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Institution: CER San Luis Cooperating teacher: Eunice

Grade: Preschool
Student Teacher: Natalia Seplveda Orozco Practicum Advisor: Isabel Cristina Jimnez G. Class n: 2
Class period: 1
hour of class from (8:00 am to 10:00 am) Date: August 12
, 2014 Number of Students: 12 are boys, and are 9 girls
Class began with greetings in english, teachers did an
exercise of TPR, and sang a song about the colors in english.
The teacher began the class with a video about the figures,
and then the students sang and danced to the song on the
shapes in english.
Then the teacher drew on the board each shape with its own
name in english, which also reviewed the colors in english.
Later, the teacher did a game: "Tingo Tingo Tango", in which
all students participated and learned a lot. Another activity
that each student was identified around your classroom a
shape and said in english, accompanied by a color in english,
and finally was given a photocopy for them about the shapes,
it consisted on paint each shape of corresponding color
guided by the teacher's explanation.
This day was kind of hard and stressful. First,
because children did not have a good disposition
when english class. Second, because after the
video show about shapes were very active, and
discipline was uncontrollable, sparking in me a
headache. Third, when I did the activity that they
to point out shapes that they saw around, very
few students paid attention, and very few
students did the work assigned well.
But in the end when I gave them photocopies
each student where they had to paint the shapes
with the corresponding color, most of them did
very fast, and the result was very good, and I
congratulated them with a happy face.

Homework was in the house review the topics that had been
seen in class, and take an object of the house that was
round, square, triangular or rectangular for presentation to
their classmates the next class.
sometimes you feel helpless when things do not
go as you want, but with effort, patience and
sacrifice, things may be improving each time
because of this my work as a teacher of practice,
these experiences it is, and days difficult is that I
learn more and more, where I tell myself that
although things, days, and the situations are
difficult, with love, passion, and patience, slowly
progress does show that I want to fight for my
students to learn and be good people in the
future, and can succeed in different aspects that
they present on their long life to live, day by day.
And that in future they can thanks me something
that I contributed to their lives, whether that
study English, or found a job to be better people,
or that my personality they learned and they saw
in me an example a role model for my values and
my principles. As I do with great love and
passion, and for this reason is for them that I am
happy to be the english teacher in preschool.

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