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At the end of this lesson the trainee ill !e a!le to"
#$ %e&onstrate an 'nderstandin( of Co&&on P'&)in( Ter&s$
Usually when a maintenance craftsman is sent out to repair a pump, the problems he
encounters involve packing, seals bearings and small leaks. Most of the pump
problems just described are minor (internal parts replacements may be considered
major problems) There are times, however when you may be called upon to repair a
pump that does not have any visible signs of physical failure. These problems could
be caused by
!mproper water pressure
"ir in the water
The inability of a pump to transfer water from a storage tank to other areas.
!n these, situations replacement of packing, seals or other parts will not help improve
the operation of the pump. #f course the ne$t thing to do is check out the system to
make sure that everything else is functioning properly and that there are no other
reasons why the pump is not operating efficiently. There are some pumping terms
which are helpful to solve the above mention problems,
%hen a pump is initially designed, the specifications of the pump (flow rate, head,
etc.) have to be tested in order to ascertain whether or not it can meet the original
'apacity (flow rate), head pressure, horse power and efficiency are the main
performance specifications of a pump.
"()"*'+( '#U,-+ M+'."*!'"/ M"!*T+*"*'+ '#U,-+
0UM0 M"!*T+*"*'+ /+--#* 1 0"2+ 3
'apacity (flow rate) is the &uantity of li&uid transferred by a pump within a unit of
time. "s the unit of time, a minute or an hour is used. The unit of capacity used is
meter 4 5hour (or meter 45M in). 'ubic foot5-econd5(cfs) or gallon5m!n (gpm)
Unit s0&!ols
Minute 6 min
.our 6 .r
Meter 6 m
'ubic meter 6 m 4
'ubic foot 6 f4
The flow rate is e$pressed by m645min, m75.r. or 'fs or gpm gpm 8 'fs $ 99:.:43
0ressure is the force acting on a unit of area. !n the plant the unit of pressure is 0a,
bar mm .g or psi.
3 ;pa 8 3,<<< 0a
3 bar 8 3<< ;pa
3 mm.g 8 344.411 0a
3 bar 8 39.= psi
0ressure measured above that of a perfect vacuum is called absolute pressure. This
is signified by 0a", ;0a" bar ", mm.g or inch .g. ;0a" is an abbreviation which
stands for ;ilo 0ascal "bsolute.
>ar " stands for the pressure in a vacuum tube.
"tmospheric pressure is the pressure e$erted on the earth by the weight of the
atmosphere. This pressure is signified by 0a, ;0a" bar, mm.g, inch .g or 0-!.
;0a is an abbreviation, which stands for ;ilo 0ascal.
"tmospheric pressure is in terms of absolute pressure.
"tmospheric pressure
M+'."*!'"/ M"!*T+*"*'+ '#U,-+ "()"*'+( '#U,-+
/+--#* 1 0"2+ 1 0UM0 M"!*T+*"*'+
8 3<3,4<< 0a" 8 3<3.4 ;pa" .
8 <34 bar "
8 =?< mm .g
3 bar =@< mm .g
3 mm .g <.<< 34 bar
3 bar 39.= psi
0ressure measured above that of atmospheric pressure is called Agauge pressureA.
2auge pressure is set to read A<A at atmospheric pressure, every pressure gauge
and pressure measuring instrument use is gauge pressure.
-ince gauge pressure is set to read Bero at atmospheric pressure, when you e$press
press gauge as absolute pressure, you must add atmospheric pressure to the gauge
2auge pressure is signified by 0a2, ;0a2 bar 2. or 0.-.!.2.
;0a2 is an abbreviation, which stands for ;ilo 0ascal 2auge. >ar 2 is an
abbreviation, which stands for bar gauge and 0-!2 are an abbreviation, which
stands for pound per s&uare inch gauge.
Then3 a!sol'te )ress're is si(nified.
;pa" 8 3<3.4 ;0a C ;pa2
>ar " 8 3.< 34 bar C bar 2
0-!" 8 39.= C 0-! 2
-o remember that when you read values from a pressure gauge and have to change
it to absolute pressure, you must add atmospheric pressure.
The following definition hold true for any pumping situation and will not differ whether
the pump is a centrifugal reciprocating, or other type. The same basic information
applies in ail cases.
-uction lift is the term used to describe a situation where the level of the source of
supply is located below the center line of the pump. The suction lift may be anywhere
from one or two feet to 3<,3@,1< feet or more.
"()"*'+( '#U,-+ M+'."*!'"/ M"!*T+*"*'+ '#U,-+
0UM0 M"!*T+*"*'+ /+--#* 1 0"2+ 4
The measured vertical distance given in feet from the center line of the pump to the
free level of the li&uid as shown in Dig. 163.
+i($ 25# P'&) o)eratin( ith s'6tion lift
The net static suction lift of a pump can be determined by using a figure 161 for
converting psi to feet.
+i($ 252 Effe6t of ater hei(ht on )ress're
M+'."*!'"/ M"!*T+*"*'+ '#U,-+ "()"*'+( '#U,-+
/+--#* 1 0"2+ 9 0UM0 M"!*T+*"*'+
"s shown in Dig. 161, a 1.43 feet high column of water at ?13D e$erts 3 psi at this
base normal atmospheric pressure of 39.= psi multiplied by 1.43.
39.= $ 1.43 8 49 f eet (appro$.) 3<. 4? Meter (appro$.)
Theoretical a centrifugal pump operating under perfect condition could lift water 49
feet at sea level pressure. >ut practically normal lifting limits of a centrifugal pump to
appro$imately 1< to 1@ feet due to, shock and friction losses that reduced the
practical suction lift.
That is the same as the static suction lift and include the velocity head, plus "il
frictional /osses in the suction pipe and the fittings.
it is the e&uivalent height (in feet) that the water would have to fall to ac&uire the
speed produced by the action of the pump. The velocity head can be calculated by
using the formulas.
) 8 )elocity of water through the pipe in feet per second.
h 8 head in feet (velocity head) g 41.1 ft5se '1
E.: m5se'1
The velocity of the flow of water in the pipe can be determined by the following
V 7 ()& 8 *$12#
Area in S9'are in6hes
To make this clear, try some problems.
%hat would the velocity head be if the water velocity were 3? fpsF
7 2;:
h 55555555555 5555555 7 4 feet -a))ro8i&atel0/
12$2 8 2 :4$4
"()"*'+( '#U,-+ M+'."*!'"/ M"!*T+*"*'+ '#U,-+
0UM0 M"!*T+*"*'+ /+--#* 1 0"2+ @
The definition of this is similar t# the terms A-uction /iftA but the work AheadA
indicates the water surface on the suction side of the pump is above the pump as
mention in Dig. 164.
+i($ 251$ P'&) O)eratin( ith S'6tion 2ead
-uch a case, other definitions are used for the suction characteristics, and a different
formula is re&uired to calculate the velocity head.
!t is the vertical distance in feet from the center line of the pump to the free level or
surface level of the li&uid that is to be pumped.
!t is the vertical distance #n feet) from the center line of the pump to the free level
from the center line of the pump to the free level of the li&uid minus the velocity head
all frictional losses.
The discharge side of the 0ump is easier to describe because there is only #*+ set
of definitions. (ischarge conditions remain unchanged whether the pump operates
under suction lift or head situations.
Total -tatic .ead, as shown in Dig. 169 is the vertical distance in feet between the
free level of the source of supply and the free surface level of the discharge water.
The total static head is calculated in the same way whether the suction level of the
pump is above or below the pump centerline. !f the point of discharge is above the
surface of the water, as in Dig. 16@, the point of free discharge would be considered
as the level of the free surface of the water.
M+'."*!'"/ M"!*T+*"*'+ '#U,-+ "()"*'+( '#U,-+
/+--#* 1 0"2+ ? 0UM0 M"!*T+*"*'+
+i($ 254 Total Stati6 2ead$
+i($ 25;$ Another e8a&)le of Stati6 2ead$
"()"*'+( '#U,-+ M+'."*!'"/ M"!*T+*"*'+ '#U,-+
0UM0 M"!*T+*"*'+ /+--#* 1 0"2+ =
Total (ynamic .ead is very similar to the static head. "s in the case of static head,
the dynamic head is the vertical distance (measured in feet) from the free level of
6t6he source of supply to the f ree point of discharge or the f ree level of the surface of
the discharge water. !n addition, the velocity head and all frictional losses are
!n describing the total dynamic head, remember this important point '+*T,!DU2"/
pumps are shown with dynamic head in D++T. Dor 0#-!T!)+ (!-0/"'+M+*T
pumps the dynamic head is in 0-! (pounds per s&uare inch).
%hen calculating the total dynamic head of a purnp. some factor always considered
according to the situation.
"pplication where the vertical height is greater than the frictional losses, frictional
losses will be of minor importance.
.owever, if the discharge pipe travels several hundred feet or more horiBontally and
makes many turns or bends, the frictional losses become an important part in
calculating the total dynamic head.
'onsider overcoming of e$isting pressure when the fluid reaches the discharge
vessel. Dor instance, if you pumps water into a vessel containing water at @<< psi, that
@<< psi is part of the dynamic head. This would increase the head re&uirements of a
centrifugal pump by @<< psi $ 1.43, or 3.3@@ feet.
%hen withdrawing li&uid from a tank that is under vacuum, the additional
re&uirements of the pump to over comes this vacuum would be included as part of
the total dynamic head.
%e know head is the height of the pumped li&uid, which is measured from a pump
center to the lifted li&uid surface as shown in Dig. 16?.
+i($ 25:$ P'&) 2ead
M+'."*!'"/ M"!*T+*"*'+ '#U,-+ "()"*'+( '#U,-+
/+--#* 1 0"2+ : 0UM0 M"!*T+*"*'+
Then )ress're 6an !e 6al6'lated 'sin( the head hei(ht"
p 6 h(m).-(m1).6r (;glm4).E.:(*l;g) 6 E.: c h (0a)
.here3 h is hei(ht differen6e -&/ T is densit0 ->(
%eight per unit volume of the li&uid, is generally a 9 digit number. Dor water, T e&uals
3 G 3<4 (;g 5M 4)H for seawater, appro$. 3.<4 $ 3<4 (kg5ml).
"bove multiplicands, 3, 3.<4 and <.=, e&ual specific gravity, which is dimensionless.
!nserting the specific gravity, p, the above formula can be rewritten 0 8 E.: p h
(;0a2) sing f ormula (3 . l ), without unit calculation, pressure can be directly calculated
in dimension ;0a2, putting a datum to a p, which is dimensionless, and a datum to h
whose dimension are meters.
Bar3 another di&ension of )ress're3 e9'als to"
3 bar 8 3<< ;pa
0 8 66666 p h (bar 2)
p 8 specific gravity (non6dimension) h 8 head (m)
Drom formula (3 . 3 )
h 6 p (1.3) E.: p
0 8 pressure, (;0a2)
p 8 specific gravity (non6dimension)
Drom formula (3.1)
h 63<< $ p (1.1) E.: p
0 8 pressure (bar 2)
p 8 specific gravity (non6dimension)
"()"*'+( '#U,-+ M+'."*!'"/ M"!*T+*"*'+ '#U,-+
0UM0 M"!*T+*"*'+ /+--#* 1 0"2+ E
E8a&)le #
%ater head 8 1< m
from (3.3),
0ressure 8 1< (m) $ 3 $ E.: 8 3E? (;0a 2)
1 x 3E? 6 3.E? (b.ar 2)
%ater pressure 8 1<< ;0a 2 8 1 bar 2
from (1.3),
.ead 6 1<< I 1<.9 (m)
3 $ E.:
from (1.1),
.ead 6 3<< $ 1 I 1<.9 (m)
3 $ E.:
E8a&)le 2"
!f .ead 8 3< m
(ensity 8<.@
0ressure 6;pa2
bar 2
0ressure 8 E.: x p x h (;0a2)
E.: x 0. 5 x 3< 8 9E ;pa2
3<< $ 9E 8 <.9E bar
E8a&)le 1"
The head of a water pump is 4< meters. %hat is the discharge pressure of the pump.
'alculate in ;0a and bar.
M+'."*!'"/ M"!*T+*"*'+ '#U,-+ "()"*'+( '#U,-+
/+--#* 1 0"2+ 3< 0UM0 M"!*T+*"*'+
h 8 4<m
p 8 3
i. 0d 8 E.: p $ h k0a2
E.: $ 3 $ 4< 1E9 ;pa2
3 53<< $ 1E9 1.E9 bar 2
+$ample 9
!f head pressure is 3< ;0a2 and head is 4 meter then find the specific gravity of the
0 3< ;pa2
h 4 m
: F
p 3< E.: $ h E.: $ 4
%ater (li&uid) changes to ice (solid) when it is cooled down to ##', and changes to
steam (vapour) when it its temperature is raised to 3<<<' at sea level.
Therefore, water has three states 6 solid, li&uid and vapour. #n a mountain appro$.
4,<<< M high, the air is thin and the atmospheric pressure is appro$. =< ;0a2 (3<.1E
psi) and the boiling point of water is appro$. E3 !'. The more the pressure decreases,
the lower the boiling point (and evaporation point) become.
)apour pressure, is the pressure of a vapour in contact with its li&uid form, and the
temperature at which evaporation occurs is called the evaporation point
"()"*'+( '#U,-+ M+'."*!'"/ M"!*T+*"*'+ '#U,-+
0UM0 M"!*T+*"*'+ /+--#* 1 0"2+ 33
Table 363 shows the relationship between vapour pressure and evaporation
temperature of water at sea level
Ta!le 25#
)apour pressure has to be signified by absolute pressure, ;0a", bar " or mm.g. !n
the figure, if the water temperature is 9<<', vapour pressure is @@.419 mm.2.
!f suction pressure is e&ual to or lower than the above value, evaporation occurs. !f it
is higher than above value, there will be no such problem.
'onsideration must be given to suction pressure when selecting a pump.
!n order to prevent the evaporation of water inside the pump, this pump must be
installed at an appropriate height.
The following information is useful for this selection process.
M+'."*!'"/ M"!*T+*"*'+ '#U,-+ "()"*'+( '#U,-+
/+--#* 1 0"2+ 31 0UM0 M"!*T+*"*'+
Dig. 16= shows two pressure gauges installed at the surface of water in the vessel,
and at the suction port of the pump.
The gauges read @ ;0a2 at the surface and 3@ ;0a2 at the suction.
+i($ 25<$ E8a&)le of the )ress're
S'6tion )ress're 6on?erted to head is 6al6'lated !0 for&'la"
2s 8 666666
E.: p
2s 8 666666666 8 3.@4 (m)
3 $ E.:
This is suction pressure converted to head (.s).
2oe?er3 the real hei(ht of the ater3 as the ?essel is )ress'ri@ed !0 ; >Pa G3
ill !e"
3@ J @
2 8 6666666666 8 3.<1 (m)
3 $ E.:
!f the pressure of the vessel is < ;0a2, the suction pressure converted to head is
e&ual to the water height (.w).
)apor pressure, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, is signified by the absolute
pressure gauge. The absolute suction pressure converted to head is
3@ 6 3<3.4 33?.4
2 8 66666666666666 8 66666666 8 33.:= (m)
3 $ E.: E.:
"()"*'+( '#U,-+ M+'."*!'"/ M"!*T+*"*'+ '#U,-+
0UM0 M"!*T+*"*'+ /+--#* 1 0"2+ 34
%hen the vessel is open to the atmosphere, the gauge on the vessel reads < ;0a2.
The absolute suction pressure converted to head is
2s = ------- = 3<.43
!n this case, suction pressure changed to head 8 water height in case of suction lift
(see Dig. 16:), if the vessel is pressuriBed to 3< ;0a2, suction pressure converted to
head is
2s 8 6666666666 8 3.<1 (n)
3 $ E.:
"bsolute suction pressure converted to head is
3< C 3<3.4 333.4
2s 8 66666666666666666 8 6666666 8 33.4? (n)
3 $ E.: E.:
!f the vessel is not pressuriBed,
.s 8 66666666666 8 3<.49 (n)
3 $ E.:
+i($ 25A$ E8a&)le of the )ress're$ -NITS2/
M+'."*!'"/ M"!*T+*"*'+ '#U,-+ "()"*'+( '#U,-+
/+--#* 1 0"2+ 39 0UM0 M"!*T+*"*'+
)apor pressure is signified by absolute pressure. /ook at Table 3. 3 again.
%hen the water temperature is 4@<', the vapour pressure is 91.3=@ mm.g.
.e Bno that"
=?< mm.g 8 3<3.4 ;pa"
91.3=@ mm.g 8 91.3=@ mm.g 8 91.3=@ $ 3<3.4
6666666 8 @.?1 ;pa"
Va)o'r )ress're 6on?erted to head is"
hv 8 66666666666 8 <.@= (n)
3 $ E.:
"ssuming that the water at a temperature of 4@3' is pumped up, the absolute
suction head converted to head is less than <.@= m, and evaporation will occur.
*0-. available 8 absolute suction pressure converted to head 6 vapour pressure
converted to head *0-. available can be calculated by
NPS2 a?aila!le"
"bsolute pressure converted to head 6 vapour pressure converted to head -pecific
gravity $ E.:
NPS2 re9'ired
*0-. re&uired minimum pressure converted to head needed at the suction port to
get the li&uid into the impeller without vaporiBation.
*0-. available must be more than *0-. re&uired to avoid vaporiBation of the li&uid
in the pump.
0ump selection and installation
"()"*'+( '#U,-+ M+'."*!'"/ M"!*T+*"*'+ '#U,-+
0UM0 M"!*T+*"*'+ /+--#* 1 0"2+ 3@
+i($ 25=$ P'&) 6hara6teristi6s
*0-. is important in the selection and installation of pumps which handle fluid near
or at boiling point.
There are energy losses in a pump. /osses consist of mechanical loss, volumetric
loss and hydraulic loss.
Mechanical loss consists of mechanical friction such as bearing friction, packing seal
friction, etc.,
Vol'&etri6 loss 6onsists of"
/eakage of discharge li&uid back into the impeller
The li&uid used for cooling water
20dra'li6 loss 6onsists of"
.ydraulic friction loss at piping, e&uipment, etc.,
.ead loss due to the bends of the pipes, etc.
The power which is transmitted by an electric motor is decreased by the summation
of ail losses.
p power generated by electric motor
/m sum of mechanical losses
/v sum of volumetric losses
/h sum of hydraulic losses
+ffective power 8 0 6 (/m C /v C /h)
M+'."*!'"/ M"!*T+*"*'+ '#U,-+ "()"*'+( '#U,-+
/+--#* 1 0"2+ 3? 0UM0 M"!*T+*"*'+
Effi6ien60 -n/ is defined as )er6enta(e"
* 8 +ffective power $ 3<< 8 0 6 (/m C /v + Lh) x 100 %
!nput power p
A )'&) sho'ld !e 'sed at its )oint of &a8i&'& effi6ien60.
+i($ 25#*$ P'&) )erfor&an6e
Dig. 163<. shows a typical head6capacity r performance curve for a centrifugal pump
operating at a constant speed and is called a characteristic curve.
+fficiencies, horse powers, and the values of !*!0-. re&uired at each flow rate are
also given.
The characteristic curve represents the average performance of the type purchased.
-mall variations on the same pattern are possible, and is not to be confused with a
test curve. Test curves are obtained from actual tests of a particular pump.
Usually the curves are based on clear, cold waterH that is, the characteristics for other
li&uids are not necessarily the same as water. Dor instance, the pressure rise will
vary in proportion to the specific gravity.
2enerally the operating point is preferable to the best efficiency point for normal use.
The *0-. re&uired curve given on the graph will help in the selection and installation
of the pumps.
"()"*'+( '#U,-+ M+'."*!'"/ M"!*T+*"*'+ '#U,-+
0UM0 M"!*T+*"*'+ /+--#* 1 0"2+ 3=

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