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) 1 ( Quinolones is contraindicated in children becauseAffect :

A) joints (
B) Affect liver [
) C ( Not affect the child
) 2 ( Maxiu dose of diclofenac sodiu is :
) A ( !" #
) B ( 1"" #
) C ( $! #
) % ( None of the above
) & ( Calciferol is :
) A ( 1'2 dih(drox( calciferol
) B ( 2'& dih(drox( calciferol
) C ( 1'2! dih(drox( calciferol
) % ( None of the above
) ) ( *haracod(naic eans :
) A ( *h(siolo#ical + biocheical effect of the dru# on the bod(
) B ( *h(siolo#ical + biocheical effect of the bod( on the dru#
) C ( None of the above
) ! ( Child of 1" ,#- .aracetaol dose for hi is :
) A ( 2!"/!"" # 0)/1 hours
) B ( 1""/1!" # 0)/1 hours
) C ( 12!/2!" # 0)/1 hours
) 1 ( 2(.athoietic dru#s :
) A ( 3ncrease blood .ressure
) B ( 3ncrease coronar( flo4
) C ( 3ncrease heart rate
) % ( All of the above
) $ ( %ru# 4hich increase action of 4arfarin is :
) A ( 5ral contrace.tive
) B ( Carbia6ole
) C ( *henobarbitone
) % ( None of the above
) 7 ( Co/trioxa6ole is :
) A ( trietho.ri82ul.haethoxa6ole
) B ( trietho.ri82ul.hon(l urea
) 9 ( All of the follo4in# are controlled dru#s exce.t :
) A ( Carbaa6e.ine
) B ( Barbiturates
) C ( %ia6e.a
) % ( :(lenol(anti .(retic)
) 1" ( ;e.atotoxicit( is induced due to these exce.t :
) A ( <ifa.icin
) B ( =etocona6ole
) C ( Quinolones
) % ( %i.(ridaole
) 11 ( 5ne of the follo4in# not used in e.ile.s( :
) a ( Clona6e.a
) b ( .hen(toin
) c ( .riidone
) d ( 3i.raine
) 12 ( >hich is not ?uinolones :
) a ( Nalidixic acid
) b ( Quinine
) c ( @oxacin
) d ( Norfloxacin
) 1& ( 5ne of the follo4in# should be avoided in .re#nanc( :
) a ( Aitaine A
) b ( Calciu
) c ( Miso.rostol
) d ( .aracetaol
) 1) ( >hich one is en6(e inducer :
) a ( <ifa.icin
) b ( Cietidine
) c ( Chlora.henicol
) d ( Aitaine C
) 1! ( All the follo4i# are controlled dru#s exce.t :
) a ( <ivotril
) b ( @.anutin
) c ( 2tesolid
) d ( %ia6e.a
) 11 ( All are antiviral exce.t :
) a ( Aantadine
) b ( Bidovudine
) c ( Ac(clovir
) d ( Alverine
) 1$ ( >hich one (s(.to) does not occur 4ith or.hine :
) a ( diarrhea
) b ( Aoitin#
) c ( Consti.ation
) d ( <es.irator( de.ression
) 17 ( >hich one has vasodilatin# effect :
) a ( Nicotinic acid
) b ( Nalidixic acid
) c ( Aitaine A
) d ( Cro,inase
) 19 ( >hich one is not total (non selective) B bloc,er :
) a ( Atenolol
) b ( Dabetalol
) c ( Acebutalol
) d ( 2otalol
) 2" ( All these are oestro#ens exce.t :
) a ( Mesterolone
) b ( 5estradiol
) c ( 5estrone
) d ( 5estriol
) 21 /( ondansetron hcl is used for anti eetic 4ith .atient receivin# c(totoxics due to
is !ht anta#onist)6ofran
) 22 /( all these are side effects of chlora.henicol exe.t a/
irreversible a.lastic aneia b/ o.tic neuritis c/.eri.heral
neuritis d/iron deficienc( aneia
) 2& /( ticlo.idine is used for anti .latelets
) 2) /( all these dru#s are fibrinol(tic exe.t
a/ di.(ridaole b/ ste.to,inase c/uri,inase
) 2! /( ADD these dru#s are antibolit exe.t a/
ethotraxate b/flurouracil c/ c(tabrin d/
a6othio.rine e/ c(clo.hos.haide
) 21 /( dru#es used for leishania is NA/stibo#l(conate
) 2$ ( insulin 4hich can be #iven 3-A- is re#ular t(.e
) 27 ( suatri.tan is used for ttt of i#raine
) 29 ( dru# of choice for ttt of (xodea (h(.oth(rodis) is th(roxin sod -
) &" ( he.atitis vaccine dose is three ties .er (ear
) &1 ( dru# of choice for ttt aoebae is etronida6ole
) &2 ( ben6(l .eroxide is alocal ttt for acne vul#aris
vit A dail( dose is &""""/!"""" 3C for correction of deficienc( and for thera.( fro
1"""""/2""""" 3C .er da(
ferro#rade is ferrous sul.hate
achanis of action of A3: = has essential role in s(nthesis of coa#ulation factors
b( he.atic cells
eliination of di#oxin is ainl( b( ,idne(
ttt 4ith anti arrh(thic dru# de.ends on exe.t a/t(.e of edication b/.eriod of
edication c/ of .atient
dobutain is #iven 3-A- becausea/its not stable in #astric *-; B/ 3:2 N@@% DA<E
QCAN:3:3@2 3N CA2@ 5F 5<AD <5C: C/3:2 @D@M3NA:@% A@<G QC3C=DG
a/true b/ false
dru# .h(sical de.endence is as sae as dru# abuse
Qid Meen H ) :ies *er %a(
Q1h MeenH @ver( 1 ;rs
.areenteral onl(/ #riseofulvin
D5CAD +s(steic/a.hotercin
aino#l(coside antibiotic ta,en orall(Hneo(cin
teico.lanin+vanco(cin has siilar effects on #ra .ositive
li.id soluble vitaines are A % @ =
M@2ADAB3N@ is used for ttt+aintenance of reission of ulcerative colitis
anti choliner#ic dru#s are Hi.rotro.iu+atro.ine+ben6atro.ine eth(late
dru# used for ttt ;3A are BADC3:AB3N
selective beta bloc,er ex- is acebutalol
axiu dose of .aracetaole is ) #0da(

/ !
)) M.A.S.A

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