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Defining Payrolls for Your

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Defining Payrolls for Your Organiation
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Defining Payrolls for Your Organiation 2!!2"#$"0.doc
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Defining Payrolls for Your Organiation
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Defining Payrolls for Your Organiation 2!!2"#$"0.doc
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Payroll Configuration* Overvie)
Payroll Configuration: Overview
This outline &istin%uishes bet'een
() *rere+uisite acti,ities to complete be$ore you be%in payroll con$i%uration
-) .cti,ities to complete 'hen settin% up a payroll
/e$ore you be%in payroll con$i%uration0 you must &e$ine your or%ani1ational payment metho&s
or chec2 that payment metho&s alrea&y e"ist.
Consoli&ation sets %roup to%ether the results o$ se,eral payroll runs. Each business %roup
alrea&y has a &e$ault consoli&ation set0 but you can chan%e the &e$ault at a later &ate0 an& create
a&&itional consoli&ation sets. Your business %roup must ha,e at least one consoli&ation set.
You shoul& also ha,e set up the Cost .llocation 2ey $le"$iel&0 an& &e$ine& a salary basis $or
each salary element.
3nce you ha,e set up this initial in$ormation0 you can enter the &etails o$ your payroll.
*ayroll &etails inclu&e0 but are not restricte& to0 the name o$ the payroll0 the en& &ate o$ the $irst
payroll perio&0 an& the number o$ years $or 'hich the payroll shoul& be ,ali&. You can also
enter $urther in$ormation speci$ic to your locali1ation to enable you to re$ine the processin%
criteria $or each payroll that you &e$ine.
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,pecifying a ,alary -asis
Instructor ote
The ((i Enterprise 4ana%ement 5un&amentals6 Salary0 .'ar&s an& .bsences also contains the
practice mentione& in this topic. !se this practice here i$ your stu&ents 'oul& $in& it help$ul.
Specifying a Salary !asis
The salary basis establishes the &uration $or 'hich a salary is +uote&0 such as hourly 7$or
e"ample (0888 yen per hour) or annually0 7$or e"ample (90888 :/ poun&s per year). Salary
basis is not necessarily the same as pay $re+uency. 5or e"ample0 an employee 'ith an hourly
pay rate can ha,e the salary basis ;ourly Salary0 but can ha,e an assi%nment to a 'ee2ly
payroll an& there$ore ha,e a 'ee2ly pay $re+uency.
You can also associate a %ra&e rate 'ith the salary basis. 3racle ;<4S uses the %ra&e rate to
,ali&ate your salary proposals. You recei,e a 'arnin% i$ the salary you enter $or an employee is
not 'ithin the %ra&e rate ran%e you &e$ine& $or that employee=s %ra&e.
The salary basis0 $re+uency o$ pay0 an& %ra&e rates to%ether $orm the rules $or a&ministerin%
pay. Note that you cannot use the Element Entries 'in&o' or /EE $acilities to ma2e entries to
any elements that you associate& 'ith salary bases. You must use the Salary .&ministration
'in&o' to enter an& maintain entries $or the element.
<e$er to Practice Defining Salary Basis [LAB323BY]
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/nderstanding Pay0ent 1ethod 2ypes
Instructor ote
Note the &istinction bet'een payment metho&s an& payment metho& types. The correct
&e$inition is that these are payment metho& types0 'hereas each in&i,i&ual payment instance
attache& to them is a payment metho&. 5or e"ample0 'ithin the chec2>che+ue payment metho&
type you coul& ha,e a lar%e number o$ in&i,i&ual chec2s>che+ues. Each in&i,i&ual chec2 or
che+ue is a payment metho&0 but the o,erall chec2>che+ue cate%ory is a payment metho& type
'ith characteristics that &istin%uish it $rom the t'o other payment metho& types.
"n#erstan#ing Payment $etho# %ypes
3racle *ayroll supports three *ayment 4etho& Types6
? Chec2>che+ue
? irect &eposit. E"ists as a payment metho& type $or all locali1ations0 but &i$$erently
name& in each locali1ation. 5or e"ample0 &irect &eposits are processe& by the National
.utomate& Clearin% ;ouse .ssociation 7N.C;.) in the !.S.
? Cash 7i$ ,ali& $or your locali1ation). You can &e$ine a series o$ payment metho&s $or each
payment metho& type that is a,ailable in your locali1ation.
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Pay0ent 1ethod 2ypes* (e3uired 4nfor0ation
Payment $etho# %ypes: Re&uire# Information
You must supply &i$$erent in$ormation $or each payment metho& type6
5 5or chec2>che+ue @ you supply source ban2 account name an& number. The source
account is the account $rom 'hich your or%ani1ation is ma2in% this payment. The payee
account &etails are 2no'n only to the payee0 an& you &o not recor& them in 3racle
5 5or &irect &eposit payments @ you must supply both the source an& &estination account
&etails. The &estination account is the payee account. /ecause this is a &irect trans$er to a
name& account0 3racle *ayroll can only process &irect &eposits i$ you supply source an&
&estination &etails.
5 5or cash @ you must supply a coina%e analysis. A$ your locali1ation allo's cash payment0
you use the coina%e analysis to calculate an& or&er the correct cash &enominations to
pro,i&e accurate payment $or your employees.
You can also set up thir& party payments so that your employees can &ischar%e payments to
thir& parties. .lthou%h0 these are usually in,oluntary &e&uctions0 thir& party payments can also
be ,oluntary &e&uctions to charities an& so on.
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6AC7A* (e3uired 4nfor0ation
Instructor ote
!se this sli&e to emphasise 'hat in$ormation is re+uire& $or N.C;. payments.
'C(': Re&uire# Information
5or N.C;. payments0 supply the $ollo'in% in$ormation $or the source account 7the account
$rom 'hich payment is ma&e)6
5 .ccount name
5 .ccount number
5 Transit co&e
5 /an2 name an& branch
.n& supply $or the $ollo'in% in$ormation $or the N.C;. &estination account6
5 N.C;. &estination co&e an& &estination name
5 N.C;. ori%in co&e an& name
5 <e$erence co&e
5or &etails on N.C;. entries0 re$er to Enterin% *ayment 4etho&s $or an Employee
.ssi%nment in the online help.
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Defining 6AC7A (ules for a 8(%
Instructor ote
Emphasise that the :<E is central to N.C;. payments0 an& emphasise the importance o$
&e$inin% the $ollo'in% N.C;. rules $or a :<E6
Defining 'C(' Rules for a )R*
Supply the $ollo'in% N.C;. in$ormation $or your :<E6
5 Company name an& i&enti$ication to uni+uely i&enti$y :<E that you are operatin% $rom.
5 Ser,ice class co&e to speci$y 'hether you 'ant to restrict payments to cre&its only0 &ebits
onlyB or allo' a mi"ture o$ &ebits an& cre&its.
5 Stan&ar& entry class co&e to select the payment rule. 5or e"ample0 you can speci$y cash
concentration an& &isbursement as oppose& to prearran%e& payment an& &eposit entry.
5 iscretionary &ata to i&enti$y special han&lin% re+uirements $or &ata in your N.C;.
5 .uthentication co&e to pro,i&e an ei%ht character co&e that con$irms the ,ali&ity o$ your
.utomate& Clearin% ;ouse 7.C;) entries.
5or $urther &etails re$er to Enterin% N.C;. Tape ata $or :<Es in the online help.
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Payrolls* 7o) 1any Pay0ent 1ethods9
Payrolls: (ow $any Payment $etho#s+
Your payroll must ha,e at least one payment metho&. /ut0 you can &e$ine as many a&&itional
payment metho&s as you nee& to represent the payroll re+uirements o$ your or%ani1ation.
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,ource Accounts* 7o) 1any Pay0ent 1ethods9
Instructor ote
!se this sli&e to summarise any outstan&in% +uestions about ho' payment metho&s e+uate to
payrolls an& source accounts.
Source 'ccounts: (ow $any Payment $etho#s+
Your or%ani1ation must &e$ine a separate payment metho& $or each separate source account. An
the e"ample sho'n0 you are payin% &irect &eposits $rom three &i$$erent source accounts in your
or%ani1ation 7.ccounts -CDE(0 -CFFF0 an& -C888). This means that you must three payment
metho&s0 one $or each separate source account.
;o'e,er0 each source account coul& also ha,e multiple payment metho&s0 i$ employees are
pai& accor&in% to &i$$erent payment metho& types $rom the same account. 5or e"ample0 in
a&&ition to the &irect &ebit pai& $rom account -CDE(0 another employee is pai& by
chec2>che+ue $rom the same account0 then this sin%le source account has t'o payment metho&s
attache& to it. You can &e$ine as many payment metho&s as you 'ish pro,i&e& that6
? Each payroll has at least one payment metho&.
? Each source account has at least one payment metho&.
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Defining Pay0ent 1ethods
Defining Payment $etho#s
This sli&e summarise the se+uence o$ acti,ities 'hen you are &e$inin% a payment metho& $or
an employee. You &o each o$ the $ollo'in%6
? e$ine or%ani1ational payment metho&s.
? Gin2 the or%ani1ational payment metho&s to your payroll to create ,ali& payment
metho&s $or the payroll.
? e$ine personal payment metho&s $or your employees an& assi%n each employee to a
See e$inin% a *ayment 4etho& in the online help
<e$er to Practice Defining Payment Methods [LAB28D1Y]
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Consolidating (esults for ,everal Payrolls
Instructor ote
E"amples o$ :roupin%6 :roup three salarie& payrolls in the same consoli&ation set0 calle&
HSalarie&I0 to pro&uce a sin%le N.C;. $ile0 a set o$ costin% results0 an& a set o$ reports. !se
another consoli&ation set to run post payroll processes $or one o$ the three payrolls. To retry a
payroll 'hile continuin% 'ith prepayments $or other Complete payrolls0 you can chan%e the
consoli&ation set $or the payroll you nee& to retry. You can sho' 'here to create the
consoli&ation sets. 7*ayroll J Consoli&ation Set) an& then a&& a ne' consoli&ation set.
Consoli#ating Results for Several Payrolls
. consoli&ation set is a label i&enti$yin% a %roup o$ payrolls that you process as a sin%le
payroll. This set is use$ul to $ocus on a particular payroll process such a *re*ayments0 or to see
the results $or a sub%roup o$ employees.
You select a consoli&ation set 'hen you &e$ine your payroll. Each business %roup al'ays has a
&e$ault consoli&ation set. ;o'e,er0 you can al'ays chan%e the &e$ault set0 an& the set that you
initially select to match chan%es in your processin% re+uirements.
<e$er to Practice Defining onsolidation Sets [LAB!1"#Y]
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:uestion* %ssential Details for a Payroll9
Instructor ote
.s2 the stu&ents 'hat &etails they 'oul& nee& to complete a payroll con$i%uration. .ssume
that the pay perio& an& payment metho& are alrea&y 2no'n0 so you nee& only the a&&itional
in$ormation to speci$y this payroll in 3racle ;<4S.
E"pecte& .ns'er6 You &e$ine6
. name $or the payroll
. start &ate an& en& &ate $or the payroll
Some stu&ents may also mention6
Costin% in$ormation
5urther in$ormation speci$ic to a le%islation
.ssi%nin% an employee to the payroll
. consoli&ation set an& an or%ani1ational payment metho&. 7This is an acceptable ans'er0
althou%h it is not the e"act response e"pecte&).
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Defining a Payroll
Instructor ote
ra' attention to these &e$inin% $eatures o$ a payroll con$i%uration @ some o$ these ans'ers
may ha,e been su%%este& by the stu&ents in response to the +uestion on the pre,ious sli&e.
Defining a Payroll
These are some o$ the &e$inin% $eatures o$ a payroll0 an& these criteria are important 'hen you
are con$i%urin% a payroll. 5or e"ample0 i$ you are con$i%urin% multiple payrolls $or your
or%ani1ation0 it is important to choose names that su$$iciently &istin%uish bet'een them.
You can also speci$y 'hether6
Ne%ati,e payments are allo'e& by chec2in% the Ne%ati,e *ayment .llo'e& chec2 bo".
4ultiple assi%nments are allo'e& by chec2in% the 4ultiple .ssi%nments chec2 bo".
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/nderstanding Pay Calendars
"n#erstan#ing Pay Calen#ars
An a&&ition to the actual calen&ar year0 an& the ta" calen&ar $or your le%islation0 each in&i,i&ual
payroll has an implie& calen&ar o$ its o'n. This sli&e illustrates the relationship bet'een each
o$ these calen&ars0 an& ho' the &i$$erent calen&ars $or calen&ar year0 ta" year an& in&i,i&ual
payrolls can o,erlay each other
An some countries0 inclu&in% !.S. the ta" year an& the calen&ar year are the same 'hile in some
countries0 inclu&in% !.K. Cana&a an& .ustralia they are &i$$erent. !.K. starts 8E .pril.
The number o$ pay perio&s is &etermine& by the $re+uency o$ pay. 5or e"ample0 monthly = (-0
'ee2ly = L-0 LM or LC.
The pay perio& number is &etermine& by the $re+uency o$ pay an& the ta" year calen&ar0 $or
e"ample0 'ee2 (NLC0 month (N(-0 biN'ee2 (N-E an& so on. This number uni+uely i&enti$ies
each pay perio& $or processin% an& reportin%.
:o,ernment reportin% ta2es place at &e$ine& +uarter an& year en& perio&s an& typically &oes
not match the speci$ic processin% &ates o$ any sin%le cycle. You can start an 3racle *ayroll
calen&ar at any time @ althou%h typically you 'oul& try to start 'ith the ta" year or the start o$
a ne' +uarter to simpli$y balance loa&in% an& reportin%. Ohen you &e$ine a payroll you can
enter the en& &ate o$ the $irst perio& an& the system 'ill %enerate all the correct numbers an&
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&ates. :oo& a&,ice is to &e$ine a payroll 'ith a start &ate $rom the be%innin% o$ the current or
pre,ious ta" year to simpli$y balance loa&in%.
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,pecifying Payroll Periods
Specifying Payroll Perio#s
Ohen you are speci$yin% payroll perio&s0 use these criteria to &etermine your pay perio&s6
? 5or the $irst perio& en& &ate use the $irst chec2>che+ue &ate $or the current or the pre,ious
? o not create lots o$ historical pay perio&s. A$ you &o0 you 'ill ha,e more in$ormation
than you can use$ully process.
? A&enti$y ho' many years o$ pay perio&s you 'ant. Start 'ith M or L years. You can easily
e"ten& this later i$ you nee& to.
? A$ you ha,e se,eral payrolls 'ith the same $re+uency0 use names that a user can reco%ni1e
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/nderstanding the Pay Period Cycle
"n#erstan#ing the Pay Perio# Cycle
This processin% cycle is constant $or e,ery payroll perio& in your calen&ar. Ohen you &e$ine
the len%th o$ your pay perio&0 you are also &e$inin% 'hen these 2ey processin% points occur.
The cycle applies 'hether the perio& is a 'ee20 a month0 or any other $re+uency.
Note: The pay perio& &ates are the start an& en& &ates $or any nonrecurrin% elements you enter
$or an employee assi%nment.
The 2ey &ates in the cycle are6
Cut 3$$
? ate 'hen all chan%es to the payroll shoul& be complete& be$ore the $inal run
? 5or in$ormation only in 3racle *ayroll
Sche&ule& <un
? ate 'hen re%ular payroll run is processe&
? 5or in$ormation only in 3racle *ayroll
Chec2>Che+ue ate
? *ay &ate or the &ate o$ constructi,e receipt o$ pay
? !se& $or ta" calculations
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You can also ma2e use o$ &ate o$$sets. ate o$$sets are payroll calen&ar &e$aults create&
automatically 'hen the payroll is sa,e&. 5or e"ample0 !.S. *ayrolls can ha,e a cutNo$$ &ate $or
a semiNmonthly payroll to three &ays be$ore the perio&Nen& &ate 7NM). The sche&ule& run an&
chec2 &ates coul& be L an& D &ays a$ter the perio&Nen& &ate. An Cana&a0 you coul& 2eep the
same cutNo$$ &ate an& set the pay &ate to $i,e &ays a$ter the perio& en& &ate.
You can manually chan%e &ates i$0 $or e"ample0 a chec2>che+ue &ate $alls on a holi&ay or
You can also chan%e the &e$ault 3pen status to Close& to pre,ent $urther element entries. You
can also reopen the perio& i$ necessary. !se this $eature care$ully since you cannot enter or
chan%e element entries that span a close& payroll perio&. 5or instance0 i$ you are terminatin% an
employee an& an element shoul& be en&N&ate&0 a Hclose&I payroll pre,ents you $rom
per$ormin% this tas2.
You can use o$$sets to &etermine 'hen employees are allo'e& to ,ie' payslips. Employees can
normally ,ie' payslips as soon as all payroll processes ha,e complete&0 that is0 se,eral &ays
be$ore the o$$icial payment &ate. ;o'e,er0 you can speci$y that the $irst ,ie' o$ a payslip
shoul& coinci&e 'ith the payment &ate. You ali%n the payslip &ate 'ith the payment &ate by
settin% a payslip o$$set &ate in the *ayroll 'in&o'. 5or e"ample0 i$ the payroll processes are
complete on (Lth 4ay -88L0 but the payment &ate is -8th 4ay -88L0 you can enter L as your
o$$set so that employees cannot ,ie' their payslips be$ore the payment &ate.
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%ntering ;urther 4nfor0ation for a Payroll
*ntering ,urther Information for a Payroll -)lobal an# "S.
Your locali1ation may support the entry o$ $urther payroll in$ormation0 $or e"ample6
Hours Calculation Type @ speci$ies 'hether hours calculation is Ann$ali%ed& 7the hourly rate
,aries accor&in% to the number o$ hours in a pay perio&)0 or Standard0 7the hourly rate is al'ays
constant because it is &eri,e& by &i,i&in% the 'ee2ly salary by the number o$ sche&ule& hours in
a 'ee2.
Pre-notification Allowed 7!S only) @ speci$ies 'hether the N.C;. payment metho& shoul& be
pai& in the $irst a,ailable payroll run0 or 'hether prior noti$ication is necessary.
Tax Multiple Payments as One 7!S only) @ HYesI to base ta" $or the secon& payment on perio&
to &ate ta"able 'a%es rather than on the current perio&. HNoI to calculate 5AT an& SAT $rom the
current payment amount.
Terminate Seeded Earnins !y 7!S only) @ select a termination rule to o,erri&e the
termination rule $or the business %roup.
"terati#e Met$od @ Select Anterpolation or /inary to &etermine the al%orithm $or iterati,e
calculation o$ pre ta" &e&uctions.
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Pretax Arrears %"T Ad& to 'it$in 7!S only) @ set the precision $or iterati,e calculations o$ pre
ta" &e&uctions. 7e$ault is P( 'hich means that the iteration terminates 'hen net pay plus ta"
arrears is less than or e+ual to P().
H()Payroll (epresentati#e @ you can enter the name o$ the contact person 'ho recei,es
'or2$lo' noti$ications $rom SS;< 7$or e"ample0 'hen an employee enters an e"ception on the
3nline Ta" $orm). ;o'e,er0 you must $irst ha,e speci$ie& 5urther *ayroll An$ormation $or the
pro$ile option ;<6 ;<>*ayroll <epresentati,e Source.
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Defining %<change (ates and Currencies
Instructor ote
Just a remin&er that you can 'or2 'ith multiple currencies pro,i&e& that they are enable& $or
your use.
Choosing Single or $ultiple Currencies
Your System .&ministrator enables currencies $or your or%ani1ation0 an& the &etails ha,e been
co,ere& in another class. Note: Currency con,ersion uses the :G aily <ates table an& is
automatically mana%e& &urin% processin% o$ the payroll run an& prepayments.
5or &etails on ho' to &e$ine a payroll please re$er to e$inin% a *ayroll in the online help
<e$er to Practice Defining a Payroll [LAB28D2Y]
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%sta=lishing a Payroll Contact
Instructor ote
!se this sli&e to outline the use$ulness o$ assi%nin% a payroll contact $or a set o$ employees.
*stablishing a Payroll Contact
Ohen payroll +ueries arise it is use$ul to ha,e a name& payroll contact 'ho is $amiliar 'ith
payroll &etails $or a particular employee so that you can resol,e outstan&in% issues +uic2ly an&
You can set up a payroll contact base& on criteria that you speci$y. 5or e"ample0 you can
speci$y or%ani1ational criteria so that all employees in the same &epartment share the same
payroll contact. .lternati,ely0 you can speci$y an alphabetical ran%e so that all employees in
the . to E surname ran%e ha,e one contact 'hereas those employees in the 5 to J alphabetical
ran%e ha,e a &i$$erent contact name.
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,etting /p Payroll Contact 4nfor0ation
Instructor ote
E"plain the prior setup steps $or establishin% a payroll contact.
Setting "p Payroll Contact Information
To speci$y a payroll contact0 you $irstly &o each o$ the $ollo'in%6
(. .&& the *ayroll Contact EAT to your responsibility. 7<e$er to <esponsibilities in the
online help.)
-. Orite a $ormula to speci$y the contact criteria. 5or e"ample0 you can 'rite a $ormula to
associate the lea&in% letter o$ an employee name 'ith a particular payroll contact. 7.ll
employees 'ith names be%innin% 'ith H.I ha,e the same payroll contact0 'hereas all
employees 'ith names be%innin% 'ith H/I coul& either ha,e the same contact0 or a
&i$$erent contact). 5or an e"ample o$ a $ormula that assi%ns alphabetical criteria0 re$er to
Sample 5ormula $or *ayroll Contact in the online help. You can ,ary the $ormula to
speci$y other criteria0 such as the &epartment to 'hich an employee belon%s. You can also
'rite se,eral $ormulas to co,er &i$$erent allocation criteria0 an& then select the $ormula
containin% the particular criteria that you 'ant to use.
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Allocating a Payroll Contact
Instructor ote
!se this sli&e to e"plain ho' you allocate a payroll contact once you ha,e a&&e& the *ayroll
Contact EAT to the responsibility0 an& 'ritten the $ormula that speci$ies your contact criteria.
'llocating a Payroll Contact
3nce you ha,e a&&e& the *ayroll Contact EAT to your responsibility0 an& 'ritten the $ormula
that speci$ies your contact criteria you can then run the .llocate *ayroll Contact pro%ram to
apply the payroll contact &etails $or each assi%nment.
You pro,i&e the .llocate *ayroll Contact pro%ram 'ith6
? . start &ate that &enotes 'hich assi%nments 'ill ha,e payroll contact in$ormation. 5or
e"ample0 i$ you enter -8N4.<N-88D0 then all assi%nments that are e$$ecti,e at this &ate
'ill ha,e a payroll contact pro,i&e& that they satis$y the criteria &escribe& in your
? The name o$ the payroll $ormula that contains your allocation criteria.
.lternati,ely0 you can allocate a payroll contact by na,i%atin% to the E"tra .ssi%nment
An$ormation 'in&o'0 selectin% the *ayroll Contact in$ormation type0 an& mo&i$yin% the payroll
contact &etails in the etails &escripti,e $le"$iel&.
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Deleting a Payroll
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