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This exam contains a total of 33 multiple-choice questions.

Select the best, MOST COMPLETE answer.

Read all the answers before making your choice.
Do not read more into the question than is stated.
The value of each question is indicated in the brackets ( ).

1. Fungi make life on earth possible for which of the following reason(s).
a. They decompose organic material
b. They recycle minerals back to the soil.
c. Their activities result in a net increase in the amount of atmospheric carbon
d. Their activities result in a net decrease in the amount of atmospheric carbon
e. a, b and c are correct.

2. Alternation of Generations in plants originated
a. On the land in the green algae
b. In the oceans in the green algae
c. In fresh water lakes or bogs on the land
d. In the bryophytes
e. In the Fungi

3. In the plant life cycle the delay in fertilization arises because of:
a. The substitution of a sporophyte generation for a gametophyte generation
b. The insertion of a gametophyte generation between the sporophyte and the
c. The formation of gametes
d. The production of free-living sporophytes

4. Bryophytes likely remained small and limited to periodically moist environments because
a. The gametes are flagellated and need water for fertilization
b. They lack archegonia or antheridia to protect the gametes from drying out
c. They have a vascular system
d. They need water to disperse the spores
e. Both a and b are correct

5. Loss of flagella in the gymnosperms correlated with
a. The development of antheridia
b. The loss of archegonia
c. The loss of antheridia
d. The development of wind pollination
e. Both c and d are correct

6. In the Alternation of Generations lifecycle ______ are produced by gametophytes via the
process of _____
a. Gametes; mitosis
b. Gametes; meiosis
c. Spores; mitosis
d. Spores; meiosis
7. In the Alternation of Generations lifecycle _____ are produced by sporophytes via the
process of ________
a. Gametes; mitosis
b. Gametes; meiosis
c. Spores; mitosis
d. Spores; meiosis, plus occasionally includes mitosis

8. You are presented with a mature seed lacking any obvious endosperm. You can conclude
a. The seed maybe from a Gymnosperm
b. That it may be from an Angiosperm but that all the endosperm has been absorbed
into the cotyledons
c. That the seed is from a fern
d. That both a and b are possible

9. All the cells/tissues comprising the primary plant body are ultimately derived from:
a. The shoot apical meristem
b. The vascular cambium
c. The cork cambium
d. Both the shoot and root apical meristems

10. As a dicot tree trunk enlarges, the vascular cambium
a. Moves further from the primary xylem
b. Moves closer to the primary xylem
c. Moves closer to the primary phloem
d. Breaks up in to separate, discontinuous pieces
e. Both a and c are correct

11. You are asked to critique the results from the analysis of the wood of a very old eudicot
tree. The Summary from the report states, Analysis showed the tree to be comprised of
the following cell types; primary xylem, primary phloem, secondary phloem fibers,
parenchyma cells, epidermis.
Do any of the cell types listed below appear to be questionable?
a. Primary xylem
b. Primary phloem
c. Epidermis
d. Both a and b
e. Both b and c

12. At a node all of the following may be found EXCEPT:
a. Leaves
b. Flowers
c. Branches
d. Fruits
e. All are possible
13. Which of the following would be examples of primary growth (SELECT THE MOST
a. The production of flowers
b. The elongation of an axillary bud
c. The production of new leaves
d. a, b and c
e. Only a and c

Neighbor B is suing neighbor A claiming that during the past three years neighbor
As trees (a mixture of gymnosperms and dicots) have grown and blocked neighbor
Bs view. Neighbor A claims his tree have not increased in height during the past three
years. As a Biology 1B graduate you have been asked to determine the height of the
tree as they would have been three years ago.
(Use for answering questions 14 and 15)

14. To do so you would:
a. Measure the total height of the plants and then divide by their age
b. Count annual rings at various heights to determine the age of various portions
of the tree in times past.
c. Check for apical dominance
d. Check to see whether axillary buds have grown out
e. Tell the judge that the job is not possible

15. Now suppose instead all the trees were monocots. Which answer would be appropriate?
a. Measure the total height of the plants and then divide by their age
b. Count annual rings at various heights to determine the age of various portions of
the tree in times past.
c. Check for apical dominance
d. Check to see whether axillary buds have grown out
e. Tell the judge that the job is not possible

16. When you look at a fern from some distance growing by Strawberry Creek you are
observing the
a. Sporophyte generation
b. The gametophyte generation
c. The dependent generation
d. Both a and c are correct
e. Both b and c are correct

Assume you placed a plants roots in liquid containing 3 species of ion, I, II, and III.
After waiting several hours you find that I reaches the top of the plant; II is only
found in the root cortex region and III is found only in the external bathing liquid. (Use
for answering questions 17-19).

17. With regard to III, you can conclude:
a. It has entered into or crossed through ONLY the symplast
b. It has entered and remains in the apoplast
c. It entered into and crossed through both the symplast and apoplast
d. It is not found in either the apoplast or symplast
e. Both a and d are correct

18. With regard to I, you can conclude:
a. It has only had to cross the symplast membrane
b. It has entered into and remains in the apoplast
c. It entered into both the apoplast and symplast
d. It crossed a membrane
e. Both c and d are correct

19. With regard to II, you can conclude:
a. It has only had to cross the symplast membrane.
b. It has entered into and reminas in the apoplast.
c. It entered into both the symplast and apoplast.
d. It crossed a membrane
e. Both a and d are correct

20. The direct (first) products of Double Fertilization are
a. Megagametophyte and the seed coat
b. The pollen tube and the egg
c. The megagametophyte and the egg
d. The zygote and the endosperm
e. The endosperm and the egg

21. In the theory the eye of a potato tuber could develop into:
a. A shoot
b. A flower
c. A root
d. None of the above
e. Both a and b are possible

22. In comparing a leaf of a desert plant to the leaf of a plant growing submerged, under
water, you would likely find
a. A thicker cuticle and stomata on the lower leaf surface of the submerged plant.
b. A thin cuticle and many stomata on the leaf of the desert plant.
c. The possibility of hairs covering the leaf of the desert plant.
d. The possibility of hairs covering the lower leaf surface of the water plant.
The following questions (23 and 24) concern the germination in the soil of a seed of a typical
23. Assuming only the hypocotyl elongates, the cotyledons would
a. Remain more or less at the same level in the soil
b. Be lifted above the soil into the atmosphere
c. Be pulled deeper into the soil
24. Now assume that only the epicotyl elongates. In this scenario the cotyledons would
a. Remain more or less at the same level in the soil
b. Be lifted above the soil into the atmosphere
c. Be pulled deeper into the soil

Diagrammed below are a series of annual rings, as if viewed using a microscope. Use for
answering questions 25-27.

25. Which year was likely a continuously wet year?
a. The newest ring, year A
b. The newest ring, year E
c. The oldest ring, year A
d. The oldest ring, year E

26. In which year was there likely a drought?
a. Two years ago, year B
b. 4 years ago, year B
c. 2 years ago, year C
d. 4 years ago, year D
e. Cannot be determined
27. The year in which likely had a dry Spring but a rainy summer
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E

From the diagram of the flower drawn to the right, select the number which best answers
the following questions. (Use for answering questions 28-32.)
Choose the most specific answer.
28. This structure will mature into a seed.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
29. Usually the most colorful part of the flower.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
30. Can enlarge to form the fruit.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
31. Site of microspore formation.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
32. Within the structure the megagametophyte develops.
a. 1
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
e. 6
33. Using Fibonacci analysis you have investigated the arrangement of knot holes on an old
pine tree. You determine the pattern to be 5+8. Can you deduce the probable original leaf
arrangement associated with these knot holes.
a. Yes, 3+5
b. Yes, 5+8
c. Yes, 8+11
d. No, you have insufficient information to deduce the patterning of knot holes.

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