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The Evaluation of Operating System:-

Serial Processing:-
With the earliest computers, from the late 1940s to
the mid. 1950s, the programmer interacted directly with
the computer hardware; there was no operating system.
These machines were run from a console consisting of
display lights, toggle switches, some form of input deice,
and a printer. !rograms in machine code were loaded with
the input deice"e.g. card heater.#
$f an error haled the program, the error condition
was indicated %y the lights. The programmer could
proceed to e&amine registers and main memory to
determine the cause of the error. $f the program
proceeded to a normal completion, the output appeared on
the printer.
'o this system presented two main pro%lems.
"1# 'cheduling()
*ost installations used a sign)up sheet to resere
machine time. 'o this old result in wasted computer idle
time and the other hand, the user might run into pro%lems,
not +nish in the allocated time, and %e forced to stop
%efore resoling the pro%lem.
",# 'etup time()
- single program called a .o%, could inole
loading the compiler plus the high leel language "source
program# into memory, saing the compiled program
"o%.ect program#, and then loading together the o%.ect
program and common functions. /ach of these steps could
inole mounting or dismounting tapes or setting up card
dec0s. $f an error occurred, the hopeless user typically had
to go %ac0 to the %eginning of the setup se1uence.
Thus a considera%le amount of time was spent .ust
in setting up the program to run.
This mode of operation could %e termed serial
processing, re2ecting the fact that users had access to the
computer in series.
Simple Batch Systems:-
$n simple %atch system, to speed up processing,
.o%s with similar needs were %atched together and were
run through, the computer as a group. Thus, the
programmers would leae their programs with the
operator. The operator would sort programs into %atches
with similar re1uirements and as the computer %ecame
aaila%le, would run each %atch. The output from each .o%
would send %ac0 to the appropriate programmer.
The central idea %ehind the simple %atch
processing scheme was the use of a piece of software
0nown as the *34$T35. With the use of this type of o.s.,
the user no longer has direct access to the machine.
5ather, the user su%mits the .o% on cards or tapes to a
computer operator, who %atches the .o%s together
se1uentially and places the entire %atch on an input deice
for use %y the monitor. /ach program is constructed to
%ranch %ac0 to the monitor when it completes processing,
at which point the monitor automatically %egins loading
the ne&t program.
$t should %e clear that the monitor handles the
scheduling pro%lem. - %atch of .o%s is 1ueued up and .o%s
are e&ecuted as rapidly as possi%le, with no interening
idle time.
The monitor also handles the .o% setup pro%lem.
With each .o%, instructions are included in a primitie
form of .o% control language "678#, which is special type of
programming language used to proide instructions to the
With a %atch operating system, machine time alternates
%etween e&ecution of user programs and e&ecution of the

There hae %een two sacri+ces,
"1# 'ome main memory is now gien oer to the monitor.
",# 'ome machine time is consumed %y the monitor.
9atch of these are forms of oerhead. /en with
this oerhead, simple %atch system improes the use of the
Multiprogramming Batch System:-
/en with the automatic .o% se1uencing proided %y a
simple %atch operating system, the processor is often idle.
The pro%lem is that $:3 deices are slow compared to the
processor so the computer spends more than 9;< of its
time waiting for $:3 deices to +nish transferring data.
4ow, suppose that there is a room for the o.s. and two
user programs. 4ow when one .o% needs to wait for $:3,
the processor can switch to the other .o% which li0ely is
not waiting for $:3. furthermore, we might e&pand memory
to hold three, four or more programs and switch among all
of them. The process is 0nown as *=8T$!53>5-**$4>
or *=8T$T-'?$4>. $t is central theme of modern
operating systems.
-s with a simple %atch system, a
multiprogramming %atch system is a program that must
delay on certain computer hardware features. The most
nota%le additional feature that is useful for
multiprogramming is the hardware that supports $:3
interrupts and direct memory access "@*-# with interrupt
drien $:3 on @*-, the processor can issue an $:3
command for one .o% and proceed with the e&ecution of
another .o% while the $:3 is carried out %y the deice
controller. When the $:3 operation is complete, the
processor is interrupted and control is passed to an
interrupt handling program in the operating system. The
o.s. will then pass control to another .o%.
Time Sharing Systems:-
With the use of multiprogramming %atch processing
can %e 1uite eAicient. Boweer, for many .o%s, it is
desira%le to proide a mode in which the user interacts
directly with the computer.
*ultiprogramming allows the processor to handle
multiple %atch .o%s at a time. $t is also used to handle
multiple interactie .o%s. This techni1ue is referred as
time sharing. 'o here processors time is shared among
multiple users.
The %asic techni1ue for a time sharing system is
to hae a multiple users simultaneously using the system
through terminals with the operating system interleaing
the e&ecution of each user program in a short %urst, or
1uantum, of computation. Thus, if there are n users
actiely re1uesting serice at one time, each user will see
on the aerage only 1:n of the eAectie computer speed,
not counting o.s. oerhead.

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