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The Committee is asked to tell us more about extraterrestrial visitor technology.

Q: Can you explain more about the ability to disguise and "cloak" a spacecraft or aircraft? How is it
hidden from radar and visual observation or even heat detection?
C: This technology has been demonstrated and attempted to be copied, with some but limited
success in your experience. The presence of an object unseen was first detected using the now well
established technology of radar, what was called radio detection and ranging.

This is defeated with a two step process; as the transmitted radio or microwave energy reaches a hidden
vessel, it transmits an opposite return signal and cancels out the reflected or bounced portion. As the vast
majority of the transmitted signal energy strikes no object and bounces back no returned signal, the small
portion sent back what the receiver antenna and equipment are designed to pick up never appears.
Thus no radar detection occurs.

Q: How about the delay? The arriving signal must be received, copied and analyzed and then its
opposite or reciprocal signal transmitted, correct? How does it catch up to the reflected portion since
they move at the same speed?
C: This assumes the same speed; as we have often said, the dimensional limitations of your
environment do not restrict your visitors. The ability to transmit a preemptive signal or a faster signal is
well established, even simplistic. The receiver equipment does not and cannot detect speed of that which
it believes it does not receive. It seeks the specific frequencies it has transmitted; these are eliminated,
much as your technology eliminates sound by cancellation. An opposite equal sound wave is generated.

Q: OK, what about sounds an extraterrestrial visitor vessel might make?
C: Sound cancellation achieves this. The detectable sound of the Earth environment is very slow in
velocity and creation of cancelling waves incurs such as small delay as to be undetectable; it disappears
into all other sound wave energy from our sources.

Q: How does air movement get hidden? How can an invisible vessel hide its wake?
C: This is called wind, and you accept its occurrence and presence without question. There is little
need for such ability however this effect can be easily cancelled also.

The effect is achieved by heating and cooling the air molecules immediately surrounding the vessel;
temperature variations cause a shift, and this is already the initial source of wind. The effect is simply re-
created on a smaller scale than you consider for weather. The air is sucked towards the passing vessel in
direct and opposite force to the way it would be displaced or "blown" from its otherwise usual position or
path. The air is held in place, held steady and no wind or movement from wind occurs.

Q: Okay, now about the last one; sight! How is the image of a visitor vessel hidden or "cloaked"?
C: This is done much the way your television and now computer screens work. The image is
captured from a camera-like device but in your technology, scanner is a more accurate description. The
view of the vessel from any point on the surface or any point in the atmosphere is then calculated, if a
look were given towards the placement of the vessel. This allows precise understanding of light intensity
and wavelength necessary to calculate the composition of the light image.

This information then creates and projects the surrounding image.

Q: How?
C: Intense light is created by heating metal electrically; just as as done with a bulb filament. In some
colors and spectra, gases are heated. The intensity of the heat is localized and controlled through magnetic
fields. Each of these operates conceptually the way pixels are illuminated on a screen; the frequency and
intensity of light are controlled to create an image identical to the surrounding sky and no image can be

Q: How does this work with clouds? These are visible unlike air, and if the ship passes, the cloud
would be disturbed.
C: Yes, however the wind is controlled and supplemental vapor can be created to disguise movement
through visible water vapor.

Q: So we cannot detect presence of visitor craft in our atmosphere?
ETs: (Extraterrestrials are coming through now to speak) No, and we have analyzed your technology
of detection. We have other techniques available to defeat advances to come in yours, before we
demonstrate a little more openly what you could do and how we would in turn control it to defeat your

Q: Is this because of the concern or risk of misuse?
ETs: This is part of the concern; the greater issue is non-interference. We cannot yet reveal our
presence in this way.

Q: Committee, thank you for speaking on behalf of the aliens or extraterrestrial visitors.
C: They spoke themselves, do come back with more questions, we say to the readers. Good day.

Mike 25/07/2013 2:04pm

Whenever I read these it makes me feel like we are equivalent of galactic retards at the mercy of these
overlords. Powerless, defenseless and just there for pure entertainment and experiment. It must be like
going to the zoo and watching monkeys peeing on each other, when they watch us. And worst of all we
have no say in the matter.

Patrick 25/07/2013 3:43pm

Interesting; I get those sensations from earthquakes, thunderstorms and hurricanes. Tonadoes
would probably top the list, but I've been fortunate to avoid THAT phenomena.

Josh 26/07/2013 2:13am

When I saw that the extraterrestrial visitors have to ability to cancel out wind and then seeing your
comment about tornadoes, it made me wonder if they have the ability to go through tornadoes and
hurricanes without any disruption of their movement. An image of an extraterrestrial Reed Timmer comes
to mind.

Patrick 26/07/2013 10:52am

Yes, their travel craft can move unimpeded through Earth's atmosphere.
A tornado might toss one about; the image and description I got with the wind cancellation was air
displacement they would create.
They can easily avoid a tornado, however
We humans already have the ability to fly aircraft into and out of hurricanes, I can't imagine a
weather scenario that would affect a visitor craft.

Sarah 26/07/2013 10:24am

Interesting read, thank you!
Patrick, could you ask The Committee about

Archons, if they exist, who and what they are?

Patrick 26/07/2013 10:58am

Do you have a more detailed description? I don't know what they are; Wikipedia gives a long
history, starting with Ancient Greece, saying it was a title for leaders of civil, military and religious
It then describes Gnostic belief that Archons were servants of the Creator God.
Anyway, any clarification you could give would help me.

Sarah 26/07/2013 3:04pm
I don't really know much about them, this is what I came across;

The Archons - Alien Invaders From Space areInterdimensional entities. They are the
hidden negative controllers of humankind, inorganic interdimensional entities...maybe
The Committee could shed some light on this mystery.

I thought if there is any connection between this entities and the evil/negativity that exist
in our earth planet.

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