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Isomalt is commonly used in sugar-free hard candy and
lozenge applications because of its exceptional heat
resistance, low water absorption and shelf-life superior to
even sucrose and corn syrup. Use of isomalt is extremely
popular in Europe, where many candies and lozenges are
sold in boxes without individual wrappers. Isomalt works
by creating a dry, crystalline barrier on the surface of the
candy. This prevents moisture absorption into the candy
which in turn prevents the candy from becoming sticky
over time. The downside, however, is that it also contin-
ues to crystallize over time, leading to a dull appearance,
brittle surface and reduced favor and sweetness as the
candy becomes more insoluble.
Since isomalt has a very low viscosity at processing
temperatures much thinner than sucrose/corn syrup
hard candy and lozenge manufacturing must be
limited to special equipment. And if temperature is not
Replaces up to 40% isomalt with equivalent stability
Improves visual appearance and clarity over shelf life
(no surface haze)
Improves processing viscosity and crystallization con-
trol for better favor release and sweetness profle
Reduces need for higher favor levels
Lowers total cost of manufacturing isomalt hard candy
Excellent solubility
Higher digestive tolerance (at least twice that of
controlled well, isomalt readily recrystallizes in mixers and
lines, signifcantly increasing processing times and often
reducing output by as much as two-thirds. The hidden
costs associated with production downtime, interruptions
and reduced output, as well as increasing isomalt prices,
can have a harsh impact on proftability of your product.

3375 polyglycitol syrup can

signifcantly improve isomalt hard candy

3375 Polyglycitol Syrup is the most stable and

cost-efective syrup for hard candy, and can replace up
to 40% isomalt with equivalent stability. With viscosity
similar to sucrose/corn syrup, it can increase overall viscos-
ity while controlling crystallization in manufacturing. That
means better visual appearance, clarity and favor release
for your candy, as well as improved processing and cost
control for your bottom line! And if you prefer an extra
boost of sweetness, ask us about HYSTAR 3375AS.

Polyglycitol Syrup
in Sugar-Free Candy

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