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/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.

Principal Secretary
gric!lt!re Prod!ction
#overnment of
$ep!ty Secretary
#overnment of
%isheries $epartment
$irectorate of %isheries
State &evel 'ffice Head 'ffice $istrict &evel 'ffice
(oint $irector
%isheries )aip!r *1+
$ep!ty $irector
%isheries mbi,ap!r-
.ilashp!r- $!rg-
(agdalp!r */+
ssistant $irector
%isheries 0oria- (ashp!r-
)aigarh- 0orba-
0abirdham- )a1nandgaon-
2ahasam!nd- $hamtari-
0an,er- 3arayanp!r-
$antewada- .i1ap!r *14+
ssistant $irector
%isheries 0ondagaon-
Pro1ect *1+
(oint $irector -1
$ep!ty $irector 5 2
ssistant $irector 5 2
ssistant $irector *St.+-1
cco!nt 'fficer - 1
$ep!ty $irector
6raining "entre )aip!r
ssistant )esearch
'fficer *%isheries+ *1+
$epartmental Str!ct!re
%7SH8)78S $8P)62836- #'98)32836 '% "HH667S#)H
1.1 Geographical Featre! a"# Agrocli$atic %o"e!&
Chhattisgarh one of the thirty five constituents of the country,
occupies 135194 square km which is 4.14% of the geographical area
of n!ia. t is locate! in the centre of 1".43# to $4.5 !egree %orth
latitu!e an! &'.15 to &4.$' !egree (ast longitu!e. )ttar *ra!esh in
%orth, +harkhan! in %orth,(ast, -rissa in (ast, .n!hra *ra!esh in
/outh, 0aharashtra in /outh,1est an! 0.*. 2 0aharashtra in 1est
form its 3or!ers. '() 4an! is covere! 3y 5orests.
6here are 3 agroclimatic 7ones comparison northen hills, central
plains 7one an! 8astar plateau 7one
Norther" Hill!9 6he area of this agroclimatic 7one accounts for
$1% of the total geographical area. :oriya, /argu;a, +ashpur,
<aigarh an! :or3a are !istricts situate! in this =one.
Ce"tral Plai" %o"e9 this agroclimatic 7one covers 5'% of the
geographical area of the state. <aipur, 8ilaspur, Champa,+an;gir,
:a3ir!ham, <a;nan!gaon, >urg, >hamtari an! 0ahasamun! are
!istricts inclu!e! in this plain =one.
*a!tar Platea %o"e9 t account for $9% of the geographical
area of the state. :anker ?%orth 8astar@, 8astar, >antewa!a
?/outh 8astar@, 8i;apur an! %arayanpur are !istricts inclu!e! in
this =one.
1.+ Cli$atic !itatio"&
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A. Cli$ate , 6he climate of the state in mainly humi! an! su3 humi!.
>ue to its location at the tropic of cancer, the centre part of the
chhattisgarh is hot may is the hotest month an! !ecem3er an!
+anuary are the col!est months. 6he general climate is !ry su3 unit
tie where the annual potential evapo,transpiration is slightly higher
then the annual rain fall. 6he climatic con!ition of the state vary from
region to region.
*. Te$peratre ,6he temperature in the state varies from region to
region. n the northen hills the temperature ranges from &.$ to 39.5
!egree celcious whearase is in chhattisgarh central plains an! 3aster
plateau respectively the temperature generally ranges 3etween 13.3
!egree celcious an! 11.4 to 3&.$ !egree celcious.
C. Rai"-all , .verage annual rainfall in the /tate is approAimately 1$''
mm to 1B'' mm. with an average annual rain fall of the state aroun!
14'' mm.
Ri.er S/!te$ , 6here is a network of 4 rivers for capture fisheries.
6hese rivers are 0ahana!i, Co!awari, Canga an! %arma!a. n this
network, 31 large, small rivers an! tri3utories, flow from (ast to
1est, covering a length of a3out 35"3 :ms. in the /tate.
1.( T/pe o- 0a"#
/oil, as state! a3ove, has water retention capacity in the range of
light to me!ium 55%,B5% i.e. the /oil represents low water retention
%orthern Dills =one
4ight to me!ium ?<e!!ish,Eellow@ 55%
0e!. Deavy to heavy?8rownish,8lack@ 15%
Central *lain =one
4ight to me!ium ?<e!!ish,Eellow@ B5%
4ight to me!ium ?<e!!ish,Eellow@ 35%
/outhern *lateau =one
4ight to me!ium ?<e!!ish,Eellow@ 5&%
4ight to me!ium ?<e!!ish,Eellow@ 4$%
2+. Pre!e"t Stat!&
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
6he /tate is playing an important role 3y generating self,employment
through fisheries in rural areas which in turn provi!es nutritious foo!
to rural folks. 5isheries 3usiness has generate! an employment
potential for a3out 1.&5 4akh persons, most of them 3elong to weaker
section of the society.
2.1 A.aila1le 3ater Re!orce!&
/tate has 5&514 <ural *on! area covering '."44 4akh ha an! 1"34
rrigation <eservoir covering '.&&" 4akh ha 1ater area totaling to
1.B31 4akh ha water area availa3le for fisheries !evelopment at the
en! of $'1',11. -ut of the availa3le 1ater <esources '.B"9 lakh ha.
rural pon! area an! '.&3" lakh ha. irrigation reservoir water area,
thus totaling 1.51B lakh ha. water has alrea!y 3een 3rought un!er
fish culture till $'1',11. 6he !evelope! water area un!er fish culture
is shown in ta3le as un!er
T/pe o- 3ater Area Area i" 0a4h ha ) #e.elope#
*on!s '.B"9 9'."%
<eservoirs '.&3" 94%
Total 1.516 7+.6)
0ain rivers 0ahana!i, n!ravati an! their tri3utaries flow 35"3
:ms. in the state an! offer themselves in fishery !evelopment
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2.2 Fi!h !ee# Pro#ctio"&
(Aisting 5$ no. of circular hatcheries, 51 no. of fish farms an! 5&3 no.
of in!ivi!ual rearing space with the availa3le water area of 3$".&' ha.
are involve! in fish see! pro!uction in govt. an! private sector.
*resent !eman! of fish see! is place! at &'.'' crores st.fry against of
which &3.9B crore have 3een pro!use! in $'1',11. -ur plan strategy
for $'11,1$ aims at pro!uction of &9 crores of st.fry.
+.( Fi!h Pro#ctio" a"# pro#cti.it/
/tates fisheries is mostly culture 3ase! in which 0a;or carp fish group
play a lea!ing role. .vaila3ility of 5&514 pon!s covering '."44 lakhs
hectare water area is the main asset on which culture fisheries rest.
/o far 91% of the area has 3een covere!.
.nnual fish pro!uction has recor!e! an average growth of B3.5%
!uring $''",'& to year $'1',11 *lan.
5ish pro!uction 8ase year Current year
in lakh tons $''",'& $'1',11
1.395 $.$&$
<esource wise contri3ution in fish pro!uction is state! 3elow.
6otal 5ish *ro!uction $.$&$ lakh ton <esource wise share
*on!s 9$.&B%
<eservoir B.5B %
<iver '.59%
n nlan! fish pro!uction status of n!ia, Chhattisgarh stan!s on &th
position. 6here has 3een great improvement in per hectare yiel! from
pon!s. n year $''1,'$ annual yiel! was $1$' kgFhectare. >uring
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
$'1',11 it has reache! $B5' kgFha. which is a3ove the %ational
average of $3'' kg ?$''",'&@. 6here are large num3er of
progressive pisciculturists in the state who are successfully
harvesting seven to eight ton of fish of n!ian ma;or carps annually.
.verage pro!uction in reservoir are 1$5 kg.Fhact.Fyear which is a3ove
the national average of B9kgFhact.Fyear.
+.' E8te"!io"
n a!!ition to its fiel! staff at the !istrict an! 3lock level for
provi!ing technical an! other support to fish farmers. 6he
!epartment also organi7e! training programs within state an! out of
state stu!y tours, eAposure visits, esta3lishment of !emonstration
units for e!ucation an! awareness creation among fish farmers.

+.5 E$plo/$e"t Ge"eratio"
.t present 1.&5 lakh fish farmer in the state are engage! in
fisheries activities provi!ing11' lakh man!ays of employment roun!
the year. 6he !epartment target to increase the num3er of fish
farmers to 1.&5 lakh provi!ing employment of 1$' lakh man!ays 3y
the en! of year $'11,1$.
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Fisheries Policy in the State:
"abinet s!b committee was formed to form!late and recommend a new
fisheries policy for the State. ccordingly- several meetings of the s!b committee were
held and it s!bmitted its report to the government on 22.0=.2001. fter scr!tiny cabinet
the new fisheries policy in the State was released by the #overnment of "hhattisgarh
gric!lt!re *fisheries+ $epartment on 2arch 2004. 6he salient feat!res of the new
fisheries policy are as !nder.
*i+ %ishery leases of ponds- tan,s and irrigation reservoirs !p to 200 ha. 'f
average water area to be given for five years at a time. %isheries rights over
three-tier Panchayat bodies/ponds/tan,s and irrigation reservoirs having more
than 200 ha. verage water areas are to be a!ctioned by the fisheries
department for a five years period at a time. Water area above 200 ha. #ovt.
recently *on >th Sept. 200?+ revised the policy with following amendment@-
Water bodies of 200 - 1000 ha. A above :000 ha. Will be leased o!t to
fishermen co-operative societies by the department.
Water body above 1000 5 :000 ha. Will be allotted to ".#. 2atsya
2ahasangh on royalty basis.
Municipal bodies 5s per govt. policy.
Duration of lease ? years.
*ii+ 10B increases in initial lease amo!nt every third year are to be made.
*iii+ Ponds and tan,s having more than one ha. Water area are to be leased o!t to
registered fishermenCs co-operative societies.
*iv+ %isheries of 10B of ponds- tan,s and irrigation reservoirs are to be reserved
for leasing to !nemployed yo!th who have been given training by the
department for 10 months.
*v+ Wor,ing 1!risdiction of a registered co-operative society will be within the
radi!s of > ,m from its headD!arters.
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*vi+ 7f three tier panchayat bodies fail to lease o!t fisheries of ponds and tan,s
within ; months- s!ch tan,s wo!ld be leased o!t directly as per r!les by the
"ollector of the district concerned.
*vii+ %ish Seed traders are liable to ta,e licenses !nder %ish Seed ct.
*viii+ 'ne tan, in every village will be identified and left for the needs of villagers.
3o fisheries development will be ta,en !p in s!ch tan,s.
*iE+ )oyalty will not be charged for minnows eEtracted from irrigation reservoirs
which are !nder the department.
*E+ 8Eisting departmental hatcheries which are r!nning in loss to be leased o!t.
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$8P)62836 '% %7SH8)78S "HH667S#)H
$etails of Plan Scheme
1 Fish Seed Production:
7t is most important ingredient of fishery development. ct!ally the fish seed
is the pivot ro!nd which entire fish ind!stry moves. Fnder the normal plan and tribal
s!b-plan the tas, is to prod!ce D!ality fish seed thro!gh scientific methods and f!lfill
the demand of Piscic!lt!rist who are residining in remote areas. $emand of fish seed
for departmental reservoirs and rivers ranching is also meet o!t !nder the scheme.
6he vario!s component on which b!dget inc!rred are farm maintenance- electric
charges- hatchery operation- seed prod!ction and rearing- feeding- and raising of new
infra str!ct!re.
2. De$elop%ent of reser$oirs and ri$ers:
6here are 1?4/ reservoirs covering 0.>>? la,hs hectare water area which is
:/./0B of the total water area are available in the state 4= reservoirs covering /=;=4
ha. are !nder the department 2ahasanghfor the p!rpose of fish c!lt!re- .reeders
raising ed!cation and training p!rpose.
s per state policy reservoirs average water area !p to 200 ha. Have been
transferred to panchayat ra1 bodies for leasing o!t to the local fishermen co-
operatives. bove 200 ha. verage water bodies are to be a!ctioned by the fisheries
department for a five year period at a time.
Water area above 200 ha. #ovt. recently *on >th Sept. 200?+ revised the
policy with following amendment@-
Water bodies of 200 - 1000 ha. A above :000 ha. Will be leased o!t to
fishermen co-operative societies by the department.
Water body above 1000 5 :000 ha. Will be allotted to ".#. 2atsya 2ahasangh on
royalty basis.
$epartment policy for fish seed stoc,ing is that leasee will stoc, 100B fish
seed in small reservoir and :0B of the total stoc,ing in medi!m and large
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
"hhattisgarh is mostly covered by 2ahanadi and #odavari river systems.
However some area of the state has also some portion of #anga and 3armada river
6otal length of rivers is estimated to be 4:?4 ,m. ltho!gh river share in fish
prod!ction of the state is half percent b!t it provides artisnal level fishery to large
n!mber of fishermen living along its. ban,s. )ivers are also val!able so!rce of
nat!ral fish fa!na.
%ishing is free in rivers. 7n order to preserve its fish biodiversity it is
necessary to p!t some of its portion o!t of fishing Gone. 6his shall help in s!staining
artisnal level fisheries. $!ring 11th plan stoc,ing of fish seed was commenced in
7ndravati. 7nitial observation show enco!raging res!lts towards rehabilitation of
ma1or carps.
'. Education and Trainin(:
'.1 Depart%ental trainin(:
Fnder these schemes general- tribal and sched!le cast fishermen are being
trained with modern scientific methods of fish c!lt!re- capt!re- net ma,ing- boat
rowing are ta!ght for a d!ration for 10 days. 8ach fisherman is paid for )s. 12:0/-
which incl!des )s. ?:/- per day scholarship- 3ylon twine worth val!e of )s. /00
and )s. 100 which incl!des fare and other eEpenses.
'.2 )ut of State study tour:
part from these local trainees- the progressive fish farmers of different
sector of state are sent to other states to learn advance techniD!es of fish c!lt!re )s.
2:00/- per trainees eEpenses are to met for 10 days o!t of state to!r. 6his incl!des
training allowance )s. ?:0/-- tic,et fare )s. 1:00/- and miscellaneo!s eEpendit!re
)s. 2:0/-.
'.' De%onstration cu% trainin(:
6o overcome of conventional farming and reap maEim!m s!stainable yield
thro!gh intensive fish c!lt!re the need of high tech demonstration in fish c!lt!re
was deeply felt by the department. scheme of training c!m demonstration !nit is
sanctioned schemes incl!des a !nit of components viG. constr!ction of one hectare
2 mt. deep fish rearing pond- seed rearing n!rseries- 6!be well- p!mp ho!se-
"how,idar h!t- electric line etc. will cost )s. 1=.?/ la,hs. nother )s. 2./0 la,hs
will be inc!rred on feed inp!ts- eration and lab eD!ipment etc. 6h!s the total per
!nit establishment will cost )s. 22.1/ la,hs.
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
*. Fisheries E+tension:
Fnder tribal s!p plan and special component plan poly c!lt!re with prawn
and ornamental fishery development in fresh water- ssistance to fishermen for fish
seed rearing in seasonal pond- rearing seed stoc,ing net and bo!t for fingerling retail
fish sale are the ? s!b schemes ta,en of in fisheries eEtension programme.
provision of s!bsidy )s. 1:000/- for prawn c!lt!re and 12000/- for ornamental is
made for the each beneficiary of the schemes.
%inancial assistance to fishermen is as follows@-
A,Pra-n culture@
7tem S!bsidy 2aEim!m
limit *)s.+
1st year 2nd year 4rd year
1 %ish seed stoc,ing ;2: /1: 210 12:0
2 Prawn (!veniles
seed stoc,ing and
:000 4400 1?00 10000
4 2an!ring feed 1>?: 12:0 ;2: 4?:0
Total ./00 *12/ 2/'/ 1/000
3,)rna%ental Fish "ulture:
7tem S!bsidy 2aEim!m
limit *)s.+
1st year 2nd year 4rd year
1 .rooder p!rchase 2:00 - - 2:00
2 S!pplementary
4000 2000 1000 ;000
4 3et- medicine etc 1?:0 11?0 :>0 4:00
Total .2/0 '1.0 1/40 12000
",Assistance to net and boat for fisher%en:
ssistance to tribal fishermen and general fishermen to s!pport net or boat
for fishing in new scheme is ta,en !p of the scheme. provision of s!bsidy )s.
10000/- for p!rchase net and boat is made for each beneficiary.
D,Assistance to fish seed rearin( unit:
ssistance to S"/S6 %armers for fish seed rearing is seasonal ponds is ta,en
!p of the eEtension programme. provision of s!bsidy )s. 40000/- for p!rchase net
and boat is made for each beneficiary.
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E, Assistance to Fin(erlin( Sto5in(:
ssistance S"- S6 and #enral %armers for fishries stoc,ing in ponds is ta,es
!p. provision of s!bsidy )s. ;100/- for p!rchase of fingerling 4 years assistance .
F, Assistance to fin(erlin( stoc5in( in !a+alli affected area :
100B s!bsidy has providet in naEal affected are .i1ap!r- $antewada- district
for :000 fingerlings stoc,ing in pond. provision of )s. 4:0/- is made for each

6, Assitance to fisher%en for retail sale:
3ew Scheme is ta,en !p since 2010-11. ssisstance to S"-S6 and #enral
fishermen for p!rchasing of 7cc boE- weighing machine-%ish-Scale etc. provision
of S!bsidy )s. ;000/- is made for each beneficiary.
/. Fisher%en "o,operati$es:
s per the #ovt. policy water bodies above 1.00 hact. re to be leased o!t to
cooperatives. 6herefore- more fishermen cooperatives are proposed to be organiGed.
%inancial assistance to fishermen cooperatives in the forms of loan and
s!bsidies is provided !nder this scheme.%2"S are provided s!bsidy !p to a
maEim!m of )s. 2:000/- in 6hree years ssistance Special Programme.

%inancial assistance to fishermen co-operatives are as follows@-
7tem S!bsidy 2aEim!m
limit *)s.+
1st year 2nd year 4rd year
Share capital
contrib!tion 100B 100B 100B 2000/-
2 6an, lease amo!nt 100B :0B 2:B ::00/-
%ish seed p!rchase
and stoc,ing of seed. 100B :0B 2:B :000/-
.oat and nylon
thread p!rchase 100B 100B 100B

Total 2/0007,
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
2. &esearch and A8uariu%:
2.1 &esearch:
)esearch is the bac,bone of fisheries development. 6o get s!stainable
development of fisheries- it is necessary to evolve scientific methods of
!nderstanding soil- water D!ality- hydro biological- physico chemical conditions of
the water. 6he field staff will be important training abo!t the basic reD!irement of
fish prod!ction- diseases identification and its control etc.
2.2 A8uariu%:
6o motivate p!blicCs aesthetic val!es and promote fish c!lt!re hobby
aD!ari!m ,eeping plays very important role similarly research for !pdate of present
techniD!e of fish c!lt!re is a m!st for r!nning these activities and their promotion
and eEtension- p!blication of information for circ!lation a provision is made !nder
these scheme.
2.' S%t. 3ilasa 3ai 9e-tin Matsya :i5as Pri;e <State le$el a-ard=:
7n this sector state govt. started Smt. .ilasa .ai 0ewtin 2atsya 9i,as PriGe
to the progressive fish farmers for enco!ragement of advance technological fish
c!lt!re- fish seed prod!ction- development of additional water area- integrated fish
farming- "onservation of fishes and research wor, for control of disease etc. Worth
val!e of )s. 1.00 la,h will be awarded to fish c!lt!rist- who achieved eEtra ordinary
performance in fisheries.
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
3. "E!T&A> SP)!S)&ED S"#EME
3orms/provisions of "entral ssistance Schemes and States Share@
Fnder implementation of centrally sponsored schemes development of 7nland
%reshwater D!ac!lt!re. ?Fish Far%ers De$elop%ent A(ency? *?:B "entral @
2:B State+ %isheries training and eEtension * >0B "entral @ 20B State+ Fnder
national fishermen welfare programmes gro!p accident ins!rance scheme *:0B @
:0B+ %ishermen ho!sing scheme *:0B@ :0B+.
1. De$elop%ent of @nland Fresh-ater A8uaculture. ?Fish Far%ers
De$elop%ent A(ency? <./A "entral: 2/A State=:
$evelopment of freshwater aD!ac!lt!re has been one of the most important
prod!ction oriented programmes implemented in the state as a centrally sponsored
scheme thro!gh the fish farmer development agency.
%%$Hs provide a pac,age of technical- financial and eEtension s!pport to
fish farmers. 7n order the boost fish prod!ction- assistance in the farm of s!bsidy is
given to fish farmers for constr!ction of new ponds and tan,s- inp!ts *fish seed-
feed- fertiliGers- man!re- etc.+ for first year fish c!lt!re- fish seed hatchery- fish feed
mill etc. S!bsidy for the above mention activities are given at do!ble rates to
fishermen of S"/S6. ssistance is also given to progressive fish farmers as an
incentive for p!rchase of aerators who have achieved an arrange prod!ctivity of 4
tons/ha/ann!m and raise to it f!rther.
2. Fisheries Trainin( and E+tension:
Fnder centrally sponsored scheme of ?Fisheries Trainin( and E+tension?
6he 8Ependit!re will be shared on >0@ 20 basis between the govt. of 7ndia and the
state govt.
6raining programmes of 1: days has to be organiGed for imparting training
the fishermen are acD!ainted with improved techniD!e of fish c!lt!re. !nit cost of
)s. 24?:/- is sanctioned for this programme.
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'. !ational Sche%es for Belfare of fisher%en:
'.1 6roup Accidental @nsurance Sche%e:
6his is an ongoing central sponsored scheme in which the state contrib!tes its
:0B share the ins!rance premi!m )s. 40/- per ann!m/fishermen. 6he ob1ect of
#..7. scheme is to provide ins!rance covered to active fishermen engaged in
fishing in age gro!p of 1>-;: years. 7n case of permanent disability/accidental death
the concerned get )s. 100000/- as ins!rance claim and incase of partially disability
gets )s. :0000/-.
'.2 De$elop%ent of fisher%en $illa(es <DF:=
Fnder this component the eligible fishermen in inland sector wo!ld be
provided basic civic amenities li,e ho!ses- drin,ing water and constr!ction of
comm!nity hall for fishermen villages. 7n each village with 10 to 100 ho!sing !nits-
!p to : t!be wells and one comm!nity hall can be constr!cted. 'ne t!be will is
provided where the n!mber of ho!ses in village is more than 10. hall is provided
only in those villages where the n!mber of ho!ses is not less than ?:. 6he cost of
ho!ses constr!cted !nder the scheme is )s. :0000/-- cost of t!be wells is 40000/-
and cost of comm!nity hall is )s. 1.?: la,h. 7t is central sponsored I3ational
scheme for welfare of fishermenI and f!nding pattern to be shared :0@ :0 bases
between the govt. of 7ndia and the state.
'.' Sa$in( cu% relief:
6he ob1ective of this is to provide financial assistance to the fishermen d!ring
the lean fishing period i.e. close season- adopted in the state w.e.f. 1;th (!ne to 1:th
!g!st every year. 6he rate of contrib!tion by fisher fol, is )s. ;00/- per month.
"ontrib!tion of )s. 1200/- will be madeby "entral and State on :0@:0 basis.
the total contrib!tion of )s. 1>00/- will be dist )s. ;00 each..
for nine months. 6his contrib!tion is matched by a contrib!tion shared eD!ally
between the central and the state govt. and the acc!m!lated amo!nt is distrib!ted
bac, to fishermen in three eD!al installments J ;00/-
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
". "E!T&A SE"T)& S"#EME
. Strengthening of database and #7S for fisheries sector scheme@
*100B central assistance+ 6his is central sector scheme for the development
of inland fishery statistics in the state to evolve a s!itable methodology for
collection of data and estimation of fish prod!ction of the state. 6he entire 100B
contrib!tion of central govt. 7n this scheme "hhattisgarh State proposed to #'7 for
water body s!rvey thro!gh #7S techniD!e.
. %isheries $evelopment !nder 3ational gric!lt!re programme/)ashtriya
0rishi 9i,as Ko1na @ <&9:>=
100B "entral resistance this is central sector scheme for the fisheries
development activities in "hhattisgarh is ta,en !p for increasing fish seed
prod!ction- fish prod!ction prod!ctivity tan,s and reservoirs- additional
constr!ction of water bodies development of reservoirs and assistance to fishermen
and fishermen co-operative society and promotion of employment etc. 6he
following schemes are sanctioned by government *0:.0:.200>+ !nder )09K
programme @
*mt. )s. in la,h+
3o. Scheme Fnit Fnit cost sanctioned plan d!ring 11
five year plan 200?-11-12
Physical %inancial
"onstr!ction of
new pond in their
own land- for
area in
:.00/ha. :00 ha. 2:00.00
ssistance to
fishermen for
balanced and
s!pplementary feed
for fish
3o. of .% 0.10/.%
4 %ish seed prod!ction
8st. of circ!lar
11 ;40.00
4.2 )enovation of
#ovt. hatcheries
?.00 10 ?0.00
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
and farmes
3o. Scheme Fnit Fnit cost
sanctioned plan d!ring 11
five year plan 200?-11-12
Physical %inancial
"onstr!ction of
additional water
area for seed
area in
?.00/ha. 400 2100.00
$evelopment of
- - - /:0.00
Promotion of
eEtension services
- - - :0.00
; ssistance to fishermen and fishermen co-operative society for p!rchasing of nets
and boats.
fishermen co-
operative society
/00 /00.00
2 %ish farmers no.
:000 12:0.00
Total .200.00
Fisheries De$elop%ent under !ational Fisheries De$elop%ent 3oard <!FD3=
6he 3%$. will assist the following siE components to s!pport intensive
aD!ac!lt!re in ponds and tan,s@
7ntensive aD!ac!lt!re in eEisting ponds and tan,s
7ntensive aD!ac!lt!re in new ponds and tan,s
%irst-year one time inp!ts for intensive aD!ac!lt!re in ponds and tan,s.
8stablishment of hatcheries for prod!ction of fish seed.
8stablishment of fish seed rearing !nits for prod!ction of fish fingerlings.
6raining and demonstration.
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
S!mmary of the 3orms for ssistance towards 7ntensive D!ac!lt!re
in Ponds and 6an,s
@te% Acti$ities Cnit "ost Subsidy
a8uaculture in
e+istin( ponds
and tan5s
*7+ )eclamation/
renovation of
ponds and tan,s.
)s 40-000/
7. %armers - 20 Bof
the Fnit "ost *)s.
;-000/-+ii. S"/S6
A 38 States- 2:B
of the Fnit "ost
*)s. ?-:00/-+
a8uaculture in
ne- ponds
and tan5s
*7+ "onstr!ction of
ponds and tan,s.
2-00-000 /
7. %armers - 20 B
of the Fnit "ost
*)s. /0-000/-+ ii.
S"/S6 A 38 States
5 2:B of the Fnit
"ost *)s.:0-000/-+
7. 7np!t costs for
ion of tan,s/ponds
and constr!ction of
new ponds
)s ;0 000/
7. %armers - 20 B
of the Fnit "ost
*)s. 12-000/-+ ii.
S"/S6 A 38 States
5 2:B of the Fnit
"ost *)s. 1:-000/-+
iii. 7np!t costs for
freshwater prawn
7. %armers - 20 B
of the Fnit "ost
*)s. 2/-000/-+ ii.
S"/S6 and 38
States 5 2:B of
the Fnit "ost
*)s. 40-000/-+
of hatchery for
production of
fish seed
Setting !p of a
hatchery with
prod!ction capacity of
>-10 million fry per
)s 10-00
000/ !nit
20 B of the Fnit
"ost *)s 2 00 000+
Fish seed
rearin( units
to produce
8uality fish
*7+ "onstr!ction of
fish seed rearing
7. %armers - 20 B
of the Fnit "ost
*)s. ;0-000/-+ ii.
S"/S6 and 38
States 5 2:B of
the Fnit "ost
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
*)s. ?:-000/-+
*ii+ )epairs to the
eEisting fish seed
rearing !nits
)s:0-000 7. %armers - 20 B
of the Fnit "ost
*)s. 10-000/-+ ii.
S"/S6 and 38
States 5 2:B of
the Fnit "ost
*)s. 12-:00/-+
*iii+ 7np!t costs for
new/renovated fish
seed rearing !nits.
7. %armers - 20 B
of the Fnit "ost
*)s. 12-000/-+ ii.
S"/S6 and 38
States 5 2:B of the
Fnit "ost
*)s. 1:000/-+
; Trainin( and
*7+ ssistance to
farmers for
participation in 10
days training
programme *batch of
2: 5 40+.
*ii+ Honorari!m to
*iii+ ssistance to
implementing agency
for training and
*7+ $aily allowance of )s 12:/
day/trainee and eimb!rsement
of act!al to and frotravel-
s!b1ect to a maEim!m of )s
:00 per trainee.
*ii+ Honorari!m of )s 12:0 and
act!al to and fro travels
eEpenses- s!b1ect to a
maEim!m of )s 1000.
*iii+ )s ?:/ trainee/ day to the
7mplementing gency
towards identification-
mobiliGation of beneficiaries-
s!pply of training material-
*iv+ $evelopment of eEisting fish
farm J )s 1 00 000/- *one
time grant+to the mplementing
gency *State #ovt.+ 6o
cond!ct reg!lar training/
demonstration activities.
*v+ 7n absence of own facility-
grant of )s :0 000/- shall be
available to the State
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
#overnment to lease village
Panchayat pond*s+ and its
development for cond!ct of
training/ demonstration- etc.
*vi+ 7n the absence of *iv+ and
*v+ above- )s : 000/- per training
program for hiring s!itable
facility from private farmer.
*vii+ 7") %isheries 7nstit!tes /
"olleges of %isheries !nder
State gric!lt!re Fniversities/
'ther gencies !sing their
own facilities will get a l!mp
s!m amo!nt of )s : 000/- per
training programme for this
ssistance to fisherman for %isheries $evelopment in )eservoir@
6he 3%$. will assist the following two components to s!pport fisheries
development in the reservoirs@
Stoc,ing of reservoirs with fingerlings of L 100 mm siGe.
6raining of beneficiaries.
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
1. "ategoriGation of reservoirs as per water spread area and Seed stoc,ing norms@
Sl !o. "ate(ory
Bater spread area
<in hectare=
Stoc5in( nor%s
S%all reser$oirs
Category A *0 200 2000 fin(erlin(s
Category B 201 1 000 2000 fin(erlin(s
2.0 Mediu% reser$oirs 1 001 / 000 1000 fin(erlin(s
'.0 ar(e reser$oirs / 001 and abo$e
1000 fin(erlin(s does
not belo- /00
Trainin( of 3eneficiaries: Cnit cost <trainin(=
6he !nit cost incl!des a standard training period of five *:+ days and the following
activities shall be f!nded !nder the programme@
(I) Assistance to fishermen: 6he fishermen shall be eligible for a daily allowance of )s
12:/ day and reimb!rsement of to and fro travel *train/ b!s/ a!to ric,shaw+ shall be
reimb!rsed as per act!als- s!b1ect to a maEim!m of )s :00.
(ii) Honorarium to resource person: %or cond!ct of training- the 7mplementing
gency may engage the services of one reso!rce person per training programme. 6he
reso!rce person may be given an honorari!m of )s 1 2:0 and to and fro travel eEpenses
*train/ b!s/ a!to ric,shaw+ shall be reimb!rsed as per act!als- s!b1ect to a maEim!m of
)s 1 000.
(iii) Assistance to Implementing Agencies: 6he implementing agency shall be eligible
to receive )s ?:/ trainee/ day for a maEim!m period of : days for organiGing the
training. 6his cost shall cover eEpenses towards identification and mobiliGation of the
trainee and co!rse material/ training ,its- etc.
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
Anne+ure, @
$evelopment of %reshwater D!ac!lt!re *%%$s+-'ngoing "omponent
Kear 2010-11
!o Description of @te%s &ate
1. "onstr!ction of new ponds )s. 4.00 la,h/ha in the plain areas. S!bsidy J 20B
with a ceiling of )s. ;0-000/ha for all farmers eEcept
S"s/S6s for whom it will be )s. ?:-000/ha *2:B+
2. )eclamation/)enovation of
)s. ?:-000/ha. S!bsidy J 20B with a ceiling of )s.
1:-000/ha for all farmers eEcept S"s/S6s for whom it
will be )s. 1>-?:0/ha *2:B+
4. "ost of inp!ts *a+ %infish "!lt!re - )s. :0-000/ha S!bsidy J 20B
with a ceiling of )s. 10-000/ha for all farmers eEcept
S"s/S6s for whom it will be )s. 12-:00/ha *2:B+
*b+ %reshwater prawn c!lt!re - Fnit cost )s. 1.:0 la,h
per ha. s!bsidy J 20B with a ceiling of )s. 4;-000/-
per ha
/. %reshwater %ish Seed
)s. 12 la,h for a fish seed hatchery with 10 million
*fry+ capacity for the plain areas and )s. 1; la,h for
same capacity in the hill States/$istricts and 38
)egion. S!bsidy J 10B with a ceiling of )s.
1-20-000/- and )s. 1-;0-000/- plained in the hilly areas
to entreprene!rs only.
:. %ish %eed Fnits Small Fnits - Fnit cost is )s. ?.:0 la,h with a
capacity of 1.2 D!intals/day. 6he s!bsidy wo!ld be J
20B with a ceiling of )s. 1.:0 la,h per !nit to
;. 8stablishment of fish seed
*7+ Fnit cost is )s. 40 la,hs for a large freshwater
prawn hatchery with a minim!m capacity of 2:
million P&/year. 6his wo!ld be one time grant to
the States for establishment of hatchery at State
*ii+ Fnit cost is )s. 12 la,hs for a small hatchery with
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
:-10 million P&/Kear capacity. S!bsidy J 20B
with a ceiling of )s. 2./0 la,hs to entreprene!rs as
one time grant.
?. 8stablishment of
laboratories ast State level
for water D!ality and fish
health investigations.
Fnit cost is )s. 40 la,hs *)s. 2: la,h for the
constr!ction of b!ilding and )s. : la,h for eD!ipment-
glassware A chemicals- etc.+ 6his wo!ld be one time
grant to the States. 'perational and other rec!rring
cost wo!ld be met by the respective States.
>. Provision of soil and water
testing ,its to each %%$
Fnit cost of each soil and water testing ,it is )s.
/0-000. 6he ,its are sectioned once to each %%$ as
one time grant.
=. Setting !p of integrated
!nits- incl!ding hatcheries
for ornamental fishes.
Fnit cost is )s. 1: la,hs which incl!des hatchery of
:-10 million *fry+ capacity. S!bsidy J 10B with a
maEim!m ceiling of )s. 1.:0 la,h to all categories of
fish farmers.
10. 6ransporation of fish/prawn
6his will be applicable only for the hill
States/$istricts and 3orth-8astern )egion. S!bsidy J
)s. 40 for 1000 fry transported to all %%$s. 3ot
applicable to individ!al fish farmer.
11. P!rchase of 9ehicles :0B cost of vehicle for each new %%$ and :0B cost
for the replaced vehicle *second vehicle+.
8Ependit!re on all items above eEcept p!rchase of vehicles *item 1:+ will
be shared on ?:@2: basis between #overnment of 7ndia and State.
6he above assistance !nder %%$ programme is available only once to a
S!bsidy for the constr!ction of new ponds and tan,s- reclamation/
renovation of ponds /tan,s and first year inp!ts to an individ!al beneficiary !p to : ha is
available with or witho!t instit!tional finance in the plain areas and 1.0 ha. 7n the hill
States/$istricts on pro-rata basis.
8Ependit!re on all the above items eEcept sl. 3o. > *p!rchase of vehicle+
to be shared on ?:@2: basis by the "entre and States.
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
Anne+ure ,@@
@nland "apture Fisheries <&eser$oirs7&i$ers etc.= <)n (oinin( co%ponents=
!o. Description of @te%s &ate
1. %ish seed rearing !nits
Seed rearing !nits
Fnit cost )s. 4 la,h/ha S!bsidy J 20B to the
beneficiary/State #overnment/%7SH"'PP8$ etc.
with a ceiling of )s. ;0-000/- per ha
. "ages/pens with inp!ts Fnit cost )s. 2:-000/- S!bsidy J 20B to the
beneficiary/ State #overnment/ %7SH "'P88$
etc. with a ceiling of )s. :-000/- per !nit
2. 7np!t cost *seed- feed-
man!res- fertiliGers-
preventive meas!res for
diseases etc.+
Fnit cost )s. 40-000/- per ha *one time+ S!bsidy
J 20B to the beneficiaries/ State
#overnment/%7SH"'P88$ with a ceiling of )s.
;000/- per ha
4. "raft and gear
*nets- boats etc.+
Fnit cost )s. 1:-000/- S!bsidy J 20B with a
ceiling of )s. 4-000/- per !nit.
/. "onstr!ction of landing
Fnit cost )s. 1-00-000/- per landing center
ssistance to State #overnment.
:. )iverine %isheries
conservation and awareness
%inancial assistance to State #overnment for
conservation/ riveranching etc. With a maEim!m
ceiling of )s. 2 la,h in a year.
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
Anne+ure ,@@@
S6682836 SH'W73# P668)3 '% SS7S63"8 %')
$7%%8)836 "'2P'3836S/7682S F3$8) 6H8 "836)&&K
SP'3S')8$ S"H828 '3 %7SH8)78S 6)7373# 3$
8M683S7'3 %') 76S 72P&8283667'3 "67'3 $F)73# 6H8
K8) 2010-11
!o. "o%ponents7@te%s Assistance appro$ed
1. H!man )eso!rce
Stipend J )s. 12:/- per day s!b1ect to a maEim!m of
)s. 1>?:/- per participant d!ring the training period of
1: days and an act!al to and for train/b!s fare. S!b1ect
to minim!m of :00/- per trainee.
2. 8stablishment of fish
farmers 6raining
"entre and awoar!s
%inancial assistance to the maEim!m eEtent of )s. ;0
la,h to each State for the establishment of maEim!m
three fish farmers training and awoaro!s centre at acost
of 40 la,h.
4. A. P!blication of
)s. 1:-000 as honorari!m for each handboo, to the
a!thor which will incl!de an approEimate eEpendit!re
of )s. :000/- to be inc!rred by him on stationery-
typing- ill!strations- transparencies etc. 7n addition )s.
:0-000/- will be paid to the State #overnment/F6/
organiGation for the printing of abo!t :00 copies of each
3. P!blication of
)s. :-000/- as an honorari!m to the eEpert for the
preparation of a man!al and )s. 2-00-000/- to the State
government/F6/ organiGation for the p!blication of :00
copies for each man!al.
/. 'rganiGation of
wor,shops/ symposia/
seminars/ meetings/
eval!ation st!dies etc.
%or organiGing wor,shops/seminars/ symposia etc. at
the 3ational level- a l!mp s!m amo!nt not eEceeding
)s. 1.0 la,h will be provided mainly for the p!blication
of proceedings. 6he amo!nt for meeting eEpendit!re on
the miscellaneo!s items- etc. shall be determined by this
$ivision with the conc!rrence of 7ntegrated %inance.
%or organiGing wor,shops/seminars- etc. at the State/F6
level- l!mp s!m amo!nt not eEceeding )s. :0000/-
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
will be provided to each State/F6. )s. /.00 la,h per
:. ctivities of %isheries
$ivision at Head
'verhead eEpendit!re at HeadD!arters in the
$epartment of nimal H!sbandry A $airying
*%isheries $ivision+ for strengthening the training A
eEtension s,ills of personnel and !pgrading the
reference material incl!ding a!dio-vis!al aids. 7n
addition this will incl!de committed liabilities li,e
international conferences/seminars/symposia etc.
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
%7SH8)78S 6)7373# "8368)
6here is one fisheries training center at state level located at capital head
D!arter )aip!r. ; month training of aD!ac!lt!re is imparted to those enth!siast
farmers who are tenth class passed and eager to ta,e of fish c!lt!re for self
employment. nn!ally tow batches are r!n each with capacity of 20 candidates.
%irst batch is r!n from 1; (an!ary to 1: (!ly- and Second batch is r!n from 1; (!ly
to 1: (an!ary.
6he training charges are as s!ch@-
1. 6!ition 400/-
2. &ibrary 100/-
4. Sport 100/-
/. Hostel 400/-
:. 6raining sec!rity :00/-

%isheries )esearch
)esearch is bac, bone of fisheries development with changing trends
research need to be addressed for a holostic approach s!ccess in introd!cing
aD!ac!lt!re poor farming comm!nities have to be st!died with reference to special
ecological- economic and sociological condition to get s!stainable development of
fisheries evol!tion of scientific methods of !nder standing soil and water D!ality and
hydro biological and physico chemicals condition of the available water reco!rses
are being cond!cted. )esearch !nit established at )aip!r also s!ggest meas!res to
solve the problems of piscic!lt!ral activities being faced by the fish farmers.
ssistant )esearch 'fficer- 2 research assistant cond!ct fishery research.
?S&@MAT#@ 3@ASA3A@ 9EBAT@! PC&AS9A&?
6he first meeting of %isheries $evelopment dvisory .oard was held on 2=-
01-2004- chaired by the "hief 2inister. t this meeting the "hief 2inister declared
an ann!al priGe in the fisheries development sector in the memory of 2rs. .ilasabai
0ewatin. 6his priGe of )s. 1.00 la,h cash will be given ann!ally to an
individ!al/instit!tion/)egistered %ishermen "o-operative society which has done
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
eEtraordinary wor, with o!tstanding res!lts in the field of %isheries $evelopment in
the State.
%or selection of .est Piscic!lt!rist at $istrict level- a Selection committee
headed by the "ollector and State &evel Selection "ommittee headed by the
gric!lt!re Prod!ction "ommissioner have been organiGed. %inal selection has to
be done at the State level from those recommended by the district level committees.
$867& 73%')267'3 )8#)$73# %7SH8)78S S"H828S
7nterested persons can contact following staff for detailed information
regarding vario!s fisheries scheme@-
S.No. Head quarter Staff esignation
1. At 3loc5 le$el Fishery e+tension officer7@nspector
2. At District le$el Dy.Director7Asstt.Director Fisheries
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
Physical and Financial achie$e%ent durin( the year 2010,11 <Cp to MarchD 2011=
%inancial achievement
d!ring the year 2010-
2011 *)s. in la,h+
Physical achievement d!ring the year 2010-11
Programmes Fnit 6arget
1 2 4 / : ; ? >
A. "entrally sponsored
plan sche%e <"SS=

1. I$evelopment of
freshwater aD!ac!lt!reI
%ish farmer development
agency *?:B "entral
share A 2:B State share+
"entral share 141.2:
State share ;>.?:.
a. llotment of
ha. >00 120>.2/
b. %inancial
assistance to
b-1. &oan cases
sent to ban,
)s. in la,h :== >>?.;?
b-2. &oan cases
sanctioned by
)s. in la,h /0? /0=.42
b-4. &oan
disb!rsed by ban,
)s. 7n la,h /0? 4=:.0=
b-/. S!bsidy paid
to fish farmers by
)s. 7n la,h 1/: 11>.;0
c. "onstr!ction of
new pond in own
3o.of tan,
#ro!p accidental
7ns!rance scheme *State
Share :0B+
1;./= 1;./=
#ro!p accidental
3o. of .f. 11:;?? 11:;??
%isheries training A
"S >0B 24./0
SS 20B :.>:
2=.2: 21.12 3o. of .f. /:: /::
3ational fishermen
welfare scheme
"S :0B =.;0
SS :0B =.;0
1=.20 1=.0>
"onstr!ctions of
ho!ses Saving
c!m relief scheme
1:00 1:00
3. "entral Scetor Sche%e
Strengthening of
database and 76 for
fisheries sector scheme
"S 100B
10.;/ ;.?:
Strengthening of
database and 76
for fisheries sector
scheme in selected
; district
$ata s!rvey
of ponds A
Total 2././4 22'.*0
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
1 2 4 / : ; ? >
3. State sector plan sche%e
1. %ish seed prod!ction 21?.00 21;.41
%ish seed
St.fry in
>400 >4=;.00
$evelopment of reservoirs
and rivers
=0.00 >1.>0
Seed stoc,ing *ll
St.fry in
>00? >1>:.00
%ish prod!ction
*ll So!rce+
2.6 24442: 22>20?.>?
4 8d!cation and 6raining
1. $epartmental training /2.4? /2.00 %armers training
3o. of
44>= 44>=.00
2. '!t of state st!dy to!r 2.?0 2.?0 %armers st!dy to!r
3o. of
1>> 1>>
4.$emonstration c!m
training !nit
//.2> //.2>
3o. of
02 02
/. %ishermen "o-operative - - - - - -
1. S!bsidy to S6/S"
4.?0 4.?0
%ishermen "o-
3o of
/= /=
2. S!bsidy to #eneral
categories %2"S
42.:0 42.:0
%ishermen "o-
3o of
/1 /1
%isheries research and
/.10 /.00
"onstr!ction of
new aD!ari!m
3o. 01 -
;. %isheries 8Etension
. ssistance to farmers 12;.?: 12;.20 .eneficiary 3o. 1;=2 1;=2
? S%t. 3ilashabai A-ard 1.00 1.00 3o. 1 1
>. &.9.:.>. 2024.44 20/4./* Pond "onstr!ction 3o. :0 :0
.alance feed
3o. of
2000 2000
ssistance for
3et .oat
Socy. 400 400
3o. of
/00 /00
3o. 2 2
of forms
3o. 1; 1;
"onstr!ction of
rearing area
Hact. :>.:0 :>.:0
"old "hain Sys. 3o. 2 2
Total 22''.24 221'.0'
6rand Total 210*.42 24.2.*'
$irector of fisheries
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
Physical and Financial achie$e%ent durin( the year 2011,12 <Cp to MayD 2011=
%inancial achievement
d!ring the year 2011-
2012 *)s. in la,h+
Physical achievement d!ring the year 2011-12*2ay+
Programmes Fnit 6arget chievement
1 2 4 / : ; ? >
A. "entrally sponsored
plan sche%e <"SS=

1. I$evelopment of
freshwater aD!ac!lt!reI
%ish farmer development
agency *?:B "entral
share A 2:B State share+
"entral share 1:0.00
State share :0.00.
21:.00 -
a. llotment of
Ha. >=: 24.1>
b. %inancial
assistance to
b-1. &oan cases
sent to ban,
)s. in la,h ;=1 -
b-2. &oan cases
sanctioned by
)s. in la,h /=4 -
b-4. &oan
disb!rsed by ban,
)s. in la,h /=4 12.>>
b-/. S!bsidy paid
to fish farmers by
)s. 7n la,h 204 2.:1
c. "onstr!ction of
new pond in own
3o.of tan,
#ro!p accidental
7ns!rance scheme *State
Share :0B+
1>.4: -
#ro!p accidental
3o. of .f. 122200
%isheries training A
8Etension "S
>0B :.>2 SS
20B 1./;
1/.2: 3o. of .f. ?/0
3ational fishermen
welfare scheme
"S >0B 21.14
SS 20B 21.12
1;0.00 -
"onstr!ctions of
ho!ses Saving
c!m relief scheme
3. "entral Scetor Sche%e
Strengthening of
database and 76 for
fisheries sector scheme
"S 100B
10.:0 -
Strengthening of
database and 76
for fisheries sector
scheme in selected
; district
1> district
$ata s!rvey
of ponds A
Total *14.10 ,
/media/HP v210w/fishiries/fishiries/Web Setting 2011-12.doc
%inancial achievement
d!ring the year 2011-12
*)s. in la,h+
Physical achievement d!ring the year 2011-12*2ay+
Programs Fnit 6arget
1 2 4 / : ; ? >
State sector plan

1. %ish seed prod!ction 21/.20 =.4?
%ish seed
St.fry in
>=00 1=.00
$evelopment of reservoirs
and rivers
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