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English Translation Of Anders Akesson Confession Of Cheating

Re: Anders kesson aware scammers

Inlggav Devadatta Mon 21 Mar 2011, 21:01
The ollow!ng !s a transcr!"t!on o the conversat!on #etween $er %la Thornell &$' and Anders kesson
& A'( )ote that Anders ment!ons two "eo"le, and Al *tewart( Anders sa+s that Al has done someth!ng
w!th the l,m!no,s m,d #eca,se he o,nd more ,nder the seat( Al !s a st,d+ c!rcle or the -ngl!sh
"h+s!cal med!,m *tewart Ale.ander !s the second ment!oned "erson (
$er %la Thornell : /o, m+ r!end 0
Anders kesson: +es (((
$ : Do +o, have t!me to talk or a m!n,te0
A: 1ell (
$ : I2m s!tt!ng st!ll w!th the d!lemma o th!s damn do,gh , I have to take !t w!th +o,, make !t clear(
A: I have not talked to Al +et, #,t I s,s"ect he d!d someth!ng w!th the cha!r wh!ch s!ts more ,nder m+
eet ((( 3 s!lence 4
$ : %ka+ (( or th!s !s how Anders , I m,st sa+ that !t !s, when I o,nd these l,m"s
A: +es
$ : I o"ened , so I ",t m+ hand !n +o,r #ag there and o,nd the l,m" o,t there
A: oka+
$ and "ack and sock and the
A: oka+
$ : and then I elt , what the hell !s th!s th!ng0 And #eore we talk ,rther a#o,t !t, !t2s l!ke th!s( I 2m not
look!ng or an+th!ng , I2m not o,t to h,rt +o, or me or an+one else( I 2m not look!ng or an+th!ng, I 5,st
have to get an answer to what the hell th!s !s or noth!ng( 6eca,se I knew +o, when +o, re"l!ed that
+o, d!d not want to talk a#o,t !t that !t was #eca,se +o, den!ed !t ( And that2s ok, #,t I eel that +o, and
I have to talk a#o,t !t and when we have done that , I th!nk ",t the l!d on , I 2m not look!ng or an+th!ng
and I do not tell an+one #,t I want +o, to tell me how !t !s(
A: 3 s!lence 4 mmmm 3 long s!lence 4 And what do +o, answer that0
$ : I do not know Anders
A: (( ne
$ : or I know that m+ eet "ress,re and t,cked !n m+ whole (( m+ do,#t and tr,st !n all o !t , and
s,ddenl+ I do not know what !s r!ght and tr,e !n the case o med!,msh!" and that, and (( 3"a,se 4 and I
can ,nderstand that +o, want to e."er!ment , I can ,nderstand ever+th!ng, I 5,st want to talk a#o,t !t, I
5,st want to have "eace o m!nd , and I2m not look!ng to hang someone o,t, I 2m not look!ng or an+
tro,#le o an+ "ro#lems or an+th!ng at all , I want (( I 5,st have to !nd o,t how the hell !t !s, l!ke
A: 3 long s!lence 4 1ell I do not know what to sa+ a#o,t !t( 3 long s!lence 4 It2s "rett+ o#v!o,s ater all (((
$ : +es
A: or 0
$ : +es, !t2s
A: #,t I had a eel!ng that +o, alread+ knew
$ : /es, e.actl+ , e.actl+ ( A#sol,te
A: (( there !s noth!ng to s!t and l!e on the co,rse 0
$ : )ah , and that2s ok Anders ( what I wonder , !s ever+th!ng well, ever+th!ng , !t !s also at that level 0
A: )o, not all(
$ : )o, that2s not !t r!ght0
A: !t !s not
A: I mean, when glasses l+!ng rom one s!de o the room to the other s!de o the room , ,na#le and and
root!ng or the
A: !t does not
$ : o, (((
A: 3 s!lence 4 to where there st, #,t +eah I get the sa+ +o, come ," w!th some 3"a,se 4 th!ngs there 0
$ : ((( +eah oka+
A: s,ch a glow!ng hand (
$ : /eah r!ght ((( !t2s ok
A: #,t then !t2s 5,st l!ke I sa+, !t2s #etter to #e honest and no matter what !t2s a#o,t and I had a eel!ng
that +o, alread+ knew what !t was a#o,t that ((
$ : /es, +es (( I 5,st d!d not know how to handle !t #eca,se I was so I got s,ch a 7,agm!re
A: % co,rse, !t eels as ! h!s eet ",lled rom the ((
$ : /es e.actl+ ( oka+ oka+ oka+ oka+
A: 8ow do +o, eel now0
$( It eels good that +o, told
A: It does0
$ : /es, !t eels good(
A: /es there !s thereore noth!ng to 9RA:T on , th!ngs are that wa+(
$( +es
A( mmm
$ : %ka+( how ((( 3"a,se 4 mmm
A: And that ((( I have no knowledge o how m,ch that m+glas !n other "eo"le2s "h+s!cal nor
A: #,t th!s !s someth!ng that I s,s"ect !s "resent !n most "h+s!cal med!,m $artnersh!"s
$ : mmm , mmm
A: to get the #est "oss!#le res,lts
$ : mmm
A: and (( #,t !t !s as I sa+, there 2s st, that does not , as I do not have an+, an+ a!ntest !dea , how !t !s at
all "oss!#le to
$ : +es ((( +es +es
A: !t2s the same w!th *tewart, I , I have m+ s,s"!c!ons that he ((( 3 s!lence 4 #,t that the s"!r!t world !s
"resent , !t !s the co,rse
$ : I th!nk so too, then I th!nk so too, #eca,se there are th!ngs !n here that I also can not e."la!n, #,t !t
!nvolves the words , I ,nderstand that th!s wo,ld mean that +o, 2re o !n some wa+ w!th +o,r hands
or ((( and so #,t tr,m"ets o,t there or are +o, there , that was when the s"!r!t world at the moment0
A: The tr,m"ets are gen,!ne(
$ : oka+
A: Mmm , otherw!se the+ wo,ld not #e a#le to r,n o that wa+( There !s no ((
$ : n,tr!t!onal n,tr!t!onal (( ((
A: there !s no wa+ then ((
$ : )ah ((
A: (( the+ 2re o,r !ve eet #etween them, ater all , !t2s the same w!th *tewart, he m!ght have tr,m"ets
that I have seen , !teen eet awa+ ((
$ : mmm
A: then I know the+ are there, and +o, have the eel!ng, the "resence o total 5,dgment where
$ : mmm ((
A: #,t some mag!c tr!ck ma+ "erha"s #e !ncl,ded there or "eo"le to have c,r!os!t+ a#o,t !t (
$ : Mmm (( oka+ oka+ +es +es +es h,h good #,t oka+ , I , I , !t elt good to call and talk a#o,t !t so and
and 3"a,se 4
A: #,t there 2s noth!ng here that an+one knows at all
$ : n,tr!t!onal I know !t and I have "rom!sed m+sel 3"a,se 4 (( I have "rom!sed m+sel , I and Anette
have talked a#o,t !t and we "rom!sed o,rselves that ! we 5,st o,nd o,t how !t was so , so and we
3"a,se 4 and ",t down
A: #eca,se !t2s l!ke I sa+ , !t2s not ake !t all the
A: !t !s not
$ : n,tr!t!onal n,tr!t!onal 3"a,se 4 n,tr!t!onal 3"a,se 4 no !t 2s more that overwhelm!ng, as !s the eel!ng
that d!sa""ears rom a man eel
A: /es, +es, I ,nderstand !t ((
$ : (( then !t2s r!ght to,gh
A: !t2s l!ke the a!r goes o,t o a
$ : act,all+ com"letel+ , ,tterl+ , mmm 3"a,se 4 /es +es !t !s oka+ +es I w!ll cont!n,e to d!gest !t, I
tho,ght that I m,st call +o, #eca,se I have l!ke ever+th!ng (( All M+ (( all r!ght I2m ," !n , !t 2s m!ne ,
m!ne tra!n!ngs and cert!!cates, and what do I th!nk now , and what sho,ld I not #el!eve and what the
hell does th!s mean or me, !t 2s a damn #o,t to take and ((
A: +o;+o
$ : so I have to k!nd o d!gest !t and so 3"a,se 4 #,t I a""rec!ate (( a""rec!ate +o, sa+!ng th!s now so I
know ((
A: /es
$ : so so oka+ (( +es #,t oka+ we Anders (( I (( we release !t now and I 2ll melt a l!ttle and l!ke that, and I
w!ll s"eak o then aga!n s!m"l+ I th!nk
A: 3 "a,se4 +es
$ : 3 "a,se4 oka+
A: mmm
$ : 8ealth <!s#eth w!ll s"eak w!th +o, 0
A: +es I w!ll do
$ : we sa+ , he+
A: hello

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