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1. Responsibility has to be shouldered at a very young age.

One has to take

on household responsibilities, child rearing responsibility etc. There is no adult
to guide or help out.
2. Missing out on the fun of teenage life and being young. The drudgeries of
married life can get to you. They deprive you of your youth.
3. Health also can get affected as early pregnancy can have a negative
impact on overall health.
4. Breakdown of marriage is possible. Often the young couple is immature to
shoulder major responsibility and end up fighting with each other. Adjustment
problems may arise.
5. Education also gets affected. The young couple may not be able to
pursue higher education as they have to take on the responsibilities of family
6. Work opportunities are limited for the youngsters. Since their education
levels are low, they cannot get highly paid jobs.
7. Bringing up children may be difficult. Their knowledge of child care may be
limited and parental guidance is also not there. They may not be able to
provide the appropriate care for their child.

Economical: young people in their very early 20s are less likely to have a job
that pays really well. But it doesn't matter, as you can get by just fine with less
money. We did. You just have to be smart about your expenses.

Political: I have no sweet clue, unless we are talking about an actual
politician, in which case it would have the same impact on him/her that it'd
have on anyone else who married young.

Religious: I fail to see how marrying young could have a negative religious

Social: You may have to listen to ignorant, nosy people telling you that you're
making a mistake, you've missed out on...well, they never can tell you what,
or that you'll divorce in a few years because you "haven't found yourself yet".

Culture: It's only going to be a problem if you live in a culture like ours where
marriage is generally put off until one is in their late 20s or early 30s, in which
case you'll deal with the remarks I mentioned earlier. Otherwise, no negative

Marrying young is fine if you aren't doing it for sex or to get out of your
parents' house, or if you aren't rushing into it. I got married at 19 (he was 23).
We had known each other for a few years, spent hundreds of hours talking
and listening and observing each other, and we knew that this is what we
wanted. This August we will celebrate our 8th anniversary...statistics show that
we should have been divorced by now. If you marry right and use your head
rather than your feelings or your hormones, there are NO negative impacts or
results from marrying young.

Let's define our terms first: I consider an early marriage one that takes place
when both partners are under 30 years old. Let me further describe a
successful marriage as one in which each partner feels that the other party
helps fulfill their life goals. This is of course a vague description but it describes
best what I consider an important ingrediant to a successful marriage:
achieving our life goals.
Of course this is an arbitrary classification by age and life goals. I will admit
that there are many young people in an early marriage, who because of
their life experience are engaged in a successful marriage.
But in an early marriage, partners very often have not clarified their life goals.
There is an advantage and disadvantage to all that. Very often it will be
possible to formulate your life goal in an early marriage and have your
partner participate in reaching them. This is the positive side. But never forget
that in an early marriage, when one partner's life goals contradict those of
the partner, the marriage can quickly fall apart.
Read more about lifestyles and lifegoals on the website listed on my Bio

Early Marriage Problems
There are numerous problems a couple can face when marriage happens at an early age for
them. Early marriage which is also referred to as child marriage is common all over the globe and
has inflicted dangerous and devastating effects on young children who are compelled to tie the
knot in most cases.
Child marriage is also indicative of the levels of development of a region or country and is
generally conducted between very young girls and older men. In many parts of the world child
marriage is a gratification for overcoming the familys financial and social needs.
Causes of early marriage:
Early marriage can arise due to a number of reasons such as these:
To raise the economic and social status
Religious hurdles and barriers
Gender bias promotes early marriage of girls
Lack of education
Myths and misconceptions about early marriage
Pressures from older members of the family and community
The notion that early pregnancy leads to larger families and hence providing for heirs to the
Some communities regard their girl children as a burden and think of getting rid of them by
marrying them off early in a patriarchal society
Harmful effects of early marriage:
Early marriage can cause severe problems like the following:
Psychological and emotional stress like forced sexual relations, denial of freedom and personal
development as household chores now become a priority.
Denial of personal development and education.
Maturity levels become an issue as the little girl is now expected to play the role of a mother.
Girl children undergo severe health problems like pregnancy and childbirth.
Girl brides are also involved in early childhood care.
Threat to contracting sexually transmitted diseases increases when girl children are exposed to
such an environment.
As girl children are still vulnerable and submissive, they can be subject to the atrocities of
domestic violence and abandonment.
Mental and emotional stress in girl brides is high because they are not old enough to cope with
maternal, marital or in law issues.
Though the respective Governments and society is doing much to abolish early or child marriage
through campaigns, laws, policies and individual support of people, it is still a far reaching dream
for young girls who are still repeatedly forced into such liaisons.
Early marriages have stretched far and wide through time and countries and finally reached
America as well where children in their mid-teens are taking independent steps of tying the knot
with their partners. Most early marriages are considered to be forced which is true but children
entering into an early marriage out of choice should also be warned of various personal and
health issues that can complicate their lives forever.

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