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Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-1




Reservoir Evaluation Services
MRI Petrophysics

Simultaneous T
and T
Both the MRIL-XL and MRIL-Prime tools acquire NMR
data in several modes of operation. Simultaneous T
and T

log acquisition is a robust technique to acquire NMR
reservoir information faster and simpler. T
has made its
wireline debut to join MRIL-WD (MRI while drilling) and
MRILab service (MRI fluid analysis during wireline
formation sampling). In both the MRIL-WD and MRILab
applications, the preference of T
over T
has been its
insensitivity to motion as T
measurements eliminate the
detrimental effects from tool motion or fluid flow.
Simultaneous T
and T
wireline acquisition is now done in a
single log pass. Micro-porosity, capillary bound water, free
fluid index, effective porosity, and total NMR porosity
acquired during T
logging may be used in MRIAN
analysis as described on page 2-2.
logging offers a simplified NMR measurement composed
of only two of the three decay mechanisms associated with
NMR. Only surface and bulk relaxation mechanisms
contribute to the T
response. There is no diffusion effect in
data, so many fluid identification applications are
simplified as in tight gas identification in water-based mud
systems. For simple and faster NMR reservoir information,
offers a reliable alternative to T
Robust reservoir quality measurements of NMR
Total and effective porosity and bound fluid volumes
Light hydrocarbon identification
Faster logging speeds
Simplified NMR interpretation (no diffusion effects)
Simultaneous T
and T
acquisition (single log pass)
Real-time permeability calculations
This T
MRIAN analysis example depicts the long T
gas signal in the
upper zone, green waveforms on far right in Track 4. The free water T

values are much shorter as can be seen in Track 4 in the lower zone.
2-2 Reservoir Evaluation Services
MRIAN Magnetic Resonance Imaging Analysis
MRIAN analysis is a technique that combines MRIL and
conventional data to identify potential hydrocarbon zones.
MRIAN analysis uses the dual-water model technique to
estimate the volume of formation fluids in a virgin zone.
Using the dual-water model within the MRIAN program
allows identification of free water volume. When the
computed effective volume of water equals the MRIL data
irreducible volume of water, then production is water free.
Both T
and T
distributions and permeability calculations
are provided to indicate reservoir quality.
MRIL stand-alone analyses, such as time domain analysis
(TDA), diffusion analysis (DIFAN), and Enhanced Diffusion
Method (EDM) technique provide hydrocarbon typing
interpretation within the depth of investigation of the MRIL
measurements. When MRIL data is combined with other
logs, analysis can furnish even more information about the
reservoir. MRIAN analysis is one of the interpretation
models that use this data combination.
MRIAN analysis combines MRIL analysis and deep-
resistivity data from any induction tool. MRIL data is used to
provide two important parameters needed in the dual-water
model: the clay-bound water porosity (MCBW) and total
porosity (MPHIT).
Additional features include the following:
Provides enhanced permeability calculations
Indicates zones of potential water production
Identifies hydrocarbon-water contacts
Calculates water saturation in the uninvaded zone
Provides a solution for low-resistivity pay reservoirs
Confirms dual-water R
by reconstructing spontaneous
potential (SP)
Uses a robust implementation of the dual-water
resistivity model to provide improved water saturation
) calculations, especially in shaly reservoirs
This MRIAN analysis indicates an oil/water contact at X940. The MRI
distribution in Track 3 demonstrates a change in relaxation times
verifying the MRIAN analysis.
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-3
This MRIAN analysis example demonstrates the effectiveness of
this model to identify oil/water contact as well as zones of potential
water production (Track 4). Enhanced permeability calculations are
presented in Track 2 (red curve).

porosity data. The main data requirements for MRIAN processing are true formation resistivity (R
), total porosity
), and clay-bound-water saturation (S
). Density, neutron, and/or sonic porosity are optional inputs. MRIL activation
planning is critical for successful interpretation.
Outputs Permeability, effective porosity, total porosity, water saturation, free water volume, irreducible water volume
2-4 Reservoir Evaluation Services
Time Domain Analysis (TDA)
MRIL data can be analyzed independently or in
combination with conventional logs. When MRIL data is
processed independently, it can provide formation porosity
and permeability information as well as complete
information on fluid types and fluid saturation within the
depth of investigation of the MRIL tool. Time domain
analysis (TDA) is an interpretation technique that utilizes
only MRIL data.
Time domain analysis operates on the principle that different
fluids have different rates of polarization or different T

relaxation times. The T
of both gas and light oil (viscosity
less than 5 cp) is normally much higher than that of water.
TDA is very effective in evaluating gas and light oil reservoirs.
TDA is very different from other techniques available
because it uses only MRIL data in the interpretation process;
no conventional data is needed in the processing.
TDA analysis provides an alternative to the differential
spectrum method for processing dual-T
echo trains data.
Interpretation is performed in the time domain rather than
in the T
spectra domain. Key features of TDA analysis
Subtraction of the two echo trains from one another
Processing echo differences in the time domain using
predicted or measured oil, gas, and water relaxation
times and hydrogen-index values
Additional TDA features include the following:
Provides accurate formation porosity in gas and light oil
Allows complete fluid volume analysis within the depth
of investigation of the MRIL tool using only MRIL tool
Provides hydrocarbon typing
Recognizes direct pay
Improves permeability calculations in light hydrocarbon
Clearly identifies pay zones vs. tight zones
Estimates free fluid volume and type in thinly laminated
Indicates the best possible producing zones in carbonate
This MRIAN analysis example demonstrates the effectiveness of this
model to identify oil/water contact as well as zones of potential water
production (Track 4). Enhanced permeability calculations are
presented in Track 2 (red curve).

data only from dual-wait time acquisition which can be acquired using MRIL-XL, MRIL

-Prime and/or
MRIL-WD tools
Outputs Volumetric calculation of gas, oil, and water; formation total and effective porosity; permeability estimation
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-5
Diffusion Analysis (DIFAN)
Diffusion analysis (DIFAN) is a stand-alone NMR technique
for quantitative diffusion analysis of intermediate oil
viscosity range of 2 to 30 cp and has been applied successfully
in many fields. DIFAN was developed specifically for
situations where TDA cannot be applied because of
insufficient T
contrast. Variations in molecular diffusion
will manifest themselves as variations in the observed T

distributions. These can be used to quantify water-filled and
oil-filled porosity, respectively.
Diffusion analysis is an interpretation technique utilizing
measurements. DIFAN relies on the diffusion
contrast between water and medium viscosity oil to quantify
oil volume within the depth of investigation of the tool. The
data for DIFAN is acquired through single-T
(wait time),
(echo spacing) logging.
Other features of diffusion analysis include:
Calculates hydrocarbon and water saturation in
freshwater environments
Stand-alone analysis does not need resistivity logs
Works in low to moderate viscosity oils (typically 2 to
30 cp at reservoir conditions)
Works in areas of unknown or variable R
This log contains results from the application DIFAN to MRIL data
from an Indonesian well. Track 1 includes conventional gamma ray,
spontaneous potential, and caliper curves. Track 2 presents deep,
medium, and shallow resistivity data and MRIL permeability. Track 3
contains the long-T
distribution. Track 4 contains the short-T

distribution. Track 5 displays answer products from DIFAN
Inputs MRIL

data (dual-T
activation) from MRIL-XL or MRIL

-Prime tools
Outputs Porosity, S
, diffusion ratios, permeability, watercut (if relative permeabilities are known)
2-6 Reservoir Evaluation Services
Enhanced Diffusion Method (EDM) Technique
Enhanced Diffusion Method (EDM) NMR technique
utilizes the contrast in molecular diffusion between water
and oil to identify and potentially quantify oil
accumulations. The diffusion properties of water, combined
with tool parameters (T
, magnetic field gradient) and the
temperature of the logging environment, define the slowest
relaxation time possible for water to be observed: T
Consequently, any NMR signal observed beyond this value
can only be associated with oil. This offers a simple way to
interpret the presence of oil and to differentiate pay from
non-pay zones.
The EDM technique can also be used to quantify residual oil.
The advantage it has over conventional techniques such as
pressure-coring and/or sponge-coring is that oil is measured
at in-situ conditions. Hence, gas expansion or fluid expulsion
need not be taken into account. As with any residual oil
determination technique, controlling fluid loss from the mud
system to the formation is critical to the overall success of the
EDM technique.
EDM interpretation methodology is based on the contrasts
in molecular diffusion between different fluids.
Enhancement of the diffusion effect, by increasing the inter-
echo spacing T
during data acquisition, separates water and
oil in the T
For typing medium-viscosity oils with this method, standard
data recorded with a long T
is sufficient.
Quantitative application of the EDM technique requires
either dual-T
data recorded with a long T
, or dual-T
recorded with a long T
Additional features include:
Independent confirmation of oil-bearing zones and
identification of oil/water contacts
Stand-alone determination of (residual) oil saturation
with no need to dope drilling fluids
Sensitive to oil in the viscosity range from 1 cp to 50 cp
Works in areas of unknown or variable R
Enhanced Diffusion Method technique can differentiate pay from non-pay zones. Track 5 indicates an oil/water contact near the bottom and the
oil column continues to the top of the zone. This finding is supported by the resistivity curves in Track 2.
Inputs MRIL

data (dual-T
activation) from MRIL-XL, MRIL

-Prime, or MRIL-WD tools

Outputs Residual oil saturation, porosity, permeability, viscosity, flushed zone S
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-7
Heavy Oil MRIAN
The heavy oil MRIAN
service improves reservoir
evaluation in areas where oil viscosity exceeds 100 cp at
formation conditions, and the oil gravity is less than 20 API.
The heavy oil MRIAN service combines dual-echo spacing
MRIL logs with conventional porosity and resistivity logs to
provide improved:
Determination of bulk volume irreducible (BVI)
Measurement of movable water
Quantification of viscous oil reserves
Estimation of permeability in water-wet reservoirs
By themselves, NMR responses to viscous oils are not readily
distinguishable from those of capillary-bound and clay-
bound water. The heavy oil model is able to differentiate
these fluids by using MRIL data to quantify movable water
in the formation. This volume, when subtracted from the
effective water volume derived from conventional logs, gives
the irreducible water volume. In addition, this comparison is
useful for recognizing mixed or oil-wet reservoir conditions,
which can often occur in viscous-oil reservoirs.
Good candidates for application of the heavy oil MRIAN
service are heavy oil producing areas in Venezuela, Canada,
Alaska, Russia, and smaller heavy oil provinces throughout
the world. This service has been successfully applied in both
sandstone and carbonate reservoirs.
An integrated NMR and conventional log heavy oil
interpretation model
Movable water determination in heavy oil-bearing
formations using the Enhanced Diffusion Method
Comparison of NMR and conventional porosity
responses to estimate in-situ oil viscosity
Improved BVI determination compared to traditional
interpretation of NMR measurements in heavy-oil
Can provide a complete analysis of pore fluids, including
clay-bound and capillary-bound pore fluids, movable
water volume, and hydrocarbon volumes
Direct measurement of movable water
Aid improved water saturation evaluation
Indication of moved hydrocarbons in the near-wellbore
Determination of in-situ oil viscosity from MRIL signal-
loss in heavy oil-bearing formations
Indication of formation wettability conditions
The log above shows results from a heavy oil MRIAN analysis of data
collected from an area of the United Kingdom continental shelf. These
results show the reservoir is mostly water-wet through the transition
zone. The absence of capillary bound water above the transition zone
indicates an oil-wet condition.
Inputs MRIL

data acquired with dual-T

and conventional data
Outputs Corrected BVI, clay porosity, total porosity, improved permeability estimates, effective porosity, water saturations, viscosity
2-8 Reservoir Evaluation Services
StiMRIL Process
The StiMRIL process is an integrated stimulation process
built upon a reservoir performance model created from a
combination of MRIL magnetic resonance imaging logging
analyses and reservoir simulations. This model allows the
stimulation design engineer to develop optimum
completion/stimulation plans and accurately predict the
outcome of production enhancement efforts. Identification
of hydrocarbon type and accurate determinations of
porosity, free fluid, and bound fluid volumes from MRIL
logging measurements provide operators with answers to
critical questions by providing:
The location of oil, gas, or water in the zone
The potential for water production
The net present value (NPV) of the zone
The rate at which the well will produce oil, gas, or water can
then be predicted by carrying this information forward in the
reservoir simulation step of the StiMRIL process.
The MRIL tool is used to perform high-quality
measurements and collect the data required to make a
thorough reservoir evaluation in a single logging pass. In
addition to saving rig time, the resulting calculations of
permeability, water saturation, and effective porosity are
better than those derived from other lithology-dependent
The reservoir modeling capabilities included in the StiMRIL
process use the results of the MRIL analysis to provide a
relatively complete representation of the reservoir's
production characteristics. An integrated stimulation design
process allows operators to accurately predict reservoir
performance and to optimize their financial investment
based on the economics of the fracturing treatment for the
reservoir. For example, in a tight-gas sand (low permeability
formation), the completion design usually centers around a
hydraulic treatment.
Other features include:
Increased focus on the reservoir through the integration
of well logging, reservoir performance, and stimulation
Logging data and reservoir simulations used in
combination to increase reservoir understanding
Built-in stimulation design capabilities to help operators
develop the best completion strategies
Here is an example of a layered sandstone reservoir which indicates a
high clay, low porosity interval in the lower section of the well, cleaner
zones with higher movable hydrocarbons in the middle, and an
extremely high perm zone in the top, which contains a large amount
of oil.
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-9
MRIL logging has revolutionized the logging industry
through its ability to directly and accurately measure the
fluids in the reservoir. This results in the accurate
determination of:
Porosity and permeability
Fluid type and viscosity changes
Irreducible water volume and free fluid volume
In other words, MRIL logs indicate not only whether there is
oil or gas in a zone but also where it is located within the
zone. These logs also show how much water is present in the
zone, how it is distributed throughout the zone, and whether
it is free to move to the wellbore and interfere with
hydrocarbon production. Before the StiMRIL process was
developed, fracturing designs relied on lithological volumes
from quad-combo logging data to provide the information
to qualitatively evaluate zones and calculate fracture
geometry. With the StiMRIL process, engineers are able to
incorporate MRIL logging data into the design to predict
productivity results. Quad-combo logs still provide the
lithology information, while MRIL logs provide the fluid
dynamics information.
The result is optimized treatment designs for maximum,
predictable well productivity and improved profitability for
the operator.
Inputs Pore-size distribution, permeability, effective porosity, total porosity, water saturation, gas indicator
Outputs Initial production rate, time of recovery, porosity, permeability, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio optimum NPV for the well
2-10 Reservoir Evaluation Services
Volumetric Petrophysics
Chi Modeling

Computation Service
Some open-hole wells have difficult logging conditions that
may result in missed zones of open-hole information, or in
extreme conditions, even the loss of the entire open-hole
logging run. Halliburton now provides Chi Modeling
computation post-processing service will help the user to
better evaluate their reservoir when they have missing data
due to borehole conditions, missing LWD sections, old wells,
etc. Chi Modeling computation service is able to predict
triple-combo or even quad-combo open-hole data with a
very high degree of accuracy by using the input data obtained
from a capture pass of a pulsed neutron tool and a known
triple-combo or quad-combo data set from a neighboring
well. Under some conditions, missing or incorrect data
caused by tool pulls or intermittent sensor failure can be
correctly generated using only the triple-combo data. Chi
Modeling computation is also able to:
Fill in data gaps where the original data is missing from
either wireline or LWD data
Replace poor quality data that occurred due to poor
borehole conditions
Generate reliable open-hole logs when none are available
Chi Modeling computation service uses associations made in
one well between an existing open-hole triple-combo and a
cased-hole pulsed neutron tool. It does this by looking at
data from a reference well and assigning a processing weight
to each input variable.
If the predicted values do not match the actual value in the
reference well adequately, the weights are changed, and the
model is re-computed. These associations are then used,
along with pulsed neutron data from an offset well, to model
a triple-combo or quad-combo response in an offset well.
These associations may be confidently used as long as:
The formation geology remains similar
The formations geology is adequately sampled and
represented in the reference well
When the formation geology from the reference well
changes, a new set of open-hole data is required to create a
new set of associations. This method retains the variability of
the original data and does not over predict mean statistical
A root mean square (RMS) statistical analysis is performed
on each curve generated in the base well to confirm the
reliability of the data associations that will be used to project
and predict the offset triple-combo or quad-combo data.
Normal accuracy results are as follows:
Density .034 gm/cc = 2PU
Neutron 2PU
Resistivity .1 decade
Figure 1 indicates that Chi Modeling software uses training data
from the reference well in conjunction with weights for each input
variable to generate predictions. The weights are then applied to the
entire reference well to generate predictions. The values obtained are
validated and tested against the original open-hole data. If they do
not match, new weights are used until a match is obtained.
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-11
Figure 2 shows the normal input data going into the Chi Modeling software. The weights used for data prediction are
refined until a reasonable match is obtained with the open-hole data from the reference well. These relationships are used to
predict and construct triple-combo data on offset wells that have only pulsed neutron data available.
Figure 3 shows a comparison between the original neutron/density porosity data (Track 3) and the predicted neutron/
density porosity data for a reference well (Track 4) as well as the original (black) and predicted (red) 90-in. resistivity
data (Track 2). Track 1 is the open-hole gamma ray.

2-12 Reservoir Evaluation Services
ULTRA Module Suite
ULTRA products are a suite of interactive and non-
interactive modules which process well log data to make
comprehensive formation evaluation computations
determining mineral volumes and fluid saturations. The
ULTRA tool uses a weighted least-squares error optimization
technique to determine fractional lithology constituents
(clay, sandstone, limestone, and other minerals) and the
percent of saturation of individual fluid components which
occupy total pore space.
PREPARE is a query-based module that leads the user
through the basic parameter entries necessary for later use in
other modules of ULTRA data. It is obligatory to use either
PREPARE or JOBVAR before proceeding with the processing
of modules in the ULTRA suite.
LOGQUAL calculates the uncertainty or quality of each log
using all levels. These log uncertainties are used as weighting
factors in the minimization process in CORINV, ULFE, and
AUTOMOD. The log curve names in the CLS file must be
properly mapped into generic curve names used in the
ULTRA suite via the group NAMLOG under JOBVAR.
LOGQUAL must be run prior to any quantitative evaluation
done under the routines CORINV, ULFE, and AUTOMOD.
DATRED is used to square or block the logs. It provides nine
different levels of squaring, ranging from coarse to fine, any
of which may be selected during interactive processing to
reduce the processing time. This routine must be run before
CORINV is designed to compute R
, R
, and D
using any
combination of resistivity logs. It has distinct advantages
over the chart book approach when more than three
resistivity logs are available and one or more logs in the suite
have different degrees of reliability. The technique is based on
a constrained weighted least squares error optimization
using the inverse approach, wherein maximum likelihood
values of R
, R
, and D
are computed. Graphical
comparisons of theoretical and measured log curves are used
to determine the reliability of measurements.
An interactive part of CORINV allows the log analyst to test
hypotheses and to try various options to use weight
multipliers and constraints. When the analyst is satisfied with
the results, noninteractive option is used during which all
data points in the zone selected are processed and computed
results are written into the CLS file.
This ULTRA log presents a light hydrocarbon indicator and water
saturation in Track 1; volumes of residual hydrocarbons, movable
hydrocarbons, and water in Track 2; and lithology analysis in Track 3.
ULFE is used to perform log analysis involving the evaluation
of constituent volume fractions of the rock and estimation of
fluid saturations in the pore. A weighted least squares error
optimization technique, using the inverse approach is
employed. The analyst inputs the lithology, selects the
response equations, enters the clay and mineral parameters,
and geological constraints, etc. via the alpha-numeric edit
screen. The data is then processed to obtain the statistically
most probable results.
The output is presented as graphical display of computed
results, including formation bulk volume analysis and pore
volume analysis, and a display of measured logs overlain by
the theoretical or reconstructed logs. Theoretical logs are
obtained by back computing the log values from the
computed results. The degree of fit between the two sets of
logs is a measure of the validity of the assumptions implicit
in the model used.
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-13
Output can also be presented as a statistical display on an
alphanumeric screen. The arithmetic average and the
variance of the difference between each of the measured and
theoretical logs over the zone processed is individually
displayed. Also the total error, which represents the
summation of the errors for each of the constituent logs over
the zone, is displayed. If the fit between the measured and the
theoretical logs is poor, the analyst can modify the lithology,
vary the clay and mineral parameters and try out the
different response equations until a satisfactory fit is
obtained, and results correspond to geological expectations.
Results are computed and displayed on the screen but are not
written to the disk in the interactive ULFE. Non-interactive
processing is the next step where all data points are
processed, and all computed results are written to the disk.
The AUTOMOD primary objective is to provide optimized
values for parameters or constants. In addition to the
weighted least squares error optimization in ULFE for
computing the variables like S
, V
, Phi etc., the AUTOMOD
routine also performs a zone wide optimization on a set of
constants or parameters to provide optimized values for the
constants. The constants that can be optimized include all
parameters associated with sand, lime, dolomite, minerals 1
through 9, clay, formation water resistivity, hydrocarbon
density, cementation factor, and saturation exponent. The
parameters to be optimized are set to the variable status. The
log analyst furnishes an initial value and minimum and
maximum values within which parameters are to be
optimized. Computations are then made over the entire
interval selected for analysis using various values of the
parameters to be optimized. The incoherence between the
measured logs and the logs reconstructed from computed
variables is then analyzed. The parameters' values that yield
the least incoherence between the measured and
reconstructed logs over the interval selected for analysis are
considered to be the optimized values of the parameters.
AUTOMOD is the automatic modeling to optimize
unknown parametersan especially useful feature in
exploration wells where data is scarce.
Provides the analyst with statistically optimum
computations of:
Water saturation
Multi-mineral volumes
Hydrocarbon density
Uses all available log data simultaneously
Provides powerful quality control features
Cross-checks final interpretation results
Validates tool calibration and performance
Validates interpretive model and zone constants
Interactive testing and refinement of interpretation
parameters and models
Allows combination of core analysis information with
log measurements to help ensure accurate results
Allows the analyst to use zoned constants and
interpretive model selection in multiple wells to facilitate
field study applications
Minimum: at least one porosity measurement, resistivity, and GR or SP for shale volume ideal: all minimum inputs, plus
caliper, R
-resistivity device, additional porosity sensors, MRIL

, Spectral GR, and Sonic

Outputs S
, S
, V
, lithology, hydrocarbon weight, permeability, plus volumetric percent of selected minerals
2-14 Reservoir Evaluation Services
SASHA Shaly Sand Analysis
SASHA analysis provides volumetric evaluation of gas, oil,
and water in shaly sands and uses traditional density/neutron
crossplot as the basis of its volumetric analysis. A variety of
water saturation and permeability models are available to
optimize the petrophysical analysis to the reservoir.
The oil and gas company can use conventional wireline or
LWD log data to evaluate potential hydrocarbon production
from predominately shaly/sand depositional environments
by using the results of this analysis. SASHA analysis produces
a summary of the lithology in terms of percent volume shale,
sandstone silt, dispersed clay, coal, and salt. It includes logic
for detection and correction for salt, rugosity, and gas. It also
computes water saturation (S
), lithology, effective porosity
), hydrocarbon density, and relative permeabilities in
shaly/sand reservoirs.
A number of different water saturation models may be
chosen. Input from the client as to previous analysis or
model preferences could avoid unnecessary guessing.
SASHA analysis can also produce a summary table of net pay,
porosity feet, and hydrocarbon feet for each potential zone of
Environmental corrections for the resistivity and porosity
devices should be done prior to running SASHA analysis.
Formation lithology analysis
Porosity, saturation, and hydrocarbon flags
Overview of potential pay zones over the well
Robust, traditional cross-plot approach
Multiple saturation and permeability models
Calculation of hydrocarbon density
Summary table of each pay interval
Example SASHA analysis showing (l-r) shale/sand volumetric analysis;
hydrocarbon weight analysis with oil (red) and gas (pink) volumes and
pay flag (black); saturation analysis; relative permeability analysis
Minimum: at least one porosity measurement, resistivity, and GR or SP for shale volume
Ideal: All minimum inputs, plus caliper, additional porosity, Spectral GR, and Sonic
Outputs S
, S
, V
lithology, hydrocarbon weight, permeability
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-15
CORAL Complex Lithology Analysis
CORAL complex lithology analysis helps evaluate the
potential production from complex or mixed lithology
reservoirs using wireline or LWD log data.
CORAL analysis computes water saturation (S
), lithology,
effective porosity (
) and relative permeabilities in
carbonates and complex lithology reservoirs.
CORAL analysis produces an analysis of the lithology in
terms of percent volume shale, limestone, dolomite,
sandstone, coal, and salt. It includes logic for detection and
correction for salt, rugosity, and gas.
CORAL analysis uses a traditional crossplot-based formation
evaluation approach to determine shale volume, effective
porosity, and water saturation. CORAL analysis also
estimates relative permeabilities from several different
A number of different water saturation models may be
chosen. Input from the client as to previous analysis or
model preferences could avoid unnecessary guessing.
CORAL analysis also can produce a summary table of net
pay, porosity feet, and hydrocarbon-feet for each potential
zone of interest.
Environmental corrections for the resistivity and porosity
devices should be done prior to running CORAL analysis.
Formation lithology analysis
Porosity, saturation, and gas flags
Pay zone evaluation summary
Overview of potential pay zones over the well
Robust, traditional crossplot-based approach
Flexibility for almost all lithology mixtures
Multiple saturation and permeability models
Summary table of each pay interval
Example of CORAL log analysis in late Pennsylvanian carbonates and
Minimum: Neutron, Density, Resistivity, and GR or SP.
Ideal: All minimum inputs, plus Caliper, Spectral GR, Sonic, and Pe.
Outputs S
, S
, V
, Lithology volume percent, permeability
2-16 Reservoir Evaluation Services
LARA Laminated Reservoir Analysis
Many highly-laminated reservoirs have been missed in
existing wells due to the coarse vertical resolution of older
logging tools and the inadequate analysis techniques of
traditional interpretation programs. To better detect and
study thin-bed reservoirs, it has been necessary to develop
new logging tools, post-processing techniques, and data
analysis methods.
High-resolution shale indicators allow separation of the sand
and shale components but still require thin bed resolution of
true formation resistivity and porosity. The measurements
produced by high resolution shale indicators are used with
those from conventional or resolution-enhanced porosity
logging tools to improve the saturation analysis of the
laminated reservoir. This is the basis of LARA laminated
reservoir analysis.
To determine shale volume, the high-resolution shale device
data is first integrated to the vertical resolution of the
porosity device. Then two medium-resolution shale volumes
are calculatedone from the integrated high-resolution data
and one from the porosity data. Device-specific shale
parameters are automatically adjusted until the two volumes
are equal. Then LARA analysis calculates the conventional
total and effective porosities. It also determines the mode of
clay distribution, i.e., dispersed or laminated.
The high-resolution shale volumes are then used with the
known shale resistivity to generate high resolution resistivity
expressions that involve shale and non-shale volumes and
resistivities. These expressions are integrated to the vertical
resolution of the resistivity device. The integrated resistivity
is equated to the measured resistivity, and the resulting
equation solved to give the non-shale resistivity, which is
essentially a shale-corrected true formation resistivity (R
Finally, the calculated effective porosity and true formation
resistivity are used in a modified Waxman-Smits equation to
calculate S
Resolving gross shale volume percent to high resolution
laminated and dispersed clay content
Detection of thin-bed reservoirs
Improve saturation analysis of the laminated reservoir
High-resolution shale indicator generally yields
significantly more accurate analysis in laminated
reservoirs than standard shaly sand models
Helps with the reliable quantitative interpretation of
thinly laminated reservoirs
Helps identify potential hydrocarbon production often
missed by conventional analysis
Thinly laminated hydrocarbon bearing zones above the main clean sand
pay zones would have been overlooked with conventional log analysis.
In this case, high resolution data from the EMI image tool was
integrated into the LARA analysis. Note the gas effect density-neutron
crossover in the clean sands and lack of crossover in the thinly
laminated zone above the clean sand zone.
In addition to the minimum of a GR, resistivity and porosity measurement, one or more of the following thin-bed shale indicator inputs
is required for LARA analysis: SED, Pe (unfiltered), Microresistivity (ML, MSFL), CAST, EMI, XRMI, OMRI, EVR-GR.
The best high-resolution shale indicators are six-arm dipmeter or EMI, XRMI, OMRI, but alternatives include all of the above. LARA
program requires only a single porosity device but yields better results when more than one is used.
Outputs S
, S
, V
, lithology hydrocarbon weight (oil, gas), permeability
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-17
Reservoir Characterization
Borehole Image Analysis
AutoDip and TrendSetter Services
AutoDip and TrendSetter services automate dip and dip
trend analysis of EMI, XRMI, and OMRI borehole
data. These services save time and provide high-quality data
that can help spot hidden features in sedimentary beds and
AutoDip service automates high-resolution dip detectiona
vast improvement on tedious manual dip picking. Unlike
traditional dip computation methods, AutoDip service does
not simply correlate raw resistivity data. This method
operates independently of often inappropriate correlation
parameters, such as correlation length, step length, and
search angle.
TrendSetter service augments AutoDip functionality by
taking dip data and automatically sorting it into categories:
Constant dip with depth
Increasing dip with depth
Decreasing dip with depth
TrendSetter service helps characterize geologic features based
on dip trends. AutoDip and Trendsetter services provide a
continuous plot with a break out of dip trends and constant
dips. These dips and trends can be easily recognized and
incorporated into a geological model.
AutoDip and TrendSetter services differentiate themselves by
selecting bedding features more quickly and consistently
than hand picking. This provides more time to view the
results and interpret the data.
Slumping and soft sediment deformation are evident in this section of
log. The AutoDip program does a good job of capturing the
changing dips.
2-18 Reservoir Evaluation Services
AutoDip Service
AutoDip service uses data from all resistivity buttonsnot
just 4, 6, or 8to more accurately determine dips. By using
more data, more accurate dip readings are possible.
AutoDip service translates the human visual experience of
event correlation into an equation that quantifies visual
recognition to obtain the optimal dip. The self optimizing
algorithmic process operates without the need to adjust
correlation parameters, which can introduce bias into dips or
even hide dips when using traditional methods.
The AutoDip program works equally well in simple bedding
or in more complex bedding environments.
High-resolution dip detection of EMI, XRMI, and
OMRI borehole data to help spot hidden features in
sedimentary beds and laminates
Uses all buttons to compute dips
Uses quality curves to optimize dip selection
Removes user bias in selecting dips
Consistent picks independent of interpreter bias
Output curves that indicate degree of laminations
Output curves that indicate degree of bed contrast
Independence from search angle, correlation length, and
step length
Shin-Ju Ye, et al., Automatic High Resolution Sedimentary
Dip Detection on Borehole Imagery (SPWLA 38th Annual
Logging Symposium, 1997)
TrendSetter Service
The AutoDip program can generate many dips. The number
of dips is partially determined by dip quality filters. During
the analysis process, it is prudent to look for patterns to help
recognize trends that can impact mapping, offset wells, and
describe depositional environments and structural changes.
TrendSetter service automatically separates dips into
constant, increasing, and decreasing categories, making it
easier to visualize changes and trends.
TrendSetter service separates the dips from stratigraphic
events such as current bedding, slumps, and drapes from the
more constant structural dips, which allows better estimates
of local structural dip.
Dip trend analysis of EMI, XRMI, and OMRI borehole
data to help spot hidden features in sedimentary beds
and laminates
Automates the selection of dip trends
Provides quality curves used to control grade of trend
Removes scatter from structural dip trend
Identification of other stratigraphic or structural events
when used with other geologic data
A user interface that provides flexibility and quality
Inputs EMI, XRMI, and OMRI data set
Outputs Computed dips and dip trends
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-19
Trendsetter service eliminates need for hand-selecting dip trends.
2-20 Reservoir Evaluation Services
ReadyView Open-Hole Imaging System
The ReadyView system provides easy-to-use interactive
software for the analysis of acoustic and electrical wellbore
image data. The ReadyView system consists of three
separate applications that provide image and dip
interpretation and 3D visualization of the wellbore. The
ReadyView system can be used to determine both true and
apparent bedding dip and can also be used to determine the
distribution, orientation, and apparent aperture of natural
and drilling-induced fractures.
This innovative system uses a customized USB flash drive to
store and launch the applications. Performance on the flash
drive is comparable to running on a local hard drive.
It provides unique accessibility to all types of wellbore image
data, along with measurement and classification tools
required for borehole breakout, structural, stratigraphic, and
formation evaluation applications of image analysis.
The software can be modified or augmented to meet the
specific requirements of individual clients.
Runs on Microsoft Windows 2000 and Microsoft
Windows XP platforms
Works with a wide range of wellbore image data
including third party imaging tools, allowing full 32-bit
RGB color resolution of acoustic and electrical image
User interface provides a comprehensive set of
sophisticated, interactive measurement tools and the
ability to more easily classify and describe features
observed in these logs. In particular, the ReadyView
system offers a series of 2D data filters (i.e. Sobel,
Gaussian, Sharpen, Horizontal edge detection) to
enhance the image
Planar features can be displayed in stereographic
projections or rose diagrams; tadpole profiles can be
used to display planar data or wellbore trajectory
Standard log profiles, including gamma and resistivity
logs, can be imported and displayed as reference logs for
formation interpretation
Menus and dialog boxes allow quick scrolling, resizing,
and selection of intervals of the data, making image
analysis easy and straightforward
Customers can pick and interpret their own dips, save
and restore their own dip results, and export them in a
variety of formats for transfer to other systems including
OpenWorks and Microsoft Excel applications
All image projections and data analysis views may be
saved in a variety of raster and vector formats for report
Allows wellbore image data to be easily viewed in full
color unwrapped views, polar cross-sections, 3D
cylindrical displays, log profile views, and many others
The ReadyView system is also an excellent archival
system for use of the digital image data at a future date
ReadyView System USB Flash Drive
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-21
This example shows a 2D view of image data when launching ReadyView software. From left to right, the first tract
is a compressed image, second tract static image, third tract is depth, fourth tract is a dynamically enhanced image
and the right side is a Schmidt plot, image histogram, and a dip-azimuth plot.
2-22 Reservoir Evaluation Services
Facies Profile
Facies profile is a multi-dimensional, dot-pattern
recognition, clustering method based on nonparametric K
nearest neighbor and graph data representation. The
underlying structure of the data is analyzed, and natural data
groups are formed that may have very different densities,
sizes, shapes, and relative separations. Facies profile
automatically determines the optimal number of clusters, yet
allows the analyst to control the level of detail actually
needed to define the electro-facies.
Facies profile partitions the reservoir into discrete electro-
facies or flow units. Producing electro-facies is a common
and valuable operation performed by oil companies to
discriminate discrete reservoir components. These
components are used to populate reservoir models, flow
simulators, determine porosity/permeability relationships,
and describe the reservoir.
The facies profile model can be run with conventional log
data (such as GR, RHOB, or T), NMR data, and possibly
other data (not yet tested). A texture profile model based on
the same clustering method has been developed to extract
texture from electric (EMI, XRMI, and OMRI data)
image data.
The facies profile analysis shows similarities to a core
description that might be done on a whole core or outcrop.
Grain size, cleanliness, or porosity increase toward the right
and changes in facies correspond to different colors and
patterns. The Facies profile analysis contains automatic
ordering that performs the grain size or porosity function
automatically. The lowest numbered electro-facies has the
smallest grain size or porosity and the highest number
electro-facies has the largest grain size or porosity. The
smaller numbered facies would plot farthest to the left, and
the larger numbered facies would plot farthest to the right.
Log interpretation that helps define 3D reservoir facies
models describing the distribution of porosity,
permeability, and capillary pressure in more detail than
is possible with reflection seismology
Determination of the optimal number of clusters, while
still allowing the analyst to control the level of detail
actually needed to define the electro-facies
Track 4 shows nine electro-facies computed from the GR (Track 1
black) RHOB (Track 3 red) NPHI (Track 3 green) and PE (Track 3
magenta). Using these four inputs, facies profile is able to discriminate
differences in the lithology (but not actual lithology) and automatically
order them according to increasing grain size or porosity. The EMI
image in Track 1 is provided to show the correlation between the image
and electro-facies.
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-23
Helps define layering and select the best options for
production test interpretation
Integrates geological insight into conventional log
Automatically clusters and orders log data for generating
electro-facies. It processes conventional log data, array
data, such as NMR T
distribution, image texture
parameters, (texture profile), or any combination of a
wide range of data
Partitions the natural pattern of the data without
requiring the user to give the number of clusters
Automatically proposes optimal number of clusters.
Clusters are organized in a hierarchical way which can
ease the interpretation
Automatically orders the clusters in log space which uses
coarse-to-fine self-organizing map (CFSOM). This
ordering usually corresponds to the geological facies
evolution order which is particularly important for
assessing geological meaning of each of the facies and
their vertical sedimentary sequences
All the input curves must have the same step. Halliburton recommends placing the input curves to be used in a separate
CLS file because numerous new curves may be generated. The output will have the step of the CLS file.
ALPHAThe higher ALPHA the greater the smoothing. ALPHA can vary from 1 to 500. This parameter has been
optimized and it is highly recommended that the user leave it at the default of 10.
KAnother smoothing parameter that can vary from 4 to 20. The higher the number the greater the smoothing. K has also
been optimized and it is recommended that the user leave it at the default of 5. The minimum number of electro-facies to
compute. The maximum number of electro-facies to compute. The number of optimal electro-facies models generated by
the program.
EFAC_1, EFAC_2, and EFAC_3EFACstands for electro-facies. EFAC_1, EFAC_2, etc. are generated electro-facies
model 1, 2, etc. Also see PARAMETER OM.
Gives cluster kernels in log space order (after automatic ordering).
The Kernel Representative Index of each data point.
The Neighboring Index of each data point. It is unique for each data point for a given ALPHA. It measures the local data
density around each point. Higher its value, higher its local density.
The normalized Neighboring Index of each data point within the cluster. Because the cluster member configuration
change with different electrofacies models, NNI is different with different electro-facies models.
2-24 Reservoir Evaluation Services
Net2Gross Sand Count
The preferred approach for determining net pay in laminated
sediments of fluvial and turbidite formations is to delineate
sand layers from borehole image data. New image
interpretation software, Net2Gross, has been developed to
estimate the sand and pay counts within the subsurface
sedimentary sequence logged by XRMI X-tended range
imager tool or OMRI oil mud imager tool. The software
exploits the XRMI and OMRI tools ability to resolve thin
laminations and sedimentary structures. It applies threshold
techniques to the pre-processed high resolution XRMI/
OMRI image and constructs secondary images for sand and
pay. The analyst retains the flexibility to calibrate these
images to the gamma ray and porosity logs using the
cumulative distributions from all the logs to determine valid
threshold values for the images. The software also generates
cumulative sand and pay counts versus depth. An R-sand
interpretation is also available by combining image data with
triple combo data. This provides quantitative water
saturation in laminated and dispersed shale environments.
The sand image is constructed by applying an upper and
lower threshold to the conductivity amplitude image, after
calibration of this image to the neutron, density and gamma
ray logs using the cumulative distributions from the logs and
image data to determine valid threshold values. Pixels lying
between the lower and upper threshold values, and greater
than an analyst-specified cutoff are classified as sand. Sand
pixels are then upgraded to pay if all of the following
conditions are satisfied: the pixel's image conductivity is
below a specified threshold, porosity greater than a threshold
depth proximal to the pixel exists, and deep resistivity greater
than a threshold depth proximal to the pixel exists. Finally,
cumulative sand and pay counts versus depth are constructed
by simply counting the sand and pay pixels.
In Track 1, the sand image is presented as a binary image,
black for shale and white for sand. Track 2 presents the pay
image in which sands interpreted to be pay are assigned the
color red.
High-resolution net sand and net pay images and curves
Cumulative net sand and net pay curve
Logic to prevent interpretation of tight streaks as pay
Interactive histogram based calibration of logging curves
Accurate sand and net pay counts in laminated
sediments of fluvial and turbidite formations
Better agreement between core and log, net sand,
and pay
Combines image data and triple combo for an R-sand
interpretation which provides water saturation for both
laminated and dispersed shales

Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-25
ImagePerm is an image based approach providing a high-
resolution porosity and permeability curve as well as a high-
resolution porosity image and histograms. In addition, it
provides a high resolution secondary porosity curve, which is
useful for interpretation in the presence of vugs and
The basic approach is to calibrate the image data to image
porosity using filtering techniques. The image data is
averaged over a moving window, and a transform is
constructed which calibrates the average image data to
porosity. This transform is then applied to the pixel-by-
pixel image data and a moving adjustment for bias is made.
The final result is shown in Track 5, which shows the EMIP
(or XRMI X-tended range micro-imager tool) porosity
image scaled 0 to .3. Track 4 compares the total porosity
PHIT from the neutron density logs (lazy black curve) with
the image porosity averaged around the borehole (red curve)
at each depth. It can be seen the calibration is correct and the
resolution is improved for all the tight, low porosity streaks.
A porosity histogram of the image data as shown in Track 6 is
used to aid in the interpretation and detection of vuggy
porosity. Secondary porosity should manifest itself in the
histogram being bimodal with the highest porosity mode
corresponding to secondary porosity. Given each image
porosity histogram, the cumulative distribution can be
computed and displayed. In particular, the cumulative
distribution in Track 3 shows in red the variation in porosity
of those 20% of the samples having the highest porosity.
Without any sonic or core data, for illustrative purposes,
these samples were assumed to be secondary porosity. This
constant fraction is converted to a volume and displayed in
Track 4 as the gray shaded portion of the display.
This implementation is intended to support a high-
resolution prediction of permeability for carbonates. The
Jennings-Lucia model which relates the porosity
permeability transform to rock type has been implemented.
One obtains rock type from looking at core data, or by
calibration to core permeability. Track 2 shows the
permeability from primary porosity as cyan, and from
secondary porosity as shaded. The predicted permeability
can either decrease or increase with secondary porosity,
dependent upon the model selected.
High resolution image porosity curve and image
High resolution image secondary porosity curve
High resolution micro porosity from MRIL tool
Image depth based histograms for rock facies
High resolution intergranular permeability
Permeabilty correction for secondary porosity
Rock type based high-resolution permeability
Describes porosity and permeability in vuggy carbonate
Helps identify thief zones in vuggy formations, thus
aiding in well completion
Helps identify productive zones in carbonates
Better agreement between core and log, permeability,
and porosity
2-26 Reservoir Evaluation Services
Borehole Geophysics
Wellbore Seismic
High Resolution Seismic Imaging(Near Offset VSP,
Fixed Offset VSP, Walkaways, 3D VSP, Salt Proximity
Surveys, Microseismic Surveys)
Halliburton provides high-resolution images in the vicinity
of the borehole using a number of different techniques
depending on the objectives and the geologic environment.
The techniques include vertical incidence vertical seismic
profiles (VIVSP) in deviated wells, salt proximity surveys,
tomographic velocity analysis, fixed offset VSP surveys
(FOVSP), 2D walkaway surveys, 3D VSP, and ExactFrac or
microseismic surveys.
Halliburton is an industry leader in providing advanced
source and downhole array technologies for borehole
seismic. Halliburtons expertise serves to benefit operators
with reduced rig time and improved data quality. Advanced
source and receiver technology is crucial towards obtaining a
more accurate and comprehensive geological picture of your
well, field, or reservoir.
Halliburton can offer custom built solutions for clients
seismic imaging field needs. For survey planning, we use the
most advanced 3D wavefront modeling software available,
GeoTomos VECON software.
Multi-component arrays can be mobilized downhole to more
accurately record true amplitude information of both
compressional and shear waves.
Compressional and shear images can be used in conjunction
for lithology and fluid identification. Surveys can be repeated
for time-lapse 4D views of fluid movements.
Downhole seismic tools can also be used to passively listen to
the reservoir and to map fluid movements, fault reactivation,
or active fracture monitoring.
A full array of tools is available for analyzing high resolution
seismic data for reservoir imaging. Halliburton offers
advanced pre-processing, including multi-component
wavefield separation and final imaging using pre-stack depth
migration (PSDM).
High Resolution Seismic Imaging Features
Generation of high-resolution multiple free images
Mapping of steep structures (such as salt flanks)
Detailed velocity cubes in areas of laterally changing
velocity (shallow gas, permafrost, salt, etc.)
Map structure, stratigraphy, lithology, and fluids with
higher resolution and confidence than can be obtained
with surface seismic
Improve a poor data quality area or overcome no-data
High Resolution Seismic Imaging Applications
Profiling salt dome flanks
Detecting natural fractures
Enhanced seismic velocity analysis
Primary seismic reflector identification
Porosity and permeability estimation
Anisotropy determination
AVO analysis
Determine height, length, and width of well frac or
stimulation process
Associated Answer Products
Vertical incidence VSP
Synthetic seismogram
FWS full wave sonic processing
ExactFrac services
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-27
Reservoir Geophysics
Long Array Multi-Component Acquisition Tools
Halliburton offers survey planning, data acquisition, and
data processing using multi-component long seismic arrays.
Each tool combines advanced-source technology with
industry leading multi-component and anisotropic
migration software for a complete package of advanced
custom designed reservoir imaging systems. Systems include
the GeoChain VSP downhole receiver array.
GeoChain VSP Downhole Receiver Array
The GeoChain vertical seismic profile (VSP) array is
designed for large borehole imaging surveys and can be used
in open and cased holes with standard seven-conductor cable
even in deep and hostile environments.
GeoChain VSP Receiver Array Features
Based on the proven ASR-1 downhole geophone
Can be used in wells up to 25,000 psi and with hole sizes
from 3.5-in. to 22-in.
Unique ACS active cooling system allows continuous
operation up to 356F (180C)
Up to 42 satellites can be used in the array with a
maximum tool spacing of 200 ft
All satellite locking arms open and close simultaneously,
and the entire string can lock into a 9.625-in. well in only
30 seconds
Can be run in the following configurations:
Associated Answer Products
3D VSP imaging
2D VSP imaging
Interwell imaging
ExactFrac (microseismic) services
Synthetic Seismic and Sonic Log Calibration
The synthetic seismogram obtains an accurate tie between
well logs measured in depth and the surface seismic image
measured in two-way time. Correlation between logs and
seismic is important to verify interpreted horizons and to
help determine the true phase of the surface seismic
(important for advanced lithologic and fluid interpretations
from seismic data).
An accurate synthetic depends on sonic log calibration using
data from a vertical seismic profile (VSP) or check shot
survey. This calibration is necessary for a number of reasons
such as:
Sonic log and surface seismic are measured at different
frequencies (dispersion)
Sonic log and surface seismic can measure different rock
and fluid volumes (fluid differences, invaded zones,
damaged borehole, non-vertical ray paths, etc.)
Calibration of the sonic log includes an analysis of the data to
determine the cause of the differences (drift) between the
sonic and the check shots.
Depending on the cause of the drift, different methods of
correction are used. The corrected sonic log is converted to
interval velocity. Acoustic impedance is calculated using the
corrected velocity log and the bulk density. Changes in
acoustic impedance are used to create a reflection coefficient
log, which is subsequently convolved with a desired wavelet
to create a synthetic seismic trace.
Recording of a shear sonic log or calculation of a synthetic
shear log allows calculation of a 2D synthetic to analyze or
predict AVO effects on the surface seismic. Perturbation of
the rock parameters also allows study of the effects of fluid
and lithology changes on the seismic character.
Synthetic Seismic Features
Helps promote accurate tie between well logs and surface
seismic including phase determination
Allows identification of multiples on the surface seismic
Allows study of fluid and lithology effects on the seismic
Associated Answer Products
Vertical incidence VSP
High resolution seismic imaging (walkaway, fixed offset,
3D VSP, salt proximity, AVO Studies)
FWS full wave sonic processing
No. of Tools Sample Rate
5 1/2 ms
10 1 ms
21 2 ms
26 2.5 ms
32 3 ms
42 4 ms
2-28 Reservoir Evaluation Services
Vertical Incidence Vertical Seismic Profiling (VIVSP) Analysis
The VIVSP analysis is a downhole seismic survey with the
surface source positioned vertically above the geophones
anchored in the well. In a vertical well, it is known as a zero
offset VSP (ZOVSP) with the source positioned in a single
location near the wellhead. In highly deviated wells, the
source is moved along with the downhole geophone tool to
keep the source vertically positioned above the geophone
tool at each level.
VIVSP analysis is useful for facilitating more accurate time-
depth correlation between your well logs and your surface
seismic. It is also useful for determining the phase of your
surface seismic and for identifying multiples.
VIVSP data provides an indispensable bridge between sonic
log data and surface seismic data. In areas where it is difficult
to obtain a good tie between the synthetic and the surface
seismic, the VIVSP can be helpful to identify and resolve the
VIVSP is also very useful for predicting lithology, fluids, and
pore pressure ahead of the bit. Velocity trends that are useful
for predicting pore pressure are calibrated at the well.
VIVSP data is typically higher frequency than the surface
seismic and can be used to better understand the reflectivity
seen in the surface seismic.
VIVSP data can be useful for computing the dip of the
reflecting horizons in the vicinity of the borehole.
This can be used to confirm dips seen on dipmeter tools and
help project these dips away from the well.
In deviated wells, the VIVSP also delivers a high resolution
2D image beneath the wellbore. This image is typically
higher frequency than the surface seismic, multiple free, and
tied directly to the wellbore in depth.
Halliburton uses advanced proprietary software to handle
VSPs in the most demanding geologic environments
(advanced editing, multi-component wavefield separation,
interpolation, deconvolution, and migration tools).
VSP software and processing can be used in the field, in a
computing center linked to the wellsite, or in the client
offices for special projects.
VSP acquisition teams utilize customized energy sources and
the most advanced seismic tools available to record high-
quality seismic data. The rugged, computerized logging
systems precisely position the geophone tool in the well,
properly synchronize the energy sources, and accurately
transfer the measured data to the surface. The data obtained
from VSPs provide extremely important information for
enhancing and supplementing surface seismic data.
VIVSP Features
Allows detailed analysis of the downgoing and upgoing
Real seismic trace rather than synthetic for log seismic
Provides detailed velocity analysis
VSP Applications
Direct correlation between surface seismic data and logs
recorded in depth
Calibrate wireline sonic data for correlating synthetic
seismograms with conventional seismograms
Mapping geologic structure in the vicinity of the wellbore
Predict stratigraphy, lithology, and structure ahead of the
drill bit to help save drilling time and costs
Improve poor data-quality area or overcome no-data area
Helps profile salt dome flanks
Helps detect natural fractures
Aids seismic identification of lithology
Prospect delineation
Enhanced seismic velocity analysis
Primary seismic reflector identification
Analyze multiple patterns
Deconvolution operator for surface seismic data
Porosity and permeability estimation
2D and 3D stratigraphic and structural imaging
Helps locate overthrust granite/sediment interface
AVO analysis
Associated Answer Products
Synthetic seismogram
High resolution seismic imaging (walkaway, fixed offset,
ocean bottom cable, salt proximity, AVO studies)
FWS full wave sonic processing
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-29

Halliburton eases frac modeling concerns by taking a full-
service approach to logging, offering both dipole sonic and
borehole seismic services. To give engineers the answers they
require, our microseismic techniques provide real-time
assessments of fracturing processes using two wells:
A stimulation well where actual frac jobs are under way
A monitor well equipped with a downhole geophone
tool array with multiple sensors
These microseismic techniques provide accurate information
on the length, height, and distance of the frac being
generated in the formation and can dramatically optimize
the placement of future wells.
ExactFrac Services Features
Allows operators to optimize drilling program in field
Improves later frac jobs (only zone you need to frac)
Minimizes uncertainty in your fracturing program
2-30 Reservoir Evaluation Services
Acoustics and Rock Properties
Anisotropy Analysis
Sonic anisotropy datathe directional sound attenuating
characteristics of the reservoiris used to improve the time-
to-depth correlation since both fast and slow shear waves
may be present. It also helps to develop synthetic
seismograms using both the fast and slow shear wave and
their orientation to improve 3D seismic analysis and future
seismic acquisition.
The waveform data from the WaveSonic crossed dipole
sonic tool is analyzed with the anisotropy waveform
processing model to obtain the fast and slow shear wave
travel times and their orientation in the formation. The
anisotropy analysis processing engine is a simultaneous
inversion technique which uses all 64 dipole waveforms,
from the in-line and crossed-line transmitter-receiver arrays.
The objective function includes all combinations of all
waveforms, so it maximizes the redundancy which improves
the robustness of the processing method.
The minimum and maximum principal stresses and stress
field orientation are calculated by combining oriented
slowness data with overburden and pore pressure data. This
information is vital for geomechanical analysis, wellbore
stability, and production enhancement treatment design.
Sonic anisotropy and the orientation of the anisotropy can be
used to determine the orientation of natural fractures. Sonic
attributes such as P-wave slowness, fast, and slow shear wave
travel time, can be used for identification of compressive
fluids in the pore space. This allows planning of the best
completion method and builds reservoir understanding to be
applied to the next well.
Analyze WaveSonic tool waveform data to identify fast
and slow shear wave travel times and their orientation in
the formation
Develop synthetic seismograms to improve 3D seismic
analysis and future seismic acquisition
Identification of compressive fluids in the pore space to
maximize completion planning
This is an example of fracture anisotropy. The fast and slow shear wave
travel times are presented in Track 3. The azimuth of the fast shear wave
is presented in Track 2 along with its uncertainty. The percent
anisotropy is presented in Track 4, and shaded when the anisotropy is
greater than 5%. The anisotropy is also presented in an image on the far
right-hand track. North is on the right and left-hand edges of the plot
and South is in the middle. The color intensity is proportional with the
magnitude of the anisotropy. The rose plots in Track 4 shows the change
in azimuth of the anisotropy. The energy ratio curves shaded in Track 1
identify the anisotropy as being a result of natural fractures.
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-31
WaveSonic tool provides simultaneous monopole and
crossed dipole sonic information
The low frequency flexural wave travels at the true shear
slowness of the formationdispersion corrections for
shear wave slowness are not required
A low frequency monopole source is utilized, so the
P-wave and flexural wave data have similar depths of
investigations well beyond any near-wellbore alteration
The wellsite products from the WaveSonic tool are the
X-X and Y-Y flexural (shear) wave slowness (time travel)
and the monopole P-wave slowness
Depth shifting of the waveform data is not required since
the X-X and Y-Y depth dipole transmitters are on a
common depth
Associated Answer Products
RockXpert analysissand production and fracture
strength analysis
FracXpert analysisfracture stimulation zoning
Navigation data, all in-line and cross-line dipole waveforms, processing window starting time and processing window
Fast and slow shear wave travel time and their corresponding orientations, anisotropy (as curve and image), rose plots of
azimuth of the fast shear
2-32 Reservoir Evaluation Services
RockXpert2 Analysis
Knowledge of rock properties and borehole stresses as
provided by Halliburtons RockXpert2 analysis allow
drilling, completion, and stimulation optimization. It has
been estimated that borehole stability problems cost the oil
industry more than $2 billion annually.
Sloughing or collapsed wellbores can stick downhole tools
and tubulars, which lead to lost rig time, expensive fishing
jobs, side-tracking, or even well abandonment. Inadvertent
fracturing of weak formations can result in lost circulation,
and improperly planned hydraulic fracturing operations can
give disappointing production results.
RockXpert2 analysis provides critical information for
designing fracturing programs, planning drilling operations,
and evaluating sanding potential. The RockXpert2 program
uses well log data to calculate rock mechanical properties and
borehole stresses.
These rock mechanical properties include Poissons Ratio,
Youngs Modulus, shear modulus, and bulk modulus. The
stresses include axial, tangential, radial, maximum
horizontal, and minimum horizontal.
The use of RockXpert2 analysis allows the customer to drill,
complete, stimulate, and produce the well at the most
economical cost. Wells can be drilled to avoid geomechanical
problems including lost circulation zones, sanding potential,
and borehole collapse, but the well can be completed,
stimulated, and produced without causing tensile, shear, or
cohesive failure, and pore collapse.
Reduce the risk of losses from borehole instability
Determines optimum mud weights required to prevent
sanding and fracturing during drilling operations
Evaluate a well's sanding potential to determine whether
gravel packs or frac packs are necessary
At any specified point along a proposed or existing well path,
RockXpert2 analysis can identify stable borehole conditions as a
function of mud weight and borehole deviation.
RockXpert2 logs indicate the safe mud weight range to provide sanding
and formation breakdown, as shown in Track 2. The logs also include
gamma and caliper curves in Track 1, predicted maximum borehole
deviation in Track 3, and lithology information in Track 4.
Mud Weight - Pounds per Gallon
7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-33
Provides valuable input to fracture-design programs that
predict fracture geometry and that help select fracturing
fluids, proppants, and pumping schedules
Determines the mud weights required to prevent sanding
and fracturing during drilling
Provides optimal direction in which to drill deviated,
horizontal, and extended-reach wells to maximize
borehole stability and increase the effectiveness of
subsequent hydraulic fracturing
Assists in evaluating a wells sanding potential to
determine whether a gravel pack or frac pack may be
necessary to help maintain production at optimal levels
Helps assist in determining the maximum amount of
drawdown to eliminate both sanding potential and
borehole collapse
Computations use data from continuous well logs rather
than from core or microfrac measurements made at
discrete points
Computes stress magnitude and takes into account
borehole orientation relative to stress-field orientation
Results can be input directly into Halliburtons
FracXpert program
Results can be normalized to core-analysis results.
Halliburton maintains an advanced rock mechanics
laboratory that provides comprehensive core analysis
Inputs Compressional wave travel time, T
, shear wave travel time, T
, bulk density, VSH, pressure gradients
Outputs Poissons Ratio, Youngs Modulus, shear modulus, bulk modulus, fracture pressure, collapse pressure
2-34 Reservoir Evaluation Services
FracXpert Analysis
FracXpert analysis provides total data integration for 3D-
fracture modeling. The FracXpert log provides automatic
zoning based upon stress contrasts and averages the design
parameters for each zone. It includes a presentation of log
data that includes lithology, porosity, saturations,
permeability index, and borehole stress information.
FracXpert analysis provides linkages between the actual well
properties and the fracturing design models. The automatic
zoning removes possible design errors based on incorrect
observations by the stimulation design engineer. This
extremely fast process allows different scenarios to be
analyzed and processed in both FracXpert analysis and the
fracture modeling programs. After the stimulation is
performed, modifications can be made to both models to
accurately account for the stimulation response.
Early frac design models did not include important design
criteria such as pumping rates, fluid efficiencies, or treatment
volumes. The FracPro program incorporates all these
additional job parameters to accurately model, optimize, and
execute frac operations.
The rock mechanical data is taken from the results of
formation strength-borehole stability analysis programs such
as RockXpert2 analysis. The analyst needs to run a
volumetric log analysis model to find both the shale volume
needed for the rock mechanical programs and to compute
the permeability.
FracXpert analysis differentiates itself from other zoning type
logs which usually do not have adequate log processing
capabilities. In that case, the log analysis or the picking of the
relevant logging parameters is still done by hand, and the
quality depends heavily on the experience of the stimulation
design engineer. Several consultants have a similar approach
to hydraulic fracture design.
The depth track provides zonal numbering, pay and bad hole flags,
perforations, and perforation numbering. The zonal numbers are
assigned to the selected zones as determined by the zoning process based
on fracture tensile pressure. Track 1 contains CORAL lithology track
consisting of shale, dolomite, limestone, sand, and porosity. Track 2
presents that calculated water saturation. Track 3 displays CORAL
analysis results that include effective porosity, water, and hydrocarbons.
Track 4 presents the fracture tensile pressure and gradient from
RockXpert2 analysis. Track 5 provides five different flow calculations to
help determine the economic potential of each zone. Track 5 also displays
two normalized curves that help interpret zones of interest: permeability
feet (NKH) and porosity feet (NPORH). Both are normalized from 0 to 1
over the entire well.
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-35
Total data integration for 3D fracture modeling
Log processing using automatic zoning
Automatic zoning helps define different layers within the
formation for more accurate and consistent results
without bias of the user
Outputs include a well log plot, tabular listings, and an
ASCII data file for input to 3D models
Economic models and reservoir simulation reports are
generated for accurate comparisons
Stress information is gathered from FWS full wave
sonic or dipole sonic logs
Software can use permeability from conventional
saturation/effective porosity relationships or from
nuclear magnetic resonance logs
Inputs Poisson's Ratio, Young's Modulus, minimum horizontal stress, permeability, pore pressure, and shale volume
Automatic zoned averaging of the rock mechanical properties and volumetric data. Text files for simulators and
stimulation programs.
2-36 Reservoir Evaluation Services
AcidXpert Analysis
AcidXpert analysis aids in the design of stimulation
treatments on carbonate rocks. The AcidXpert process
provides a standard log presentation and associated text files
that allow importation into other analysis packages.
The success of matrix acidizing treatments depends on the
placement of acid for efficiently removing near-wellbore
formation damage. The type and composition of the acid is
selected due to the rock matrix involved. The acid should be
placed so that all potentially productive intervals accept a
sufficient quantity of the total acid volume. If significant
permeability or formation damage variations are present in
the interval to be treated, acid will enter the zones with the
highest permeability or least formation damage, leaving little
acid to treat what may be the most productive zones.
AcidXpert analysis is a process to collect and interpret the
available data to maximize the stimulation effort. AcidXpert
analysis provides answers for the following questions:
With a complex lithology, how detrimental are the
carbonate mineralogies to production enhancement?
Is there a wide variance in the rock mineralogies?
Is there sufficient permeability for the well to flow?
Are natural fractures present, and do they intersect the
What is a reasonable expectation for production?
How should the stimulation treatment be modified for
specific scenarios?
What factors require attention? Is the right information
available to make this judgement?
AcidXpert analysis automatic zoning provides a superior
method for stimulation evaluation. Additionally, generated
text files allow easy input into several analysis models
including reservoir stimulation, economic, and stimulation
There might be different stimulation scenarios depending
upon the log data, and AcidXpert analysis allows these
scenarios to be modeled efficiently and effectively. The
minimal data required by AcidXpert analysis includes
resistivity, density, and neutron log data along with
volumetrics. Additional processing can be used if FWS full
wave sonic logs, MRIL, and imaging logs are available.
Matrix acidizing requires basic triple combo data and
Acid fracturing requires the components necessary for
Matrix acidizing plus FWS full wave sonic tool data
StiMRIL process requires the components of acid
fracturing plus MRIL data
Within the depth track on the left side of the log are perforations,
perforation number, a bad-hole indicator, pay flag, and the numbering
assigned to the selected zones as determined by the zoning process. The
red lines across all the tracks delineate the zones that were chosen based
upon solubility. Track 1 contains gamma ray and temperature. Track 2 is
the solubility curve, a sum of the limestone and dolomite minerals on a
depth-by-depth basis. The pink shading indicates zones that could
effectively be treated by acid stimulation. Track 3 provides lithology data
that was generated by CORAL analysis. Track 4 presents that
calculated water saturation. Track 5 displays analysis results that include
effective porosity, water, and hydrocarbons. Track 6 presents a calculated
permeability and effective water permeability.
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-37
Design of stimulation treatments on carbonate rocks
Import standard log presentation and associated text
files into other analysis packages
Collect and interpret available data for stimulation
Automatic zoning based on the rock matrix, fracture
initiation pressures, or permeability
Part of a comprehensive approach to acidization that
improves well performance
The use of the automatically generated text files allows
easy linkages to reservoir stimulation, reservoir
performance, and economic models
Standard processed volumetric data including porosity, matrix lithology, permeability, and water saturation. Additional
inputs can include sonic and MRIL

Outputs Standard zoned log presentation along with automatically generated text reports.
2-38 Reservoir Evaluation Services
Reservoir and Production Engineering
Reservoir Testing Studio
RTS Reservoir Testing Studio
RTS reservoir testing studio provides real-time analysis of
data while it is being acquired to improve test quality and
shorten rig time. RTS analysis features Halliburton's
proprietary Exact and FasTest analysis service techniques
as well as conventional Horner (radial) and spherical time
plot well test routines. RTS studio is designed to work with
Halliburton's InSite real-time data management and
distribution system. The InSite Anywhere option provides
real-time access to RTS analysis plots, from anywhere and at
anytime, with a standard internet connection. A report
generator compiles the pressure transient analysis into
reports that contain summary tables, gradient plots, and all
the analysis plots. The summary tables can be exported to
Microsoft Excel spreadsheets or Microsoft Word tables.
Analysis of drawdowns and buildup pressure transients
Determine pressure transient flow regime (spherical or
Summary tables of test results
Pressure gradient analysis plots
Sample PVT closed chamber testing
QC pressure transient data
Makes data selections for gradient analysis
Provides project formation pressure (P*)
Estimates mobility (1,000 - 0.001 md/cp)
Estimates of anisotropy (k
Documents results in a final report
The following plots and analysis techniques are available
with RTS analysis.
Pressure Time Plot
The pressure time plot is the primary display that documents
the data to be analyzed. The data selections made are later
summarized in tabular form. From these data selections, an
initial estimate of the formation mobility is made using the
raw data (M
drawdown mobility). The pressure time plot
also includes a pressure stability plot with a wrapping scale
from 0 to 10 or 0 to 1 psi so that the pressure can be observed
on an expanded scale.
RTS analysis pressure time plot is used to make data selections, which
are documented in summary tables. Additionally, the results are used to
create gradient plots and calculate the drawdown mobility (md/cp).
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-39
Exact Buildup Analysis
The Exact buildup analysis can be used to estimate
spherical mobility (M
s Ex
) and formation pressure (P*
over a wide range of mobilities (i.e., 0.001 to more than
1000 md/cp). Conventional methods of analysis use late time
data which requires pressures to stabilize after storage effects
have dissipated. For low mobility zones (less than
1 mDarcy/cp), this can require long buildup times, but Exact
analysis can match the early time data thus shortening the
test time required. In higher mobility, Exact analysis can also
be used to provide accurate estimates of mobility and
formation pressure.
Exact Anisotropy Analysis Plot
The Exact anisotropy plot is a buildup analysis method used
for a vertical interference testing (VIT). The pressure
recorded at a vertical monitoring probe is combined with the
source (either probe or straddle packer) buildup analysis to
determine the horizontal mobility (M
hrz ex
) and the ration of
vertical to horizontal mobility, Aniso (k
The RTS Exact analysis plot is a priority analysis technique designed
to be used over the entire range of operation for formation testers. In
addition to estimating the mobility from the buildup, the formation
pressure can be estimated before the shut-in pressure is established,
saving rig time.
Example of an Exact Anisotropy Analysis Plot
2-40 Reservoir Evaluation Services

Buildup Analysis
FasTest buildup analysis can be used when mobility is above
1 mDarcy/cp. Originally developed for well test surge or
impulse testing analysis, it is also well suited for SFT and
RDT tool buildup analysis. FasTest analysis is considered
more reliable than traditional methods because it does not
depend on an accurate estimate of the drawdown period or
rate. Therefore, it is ideal for buildups where the sample
chamber is used to create the pressure impulse. FasTest
analysis can:
Save rig time by terminating tests as soon as a sufficient
amount of data is obtained
Analyze sample chamber pressure pulse to determine
permeabilities up to at least 1 Darcy (M
) for both
spherical or radial flow regimes
Determine flowline storage effects on measured pressure
Provide accurate calculated sandface pressure estimates
Horner Time Plots
Horner time plots are the traditional technique for analyzing
pressure transient analysis data. Both spherical and radial
time domains are available with the projected formation
pressure (P*), Horner mobility being determined from the
slope of a line formed from a regression of the data on a
radial or spherical time plot. Horner interpretation for
wireline testers is generally used for zones with mobilities
above 1md/cp.
RTS FasTest analysis service plot is used for buildup analysis in more
permeable zones (i.e., > 1md/cp). The FasTest analysis is very flexible and
can be used for pretests as well as sample chamber surge tests. Either
spherical or radial flow regimes can be used.
RTS analysis Horner plot offers a traditional method of analyzing
pretest buildups. Either spherical or radial flow regimes can be used.
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-41
Log-Log Derivative Analysis Plot
This plot verifies the flow regime and data quality of the
pressure transient. The FasTest analysis service derivative
and pressure differential of the buildup data is presented in
this plot. Either a spherical time or conventional radial time
derivative can be chosen so that a stable horizontal line
represents infinitely acting flow for either regime.
RTS analysis log-log derivative plot is based on the FasTest analysis service derivative and is used to verify
the flow regime of buildups and evaluate the quality of the pressure transient.
5 . 1
5 . 2
5 . 1

c V
f o

t h
2 4

2-42 Reservoir Evaluation Services

PVT Analysis
A PVT plot is available for the RDT reservoir description
tool service. This is a closed chamber in-situ sample analysis
test that is performed automatically during the pumping
process and after a sample is taken. The bubblepoint and
fluid compressibility is determined.
Formation Test Summary Program (FTS)
The FTS program compiles RTS pressure test analysis data
and creates gradient plots and summary tables. When
selections are made from real-time data, they are
automatically added to the gradient analysis. This allows
multiple zones, gradients, and contacts to be identified. A
manual input mode is also available.
A true vertical depth survey log for correcting depth
Identify multiple zones, gradients, and contacts
Multiple gradient plots for each zone
An unlimited number of gradient lines that can be
generated from RTS analysis data
Fluid contacts can be identified and annotated on plots
Minimizes errors because data is automatically imported
from the RTS analysis program
Verifies the quality of pressure data by automatically
producing the hydrostatic gradient
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Pressure (QPRS, psi)
PVT plots the volume fraction against the pressure. The linear
portion of the plot determines the compressibility and when the
curve deviates from this linear trend, the bubblepoint is detected.
Unassigned Pform
Group 1: 0.377
Group 2: 0.261
Group 3: 0.275
Group 4: 0.957
Group 5: 0.268
400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Pressure (psi)
3,613.351 ft
Pressure gradient plots allow multiple zones, gradients, and contacts to
be identified. Plots are derived from RTS analysis data and are
automatically added to the gradient analysis when data selections are
made from real-time data. A manual input mode is also available.
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-43
Example of Pressure Test Summary
Test Identification
Equivalent Mud
Test Pressures Test Times
1.1 2892.90 2755.23 4219.07 4217.79 6.5 8.98 4301.96 3002.60 3053.43 286 342 395
10 cc
Pre Test
1.2 2892.90 2755.23 4219.07 4217.79 6.5 8.98 3050.07 2996.47 3053.41 470 487 627
10 cc
Pre Test
2.1 2899.98 2761.96 4220.33 4224.27 6.49 8.96 4328.67 2985.81 3058.43 353 381 492
2.2 2899.98 2761.96 4220.33 4224.27 6.49 8.96 3058.30 3036.94 3058.19 505 564 574
10 cc
Pre Test
3.1 2909.48 2770.97 4234.52 4232.36 6.48 8.96 3074.09 1682.64 3064.64 437 512 1119 Tight Test
4.1 2984.55 2842.19 4312.47 4313.45 6.69 8.89 4396.87 3141.33 3242.76 308 381 506
4.2 2984.55 2842.19 4312.47 4313.45 6.69 8.89 3242.76 3134.49 3242.66 506 580 708
Phyds1 Initial Hydrostatic Pressure
Phyds1 Final Hydrostatic Pressure
Pdd Initial Drawdown Pressure
Pfu Final Drawdown or Fillup Pressure
Pstop Final Buildup Pressure
EqFmMw Equiv. Formation Mud Weight (PStop / (TVD*Constant))
EqBhMw Equivalent Borehole Mud Weight (Phyds1 / (TVD*Constant))
Tdd Initial Drawdown Time
Tfu Final Drawdown or Fillup Time
Tstop Final Buildup Time
The Pressure Test Summary table compiles all pressure selections from the RTS program. Pressure tests are documented
in a single table that is plotted on the log. This data is also available in ASCII form that can be easily imported into a spreadsheet for analysis.
Example of Pressure Transient Analysis Summary
Test Identification PTA Pressure PTA Mobilities Dual Probe Anistropy
1.1 2892.90 2755.23 3053.73 0.00 3052.98 2.10 0.00 5.30 11.69 Good Perm
1.2 2892.90 2755.23 3053.57 3053.59 0.00 3.52 3.96 3.96 34.81 Good Perm
2.1 2899.98 2761.96 3058.57 0.00 0.00 1.75 0.00 0.00 16.46 Good Perm
2.2 2899.98 2761.96 3063.21 0.00 0.00 1.79 0.00 0.00 26.41 Good Perm
3.1 2909.48 2770.97 0.00 0.00 3057.06 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.32 Low Perm
4.1 2984.55 2842.19 3243.07 0.00 0.00 1.27 0.00 0.00 4.48
Test performed
at engineers
request, Good
4.2 2984.55 2842.19 3242.78 0.00 0.00 1.53 0.00 0.00 4.17 Good Perm
Psphere* Spherical Analysis Formation Pressure
Pfast* FasTest Analysis Formation Pressure
Ptight Tight Zone Analysis Formation Pressure
Msphere Spherical Mobility
Mfast FasTest Mobility
Mtight Tight Zone Mobility
Msdd Spherical Drawdown Mobility Mh Horizontal Mobility ANISO Anisotropy (Kv/Kh)
The Pressure Transient Analysis Summary table is a tabular listing of pressure buildup analysis data, including mobility estimates and formation pressure
projections (P*). Data is also available in real time and as a document on the log.
2-44 Reservoir Evaluation Services
Well Testing
Well testing is performed to determine formation
productivity/deliverability, permeability, reservoir pressure,
presence of skin damage, flow profile inside a formation and
wellbore, reservoir geometry/size/drainage area, inter-well
communication, and perforation efficiency.
Well testing is usually performed right after a well is
completed and when the productivity does not follow the
expected trends. Well testing is also done periodically
through the life of a well and field to assess well performance
and to establish pressure and rate decline patterns.
In pressure transient testing, the changes in pressure,
temperature, and fluid properties caused by sudden changes
in production rates of oil, gas, and water from a well (or
wells) are measured and analyzed during a given time span.
The most widespread type of pressure transient testing is a
pressure buildup test in which a producing well is shut-in,
and the pressure values are recorded with time. In a pressure
drawdown test, a shut-in well is opened, and the pressure
values are recorded with time.
The basic requirements of a well test are:
Measuring the flow rate of the gas and the liquids
produced or injected
Controlling and adjusting the flow from the reservoir
Measuring the pressures and temperatures using
sensitive and accurate downhole instruments
Obtaining samples of the reservoir fluids
Safely disposing of or storing the well effluent produced
during the test
Well Test Design
In a well test design, all the production history and the
available reservoir and wellbore properties of a well are
included in a pressure transient testing design model. A given
reservoir flow geometry based on the completion and
production history is selected to simulate pressure and time
data as close as the actual data which would be obtained from
an ensuing well testing. For the unknown parameters,
sensitivity runs should be conducted to cover the entire range
of the expected values. Test duration and types should then
be modified to provide a sufficient amount of data to be
recommended for the ensuing pressure transient testing.
Types of well tests include closed chamber or surge test with
the zero-emission FasTest system, shoot and pull test,
drillstem test, cleanup test, slug test, early production test,
multi-rate production/ injection well tests, reservoir limit
test, permanent gauge test, and interference/pulse tests.
For these tests to be reliable and effective, a well test design is
critical to assuring the test objectives are feasible by selecting:
Proper completion equipment
Pressure gauges with the required sensitivity and
Type of well test
Flow rate and choke sizes
Duration of flow and shut-in periods
The following well and reservoir models are considered when
designing or analyzing well test data:
Analytic and numeric models
Homogeneous or dual porosity formations
Horizontal, vertical, or deviated wellbores
Hydraulic fracture wellbores
Any boundary configuration
Radial and linear composite reservoirs
Layered reservoirs
Wellbore with limited entry (partial completions)
Changing wellbore storage and/or skin
Turbulent flow and tidal effects
Well interference effects
Simultaneous analysis of a changing reservoir model
before and after a stimulation or a workover application
Material balance effects
The accuracy and the value obtained from a well test design
depends on the following:
Experienced engineers performing the service
Availability of advanced well/reservoir models
Comprehensive well test design report
Comparisons with prior tests to establish trend
Parameter sensitivity evaluation to signify the
importance of the values obtained
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-45
The following features are included in a well test design
Optimum test times
Optimum flow rates
The right equipment suited for the job
Models with sensitivities to reservoir, fluid, and
wellbore parameters
Well test procedure
A well test design is a planned activity that uses the pre-
well test well and reservoir information to optimize the
test type, procedure, and time
Success of a well test is greatly enhanced by coupling the
well testing with the real- time operations (RTO)
Wellbore data, reservoir data, fluid properties, stimulation treatment, information geology, seismic and environmental
controls, surface facilities, previous production/injection problems
Outputs Well test design report
2-46 Reservoir Evaluation Services
Well Test Analysis
A well test analysis report provides information about well
productivity/deliverability, formation permeability, reservoir
pressure, amount and type of damage, perforation efficiency,
and flow type /profile inside a formation and wellbore. If the
test was designed and conducted for a longer period, then
reservoir geometry/size/drainage area and inter-well
communication would also be evaluated and provided in the
report. Well test and completion data can be deployed to get
a more accurate reservoir description.
In a well test report, Halliburton engineers identify
opportunities to improve well performance, which often
includes reservoir and well production projection with
recommendations to enhance productivity. If a well test
identifies wellbore damage, then productivity improvement
projections will be simulated to compare acidizing with
hydraulic fracturing and frac pack to evaluate if stimulation
will improve production. If the cause of the problem stems
from partial completion and perforation plugging, then re-
perforation, acidizing, and fracturing cases will be compared.
The optimum production scenario based on the evaluated
reservoir and wellbore parameters can also be included in the
Well test analysis can provide initial reservoir pressure (p
permeability thickness (k
), and skin (S). Additionally, the
perforated wellbore length (h
), distance of horizontal
wellbore to bottom of formation (Z
), and ratio of vertical to
radial permeability (k
) are calculated for horizontal
wells. The dual-porosity flow model provides values for
and . Stimulated wells are characterized by the fracture
half-length (X
), conductivity (C
), and fracture skin.
Distances to boundaries and the boundary type (no-flow,
constant pressure, or leaky) can be provided for any of the
models. In a composite reservoir, the size and the properties
inside and outside of the composite zone will be provided. In
a limited entry well, the effective interval producing into the
wellbore and the plugged perforations are identified. In
layered reservoirs, permeability, skin, pressure, and flow rate
for each layer can be calculated.
A well test analysis technique may include one or a
combination of the following methods:
Conventional linear regression analysis
Type curve analysis
Non-linear regression
Closed-chamber DST analysis
Production analysis
Halliburton well test analysis service differentiating factors
Experienced reservoir engineers performing the service
Customized and easy to use report
Advanced well/reservoir models
Analytic and/or numeric analysis techniques
Real-time analysis capabilities using a secured website
that can be accessed using your computer anytime or
Enhanced reservoir and completion description with
advanced and sophisticated reservoir models
Evaluation and/or analysis performed in batch or real
Recommendations for well improvement based on
reservoir, wellbore, completion, and the surface
Fast turnaround at a reasonable cost to free up valuable
engineering time
Experienced reservoir engineers available for any
Evaluation of the entire job
Follow-up briefing on analyses results and
recommendations for future tests
A complete analysis report with:
Well test description
System evaluation
Discussion of each event
Gauge comparison
Analysis results
Well test data summary
Historical comparisons (when applicable)
Production improvement recommendations
(when applicable)
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-47
Multi-Layered Analysis
In multi-layered reservoirs, hydrocarbon fluids exist in
different layers. These layers could be located close or far
from each other, in hydraulic communication or totally
isolated from each other, and with similar or completely
different properties. The pressure values in the layers could
differ by just the hydrostatic head pressure difference or be
totally different from each other. Multi-layer formations are
divided into two main categories of:
Commingled layered reservoirs The layers in a
commingled formation are isolated from each other and
do not communicate in the reservoir. They are
hydraulically connected with each other through the
Cross-flow layered reservoirs The layers in a cross-flow
reservoir communicate with each other through both the
formation and the wellbore. At any point in the reservoir,
the interlayer cross flow is proportional to the pressure
difference between the layers
At high flow rates, the high permeability layers produce at
higher flow rates than the low permeability layers, and thus,
they get depleted at a faster rate. At low flow rates or when
the well is shut-in at surface, fluids from the low permeability
layers invade the high permeability layers which were
depleted more.
Halliburton provides a multi-rate, multi-layer test in
conjunction with the production logging service. Layer
pressure and flow rates are evaluated by the production
logging service. This information is fed into the multi-layer
well test analysis program to evaluate permeability, skin, and
pressure for each layer.
Multi-rate test showing analysis results accounting for
turbulent flow effects.
Permanent Gauge Analysis: History plot of pressure and rate showing
analysis model match
Reservoir shape: Analysis results showing geologic boundary configuration
Inflow and outflow pressurerate responses for various reservoir
parameters showing production match point.
Skin vs. Rate
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
History plot (Pressure [psia], Gas Rate [Mscf/D] vs Time [hr])
Analysis Results
Prod Index = 4.95 Mscf/D - psi
Storage Constant = 0.00509 STB/psi
True Skin = 1.96
True Delta P Skin = 71 psi
Turb Skin = 4.58
Turb Delta P Skin = 165 psi
Turb Factor = 0.00131 1/Mscf/D
Initial Pressure = 6000 psia
kh = 141 md-ft
k = 4.7 md
-1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Rate [Mscf/D]
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Pressure [psia], Gas Rate [Mscf/D] vs Time [hr])
Pressure vs Time
Gas Rate vs Time
3,000 ft
3,000 ft
2,500 ft
2,000 ft
0 2000
Outflow Parameter Inflow Parameter
(md )
( )
(1/64 )
4000 6000 8000 10000
Production Data Matching Theoretical Model
Test objectives, geologic information, prior production data, completion schematic, fluid property data, prior treatment
data, well test downhole pressure gauge files, well test surface data report files
Outputs Well test analysis report including recommendations for well performance improvement (when needed)
2-48 Reservoir Evaluation Services
Reservoir Evaluation
SigmaSat Model
This cased-hole interpretation model is designed for
saturation analysis of a single well based on sigma logs from
any supplier. Oil saturation can be determined in the
presence of saline formation waters. Gas saturation can be
determined under almost any conditions.
Saturation interpretation of any formation sigma data
Standard volumetric analysis or an adaptation of the
Chevron variable matrix model
Inclusion of open-hole porosity and clay volume
Stand-alone analysis using porosity and clay indicators
from cased-hole monitoring tools or any available source
Determines volume of hydrocarbons produced from the
reservoir and allows estimates of remaining reserves
Enhances reservoir production knowledge
Allows better understanding of hydrocarbon drainage
efficiency from the reservoir
Identifies potential hydrocarbon production zones that
have not been drained or were bypassed or previously
Pinpoints changing oil/water and gas/oil contacts
through time lapse monitoring
Finds flooded or swept zones
Associated Answer Products and Pre-Processing
Pulse-height spectral gain stabilization and processing,
plus environmental corrections (TMDLRL)
CarbOxSat model similar model for saturation
analysis of neutron decay logs
TripleSat model similar family of models utilizing
both carbon/oxygen and neutron decay logs for use
where three fluids are present in the reservoir
Track 1 indicates the amount of sand and shale by volume, along with
the effective porosity. Track 2 is a porosity overlay track indicating
hydrocarbon crossover. Track 3 shows sigma water apparent and sigma
solids apparent. Track 4 shows an envelope of sigma wet and sigma
hydrocarbon with sigma intrinsic in between, indicating the
hydrocarbon. Track 5 indicates the total hydrocarbon saturation, and
Track 6 shows total porosity, effective porosity, the effective volume of
water, and the volume of hydrocarbon.
Inputs Clay volume, total porosity, effective porosity, environmentally corrected intrinsic sigma
Individual and combined clay volume, total porosity, effective porosity, capture-ratio porosity, inelastic ratio porosity,
hydrocarbon volume, total and effective hydrocarbon saturation, water volume
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-49
CarbOxSat Model
This interpretive model is specifically designed for saturation
analysis of a single well based on Halliburton carbon/oxygen
(C/O) logs. The CarbOxSat model is used for interpreting
oil saturation in reservoirs where formation water salinity is
fresh, mixed, or unknown.
Saturation interpretation of all Halliburton formation
carbon/oxygen data
Halliburtons lithology compensated Delta-C/O or
traditional overlay method
Inclusion of open-hole porosity and clay volume
Stand-alone analysis using porosity and clay indicators
from cased-hole monitoring tools or any available source
Determines volume of hydrocarbons produced from the
reservoir and allows estimates of remaining reserves
Enhances reservoir production knowledge
Allows better understanding of hydrocarbon drainage
efficiency from the reservoir
Identifies potential hydrocarbon production zones that
have not been drained or were bypassed or previously
Pinpoints changing oil/water and gas/oil contacts
through time lapse monitoring
Finds flooded or swept zones
Associated Answer Products and Pre-Processing
Pulse-height spectral gain stabilization and processing
Multi-pass stacking (RMTEAVG)
Environmental corrections (RMTECOR)
SigmaSat model similar model for saturation analysis
of neutron decay logs
TripleSat model similar family of models utilizing
both carbon/oxygen and neutron decay logs for use
where three fluids are present in the reservoir
Track 1 contains the open-hole neutron and density porosity curves, as
well as the gamma ray curve. Track 2 contains the cased-hole porosity
indicators of a pseudo-density curve from the inelastic ratio, and a
pseudo-neutron porosity from the capture ratio. Track 3 contains the
delta-C/O envelope indicating the C/O interpretation. Track 5 shows the
total hydrocarbon saturation, and Track 6 is a volumetrics track
containing the volume of shale, effective porosity, and the bulk volume
of water to provide water and hydrocarbon saturation.
Inputs Clay volume, total porosity, effective porosity, environmentally corrected carbon/oxygen and calcium/silica ratios
Individual and combined clay volume, total porosity, effective porosity, capture-ratio porosity, inelastic ratio porosity,
volume of oil, total and effective oil saturations, water volumes
2-50 Reservoir Evaluation Services
TripleSat Model
This unique interpretation model is specifically designed for
use with Halliburtons reservoir monitoring tools. The
TripleSat model employs a combination of C/O and sigma
measurements and is used to calculate saturation when three
fluids are present in the reservoir.
Utilizes simultaneously-recorded sigma and C/O
Provides more accurate interpretation in oil producing
reserves where steam or gas is present
Contains selectable sets of equations that can be
optimized for one of the following:
Oil drainage from gas cap
Sea waterflood
Allows additional optimizations to be readily
constructed, some using a Halliburton adaptation of the
Chevron gas correction to carbon/oxygen logs
Permits inclusion of open-hole porosity and clay volume
Allows stand-alone analysis using porosity and clay
indicators from cased-hole monitoring tools or any
available source
Allows accurate interpretation in reservoirs that have gas
cap development or are under steamflood or gasflood
Permits interpretation in reservoirs with retrograde
condensate production
Associated Answer Products and Pre-Processing
SigmaSat model neutron decay time saturation
CarbOxSat model carbon/oxygen saturation analysis
KernSat Interpretation Example. This well located in Kern County,
California in the Kern River Field, is in an active steamflood
hydrocarbon recovery project. This log is an example of our customized
interpretation model KernSat. Track 4 of the example displays the
computed oil saturation (shaded in green) and the gas saturation
(shaded in red). These saturations were computed using a combination
of carbon-oxygen ratio and formation sigma. Track 3 displays the
carbon-oxygen and the calcium-silicon ratio curves. The green shading
between the two curves indicates hydrocarbons in the formation. Also
displayed in the track are the natural gamma ray measurement and the
simultaneous recorded formation sigma. Tracks 1 and 2 display a
comparison of the open-hole density and neutron porosities and the
porosity ratio indicators measured by the RMT Elite analysis. Track 1
is the open-hole density neutron porosity. Steam measured in the
formation at the time of the log is indicated by the gray shading between
the curves. Tracks 2 displays the inelastic and capture ratios measured
from the RMT Elite analysis. The red shading indicates the current
location of steam in the reservoir. This example indicates that the steam
chest has expanded when compared to the original formation contacts.
The depth track recorded at the far left side of the log displays water flow
measured by the RMT Elite analysis outside the casing.
Clay volume, total porosity, effective porosity, environmentally corrected carbon-oxygen and calcium-silica ratios,
environmentally corrected sigma
Individual and combined clay volume, total porosity, effective porosity, capture-ratio porosity, inelastic ratio porosity,
volume of oil, total and effective oil saturations, water volumes, corrected three-phase saturations
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-51
Production Logging Analysis
Production Logging Analysis
Halliburton has several programs that are used to interpret
production logs. The basic production logging interpretation
is provided using Kappa Engineering's Emeraude software.
The industry standard in production logging is Emeraude
which allows for a common platform for communication
and evaluation between service companies and operators.
From vertical injectors to horizontal or highly deviated
multiphase producers, Emeraude provides a comprehensive
and intuitive set of tools to produce results from the log data
from simple through to the most sophisticated toolstrings.
The basic interpretation uses raw PL data from the spinner,
fluid density, pressure, and temperature tools to determine
flow rates of the well. The log at the right consists of seven
passes logged at different multiple logging speeds as shown
by the different colors for each pass. The basic interpretation
process is explained as follows:
Spinner calibration and apparent velocity
The user defines the spinner calibration zones to
determine the spinner calibration with or without
thresholds values. After each calibration, an apparent
velocity curve is generated
Single and zoned PVT
The next step is to use the PVT model to provide the
properties of any phase at any temperature and pressure.
Several different correlations may be used for each and
every inflow zone
Flow rates
Using a nonlinear regression method, the rate
calculations for each inflow zone is determined. This
allows the user full flexibility in the number and type of
input measurements. The basic calculation scheme
successively solves the cumulative rates at selected depths
inside the wellbore. The contributions of the user
selected inflow zones are then obtained from successive
differences above and below each zone. To further
enhance the product, a global regression allows
comparisons between zones
Interpretation models
Emeraude offers a full range of flow models from single
to three-phase flow. Specific models are provided to
handle flow re-circulation as well as flow through
standing water columns. Emeraude can be tightly
controlled by the user to provide a solution to complex
flow situations including fallback, three-phase, and
deviated wellbores
Basic raw data showing two sets of perforations (red), two sets of spinner
calibration zones (yellow), and three rate calculation zones (grey). From
the fluid density data, it is possible to see where there are major fluid
composition changes (4480), with minor changes from 4480 to 4550. The
spinner information also indicates fluid entry around 4480.
2-52 Reservoir Evaluation Services
This screen capture shows the spinner calibration in the sump. The positive and negative thresholds are applied to
the other zones to correct for spinner friction.
This zone is above the top set of perforations, so the velocity at this zone should be the velocity of the total fluid
flow. The calculated velocity will be corrected for tool position in later sections of the software.
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-53
Several programs were developed in-house for specialized
tools but are linked to Kappa Engineering's Emeraude
program. These specialized analysis programs are used to
process specific logging tool data to determine fluid velocities
and holdups.
GHTA gas holdup tool analysis
FloImager analysis service for CAT capacitance array
tool data
SatImager analysis for spinner array tool (SAT) data
The GHTA model is an analysis program used to process the
data from the GHT gas holdup tool and create a gas holdup
for further processing in Emeraude.
The FloImager model uses data from the CAT tool to provide
an accurate holdup calculation. Like the GHTA model, the
output from the FloImager model is used seamlessly in the
Emeraude software to further quantify the production rates.
The SatImager model uses data from the SAT tool to provide
an accurate image of the velocity profile in the wellbore. The
SAT tool with six spinners allows interpretation of complex
flow regimes including downflow and liquid fallback.
Combining the FloImager and SatImager models in
Emeraude provides an efficient method to evaluate
complicated downhole flow regimes including deviated,
horizontal, and three-phase.
Delivers a complete interpretation of production logs
Detailed analysis of downhole and surface production
rates, both continuous and averaged, over the desired
Handles a multiple array of production logging sensors
including the new generation fullbore holdup tools
Allows customized analysis using customer PVT inputs
and slip velocities
Various presentations and stringent quality control
promotes more accurate PL analysis of production and
injection wells including the difficult three-phase flow in
horizontal wells
Continuous logs provide more accurate determination
of fluid entry points which allow for improved
conformance treatments
Averaged and zonal production rates provide valuable
information in determination of treatments and/or
remedial work
Log presentations can be customized to meet the specific
requests or needs
Text files provide linkages to reservoir models and other
analysis packages
Final Emeraude product showing two-phase flow showing the lower
perforations taking fluid. Track 1 provides information about the
holdups, or the cross-sectional area of the pipe that the phase is
occupying. Track 2 is the continuous flow rate measurement in STB/day.
Track 3 is the zonal average of the two phases while Track 4 shows the
production of each zone. In this case the lower zone is taking a large
amount of water that is being produced by the upper zone.
2-54 Reservoir Evaluation Services

Analysis Service
The FloImager analysis service is a logging service product
that uses the data from the CAT capacitance array tool to
provide accurate three-phase holdup calculations. This
application is extremely useful in highly deviated and
horizontal wells having multiphase flow. Applications for
detecting three-phase fluid entry can be done at any angle.
There are a multitude of applications for the FloImager
analysis service. In addition to measuring fluid holdup, the
FloImager analysis service can be used to detect water entry
and its orientation relative to high side of pipe at any well
deviation. The FloImager analysis service can successfully
show three-phase fluid segregation since each fluid has its
own log response. The FloImager analysis service provides an
accurate visualization of the undulating horizontal wellbore
when TVD data is combined with CAT tool data. Combining
the calculated fluid holdup with additional PL sensors allow
a more accurate and complete three-phase analysis.
The FloImager analysis service improves interpretation of the
flow patterns in all wells due to the increased number of
sensors at the same depth. More accurate holdups can be
determined because the relative position of the CAT tool is
monitored, correcting the images and logs to the high side of
the hole.
FloImager 3D Software Analysis
The FloImager 3D software provides a 3D method of viewing
data from the FloImager service. The FloImager 3D software
allows the customer to view, rotate, and manipulate CAT
capacitance array tool data to understand the flow patterns
and character of the well. Both the FloImager 3D and
FloImager service use data from the CAT tool to provide
accurate three-phase holdup calculations.
FloImager 3D software allows a complete picture or profile of
the downhole holdup pattern. This allows the viewer to
approach the wellbore from any direction to allow multi-
dimensional understanding of the flow characteristics. Since
the sensors are normalized in the CAT tool, the same color
pallet can be used for each sensor providing a precise image.
The FloImager 3D software provides a superior technique for
displaying multiphase holdup. However, since this
segregation is dependent upon total fluid flow, each sensor
has the ability to measure phase holdups of gas, oil, and
water. Both the FloImager 3D and the FloImager service have
several options to calculate total holdup of the wellbore,
allowing the user to determine the best possible solution to
this complicated issue.
Track 1 consists of a gamma ray (GR), relative bearing (RB),
temperature (TEMP), pressure (PRES), and continuous spinner
(FCON). RB is the relative bearing for arm 1 of the CAT tool and
allows arm position relative to the high side of the hole to be
determined. Track 2 provides the image of the flow as measured by the
CAT tool. The image is positioned so that the high sides are on the left
and right side of the track while the middle is on the low side. Since this
is a horizontal well, it should be apparent that the heavier fluids should
be on the bottom and lighter fluids should be on the top of the well.
Track 3 shows the average of the 12 sensors (AVCAPN) along with two
center sample holdup measurements fluid density (FDEN) and hydro
tool (HYDR). Track 4 provides a cross-sectional view of the data in
Track 2. The right side of the image is high side while the left is on the
bottom. The holdups are also presented in the last track, water (YWE)
and gas (YGE). This presentation allows quick method of determined
fluid contacts and provides accurate calculation of fluid compositions.
Lines A and B correspond to the Flo3D section.
Reservoir Evaluation Services 2-55
Multi-directional images available
Continuous display of the flowing fluids
More accurate three-phase holdup calculations
Images in all types of stratified and mixed flow
Designed for more accurate responses in both deviated
and horizontal wells
Excellent wellbore coverage with array of 12 sensors
allows superior data and improved flow characterization
Continuous holdup curves, fluid distribution mapping,
and a view of the fluid distribution in cross-section
allows clear-cut understanding of the flow profiles and
Ability to obtain more reliable holdup measurements
and high-resolution fluid entry detection, location, and
orientation in deviated and horizontal wells
This output is from FloImager 3D software analysis and shows 10 ft of the log from above. It is possible to see the changes in the holdup due either
to wellbore trajectories or possible fluid inflow.
This presentation is a composite from FloImager 3D software analysis. The first display is over the same zone as above looking downhole. The last
two images are from the cross-section display that shows both the tool arm position and the calculated holdups for the three phases. The white dot is
arm #1 which determines the relative bearing so that the data can be oriented to the high side of the wellbore.
High Side View
Low Side View
High Side View
Low Side View
Gas Holdup = .223
Oil Holdup = .516
Water Holdup = .261
Gas Holdup = .221
Oil Holdup = .651
Water Holdup =.128
Gas Holdup = .223
Oil Holdup = .516
Water Holdup = .261
Gas Holdup = .221
Oil Holdup = .651
Water Holdup =.128
2-56 Reservoir Evaluation Services

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