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This AGREEMENT is made and executed by and between:

<name>. , a corporation duly organized and existing under hilippine !aws and ha"ing its registered o##ice at
$address%, &erein represented by the resident, <name>, herein called the COMPANY
' and '
$$ NAME OF AGENCY SALES DIRECTOR%%, o# legal age(, with postal address at $$Residence Address
o# Agent%% hilippines, hereina#ter re#erred to as the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R(
That #or and consideration o# the agreements hereina#ter set #orth, the ).MAN* and the AGEN)*
+A!E+ ,-RE)T.R ha"e agreed as hereby agree as #ollows:
The ).MAN* appoints $$NAME ./ AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R %% as AGEN)* +A!E+
,-RE)T.R , e##ecti"e #rom $$Appointment ,ate%%( &e accepts said appointment to recruit, guide,
super"ise, and monitor all agents under his charge and assist them in their careers to become the
bestpro#essionals in the insurance industry(
-t is understood and agreed that AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R is absolutely an independent contractor
andnothing as employee and nothing contained herein shall be construed or interpreted as creating an employer'
employee relationship between the ).MAN* and the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R(
The AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R must conduct himsel# with a strong sense o# business ethics, integrity and
pro#essionalism in carrying out his duties based on the terms and conditions o# this Agreement(
The Agency +ales ,irector shall be re0uired, be#ore transacting business #or the ).MAN*, to be issued
license and 1eep it in #orce, at his own expense in accordance with statutory re0uirement(
The AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R shall see1 and nominate #or appointment hilippine residents
who in his opinion are suitable candidates #or direct agents 34nit +ales Manager 5 ro#essional
/inancial Ad"isor6( The AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R may also recommend the promotion o#
4nit +ales Manager 5 ro#essional /inancial Ad"isor to higher position( The appointment or
promotion o# such persons shall be re"iewed and #ormally made by the ).MAN*(
shall manage, set goals and direct the acti"ities o# the agents, 4nit +ales Manager 5 ro#essional
/inancial Ad"isor under the Agency with the end "iew o# promoting the sale o# the ).MAN*7s
#inancial ser"ices products in accordance with the )ompany +tandards( The )ompany7s )ode o#
)onduct( Anti'Money !aundering 3AM!6 +tandards, and other local and international standards
that may be made applicable( The AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R shall be responsible #or the
growth and de"elopment o# the Agency(
2(c(PRODCTION #OTA. The AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R shall meet and deli"er assigned
new business production and manpower targets( &is le"el o# per#ormance shall be sub8ect to
periodic "alidation
entitled to recommend that the appointment o# any direct agents, 4nit +ales Manager 5
ro#essional /inancial Ad"isor under the Agency be terminated by gi"ing the ).MAN* reasons
#or recommendation in writing( The right to determine such termination shall remain "ested in the
).MAN* in accordance with the terms o# their respecti"e AGREEMENT+(
3.e.NE$ POLICIES. The AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R shall can"ass, solicit and procure new li#e
insurance policies #or the ).MAN* either personally or through direct agents, 4nit +ales
Manager 5 ro#essional /inancial Ad"isor through his guidance and o"erall super"ision(
2(#(POLICY RETENTION. The AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R shall ensure to the best o# his
ability that policies solicited by his agency are maintained in #orce(
2(g( #ALITY SER"ICE. The AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R shall pro"ide the best ser"ice to his
customers by o##ering the right products that would suit the need o# said customers and deli"ered
with utmost integrity(
2(h( PROFESSIONAL IMAGE( The AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R shall promote and maintain a
good personal and pro#essional image by conducting his business with integrity and honesty and
abiding by the general principles o# the ci"il code on human relations(
obser"e and comply with all present and #uture policies o# the )ompany relating to agency
business, the regulations o# the -nsurance )ommission and ,epartment o# /inance, and !-A 9oint
,eclaration on Ethical :usiness +tandards(

2(8(COMPANY PROPERTY. The AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R shall be responsible and
answerable #or all monies and securities belonging to or due to the ).MAN*, as well as other
).MAN* properties that may come into the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R possession by
reason o# or in connection with his responsibilities and #aith#ully comply with ).MAN* policies,
rules and regulations in accounting, or dealing with monies, securities and properties( +tated
otherwise the Agency +ales ,irector will be a trustee o# all the monies and securities that he will
recei"e in behal# o# the ).MAN*(
-n consideration o# the per#ormance by the Agency +ales ,irector o# the terms o# this Agreement, the
).MAN* shall pay his o"errides on all policies e##ected through direct agents and the direct agents
o# all 4nit +ales Manager 5 ro#essional /inancial Ad"isor directly under the AGEN)* +A!E+
,-RE)T.R super"ision(
."errides shall be payable only on policies issued, appro"ed and paid in #ull and actually recei"ed by the
).MAN* on business obtained while this agreement is in #orce( ."errides will be due on premiums recei"ed
within the cut'o## dates and times that will be set by the ).MAN*(
The le"el o# o"errides and other compensation components are set out in the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R
Remuneration +chedule( The a#oresaid +chedule is sub8ect to change at any time, in which e"ent the ).MAN*
will #urnish the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R with a new schedule setting out the re"isions on commission
rates, but no change shall a##ect commissions on any insurance policies, applied #or and the applications submitted
prior to the e##ecti"e date o# the change:

&.a. Re'(n) *' Rem(ne+a,-*n
-n the e"ent o# the cancellation o# any policy by the ).MAN* resulting in the return o# any
premiums or installments o# premiums by the ).MAN* to the assured, the AGEN)* +A!E+
,-RE)T.R shall, i# re0uired by the ).MAN*, re#und to the ).MAN* any o"errides that the
AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R has recei"ed in respect o# such policy(
&... O''/e, *' Rem(ne+a,-*n
The )ompany shall ha"e the right to automatically deduct, pay'o## or o##set against any sums due the
AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R, any indebtedness, obligation or liability due or owed by him
to the ).MAN*, and it shall not create a cause o# action against the ).MAN* that any
sum or sums o# money was withheld #rom the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R by reason
:y this Agreement, the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R agrees and authorizes the ).MAN*
to consider accounts o# any parent, child and;or spouse who is also an AGENT or a 4N-T
+A!E+ MANAGER as +.!-,AR*, and to e##ect deduction #rom the AGEN)* +A!E+
,-RE)T.R account on behal# o# any o# these accounts #or the purpose o# reducing any
liabilities o# the said accounts, in #a"or o# the )ompany(
&.0. Rem(ne+a,-*n 1*n Te+m-na,-*n2
-# this Agreement is terminated by the death or disability o# the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R, the
unpaid commission and remuneration shall be payable to him or the estate o# the deceased
and;or compulsory heirs as the case may be( No #urther compensation will be payable other
than those earned and payable to date o# termination(
The AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R hereby unconditionally authorizes the ).MAN* to o##set against any
sum due by the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R, any debit, 4), charge, penalty, interest charge or #inancial
obligation which is due to the )ompany( This authorization shall not create a cause o# action against the
).MAN* where sums o# money are withheld #rom the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R(
<(=( -N>.!4NTAR* TERM-NAT-.N(
<(=( +ub8ect to sooner termination o# this AGREEMENT by the )ompany, this AGREEMENT
shall terminate automatically #or any o# the #ollowing causes without need #or prior notice and
without gi"ing any reason(
3a6 4pon certi#ication by a duly accredited doctor that the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R is totally
and permanently disabled to per#orm his duties as an AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R on a regular
and continuing basis(
3b6 :y the death o# the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R(
3c6 :y the withdrawal o# the ).MAN* #rom the territory in which the AGEN)* +A!E+
,-RE)T.R is operating? or
3d6 -# the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R is not #ound to be responsible in his #inancial dealings?
3e6 Termination o# the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R7s AGREEMENT(
<(=(b -# there is any "iolation o# this AGREEMENT, the Agency Agreement or breach o# the
Mar1et )onduct Guidelines, the ).MAN* reser"es the right to impose penalty measures as it
deems #it, to ensure ethical beha"iour and pro#essionalism among the entire agency or terminate the
AGREEMENT immediately upon written notice(
<(=(c( The #ollowing breaches, without limitation, warrant immediate termination by written
3a6 )ommission o# any o##ense or act that shall ad"ersely a##ect the trust and con#idence o# the
).MAN* such as #orgery, the#t, misappropriation, esta#a, criminal o##enses and the li1e(
3b6 ,irect or indirect participation, whether personally or in collusion with any medical examiner
or the insured himsel#, or with any other third person in the #iling o# a #alse or #raudulent
application, reinstatement or claim against the ).MAN*(
3c6 )ommitting or attempting to commit, either personally or in collusion with third persons any
other act by which the ).MAN* or any o# its a##iliates is de#rauded or its trust ad"ersely a##ected(
3d6 ,isclosure or ma1ing a"ailable any con#idential or proprietary in#ormation o# the ).MAN*
to any person or entity not authorized to recei"e such in#ormation(
<(=(d( The #ollowing breaches, without limitation, warrant termination upon notice( This may be
immediate or within a gi"en time depending on the se"erity o# the case(
3a6 /ailure by the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R to meet training, production, persistency and
manpower re0uirements as set by the ).MAN* #rom time to time(
3b6 Acting beyond the scope o# the authority as speci#ied in this AGREEMENT(
3c6 Re"ocation, cancellation, or non'renewal o# his agent7s )erti#icate o# Authority(
3d6 Termination o# his Agency Agreement #or any reason whatsoe"er(
<(@( >.!4NTAR* TERM-NAT-.N(
The AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R may terminate this AGREEMENT, by pro"iding thirty 32A6
days prior written notice to the ).MAN* without the need #or any reason but shall #irst settle
outstanding accounts, i# any( This right to terminate shall not be a"ailable to the AGEN)* +A!E+
,-RE)T.R who is sub8ect to in"estigation or who is pending #or in"estigation(
<(@a Either party may terminate this AGREEMENT at any time, with or without cause, by gi"ing
to the other party =< days notice in writing(
<(@b The demotion o# the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R to a lower'ran1ing position will also
result to the termination o# this AGREEMENT( The ).MAN* may at its sole discretion exercise
its right whether the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R is to be reclassi#ied either as a 4N-T +A!E+
MANAGER or ro#essional /inancial Ad"isor(
All boo1s o# accounts, letters, documents, "ouchers, status and ser"ice notices and other boo1s and
papers connected with the business o# the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R shall be the property o# the
).MAN*, whether paid #or by the ).MAN* or not, and at any time they shall be a"ailable to the
).MAN* #or the purpose o# examination(
The AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R shall promptly return all NT. 3Not Ta1en .ut6 policies,
including premium receipts to ).MAN*, without necessity o# demand #or the purpose o# proper
disposal by the ).MAN*(
The AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R shall upon demand, or without necessity o# demand in case o#
termination o# this AGREEMENT, immediately return to the ).MAN* any and all documents and
data #iles on )lients, contract details such as latest addresses, telephone and cell phone numbers, the
AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R7s report, agency materials paraphernalia, whether 1ept in electronic
#orm or otherwise, and such other company properties which he may ha"e used or recei"ed to per#orm
his duties and obligations(
4pon termination o# the AGREEMENT, the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R shall sign a con#irmation
letter with the ).MAN* stating that the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R has returned all such
documents and data abo"e to the ).MAN* and no longer holds any such copies in any manner
The AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R shall not de"ote any part o# his time, talents or energies to another
business organization o##ering the same products o##ered by the ).MAN*, nor do business with any
such organization, either directly or indirectly, without written permission #rom the ).MAN*, nor
induce AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.Rs to lea"e the ).MAN*, nor persuade, policy holders to
discontinue their policies nor otherwise do anything pre'8udicial to the ).MAN*7s interest or that o#
its clients(
The AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R is not authorized to ma1e proposals, contracts and agreements on
behal# o# the ).MAN* or to alter or amend any o# the pro"isions o# the ).MAN*7s proposals,
contracts and agreements or to wai"e #or#eitures or bind the ).MAN* on matters not speci#ically
pro"ided #or in this AGREEMENT unless authorized in writing by the ).MAN*( The AGEN)*
+A!E+ ,-RE)T.R is not authorized to ad"ance payment premium, or premiums or other payments
#or an applicant, policyholder or bene#iciary(
The AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R shall not issue, distribute or circulate any bills, papers or printed
matter or write or #urnish any communication or in#ormation, or insert any ad"ertisement in any
publication in his own name or otherwise relating to the ).MAN* or to any other insurance
business without #irst obtaining written consent #rom the ).MAN*(
19. TERRITORY( -t is agreed that the territory within which the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R shall
operate is not assigned exclusi"ely to the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R(
11. CONFIDENTIALITY( The AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R shall treat this Agreement as strictly
con#idential and shall not di"ulge any in#ormation or documents gi"en pursuant hereto to any
person whomsoe"er(
12. NON:ASSIGNABILITY. The Agreement is personal to the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R who shall
not be entitled to assign the rights and obligations hereunder to any person whomsoe"er(
=2(= -n the best e##orts to maintain peace, harmony, 8ustice, and righteousness within the agency #orce,
the ).MAN* reser"es the right to study, inter"ene, mediate and settle issues on agency con#licts
in"ol"ing agents and;or 4N-T +A!E+ MANAGER and;or AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R as it deems #it
and in the best interest o# all concerned(
=2(@ The AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R agrees that any suit arising #rom this AGREEMENT shall
be sub8ect to the 8urisdiction o# a competent court in Metro Manila( This AGREEMENT shall be
construed and go"erned by the laws in #orce in the Republic o# the hilippines(
=2(2 /or client protection and preser"ation, the AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R shall agree to
cooperate in any in"estigation concerning his agency conducted by the ).MAN* and abide by the
ad"ice and measures gi"en by the Management(
=2(B Any and all 0uestions arising #rom this AGREEMENT may be #iled in any )ourt o# )ompetent
9urisdiction in Metro Manila(
-N C-TNE++ C&ERE./, the parties ha"e signed this contract e##ecti"e on
$$ osition 5 ,epartment o# Representati"e%%
$$NAME ./ AGEN)* +A!E+ ,-RE)T.R %%
Citnessed :y:
3Citness #or )ompany Representati"e6 3Citness #or the Agency +ales ,irector6
RE4:!-) ./ T&E &-!--NE+ 6
)-T* ./ A+-G 6 +(+(
:E/.RE ME, a Notary ublic, #or and in the )ity o# DDDDDDD, on this DDDDDDDDDday o# DDDDDDDDDDDD,
personally came and appeared?
./ -,ENT-T* ./ -++4E
All 1nown to me and to me 1nown to be the same persons who executed the #oregoing ro#essional
/inancial Ad"isor7s Agreement, and they ac1nowledged to me that the same is their #ree and "oluntary
act and deed, in the capacity in which they represent(

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