessles of the lamina propria
49. Basophils are the white blood cells in fewest number
50. Glycoproteins are assembled in golgi apparatus for extracellular use
51. Cellular cementum is best distinguished from acellular
cementum by the presence of lacunae or circumferential lamallae
52. Axons of first order neurons of pain and temperature enter the spinal cord and reach higher and
lower segments by way of the lateral spinothalamic tract
a. Fasciculus gracilus: lower limbs
b. Fasciculus cuneatus: upper limb
53. The neurons of the central nervous system that innervate muscles derived from branchial
arches are found in nucleus ambiguous (CN 9 and 10)
54. Substantia nigra contains dopamine and is frequently affected by Parkinsons
55. Gemination is a tooth exhibiting a single root, single pulp chamber and two fused crowns
56. Crista terminalis is the line of junction between the primitive sulcus terminal in embryo
57. Neural crest cells give rise to the postganglionic sympathetic bodies
58. The thoracic spinal nerves and the sympathetic trunk are connected via the rami communicans
59. A major sensory innervation of the temperomandibular joins is the auricolotemporal and
massteric nerves
60. Under certain conditions phagocytosis occurs in the lining of the sinusoids, NOT venules,
arterioles or capillaries
61. The pars nervosa is the site of oxtyocin release
62. Pain fibers in the glossopharyngeal nerve synapse in the spinal nucleus of the superior ganglion
of cranial nerve IX
63. Cell bodies of the sympathetic fibers in the nerve of the superior cervical ganglion lie in the
pterygoid canal
64. Odontoblasts are characterized by cytoplasmic microtubules and occasional mitochondria and
vesicles or microtubles and numerous lysosomes
65. The superior portion of the genioglossus muscle connect the tongue to the mandible
66. The acid solubility of the surface enamel is reduced by using fluoride
67. Keratinized epithelium covers the gingival tissue and hard palate


1. Calcitonin is the secretory product of the parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland
2. PS innervation controlling salivation originates from CN VII and IX
3. The Palatine tonsil is partly surrounded by CT and epithelium, contains lymphoid follicles, and
has no sinuses, and is penetrated by a number of crypts.
4. The dentist incises the mucous membrane of the floor of the mouth. This incision extends
from the molar region to the sublinugla caruncle (papilla) the sublingual gland, lingual nerves,
and sumbandibular duct are the first to be exposed.
5. The subclavian vein crosses the first rib, it lies anterior to the anterior scalene muscle
6. Blood passes toward the central vein in hepatic sinusoids
7. Ameloblasts with Tomes processes are in the secretory stage
8. During intraoral injection to the mandibular foramen, the needle passes through the mucous
membrane and the buccinator muscle. The needle lies lateral to the medial pterygoid muscle
9. Simple columnar epithelium is adapted for secretory or absorptive functions
10. Primary afferent neurons in the gag reflex are carried by glossopharyngeal
11. Hypoglossal XII , contributes to the motor innervation of the intrinsic muscles of the tongue
12. All but the thyrohyoid suprahyoid muscles receive motor innervation from ansa cervicalis. The
omohyoid, geniohyoid, sternohyoid, and sternothyroid all do receive innervation from ansa
13. The azygos vein leaves an impression on the right lung
14. The accessory nerve innervates the trapezius muscle
15. The pterygoid canal, pharyngeal canal, sphenopalatine foramen, pterygomaxillary fissure all
open into the pterygopalatine fossa, NOT the facial canal
16. The buccinator and the superior pharyngeal constrictor attach to the pterygomandibular raphe
17. The vagus nerve supplies PS fibers to the ascending colon
18. The basale strata of the epidermis is the least cytodifferentiated
19. Some medications can be absorbed through the mucosa of the tongues ventral surface and
through the mucosa of the floor of the mouth. This absorption can take place in these areas
because the mucosa is covered by thin nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium with a
thin lamina propria
20. The vertebral artery is a branch of the subclavian artery
21. Structures between hyoglossus and the mylohyoid muscles: lingual nerve, sublingual gland,
submandibualr duct, hypoglossal nerve NOT lingual artery
22. White matter of the spinal cord consists chiefly of myelinated axons
23. The left recurrent laryngeal nerve is closely related as its beginning to the ligamentum
arteriosum and the arch of the aorta
24. CNs III, VII, IX and X all carry parasympathetic fibers
25. The capacity of the tongue for forceful movement depends on striated muscle supplied by
cranial nerve XII, hypoglossus
26. Enlargement of the third ventricle and both lateral ventricles is caused by obstruction of the
cerebral aqueduct
27. Highly discrete motor activity of the hand is dependent on precentral gyrus of the frontal lobe
28. Glossopharyngeal supplies derivatives of the third branchial arch
29. The lingual of the mandible serves as an attachment for the sphenomandibular ligmanent
30. In the developing embryo the palate is separated from the lib by a shallow sulcus in the depths
of the two epithelial laminae. The outer lamina is the vestibular lamina
31. Apical PDL are the first ligaments to offer resistance to movement of the tooth in an
occlusal direction
32. Alveolar mucous membrane is best characterized by a red appearance due to high vascularity
and thinness of epithelium, NOT being firmly bound to underlying bone
33. The first, second, and third branchial arches are concerned in development of the tongue
34. Apical cytoplasm of active serous glandular cells is typically filled with an abundance of
zymogen granules
35. The intermaxillary process is not derived from the first branchial arch. The tuberculum impar,
maxillary process, mandibular process and lateral lingual swellings are
36. Salivary gland striated ducts are composed of simple low columnarr epithelium
37. Fibrous connective tissue is on the posterior slope of the articular eminence
38. Dentinanl tubules are S-shaped in the crown of the tooth because of crowding of odontoblasts
39. Cell bodies of proprioceptive fibers in V are located in the mesencephalic nucleus
a. Spinal nucleus
b. Semilunar glanglion
c. Geniculate ganglion

Ecrine and merocrine are the same. Most abundant in body. It is secretory granules. Ex:
sebaceous, all sweat glands except emotional sweat glands)
Apocrine: part of the cell goes with it. (sexy distribution
Holocrine: sebaceous

Dec 1997

2. the greater peritoneal sac is placed in communication with the lesser periotoneal sac by means
of the epiploic foramen.

3. Focal destructin of the third cranial nerve would result in paralysis of the suerp, med, and infer
rectus and other

4. Ophthalmic is branch of internal carotid

5. Bile traverses the cystic and common bile ducts and then is emptied into he descending

6. Hepatic portal vein is usually formed by the union of the superior mesenteric vein and the

7. The portion of the hard palate located directly posterior to the maxillary central incisors is
derived from median nasal process

8. Ciliated cells and goblet cells are found in the epithelial lining of the lung respiratory tubules
NOT stomach, colon, uterine tube, or kidney

9. Intramembranous ossification is found in appositional growth NOT center of chondrification,
zone of cell hypertrophy, interstitial growth, or closure of the epiphysis

10. Cells possessing abundant smooth ER are most likely to produce steroids. Golgi is post
translational modification

11. Posterior root of the tongue has central longitudinal fissure

12. The oblique fibers have the slowest turnover time of all PDL groups

13. LATERAL cleft lip forms between the maxillary process and the medial nasal process

14. The parietal plexus is found in the periodontal ligament

15. Primary cementum contains intrinsic fibers

16. The principal fibers of the periodontal ligament: are organized into four main groups

17. Bundle bone is found in the alveolar bone proper

18. Long bones of the skeletaon increase in length because of interstitial growth in the
cartilaginous epiphyseal plate, NOT mitotic dividsion of osteoblasts,


1. The spleen is in closest relation to the inferior surface of the diaphragm

2. The ulnar is the terman branch of the medial cord of the brachial plexus

3. On the free edge of the falciform ligament is the ligamentum teres. This ligament is a remnant
of the umbilical vein

4. The biceps brachii muscle is innervated by the muscolocutaneous

5. The posterior cricoarytenoid abducts the vocal folds

6. Superior and inferior ophthalmic veins drain directly or indirectly into the cavernous sinus

7. It is possible to distinguish Histologically between the stomach and the duodenum because of
the presence of submucosal glands in the duodenum only

8. Smooth muscles has their nuclei centrally placed

9. Podocytes form the visceral layer of bowmans capsule

10. Serous demilunes secrete into the intercellular canlliculi

11. Paranasal sinuses are found in the maxillary, frontal, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones, NOT the
nasal bone

12. The sinoartrial node usually receives its blood supply from the right coronary artery, which
drains into the coronary sinus

13. the BASALE layer of the epidermis is the LEAST cytodifferentiaded

14. When epithelila cells have a specialized free surface that is characterzed by the presence of
microvilli the cells possess either cilia or a brush border

15. The apical cytopolasm of a secreting acinar cell is filled with zymogen granules

16. Enamel caries are thought to penetrate along the route of rod sheaths??????

17. The foramen rotundum DOES NOT communicated with the infratemporatl fossa as do the
foramen oval, spinosum and pterygomaxillary fissure

18. Disturbances during morphodifferentiation of the enamel affect the shape of the tooth

19. The mesoderm of the intermediate cell mass of the embryo give rise to the developing kidney

20. In the medulla, pons, and midbrain, the fibers that carry the sensations of discriminatory touch
(fine touch) are found in the medial lemnisci

21. The striations of striated ducts in some salivary glands are related to the presence of a
combination of foldings of basal cell membranes and radially arranged mitochondria.

22. Reticular and collagen fibers compose the basic framework of stroma of all lymphoid tissues
EXCEPT the thymus

23. the LUCIDUM is not found in the orthokeratin

24. The orientation of apatite crystals in dentin is parallel to the collagen fibers in the dentin matrix

25. The vermiform appendix connects to the cecum

26. The efferent neuron of a somatic spinal reflex arch has its cell body in the anterior gray horn of
the spinal cord

27. Oral mucosa has a lamina propria, sebaceous acinin, langerhan cells but no muscularis

28. The descending tract of V contains axons of second order pain neurons

29. The cartilaginous remnants of the first branchial arch gives rise to the malleus and incus

Anatomy 78

1. Calcified body located in PDL = cementicle
2. Ophthalmic artery: branch of internal carotid
3. Hyaline cart chondrocytes are surrounded by capsule which is: youngest layer of
intercellular substance
4. Outermost portion of a nerve fiber = neurolemma in PNS allows 4 regeneration
5. PDL c loss of fxn on the tooth: in width / loss of reg arrangement of the principle fibers
6. Prefunctional eruptive stage of a tooth begins after bud, cap, bell, and DL have formed.
7. Mucosa of floor of mouth: non-keratd, no glands in lamina propria (doesnt possess serous
salivary glands thats von Ebners)
8. Sella turcica lies superior to: sphenoid sinus
9. Pain and temp lateral spinothalamic; touch / pressure anterior spinothalamic
10. Root of lung: bronchus, pulm art / vein
11. Hypophysis = pituitary ant lobe has / cells, pars nervosa has Herring bodies
12. Infrahyoid muscles receive innervation from branches of cervical plexus (ansa cervicalis)
13. I think: Predentin enamel matrix / calcification dentin calcification;
14. @ time enamel matrix is first formed, nuc of ameloblasts move to non-secreting end of the
cell; stellate retic still have nuc, predentin formed
15. apical abscesses have tendency to cervical spread of infx, esp in Md 2
molars (not Mx
inc, PM, Md 3s)
16. greater omentum joins: transverse colon stomach
17. gingival massage thru tooth brushing circ of bv in lamina propria (not epith, duh)
18. inguinal ligament runs b/w ant superior iliac spine & pubic tubercle
19. pain originates in pulp due to free nerve endings abt odontoblastic cells
20. red pulp of spleen contains: splenic cords, numerous rbcs, blood vasc sinusoids.
21. Lymph dumps in @ R brachiocephalic vein (from face)
22. Hypomineralized structures extending from DEJ enamel surface are: enamel lamellae
23. Thyroid gland supply from thyrocervical trunk @ Ext carotid (inferior thyroid / superior Ext
24. Nerves lying in close relation to the lat surfaces of pericardial sac = phrenic n. (only nerve in
Mid mediastinum)
25. Bifurcation of trachea - @ sternal angle
26. In embryo, Ductus connects left pulm artery to aortic arch
27. Compact bone found in cribriform plate (LD) of wall of alveolar socket characd by being
perforated by vasc. canals / possessing numerous lamellae
28. Mineralization of bone = inorganic mat + water, little in collagen content
29. L kidney anteriorly connect to stomach; L renal A ant to L renal Vein
30. Superior orbital fissure b/w > / < wing of sphenoid
31. Myosin present only in the A band, not the I band.
32. Liver common hepatic + gall bladder (cystic duct) common bile duct
33. Buccopharyngeal membrane composed of: ecto + endo derm
34. Slightly movable artic in which contiguous bony surfaces connected by broad, flattened disks
of fibrocart || interosseous ligaments amphiarthrosis
35. Tooth first erupts, attached epith cuff composed of epith from reduced dental epith
36. Middle pharyngeal constrictor hyoid bone
37. Primary lymph nodes draining md: sub mental / sub md nodes
38. Ligamentous remnants of fetal circ: ligamentum venosum, l. arteriosum, ligamentum teres of
39. Following all pass thru parotid: facial n, retromd vein, ext carotid a, superfic temp art, > auric
n. branches
40. Most lymph returned @ left internal jug / subclavian vein
41. Dermis = dense irreg CT
42. Dermis - > nerve endings than epid (I dont think epid has nerves!)
43. During tooth eruption, apposition on surf of alveolar crest + socket fundus
44. LN only lymphatic organ c afferent / efferent vessels!
45. Parathyroid glands come from which pharyngeal arch? 3
(inf) / 4
46. Art supply 4 submd gland: from facial a.
47. Major salivary glands: cmpd tubuloalveolar glands
48. Glycogen = cytoplasmic inclusion
49. Oral mucous memb includes: basal lamina, lamina propria, keratohyaline granules, SSE, not
muscularis mucosae.
50. Adrenal medulla has same embryonic origin as sympathetic ganglia (neuroectoderm),
composed of cells c memb bound osmophilic granules, intrinsic stroma consisting of network
of retic fibers

Anatomy 79

1. Lesser Omentum: peritoneal fold connecting lesser curvature of stomach / 1
part of duod
2. Uterine cavity roughly triangular in shape, compressed ant/posteriorly
3. Nerve to masseter passes thru Md notch to enter muscle on medial surface
4. Zona reticularis inner layer of adrenal cortex (medulla chromaffin cells catecholamines)
5. Thyroid gland enlarges only c underactivity, fxns as controller of general body metab.
6. Post lobe of hypophysis devs from diencephalon; ant lobe oral ectoderm
7. Common hepatic artery branch of celiac artery
8. Tensor veli palatini wraps around hamulus
9. Middle cardiac vein empties into coronary sinus, not R atrium. (coronary sinus / ant cardiac v)
10. Foramen ovale embryonically b/w R/L atria
11. True denticles (tooth like projxn from hard surface) contain dentinal tubules
12. Sternal angle locating precisely the 2
13. Reversal lines in alveolar bone (cribriform plate) indicate cessation of osteoclast activity
14. Majority of muscles of larynx receive innervation from recurrent laryngeal n., post cricothyroid
= internal laryng.
15. Basic framework of stroma of all lymphoid tissue except thymus = retic fibers c < collagen
16. Post belly of digastric innervated by FACIAL N!!
17. Lips embryonically derived from Mx, Md processes & MEDIAL nasal process only (lat = ala
of nose! cleft palate)
18. Parasymp fibers to pterygopalatine ganglia come from GREATER petrosal n.
19. Auriculotemp nerve carries some fibers that are secretory to parotid, NOT sensory to lining of
tympanic cavity
20. Fate of merkels cart: dissolution c minor contrib. to ossification
21. Tongue from Branchial arches 1, 2, & 3 (V (lingual), VII, IX)
22. Communication b/w infratemp fossa / pterygopalatine fossa = pterygomax fissure
23. Principle types of Ns in dental pulp = afferent & sympathetic
24. Post lobe of pit contains mainly unmyelinated n. fibers
25. Papillary layer of dermis is composed of fine collag fibers, retic layer -- coarser fibers
26. TM ligament found on LAT surface of the TMJ
27. Submucosa of anterolat area of hard palate characd by adipose tissue
28. Bone forming @ bottom of tooth socket during eruption = horiz trabec
29. Retromd vein formed by jxn of Mx vein + superficial temp vein
30. Human fetus developing RBCs in red BM, liver, spleen, LNs
31. Post eruptive phase, teeth undergo mostly mvmt in occl direction
32. Primary cementum possesses `
33. Embryonically, spinal autonomic ganglia derived from neural CREST
34. Microtubules == numerous during mitosis / cytoskeleton during intermitosis
35. Epith of small intestine show surface modification: striated border(closely packed
microvilli giving striated appearance)
36. emergency airway estabd by opening trachea thru median cricothyroid ligament
37. salivary glands receive innervation from GVE from salivatory nuc & lat horns of spinal cord
38. cementum replaces resorbed dentin / cementum
39. mucus secreting cells found in: SubMd gland, submucosa of Trachae and esoph, NOT parotid
|| ureter
40. epith rests of malassez may: undergo calcif. Or form cementicles, NOT become fibrous
41. sinusoidal arrangement of bvs in pituit, spleen & liver
42. DNAconfined to chromosomes, sepd from RNA by Feulgen rxn, polyploidy mult of nl cell
chromosome content
43. Histiogen of tooth: elong of inner dental epith diff of odontoblasts depos of dentin, depo
of enamel
44. Esoph passes thru diaphragm, aorta, azygous v, thoracic duct all pass post.
45. Passes thru foramen rotendum: Mx nerve
46. Lymphatics of mx drain to SubMd nodes
47. Layer of skin forming epith root sheath of hair follicle: stratum germinativum (aka basale)
48. Most outstanding diff b/w gingiva / mucosa of hard palate: presence of glands
49. Hard palate & gingiva lamina propria can attach to bone s intervening submucosa
50. Transseptal fibers run from cementum to cementum
51. Ling n, IA n, IA a found b/w med pterygoid / ramus of md; lingual a. isnt! (medial to

Anatomy 81

1. Mucosa of all parts of small intestine characd by VILLI, not rugae, or of course haustra, tenia
coli, appendices epiploicae (large intest)
2. In H&E stains large, deeply stained granules found in cytosol of epith cells in keratd oral
mucosa are most likely: keratohyaline, not tonofibrils
3. Alternate loosening / tightening of 1 tooth that is abt to be shed may result from: alternate
resorption / apposition of cememtum / bone! (not lack of succeddaneous tooth)
4. Collagenous fibrils of matrix give bone tissue the TENSILE strength
5. Long bones of skeleton in length because of INTERSTITIAL growth in the cartilage
epiphyseal plate, NOT appositional
6. Art supply to ant 1/3 of tongue: deep lingual! Floor of mouth - subL
7. Efferent lymphatic channel: located in hilus, whereas afferent enters gland elsewhere; both
contain numerous wbcs, both have valves, both lined by RE || endoth cells (I think RE)
8. Ducts of salivary glands lined by single layer of columnar epith / radially arranged mitoc:
STRIATED Ducts (low Columnar, intercalated ducts = cuboidal)
9. GH made by acidophils of pituitary
10. Collagen inside cementum formed by cementoblasts & fibroblasts!
11. Bvs of interdental papilla anastomose c interalv & periodontal vessels
12. Golgi complex: composed of vesicles & curved, flattened cisternae || to one another
13. Intervals b/w bones in midline of cranial base of newborn: hyaline cartilage (endochondral
formation sphenoid, pt of temporal, ethmoid)
14. Folding of embryo during 4
week is result of prominent growth of neural tissue
15. Alv bone proper (cribriform plate) consists of bundle bone AND lamellar bone
16. Crista terminalis line of jxn b/w primitive sinus venosus & R auricle!!
17. Slowly occluded ivc collateral circ develops using azygous sys & several epigastric veins
18. Fetal circulation: ligamentous remains: ligamentum venosum, ligamentum arteriosum,
ligamentum teres of liver (not ligamentum teres of uterus nor ligamentum nuchae)
19. Transitional epith: ureter, 1
part of prostatic ureter, urinary bladder
20. The oral mucosa of the soft palate differs from the vermilion border of the lip in that the oral
mucosa is composed of: (a) keratinized epithelium with strata granulosum and corneum; (b)
shallow, blunt rete pegs; (c) lamina propria of loose fibrous connective tissue; (d) salivary
acini deep to the mucous membrane: (e) numerous mast cells underlying epithelium. Ans:
21. Modification of cell memb 4 specialized fxn: microvilli, brush border, desmosomes, NOT
BM, mucous memb
22. Cellular cementum always present along which portion of root: APICAL 1/3 ONLY
23. C age, dental pulp : in collagen fibers
24. Neuron cell body dies all of its fibers degenerate / die
25. Necessary 4 cementum to be deposited during root formation: hertwigs root sheath must be
fenestrated / disrupted
26. Entirely serous glands: parotid / von-Ebners glands
27. Pterygopalatine fossa formed by sphenoid, palatine, max bones
28. Subepith / nonencapd lymphoid tissue: peyers patches / tonsils
29. Supply of parathyroid glands: inf thyroid art.
30. Whartons duct when exits submd gland deep to mylohyoid m
31. Ameloblasts upon eruption: unites c oral epith, then degenerates
32. During Development of pmn from stem cell in red BM nuc becomes Hyperchromatic
(doesnt obtain phagocytosis, or acquire chromatin granules, nor acquire centioles
33. IEE esl 4 formation of dentin
34. Principle fibers never in contact c enamel;
35. Secretion of following endocrine glands esl to life: adrenal cortex, PTH, Ant pit, langerhans;
NOT esl: adr. medulla
36. Inguinal canal: cremaster, test artery, internal spermatic fascia, pampiniform plexus of veins
37. Diarthroidal joints: ALL: surface aneural, avasc, synovial memb always present, mvmt
always possible; not all are covered by haline cart (TMJ fibrocart)!
38. Following NOT formed by endochondral ossification: nasal bone; ethmoid, sphenoid,
temporal all are endoc
39. 1 cementum, 2 dentin, cancellous bone all have following: contain cells! Not: growth,
resorb under pressure, or derived from mesenchyme;
40. tentorium cerebelli contains straight, transverse, and superior petrosal sinuses, NOT inferior

82 Anatomy

1. Which of the following are present during formation of alveolar process? Osteoblasts,
osteoclasts & osteoid (not perichondrium, or periosteum)
2. IA block passes posterior at level of Md foramen contacts PAROTID, not internal carotid
3. Odontoblasts / cementoblasts are actively fxning during active eruption (ameloblasts are dead)
4. Motor CN V: 2 tensors (typmani, veli palatine), 2 pterygoids (M/L), masseter, mylohyoid,
temporalis, ant digastric
5. Post central gyrus sensory (including teeth)
6. Early stages of eruption of a tooth: MATURATION of enamel (not formation of dental sac,
stellate retic || stratum intermedium)
7. Palatal submucosa: ant zone spaces filled c fat, post zone nests of mucous glands.
8. Which cart cut twice in sagittal sxn thru neck? Cricoid
9. Infundibular stalk contains hypophyseal-hypothalamic tract
10. Adult parotid: long secretory ducts, long intercalating ducts, serous acini only
11. Attached to cell membrane: cell coat & microfilaments, not retic fibers, golgi complex,
sharpeys fibers
12. Infratemporal fossa: sphenomd ligament, medial pterygoid, middle meningeal a, NOT
ophthalmic n, internal jug v.
13. Greater petrosal n: parasympathetic general visceral afferent fibers
14. Mineral poor ectodermal structures in enamel: TUFTS & LAMELLAE, not spindles ||
odontoblastic processes
15. Submental lymph nodes: drain tip of tongue, Md incisors, ant fl of mouth, middle lower lip;
NOT upper lip, lat lower lip.
16. Parotid: upper face, eyelids; SubMd: upper lip, lat lower lip. Intraoral?
17. Buccopharyngeal memb: stomodeum ectoderm + foregut endoderm
18. Parotid duct pierces buccinator opposite the Mx 2
19. Auriculotemp = sensory of TMJ (+ masseter)
20. Lymph from most of dental / periodontal tissue drains initially into the subMd nodes
21. SM vs. Striated muscle: SM: SINGLE nucd! shorter, capable of hypertrophic s
22. After tooth is formed, dental papilla remains as the DENTAL PULP
23. Common bile duct, hepatic art / portal vein grouped in the lesser omentum
24. Ligamentum arteriosum: fibrous remnant of fetal channel connecting L pulm art to aorta
25. Thinnest epith of oral cavity sublingual mucosa
26. Human kidney renal papilla projects directly into the MINOR CALYX
27. Renal papilla = apex of renal pyramid minor calyx major calyx renal pelvis ureter
28. Ependymal cells line ventricles of brain / central canal
29. Apical foramen of fully formed tooth lined by cementum
30. Pre-maxilla derived from median nasal process!
31. Histology that distinguishing aorta: tunica media componed 1ly of elastic membranes,
not ext elastic memb
32. Pain in TMJ transmitted primarily by auriculotemp n. in capsule / periph of disk, NOT articular
surfaces nor V

33. Structure 1
formed by tooth bud that remains in adult teeth = DEJ!!!
34. Adrenal medulla = ectodermal origin
35. Lining of terminal bronchial low columnar epith (not ciliated)
36. Pituit has direct hormonal control over mammary glands! (prolactin)
37. Dentin of root distingd from coronal dentin by granular layer (of Tomes)
38. Tomes' granular layer - a thin layer of dentin adj cementum, appearing granular in
ground sections; the granules are small uncalcified spaces.
39. Dev of Md includes intramem bone development, NOT complete cart model or reicherts cart
40. Reichert's cartilage: cart in the mesenchyme of the 2
branchial arch in the embryo, from
which develop the stapes, the styloid processes, the stylohyoid ligaments, and the lesser
cornua of the hyoid bone.
41. Articular disk: dense fibrous CT that may be assocd c CHONDROCYTES! (not outer fibrous
layer /inner sinovial)
42. Cilia: 9 double radially, 2 single centrally located microtubules
43. Epimysium: CT sheath surrounding muscle as a whole, ~ gross anatomic deep fascia
44. Epiploic foramen bound by free border of lesser omentum!
45. Initial epith attachment joining gingiva to tooth arises directly from REE!
46. Spleen filters blood only, not lymph
47. Endochondral ossification: calcified cart replaced by bone
48. Imp collateral circ of hepatic portal sys: esophageal veins!!
49. As crosses 1
rib, subclavian VEIN lies ant to ant scalene, subclavian ART lies b/w ant /
brachial plexus/mid scalene
50. Photomicrograph dark area = DEAD TRACT
51. Auditory tube / cavity of middle ear derived from 1
pharyngeal pouch!
52. Lat boundary of retropharyngeal space @ level of oropharyx: CAROTID SHEATH
53. Terminal web of microfilaments that delimits odontoblasts from odontoblastic process found
intracellularly inserting into jxnl complex of cell
54. 1 source of cranial CT: ectomesenchyme
55. upward extn of thyroid gland may be IDd as: remnant of thyroglossal duct, pyramidal lobe,
musc slip (all of above)
56. osteon cylinder of compact bone concentric lamellae
57. nephron includes: Bowmans capsule, descending limp of Henle, distal / prox convoluted
tubule, not collecting duct (its a duct)
58. at birth, these happen: closure of foramen ovale, closure of ductus vennosum, constrxn of
ductus arteriosus / umb arts; not closure of intervent foramen (cuz there isnt one!)
59. all are in nasopharynx: eustachian tube, pharyngeal recess, pharyngeal tonsils, NOT
PIRIFORM RECESS by epiglottis

85 Anatomy

1. artery most commonly involved in stroke = lenticulostriate
2. nonarticular surfaces of TMJ covered by periosteum, NOT fibrocart
3. mediastinum: superior / inferior (ant, middle, post)
4. sup arch of aorta, pulm vessels, thymus,
5. ant internal thoracic a; middle heart, phrenic n; post everything else (thoracic duct, aorta,
esoph, ivc, vagus
6. Triad in SM: terminal cisternae (pairs of SR tubules) & fingerlike invaginations of
sarcolemma these are T-tubules (sarcolemma: PM of muscle fiber, not including
endomysium) so, triad = t-tubules + terminal cisternae (enlarged area @ end of SR
sarcolemma (PM))
7. cytosol of osteoblasts stains intensely c basic stains due to: high RNA content (basic stains
acids), not because its acidophilic (which would attract an acid, this would be something
basic); H&E: hematoxylin must be basic (stains NAs), eosin (acid) red, stains bases
8. Pain Gate Theory controller sys modulates sensory input st selective / integrative axn
occurring before impulses reach 1
synapse: gate controller is: substantia gelatinosa
9. enamel spindle is formed first! (perikymata surface of lines of retzius, gnarled enamel,
granular layer of tomes)
10. enamel spindle (elongated odontoblastic processes), tuft (uncalcified near dej), enamel
lamellae ~cracks entire length of enamel
11. intermembranous bone formation NO Cart; precursor = osteoid; appositional cart
precursor; bone can only grow by appositional growth cuz too firm; both Mx / Md
intermembranous bone formation. After formed appositional only (outside the bone); head
of condyle appositional (intercartilaginous bone formation)
12. colloid resting = acidophilic, but if active basophilic
13. tomes fibers = odontoblastic processes occupying dentinal tubules; tomes processes are in
enamel from ameloblasts
14. middle cerebral artery lateral surf of cerebral hemi
15. long axes of Md condyles cross @ foramen magnum = indication that their axes are directed
16. pharyngeal tonsils no lymph sinuses, partly surrounded by loose CT / epith which has deep
17. relaxed state transitional epith has DOME-shaped superficial epith, NOT flattened superfic
18. free gingival groove remember this is where free / attached gingiva meet, NOT the
sulcus; related to arrangement of supra-alveolar fibers
19. sphenoMd ligament SPINE of sphenoid lingual
20. Branchial pouches: 1
: middle ear / eardrum; 2
: palatine tonsil; 3
: inf parathyroid/
thymus; 4
: sup parathyroid / C-cells of thyroid (parafollicular cells / calcitonin);
21. posterior cricoarytenoid open larynx; tighten / tense the VCs cricothyroid
22. thin skin lacks s. lucidum (always have a corneum just means top layer)
23. in diagram: arrow points to motor of CN XII;
24. gingiva differs from alveolar mucosa in that gingiva has high CT papilla (rete pegs; alv mucosa
25. bifid tongue lack of fusion of LATERAL SWELLINGS;
26. copula post tongue (from 2
branchial arch in midline overgrown by hypobranchial so
copula not in adult tongue); valleculae spaces on either side of median epiglottic fold;
tuberculum impar median swelling in 1
branchial arch- overgrown by lat ling swellings
doesnt contrib. to final structure of tongue
27. greater peritoneal sac communicates c lesser by: EPIPLOIC FORAMEN (not lesser or sup
pelvic aperture)
28. inorganic crystals in enamel have their long axes || to rods in the: BODIES of the rods (near
incisal/occ) and deviating increasingly in the tails (near DEJ)
29. Skeletal muscle only one c peripherally located nuc
30. Spheno-occipital SYNCHONDROSIS in midline of cranial base of newborn has: HYALINE
31. Synchrondrosis = hyaline cartilage joints (like epiphesial plates as well);
32. Elastic cart epiglottis, eustacian tube, outer ear;
33. Fibrous CT in nl cranial sutures
34. Cranial base = appositional, not intramembranous
35. skin covering outer lips: sweat glands in submucosa, sebaceous glands, dense collag fibers,
thicker Lamina propria
36. long bones elongate by: INTERSTITIAL GROWTH @ epiphyseal plate, not appositional
growth (long bone shaft)
37. reticuloendothelial cells resp 4 phagocytosis throughout body: Ms, alveolar phagos,
kupffer cells
38. Maxillary swelling of 1
brancial arch 2 palatine shelves; nasal septum = downgrowth of
median nasal process; nasal conchae lat nasal / maxillary processes; 1 palate (premaxilla) =
median nasal process / extends laterally from canine to canine, post incisive foramen
39. polymerization of aas procollagen filaments occurs on ribosomes
40. striated ducts of salivary glands have folds of basal portion of cell c mitoc
41. cores of intestinal villi lamina propria c bvs / ns, and lacteals (lymphatic channel)
42. multiple root formation follows differential growth of the epithelial diaphragm
43. thymus: blood supply is most isolated from parenchyma (not peyers, spleen, LN, pharyngeal
tonsil) ???
44. LN characd by MEDULLARY CORDS, not crypts lined by SSE; has MANY afferents /
single efferent (@ hilus); LNs no epith; only CT capsule; Palatine / Lingual tonsils have
SSE; lingual c crypts
45. Collagenous fibrils of matrix confer tensile strength to bone; calcified GS = compressive
46. Fibrocart: TMJ, costovertebral, sternoclavicular, intervertebral?; hyaline most diarthroidal
(freely movable) joints
47. Corpus collusum connects R/L cerebral hemispheres; cingulated girus just outside CC;
internal capsule large fiber bundle carrying most of neural impulses to and from cerebral
48. Nucleus / mito have double memb, rER does NOT! (neither does golgi / lysosome)
49. Neonatal lines on: all of the above: 1 incisors, 2 canines, 2 1
Ms (enamel & dentin); perm
md incisors
50. b/w Med / Lat pterygoids: L n, IA a & n, NOT n masseter; ????
51. facial v not in parotid (branch of greater auricular n is)

87 Anatomy

1. dead tracts from anything that aggravates the tooth caries, erosion, cavity prep (temp),
odontoblastic crowding
2. cerebellar cortex: PURKINJE cells
3. # of roots detd by # of medial ingrowths of cervical loop
4. UPPER head of Lat pterygoid articular disc
5. Muscle-tendon jxn: a continuity of connective tissue sheaths of the muscle with those of the
tendon; not sarcoplasm, although sarcolemma (muscle memb) fo muscle fiber does attach to
the collagen fibers
6. sulcular epith small spaces b/w cells in stratum spinosum filled by small amt of tissue fluid
7. epith of epithelial attachment does NOT have rete pegs!!! (differentiating epith attachment
from free gingiva)
8. stratum granulosum keratohyalin granules; stratum corneum has keratin granules
9. nasal cavity supplied by Mx art sphenopalatine a (terminal branch) & post lat nasal as
(+infraorbital, >palatine)
10. GS of hyaline cart is basophilic because of: sulfated proteoglycans
11. Tropocollagen (= collagen) in collagen / reticular only, NOT elastic!!! Elastic fibers are
protein elastin (aas, Desmosine (lysine cross links), isodesmosine)
12. sublingual gland more anterior in mouth, ~ PMs / k9s
13. cell produces an excessive amts of prot lysosomes are mobilized (NOT rER cuz post
14. most intrinsic muscles of larynx receive motor innervation from inf (recurrent) laryngeal
15. cricothyroid innervated by ext branch of SUP laryngeal; post cricoarytenoid (abductor) is
16. submucosal glands in duodenum
17. Circular fibers in free gingiva, not PDL (gingival fibers)
18. Esl 4 formation of cementum: break in continuity of root sheath ( epith rests of mal);, not
eruption, bony socket, or vasc bed
19. INOTROPIC affecting contractility of heart muscle; CHRONOTROPY affecting HR (rate
of rhythmic beat)
20. Dromotropic affecting condxn velocity
21. IA block lateral to Med pterygoid (not lat to pterygomd raphe more post)
22. Alveolar bone proper = bundle bone + lamellar bone
23. Optic tract = ganglion cells
24. Gingiva has NO elastic fibers (only in alveolar mucosa);
25. Caudate nuc: large mass of gray matter bulging into floor / lat aspect of lat ventricle
26. Medial lemniscus epicritic (2 touch discrimination), position sense / proprioception in
medulla; 2
order nerve fibers
27. Which form of CT has more amorphous GS than fibers? CART
28. Reticular is LN / spleen; reticuloendothelial = macrophages / IS
29. Lamina papyracea MEDIAL wall of orbit (aka lamina orbitalis ossis ethmoidalis: orbital
lamina of ethmoid bone; orbital layer of ethmoid bone; orbital plate; paper plate; papyraceous
plate;a thin plate of bone that forms a part of the medial wall of the orbit and bounds the
ethmoidal labyrinth laterally.
30. Pulpal Vasc c age
31. Hertwigs formation of cells of rest in PDL when sheath fxn is done; absence of stellate retic /
stratum int; RETAINS Mitotic ability!!
32. ENAMEL DENTIN DENTIN ENAMEL (elongation of inner enam, diff of odont, dentin,
33. Post fibers of temporalis elevate Md also?!?
34. infratemp fossa: parotid, carotid sheath, muscles of mastication including medial
pterygoid, sphenomd ligament, middle meningeal art
35. In PDL: fibroblast, osteoblast, macrophage, cementoblast
36. R recurrent laryngeal subclavian a.

89 Anatomy

1. cell bodies of primary sensory neurons of mechano Rs in PDL mesencephalic nuc of CN V
2. salivary, sweat, sebaceous, von ebners all EXOCRINE glands
3. salivary: cmpd, merocrine; sweat simple, apocrine (+ some cytoplasm); sebace: simple,
holo; von ebner cmpd, merocrine (only the secretion)
4. active fibroblast abundant ER, (not unusually large nuc, nor bloated appearance)
5. lamellar bone haversian sys; bundle bone sharpeys fibers; both in alv bone proper; 65%
HA, 35% collagen
6. palatine art from ascending pharyngeal a; ascending palatine from facial (rash)
7. ENTEROENDOCRINE secrete serotonin!!
8. Chief: pepsin; Paneth small intest, fxn may produce lysozyme?; mucous neck neck of
gastric gland mucus; parietal: HCl; Fundus: parietal & chief cells; G cells antrum
9. Mast and basophils also secrete serotonin; mast: serotonin, bradykinin, srs-a, lysosome
10. Thoracodorsal a. latissimus dorsi
11. Myoepithelial cells located b/w secretory cell memb / basal lamina
12. Visceral / parietal pericardium are continuous @ all vessels entering / leaving heart
13. Great cardiac vein accompanies ant interventric art
14. RECURRENT LARYNGEAL N contacts thyroid (NOT Phrenic!)
15. R phrenic ant to R root of the lung
16. Superficial head of medial pterygoid from Mx tuberosity + pyramidal process of palatine
17. Sheath of enamel rod is LESS calcified than Prism itself (sheath has more organic mat)
18. Primary sensory neurons nuc of termination involved in pain from Mx 2
M = spinal of CN V
19. Lymph from lung, bronchi, trachea mediastinal nodes, not axillary
20. Demarcation line b/w free gingiva / attached gingiva b/w bottom of sulcus / free gingival
21. Endomysium, perimysium, EPImysium
22. Peritubular dentin most highly mineralized (not interglobular (unmind / hypomind) or
intertubular) thus can etch
23. branch of Mx art that splits off @ level of Hyoid bone: Superior thyroid
24. Articulating surface of older person articulating surface covered by FIBROUS CT c
25. Mx tumor presses on nasolacrimal duct overflowing tears cuz cant get out the duct
26. Cementum / enamel diff: both have incremental lines, cementum has collagen fibers, cellular
portion; neither is derived from epith root sheath
27. Portal / splenic vs drain the stomach (not azygous)
28. Nutrients / Oxygen reach cells of compact bone by passing thru caps, canaliculi, and
Volkmann canals
29. Volkmann canals: vasc canal's in compact bone which, unlike those of the haversian system,
are not surrounded by concentric lamellae of bone; they run for the most part transversely,
perforating the lamellae of the haversian system, and communicate with the canal's of that
30. Active inspiration rotation occurs at costovertebral articulations (uvulae doesnt swing
31. Accessory meningeal: ovale; middle meningeal, spinosum, IA Md foramen, ant tympanic,
tympanic-petrotympanic fissure; PSA from infraorbital in infraorbital fossa
32. there are proprioceptors in gingiva
33. abducens goes thru cavernous sinus! (wall: III, IV, V1, V2); VI (abducens in sinus)
34. parathyroids: superior / inferior thyroid as (ext carotid / subclavian (thyrocerv trunk);
postgang symp from cervical symp gang
35. innervation of thymus phrenic / vagus; blood supply internal thoracic / inf
36. branches of celiac trunk: L gastric, short gastric, gastroduodenal, sup pancreaticoduodenal;
INF comes from sup mesenteric a
37. Infratemporal fossa contains: 3 muscles (temp, M/L pterygoid); 2 vessels (Mx art / br,
pterygoid plex), 3 ns (V3, chorda tympani, otic gang

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