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The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable

Total Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco


Introduction by Fritz
Paranoid Schizophrenics
False Memory Syndrome campaign
Glossary o !o" #asic $erms are %sed In $his #oo&
'ouncils (llluminati)
Deli*erance ministry
Monarch Programming
Ne" World +rder
Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)

Dedication $his boo& is dedicated to the t"o million Americans and counting "ho
ha*e been programmed "ith Monarch,type trauma,based mind control- $his boo& is
"ritten to destroy trauma,based mind control beore it destroys the human race- It.s time
or this horrendous secret to end-
It is also "ritten as part o God.s end time "or& to propel people o aith to the high
calling that is prophesied o the #ody/ but cannot be attained "ithout men o aith
understanding these things- !umanity.s great prophet said he came to heal those "hose
hearts had been bro&en,,literally split and crushed/ and to ree those "ho are capti*e-
$hat "or& needs to go or"ard- #lood/ s"eat and tears are associated "ith this boo&-
$he blood o the innocent *ictims o this mind,control cries out in a single unison/ along
"ith the pungent s"eat o those "ho ha*e tried to minister help to the shattered
humanity let by the sadistic programmers/ and the pools o tears shed as this boo& "as
"ritten/ 0!o" long/ + 1ord/ holy and true/ do you not 2udge and a*enge our blood on
earth30 !ope ---- $hou shalt &no" that I am 1ord4 For they shall not be ashamed that
"ait on Me- Shall the prey be ta&en rom the mighty/ or the la"ul capti*e deli*ered3
#ut thus saith 5ah"eh/ e*en the capti*es o the mighty shall be ta&en a"ay/ and the prey
o the terrible shall be deli*ered4 or I "ill contend "ith him that contendeth "ith thee/
and I "ill sa*e thy children- Isaiah 67489b,8:
ANY CHANCE you the eade ha!e had "ind#conto$ done to you, you "u%t
con%ide the &o$$o'in( )oo* to )e DANGERO+S.
I you are consulting a therapist or DID (also &no"n as MPD)/ it is recommended that
you consult your therapist beore reading this boo&- $he complications that could result
or those under mind control learning the truth,,could be atal- $he co,authors ta&e no
responsibility or those "ho read or misuse this inormation- $he reader.s mind is li&e a
garden- It may not be time to plant the truth in your mind- Perhaps you need some
"eeding or ground preparation/ beore the garden o your mind is ready- Perhaps the
"eather is too stormy to plant the truth- Pray to the 1ord o the !ar*est-
$he blessings that lo" rom planting the inormation o this boo& in your mind/ "ill
re;uire the presence o li*ing "aters o lo*e- I you do not ha*e lo*e in your heart/ this
boo& is not or you- $he inormation contained in this boo& is the biggest ne"s,story o
the 8<th century/ and still the biggest secret- It "ill challenge you/ shoc& you/ horriy
you and hopeully moti*ate you to redouble your eorts to humble yoursel and see&
strength rom God Almighty-
$he programming procedures "hich are described in this boo& are based on research
and consultation "ith deprogrammers/ e=,programmers/ therapists/ counselors and
pertinent literature- $o the best o our &no"ledge the statements made in this boo& are
actual/ although they may not relect the latest or currently accepted methodology
among each and e*ery action o the Ne" World +rder "hich carries out Monarch,type
$his boo& tends to de*ote more emphasis to Illuminati programming/ "hich is the
highest le*el o programming- For indi*idual application in understanding a sur*i*or o
Monarch programming/ therapists are admonished to use this material "ith
consideration or the Monarch *ictim.s personal case and situation-
$he authors disclaim any responsibility or therapeutic "or& based upon this material-
Fritz Springmeier and 'isco Wheeler ha*e co,authored $hey >no" Not What $hey Do/
An Illustrated Guideboo& $o Monarch Mind 'ontrol- #oth Fritz and 'isco bring years
o e=perience in dealing "ith Monarch programming to bear on the "riting o this boo&-
Fritz has researched the Illuminati/ "hile he has "or&ed "ith *ictims o its
programming- !e has authored $he $op ?9 Illuminati Families/ and se*eral other boo&s-
Intoduction )y Fit,
$here are many dangers to the human race/ some real and some imagined- I belie*e that
the trauma,based mind control "hich this boo& e=poses is the greatest danger to the
human race- It gi*es e*il men the po"er to carry out any e*il deed totally undetected- #y
the time the astute reader inishes this boo&/ they "ill be as amiliar "ith ho" to carry
out trauma,based mind,control as some o the programmers- Ancient and more recent
secrets "ill no longer be secrets-
+*er the years/ I ha*e spent thousands o hours studying the Illuminati/ the Intelligence
agencies o the "orld/ and the occult "orld in general- $he centerpiece o these
organizations is the trauma,based mind control that they carry out- Without the ability to
carry out this sophisticated type o mind,control using MPD/ drugs/ hypnosis and
electronics and other control methodologies/ these organizations "ould ail to &eep their
dar& e*il deeds secret-
When one o the mind,control programmers o the 'hurch o Scientology / "ho has let
Scientology/ "as as&ed about MPD/ he said/ 0It.s the name o the game o mind
control-0 Research into this sub2ect "ill ne*er be complete- $his boo& has tried to gi*e a
comprehensi*e *ie" o ho" the programming is done- $he basic techni;ues "ere
de*eloped in German/ Scottish/ Italian/ and @nglish Illuminati amilies and ha*e been
done or centuries- Some report that some o the techni;ues go bac& to
ancient @gypt and ancient #abylon to the ancient mystery religions-
$he Nazis are &no"n to ha*e studied ancient @gyptian te=ts in their mind control
research- $he records and secrets o the generational Illuminati bloodlines are *ery,"ell
guarded secrets- @*en "hen I.*e learned about the location o secret depositories o
some o the Illuminati.s secrets in @urope / America / and Asia / their records and secrets
are too "ell,guarded to be e=amined-
$he intelligence agencies/ such as MI,A began in*estigating these mind,control
techni;ues early this century/ but their records ha*e been routinely destroyed and
tampered "ith- $here are some sur*i*ors and proessionals "ho &no" that the #ritish
used programmed trauma,based MPD (DID) agents in W-W- I- In Ban-/ ?7CD/ Richard
>lut submitted an article to the American Bournal o 'linical !ypnosis about C MPD
patients "ho "ere bet"een A< and D8 years o age- $raugott >onstantin +esterreich
(?CC<,?767)/ "ho "as proessor o philosophy at $ubingen
%ni*ersity / Germany studied MPD and demonic possession and "rote a classic study o
it in ?78? entitled Possession Demonical E +ther/ "hich "as translated into english in
?79<- !is classic "or& on this sub2ect pro*ides documented cases "hich re*eal that the
basic trauma,based mind,control "as going on inGermany / France E #elgium long
beore the 8<th century-
Although he is unable to put together all the pieces and the clues or "hat they are/ the
reader o this boo& might en2oy reading the ?79< @nglish translation o his classic "or&
ater they inish this boo&- +esterreich.s research in early ?7<<s "as the type o research
that the Nazi mind,control programmers "ere *ery a"are o-
In ?78?/ the Germans such as +esterreich "ould describe personality s"itches/ by the
term 0somnambuliorm Fhypnotic statesG possession0 or 0demonical somnambulism0 or
"hat might be called 0#esessenheit *on !ypnotismus und bHsen Geistern-0 $he ability
to study both the spiritual E psychological aspects o mind,control phenomena/ is oten
lac&ing today- $here are e=ceptions such as Dr- 1oreda Fo=.s boo& $he Spiritual
Dimensions o MPD-
In the ?78<s/ the Germans also "ere a"are that the human mind has a *ariety o ego,
psycho,psysiological states rather than one uniied mind/ "hich they termed 0Sub
2ec&lose Psychologie0 or the psychology o ha*ing correlated psychological states rather
than the concept o a single ego- $he Germans and Italians under the Nazi and Fascist
go*ernments began to do serious scientiic research into trauma,based mind
control- %nder the auspices o the >aiser Wilhelm Medical Institute in #erlin / Boseph
Mengele conducted mind,control research on thousands o t"ins/ and thousands o other
hapless *ictims- !immler super*ised genetic research-
$he Nazi research records "ere coniscated by the Allies and are still classiied- A trip
can be made rom do"nto"n Washington D-'- on a gray,go*ernment *an "hich ser*es
as a shuttle to the Suitland Anne= "here the go*ernment.s secrets are buried including
research papers captured rom the Nazi Mind,'ontrol research- Most o Mengele.s
concentration camp research is still classiied- Much o it dealt "ith mind control- A
researcher can *isit the top loor/ but underground belo" the top loor are the real
secrets- $he real secrets are lying in millions o sheets o classiied documents hidden
behind blast proo doors- $here they ha*e *ault ater *ault/ and ro" ater ro" o top,
secret iles that only a e" pri*ileged persons "ith security clearances abo*e '+SMI',,
such as "ith a 0'90 or 0MB0 security clearance can *isit-
@*eryone "ith these high security clearances "hich I ha*e identiied is connected to the
Illuminati- @ach underground area at Suitland Anne= has its o"n subset o secret access
"ords/ &no"n only to the initiated- Most o the +SS records ha*e been destroyed/ a e"
ha*e been let/ the important ones ha*e been misiled or remade- ($his is according to a
reliable #ritish intelligent agent-) Also according to reliable inside sources the 'IA is
"or&ing night and day to rema&e old records/ to e=punge all the real dirty secrets rom
their records- $he basement o 'IA !I is &no"n as 0the Pit/0 In the Pit documents are
being shredded and burned on a round the cloc& basis- $he large remains o these secrets
are sold or landill-
$he Illuminati ha*e de*eloped secrecy to a ine art- $hey train their people in the art o
secrecy rom the time they are born- Most e*erything they do/ is done orally- $hey are
trained not to "rite rituals and other things do"n- $here is *ery little paper trail let by
the Illuminati- $he creation o sla*es "ith photographic memories acilitates this
secrecy- #ut this boo& is not about ho" they ha*e managed to &eep their trauma,based
Monarch Mind,'ontrol a secret- $hey ha*e managed only to &eep it a secret to the
general public- $hey ha*e not been able to completely co*er,up the millions o "asted
li*es that their programming has ruined- For many years/ they "ere able to shut,up and
;uietly discard their programmed multiples by labelling them Paranoid
Schizophrenics- #ut therapists are no" correctly identiying these people as
programmed multiples and are not only diagnosing them better but gi*ing them better
treatment- Ater 'andy Bones.s husband deprogrammed her enough that she could
participate in "riting a boo& e=posing some o "hat had been done to her/ the secret "as
out- (See $he 'ontrol o 'andy Bones !ypnotism and the 'IA by Donald #ain-)
@*er since then/ the intelligence agencies and the Illuminati ha*e been carrying out
damage control- $heir biggest damage control campaign has enlisted the po"er
o !olly"ood and the controlled Media- $his campaign is &no"n as the False Memory
Syndrome campaign/ or as those o us "ho &no" the acts li&e to call it 00the alse
memory spin,drome-0 $he head;uarters o the False Memory Spin,drom Foundation is
located at 96<? Mar&et St-/ Suite ?9< / Philadelphia / PA ?7?<6 - Some o the original
ounders "ere doctors o the %ni*ersity o Pennsly*annia - $he inside story about these
early FMS doctors o the %ni*ersity o Pennsly*annia is that they practiced Satanic
Rituals during their "or& days-
What is unusual about this,,is that generally satanic rituals are perormed at night/ but
these doctors did their co*en "or& during the day- I &no" about these men- No" you
can see "hy these men started the FMSJ $hey started it to co*er their o"n sins/ because
many o them "ere abusers themsel*es- In other "ords many o the @MS people are
abusers o trauma,based mind,controlled sla*es/ or the *ictims o abuse "ho are in
denial about their o"n abuse rom trauma,based mind,control-
Martin $- +rn (the person credited "ith ounding the FMS) had ties to the 'IA- $"o
members o the @MS ad*isory board/ Ralph %nder"ager/ Ph-D- and theologian/ along
"ith !ollida Wa&eield/ M-A- let the cat out o the bag "hen they publicly supported
pedophilia (that is adults ha*ing se= "ith children)- $heir support o pedophilia came in
an inter*ie" "ith a Dutch magazine Paidi&a/ $he Bournal o Paedophilia (Winter/
Although the False Memory Syndrome Foundation gets upset at any mention that there
might be a conspiracy by the perpetrators o mind,control/ because conspiracies
supposedly don.t and can.t happen/ they "ant us to belie*e that all therapists are
conspiring together to implant alse memories o abuse into their clients/ "hich could
not be urther rom the truth-
Monarch sla*es typically run into a great deal o denial by their therapists that anything
li&e this could be happening- $he bottom line is that Multiple Personality Disorder (no"
reered to as Dissociati*e Identity Disorder) is a recognized bona ide diagnosis- False
Memory Syndrome is not a recognized medical or psychological diagnosis and does not
appear in the American Psychiatric Association.s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual III,R
nor the recently released DSM,IK-
$hose "ho ollo"ed Fritz.s "ritings ha*e learned about the close "or&ing relationship
bet"een the Monda*i.s and the Rothschilds (see his article about the
Monda*iLRothschild Napa Kalley "inery)- Guess "ho got the court precedence "hich
gi*es the @MS some legal ground to attac& therapists3 $he precedence "as supposedly a
"ie "ho "ent to a doctor "ho told her she had syphilis- $he "ie assumes she got it
rom her husband and di*orces him- $hen she learns she doesn.t ha*e syphilis- $he
husband then sues the doctor- %pon this bizarre case rests the legal precedence or a
third party to sue a person "ho gi*es ad*ice/ such as amily members suing a
therapist- %pon this "ea& precedence/ an abusi*e ather "ho "or&ed or Monday in a
"inery in 'aliornia successully destroyed a legitimate therapist "ho "as trying to sa*e
his daughter "ho "as a programmed Monarch *ictim-
Supposedly the therapist had implanted alse memories o rape in his daughter/ "hen the
record sho"s that the daughter.s mother told the therapist the girl had been raped by the
ather- When a *alid case o SRA and repressed memories "ent to trial in Washington
state in*ol*ing a police oicer "hose amily "as MPD/ Dr- Richard +she o the False
Memory Spindrom sho"ed up to cause mischie- And mischie he did "or&- $he case
in*ol*ed the children o a 00'hristian00 police oicer named Ingram "ho had
satanically ritually abused his amily or years- $he daughter "on in court/ but +she o
the @MS "as not abo*e "riting a boo& ull o lies and distortions about the case- 1ynn
'roo&/ "ho "as the abused daughter in the case "rote up a paper e=posing
"hat @MS person Richard +she did to her-
$he controlled media is gi*ing ull license and great co*erage to
the @MS people- Rather than ighting the go*ernment or scraps o declassiied
documents "hich ha*e had their secrets mar&ed out/ and "hich may e*en be a&e
documents manuactured by the 'IA/ I ha*e decided that there is a much better
approach to e=pose the Monarch Mind 'ontrol to the "orld- I a person could ne*er go
to Nepal / he can see pictures o it and belie*e it e=ists- I a person can not get into the
top secret records o the 'IA and +ice o Na*al Intelligence and MIA/ they can be
gi*en the e=act R@'IP@ or creating a Monarch sla*e-
I belie*e that by gi*ing the step by step recipe/ people "ill see that A- all the ingredients
are a*ailable/ #- it is possible to combine the ingredients/ '- all it ta&es is the moti*e to
do it/ and that moti*e is sel,e*ident-
We.ll e*en pro*ide some o the names and places as "e go along- $his boo& "ill
pro*ide the step,by,step recipe or ma&ing a Monarch Mind,'ontrolled sla*e- It is a
trauma,based mind control "hich programs multiple personalities using e*ery &no"n
techni;ue o mind,control- @*ery type o mind,control techni;ue has been combined
into a group pac&age "hich ma&es the total pac&age almost impossible to brea&- It is this
ability to synthesize all these methods into a group pac&age "hich is so po"erul-
@d"ard !unter/ author o #rain"ashing In Red 'hina/ testiied in ?7:C beore a %-S-
'ongressional !ouse 'ommittee on %n,American Acti*ities4 0Since man began/ he has
tried to inluence other men or "omen to his "ay o thin&ing- $here ha*e al"ays been
these orms o pressure to change attitudes- We disco*ered in the past thirty years/ a
techni;ue to inluence/ by clinical/ hospital procedures/ the thin&ing processes o human
beings- #rain"ashing is ormed out o a set o dierent elements --- hunger/ atigue/
tenseness/ threats/ *iolence/ and in more intense cases---drugs and hypnotism- No one o
these elements alone can be regarded as brain "ashing/ any more than an apple can be
called apple pie- +ther ingredients ha*e to be added/ and a coo&ing process gone
through- So it is "ith brain"ashing---0
!unter said brain"ashing "as a Red 'hinese threat- !e said that the 'hinese "ere the
ones using these tactics- In reality/ this mind control "as being done in the %-S- and
!unter "as a pa"n to help 2ustiy the criminal acti*ities o the programmers should they
e*er be ound out behind their co*er o 0National security-0 $he handlers o mind,
controlled sla*es carry around a blac& or grey 9 ring noteboo& or a lap top computer
"ith the access codes and triggers- Some o the programmers and handlers ha*e this all
$he deepest parts/ coreLgemsLe=ecuti*e committee/ alse trinity etc- are charted in
esoteric language such as @nochian/ !ebre" ("hich is considered magical)/ and Druid
symbols- I ha*e ne*er gotten the opportunity to loo& at one o these/ although a number
o the sla*es "ho I.*e tal&ed "ith ha*e "hile they "ere being programmed- $hese
noteboo&s ha*e color,coded graphs sho"ing the arrangement o alters/ the structure o
the system/ the training o the alters/ the history o the alters and other details- All the
primary tortures carried out on a sla*e are coded using datesLno-s so that the memories
can be pulled up by the programmers-
$here is a standard set o hand signals/ gestures/ and codes that allo" a handler to "or&
"ith someone else.s sla*e/ but the accepted code among the handlers is to lea*e another
man.s sla*e alone- As one leading psychiatrist put it/ 0Dierent ideologies use the same
methodologies o mind control-0
$he Illuminati ha*e secretly put in base programming that allo"s them ultimate control
o*er many o the other groups. sla*es- $his "ill be described "ithin this boo&- For both
the ease o reading and the ease o "riting/ I ha*e dispensed "ith most ootnotes- $o
pro*ide my sources "ould double the size o the boo&/ and many o them are
conidential- (In the past/ "hen I ha*e attempted crediting inormation/ some people
ha*e gotten bruised eelings or ha*ing been passed o*er or or being named- When
inormation comes in rom se*eral sources/ it becomes diicult to pass out credit-)
I ha*e made conser*ati*e 2udgment calls about "hat material I could use- Most o this
inormation has been *eriied by se*eral reliable sources- 'onidential eye"itnesses are
oten the only source/ "hen there is such a po"erul conspiracy to &eep this *ast NW+
mind control secret- Paper trails "ere not let or are not a*ailable- Programmed sla*es
"ho ha*e "or&ed or the military as mind,controlled sla*es ha*e "itnessed their iles
e=punged and sanitized-
$he Ne" World +rder in ?7C? made training ilms or their no*ice programmers-
Monarch sla*e 'athy +.#rien "as used to ma&e both the ilm 0!o" to Di*ide a
Personality0 and 0!o" $o 'reate a Se= Sla*e-0 $"o!unts*ille porn photographers "ere
used to help NASA and the NW+ create these training ilms- %ndoubtedly/ other porn
training ilms e=ist too- In others "ords/ there is ilm e*idence o the Monarch $otal
Mind,control but these porn ilms are &ept in *ery secure sites- During the last e"
years/ I ha*e *isited "ith e=,programmers/ I ha*e *isited "ith hundreds o *ictims o the
Monarch type programming- I ha*e gone to programming sites/ I ha*e *isited "ith
therapists "ho "or& "ith the *ictims o this mind,control/ and I ha*e met se*eral o the
programmers o the 'IALIlluminati ace to ace in the ad*entures o trying to sa*e
people rom their programming-
I hope that God gi*es me the strength and the opportunity to get the inormation I ha*e
learned out to the "orld in general- When this inormation gets out/ hopeully it "ill
help lit some o the secrecy o the Monarch Programming-
$he Monarch Programming is a oundation roc& o the Ne" World +rder that "hen
pulled up/ "ill re*eal the most e*il t"o,legged bugs and slimy critters- When their roc&
is lited/ they "ill ha*e to scurry to hide- #ecause the authors &no" "hat the
programmers do/ they must honestly record se*eral areas o programming that "ill be
contro*ersial- $he programmers are *ery much into demonology- #eore therapists close
their minds to this sub2ect/ the authors "ould li&e to point out/ that they personally &no"
o cases "here Monarch sla*es "hose 'hristian personalities E other alters didn.t
belie*e in demonology "ere tal&ed into participating in real deli*erance/ and the sla*es
disco*ered much to their surprise that "or& they had unsuccessully tried to do or years
"ith their therapist "as accomplished in a day or t"o-
Some prestigious researchers ha*e decided the subconscious doesn.t e=ist because they
can.t ind it,,its mysterious- $o the man in the street the concept 0subconscious0 is as
mysterious as the concept 0demon0- #oth ha*e been the ob2ects o intense research by
%-S-L#rit-LGer- Intelligence groups- In act/ many o the concepts in this boo& ha*e been
purposely obscured by the Illuminati.s control o*er the media and uni*ersities- $hese
obscured concepts include M-P-D- (DID)/ reco*ered memories/ hypnosis/ demonic
possession/ aliens/ mind,control/ the subconscious/ a conspiracy to bring in a NW+/
truth/ etc-
$he smo&escreens o contro*ersy "ill continueM but those "ho lo*e the truth/ i they
see& it/ "ill realize the importance o this boo&- It.s on public record that M> %1$RA/
the mind control research "hich 'IA director Admiral Stansield $urner admitted to in
?7DD spent millions o dollars studying Koodoo/ "itchcrat/ and psychics- +n August 9/
?7DD / at a Senate hearing the then 'IA director Admiral Stansield $urner disclosed that
the 'IA had been conducting mind control on countless numbers o unsuspecting
*ictims or years/ "ithout their &no"ledge or consent- $hese 'IA mind,control
operations "ere carried out "ith the participation o a least ?C: scientists and at least C<
American institutions/ including prisons/ pharmaceutical companies/ hospitals/ and 66
medical colleges E uni*ersities- Many o America .s most prestigious institutes o
medical research/ had cooperated "ith the 'IA- as "ell as numerous big name
corporations- 'asey admitted that day that the 'IA did mind,control consisting o drugs/
hypnosis E electro,shoc&-
A e" o the *ictims o the Monarch Pro2ect "ere e*en a"arded inancial compensation
or their misery- #ut "hat "as admitted "as admitted in the spirit o co*ering up the
e=tent o the ull truth- $he compensation "as actually hush money/ because *ictims
"ere gi*en 0gag orders0 by 2udges not to tal& about "hat had happened to them-
It.s been a disaster or Monarch *ictims that so many ministers ha*e ignored those
"ords o their Scripture/ 0For "e are not ignorant o the de*il.s de*ices-0 8 '+R 84??
$his boo& is a must or those ministers "ho seriously belie*e 0!a*ing thereore these
promises/ dearly belo*ed/ let us cleanse oursel*es rom all ilthiness o the lesh and
spirit/ perecting holiness in the ear o God-0 8 '+R D4?- In 8 $IM 84 ?7,8?/ belie*ers
"ho 0nameth the name o 'hrist0 are as&ed to purge themsel*es o their uncleanliness
( unclean spirits)- $here are many top notch 'hristians in the churches today "ho are
under mind,control/ incl- many o the 'hristian leadership- I "ould li&e to remind
'hristian ministers that Isaiah the great prophet said/ 0$he 1ord G+D hath gi*en me the
tongue o the learned that I should &no" ho" to spea& a "ord in season to him that is
"eary4 he "a&eneth morning by morningM he "a&eneth mine ear to hear as the learned-0
Ignorance is not godliness- Isaiah learned to spea& "ith the great learned men o his day/
2ust as Paul the great apostle could spea& to the learned men o his time- +ne o the
character traits o God is that !e is all,&no"ing- W!+ says it is godly to be ignorant3
$he prophet Daniel said 5ah"eh God 0re*eals the deep and secret things-0 (Dan- 8488a)
God.s instruments "ill do this re*ealing- Besus. ad*ice to his disciples "as in eect to
0#e "ise as serpents/ and gentle as a lamb0-
$his ad*ice certainly applies in helping the *ictims o trauma,based mind,control- Paul
in his letter to the $hessalonians (? $hes :4?6 ) says that in eect that dierent people
need dierent counseling/ but they all need to be treated "ith patience- $he irst step in
suggesting a cure is to ind out "hat happened- $hat is "hat this boo& is about- $his
boo& is about ho" the +ccult Net"or& creates the problem that therapists and a e"
ministers try to deal "ith- #ut the &eys to open doors to healthy solutions or the *ictims
o trauma,based total mind control "ill re*eal themsel*es in this boo& or the reader as
this boo& re*eals the nitty,gritty o ho" the total mind,control happens- 'hrist came to
ree the capti*es (Isaiah A?4?)- Satanic ritual abuse has a history that is almost as old as
history itsel- Good >ing !eze&iah "as a *ictim as a child o SRA- (8 'hr- 87) "ho got
ree- Moses conronted the satanic magic o Pharoah.s magicians "ho could create li*e
sna&es rom stic&s- $he Apostle Paul had to deal "ith Simon Magus/ a leader o "hat is
no" &no"n as Satanism- Solomon/ one o the greatest men o aith/ bac&slide and
became one o the greatest satanists o all history- We ha*e 0no ello"ship "ith
unruitul "or&s o dar&ness/ but rather repro*e them0 (as per @P! :4?? )-
While "e ha*e no ello"ship "ith e*il/ the mind,control programmers are counting on
us being so ignorant o their de*ices that they can hide their control de*ices behind
per*ersion E ilth that many people shy a"ay rom- We must be strong enough to ace
e*il and not shy a"ay rom it- $he *ictims o mind,control must loo& e*il in the ace E
not loo& a"ay to gain their reedom- We/ "ho "ant to help them/ must be courageous E
strong enough to do this too- $his boo& is "ritten or that di*ine goal 0till "e all come
in the unity o the aith/ and o the &no"ledge o the Son o God/ unto a perect man/
unto the measure o the stature o the ulness o 'hrist-0 @ph- 64?9 I the body o 'hrist
is to attain ullness/ "e need this boo& to "eed out the hidden terrible cancer that is
consuming the body rom "ithin- $his boo& is "ritten or ministers/ secular and
'hristian therapists/ and truth lo*ers o all &inds- I you lo*e the truth this boo& is or
you- I you see something good in the human race so that our species should be
preser*ed as "ell as the spotted o"l and the sand lea/ then this boo& is or you- IF 5+%
1+K@ $!@ $R%$!/ this #++> is or 5+%-
G$o%%ay o& Ho' Ba%ic Te"% ae +%ed In Thi% Boo*
For those readers "ho are not amiliar "ith these basic terms let us introduce you to the
deinitions under "hich this boo& uses them- Alter,+ur usage is trying to ollo" the
programmers usage o this "ord- A dissociated part o the mind "hich has a seperate
identity and is gi*en cue codes by the mind,control programmers to trigger that
dissociated part o the mind to come to the ront o the mind- $he alter.s identity may be
a gem/ roc&/ a tape recorder/ a poodle/ a "hite &itten/ a do*e/ a horse/ or e*en thin& o
itsel as a person or a demon- It all depends on its programming- An alter is dierent
rom an alter ragment in that the alter ragment is a dissociated part o the mind "hich
ser*es only a single purpose- $he programmers "ill gi*e an alter a history/ and insure
that shado" alters "ill pro*ide a ull range o accessible emotions- Sometimes the
distinctions bet"een alters and alter ragments is *ague/ but e=amples rom the t"o ends
o the spectrum are easy to tell apart- We use the "ord alter in this boo& to conorm to
"hat the programmers. charts are encoding as alters- A typical main Mengele,created
grid "ould be a grid o ?9=?9 principal A,coded alters/ "hich is ?A7 principle alter
personalities- In Illuminati systems/ ceremonial 0alters "ill consist o 9 alters placed on
a spinning pedistal together into triad goddesses or gods- $hat means that an A,coded
alter on some le*els is actually 9 alters spinning together/ "hich must be loc&ed in place
to communicate "ith/ and then rotated to communicate to the other t"o-
Beta,,$his is the second Gree& letter/ and it represents the se=ual models and se=ual
alters that the Programmers are creating- $he primiti*e part o the brain is in*ol*ed in
this type o programming- An early se=ual abuse e*ent "ill be used to anchor this
programming- $hese se=ual sla*es "ill de*elop se=ual abilities that are ar beyond "hat
the public is a"are is e*en possible- $hey also recei*e the "orst &ind o abuse ar
beyond "hat most people.s imagination can picture- #eta alters generally see themsel*es
as cats-
Counci$% -$$$u"inati.,,$he Illuminati has re;uent meetings- Some o these meetings
are organized to appear 0acephalous0 and 0accidential0 in their meetings/ "hen in reality
they are structured and planned- +ne group/ MB,?8 has gone by the ollo"ing names4 the
Group/ the Special Study Group/ the Wise Men/ the +perations 'oordinating #oard
(+'#)/ :6?8 'ommittee/ 9<9 'ommittee/ 6< 'ommittee/ PI,6< 'ommittee/ and Policy
Planning Group (P'G)- Some o the ormal policy and ritual groups ha*e names that all
Illuminati members "ho ha*e gotten high enough to learn/ "ill recognize4 $he 'ouncil
o 9/ 'ouncil o :/ 'ouncil o D/ 'ouncil o 7/ $he Grand Druid 'ouncil/ $he 'ommittee
o 9<</ and the 'ommittee o :<< (&no"n as Fortune :<<)- Many o the meetings are
concla*es "ithout ormal names- $he Grand Druid 'ouncil is not something ictional/
but an actual body o people "ho ormally meet and "hose membership/ "e ha*e been
trying to &eep trac& o- $he groups "hich ma&e decisions to control this planet are
net"or&ed together- @ach decision has its o"n origin and route that it ta&es-
De$ta,,$his is a Gree& letter shaped li&e a triangle "hich symbolizes change in calculus-
It has become a a*orite "ord to use in naming things or the occult elite- Delta teams
are 6 person assassination teams "hich usually are secret teams- Delta Forces is an elite
unit that operates under the Boint chies o sta that is made up o highly trained total
mind,controlled sla*es- Delta models are sla*es "hose sole purpose is assassination-
Delta alters are alters "ithin an Illuminati alter system "hich are programmed to be
assassins- $hese alters are oten some o the deepest in a system and in a Genie bottle or
"ith %mbrella programming-
De$i!eance "ini%ty,($his boo& is about !+W the mind,control is done/ it is not a
te=tboo& on solutions-) $he use o the term deli*erance ministry in this boo& co notates
any person(s) "ho *ia aith in God is able to pray or di*ine help in a ashion that a
*ictim is helped rom demonic acti*ity- A deli*erance ministry is a natural outgro"th o
a lie in harmony and ello"ship "ith 5ah"eh God- !o"e*er/ this is not to be conused
"ith @=orcism o the traditional 'atholic or "itchcrat nature in "hich certain spells and
incantations are used in a prescribed method-
0Deli*erance0 connotates di*inely inspired aith/ e=orcism in*ol*es ritual- A deli*erance
ministry might perhaps teach a person about orgi*eness/ or ho" they can renounce an
oath/ or ho" to apply Besus 'hrist.s atoning blood to their lie- In this ashion/ the person
inds deli*erance through biblical spiritual principles rather than the eicacy o some
ritual or hocus pocus spell- $his boo& is in no "ay meant as a blan&et endorsement o
e*ery spiritual "arare tactic- I anything/ this boo& suggests that ministers learn more
about mind,control/ as "ell as gro" stronger in their "al& "ith Almighty God-
I$$u"inati,,$he Illuminati are ?9 elite bloodlines "hich ha*e maneu*ered themsel*es
into control o*er this planet- $hey lead double li*es/ one or society and a hidden one
"hich is based on a gnostic lucierian philosophy "hich consists o lots o blood rituals-
/onach 0o(a""in(,,$his "as a speciic Pro2ect carried out by secret elements o
the %-S- go*ernment and intelligence groups- $here "ere/ according to someone a e"
years ago "ho had access to the computer(s) "hich contains all the names o acti*e
monitored human sla*es/ 6</<<< acti*ely monitored Monarch sla*es- !o"e*er/ this
boo& uses the term generically to include all *ictims "ho ha*e suered this type o
trauma,based mind,control- In the same "ay/ that a brand name li&e 0!yster0 is used to
describe all lits,,"hen "e use the term "e use it in its broadest sense- $his is the only
"ay it can be used and technically correct/ because as o this date/ the authors ha*e not
seen "ho is on the acti*e Monarch Program list o sla*es-
Sy%te",, $his term is used in se*eral "ays- It is re;uently used to reer to a *ictim o
total mind control because the *ictim consists o alters/ programming/ implant(s)/ internal
computers/ and numerous dissociati*e states "hich unction together as a system- $he
"ord is also used in this boo& to reer to the body.s unctional physiological units/ such
as the respiratory system- $he "ord is also inre;uently used to denote the established
social,economic,political system controlling the "orld/ also &no"n insiders as the
Net"or&- +ther standard meaning may also occasionally be used or the "ord- Multiple
PersonalityLMultiple personalities or MPD Dissociati*e Identity Disorder or DID is the
situation "here dierent dissociati*e parts o a single brain *ie" themsel*es as separate
persons- $he DSM,IIIR deinition o MPD is the guideline or determining MPD or this
Ne' Wo$d Ode,, $he Ne" World +rder is the global design or a +ne,World,
Go*ernment +ne,World,Dictator and its constituents- Insiders call themsel*es the
0net"or&0 and 0the neighborhood0-
Satanic Ritua$ A)u%e -SRA.,,$his is used to represent all categories o ritual abuse
"hich "ould be inspired by the desire to rob/ &ill/ or destroy something "orth"hile in a
person/ especially their reedom o thought- Many groups carrying out SRA do not
mention Satan by that name- $hey may ma&e Pacts to #aphomet/ and call upon Re=
Mundi/ or #elair/ or 1ucier/ or the Father o 1ight/ God/ or >ali or e*en 0Besus0 or
0Besus 'hrist0 (there are demons "hich call themsel*es 0Besus0/ "ho are not to be
conused "ith 5eshua or 5ehoshua ben Boseph "ho is &no"n as Besus 'hrist o
Nazareth-) SRA is not a *alue 2udgement by the authors against some group/ the *ictims
themsel*es on some le*el &no" that he or she is being abused-
S'itchin(,,$his is "hen one part (ragment) o the mind ta&es o*er rom another/ or in
simple terms/ this is "hen one alter personality (or alter ragment) ta&es the body rom
the alter "hich is holding the body- S"itching can occur *ia the Programmers. codes or
calling up alters/ or by e=ternal or internal stimuli that trigger an alter to come out-
S"itching "ill usually cause at least a lic&er o the eyes/ and or outside obser*ers/ "ho
&no" the dierent personalities/ they "ill obser*e another personality ta&e the body-
1. Cha2te 13 Science No. 1. The Se$ection and 0e2aation o& The 4icti"
A- Genetics E dissociati*e abilities
#- A*ailability
'- Physical E Mental re;uirements
Mind,controlled sla*es are created or dierent purposes/ hierarchy or non,hierarchy
Sharon $ate In re*ie" Bohn Gittinger PAS (Personality Assessment System
D- 1ist o organizations carrying out programming
@- 6 oundational steps or programming
F- Step ?- Spiritual re;uirements Moon 'hild ceremonies Aleister 'ro"ley
$raumatization in *itro
G- Step 8- $rauma by premature birth
!- Step 9- 1o*e bombingLlo*e bonding
I- Step 6- Se*ering the 0core0 o the mind
$he Initial Splits
B- Further considerations4 $he Illuminati ha*e their o"n criteria as to "ho they select-
A # Se$ection Ba%ed on Genetic% and Di%a%%ociati!e A)i$itie%
B # A!ai$a)i$ity
C # /enta$ and 0hy%ica$ Featue% +ne o the primary reasons that the Monarch mind,
control programming "as named Monarch programming "as because o the Monarch
butterly- $he Monarch butterly learns "here it "as born (its roots) and it passes this
&no"ledge *ia genetics on to its ospring (rom generation to generation)-
$his "as one o the &ey animals that tipped scientists o/ that &no"ledge can be passed
genetically- $he Monarch program is based upon Illuminati and Nazi goals to create a
Master race in part through genetics- I &no"ledge can be passed genetically ("hich it
is)/ then it is important that parents be ound that can pass the correct &no"ledge onto
those *ictims selected or the Monarch mind,control- $he primary important actor or
the trauma,based mind,control is the ability to disassociate- It "as disco*ered that this
ability is passed genetically rom generation to generation-
American Indian tribes ("ho had traumatic ritual dances and "ho "ould "ait motionless
or hours "hen hunting)/ children o Fa&irs in India ("ho "ould sleep on a bed o nails
or "al& on hot coals)/ children o 5ogis (those s&illed in 5oga/ "ho "ould ha*e total
control o*er their body in trance)/ $ibetan buddhists/ children o Kodoun/ #izango and
other groups ha*e a good ability to disassociate-
$he children o multigenerational abuse are also good at dissociation- $he Illuminati
amilies and @uropean occultists "ent to India / and $ibet to study occultism and eastern
philosophy- $hese @uropeans learned yoga/ tantric yoga/ meditations/ and trances and
other methods to disassociate- $hese s&ills are passed on to their children *ia genetics- A
test is run "hen the children are about ?C months old to determine i they can dissociate
enough to be selected or programming or not-
/ind#conto$$ed %$a!e% ae ceated &o di&&eent 2u2o%e%, hieachy o non#
hieachy 2u2o%e%.
$he Illuminati create mind,controlled sla*es "ho are to unction "ithin the Illuminati
hierarchy- $hese sla*es "ill usually ha*e their genealogies hidden/ and "ill be created to
ha*e e=cellent co*er li*es to insure that they are not detected- $hey "ill be gi*en
multiunctional programming/ and "ill usually be used to help program other sla*es-
$he abuse "ill not be as physically *isible as it "ill be on the bodies o sla*es "ho are
not born to be part o the Illuminati elite-
Members o Moriah.s (Moriah N the Illuminati) 1ucierian elite "ill ha*e undergone as
much trauma as other sla*es/ ho"e*er the torture scars and the control are better
concealed- $hese children "ill oten recei*e la*ish e=periences as "ell as tal&s to
con*ince them that they are part o the elite- (#y the "ay/ body scars "ill sho" up better
under blac& light/ that is the same blac& light as used in clubs-) $he Illuminati and other
organizations ha*e also programmed indi*iduals "ho are simply e=pendable- $hese are
se= sla*es "ho are used up and &illed *ery early in lie/ one,time use saboteurs/
breeders/ soldiers/ drug couriers and so orth- $he bodies o these people "ill oten sho"
*isible torture scars-
$he e=pendable are the children o parents "ho "ere blac&mailed into turning their
children o*er to the 'IA- $his is all hidden by the po"er o the National Security Act-
$hese are children/ "ho ha*e been sold by pedophile athers/ or pornographic parents-
$he programmersLmasters program them "ith the e=pectation that they "ill be 0thro"n
rom the reedom train0 "hen they get to age 9<- (Freedom $rain is the code "ord or
the Monarch trauma,based mind,control- $o be thro"n rom the Freedom $rain means
to be &illed-)
$he 'IA and the Illuminati are s&illed at blac&mailing parents to gi*e up their children-
$hey "ould "atch the mail or porn- Pedophile and murderers "ho abuse their children
are "arned that they "ill go to prison or long lengths o time i they do not cooperate
by selling their children into mind,controlled sla*ery- In return or the parent.s
cooperation/ they pro*ide rich inancial re"ards to the parent(s)- It.s clearly a case o 0i
you don.t cooperate you lose in lie big time/ i you do cooperate you "in big time-0
Ministers are oten set up "ith #etas (a se=ual model) "ho then blac&mail them- $he
ministers do not "ant to lose their status and proession *ia scandals/ so they agree to
turn their children o*er "hen young to the 'IA to "or& "ith- $he Illuminati li&e to
blac&mail these ministers "hen they are inished "ith their Seminary schooling and
committed to the ministry at about 99 years o age- $he idea o ha*ing nothing to all
bac& on ater they ha*e committed their entire lie to one proession is too much or
these "ea& "illed men/ and they buc&le under the threats- I they don.t buc&le under/ the
resulting conse;uences "ill remo*e them rom ministry- $he type o ather "ho is most
preerred by the Programmers to oer up their children or programming is the
pedophile- I a ather "ill abuse his o"n little baby girl/ then the Programmers &no" that
the man has no conscience- $his ather.s in*ol*ement in criminal acti*ity (and thereby
his *ulnerability) can be continually increased- $hey "ant men "ho they belie*e "ill not
de*elop any ;ualms later on in lie about "hat they ha*e done- A man/ "ho "aits until
his daughter is a teenager to molest her/ is usually esteemed to ha*e too much
conscience or the programmers-
A big distinction must be made bet"een hierarchy Monarch sla*es/ and non,hierarchy
Monarch sla*es- $he reason there is such a big distinction is that they are not
programmed the same "ay- Since this boo& is gi*ing the recipe or ho" to create a
Monarch sla*e/ "e "ill ha*e to co*er the distinction bet"een sla*es "ithin the
Illuminati and those sla*es "ho unction outside o the Illuminati hierarchy-
It is important to stress that the label 0Monarch0 is used in this boo& in a generic sense
or the modern trauma,based total mind,control that is ta&ing place- Whether an
Illuminati mind,controlled sla*e is technically in the Monarch records or out o the
actual Monarch Program data iles &ept on computer is merely a technicality-
In my (Fritz.s) other "ritings/ I e=plain about ho" the Illuminati created the 'IA- I
&no" that some o its directors "ere members o the Illuminati and I strongly suspect
that the other 'IA directors "ere probably ull,ledged members too- $he t"o
organizations need each other- I the 'IA didn.t ha*e the international bac&ing o the
mo*ers and sha&ers o the "orld/ it "ould ha*e been e=posed and done a"ay "ith-
1i&e"ise/ the Illuminati/ because it is so secret/ needs organizations through "hich it can
"or&- $he 'IA is a ront or the Illuminati/ and the 'IA in turn sets up ronts-
Some o those ronts/ are elaborate "ell,staed/ "ell,e;uipped programming sites/ (such
as many o the state mental hospitals/ McGill Psychiatric $raining Net"or& consisting o
C Montreal hospitals esp- St- Mary.s/ NASA in !unts*ille/ A1M the Presideo/ 'AM and
N+$S at 'hina 1a&e/ 'A/ to name a e"- (For a more complete list see Appendi= #-)
$he Illuminati couldn.t do it alone "ithout its ronts- Satanists "ithin the Net"or& E
the 'IA too& o*er #oy.s $o"n/ N@ in the early ?7:<s/ E used that amous orphanage
or a constant supply o boys or programming- #oy.s $o"n is perhaps the most
amous/ but there are "hole long list o others- When the Monarch Programming
started/ the top men "ere Illuminati- +riginally/ Boseph Mengele "as the lead
programmer- !e had already achie*ed the ran& o Grand Master (later Ipssimus) "ithin
the Illuminati- !e had become s&illed in music/ in >abbalistic Magic/ in dancing/ in
abortions/ and in torture (by the "ay/ Mengele had a sadistic mother) and programming
Many o the concentration camp children that Mengele programmed still sur*i*e and
still lo*e him to this day as 0Daddy0- Mengele disappeared rom Ausch"itz in Ban-
?76:/ se*eral months beore the inal chaos began in the $hird Reich- !e disappeared so
the Illuminati could smuggle him to the %-S- / so that his e=ceptional &no"ledge o
programming,,honed and ined tuned on thousands o concentration camp child *ictims
could be put to use on a grande scale in the %-S-
!e tra*elled "orld"ide but especially in "estern %-S- doing his programming
accompanied by his pair o t"o blac& ser*ants- American Monarch sur*i*ors remember
his spotless German uniorm/ his shiny boots "hich he "ore during programming/ his
thic& German accent/ his handsome eatures/ his clet chin/ the space in his ront teeth/
the "ay he "ould 2ab "ith his thumb "hile programming/ as i he "ere still saying
0lin&s/ rechts0 to lines o 2e"s coming into the concentration camps-
$he reason Mengele "as so e=cited to do the selection process o inmates coming
into Ausch"itz "as that he "as choosing inmates or his numerous mind,control trauma
e=periments- !e "as especially an=ious to get identical t"ins/ because his genetic
research related to mind control needed persons o identical genetic ma&eup-
$raditionally/ the Illuminati had been ha*ing their children inspected by a "oman "ith
the ran& o Grande Mother- She "ould determine the itness o the children and then
present them or a ormal acceptance ceremony at age 9 to the Grande Druid 'ouncil-
$his procedure didnOt change "hen Mengele came o*er,,the programming 2ust 2umped
rom being an occult science to one that had ull access to the Medical/ Psychiatric/
Budicial/ Scientiic and Go*ernmental sectors *ia the po"er o the National Security Act
and the Intelligence agencies-
$he IlluminatiOs programming o multiples prior to MengeleOs arri*al "ere simplistic/
compared to the sophisticated techni;ues engineered by the Nazi Germans ("hose Mind
'ontrol research included some non,German nationals such as some Italians)- Bust as a
*ictim "ho is &illed by an ?Cth century mus&et is 2ust as much *ictimized as someone
&illed by an M,?A/ so a *ictim o the pre,?76A programming "as 2ust as *ictimized as
those programmed "ith more sophisticated techni;ues-
For the Illuminati/ the childOs programming is planned by the 'ircle (another name or
their organization) beore it is born- From the IlluminatiOs perspecti*e their plans
in*ol*e generational spirits and positions "ithin the hierarchy- $he child is concei*ed
according to their rituals/ and the steps that that child "ill go through ollo"s a "ell,
thought out detailed regimen or programming it-
In contrast/ the children rom oster homes/ or pedophiles do not recei*e the same
regimen- !ierarchy sla*es "ill in turn be used to program and train other hierarchy
children/ "hile 'IA sla*es and Maia sla*es and >>> sla*es etc- "ill be discarded-
$his is "hy a Presidential Model is 0thro"n rom the Freedom $rain Fthe name o the
Monarch Program in the %nder"orldG0- Women and men in the Illuminati "ill continue
to help "ith the programming their entire li*es-
$he Illuminati is programming such *ast numbers o children/ they need e*eryone o
their able members to help- MoriahOs total membership "orld"ide numbers in the
millions- $he Illuminati regimen or their children is ar more controlling than the 'IAOs
programming- Not e*eryone in the Illuminati gets their mind,split and becomes a
programmed multiple- !o"e*er/ e*eryone does get some type o mind,control-
$hose "ho ha*e been spared multiplicity still must participate in a t"o,"ee& intense
mind,control session that might be compared to the ArmyOs Ranger school- $hose "ho
participate in this ha*e learned obedience- $hose "ho ha*enOt learned obedience/ are
orced into ritual gladiator type duels or other punishments to eliminate them- Finally/ a
traitor.s death as pictured on one o the $arot cards is "aiting- Shaon Tate "as let
hanging in the No- ?8 $arot 'ard.s 0hangman position0 rom the house raters-
$he best therapists "ill ;uietly admit that traditional therapy is inade;uate- %nless God
inter*enes/ people "ho are born into the Illuminati don.t escape it "hile ali*e- $his boo&
isn.t a mere e=ercise o academic thin&ing/ but is "ritten "ith the assurance that
reedom is possible/ there are *iable ans"ers- Some children li*e in oster homes/ or
"ith adopted parents/ or in orphanages/ or "ith careta&ers and guardians- #ecause these
children are at the mercy o the non,related adults/ these types o children re;uently are
sold to become mind,controlled sla*es o the intelligence agencies-
In e!ie'/ remember that because many o these organizations are controlled by the
IlluminatiM an Illuminati sla*e may oten "or& or one o these ront groups/ "hile the
Illuminati maintain control o*er the base,program-
$he intelligence net"or&s "ere started by and run by the Illuminati- $hey are Illuminati
ronts- $he use o sla*es crosses many organizational boundaries "ithin the o*erall
Net"or&- I a sla*e is to be used as a Delta model (assassination)/ they may be selected
or strength and de=terity- $he Delta Force is the army.s elite unit made up o Monarch
sla*es- I they are to operate as a #eta model (se=ual sla*e)/ they "ill be chosen i they
can master techni;ue- +ccasionally they might in some circumstances be selected or
ho" pretty the programmers e=pect the child to become- Some parents ha*e produced
good loo&ing children and are actually sought,ater to bear children to sell into the Mind
'ontrolled Sla*ery 0Freedom $rain0 System-
!o"e*er/ *astly more important or #eta Se= Sla*es are their ability to be programmed
to ha*e charm/ seducti*e s&ills/ charisma/ and creati*ity- #eauty is in the eye o the
beholder/ and the programmers can put almost any &ind o body to use as a se=
sla*e- Almost any se= sla*e can it some"here into the script o the IlluminatiLNe"
World +rderLcrime syndicate 0porn0 mo*ies- (I place porn in ;uotation mar&s,,because
"hat they call porn doesn.t resemble "hat the public thin&s o porn,,"e.re not tal&ing
Playboy type porn/ "e.re tal&ing ghastly horrible atrocities that are as sic& as anything
done in the Nazi concentration camps)-
For instance/ it ta&es little acting ability or beauty to ha*e one.s head chopped o "hile
ha*ing se=- $here are dierent types o se=ual sla*es/ but the Illuminati "ants to get
#eta alters "hich are sharp/ talented/ s&illed/ and resourceul- $hey "ill use these #eta
alters/ such as the #lac& Wido" alters/ or espionage and blac&mail-
$o ma&e sure that the child.s mind de*elops properly/ the baby "ill be interacted "ith so
that those areas o the brain that are important to de*elop "ill de*elop to the ma=imum-
It is a "ell,&no"n act/ that areas o the brain gro" according to ho" much stimulation
and use that area o the brain recei*es- For this reason/ Grande Dames/ "ho are in*ol*ed
in programming/ "ill spend time dra"ing and sho"ing aces to the child and seeing i
the child can recognize identical aces- Almost any other item "ill be used/ candy canes
"ith stripes (match the candycanes "ith the same no- o stripes)/ trees/ or pencils- $he
child must learn to match identical items *ery early,,e*en beore they can spea&- $his is
so they "ill be able to build mirror images into their mind-
All the senses are trained or building the mirror imagesM or instance such as sil&s and
cottons can be used or the sense o touch- $he child "ill ha*e to match te=tures- $he
Programmer/ the Grande Dame/ and Grande Mothers "ill teach the child to ha*e good
abilities in copying/ relecting/ repeating/ echoing/ or re,echoing/ and mirroring- $hey
"ill be taught or hours ho" to re,echo something *erbatim- Some o these teaching
methods are almost li&e games- For instance/ 8< pins "ill be in a bo= and the small
child is gi*en a short time to decide ho" many pins are in the bo=-
A certain le*el o intelligence and creati*ity is needed or time to be "asted on
programming- 5ou can not program a mind "hich is "ea&- Most o the people
programmed are *ery intelligent- +ne study o multiples said that multiples "ere ?9< or
abo*e in ?-<- and then mista&enly blamed their multiplicity on their ?-<- Attempts to
program people "ith lo" intelligence or no creati*ity "ere disco*ered to be a "aste o
time- Methods are used to greatly enhance the *ictim.s intelligence and creati*ity- $he
Illuminati "ill also "or& on enhancing their psychic abilities such as telepathy and
$he head programmers ha*e their o"n little mottos about building solid structures "hich
they li&e to e=press to ne" trainees- $hese include/ 0An unstructured house Fmind o the
sla*eG is li&e unto a house "ithout "alls0/ 0A house undisciplined is li&e unto a house
"ithout "alls/ it "ill crumble "ithin itsel./ and 0A house di*ided against itsel "ill not
Much o the structuring "ill be discussed in chapter D/ but the structuring begins at birth
or the *ictim/ so this chapter "ill discuss the irst steps- In order to build a solid good
house/ one needs to ha*e a solid oundation- In order to build a solid oundation/ one
needs to &no" ho" the land lays and "hat the "ea&nesses o the land are,,i it is sand or
roc& or clay/ etc- +ne needs to design one.s house to ta&e ad*antage o the natural lay o
the land- Will storms come rom this or that direction3 Where "ill the house need e=tra
protection3 $he *ery same principles pertain to programming,,because a structure is
being built-
Many e*il geniuses "ithin the Illuminati added their contributions to the Monarch
programming- +ne o the most important "as 5ohn Gittin(e o +&lahoma / because he
"as the genius "ho could understand ho" a little child.s mind "as "hen it "as in
inancy- In order to "or& "ith something/ you must &no" "hat you are "or&ing
"ith- Bohn Gittinger/ "ho is no longer ali*e/ "or&ed at programming or years- !is
contribution "as in the mental assessment area- Bohn Gittinger (b- ?7<7) "as the director
o psychological ser*ices at the state hospital in Norman / +&lahoma - !e got a master.s
degree at age 9</ and 2oined the 'IA.s M> %ltra Mind 'ontrol in ?7:<- !e "as a high
school guidance counselor and a Na*y lieutenant commander during W-W-II- In the late
?7D<s/ he mo*ed bac& to +&lahoma - !e "as hea*y set and goateed- Its been said he
loo&ed li&e the actor Walter Sleza&- !e had an insatiable curiosity about understanding
human personality-
When the Illuminati loo&ed around or men s&illed in personality assessment to assist
the Monarch Programming/ Bohn W- Gittinger "as one o their men "ho they selected-
Gittinger "as not the only researcher into personality that the 'IA hired/ but he "as their
top man in terms o the programming o children- From the end o W-W- II until he
began "ith the 'IA in ?7:</ Gittinger "as studying ho" to assess personality- At
the+&lahoma State !ospital / he had large numbers o adults "ho could be
studied- Ater Gittinger started doing personality assessment or the 'IA- most o his
"or& became highly classiied- $he Rolling Stone article o Buly ?C/ ?7D6 as&ed "hy
years o research into personality assessment should be so secret- In act it "as so secret/
that Gittinger "as not allo"ed to tal& to 2ournalists/ e*en though it "as public
&no"ledge that Gittinger did personality assessment "or&Lresearch- $he reason that such
an apparently benign science "as &ept secret is that it plays a ma2or part in the success
o the Monarch Programming- Bohn Gittinger designed the 0AS -0e%ona$ity
A%%e%%"ent Sy%te")- $his is an e=traordinary method to e*aluate human beha*ior and
predict their uture beha*ior- As ar as "e &no"/ most o the PAS is still classiied
S@'R@$- $he PAS is based on the ability to dierentiate dierent types o people-
$here are 9 ma2or dierentiations (or dimensions)- $hey are called the @,I dimension/
the R,F dimension/ and the A,% dimension- People are born "ith their original
placement "ithin each o these three spectrums- In other "ords there are 9 a=es that can
be graphed to describe a baby.s personality- $he baby might be graphed,, I
(Internalizer)/ F (Fle=ible)/ and A (Role Adapti*e)- I the baby "ere graphed this "ay
(i-e- I,F,A)/ then the Programmers "ould automatically &no" this child.s mind "ill
become a social or religious reormer- $he child.s programming charts "ould then be
labelled some suitable occupation such as 0@n*ironmental Acti*ist0/ 0Pentecostal church
reormer0/ 0'onsumer Ad*ocate0/ or 0Acti*ist against Narcotics0- $he programming or
that child then "ould ollo" A month goals to de*elop that mind,controlled sla*e into
one o the best in that occupation- (In act/ one o the co,authors o this boo&/ Fritz/ is
indeed I,F,A- "hich helps e=plain "hy he is trying to reorm society and religion "ith
this boo&- While it too& Fritz many years to ind his correct nitch in lie/ programmed
multiples are steered in the correct direction *ery early in lie "ith all the brea&s and all
the money needed rom the Net"or& to open opportunities-)
$here are three possibilities or the child in regards to his original personality
components- !e can e=press the component/ or suppress or repress it- As the child goes
through lie/ he has t"o periods "ithin "hich he can change (suppress or repress) his
beha*iorLpersonality- In the PAS/ the irst period is called 0compensation0 and the
second is called 0modiication0- $he amount o punishment or a personality trait and
pressure to change rom others "ill determine the amount o change "hich the child.s
mind "ill perorm on its original personality- $he acti*ity le*el o a person at each point
in their lie is also measured- $he intensity o each o the scores is also rated- $he actual
PAS system is ar more detailed than the e=ample abo*e/ but it ser*es to gi*e a
simpliied idea o ho" it "or&s- $he essential dynamics o an entire personality can be
"ritten in a short code "hich might be "ritten or e=ample ?8(@,uc Fcu P APuPu)!P-
!o"e*er/ e*en that code is shortened @,uc can be "ritten simply i.-
$he basic 9 dimensions to personality pro*ide C basic types- !o"e*er/ the PAS allo"s
or A basic positions in each o these C basic types "hich yields 8?A discrete basic
types- Ne=t/ the person can change their predisposed primiti*e personality initially :
dierent "ays/ and this then gi*es (9<)Q or 8D/<<< dierent types- $he second change
can be done on 6 types o modiication "hich ma&es or ?/D8C/<<< types- $hen the
programmers can actor in acti*ity le*el/ their 0Normal0 le*el (intelligence base)/ age/
se=/ and education/ and lie e=periences- In other "ords/ "hat appears to be simple has a
high degree o calibration to it- $he person "ho "as best "ith the PAS "as its
brainchild Gottinger himsel- !is intuition along "ith his PAS system/ ga*e him an
uncanny idea o ho" a personOs s mind "or&s no"/ and ho" it "ould "or& in the uture-
!e sadistically re*eled in putting his s&ill to use programming children-
$he actual assessment codes that ha*e appeared on programming assessment charts
"hich the Monarch child assessment teams ha*e used to e*aluate/ describe/ E assess a
child to be programmed ollo" the standard symbols created or PAS- Some about
Gittinger.s "or& has escaped the secrecy o the intelligence agencies- 'oncerning the
Gittinger Personality Assessment System see 0An Introduction to the Personality
Assessment System0 by Bohn Winne and Bohn Gittinger/ Bournal o 'ommunity
Psychology Monograph Supplement No- 9C- Rutland / Kermont 4 'linical Psychology
Publishing 'o-/ Inc- ?7D9- See also the Rolling Stone magazine article/ Buly ?C/ ?7D6 /
0$he 'IA Won.t Go public0- #ecause so little is &no"n about the PAS test/ it needs to be
e=plained some- +bser*ations in relation to the Wechsler Intelligence $est pro*ided the
initial ideas behind the PAS-
$he digit,span subtest o the Wechsler Intelligence $est/ "hich rates the ability to
remember numbers orms the basic test used or the @,I dimension- What Gittinger
disco*ered "as that short order coo&s had good number,memory "hich N Internalizer
personality or 0I0- A high digit span in any person tells much about them- People "ho
don.t separate themsel*es "ell rom their en*ironment are @=ternalizers N @- $he 0I0
personality "as a good baby- $he 0@0 type "ho preers doing to thin&ing is a 0too,
curious0 baby/ "ho "ill ma&e demands- I.s "ould oten be pressured to become more
outgoing/ and @.s are oten pressured by parents to be more sel,suicient/ and to
progress rom cra"ling ("hich they li&e) to learn to "al&- Pure Internalizers become
more "ithdra"n ater se*eral drin&s/ and uncompensated @Os are more li&ely to become
sloppy drun&s/ garrulous- #ased on the @,I dimension/ predictions can also be made or
ho" 1SD "ill aect a person- $his is the @,I dimension-
$he bloc& design subtest sho"s "hether a person is a Regulated (R) or a Fle=ible (F)
person- $his is the R,F dimension- $he regulated person had no trouble learning by rote
but didn.t understand "hat he learned- $he Fle=ible person on the other hand had to
understand something beore he learned it- R children could learn to play the piano
easily/ but the great concert piano players "ere F children "ho had perse*ered to master
"hat they considered drudgery-
$he third dimension is the Role Adapti*e (A) or a Role %niorm (%) person- A could be
deined as 'harisma/ "hile people tend to ignore the %- $he 'IA has 6< patterns that a
s&illed obser*er loo&s or/ and these then are related to the PAS and Wechsler subtests-
Illuminati Mothers,o,Dar&ness alters trained in obser*ation chart "hat they see a child
do- A child.s beha*ior "ith certain toys/ certain hand responses/ and certain social
responses can be obser*ed and used to assess ho" this child "ould score on the PAS
@@G (@lectroencephalogram) patterns co,relate to the PAS digit,span test- $his allo"ed
them to use the @@G patterns to o*ercome cultural bias in the test- It also ga*e the
Monarch programmers the perect tool to assess small children beore they ha*e *erbal
s&ills- Da*id R- Saunders/ at the %ni*- o 'ol- "or&ing "ith the 'IA- "rote a paper in
?7A? sho"ing the connection bet"een alpha "a*es and digit span- In ?7A</ Mundy,
'astle "rote about the connections bet"een @@G printouts and Wechsler,#elle*ue $est
!ere is the tip o the iceberg that @@Gs "ere being used to determine pre,*erbal
personality in children- And Sal*atore et al "rote at
the Massachusetts Mental !ealth 'enter / #oston / Mass/ clear bac& in ?7:6 about the
0predicti*e potential o Gittinger.s theory0 in an unpublished research paper-
($he Massachusetts Mental !ealth 'enter "as an early participant in all this-)
$he child.s guardians must teach the small *ictim obedience- $hey must teach the child
to &eep its eyes open and to hold still- $hese s&ills are important/ because the child "ill
be sub2ected to the @@Gs in *ast amounts- $he hospital e;uipment "ould be something
li&e an ??,channel Grass @@G machine "here ?? electrodes are placed on the child.s
head/ and brain "a*e patterns are printed out charting such things as bac&ground/
*ariability/ discharges/ bac&ground suppressions/ sharp "a*es/ etc- $he electrodes "ill
ha*e designations such as $9/ $6 etc- In special programming sites/ a machine "ith
electrodes "ill be hoo&ed up to the child.s head or repeated tests- $he ne"er machines
accommodate up to 9< ?L8 diameter pads (electrodes) "hich are attached "ith electrode
adhesi*e tape or small needled ends to the child.s scalp- $he child.s hair "ill be parted
in an area/ and the electrodes "ill be hoo&ed to the s&ull- $he attendant "ill tell the
child/ 0Don.t mo*e- >eep your eyes open- 1oo& at this point- Don.t blin&- Don.t mo*e
your body-0 $hen this procedure "ill be repeated or 6: minutes to an hour- @*entually
hundreds o readout rom electrodes clipped to the s&ull o the child "ill chart the brain
"a*es o the child-
From these brain "a*es/ the programmers can determine "hat type o personality the
child has- $his personality assessment criteria and ability is one o the guarded secrets o
the programming- Should une=pected beha*ior crop up/ the sla*e may be hauled in or
more @@Gs- $he PAS tests "ould re*eal to Gittinger "hat a person.s "ea&nesses "ere-
$he PAS sho"s "hat a person "ants- And these are called the sot spots o a person.s
personality- Also the PAS sho"s mental "ea&nesses/ on "here a person "ill be instable
and can be bro&en do"n- 'ertain types o stresses "ill ha*e a cumulati*e eect o
hurting a person-
A stress,producing campaign is run against 'IA targets/ and by doing this they can
neutralize a potential enemy- $his inormation collected rom children "ho are potential
*ictims or the Monarch programming/ is essential or &no"ing ho" to structure that
child.s programming- For instance IF% children oten are autistic/ IR% are schizophrenic
children/ and IR or IF are antasy prone- It "ill be urther e=plained shortly ho" this aids
programming- An Internalizer personality "ould be important deep inside an alter
system/ "hile an @=ternalizer "ould be useul or a ront personality- (Internalizers are
predisposed to the production o mental antasy-)
#y &no"ing "hat the child "as/ the programmers &no" "hat they already ha*e/ and
"hat they must add or build into the thin&ing o the alters they "ill create- 1i&e"ise/
some alters need to be R and some F- And some need to be A and some %- Regulated (R)
personalities li&e to ha*e narro" limitations on their acti*ity- $his ma&es them suitable
or programming- $he R.s readily accept authority/ and "ill not try to step out o the
range o their habits- $he R has a mar&ed ability to learn "ithout understanding- $hey
easily learn material by rote/ because they do not need to understand it beore they "ill
learn it- $his is another asset they ha*e that the programmers li&e-
$he programmers may or may not "ant an A (Role Adapti*e personality)- A uture
country singer needs charisma ,, a uture computer programmer doesn.t- Without being
able to inely determine "hat is there/ the programming could not be ine tuned- I the
child is good in math it "ill ha*e its programming scripts steered in that direction- I it
has artistic brain"a*es/ then the programmer "ill use art "or& in programming- $he art
"or& o the european artist M-'- @scher is e=ceptionally "ell suited or programming
purposes- For instance/ in his ?76D dra"ing 0Another World0/ the rear plane in the
center ser*es as a "all in relation to the horizon/ a loor in connection "ith the *ie"
through the top opening and a ceiling in regards to the *ie" up to"ards the starry s&y-
Re*ersals/ mirror images/ illusion/ and many other ;ualities appear in @scher.s art "or&
"hich ma&e all DA or more o his ma2or "or&s e=cellent or programming- $he use o
these &inds o elements "ill e=plained later-
Fi*e children each gi*en the same Alice In Wonderland script "ill each use the script
dierently during programming- $he programmer ta&es the child.s o"n creati*ity and
"or&s "ith that uni;ue creati*ity- $he child must create the images itsel i the
programming is to hold- It "on.t "or& i the images are someone else.s- $he child
organizes its internal "orld to suit hisLher o"n e=periences such as castles/ bo=es/
rooms/ and dollhouses- $he PAS type testing "ill continue during the early years o the
sla*e.s lie to ma&e sure the programming has not dri*en the child crazy or psycho- $he
child "ill mo*e do"n the script decided or it or its "hole lie/ based on these early
tests- More about ho" this "or&s later-
$he @@G tests run re;uently on children to be programmed also sho" brain tumors/ and
medical problems beside 2ust the brain "a*e patterns- $he PAS tests can sho" ho" easy
a person can be hypnotized- I the testing by the @@G.s doesn.t re*eal a child "ho can
be easily hypnotized/ they "ill be re2ected or programming/ e*en though modern drugs
and e=treme torture in some cases "ill be applied to 0sal*age0 children they really thin&
they need to program but are clearly not easily hypnotizable-
@@G.s can also be used to see "hat state o consciousness the brain is in- $he Monarch
Programming is based on structuring MPD alter systems "hich is co*ered in 'hapter
D- $he success o this structuring (its e=cellent inetuning) comes rom the initial
testing/ "hich means programs are properly built on "hate*er oundation the mind has-
$he 'IA ront !uman @cology Society tested the PAS- In ?7A8/ the 'IA mo*ed
Gittinger.s base o operations to another 'IA ront on 'onnecticut
A*e- / Washington / D-'- called Psychological Assessment Associates- #ecause
Gittinger belie*ed genetic,based dierences e=ist in people/ "hich is one o the bases
or the Monarch Programming/ his "or& "as not accepted by main stream psychology-
In ?7D6/ Gottinger described the PAS system/ 0---the Personality Assessment System
(a) indicates the &inds o internal and e=ternal cues to "hich the indi*idual is most li&ely
to respondM
(b) suggests the types o stimuli that are most li&ely to produce beha*ioral changeM
(c) pro*ides an understanding o the inter,/ intra,/ and impersonal en*ironments in "hich
a person is most li&ely to unction eicientlyM and (d) oers insight into "hat constitutes
stress and predicts probable beha*ioral response to such stress/ including
malad2ustments/ should they occur-
0In the area o e=perience/ the PAS oers a method or obtaining speciic clues to
personality structure and unctioning- $hus/ the PAS4
(a) allo"s or direct inerences concerning an indi*idual.s primary response style4
(b) suggests the ;uality o the compensations and modiications he has achie*ed in
response to social and en*ironmental pressuresM
(c) pro*ides an understanding o personality de*elopment in terms o the interaction o
primary structure/ en*ironmental pressures/ and adapti*e tendenciesM
(d) oers a procedure or e*aluating the surace or contact personality de*eloped o*er
timeM and
(e) ma&es possible the assessment o the undamental discrepancies bet"een the surace
personality and the underlying personality structure,,discrepancies that typically
produce tension/ conlict and an=iety-0 Winne/ Bohn F- and Bohn W- Gittinger- 0Bournal o
'ommunity Psychology Monograph Supplement No- 9C- Rutland / Kermont 4 'linical
Psychology Publishing 'o-/ Inc- ?7D9/ p- 77- Wo"J Gottinger.s description o PAS is
speciically the needs E goals that the programmers had "hen they initiate programming
the personality splits in tiny ?C,month old childrenJ People associated "ith the ollo"ing
listed organizations may assist the Net"or& to use their child or trauma,based
programming- 'hildren rom amilies "here one or both parents belong to the ollo"ing
organizations are oten routinely sent o in early childhood or trauma,based mind
We are no" in 9rd and 6th generations o people "ho are programmed multiples- (And
e*en into deeper generations in some Illuminati bloodlines-) What can.t be co*ered here
is the enormous secret drama in*ol*ed in Moriah inding and implementing control o*er
parents *ia prescribed or illegal drugs/ ear/ blac&mail etc- so that they "ill assist them in
getting the children programmed- I the motherly instinct is too strong/ the mom may be
prescribed tran;uilizers/ so that there is a stable house or the child.s ront alters to gro"
up in- %nreliable non,multiple athers are 0debrieed0 by Ilium / multiples "ho debrie
E then erase their memories o "hat is happening to their children- Parents may ha*e
only a limited *ie"-
D. O(ani,ation% 0acticin( Tau"a#Ba%ed /ind Conto$ ($hese groups orm "hat
insiders call 0the Net"or&-0 $hey are the bac&bone o "hat is &no"n as the Ne" World
Air Force Intelligence Army Intelligence (such as 'I')/ Atomic @nergy
'ommission/ #oeing/ #ritish Intelligence/ in- MI,A/ MI,:/ E the $a*istoc&
Institute/ #ureau o Narcotics/ #ureau o Prisons/ 'atholic 'hurch (incl-
Besuits)/ 'entral Intelligence Agency/ 'IA (a&a Agency/ 'ompany/
1angley) 'harismatic mo*ement/ 'hurch o Satan/ 'hurch o
Scientology/ 'IRKIS 'lub ?8 E 'lub 6? 'ountry Music Industry Deense
Intelligence Agency/ DIA/ Department o Bustice/ Federal #ureau o In*estigation/
F#I Freemasonry (esp- the Palladium Rite/ 99R and abo*e degrees/Iuatuor
'oronati 1odge/ SRIA/ and other Masonic ailiated organizations) G@PAN German
Intelligence (Shabac&) G!G !olly"ood $he !ouse o Saud in Saudi Arabia ("hich
has un,programmed sla*es too)
$he Illuminati (also &no"n as $he 'ircle/ Moriah/ Moriah,con;uering,"ind/ Gnostics/
1ucierians etc-) at all le*els is in*ol*ed in trauma,based mind control as perpetrators E
*ictims/ incl- Frat- Saturni,+rden Fraternitas Saturni/ $!FS/ F+G+/ Golden Da"n/
Anti'-1uci- Dyn/ etc- INS >u >lu= >lan (dierent >>> groups) Maia Masons (see
Freemasonry) Mod in Mossad (Mossad le Aliyah #eth) Mormon 'hurch NASA
(National Space Admin-) National Security Agency NSA National Programs
+ice National Science Foundation Na*al Intelligence (+NI) Neo,nazi
groups +ddello"s +$+ (there are 6 groups) P-6 (elite MIA
section) Palo Mayombe Process 'hurch and its oshoot 'hingun etc- Proessional
#aseball/ such as the 1-A- Dodgers
Russian go*ernment E intelligence groups (GR% E >G# E >G#.s successor/
historically an early group &no"n as Spets #yuro S? called 0>amera0 in Russian "hich
means 0'hamber0 did drugLhypnosis mind control research- $he Spetsburo "as
responsible or assassinations-) Santaria Satanic !ubs/ Soc- o D&- 1ily/ 'hdrn o
1ucier (%>) $emple o Po"er (pre*iously &no"n as $emple o Set) %mbanda
%S Army,,esp- the Delta Forces E the ?st @arth #att- %SAF Keteren.s
Administration Were"ol +rder Some Witchcrat groups besides Satanism E Moriah
E. 6 )e(innin( &oundationa$ %ta(e%
I the Illuminati.s preerred plan is ollo"ed/ it has 6 beginning oundational stages to
prepare the *ictim or programming- 1et.s list these/ and then ater"ards e=plain in
detail these irst 6 stages- +ne programmer named the stages 8/9/ 6 as stages ?/ 8/ 9/ but
the In utero preparations and preliminary ceremonies actually orm an initial irst stage-
$he irst stage is the initial ceremonies E the In %tero traumatization- $he second stage
is to ha*e a premature birth/ the third stage is to pro*ide intense lo*e or the child or the
irst ?C months by 8,9 selected Illuminati caregi*ers/ and the ourth stage is to pull that
lo*e a"ay and split the mind o the child permanently- Not e*ery Illuminati child is born
premature,,but many are/ because that is the preerred method or programming-
F. Foundation Ste2 1.
Preparation o the 'hildren by Spiritual Preparations E In %tero $raumatization,,$he
Moon 'hildren
$he preparation or someone to be programmed also concerns the ability o a person to
be demonized- Generational satanic amilies are sold out to Satan/ and their children
belong to Satan in a "ay that non,generational children do not- #ecause o the
generational curses/ because o the genetic bent to"ard the occult/ because o the
generational demonic orces/ the Illuminati children are *ery good candidates or
Monarch programming- Part o the programming includes the layering in o demonic
orces/ and the participation in blood rituals in order to dra" in the most po"erul o
demons- An indepth re*ie" about this important but contro*ersial sub2ect is in chapter
$he Moonchild rituals are the rituals to demonize a etus- !o"e*er/ the demons that are
in*o&ed are not the small ones but *ery po"erul ones- In "or&ing "ith *ictims o this
programming/ it is clear that high le*el demons "ere placed "ithin these people at *ery
early ages/ many o them it is belie*ed "ere demonized beore they "ere born by rituals
li&e the Moonchild rituals- #lood sacriices and human sacriices are al"ays re;uired or
this le*el o magic-
A$ei%te Co'$ey (?CD:,?76D) "as a Satanist "ho "as a 99rd degree Scottish Rite
Freemason- !e also "as a leader in a number o other Masonic rites as "ell as an +$+
leader/ a chie in Stella Matutina/ and a MI,A (#r- o*erseas intelligence) agent- !is
"ritings ha*e been important "ithin 8<th century Satanism and "ith blac& magicians-
!e "rote Moonchild "hich "as irst published in ?7?D- $he idea o the Moonchild is
that *ia blac& magic a perect soul can be captured- $he belie in reincarnation/ "hich is
pre*alent among the Illuminati and Satanic groups/ lends itsel to the belie that souls
compete or a particular embryo- +n page ?<D, ?<C o Moonchild the idea is e=pressed/
0$o produce a man "ho should not be bound up in his heredity/ and should ha*e the
en*ironment "hich they desired or him-0 $his perect soul in a proper person is called
!omunculus- $he magical "or& upon "hich this is based is said to be deri*ed rom
#acon/ Albertus Magnus and Paracelsus "ho "ere all reported in occult circles to ha*e
captured souls and placed them into brass statues- $he !ittites/ the people o Asia
Minor and Syria ha*e long sought the ability to create a superman and a super"oman-
$he Illuminati.s inside occult history places the !ittites in their ancestry- 'lear bac& in
?7?D/ long beore superman appeared in comics and mo*ies/ Aleister 'ro"ley "as
"riting about a Superman- $he magical idea is to capture a soul rom the 6th dimension-
In the boo& Moonchild/ the *illa used to produce a Moonchild "as called 0$he #utter,
ly,Net0- $he Monarch Pro2ect then "hich is named ater the Monarch butterly is also
an allusion to the Moonchild pro2ect "here #utterlies are an allusion to souls ("hat
'hristians call demonic spirits)-
$he actual rituals carried out to create a Moonchild are described in detail in three
o 'ro"ley .s "ritings- A *ague description o the rituals can be seen by reading the
boo& Moonchild- $he ritual too& place at a *illa nic&named $he #utterly Net- $he *illa
"as really an occult temple laid out in sacred geometrics- It had igures o satyrs/ auns/
and nymphs- It had statues o Artemis- 1ots o sil*er ob2ects and crescents and 7,pointed
stars "ere at the *illa/ because these ob2ects all relate to the Moon in magic-
$he "oman "ho "as pregnant "as surrounded by ob2ects related to the moon- $he
moon.s inluence "as repeatedly in*o&ed- A small triangular sil*er altar to Artemis "as
used- $here "as a sacred spring "here the "oman "as "ashed- $he number 7 "hich is
sacred to the moon "as used along "ith its s;uare C?- Prayers "ere made to Artemis/
and there "as the reenactment o the capture o Diana by Pan- $he "oman "as coached
to identiy hersel "ith "hat is &no"n as Grandmother Moon (in the boo& she simply is
called the Moon or Diana) by identiying her thoughts and actions "ith the deities one is
"anting to in*o&e-
$he creation o the Moonchildren "ithin the Monarch Pro2ect in*ol*es high le*el magic
by the circle o Illuminati blac& magicians in*ol*ed "ith a particular indi*idual.s
programming- It should be noted that Grande Master and Grande Dame alters "ill
understand demonology/ but the sections (le*els) o alter abo*e them/ are not inormed-
+ne o the biggest secrets &ept rom most o the sla*e.s alters is that their System "as
demonized "hile a etus- First/ this "ould gi*e religious ront alters the inormation they
need to get them on the right trac& to"ards healing/ and it could also ad*ersely aect the
programming lies o some o the ront alters "ho don.t realize ho" premeditated all the
trauma and torture is- $he ront alters o *ictims themsel*es remember the co*er story
that the moon children "ere produced *ia torture in the cages as little children-
$he Illuminati ha*e also planned that e*ery one o the ten commandments o God "ill
be *iolated in their a*or "ith the child- $hey preer the child to be born out o "edloc&
so that it is a bastard- $his brea&s God.s commandment on adultery/ and also gi*es them
more le*erage to destroy the child.s sel,esteem- $his entire plan in*ol*es generational
curses "hich are spo&en and unspo&en-
During Illuminati ceremonies/ 'eremonial pacts "hich concern ha*ing the child out o
"edloc& to moc& God are made- While the Illuminati destroy any godly spiritual
oundation/ they are creating a solid roc& hard oundation o 0lo*e0 (adoration or
idolatry) "ithin the ne" born upon "hich they "ill build the programming- $he second
commandment is 0Do not ta&e the 1ord.s name in *ain0- In the #lac& Mass/ the names
o God are in*o&ed to get spirits "ith blasphemous names such as 5ah"eh @lohim- Most
parts o the little child "ill ne*er e*en hear the 1ord.s name,,he "ill only hear the name
o his master/ "ho "ill someday be presented to him as 0God0- $he hand that roc&s the
cradle rules the "orld- $he child is being bonded to his uture programmers-
Much later/ great attention "ill be gi*en to set up staged e*ents to insure that the *ictim
being programmed hates God-
In +teo Tau"ati,ation
$he ormal Monarch Mind,'ontrol pro2ect "as de*eloped rom obser*ations o high
le*el Satanic amilies- $hese amilies had no ;ualms about the concept o traumatizing
the etus- Italian generational "itchcrat is called the Ways o the Strega- $hese
generational occult bloodlines/ esp- in $uscany and Naples / are *ery much into
generational ancestor spirits- $hese "ere the ones that Aleister 'ro"ley "ent to learn
ho" to create Moon 'hildren-
Remember/ that Italian and German generational Illuminati amilies "ere studied by the
Italian ascists and the German Nazis to de*elop a scientiic understanding o mind
control- $he Illuminati amilies in Germany "ere secretly and scientiically studied in
the ?78<s to determine "hat e=actly "as happening and ho" to systematically impro*e
the Illuminati.s control o*er the people they "ere already programming-
Discipline and training has been la*ished or centuries upon the children o these elite
bloodlines- $he contribution o the 8<th century "as the systematic collection and
scientiic study o all the *arious methodologies into one cohesi*e programming
pac&age- $his research "as begun on a large scale in ?76<s/ and has been systematically
added to since then- Families "ho "anted dissociati*e children learned that dissociati*e
babies could be born i the child in the "omb is tortured- $hin needles are inserted
through the mother into the etus to pric& the preborn child- Mothers/ "ho are pregnant
"ith children to be programmed/ are also se*erely traumatized during their pregnancy
"ith a "hole assortment o traumas/ "hich simultaneously traumatizes the babies "hich
they carry- For instance/ the ather may purposely abandon the pregnant mother in the
middle o a orest/ or blast the mother "ith loud rightening music/ and then ollo" this
up "ith lo*e-
G. Foundation Ste2 7. The Tau"a o& a 0e"atue Bith
A premature birth is important because the naturally occurring e*ents around a
premature birth insure that the child is naturally traumatized- Studies (such as Fenaro/
?7D8) ha*e ound that only D,CT o the li*e births "ere premature/ but 8: to 6<T (about
a third) o all battered children "ere born premature- It appears that the satanic cult
in*ol*ement "ith causing premature births may be relected in this type o statistic-
Some o the Illuminati,induced premature births ha*e made the ne"spapers/ because the
preemies set records or being born so small-
Premature labor is induced,the act that a premature birth happens is not natural/ but the
traumas that occur to the preemie are- Specialized drugs (not 2ust the e=ogenous
o=ytocins normally used to induce labor) are used on a mother to place her in a deeper
trance than a t"ilight sleep- (Remember/ that the underde*eloped li*er E &idneys o the
preemie ma&e it diicult to naturally purge meds rom the preemie.s body-) $he mother
"ill begin the process o deli*ery at this time- !o"e*er/ the mother must be brought out
o this deep sleep in order to push the baby through the birth canal- $he baby is too "ea&
to help "ith the birthing process- $his is the hardest type o birth that there is/ because
the baby is not able to help the mother in the small "ays that a ull term baby "ould-
$he strain on the heart o the mother is e=treme- $he Illuminati ha*e learned that a
mother can usually gi*e 8 or 9 preemie births li&e this beore she ris&s death to try it
again- I this type o birth is repeated too oten the "oman.s heart "ill ail- $his is "hy
the Illuminati "ill ha*e their breeders gi*e 8 or 9 preemies or programming/ and then
ha*e their breeders s"itch to ull term babies "hich are used or sacriice- I "e
describe ho" breeders and babies are used "e must spea& in general terms/ because each
bloodline/ each baby/ each mother is a separate case- !o"e*er/ there are some patterns
that should be pointed out- A bloodline "ill oten "ant a emale.s irst born male to be
sacriiced to their belie system and the 1ilith programming "hich is gi*en the alters
"ho unction "ithin the >abballistic $ree o 1ie "hich is built in during Mengele.s
programming or the deeper sections (le*els) o alters "hich are trained in Illuminati
blac& magic- ($his sub2ect "ill be dealt "ith later-) $he Illuminati breeders may be
"omen "ho "ere preemies themsel*es- Sometimes they s&ip a generation "ith the
trauma o a premature birth to get a mother "ith a good sound heart- Some o these
breeders ha*e e=cellent bloodlines/ but during their o"n preemie birth their brains "ere
damaged and they don.t ha*e the super,intelligence the Illuminati "ants or
programming- !o"e*er/ they still need to ha*e had enough creati*ity to ha*e allo"ed
themsel*es to become a programmed multiple- When breeders are used by the
Illuminati to obtain babies or programming/ the Illuminati selects "omen "ho are
themsel*es programmed multiples- $hey are used or breeders/ because genetically they
ha*e genes or intelligence/ e*en though they aren.t brilliant- $hese "omen o lesser
intelligence "ill only ma&e the beginning Priestess le*el o the "omen and might obtain
a ran& in that le*el o !igh Priestess- All these "omen/ no matter their circumstances
ha*e been made to belie*e that oering their babies to Satan is the highest honor/ so
many o them do not ha*e normal ;ualms about their 2ob- It is important to inter2ect that
the Illuminati are 1ucierians/ but "orship 1ucierLSatan- Satanists are organizationally a
separate set up/ "ith a separate history/ but both groups ha*e many common practices/
including child sacriice- ($here is a science in ho" the Illuminati hides bloodlines/
sometimes amilies are used as brooders or other important bloodlines- It "ill only be
mentioned in passing here/ because it is rele*ant to the selection process o ho" children
are slated to be programmed- $he Illuminati is ully a"are o rare bloodtypes and other
genetic properties that run in bloodlines/ and breed indi*iduals to get certain traits/ and
they also ta&e into consideration that certain "ea&nesses such as "ea& hearts
or A#, negati*e blood "ith no R! actor "ill call or special attention-) $he criteria or
non,Illuminati cults or their breeders is much lo"er- +ten these are the cults. leto*ers-
$hat is the dierence bet"een the good breeding o the Illuminati/ and the degenerate
thin&ing o the openly satanic groups- $he Satanic groups "hich are organized into
hubs/ and some o the lesser occult groups li&e the >>>-/ ha*e "omen "hich are &ept
under loc& and &ey to ser*e as breeders- #reeders are &ept rom ha*ing outside talents
that "ould help them unction in the outside "orld- Some are not allo"ed to ha*e
dri*er.s licenses and other basics- !o" does the occult "orld manage to "or& things
out "ithin a hospital setting3 $he independent satanic cults may not use hospitals- I ha*e
"or&ed "ith enough irst hand inormation to be amiliar "ith some o the cults "hich
ha*e home births attended by their o"n mid"i*es- An e=ample is the Satanic cult in
Seminole E Gar*in counties o +&lahoma "here their section houses in the countryside
ha*e had unrecorded home births or years- First hand inormation also conirms that
hospitals in $acoma / Kancou*er / Portland / and San Francisco are used by the
Illuminati or premature births- #y e=tension/ it can be understood that many hospitals
across the %nited States are no" staed "ith a large number o nurses and doctors "ho
are loyal to the occult "orld (called by insiders the 0Net"or&0) headed by the Illuminati-
$he preemies are attended to by satanic "itches "ho are nurses/ many o them multiples
themsel*es- Further on in this boo&/ "e "ill co*er ho" the Illuminati is turning out a
great number o pediatricians *ia programming to insure control o*er the preliminary
programming stages- I the occult "orld "ants a mother to see her preemie/ the occult
nurses on night shits "ill ;uietly let cult mothers in to bond "ith their preemies- $here
is a lot o corruption that goes on unnoticed too- $hese doctors and nurses ha*e ta&en
lots o preemies or the Net"or& to use or programming e=periments- I the mother is a
lo" income mother/ the Freemasons "ill let them use their net"or& o hospitals or
ree- Some o these premature children are described as dead and ta&en "ith the e=cuse
that 0they can.t breathe0- $hey then are used or programming e=perimentation- $he
Illuminati/ "or&ing in con2unction "ith other occult groups/ schemes up methods by
"hich they can get other people.s babies- $his gi*es them additional children to "or&
on- #y gi*ing lo" income mothers ree births at Masonic hospitals/ the occult "orld can
later contri*e some reason or stripping a lo" income mother "ho is on drugs o her
guardianship o her baby- $hey ta&e these children/ some o them drug babies/ or
programming uses- $he mothers o dierent animals are e=amples o ho" important
touch is to any baby- A mother co"/ or dog "ill nudge its ospring soon ater it is born-
$hey "ill also begin to teach the baby immediately ater it is born- Studies ha*e learned
that most mammals lic& their ne"born/ "hich has been obser*ed to be critical or the
healthy physical de*elopment o the baby animal- $he Illuminati "ant the same
de*elopment or their ospring- Research sho"ed that roc&ing and stro&ing preemies
helps them de*elop motor s&ills and respiratory unctions- It ta&es the place o the
lic&ing animals gi*e their ospring- $he stro&ing e*en helps cardiac (heart) unctions
during the preemies sleep- Gi*ing stimulus to a part o the brain "ill cause that part o
the brain to gro"- Although the premature child cannot spea&/ it still cra*es attention-
@*en i it hurts/ the child "ants,,e*en needs,, to be held- $he child can be touched/ and
it "ill cra*e that touching e*en i it hurts- Already the mi=ing o lo*e and pain is
beginning- $heir s&in "ill be thin and sensiti*e to touch- It "ill hurt to be touched and
preemies can e*en ha*e their s&in bruised by a sheet- A premature birth "ill create a
ighter spirit "ithin the child- I the child does not ha*e a strong instinct or sur*i*al/ and
does not ight to sur*i*e the premature birth/ then it "ill not ight to sur*i*e during the
tortures o the programming- #y ha*ing a premature birth/ the selection process has
already started- Which child "ill be a ighter3 $he preemie "ill be emotionally depri*ed
o getting to suc& on a real mother.s breast/ but "ill be ed "ith an eye,dropper or
bottle- +ten a transdisciplinary team "ill be created at the hospital to ta&e charge o the
preemie- $hey "ill run one o the *arious standard assessments/ perhaps the Neonatal
#eha*ioral Assessment Scale (N#AS) or the #ayley Scale o Inant De*elopment-
+b2ecti*es "ill then be de*eloped or the short and the long term based on each inant.s
identiied needs-
$he N#AS "ill loo& at
a- the ability to shut out disturbing stimuli/
b- responsi*eness to auditory E *isual stimuli/
c- muscle tone E motor s&ills/
d- irritability/
e- capacity to cuddle/
- s&in color/
g- rele=es- @*ery part o the preemie.s body "ill be *iolated-
A 'atheter "ill li&ely be put in the little baby.s bladder/ because preemies. urinary tracts
tend to close up/ and bed sores must be a*oided too- $hey "ill also usually be gi*en
I-K-s- $his "ill gi*e them more luid to eliminate- $his is healthy or the Preemie to &eep
their &idneys "ell- !o"e*er/ it also ser*es as part o the natural traumatic process- Some
"ill be gi*en o=ygen- $he preemie "ill be ad2usting to the light/ temperature/ sound/
humidity and gra*ity o the ne" "orld it has been thrust into- $heir hearts "ill ha*e
problems (some o these li&e Mitro,*al*e prolapse may stay "ith the child or a lie,
time)/ and also oten diiculties "ith their lungs- Studies on preemies ha*e sho"n that
they tend to ha*e a sober aect "ith e" smiles/ and then the smiles come only i their
eyes are a*erted rom "ho is in ront o them- $hey are less social and they depend upon
the primary person (usually a careta&er at the hospital) to gi*e them assistance and
encouragement to interact socially- (Als E #razelton/ ?7C?) When the child is born/ the
Illuminati ma&e sure that its irst *ie" is o one o the people "ho "ill help program it-
+ten this is a Grande Dame "ithin the hierarchy/ but it might also be a male
programmer- +*er the ollo"ing months/ the programmer igure "ill repeatedly tal& to
the child in lo*ing cooing tones- $he most lo*ing soothing "ords are all that is permitted
at this stage- $he child is being naturally bonded to the programmer- Mengele "as the
best o e=perts at this type o bonding- $he programmers tal& to each other in terms
li&e/ 0this child is a piece o clay-0 $hey *ie" themsel*es as the potters to that clay-
When the Preemie is born it copes "ith the pain by being dissociati*e- $he soothing
*oice o the programmer is said and heard in hypnotic tones- $he hypnotic *oice o the
programmer is ta&ing ad*antage o the dissociati*e trance,li&e state o the child in pain-
$he hypnotic *oice is grooming the child rom the "omb- !ypnotic cues are placed into
the child.s mind e*en at this young age- !ypnotic cues use all the senses- In reality/ the
programmers are e*en hypnotizing the little babies- Soon the preemie.s eyes "ill open
"hen the preemie senses the presence o the programmer in the room- $he preemie.s
eyes "ill ollo" the programmer around as he or she "al&s around the child.s room- $he
child.s eyes are ollo"ing the *oice o the programmer- Ronald Shor/ a respected
researcher into hypnotism/ "rote in the Amer- Bournal o Psychotherapy/ Kol- ?9/ ?7:7/
pp- :C8,A<8/ 0+nly in the etus can one concei*e o an ideally pure trance state/ that is/ a
state in "hich there is a total absence o a unctioning reality,orientation- In the
de*eloping organism in utero the irst momentary e=periences e=ist concretely/
independent o any structured bac&ground o e=perience- $he only organization that can
ta&e place at irst is that "hich is genetically gi*en- #ut e=cept or this natural/
ontogenetically unde*eloped state there is al"ays some degree o structuring-0 In other
"ords/ i you "ant to hypnotize someone/ the ideal is "hen they are a etus/ because the
baby soon begins to get a grasp o reality,,that reality gi*es the child something to
compare "ith "hat the hypnotist is "anting to program in- Notice/ also the a"areness on
Shor.s part/ that there is some structuring o the mind done naturally *ia genetics- $his
again underscores the importance o "hy the programmers li&e multi,generational
*ictims,,because they pass *ia genetics some o the mental structuring needed or the
smooth programming o the ne=t generation- #y loo&ing into the preemie.s eyes and
tal&ing/ the programmer begins to teach the baby- $he preemie learns that its primary
careta&er is its controller- $he controller controls its access to its bottle and e*erything
else in its lie- $he Illuminati are teaching the child to *ie" its controller as God rom
the irst second it is born- $hey "ant the child to "orship the programmer- $he
programmer is literally sa*ing the preemie.s lie- #y tal&ing E cooing to the child/ the
programmer.s *oice becomes more real to the child than itsel- $he controllers begin
stretching the mind o the child as soon as it is born- $he t"o or three people "ho
control the early baby.s lie begin teaching it "ith hypnotic *oices as soon as it is born-
Subliminal tapes are used to teach the baby immediately- $he goal is to teach the child to
read and spea& much earlier than other children- In the Monarch Program.s controlled
setting/ children "ho can read at si= months/ can still be programmed or social s&ills- In
an uncontrolled setting/ children taught this earlier tend to ha*e their intellectual s&ills
outstrip their social s&ills/ and they de*elop serious problems "ith their peers and
schools- 'hildren can be hypnotized easier than adults/ but it has to be done dierently/
especially i the child is pre*erbal- Rubbing the child/ stro&ing its head/ and patting the
child help soothe the child into rela=ing- $he hypnotist must not ma&e rapid tonal
changes in his *oice- $hese are reasons "hy gentle Illuminati "omen programmers are
such an asset at this stage- $he ne"born child is taught obedience- It is allo"ed to cry to
de*elop its lungs/ but at some early point it is taught not to cry- $ape is placed o*er the
child.s mouth/ and it is told o*er and o*er 0no0 "ith the inde= inger gesturing- $hey get
appro*al i they don.t cry- $his type o programming is called beha*ior modiication/
and "ill be urther co*ered in a later chapter- $he baby is rigidly taught total obedience-
In re*ie" o step 9/ one tried and oten used techni;ue is to ha*e the baby born
premature- $he baby must undergo lots o trauma/ and must learn to be a ighter to
sur*i*e- #abies ha*e been ta&en by induced labor or ',Section at premature ages
intentionally to insure that the baby "ill suer trauma- When the premature baby lea*es
the comort o the "omb it e=periences trauma- #y ta&ing the baby prematurely/ it also
gi*es the programmers an ad*anced start on the programming-
Foundation Ste2 8. 9o!e Bo")in( the Chi$d +nti$ a)out Ei(hteen /onth%
$he third stage is smothering the child in lo*e- $he lo*e is gi*en so that it can be ta&en
a"ay in the ourth stage- %nless lo*e is gi*en so that it can be ta&en a"ay/ there is no
trauma- Illuminati children are ne*er span&ed in the irst year and a hal- $hey are *ery
lo*ingly controlled- ($his pattern o smothering ne" con*erts in lo*e called 0lo*e
bombing0 in preparation or remo*ing that lo*e and acceptance to get obedience is done
by some cults to ne" members too-) $he Illuminati child learns about their body- $heir
bo"els are allo"ed to unction properly and they are &ept meticulously clean- $hey must
be taught to appreciate their body/ beore the trauma o stripping them o e*erything
they *alue- Dissociation does not ha*e to be taught to the child/ because they ha*e a
genetic leaning to"ard it/ and the premature birth has taught them to dissociate- All in
all/ the child has been allo"ed only to build a relationship "ith its programmer(s)- $he
child has learned to trust/ obey and adore the programmer during the irst ?C months o
its lie- Its mind is lining up "ith hypnotic suggestions/ cues/ and is being obedient-
Foundation Ste2 63 Factuin( the /ind
$he ourth stage is built upon the oundation o dissociation created in the irst E second
stages/ and the lo*e created in the third stage- ($he demonology o the irst step also
helps pull in demons associated "ith programming/ tunneling in the mind/ and
multiplicity/ "hich are used in the ourth oundational step-) +ten in the ourth step/ the
child.s mind "ill racture along the same dissociation racture lines that the trauma o
the premature birth created- I the child is not a premature baby/ it "ill need some
additional help to "ant to dissociate- $he child can ha*e its senses o*er"helmed
repeatedly to the point that it learns to react to its surroundings by "hat appears on the
outside as a numbness/ and mentally is simply dissociation- @*erything imaginable can
be used to o*er"helm the caged little child.s senses and create dissociation- Rotten aul
odors o the child.s e=crement/ o amnonia/ and rotten ood "hile it huddles in its cage
"ill o*er"helm the child.s sense o smell- #eing ed blood o*er"helms the sense o
taste- $he chanting o the Programmers dressed in Satanic garb/ banging noises/ roc&
music and the electric hum/ and ultrasonic stimulation o*er"helms the child.s sense o
hearing- $he child.s natural de*eloping sense o shapes is ta&en ad*antage o by
spinning the child and ma&ing it eel li&e it is going to all- $he child "ill also be
depri*ed o sleep and drugged- $ogether all this "ill pro*ide the dissociati*e base or
splitting the core- $he ourth stage is to strip the child o e*erything nice and lo*ely in
the "orld- $he child is caged and tormented by electric shoc&- $he child.s senses "ill be
o*erloaded and they "ill become numb- @ye"itnesses ha*e described these hundreds o
numbed children as 0zombies0- $his stage and the programming put in ater the
oundational dissociation is created "ill orm the ne=t chapter- In the ourth step/ the
child is star*ed/ cold and na&ed- When they inally see their belo*ed master or belo*ed
adult careta&er appear ater suering rom 68 to D8 hours/ they are e=cited and they
dissociate the pain o the pre*ious hours o depri*ation- !elp appears to be on the scene-
At that point the programmerLbelo*ed adult sho"s hisLher most *icious side/ and the
child in order to deal "ith ho" this lo*ing careta&er has not only re2ected them but is
no" hurting them dissociates along the same ractures o dissociation created by the
trauma o the premature birth- $he details o ho" the mind is split "ill be dealt "ith
urther in the ne=t chapter- In re*ie" o steps 9 and 6/ part o the programming is to
ha*e the primary initial abuser bond "ith the child- A close lo*ing bond is needed
bet"een a child and the initial abuser so that a clean split is created "hen the initial
mind,splitting trauma is carried out- $he clean split occurs "hen the child is conronted
"ith t"o irreconcilable opposing *ie"points o someone "ho is important to them- $he
child can.t reconcile the t"o e=tremely opposite *ie"s o the same person/ one being a
lo*ing careta&er/ and the other being the "orst &ind o abuser- $he person the child
trusted the most is the person the child ears the most- Some proessional therapists
ha*e come to realize that this is ho" the core is split- Body 1ienhart/ a multiple hersel/
in her Ph-d dissertation correctly identiies the double bind o ha*ing t"o e=tremely
opposite *ie"s o the most important person in the child.s lie as the undamental
splitting mechanism- She "rites in her ?7C9 dissertation on p- A,D/ 0Implicit in each o
the studies o childhood trauma is the per*asi*e nature o parado=ical communication-
Fre;uently/ this double bind communication style appears during the ormati*e/
pre*erbal stages o childhood in "hich the interpretation o these messages is conused-
$his results in insuicient e=perimental learning "hich "ould allo" translation o the
conused appropriate messages--- 0 $his study presents the theoretical assumption that
multiple personality is de*eloped through early childhood state,dependent learning-
F$hat means that learning is lin&ed to a state o mind-G Furthermore/ it is hypothesized
that this learning occurs as a result o the hypnoidal eects o childhood trauma such as
abuse and se=ual molestation- $he child/ unable to translate the parado=ical nature o the
messages he recei*es/ ragments into a trance state- Furthermore/ it is suggested that
memories incorporated during each o these hypnoidal e=periences are similar to
&no"ledge ac;uired during state,dependent learning- 1ienhart used her o"n memories
as the basis or the type o trauma that suggests in her dissertation could create MPD-
$hat trauma or her "as her uncle orcing his penis into her mouth and almost cho&ing
her- $he child is not in a position to lee/ so the mind dissociates- She happened to ha*e
e=perienced a common trauma used to split a core- In order to split the core/ the mind
has to be trained to dissociate- $he ability to dissociate is obtained by being genetically
bred rom dissociati*e parents/ by ha*ing a premature birthLtraumatic birth i possible/
and by the conditioning done at the original programming center (bet"een ?C mo- E 9
years) "here intermittent electric shoc& along "ith the all the senses being
o*er"helmed/ along "ith sleep depri*ation and drugs create a dissociati*e base to split
the core- $he initial sadistic abuse to split the mind/ is called 0se*ering the core-0 @ach
person.s original mind is li&e an open computer- $he original computerli&e mind in
order to continue "or&ing/ "hen conronted "ith o*er"helming trauma/ splits a part o
the mind o and "alls it up "ith amnesia barriers- From this area urther splits can be
made- +ne o the ma2or technical eats to ma&e computers useable "as to igure out ho"
to be able to "all o and protect memory in the computer rom being accessed and used-
When they succeeded in engineering isolated memory the other problems "ere
minor- When someone has been traumatized rom the etus on up,,there is no single
core such as therapists usually loo& or- $he 'ore or the programmers is the unsplit
essence o the mind "hich dri*es or pro*ides energy or the System- $his 'ore is not an
alter/ but is an essence that the programmers hide- $he 'ore is not an alter- $he
programmers do not touch the core in the ashion they do alters- $hey hide the
core- Part o the drama that is carried out during the entire *ictim.s lie/ is that their
mind tries to protect this untouched core essense o their mind rom being touched- I
they thin& anyone/ the therapist or the abuser are going to tamper "ith it/ the mind and
its parts "ill protect that core- As strange as it may seem/ "hen a therapist tal&s about
integration/ they oten scare the *ictim.s mind that the integrity o the core and its
innocence "ill be *iolated/ and the *ictim.s mind does e*erything it can to a*oid
contaminating the integrity o their core/ i-e- they sabotage therapy and return to their
programmer "ho understands their saety issue- Initially/ in the ?76<s/ the Illuminati
researched "hat "ould happen i the 'ore "as allo"ed to meet up "ith the alters/ and
they disco*ered that the brain.s essence or energy "ill "or& to pull the mind bac&
together- $hereore/ the 'ore is separated and hidden rom all the alters- In Illuminati
systems/ it is usually placed in the middle o its irst splits/ "hich are also sources o
energy and "hich are "ell hidden- $hey are dehumanized parts "hich unction as gems/
"hich are programmed as in the Alice In Wonderland story to change shape and color i
they are approached/ "hich rarely happens- $hese parts "ill be discussed in other
chapters including ho" a system is structured- A dissociati*e carousel is also attached
around the core- Ater the core is hidden/ the rest o the alters "ill be programmed not to
loo& or the energyLsynthesizing part o the system- $he real 0core0 or primal part o the
unconscious "ill ha*e an adult representati*e o it in a Monarch System- $his primal
part has a $oddler s"itch upon "hich all the programming is built- An e*ent(s) in the
child.s lie is used to build the programming upon- $he Illuminati &no" about the
*arious base programs and the oundational traumas/ and some o this is &ept secret
rom programmers "ho come rom ront organizations o the Illuminati- $here are a
number o parts "hich "ill be called 0cores0,,simply because they "ere early parts/ but
there is no intact single person "ho represents all o the mind- All that is let are
ragments o the mind/ each segment "alled o "ith amnesia- $he alters "ho percei*e
themsel*es to be 0cores0 are alters "ho ha*e been programmed to thin& they are the core
alter- $he mind has a "ay o &no"ing the truth/ and these alters may realize that their
programmed story line is suspicious/ but they "on.t &no" "hat is 0ishy0 about it/ so
they tend to be in denial about their identity- $hese substitute or moc& cores "ill oten be
in denial that they are e*en MPD- In some cases/ "here Scripture "as used to program
"ith/ the core "as told that it "ould be 0blessed by multiplying as the seeds in the stars
o hea*en and the sands o the sea0 i 0thou hast obeyed my *oice0/ "hich is misuse o
Gen- 884?D,?C- Alters "hich represent the 0sands o the sea0 pop up i an alter tries to
get to the core- (See chapter ?<& about scriptures used in programming-
The Initia$ S2$it%
$he initial part o a person.s mind beore splitting occurs is called the core-
$heoretically/ the core ma&es parts to protect itsel- $he initial splitting is called
0splitting the core0 and there is an art or science in &no"ing ho" to split a core-
!o"e*er/ I disagree "ith the standard core model0- I belie*e it is more accurate to say
that the initial splits are stronger because they someho" are integrated closer to the
mind- 1ater splits made rom later splits/ are in a sense less connected to the ull
mind- During a torture session/ the initial splits are al"ays the strongest- So "hen they
torture someone and get 8< personality splits/ they "ill use perhaps the irst ?9 and
discard the rest or use them or single tas& 2obs- Discard areas are created in the mind,,,
these are *ariously called concentration camps/ garbage dumps/ or "hate*er- $he
*ictim.s mind is trained to create these dumping grounds or the splits that the
programmers don.t "ant to use- As the programming got reined/ so did the methods or
discarding un"anted splits- In children/ "ho recei*e programming at a *ery early age/
the initial splits may be done in the "omb- I the ourth step is carried out in a timely
ashion at ?C months ater the in utero trauma and a premature birth/ then during the irst
?C months the mind "ill ne*er ha*e a chance to pull itsel together- I ho"e*er/ the
ourth step is not done at around ?C months and no urther trauma is maintained/ the
child.s mind "ill pull bac& together by the age o t"o and a hal- $he initial splits are the
most energetic and the easiest to manipulate- In Illuminati systems these early parts are
dehumanized into thin&ing they are gems and crystals- $hese gems and crystals then
0po"er0 the entire mind,control system that is programmed o*er the ollo"ing years
into the child.s mind- $he gems are not percei*ed as alters/ so the pro=y core "ouldn.t
integrate "ith "hat is percei*ed as an inanimate ob2ect- $he pro=y core is allo"ed to
"ant to mo*e to"ard health "ith a therapist/ it is programmed to mo*e to"ard healing/
but to lead the therapist a"ay rom the true core- She or he is programmed to belie*e it
is the true core- $he real core E its irst splits/ "hich are the gems/ are placed
hypnotically at the mind.s deepest le*els,,in an area o the mind e" therapists e*er
search- As outlined abo*e/ other initial splits are led to belie*e they are cores- Part o the
reason there is a illusi*e search on the part o therapists or a core/ is that people ha*e
not accepted the reality that there is no one person (personality) in charge o a Monarch
System "ho can simply decide to ;uit coping "ith lie by stopping their MPD- Many
therapists "ant to belie*e that some person is the 0real0 person and the rest are simply
subordinate alters created to handle the core.s trauma- I belie*e this is an inade;uate
understanding o "hat is happening- $he elements that ma&e up "ho a person is,,i-e-
personality elements such as memories/ are ractured- $hese ragments ha*e in turn
oten been built up into ull,blo"n personalities "ith all the elements o ull,blo"n
personalities- $here is no 0real0 person/ 2ust as i you smash a mirror into a thousand
pieces/ there is no single piece that is the 0real0 original mirror but rather simply
ragments that can in turn operate as mirrors- !o"e*er/ there is still a primal sel- @arly
splits are led to belie*e they are the core- $he cult "ill hide the initial splits beyond
recognition- Some o the third "a*e o splits "ill be created into "hat are named Silence
alters- $hey are trained ne*er to tal&- (At least some Illuminati alter systems call these
early splits 0Silences0-) $hese early splits are then hidden and used to blac&mail other
alters "ho "ere created later- $he other alters/ "ho are ormed ater the Silences ("ho
are pre,language alters) are con*inced that i they don.t beha*e the Silences "ill ha*e
something drastic happen to them- Some o the pre,tal&ing Silence alters are then placed
in places such as Moloch.s $emple to &eep as hostages-
Alters are created do"n the road to guard the Silences- $hey guard in the ull sense/
controlling the Silences/ and any access to the Silences- Since the Silences are early
splits they are more important or the ull integration o the mind/ "hich the
programmers "ant to insure doesn.t happen- Probes are pushed into the brain at the base
o the s&ull/ in a *ery precise and methodical "ay during the initial core trauma- $his is
done to create guards or the carousel- For more about the early primal splits see the
section on 'arousel in 'hapt- D on structuring/ and the ne=t chapter on ho" the trauma is
done- #ecause the Programmers "ill tamper "ith the alters so much to get the satanic
alters and the special purpose alters "hich they "ant/ they need to use some o the irst
splits as ront alters- $hey need strong ront alters "ho ha*e a sense o "ho they are- I
they "aited until later to get ront alters/ the alters "ouldn.t be as strong and "ould ha*e
already lost their identity- $he 9rd "a*e o alters created oten "ill in turn be split to
pro*ide alters to build the ront section o a System- $he ront 0cores0 "hich are decoys
"ill be set up "ith opposites/ one alter "ill lo*e the programmer the other "ill hate him-
+ne alter "ill trust the programmer/ the other "ill ear the programmer- $herapists
spend all their time trying to reconcile this conlict "hich is placed out ront as a decoy
to &eep them busy- Mean"hile/ the gems along "ith the rest o the loyal cult alters "ill
ha*e the ability to create "hate*er is needed "ithin the System- $he entire system o
alters is al"ays shiting and many o the true alters are in hiding- $he person is made to
eel li&e he or she has been sliced li&e meat much as a bolagna slicer ma&es slices o
bologni- $his layering program is *ery dangerous and se*ere- +*erlays o all &inds/
demonic/ hypnotic illusion/ etc- are layered o*er real alters so that e*en the identity o
"hat is a real alter is hidden- $he point is that decoys "hich &eep therapists busy are
created/ "hile the entire structure shits and rearranges and restructures itsel to &eep
itsel hidden- +ten the Illuminati encourages early ront splits to learn about 'hrist and
legitimately accept !im at a *ery early age- $his acceptance "ill be used as the basis o
the trauma to create strong satanic alters- Bust as the handler "ill bond "ith the child to
split it/ the handler "ill allo" some early parts o the System to bond "ith 'hrist in
order to enhance the trauma that 0God0 "ill do to the System- $his also allo"s the
handlers to ha*e a balancing point- Without the ull range o capabilities "ithin a Sla*e
alter system,, a dangerous imbalance to"ard e*il could propel the sla*e into situations
"here they don.t ha*e the ability to succeed- In many "ays/ the sla*e.s "orld becomes a
microcosm o the real "orld/ ha*ing a mi=ture o adult and child alters/ 'hristian/
secular/ and Satanic alters- Another thing "hich happens "ith the irst splits is the
creation o mirror images- Some o the time/ in the early splitting procedures/ the child
creates e=tra splits- In the early stages/ these strong e=tra splits are made into mirror
images o regular alters- Some o these mirror images are &no"n to be placed into the
mind beore any splitting occurs- As long as the *ictim.s dissociation e=ists/ the
potential or mischie e=ists or the programmers- $his is "hy integration can be a
positi*e goal or a Monarch multiple i the deprogrammer &no"s "hat he is doing- Ater
suering decades o the most horrible traumas imaginable and the most se*ere abuse as
sla*es/ most sla*es ha*e minds "hich are habitually dissociati*e- $hese older minds o
sla*es re;uire a miracle to cease remaining permanently dissociati*e- It does ta&e a great
deal o brain energy to maintain the amnesic "alls/ and the minds o people in their D<.s
and C<.s "ill stop maintaining those "alls and these elderly "ill begin to remember- #ut
by that time/ they are considered senile/ and their memories are discontented-
Futhe Se$ection Con%ideation%
The I$$u"inati ha!e thei o'n citeia a% to 'ho they %e$ect.
$he preerence is that they be blue,eyed blond 'aucasians and not to ha*e ob*ious
physical deects or *isible scars- $he Freemasons also re2ect physically deecti*e
candidates- Ater they test the child or its intelligence/ creati*ity/ and dissociati*e s&ills/
they "ill bring the children beore the Grande Druid 'ouncil- Formal appro*al o girls
and boys into the Illuminati is done at a presentation by the Iueen Mother and the
Grand Druid 'ouncil at age three- !o"e*er/ the children ha*e already been inspected by
the Iueen Mother beore a ormal physical inspection- Se=uality is an important issue
or the physical part o the Illuminati inspection o little boys and girls- $his is part o
the physical criteria/ as "ell as the physical health o the child- 'reati*ity/ strength/
bloodlines/ and intelligence "ill also be ta&en into consideration- $he standard $rauma,
based mind control "hich produces programmed multiple personalities is started on
children beore the age o A- Ater the age o A/ it is diicult to ollo" this type o
MPDLDID programming- !o"e*er/ this does not mean people aren.t programmed ater
age A- $rauma,based personality splits remain isolated in the mind better than hypnotic,
based personality splits/ but most people can be hypnotized to create alter personalities-
Some SRA sur*i*ors ha*e programming but don.t ha*e alter systems- A rare e" do not
ha*e systems/ but only a e" dissociati*e states/ such as a night sel/ and a day sel- A
"ide *ariety o approaches ha*e been e=perimented and operationally carried out- $his
boo& "ill concentrate more on the Monarch Systems "hich are created by programming
inants- $his is usually the most de*astating/ traumatic/ controlling/ eecti*e
approach- $he 'atholic 'hurch has long said gi*e me a child by the age o : and they
"ill be 'atholic- $he 'atholic 'hurch is one o the largest parts o the net"or& that
carries out Monarch Mind 'ontrol- It is a act/ that i the Besuits can place in their
programming,,"hat they call the 0>eys to the >ingdom0 Monarch Mind 'ontrol "ithin
a child/ they "ill control his destiny- +ne Besuit priest is on record as stating that there is
nothing he can.t ma&e anyone do "ith torture- $he Besuits de*eloped torture to a ine art
in the in;uisition- Imagine the e=pertise they ha*e brought to the Monarch Program
"hich begins torturing children at ?C months on"ard "ith e*ery sophisticated torture
de*ice in*ented- I the Besuits brag that they can con*ince adults to do anything *ia
torture/ "hat about baby children3 While the Monarch programming is done "ith
children/ one *ariety o it is done on adults- Adults "ho are selected are also chosen on
the basis o the ability to disassociate and their a*ailability- $here are certain tests gi*en
by the branches o the military "hich identiy people "ho disassociate "ell- $heir
0'umes0 ,,that is their accumulated school records are also e=amined- $his type o
person may be singled out and sent to get programming- Some o these persons end up
in the *arious intelligence agencies/ "here they are trapped or their entire lietimes-
Some o the *ictims o the programming are "ar *ets/ Americans "ho "ere P+Ws/
people in mental hospitals/ people "ho 2ust happened to "or& or Illuminati connected
companies/ and people going into acting- $he intelligence agencies oten begin mind,
control on adult indi*iduals "hen an indi*idual 2oins their organization- I an
intelligence or military group can e=ercise a high le*el o e=ternal control o*er an
indi*idual/ they may not need the le*el o programming that some o the occult cults and
the Illuminati need- $he Illuminati place their membership among the "orld at large/ and
"ith the re;uirement that centuries o secrecy be maintained- $his secrecy can only be
maintained by insuring that strong early programming is done to create ail sae systems
"ith large number o dar& alters and hea*y layers o demonic orces- (Many "ill sco at
the concept o demons being layered in/ but "hate*er name one "ants to call these
orces/ they are being layered in/ and e=ert a po"erul orce behind the
programming-) $he programming "ill brea& do"n i memories are reco*ered/ so
demonic imps are layered in to protect the memories rom coming out- $he entire
phenomena "ill be gone into great detail and e=plained in rational terms in the course o
this boo&- No matter ho" a therapist e=plains these demonic imps/ they need to be dealt
"ith i the memories are not to be protected- $here are *arious methods or controlled
memory retrie*al,,2ournaling/ hypnosis/ sae rooms "ith screens/ deli*erance etc- "hich
"e "ill not go into at this point/ because "e are pro*iding the recipe/ not the
solution- While most Illuminati *ictims are in,house rom their o"n occult bloodlines/ a
certain renegade group o Illuminati programmers ha*e pro*ed to the Illuminati that they
can ade;uately program non,Illuminati children- I am amiliar "ith some o the people
in*ol*ed in this/ but "ill not mention names- What "e ha*e co*ered in this chapter is
ho" premeditated/ deliberate/ and precise the plans are by the programmers or the li*es
o these Mind,controlled sla*es- $he programming places their li*es on *ery rigid
scripts- $here are dierent uses or mind,controlled sla*es- What applies to one sla*e
may not apply to another one- Not e*eryone is a good candidate or programming-
Sometimes only part o a amily "ill be programmed- Whate*er the particulars about the
programming/ it "ill be suicient to place the indi*idual.s mind totally under the control
o the handler- We ha*e also gi*en the details o ho" the candidates are selected/ tested/
prepared and the programming initiated- $he ne=t chapter co*ers more on ho" trauma E
ear ser*e as the base o mind,control-
Cha2te 73 Science : 7 The Tau"ati,ation and Totue o& The 4icti"
A- A site or torture o children/ N+$S 'hina 1a&e / 'A -
!o" 'hildren Are $ransported $o A Ma2or Programming Site
More About $he Secret 'hina 1a&e #ase
'harles Manson Boseph Mengele
#- What trauma does/ the creation o P$SD E DID (MPD)
P$SD (post,traumatic stress disorder) 0!idden +bser*er0 0the core0
'- !o" the torture is carried out/ types o trauma #aron Guy de Rothschild
ritual aspect o trauma
D- What +ccurs When $he Mind Splits4 !o" MPD "or&s
@- $he 'ore
F- !o" Programming is Anchored
!o" $he +lactory Ner*es Are $raumatized
When Moonchild $raumas Miscarry
Ritual $orture De*ice
$he basis or the success o the Monarch mind,control programming is that dierent
personalities or personality parts called alters can be created "ho do not &no" each
other/ but "ho can ta&e the body at dierent times- $he amnesia "alls that are built by
traumas/ orm a protecti*e shield o secrecy that protects the abusers rom being ound
out/ and pre*ents the ront personalities "ho hold the body much o the time to &no"
ho" their System o alters is being used- $he shield o secrecy allo"s cult members to
li*e and "or& around other people and remain totally undetected- $he ront alters can be
"onderul 'hristians/ and the deeper alters can be the "orst type o Satanic monster
imaginable,,a Dr- Be&yllLMr- !yde eect-
A great deal is at sta&e in maintaining the secrecy o the intelligence agency or the occult
group "hich is controlling the sla*e- $he success rate o this type o programming is
high but "hen it ails/ the ailures are discarded through death- @ach trauma and torture
ser*es a purpose- A great deal o e=perimentation and research "ent into inding out
"hat can and can.t be done- 'harts "ere made sho"ing ho" much torture a gi*en body
"eight at a gi*en age can handle "ithout death- No" this is "hy the Nazis did all those
strange concentration camp e=periments/ "here they tested ho" ;uic&ly people "ould
reeze or die rom *arious traumas- It "as or mind controlJ $he abusers are *ery
speciic and scientiic in their torture- A lab technician "ith a clip board "al&s around
monitoring the e or the children "hen they recei*e their initial traumas- !eart monitors
are closely "atched- Still many children died rom the programming- $he programmers
learned that "hen a child rolled up in a etal position it had gi*en up the "ill to li*e-
$hey learned to time ho" ast this "ould occur to get an idea ho" ar to push the child-
Parents in eastern %nited States "ere ta&en to !ar*ard %ni*ersity or training to teach
them ho" much trauma they could gi*e their children at home beore they "ould die-
Ater the children got bac& rom their initial programming they "ere to recei*e daily
traumas to &eep them dissociati*e-
A The Initia$ S2$ite% and Initia$ 0o(a""in( Done At China 9a*e, CA.
$he primary or initial torture or many children in "estern %-S- "as done at 'hina 1a&e
"hich oicially has gone under the designations Na*al +rdinance $est Station
(pronounced in short as N+$S)/ Na*al Weapons 'enter/ NW'/ Ridgecrest (the to"n
nearby)/ and Inyo,&ern (the area)- $he address o Nimitz !ospital is the code 0898
Na*al Air Weapons Station0- $he base "as set up to test 0ne" "eapons0- @*idently/ the
Na*y decided that mind controlled people "ere an important "eapon to test- Most o the
0ne" "eapons0 created at 'hina 1a&e "ere or the most part human robots turned out in
large numbers- $he Monarch Mind 'ontrol "as carried out in large airplane hangers on
the base "hich ha*e been able to house thousands o tiny cages 2ust large enough or
human babies- 1ots o ?/<<< babies "as a small batch- According to people "ho
"or&ed in the hangers helping program/ many batches "ere 8/<<< or 9/<<< babies-
Many sur*i*ors remember the thousands o cages housing little children rom ceiling to
loor- $he cages "ere hot "ired (electriied on the ceiling/ bottom and sides) so that the
children "ho are loc&ed inside can recei*e horriic electric shoc&s to their bodies to
groom their minds to split into multiple personalities- $hese cages are called
Woodpec&er Grids-
$he *ictim sees a lash o light "hen high D-'- *oltage is applied- 1ater/ this lash o
light is used "ith hypnotic induction to ma&e the person thin& they are going into
another dimension "hen they are blasted "ith high *oltage- In the Peter Pan
programming/ the Programmers tell the sla*es that this is 0riding the light-0 +ne o the
popular traumas ater the small child has endured the Woodpec&er Grid cages or days is
to rape it- $he rape is intentionally brutal so that it "ill be as traumatic as possible-
Many o the technical people on the base are ci*ilians- $his is in part because part o the
research in*ol*es mind,control/ and Illuminati ci*ilian mind,control e=perts ha*e come
and gone rom the base- $he 'aliornia Institute o $echnology at Pasadena is
intimately connected to 'hina 1a&e .s research (and by the "ay to the Illuminati)- Also
much o the "or& at the acility is or the intelligence agencies and not the military-
Intelligence assets are oten ci*ilians- +ne o the things de*eloped in the 'aliornia
%ni*ersities and then implemented at 'hina 1a&e "as color programming/ "hich "ill be
co*ered later in this boo&- Red and green "ere disco*ered to be the most *isible colors
or programming- Karious colored lashing lights "ere used in programming at N+$S-
Sur*i*ors o the programming all remember lashing lights- $he use o lashing lights
has been introduced into American culture by the 'IA- I a person goes into bars and
places "here bands play/ you "ill notice multi,colored lights lashing- $he lashing
lights create disassociation/ especially in people "ho are programmed-
Ho' Chi$den Ae Tan%2oted To A /a;o 0o(a""in( Site
A list o ma2or programming centers is gi*en in an appendi=/ along "ith each site.s
programming specialties- In this chapter/ an e=ample o 2ust one o the bases used or
early programming is gi*en/ the large and *ery secret'hina 1a&e acility
in 'aliornia near Death Kalley - $he children are brought into the 'hina 1a&e NW'
(a&a N+$S) base by trains/ planes and cars- A number o the small airields "hich ly
these children into 'hina 1a&eha*e been identiied- +ne/ "hich is no longer in use or
mo*ing children/ "as a pri*ate air strip at Sheridan / +R "hich "as beside a large
lumber mill- $he lumber mill had an agreement to secretly house the children "ho had
their mouths tapped- Neighbors in the area "ere bought o/ and "arned that i they
tal&ed they "ould be in trouble or broaching national security- $he area has lots o mills
2oined by train trac&s/ "hich "ere used to shuttle the children around- $ied into this
net"or& "as a 'atholic Monastery "hich lies bet"een Sheridan and McMinn*ille/ close
to the rail net"or&- $he %nion $rain Station in Portland / +R has underground tunnels
"here children "ere temporarily "arehoused in cages beore continuing on their
2ourney- $he Besuits "ere acti*e in this part o the child procurement- 'atholic adoption
agencies ("hich are many)/ nuns "ho get pregnant/ third "orld parents/ and parents "ho
"ill sell their children "ere all sources o children or programming- When one thin&s
about ho" many corrupt people there are and ho" many to"ns and cities are on the
West 'oast/ and ho" many children are produced by Satanic breeders/ illegal aliens and
other parents "ho.d rather ha*e the money than children and the reader begins to realize
ho" procuring batches o ?/<<< or 8/<<< children "as no problem or the Illuminati
"or&ing through intelligence agencies such as the 'IA/ NIS/ DIA/ F#I/ and
F@MA- $he Finders/ a 2oint 'IALF#I group procured children or the Net"or& or
years- Some o the children needed or programming are to be used or sacriices to
traumatize those being programmed- ($he names o some o the people "ho "or& at
procuring children or programmingLsacriice ha*e been released in Fritz Springmeier.s
monthly ne"sletter-) $he secret F@MA airstrip at Santa Rosa has planes landing and
lea*ing all night- Some o these lights go east and then land at the secret ?C<<,s;uare,
mile 'hina 1a&e Na*al Research #ase/ and are belie*ed to carry children or
programming- $his airstrip is called the SAN$A R+SA AIR '@N$@R - When I tried to
get FAA inormation on this airstrip they played stupid as i it didn.t e=ist/ yet it is in
operation- Near Santa Rosa is the #ohemian Gro*e/ south"est o Santa Rosa / is this air
center "hich is not used by the public- $his airport "as recently used by pri*ate pilots as
a F-#-+- It "as built during W-W- II as a training base or P,98 pilots/ and deacti*ated in
?7:8- Ater the "ar/ it "as leased to pri*ate companies (such as the 'IA)- $he pa*ed
areas are 6. o concrete and can land the hea*iest planes in use- $here are no buildings
o*er t"o stories in the entire area/ and no control to"er- $he F#I ha*e a contingent in
the Federal building do"nto"n Santa Rosa / and 0F@MA0 has a radio station at the
airport- $he Army reser*e also has some buildings in the area- !o"e*er/ there is some
highly secret acti*ity going on underground at the airport- A,D small planes snea& out o
the closed base a day/ and or a base o its description that is closed/ that is *ery
interesting- $he planes ta&e o in the e*ening and do not turn their lights on until
hundreds o eet into the air- $he Press Democrat o Santa Rosa ran an article on $hurs-/
Apr- 88/ ?779 about the Federal go*ernment selling D< acres o property 2ust to the east
o the airport- !o"e*er/ "hen one reads closely/ the land is going to be oered to a host
o Federal agencies- $he property "as 0being used by F@MA0 (D<D,:68,6:96)- I one
thin&s about it/ it is unli&ely that the radio station is a F@MA transmitter station- $he
close *icinity o this secret acti*ity to the elite.s #ohemian Gro*e ma&es this an
interesting site or study- $he airport used or the #ohemian Gro*e *isitors is north
o Santa Rosa on h"y ?<?/ the Sonoma 'ounty Airport - %nited @=press and American
@agle ("hich lies to and rom San Bose ) ly into this airport/ "hich has a control to"er-
In ?7A6/ the airport "as reported to ha*e also carried about A<< military operations
(either a ta&eo or landing) per year- It "as around this time that the Federal
go*ernment made an agreement "ith Sonoma 'ounty Airport to help pay or the run"ay
to be e=tended/ the run"ay to be strengthened and the airport to be upgraded in
numerous "ays- $he elite rom around the "orld ly into here to go to the #ohemian
Gro*e/ "hich is in the Monte Rio area- Monarch sla*es are regularly abused at the
Gro*e or the entertainment o #ohemian Gro*e members in &in&y se= theme rooms/
such as the dar& room and the necrophilia room- Secret NW+ order business is
conducted in the small/ dar& lounge "ith a "ooden sign naming it %-N-D@RGR+%ND-
Sla*es are hunted in the "oods or sport/ and occult rituals/ including inant sacriice/
are held outdoors in the Gro*e- $hese airields are described in detail so that the reader
can begin to catch on to the net"or& o small planes and airields the Monarch system
uses to transport children- $he children are tric&led in rom *arious collection points
to 'hina 1a&e - Monarch sla*es/ many o them children themsel*es are used in this
e=tensi*e child procurement system- 'hildren are also used to entice and &idnap other
children- $eenage sla*es are used to escort and transport little children on trains/ buses/
and planes- $he triangular,shaped airield at 'hina 1a&e has traditionally begun *ery
early in the morning "ith lots o acti*ity- $he night lights rom F@MA.s Santa
Rosa airield being an e=ample o incoming lights- $he airield connects to the main
base area *ia Sand;uist Road - 'hildren are landed at this ield/ "hile others are dri*en
through the gates guarded by marines/ and others come through *ia the east,"est rail
line- $he act that children are dri*ing through the gates is not alarming because inside
the military perimeter is a high school/ a 2unior high school and 9 other schools- Some o
the adults o the children being programmed stay in military barrac&s (Iuonset huts and
one story buildings) "hile they "ait- A male Monarch *ictim remembers a large hanger
building at 'hina 1a&e "ith a concrete loor and ro" ater ro" o cages suspended rom
the ceiling illing the large building- +ne o the Programmers "as dressed similar to a
'atholic Priest- $he electric current that ran to the cages made a hum/ li&e an electric
ence- $here "as a marble slab that ser*ed as an altar "here blac&,hooded robed people
"ould ta&e a bone handled &nie and sacriice little children in ront o the other children
in the cages- (Memories rom other sur*i*ors about the place "ill be mentioned later-)
/oe A)out The Secet China 9a*e Ba%e
'harles Manson/ a programmed Monarch sla*e "ho recei*ed initial programming
at 'hina 1a&e / li*ed "ith his cult only 6: miles north,"est o 'hina 1a&e at the remote
Myers and #ar&er ranches- Scotty.s 'astle inDeath Kalley / #a&ersield / @d"ards AF#/
and Papa 1udo.s Store E $a*ern ("ith its secret underground programming center) are
all in the *icinity o 'hina 1a&e and ha*e all been programming sites too- +ld route AA
"ent by 'hina 1a&e / "hich no" is 2ust o %-S- 97:- $he area.s ta*ern has been named
the !idea"ay- $he building "as lo"/ a"ay rom the high"ay/ "ith a large unlit par&ing
lot- +nly people "ho &ne" ho" to enter it by the obscure entrance on the side could get
in- $he !idea"ay $a*ern has been a local hangout or the 'IA men in 'hina 1a&e - It
has ser*ed them e=cellent stea&s- $he base head;uarters is &no"n as the White !ouse/
and it loo&s some"hat li&e a yacht clubhouse- North"est o the airield/ at 97,A6 E 6,99
@ on the ;uad maps/ the go*ernment has built a large magical seal o Solomon
(he=agram) "ith each leg ?L6 mile long on the ground- What "as it li&e or a *ictim in
the early ?7:<.s in a N+$S area programming center3 +ne o the buildings in the area
used or programming "as described as ha*ing a lat roo and a tan e=terior- A ence ran
around the building- Inside the ront door "as an old oa& reception type des&- A series o
9 doors connected by tunnels "ere gone through- +ne entered into a hall"ay/ and then
too& a let into the programming room-
$unnels connected the dierent hall"ays- $he programming room "as painted a good
dissociati*e color "hite- In the middle o the room/ cages "ere suspended "ith chimps-
$he e=amining table "as metal/ "hich "as cold or the *ictim/ but easy to "ash or the
attendants- $he *ictim "as placed in cages and could obser*e "hite dots light up in
dierent dot patterns o*er the door on a panel o lights- $he lo" le*el shoc&s to the
*ictim "ere coordinated "ith the dot patterns- (Some o this relates to domino
programming-) An attendant monitored the entire scenario on charts/ "hile the child "as
repeatedly traumatized "ith lo",*oltage shoc&s- Needles "ere po&ed in the child/ the
room "as made dar& and then lit- Koices said/ 01o*e me/ lo*e me not-0 $his "as part o
the lo*e me/ don.t lo*e me part o programming- 0Good girls ride the sil*ery "ings-0
$his "as to build the ability to condition trancing by the *ictim upon electro,shoc&-
German E #ritish scientistsLmind control programmers came to N+$S ater W-W- II/
including Boseph Mengele (&no"n as Dr- Green/ or Greenbaum/ and other pseudonyms)-
$he Illuminati.s Dr- #lac& "or&ed out o'hina 1a&e also- Dr- White (Dr- @"in
'ameron) "or&ed on the east coast/ although he did ly in e*ery so oten to the "est
coast to meet "ith the other top programmers- Dr- #lue "as another o the important
leading Illuminati programmers- $hese top programmers super*ised other lesser
programmers- I something "ent "rong/ they might ly a child rom a programming
location to a specialist to get it special help or its programming- $he men and "omen o
the Illuminati helped the top programmers out- $he Grande Mothers/ and the Grande
Masters o the Illuminati participated in helping "ith the programming- As a child o the
Illuminati progressed through its programming/ three people had o*ersight o*er its
programming4 its Grande Mother/ its Grande Dame/ and the Programmer-
$he Illuminati unctions o a chain o command similar to the military- (In act a big
secret is that Satan.s realm actually ser*ed as the model or military and political
structures-) As a child begins its programming/ it is monitored in a ashion similar to
hospitals "here charts are illed and then these charts are iled- $ests and e*aluations are
done regularly- Goals are set "hich are si= month programming goals- $hese "ill say in
eect/ "e need to accomplish this by doing a/ b/ c/ d in the ne=t si= months- $his is
some"hat similar to an I-@-P- (indi*idual education plan) "hich the special,ed teachers
in +regon set up or each student- At some point/ the strong points and the "ea&nesses
o the child "ill be identiied/ and then a decision "ill be made as to "hat occupation
the Illuminati "ant to program the person to become- I the young boy is aggressi*e and
has sadistic tendencies/ the Illuminati call it 0a "ar monger0 and label its chart 0$his
child "ill be a general-0 $hen they proceed to program it to become a general-
Nurses/ teachers/ and child physicians must be programmed "ith a gentleness to their
System- +ther occupations/ such as la"yers can be allo"ed to be ruthless- Many o the
children ha*e religious ronts labelled or their programming/ and a *ery popular
occupation or Illuminati men is to become clergymen- Religious leaders ma&e up the
ma2ority o athers o Monarch sur*i*ors that ha*e sought help- Most Illuminati *ictims
ha*e parents "ho are important religious leaders/ many o them top clergymen in the
established churches- As the reader might e=pect/ some tortures re;uire that the child
*ictim.s temperature/ respiration/ pulse and blood pressure be closely monitored-
B. What Tau"a Doe%
In recent times/ the military and the science o psychology is paying attention to "hat
they call P$SD (post,traumatic stress disorder)- P$SD are the psychopathic debilitating
eects o trauma and chronic nature o reactions to trauma- Intrusi*e lashbac&s o the
trauma "ill occur i the mind doesn.t protect itsel rom reminders o the trauma- $he
mind creates a*oidance patterns to protect itsel rom thin&ing about the trauma- Panic
symptoms occur "hen the person undergoes physiological arousal to traumatic cues- A
trauma "ill create a certain 0shatteredness0 "ithin the *ictim- $he *ictim "ill de*elop
lie assumptions about being *ulnerable/ about ha*ing little personal "orth/ and that lie
is not air- $hey may de*elop phobias to constantly chec& their en*ironment or saety
and constantly monitor others to ma&e sure they are not mistreated- For centuries
"arare has ta&en place/ and military men ha*e e=perienced P$SD- !o"e*er/ a ull
description and in*estigation into the disorder has been done only in recent history-
$he %-S- military has pre*ented any serious counseling or their troops suering rom
this- Peer 0counselors0 and rap groups "ere allo"ed/ and misled by the army to belie*e
that they "ould be ade;uate- P$SD "ill oten lead to outbursts o rage/ chronic
depression/ or borderline dysunctions- $he P$SD in Monarch *ictims is mas&ed by the
MPDLDID and the programming- $hen in turn/ the programming mas&s the MPD- When
the programming is complete/ ront alters ha*e been created "hich can unction "ith
smiles and cheerul attitudes/ "hile underneath/ the mind is ull o shattered hurting
alters/ "ho the sla*e is una"are o- Sel,punishment and social "ithdra"al are natural
symptoms o P$SD/ and the programmers ha*e no trouble enhancing and programming
these unctions into their alter systems- 'ertain alters end up holding the anger/ the ear/
the social "ithdra"al/ the guilt/ and the desire or sel,punishment- $hese are held in
chec& by the programming/ and ta&e the body "hen the sla*e steps outside o the
programmed path- $he bad memories in the minds o men "ho suer rom PS$D ha*e
been noted to re,cycle and sel,perpetuate themsel*es as they lie unresol*ed in the
memory cells- #ad memories or the *ictims o Monarch programming are used to hold
the MPD/ the programming in place and also to &eep the *ictim in compliance-
In ?7:6/ Maslo" published his hierarchy o needs/ "hich "hen applied to Monarchs and
PS$D *ictims means that they can not progress in therapy until their sur*i*al and saety
needs are met- !o"e*er/ the ProgrammersLabusers &no" that it is important to &eep the
sla*e a"ay rom saety- $o this end/ the Programmers employ people e=ternally to
monitor sla*es/ and internal alters in the *ictim.s mind to be monitoring alters and
reporting alters- Reporting alters can al"ays reach the Net"or& o abusers *ia ?,C<<
telephone numbers "hich change e*ery 8 "ee&s- $hey can also call their handler-
Reporting alters are *ery unemotional and ser*e as tape recorders "hich mechanically
report any de*elopments that might threaten the programming to their handler-
Alters programmed to commit suicide are also built into the Systems- For instance/ or a
system hac&er,,an outsider,, to "or& "ith the alters o an internal Grand Druid 'ouncil
(a&a @=ecuti*e committee alters/ or 2udge alters) or a System almost insures 77T o the
time suicide o the Monarch sla*e- In at least 77T o the cases "here Monarchs "ho
ha*e come in or therapy/ they still lac& saety/ "hich is a higher need than trying to go
against their programming- $his is "hy so e" people ha*e really gotten ree-
$o undo the programming/ the *ictim needs saety- $he programmers &no" this/ and
ha*e set up almost ail sae methods "here the *ictim is not e*en sae rom their o"n
system o alters/ let alone #ig #rother- $herapists call their Monarch *ictims
0sur*i*ors0 a misnomer/ because in reality they are still in the middle o ongoing abuse-
Some therapists may mista&enly thin& that it is helpul to tell the *ictim/ 0$hese ears
you are ha*ing are rom the past-0 Deli*erance ministries may also try to stop the
*ictim.s ears/ "ithout understanding the reasons behind the ongoing ear- +ther
chapters "ill deal "ith the e=tensi*e bac& up methodologies-
At this point/ it is mentioned in the conte=t o this chapter to establish to the reader that
the abuse and torture continue non,stop- Some o this "ould naturally occur any"ay/ but
the Programmers enhance this naturally occurring phenomena many,old to insure that
the sla*e "ill continually abuse themsel*es- $his means as time progresses/ some
Monarch systems are timed to shatter certain le*els E to create ne" le*els-
I the Programmers "ant/ they can shatter a ront 'hristian alter le*el and create a ne"
le*el o Ne" Age belie*ing alters to replace the original ront- $he abuse can be done by
the *ictim themsel*es to themsel*es/ because programming alters are gi*en the ability to
pull up horriic memories *ia codes- $hose traumatic memories/ "hich shattered the
mind the irst time/ are still capable o doing it again "hen they are abreacted (that is
reli*ed by the body E mind)- More and more people are e=periencing "or&ing "ith
someone "ith multiple personalities- !o"e*er/ *ery e" multiples e*er disco*er more
than the ront parts o their systems- Kery e" people/ outside o the programmers/ ha*e
much idea o "hat an entire system o alters is li&e/ thereore some o the things that this
boo& "ill describe "ill seem oreign to those people "ho ha*e learned a little about
$here are se*eral models to describe "hat happens inside a multiple.s brain as it
de*elops multiple personalities- $he brain is *ery comple=- Recent brain research
conirms that the brain "as ar more comple= than imagined- In an a*erage brain there
are ?</<<</<<</<<< indi*idual neuron (ner*e cells)- @ach o these has ?< "ith ?<< zeros
ollo"ing it "orth o interconnections- In other "ords/ an a*erage brain has *astly more
interconnections than the total number o atoms in the uni*erseJ +ten about ?L8 million
dierent chemical reactions ta&e place e*ery minute in the a*erage brain/ and the
number can be se*eral times that during intense acti*ity-
A Monarch.s brain has been "or&ed on to be e*en more acti*e than a normal person.s
brain- $he let E the right side o the Monarch.s brain both "or& simultaneously/ and the
*arious personalities are all busy "or&ing simultaneously on dierent trac&s- $o
describe the comple=ity o "hat is happening "ith someone.s mind "hich has been
messed "ith so dramatically or years/ means that at times only an appro=imate model is
presentable- $here are se*eral terms "hich are used in spea&ing about multiples/ "hich
ha*e de*eloped se*eral meanings- %nless these terms are correctly deined/
misconceptions about them can cloud an understanding o "hat happens during
Monarch programming- First/ researchers ha*e disco*ered that deep "ithin a person/
the brain truly understands in a pure a"areness all about itsel- $his is true or e*eryone-
$his pure a"areness has been named *arious names/ including Hidden O)%e!e. I a
man is obno=ious and seems to ha*e a total lac& o a"areness that he irritates peopleM
2ust &no" that deep do"n an a"areness realizes e=actly "hat he is and "hat he does-
$he multiple.s brain at some deep a"areness &no"s "hat has happened to it- $he term
!idden +bser*er is raught "ith danger though- A demonic entity called the !idden
+bser*er "or&s hand in glo*e "ith the programmer to program the indi*idual- $he
!idden +bser*er is able to see e*erything the System does- $he people "ho control as
sla*e re;uently call up the !idden +bser*er to as& ;uestions- In this case/ it is a
demonic entity/ and yet it is this !idden +bser*er/ "hich each System has/ that some
therapists are trying to access to understand the System- $his !idden +bser*er only tells
the truth to its Master/ because it is demonic-
$he ne=t term "hich is misunderstood is the term <the coe<- $he programmers set up
*arious alters to pretend to be the core/ and the core.s protector- $he real core is ;uite
hidden/ and not placed "ithin the regular grid o the alter system.s chart- It "ill ta&e
some e=plaining to con*ey "hat happens to the mind/ and "hat the real core is-
C. The Ty2e% o& Tau"a
+ne thing disco*ered by research into the genetic transmission o learned &no"ledge by
humans to their children "as that people are born "ith certain ears- Sna&es/ blood/
seeing internal body parts/ and spiders are all things that people are born earing- $he
phobias to"ard these things are passed do"n genetically rom one generation to another-
In searching or traumas to apply to little children/ the Programmers ound that these
natural phobias "hich occur in most people rom birth "ill "or& 0"onderul0 to split the
Along this line/ the ollo"ing are samples o traumas done to program sla*es4
a- being loc&ed in a small conined spot/ a pit or cage "ith spiders and sna&es
b- being orced to &ill/ and cut up and eat innocent *ictims
c- Immersion into eces/ urine and containers o blood-
$hen being made to eat these things- $hese are standard traumas- +ten a sla*e "ill
e=perience not only all o the abo*e but many others beore they reach 6 or : years o
It is important to traumatize the child early beore it has a chance to de*elop its ego
states- #y the "ay/ "hen the child is placed into a small bo= "ith spiders or sna&es/ they
"ill oten be told that i they play dead the sna&e "ill not bite them- $his carries out t"o
things or the programmers/ it lays the basis or suicide programs (i-e- 0i,you,are,dead/
then you,are,sae0 thin&ing) and it teaches the child to dissociate-
$raumas to split the mind are not 2ust high *oltage/ or natural phobias/ but encompass
the ull range o the emotional and spiritual being o the *ictim- $he *ictim is e*entually
stripped o e*ery spiritual or emotional resource by a *ariety o traumas/ such as 0blood
orgies0 "here male and emale genitals are cut/ torture sessions on all types o medie*al
torture machines/ staged e*ents "here actors imitating God/ Besus 'hrist/ police/ and
therapists curse the *ictim/ re2ect the *ictim/ and e*en 0&ill0 the *ictim in simulated drug
'hildren are placed in hospitals in capti*e abusi*e conditions- 'hildren are tied to
innocent children "hich are systematically and brutally &illed "hile the children are
made to belie*e that they are guilty or the child.s punishment- Near death e=periences
such as dro"ning ha*e become an art "ith these abusers- $rained dogs/ mon&eys and
other animals are used to urther traumatize the *ictims-
An Illuminati sla*e "ill most li&ely ha*e e=perienced all o the last e" paragraphs
abo*e/ plus much more- ($oby/ "as one o the trained N+$S chimpanzees- !e "as
trained to be sadistic- $he other trained chimpanzees at 'hina 1a&e included 0Gabie0 or
Gabriel/ "ho tic&led the *ictim "hile they "ere tied upM Rastice/ "ho had a toy chest
"ith diamonds/ bracelets/ E a scepter "hich electroshoc&edM Uoro/ "ho could do
anything meanM @lmore/ "ho cuddled as a mother but ate ra" leshM plus others- An
e=ample o something said during programming "ith the chimps is/ 0$!R@@ 1I$$1@
M+N>@5S IN A 'AG@/ D+/ R@/ M@/ FA/ S+/ 1A/ $@/ D+0-)
Boseph Mengele/ a&a Dr- Green/ "as s&illed at using German shepherds to attac& people-
Mengele got a reputation in the Nazi concentration camps or using German shepherds/
beore he "as brought o*er to America - !e used dogs to help program American
children- ($he Process 'hurch oten uses German Shepherds too-)
!e "as also s&illed in abortions/ and "as in*ol*ed in "eird traumas in*ol*ed "ith
babies being born/ or the simulated births o dead rats (or other gross things) rom the
*aginas o girls being programmed- When the Satanic cults tie their *ictims "ith "ire
or rituals/ some o these people "ill lose their toes or ingers rom the "ire- At times
little ingers and the top part o ring ingers are lost in Satanic cult rituals too-
Many o the traumas and tortures are carried out by alters or persons "ho are
sadistic- !o" does the Net"or& get sadistic men to torture little children3 $hree
dierent respectable studies (!arro"er/ ?7DAL Milgram/ ?7D6L E Gibson ?77<) sho"
that essentially all human males can be taught to engage in sadistic beha*ior- $here may
be a e" e=ceptions/ but the point is that sadistic people are not in short supply or
programming- Some o the alter systems ha*e e=tremely brutal sadistic alters- In act/
the Mothers o Dar&ness alters are an important balancing point to pre*ent the sadistic
male programmers rom &illing more o the children they are "or&ing on- $hese sadists
get a laugh at hurting little children- $he more pain/ the more charge and e=citement
they get out o it- Sadists en2oy gaining total control o*er a person- In order to do this/
they ta&e charge o*er the little child.s basic body unctions/ such as sleep/ eating/ and
pooping- $hey en2oy terrorizing the little child/ so Monarch sla*es end up "atching
hours o sadistic beha*ior done to others beore they are e*en : years old- $he "orse the
trauma/ the more the sadistic programmers en2oy it-
Sensory depri*ation/ orced labor/ poisoning/ and rape o e*ery oriice o the child are
popular tortures by the programmers- $he child soon learns that he is at the mercy o
crazy people "ho can only be satisied by total submission/ and the "illingness to allo"
someone else to thin& or you- $he child "ill be made to eat eces/ blood/ other
disgusting things/ "hile the programmer eats good meals- Some o this sadistic beha*ior
is to"ard a goal- 'utting a person.s tongue and putting salt on it reinorces the no,tal&
programming- Ma&ing someone thro" up to cause eating disorder programming-
Dislocating shoulders to cause dissociation-
When the child *ictim.s crying is heard/ they immediately apply torture so the child
thin&s it "ill suocate- $his is beha*ior modiication/ E is co*ered later in chapter 7-
$his trains the child not to cry- Around age 9/ a #lac& Mass/ a sic& e*il communion/ is
perormed "hich is so ugly/ that the child hides in dissociation by creating a 0loc&ed,
up0Lor 0obscure0 child- $his early lip pro*ides a base or dar& side programming- $his
loc&ed up child can ha*e a po"erul healing ("ith system "ide eects) by being part o
a positi*e lo*e,illed commumion-
$here are many traumas "hich can be carried out/ "hich lea*e no physical scars/ but do
lea*e the child "ith the deepest emotional and spiritual scars- $his is oten necessary
"hen programming young children "ho the outside "orld "ill see soon ater their
programming session- !olding one.s arms out is a simple torture- $ic&ling and sensory
depri*ation are t"o tortures that lea*e no mar&s- #urial cas&ets/ some outside and some
at inside locations are oten used on sla*es- $hat is "hy many sla*es ear being buried
ali*e- $he Programmers place all types o creepy insects in the cas&ets "hen they bury
the person ali*e- Another type o sensory depri*ation is done by placing the *ictim in
salt "ater (or buoyancy and "eightlessness)- $hen the *ictim is itted "ith sensiti*e
sensors that shoc& the person i the *ictim mo*es- $he shoc& puts the person bac& into
unconsciousness- $he brain is trained to stop all e=ternal body mo*ement rom the
conscious mind-
$his type o sensory depri*ation is used to place in the posthypnotic commands to do
something at some uture date ar into the uture- $he program is placed into the mind at
the same primal le*el that the mind uses to tell the heart to beat-
+ne o the 0appropriate0 tortures is to place a bar bet"een a little girl.s legs "hich
spreads the girl.s loins or rape- $hen the bent spread legs are lapped/ "hile the *ictim
is speciically told she is a 0Monarch butterly0- Many *ictims ha*e created butterlies in
their minds "hile being raped- $he programmers may tell some o their *ictims that out
o caterpillar,"orms come beautiul butterlies-
While raping the child/ the Programmers "ill describe their sperm luid as 0honey
comb0/ and "ill cry out 0hallelu2ah0 "hen they come- It doesn.t ta&e long or the child
to realize it has no ability to resist "hat is being done to it- $he "ill o the child *ictim is
destroyed/ and in its place remains a pliable sla*e- I the sla*e doesn.t learn correctly
they recei*e more pain- A ish hoo& in the *agina is a popular one- +lder males ha*e
their genitals hurt during additional or reprogramming sessions- $hey may ha*e to eat
the s&in ta&en rom their genitals-
$he mind o the *ictim is not only di*ided rom itsel/ but the *ery process o torture/
ma&es the *ictim distrustul o humans in general- +n top o this distrust/ the
programmers "ill layer in programming to isolate the person rom healthy relationships/
"hich in turn increases the *ictim.s eeling o helplessness- $hey are di*ided rom their
o"n parts (their o"n sel) and the "orld in general- For instance/ the "ater/ ca*e and
sand tortures ma&e the sur*i*or earul o oceans- $he *ictim may be traumatized by
being lo"ered on ropes or a cage on ropes into the "ater rom a cli/ or may end up
being buried ali*e in sand and "atching the tide come in/ or simply being totally buried
ali*e in sand and abandoned-
For a "hile/ the Illuminati "as big on "ater torture because they had built into their
systems a "ea&ness that "ater "ould destroy the clone armies that protected
programming/ and they needed their sla*e systems to be earul o "ater- Sla*es are
re;uently lo"ered into blac& holes/ or pits containing the most scariest things possible-
$his is a re;uent trauma/ because the *ictim "hen let in a dar& hole or hours or days
"ithout any contact "ith the "orld or "ater E ood "ill de*elop deep emotional scars E
dissociation rather than tale,telling signs o physical abuse- $his torture is used
essentially on all Monarch sla*es-
Some o the traumas are done or speciic medical reasons- For instance/ the person is
star*ed by only allo"ing or instance 9<< calories per day or say a small "oman o ?8:
lbs- Sugar E proteins are se*erely limited/ so that the brain is star*ed into submission-
Water depri*ation/ "hich is taught to parents "ho raise Monarch sla*es/ is used rom
time to time on sla*es to raise the brain.s temperature "hich happens "hen the brain
s"ells rom lac& o "ater- When the brain gets "oozy E o*erheated it hallucinates and
has a hard time remembering e*ents- I "ater depri*ation is combined "ith electroshoc&
it ma&es it harder yet or the *ictim to remember anything-
!ea*y e=ercise along "ith long periods o little sleep (8,9 hoursLday) causes an
o*erproduction o endorphins in the brain and *ictims begin to robotically respond to
commands- $his "as done to co,author Fritz under the pretense o military 0training0-
$he other author/ 'isco/ e=perienced it as part o her mind,control- $he brain under such
stress may lip its unctions rom right to let E *ice,*ersa-
!ypnosis is easier "hen a brain is tired- Most *ictims remember being suspended
upside do"n- $his "as honed to a ine art by Mengele "ith concentration camp *ictims/
"hile records "ere made o ho" ast blood drained rom a child or adult.s stomach
"hen they "ere dun&ed upside do"n into a tan& o ice cold "ater- $he cold "ater tests
supplied the data on temperature le*els as consciousness aded- $his inormation then
"as used later on in America to help the sur*i*al rate o children gi*en the same trauma-
Simply hanging a person upside do"n or one or t"o hours "ill begin to play tric&s on
the mind- $he mind "ill begin to dissociate/ and "ill begin to re*erse the primordial
brain unctions such as pain is pleasure- $he person.s mind rearranges- $his is oten
done "ith #eta alters or #eta models to get them to thin& that the pain o sadistic rape is
a pleasure- Ater this re*ersal in the mind that 0PAIN IS 1+K@0/ the SEM &itten alters
"ill beg their handler to slap them/ tie them up/ hurt them/ etc- $hey "ill tease their
handler/ and tell him he is not a real man i he sho"s any mercy in ho" the pain is
inlicted- FireLburning torture is used in the porcelain ace programming-
$he charismatic branch o the satanic Net"or& (such as the Assembly o God churches)
uses porcelain ace programming- $his is done by using "a= mas&s upon the *ictim/ and
gi*ing them ire torture- $he person actually thin&s that their ace has melted- At that
point/ the programmer pretends to be a god E a hero/ and tells the person he "ill gi*e
them a ne" ace/ a porcelain mas&- $hese ne" aces by the "ay/ loo& li&e the ones sold
in so many stores- $he memories o abuse are then hypnotically hid behind the mas&s-
$o ta&e o the mas&s is to abreact E burn again- I anyone touches the aces o alters
"ith porcelain ace programming/ the alters "ill eel a burning sensation because their
mas&s are not to be tampered "ith- $his means that these alters ha*e *ia torture E
hypnosis lost their o"n acesJ $his is part o the dehumanization process "hich chapter
?< part ' tal&s about- As long as these alters stay in denial o "hat has happened to
them/ they do not ha*e to ace the burn torture memories-
Some alters are tortured in a ashion that the eye area is traumatized and they s;uint the
let eye- $hey loo& li&e #aron Guy de Rothschild o France .s let eye loo&s- Guy de
Rothschild Guy de Rothschild is a ma2or handlerLprogrammer/ but the reason or his
drooping eye is not &no"n- Perhaps it "as torture-
$he itua$ a%2ect o& tau"a needs to be co*ered-
#y traumatizing someone on a speciic day,,say/ repeatedly traumatizing them on their
birthday,,is ar more damaging than 2ust simply traumatizing them- $he reason is that
e*ery time that person.s birthdate recycles they are put bac& into their memories o
abuse- Se=ual abuse o a child is more po"erul "hen it is put into the conte=t o
demonic magic- $he abuser.s semen is magic and seals the programming- $he ritual
aspect o it/ and the repetiti*e nature o the abuse creates se*eral dynamics that
accompany the abuse that "ouldn.t occur in non,ritual abuse- $he lie that accompanies
such abuse is that this institutionalized abuse is an obligation or both the abuser and the
*ictim- For instance/ the mind,control o the #east #arrac&s e=perience at West Point /
%SMA is an institutionalized abuse that allo"s the abuser to side step responsibility or
sadistic beha*ior/ and sets the stage or the abuse to be continued under the disguise o
Finally/ there is one more category o trauma , those to produce cosmetic loo&s/ or
instance/ breast implants/ or electro,shoc& to create moles at certain locations or either
as a sign telling other handlers the e=tent o the programming or or a Marilyn Monroe
A 0stage tric&0 is to use a multi,needle de*ice to scar the tissue- $he scar "hich is made
in a pattern/ a popular one is the satanic Goat.s head o Mendes/ can be made *isible by
hypnotic command- $his allo"s the handler to loo& po"erul to uninormed *ie"ers-
($his is urther discussed in chapter C-) $his stage tric& has been done by the occult
"orld or centuries-
D What Occu% When The /ind S2$it%
During battles soldiers ha*e been &no"n to "all o horrible e*ents "ith amnesia "alls-
Bust li&e the soldier "ho "alls o a traumatic battle scene "here he sees his buddy
disembo"elled by a grenade/ so the child "alls o trauma- !o"e*er/ the soldier must
only endure a relati*ely small amount o trauma compared to the children "ho are
programmed under the Monarch trauma,based mind control- A soldier may remember
his trauma/ by being triggered by something that reminds him o the trauma- 1i&e"ise/
the child *ictim "ill ha*e things that trigger it too-
+ne "ay o describing the split/ is to say that the child.s mind is saying/ 0$his isn.t
happening to me/ its happening to some one else0 and a split in the personality occurs-
$he ne" split "ill ha*e the characteristics o "hat it split rom- $he programmer "ill
as& the alter being tortured to create something in the mind "hen the split is created,,
such as 0I "ant ?8 "hite luy &ittens-0 $he programmer/ demons/ and the child.s
creati*ity "or& together "ith the dissociation to create alters- $hose ?8 "hite luy
&ittens "ill ha*e the characteristics and memories o "hat they "ere made rom-
!o"e*er/ they are separated rom each other by dissociation/ and they "ill be gi*en
their o"n script and o"n separate identity by the programmer- $he dissociation bet"een
some alters "ho are co,conscious is not ull blo"n amnesia-
Ater the Programmer has instructed the child "hat alters he "ants made "hen he
tortures the child/ the Programmer "ill in2ect a truth serum to determine "hether the
correct alters "ere made and the correct amount- $he child.s creati*ity is being guided
by torture- $he Programmer "ill oten also call up the !idden +bser*er and as& it "hat
has happened internally in the mind o the *ictim- Another better "ay o loo&ing at
"hat happens is to understand that the part o the brain that records personal memory,,
that is the personal history memory section/ is di*ided up into little pieces by amnesia
"alls built to protect itsel rom the repeated traumas-
@ach section is "alled o rom another section by amnesia- @ach trauma has an amnesia
"all built around it- @ach trauma memory is sectioned o- $hat "alled o section is a
piece o memory that "ill be identiied/ and a hypnotic cue attached by the programmers
that "ill pull it up to the conscious mind- And urther/ i the programmers so desire/ it
can be gi*en a history/ a name/ a 2ob/ and de*eloped into a ull,blo"n personality- It.s
important to grasp that the entire mind is not sectioned o into parts- Some areas o the
mind/ such as the area that holds s&ills E talents/ is a*ailable to all the alters "ho "ant
to access that talent- $he talent doesn.t belong to that alter but to the System-
Autobiographical memory is remembered dierently than simple acts E s&ills
in*ol*ing primiti*e parts o the brain- A sense o time E a sense o sel are attached to
autobiographical memories,,these things are stripped o an alter as it unctions "ithin
the programming- Memory storage is also lin&ed to the brain.s state o mind at the time-
!ormones released at the time o an e=perience "ill modulate the strength o the
memory o that e=perience-
$he limbic,hypothalamic system o the brain ("hich consists o the amygdala/
hippocampus/ cingulate gyrus/ orni=/ septum/ certain nuclei o the thalamus/ and the
Papez circuit) has a central modulating part "hich interacts "ith peripheral hormones-
Peripheral epinephrine "ill be released i the amygdala is electrically stimulated- $he
adrenal medulla releases epinephrine that is *ital or memory storage-
In other "ords/ there are hormones "hich help the brain remember or not- A particular
talent is not used by e*ery alter- A non,se=ual alter (an alter "ith an ase=ual identity) is
not going to access talents in*ol*ed in se=ual oreplay- $his is because memories are
both occurrent states E also dispositions/ and "hen a disposition is dissociated/ the alter
must maintain a dierent set o dispositions- A three year child alter is not going to
access abilities to "rite- $o do so or these alters "ould mean attac&ing the amnesia
"alls "hich hold horrible memories- $hey "ould mean going against the programming
"ith its penalties/ and their o"n understanding o 0reality0 "hich is the programmed
story line that the alter has been con*inced o under penalty o losing its lie-
$o dissociate a memory and to ta&e on a particular role and identity in*ol*es a constant
re,interpretation o past e*ents- It may also mean that the alter must contri*e an
interpretation o present e*ents- $he 9 year old may/ or instance/ see breasts but decide
they belong to someone else in the system "ho they share the body "ith- $his is in part
dictated by the necessity o obscuring the pain o the trauma that separates the alter rom
the rest- @ach day that the alter conronts reality/ they "ill ace the threat that old
memories "ill not agree "ith the story line created-
For instance/ the handler.s se=ual ad*ances carried out in ront o that ase=ual
(nonse=ual) alter must be misconstrued so that the illusion o not ha*ing been raped is
continued- $his is "hy normal lie has a "ay o brea&ing do"n the multitude o lies and
programming o the deeper alters/ "hich li*e in a antasy "orld created during the
programming- $he deeper alters ha*e ne*er had the chance to e=perience lie outside o
their programming/ since they hold the body only at inre;uent specialized moments
"hich are dis2ointed in time- $he alters created to be ronts to normally hold the body
"ill be gi*en lots o programming to help them hold onto certain denials/ so that they
"ill ind it necessary to ignore or reinterpret dreaded associations lin&ed "ith
dissociated memories- For instance/ a 'hristian ront alter is sincerely *ery righteous and
holy- $he thought that this person (technically the alter.s System o persons) could ha*e
done the most horrible sa*age demonic acti*ities is inconcei*able- $he memories o
ritual are saely ignored/ because the reality "ould undermine e*erything the person is-
$his phenomena is not 2ust seen in memory dissociation/ but also under hypnosis "hen a
person accepts a suggestion "hich lies in the ace o the reality they can see- I a person
accepts the suggestion that there is no dog in the room/ they "ill struggle internally to
maintain that illusion- I as&ed to "al& on a collision course "ith the dog/ they "ill
unconsciously mo*e around it/ and i as&ed "hy they stumbled around the dog/ they "ill
construct an artiicial e=cuse/ "hich is accepted e*en though it is transparently
+ne o the Monarch Programmers +rne called this 0trance logic0- $rance logic are those
ploys and strategies to maintain a dissociati*e or hypnotic hallucination- $he rontal
lobes o the cerebral corte= "hich are called the #rodmann areas no- 7,?8 are
responsible or a person.s o"n responses to circumstance,,i-e- "hat some call
0personality0- When the mind is split/ this natural personality is not erased but rather is a
collected pool upon "hich *arious responses rom it are attached to *arious
personalities0- Damage to these #rodmann areas tends to gi*e an o*erall eect o
ma&ing the person passi*e- $he programming is not designed to damage these areas/
only to control "hat emotions they contain are lin&ed in memory to the *arious memory
ragments that "ill be made into personalities- $he reticular ormation is the location o
the brain.s mechanism "hich determines the state o consciousness all the "ay rom
alert/ to hypnotic trance/ to sleep/ to coma- It interacts "ith the rontal lobes and the rest
o the brain- @ach memory is a unction o se*eral parts o the brain "or&ing together-
Memory is a unction o alertnessLstate o consciousness (reticular ormation)/ the
emotions (#rodmann Areas 7,?8)/ the $halami (priorities gi*en to memories)/ and
se*eral complicated processes "here the brain categorizes and interiles the ino "ith
other remembered data- #y building in amnesia "alls bet"een @*ent (personal history)
memories/ and by producing altered states o consciousness/ the memories o a sla*e can
be 0nested0 as the Programmers call it- 0Nested0 means that it is hidden behind se*eral
0loc&ed doors0 "hen the mind iles the memory- Sometimes the person must go bac& to
the altered state to reco*er a memory- $he electro,shoc& also scrambles the brain.s iling
o a memory/ so that it is iled in bits and pieces- #ecause o the use o electro,shoc&/ i
memories do start suracing they surace in pieces- Sometimes a complete memory "ill
be held by thousands o parts "ho the mind must bring together to reco*er the ull
memory- It has been disco*ered that memory retrie*al is best "hen the en*ironment is
identical to "hen the memory too& place- I "e memorize numbers under"ater/ "e "ill
recall them better under"ater-
Another thing disco*ered about trauma memories is that they are stored in the sensory
motor processes/ rather than 2ust in the normal memory sites o the brain- $hese
memories are called body memories/ and they do not lie- $he False Memory Spindrome
is "ay o base on their attac&s/ but then all o us "ho &no" the real story realize that
they are 2ust a co*erup damage control scheme o the 'IA-
E. The Coe
1et.s return to describing the 0core0 or that part o the brain "hich is intact at the
beginning- I "e pause to consider that a non,multiple person "ill e=perience struggles
in their mind "hen simultaneous/ o*erlapping but conlicting desires meet in conlict,,
i-e- 0should I lay in bed/ go to "or&/ or go ishing today30 A particular part o the brain
(a Synthesizing Sel) is capable o ordering such a conlict,,it transcends all these
conlicting ego states- A single Synthesizing Sel in the brain is li&e"ise responsible or
the de,synthesizing o the ego states-
$he *ictim in order to appease the programmers sets up dierent and opposite alters
relati*e to a single System.s needs- $he ormation o alters is systematically and
intelligently guided by the programmers/ especially in the early stages- $he alters are
created to meet the needs o the System that the programmers impose upon it/ and not to
adapt to an abusi*e parent- Some therapists ha*e ailed to see that alter ormation is not
natural/ but a maladapti*e practice that is guided by the *ictim.s desire to please/ and its
ear o the programmers-
$he pool o abilities "ill be shared in dierent combinations among the *arious alters-
An alter may ha*e an uni;ue ability that consists o subsidiary traits "hich may not be
uni;ue but are shared by other alters- As a child de*elops i certain areas o the brain
are stimulated/ then those areas gro"- I they are not stimulated/ then the brain "ill not
gro" brain cells in the area- In other "ords/ e=perience shapes the "ay parts o our
brains de*elop- $he "ay brain cells gro",,that is ho" they ma&e their connections is
belie*ed by researchers to be the actual place that memory is held- $he gro"th in
connections in their meaningul "ays creates meaningul patterns that ma&e up
memory- When memory storage occurs/ changes in terminals o a=ons ending on the
dendrites occurs- Dendrite spines ("hich loo& li&e trees) de*elop- +ne tree (dendrite
spine) might loo& li&e an oa& in "inter,,another might loo& li&e a mass o sea"eed-
For *arious reasons/ as the brain o a multiple gro"s,,it physically gro"s dierent than
a normal person.s brain- $he brain can get around "hat has been done to it in some
"ays/ but it needs to be borne in mind that "e are not dealing "ith 2ust bad memories,,
but brains "hich ha*e had their physical ma&eup E unctioning altered-
It is interesting to see ho" each dierent alter has a dierent @@G proile- +ne o the
primary brain areas aected by the torture and programming are the areas "hich store
e*ent (personal history) memory- $hese areas are the hippocampus and the corte= o the
rontal brain lobes "hich "or& "ith the t"o thalamus-
General &no"ledge is stored in the neocorte= (the grey area o the brain or the outer thin
layer- $he brain has practically no limit to memory- !o"e*er/ it "ill select "hat it
"ants to remember/ and it "ill decide ho" it "ill ile "hat it remembers- !ypnotic
suggestions to 0orget0 something oten simply means the person remembers the e*ent,,
but labels the ile 0orgotten0-
Sla*es are al"ays under hypnotic suggestions to orget "hat they ha*e e=perienced,,
ho"e*er/ usually the brain in actuality only appears to comply and then secretly records
the e*ent- !ypnosis "ill be dealt "ith in chap-
F. Ho' 0o(a""in( i% Anchoed
All the programming o each E e*ery sla*e is anchored upon some type o trauma- +ne
o the irst undamental traumas "ill be "atched/ ilmed/ coded E used as an anchor- For
instance/ the most brutal rape o a girl by her ather "ill be used as an anchor upon
"hich to build the #eta programming-
In chap- ? it "as discussed ho" the primary se*ering o the core "as incest- @=treme
psychosis is created "ithin a child trying to deal "ith the issues created by the incest
rom the child.s most important igure,,their ather igure- In Moriah.s sla*es/ this is the
standard method to se*er the core/ E create an anchoring trauma- When Mayer Amschel
Rothschild (orig- named #auer) "as on his deathbed/ he demanded rom his sons/ that
they protect the po"er o the !ouse o Rothschild through incest- @lectroshoc& can
cause pain/ but this is nothing compared to the conusion in the mind caused by incest
issues- @ntire "orlds o loyal alters "hose only unction is loyalty to the biological
incestual ather are created in the sla*e- $his "orld o loyal alters may be the Daisy
"orld- $he hardest bonding to brea& "ithin Illuminati sla*es is this bond to their
incestual ather-
Non,Illuminati mind,controlled sla*es are bonded to other people,,the cult leader or
programmer- Whate*er undamental trauma is decided upon/ all the rest o the
programming "ill be built upon that anchor in the *ictim.s mind- (See chapts- D to 7 or
urther inormation on ho" the programming is layered in-) $his undamental trauma is
not the bottom #@AS$ computer "hich sets at the bottom o the subconscious mind-
Internal computers are comple=- $his is simply an anchoring memory that the
programmers begin "ith- In large systems/ the programmers "ill choose an e=perience
that all o the alters are amiliar "ith- When large programmed alter systems come in or
a ma2or rehaul/ the Programmers "ill call up section by section "ith the correct code
"ords until they are all at the ront o the mind- When this is done/ thousands o alters
are pulled up co,conscious E "or&ed on all together- When this occurs it is an
e=ceptionally big surprise or most alters "ho ha*e li*ed their entire e=istence in
dissociated isolation rom other alters in their system-
Why "ould the programmers do this3 For se*eral reasons/ speed and the desire to ha*e
common anchoring e=periences/ E common programming imagery-
Ho' The O$&actoy Ne!e% Ae Tau"ati,ed
#lood and perume ha*e been lin&ed together in magic or thousands o years- $he
magical "ritings are ull o the dierent concoctions created or ritual smells- Some o
these o*er the centuries "ere smells "hich "ere disco*ered caused people to go into
trance or dissociate- A common "retched smell at SatanicLIlluminati rituals is the smell
o human lesh/ as lesh is heated to ma&e candles in "ooden ritual cups- It is reported
that the stench o human lesh burning can cause dissociation-
$he po"er o scents "as noticed in ancient 'hina by 1i Po- $he alchemists studied
scents *ery careully- $he case at 1oudon/ Fr- ("ritten about in 'hapt- ?</ pp- 87:,87A)/
had nuns going into dierent dissociati*e states at the smell o dierent lo"ers-
'innamon is a "idespread scent used in programming deeper parts in a system- $he
smell o aeces E urine is a trauma to a small caged child- Interestingly/ urine also
contains An,alpha "hich is the scent element "hich triggers the human mind se=ually-
Moriah &no"s ho" to use the *arious scents/ incenses etc- Astral magic uses *arious
When /oonchi$d Tau"a% /i%cay
According to someone "ho has helped "ith the programming and Moon 'hild
ceremonies/ occasionally the child "hile in the "omb "hen traumatized by the Moon
'hild rituals/ retreats into its mind li&e a cocoon/ and de*elops autism- Autism is an
emotional problem "here the child "ithdra"als rom reality and goes into its o"n
pri*ate "orld o altered states- $he programmers or many years did not &no" "hy some
children de*eloped autism rom the trauma rather MPD (DID)/ but in some cases it
seems related to high ?-<- and genetics- $he programmers are not able to reach such
children/ and essentially all "ere discarded into mental hospitals or used in rituals/ until
about 8< years ago "hen more and more o them "ere allo"ed to sur*i*e in public-
An article 0Altered States0/ based on the Donna William.s autobiographical boo&
Somebody Some"here seems to buttress that autism can be mind,control duds- Williams
is both autistic E MPD- !er boo& re*eals that autistic children ha*e acute sensory
perception (intelligence) rather than retardation- $here are dierent types o autism/ and
the authors do not understand the topic "ell enough to "rite much more than this- It is
;uite possible autism may ha*e se*eral causes/ some "hich do not relate to the ailure to
become MPD (DID)/ but may be the result o some other cause-
!o"e*er/ the increase in autistic children is belie*ed by the authors to be the result o
increased trauma,based mind control- MS (multiple sclerosis) is another side eect/
"hich can stem rom brain stem scarring-
Ritua$ Totue De!ice
Se*eral *ictims o Illuminati trauma/ remember a special ritual torture de*ice that is put
inside a person and causes e=cruciating pain- It is made rom only one &ind o "ood/ a
special "ood/ possibly myrtle- It has a painted spider on it/ bet"een t"o satanic
In re*ie"/ the elements that ma&e up a single "hole personality,,amily history/ personal
history and memories o abilities/ talents and one.s sel,image ha*e all been stripped
rom the child "hen the mind di*ides itsel up into sections "alled o by amnesia "alls-
When the programmers "or& "ith each memory part/ they ha*e the option to gi*e it all
the elements o "hate*er personality they "ant it to ha*e- $hey can e*en ma&e it into an
animal or an inanimate ob2ect/ because that little ragment has no chance to contradict
"hat it is being programmed to belie*e-
Although the memory part o the brain ("hich pro*ides a person.s personality) is
di*ided/ other parts o the brain unction intact- Much o the elements o Monarch Mind
'ontrol are based on things that are obser*ed in normal lie,,dissociation/ mental E
chemical dependence/ denial/ charisma/ discipline/ personality and torture "hich ha*e
been reined into s&illed methodologies or controlling a person and then combined into
a Group Pac&age-
%nderstanding $he Rituals and $rauma Illuminati rituals are based upon the most
ancient Mystery religions- $he Rothschilds li&e the ancient 'anaanite Mystery rituals/
and use A&&adian,!ittite,'anaanite,#abylonian rituals- $he rituals rom
ancient @gypt are also hea*ily used by the Illuminati- $he 'ollins ,Sinclairs,type
Illuminati bloodlines and some o the other Illuminati amilies "ith a northern
@uropeanLceltic bac&ground/ are *ery much into Druid rituals-
%nderstand that historically/ the Druids ga*e up paganism or the truth o 'hrist/ but that
no" neo,paganism "ould ha*e people return to "hat the 'eltic leadership ga*e up about
t"o thousand years ago- $he dra"ings belo" "ere done by participants in high le*el
satanic ritual- $he one participant dre" se*eral pictures o hearts "hich her co*en
placed into 2ars-
Some illustrations rom the @gyptian #oo& o the Dead are included to sho" that the
rituals o &eeping hearts in a 2ar is straight rom the @gyptian #oo& o the Dead- $he
heart "as placed in a 2ar or "eighing it or 2udgment- $he t"in (mirror,image) goddess
Maat at times stands beside the scales/ and at the same time Maat is also placed onto one
side o the scale- $his is similar to 'hrist 2udging a person/ "hile also being the standard
against "hich a person is 2udged against- In the Papyrus o Ienna the head o Anubis is
on the beam and the ape/ "earing dis& and crescent/ is seated upon a pylon,shaped
pedestal beside the balance- Another picture sho"s !orus holding Maat in his hand/
"eighing the heart in the presence o the Maat goddesses/ and anubis/ "ho is holding the
deceased by the hand/ is presenting the heart to +sirus "hile Isis and Nephthys in the
orms o apes sit nearby- $he dra"ing o the ritual stic& sho"s "hat one type o stic&
used in Satanic rituals loo&s li&e-
Cha2te 83 Science No. 8 The +%e o& Du(%
A- A list o drugs used
#- brie history o use
'- Applications or drugs to control a sla*e
Some o the cautions that the programmers are alert to include
$he science o Pharmacology (drugs) has gi*en the Programmers a *ast array o mind,
altering and body,altering drugs- Some o the drugs are not used to directly alter the
mind/ but to change the body (ma&e the s&in burn)/ or ma&e the person *omit/ or some
other reaction that can be harnessed to urther their nearious programming goals-
I they "ant a little girl to de*elop breasts they might gi*e her hormones-
Neuroscientists are no" amiliar "ith chemicals "hich cause personality traits-
I one "ants to create ra*ing paranoia/ simply pro*ide the brain "ith too much
dopamine in the emotional centers o the brain and too little dopamine in the seat o
reasoning area o the brain-
Reduce serotonin in the person and the person "ill be unable to connect disagreeable
conse;uences "ith "hat pro*o&ed them-
In other "ords/ they can.t protect themsel*es rom danger-
$horazine "as used regularly at the 'IA.s Bonesto"n / Guyana group control
e=periment- Sur*i*ors o Bonesto"n ha*e testiied as to its eecti*eness- Ater this
gruesome e=periment in mind control came to its end "ith a massacre/ large amounts o
drugs "ere disco*ered- Bust one ootloc&er at Bonesto"n alone contained ??/<<< doses-
$he authorities pre*ented chemical autopsies o the bodies to insure secrecy o this
sophisticated concentration camp "hich "as used or medical and psychiatric
e=perimentation by the 'IA- An e=amination o the drugs that are used in mental
hospitals to alter the minds o patients oers a clear indication o "hat is being used in
the Monarch Mind 'ontrol programming-
A. Du(% +%ed &o /ind Conto$
$he 'IALIlluminati programming centers ha*e more than A<<,D<< dierent drugs at
their disposal- $he ollo"ing is a partial list o the drugs a*ailable or their mind,control
(a&a M>,%ltra Programming)- $hey can ma&e a person eel li&e he is in hea*en/ or
burning in hell- $he drugs are at times used "ith elaborate light/ sound and motion
sho"s that produce "hate*er eect the programmer "ants to produce- $hey can ma&e a
person belie*e he is shrin&ing/ or that he is double ("ith mirrors)/ or that he is dying-
#eore describing ho" drugs are used or programming E control/ let us list a e" "hich
"e &no" ha*e been used- $his list comes rom 'IA documents obtained rom the
Freedom o Inormation Act and rom "hat Multiples used as Programmers remember-
Many o the ne" synthetic drugs are &no"n only to the IlluminatiLIntelligence
8,G# (a&a '#R/ this is a strong hallucinogenic "hich also helps telepathic
8,'$8 (produces dar&/ earthy *isual patterns)
Acetylcholine (or @@+M / @D+M / and or bloc&ing memory)
Adrenalin A&tetron Alcohol Ambien Aminazin Amobarb
ital (hypnotic sedati*e) Amobarbital sodium (hypnotic sedati*e) Amphetamine
(addicti*e) Amphetamine sulphate Analasine
Anectine (succinylcholine/ a strong muscle rela=ant that ma&es one eel suocated and
dro"ning- $he person eels terror at thin&ing he is
dying-) Anhalamine Anhalidine Anhaline Anhalonidine Anhalonine
Aphrodisiacs (se=ual manipulation by
programmers) Aphyllidine Aphyllin Aprobarbital (hypnotic
sedati*e) Atropine (speeds heart rate gi*en "ith l-K-) Atrosine #U (designer
drug ten times more po"erul that 1SD/ produces
amnesia) #ambusa #anisterine #aradanga (truth serum "hich ma&es people
"illing to ollo" any command) #arbiturate #elladonna (a traditional drug o
"itches since the middle ages) #enzidrene (#enzedrene/ stimulant used "L other
drugs) #enzocaine #romoharmine #ulbocapnine (causes a catatonia and
stupors) # utabarbital sodium (hypnotic sedati*e) #utyl,bromallyl,barbituric
acid 'aeine 'aeine sodium 'alcium
'hloride 'annabidiol 'an nabinol
'annabis (a&a Mari2uana/ a sedati*e/ change in perception/ colors and sounds more
distinct/ time distorted- $his drug is not used much in Monarch Programming because it
IMP@D@S mind control- It has been e=perimented "ith in combination "ith other drugs
as an interrogation tool- $he 'IA listed it as being used in M>,%ltra/ but it ser*ed as an
e=perimental drug rather or
programming-) 'annabol 'aramine 'arboline 'arbrital 'aroegine

'hloral hydrate (a hypnotic sedati*e/ the acti*e sedati*e ingredient is the metabolite
trichloroethanol/ goes to "or& in about 9<,A< minutes/ a&a Noctec)
'ocaine (addicti*e/ blac&mail/ the a*ailability o cocaine may pull up certain alters "ho
are addicted to it)
'oee 'oramine
'urare (to paralyze the body) Del*inyl sodium
Demerol (a hypnotic/ also gi*en as a re"ard or good learning ater an induced
headache/ is used in the Scramble programming "here the *ictim must o*ercome its
eect to concentrate on "hat is being said) Deso=yn (used "ith Sodium Pentothal or
hypnotic trance) De=edrine (amphetamine) Di benzo pyran
deri*ati*es Dicain Doral Dramamine (a&a dimenhydrinate/ stops motion
sic&ness) Drobinal (or ;uic& access)
@cstasy (a&a V$'/ Adam/ MDMA/ this is an illegal designer drug/ but it.s used by the
go*ernment E cult programmers- @mpathogens/ li&e @cstasy/ enhance trust bet"een the
recipient E the programmer- It.s eect lasts or se*eral hours-) @phedrine (stops
hypotension) @phetamine @pinephrine
(adrenaline) @rgot @rgotamine @thanol (to inebriate the *ictim to induce certain
beha*ior) @thchlor*ynol (hypnotic sedati*e) @thyl
harmol @picane @scrine @ stazolam (hypnotic sedati*e)
@thclor*ynol (hypnotic sedati*e/ eect begins 9< min- ater digestion/ addicti*e/ a&a
@ther @thinamate (hypnotic sedati*e/ a&a
Kalmid) @ucaine @ucodal @u&otal @unacron @*ipal @*ipa
n @*ipan sodium Flurazepam hydrochloride (hypnotic
sedati*e) Genoscopolomine Glutethimide (hypnotic sedati*e/ has "ithdra"al
symptoms/ a&a Doriden) !alcyn (bloc&s e=plicit memory by impairing hippocampal
processing) !aliopareael
(tran;uilizer) !armaline !armalol !arman !armine !armine
methiodide !armol !eroin !e=acol !istadyl !istamine (causes
changes in the s&in) !ydractine (or !ydrastine) !ypoloid soluble
he=abarbitone Icoral Indole Indole methyllarmine Insulin (shoc& or
amnesia) Ipecac (to induce *omiting or eating disorder
programming) 1argatil (a po"erul tran;uilizer) 1ophop,nine
1orazepam (sleep induction/ may destroy memory o pre*ious day)
1SD,8: (%sed to program alters to cut their *einsM they "ant to end their nightmare by
cutting "hat seem li&e "hite ri*ers "L blac& threads or other scary delusions- 'an cause
psychosis E other eects- It.s used in small amounts or interrogations- Its acti*e
ingredient is psilocybin "hich can create an=iety E a ear o death-) 1yscorbic
MDA (this is a cross bet"een mescaline and amphetamine speed)
MDMA (also &no"n as Adam/ this is @cstasy/ see under @cstasy or more inormation)
MD@ (a&a @*e/ puts someone into a strictly intellectual head trip) Manganese
chloride Mellaril (mood changer) Metha;ualone (hypnotic
sedati*e) Methotrimeprazine hydrochloride (hypnotic sedati*e) Methy,
cocaine Methy,prylon (a&a Noludar/ helpul or hypnosis/ side eects are a
hango*er E s&in rashes-) Metra,ol Midazolam hydrochloride (hypno*el/ *ersed/
hypnotic sedati*e "hich can cause amnesia) Morphine Morphine
hydrochloride Narco,imal Nembutal Niacin (helpul to stop an 1SD
trip) Nicotine Nicotinic acid (stops 1SD drug
eect) Ni&themine Nitrous
o=ide No*acaine Nupercaine Pantocaine Pantopone Parahy= Paral
dehyde (hypnotic sedati*e/ produces sleep in ?: mm-/ has a strong odor E disagreeable
taste) Pellotine Pentobarbital (hypnotic sedati*e)
Pentobarbital sodium (hypnotic sedati*e/ i mi=ed "ith de=tro amphetamine sulate it
"ill hal the stage ? dream time "hen R@M sleep occurs) Pentothal acid (helpul or
hypnosis) Pentothal sodium Percaine Pernoston Peyotl (interrogation/
hallucinations) Pheactin Phenamine Phenolic acid (in2ected into e=pendable
children.s hearts to &ill them) Pehyl,thio,
urethanes Picrate Picroto=in Procaine Propranolol (calms the mind so it
can unction better) Pulegone,orcinol Pulegone,
oli*etol Pyrahe=yl Pyramidon Iuazepam (hypnotic
sedati*e) Iuinine Reserpine Salsoline Scapalomine S- (good
amnesia drug)
Scopolomine (truth serum that ma&es people "illing to do "hate*er they are
told) Scopolomine amino=ide hydrobromide Scopolomine,phetamine,
eu&otal Secobarbital sodium (hypnotic sedati*e) Sodium Amytal (hypnotic
sedati*e that reduces R @ M sleep time) Sodium barbital Sodium
diel*inal Sodium e*ipal Sodium pentobarbital (nembutal)
Sodium Pentothal (truth serum or interrogation/ can be used "ith hypnosis/ can be used
"ith Deso=yn/ gi*en in an IK) Sodium phenobarbital Sodium
rhodanate Sodium soneryl Sodium succinate Sodium
thioethamyl Somnien Sto*aine Strychnine Styphnic
acid Sulazin Sympatol Synhe=yl $elepathine $etra,hydro,
cannabinol acetate $etra,hydro,harman $etra,hydro,
harmine $ropacocaine $ropenone $emazepam (hypnotic
sedati*e) $hallium (conuses thin&ing) $horazine (helps bring one out o an
1SD trip) $ran;uility (a designer drug or programming that ma&es the *ictim
compliant/ li&e #aradanga) $riazolam (hypnotic sedati*e/ some"hat
rapid) 5ageine 5ohimbine sulphate Uolpidem tartrate (hypnotic
When the *ictim.s body is saturated "ith all the drugs they can assimilate/ they "ill
recei*e herbs/ "hich oten ha*e a drug eect- Ayahuasca (a *ine o #razil "hose
al&aloids such as $elapatin are said to produce a telepathic state "here the recipient can
see through people li&e glass and read their minds-) #ayberry (hemorrhaging) 'alamas
(part o a cerebral tonic) 'ayenne Pepper (stimulant) 'harcoal (absorbent
cleanser) 'aladium se;uinum (in2ected into body parts to cause e=cruciating
pain) 'lo*e +il (placed in nose or relie rom the pain o dental tortures) !emloc& (a
poison/ used more to &ill than or programming) !ops (sleep aid a&a
#eerlo"er) 1ady.s Slipper (rela=ant) >a*a >a*a (sedati*e) Mistletoe (or dizziness/
and lo"er blood pressure) Narcissus (anaphrodisiac or males) +pium (enchanting
trip) Potions (made rom roots/ po"ders/ dried blood and animal parts are
gi*en-) Rosemary (mild heart tonic) Saron (sedati*e) Sage (part o a cerebral
tonic) Sandle"ood E henbane ("hen burned the umes cause con*ulsions E temporary
insanity) S&ullcap (rela=ant) Sunlo"er Seed +il (this may be used to help "ith brain
stem scarring) Kalarium Root ("or&s 2ust li&e Kalarium/ also helps cramps) Witch
!azel (hemorrhaging) 5erba Mate (part o a cerebral tonic)
B. Bie& Hi%toy o& the +%e
Religious groups/ shamans/ medicine men/ "itches and cults ha*e been using mind
altering drugs throughout history- $he medie*al "itches used potions o hemloc& and
aconite or their lying ointments- $hese are herbs (natural drugs) "hich "ill create
delirium- 'ontemporary "itnesses reported that co*ens during the medie*al ages "ould
apply the potion o hemloc& and aconite to cause their ne" "itch to go delirious/ and
then "ould transport the person to the Sabbat/ "here they "ould be told they le"
$he !aitian satanic Kodoun cult/ "hich has been manipulated by the 'IALIlluminati/ has
sorcerers called bo&ors- $he Kodoun cult in !aiti is being used or trauma,based mind
control- +ne o the items o the cult is to ta&e the plant Datura stramonium and add this
plant "ith other things- $he plant is the acti*e ingredient o a potent psychoacti*e drug/
the 0zombi cucumber0 "hich produces amnesia and a pseudo,death o the *ictim- $he
brain doesn.t die/ but the mind is shut o- $he *ictim is brought bac& to lie as a
zombie,,a sla*e o the bo&or- $he po"der to create a zombi is called zombiicant in
French,creole- $he ceremonies to &ill and resurrect the zombie are ull o magic and
demonology also- Magic/ drugs and demonology ha*e al"ays gone hand in hand- Drugs
remo*e the part o the "ill that pre*ents demonic possession-
Drugs are considered po"erul demonizing substances by the those s&illed in
Demonology- I demonic possession is seen as part o mind,control/ then cocaine/
hashish/ crac&/ and some o the other drugs are part o the eort to ensla*e people- ($he
po"er o magic to &ill/ 2ust as the po"er o aith can heal/ "ill be discussed in chapter
In #asutoland in Dra&ersbergs/ the Uulu "itchdoctors use drugs and trauma to create
to&oloshes (mind,controlled zombie sla*es)- It is said that in recent years/ they are using
less children and more baboons and mon&eys to get to&oloshes- $he point is that drugs
ha*e been and continue to be used by the occult "orld or controlling people- $he
intelligence agencies "or&ing through the %-S- go*ernment inanced drug research- An
e=ample is that Dr- #eecher o !ar*ard %ni*ersity "as gi*en *ia the %-S- Army Surgeon
General.s +ice W?:</<<< to in*estigate 0the de*elopment and application o drugs
"hich "ill aid in the establishment o psychological control-0
Research into drugs or mind,control began in ?76D
at #ethesada Na*al !ospital in Maryland - A 'IA report described this research as to
0isolate and synthesize pure drugs or use in eecting psychological entry and control o
the indi*idual-0 At the 'aliornia Medical Facility at Kaca*ille / Dr- Arthur Nugent/
conducted research into drugs or mind control under the auspices o the 'IA- $he
#ureau o Narcotics "or&ed "ith the 'IA to establish 0sae houses0 "here drugs "hich
"ere seized "ere gi*en to *ictims- Some other hospitals "hich began "or&ing "ith the
intelligence agencies "ith dispensing drugs or mind control include Mount Sinai
!ospital/ #oston Psychopathic !ospital/ %ni*ersity o Illinois/ %ni*ersity o Michigan/
%ni*ersity o Minnesota/ Kalley Forge General !ospital/ Detroit Psychopathic 'linic/
Mayo 'linic/ the National Institute o !ealth/ and 1etterman !ospital in the Presideo/
$he military did drug researchLprogramming at the Army 'hemical School in Ft-
Mc'lellan / A1 and at the @dge"ood 'hemical 'enter - In ?7:C/ Dr- 1ouis Gottschal&/
"or&ing or the 'IA suggested that addicti*e drugs be used to control people- Some GIs
"ho became addicted to pain &illing drugs "ere subse;uently blac&mailed by
"ithholding the pain&illers until they complied "ith the demands as&ed o them-
'ocaine has been re;uently gi*en to Monarch sla*es to get them addicted and gi*e their
handlers more control o*er them- $here is spray cocaine/ and po"dered cocaine/ etc-
#ecause the Monarch sla*es are used to haul drugs and to launder the drug money/ they
are right in the middle o large supplies o drugs- I you hear the e=pression 0$he sno"
is alling0 it is the Net"or&.s lingo or cocaine- 'ocaine is reported to gi*e people a
eeling o po"er and to act as an aphrodisiac-
C. A22$ication% Fo Du(%
In Programming Drugs are used during programming- Although drugs used to assist
programming mean nothing to the common person/ they each ha*e a speciic purpose
"ithin a certain type o programming- Some speciic uses or drugs during programming
a- putting people into trance
b- teaching alters to go deeper into trance to escape drug eects
c- enhancing the trauma
d- producing out o body e=periences
e- creating pain
- creating blood *essels that hurt/ a pulsating pain/ that runs through the body
g- controlling histamine production
h- helping create illusions such as no hands/ no eet/ no ace/ no head etc-
i- teaching alters to stay in position
2- to assist other programming modalities/ such as high tech harmonic machines/ "hich
implant thoughts- ($he machines are used in con2unction "ith designer drugs-)
&- !ormones/ or instance GnR!/ "hich regulates the physiology o the se=ual gro"th/
and is gi*en to speed up se=ual gro"th- +ther body de*elopments may also be
l- to enhance or reduce memory
m- to build the image o the programmer.s po"er
At this point/ it is appropriate to point out that the personalities o a multiple do not
respond uniormly to the same dose o the same drug- %nderstanding ho" a drug "ill
eect particular alters is a science in itsel- I an alter is holding the body/ it "ill recei*e
more o the eect o a drug- 1et.s say Paraldehyde is gi*en to a multiple- A possible
reaction "ould be that some alters "ill eel no eect/ some "ill be sedated to a drun&en
stupor/ and child alters may be unconscious or hyperacti*e- 'hloral hydrate might put
some alters to sleep "hile others remain "ide a"a&e- Sometimes the personality holding
the body may ight the inluence o a drug to &eep the body- Prochlorperazine is
sometimes gi*en by therapists to help alters cope "ith nausea and *omiting- Most alters
"ill be programmed not to accept drugs e=cept rom their master-
1ithium suppresses alter s"itching in some systems- An alter to 0protect0 the system
rom the therapist.s helpul medications may de*elop 0allergic0 responses- Alcohol is a
drug- $he reaction o an alter System to it "ill again be *aried- 'hild alters may become
unconscious/ "hile the adult alters don.t e*en become inebriated by large ;uantities o
hard li;uor- Within males/ dangerous *iolent personalities may ta&e the body- Within the
medical "orld/ oten an appro=imate correct dosage "ill "or&- !o"e*er/ "ith the
programming the doses must be e=tremely ine tuned-
Some o the best s&illed medical doctors and assistants help "ith the programming- $he
Illuminati "ill initially gi*e the small child a small dose o a drug- $hey "ill chart its
eect/ gi*e it a urinalysis to see ho" long it stays in the body etc- $his is 2ust the testing
stage/ they are not doing any programming- A number o drugs "ill be tested/ but only
one at a time- $hey clear a child.s body o a drug beore they gi*e it another one- $hey
preer not to mi= meds- $hey "ill start small to insure they don.t o*erdose and then
increase the dosage until they notice the correct beha*ior pattern- $his "ill be charted in
detail on the sla*e.s chart- @ach child.s body chemistry is dierent/ so the suggested
dosages are only ball par& igures "hich are not precise enough- I too much o a drug is
gi*en/ the programmers can easily turn a child into a psychotic bas&et case-
+ne o the secrets o the IlluminatiLIntelligence agencies is that they ha*e secret
antidotes or most medications/ "hich/ i they ha*e to gi*e them to a child/ then they
"ill- $hey "ill use an antidote/ or instance/ to &eep a child rom going into heart ailure-
$he Programmers "ill ha*e some helpul drugs and herbs on stoc& too- It is reported
that Glutamic Acid (?<<< mg- 9 timesLday) "ill ta&e care o the intense headaches that
alters get rom lots o s"itching- Witch hazel lea*es and comrey root "ill help internal
a. 2uttin( 2eo2$e into tance About 7<T o the population can be placed into the
somnambulistic (the deepest) hypnotic trance possible simply by gi*ing them hypnotic
drugs- $he prior list on pages 6D,:< gi*es o*er 8 dozen drugs that can be used to assist
ta&ing someone in hypnotic trance- Special drugs ha*e been designed "hich "ill place
someone into a deep trance *ery ;uic&ly- I an alter is not being cooperati*e "hen they
are accessed/ they can be loc&ed in place mentally and gi*en a ;uic& shot o a ast,acting
hypnotic,inducing drug-
+ne drug "hich "as popular or programming "as demerol/ "hich "ould be
administered intra*enously (an IK)- It ta&es about :,D minutes to ta&e ull eect ater
administration *ia an I-K- $he dosage can be administered so that the eect remains until
the programming session is o*er- It may be administered about e*ery hal hour i
appropriate- 'hildren "ill recei*e ? to 8-8 mgL&g dose-
Another drug/ a truth serum/ also consistently "or&s on people ma&ing them totally
compliant to any directi*e- %nder #aradanga people "ill gi*e their ban& account
numbers and anything else a person might "ant- $hese type o drugs are almost
suicient in themsel*es to get compliance out o a person- I one realizes that these
drugs are used in con2unction to torture/ elaborate systems o lies and deception/ trauma,
bonds/ and all the rest o the sciences o mind,control used in the programming/ it is
easy to see ho" they are producing totally compliant human robots-
). teachin( a$te% to (o dee2e into tance to e%ca2e du( e&&ect% and 2ain. Much o
the training in this area is based upon the child.s horror and ear to"ard the all po"erul
master programmer- When the programmer "ants the child.s alters to learn to trance
deeper/ he "ill gi*e a drug that the alter doesn.t li&e- $he child.s alter "ill then be told to
go deeper into the mind i they "ant to escape the eect o the drug- $his enorces the
dissociati*e state being trained or the alter- $he suggestion or story line that is gi*en to
the alter is re;uently the picture o a train- $he child is told that the conductor is at the
ront o the train/ but he must mo*e to the bac& o the train through the train cars- $he
child is taught to count cars "hen they go by as i they "ere steps in the mind- $his is
training the child to descend into deeper le*els o the subconscious- $he train illustration
has been used by programmers "hen they "ant the child to remember the drug
e=perience- $he programmer "ants this e=perience remembered,,at least or a "hile
because it helps increase the child.s ear- I the programmer "ants the child to orget the
drug e=perience "hile learning trance depths/ then the imagery o a plane ta&ing o and
disappearing in the clouds "or&s-
c. enhancin( the tau"a Drugs "ill be used to enhance the spinning eect "hen the
mind is being programmed to ha*e *orte=es and to set up traps "ithin the sla*e.s mind-
+ne particular drug enhances the trauma by ?<< times- Drugs can be useul or instance/
to enhance a child.s terror o the e=perience o this child being placed in a small bo= in
the etal position or 86 hours- $his helps shorten the programming time/ and it also
ma&e the programming more intense- $he programmers &no" "hat antidotes to gi*e to
pull the child out o the enhancement- Mari2uana enhances perception o color and noise/
but it is not used to enhance trauma- $he mind does not program "ell under mari2uana-
$hat is "hy there has been such a big campaign to &eep it illegal/ e*en though many
studies sho" it to be saer than alcohol-
d. 2oducin( out o& )ody e=2eience% Karious hallucinogenic drugs/ 1SD included/
"ill produce an out o body e=perience or the *ictim/ i the drugs are administered
correctly- $he Programmer "ill prepare the *ictim "ith *arious inormation and story
lines during the administration o the drug- Monarch sla*es "ho are being
deprogrammed/ may ha*e a memory "here their s&in eels inlamed and itchy/ li&e a bad
mos;uito bite- $he e=perience may also ha*e the sensation o loating in an unreal
"orld- $his may "ell be an 1SD trip gi*en the sla*e during e=perimentation and
programming- $he 'IA "as using 1SD beginning in the *ery early part o the ?7:<s-
Se*eral *ictims report that some type o potion causes a person to dream "hile they are
a"a&e- P'P "hich is 0angel dust0 is one "ay to disconnect the corte= rom the limbic
system and go into an altered state-
e. ceatin( 2ain. $his is done "ith a long list o drugs- Drops o salt "ater and pepper
"ater are applied to the eyes o *ictims to ma&e their eyes sting- Another pain in the eye
ta&es place "hen lights are lashed signalling/ 0I lo*e you/ I lo*e you not-0 $he child is
pulled t"o "ays by this message- Dr- Green (Mengele) en2oyed pulling daisy petals
"hile saying these "ords- I the last petal "as 0I lo*e you not-0 the child "ould be put to
death- Sur*i*ing children "ere let traumatized-
&. ceatin( )$ood !e%%e$% that hut #lood pressure is raised by drugs and then certain
drugs are added "hich ma&e the *eins burn- $he alter is taught to cut the burning *eins-
$his is programming "hich is laid in to control the sla*e rom straying rom the script
he or she is gi*en- I they stray/ then a cutting program is acti*ated "hich "as laid in *ia
a combination o drugs in the method 2ust stated-
(. conto$$in( hi%ta"ine 2oduction $he control o histamine production is an
important secret ingredient to the Monarch Mind 'ontrol- $he breast implants placed
into "omen help stimulate histamine production/ "hich is used in con2unction "ith
drug,assisted programming (See 'hapter C-)
h. he$2in( ceate i$$u%ion% %uch a% no hand%, no &eet, no &ace, no head etc. A
programmer "or&ing "ith a hallucinogenic drug can ma&e an alter belie*e that it has
lost a particular body part- #ecause most o these alters ha*e little memory or no
memory and little rame o reerence/ "hat they are told "hile under the inluence o
drugs seems *ery real to them-
i. teachin( a$te% to %tay in 2o%ition Some alters don.t li&e to stay in position- #ut
through the use o drugs/ and the side eect o drugs/ they soon learn the importance o
staying in position- I they are disobedient/ the memory o the bad side eects rom not
staying in position in the mind can be pulled up by a code and the alter can reli*e the
pain rom ha*ing disobediently mo*ed rom position- $his is *ery eecti*e in teaching
alters to stay in their little position that is assigned them in the mind-
;. to a%%i%t othe 2o(a""in( "oda$itie%, %uch a% hi(h tech ha"onic "achine%,
'hich i"2$ant thou(ht%. ($he machines are used in con2unction "ith designer drugs-)
An e=ample o ho" drugs can be important is as ollo"s- $he neurons in the
hippocampus "hich is part o the memory process use acetylcholine- Drugs that bloc&
acetylcholine interere "ith memory- $he neurons and the chemical neural transmitters
are understood much better today- Where and ho" a thought is created in the brain is
understood by the programmers in detail- No one is in a position to physically pre*ent
the Illuminati and others rom ta&ing their children and others to labs "here chemicals
and harmonics can be used in sophisticated computer guided "ays to implant thoughts
into the children.s minds- As the child.s brain is shaped according to its en*ironment/ the
le*el o e*eryday brain chemicals and the shape o the *arious areas o the brain can be
determined by the programmers-
$his is "hy a recent article on Prozac (Ne"s"ee&/ Feb- D/ ?776) uses a ;uote rom Alice
In Wonderland or its title/ 0+ne pill ma&es you larger/ and one pill ma&es you small0-
$his article (on page 9C) ;uotes brain researcher Resta&/ 0For the irst time/ "e "ill be
in a position to design our o"n brain-0 +n the pre*ious page in big letters it reads/
0Scientiic insights into the brain are raising the prospect o made,to,order/ o,the,shel
Another programming modality assisted by drugs is beha*ior modiication- A*ersion
therapy using a *omit,inducing drug is used on children- Another e=ample o drugs
helping assist programming is to gi*e someone 1SD and then inter*ie" the child "hile
it is hallucinating- $he hallucinations are then used as programming building bloc&s by
using hypnotic techni;ues- +ne "ay to build on an 1SD trip is to tell the child i they
e*er do a particular thing (such as touch programming/ remember programming/ and
integrate parts/ etc-) the *ictim is to go crazy and hallucinate li&e they are presently
doing- $his means that they "ill be loc&ed up in a crazy house or the rest o their lie-
Rather than be put in straight,2ac&ets "ith other crazy people it "ould be better or the
person to commit suicide- #y constantly reinorcing this message/ some alters "ill adopt
the script 0that they are doing the body good to &ill it i any alter personality touches the
programming/0 because other"ise the body "ill be loc&ed up in a crazy house-
Drugs are used in programming to establish a pattern or a script- $here must be a pattern
o dissociation- Parts can.t 2ust dissociate into nothing/ other"ise there "ould be nothing
to build on- Drugs "ill play a ma2or role in the structuring o the alter system/ "hich is
co*ered in chapter D- $he child doesn.t &no" "here the eect o the drug is coming
rom- $he programmer "ill ta&e credit or the po"er o the drug- Whoe*er administers
the drug has po"er in the child.s mind- $he mind "ants to be sae-
I am amiliar "ith a recent e=ample here in +regon o someone "ho escaped rom being
sacriiced at a Satanic Ritual- $he legal system told the "oman she "as crazy "hen she
reported to the police that she had escaped rom a Satanic Ritual "here they "ere going
to sacriice her- $o control her/ the 2udge ordered 9 types o antipsychotics/ t"ice the
normal dose o t"o &inds o lithium carbonate to put her into a lethargic stupor/ Pa=il as
an antidepressant/ and #enztropine mesylate as an antipar&insonian agent- $he
antipsychotics "ere $hiothi=ene/ $hioridazine hydrochloride/ and Perphenazine "hich
are all addicti*e- $his "oman may or may not be a multiple- #ut this clearly sho"s the
type o mental control *ia drugs that could be slapped onto someone "ho dares report
Satanic acti*ity to an establishment "hich has been sadly corrupted rom top to bottom-
+ne *ictim o go*ernment mind control tried to get ree- $he irst psychiatrist the person
tried to go to "as cooperating "ith %-S- Intelligence and ga*e her Stelazine/ "hich
aggra*ated the *ictim.s situation- When the *ictim spied a general.s uniorm in the
closet o this psychiatrist/ she got another psychiatrist/ "ho unortunately turned out to
be an e=,DoD employee- !e placed her on !aldol Decanoate/ >lonopin/ and
#enzatropine- $he combined eect o these drugs is to erase memory/ and create a
dissociati*e disorder- All o the drugs "ere highly addicted- Another leeing *ictim "as
gi*en $razodone by a physician "ho "as cooperating "ith the Intelligence agencies-
$his almost ga*e the *ictim a heart attac& because it aggra*ated her heart condition- And
yet another escaping *ictim apparently also ell prey to dirty 'IA doctors "ho "ere
practicing in public "ithout "arning people o their intelligence connections- $his
*ictim "as gi*en a combination o 'ompazine and Vana=/ in dosages that the
Physicians Des& Reerence "arns against- $he doctor/ "ho prescribed this/ "or&ed out
o an oice named ater an M> %ltra programmer- $here are other important things to
mention about "hen drugs are used in Monarch programming-
So"e o& the caution% that the 2o(a""e% ae a$et to inc$ude3
a- "atching the heart so that it doesn.t stop- Many o the children "ho ha*e been
programmed ha*e died rom heart ailure- $he programmers are *ery careul to ha*e
heart monitors on the *ictim/ and to ha*e paddles ready to re*i*e the body- #ecause so
much o their drugging aects the heart/ they accept that they "ill lose a e" to heart
b- ma&ing sure that drugs aren.t gi*en to children "ho are allergic to them- $he
programmers ta&e the time to insure that they ha*e the amily histories o allergies to
drugs/ and they "ill test the children too/ beore proceeding "ith drugs- $hey not only
learn the amily E indi*idual responses to drugs/ but they can test during programming
to determine a drug.s blood le*el in a child- For instance/ pentobarbital at a blood le*el
o : mcgLml aids hypnosis/ at ?: ma&es the *ictim comatose "ith rele=es/ and at 9<
ma&es the person comatose "L e=treme diiculty in breathing- In e*eryday lie/ 9<
mcgLml "ould &ill the child- Pentobarbital blood le*els can be tested by an enzyme
multiplied immunoassay techni;ue- For longer,acting Phenobarbital gas
chromatography is used- $'A.s are tested by radioimmunoassay/ high,per- li;uid
chromatography E thin layer chromatography- Some hypnotics are tested by
colorimetry/ photometry/ E spectrophotometry-
c- s"itching to herbs "hen the body is saturated "ith drugs- When the child.s body has
had all the manuactured drugs it can absorb/ the programmers s"itch to a *ast
collection o natural herbs-
d- pro*iding the antidote or AIDS- Monarch sla*es are routinely gi*en the antidote or
AIDS and ha*e been since the ?7A<s,?7D<s-
e- &no"ing ho" much o a drug each part can ta&e/ small young alters can.t ta&e as
much- Multiples "ithin a single system ha*e *arying le*els o tolerance to"ard drugs- A
small child alter may be &illed by an adult dosage/ e*en though the age o the body is
that o an adult- $he programmers are acutely a"are o ho" to deal "ith multiple
- pro*iding salt to balance the electrolytes in the mind o a programmed multiple
personality- An electrolyte imbalance can cause a multiple personality.s mind to go
"ac&y and start spinning- $he Multiple could possibly go into shoc& and die- $he
programmers are *ery e=perienced in understanding the uni;ue re;uirements o a
multiple personality-
g- An important plant e=tract or "atching brain "a*e acti*ity is the large plant enzyme
horseradish pero=idase (!RP)-
Perhaps it "ould be "orth"hile to briely mention that all the ma2or chemical and drug
companies are run by the Illuminati- It "ould ta&e a boo& to e=plain "ho controls "hat
and ho" they connect in/ and this author could "rite it- Instead/ "e "ill try to gi*e a
;uic& o*er *ie"- Rather than co*er 8 dozen large drug companies/ three ma2or drug
companies ha*e been randomly selected to sho" a ;uic& *ie" o ho" all the drug
companies are deeply in*ol*ed "ith Monarch mind,control programming- Since the
purpose o this boo& is to sho" ho" the mind control is done,,this sample o names is
gi*en only to con*ey to the reader that the drugs that the IlluminatiLIntelligence agencies
need are ne*er in short supply- And the labs to de*elop designer drugs or mind,control
are not in short supply either-
@1I 1I115 '+-,,$rustee o @li 1illy @ndo"ment Walter William Wilson , Illuminati/
married to !elen Scudder (o the "ealthy po"erul Scudder amily)/ prominent partner
o Morgan/ Stanley E 'o- controlled by !enry Morgan also a member o the Illuminati-
@=ecuti*e Kice,pres- o @li 1illy 1andrum #olling/ represented @li 1illy at the secret
annual Dartmouth conerences/ o*erseen by the Illuminati- 'hairman o @li 1illy
Richard D- Wood/ dir/ o the Roc&eeller.s Standard +il/ 'hemical #an& o N5/ and the
Amer- @nterprise Inst- or Public Policy Research- Dir- @li 1illy '- William Kerity/ Br-/
dir- 'hase Manhattan #an& and assoc- "ith %-S- intelligence/ and "or&s "ith Mrs-
Roc&eeller as a member o %S$@'- Dan Iuayle and George #ush ('IA director and
Monarch handler) ha*e been part o @li 1illy management too-
MANSAN$+ '!@MI'A1 '+MPAN5,,President @arle !- !arbison/ Br-,'IA- and
director o #ethesada General !ospital "here they program Monarch sla*es- !e is also
the president o the Mental !ealth Association-
S$@R1ING DR%G '+- (an I-G- Farben spino),,connected to the >rupp Illuminati
amily- 'hairman W- 'lar& Wescoe/ dir o the super secret $in&er Foundation "hich is a
'IA oundation- Dir- Gordon $- Wallis/ Illuminati/ dir/ o the Fed- Reser*e #an& o N5/
'FR/ Director Martha $- Muse/ 'IA/ pres- o the $in&er Foundation/ dir- o the +rder
o St- Bohn o Berusalem (>nights o Malta)/ and dir- o Georgeto"n 'enter or Strategic
As the reader can see/ the use o drugs in the Monarch $rauma,based Mind 'ontrol is
e=tensi*e and re;uires s&illed technicians/ nurses/ and doctors- #ecause o the long,held
control by the Illuminati amilies o*er narcotics and drug manuactureLsales/ there is no
diiculty or the programmers to get large ;uantities o secret designer drugs- $he minor
occult cults ha*e to get by "ith a more limited supply o mind altering drugs/ unless
they directly connect in "ith the bigger picture- $he po"er o drugs to control a person.s
lie is not absolute,,although someone "ho li*es "ith a cocaine addict or alcoholic
might disagree,,but "hen coupled "ith all the other methods in a sophisticated system
o mind,control/ drugs 2ust urther reinorce the absolute po"er o the Illuminati o*er an
Cha2te 6. Science No 6 # Hy2no%i% +nde%tandin( the Ba%ic% A)out Hy2no%i%
A- Dissociation/ trance/ E its historical use
$he !istory o !ypnosis or Programming !ypnotic cues
#- !o" to program "ith hypnosis George @stabroo&s Royal Institute o International
Aairs Rhodes Scholarship
'- !o" to boost creati*ity o *ictim "ith hypnosis
$he Kital Role o Mo*ies or !ypnotizing Small 'hildren
Spinning $ops
$he !ypnotic Koice o the Programmer
D- >eeping the mind dissociati*e
@- >eeping the mind in a programming (Alpha) state
F- !ypnotic triggers E cues
Monarch Mind 'ontrol 'odes 'ontents (A,$)
G- !ypnosis in programs E other uses
Alice In Wonderland Programming as it Pertains to an Alter Going Do"n in $rance
or Internal
!ypnotically #uilding in Structures

A. Di%%ociation, Tance, and Hi%toy o& Hy2no%i% &o 0o(a""in(
Dissociation is used as a deense to protect a person rom o*er"helming pain and
trauma- It is a natural ability o the brain- !ypnosis or hypnotic trance is a orm o
dissociation- $here are a number o types o dissociation4 amnesia/ somnambulistic
states/ localized paralyses/ anesthesias/ and hallucinations- !ypnosis can reproduce all o
these dissociati*e states- $he mind naturally hypnotizes itsel under *arious
conditions- Perhaps the reader has been dri*ing along a amiliar road and the ne=t thing
you &ne" you "ere arri*ing home/ ha*ing dri*en in a trance- No" let.s suppose you are
dri*ing to a mo*ie and you are discussing ne=t "ee&.s plans "ith your "ie- $he
comple= thin&ing re;uired to dri*e 2ust happens- 5ou are a"a&e tal&ing to your "ie/
and yet on another le*el you "ere in trance dri*ing the car- 5ou as a sub2ect "ere both in
hypnotic trance (dri*ing) and a"a&e (tal&ing about plans)-
$here are : le*els to the subconscious that the mind "ill naturally dissociate to- $he
other deeper le*els re;uire help to access- People naturally can thin& on t"o le*els-
#ecause people.s minds unction on multile*els and there is a continua on a spectrum
that runs rom conscious to unconscious/ it is oten diicult to pinpoint 2ust e=actly "hat
state o mind the brain is in at a certain point/ because there is no single ans"er- A light
trance is "here a person is daydreaming about his girlriend- A moderate trance is "here
he imagines he is in bed- A deep trance is "here he physically eels he is in bed "ith his
girlriend- Sleep is "here one dreams o being in bed- #eha*ior modiication is carried
out in the light to deep trances- $he deep trance is a *ery creati*e le*el-
!ypnosis appears to aect se*eral areas o the brain,,the brain stem is modiied into the
hypnotic state/ and the midbrain centers are inhibited so that other areas,,the motor/
sensory and memory areas can be manipulated- Further not all hypnosis "or&s the same
"ay- !ypnosis can be used on the intellectual part o the mind/ the social,spiritual part
o the mind/ and the primiti*e reproducti*e part o the mind-
$he s&illed hypnotist "ill decide "hich area he "ants and ho" to "or& "ith that area-
#oth 'hristians and Illuminati members "ho are s&illed in understanding demonology/
belie*e that there is a demonic side to hypnosis also- It should come as no shoc& to
people that in the World #oo& @ncyclopedia hypnosis is listed under Magic as a related
article/ but not under Medicine- Some 'hristians class hypnosis as a orm o di*ination
and enchantment- It certainly can be a orm o control- In occultist W-#- 'ro".s boo&
Witchcrat/ Magic E +ccultism/ it lists hypnotism as an occult science- $here is open
debate "hether hypnotism is simply part o the brain.s natural abilities or i supernatural
elements are part o the process- $here is no debate that historically/ hypnosis or
centuries has been the guarded secret o the occult "orld- During shoc& or stress/ the
body.s limbic,hypothalamic,pituitary,adrenal system/ releases substances "hich encode
all the internal and e=ternal pieces o inormation being sensed into a deep le*el o
consciousness- $hese memories oten become dissociated rom normal states o
consciousness- In other "ords/ "hen the mind,body returns to this state ("here it "as in
during shoc&Lstress) the mind can reaccess those memories- !o"e*er/ until the mind
returns to this shoc&ed state/ it doesn.t pic& up the inormation it has embedded- $he
Monarch programmers are acutely a"are o ho" the mind unctions/ and ho"
inormation and memories can be trapped in the mind-
$here are dierent neurophysiological states- Also there are said to be ?8 le*els to the
subconscious mind- $hen on top o this the mind has the ability to create amnesia
barriers- !ypnosis is a *aluable tool to mo*e the mind to dierent neurophysiological
states and to get the mind to dierent le*els o the subconscious mind- !ypnosis can
also play a role in "or&ing around amnesia/ since both are types o dissociation-
!yper*entilation helps a person induct into a hypnotic trance- $orture/
depersonalization/ ear and acute an=iety stimulate the body to hyper*entilate- So the
ear/ torture and depersonalization are aids or the hypnotist to help induct a person into
a hypnotic trance-
!ypnotic cues can be gi*en to cause the body to go into *arious dissociati*e states- $his
could be a post,hypnotic suggestion that causes hyper*entilation and an accompanying
trance state- !ypnotic cues that are tied to e*ery day ob2ects enhance the programming-
@*erything in lie becomes a cue to reinorce the programming- $hat may seem on the
surace to be an e=aggeration/ but it is only slightly enlarged rom the truth- $he
programmers do in act e=amine a person.s lie/ and then tailor their cues to "hat the
person "ill be around-
For instance/ the programmer may orce the child to smo&e and then tell it that e*ery
time they blo" out smo&e they "ill thin& about their master- $he programmed alters
don.t dare not to smo&e on ear that they "ill be punished- $he smo&ing in turn
reinorces the po"er o the hypnotistLmaster- Much o the good that therapy can do is in
eect to de,trance or dehypnotize clients- Most o the alters o a Monarch system go
their entire li*es in trance- 'ommon ob2ects in a person.s lie that can be hypnotically
gi*en a programming meaning include music/ tones/ colors/ the sight o a boo& or #ible/
the pyramid on the bac& o a dollar bill/ pictures o God/ sil& scars/ 2e"elry/ lights/
sounds/ $K programs/ and countless other things- $he limit to this is simply the
programmer.s creati*ity-
$he po"er o hypnosis is oten underrated because the po"er o the mind is underrated-
$he mind can decide to control its breathing/ heart beat/ blood pressure and other things
that "ere once thought to be in*oluntary-
$he brain produces a substance "hich is a tiny peptide molecule called en&ephalin
"hich acts 2ust li&e morphine and reduces pain- $he brain can be hypnotically trained to
release en&ephalin so that the brain doesn.t percei*e pain- A common hypnotic de*ice
or "ashing a"ay pain is running "ater- $he *ictim is hypnotically told to go to a
"aterall and "ash their pain a"ay- (According to a programmer the a*erage healing
rate is 9 times ;uic&er under hypnosis than "ithout-)
$he antastic abilities o the mind to control "hat happens to it are *ery remar&able
(such as its natural healing abilities)/ but most o this is being &ept a National Secret so
that it can be used against humanity to ensla*e us to demonic,empo"ered po"er hungry
monsters/ rather than to beneit humanity- Se*eral people in intelligence agencies ;uietly
bemoan the act that secret research could be helping humanity instead o controlling it-
$he human mind has been ound to be li&e an immense symphony orchestra/ each part
doing "hat it does best under the guidance o a director part similar to the conductor o
an orchestra- A non,multiple.s brain delegates responsibility to parts o his brain yet
retains control o*er the process- !is mind "ill shit rom one ego state to another/ E still
retain its identity-
In contrast/ the multiple.s brain also delegates responsibility and shits rom one ego
state to another/ #%$ doesn.t retain a cohesi*e selhood or sel,identity- $he mental
mechanisms are similar/ but the e=perience is *astly dierent- Rather than an orchestra
playing together/ the multiple.s brain is ull o competing isolated parts (instruments so
to spea&) that are playing in isolation- +ut o the chaos o all these independent amnesic
parts/ the programmer through hypnosisLE ear then becomes the conductor to help
bring order out o chaos-
I the multiple is to regain a chance to orchestrate their o"n lie again/ they must re,
establish communication bet"een the dierent parts o "hat should ha*e been their o"n
orchestra/ and get internal people to harmonize their music o lie- Good programmers
do not need to ormally induct their *ictim into hypnosis- !o"e*er/ i they need to/ the
Monarch sla*es are "ell conditioned to respond to numbers being counted and ingers
being snapped- !ypnosis "as a "ell de*eloped art by the early 8<th century- And testing
and reining continued all along-
For instance/ the- %-S- military "as conducting e=tensi*e tests o sub2ects under
hypnosis during W-W- II- In spite o all this/ the 'IA "as still see&ing better rapid
induction techni;ues or their sla*es during the ?7:<s- M> %ltra Subpro2ect ?8C dealt
"ith rapid induction techni;ues/ especially Subpro2ect ?8C,?- Some o their drug testing
"as done at 1e=ington / >$ Detention !ospital-
$he ability to distinguish bet"een magic and hypnotism may not e=ist or the child in
situations "here they are "itnesses to the po"er o hypnotism e=ercised by a
programmer- $his ma&es the adult programmer/ "ho is a big person loo& all
po"erul- Another danger inherent in hypnosis are complications (side eects) that hit a
percentage o those "ho are sub2ected to it-
!ilgard (?7D6) disco*ered 9?T o the ?8< uni*ersity students participating in a study o
hypnosis had complications that lasted rom : min- to 9 hours ater trance/ "hich
included headaches/ dizziness/ nausea and sti nec&s- Fritz is a"are o one "oman "ho/
ater the one E only hypnotic session she "as the sub2ect o/ de*eloped the complication
o ha*ing nightmares o sna&es cra"ling all o*er her- (For urther study the reader may
"ant to read Mac!o*ec/ Fran&- 0!ypnosis 'omplications/ Ris& Factors/ and
Pre*ention0 American Bournal o 'linical !ypnosis- Kol- 9?/ No-?/ Buly/ .CC/ p- 6<P-)
Regular gentle electrical stimulation in many parts o the brain including the lo"er part
o the reticular ormation can change the state o consciousness rom alert to sleepy- An
electrical band attached to a bo= is sometimes placed on the *ictim to produce a
hypnotic state- $here are se*eral "ays to alter a person.s state o consciousness/ but the
most popular one by Monarch handlers is to use a combination o drugs and hypnosis-
Drugs are used to acilitate hypnosis- Modern drugs do almost all the "or& or the
hypnotist- $hey place the person in an altered state and ma&e them "illing to ta&e any
order- +ten sur*i*ors remember orange or grape drin&s/ or something else "hich they
"ere gi*en/ "hich "ere used to gi*e the child drugs- +ne Monarch sla*e ('athy
+.#rien) "rote about ha*ing been gi*en hypnotic drugs *ia a Grasshopper ice cream
+ccasionally/ hypnosis must be carried out by the programmers on un"illing sub2ects-
$hey ha*e 9 ma2or "ays to get around this- $hey can induce hypnosis by disguising
"hat the hypnotist is doing/ they can "ait until the person is asleep and tal& to him "hile
asleep/ or they can administer drugs-
Also the Net"or& has some high,tech e;uipment "hich stimulates the orgiastic state
(se=ual ecstasy) part o the brain- #y mo*ing the body into this state/ the mind opens up
all the unconscious states- $hen sophisticated brain "a*e machines program thoughts
into the person- A computer dis& is put into the electric shoc& machine and it runs a
program that sends electric 2olts do"n si= nodes- $he brain.s reticular ormation ser*es
as the brain.s mechanism in*ol*ed in regulating alertness and a"areness- Karious &inds
o stimuli "ill enter the brain through its *arious methods o sensing and learning- With
total sensory depri*ation (done by placing the *ictim in a salt "ater tan& "ith electrodes
that shoc& the body until it stops all mo*ement) the reticular ormation "ill place the
mind into a primiti*e state o consciousness "here the programmers can place in post,
hypnotic commands to do something on a certain date- $he end time programming/ that
has Monarch sla*es doing something at a speciic date to create anarchy or to help the
Anti,'hrist come to po"er has been put in at this le*el-
As pre*iously mentioned/ this le*el achie*ed by total sensory depri*ation o the
Monarch sla*e is same primiti*e le*el as the brain.s commands to &eep the heart
beating- Depending on "hat type o signals are coming in to it rom the *arious sensing
agents o the brain/ the reticular ormation "ill then ma&e a decision "hat state o
consciousness to place the mind in- I the reticular ormation does not send out 0alert0
signals/ then the brain "ill get sleepy- Damage to the reticular ormation can cause a
coma- $he t"o thalamus lie 2ust abo*e the brain stem- $he right and let thalamus are the
brain.s selecti*e attention mechanism- $hat is to say/ they decide "hat it is important or
the brain to ocus its attention on- $he right thalamus is connected to attention to *isual
shapes and the let to our attention to things describable in "ords- $en to iteen
repetitions at one second inter*als are enough to cause the brain to lose interest in
something- At this point the neuron.s in the reticular ormation ;uit paying attention to
"hate*er it is- For instance/ your brain "ill listen to a cloc& tic& or only ?: inter*als
beore it ;uits listening to a cloc& in the room- #ut the brain.s alertness can be
reacti*ated by a strong and sudden stimulus li&e a loud sound or a lash o light- $his is
"hy 9 gunshots or 9 lashes o light are used as standard access triggers or Monarch
sla*es- $hree "as also ound to be the best number to get the 2ob done-
The Hi%toy o& Hy2no%i% &o 0o(a""in(
A masonic magazine or higher masonic rites "here se= magic is perormed entitled
Freemasonry %ni*ersal/ Kol- :/ ?787/ p- :C states4
0'ertain Forces are sent through the candidate.s body during the ceremony/ especially at
the moment "hen he is created/ recei*ed and constituted an @ntered Apprentice
Freemason- 'ertain parts o the 1odge ha*e been hea*ily charged "ith magnetic orce
especially in order that the 'andidate may absorb as much as possible o this orce- $he
irst ob2ect o this curious method o preparation is to e=pose to this inluence those
*arious parts o the body "hich are especially used in the ceremony- In ancient @gypt /
there "as another reason or these preparations/ or a "ea& current o physical electricity
"as sent through the candidate by means o a rod or s"ord "ith "hich he "as touched
at certain points- It is partly on this account that at this irst initiation the candidate is
depri*ed o all metals since they may *ery easily interere "ith the lo" o currents-0
1ong story short/ the Masonic lodges ha*e been using hypnotism and electric shoc& in
their initiation rituals or a long time- $he combination o ear and hypnotism combine
to help seal the lips o an initiate rom telling "hat in some lodges are secrets o criminal
acti*ity- $he #rahmin caste in India practice yoga/ and other meditations "here they
regularly go into altered states o consciousness- 'enturies ago/ the #rahmin a&irs
learned about drugs/ tortures/ and magical methodologies to produce hallucinations and
altered states o consciousness- $he "orship o #acchus in the "est and Shi*a in the east
"ere similar/ as "ere the bloodthirsty rites o >ali and Moloch- +ccultists in India ha*e
also gone to cemeteries or centuries/ li&e the Illuminati to dra" spiritual po"er rom
gra*es- When eastern and "estern occultists lin&ed up they realized they had a great
deal in common- $he ancient @gyptian "ritings many centuries #-'- tal& about the third
eye and temple trances- !ypnosis appears to ha*e been practiced in these ancient
temples- All o*er the "orld/ altered states o consciousness ha*e been used- $he eared
Scandina*ian "arriors called #eser&ers "ere in a mildly,programmed altered state o
consciousness "hich made them earless-
B. Ho' To 0o(a" With Hy2no%i%
George @stabroo&s "as the irst ma2or hypnotist to publicly recognize the potential or
hypnosis- !e contacted MI,A and other military and intelligence groups in hopes he
could interest them in the military,intelligence potentials o hypnosis- What "as George
@stabroo&Os connection to the Illuminati3 George @stabroo&s "as a Rhodes Scholar/
"hich is an entry,le*el group or the Illuminati-
For those "ho ha*en.t studied this/ it "ould be appropriate to gi*e a brie e=planation o
these things- $he Illuminati in ?7?7 created the Royal Institute o International
Aairs (RIIA)- $he Astor Illuminati amily "ere ma2or inancial bac&ers o the RIIA-
Waldor Astor "as appointed to the RIIA- $he American e;ui*alent to the RIIA is the
'FR- $he RIIA and 'FR set up Round $able Groups (based on the >ing Arthur myths)
"hich "ere initially named by 'ecil Rhodes 0Association o !elpers0-
!igh ran&ing MasonLIlluminatus 'ecil Rhodes also created the Rhodes Scholarship to
bring select men rom se*eral the @nglish spea&ing "orld and Germany to learn ho" to
bring in the +ne World Go*ernment that the Illuminati has long had planned- $he
'li*eden @state o the 'li*eden Astors (o the Illuminati) has played an important role in
the preparation o Rhodes Scholars- #ill 'linton and Fred Franz/ the late president o the
Watchto"er Society/ are t"o e=amples o men selected or Rhodes Scholarships- #ill
'linton "ent through the program- !o"e*er/ Franz decided not to go to 1ondon in order
to help lead '-$- Russell.s cult as 0oracle0 ater W$ Pres- '-$- Russell "as ritually &illed
on !allo"een/ ?7?A and his remains buried under a pyramid- !e later ser*ed as
President himsel rom ?7DD,?776-
$he Watchto"er Society leadership is a ront or a part o the Illuminati "hich practices
@nochian Magic- $he po"er o @nochian magic is the Watchto"ers- A po"erul part
o #ethel head;uarter "or&ers are Multiple Personalities/ and ha*e cult alters "ho spea&
in @nochian- Some multiples "or& in the art department and ha*e been secretly placing
hidden occult symbology into Watchto"er E A"a&eJ magazines-
No" bac& to @stabroo&s/ "ho "as also himsel part o the Illuminati- In his boo&
!ypnotism/ "hich came out in ?76A/ he "rote in his chapter 0!ypnotism in Warare0
(again bear in mind that @stabroo&s "rites this in ?76A and has been ad*ocating "hat he
"rites or perhaps the ?: pre*ious yearsJ) $his chapter is not ta&en rom a mystery
no*el- $he acts and the ideas presented are/ so to spea&/ too true to be good/ but no
psychologist o standing "ould deny the *alidity o the basic ideas in*ol*ed- !e might/
o course/ be some"hat startled at our proposed use o these basic ideas and techni;ues/
or he has ne*er gi*en this matter much thought---- $he use o hypnotism in "arare
represents the cloa& and dagger idea at its best,,or "orst- @*en i "e did &no" the
ans"ers to some o the "eird proposals in this chapter/ those ans"ers could ne*er be
gi*en or ob*ious reasons- $he reader must use his imagination or speciic outcomes in
speciic cases ha*e not been made public,,probably ne*er "ill be made public- Any
toplight physicist is amiliar "ith the basic la"s o atomic ission and he is ;uite ree to
discuss those la"s- #ut he may or may not &no" "hat is happening on some
go*ernment research pro2ect in this ield- I he does &no"/ he is not shouting it rom the
housetops/ probably not e*en "hispering it to his best riend- $he same applies to
hypnotism in the ield o "arare- +ur interest here lies in some o the more unamiliar
sides o hypnotism "hich may ma&e it o use in "arare- Again/ no psychologist "ould
deny the e=istence o such phenomena---- $he only possible "ay o determining "hether
or not a sub2ect "ill commit a murder in hypnotism is literally to ha*e him commit
one---- #ut "arare---undoubtedly "ill/ ans"er many o these ;uestions- A nation ighting
"ith its bac& to the "all is not "orried o*er the niceties o ethics Fli&e Nazi GermanyG- I
hypnotism can be used to ad*antage/ "e may rest assured that it "ill be so employed-
Any 0accidents0 "hich may occur during the e=periments "ill simply be charged to
proit and loss/ a *ery triling portion o that enormous "astage in human lie "hich is
part and parcel o "ar----
+ne in e*ery i*e adult humans can be thro"n into the hypnotic trance,,
somnambulism,,o "hich they "ill ha*e no memory "hatsoe*er "hen they
a"a&en- From the military *ie"point there are a e" acts "hich are o great interest-
'an this prospecti*e sub2ect/ ,,this Xone,in,i*e0 indi*idual,,be hypnotized against his
"ill3 +b*iously/ no prisoner o "ar "ill be co,operati*e i he &no"s that the hypnotist is
loo&ing or military inormation/ nor "ill any ordinary citizen i he suspects that the
operator "ill use him to blo" up a munitions plant- $he ans"er to this *ery *ital
;uestion is 0yes0/ though "e preer to say 0"ithout his consent0 instead o 0against his
"ill-0 We do not need the sub2ect.s consent "hen "e "ish to hypnotize him/ or "e use a
Xdisguised0 techni;ue-
$he standard "ay to produce hypnotism in the laboratory is "ith the so,called sleep
techni;ue- $he operator 0tal&s sleep0 to the sub2ect/ "ho e*entually rela=es and goes
into a trance/ tal&ing in his sleep and ans"ering ;uestions-
No" suppose---"e attach a blood pressure gauge to the sub2ect.s right arm and the
psychogal*anic rele= to the palm o his hand/ 2ust to ma&e e*erything loo& shipshape-
$hese de*ices are or measuring his ability to rela=- We also point out that/ o course/ the
*ery highest state o rela=ation "ill be his ability actually to all into a deep sleep "hile
"e are tal&ing to him-
We also stress the great importance o the ability to rela= in this modern "orld o rush
and "orry/ promising to sho" him ho" to get results as one end o these e=periments-
All this is by "ay o buildup- Probably not one o our readers/ i e=posed to this
procedure/ "ould realize that this "as preparation or hypnotism/ but "ould co,operate
"illingly in this *ery interesting psychological e=periment-
We then proceed to 0tal& sleep/0 much the same as in ordinary hypnosis/ careully
a*oiding any reerence to a trance or ma&ing any tests "ith "hich the sub2ect might be
amiliar/ all the "hile chec&ing on blood pressure and psychogal*anic rele= to &eep up
the ront-
Finally "e ma&e the test o somnambulism/ or deep hypnotism- We see i the sub2ect
"ill tal& to us in his sleep "ithout a"a&ening- I this does not succeed/ the sub2ect "a&es
up completely/ and in this case "e simply repeat the e=periment/ hoping or better luc&
ne=t time- #ut i "e do succeed/ i the indi*idual belongs to the 0one,in,i*e0 club/ the
sub2ect is 2ust as truly hypnotized as by any other method/ and rom no" on e*erything
is plain sailing-
#y use o the posthypnotic suggestion---"e simply say/ 01isten careully- Ater you "a&e
up I "ill tap three times on the table "ith my pencil- 5ou "ill then ha*e an irresistible
impulse to go sound asleep-0 $he ne=t trance is 2ust that easy to get/ and the sub2ect has
no idea that it is the pencil "hich has sent him o-0---
#ut "e must go e*en urther than this- +nce a person has become accustomed to
hypnotism/ has been repeatedly hypnotized/ it becomes *ery easy or any operator to
thro" him into the trance- +b*iously this "ill not do i "e are to use hypnotism in
"arare- So "e plug this gap again by suggestion in the somnambulistic state- We assure
the sub2ect that in the uture no one "ill be able to hypnotize him e=cept "ith the special
consent o the operator- $his ta&es care o things *ery nicely----We sit do"n "ith the
sub2ect---We are tal&ing about the latest bo=ing match "hen the operator taps three times
on the table "ith his pencil- Instantly,,and "e mean instantly,,the sub2ect.s eyes close
and he.s sound 0asleep-0 While in trance he sees a blac& dog come into the room/ eels
the dog/ goes to the telephone and tells its o"ner to come get it- $he dog is o course
purely imaginary- We gi*e him electric shoc& "hich "ould be torture to a normal
person/ but he does not e*en notice it- We straighten him out bet"een t"o chairs and sit
on his chest "hile he recites poetry- $hen "e "a&e him up-
!e immediately starts tal&ing about that bo=ing matchJ A *isitor to the laboratory
interrupts him- 0What do you &no" o hypnotism30 $he sub2ect loo&s surprised/ 0Why/
nothing-0 0When "ere you hypnotized last30 0I ha*e ne*er been hypnotized-0 0Do you
realize that you "ere in a trance 2ust ten minutes ago30 0Don.t be sillyJ No one has
hypnotized me and no one e*er can-.. 0Do you mind i I try30 0Not at all- I you "ant to
"aste your time it.s all right "ith me-0 So the *isitor/ a good hypnotist/ tries/ but at e*ery
test the sub2ect simply opens his eyes "ith a bored grin- Finally he gi*es up the attempt
and e*eryone is seated as beore-
$hen the original operator taps on the table "ith his pencil- Immediately the sub2ect is in
deep hypnotism- We no" add another concept- We can coach the sub2ect so that in the
trance he "ill beha*e e=actly as in the "a&ing state- %nder these circumstances "e
could dey anyone/ e*en a s&illed psychologist/ to tell "hether the sub2ect "as 0asleep0
or 0a"a&e-0 $here are tests "hich "ill tell the story but in "arare "e cannot run around
stic&ing pins into e*eryone "e meet 2ust to see i he is normal- So rapid can this shit be
rom normal to trance state Fthe programming stateG/ and so 0normal0 "ill the sub2ect
appear in trance/ that the "riter has used such a sub2ect as a bridge partner- !e plays one
hand in trance and one hand 0a"a&e0 "ith no one any the "iser- F$his happens "ith
Monarch sla*es all the time- Fe" people e*er catch on that alters are under trance-G
Suppose "e deliberately set up that condition o multiple personality to urther the ends
o military intelligence-
1et us start "ith a *ery simple illustration- For e=ample/ "e can hypnotize a man in an
hotel in/ say/ Rochester - We then e=plain to him in hypnotism that "e "ish the numbers
and state names o all out,o,state cars par&ed in the bloc& surrounding the hotel- !e is
to note these *ery careully in his unconscious mind but "ill ha*e no conscious memory
o ha*ing done so- $hen "e a"a&en him and as& him/ in the "a&ing state to go out and
get us a tube o toothpaste- !e lea*es the hotel and "anders around the bloc& in search
o that tube- Finally/ he returns/ apologizing or his delay/ saying that it "as necessary
or him to go entirely around the bloc& beore he noticed a drugstore in the *ery building
itsel- $his/ he says/ "as *ery stupid o him but apparently men are made that "ay-
Did he notice anything o interest as he made his "al&3 0NothingJ +h/ yes/ there "as a
dog ight do"n at the corner-0 And he described the battle in detail- We no" hypnotize
him- !e &no"s "hat "e are see&ing and at once proceeds to gi*e us numbers and states
o strange cars/ *ery pleased "ith the act that he can recall thirteen- !e e*idently en2oys
the game immensely and is ;uite proud o his memory- $hen "e a"a&en him and see
"hat he &no"s in the conscious state- 0!o" many cars are there around the building30 0I
don.t &no"-0 0What are the numbers o the out,o,state licenses around the building30
0Good hea*ens/ I ha*e no idea- I thin& there is a 'aliornia car near the ront entrance/
but I ha*e no idea as to its number-0
A riend tries his hand- 0No" loo& here- 5ou "ere hypnotized hal an hour ago and you
let this room under posthypnotic suggestion-0 $he sub2ect gets irritated- 01oo& here
yoursel- I.m getting tired o that silly 2o&e- $his is the third time today you.*e pulled it-
All right- I "as hypnotized and sa" pin& elephants all o*er the lobby- !a*e it your "ay-0
And the sub2ect sits do"n to a magazine/ ob*iously angry that this man cannot ind
something more amusing to say-
+ten the hypnotic sub2ect "ill react in this manner- Push him 2ust a little too ar and he
becomes irritated/ ob*iously a tric& o the unconscious to end the argument and a*oid
any danger o being ound out---- $he reader.s *ery natural reaction is/ 0Why all this
rigmarole30--- $here are certain saeguards i "e use hypnotism- First/ there is no danger
o the agent.s selling out- More important "ould be the con*iction o innocence "hich
the man himsel had/ and this is a great aid in many situations- !e "ould ne*er 0act
guilty0 and i e*er accused o see&ing inormation "ould be ;uite honestly indignant-
$his con*iction o innocence on the part o a criminal is perhaps his greatest saeguard
under ;uestioning by the authorities-
Finally/ it "ould be impossible to 0third degree0 him and so pic& up the lin&s o a chain-
$his is *ery important/ or the most hardened culprit is al"ays liable to 0tal&0 i the
;uestioners are ruthless enough- $he Super Spy in the instance "e are about to outline/
"e may or may not be dealing "ith multiple personality----
$he little e=periment I ha*e 2ust cited could be successul "ith any good somnambulist
and "ould re;uire about ten hours preparation- $he e=ample I no" cite "ould "or& only
"ith a certain number o the *ery best somnambulists and instead o ten hours
preparation/ "e had better allo" ten months----
Perhaps "e had better start by deending our position- Is it unethical3 Perhaps/ but
science merely states the acts---- No" let us return to our presentation- We start "ith an
e=cellent sub2ect/ and he must be 2ust that/ one o those rare indi*iduals "ho accepts and
"ho carries through e*ery suggestion "ithout hesitation- In addition/ "e need a man or a
"oman "ho is highly intelligent and physically tough- $hen "e start to de*elop a case
o multiple personality through the use o hypnotism-
In his normal "a&ing state/ "hich "e "ill call Personality A/ or PA/ this indi*idual "ill
become a rapid communist- !e "ill 2oin the party/ ollo" the party line and ma&e
himsel as ob2ectionable as possible to the authorities- Note that he "ill be acting in
good aith- !e is a communist/ or rather his PA is a communist and "ill beha*e as
such- $hen "e de*elop Personality # (P#)/ the secondary personality/ the unconscious
personality/ i you "ish/ although this is some"hat o a contradiction in terms- $his
personality is rabidly American and anti,communist- It has all the inormation possessed
by PA/ the normal personality/ "hereas PA does not ha*e this ad*antage----
$he proper training o a person or this role "ould be long and tedious/ but once he "as
trained/ you "ould ha*e a super spy compared to "hich any creation in a mystery story
is 2ust plain "ea&- $his is "hat the Illuminati ha*e done- $hey create good 'hristian
ronts/ "ith Illuminati dar& alters "ho can see "hat the 'hristians are doing-
My super spy plays his role as a communist in his "a&ing state/ aggressi*ely/
consistently/ earlessly- #ut his P# is a loyal American/ and P# has all the memories o
PA- As a loyal American/ he "ill not hesitate to di*ulge those memories/ and needless to
say "e "ill ma&e sure he has the opportunity to do so "hen occasion demands-
!ere is ho" this techni;ue "ould "or& ---- Fs&ipping this story and se*eral others/ "e
come to4G We choose a good sub2ect and then let him in on the plot- We disclose to him
that he is an e=cellent hypnotic sub2ect and "e "ish to use him or counterespionage-
We suspect that in the near uture someone is going to try hypnosis on him- !e is to
blu/ to co,operate to the *ery best o his ability/ a&e e*ery test that is made and stay
"ide a"a&e all the time- $he test "e ear most is that o an analgesia,,insensiti*ity to
pain- So "e coach him careully "ith posthypnotic suggestions to the eect that e*en
"hen "ide a"a&e and bluing he "ill be able to meet e*ery test "hich may be made
here/ be it "ith ammonia under the nose/ a needle/ or "orst o all/ the use o electricity/
"hich can be made e=tremely painul and is easy to use-
%nder these circumstances it "ill be *irtually impossible to tell "hether this man is
bluing or really in trance- F$he story continues that the master hypnotist thin&s he has
got a good sub2ect and has hypnotized him deep- $hen the sub2ect tells him that he "as
only bluing- $he "hole aair pro*ides a nightmare or any counterintelligence group
using hypnotism- $hey can be totally blued/ unless they turn to high tech e;uipment to
see "hat is really happening-G
@stabroo&s also e=plains ho" a man can be hypnotized and told he is only testing the
preparedness o security- !e is told he has a a&e bomb/ but is really gi*en a real bomb-
$he sub2ect is sent to a location/ and blo"s up "ith the real bomb- $he sub2ect blo"s up
"ith the bomb so the e*idence o the hypnotic lie is lost- !ypnosis changes the threshold
o the ho" the senses percei*e- Sensiti*ity can be increased or decreased/ hallucinations
can be percei*ed e*en though there is the absence o any appropriate stimuli/ and things
that e=ist can go unpercei*ed by the mind- For instance/ alters "ho are used or porn are
hypnotized not to see the camera- Alters used or any type o se=ual ser*ice are
hypnotized repeatedly to not see aces- $he sla*e "ill actually see blurs "here people.s
aces are- $he Programmers li&e to manipulate- 'hildren are set in ront o circus
mirrors that ma&e them taller or smaller or programming- $hey are set in ront o
mirrors "hich duplicate their image- !ere in +regon / there is a site "ith a magnetic
anomaly "hich bends light- It is called the +regon Korte=- $he Programmers ta&e small
children there or programming- Anything that creates an illusion/ seems to be noticed
by the Programmers and is put to use someho"-
$he 'IA has employed magicians li&e Bohn Mulholland to help them create illusions-
Magician Bohn Mulholland "rote a manual or the 'IA on ho" to decei*e un"itting
sub2ects- %nder drugs and hypnosis/ "hen a small child is set in ront o a mirror that
elongates its body and or then shortens/ the reality o the programming script seems real-
$he programmer can hypnotically call upon the child.s mind to totally hallucinate seeing
something/ or he can support the illusion by handing the child a doll and telling it that it
is a child/ or handing the child a pencil and telling the child it is a lo"er- A great deal o
acting and props are used during the programming- What child can tell ool.s gold rom
real gold3 $he bottom line is that generally/ no matter "hich "ay the Programmers do it/
"hether by an illusion or an outright hypnotic,suggested hallucination/ the e*ent or the
child is real- $he ma2ority o traumas are real e*ents/ but the scripts that are gi*en are
ater the trauma are ictional-
C. Hy2no%i% Can Boo%t The Ceati!ity o& the 4icti" to Ado2t Sci2t%
'reati*ity is a unction o attenti*eness/ playulness/ an=iety/ limitations/ rela=ation/ the
trance state/ responsi*eness and absorption- A good programmer can assist or boost the
creati*ity o the child- $he programmer can tell stories and programming scripts in a
*i*id "ay/ so that the sensory pictures are bold and strong- $he child can taste and eel
and touch in their minds the script being gi*en them- #esides the language o the
programmer other aids such as ear and drugs can enhance a *ictim.s attenti*eness-
Playulness comes naturally to children- $hey naturally pretend and use antasy in their
play- #ecause children are innately creati*e they are ar easier to program- Researchers
ha*e also disco*ered that creati*ity needs an element o an=iety and chaos in the
person.s lie- I e*erything is orderly and in perect harmony/ the creati*e 2uices "ill not
lo"- $he conscious mind and the subconscious mind need to grapple- For creati*ity to
be producti*e it must occur "ithin limits- For instance/ the concerto is created "ithin the
limits o a piano &eyboard-
$he programmer/ and the Grande Dame and the Grande Mother o the Illuminati *ictim
careully guide the child.s creati*ity and set limits- $he spar& o creati*ity occurs "hen
there is an alternation o intense concentration and rela=ation- $he programmers must
"or& bac& and orth bet"een torture and &indness- A light trance "ill allo" the mind to
surace creati*e ideas- $hat is "hy "riters and composers get ideas "hen they are in a
light trance dri*ing/ in a light sleep/ or sha*ing or some other place "here a light trance
occurs- Recepti*ity is the "illingness to accept a creati*e idea "hen it comes-
$he inal part o creati*ity is one.s absorption into the process o creati*ity- $he artist
may get so immersed into the portrait that he is painting that the portrait seems ali*e and
real,,the actual person- $his immersion/ "here things imagined become real/ is
important to &eep the creati*e 2uices lo"ing- $he hypnotistLprogrammer can enhance
the creati*e process by gi*ing the child positi*e encouragement to reduce their ears and
inhibitions to creati*ity- $he programmer could say to the older child (a younger child
might be told something else)/ 05ou ta&e all o your ear o not being creati*e and put
them into a sac&- $he sac& no" becomes a bundle o energy- No" imagine you are
opening the sac& and out o the sac& comes a rainbo" o energy- It is po"erul/ it is
positi*e- 5ou are no" ull o ne" ideas- 5ou can eel this po"er surge through your
body- 5our mind is no" clear and ocused/ ocused/ you eel conident/ sure o your
talent and eager to set your ne" ideas into motion/ and you control the energy in your
lie/ you are *ery successul in controlling the energy in your lie---you ta&e a e"
breaths and rela=- 5ou notice the neighborhood around you/ there is a beautiul par&/ you
begin to notice ho" beautiul the day is/ and you begin to eel a resh ne" energy
lo"ing through your body---the more calm you become the more enthusiastic and
creati*e you become---you "ill eel ree to create/ to en2oy your creati*e talent/ to in*ent/
to shape/ and orm ne" and "onderul ideas-0
$his is not to say that the Illuminati programmer or Mother o Dar&ness assistant "ill
use this type o hypnotic suggestions/ but sometimes it does become necessary to teach
some children ho" to dissociate/ and ho" to become creati*e- I they do not de*elop
these abilities/ they may lose their lie to the torture-
The 4ita$ Ro$e o& /o!ie% &o Hy2noti,in( S"a$$ Chi$den
As mentioned beore/ the hypnotist "ill ind children easier to hypnotize i they &no"
ho" to do it "ith small children- +ne method that is eecti*e is to say to the small
children/ 0Imagine you are "atching a a*orite tele*ision sho"-0 $his is "hy the Disney
mo*ies and the other sho"s are so important to the programmers- $hey are the perect
hypnotic tool to get the child.s mind to dissociate in the right direction- $he
programmers ha*e been using mo*ies since almost day one to help children learn the
hypnotic scripts- For children they need to be part o the hypnotic process- I the
hypnotist allo"s the child to ma&e up his o"n imagery/ the hypnotic suggestions "ill be
stronger- Rather than telling the child the color o a dog/ the programmer can as& the
$his is "here the boo&s and ilms sho"n the child assist in steering its mind in the right
direction- I the hypnotist tal&s to a child/ he must ta&e e=tra precaution not to change
the tone o his *oice and to ha*e smooth transitions- Most o the Disney ilms are used
or programming purposes- Some o them are speciically designed or mind,control-
S2innin( To2%
+ne method or inducting children into a dissociati*e state is to ha*e them loo& at a
large spinning top/ as the colors "hirl around- 'arousel rides ha*e also been popular to
induce trances- A good sampling o optical illusions can be ound in >atherine Boyce.s
boo& Astounding +ptical Illusions- N54 Sterling Pub- 'o- / ?776- $he illusion $he
$emple ma&es one eel they are in a passage"ay leading to a small door- $he @scalator
ma&es one eel they are going up and do"n/ and could be used or building in an internal
ele*ator- We &no" that optical illusions ha*e been used/ but "e are not saying that
these particular ones ha*e been- For a programmer to use an optical illusion/ he "ould
irst submerge the *ictim into a drugged state "ith the appropriate mind altering music
and sounds and then lash the illusion onto the "all that the *ictim "as acing- With
*irtual reality the child can really be immersed into a "eird head trip-
The Hy2notic 4oice o& the 0o(a""e
Programmers "ill adopt either an authoritarian *oice/ "hich is commanding and direct
or a permissi*e sot tone- #ear in mind the sla*e "ho has the authoritarian *oice used on
it/ sees the programmer as God "ith the authority o lie or death o*er its (his or her)
body and soul- $he heightened e=pectation rom the commanding tone/ "ill increase the
suggestions chance or success- !o"e*er a soter tone/ "ill rela= the *ictim/ and the
hypnotist and the programming *ictim become partners in the hypnotic process- $he
ad*antage o the soter tone/ is that the creati*ity o the *ictim is enhanced and
participates more in the process-
$he hypnotic induction becomes more real "hen the *ictim participates more in the
process- $he Monarch programmer "ill either use a monotone *oice or a rhythmic
*oice- Remember/ the proessor "ho could lull his students to sleep- !e had a hypnotic
*oice/ "ithout &no"ing it- A singsong or rhythmic *oice is comorting- It can also be
used by the Programmer- +ne continuous thread o "ords strung together are used to
close out distractions- Ater a suggestion or command is gi*en/ a pause is made by the
programmer in tal&ing so that the suggestion is ta&en into the mind- +ther"ise an=iety is
e=perienced by the *ictim.s mind/ and the suggestion "ill not be accepted as "ell-
'isco/ the co,author pro*ides an e=ample o ho" a hypnotic script can go "ith
music/ 0'lose your eyes or your eyes "ill only tell the truth- And the truth isn.t "hat
you "ant to see- In the dar& it is easy to pretend that the truth is "hat it ought to be-
0Sotly/ detly/ music shall caress you- !ear it/ eel it secretly possess you- +pen up your
mind/ let your antasies un"ind in this dar&ness "hich you &no" you cannot ight- $he
dar&ness o the music o the night- 0'lose your eyes/ start a 2ourney through a strange
ne" "orld- 1ea*e all thoughts o the "orld you &ne" beore- 'lose your eyes and let
music set you ree- +nly then can you belong to me- 0Floating/ alling/ s"eet
into=ication- $ouch me/ trust me/ sa*or each sensation- 1et the dream begin/ let your
dar&er side gi*e in to the po"er o the music I "rite- 5ou alone can ma&e my song ta&e
light- !elp me ma&e the music o the night- 0!elpless to resist the notes I "rite/ For I
compose the music o the night- !earing is belie*ing/ music is decei*ing- !ot as
lightening/ sot as candle light- Dare you trust the music o the night30
When the authors ha*e bumped into men "ho are programmers and handlers or the
'IA/ they ha*e noticed that many o these men ha*e "arm personalities and ha*e a
certain trained hypnotic *oice "hich they use e*en "hen not programming- During
rituals/ the *arious magical languages used in "itchcrat employ repetition/ alliteration/
nonsense syllables/ ne"ly coined "ords/ and ancient "ords that are chanted or sung in a
limited,range that ma&es the sounds become hypnotic- Sounds li&e the mantra 0a,u,u,in,
in0 are chanted- Gestures during rituals are also made "hich intensiy the eects-
Rituals can not be classiied as ha*ing nothing to do "ith programming- $here is such a
great attempt to secularize and ma&e clinical "hat the *ictim e=periences/ and the idea
that "itchcrat is part o the programming is an unpopular notion "ith some- 'ombining
"itchcrat "ith hypnotic language can be po"erul "ith group dynamics- Repetiti*e
sounds/ such as a drum beating inluences the locus coeruleus part o the brain- Drums
can help induce trance-
D. Kee2in( the /ind Di%%aciati!e
Illuminati parents (as "ell as other adults "ho care or a Monarch child) are gi*en
special instructions on ho" to raise the child to be dissociati*e- $he parents are
admonished that their child "ill ha*e a successul uture and so "ill they i they ollo"
the instructions- I they don.t ollo" the instructions/ they are minded their child.s lie
could be oreited-
!ere are some o the types o instructions that are gi*en4 Spend ?: minutesLday teaching
the child to "rite bac&"ards to de*elop the brain in a particular ashion- Gi*ing daily
doses o prolonged isolation/ such as dar& closets/ dar& cellars/ the corners o dar&
rooms- During the prolonged isolation/ the child cannot turn on the lights/ go to the
bathroom/ ma&e a noise or anything else- $he child "ill learn to dissociate- $he child is
also trauma bonded to the abuser because each time the child is let out/ it is grateul to
the abuser- $he child can be dro"ned in a pool and then resuscitated,,and the e=act
amount o time to &eep the child under "ill be gi*en- $he child can be placed in a
reezer/ and again the e=act amount o time can be gi*en to the parent-
$he child is not to roam about the house reely- $he adults. area is o,limits- $he child
must mo*e "ith permission- Systematic punishment "ithout pro*ocation "ith the
message,,&eep secrets- !ear no e*il/ see no e*il/ do no e*il- $his needs to be done
se*eral times a "ee& to reinorce the codes o silence and the programming or
silence- A needle "hich is gripped hal"ay up is stuc& into the child a ;uarter inch deep
on the child.s muscles/ buttoc&s or thigh to help continue dissociati*e beha*ior- +n
special occasions (birthdays/ holidays) the hands and eet "hich are most sensiti*e to
pain are stuc&- When the eet or hands are stuc&/ they "ill oten stic& the needles under
the nails- $he ears are also on occasion stuc& "ith needles- It also conditions the child to
obey the commands o her handlers/ "ho "ill use needles to access the minds *arious
personalities- Karious spots on the body "hen stuc& "ith needles along "ith certain
codes become access points or certain alters- Anytime a child argues/ has a temper
tantrum/ or gets angry the child is to be slapped in the ace- $his is a ;uic& trauma- It is
to be ollo"ed "ith a lighted cigarette applied to the child to burn the s&in the second
the child gets submissi*e rom the slap- I a cigarette can.t be ound/ a sto*e top or some
other hot item is to be ound- At our years o age/ the child begins programming to burn
itsel- I there are any bruises sho"ing/ the child can be &ept home or a day or
t"o- Anytime the child becomes "illul it is to ha*e its mouth "ashed out "ith soap-
$he child should be made to che" o a piece and s"allo" the oam- $he child should
be raped daily and then tortured- $his helps "ith the se=ual programming later/ and
begins a re*ersal in the mind that pain is lo*e/ and pain is pleasure-
Some o the irst memories that emale Monarchs reco*er are their memories o their
athers raping them- $his is because the programmers allo" these memories to be less
dissociated than the later ones "here the sla*e may be se=ually ser*icing an important
Monarch sla*e handler li&e the Re*- #illy Graham- (Graham is co*ered in ull in chapter
In later situations li&e that/ the &itten alters "hich do the se=ual ser*icing "ill be electro,
shoc&ed to bloc& their memory as "ell as gi*en hypnotic cues- $he athers or step,
athers are oten not the person "ho "ill be their master "hen they gro" up- $he abuse
o this person "ill ser*e as a co*er or the programming- I the person.s ront alters
disco*er they are MPD/ they "ill initially blame their multiplicity on the irst abuser
they remember/ "hich then ser*es as a co*er-
E. Kee2in( the /ind in A$2ha State
$he entire alter system o a Monarch sla*e has their sleep patterns controlled- Many
alters are programmed not to sleep- $hey stay a"a&e 86 hours a day internally- Someone
has to ta&e the body and sleep,,but "hiche*er alters are set up to do it/ they are
hypnotically commanded to only sleep three hours/ to insure that the mind stays in an
alpha state easy to program- #ecause alters "hich do not hold the body 0rest0 mentally
in a sense,,"hen they ta&e the body they are resh- In this "ay/ a multiple can unction
"ithout as much sleep as a normal person/ but the price they pay is that their mind stays
in an easy,to,program easy,to,hypnotize state- R@M sleep allo"s the person to
harmonize the mind.s inner "orld "ith its outer en*ironment- $he periods o R@M sleep
lengthen as the hours o sleep progress- #y pre*enting long periods o sleep/ long
periods o R@M sleep are pre*ented rom occurring/ and the *ictim remains in a more
controllable state o mind-
F. Hy2notic Code%, Cute% and Ti((e%
When a Programmer creates something/ it "ill be a relection o himsel to some degree-
Bust li&e hand"riting and art are a relection o the person "ho ma&es them-
%nderstanding the connections bet"een a Programmer and his creation could ta&e a
boo& in itsel- $he ollo"ing is e=tracted rom the history o an ancient occult sect/ still
unctioning today- It is the type o thing/ that the programmers eed their minds on/
"hich in turn pro*ides them the patterns "hich sho" up in programming-
!ere it is4 In the ancient occult "orld/ at the gates o palaces the door&eeper had to be
sho"n 0the seals0,,the secret names o God or pictures "ith magical po"er/ and the
"ords 0R A&i*a0- When the person passed this entrance/ he comes to the palace o pure
marble stones/ do not say/ 0"ater/ "ater-0 $hen the person "ill enter into the "orld or
the celestial Garden o @den or the Realm o the !ea*enly Palaces- $he Story o Sinbad/
the golden lamp and genie "ould be another e=ample o an occult story that could be
used- Within the Illuminati/ Gematria ("hich is the cabalistic teachings about numbers)
is *ery important or &no"ing the codes o the deep dar&er alters- $here are se*eral
reasons or "hy Monarch sla*es ha*e lots o codes and structures "hich come rom
a- their programmers are "itches and "itchcrat is the "orld *ie" on the mind o the
b- the sla*es are reminded o their entrapment to Satan and their cult "hene*er they hear
their codes
c- the alters internally "ill "or& magic/ e*en "hile they don.t hold the body/ and placing
magical structures inside acilitates this internal magic
d- using magical "ords ma&es the programming loo& li&e magic&
e- the internal alters are being inculcated into occult under"orld lie and doctrine
A rather remar&able boo& is Aleister 'ro"ley.s boo& DDD and +ther Iabalistic Writings
o Aleister 'ro"ley- It is remar&able or the deprogrammer to understand many o the
programming code lin&s that the programmers may ha*e used- In DDD.s or"ard/-
Aleister 'ro"ley "rote 0DDD is a ;abalistic dictionary o ceremonial magic/ oriental
mysticism/ comparati*e religion and symbology- It is also a handboo& or ceremonial
in*ocation and or chec&ing the *alidity o dreams and *isions- It is indispensable to
those "ho "ish to correlate these apparently di*erse studies-0 ( 'ro"ley / DDD/ p- *ii)
1ater he "rites/ 0$he boo& DDD has or its primary ob2ect the construction o a magical
alphabet-0 (p- =*ii) For instance/ 'ro"ley gi*es the +icers in the Masonic 1odges and
the !ebre" pass"ords o their grades- In another e=ample o the boo&/ 'ro"ley gi*es a
list o the !indu cha&ra points ("hich is "ell &no"n)/ "ith the #uddhist names/ and
their ancient @gyptian names- $his is the type o occult &no"ledge that is hard to come
'ro"ley .s 1ist o 'orrespondences are perhaps the best one "ill ind printed in the
occult "orld- $hey sho" the correspondences that occultists ma&e bet"een things- For
instance/ i "e "ant to &no" "hat corresponds to the !ebre" letter Dalath- $he letter
means door- Door corresponds to the letter ?6/ the 'abalistic $ree o 1ie path"ay
bet"een the t"o top circles on each side o 0the cro"n0/ s&y blue on the Iueen scale o
color/ Aphrodite/ Kenus and Freya/ and the gems @merald and $ur;uoise/ and the
perume sandal"ood- All these things correspond "ithin 'abalistic magic-
For someone trying to understand "hy a particular color/ and name is gi*en to a deep
dar&side alter/ 'ro"ley .s boo& is helpul in some Monarch systems- $he Mother,o,
Dar&ness alters (and Supreme Master alters in males) o the Illuminati must do path
"or&ing rituals "hen they hold the body and participate in Illuminati acti*ities- $hese
Mother,o,Dar&ness alters are placed internally in the 'abalistic $ree o 1ie- 'ro"ley .s
boo& pro*ides the mystic number that goes to each part (plane/ or circle) o the $ree o
1ie and its Sna&e positional number- $he mystic number o the Sephiroth that
corresponds to the number to each o the 88 paths that must be "or&ed is also gi*en- $he
occult concept is that to achie*e di*inity one must go on the $ree o 1ie rom being
Mal&uth to become >ether- Although it is not the intent to propagate occult doctrine/ or
those "ho "ant to &no" ho" Illuminati Monarch sla*es get to "here they are as adults/
and "hat the codes are in their System/ then "e need to co*er briely the >abalistic $ree
o 1ie- (More "ill be "ritten about this in chapter ?< on spiritual control-)
1et the reader picture 9 circles in a line- $hese three circles sit at the top o the 'abalistic
$ree o 1ie- $hey are the top 9 circles o ten circles "hich all ha*e names "ithin an
Illuminati Monarch sla*e- $he center circle is 0the cro"n0 and holds the honored alter
"ho actually is the #ride o the Anti'hrist- $he Anti'hrist is also &no"n as #lac&
Saturn/ and other names- Satan himsel is &no"n "ithin a Monarch system oten by the
name #ilair/ #ilar/ or #ilid "hich are his cabalistic names-
$he honored alter "ho is married to him sits on a pedestal re*ol*ing "ith 8 other
alters- In the occult "orld/ goddesses are triune4 maiden/ mother and crone- $he one to
the let o center is Midnight (the Mother igure)/ and the other is Morning Star (the
maiden)- Morning Star (Stella Matutina) may be a *ery young alter/ rather than a
teenager- +n top o the 'abalistic $ree o 1ie "ill sit a pyramid- @ach o the ten circles
(rooms or the alters "ho li*e in them) o the $ree o 1ie is created "ith a dierent
Illuminati ceremony-
#eore a Mother,o,Dar&ness Monarch sla*e is ?A/ they "ill ha*e gone through all the
ceremonies in*ol*ed in the creation o the alters "hich correspond to the ?< rooms o
the $ree o 1ie- At age ?A/ the system.s demons "ill then guide the system on a
personalized path"ay and a baby (the irstborn) "ill be sacriiced by the System- $he
blood o this irst born is spiritually placed in a bo= under the $ree o 1ie- $his is in
accord "ith the 1ilith story- $he spirit 1ilith (sometimes "ith an alter 1ilith) "ill "or&
"ith the spirits o Uerodieth and 1ucier- $here are se*eral trees "hich can be placed
"ithin a Monarch sla*e/ including the ash/ the oa&/ the ygdrassil/ the "illo"/ and the
$ree o @*il/ "hich is an e*il counterpart to the $ree o 1ie- $hese "ill be dealt "ith
under the chapter on structures- $his chapter "ill pro*ide the hypnotic codes/ cues/
triggers or "hate*er one "ants to call these "ords/ noises/ and sensory inputs that
manipulate these poor *ictims turned into Monarch robots- +ther chapters "ill e=plain
about the structures these codes go to/ and also the spiritual dimensions o these codes
and structures-
Another "ay to see things is to recognize that the programmers ha*e created 0po"er
"ords0 to "hich they ha*e attached memory and programming- I a de,programmer
obser*es closely the "ord usage o the *ictim/ you "ill begin to spot po"er "ords o the
abuser/ or instance/ 0"hite rabbit0- A cipher is "hen symbols are used to represent
letters- +ne can used letter re;uencies to brea& ciphers- 1i&e"ise/ there are re;uencies
to code "ords- $he Illuminati.s intelligence agencies ha*e programmed thousands upon
thousands o sla*es-
$here are only so many code "ords to pic& rom and some o these code "ords are
a*orites- From the co,author Fritz Springmeier.s e=perience/ the ollo"ing are a*orite
code "ords that ha*e been used to program sla*es "ith4 '!AR1+$$@/ '!@'>MA$@/
'!RIS$MAS/ '1ARA/ '1+K@R1@AF/ '+%RI@R/ 'RA5+N/ 'R5S$A1 DAIS5/
DAK5/ D@11A/ D@1$A/ D@M+N/ DIANA/ DINA!/ DIR$5/ DIM@/ D+$/ D+K@/
DRAG+N/ D%'>/ D%M#+ @AG1@/ @AS5/ @'!+/ @1AIN@/ @1@P!AN$/ @11@N/
@M@RA1D/ @MPIR@/ @S$@R/ @%R@>A/ @K@RGR@@N FAI$!/ FA1'+N/
FARM@R/ F@1IV/ FIR@F15/ FIK@ #R+$!@RS/ FIK@ SIS$@RS/ F1AS!1IG!$/
F1+SS5/ F15ING P Fother "ordG/ F+V/ FR@@U@/ FRI@NDS!IP/ F%11 !+%S@
G+1D@N P Fother "ordG/ G++S@/ GRA'@/ GRANN5/ GR@@N DIAM+ND/ G%11/
GW@N !AD@S/ !A1F,M++N/ !AMM@R/ !ARRI@$/ !AW>/ !AU@1/ !@1@N@/
!@1I+S/ !@N/ !@RM@S/ !IG! #A11/ !IG! 'ARD/ !+1@,IN,$!@,WA11/
!+P@/ !+PI/ !+%NDD+G/ !+%RG1ASS/ !%S$h@R/ !5DRA I'@#@RG/ IDA/
IMP/ IN'%#%S/ INS@'$/ IRIS/ IR+I%+IS/ I$@M BA'>ASS/ BAG%AR/ BAN@$/
BANI'@/ BAS+N/ BASP@R/ BAK@1IN/ B@NN5/ B@U@#@1/ BIG/ B%1I@$/ B+AN/
B+S!%A/ B%D5/ B%PI$@R >ANGAR++>ANSAS/ >A$5/ >ING/ >I1+/ >I$$5/
>+M@$ 1A'@/ 1AD5 P Fother "ordG/ 1AMP/ 1A%RA/ 1@AP FR+G/ 1@+PARD/
1IG!$NING/ 1I15/ 1I+N/ 1I$$1@ P Fother "ordG/ 1+K@/ 1%'>5 P Fother "ordG
MAR$!A/ MAV/ M@AD+WS/ M@R'%R5/ MIG!$5 M+%S@/ MI11I+N D+11AR/
MINNI@ M+%S@/ M+NA 1ISA/ M+N$@ 'AR1+/ M+$!@R/ M%MM5 NAN'5/
NA+MI/ NAKAB+/ NIMR+D/ N+A!/ N+RA/ N%$'RA'>@R +#+@/ +'$+P%S/
+1D FAI$!F%1/ +1IK@/ +PA1/ +P!@1IA/ +RI+N/ +S'AR/ +W1/ +UMA
P@GAS%S/ P@N$!+%S@/ P!AN$+M/ P!+@NIV/ PIN@'+N@/ PIS$+1 P@$@/
P1A$+/ P1%$+/ P+115/ P5$!+N I%AI1/ I%@#@'/ I%@@N/ I%@@N #@@/
I%@@NI@/ I%@S$/ I%I'> SI1K@R RA'!@1/ RAIN#+W/ RAM/ RANG@R/
RAS'A1/ RA$/ RAK@N/ R@#@''A/ R@D DIAM+ND/ R@D !I11/ R@N+/ R@V/
R!%#AR#/ RI$A/ R+#+$/ R+M@+/ R++S$@R/ R+SI@/ R+K@R/ R%#5/ R%$!
SA#R@/ SAIN$/ SAIN$ P Fanother "ordG/ SA115/ SAN AN$+NI+/ SAPP!IR@/
SARA!/ SA$%RN/ S'AMP@R/ S'+%$/ S@A G%11/ S@A1/ S@RG@AN$/
S@RG@AN$,D@1$A/ S!AD+W/ S!AR>/ S!@NAND+A!/ S!+/ SI'>1@/ SIGMA/
SI1K@R/ SN+W P (other "ord) U@#RA/ U@NI$!/ U@R+/ U5PP@R/ U+M#I@/
U%1%/ U%NI-0
$he "ord F+V is an e=ample o a signiicant occult code "ord- F,o,= consists o the
Ath/ ?:th (?P:)/ E the 86th (8P 6) letters o the alphabet/ "hich yield AAA-
$he reader needs to bear se*eral things in mind- First/ the programmers generally ha*e
intelligent/ "ell sounding codes/ that do orm patterns- For instance/ a "oman.s name
rom the #ible "ill be used as a code/ "ith subparts or sub codes ha*ing other emale
names rom the #ible- Deeper Illuminati parts "ill ha*e goddess and god names/ and
&ing and ;ueen names or cult alters-
$hese are the names the handler or cult uses,,N+$ their access codes-
$he codes or sla*es ollo" patterns- $here are standard and uni;ue codes- $he internal
programming alters ha*e the po"er to change codes i they need to protect the
programming- $hey "ill ha*e to hypnotically "or& "ith alters "hen they trance out at
night- In other "ords/ most o their programming o ront alters "ill be done "hen a
System lies do"n or 0sleep0,,more accurately described as 0or trance-0 I the internal
alters change many codes/ in their eorts to protect the system/ they "ill e*en ma&e it
diicult or the handlerLprogrammer to get into the system- 'iphers de*eloped rotors
that re;uire lines to line up- Some simple schemes using this principle appear in some
Monarch systems- $his is part o the science o structuring- Intelligence codes oten
come rom the #ible or popular iction boo&s- $he deeper codes are occult "ords/ oten
in oreign languages such as Arabic/ "hich is an important language in the upper occult
"orld- Sla*es "ill be gi*en '+K@R NAM@S or ops/ and oten males recei*e emale
names and *ice *ersa- Kery shortly/ "e "ill pro*ide the Monarch hypnotic cues (codes)
or the multitude o unctions that a Monarch.s mind must carry out- $he type o
programming "hich is placed in a sla*e *aries-
For intelligence operations the sla*e "ill ha*e to ha*e #+NA FID@S/ "hich are codes
to allo" t"o people to meet-
All sla*es are gi*en '+N$R+1 SIGNS "hich allo" them to indicate *ia a code that
they are in trouble-
A R@'+GNI$I+N signal allo"s t"o people to ma&e contact-
For instance/ the handler might ly his distincti*e sounding plane o*er a sla*e.s house in
a pre,arranged signal- It might also be a particular colored scar/ and a particular set o
A G+,AWA5 code is a prearranged signal that means it is un"ise to ma&e contact- $he
go,a"ay signal may be simply placing one.s hands in one.s poc&et or turning the porch
lights o-
A 0G+ $+ GR+%ND0 signal means to go into hiding-
A MA5DA5 #++> e=ists or Illuminati and Intelligence sla*es "hich allo"s them to
call i they are about to be arrested- A telephone number is let open or 2ust this
purpose- Also common uni*ersal Illuminati codes can be used by the sla*e to get set
ree rom police and 2udges- Within the Beho*ah.s Witnesses/ especially their
head;uarters/ the Illuminati uses @nochian language to program "ith- With Druidic
branches Druidic symbols are used- With the Be"ish groups/ !ebre" is used- +ther
languages are also used- An Illuminati System can easily ha*e A dierent languages used
as programming codes- $he oreign language codes "ill be or small parts o the System
only- Special artiicial languages are also employed/ as "ell as sign language-
/onach /ind Conto$ Code% Content%3
A- Alpha (#asic)
'odes to all the *arious basic systems4
Alice In Wonderland4
'inderella Program4
$he Melting Pot Program4
Wizard o +z4
$in Man Programming4
#ody Programs 'ontrol program
# #eta (Se=ual)
'- 'hi (Return to 'ult)
D- Delta (Assassination)
@- @psilon (Animal Alters)
F- +mega (Internal 'omputers)
G- Gamma (Demonology) 'eremonies
!- !ypnotic Inductions
I- Banus,Ale= 'all #ac&s (@nd,times)
B- $heta (Psychic Warare)
>- $in&erbelle (Ne*er gro" upLAlien)
1- $"inning ($eams)
M- Solemetric Military
N- Songs (Reminders)
+- Ueta (Snu Films)
P- Sample alter system codes
I- 'atholic Programming
R- Mensa Programming
S- !and Signals
$- Programming Site 'odes (%sed or Sla*e Model 'odes/ etc-)
A. A$2ha -Ba%ic. #asic 'ommands (these basic commands are also ound used in many
sla*es/ although there "ill be e=ceptions to e*erything-)
0G@$ +N 5+%R $+@S- S$A5 +N 5+%R $+@S-0 means 0attention sla*e0 get ready
or a command- 0+N 5+%R $+@S,,is a preparatory command that "ill be used
throughout an entire system- 0IF 5+% P1@AS@ SIR-0 ,From Wizard o +z/ sla*e says
this li&e 0yes/ sir-0 9,tap code or access- 0F+11+W $!@ SNAPS0/ 01IS$@N AND
+#@5 +%R '+MMANDS0/ 0$!IS IS F+R 5+%R +WN G++D0 0FIDD1@R0 N code
to ta&e one to Ne*er Ne*er 1and
0P%PP@$ MAS$@R0 ,name o master or Marionette or Puppet program
0DADD50 ,master 0DADD5.S FRI@ND0,,a user o sla*e appro*ed by master 0PAPA0
,master/ 0W!I$@ RA##I$,,master 05+%.11 SP@A> M5 W+RDS W!@N I P%11
5+%R S$RINGS-0 Puppet programming control o "hat sla*e "ill say-
0SPI11 I$0 ,,trigger command ordering sla*e to spea&
0SI1@N'@0 ,,order means &eep ;uiet Mr- Rogers Neighborhood.s 0 1and o Ma&e
#elie*e 0 "as used or the programming code script4 0I AM MR- R+G@RS AND I
!AK@ P%PP@$S/ $++ I P%11 A11 $!@ S$RINGS AND I P%11 S$RINGS +N
5+%-0 $"in&ling o the nose ,,#e"itched programming to cast spell or order on sla*e-
0(name o alter)/ 5+% WI11 '+M@ F+R$! AND +#@5-0 or 0---+#@5 AND '+M@
Another basic "ay o getting an alter "ould be simply to spin the person and call out the
alter.s name/ or to snap the ingers and call out the name o a ront alter-
Access is accomplished or a number o Illuminati sla*es by a message *ia phone or
letter/ then a loo&ing glass person ta&es the system to a location outside o the house/
maybe simply to the side"al&/ there the person is pic&ed up- $he let hand is then grasp
on the sot part o the hand bet"een the thumb and oreinger by t"o ingers *ery
tightly- $his pulls up and alter "ith an egg in its lap- $he egg is then opened *ia a code
and the imps inside the egg to communicate to the ribbons and the computer- Access
phone calls to sla*es may ha*e high,speed codes transmitted that trigger the sla*e
subliminally "ithout their conscious a"areness-
Access to some people is done "ith computer li&e 2argon 0+N 1IN@0 0A''@SS/ (then
identiication)/ (then color code)/ (then name)0 0/ 0@N$@R0/ 0R%N0- Some Systems
ha*e their triggers all in computer lingo such as '+MMAND M+D@,,A11 DIS>
DRIK@S AND !ARD DRIK@S--- @RAS@-- -F+RMA$ DRIK@---'+P5----%ND@1@$@
P%RG@D M@M+R5 DRIK@ ---0
Where some o the ne"er sla*e programmers are also computer programmers they en2oy
transerring their computer lingo to use in controlling their programmed sla*es- $hey
may e*en thro" in some FAV lingo such as 0DIA1 A11 R@M+$@S- - -
INI$IA1IUA$I+N , A$S+ ,+!+aM (!ANDS!A>@ #@$W@@N A11 R@M+$@S)/
!ANDS!A>@ '+MP1@$@D-0
$he color o the car to pic& up a System may relate to the color coding o the alters to be
pic&ed up/ such as "hite e=terior/ blue interior or a "hite alter,then blue alter access
#asic Internal @mergency 'olor 'odes or a System/ there are se*eral dierent 0'+D@
R@D.s/ etc- not 2ust one in a sla*e/ "hat ollo"s is not the complete inormation about
the 'odes/ although it is possible some sla*es ha*e a simpliied *ersion li&e this4
0'+D@ GR@@N0 ,,Dr- Green.s suicide programming/ tied to 0no,tal&0 programming-
0'+D@ #1%@0 ,,Kictim.s body reezes in motion and can.t mo*e until another code is
0'+D@ R@D0 ,,Kictim gets angry and *iolent
0'+D@ R@D0 ,Another 'ode Red has the standard Monarch meaning/ 0serious sel,
destruct0 program
0'+D@ 5@11+W0 ,,Kictim gets 2ealous/ angry and "ants to *iolently get e*en 0'+D@
#1A'>0 ,,%sed to get *ictim.s to get on their ritual clothes-
0'+D@ W!I$@0 ,,'ode to protect the cult members rom arrest- When police see the
'ode White they treat the people as untouchable- $here are code "ords or Illuminati
members to tell police and 2udges that "ill automatically get them set ree-
Masonic handsha&es and codes also "or& "ell "ith 2udges/ police E go*t- "or&ers-
0'+D@ 7??0 ,,$o acti*ate the sla*e or an emergency calling or superhuman strength-
'ertain alters "ill ha*e e=tra strength-
0'+D@ 7?? 0,,Also used "ith standard Monarch meaning o 0'all your
0DISARM0 (9=),to get rid o a dangerous alter t"o snaps P 0S!%$D+WN0,,to
shutdo"n an alter-
01@$ $!@ >INGS #@ >INGS0 01@$ $!@ #AN>@RS #@ #AN>@RS0 01@$ $!@
PRI@S$S #@ PRI@S$S0,,saying to 2ustiy their Master,sla*e relationship to the masses
o humanity- $he Sun setting the ollo"ing day "as used as a trigger or sla*e to orget
For the cat alters a certain "ord is gi*en to trigger them to go 0o*er the rainbo"0 ater
an e*ent in order or them to orget it-
0FR+M $!@ RISING +F $!@ S%N $I1 $!@ G+ING D+WN +F $!@ SAM@0
,,programmed in by using the scripture-
0G+ IN$+ $!@ S@A +F F+RG@$F%1N@SS0 ,,a hypnotic structure in the mind to
Wateralls are also used as a hypnotic image to orget pain and memory- 0R@$5P@ A
1@$$@R0 ,reprogram/
0B@W@1S0 N programs-
0$!@ 'A$S E $!@ FIDD1@ N@@D $%N@D %P,,Sla*e to handler/ I need
reprogrammed- $here are three "ords to trigger a suicide program ,
?- #ait/
8- Fintentionally let outG/
9- hoo&
Another suicide program trigger is "hen the dominoes all-
0G+ +K@R $!@ #1%FF0 (9V), causes suicide in some alters SA'R@D !@AR$ N
'atholicLBesuit suicide program Some suicide programs are set o "ith a long tone o*er
the phone along "ith a code no-
0>@RMI$ $!@ FR+G0 ,,a type o access code-
0>@RMI$0 may be a code relating to computers/ because >ermit is the uni*ersal
language or connecting computers together- It is a single standard to e=change iles
bet"een any t"o systems-
All memories/ traumas/ and tortures are coded-
#ody programs are coded- +ne set o body programs uses !ebre"/ Gree&/ and Druidic
A clone program creates clones o an alter (also called lollipop or lobster program)
imagery is that sesame seeds all o o a hamburger bun and becomes another
Code% to a$$ the !aiou% )a%ic %y%te"%3
'arousel :98968889
'astle System 88?69:98?
'ommunication 9???6AA89
Double !eli= 69866998?
1e*el 8??96989?
Mensa System 989:6898?
Pentagram 68??9A??9
Pool o Death 89??9668?
Puppet 96??8698?
Sole metric AA:68??96
Spider Web 98?A:698?
Stair"ell 698????98
Iuabala 6896:6996
$ornado 998?6A666
%mbrella System 9?698?<?6
A$ice In Wonde$and3
$he White Rabbit is a programming igure or Alice In Wonderland Programming "ho
"ill allo" you to go to other"ise inaccessible places or ad*enture- !e represents the
master- $he White Rabbit is an important igure to the sla*e- White rabbit gi*es a "aer
(co&e,sugar,cocaine) to Alice and says 0@A$ M@0 or 0@A$ I$ AND I.11 $A>@ 5+%
$!R+%G! $!@ D++R0 ,,,ta&es master into closed part o System/ or perhaps o*er
the rainbo"-
$he Iueen o !earts is also an important igure or commands in the 1oo&ing Glass
World "hich the sla*e enters upon command- When a deep sla*e alter is needed to
perorm they are sent into the loo&ing glass "orld "here a loo&ing glass person carries
out the command,,but in a "ay that reality is thought to be a dream- In other "ords/ this
is a preparatory command to get the sla*e ready or abuse- 0%S@ $!@ >@5- P%$ I$ IN
$!@ 1+'>- $%RN- +P@N $!@ D++R---AND S$@P $!R+%G! A WIND+W For
$RANSP+R$ 5+% FAS$@R $!AN $!@ +1. R%#5 S1IPP@RS- '1I'> 5+%R
!@@1S $+G@$!@R AND #@ $!@R@ IN A SNAP- (S1AK@ '1I'>S !@@1S)
@1@'$RIF5ING ---- WI$! $!@ R%M#1@ +F $!%ND@R- #+1$ING $!R+%G!
$IM@ --- S+ 5+% W+N.$ #@ 1A$@ --- F+R A K@R5 IMP+R$AN$ DA$@-0 ( Alice in
Wonderland Programming) ($his is the "ording to use deep alters-)
Cindee$$a 0o(a"3
$he code "ord in*ol*es something said about the stro&e o midnight -
The /e$tin( 0ot 0o(a"3
A *ery po"erul program is acti*ated by melting the sla*e into his master- $he sla*e "ill
do anything or the master "ith this program- $he melting is the ecstasy that is
occasionally e=perienced "hen lo*ers ha*ing se= seem to melt into each other- $his
eeling o ecstasy,melting is programmed to release "hen the master says these "ords/
0M@1$ IN$+ 5+%R M@1$@D MIRR+R F+R AN @1@'$RIF5ING RID@ 1++>
D@@P IN$+ $!@ #1A'> +F M5 M@1$ING MIRR+R @5@S- S@@ 5+%
R@F1@'$ING M@/ R@F1@'$ING 5+%/ R@F1@'$ING M@/ R@F1@'$ING 5+%/
R@F1@'$ING M@/ R@F1@'$ING 5+%/ R@F1@'$ING M@/ R@F1@'$ING 5+%---
(cont- this se*eral times) %N$I1 W@ M@1$ $+G@$!@R AND SIN> D@@P--- F"ords
omittedG IN$+ $!@ +$!@R SID@-0 0M@1$ IN$+ M5 MIRR+R 5+% 1++S@
5+%RS@1F IN$+ $!@ P++1 +F 1II%ID MIRR+R S$@P IN$+ $!@ 1++>ING
$IM@- I.11 S@@ 5+% $!@R@---A1+NG WI$! M5 FRI@NDS0 0S@@ I$ $!R+%G!
$!@ 1++>ING G1ASS0,, ininity mirror programming in*ol*ing mirror image people
(alters) 01+S@ 5+%RS@1F IN $!@ INFINI$5 MIRR+RS-0
Wi,ad o& O,3
$he 5ello" #ric& Road is the script or programmed set o instructions one must ollo"-
It also ser*es as a run"ay or alters to ta&e o rom their internal "orld and ta&e the
body- 0F+11+W $!@ 5@11+W #RI'> R+AD0 $here is a code to get through the
poppy ield (trance state)- Some alters to get through the poppy ield need to put on a
ne" dress and a ne" image- $he poppy ield may be called 0the ield o orget,me,not0-
In this "ay it is lin&ed to the daisies o Dr- Green- $o get into the poppy ield is easy/ it
is 0S1@@P/ S1@@P/ S1@@P0/ see other induction methods on another page- 0$!@R@.S A
PAIR +F MAGI' S!+@S $+ W@AR WI$! 5+%R DR@SS-- -S+M@$!ING IN
1IG!$NING---$+ $RANSP+R$ 5+% FAS$@R $!AN $!@ +1. F%RR5 S1IPP@RS-0
When the sla*e is inished being used they return rom Ne*er Ne*er 1and to>ansas - $o
do this they are told4 0'1I'> 5+%R !@@1S-- -$!@R@.S N+ P1A'@ 1I>@ !+M@-0
$hey might be reminded 05+%.R@ N+W G+ING +K@R $!@ RAIN#+W $+ $!@
+$!@R W+R1D-0
Tin /an 0o(a""in(3
$he $in Man programming is all purpose *ersatile program or "hat e*er the master
needs done/ it means that the sla*e is a "ell oiled machine- Sometimes the sla*e is
reluctant to do a 2ob but he is being told that he is a "ell oiled machine- $he e=act "ords
may *ary "ith the mission/ but the ollo"ing are e=act "ords/
01@AK@ 5+%R S!@11- A'$IKA$@4 MA'!IN@- '+%N$ D+WN +N@ $+ $IN----0
0S++N W@.11 !AK@ 5+% P%RRING 1I>@ A W@11 +I1@D MA'!IN@- A11 +F
M5 !ANDS- $A>@ M5 '+MMANDS- I.11 !+1D 5+%R BAW $+ >@@P I$ FR+M
S1IPPING W!I1@ 5+% S1IP $!R+%G! A WIND+W IN $IM@-0
Program code or sla*e to shatter their memory o an e*ent (used "ith electroshoc&)4
0MIRR+R MIRR+R A11 AR+%ND +N $!@ '@I1ING +N $!@ GR+%ND
AR@ 5+% D+WN +R AR@ 5+% %P3 I$ R@A115 D+@SN.$ MA$$@R- #@'A%S@
W!@N $!IS MIRR+R #%##1@ #%RS$S/ @K@R5$!ING WI11 S!A$$@R-0 0G+
>@5 W@S$ IS >@5,,se*eral sla*es ha*e this code/ related to Sen- #yrd E +z prgmg-
GA1AV5 programming (or the end times) is also connected to the +z programming- In
upper le*el Illuminati sla*es Dorothy in the +z story "ill represent the Mother o
Dar&ness alters/ +zma "ill represent the Ruler o the 'astle/ and Glinda "ill ha*e the
Great #oo& o Records- $he ring o Glinda (rom Glinda o +z/ p- ?A) gi*es protection-
Body 0o(a"% Conto$ 2o(a"3
See +mega Programming, %ni*ersal Function 'odes or internal system codes or body
programs- Sometimes these body programs are iled "ith a combination o hebre" and
zodiac signs- Gree& letters are also ile no-s o at times o body programs-
Ri*ers o blood ,circulation control program- $his program totally controls the
circulatory system- $he *ictim may thin& they are losing lots o blood E go into heart
+ctopus, strangulation suicide program $he internal deenses consists in part o body
programs that are triggered i the Mind,controlled sla*e steps out o line-
!ere is a good list o some o these body programs each o "hich has its o"n codes4
Auditory problems/ #lood lo"Lcirculation/ #urning as i on ire/ Digesti*e ailure/
!eadaches,split brain/ !eart ailure/ !istamine production/ +ptic problems/ Respiratory
ailure/ Sleep depri*ation/ Sleeping program/ and $emperature change- $he suicide
programs that can go o include Armageddon/ 'lo"ns cutting/ 'utter program 0Pain is
1o*e0/ Disembo"elment/ Drug o*erdose/ Gethsemane/ 0!ypnosleep0/ In2ection o
bleach (poison)/ +ctopus/ Red Sea/ Shooting Programs (shotgun/ russian roulette/
shooting amily/ etc-)/ War in the !ea*ens E Wrec&ing the car-
Along "ith the suicide programs that can be triggered are programs that 2er& the *ictim.s
mind e*ery "hich "ay/ "hich include4
#ee Stinging Program (put in by placing the drugged *ictim being near large s"arms o
bees humming E then letting a bee(s) sting the *ictim)/ #usy 'leaning Program/ 'razy
program/ Flooding (rom Atlantis)/ Isolate E !ibernate Program/ Memory @rasure
Program/ Pain Programming/ Paper Doll Program/ Protection by trance/ Re*ol*ing
s"itching/ Scrambling Program/ and re,Structuring Programming/ $umble"eed
program/ Water2ar Sha&ing program (Ahab stomping the grapes #ible,based program
ma&ing mush out o the brain-) 'utting programs are oten hidden behind the #ee
S"arming program-
Alpha and +mega is a strong program- Sometimes saying 0A1P!A E +M@GA0 helps
alle*iate headaches-
DNA ($his uses a lot o number codes-) $his is a double,heli= "hich is used as an
ele*ator shat running do"n through a system- Numbers are used and the names o cities
to go do"n the ele*ator shats- $his programming is said to be done in hospitals-
'ard 'odes,,(See diagram) Regular playing cards ha*e de*eloped rom the occult $arot
cards- $he our suits correspond to magic&/ the spades mean the po"er rom the spear o
destruction/ the diamond means is a double pyramid or demonic po"er o "ealth/ and
the club is a clo*er meaning ortune and ate/ and the heart means de*otion and loyalty-
$he our suits "or& "ell in programming because anything that is bro&en do"n in 6.s or
a multiple o 6 can be coded "ith cards- Anything that can be bro&en do"n into ?8.s or
?9.s can be gi*en cards too- Since cloc&s "or& o o ?8.s/ card codes "or& "ell "ith
cloc&s- $he suits can denote seasons- With Bo&ers one gets ?9 cards per suit "ith our
suits gi*es 9A: uni;ue symbols to denote the days o the year- Dominos can also be used
on a base ?9 code system- $he blan& "ill e;ual ?9-
'arousel System4 $here is a bac& side to enter the 'arousel- 'arrier Pigeon (sla*es "ho
send coded or uncoded messages) and their contact codes- #irds used or contacts- $hat
is birds in cages are oten used as a sign o a meeting place- $he contact "ould say
0What did the bird say30 or 0A little bird told me---/$hen the courier pigeon deli*ers her
message- XXI.*e come a long long "ay to see you/ "ords to say by System to Bohn or to
person to be met- $here is an endless *ariety o contact phrases to indicate that the right
person has met the right person-
Sample 'ode or passing drugs,0R!IN@S$+N@ '+W#+50 to "hich the response
rom the sla*e "ould be 0I.M N+$ A '+W#+5/ I.M A '+WGIR1-0 @merald ear rings
ha*e been the *isual signal to customs agents to allo" a person carrying drugs through
customs- (S@@ D- D@1$A or deeper 'arrier Pigeon codes-)
'astle System4 May need a special ring "orn by and turned by the handler-
Flo"er.s Program4 'SP76+5P:CD ,,code to designate a lo"er tieing 9 generations-
%M#R@11A PR+GRAM '+D@,, 0R = 6 = :5:CCDA0
Sample correspondences o Gem codes4
? , Aries , diamond
8 , Gemini , topaz
9 , 'ancer , cat.s eye
6 , 1eo , ruby
: , Kirgo , emerald
A , 1ibra , opal
D , Scorpio , amethyst
C , Sagittarius , tur;uoise
7 , 'apricorn , blac& ony=
?< ,A;uarius , crystal
?? ,Pisces , sapphire Y
Potter.s Wheel 0S$AND IN +RD@R A''+RDING $+ RAN> AND S@RIA1 N+-0,
part o a stac&ing command to get alters in se;uence together to "or& on them-
Dominoes and cards are used as part o the stac&ing cues- Dr- Star.s Programming "hich
places Pentagrams into people uses Sigils as codes,,the occult symbols or the *arious
demons/ along "ith a color/ a gate/ and a number orm a complete code-
For e=ample/ ?st Gate is the god Nanna/ S9</ color,SI1K@R/ 1ADD@R +F 1IG!$S/
G+D +F $!@ M++N- (see Illustration) $o access a System the abusers oten ha*e an
ob2ect as part o the pic&up code/ such as a set o car &eys/ a special coin to&en/ a
business card/ 2e"elry/ or certain clothes or pac&ages- A Popper li;uor drin& is &noc&ed
9 times on the table "hen it is ser*ed- (Who "ould be the "iser that three &noc&s is an
access code3)
Word Matrices 4 A "ord,matri= code is "here the *ictim is gi*en t"o lists o "ords and
then each "ord on the let list is paired "ith a "ord on the right list to orm a code-
Randy Noblitt/ a therapist/ ga*e an e=ample o a basic pattern or a Word,Matri=- And
this is simply ;uoted rom his e=ample to gi*e the reader an idea- started =enophobe
bet"een thoughts endless beginning throughout ore*er get out trepidation o*er beneath
un e=ecute "in lose irst then orm benign beginning end tonight last morning
thorough the end
B. BETA -Se=ua$. SE>+A9 A9TERS,,,most o the ollo"ing codes are or deep
se=ual alters- In Illuminati Systems these are called #eta alters/ in 'IA systems they
create #eta models "hose primary unction is to pro*ide se=/ usually per*erted se= and
SEM or the per*erts "ho run our secret go*ernment and *isible go*ernment- #@$A
models are those "ho are primary 2ob is se=ual/ such as ser*ice as a Presidential Model
(se= sla*e or a President)- $hese System models are numbered
#@$A ?/ #@$A 8---#@$A A<?/ etc
Domino codes or spinners can be A,9/ A,6/ C,6/ C,:/ ?<,:/ ?<,A/ ?8,D/ ?8,C- $he ?9th
&itten then "ould be let blan&- Spinner dominos ha*e spinner &ittens o o them/ "hen
a spinner domino code is used- In this case A,8 could ta&e you to the #eta le*el- 0?<
1I$$1@ INDIANS/ 7 1I$$1@ INDIANS---0/ 0? 1I$$1@/ 8 1I$$1@-- -0,,assoc- "L
morse code,call bac& telephone no-s- 09 1I$$1@ >I$$@NS !AK@ 1+S$ $!@IR
MI$$@NS---0 ,$he >itten alters ha*e stepped outside o their programming and need
i=ed by the Master- 0!otel 'aliornia0 means a place to ha*e se=ual gratiication-
Stro&ing under chin along "ith 0!AK@ A #A11 $+NIG!$0 ('inderella programming)
Stro&ing under the chin along "ith 0P%RR F+R M@ >I$$@N-0 Magic shoes or red
slippers are used to s"itch to get speciic se=ual alters- $he slippers are clic&ed 9= to get
deeper se=ual alters- 0'+M@ !@R@ M5 >I$$@N/ AND 1@$ M@ P@$ 5+%- P%RR
F+R M@ N+W- --$!A$.S A F1%FF5 >I$$@N- P%RR D@@P-0 0'+M@ !@R@
1I$$1@ +N@-0,,call or young se=ual alter 0PASSI+N0 used 9= "ith other "ords as a
se=ual trigger/ such as 0S!+W M@ 5+%R PASSI+N-0 Passion is a strong program
"ord or se=- 0R@D D+$/ SPIN SPIN SPIN/ #@'+M@ AN+$!@R P@RS+N-0 this is
said to a mother &itten beore she is told "hich spin &itten to get rom her litter- It is a
preparatory command meaning 0call your spinner0-
Spin >ittens 0W@ G+$$A G@$ DR@SS@D-- -IN : MIN%$@S0 along "ith being spun
produces speciic se=ual &itten-
7 li*es o &ittens ,,means 7 se=ual alters ta&en in se;uence- When spun in a
countercloc&"ise ashion/ the se=ual menu is rom ? to 7- With 9 E : being oral se=-
0!eat o hell0 are used as trigger "ords in this programming- $he ?<th re*olution is to
beg to be "hipped-
0$%RN AR+%ND ?<0 0SPIN F+R M@-0 $he heat o hell ignites ater the Ath spin-
0RID@ P+NI@S0,,means to do se= or both eng- E ger- sla*esM
0P1A5 !+RS@5,,se=ual gamesM
0M+%N$ING A !+RS@0,,Fob*iousG
0'A$ NAP0 ,,se=M 0
'A$ NIP,,cocaine $"eedle Dee and $"eedle Dum ,,SEM programs in*ol*ing mirror
image alters- Not to be conused "ith !umpty Dumpty sel,destruct program-
0SIV IS S@V- S@K@N IS !@AK@N- @IG!$ IS GR@A$- NIN@ 5+%R MIN@-0,,$his
means to all under the master submission/ has se=ual o*ertones-
0I$S5 #I$S5 #++#0 ,,access code pertaining to #etty #oob programming ("hich is a
certain type o emale beha*ior)- For #eta alters the codes may be4
0#@$A +N@ MAR5 AN?/ #N8/ 'N9/ DN60
0#@$A $W+ MAR5 AN6/ #N9/ 'N8/ DN?0
0#@$A $!R@@ MAR5 AN9/ #N6/ 'N?/ DN80
$hen these might be said in combination 096?8 698? ?8960 (=9) An amer- sys- used "L
1atin Amer- may ha*e a #eta alter acti*ated by the mo*ement o 8 small Me=ican lags
E a code "ord in spanish 0%S$A 'A,NA$A0 (cream)-
C. CHI (return to cult) 'hi programming uses a lot o idiosyncratic phrases/ and little
ditties- Some o the nursery rhymes listed in the song section "ill be 'hi programming-
Some o the 'hi programming has been listed in the Alpha programming section-
D. De$ta -a%%a%%ination.. Delta alters ,,are acti*ated to &ill by the ollo"ing three
things4 seeing speciic clothing/ items held in a persons hand/ and particular "ords-
Since these items "ould speciic or a particular murder there is no particular speciics
that can be gi*en- 'ourier Pigeon Alters (In Illuminati systems,,these are Delta,#eta
0F1+'>0 ,,"ord meaning the stable o carrier pigeons o DIA $o turn a Genie ree/ pop
a cor&4 0$%RN 5+%R G@NI@ FR@@---P+P A '+R>-0 An internal controller must
acti*ate the umbrella or genie bottle pop the cor& program to release a delta or delta,beta
alter- 05+%R WIS! IS M5 '+MMAND0
I Dream o Beannie Programming 05+%,AR@,W!A$,5+%,R@AD0 passboo& program-
Programming to remember ban& numbers and other speciic numbers- 0I S@N$ A
M@SSAG@ IN A #+$$1@-0 Distincti*e 2e"elry E clothes- @merald ear rings used as a
signal to others that a message "as being carried-
@meralds mean drugs/ rubies mean prostitution/ diamonds (rhinestones) presidential
model "or&- Red/ White E #lue "orn sometimes by presidential models- !igh le*el
reporting alters orget their messages "ith 0R@FI1@ S S/ (name o alter)-0 Some Systems
ha*e one name "L se*eral dierent numbers attached to indicate alters "ithin one area
and purpose- Sergeant ?/ up to Sergeant A<- +r say 0Access ??69 Marcy0 E then other
Marcys are numbered "ith other numbers- Spaceships E lags are assoc- "L Sargeant
alters- Delta #lac& Wido" alters ha*e a "eb/ angs/ poison/ eggs/ and sil& strand
connectors- Kiper is the demon associated "ith #lac& Wido"s/ and they are
programmed to re,connect their strands i all o the connectors are not ta&en out- Inde=
inger pointed at head means russian roulette-
E. E0SI9ON -Ani"a$ A$te%. $hese codes aren.t &no"n- +ne method that may be
used/ or instance/ is or the Ra*en alters "ho are to tear the body.s lesh/ the story o
Noah.s ar& "here he sent the Ra*en out "ill be paired "ith the "ord $WIG/ and a code
ormed rom $WIG- $here are some alters "hich are to actually act li&e animals/ and
their codes someho" tie in "ith "hat they are-
F. O/EGA -Intena$ Co"2ute%. $he +mega programming "or&s along "ith an
@=ecuti*e 'ontrol #oard (or Grand Druid 'ouncil) and Internal programmers- $he
@=ecuti*e 'ontrol #oard is associated "ith both numbers o the cloc&/ and precious
gems and metals such as 0 7 +.'1+'> G+1D0- $he #east computer can be accessed
"ith Scripture triggers associated "ith the Kision o Daniel o the #east/ and its ten toes-
$he $en $oes are important part o the code in some models-
%ni*ersal 'ode or Access to Internal 'omputers4
&ey manual 99?89??98??
program computer 88?99??9998
unction computer ???89?9888?
ren computer ?998?98?998,::6968989?8 1ZS ::6968989?8 reenlist
reprogram no-s ,889?89?M 66989?8M 9989?889
An input code is AAAAAAAAA the re*erse o this code is
+ne *ictim.s computer ran on code 0WAR GAM@0- Some #east computers ha*e AAA
AAA AAA as an access code and 777 777 777 as a beast bac& out and close out code-
$here are *arious computers,,one on each le*el- $hese ha*e some standard codes and
some indi*idual codes-
%NIK@RSA1 F%N'$I+N '+D@S '+MP%$@R '+D@,,::6968989? 8 "hich hold
the ollo"ing codes4
abduction 6:??98?
anger 68?98A?
assignment coordinator ?A?98?8
assassination :998?9:
ban& o lies 9?86:98
blindness 8:AA::9
brain disorder A98::?8
body gesture ?99888?
body unctions 69??988
call bac& ritual AAA6??9
child control 98?666?
circle in ields 999886?
conusion AA698:8
control 698?96?
dea 9986::9
death ?6:?A8?
denial 89??666
despair 98896?8
distortion A899988
disorder o bones 6:A?98?
disorder o breathing ::98???
disorder o eating 9968?9A
di*ision 98??A:8
alse memories 99?6:98
ear 8AA:?98
leeing :A?99:6
game playing ?:A?98?
guilt 698?89?
hateulness :99?86?
hopelessness ???89A6
illness ?:AA698
iniltration 889?99:
insanity 8?669?8
inside reporters ??998A:
loyalty to group 99A6??8
mute 88?9:6?
murder 988?6:A
nonsense 8AA:669
outside reporters ??988:A
reprogram others 6:::A69
reprogram sel ??99698
respond to triggers 666?88?
retardation s, ?9?6::: m, ?9?6::A
sabotage ??9:6A?
seduction 8?96?8?
sel body harm 998?969
se= 8??AA:8
shame 9?88??:
suicide 9??986A
trigger ?986A:8
trigger others 66688??
zombie 998?::A
%nder each o these codes/ other codes may be attached- For instance/ under #ody
Gestures/ the ollo"ing unctions are coded and a sample coding scheme "ould loo&
li&e this4
tal& *erbally 96:A969 touch chest 8988?98 touch hair 998988? touch mouth :696898
touch nose :669898
Rainbo" an alter "hich spea&s only in rhymes- Ribbons are in a bo= "ith Rainbo"- A
ribbon might be accessed by se*eral slaps on the ace and 0Rubicon 8/6/A/C---0 (9=)
!ic&ory Dic&ory Doc& rhyme is associated "ith the *orte= "hich is tied to turning the
system and also to some death alters-
Dominoes set o looding programs to o*erload the person- Program numbers on some
sla*es are put in by touching the third eye "ith the inde= inger and spea&ing the
G. GA//A -De"ono$o(y. In Satan.s realm/ demons are athered or split o in
amilies li&e alters are- $here "ill be a Moloch number ?<?/ and a Moloch ?</98?- $he
*ictim has alters "hich are numbered such as Sally ? and Sally ?<- For a better
understanding o this area o programming see 'hapter ?< section I- Gamma
Programming includes all the demonic acti*ity- In this section one can add the
>abballa.s $ree o 1ie "hich has alphabet codes/ bac& up programs to regenerate/
associated "ith Greenbaum or Greentree- In the Illuminati sla*es/ the deeper parts o
their system are ritual and the demonology pertains to the *arious rituals that are
done- $he ollo"ing is a sampling o Illuminati rituals- $he blood rituals are used to
attach demons to possess alters in a particular "ay- $hese rituals can.t be separated rom
the programming- $hey are part o the programming-
Cee"onie%4 Assembling o the Iuarter Regents #eltaine "ith hunts o sla*es/ ire
esti*als/ and blood rituals- #ride o Satan 'eremony (Mar- 86)- Demon re*els- Dra"ing
do"n the moon/ Druid Feast Day on Ban- ?/ Duels to the death li&e gladiators "here the
heart is cut out and eaten- Grail Mass the Grand 'lima= human sacriice E se= rituals-
In*ocation o !ecate as 'rone 1ammas sabbat "here a emale is sacriiced-
Path"or&ing (done beore ?A "ith 'abalistic $ree o 1ie path"ays-) Rite o Deiication-
Rod o 1ight ceremony (consists o te=t rom 'abala/ blac& candles/ ram.s horn blo"n/
and *ictim.s mother.s name sounded)- Sealing ceremony at ?7 yrs- or Mothers o
Dar&ness le*el Secret ceremony "here people paint their aces hal blac& and hal "hite-
Sister o 1ight rebirthing "ater ceremony (*ictim is bound and then pulled rom "ater
and "rapped up in linen/ and a green branch is place on the chest)- St- Agnes @*e St-
#artholome".s Day- St- Walpurgis Summer Soltstice +rgy- For those "ho are not
amiliar "ith occult terms the ollo"ing are ritual items4 Paten (the holy dish)/ Athame
or Glai*e (the &nie used to sacriice "ith)/ the "and or sceptre (an ornamental sta
"hich represents authority E usually has an electric shoc&)/ and the censer (to distribute
burning ragrance)-
H. HY0NOTIC IND+CTIONS XX>aleidoscope eyes.. used in hypnotic induction and
spinning 08</ ?7/ ?C/ ?D/ ?A/ ?:/ ?6/ ?9/---?0 For many sla*es the sign o satan done "ith
the ingers puts them into a trance/ and deeper alters come out- 0?<</ 7?/ C8/ D9/ A6/ ::/
6A/ 9D/ 8C/ ?7/ ?</ ? $ouching the head in a particular ashion is done- XXD@@P@R AND
D+WN/ IN$+ $!@ D@@P/ DAR> K@1K@$5 MIS$/ D@@P@R AND D@@P@R
AND D@@P@R-0 0D@@P/ D@@P/ D@@P/ S1@@P/ S1@@P/ S!@@P/ S!@@P/ S!@@P0
S1@@P/ 05+%.R@ #@A%$5 WARMS M5 @M#@RS- S@@ $!@M G1+WING D@@P
WI$!IN $!@ DAR>N@SS +F M5 @5@S--- IGNI$ING IN$+ F1AM@--- #1A'>
Seeing a !and o Glory (se*ered let hand) "ill induct people into Peter Pan
programming- (#oo&s describing the occult use o the !and o Glory in Ireland go bac&
to ?C9<- It is an ancient practice- #aring Gould.s boo& 'urious Myths o the Middle
Ages describes the recipe or using the hand o glory as a gruesome lantern during the
"itchcrat o the Middle Ages-) 0I AM $!@ SAND MAN/ AND #1+WSAND IN
5+%R @5@S0 said "hile simultaneously mo*ing the hand o*er the ace to create the
illusion o placing sand in the eyes- 0 9,8,? / 9,8,? / 8,?,? / ?,8/ ?/ 5ou are no" rela=ed-0
1ights/ in certain colors and se;uences/ ha*e been used to trance alters out/ or instance
a lashing red light may trance certain alters out- $unnels "ere used as a po"erul
hypnotic suggestion- #ear in mind/ that people induct
a- "hen phys- or mentally rela=ed/
b- "hen their senses are o*erloaded or sens- depri*ation/
c- "hen their e;uilibrium is disturbed/
d- their motion is restricted or
e- their eyes are i=ated on something-
I. 5AN+S,A1@V 'A11 #A'>S (@nd,times) Main lin& to a System.s programs to
A1@V coded 66996889??8- Scramble code to A1@V is 966869?988?- Indi*idual code
to A1@V N ::6968989?8- 1in& to BAN%S coded 9989698?89- Report bac&,
V66?<A8F Main BAN%S trac&ingLreprogramming code,BAN %S 796?
<<:A7VV577A98 F=9GM its bac& up code V6668<,A?F- ($here is a Banis 8 computer
at AAA 'onnecticut A*e-Washington / D-'- Disinormation by the Net"or& is that the
PA'@R computer e;uipment is called BanusLBanis)-
Main AM#ASSAD+R code AD9<87CAUU7CA? (SuicideLFire) sub codes4
Fire 7DA69F68<<1M
'ut 7DA68'68DI1 1 M
Suicide 7DA89:68<81M
$o"ards *iolence 7DA?9K68<91
Main @MP@R+R , Fdot/ dot/ dotG D7A88?<7MMCA? ? Page C9 ---- @nd,time Acti*ation
'odes Most sla*es ha*e end,time programming- When a sla*e is called in "ith end,time
programming they ha*e pages upon pages o coded messages- A number o Monarch
sla*es ha*e been de,programmed enough that they began accessing and spe"ing out
pages and pages o these acti*ation codes- Part o a sample o one o these is as ollo"s4
0ISRA@1 IS RISING A'$IKA$@ 9AA %NI$@D NA$I+NS 7<< #1%@ #IRD PI1+$S
RIS@ NA$I+NS IN P1A'@ R@D '!INA 'A11 #A'> '+%N$ D+WN/ A'$IKA$@
A1@V 9-D 1' 76 'IR'1@ FARMS AR+%ND $!@ SI%AR@ #RI$IS! S+1DI@RS
RIS@ M+%N$AIN G+A$ '+M@ @AS$SID@ +F P@A> 97 A'$IKA$@ :8
A'$IKA$@ 68 A'$IKA$@ R@D '!INA RIS@ ?-D A'$IKA$@ $!@ !+%R '+M@S/
A- '- S+N A'$IKA$@ AFRI'A ARIS@ IN N%M#@RS +F 7<---0 A team leader "ill
ha*e a do"n line o around 6 people,,"hich are coded red ray/ yello" ray/ green ray/
blue ray- When the acti*ation code hits a sla*e team leader during the end times/ they
"ill in turn acti*ate their people/ "ho in turn "ill ha*e people "ho are team leaders and
ha*e a do"n line- At least t"o alse callbac& alarms "ill be sounded (tested) beore the
real one-
5. THETA -0%ychic Wa&ae.
K. TINKERBE99E 0ROGRA//ING (ne*er gro" upLalien) 'apt.n or 'ap.n
(captain) represents the programmer in Peter Pan programming- $in&erbelle is a young
alter created under Peter Pan programming- X$RAN'@ DIM@NSI+NA1 $RAK@1
RIG!$ FR+M 5+%R +WN #A'>5ARD- $!@ DIM@NSI+NS +F 5+%R
P5RAMID AR@ $+ #@ 7 #5@ 7 #5@ 7 #5@-0 Alien programming by NW+ (also
in*ol*es Peter Pan programming)4 0RID@ $!@ 1IG!$0 ,Peter Pan programming
meaning to go into hypnotic induction attached to a light that is seen "hen gi*en a high
*oltage shoc&- $his is gi*en to ma&e e=periences seem li&e in another dimension-
9. T'innin( -Tea"%. CROSS 0ROGRA//ING,, (With or instance a mother and a
daughter team) $"o seals are placed on this cross programming/ a 0seal o co*er0 and a
0seal o rain0 'ode4 mother , FminusG mother N 9L6 , daughter holds ?L6 daughter ,
mother ?L6 , daughter holds 9L6 $eams "ill be gi*en code "ords or each alter "ho is
part o a 8,System team- +ne System may ser*e as a ather igure to the other System-
$eams "ill be trauma and se=ually bonded/ as "ell as ha*ing mirror images "ith each
others names- A leader "ill ha*e an upline and a do"nline or the colored rays- A leader
"ill call the dierent colored rays/ to acti*ate their programming- An Illuminati team
ritual to create oneness E open their team bo=es up to "or& together (Illuminati
t"inning ritual)4 the team &neels ace to ace/ dra"s a magical circle on the ground/ 2oins
Delta team hands orming a clasp ring- (#lue is associated "ith this-) $hen they all
say/ 0Star "ithin a star 'ircle "ithin a circle Mind "ithin a mind body "ithin a
body Soul "ithin a soul0 $hen the team places Palm/ their hands Palm to Palm/ and
then spea& 6 times/ 0#one to #one lesh to lesh Spirit to Spirit Fore*er together, ne*er
apart-0 $hen a : pointed star is traced in the air- $o close the Delta team t"inning bo=/
the re*erse is done- $hen other things are to be said in the 2oining and opening ritual- A
double dec& o cards is used to program an Illuminati team o 0t"ins0- +ne type o
'riss,cross programming in*ol*es ?- a lo"er/ 8- the stem/ E 9 the root- $he root
in*ol*es blood sacriices- $his programming ties t"o generations together such as
/. So$e"etic /i$itay
N. Son(% ? Nu%ey Rhy"e% Son(% ? Nu%ey Rhy"e% +%ed A% Ti((e% (note all
o these songs ha*e been used on other sla*es too-) Songs "ith Monarch programming
meaning E access parts soliciting beha*ior or thin&ing include4
Nu%ey Rhy"e% #rahm.s 1ullaby !ic&ory/ Dic&ory Doc& (lips the
system) 0 !ic&ory / Dic&ory Doc&/ $he Mouse Ran up the 'loc& FcomputerG/ the cloc&
struc& one Ftime or system rotationG/ $he Mouse ran do"n/ !ic&ory Dic&ory Doc&-0
0IN$+ $!@ M+%$! F*orte=G R%NS $!@ M+%S@/ AND F1IPS $!@ !+%S@ Fturns
the system o*er)- Froggy Went a 'ourtin. !e did Ride !ic&ory/ Dic&ory Doc& I had a
little pony I.m in 1o*e With a #ig #lue Frog Bac& and Bill Mary !ad a 1ittle 1amb
(call to ritual connotation) $ones o 0Mary had a little Iamb0 or other telephone created
tones/ such as high pitched noises to call people to meetings- Mary Mary Iuite 'ontrary
(reminds the sla*e that abusers are all,seeing) +ld >ing 'ole (+ld >ing 'ole "as a
merry old soul/ - - - he.d call or his masters 9 Fthe 9 programmersG) Peter/ Peter
Pump&in @ater Puss in #oots (this story is porn programming) Ring Around the
Rosy $en 1ittle Mon&eys Bumping on the #ed $hree #lind Mice (omega programming
connotation "ith hour glass) $"in&le/ $"in&le 1ittle Star (Sometimes associated "ith
0I.m dead-0)
Son(% (Most o the #eatles. songs "ere used or programming- 'harles Manson "as
programmed "ith #eatles. music- $he programmers &no" ahead o time "hat are going
to be the ne=t hits/ and they regularly call in sla*es and hypnotically ma&e the lyrics to
be cues or the sla*es beore the music comes out- For instance/ the lyrics o 0Ain.t that
a Shame0 "ill ma&e certain alters angry- For another sla*e the lyrics 0@*erything is
relati*e/ in its o"n "ay0 reminds the person o the cult amily E obedience-) Angie
(popular song or programming) A Mighty Fortress is +ur God #ac& in #lac& #lue
Kel*et #utterly $he 'andyman 'an ('andyman represents drug use or Monarchs/
plus other things-) 'hristmas 'arols ('hristmas carols "ere used a lot on Monarchs-)
'ountry Roads (song "ith the programmed meaning ta&e me Fthe sla*eG 0home0 to a
meeting site-) 'razy (to reairm loyalty to the master) De2a Ku Die Wal&ure Fire and
Rain Frere Bac;ues ('atholic 0Father Bohn0/ se=ual abuse connotation) Get Me A
$ic&et on a Fast $rain (substitute 0master0 or 0baby0 in song) Grandma.s Feather
#ed Ghost Riders Green Green Grass o !ome (go home program/ sla*e is not happy
Xtil they go home to green ields Greenslee*es !allelu2ah chorus (many 'hristian songs
li&e this one are played "hile the *ictim is tortured-) !andel.s Messiah !a*e $hine
+"n Way 1ord (0thou art the potter/ I am the clay/ mold me E ma&e me---0 III-
'harismatic sla*e programming-) !eartache $onight (song used to announce a ritual
o*er the radio)
!otel 'aliornia (se=ualLritual connotation/ the song says/ 0go to the chamber o the
Master.s Feast/ We are programmed to recei*e-0 $his song also tells the story o ho"
1aKey started the 'hurch o Satan in ?7AA-) I
Surrender All Imagine (Bohn 1ennon presents the Ne" Age script or people to be
0no"here people-0) Bohn #ro"n.s #ody 1ucy In the S&y "ith Diamonds 1ittle Red
Riding !ood (song played "ith hunts o sla*es) Mary "as an only child (rom Art
Garun&el.s Angel 'laire album) Moon Ri*er +*er the Rainbo" (ob*ious Wizard o
+z programming) Playing "ith the Iueen o !earts/ &no"ing that it really smarts/ the
Bo&er is the only ool "ho.ll do anything "ith you0 (reinorces the "arning not to play
(tamper) "ith the programming- $he Iueen o !earts is the emergency Mayday signal
to a handler- $o play "ith this "ill really smart,hurt- National Anthem No More Mr-
Nice Guy Re*olution 7 Ri*ers o Dreams (by #illy Boel- "ords are about 0"al&ing in
the dar&/ going through a ri*er-- -turn on the light on your internal "orld-0 Satin
Sheets She.s 1ea*ing !ome Sins o the Fathers Southern Nights (loyalty to the
programs,,the lea*es and trees) Stair"ay to !ea*en $eddy #ear (Programmer/ helpless
teddy bear sla*e connotation) $ennessee Waltz (handler is 0orced0 to prostitute
sla*e) $he #lood Will Ne*er 1ose Its Po"er $om Dooley (suicide/ 0hang do"n your
head $om Dooley/ hang do"n your and---) Kictim o 1o*e When you "ish upon a
Star White Rabbit (Alice In Wonderland $heme,,made into a triggering >arao&e
'D-) Wooden !eart 5ello" Submarine (drug connotation)
O. @ETA -Snu&& Fi$"%. Ueta is the si=th letter/ and it.s ancient meaning "as a sacriice-
0. Sa"2$e Code% &o A$te% o& a Hy2othetica$ Sy%te" Na"ed /ay $hese codes are
purely a representati*e model,not any particular real system- $he o*erall system code at
times consists o Fbirthdate P programming site codes P birth order P number o
generations amily "as in the Illuminati-G For our hypothetical system Mary "e ha*e
the hypothetical system code o4 A,?9,:?, ?6 ,<8, ?8- In order to gi*e the codes or a
hypothetical alter system "e "ill ha*e to e=plain some things as "e go- $he
Programmers ha*e or each sla*e both medical programming iles/ and a grey or blac&
binder "ith the programmed access/ trigger/ codes E cues/ E structure- A typical
Illuminati system "ill be a cube (although spheres and pyramids are also used)-
$he principle alters "ill be the 0a0 alters-
A typical section o alters "ill consist o a ?9 = ?9 grid o alters- $hese are alters "ho
li*e in a "orld together and must unction together- A ?9 = ?9 section "ill ha*e ?9
amilies o 0a0 through 0in0 alters- $he 0a0 alters "ill be the primary alters that the
Programmers "ill interact "ith- $he Programmer may call up an 0a0 alter and as& it to
go get the 0c0 alter in its amily/ rather than directly as&ing or it- $his initial page o
alter codes "ill be the primary or 0a0 alters-
I "e are dealing "ith a ?9 = ?9 = ?9 cube o alters/ then the initial page has ?9 0a0 alters
o each section- @ach o these alters "ill ha*e an access code "hich "ill oten include
the ollo"ing components4 An Assigned 'olor P An Alpha Numeric 'ode P A
Personalized Magical Name- $his "ill e;ual ?L9 their access code- $hese code "ords
must be repeated three times to pull the alter up- !o"e*er/ i an alter is trained "ell/ and
hears his master.s *oice/ an alpha,numeric code can pull the alter up- For many o the
alters/ the re*ersal o their access code puts them bac& to sleep- $his is an important
point/ because some alters "ould be dangerous to lea*e in control o the body-
$he 0a0 alters are regular alters- Many o them ha*e been hypnotically age ad*anced to
see themsel*es as teenagers or adults- Sometimes 0b0 and 0c0 alters are also aged- $he
0d0 through 0n0 alters are generally let as they "ere split and most o them are inantile/
"ith little concept o ho" old they are- $he little ones "ill be the ones "ho oten
remember the programming *ery "ell/ and &no" things about the system- $he top alters
"ill also sometimes recei*e personal names rom their handler- $his is in addition to all
their codes- I the alter is responsi*e to its master/ the personal name might pull the alter
up too- Do all o the alters get charted3 $here are se*eral groups o alters "hich get
charted separate rom the rest or don.t get charted at all-
#ecause o the competition and distrust bet"een the dierent programmers/ they oten
place in secret bac& doors into the person.s mind that only they &no" about- Worlds o
secret alters loyal and de*oted to the programmer may be built into the system and not
appear on the regular charts- $he core/ and some o the primal splits rom the core "ill
not appear on the regular grids- $hey "ill be placed on a separate sheet/ and their codes
"ill be in some magical language- $he Illuminati commonly employs 8< magical
languages/ and !ebre"/ 1atin and Gree& are also oten used or charting the core and its
primal splits- @nochian is a good e=ample o a magical language used by the
Illuminati- Some alters "ill be created solely by the sla*e in order to cope "ith lie- For
instance/ say the sla*e is tra*elling "ith someone "ho is not a handler/ but "ho is a
dangerous person- $his dangerous person murders se*eral people and orces the sla*e to
help- $he sla*e is li&ely going to ha*e ront alters out/ and they are simply going to ha*e
to create ne" alters to meet the demands o the situation- $hese alters made to deal "ith
one,time emergency "ill 2ust slip into crac&s in the system- 1ots o odds and ends alters
end up in the noo&s and crannies "ithin a system 2ust detached and loating- $he
programmers and the *ictim "or& hard at structuring and cleaning up things,,but the
honest truth is that trauma,based mind,control is messy- Any time you shatter someone.s
mind into thousands o pieces "ith horrendous torture/ you ha*e a shattered mess/ in
spite o the good ronts that the programmers are able to construct- Some o the more
elaborate access methods are or alters that are not on the 0a0 chart- !our glass alters
ha*e entire sentence access codes- Dea E blind alters need their access code signed on
their hands by mo*ing their ingers up and do"n/ etc- @nd time alters may ha*e access
codes that may entail reading an entire page- Reporting alters are oten small children/
that are hidden in each section/ and may re;uire slaps to the ace or 2abs "ith a needle to
pull them up- Spinner &ittens "ill be accessed *ia their mama cat/ "ho acts li&e a
Madam in a 0cat house0- $he codes or this "as gi*en in the #eta section codes- $he
reader "ill be gi*en the hypothetical codes ("hich resemble closely the actual codes o
an actual scenario) or our hypothetical Mary- A Sample 'hart o the 0A0 alters,,these
are the primary alters,, has been prepared 6,6-gi in the same ashion as it "ould appear
in the handler.s 9,ring binder- Mary.s 'ore Protector ? "ill ha*e a shutdo"n code o
0R@K@RSA1 ? #@GINNING0 and the second 'ore Protector "ill ha*e the shutdo"n
code o 0R@K@RSA1 8 'R@A$I+N0- + course/ these codes are said 9 times- $he irst
three alters on the ar let section at the top o the chart are Silences "ho can be "o&en
up by singing- Also at least one o these/ "ill "a&e up by a &iss rom the prince
(programmer) to the third eye area- $he irst alter can be shut do"n by 0'+SM+S ?: 9?
<A 8#A# PIN>0- +ne o the groups o alters attached to one o these early alters is
0MA-'9-?<,:9 Re2ects (D) ?<,:90- $o shut this alter(s) do"n 2ust say the re*erse o the
access code- A mirror image o each o these alters e=ists too- $he mirror images can be
pulled up *ia a three step process- $he birth memory in our e=ample "ill be coded as
A: ?< D7- $he spider torture memories that are attached to these alters is A: ?< D7- $he
reader "ill notice the ollo"ing on the hypothetical chart on the pre*ious page or the
irst Section ("hich is numbered A to be decepti*e)4 $his section is ront alters- #asic
code pattern N color P Genesis P no- F? thru ?9G P letter Fa thru mG- Indi*idual codes ?st
section general,0N-I-F-A0/ ?st section mother @*e 0@K-@: ?< :? A'@0 (@*e is the
balancing point E the ace code is high or lo")- $he alter @=plorer is 0@I-GD0/ Mammy
0MI-!C0/ Angel 0Red/ AI-?7 Bac& Genesis 60 (or it could be done 0red/ AI-B?< Genesis
60)/ George 0Sil*er/ GI->?? 0/ Usa Usa 0gold/ UI-1-?80/ and Shado" 0'lear
SI-M?90- 5ou "on.t ind on the main chart codes such as4 @*e.s memory 0@I-D:-8-?7:8
A'@0 or the Inant alters,, 0?,<<< ?<,67 R@B@'$S 9,70 $he master may say or
e=ample4 0Green G@N@SIS ?,A0 (9 times) to get this alter "hich is the balancing
point- FragmentsLdead alters "ere dumped into areas named concentration camps and
gi*en the names o the amous german concentration camps- $he camps "ere placed
under the Mt- o +li*es - Fire or #omb children are ound throughout the system and are
triggered to come up by programming- $hey come up behind other alters and ma&e them
burn- Some o this le*el can be "o&en up by saying/ 0It.s time to "a&e up in the
morning0 (D times)/ "hich is in contrast "ith most codes "hich are said 9=- Another
"ay to loo& at it/ is that the alters are on 6 dimensional structure and they re;uire a 6,
dimensional access code- !eight/ depth/ "idth/ and color are the our dimensions- $his
brea&s do"n or this ?st section as4 '+1+R (6th dimension) P Genesis (Section code)
P? (le*el) P 0a0 (depth)- $he ollo"ing message "ill be used on the phone or this
System.s recording machine/ this e=ample has been used nationally- 0IF 5+% W+%1D
1I>@ $+ MA>@ A 'A11 P1@AS@ !ANG %P AND $R5 5+%R 'A11 AGAIN- IF
5+% N@@D ASSIS$AN'@/ P1@AS@ DIA1 5+%R +P@RA$+R- '+D@ 7??-0 $his
"ill cause section ? or section 8/ etc- to call their master- Also/ standard Illuminati !and
signals "or& "ith Mary- 0A1+N@ AND 'R5ING (9V)0, is a code or a e" special
parts not on the irst grid- Section 8 gate&eeper alters- #asic code pattern color P
Re*elation P no-F? thru ?9G P letter Fa thru mG In our hypothetical e=ample4 0+RANG@
R@K@1A$I+N 6,A0 (9V) !o"e*er a shortcut is 0R@K@1A$I+N 60 and the primary
Re*elation 6 alter "ill come up- 0+RANG@ R@K@1A$I+N 6 #0 "ould get a small
child on the pedestal "ith Re*elation 6a- At times the handler "ill say 0$!@ D@'> IS
D+%#1@,D@'>@D0 in order to acti*ate the clone doubles o all alters in a particular
area,,such as the ront area o the system- $he clones are tied to the Pin& Room o the
dollhouse,loo&ing computer- Since alters are also coded to cards/ a F1%S! "ill pull up
an entire section- Special alters "ho s&inned men ali*e are &ept in blac& holes in Section
8- $hey are special trauma alters created solely by the *ictim as a saety
measure- Section 8 computer (li&e all le*els) is empo"ered by an emerald blue light-
$his po"er source "as deacti*ated by unscre"ing the light to the let ("hich too& it
physically out so to spea&) and then saying 0P@A'@ #@ S$I110 (9V)- I 0P@A'@ #@
S$I110 is not said three times then the War in the hea*ens program &ic&s in- Also 0DAD
W@@PS +K@R !IS 'I$50 must be said "hen deacti*ating the computer other"ise the
0children0 (alters) become sic& and e*erything &ic&s bac& in,,"hich it does e*entually
any"ay i the deeper computers are not deacti*ated or ta&en out- Section 9 has
programmer alters E ragment armies/ not to be conused "ith the clones "hich hide
e*ery"here- $he clones/ by the "ay/ can be identiied "ith serial no-s at base o head
gear such as ?:?-<< Fsystem birth dateG- $his sections has 9 aceless Programmers called
the 9 adepts o Atlantis- @ach o them has a dierent color o hair- $hey may also be the
commanders o armies,,the commanders o the @gyptian armies ha*e names Ra/ !orus/
and Set- Section 6 alters are @ntertainment alters- #asic code pattern N 'olor P double
number P a name o a one o the ?9 tribes o Israel P the number o the alter again (9=)
@=ample4 #1%@ 8<<?,?9A R@%#@N ? (9V) !o"e*er/ the color doesn.t al"ays need to
be said it is a suicient shortcut to call the alphanumeric code three times- Second
e=ample 8<<8,?8A SIM@+N ? (9V)- $he numbers o the 8<<< code go up "hile the
corresponding number ?9 to ? go do"n- In other "ords it is a double code- $he $ribal
names are arranged according to their #iblical birth order- Mother >itten C/?< and ?8
ha*e ten spinner &ittens underneath each o them- $o get a spinner &itten/ one gets the
mother &itten and then has her in the proper position "hich is the o*er,the,rainbo"
mode- $he choice o "hat spin &itten to get is 0W@ G+$$A G@$ DR@SS@D --- IN 9
MIN%$@S-0 9 minutes means spinner no- 9- Speciic instructions such as 0P%RR F+R
M@ >I$$@N0 gi*es the abuser ellatio- $"eedle Dee E $"eedle Dum is a SEM
program- 0: FIDD1@0 and 0F+11+W $!@ 5@11+W #RI'> R+AD0 are important
or the sla*e to ollo" instructions- $he alters "ill be sent to ne*er,ne*er land "here
"hat they do is unreal- Some &itten alters are &eyed to pop out i certain areas o the
body are touched/ such as the space beside the big toe/ or the thighs- A handler "ill also
ha*e standard hand signals or things/ such as putting his hands on his thighs to mean
0'ome here and ta&e care o me/ >itten-0 0'+M@ >I$$@N/ $+ PAPA '+M@0 0#1%@
$+PAU0 ser*es as 6 &eys- Pisces is associated "ith #lue $opaz- $here are also 6 &eys
"hich are4 sil*er shoes/ sun bright/ birds singing/ and yello" road- Section 8 E ?-
Reprogramming sections- At this point/ the computer codes gi*en pre*iously apply/ S@@
+M@GA '+D@S on pre*ious pages- $he irst ma2or computer ser*ices the top A
sections and has a red room/ a closet/ a pin& room/ as "ell as other rooms- Actually the
computer should be set in at Section </ "hich "ould brea& up the grid e*enly/ but since
our Mary is hypothetical "e put the ront main computer at section ?- A system li&e this
"ill ha*e ?9 computersL? per section and : computers "hich set bet"een pairs o
sections/ "hich 2oin a pair o sections together/ and then 8 main computers- $his means a
System li&e Mary.s "ill ha*e 8< internal computers- With all the codes and a air
understanding o the alters in a section/ it is a good day.s "or& to shut do"n a computer-
#eore one could possibly get all the section computers shut o/ they "ould reprogram
(reboot) themsel*es bac& up- 'omputer erasure codes include4 0F%11 !+%S@ A'@S
!IG!- A11 $R%MP- F%11 !+%S@ A'@S 1+W-0 $he dra"ers in the dollhouse can be
pulled out "ith 0R+5A1 F1%S!0(9V)- Another code is 0PIN> S@'$I+N :- F%11
!+%S@- A'@S !IG!- 8 D@@P-0 A partial code to a computer is 0---- - -C,7 R@D-0 +ur
hypothetical Mary might be accessed by a "oman "ho taps on the shoulder and says/
0 P!+@NIV 9A< Ftel- area codeG/ +%$ +F +RD@R0- $he library alter has an important
access ring- A 0#utton #right0 alter type "or&s "ith the librarian- $he d"ars are
accessed by 0IS+1A$I+N P no-0 Budges "hich sit on the council gi*e "arnings to
alters 0'A$ @5@ A$ $!@ D++R-0 $his relects the programmers. control- $he 2udges
ha*e the 0>eys to the >ingdom-0 0MR P+S$MAN WAI$ AND S@@0 indicates a
message rom the master- Ribbon alters ha*e the names o archangels- Sil*er cords are
attached to the ribbons- Section <- Mothers o Dar&ness alters- basic code pattern N
SI1K@R P 1@!$@# F"hich is bethel or house o God spelled bac&"ardsG P F"ho &no"s
"hat elseG P a blue topaz ring being turned on the master.s inger a certain "ay- Green is
a sensiti*e color or this System- Some alters may be accessed rom certain areas in the
System *ia 6 tones/ and others by pin pric&s at certain locations in the body/ along "ith
their *erbal code- $he Reporting alter can be accessed by repeated slaps across the
ace- $here is %ltra Green Section tied to the 'abala (Green tree)- $he 1ibrary in the big
castle/ "hich is guarded by lions and other big cats/ has a passage "ay in it to a second
"orld- 'odes "ith the 'abalistic $ree o 1ie in*ol*e 'abalistic magic and its symbols-
$his section is guarded by a hostile entity- 'ertain rings/ topaz/ ;uartz/ diamond/ ruby/
blac& ony= etc- are used or triggers- 'ertain rings are needed to get into certain parts o
a System/ such as the castle- $o access the Mothers/ the #lac& +ny= ring must be
rotated- $he programming o a ring may go something li&e this/ 0$his ring ills Daddy.s
house "ith stars-- -'atch a alling star/ put it in your poc&et-0 Section 7- Delta,#eta
alters- >ept in a genie bottle- +b*iously something is rubbed to get them out- 0#%$$+N
#%$$+N/ W!+.S G+$ $!@ #%$$+N/ #%$ I$S $!@ >ISS +F D@A$!0 $his code
is in*ol*ed "ith the 0good "itch0 "ho &isses upon the orehead- #uttons are on the
bo=es o Programmer Green and are constructed onto the bo=es so they can be used to
open the bo=es up- Section D- $his hypothetical system also has a series o codes based
on gems,,ruby/ diamond/ etc- "hich ha*e numbers attached to the codes- An !our glass
"L ?8 disciples li&e grains o sand tied to Bolly Green Giant programming "hich ha*e
sentence access codes- @ach sentence is a phrase o satanic philosophy- $he bottom le*el
is called the !ell Pit and contains the 'ity o Petra - $he 'ity o Petra has an erasure
code- 05@11+W , '%$$@R R++M D S@'$I+N D,,,R+5A1 F1%S!,,1A '%$$@R
@GGS0 In*isible ield section D- Room D ,,cards has eggs "ith demons- 1acutters are
li&e imps and are in*isible- $hey are assigned to guard *arious things in the system
including the cutting programs- 0Dad0 0'atch a alling star0- Main computer protected
by dea and dumb alter using a sign language e;uation as its access code and the re*ersal
o its access code is its shut do"n code- $he #rac& Master is a Master Programmer-
@ach o the ?9 sections o ?A7 alters (a section is a ?9 = ?9 grid o alters) "ill then ha*e
a computer assigned to it- $he computer is made up o dissociated parts o the mind,,
"hich are li&e alters/ but ha*e not been gi*en histories or names- @ach section has a
computer "hich ma&es ?9 section computers- Section ? and section D (see the grid chart)
are main computers- $he irst is the main computer or the top hal/ and the second is the
main computer or the bottom hal o the System- $he second main computer is in the
hell pit/ and has been put in at the lo"est le*el o the mind- Section AE: computers are
connected by a connecting computer/ as "ell as 6E9/ 8E?/ <E?8/ ?<E7- $his ma&es :
connecting computers- In total then "e ha*e ?9 section computers/ 8 main computers/
and : connecting computers/ or a subtotal o 8< computers- Since things are being built
on the basis o the magical number ?9/ si= more computers are installed "hich are decoy
or alse computers or therapists to "or& on- $his ma&es a total o 8A computers (or
8=?9)- Since there are 8A letters o the alphabet/ this lends itsel "ell/ and each computer
is assigned a letter o the alphabet- Since the computers are put into the sla*e "hen it is a
young child/ the child has 2ust learned ho" to count and say the alphabet- $he Illuminati
has been using a large dollhouse "ith 8A rooms using ?9 colors o paint/ gi*ing t"o
rooms per color- @ach room is a computer- In accord "ith the practice o double coding/
each letter o the alphabet is gi*en its se;uence number/ so the names or the computers
are Al/ #8/ '9/ D6/ @:/ FA/ GD/ !C/ ?7/ B?</ >??/ 1?8/ M?9,,the thirteenth is assigned
the ?st main computer- N?/ +8/ P9/ I6/ R:/ SA/ $D/ %C/ K7/ W?</ V??/ 5?8/ U?9-
Rather/ than use the number ?9/ the number < "ill be assigned/ thus changing things to
M</ and U<- $his is simple enough or a child.s learning mind/ but diicult enough that
it ser*es as a *iable code- As codes are assigned/ the bottom o the alphabet is assigned
the top (ront side) o the system- $he middle point M+/ is the normal access point or
all the computers or the handler- $he code or this is associated "ith the name o an
airplane hanger/ so that the concept o ta&ing o into the s&y (trancing can be associated
"ith it-) @ach computer needs an access code to go along "ith its alpha,numeric name-
A dec& o cards lends itsel "ell to a code o ?9- #ear in mind each computer has a color
assigned to it- 'olored scars and dollhouse rooms "ere used "ith electroshoc& to teach
the child his color coding- When the programming is going on trance depths and
run"ays(mental image or lying o into a trance) and the structure o the System "ill
all be tied together in one neat pac&age- @*erything is built on its o"n =,y a=is- @ach
?9=?9 grid has the middle ro"s both *ertically and horizontally set up as run"ays- $he
=,y a=is also ma&es up the hourglass lines or the butterly "ings- #oth images are used
"ith sla*es- #ecause thing are set up in thirteens in Mary.s system/ and things are
double coded/ thirteen becomes ?9,? and one is ?, ?9- $his allo"s us also to lin& ?9,?
and ?,?9/ so that e*erything becomes a circle- $he circle "ithin a circle/ bo= "ithin a
bo= concept/ triangle "ithin a triangle situations ma&es the sla*e eel he is trapped in an
ininity loop o programming that has no end and no beginning- ?9 and ? ma&e ?6- An
entire dec& o cards can be used in a double code that also adds to ?6/ such as the C o
spades and the A o diamonds/ or the Ace o spades and the >ing o Diamonds- !ere
then is the codes or Mary.s computers- $"o cards rom opposite suits that add to ?6-
Since a dec& o regular playing cards came originally rom $arot cards/ the playing card
used as a code also carry some occult signiicance to the codes- It is also training the
child "ho is programmed this "ay to be interested in cards- And e*erytime the child
plays cards they "ill reinorce at an unconscious le*el their computer coding- $he
computers "ill then ha*e programs set in on ?9 = ?9 ;uadrants- Iuadrant A-A "ill ha*e a
program such hopelessness- +ther ;uadrants may hold aloneness/ recycling/ cold/ heat/
burning/ cutting onesel/ pulsating loud heart beat/ and hundreds o other programs-
$hese programs ha*e the type o codes assigned them that are gi*en in the %ni*ersal
Function 'odes- Many o the unctions can recei*e a standard code/ but other items
re;uire indi*idual codes- $elephone tones are re;uently used to be able to &ey in (that
is access or trigger) parts o the computer program matri=- Dominoes also are used or
the computer programming- $he dominoes are put in so that the programmers can get a
dominoe eect/ i they "ant to set o a series o programs- Dominoes and lashing
se;uences o lights "ere used to train the child to automatically respond to a certain
pattern o dots- +ur hypothetical Mary "ill also ha*e hundreds o other codes or all
&inds o miscellaneous things such as the ollo"ing random codes4 0R%#5 R@D 1IPS0
0$+ !AK@ P+W@R0 AND 0$+ #@ $!@ P+W@R0/ "hich are also ound in the $all
#oo& o Ma&e #elie*e in the Shut @ye $o"n - Dominoes help "ith the code4 08,6,A,C
W!+ D+ 5+% APPR@'IA$@30- More e=amples are/ 0I 1+K@ DADD5-0 0BA'> #@
NIM#1@ BA'> #@ I%I'> ?9,? ?8,8---0 0P%MP>IN !@AD,,an access code- $o go
a"ay, 0$a RA RA #++M,D@,A5@0/0'R5ING +K@R 5+% (9V)0/ 0SI1>@N
GIRD1@0,, a golden caterpillar plays a bitters"eet tune- A gold poc&et "atch "ith
Roman numerals is associated "ith the "ords 0@agle on it-0 When Mary gets scared and
begins to get into re*ol*ing s"itching/ sometimes spinning can be slo" do"n by saying/
0?<,,5+% AR@ S1+WING D+WN 7,,5+% AR@ S1+WING D+WN C,,5+% AR@
G@$$ING S1+W@R AND S1+W@R---0 A system.s coding is a relection o their
programmer- I the programmer is a pilot "hich many o them are/ then they may ha*e
pilot lingo in their codes/ such as the system may be turned by pitch E degrees- I the
programmer is a sailor the system may ha*e nautical codes/ such as 0R@D R@$%RN
R%NNING.. / XX SAF@ !AR#+R .. (or XX!ome..)/ and D+WN RIK@R (a"ay rom
A. Catho$ic 0o(a""in( -)y 5e%uit% etc..
>@5S $+ $!@ >INGD+M N "orld domination by mind control-
K+W +F SI1@N'@ is a &eep ;uiet program acti*ated by 0$!@ WA11S !AK@ @ARS
E $!@ P1AN$S !AK@ @5@S S+ 5+%R SI1@N'@ IS $AN$AM+%N$ $+
S%''@SS-0 $his is e=plained to the *ictim that the sea shells and the plants ha*e the
ability to hear/ and that a sensiti*e occultist (programmer) can psychically pic& up "hat
the plants and sea shells hear-
0MAIN$AIN I$0 ,,is a command to maintain the Ko" o Silence
0MAIN$AIN I$ E 1IS$@N-0,, a command to &eep silent and listen to a command-
0@N$@R IN$@R INN@R DIM@NSI+N $W+0 , this is a standard Besuit ininity
program (8 is a sacred *oodoo no-)
R. /en%a 0o(a""in( -)y /ENSA. 0?D 8??96A0 is an Illuminati code meaning a
Mensa layer Sample Mensa codes4 0D8D P @NM' SI%AR@D P 9-?6? :7A8 P PI0
0AP#N'/ #P'NA/ 'PAN #0 0$I' $A' $+@ P ' 'R+SS/ PI 'R+SS0 $he M@NSA
codes are se;uences o A numbers-
Miscellaneous 'ommon Signals
Finger to orehead,,
+ne ring inger bent at 7<[ ,,access "a*e Rotated pencil,,"ith certain "ords,,rotates the
Finger s"ung the countercloc&"ise "ay closes portals-
Right Fist to orehead,,+#@5
Fist "ith right hand cupping let hand/ the let is li&e the letter c/ and the thumb is
out"ard and the ist inside/ the let hand then mo*es 9 times o*er the &nuc&le,,access
1et hand o sla*e laid on top o handler.s hand,sign o submission
!ands behind bac& o head,,I.m master
Right !and "ith thumb E inde= inger ma&ing an 1 shape on chinLchec& !ands on
inside o thighs by handler,,come to me >itten and ser*ice me- !ands loc&ed olded
inter"o*en bac&"ard,,you can.t brea& 0the circle0 !andsha&e "ith inde= and middle
inger held straight out,,05ou are one o us-0
Grip called the lion.s pa",,access greeting opening and closing the hands or large circles
"ith inde= inger opens portals-
Palms rubbed together countercloc&"ise
>iss on center o head,,&iss o submission o sla*e to handler
Palm o hand touched,,se=ual access point or some models
Sign o Satan,, !ail SatanJ used or Monarch E Illuminati Mind,controlled sla*es as an
$he alter "ho is holding the body goes into trance/ E a deeper one replaces it-
$humb t"iddle,,rotating the thumbs around "ith the t"o hands clasp,,SEM $ouch o
center o orehead,,access point
Kulcan Peace Sign,,llluminatiLoccult greeting Wa*e "ith Finger and thumb together,
other digits e=tended
Win&s at the system "ere used to con*ey meaning- 1ie 0+*er $he Rainbo"0, Ater
inde=ing E rereading this boo&/ the co,authors realized that "e had not e=plained 0o*er
the rainbo"-0 Some alters li*e 0o*er the rainbo"0 and some do not- #oth types "ill use
the term 0o*er the rainbo"0/ but "ith dierent meanings attached- For those "ho li*e
0o*er the rainbo"0/ they ser*e their masters in such a deep hypnotic trance that they
percei*e reality li&e it.s a dream- When their memories surace they are so unli&e normal
memories that a system in therapy may not &no" "hat to do "ith them- $hey ha*e been
described as similar to the pictures in the old $-K-s "hen the *ertical hold "ould go out
o control-
Deeper alters/ "ho li*e 0o*er the rainbo"0 e=perience memoriesLlie in the ollo"ing
ashion4 aces E porn cameras are airbrushed out o their memory/ distincti*e mar&s in
the perpetrators such as scars E "rin&les are airbrushed out/ colors E lights are *ery
bright due to the total dilation o the pupils "hile in deep trance/ and there is no sense o
time or these alters- $hese alters are trained to 0$RAN'@ S@ND F+RWARD
$!R+%G! $IM@0- #y understanding the programming/ the codes/ E triggers/ those
alters "ho li*ed 0o*er the rainbo"0 can reco*er rom the mind the ull memory/ "ithout
the distortions created by dissociation-
T. 0atia$$y Coect 0o(a""in( Site Code%
$he ollo"ing site codes are not totally accurate- Also/ the Intelligence groups use that
"hat are called 'ryptonyms/ "hich are t"o,letter digraphs such as the 0M>0 o M>,
%1$RA- $he digraph can indicate a type o operation or e*en a location- An operation
may ha*e '+D@S- $he ollo"ing site codes are not totally accurate- Also/ the
Intelligence groups use "hat are called 'ryptonyms/ "hich are t"o,letter digraphs such
as the 0M>0 o M>,%1$RA- $he digraph can indicate a type o operation or e*en a
location- An operation may ha*e its cryptonym changed in the middle o its operation-
Programme Programming Uone AreaL'ode
Armstrong A9 76V''D
Astor 9A
Florida :7V'##
#ournell,!ighto"er ?7
#ro"n 9< :7V#MN #urcham 987
$e=as 78V#MM
Gaston A?
'olorado ?V'DF
!aggin D69
>entuc&y 6DV#<
!arric& 8A9
'olorado Springs Bohnson 7:
Mannass Mentor 8?
'olorado A?V#VV
Nathan :A
Ne" Me=ico
+"ens 7A9 ?<AV#B>
Pantu D?
>ansas +liV+@G
Patterson ??D
>ansas Sa*ior 67
Ma2or Strange ?6 ?U66<=D8<C<<8<9AA
Strong :8 C?V'#'
Suttenuss ?<9
'olonel $aylor ?A
>entuc&y Weir :A?
$e=as 99V#'#
G. Hy2no%i% in 0o(a"%, and Othe +%e%
$he programmers "ill begin their programming by e=treme torture- Ater a certain
amount o torture the *ictim is "illing to say or belie*e anything to stop the torture- At
this point a thought "ill be planted into the *ictim.s mind- $his thought "ill be lin&ed to
a alse memory put in *ia hypnosis or mo*ies/ or other method/ and it "ill be lin&ed to a
command put in by hypnosis etc- and the original thought/ the command/ the alse
memory "ill be lin&ed by a single emotion "hich "ill lin& them all together- $he result
"ill be something li&e this4 it is t"o "ee&s beore !allo"een (thought)/ I must get ready
or !allo"een rituals (command) because I ha*e al"ays had a habit o going to
!allo"een rituals (alse memory)- I I don.t I "ill ha*e a heart attac& and die (memory
o torture lin&ed to thoughts)- Programming is layered in- 1ayer ater layer o
programming is put in- @ach alter (personality) o the *ictim is used as i it is a
component o a large system- $he result is that no alter (personality) is the "hole/ but
only a cog in a great machine- 'an a single cog rebel against the "hole machine3 It is
*ery diicult or a single component o thousands o components to rebel against the
A$ice In Wonde$and 0o(a""in( a% it 0etain% to an A$te Goin( Do'n in
Tance &o Intena$ 0o(a""in(
Alice In Wonderland Programming4 going do"n the tree/ going through the mirror/
going underneath something or gro"ing tall- $he internal programmers (and some other
alters) ha*e the ability to send other alters into deep trances- +ne o the programs or
doing this is based on the Alice In Wonderland $heme and it "as e=perienced li&e this
or a le*el 8 alter "ho managed to stay in communication "ith her deprogrammer4
When the alter "ent do"n in her mind she "ent do"n on the inside o the trun& o a tree
(li&e Alice In Wonderland)- At the bottom she sa" a &eyhole/ a table/ and on the table
"as lo*e potion S7- She automatically dran& the lo*e potion "hich shrin&s her to a dot
and then she goes through the &eyhole- So normally this process means she goes through
the &eyhole- She managed to stay in contact "ith her deprogrammer during this deep
trance- Ater the &ey hole she sa" thousands o loo&ing glass mirrors- @*erything got
smaller as she "ent do"n the tree- She became a dot- She drin&s lo*e potion no- 7 and
comes bac& "ith it- A tree comes and "raps itsel around her and lo*es her- As she
ascends (comes up in trance) she stretches up and enlarges- In coming up out o trance
she gets stuc& at le*el C due to some intererence rom deeper alters- She/ in accord "ith
her programming/ senses her Master.s lo*e- (Normally she "ould ha*e simply tranced
out/ and another alter "ould ha*e ta&en her place and she "ould ha*e no recollection o
the entire process- $he alter has been programmed to ha*e bac&up amnesia- #ac&up
amnesia means that one doesn.t remember that one lost time/ one doesn.t remember that
one orgot/ etc- In short it means you don.t remember that you don.t remember-) $his is
an e=ample o hypnosis used internally by the programming and the Programming alters
to control other alters- $he deepening o the trance "as gi*en the imagery
o Alice alling do"n the tree- In the *arious stories used in programming/ there is some
part o the story that can be used as the story line or trance induction/ these include4
Wizard o +z,,going into the poppies
Star Wars,,time "arp/ riding the light
Star $re&,,being beamed/ replicators etc-
!ypnosis is used to anchor suggestions about sleep patterns/ panic programs/ phobias/
health healing programs and health problems programs/ pain control and pain programs/
moti*ation programs/ a suicide program called 0hypnosleep0/ an insanity program/ and
countless other uses-
!ypnosis is used to steer a person.s mind in the direction that they ha*e been labeled-
For instance/ i they ha*e been selected to become a doctor/ they "ill be programmed or
success as a doctor- Ne" patterns o thought/ eeling and beha*ior are inserted to build
conidence in the goals o the Illuminati- Positi*e e=periences are used to help boost the
person.s eelings/ and then the ne" messages are anchored 0imagine these messages
ta&ing root- 5our ne" messages are gro"ing stronger and stronger-0
$he Alice In Wonderland programming theme is used in air,"ater programs and mirror
programs "hich the Illuminati/ the 'IA/ NASA/ the Besuits and others li&e so "ell- $he
idea is that there e=ists a mirror "orld "hich is a re*ersal- Along "ith it is attached the
idea that the sla*e can enter into a timeless dimension o time/ or as some reer to it
0interdimensional time tra*el-0
1ater/ the *ictim "ill be urther brought under the spell o this mirror programming by
going to locations around the nation/ li&e the Magic $ime Machine restaurants in San
Antonio and Dallas / $V "here mirrors are placed on doors/ ceilings/ "alls/ and
restrooms o the establishment and programming themes are part o the e*erything at
these restaurants- $he handler may tell the sla*e/ 01+S@ 5+%RS@1F IN $!@
When hypnotically programming in programs/ the Programmers place in many types o
images and programs- Some e=amples "ould be ha*ing the concept o obedience e;ual
the ountain o youth- $he ountain o youth lo"s in the *ictim.s mind unless they step
out side o their orders- $his can be lin&ed to the Shangri,la story/ "here a "oman ages
as soon as she lea*es her place in Shangri,la- Another e=ample/ is the hypnotic imagery
in*ol*ing the ormation o an island rom a *olcano- $he story is turned into a
programming script to allo" the System to be radically restructured- $his Kolcano
programming is a System.s turning program- A *olcano erupts rom deep do"n/ and la*a
pours into the sea- Mountains are pushing up rom deep in the mind- $o sur*i*e people
must cross rom the old to the ne" island on a bridge that naturally orms- Fire births the
ne" territory and destroys the old- $he ne" mountains de*elop trees "hich become sae
places or the alters to roost upon-
Hy2notica$$y Bui$din( in Stuctue%
1ater in the boo&/ the art o building structures internally in the mind o the *ictim "ill
be co*ered- !o"e*er/ since the process in*ol*es hypnotism it "ould be appropriate to
discuss briely ho" hypnosis can begin to "or& a tree structure into the mind o the
First/ the programmer hypnotically suggests that his penis is a gro"ing tree- 1ater/ the
programmer might begin/ 05ou &no" those big trees in the par& that loo& so big and
straight and stretch "ay up to"ard the s&y3 Stand up and be one o those trees- Stand up
really straight and tall as tall as you can be/ and stretch your arms out to"ard the s&y li&e
branches on that big oa& tree- No" those big trees ha*e long/ deep roots that &eep them
rom alling o*er- Feel your eet go do"n do"n through the loor/ 2ust li&e roots on the
big strong oa& tree-0
Final note4 there is no "ay that this boo& could gi*e e*ery last song or story that has
been used or programming/ nor "as it the intention to do so- We ha*e "anted to point
out the popular story lines used/ although "e ha*e missed some such as the 'hronicles
o Narnia and 1ittle Red Riding !ood ("hich is used in se*eral "ays along the lines o
you thin& you.re going to Papa.s/ or Grandma.s house E you end up "ith a "ol)- +ur
list let out many programming songs,,all the Rolling Stone.s songs/ Alabama .s +ld
Flame/ etc-
Cha2te B Science No. B3 The S*i$$ o& 9yin(, The At o& Deceit
A. O!e!ie'
B. The u%e o& &iction
Budy Garland 'harlie Manson $heosophical Society Adol !itler Mahatma
Gandhi !-P- #la*ats&y Alice #ailey !enry Steel +lcott @l*is Presley Manly P-
!all Fran& #aum
PARA11@1S #@$W@@N4
A- $!@ WIUARD +F +U #++> E +''%1$ISM
#- $!@ WIUARD +F +U M+KI@ E I11%MINA$I RI$%A1S Dorris Du&e
'- $!@ WIUARD +F +U S@RI@S +F #++>S AND M+NAR'!
PR+GRAMMING 5ello" #ric& Road
#oo& 9- +zma o +z
Alice In Wonderland Alice $hrough the 1oo&ing Glass
$he $all #oo& o Ma&e,#elie*e
Alien Programming Scripts
Island o the #lue Dolphins
$he 1ord o the Rings
$he Most Important Programming Script,,$he 1esser >ey
C. The u%e o& $ie% e=tena$$y, inc$. co!e% and &ont%
@=ternal Deceptions
'o*ers For Indi*idual Sla*es Agent Pro*ocateurs
$he %se o Religious Fronts #illy Graham
$he 1ist + >no"n And 'redible Witnesses
'lariying What Is 1oo&ed For In Proo
$he Moti*ation o the 'o,Authors
'lariying What is Acceptable $estimony
$he Policies o Deception #y $he #illy Graham 'rusade Sta
#illy GrahamOs Acti*e Role In Satanic Ritual Abuse !earst Beanne
Di=on >issinger Nugen !and #an&
!o" #illy Graham Plays a >ey Role in Reprogramming Monarch Sla*es Near
Death $rauma 'enters
$he Actual !eritage and Name o #illy Graham
!o" #illy Graham is a 99[ Mason
F1@@'ING $!@ S!@@P
Inade;uate Reactions
$he $op Secret Amish Front (And !utterites)
!o" It Is Done
!iding A Ma2or Programming 'enter
@=ternal E Internal Deceptions Delection/ #linds/ Slides/ !egelian/ Deniability-
@soteric language
D. Intena$ Dece2tion%, inc$. the at o& hidin( thin(% in a %y%te" Gate&eeper alters
$he %se o @soteric 1anguage
S@'R@$ !IG! 1@K@1 $@A'!INGS
$!@ @V$@RNA1IUA$I+N +F $!@ !I@RAR'!5
In Summary
A. O!e!ie'
$he rule o thumb that the programmersLhandlers go by is that they "ill say anything to
get the 2ob done- A 'IA handler "ill tell his agent in the ield "hate*er "ill "or& to get
the ield agentOs cooperation on a mission- $here is no height nor breadth nor length to
these peopleOs deception- $hey ha*e successully &ept some deceptions acti*e or
decades/ i not or centuries-
B. The +%e o& Fiction
$he history behind the Wizard o +z programming is interesting- It suggests that the
Wizard o +z has had an important part in the occult "orld all along- +ne o the secrets
o the Mystery Religions/ especially the @gyptian Isis mystery religion "as the ability to
use drugs and torture to create multiple personalities- $he "ord +z is &no"n to ha*e
been used by its author as an abbre*iation or +sirus- Monarch *ictims ha*e the 0golden
penis o +sirus0 placed into them-
$he Grimm brothers/ "ho "ere cabalistic 2e"s/ gathered the ol& occult stories together-
$heir stories are ull o spells/ trances/ and drugs- Sleeping #eauty is put to sleep/ and
the trigger to "a&e her is a &iss on the lips- $hese are serious hints that the occult "orld
didnOt stop programming people "ith dissociati*e states and triggers "hen the ancient
@gyptian empires ell- Instead o using modern lingo such as 0hypnotize0/ they "ould
say 0cast a spell-0
1ater in Freemasonry/ the Right Worshipul Master "ould 0charge0 (meaning hypnotize)
an initiate- $he occultist #aum/ a member o the $heosophical Society/ "as inspired by
some spirit "ho ga*e him the 0magic &ey0 to "rite the Wizard o +z boo&/ "hich came
out in ?7<<- $he boo&Os story is ull o satanic acti*ity and satanic thin&ing- $he story
"as chosen in the late ?76<s to be the basis or the IlluminatiLIntelligence communityOs
trauma,based total mind control programming- As a "ay o enhancing the eect o the
programming/ Monarch sla*es are conditioned to place trigger items into their li*es-
When the mo*ie "as made/ 5udy Ga$and/ "ho had li*ed a lie touched by the occult
"orldOs abuse/ "as chosen to act as Dorothy- BudyOs later husband/ Mic&ey De Kin&o "as
a Satanist and the chie assistant to Roy Radin/ a rich Satanist "ho "or&ed "ith the
Illuminati/ and "ho controlled the 0Process church0 co*ens "hich had as members mass
murderers #er&o"itz and Monarch sla*e Cha$ie /an%on.
$here are se*eral members o the 'arr amily/ "ho are also tied into both De Kin&o and
RadinOs Process 'hurch and the Illuminati- With the numerous long term connections
bet"een the Wizard o +z boo&s/ and mo*ie to the highest le*els o the occult "orld/ it
is not "ithout reason that one can theorize that the original series o ?6 +z boo&s had an
ulterior moti*e behind them-
$he ?6 boo&s o the +z series are4
?) $he Wizard o +z/
8) $he 1and o +z/
9) +zma o +z/
6) Dorothy and the Wizard in +z/
:) $he Road to +z/
A) $he @merald 'ity o +z/
D) $he Patch"or& Girl o +z/
C) $i&,to& o +z/
7) $he Scarecro" o +z/
?<) Rin&itin& in +z/
??) $he 1ost Princess o +z/
?8) $he $inman Woodsman o +z/
?9) $he Magic o +z/
?6) Glinda o +z-
$hese boo&s are still being sold/ and are being read to children "ho are being
programmed "ith trauma,based total mind control- $he ?6 boo&s came out in *arious
editions- $he originals came out in ?7<< and shortly thereater- In the ?79<s/ the ?76<Os/
and the ?7:<Os the "ords "ere retype set and gi*en dierent pages- (When "or&ing "ith
a sur*i*or it might help to identiy "hat decade the edition the sla*e "as programmed
"ith/ because the pictures and the page numbers *aried rom edition to edition-)
+ course/ ha*ing good pictures is an asset in programming/ because the child "ill
*isualize o o the pictures "hen building its internal "orld- In addition to this/ large
Wizard o +z theme par&s are being built by the Illuminati to pro*ide places to carry out
programming and to reinorce the programming "hich traps the minds o Monarch
sla*es- $he best e=ample o this/ is the audacious MGM Grand comple= in 1as Kegas/
although other theme par&s around America also use a Wizard o +z theme-
I you ha*e read Fritz SpringmeierOs #e Wise As Serpents you "ill &no" ho"
the Theo%o2hica$ Society ties in "ith Freemasonry/ Satanism/ and 1ucis $rust- Se*eral
amous members o the $heosophical Society include4
Ado$& Hit$e (a Satanist "ho practiced human sacriice/ E "ho had !P#Os boo& at his
/ahat"a Gandhi (a !indu guru considered a god by some o his ollo"ers- Gandhi
"as successul "ith the #ritish in part because o the $heosophical Society-)
H.0. B$a!at%*y ($he ounder o the $heosophical Society- She reerred to hersel as
!P#- She "as initiated by Illuminatus Mazzini into 'arbonarism / a orm o
Freemasonry/ illumined by the Great White 1odge in ?C:A/ "as part o the !ermetic
#rotherhood o 1u=or/ and spent lots o time "ith the @ddy Illuminati amily
in Kermont / "ho "ere "ell &no"n mediums- She also "as a member o the occult
raternities the +rder o the Druses/ the Adopti*e branch o the Ancient E Primiti*e Rite
o Freemasonry/ E the hermetic masonic rites o Memphis and Mizraim- She "as
trained to handle li*e sna&es by Shei& 5usu ben Ma&erzi/ the chie o the Serpent
!andlers/ and she "as hypnotized by occultist Kictor Michal and to some degree rom
?CAA under his inluence-)
A$ice Bai$ey (head o 1ucis $rust)
Heny Stee$ O$cott (an important occultist)
E$!i% 0e%$ey (a Monarch sla*e)
/an$y 0. Ha$$ (an Illuminati $heta Programmer/ and at least a Grand Master "ithin the
Illuminati "ho sat on the Grand Druid 'ouncil-)
Fan* Bau"- $he man "ho "rote the boo& $he Wizard o +z "as a member o the
$heosophical Society- 1- Fran& #aum li*ed in South Da&ota and created $he Wizard o
+z boo& as a theosophical airy tale incorporating the 0ancient "isdom0 o the Mystery
$he boo&s ha*e so much material rom inside the secret "orld o the Illuminati/ that the
e" "ho understand the Illuminati "onder i #aum "asnOt an insider- $he moral o the
boo& is that "e must rely upon oursel*es/ or "e alone ha*e the po"er to sa*e oursel*es-
$his "as part o the original lie o Satan in the garden- Satan has simply dressed up the
same original lie into dierent pac&aging and is distributing it "orld"ide as the most
popular American airy tale-
1- Fran& #aum e=plained ho" he came to "rite the boo&/ 0It "as pure inspiration----It
came to me right out o the blue- I thin& that sometimes the Great Author has a message
to get across and !e has to use the instrument at hand- I happened to be that medium/
and I belie*e the magic &ey "as gi*en me to open the doors to sympathy and
understanding/ 2oy/ peace and happiness-0 (!earn/ Michael P- ed-/ $he Annotated Wizard
o +z- N54 'lar&son N- Potter/ ?7D9/ p- D9-)
In #aumOs time/ the head o the $heosophical Society/ !-P- #la*asts&y had been putting
out her 2ournal called 1ucier- In other "ords/ I highly suspect #aum &ne" "hat the
$heosophical Society "as all about/ and that he himsel "as deeply into the occult- $he
boo& $he Wizard o +z came out in ?7<<- (It "asnOt until ?797 that the mo*ie "as
$his ne=t section "ill co*er the numerous parallels bet"een the Wizard o +z material
and the occult "orld and the occult "orldOs programming- $his is bro&en up into 9
A- $!@ WIUARD +F +U #++> E +''%1$ISM
#- $!@ WIUARD +F +U M+KI@ E I11%MINA$I RI$%A1S Dorris Du&e
'- $!@ WIUARD +F +U S@RI@S +F #++>S AND M+NAR'! PR+GRAMMING 5ello" #ric& Road
#oo& 9- +zma o +z
Alice In Wonderland
Alice $hrough the 1oo&ing Glass
$he $all #oo& o Ma&e,#elie*e
For those readers "ho are unamiliar "ith the occult "orld/ some o these parallels at
irst may seem stretched- When one sees ho" many parallels there are/ then occult
nature o the boo&s begins to sin& in- $he authors could pro*ide the reader "ith more
parallels bet"een Satanism and $he Wizard o +z boo&/ but "e belie*e the ollo"ing
"ill suice- (Some parallels may also apply to the mo*ie-)
Auntie @m represents !P #la*asts&yOs 0Mulapra&riti0 and %ncle !enry represents
!P#Os 0%nmaniested 1ogos0- $he carni*al huc&ster (later seen as the Wizard) is
ad*ertised as being connected to the royal amilies o@urope -
$he Royal amilies o @urope are secret Satanists/ rom po"erul occult bloodlines-
Dorothy is brought to +z by a cyclone- $he "ord cyclone originally "as the Gree& "ord
cyclone "hich means both a circle or the coil o a sna&e- In other "ords/ the sna&e ta&es
Dorothy to +z- DorothyOs three companions represent the mental/ emotional/ and
physical bodies that !P# "rote about- Dorothy ac;uired these three companions 2ust as
$heosophy says "e "ill "hen "e come into incarnation- $o ;uote !P# 0$here is no
danger that dauntless courage cannot con;uerM there is not trial that spotless purity
cannot pass throughM there is no diiculty that strong intellect cannot surmount-0 (Algeo/
Bohn- 0$he Wizard o +z4 $he Perilous Bourney0/ $he Iuest/ Summer ?779- Wheaton /
Il-4 $heosophical Society in Amer-/p- :9-)
In the boo&/ the $in Woodsman "as an ordinary being o lesh/ but a "ic&ed "itch casts
a spell on him- !e &ept chopping o parts o his body/ "hich "ere then replaced by a
tinsmith/ until he became the irst bionic man/ "ith a completely mechanic body- #oy/
hasnOt the Illuminati been trying to do this oneJ3
In step "ith Wizard o +z mind,control programming/ the "ic&ed "itch E naughty
children cannot stand "ater but dissol*e- Robotic clones are created in the minds o
Monarch sla*es "hich can only be mentally dissol*ed by mentally placing "ater on
them- Dorothy goes ;uesting in +z-
$heosophists (Ne" Agers/ Satanists/ etc-) go on ;uests- +z is shaped li&e a Mandala
"ith @merald 'ity in the center/ an impassable barrier/ our,sidedness/ 6 symbolic
colors/ the circle and the center- $he colors and directions gi*en in +z may also ha*e
other symbolic meanings in the occult- For instance/ @merald 'ity is green and green is
the ourth point o the @astern Star ("omenOs Freemasonry) E SatanOs color- A
$he route that Dorothy ollo"s in +z has the shape o a $ "ith its 9 points deining an
in*erted triangle- $he 5ello" #ric& Road suggests gold/ the perect metal- Gold is
considered to be di*ine E the source o "isdom by the Illuminati- !P# had "ritten
0$here is a Road/ steep and thorny/ beset "ith perils o e*ery &ind/ but yet a Road/ and it
leads to the *ery heart o the uni*erse-0 $his "as the yello" bric& road that #aum the
$heosophist sought to portray in his airy tale- $he boo& contains a great deal more
perils and ad*entures on the road than the mo*ie- $he article sho"s that the great
teacher is a humbug but Dorothy and her o"n companions ha*e the abilities to help
themsel*es i they only "ill realize their o"n po"ers through the help o the good "itch
o the south-
$his is in line "ith the $heosophical SocietyOs/ the 'hurch o Satan Os/ and other occult
groups teachings "hich teach that the indi*idual has the capabilities "ithin themsel*es
to achie*e anything- +ne o the $heosophical SocietyOs publications states/ 0Prepare
thysel/ or thou "ilt ha*e to tra*el on alone- $he teacher can but point the "ay-0 (0$he
Koice o Silence0 as ;uoted in 0$he Wizard o +z0 article/ Iuest/ Summer/ ?779 p- :6-)
Part o the mind set o Satanism is that reality and antasy become blurred- $his blurring
has been part o the brain"ashing that is being systematically gi*en to American
children- Within Monarch sla*es they ha*e an incredibly diicult time trying to
dierentiate bet"een reality and antasy because o all the mind programming they ha*e
been sub2ected too- $here are se*eral techni;ues "hich "ill determine or Monarch
sur*i*ors i their memories are real-
In the board game called IlluminatiJ/ put out by people connected to the Illuminati/ the
game states/ 0DonOt belie*e any o this/ it is all true-0 $hese are the type o double,bind
sel contradictory statements that Satanists lo*e to spe" out- Monarch sla*es are
programmed ull o double,binds-
With the SatanistOs penchant or blurring reality in mind/ read the ollo"ing ;uote "here
the President o the $heosophical Society admiringly describes the Wizard o +z/ 0Part
o #aumOs 2o&e is that things are ne*er "hat they seem- Dorothy seems to be a simple
and harmless little girl/ but it is she "ho &ills the "ic&ed "itches o both @ast and West-
$he Scarecro" seems to lac& brains/ but he has all the ideas in the company- $he $in
Woodman seems to lac& a heart/ but he is so ull o sentiment that he is al"ays "eeping-
$he 'o"ardly 1ion seems to be a co"ard/ but he ta&es bra*e action "hene*er it is
called or- $he Wizard seems to be great and po"erul/ but he is actually a humbug- +z
seems to be a glorious and delightul land and >ansas to be dry/ gray/ and dull,,but +z is
a "orld o illusion and >ansas is really home- $hings are not "hat they seem/ in +z
or>ansas -0
$he close relationship bet"een Dorothy and her dog is a *ery subtle connection bet"een
the satanic cults use o animals (amiliars)- $hose "ho read Kol- ?/ may remember the
e=ample "ritten about on ho" Illuminati >ingpin Alred I- du PontOs dog Mummy
ser*ed as AlredOs amiliar spirit- Animals are *ery oten used in ritual- $his connection
is *ery subtle/ perhaps too subtle or it to be "orthy o mention/ e=cept that those in
Satanism "ill see the signiicance/ e*en though others "onOt- What is tri*ial to one
person may not be to the ne=t-
A Monarch sla*e as a child "ill be allo"ed to bond "ith a pet- $he child "ill "ant to
bond "ith a pet any"ay because people are terriying by this point- $hen the pet is &illed
in porn to traumatize the child- $his happens ;uite re;uently-
$he Rainbo",,"ith its se*en colors ha*e long had an occult signiicance o being a great
spiritual hypnotic de*ice- 'onstance 'umbey/ in her boo& $he !idden Dangers o the
Rainbo"/ "hich e=poses the Ne" Age +ccult Mo*ement/ correctly "rites/ 0$he
Rainbo" (also called the Antah&arana or Rainbo" #ridge )- $his is used as a hypnotic
de*ice-// (p-8A?) $he Supreme 'ouncil o the 99rd[ o Freemasonry has used the
rainbo" on the co*er o their magazine-
In a boo& teaching Druidism (as in Illuminati Druidism)/ $he 8? 1essons o Meryln/ the
Rainbo" is described as 0A true sign o Magic---it e=ists in both "orlds at onceJ0 @l*ira
Gulch is a "oman "ho o"ns ?L8 o the county "here Dorothy li*es in >ansas - She is
sho"n later in the 1and o +z transormed as a "itch-
Many o the Illuminati elite are rich and lead double li*es- People "ho meet them at a
ritual "ill see the dar& side o these rich people- At the rituals/ people are tranced rom
drugs/ chanting/ and mind controlM they are 0o*er the rainbo"-0 Proessor Mar*el uses a
crystal ball "hich he claims "as used by the Priests o Isis- Isis and +sirus are both part
o the Ancient @gyptian Mystery religion and modern Satanism-
>ansas is blac& E "hite/ +z is in color- Reality is do"nplayed in "itchcrat and
Satanism- Ma&e belie*e is considered more colorul than reality- Also as an escape rom
this "orld/ Satanists use drugs to enhance their perception o colors- Some o the amous
"riters too& drugs "hich put them into altered states o consciousness in order to release
their creati*ity-
#oth good and bad "itches in +z carry stas- In Satanism E the Illuminati/ Priestesses
also carry similar stas- Also the idea that there are good and e*il "itches,,"hite and
blac& magic is straight rom the occult/ and ollo"s the IlluminatiOs Gnostic belies-
Se*eral scenes in*ol*e transerence o po"er *ia transerence o slippers rom a "itch-
In Illuminati ritual/ to transer po"er/ a Matriarch/ or Mother o Dar&ness "ill &ill the
person in a position o authority "ith a stri&e on the orehead "ith a special mace li&e
sta/ and then put on their slippers- Ruby colored slippers are actually used as a symbol
o authority at the Matriarch le*el in the Illuminati- $he shoes are said to be golden at
the Mothers o Dar&ness le*el in the Illuminati-
$he bad "itch uses poison/ poisoned apples and poisoned bre"- Satanic co*ens in real
lie do this same thing- $he "izard is portrayed as someone "ho rules and is bene*olent-
In "itchcrat/ "izards do rule (e*en though in some groups "izards are simply called
"itches-) Winged mon&eys in the haunted orest/ har&en bac& to the pagan cultures
"hich placed "ings on *arious animal idols- $he trees are ali*e li&e animals in the ilm-
$he Illuminati belie*e that the trees ha*e spirits- In one o the +z ilms/ e*en the stones
ha*e personality and tal&- $his comes straight out o Druidism-
$he $in Man is a person "hich has been part o Illuminati ceremonies- $he irst initial
ceremony that children o the Illuminati may remember is "here a $in Man "ith an a=
"atches o*er their presentation to the co*en- I the parent presents the child/ nothing is
done/ but i the parent reuses to present the children/ then the $in Man in the ritual "ill
use his a= to se*er the childOs head on a chopping bloc&- ($he $in Man "ill also appear
in $in Man programming/ and a $in ManOs 'astle may "ell be built in the Monarch
sla*eOs head/ but the point here is that the $in Man is also part o ritual-)
Dorothy &ills the "ic&ed "itch o the "est by a sharp blo" to the orehead "ith the
"itchOs sta- $his is "hat is done in the Illuminati/ "hen an elderly "itch is being
replaced- In both cases/ "hether in the mo*ie or in real lie in the Illuminati/ "hen a
"itch is &illed the people ha*e a ceremony- In real lie in the secret "orld o the
Illuminati/ a scroll is used to certiy that the "itch is dead both physically and spiritually-
($he mo*ie had this in it-)
Bust one e=ample o the thousands o Illuminati Grande Dames &illed in ritual li&e this is
the recent billionairess Doi% Du*e/ "ho "as ritually &illed in ?779 on !allo"een/ also
called All !allo"s @*e/ in the #e*erly !ills /'A area-
$he Illuminati method or &illing a Grande Dame and passing her spiritual po"er on is
done "ith re*erence- No blood is to be spilt out o respect or the elderly "oman "ho
gi*es up her lie "illingly- At death/ the last breath is inhaled by the replacement to
transer the po"er- $here may be as many as 8/?7D Grande Dames at such a coronation-
$he Grande Mothers ("hose Systems are mistresses or Satan and hierarchy leaders) and
the ne=t ran&/ the Grande Dames/ are oten *eiled in ritual and "ould "ear robes "ith
dierent colored lining- $he dierent colors o linings sho" the dierent grades-
A typical Grande Mother *estment or robe is a blac& satin E *el*et dress "ith a draped
nec&line/ and ritual symbols do"n the center o the robe- Ater someone li&e Dorris
Du&e "illingly gi*es her (their) lie/ her head is ser*ed on a sil*er platter at a ban;uet-
For the deeper alters o a high le*el sla*e/ this is part o their "ay o lieM they are told it
is their birthright and heritage- Such alters "ill not be able to identiy "ith the culture at
large- $o gi*e up their programming/ means gi*ing up their magical po"ers and their
culture/ "hich they ha*e had to "or& hard or- $o lea*e they "ould need to see
something that they percei*e as better- $hey are loc&ed into their sla*ery due do to their
e=posure to only a secret Illuminati culture and *alue system-
#ecause o their dissociation "ith the rest o their o"n System o alters/ they donOt
percei*e a need to change their liestyle anymore than a #ushman "ould be able to eel
a need to "ear shoes- Why should the #ushman "ant shoes/ i he has gotten along
"ithout them3 Why should a high le*el sla*e "ant change/ "hen they ha*e gotten along
"ithout it3
@=perience sho"s that during deprogramming most o the lo"er le*el alters "ill "ant to
escape their abuse/ but the higher le*el ritual alters are so separated rom the abuse they
donOt "ant to gi*e up their status and culture-
$hroughout the mo*ie/ scrolls are used- As stated/ Moriah continues to use scrolls or
their oicial ritual unctions- $he "ic&ed "itch o the "est says that her ;uestion "as
not 0to &ill or not to &ill0 Dorothy3/ but rather !+W to &ill Dorothy or 0these things
must be done delicately-0 $his is e=actly the attitude displayed "ithin the
Illuminati- $he ilm has occult items such as crystal balls in se*eral scenes/ haunted
castles/ magic and a bene*olent "izard- At one point the 1ion says/ 0I do belie*e in
spoo&s FghostsG/ I do/ I do/ I do/ I do-0 ($oday/ intelligence agents are also called
spoo&s-) $he 1ion/ $inman/ Dorothy and the Scarecro" must pro*e themsel*es "orthy
to recei*e the bene*olence rom +z-
$he occult is ull o rituals "here the participant must pro*e himsel "orthy- $he phrase
0seeds o learning0 is used in Illuminati ceremonies- Stas li&e the mo*ie has are used
by *arious occult groups- $hese stas oten ser*e as stun guns/ so that shoc&s can be
applied during ceremonies- $he shoc&s may be applied so that the *ictim doesnOt
remember the ceremony-
C. 0aa$$e$% Bet'een The Wi,ad o& O, Seie% o& Boo*% and /onach
$he ollo"ing are parts o the Wizard o +z Monarch Programming/ "hich is a base
programming put in "hen the child is *ery young- Some o the sla*es &no" portions o
the Wizard o +z script "ord,or,"ord-
Dorothy is told she doesnOt ha*e a brain i she has gotten into trouble- Dorothy is loo&ing
or a place "here there is no trouble "hich is a place 0o*er the rainbo"-0 $o escape pain/
alters go o*er the rainbo"- ($his is a-&-a- in Alice In Wonderland Programming as
0going through the loo&ing glass0- Dorothy becomes unconscious/ the "orld begins
spinning/ and then she sees dis2ointed pictures- $his also happens to Monarch sla*es-
1ater in the ilm/ Dorothy states/ 0MyJ people come and go so ;uic&ly-0 $his is e=actly
"hat happens to the Monarch sla*e "hose multiple personalities come and go- When the
multiple personalities s"itch in and out *ery ast a spinning process can start "hich can
be dangerous i it doesnOt stop-
Bust li&e most hiccupping stops on its o"n/ the rapid uncontrolled s"itching ("hich can
be triggered by stress) usually stops on its o"n- Systems "hich subconsciously &no"
they are going to be tortured and used may out o a subconscious ear begin this
re*ol*ing s"itching- It is said that the Monarch *ictim "ill become comatose i the rapid
spinning goes on too long- Personalities are s"itched in "hat are called 0tornado spins0
or 0tornado spinning0 and personalities called 0spin oO personalities come up according
to the number o re*olutions the sla*e is commanded to spin- #y spinning the sla*e/ the
master can choose "hat se=ual per*ersion he "ants as each 0spin oO personality has
been trained to carry out a dierent per*ersion-
+*er the rainbo" in +z is or the Monarch sla*e to be in a trance/ and into a certain area
o the programming- $o be luctuating at both ends as an obser*er and not a participant
or to go to the other e=treme and become a participant- $he theme song o the mo*ie
goes/ 0Some"here o*er the Rainbo"---thereOs a land "here the dreams that you dare to
dream really come true-0
$hese lyrics are a method to hypnotically conuse the brain to percei*e that the 0o*er the
Rainbo" e=perience0 ("hich is usually horrible abuse) is a 0dream0- $he dissociati*e
mind is only too happy to call the trauma a dream/ "hich is li*ed as a reality or a
moment/ but is ne*ertheless recorded by the mind as a antasy-
$he term or this is crypto amnesia/ "hich means the process "here the proper
unctioning o memory is hypnotically messed up- $he sla*eOs internal "orld becomes
0reality0 and the e=ternal real "orld becomes the 1and o +z "hich is percei*ed as
ma&e,belie*e- D"ars are used in the internal programming- ( !olly"ood hired a large
number o them or the mo*ieOs cast- $hey are called Munch&ins in the mo*ie-)
Mengele/ &no"n as the programmer Dr- Green/ "as especially interested in
e=perimenting traumas on d"ars-
For bona,ides E recognition signals/ the Monarch sla*es "ear diamonds to signiy they
are presidential models/ rubies to signiy their +z programming or prostitution/ and
emeralds to signiy their programming to do drug business- Rings are also used to
signiy "hat acti*ity the sla*e is doing/ and "hat ran& or le*el they are in the occult-
Monarch sla*es are taught to 0ollo" the yello" bric& road-0 No matter "hat earul
things lie ahead/ the Monarch sla*e must ollo" the Ye$$o' Bic* Road "hich is set out
beore them by their master- For some sla*es used as trac& stars/ their 5ello" #ric&
Road "as the trac& they had to run- $he 5ello" #ric& Road is the run"ay in "hich
alters "ere trained to ly o rom to e=it their internal "orld and ta&e the
body- $he 5ello" #ric& Road also pertains to the assignment that an alter is gi*en- $o
ollo" the 5ello" #ric& Road is to go do"n the road that has been assigned by
command- $he 5ello" #ric& Road programming is placed into the childOs mind *ia
the 5ello" #ric& Road o the Wizard o +z story- Remember the &ey "ords/ 0Follo"
the 5ello" #ric& Road -0
$o get someone onto the 5ello" #ric& Road you must &no" the access code to get them
through the poppy ield- $he color codes are important to get an alter through the ield o
poppies- 0Fiddler0 is important "ord to get to the yello" bric& road (it signiies the
programmer in the conte=t o 0the programmer is here/ go o*er the rainbo"0) and then
the alters eat "hat is *ariously called M%SI' or a S'RIP$ or A 1@$$@R "hich are
"ords meaning 0instructions-0
In the ?7<< edition o the boo& on page 9 ?,98 says (programming cues are in caps)/
0She closed the door/ loc&ed it/ and put the >@5 careully in the poc&et o her dress-
And so/ "ith $oto trotting along soberly behind her/ S!@ S$AR$@D +N !@R
B+%RN@5- $!@R@ W@R@ S@K@RA1 R+ADS N@AR #5/ #%$ I$ DID N+$ $A>@
!@R 1+NG $+ FIND $!@ +N@ PAK@D WI$! 5@11+W #RI'>- Within a short
time she "as "al&ing bris&ly to"ard the @M@RA1D 'I$5 / !@R SI1K@R S!+@S
tin&ling merrily on the hard/ 5@11+W R+AD#@D- $he sun shone #RIG!$ AND $!@
#IRDS SANG SW@@$ and Dorothy did not eel nearly as bad as you might thin& a little
girl "ould "ho had been S%DD@N15 W!IS>@D AWA5 FR+M !@R +WN
'+%N$R5 AND S@$ D+WN IN $!@ MIDS$ +F A S$RANG@ 1AND----$he houses
o the Munch&ins "ere odd,loo&ing d"ellings/---A11 W@R@ PAIN$@D #1%@/ or in
this country o the @AS$ #1%@ WAS $!@ FAK+RI$@ '+1+R--- FIK@ 1I$$1@
FIDD1@RS P1A5@D AS 1+%D15 AS P+SSI#1@ AND $!@ P@+P1@ W@R@
1A%G!ING AND SINGING/ "hile a big table nearby "as loaded "ith D@1I'I+%S
FR%I$S Fthe programsG and N%$S/ PI@S/ and ca&es/ and many +$!@R G++D
$!INGS $+ @A$ Fscripts to ingestG-0
Monarch sla*es are threatened "ith ire/ li&e the Scarecro"- $hey also see people
dismembered li&e the Scarecro" "as dismembered- For them it is not an idle threat- $he
ront alters also ha*e hearts ull o pain li&e Scarecro"- 'ertain alters are not gi*en
courage and most ha*e their hearts ta&en rom them- $he alters "ho are programmed not
to ha*e hearts are hypnotically told the same thing the $in Man says/ 0I could be human
i I only had a heart-0 (See 'hapter 6/ "here it discusses hypnosurgery-) Some alters are
taught they are stupid and ha*e no brain- Scarecro" is as&ed the ;uestion/ 0!o" can you
tal& "ithout a brain3 Scarecro" ans"ers/ 0Some people "ithout a brain can do a lot o
@merald 'ity is used in programming- @merald 'ity in the programming "ill be "ell
guarded and hard to reach- Se*eral important things "ill be placed inside
the @merald 'ity / including the deeper Illuminati alters- 'astles are used in the
programming- 1ots o castles/ either in the mindOs imagery or purely demoniac are
placed into the sla*eOs mind- Winged mon&eys are able to "atch in the mo*ies
some"hat as spy satellites- Winged mon&eys are used in the programming to create a
ear o al"ays being "atched-
$he Flo"ers used in the mo*ie and boo&s/ are also used in the programming- $he "itch
uses poppy lo"ers to put the lion and Dorothy to sleep- +pium and cocaine are used to
tran;uilize Monarch sla*es- An alter o a sla*e "ill get trancy "hen they enter the poppy
ield- (!eroin and cocaine come rom poppies-) In the ilm/ Dorothy says/ 0What is
happening3 IOm so sleepy-0 She and the lion get sleepy or no apparent reason *ery
;uic&ly- Monarch sla*es do the same thing- Wa&ing up "ith sno" in the mo*ie is
nothing less than an allusion to cocaine "hich is a common substance gi*en to Monarch
sla*es to help ma&e them dependent-
Dorothy states at one point in the mo*ie that she 0doesnOt remember0- She then ollo"s
this up "ith 0I guess it doesnOt matter-0 !our glasses appear in the mo*ie in se*eral
spots/ and they also occur in *arious conte=ts in people "ho ha*e been programmed by
the Monarch programming- Some *ictims o the programming ha*e hour glass
conigurations each created around a separate a=is- $he hour glasses ha*e the ability to
be rotated "hich causes certain alters to be brought or"ard- Monarch sla*e masters
ha*e also used hour glasses to indicate to their sla*es that death "as imminent and that
time "as running out- $his is the "ay the "ic&ed "itch used the hour glass on Dorothy/
"ho happens to be sa*ed 2ust as the hour glass runs out-
Some Monarch sla*e masters actually ha*e large hour glasses (sometimes 9O high) li&e
in the mo*ie- (In 'athy +O#rienOs autobiography o her lie as a Monarch sla*e
$ransormation o America she has a photograph o Sec- o Deense 'heneyOs hour glass
on his des& "ith him seated- $his hour glass "as used to threaten her as a sla*e-)
When a Monarch sla*e sees an hour glass they may s"itch/ but basically it is a reminder
that the sla*e masters ha*e the po"er to run a personOs time out- +ne sla*e "as told/
0$he sand that sits through the hourglass is a measure o your "orthiness to li*e or
die-0 $he hour glass shape is basically t"o triangles "hich touch at their pea&s/ or an V
coniguration "ith the tops o the V ha*ing lines- $he childOs mind is to *isualize this
coniguration as a compass/ as the our points N/ S/ @/ W/ they are to see the V
coniguration also as an =/ y a=is upon "hich a city is structured upon- $he hour glass
then is tied to se*eral other concepts "hich integrate themsel*es "ell "ith the basic V
shape o the hour glass- 'ircles "ith VOs are stac&ed on top o each other to orm the
dierent "orlds "hich contain the alters- $he t"o pie shaped pieces o the hour glass
"ill hold one "orld/ "hile the hour glass coniguration made by the other t"o ad2acent
pieces hold the loo&ing glass mirror images o each alter- @ach hour glass is called 8
;uadrants- $o remo*e 6 ;uadrants "ould o course ta&e both alters and mirror images
"ith it-
In mathematics/ it could be stated that regular alters are in ;uadrant =/y and ,=/ ,y- And
that the loo&ing glass people,,the mirror images/ early splits made rom each alter as a
copy/ are in ;uadrants ,=/ y and =/ ,y- (See the chapter on ho" to structure a System)
0'lic& your heel together and be there in a snap0 is both in the mo*ie and in the
programming cues-
Military Monarch sla*e models are especially taught to clic& their heels together-
(Boseph Mengele/ Dr- #lac&/ Michael A;uino and others also li&ed to clic& their Nazi
boots together "hile they programmed children-)
0SI1@N'@J0 is both in the mo*ie and a command o the +z Programming- $his "ord
SI1@N'@ stands or a code o 0no tal&0 "hich runs deep in the mind o the sla*e- As in
the mo*ie/ certain sla*e alters "ill tal& to their masters as Dorothy did/ 0I you please/
Sir---0 $he &eys (and triggers) to control the s"itching o personalities and to gi*e orders
are re;uently based on Wizard o +z material-
A Monarch sla*e o"ner might use cues based on the Wizard o +z such as 0$!@R@OS A
PAIR +F MAGI' S!+@S $+ W@AR WI$! 5+%R DR@SS---S+M@$!ING IN
1IG!$@NING---$+ $RANSP+R$ 5+% FAS$@R $!AN $!@ +1O R%#5
S1IPP@RS-0 (Iuote rom +O#rien/ 'athy- 0+peration 'arrier Pigeon0/ Monograph/ pg-
8-) A cryptic death threat gi*en to 'athy as a sla*e by handler Sec- o Deense 'heney to
&ill her daughter by ta&ing o her daughterOs ears "as then bac&ed up by the hypnotic
command based on Wizard o +z programming/ 0IO11 G@$ !@R/ M5 PR@$$5- -
-5+%R 1I$$1@ GIR1-0
$he programming that is related to the $in Man produces a monarch sla*e "hich is
described as 0A W@11 +I1@D MA'!IN@0 by the handlers- %-S- Sen- Allen Simpson/
one o the perpetrators o the Monarch Program/ reerred to the $in Man programming
"hen he told a sla*e 0$!@S@ AR@ #%$ @MP$5 S!@11S +F $!@ 1IF@ $!@5
W@R@ +N'@ P+SS@SS@D- 1I>@ 5+% AR@,,@MP$5 AND K+ID +F 1IF@-0
Phrases li&e 0troubles melt0 can be ound in both the mo*ie and in the programming-
1etOs no" co*er "hat programming is based on the +z boo&s/ that isnOt ound in the
mo*ie- A great deal o the +z programming comes rom the boo&s/ o "hich only the
irst boo& "as used or the mo*ie- $he public is amiliar "ith the mo*ie "hich is based
on the irst one/ but in general doesnOt &no" the other boo&s e=ist- We "ill not go
through the scripts o all ?6 boo&s,,there isnOt room or that/ but by going through a e"
o the boo&s/ the reader "ill begin to see the massi*e amount o material "hich "as
used or programming scripts in the +z boo&s- It is one thing to say/ the Wizard o +z
"as used as a mind,control programming script/ but that doesnOt con*ey the e=tent o it-
1arge sections o the ?6 boo&s are almost perect or mind,control- I you ta&e the
trouble to read these ;uotes/ you may ind yoursel startled at "hat you thought at irst
glance "as a nice child storyJ
Pg- 9C #oo& ? $he Wizard o +z4 0$hat is true/0 said the Scarecro"- 05ou see/0 he
continued/ conidently/ 0I D+NO$ MIND M5 1@GS AND ARMS AND #+D5 #@ING
S$%FF@D/ #@'A%S@ I 'ANN+$ G@$ !%R$- IF AN5+N@ $R@ADS +N M5 $+@S
+R S$I'>S A PIN IN$+ M@/ I$ D+@SNO$ MA$$@R/ F+R I 'ANO$ F@@1 I$-0 $his
is teaching dissociation- $he sla*es actually do ha*e pins E needles stuc& into them/ or
toothpic&s under their ingernails/ etc- I anyone as&s the sla*e a ;uestion they can say
according to the script/ 0I donOt &no" anything-0 $he inant sla*e "ill be taught "ords
li&e this 0S$I'>S E S$+N@S MA5 #R@A> M5 #A'>/ #%$ W+RDS WI11
N@K@R !%R$ M@/ #@'A%S@ IOM N+$ !@R@-0
Pg- 6? #oo& ? $he Wizard o +z4 0It ne*er hurt him/ ho"e*er/ and Dorothy "ould pic&
him up and set him upon his eet again/ "hile he 2oined her in laughing merrily at his
o"n mishap-0 $his is teaching the programming 0I$OS +->-/ I$ D+@SNO$ MA$$@R/
N+$!ING WR+NG !@R@0 that the sla*e is taught to tell the "orld-
Pg- 6< #oo& ? $he Wizard o +z4 0nest o rats in the stra"/ ---at the scarecro"-0 $he
mice in a Monarch System "hich control the turning o the ;uadrantOs cloc&/ hide rom
the scarecro"-
Pg- 68 #oo& ? $he Wizard o +z4 0e"er ruit trees---0 I the sla*e eats the ruit Fcode or
programsG "ithout permission/ the d"ar munch&ins "ill beat the alter "ith their clubs-
Also on this page !+M@ is called >ANSAS/ and it is described as 0ho" gray
e*erything "as there-0 In other "ords/ reality isnOt as great and colorul as the ma&e
belie*e internal "orld you can build in your mind to escape this hell "eOre gi*ing you-
Pg- 69 #oo& ? $he Wizard o +z4 ---$he Scarecro" loo&ed at her reproachully/ and
ans"ered/ 0My lie has been so short that I really &no" nothing "hate*er- I "as only
made day beore yesterday- What happened in the "orld beore that time is all un&no"n
to me- 1uc&ily/ "hen the armer made my head/ one o the irst things he did "as to
paint my ears/ so that I heard "hat "as going on-0 $his is the script read to ne" alters/
to help them ha*e a clean slate beore programming them "ith another ne" script- $his
is coupled "ith the Wizard o +z theme that the Wizard gi*es brains ("hat to thin&) to
the Scarecro"- $he alters are hypnotically programmed that i they thin& on their o"n,,
then they are empty headed li&e the Scarecro"- $hey can only ha*e something in their
head i they let the Wizard gi*e them "hat to thin&-
Pg- 6: #oo& ? $he Wizard o +z4 0It "as a lonely lie to lead/ or I had nothing to thin&
o/ ha*ing been made such a little "hile beore-0 $his is part o the script read a ne"
Pg- 6C #oo& ? $he Wizard o +z4 0So the Scarecro" led her through the trees until they
reached the cottage/ and Dorothy entered and ound a bed o dried lea*es in one corner-
She lay do"n at once/ and "ith $oto beside her/ soon ell into a sound sleep- the
Scarecro" "ho "as ne*er tired/ stood up in another corner and "aited---0 $his "as used
to program part o a script or an Illuminati ceremony-
Pg- :D #oo& ? $he Wizard o +z4 0So the old "oman "ent to the "ic&ed Witch o the
@ast/ and promised her t"o sheep and a co" i she "ould pre*ent the marriage-
$hereore/ upon the "ic&ed Witch enchanted my a=e/ and "hen I "as chopping
a"ay---the a=e slipped all at once and cut o my let leg- 0$his at irst seemed a great
misortune/ or I &ne" a one,legged man could not do *ery "ell as a "oodchopper- So I
"ent to a tinsmith and had him ma&e me a ne" leg out o tin- $he leg "or&ed *ery "ell/
once I "as used to itM but my action angered the "ic&ed Witch o the @ast/ or she had
promised the old "oman I should not marry the pretty Munch&in girl- When I began
chopping again my a=e slipped and cut o my right leg- Again I "ent to the tinner/ and
again he made me a leg out o tin- Ater this the enchanted a=e cut o my arms/ one ater
the otherM but/ nothing daunted/ I had them replaced "ith tin ones- $he "ic&ed Witch
then made the a=e slip and cut o my head/ and at irst I thought that "as the end o me-
#ut the tinner happened to come along/ and he made me a ne" head out o tin-0 $his is
an Illuminati ceremony script done by Dr- Mengele "ith children at a *ery young age- It
"as a blood oath to 0Green0 that i they let anyone touch the programming they "ould
cut themsel*es-
Pg- :C #oo& ? $he Wizard o +z4 0---splitting me into t"o hal*es- +nce more the tinner
came to my help and made me a body o tin/ astening my tin arms---#ut alasJ I had no"
no heart/ so that I lost all my lo*e or the Munch&in girl--- I had &no"n "as the loss o
my heart- While I "as in lo*e I "as the happiest man on earthM but no one can lo*e "ho
has not a heart/ and so I am resol*ed to as& +z to gi*e me one-0
Pg- AA #oo& ? $he Wizard o +z4 $he Scarecro"/ the $in Woodsman and Dorothy
e=pect that the Wizard o +z can gi*e a brain/ a heart/ and send Dorothy bac&
to >ansas - %nder programming the Master as the Wizard can gi*e alters "hat he "ants
including sending them bac& to >ansas (their internal reality)-
Pg- DD #oo& ? $he Wizard o +z/ 0---they could see the road o yello" bric& running
through a beautiul country/ "ith green meado"s dotted "ith bright lo"ers and all the
road bordered "ith trees hanging ull o delicious ruits-0 $his is used or the imagery o
the yello" bric& road-
Pg- CD #oo& ? $he Wizard o +z4 0Scarlet poppies---their odor is so po"erul that
anyone "ho breathes it alls asleep/ and i the sleeper is not carried a"ay rom the scent
o the lo"ers he sleeps on and on ore*er- #ut Dorothy did not &no" this/ nor could she
get a"ay rom the bright red lo"ers that "ere e*ery"here aboutM so presently her eyes
gre" hea*y and she elt she must sit do"n to rest and to sleep-0 $his is an important
part o the programming- $his is the story line or trancing deep-
Pg- ??8 #oo& ? $he Wizard o +z4 0$hen the Guardian o the Gates put on his o"n
glasses and told them he "as ready to sho" them to the palace- $a&ing a big golden &ey
rom a peg on the "all he opened another gate/ and they all ollo"ed him through the
portal into the streets o the @merald 'ity -0 $his is helpul imagery in setting up the
internal @merald 'ity and its guards-
Boo* 8. O,"a o& O,
Pg- 8< #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0#ut the "ind/ as i satisied at last "ith its mischie*ous
pran&s/ stopped blo"ing this ocean and hurried a"ay to another part o the "orld to
blo" something elseM so that the "a*es/ not being 2oggled any more/ began to ;uiet
do"n and beha*e themsel*es-0 %sed to create protecti*e programming/ notice ho" the
"ind is personiied-
pg- 89 #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0So she sat do"n in a corner o the coop/ leaned her bac&
against the slats/ nodded at the riendly stars beore she closed her eyes/ and "as asleep
in hal a minute-0 Alters may be trained to trance "hen placed in a corner-
Pg- 8D #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0No/ indeedM I ne*er care to hatch eggs unless IO *e a nice
snug nest/ in some ;uiet place/ "ith a ba&erOs dozen o eggs under me- $hatOs thirteen/
you &no"/ and itOs a luc&y number or hens- So you may as "ell eat this egg-0 $his has
been used oten to get ?9 splits "hen torturing- Many Illuminati Systems "ere set up on
?9 grids-
Pg- 9< #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0Ne=t to the "ater Fprogramming cue to build AtlantisG "as
a broad beach o "hite sand and gra*el Fprogramming cue to build $royG/ and arther
bac& "ere se*eral roc&y hills/ "hile beyond these appeared a strip o green trees
Fprogramming cue to build a green orestG that mar&ed the edge o a orest- #ut there
"ere no houses to be seen/ nor any sign o people Fprogramming cue or alters to be
in*isibleG "ho might inhabit this un&no"n land-0 $his page along "ith others near it/
ha*e been used to build the structures in the internal "orld o Illuminati sla*es- In
brac&ets are a sample o ho" it could be used "hen building an internal "orld-
Pg- 96 #oo& 9 +zma o +z04 0Why eating li*e things----5ou ought to be ashamed o
yourselJ0 0Goodness meJ0 returned the hen/ in a puzzled toneM ho" ;ueer you are/
DorothyJ 1i*e things are much resher and more "holesome than dead ones/ and you
humans eat all sorts o dead creatures-0 $his is used to encourage cannabalism-
Pg- 9: #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0---a large sized golden &ey-0 $o encourage the imagery o
golden &eys/ "hich are used re;uently in the internal system- $he ne=t chapter 01etter
in the Sand0 has singing trees in it/ "hich ha*e been popular items or the Illuminati due
to their druid belies-
Pg- 97 #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0#ye/ bye/ and bye/ "hen she "as almost in despair/ the
little girl came upon t"o trees that promised to urnish her "ith plenty o ood- +ne "as
;uite ull o s;uare paper bo=es/ "hich gre" in clusters on all the limbs/ and upon the
biggest and ripest bo=es the "ord O1unchO could be read/ in neat letters- $he tree seemed
to bear all the year around/ or there "ere lunch,bo= blossoms on some o the branches/
and on others tiny little lunch,bo=es that "ere as yet ;uite green/ and e*idently not it to
eat-0 #o=es are built internally in the sla*eOs mind and a bo= "ill contain a program- $he
ood is the programming that the sla*e is to eat and digest- $he programming in the bo=
might be songs/ nursery rhymes/ or a poem or anything- (+n page 6?/ there is a ull page
picture o a girl pic&ing a lunch,pail rom a tree limb to eat it-)
Pg- 6< #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0$he little girl stood on tip,toe and pic&ed one o the nicest
and biggest lunch,bo=es/ and then she sat do"n upon the ground and eagerly opened it-
Inside she ound/ nicely "rapped in "hite papers/ a ham sand"ich/ a piece o sponge,
ca&e/ a pic&le/ a slice o ne" cheese and an apple- @ach thing had a separate
stem/---0 $he lunch,bo=es on the tree are the programs "hich the programmers put in-
$he stems are "hat lin& the programming stories together in the childOs mind-
Pg- 68 #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0I had a pair o sil*er shoes/ that carried me through the
air- --said Dorothy-0 In the programming sil*er shoes are used as cues to go into altered
states (i-e- through the air-)
Pg- 66 #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0embroidered garments o many colors0 'olor
programming or the ribbons-
Pg- 6D #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0WeOll get you in time/ ne*er earJ And "hen "e do get you/
"eOll tear you into little bits-0 0Why are you so cruel to me3 as&ed Dorothy- 0IOm a
stranger in your country/ and ha*e done you no harm-0 0No harmJ0 cried one "ho
seemed to be their leader- 0Did you not pic& our lunch,bo=es and dinner pails3 !a*e you
not a stolen dinner,pail still in your hand3 ---it is the la" here that "hoe*er pic&s a
dinner,pail "ithout our permission must die immediately-0 $he programming message
to all o this is that no one had better touch the dinner,pails "hich represent the
programs or they are to die immediately- Armies li&e in the story guard the internal
programming o the sla*e-
Pg- :? #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 $hese pages describe a crac& in roc&s that is a door- $his is
used or Petra programming-
Pg- :8 #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0golden &ey0---0"ithin the narro" chamber o roc& "as the
orm o a man,,or/ at least/ it seemed li&e a man---his head and limbs "ere copper- Also
his head and limbs "ere copper/ and these "ere 2ointed or hinged to his body in a
peculiar "ay/ "ith metal caps o*er the 2oints/ li&e the armor "orn by &nights in days o
old-0 $hese are a SystemOs robots "hich are said by the programmers to be riends/ and
"hich are in*isible- 5ou can see other peopleOs robots but not oneOs o"n internal robots-
Pg- :9 #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0$his copper man is not ali*e at all-0 $he clone robots are
made to thin& they are not ali*e/ but 2ust robots- In reality they are little child alters
suited up to thin& they are robots-
Pg- :: #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0---bac& *ie" o the copper man/ and in this "ay disco*ered
a printed card that hung bet"een his shoulders/ it being suspended rom a small copper
peg at the bac& o his nec&-0 $he robots are put in by a combination o se*eral stories-
$he deep sea di*ers o 8</<<< 1eagues %nder the Sea/ and the Wizard o +zOs 'opper
Man reinorce each other- 0@=tra Responsi*e Mechanical man itted "ith our special
cloc&,"or& attachment- $hin&s/ Spea&s/ Acts/ and Does @*erything but 1i*e-
Manuactured only at our Wor&s at @*na/ 1and o @* - All inringements "ill be
promptly Prosecuted according to 1a"-0 $his huge sign is part o the robotic
programming the clone robots recei*e- Notice that they are drilled into total obedience,,
all inringements "ill be promptly Prosecuted- +bey the la" that your Master gi*es
Pg- :A #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0DIR@'$I+NS F+R %SING For $!IN>ING4 ,,Wind the
'loc&,"or& Man under his let arm/ (mar&ed No- ?) For SP@A>ING4 ,,Wind the 'loc&,
"or& Man under his right arm/ (mar&ed No- 8) For WA1>ING4 ,,Wind 'loc&,"or& in
the ,middle o his bac&/ (mar&ed No- 9) N-#-,,$his Mechanism is guaranteed to "or&
perectly or a thousand years-0 $hese instructions "ere used to build Dr- GreenOs
(MengeleOs) bo=es and the robots-
Pg- :C #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0$he "ords sounded a little hoarse and crea&ey/ and they
"ere uttered all in the same tone/ "ithout any change o e=pression "hate*erM but both
Dorothy and #illina understood them perectly-0 $his "as used to program the internal
robots to spea& in unison and to repeat themsel*es-
Pg- A< #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0Ater that I re,mem,ber noth,ing until you "ound me up a,
gain-0 $he internal robots orget and then are prepared again or "ar-
Pg- A8 #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0From this time orth I am your o,be,di,ent ser*ant- What,
e*,er you com,mand/ that I "ill do "ill,ing,ly,,i you &eep me "ound up-0 $his is used
to teach the internal robots obedience to their programming-
Pg- AD #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0Within the pail "ere three slice o tur&ey/ t"o slices o
cold tongue/ some lobster salad/ our slices o bread and butter/ a small custard pie/ an
orange and nine large stra"berries and some nuts and raisins- Singularly enough/ the
nuts in this dinner,pail gre" already crac&ed/ so that Dorothy had no trouble in pic&ing
out their meats to eat-0 $his is gi*en to ront alters as the ront programming so that
they see the programs as only 0ruit0-
Pg- AC #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0Do the lunch,bo= trees and the dinner,pail trees belong to
the Wheelers3 the child as&ed $i&to&/ "hile engaged in eating her meal- O+ course not/O
he ans"ered- O$hey belong to the roy,al am,il,y o @*/ on,ly o course there is no roy,al
am,il,y 2ust no" be,cause >ing @*,ol,do 2umped in,to the sea and his "ie and ten
children ha*e been trans,ormed by the Nome >ing---you "ill ind the roy,al O@O stamped
up,on the bottom o e*,er,y din,ner pail-0 $he Nome >ing in the programming became
the ruler o the demonsLsystem "ithin the Monarch system- Se*eral story lines rom a
number o sources are o*erlapped to reinorce the programming scripts- $he
programmers "ill use other stories to introduce themsel*es into the system too- In case
readers donOt &no"/ a Monarch system "ill ha*e hidden po"erul alters that are made in
the image o their programmers/ that ser*e as personal representati*es o the
Pg- D7 #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0I am only a ma,chine/ and can,not eel sor,ro" or 2oy/ no
mat,ter "hat hap,pens-0 $his is teaching mechanical dissociation/ and coincides "ith $in
Man programming-
Pg- C9 #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0For the Princess 1ang"idere is a dierent person e*ery
time I see her/ and the only "ay her sub2ects can recognize her at all is by means o a
beautiul ruby &ey "hich she al"ays "ears on a chain attached to her let "rist- When
"e see the &ey "e &no" "e are beholding the Princess-0 0$hat is strange/0 said Dorothy/
in astonishment- 0Do you mean to say that so many dierent princesses are one and the
same person30 0Not e=actly/0 ans"ered the Wheeler- 0$here is/ o course/ but one
princessM but she appears to us in many orms/ "hich are all more or less
beautiul-0 DoesnOt this sound li&e MPDJ Did Fran& #aum &no" about MPD3
Pg- 7< #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0Princess 1ang"idereOs sitting,room "as panelled "ith
great mirrors/ "hich reached rom the ceiling to the loorM also the ceiling "as composed
o mirrors/ and the loor "as o polished sil*er that relected e*ery ob2ect upon it- So
"hen 1ang"idere sat in her easy chair and played sot melodies upon her mandolin/ her
orm "as mirrored hundreds o times/ in "alls/ and ceilings and loor/ and "hiche*er
"ay---0 $his is the mirror programming that has been done to so many *ictimsJ
Pg- 7? #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0No" I must e=plain to you that the Princess 1ang"idere
had thirty heads-0 IsnOt this story line con*enient or programming3
Pg- 76 #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0---1ang"idere to a position in ront o cupboard No- ?D/ the
Princess unloc&ed the door "ith her ruby &ey and ater handing head No-7/ "hich she
had been "earing/ to the maid/ she too& No- ?D rom its shel and itted it to her
nec&----$here "as one trouble "ith No- ?DM the temper that "ent "ith it (and "hich "as
hidden---)"as iery/ harsh and haughty in the e=treme/ and it oten led the Princess to do
unpleasant things "hich she regretted "hen she came to "ear her other heads-0 Does
the reader see ho" this is programming to s"itch personalities- And personality No- ?D
is loc&ed up,,"hich is a common programming methodology- $he iery/ harsh anger,,
those are the demonic imps that the *ictim is coached to accept as normal "hich are
layered in- (See chapter ?<)-
Pg- 7C #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0O$o hear is to obey/O ans"ered the big red colonel/ and
caught the child by the arm-0
pg- 77 #oo& 9 +zma o +z/ 0---the colonel had by this time managed to get upon his eet
again/ so he grabbed ast hold o the girl and she "as helpless to escape-0
Pg- ?<8 #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0+nce a cyclone had carried her across it/ and a magical
pair o sil*er shoes had carried her bac& again-0
Pg- ?<9 #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0Fist came a magniicent golden chariot/ dra"n by a great
1ion and an immense $iger/ "ho stood shoulder to shoulder and trotted along as
graceully as a "ell,matched team o thoroughbred horses- And standing upright "ithin
the chariot "as a beautiul girl clothed in lo"ing robes o sil*er gauze and "earing a
2e"eled diadem upon her dainty head- She held in one hand the satin ribbons that guided
her astonishing team/ and in the other an i*ory "and that separated at the top into t"o
prongs/ the prongs being tipped by the letters O<O and OUO/ made o glistening diamonds set
closely together-0 $he "ay this "as used or programming is that guard alters are made
out o &ittens/ "ho belie*e they are ierce tigers and lions and other "ild cats- +zma/
represents the Illuminati Iueen Mother "ith her cro"n and scepter-
Pg- ?<6 #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 +n this page "e see +zma o +z/ the Scarecro"/ the Sa",
!orse/ the $in Woodman/ and soldiers- $hese characters "ere used in the programming-
$o"ard the bottom o the page is something that "as built into the Systems so that alters
"ould stay in place in their internal "orld/ 0---the green carpet rolled itsel up again---In
order that their eet might not come in contact "ith the deadly/ lie,destroying sands o
the desert-0
Pg- ??D #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0Dorothy too& the &ey to $i&to& rom her poc&et and
"ound up the machine manOs action/ so that he could bo" properly "hen introduced to
the rest o the company-0
Pg- ??7,?8< #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0 O1et me introduce to you a ne" riend o mine/ the
!ungry $iger-0---he displayed t"o ro"s o terrible teeth and a mouth big enough to
startle anyone-O ODreadully hungry/0 ans"ered the $iger/ snapping his 2a"s together "ith
a ierce clic&-0O $his is programming or deeper cats in an alter system- $he ne=t page
tells ho" this is used to teach the child alter cannibalism- 0---the tiger- 0For my part/ IOm a
sa*age beast/ and ha*e an appetite or all sorts o poor li*ing creatures/ rom a chipmon&
to at babies-O O!o" dreadulJO said Dorothy- OIsnOt it/ though3O returned the !ungry $iger
lic&ing his lips "ith his long red tongue- OFat babiesJ DonOt they sound delicious3 ---I I
had no conscience I "ould probably eat the babies and then get hungry again/ "hich
"ould mean that I had sacriiced the poor babies or nothing----For it is the nature o
tigers to be cruel and erocious/ and in reusing to eat harmless li*ing creatures I am
acting as no good tiger has e*er beore acted-0 $his part o the boo& is used to help
teach the child alters "hich thin& they are tigers to be cannibalistic and actually
participate in eating babies- $his is all ilmed to be used against the mind,controlled
Pg- ?9<,9 ? #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0 ONo one &no"s/ e=actly/O replied the Princess- OFor the
>ing/ "hose name is Ro;uat o the Roc&s/ o"ns a splendid palace underneath the great
mountain "hich is at the north end o this &ingdom/ and he has transormed the ;ueen
and her children into ornaments and bric,a,brac "ith "hich to decorate his rooms-O0 OIOd
li&e to &no"/0 said Dorothy/ OWho this Nome >ing is3O0 OI "ill tell you/ replied +zma-
O!e is said to be the Ruler o the %nderground World/ and commands the roc&s and all
that the roc&s contain- %nder his rule are many thousands o the Nomes/ "ho are ;ueerly
shaped but po"erul sprites that labor at the urnaces and orges o their &ing/ ma&ing
gold and sil*er and other metals "hich they conceal in the cre*ices o the roc&s/ so that
those li*ing upon the earthOs surace can only ind them "ith great diiculty- Also they
ma&e diamonds and rubies and emeralds/ "hich they hide in the groundM so that the
&ingdom o Nomes is "onderully rich/ and all "e ha*e o precious stones and sil*er
and gold is "hat "e ta&e rom the earth and roc&s "here the Nome >ing has hidden
them----the Ruler o the %nderground World is not ond o those "ho li*e upon the
earthOs surace/ and ne*er appears among us- I "e "ish to see >ing Ro;uat o the
Roc&s/ "e must *isit his "on country/ "here he is all po"erul/ and thereore it "ill be a
dangerous underta&ing----the urnaces o the Nome >ing----a single spar& o ire might
destroy me entirely-O O$he urnaces may also melt my tin/O said the $in WoodmanM but I
am going-0O OI canOt bear heat/O remar&ed the Princess--- 0 $his is used to program in the
d"ars "ho mine the 2e"els (programs)- $he d"ars are oten demonic imps or gnomes/
rather than being real alters-
Notice that the story line its in beautiully "ith the !ell Pit that the Programmers so
oten put at the basement o peopleOs minds- $he !ell Pit "ould ha*e programming to
ma&e someone burn- I someone approaches "here the D"ars li*e ("hich is deep
underground,,deep in the mind) they "ill burn- Notice again the "ords diamonds/
rubies/ emeralds/ sil*er and gold "hich are all parts o programming codes-
Pg- ?97 #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0 O#ut I &no" enough to obey my masters/ and to gid,dup/
or "hoa/ "hen IOm told to-0 $his is teaching obedience- 01o"er do"n the table "ere the
t"enty,se*en "arriors o +z-0 $his "as used to create alters "ithin the internal "orld-
Pg- ?6D,?6C #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 $he orm "as that o a gigantic man built out o plates
o cast iron/ and it stood "ith one oot on either side o the narro" road and s"ung o*er
its right shoulder an immense iron mallet/ "ith "hich it constantly pounded the earth-
$hese resounding blo"s e=plained the thumping sounds they had heard/ or the mallet
"as much bigger than a barrel/ and "here it struc& the path bet"een the roc&y sides o
the mountain it illed all the space through "hich our tra*elers "ould be obliged to pass-
+ course they at once halted/ a sae distance a"ay rom the terrible iron mallet- $he
magic carpet "ould do them no good in this case/ or it "as only meant to protect them
rom any dangers upon the ground beneath their eet/ and not rom dangers that
appeared in the air abo*e them- 0Wo"J0 said the 'o"ardly 1ion/ "ith a shudder- 0It
ma&es me dreadully ner*ous to see that big hammer pounding so near my head- +ne
blo" "ould crush me into a door,mat-0 0$he ir,on gi,ant is a ine ello"/0 said $i&to&/
0and "or&s as stead,i,ly as a cloc&- !e "as made or the Nome >ing by Smith E $in,
&er/ "ho made me/ and his du,ty is to &eep ol&s rom ind,ing the un,der,ground pal,
ace- Is he not a great "or& o art30--- 0No/0 replied the machineM 0he is only made to
pound the road/ and has no thin&,ing or spea&,ing at,tach,ment- #ut he pounds *e,ry
"ell/ I thin&-0--- 0Is there no "ay to stop his machinery30 0+n,ly the Nome >ing/ "ho
has the &ey/ can do that/0 ans"ered $i&to&----Mean"hile the giant continued to raise his
iron mallet high in the air and to stri&e the path terriic blo"s that echoed through the
mountains li&e the roar o cannon-0
$his "as used as the script to place in $hor/ a giant "ho protects the programming- Kery
se*ere split brain headaches are programmed to occur to the *ictim/ "hene*er the
internal $hor pounds his hammer- I the programming is threatened/ $hor and the imps
(demons) appear/ to protect it- $here are an entire series o e*ents using programming
and obedient alters that ta&es place to protect the programming/ i it is e*er threatened-
Pg- ?:7 #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0$here "as no reply/ e=cept that the shiting Nomes upon
the mountain laughed in derision- O5ou must not command the Nome >ing-O said $i&to&/
Oor you do not rule him/ as you do your o"n people-O 0 $he purpose o this part is to
prepare the childOs alters to accept that internal Iueens and other leading alters do not
rule the demons that are placed into their system/ and are not to order them around-
Pg- ?A9 #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0In the center o this room "as a throne car*ed out o a
solid boulder o roc&/ rude and rugged in shape but glittering "ith great rubies and
diamonds and emeralds on e*ery part o its surace- And upon the throne sat the Nome
pg- ?AD #oo& 9 +zma o +z/ on this page is a picture o the Nome >ing telling Dorothy
and +zma that/ 0$hey belong to me and I shall &eep them-0 In other "ords/ the imps and
their 2e"els belong to the &ing o the demons- Around his throne are steps "ith gems/
and this imagery "as used to build the internal gems in a system/ "ith SatanLthe
Anti'hristOs throne at the top o the stairs-
Pg- ?D< #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0Although this army consisted o roc&,colored Nomes/ all
s;uat and at/ they "ere clothed in glittering armor o polished steel/ inlaid "ith
beautiul gems- %pon his bro" each "ore a brilliant electric light/ and they bore sharp
spears and s"ords and battle,a=es i solid bronze- It "as e*ident they "ere perectly
trained/ or they stood in straight ro"s/ ran& ater ran&/ "ith their "eapons held erect
and true/ as i a"aiting but the "ord o command to le*el them upon their oes-0 O$his/O
said the Nome >ing/ Ois but a small part o my army- No ruler upon @arth has e*er dared
to ight me/ and no ruler e*er "ill/ or I am too po"erul to oppose-0 $his "as to help
build acceptance "ithin the child o the layering o armies o demons-
Pg- ?C</ #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0For upon the edge o the table rested a pretty
grasshopper/ that seemed to ha*e been ormed rom a single emerald-0 $he ne=t page
has a picture o a grasshopper "earing a hat and many shoes- $his "as used to help the
*ictim ta&e the hypnotic suggestion that their programmer "as a grasshopper/ a cric&et-
Mengele used a clic&er "hich helped "ith this hypnotic suggestion too-
Pg- ?C8,?C9 #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0---the >ing returned to his throne---- they "ere greatly
Page ??: ---- disheartened by---the &no"ledge that she "as no" an ornament in the Nome
>ingOs palace,,a dreadul/ creepy place in spite o all its magniicance- Without their
little leader they did not &no" "hat to do ne=t/ and each one/ do"n to the trembling
pri*ate o the army/ began to ear he "ould soon be more ornamental than useul----O
Ne*er mind/O said the 2olly monarch- OI he doesnOt care to enter the palace---IOll thro" him
into one o my iery urnaces-O
Pg- ?C6 #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0---t"enty,si= oicers iled into the palace and made their
guesses,,,and became ornaments-0 Story line used to program parts to become useul
ornaments- 0---he "ore a hea*y gold chain around his nec& to sho" that he "as the 'hie
Ste"ard o the Nome >ing---0 Many o the abusers signiy their po"er to the sla*es/ by
"earing a gold chain around their nec&-
Pg- ?CA #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 +n this page it states that some magical po"er ga*e the
>ing the ability to &no" all that too& place in his palace- #y crediting their abilities to an
occult magical dimension/ the programmers enhanced their appearance o po"er to the
child *ictim-
Pg- ?78 #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 +n this page and the surrounding pages/ the people "ho
ha*e become ornaments are also assigned colors- $he Iueen o @* 0are all ornaments o
a royal purple color-0 and 0all those people rom +z into green ornaments-0
Pg- ?76 #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 OI I "ore the magic belt "hich enables you to "or& all
your transormations/ and gi*es you so much other po"er----What color "ill you ma&e
the >ansas girl3 as&ed the Ste"ard- OGray/ I thin&/O said his Ma2esty- OAnd the Scarecro"
and the machine man3O O+h/ they shall be o solid gold/ because they are so ugly in real
lie-O $his "as the script to bring in the color programming- 'olor programming is
discussed in the Structuring chapter (D) and the Internal 'ontrols chapter (??) dealing
"ith the internal computers/ and in chapter 6 "here the codes are gi*en-
Pg- ?78 #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 OWhat more do you "ant3O demanded the >ing- OA at baby-
I "ant a at baby/O said the !ungry $iger- OA nice/ plump/ 2uicy/ tender/ at baby-O When
the alters are orced to accept that they are tigers and other cats/ then they are
encouraged (orced) into cannibalism-
Pg- 8<< #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0So $i&to& touched a yello" glass *ase that had daisies
painted on one side/ and he spo&e at the same time the "ord O@*-O ---- In a lash the
machine man had disappeared/---0 $his "as part o the programming to introduce
daisies and s"itching-
Pg- 8<? #oo& 9 +zma o +z4 0Ne=t she touched the image o a purple &itten that stood
on the corner o a mantel/ and as she pronounced the "ord O@*O the &itten disappeared/
and a pretty/ air,haired boy stood beside her-0 $his is teaching the s"itching o alters
and their color programming- We "ill stop our co*erage o the +zma o +z boo& here-
We ha*e only partially co*ered only t"o o the ?6 +z boo&s/ all o "hich "ere used as
programming scripts- $here are many more sections in this series o ?6 boo&s that
ser*ed as programming scripts/ but the reader has got the basic idea- It is still important
to go o*er ho" some o the other boo&s "ere used in programming/ so that the reader
begins to see ho" the story lines assist in programming/ and ho" the story lines are so
re;uently tied together rom perhaps ?8 dierent stories to reinorce one alterOs
A$ice In Wonde$and
A$ice Thou(h the 9oo*in( G$a%%
OI canOt belie*e thatJO said Alice - O'anOt you3O the Iueen said in a pitying tone- O$ry again4
dra" a long breath/ and shut your eyes-O Alice laughed- O$hereOs no use trying/O she said-
O+ne canOt belie*e impossible things-O OI dare say you ha*enOt had much practice/O said the
Iueen- OWhen I "as your age/ I al"ays did it or hal an hour a day- Why/ sometimes
IO*e belie*ed as many as si= impossible things beore brea&ast-0
$he chapter 0Which Dreamed It0 in Alice $hrough the 1oo&ing Glass has se=ual
programming/ the Red Iueen is purring- $he story "here Walruses ma&e belie*e it is
oysters is used or programming- +ther se=ual programming occurs in the chapter 0ItOs
my o"n in*ention0 "here the >night In 'rimson (E White) Armor are prisoners "hich
dual or her-
$"eedle Dee E $"eedle Dum is used or SEM programming/ "hich has a hand signal
in*ol*ing rotating the thumbs o a clasp hand- Alters go through the loo&ing glass/ and
all do"n an oa& tree by alling into a deeper and deeper trance- Monarch programming
is a relection o ho" SatanOs mind "or&s-
1e"is 'arroll Os boo& "ith its in*ersion themes its in "ith this type o thin&ing- 1e"is
'arroll lo*ed the humor o logical contradictions- In the boo&/ Alice "onders i cats eat
bats or bats eat cats/ and she is told that to say "hat she means is not the same as
meaning "hat she says- When she eats the let side o the mushroom/ she gro"s largeM
the right side has the re*erse eect- $hese changes in size are in themsel*es re*ersals- A
large girl and small puppy end up to be a large puppy and a small girl-
In Syl*ia and #runo/ "e are presented "ith an antigra*ity "ool that can be placed into a
parcel to ma&e it "eigh less than nothing/ a "atch that re*erses time/ a blac& light/ and a
pro2ecti*e plane "ith outside inside and inside outside- $he sla*e learns that @,K,I,1 is
simply 1,I,K,@ bac&"ards- In the loo&ing glass "orld/ the Red Iueen &no"s o a hill so
large that compared to it the hill in ;uestion is a *alley- Also she &no"s o dry biscuits
"hich ;uench thirst/ a messenger "ho "hispers by shouting/ and Alice "ho runs as ast
as she can to stay in one place- (Sometimes it seems "e really do ha*e to run ast to stay
in place-) $he >ing o !earts thin&s its not unusual to "rite letters to nobody/ and the
White >ing compliments Alice on ha*ing &een enough eyesight to see nobody at a great
distance do"n the road-
'an you see "hy this boo& "as so good to program us3 In the boo& $hrough the
1oo&ing Glass all asymmetrical ob2ects (that means all ob2ects "hich canOt be
superimposed on their mirrored image) 0go the other "ay-0 $here are let,right re*ersals-
$"eedledee and $"eedledum are mirror image t"ins- $he White >night sings about
s;ueezing his right oot into a let shoe/ and there are se*eral mentions o cor&scre"s- A
!eli= (a cor&scre") is an asymmetric structure "ith distinct let and right orms-
$he boo&Os type o thin&ing "as e=tended beyond asymmetrical ob2ects to asymmetrical
relations o all types- For e=ample/ Alice "al&s bac&"ard/ in the rail"ay carriage the
guard tells her she is tra*eling the "rong "ay-
$he &ing has t"o messengers/ 0one to come and one to go-0 $he White Iueen e=plains
the ad*antages o li*ing bac&"ard in time/ the loo&ing glass ca&e is handed around irst/
then sliced- +dd and e*en numbers/ "hich are e;ui*alent to let and right or on and o
are "or&ed into the story at se*eral points- For instance/ the White Iueen re;uests 2am
e*ery other day-
Going through the loo&ing glass ta&es us to a "orld "here the ordinary "orld is turned
upside do"n and bac&"ard- $hings go e*ery "hich "ay e=cept the "ay they are
supposed to go- Anti,matter is a mirror image- Anti,matter mil& "ill e=plode Alice / but
an Anti,matter Alice on the other side o the loo&ing glass can drin& the anti,matter
In 'hapter ?? Alice captures the Red Iueen- It results in a legitimate chec&mate o the
Red >ing/ "ho has slept through the entire li*e size chess game "ithout mo*ing- $he
chec&mate ends the dream/ but lea*es open in the story the ;uestion o "hether the
dream "as Alice Os or the Red >ingOs- $he programming has so oten been only a dream
to us- $he outside "orld "as so oten 2ust an unreal dream to us- What "as real and "hat
"as not real3 $he real "orld (or other people) "as ull o contradictions/ and the unreal
"orld (our internal "orld) "as consistent- @*erything "as upside do"n/ or"ards and
In the 1oo&ing Glass boo&/ one shuttles bac& and orth mysteriously bet"een real and
dream "orlds- 0So/ either IO*e been dreaming about lie or I only dream that lie is but a
dream-OO As a sla*e brea&s a"ay rom the programming/ lie becomes a be"ildering
conusion as the sla*e is pulled bet"een t"o "orlds- $he internal "orld has e*erything
the alter needs/ the e=ternal "orld is a harsh cold reality that doesnOt ha*e much to oer-
People in the e=ternal "orld can help ma&e it real or a sla*e- $he handlers "ill ne*er do
this- Alters "ill need a reason to "ant to come out o the internal reality "hich they are
programmed to belie*e in- For so long much o lie "as seen as a dream- It "ill be hard
to get a grasp on "hat "as real and "hat "as the lie- Many o the lies are more real than
the truth- 1ie "as sometimes li&e the parallel dreams o the Red >ing and Alice/ li&e
t"o mirrors acing each other-
The Ta$$ Boo* o& /a*e#Be$ie!e
$his boo& "as published by !arper E Ro" in ?7:< and "as indeed tall/ the pages being
60 = 7 ?L80- +n page ?6/ the programmer "ould read the irst paragraph o the poem and
then say 0sleep/ sleep/ sleep-0 0!a*e you e*er heard o the Sugar,Plum $ree3 O$is a
mar*el o great reno"nJ It blooms on the shore o the 1ollypop Sea in
the garden o Shut,@ye $o"nM $he ruit that it bears is so "ondrously s"eet (As those
"ho ha*e tasted it say) $hat good little children ha*e only to eat o that ruit to be happy
ne=t day- Sleep/ Sleep/ Sleep-0
+n page ?A,?D/ there is a story about ho" a child is dragged under the &itchen door and
becomes lat- $here is a picture o a child being pulled under a door and coming out lat
on page ?D- $his "as used as part o the script to ma&e the ribbons or the sla*es- $he
ribbons in a system can go under doors and through the entire system-
+n page 89/ Rosa the lat person (panca&e person) is sho"n again- $his is ribbon- $he
top o the page has a large cric&et li&e creature that "as said to the child to be the
programmer (Dr- Mengele)- All o the stories in $he $all #oo& o Ma&e #elie*e "ere
used one "ay or the other in programming- We "ill 2ust touch on some notable points-
+n page 9C is a poem about a Mr- Nobody- $he programmers li&e to ha*e alters identiy
themsel*es as 0nobody0-
+n page 97 is a poemLstory about 0someone0 "ho comes tapping---but it is 0only the
cric&et "histling0- $his "as used to help program in that the 9 taps "ere the cric&et (the
co*er image or the programmer-)
+n page :</ is the story o a girl "ho "hen she lays do"n becomes a dierent person
Mrs- #ro"n-
+n page AD is a poem Foreign 1ands/ "here the child sees 0the s&yOs blue loo&ing glass0
and then ends up 0to "here the roads on either hand lead on"ard into airyland-- -and all
the playthings come ali*e-0 In other "ords/ "hat is in eect being communicated is4 ta&e
the hypnotic image o lying into the s&y in PapaOs sil*er plane (as the plane goes up the
trance goes higher ,deeper) and then go into a antasy land "here all your "ishes can
come true,,so that you can escape the hell us programmers are gi*ing you-
+n page D7 is the story o a ghost named Georgie "ho "ould run home and "arn people
at home "hen things "ere bro&en- $his "as part o the 0i= me0 programming,,so that
ghost,li&e alters/ &no"n as reporting alters/ call 0!+M@0 to 0PAPA0 i the programming
is touched-
+n page C6 is the story 0!o" they bring bac& $he Killage o 'ream Pus When the
Wind #lo"s it a"ay-0 $his story has se*eral programming "ords in it/ these "ords and
their meanings are as ollo"s4 In programming the 0 Killage o 1i*er,and,+nions 0 is a
code "ord or 0the co*en- 0Prairie0 means 0ceremony site0/ and in another story 0picnic0
means 0ritual0- ItOs doubtul that most alters "ould remember these meanings/ but they
helped the abusers conuse the child- Imagine the *ictim trying to describe a ritual and
telling someone that a *illage o li*er E onions had a picnic-
A$ien 0o(a""in( Sci2t%
$here are numerous scripts or the Alien programming- Recent no*els
and !olly"ood mo*ies pro*ide a non,ending pool o programming resources or the
Programmers- Kisual reality headgear and other high,tech methods can easily be
incorporated into an alien abduction theme- $he ollo"ing are samples o some o the
people "ho the author Fritz has spent time "ith/ "ho on one le*el &ne" they needed
help/ but didn t &no" 2ust "hat they elt uneasy about-
Person ?4 !ad been abducted by aliens since she "as a small child- Dierent types o
aliens too& her- !er mother "or&ed or the 'IA at Area :?- !er mother "as abusi*e to
her- +ne o her best riends is a Monarch sla*e- When the aliens come a bright light
appears and then they abduct her- $he aliens she "or&s "ith the most loo& e=actly li&e
people/ and in their hand"riting sho" se*ere abuse- $hese bene*olent aliens ha*e ta&en
her etuses se*eral times- She has time,tra*eled to their planet- She is dissociati*e- $he
go*ernment authorities are constantly monitoring and trac&ing her/ and ha*e made an
eort to besmudge her record/ so that it appears li&e she is looney tunes- $his is the type
o cases that this boo&Os co,author has spent time "or&ing "ith- DoesnOt t this sound
more li&e human mind,control than real aliens3
Person 84 $his person hears aliens "ithin his head ("hich "hen described sounds li&e a
case o MPD (DID)- $he aliens "ould ta&e him and orce him to ha*e homose=ual
acti*ities e*en though he didnOt "ant to participate- #ut that "as +->- to him/ because
they "ere a superior race and i these bene*olent aliens "hich are so ar ad*anced
beyond us/ "ant to ha*e se= "ith him/ that is their perogati*e- $his person has a lot o
depression- $his person "onders "hy the authorities seem to &eep trac& o him-
Person 94 $his person "or&ed at Area :?- !as a photographic memory throughout his
entire MPD system- !e realizes that he is MPD- !is best riend claims to be an alien/ a
god o sorts/ and is &no"n by both this person E Fritz to be part o Na*al Intelligence-
$his best riend acts more li&e a handler than an alien/ and this Area :? "or&er gi*es his
best riend total allegiance- $his man has all &inds o alien type stories/ "hich sound in
many cases li&e programming- $his person admits that his amily is Illuminati/ and the
ront alters say he has "atched Illuminati rituals as an adult/ but hasnOt participated - !e
sho"s signs o se*ere abuse- !e is araid to tal& about trauma,based mind,control/ but
lo*es to tal& about aliens-
In act/ all three o the persons discussed on this page shied a"ay rom tal&ing about
Monarch mind,control/ as i it "ere something not important/ but they all lo*e to tal&
about aliens- And the list o interesting people li&e this could go on-
When Mind,controlled sla*es "ho ha*e alien programming are being abducted by the
intelligence agencies or their use and or programming here are some o the details o
ho" and "hat occurs4 A bright light is shined into their house- $hey ha*e been
hypnotically conditioned to *ie" this light as a Flying Saucer/ "hether it is a helicopter
or something else- As the NW+ does ha*e Flying Saucers/ sometimes the real thing is
used- Men in #lac& (2ust li&e in SRA cases) are oten associated "ith the abductions-
And the sla*es re;uently spea& about 0shado"s in the mind-0
$he sla*es are ta&en to rooms "here e=amining tables "ith "hite sheets and V,ray
machines/ !eadgear and medical e;uipment is in place- ($he alien e;uipment has gotten
more high,tech o*er the last 6< years- $he aliens "ear suits that are ull o occult
symbology- $he people are restrained "ith clamps and electrical shoc& and energy is
used on them- $hey are told that they are recei*ing inormation- $hey are gi*en trac&ing
implants and other implants-
All o the 9 abo*e persons/ recei*e inormation rom the aliens regularly- Almost all o
the elements o Monarch trauma,based mind,control appear in these abduction accounts/
especially in the psychological eatures o the *ictim- $he *ictims o alien abduction
programming eel suicidal ater they tal& too much- $hey ha*e headaches/ sleep
diiculties/ nightmares/ obsessi*e thoughts/ a ear o hypnosis/ trapped eelings/ and
During their abductions the aliens use drugs/ thought transers/ and painul medical
procedures- $he aliens use language that parallels the messages gi*en to SRA *ictims/
2ust change the language rom Satan is in charge to the Aliens are in charge-
'attle mutilations "here the blood has been drain are associated "ith abductions- $here
is documented accounts "here cattle mutilations ha*e been connected to Satanic cults
using helicopters- $he *ictims o aliens are orced to be impregnated and then the etus
is repeatedly ta&en- $he aliens are repeatedly telling these *ictims that a holocaust is
soon to come-
Another strange phenomena/ that others and this author ha*e noticed is that these
*ictims o alien abduction seen to &no" each other/ much in the same "ay that *ictims
o Illuminati mind,control seem to &no" each other- And the aliens seem to &no"
e*erything about the *ictims- $he *ictims ha*e amnesia o their abductions- $he
memories o their abductions are hidden in altered states o consciousness/ that hypnosis
sometimes can pull up- Most *ictims are araid o hypnosis or canOt be hypnotized (they
ha*e been hypnotized not to allo" anyone else to hypnotize them-)
$o gi*e credit "here due/ #o"artOs +peration Mind 'ontrol ResearcherOs edition/ (?776)
has an e=cellent appendi= "ith charts "hich compare SRA mind,control *ictims and
alien abduction *ictims- $he charts re*eal ho" similar the t"o groups are- In preparing
these paragraphs/ "e ha*e used his charts as a basis or ho" "e "rote these last t"o
paragraphs up- !o"e*er/ the co,authors e=periences in "or&ing "ith abduction *ictims
match the indings o #o"art- Do aliens rom another planet e=ist3 $hey may or may
not- It is not a real issue/ "e ha*e to ace "hat is already on this planet-
Fritz has se*eral tapes o aliens o dierent types tal&ing ("hich "ere obtained rom
abduction sur*i*ors) and their *oices sound demonic and they are saying that they ha*e
been ali*e on this planet or many years- +ne said something li&e heOs been here on earth
:<</<<< years- I an alien has li*ed on this planet or ?L8 million years/ "hen does he get
residence status- MyJ I that is true/ he is no alien,,"e areJ
#ut one thing is certain/ this planet contains some *ery slimy e*il creatures "ho are
either real non,humans or *ery decepti*e dar& humans- $he #ible calls them demons
and reprobate men- $he our most popular origins o supposed aliens on earth are all star
groups relati*ely close to our solar system-
$hey are4 the Pleiades/ &no"n as the D or 7 sisters/ because their are 7 stars o "hich D
are *isibleM Sirius/ the dog constellationM the +rion constellationM and the t"in stars o
Ueta Reticuli/ "hich t"in stars "ere amazingly charted by 'hinese astrologers in 9/<<<
Fritz/ the co,author o this boo& &ept an open mind on the issue/ could there be any
bene*olent aliens3 Some abductees belie*ed that their aliens "ere bene*olent/ but "hen
they are debrieed they admit that mind,control and se=ual molestation is carried out by
the aliens- Fritz/ has concluded "ith other in*estigators on this ;uestion/ there are no
bene*olent aliens/ in act the only aliens that may be around are "hat ha*e been &no"n
as demons-
People "ho ha*e participated in high le*el Illuminati ceremonies report the presence o
creatures that loo& li&e the *arious aliens - ($his "hole sub2ect is dealt "ith in another
boo& by Fritz Springmeier-) Some points might be briely brought out- Fritz has amassed
a great deal o e*idence that the elite ha*e human,built Flying Saucers- Notice ho" the
controlled media al"ays lin& aliens "ith Flying Saucers and %F+s3 $his is an entire
boo& in itsel/ ho"e*er/ the bottom line is that at least most (i not all) o the alien
abductions are simply part o the NW+ s mind,control-
It is ob*ious that or *arious reasons (including the goals set do"n in the
secret Iron Mountain go*ernment report)/ the go*ernment (including cooperating
agencies li&e NASA) decided to use an alien abduction theme rather than a Satanic
Ritual Abuse theme to their mind,control programming- $he ma2or dierences in the
programming methodology is that the blood rituals o the SRA are no longer used- $he
reason "hy blood rituals are no longer needed is that the high,tech harmonic machines
("hich implant thoughts,see chap- A) and other high,tech methods eliminate the need or
the blood traumas- $he *ictims o alien abductions are ta&en at random/ "here the
Illuminati *ictims are abducted more re;uently around ritual dates- $he person "ho
belie*es in %F+s and aliens is going to recei*e the same type o treatment as those "ho
belie*e in Satanic Ritual Abuse- $he legal system and society at large are conditioned to
treat them as nuts- $his protects their abusers-
An Illuminati hierarchy member described their magic goal o pursuing a spiritual path
through the iner re;uencies o outer time- $he alien programming is one "ay to
e=perience this-
I%$and o& the B$ue Do$2hin%
$his is a childOs boo& by Scott + Dell- $he people o an island ha*e both an e*eryday
name and a magical name- When the chie gi*es his magical name to a Russian captain
named +rlo*/ he and his "arriors end up being &illed in battle- $he alters o Monarch
sla*es ha*e names they can gi*e outsiders and then their access code names "hich must
be &ept secret- Part o the story is to stay in line "ith "hat oneOs ancestors ha*e
done- +ther items in the boo&/ such as the our "inds rom the our directions it in "ith
programming too-
$he boo& is 2ust one o many that the programmers "ant the children to hear so that they
naturally adopt the correct programming scripts-
The 9od o& the Rin(%
Some Illuminati sur*i*ors are al"ays loo&ing or a ring- Rings play a signiicant part in
the li*es and programming o sla*es- +ne section that is codingLprogramming ound in
B-R-R- $ol&ienOs 1ord o the Rings is +ne Ring to rule them all/ +ne Ring to ind them/
+ne Ring to bring them all and in the dar&ness bind them-
The /o%t I"2otant 0o(a""in( Sci2t##The 9e%%e Key
+ne o the most important scripts or the Illuminati Mind,control Programmers is the
1esser >ey o Solomon Goetia/ $he #oo& o @*il Spirits-
$he Illuminati Doctors Green/ #lac&/ White and #lue (that is Mengele/ Wheeler/
'ameron/ and Mueller) "ere ully &no"ledgeable about $he 1esser >ey o Solomon
Goetia- In act/ all those "ho go beyond the initial le*els in the Illuminati are re;uired to
study the entire boo&- ItOs an important ritual boo&- It is *ery out o ashion to belie*e in
demons- It is in ashion to belie*e in aliens/ in ghosts/ in the internal psychological
"izard that guides you/ and other things "hich to those high in demonology secretly
&no" are simply co*ers or "hat used to be called demons-
#oth the high le*el Illuminati and the alert 'hristians are saying many o the same
things concerning demons- Is 0magical0 phenonmena real3 Do the programmers really
belie*e in it3 In the 1esser >ey o Solomon Goetia it ans"ers/ 0I am not concerned to
deny the ob2ecti*e reality o all OmagicalO phenonmenaM i they are illusions/ they are at
least as real as many un;uestioned acts o daily lieM and---they are at least e*idence o
some cause-0 (p-?<) $he author o the 1esser >ey o Solomon Goetia then points out
that all our sense impressions o the uni*erse are dependent upon changes in the brain-
Reality is a perception o the mind- So the author states/ 0---"e must include illusions/
"hich are ater all sense impressions as much as realitiesO are/ in the class o Ophenomena
dependent on brain changes-O
Magical phenomena/ ho"e*er/ come under a special subclass/ since they are "illed/ and
their cause is the series o OrealO phenomena called the operations o ceremonial
magic-0 In other "ords/ "hen the Illuminati practice ceremonial magic/ their magic to
them is as real as lie/ but they do not eel a need to deend its reality-
People in the occult encourage children to antasize- Fantasy is loo&ed at "ith a*or-
Whether the po"er and healing and mind,control o demonology stems rom illusion or
BungOs autonomous po"er o the human psyche to attract E maniest archetypes through
the human soul or some other source is not an issue or Satanists- $hey are seeing
results/ po"er/ healings and the destruction o their enemies by demonology-
Within the Illuminati illusion/ myth/ and perception are all esteemed- Are they alone3
No/ they are not alone- $he myth that the %nited States is a democracy is probably a ar
stronger 0reality0 in the minds o Americans than the actual reality that it is a tightly
controlled secret oligarchy "ith a republican ront- #ut in this case/ "hich is the greater
real reality3 $he American belie*es his myth enough that he dies or it- !e ights the
0"ar to end all "ars0 and then the 0"ar to sa*e the "orld F+R D@M+'RA'50 (to
;uote some popular "orld "ar slogans)-
In the American mind/ he achie*es *ictory e*en though he has ought and died or a
myth- And e*en "hen the mythical goals he ought or arenOt e*en achie*ed/ he belie*es
he has achie*ed a *ictory- $he irst "orld "ar ne*er brought e*erlasting peace and the
"ar to sa*e the "orld or democracy ended ater 0*ictory0 "ith more o the "orld under
stronger totalitarian rule than beore the "ar began- $he bottom line is that myths and
illusions ma&e up a large part o the reality o most peopleOs li*es- Mo*ie actors ha*e
repeatedly ound out that they incur their anOs "rath i they try to re*eal their real sel*es
to the public- $he point also is that the person practicing ceremonial magic "ill not be
impressed by the a*erage person/ e*en i he be a minister/ "ho has structured his lie on
myths and illusions/ "ho "ill tell him that his ceremonial magic is not real- $he
magician "ill naturally as&/ 0Who IS li*ing in a "orld o reality30
'eremonial magic is a *ery strong 0reality0 to the IlluminatiOs mind,controlled sla*es/
because the programmers ma&e great eorts to de*elop the i*e 0impressions0 listed on
page ?? o $he 1esser >ey/ "hich are4
(?) Sight- $he circle/ s;uare/ triangle/ *essels/ lamps/ robes/ implements/ etc-
(8) Sound- $he in*ocations-
(9) Smell- $he perumes-
(6) $aste- $he Sacraments-
(:) $ouch- As under
(?)- $hese are relected upon by the person/ and these : produce unusual brain,changes-
1ater t"o more senses are also highly de*eloped- Programmed multiple,sla*es ha*e
*isual and auditory acuity ar beyond the normal person- $he 1esser >eys o Solomon
Goetia goes on to say/ 0$he Spirits o the Goetia are portions o the human brain- $heir
seals thereore represent methods o stimulating or regulating those particular spots
(through the eye)-0 0$he names o God are *ibrations calculated to establish4
(a) General control o the brain----
(b) 'ontrol o*er the brain in detail- (Ran& or type o the Spirit)
(c) 'ontrol o one special portion- (Name o Spirit-) $he perumes aid this through
smell- %sually the perume "ill only tend to control a large areaM but there is an
attribution o perumes to letters o the alphabet enabling one/ by a Iabalistic ormula/
to spell out the SpiritOs name-0 (p- ?8) Did the reader grasp that3 $he most important
script or the programmers is to use ceremonial magic "hich uses the names o God to
establish G@N@RA1/ E SP@'IFI' '+N$R+1 (*ia a hierarchial arrangement o
demons) o*er a personOs mind- More "ill be co*ered about this in 'hapter ?<-
#ut "hile "e are on the sub2ect letOs go 2ust a little bit arther- 0I/ then/ I say/ "ith
Solomon4 O$he Spirit 'imieries teaches logic/O "hat I mean is4 $hose portions o my
brain "hich subser*e the logical aculty may be stimulated and de*eloped by ollo"ing
out the processes called O$he In*ocation o 'imieries-O And this is e=actly "hat the
programmers do-
$hey in*o&e *ia many rituals all types o speciic demon (or demonic energy) to
enhance the particular mental unctions they "ant- For instance/ $yphon and 'horonzon
(also !oronzon) are demons "ho are essential in building the structure o a programmed
multiple- $hey must be in*o&ed beore the early start o di*iding the mind-
Michael #ertieau= heads up the !oronzon 'lub/ an unoicial part o >enneth GrantOs
+$+- $he demon !oronzon (or 'horonzon) loo&s li&e a grey alien/ and "as con2ured up
by Sir Bohn Dee/ "ho "as Iueen @lizabeth IOs genius ad*isor and court sorcerer-
$ransyuggothian magic is carried out in order to reach $ransyuggothian Space (also
&no"n as $rans,Plutonian Space and %ni*erse #)- $hese e=istence o these dimensions
are &ept *ery secret- $he ancient cult o the Star Sirius/ rom "hich supposedly "e are
no" getting aliens/ had rituals to get one into the celebrated %ni*erse #-
Sirius # (the binary t"in star that e=ists "ith the actual Sirius A star) represented the god
Ra !oor >huit- Sirius A represented the @gyptian de*il-
1etOs relect on all this demonic 0illusion0- As stated/ an American "ill die or the myth
that America is sa*ing the "orld or democracy- $his made sense to psychologists at the
time- !o"e*er/ i a sla*e dies or "hat he sees as the reality o *oodoo magic/ the
psychologist dismisses it as unimportant,,a mere coincidence- Since *oodoo magic
doesnOt e=ist in the psychologistOs mind/ the psychologist belie*es that magic carries no
threat to its intended *ictim- 1i&e"ise/ because the psychologist doesnOt belie*e in
demons/ demons supposedly pose no threat to the mind,controlled sla*e- $he
psychologist is really pro2ecting his perception o reality upon someone else/ and it
doesnOt "or&-
$he Illuminati programmers are counting on the therapists ignoring demonology-
In #o"artOs in,most,respects e=cellent boo& +peration Mind 'ontrol/ (Researcher
@dition/ Ft- #ragg/ 'A4 Flatland/ ?776/ p- 867-) as&s the reader to sel,hypnotize himsel
by se*eral times 0loo&ing into your mindOs eye0- $o #o"art/ he sees the trance state as
merely loo&ing into your mindOs eye- !e does not attribute any demonic acti*ity to be
in*ol*ed "ith such things- No "onder/ #o"art "rites *ery disparagingly and critically
about 'hristians "ho are trying to do demonic deli*erances to sla*es- #ut then as ar as I
&no" #o"art hasnOt reed anyone o their mind,control either/ he is 2ust a reporter-
#oth ministers and psychologists ha*e contempt or each otherOs e=cesses- We must bear
in mind that the *ictims o this total mind,control ha*e their bodies/ minds/ and spirits
ensla*ed- $he body/ mind and spirit need to be simultaneously liberated- A great deal o
the success o the Programmers is that ministers ha*e re2ected the study o the mind
(psychology) and therapists ha*e re2ected spiritual things- $he *ictim is let "ithout a
"ay to heal both spirit and mind- Partial reedom is still sla*ery- And not only that but
both therapists and ministers seem to eel the actual physical threats to the sla*eOs body
to be outside o their 2urisdiction/ and by deault it is let up to the *ictim to pro*ide-
Which again "ithout the body sae and healed/ the mind and spirit are not ully
ree- $here are therapists and others "ho pontiicate about ho" e*il 'hristian ministers
are or trying to deli*er mind,controlled sla*es rom their demonic possession- $his is
not the problem- $he problem is that the Illuminati ha*e s&illully separated the *arious
therapeutic elements both unctionally and legally- $he ans"er to the ensla*ement o
body/ soul/ mind and spirit is a team o people "ho "ill address all the issues together-
#oth the psychologists and ministers see the e=cesses o each other/ but a little humility
"ould go a long "ay/ or both sides to recognize each otherOs *alue- God "or&s through
all people/ e*en those "ho resist !im- $hat is "hy he can rightly be called Almighty
C. The +%e o& 9ie% E=tena$$y and Intena$$y, The +%e o& Co!e% and Font%, The
At o& Hidin( Thin(% in A Sy%te"
E=tena$ Dece2tion%
$here seems to be no end to the lies that are in*ol*ed "ith the Monarch programming-
$he old adage that nothing is as it appears/ is generally the rule- !o"e*er/ once one
catches on to the common tactics o deceptions/ the tactics themsel*es become red lags
"hich can alert a thin&ing person to "hat is hidden-
$his is similar to those Russians "ho could read bet"een the lines "hen reading
communist propaganda and igure out the truth- $he deception begins "ith co*ering up
the identity o the sla*e- Within the Illuminati/ the art o hiding genealogies is a ine art-
'hildren are s"apped and placed "ith oster parents- Mothers all o a sudden ha*e
babies/ "hen no one has noticed them being pregnant-
In*estigators li&e Fritz Springmeier/ "ho ha*e been in*estigating court house records
and other primary documents ha*e seen court house records altered o*ernight/ to co*er
up genealogical and inancial inormation-
Co!e% Fo Indi!idua$ S$a!e%
$he indi*idual sla*e is usually gi*en a good co*er- A good co*er "ill be one that cannot
be seen through/ and still allo"s the person the reedom to get their 2ob done- When
building a co*er/ the ollo"ing ;uestions "ill be as&ed4 ho" much "ill this co*er allo"
this person to spend3 "hat &ind o people can this person associate "ith3 "here can this
person go3 and "hat &ind o hobby can he or she ha*e3
#y no"/ the Illuminati ha*e their secret sla*es in so many places that they ha*e their
bases co*ered in all ields- $rue lie e=amples include4 a Monarch programmer "ho
appears to be simply a middle class house"ie- A Monarch computer programmer "ho
appears to be a dea and dumb mute "hen in the presence o the public/ but the deeper
brilliant alters "or& secretly at programming computers during the day- An international
spy/ "ho is a programmed multiple/ "ho has a totally dierent set o I-D- and "igs/ so
that "hen they s"itch to certain alters used or the intelligence agencies,,they not only
act dierent/ they loo& dierent/ and ha*e dierent *alid I-D- An apparently dumb blond
may be a *ery intelligent highly trained Monarch sla*e-
Within the intelligence "orld Monarch sla*es "ill unction as A(ent 0o!ocateu%/
"hich are people "ho 2oin groups "ith the purpose o leading the group to do things that
"ill cause it harm- $he neo,Nazis are ull o Agent Pro*ocateurs as are some o the
Patriot groups- Some Monarch sla*es are "hat is called 0clean agents0,,that is they ha*e
ne*er been used in intelligence "or&/ so they ha*e no record o use- Monarchs are great
or being used by this or that group on a limited basis "ithout anyone suspecting any
$he Intelligence term or the elaborate co*er histories they gi*e one o their Monarch
sla*es to operate as an agent is called a 0legend0- Supporting documents "ill be placed
into the appropriate go*ernment iles to support the legend-
$he intelligence agencies may ha*e se*eral intact 0legends0 or dierent personalities o
a sla*e- $he intelligence term is N+$I+NA1- It roughly means 0a ictional entity or the
sa&e o an intelligence operation-0 Notional organizations are created to steal strength
a"ay rom sincere organizations- I a church (or non,'IA >>> group etc-) gets too
sincere and po"erul/ a "ell,inanced notional ri*al "ill start up/ and then later old
under scandal-
$he net eect is to destroy the entire cause- At least hal o the therapists helping
Monarch sla*es in the authorsO area are programmed multiples themsel*esJ $he
therapeutic community is hea*ily iniltrated- $he help lines or "omen in crisis are all
dirty- Some o the 'hristian groups that claim to help SRA *ictims are really ronts-
+ne reco*ering Monarch sla*e tells about ho" her ather "as the mayor o an important
city in Pennsyl*ania - !e "as part o the Illuminati and he introduced drugs into his
area/ and had a monopoly on illegal drugs in the area- As mayor he established the irst
drug hot line/ so that people could inorm authorities about drug traic&ing- !e staed
the drug hot line "ith his o"n people and this allo"ed him to get tips to eliminate his
$he intelligence agencies "hich are using mind,control are hiding their drug traic&ing
and criminal acti*ities- +ne o the "ays they do this is the so,called War on Drugs- $he
situation is so bad and "idespread that e*en the controlled media has had ne"s "here
they reported 'IA agents smuggling drugs seized in South America into the %-S- using
go*ernment channels-
When a sla*e is being programmed/ the abusers "ill use schools/ churches/ #ig
#rothers/ #oy Scouts and other acti*ities to carry out the abuse and programming-
'hildren pulled rom classes "ill be gi*en bac&,up amnesia so that they orget that they
orgot- In other "ords/ they are totally una"are that they ha*e lost time "hen they "ere
pulled out o the classroom- $he teacher gi*es them a test score/ and they are told they
too& a test during the missing time- !o" can the ront alters deny it/ "hen they ha*e
been hypnotized to belie*e it and they can see the test scores3
Alter boys and boys at catholic orphanages ha*e a record o being used by dirty priests-
Recently/ numerous priests ha*e been disco*ered molesting children/ and hundreds o
la"suits are under"ay/ but it is still not coming out that this abuse is connected to
trauma,based mind,control- In the past/ i the parents "ho "ere part o the Illuminati
elite/ but "ere not religious "anted their boy programmed/ they could send him o to a
military school run under the cooperation o the 'atholic church and units such as the
Ath %-S- Army/ "hich became one o the primary iniltrated units- $he Ath army uses the
magical he=agram as its logo- $his "ould pro*ide the programmed child "ith a religious
ront- !e could say/ 0I "ent to catholic school-0 $he programming could be disguised as
discipline/ etc-
$he establishment media ha*e "or&ed propaganda "onders or the abusers o the
Monarch Mind,control- #ritain is e=tremely repressi*e in their inormation control- I
any ne"s medium tries to lea& the most simplistic o inormation a secret document
called a notice0 "ill be sent at any time o day to them rom a D,notice committee/ and
the media "ill ha*e to stop "hate*er reerence is deemed a secret- In the %-S- it in eect
"or&s as tight/ it 2ust is not oicially as tight-
$he abusers &no" that they also ha*e an Incredulous Factor that can assist them- Who
"ould belie*e that a s"eet child drin&s blood and is cannabalistic3 $he more that they
can do that is ar etched/ the less credibility the child has i they do tal&- Some children
do try to tal&- +ne Monarch sla*e tal&ed at age i*e/ and her entire amily came do"n
hard on her and blamed the childOs tal&ing or the death o one o the abusers- What &ind
o proo can a child bring that adults "ill accept3
In the McMartin Preschool case about C<< children "ere "itnesses "hose stories
colloborated the SRA and programming that "as done/ but the media/ and the 2udicial
system "ere able to co*er up the abuse and ma&e it loo& on tele*ision that the abusers
"ere the *ictimsJ It "asnOt until ater the case "as o*er and the property sold/ that the
tangible proo (the secret tunnels "ith paraphenalia) "ere ound/ and then the ne"s
media has co*ered that up too-
$he abusers "ill oten "ear mas&s and costumes- 1etOs say a programmer "ears a
Mic&ey Mouse outit/ and the child "ould remember and tell/ 0Mic&ey Mouse hurt me-0
No" "ho is going to belie*e the child3 $he child has told the truth/ but "ill be
reprimanded or telling the truth- It doesnOt ta&e long or a se*erely abused child/ "ho
has been programmed to &eep silent/ to learn that no one "ants to hear the truth any"ay-
The +%e o& Re$i(iou% Font%
A great deal o Monarch programming and sla*e abuse/ (as "ell as the drug trade) is
done under three ma2or co*ers or ronts4 Religious Fronts/ the Front o National Security
and the Military/ and the @ntertainment ields/ especially the 'ountry Western Industry/
the Roc& Music Industry and !olly"ood -
$he religious ronts "ere popular or centuries/ especially "hen groups li&e the Besuits/
the Assassins/ and other groups held immense po"er- Religious ronts are still being
used such as B-U- >night/ @lizabeth 'laire ProphetOs '%$ church/
the 'hurch o Scientology / the 'harismatic mo*ement/ Bim Bones E Bonesto"n/ and
Da*id >oreshOs group etc- #illy Ray MooreOs 1ordOs 'hapel is entirely a mind,control
operation- $here is a nondenomination Pentecostal church in
southern Washington "hose entire membership is Satanists under mind,control-
Karious o*erseas 0missionary0 groups are co*ers or the 'IA E mind,control- It "ould
ta&e a boo& to e=plain ho" these religious ronts are part o the total trauma,based mind,
control and ho" they operate to protect mind,control/ ho"e*er there are publications
"hich go into some o the 'IA connections to these groups- It is suggested that
interested persons read these publications-
Some o the deceptions such as the lone assassin idea ha*e been used or centuries as a
co*er or assassinations planned by the occult hierarchy- I "e are going to really re*eal
ho" the Monarch Mind,control is done/ "e "ill ha*e to e=plain ho" the deception is
done- I one describes a chameleon only by saying 0it is li&e a lizard0/ "ithout
mentioning the camoulage/ then the most important part has been o*erloo&ed-
Religious ronts are an important part o the Illuminati program or ma&ing sla*es- In
act/ due to their gnostic philosophy o balancing their good deeds "ith their bad deeds/
it is almost essential to ha*e a religious ront through "hich one can do good deeds-
@*en though adding this section to the boo& "ill spur some to blindly lash out at the
boo&/ still the "hole story needs to come out- When "e/ the authors o this boo&/ "rite
that the Monarch,type total mind,control threatens e*erything this nation stands or/ "e
are not e=aggerating- $he Monarch Mind,control program has not been used 2ust to
program sla*es,,but it has been part o a much bigger deception-
When this deception is realized by this nation/ it "ill shatter the *ery abric o trust that
Americans ha*e in their institutions- I Americans "ill begin to understand the po"er
structure behind their institutions/ and "ho controls this structure/ they "ill begin to see
the lies in the scripts that they ha*e been ed since inancy- And 5+%/ the reader o this
ne=t section in this boo&/ i you lo*e the truth/ can help begin the healing process to
o*ercome some o the de*astation that is going to roc& this nation "hen the truth comes
$his ne=t section "ill help both 'hristian and non,'hristian reader- $he therapist can
learn about "hat is happening so that they can better deal "ith "hat the SRA sur*i*ors
are beginning to re*eal- $he grooming o the American people to belie*e massi*e
amounts o lies did "or&/ %N$I1 a e" lo*ing therapists/ ministers/ and doctors began
to liberate *ictims o the Monarch trauma,based mind,control- $hese programmed
multiples began re*ealing a horror story o deception unparalleled in history- For the
reader to deal "ith the ne=t section means courage- It means that the reader "ill ha*e to
muster up some o the same type o lo*e o truth that the mind,control sur*i*ors must
muster to ree themsel*es o the lies o their satanic programming- What "e see and hear
can be programming/ in the same "ay SRA *ictims are decei*ed-
@*eryone in the Illuminati o any signiicance has participated in grooming the public to
belie*e that Bi$$y Gaha" is a great man o God- Graham has stood beside each o the
Presidents and the Pope- $he Illuminati donOt 2ust program indi*iduals/ they program
"hole nations- $he public has been led to belie*e in a tele*ision image- #ut "hat i the
secular mediaOs image o #illy Graham is not real3 For 'hristians it means that they can
;uit trusting in a man/ and place their trust ully on God- For secular readers/ they can
begin to see the e=tent o ho" America Os institutions ha*e been corrupted by the
horrible trauma,based mind,control- $he heart,beat o the #ody o 'hrist is crying out
that something is terribly "rong- We "ill address that- All o us/ "hether 'hristian or
not/ must step out o the lies and loo& clearly out into the dar&ness and see e*ery acet o
this e*il mind,control-
When men "ho "orship the god o this "orld place 0In God We $rust0 on the Federal
Reser*e ban& notes/ "e "ho &no" the truth must step out o our dream "orld and
realize that they mean 1ucier- (#y the "ay/ the Federal Reser*e is not a go*ernment
agency/ but a pri*ate ban&ing institution o the Illuminati- $his has been documented in
a number o "ritings-) $he issue at hand in this ne=t section is to sho" ho" the
institution called 0the 'hristian church0/ and the "orld in general has been decei*ed by a
programmed multiple and this trauma,based mind,control-
Secular readers "ill be sho"n that the doctrines that 'hristians "ant to belie*e in/ ha*e
been subtly destroyed under the disguise o building them up- $his is no dierent than
the destruction o the positi*e *alues "hich hold any group together- (Ater the repeated
collaboration by essentially all the 'hristian churches "orld"ide in many acti*ities as
the N''/ the #illy Graham 'rusades/ the Promise >eepers and other programs/ the
'hristian churches/ +rthodo=/ 'atholic/ Protestant E non,denominational can be
considered one institution-)
$he iniltration and control o the 'hristian religion has been one o the easiest tas&s o
the Illuminati- $he 'hristian churches are "hat the intelligence agencies called 0S+F$
In ?778/ #illy Graham broadcast all o*er the %-S- his radio sho" called @mbrace
America 8<<<- In the 1ouisiana area/ it came o*er the >BAM 1aayette Station- During
the sho"/ #illy Graham told the American people "e need to embrace the Ne" World
+rder- #illy Graham is also on record stating that people can ha*e sal*ation through
paganism (another name or "itchcrat)- For instance/ in Mc'all Magazine (Ban- ?7CD)
Graham stated/
0I used to belie*e that pagans in ar,o countries "ere lost,,"ere going to hell- I no
longer belie*e that- I belie*e that there are other "ays o recognizing the e=istence o
God,,through nature/ or instance-0
Pagans belie*e that sal*ation can be obtained through nature- $his is not a pleasant story-
#illy Graham has been built up to be the most respected popular person in America -
Who "ants to ind out they ha*e been decei*ed3 We "ill try to gi*e you the acts/ or
e*idence/ and may God grant you "isdom as you read this- $his section is not
propaganda or our o"n personal *ie"s-
5ears ago/ "hen Fritz set out on his search/ he had no inal outcome in mind- Fritz isnOt
concerned "ith concealing acts one "ay or the other- $here is no desire to stampede our
readers any "here- We do "ant to clariy many issues- We do "ant to help the truth
see&er- #ut the co,authors personally ha*e no battle to "in/ e=cept that truth be brought
orth- $he issues at sta&e are not tri*ial-
!istorically/ #illy GrahamOs deception is one o the 0greatest0 deceptions that has e*er
been perpetrated- Some might argue the greatest/ ma&ing #enedict Arnold/ Iuisling/ and
the $ro2an !orse pale into insigniicance-
Allo" us to introduce you 2ust briely into the "orld o the Illuminati- All top hierarchy
Satanists are re;uired to ha*e co*ers- $he Illuminatus "ill ha*e multiple personalities/
and he or she "ill ha*e one personality that is particularly sho"n to the outside "orld-
$hey (the Programmers/ handlers and the Illuminati councils) try to get the best co*ers
that they can- $hey li&e to be clergymen/ but they are also mayors o big cities/ la"yers/
doctors/ etc-
A 'hristian psychiatrist "ho has "or&ed "ith numerous *ictims o Satanism and
Multiple Personality Disorder "rote this obser*ation ater ha*ing "or&ed "ith a large
number o e=,multi,generational programmed Satanic multiples/
0Some Satanists ha*e in*aded the church as it is the perect co*er or them- $hey
mas;uerade as angels o light and gra*itate to"ards positions o leadership in order to
ha*e more inluence- #ecause much o "hat they say is sound doctrinally/ they are
rarely detected- Most sur*i*ors "hom I ha*e "or&ed "ith had Satanist parents "ho "ere
in high positions in churchesM many "ere pastors-0
(Dr- Fo=/ 1oreda- $he Spiritual and 'linical Dimensions o Multiple Personality
Disorder- Salida / '+ 4 #oo&s o Sangre de 'risto/ p- ?7A-)
1et us repeat "hat Dr- 1oreda Fo= said/ 0Most sur*i*ors "hom I ha*e "or&ed "ith had
Satanist parents "ho "ere in high positions in churchesM many "ere pastors-0
She didnOt say 0some/0 she said M+S$- Independently/ "e ha*e disco*ered the *ery
same thing- People donOt grasp that 2ust because a preacher can sincerely preach "hat
seems a 0perect sermon/0 doesnOt mean that he canOt also be part o the Satanic
hierarchy- What is happening "ith the IlluminatiOs ability to create programmed
multiples is that "e are getting perect preachers "ho are secret hierarchy members-
Some o their 0perect sermons0 are ull o slides/ such as 0the 'hristian people need to
get in*ol*ed in the *oting process0- 'hristians lo*e to hear such things/ it tic&les their
ears/ but the truth is that the entire *oting process has been captured and corrupted-
Koting machines ha*e repeatedly been e=posed to ha*e been rigged/ and the controlled
media and public denial ha*e pre*ented Americans rom gi*ing up their myth that the
common manOs *otes run this nation- ($he sub2ect o election corruption is dealt "ith in
FritzOs ne"sletters/ etc-)
In FritzOs #e Wise As Serpents boo& ("hich e=posed #illy Graham as a 1ucierian in
?77?)/ it is e=plained that high le*el Satanism is Gnosticism "hich re;uires that 0the
Force0 o these great satanic magicians be balanced- In other "ords/ in high le*el
Satanism your good deeds must balance your e*il deeds- People do not realize that
unless someone does 0good0 deeds they cannot be a high le*el Satanist- $hat is "hy
some o the greatest philanthropists are also our leading national Satanists-
$o see #illy Graham do something commendable does not dis;ualiy him rom
Satanism- In act/ it is a re;uirement i heOs been part o the Illuminati/ such as e=,
insidersL"itnesses say he "as- In act/ it "asnOt until "or&ing on this boo& that an
eye"itness to the mind,control abuse o at the hands o #illy Graham oered to help
contribute to this section o the boo&- In other "ords/ an eye"itness helped "rite this-
$his eye"itness account by the 'o,author matches "hat the list o eye"itnesses that
Fritz assembled in ?779 ha*e said- #ut the eye"itness "ent urther and e=posed #-G-
crusadesO s&illul use o Monarch sla*es to launder drug money-
Se*eral police oicers ha*e stated that today/ there is or all practical purposes no police
training helping police to understand Satanism- $hey are highly trained in many areas/
but Satanism is a*oided- When an SRA case in*ol*ing multiplicity
in +lympia / WA recently happened/ the police "ho in*estigated the case ound that they
"ere treated as international e=perts in Satanism by other policemen- $hey themsel*es
&ne" that they &ne" *ery little-
Where are the e=perts to teach us about ho" the Illuminati unctions3 Where are the
e=perts "ho &no" "ho are in the Illuminati3 $here is no college open to the public that
teaches Ad*anced Illuminati Studies 6<?/ and gi*es degrees in Satanism- $he e=pert
"itnesses are those "ho ha*e managed to lea*e the Illuminati and Satanism/ and stay
ali*e long enough to tal&- #ut the other side "ill argue/ ho" can "e *eriy the testimony
o your "itnesses Fritz3
Remember "hat happened to o*er ?<< people "ho had some type o &no"ledge about
the >ennedy assassination3 Bim Marrs in his boo& 'rossire on the >ennedy
Assassination lists ?<9 people "ho "ere &ey igures in &no"ing about the assassination
"ho ha*e died/ many in circumstances that indicate assassination- $he story "e are
dealing "ith here is 2ust as sensiti*e to the elite as >ennedyOs assassination/ because it
in*ol*es their preparations or the creation o a alse 'hrist/ called by 'hristians the
Anti'hrist/ "ho "ill be the master handlerLprogrammer-
The 9i%t O& Kno'n And Cedi)$e Witne%%e%
I the authors "ere to call my list o "itnesses up to the "itness stand,,"hich I canOt or
it "ould be a death sentence to many o them/ the list "ould include4
? 'ouncil o Foreign Relations member/ "ho is secretly against the Ne" World +rder
? National Security Agency person/ "ho is against the Ne" World +rder
? 'IA high le*el administrator
8 Satanists/ still in co*ens/ but unhappy enough "ith the situation to tal&
6 e=,Satanists/ 9 o "hich are eye"itnesses/ all 'hristians no"
8 e=,Ne" Age leaders "ho "or&ed "ith the 'onspiracy/ both became 'hristians
? e=,99[ Mason/ no" a 'hristian
Karious 'hristians "ho ha*e "or&ed "ith #illy Graham/ Pastors/ etc-
Karious therapists "or&ing "ith SRA *ictims
$he man "ho ran Security at the Sacramento 'rusade
Alice #raemer/ a "oman "ho "or&ed as a secretary or Beanne Di=on
None/ e=cept or a couple o e=ceptions/ none o these people &ne" anything about "hat
the other "itnesses (sources) had said- $he high degree o *alidation and collaboration
that separate testimony by "itnesses "ho ha*e ne*er seen each other and li*e in
dierent parts o the country is *ery po"erul- $here are se*eral ;uestions that pop up
into peopleOs minds "ho are not amiliar "ith "ho Fritz is/ and are not amiliar "ith
these "itnesses- $he type o "orries some readers could be naturally ha*ing might be4
#ut ho" are "e/ the readers/ to &no" ho" accurate these people are3 Are they
trust"orthy3 Do they ha*e a reputation or honesty3 'ould they possibly be gi*ing alse
inormation to discredit a great man o God3
$hese &ind o ;uestions can be natural ;uestions or people unamiliar "ith ho" this
inormation "as obtained- #ut "e assure you/ that "hat "e pass on rom these
eye"itnesses can be relied upon- None o these "orries ha*e any substance to them/
because the manner in "hich Fritz came to ind out about #illy Graham has generally
been "hile he "as researching other things related to the Illuminati- $he author has not
been out to build a case/ the case has built itsel rom numerous detached "itnesses "ho
ha*e nothing to gain by telling "hat they &no"- $hese "itnesses ha*e not come to Fritz
to eed him bogus inormation-
Bust the paper trail on #illy Graham is *ery re*ealing in itsel- Generally the inormation
o these "itnesses has been conided by these "itnesses to their trusted riends- Initially/
these "itness ha*e had no idea that the inormation they conided in their trusted close
associates "ould go beyond their most trusted riends- $hese trusted riends then ha*e
had permission to let me contact them or ind out their inormation- $he reason "hy
these people are belie*able is that the inormation they re*eal could get them &illed/ and
second/ the manner and circumstances o ho" the inormation has originally unolded
has ne*er been in any ashion or method that could be construed as an attempt to gi*e
alse inormation-
C$ai&yin( What I% 9oo*ed Fo In 0oo&
$oo many people are considered guilty unless pro*en innocent,,"hich means that a
legitimate search or truth has N+$ ta&en place- +n the lip side/ "e must bear in mind
that hidden inormation that has laid dormant or years may totally re*erse our
understanding o something- @=ceptional circumstances may surprise us- I some item
does not lend itsel to totally irreutable/ totally un;ualiied claims/ then &no"ing this/
the proper in*estigator uses "ords li&e 0almost certainly0 and 0most li&ely0- I the
in*estigator eels strongly that e*erything is totally clear/ he may declare that something
is correct 0"ithout ;ualiication-0 $his is the nature o proo-
We need to understand the ;ualiications and reser*ations that oten are attached to
e*idence or conclusions- #ut "e certainly do "ant to press our in*estigations as ar as
possible to get as many 0un;ualiied0 conclusions as possible- + course/ by the time "e
"rite this/ "e ha*e already done our in*estigating/ and ha*e one conclusion "ithout any
;ualiication4 #illy Graham is "or&ing or the Satanic !ierarchy- We "ant to try to
introduce the material in such a "ay that you "ill get some sense o the search/ so that
you "ill not simply accept our conclusion but "ill ma&e rational spirit,led critically,
thought,out decisions about #illy Graham-
So or the sa&e o the readerOs in*estigation/ please/ let us unshac&le oursel*es rom our
pre2udices and preconcei*ed labels- 1et us suspend our 2udgment about #illy Graham
one "ay or the other/ until "e ha*e thoroughly studied/ prayed and gained discernment
about this- It might be interesting to get some o the Masons/ "ho casually "ithout
realizing "hat they "ere saying/ ha*e tal&ed about #illy GrahamOs membership/ or other
aspects o his Masonic in*ol*ement-
ItOs doubtul that such men "ould be o any *alue on the "itness stand- $heir numerous
Masonic oaths to lie and conceal Freemasonry under penalties o gruesome death "ould
tend to ha*e more inluence on them than s"earing on a #ible- (See DuncanOs Masonic
Ritual boo&/ p- 9< or the ?st Degree oath-) $his type o "itness/ because they tal&ed
accidentally and casually are *ery *aluable "itnesses to "hoe*er accidentally hears
them/ but unortunately they must be assumed to be still loyal to the Masonic 1odge and
"ould be hostile "itnesses that "ill not cooperate- I this "ere an actual court o la"/
depositions o #illy GrahamOs sta could be ta&en/ so that it could be re*ealed to the
court ho" many times they ha*e lied- #y sho"ing their lies/ their testimony "ould be
impeached and 'hristians "ould realize that #illy GrahamOs sta ha*e played a ma2or
role in the deception-
$his article "ill put orth e*idence that impeaches the testimony o #illy GrahamOs sta-
We must reer readers to the #e Wise As Serpents boo& and other "ritings o Fritz or
more inormation- Also some other boo&s "ill be named too- #ecause these leaders are
corrupt/ they ha*e been participating in the mass deception o the "orld about "hat
#illy Graham does and "ho he is- In act/ i this "ere a court o la" all types o people
could be subpoenaed to ta&e depositions/ and "e might ind out many more things than
"e already &no"-
The /oti!ation o& the Co#Autho%
Many people/ "ho li&e #illy Graham/ ha*e imputed e*il moti*es to anyone e=posing
#illy Graham- As the Scripture say at one point/ 0Am I to become your enemy because I
tell you the truth30 $he story about #illy Graham and his lie,long career or the
Illuminati is not an easy thing or us to "rite- We do not en2oy spea&ing negati*e things
against people- We do en2oy spea&ing positi*e things about people- And yet no man/ no
ser*ant o God is abo*e reproach- We can personally ha*e an inner peace that "hat "e
ha*e done "as "hat "e should ha*e done- Something needs to be done to "a&e
man&ind up beore its too late-
C$ai&yin( What i% Acce2ta)$e Te%ti"ony
In some sub2ects/ going to the encyclopedia or almanac "ill settle ;uestions- In dealing
"ith the Illuminati and high le*els o the occult "orld ,, unless the in*estigator is
"illing to listen to eye,"itness testimony/ he or she "ill get no"here- $here is rarely any
"ritten record o their secret acti*ities- #ut ho" much stoc& can be put in eye,
"itnesses3 Many people up to no" ha*e criticized Fritz or using eye,"itnesses- #ut
remember that i "e did manage to get some paper trail or boo&s on the sub2ect/ that
boo& paper trail "ould not be acceptable in court/ or e*en i allo"ed "ould not be as
important as our eye"itnesses-
In court/ the "ritten records can be introduced along "ith the person "ho recorded them-
In other "ords/ the personal "itness is still important e*en "ith "ritten documents- $he
testimony o our eye"itnesses e=pose #illy GrahamOs mind,control acti*ities- Still/ "e
"ant to bear in mind that "itnesses ha*e *arying degrees o credibility and &no"ledge-
$he ;ualiications o "itness in relation to "hat they are testiying is important- #ut to
simply dismiss all these "itnesses because they are not paper is simply to cut oursel*es
o rom many *aluable sources o inormation-
In accumulating e*idence/ the researcher "ill come upon t"o types o inormation- +ne
is prearranged e*idence and the other is called casual e*idence- 'asual e*idence is
e*idence that has 2ust happened to appear by accident- An actual e=ample is "hen
riends o mine met a total stranger "ho happens to be a Mason and he ohandedly tal&s
about #illy Graham being a Freemason- 'asual e*idence is simply e*idence that
happens "ithout the interested party ha*ing anything to do "ith it suracing- Finding
casual e*idence is generally 0luc&0-
In this case/ Fritz has bumped into a great deal o casual e*idence/ simply because he
had his eyes open and has been in*estigating this area or se*eral years- #ecause o the
situation today in this nation/ there is little chance to get a proper hearing o this
inormation- In terms o the uture/ indeed/ the bac&lash rom this boo& may silence us-
$he truth "ill still remain/ e*en i "e and the other "itnesses donOt-
We can dra" conclusions about duc&s rom studying *arious types o duc&s- I can not
dra" conclusions about radios rom studying duc&s/ I can generalize about American
made cars/ but I canOt include in my generalization about American cars an o=,cart
in India - $his may sound basic/ and it is/ yet people try to generalize by lumping the
generational Satanists in "ith e*erybody else/ and it 2ust doesnOt "or&- $hey also try to
dra" conclusions about the Freemasons on the basis o "hat the Rotary 'lub they
belong to is li&e and it 2ust doesnOt "or&-
In terms o trying to get a proper hearing today/ one o the barriers is that people use
their o"n e=periences to dra" conclusions- People ha*e nothing in their e=perience to
allo" them to dra" conclusions about the Illuminati programmersLhandlers "ho are
moral degenerates and programmed multiples/ "ho "ill do anything/ in spite o their
nice ronts-
The 0o$icie% o& Dece2tion By The Bi$$y Gaha" Cu%ade Sta&&
In ?778/ a 'hristian named Richard #ennett/ a riend o FritzOs conronted the #illy
Graham 'rusade sta- What he "as concerned about "as the #illy Graham crusade
policy (that has been in place since the :<Os) o sending 'atholics that come or"ard
bac& to 'atholic churches- Documentation sho"s that the deception is "orse than that/
ne" belie*ers that ha*e ne*er gone to any church are sometimes reerred by the #illy
Graham counselors to the 'atholic 'hurch-
No"/ "hy "ould Richard and Fritz be concerned about the 'atholic 'hurch3 Richard
#ennett "as a priest rom Ireland "ho "or&ed at the Katican / beore gi*ing his lie to
'hrist- !e &no"s ho" the 'atholic hierarchy pre*ents people rom realizing "hat they
ha*e in 'hrist- For those "ho ha*e read FritzOs #e Wise As Serpents boo& chapter 8-8
you &no" that Fritz is *ery concerned "hen anyone gi*es their allegiance to a po"er
structure that is part o the NW+ and part o its Monarch trauma,based total mind
Not e*erything about the 'atholic church is "rong- 5et/ the #illy Graham 'rusade could
ne*er get the support it gets rom conser*ati*e 'hristians i #illy GrahamOs sta didnOt
lie about "here 'rusade con*erts are sent- What Richard and Fritz "ere concerned about
"as that ne" 'hristians "ould be sent to 'atholic churches/ "hich no" are teaching
Uen #uddhism/ Ne" Age things/ not the sal*ation by grace that these ne" 'hristians
need- Granted the enthusiasm o these ne" 'hristians might inuse some lie into the
'atholic church/ but a babe in 'hrist is deenseless- !e needs nurture/ and the chance to
gro"- It isnOt meant or ne" 'hristians to be thro"n to the "ol*es-
Any"ay/ last Spring and Summer/ the #illy Graham 'rusade @=ecuti*e committee "as
conronted ace to ace "ith the e*idence o "hat the #illy Graham 'rusade in Sept- O79
"as going to do- Actually/ more people than Richard did conront them/ but Richard is
one o the most &no"ledgeable ministries to the 'atholics in this area- What the #illy
Graham 'rusade @=ecuti*e 'ommittee told Richard #ennett "as that he had nothing to
"orry about- $hat the crusade "ould ne*er send anyone to a 'atholic church/ but that i
ne" con*erts "anted to go there on their o"n/ that "as their o"n choice-
Four 'atholic leaders sat on the @=ecuti*e 'ommittee or the O78 Portland 'rusade ,,
'hancellor Mary Boe $elly/ a deacon and t"o priests- +n the 'atholic radio station/ (and
"e ha*e it recorded/) Mary Boe $elly o the #illy Graham @=ecuti*e 'ommittee along
"ith another #ishop Wall Schmidt told the 'atholic listeners not to "orry that i they
came or"ard they "ould be guaranteed that they "ould be reerred bac& to a 'atholic
church- $hey ga*e the assurance our times in that tal& sho"- $hey said that the decision
to send people "ho came or"ard to 'atholic churches "as irm because it had come
right rom the *ery top- $his "as A p-m >KDM Portland station- +ur recording o this is
a record o 2ust one o thousands o lies that the #illy Graham 'rusade people ha*e told
'hristians o*er the years-
In act/ rom the e*idence it appears the #illy Graham 'rusade people say "hate*er they
ha*e to/ regardless o the truth- In the North Star #aptist/ No*- ?7A6 there "as an article
by Bapheth Perez/ "ho as a con*ert in the N5 ?7:D #illy Graham 'rusade and a brand,
ne" 'hristian/ "as sent to a 'atholic church by the #illy Graham 'rusade-
Ian Paisley "rote this comment about #illy GrahamOs sta4 0Dr- Graham did not reply-
!e ne*er does reply to letters li&e this- !e states he ne*er deends himsel- !e does ha*e
a sta/ ho"e*er/ "ho are paid to deend him and "ho are ne*er hampered by acts or
bothered by ethics or logic in carrying out their duties- +ne o the group/ George 1-
@dstrom/ replied- $he Besuits themsel*es could not gi*e a iner e=ample o casuistry
than his- It is thoroughly dishonest and deceitul/ --- !o"e*er/ since this techni;ue o
deceit by misdirection/ this ailure to ace up to the issues/ this disregard o act/ and this
blasphemous attempt to identiy Dr- GrahamOs oicial connection "ith inidels and his
lattery and endorsement o them "ith our 1ordOs ministry to publicans and sinners is so
typical o the Graham organization---0
In FritzOs Bune O79 Ne"sletter From A 'hristian Ministry/ a letter rom GrahamOs sta
"as reproduced "ith a point by point e=posure o its lies-
'hristians are really not "ell a"are o "hat the #illy Graham 'rusade does- We ;uote a
paragraph rom a letter sent to #illy Graham clear bac& in the ?7:<s by a Pastor "ho/
grie*ed by "hat #illy Graham "as doing to the har*est ield/ said4
0Some people say that i you ha*e 2ust one con*ert in an e*angelistic campaign/ it is
"orth the meeting- $hat is not true- $he e*angelist/ as the pastor and teacher/ is gi*en to
the #ody o 'hrist- $he real test o an e*angelistic campaign is not ho" many people are
con*erted but "hat &ind o a spiritual condition does it lea*e in a community- #illy
Graham is not only ailing in the number o people he leads to the 1ord Besus 'hrist in
this day "hen hearts are hungry and most people are araid o "hat may happen in the
"orld and "hen it is easier to get people con*erted than it e*er has been in my lietime/
but #illy Graham is pulling the limbs o o the e*angelistic trees and the orchard is
being let in bad condition- As "e ha*e oten said/ the real test o an e*angelist is not
2ust ho" many con*erts he has but does he lea*e the orchard in condition so it "ill &eep
bearing ruit-0
Bi$$y Gaha"C% Acti!e Ro$e In Satanic Ritua$ A)u%e
#eore "e get into the details/ "eOll ta&e an o*er*ie"- Satanists thri*e on po"er- Satan
lo*es to gi*e his ollo"ers po"er- Satan too& 'hrist to the mountaintop and told 'hrist
that heOd ha*e a 0crusade0 and bring e*ery one to ollo" 'hrist/ i 'hrist "ould 2ust bo"
do"n and "orship him- 'hrist reused- #illy Graham accepted it-
We &no" a great deal ho" the Satanists too& #illy Graham/ the brush salesman and
made him into the amous e*angelist that he has become- Additionally/ "e also &no"
rom *ictims o Satanism/ that ha*e come out o it/ that #illy Graham has been a
Satanist himsel- !o" can this be3 And ho" can "e &no" this3
+ne o the best "itnesses is a Monarch program sur*i*or/ "ho has escaped rom being a
high,le*el Pentagon sla*e- $his sur*i*or "itnessed #illy Graham "or&ing or the
Illuminati- $his sur*i*or also carried messages or the Satanic hierarchy and personally
&no"s that #illy Graham has been carrying messages rom the top secret Illuminati to
Presidents and heads o state- $his personOs inormation has been bac&ed up by
independent "itnesses- A second e=,Satanist also remembers #illy Graham as a Satanist-
Still another person/ an e=,Illuminati person/ "ho has MPD stood in ront o #illy
Graham and "atched his eyes- $his person said that it "as *ery clear that #illy Graham
has MPD and that he s"itches personalities-
#y happenchance or GodOs "ill/ Fritz recei*ed a report rom one o the "omen "ho
"ent to church "ith #illy GrahamOs "ie Ruth- $he "oman "as told by Ruth in
con*ersation that her husband #illy Graham is strange in that he al"ays sleeps "ith his
eyes open- It is characteristic o people "ho ha*e MPD to sleep "ith their eyes open-
People "ho ha*e MPD may ha*e a de*out 'hristian personality and a de*out Satanic
personality all "ithin a single body- $his is not uncommon- In #illy GrahamOs case/ he is
ully a"are o "hat he is doing or the enemy in all his personalities/ although his
'hristian personality may not be ecstatic about it all-
#illy GrahamOs Decision magazine has on its ront page caption is 0O'hanged From the
Inside +ut/0 and displays an ininity loop on the co*er- Many Monarch sla*es ha*e had
lots o programming around the ininity loop- $his is an important trigger to remind
them ho" they are captured by the unending repeating rebuilding programming- $here
are countless little things li&e this/ "hich are e*idence that #illy Graham is playing a
role in the satanic mind,control o the Illuminati-
Dr- Schelin/ a mind,control e=pert/ told me that he sa" internal documents rom the
?7:<s teaching #illy GrahamOs people on ho" to ha*e a successul re*i*al- $hese
documents instructed crusade counselors on things "hich "ere elements o mind,
control/ such as delaying people rom coming or"ard to coness 'hrist until the 0right0
I youO*e e*er "ondered ho" much #illy Graham &no"s,,i the Illuminati ha*enOt told
him/ a concerned 'hristian named Da*id !ill/ "ho "as an e=,MaiaLe=,Ne" AgerLe=,
Mason did- $he concerned 'hristian "as a riend o Fran&lin Graham (#illyOs son) and
he had li*ed or t"o years at #illy GrahamOs house- !e didnOt realize that Graham had
been suc&ed into the Ne" World +rder until he had conronted #illy Graham- Da*id
!ill/ "ho "as a e=,Mason turned 'hristian/ "ho had "or&ed "ith many o the "orldOs
elite/ spent ?C hours in a hotel room "arning #illy Graham about the Ne" World +rder-
#illy Graham told Da*id !ill at the end o their t"o days o tal&ing in this
eastern %-S- hotel room that he "as 0a capti*e o that FNW+G organization-0 In other
"ords/ ater placing himsel under the IlluminatiOs sponsorship in the late O6<s/ #illy
Graham has had the choice o continuing to do his 2ob or them/ or being destroyed-
Since they created "ho he is/ they can destroy him- And he &no"s it- Da*id !ill "ent on
to try to e=pose the Ne" World +rder and lost ("as murdered) his lie 2ust as he inished
a manuscript e=posing it- @*en a "ell,inormed 'hristian li&e Da*id !ill/ "ho tried to
"arn #illy Graham about the NW+/ "as una"are o the e=tent o the deception o the
IlluminatiOs mind control- Da*id didnOt &no" about programmed multiples-
Da*id !ill/ "ho "as a high ran&ing Scottish Rite Freemason and an important Maia
igure beore he came to 'hrist/ had e*en been the go bet"een or #illy Graham and Boe
#anana/ a Maia &ingpin- It "as Da*id !ill/ "ho innocently belie*ing in #illy Graham/
arranged the meeting or the t"o men-
Da*id !ill &ne" that Wi$$ia" Rando$2h Hea%t "as part o the Illuminati- !e "as part
o the branch Illuminati ,, at "hat could be termed the Ath degree- William Randolph
!earst "as totally into paganism- $hat is *ery ob*ious by a tour o his mansion
in 'aliornia "hich has been turned into a museum- It "as William Randolph !earst
"ho inanced the irst three years o #illy GrahamOs 'rusades-
Stu PA> is associated "ith the Ste"art $itle 'ompany- Stu Pa& pro*ides unds or #illy
Graham and others- $he head o Stu Pa& is riends "ith #illy Graham and George #ush-
$he company has a lot o relati*es running it- $he Morris amily is also tied to it- $he
people o Ste"art $itle 'ompany are ruthless- $he Kan Duyn Illuminati amily
in 'aliornia also helped #illy GrahamOs ministry get started- +ne o the "ays the
Illuminati unneled money to #illy Graham "as through a monthly chec& deli*ered
to 5eanne Di=onC% oice/ "hich "as pic&ed up e*ery month by #illy GrahamOs sta-
Ater Di=on Os secretary came to 'hrist she tried to e=pose #illy GrahamOs connection to
Beanne Di=on- Beanne Di=on sells crystal balls "ith sna&es- She is part o the Illuminati-
#illy Graham "rote her a letter calling her 0a "oman o God-0 Di=on Os secretary had a
copy o this letter "ith #illy GrahamOs signature on it/ ater she became a 'hristian- In
?7:8/ in Paris / #illy Graham and another e*angelist had dinner "ith t"o prostitutes and
each one too& one o them home- #illy Graham had a "ie and children at home/ so the
"hole aair "as totally improper or an e*angelist e*en i #illy Graham didnOt ha*e se=
"ith the "oman- !e told his riend only that the prostitute had ta&en o her clothes and
heOd gotten scared and come bac& to their hotel room- See Frady/ Marshall- #illy
Graham/ A Parable o American righteousness- #oston 4 1ittle/ #ro"n E 'o-/ p-?A7,?D<-
In ?7:6/ the man "ho ran security or the Sacramento 'rusade sa" a high,priced hoo&er
snea& into #illy GrahamOs room prior to him going out or the 'rusade- #illy Graham
and this high priced hoo&er "ere alone together in the room/ It is this type o thing that
has opened #illy Graham up to blac&mail- Should Graham e*er try to stray rom the
proper course set or him by the Illuminati/ they ha*e plenty o ammunition to blac&mail
him- (5ou may as& "hy "ould the Satanists rom generational satanic amilies "ant to
intimidate #illy Graham "ith ear3 Why/ isnOt he rom a generational satanic amily3
$he ans"er is that the "hole Satanic system operates o o ear- Intimidation E ear are
standard e*eryday parts o their ma&eup and actions- Sort o the counterpart to the
saying there is no honor among thie*es- $he Satanic hierarchy are in constant
intimidation and po"er struggles-)
When #illy Graham "anted to/ he could call up Heny Ki%%in(e and say/ 0$ell him to
call me the minute he comes in-0 (Frady/ p- 6:?) !enry >issinger is right in the middle
o "hat the Illuminati is doing- Another Illuminatus that Graham had a "or&ing
relationship "ith is !enry 1uce/ riend o the #aruchs- 1uce and #illy Graham spent
se*eral nights staying up tal&ing late into the night- >no"ing ho" the Illuminati "or&/ it
is *ery sae to assume that they ha*e pushed #illy Graham into urther degenerate acts-
$hey ha*e probably done e*erything they can to per*ert #illy Graham/ so there is no
telling "hat se=ual sins remain hidden-
>issinger is a member o P8 Freemasonry- I "e "ere to assume that #illy Graham "ere
not in*ol*ed (and that is a big IF since "e &no" that he is)/ then i one studies P8
Masonic recruiting tactics gi*en in the boo& In GodOs Name/ p- ??A/ then the reader "ill
grasp that anyone o #illy GrahamOs stature "ho associates so reely "ith P8
Freemasons "ill be targeted and blac&mailed and orced to 2oin- +nce they 2oin/ ne"
members are orced to compromise other possible targets-
#illy Graham is part o the people "ho implement the Monarch program ("hich "as a
2oint IlluminatiL'IA total mind control program done to people)- We &no" that he is
ser*iced by Monarch se=ual sla*es (their &itten alters)- It is *ery easy or the net"or& to
&eep these poor *ictims (Monarch sla*es) rom tal&ing/ and so the ull e=tent o much o
"hat has gone on may not come out in our lietimes-
Another possible clue about #illy GrahamOs hidden lie comes rom #illy Graham
himsel- Do the readers remember ho" Bimmy S"aggert "ould disguise himsel "ith
sun glasses/ etc- and his sta helped him carry out "hat he in part conessed3
In !olly"ood / F1 (yes/ F1J) #illy Graham said that he 0oten attends lo*eins and roc&
esti*als incognito by putting on a alse mustache and beard-0 !e also said he ound the
e=perience in doing that &ind o thing 0rereshing-0 $his story "as in the 'hicago Daily
Ne"s/ Dec- 87/ ?7A7 - $he articleOs purpose appears to ha*e been to ma&e #illy Graham
loo& hip to todayOs roc& and roll cro"ds o teenagers-
#illy Graham described his riendship "ith Alan Dulles/ 0I ma&e e*ery eort not to let it
appear that I a*or one party o*er another- I count Secretary Dulles a riend/ but Senator
!umphrey is also a good riend o mine/ F"ho he metG --- "hen "e "ere both s"imming
nude at the 5M'A pool in Minneapolis "here he "as running or mayor-0
A riendship "ith Alan Dulles3 Alan Dulles/ director o the 'IA/ "as one o the biggest
perpetrators o the trauma,based mind,control that this boo& is about- !umphrey also
recei*ed orders rom the Satanic hierarchy-
And "hat is this s"imming in nude3 When #illy Graham had his ?7:6 'rusade/ large
sums o the money came directly rom people in the Illuminati/ the Whitneys/ the
Kanderbilts/ the Roc&eellers/ and 'hase Manhattan- #illy Graham has numerous times
attended !olly"ood coc&tail parties- Bust t"o e=amples o "hich are4 one gi*en by
Debbie Reynolds/ and another one "hich "as a coc&tail party or !olly"ood stars put
on by Ni=on at his San 'lemente / 'A home on a Sunday e*ening-
#illy GrahamOs schedule is illed "ith acti*ities such as playing gol "ith people "ho
are in the Illuminati/ or are !olly"ood types- $he ull impact o this constant
ello"shipping "ith dar&ness is hard or people to grasp/ because they picture that
Graham is an e*angelist and so thereore he must go "here the sinners are- $here is an
e=pression/ sho" me a manO s riends and IOll tell you about him- ItOs one thing to spend
time "ith e*il to gi*e it a chance to repent and come to the light/ It is another to
ello"ship "ith e*il and allo" it to remain in dar&ness-
1et us ;uote rom a neutral source/ a group "ho had been in*estigating the role o
church and state- $hey "ere trying to determine or their study "hether #illy Graham
has had an impact on all the Presidents rom @isenho"er to 'linton / $his study "as not
pro or anti Graham/ It "as simply trying to determine "hat impact this religious leader
is ha*ing on political leaders-
#illy Graham has spent a lot o time "ith all the Presidents/ so their ;uestion "as 0has
#illy Graham had some type o impact30 $heir conclusion printed in the Bournal o
'hurch and State concludes/ -- - -could Graham spea& the "ord o truth , especially "hen
that "ord may be critical or slashing ,to the man in the White !ouse "hen he is on such
riendly terms "ith him3 +n the basis o the e*idence no" a*ailable/ the ans"er must be
What a person does on his ree time is said to be re*ealing- 'hrist did spend his time
"ith sinners/ but he called them to repentance- In all my study o #illy Graham/ I ha*enOt
seen any o the !olly"ood mo*ie stars or politicians change their liestyles by their
association "ith #illy Graham- A number o 0con*ersions0 ha*e been artiicially
created/ and gi*en "idespread publicity by the press- Pat #oone is the type o close
riend o #illy Graham that perhaps typiies #illy Graham- !e is someone "ell,recei*ed
by the public- #illy Graham has en2oyed using him in 'rusades- Pat #oone continued
playing in Playboy type night clubs "hile he "as singing at #illy Graham 'rusades- Pat
#oone "ho is pro,2e"ish/ may be 2e"ish/ because the State o Israel has gi*en him some
special positions- $here is nothing "rong "ith ha*ing //2e"ish blood0/ it 2ust e=plains
some o his connections-
$he Nu(en Hand Ban* "as a 'IA operation that laundered money/ and did many
illegal acti*ities- Pat #oone "as part o the Nugen !and #an& scandal- @=actly ho"
deep he "as in*ol*ed "ith the 'IAOs dirty dealing is unclear- Pat #ooneOs daughter
Debbie #oone made a hit out o the song 05ou 1ight %p My 1ie0/ the "ords o the
song "ere "ritten by a "oman "ho "orshipped 1ucier and "rote the song to 1ucier-
#illy Graham has placed the emphasis in his 'rusades on putting liberals/ e*en 'atholic
priests/ up on the platorm "ith himsel- When does #illy Graham e*er spend time "ith
solid de*out 'hristians3 @*ery time #illy Graham "ent to Mosco" he tried to a*oid the
de*out 'hristians o the unregistered churches "ho un"ittingly tried unsuccessully to
meet "ith Graham- Instead/ he "ould meet "ith the heads o the +rthodo= 'hurch/
"hich/ since all the changes in Russia / are no" pro*en to ha*e been >G# agents,,
although most o us had suspected that all along rom the type o things they said and
did- !o" nai*e can 'hristians get3 Do they really thin& that the Illuminati is going to let
a legitimately po"erul anointed 'hristian e*angelist ha*e regular access to their
people3 DonOt 'hristians realize that i he "as a real threat,,someone "ho might really
bring one o the top elite to 'hrist that they "ould be assassinating him/ not "ining and
dining him-
0#@WAR@ +F FA1S@ PR+P!@$S/ W!I'! '+M@ $+ 5+% IN S!@@P '1+$hING/
#%$ INWARD15 $!@5 AR@ RAK@NING W+1K@S-0 Mt- D4?: ,,0#@!+1D/ I AM
S@NDING 5+% F+R$! AS 1AM#S AM+NG W+1K@S-0 1&- ?<49
$he Apostle Paul "arned 'hristian leaders/
0$a&e heed thereore unto yoursel*es/ and to all the loc&/ o*er the "hich the !oly Spirit
hath made you o*erseers/ to eed the church o God / "hich he hath purchased "ith his
o"n blood- For I &no" this/ that ater my departing shall grie*ous "ol*es enter in
among you/ not sparing the loc&-0 Acts 8<48C,87
#ill 'linton/ some senators/ and #illy GrahamOs son Ned @- Graham in*ited the leaders
o the 'hinese house churches to a prayer brea&ast in Washington D-'- $hree delegates
rom the $hree Sel Patriotic Mo*ement ($SPM) and 9 others rom house churches "ere
in*ited/ 1in Vian,Gao/ 1i $ian,@n/ and 5uan Viang,'hen- Re*- Ned Graham *isited
these 'hinese in person to e=tend the %-S- go*ernmentOs in*itation- Graham told the
chinese 'hristians that the go*ernment "ould pic& up the entire tab or the brea&ast- In
return the %-S- go*ernment "anted the 'hristians to promise not to spea& to the
American press or to any Americans comments that might hurt the image o the Red
'hinese go*ernment- $he 'hinese go*ernment had promised the American go*ernment
that they "ould guarantee sae entry and departure or these house church 'hristian
leaders- $hen ater the meeting/ they "ere in*ited to #illy GrahamOs house-
$he 'hinese 'hristians declined the in*itation by Graham- 'hinese pastor 1in said/
0I I "ent to the %nited States / I "ould tell the truth/ not lies- $o tell the truth "ould
deinitely be considered an act o damaging the image o the 'hinese go*ernment "hich
"ould create a prete=t or the go*ernment to reuse my re,entry into 'hina - #ut my
commission rom God is to ser*e !im aithully in 'hina only- $hereore/ I choose to
remain in 'hina rather than to go abroad-0
Ned Graham (#illyOs son) tried to tal& the 'hinese into coming/ 0I &no" that you surely
do lo*e your enemies/ "hy then can you not compromise---0 $he pastor ans"ered/ 05es/
"e can orgi*e our enemies or persecuting or opposing us in their ignorance/ but "e can
ne*er lo*e the alse prophets or their heresy-0O Ned also said/ 0It is a glorious and
digniied thing to be in*ited by President 'linton- Many people see& it/ but cannot
obtain it-
Fortunately/ the 'hinese did not buy it- ($his ino and ;uote comes rom 'hina $he
%ntold Story by $he Koice o the Martyrs/ Inc-/ ?77:- pp- 8:,9?) #%I1DING AN
IMAG@ $here is another area o #illy Graham that "e "ill only touch on- In one o
FritzOs O78 ne"sletter/ #illy Graham is ;uoted stating that he thought %F+s "ere angels
o God- +n either Ban- 8C or 87th (See Smyma/ Feb- O79/ p-9)/ #illy Graham "as
inter*ie"ed on tele*ision by Da*id Frost- #illy Graham said he belie*ed people in
hea*en are sent by God to other "orlds to help them in redemption o lie-
$his is edging some"hat close to "hat the Mormons belie*e/ that 0'hristians0 (that is
Mormons) "ill each recei*e their o"n planet to be god o- In another sho"/ Graham said
he "anted to e*angelize other planets-
Fritz has repeatedly tried to "arn 'hristians o the many demonic dangers associated
"ith the entire %F+ phenomena/ and the Satanic !ierarchyOs connection to %F+s- #illy
GrahamOs idea that %F+s are good angels is a dangerous idea-
#illy Graham "as gi*en the contri*ed artiicial image o being a great anti,Satanist- At
the 'hicago 'rusade/ 8<< Satanists stood up in the cro"ds- Mayor Daily
o 'hicago then said rom the stand/ #illy "e ha*e 8<< Satanists that "ant to disrupt
your meeting shall I arrest them3 What shall I do3 And #illy said/ No letOs sing a song-
$he cro"d sang a song and the Satanists let the stadium on their o"n- $he "hole aair
"as clearly staged and ho&ey/ but 'hristians are *ery nai*e about Satanism and #illy
Graham- $his urther conirmed to them that #illy Graham "as a great anointed man o
First/ hard core Satanists donOt sho" their aces in public- Second/ the Mayor o 'hicago
is not against the Satanists/ he "or&s "ith them/ and there are reasons to suspect he is
one- $hird/ Satanists/ "ho do sho" themsel*es in public li&e Anton 1aKey/ "ant good
publicity and "ould not carry out something li&e pretending to "ant to disrupt a #illy
Graham crusade- Fourth/ i a real threat had e=isted/ Mayor Daily and the police
"ouldnOt be as&ing #illy Graham "hat to do/ they "ould be ta&ing care o the problem-
$he police donOt need to as& or permission to ta&e care o troublema&ers at the 'rusade-
'hristians accepted this episode at its ace *alue- $hose "ho did clearly sho" the
common church goerOs poor understanding o those "ho see& to control and destroy the
Ho' Bi$$y Gaha" 0$ay% a Key Ro$e in Re2o(a""in( /onach S$a!e%
$"o dierent tal&ati*e Satanists told sources o mine about 8 dierent co*en meetings
here in Portland in the Summer o ?779 "here the co*ens discussed the beneits that the
Satanists "ere going to get rom the #illy Graham 'rusade- I &no" one o the beneits
or the Satanists "as that Monarch programees "ho had become 'hristians and had
deacti*ated the eect o their mind,control programming "ere to be reprogrammed "ith
#illy GrahamO s help-
When #illy Graham arri*ed in to"n/ someone on his 'rusade sta had managed to ind
and send out in*itations to many o the sur*i*ors o Satanic ritual abuse (SRA)
in Portland to come to a special meeting to personally meet "ith #illy Graham- At this
special meeting "ith SRA *ictims/ #illy Graham personally began saying the buzz
"ords to reacti*ate these peopleOs programming/ especially the Monarch sur*i*ors- ($his
comes rom se*eral "itnesses-)
For a number o years no"/ the #illy Graham 'rusade has been putting messages across
the bottom o tele*ision screens that has acti*ation codes or Monarch sur*i*ors- $hose
Monarch sur*i*ors "ho ha*e become de*ote 'hristians to escape the nightmare o the
Monarch mind,control are oten not a"are o the danger o "atching the #illy Graham
'rusade on tele*ision-
When people are acti*ated/ special people are in the area and they ta&e the Monarch
sur*i*ors to "hat are called Nea Death Tau"a Cente%- $hese centers are used then
to reprogram these poor people- $here "ere i*e in this area/ o "hich "e located 8 and
orced them to mo*e their sites-
Religious ronts (denominations/ indi*idual churches and certain ministers) are used to
hide criminal acti*ity- #illy Graham/ "ho is a programmed multiple himsel/ is
e=ceptionally adept at managing his Monarch &ittens- $he drug money laundered
through his crusades is careully handled by many Monarch sla*es "or&ing in shits and
teams/ so that the "hole scheme can not be unco*ered by catching one person- #illy
Graham runs big operations all o*er the "orld under the disguise o e*angelism-
Another o the countless religious co*ers/ that "or&s "ith the Net"or&OsLIlluminatiOs
drug acti*ities in*ol*es the Mormon #ishop "arehouses/ "hich are used to store
cocaine- Monarch sla*es are in*ol*ed "ith this- Dierent religious labels hide the same
criminal Net"or&- #y the "ay/ "hen gi*ing the Patriarchal #lessing/ the Mormon
Patriarch i he has a Monarch sla*e "ill use hypnosis and triggers to con*ince the person
"hat their uture "ill be li&e- +ne canOt say this is happening in e*ery case/ but it is *ery
"idespread or the Patriarch "ho gi*e these blessings to be part o the $rauma,based
mind,control operations-
#illy Graham also personally deli*ers messages to the Presidents or the Illuminati/ such
as "hen he arri*ed 2ust prior to #ushOs decision to launch Desert Storm- Sometimes the
papers e*en spell out that #illy Graham ser*es as a message boy/ or instance/ "hen he
deli*ered a message in April/ 78 rom the Pope to North >orea Os dictator >im-
$he ollo"ing three boo&s "ere *ery helpul to me in terms o documenting #illy
GrahamOs acti*ities- All three authors "ere interested in documenting "hat #illy Graham
is really all about- It may sound strange that I say that/ but sadly most o the boo&s that
touch on #illy Graham li&e America Os !our o Decision Including a 1ie Story o #illy
Graham are simply part o the deception process o the enemy- !o"e*er/ i anyone
"ants to &no" more about #illy Graham the ollo"ing three boo&s "ere *ery helpul or
me to document #illy GrahamOs acti*ities-
Bi$$y Gaha", A 0aa)$e o& A"eican Ri(hteou%ne%% )y /a%ha$$ Fady- Marshall
Frady "as a "riter or 1ie and Ne"s"ee&- !e has done an incredible amount o
research into #illy GrahamOs lie- !e doesnOt touch on the sinister side o #illy Graham/
but by gi*ing an honest report about #illy Graham he tears o the 0!olly"ood,type
mas&0 so to spea& that e*eryone has seen and belie*ed- Marshall Frady simply "anted to
tell the "hole story o #illy Graham/ good/ bad or other"ise- !e spent many hours
inter*ie"ing #illy Graham and many other people in*ol*ed in #illy GrahamOs lie-
When this boo& "as read by a de*out 'hristian/ it totally de*astated this personOs media,
built image o #illy Graham,, or instance/ items li&e #illy Graham going to dinner "ith
a prostitute and ta&ing her home/ #illy Graham "al&ing past his "ie and not
recognizing her/ E #illy GrahamOs Ne" 5or& 'rusade reusing to allo" street people
into the crusade because they "ere dirty-
!o"e*er/ another 'hristian borro"ed my copy o it/ and said ater loo&ing at the boo&
he didnOt see anything "rong "ith #illy Graham in the boo&- #ut then he 2ust read
portions o the boo&- Still/ unless one has spiritual discernment the boo& is probably not
going to 0blast a person out o the "ater/0 because it is a biography not an e=pos\- %ntil
recently/ this "as the only really good biography that "as a*ailable or 'hristians-
Many months beore the #illy Graham ?779 Portland 'rusade/ the ad*ertisements or
the crusade and the crusade acti*ity here in Portland began- Pilgrim Discount/ "hich is
one o the best 'hristian boo&stores in thePortland area sells both used and ne"
'hristian boo&s- $hey had a used copy o #illy Graham a Parable o American
Righteousness- I "atched or months to see i any 'hristians "ould buy the boo&- $ens
o thousands o 'hristians got in*ol*ed in the #illy Graham 'rusade in
the Portland area/ but none had the interest to read the only biography o #illy Graham
Finally/ 2ust shortly beore the 'rusade/ a teenage 'hristian rom Washington "ho had
been "arned about #illy Graham and "ho "as trying to &eep rom being orced to
attend/ bought the boo& on a trip rom Washington- $his incident sho"s "hat Americans
&no",,and "hat they "ant to &no" about #illy Graham is shallo" media,hype- A
'hristian radio sho" here had the author o #illy Graham A Prophet "ith !onor on to
promote his boo&/ "hich "as done 2ust "hen the 'rusade "as days a"ay-
A Stat$in( E=2o%ue# Bi$$y Gaha" and the Chuch o& Ro"e )y Ian R. K.
0ai%$ey. $his is perhaps the best boo& as ar as actual documentation- $he boo& is
probably rare/ and not a*ailable- Ian R->- Paisley has made it one o his pro2ects o his
lie to e=pose 'atholicism- #ecause #illy Graham "or&s more "ith 'atholics than
Protestants Paisley as a concerned 'hristian ob*iously ound himsel learning about
#illy Graham- Ian R->- Paisley &no"s irst hand ho" po"erul #illy Graham and his
establishment bac&ers are- $hey ha*e a colossal publication strength to discredit any
critic o #illy Graham in "hate*er manner it ta&es ,, e*en i it means outright lies and
Bi$$y Gaha" Re&o"eD 0o$iticianD 0eacheD 0o2hetD A Chono$o(ica$ Recod
Co"2i$ed &o" 0u)$ic Souce% By the Chuch 9ea(ue o& A"eica 1EB 1#1EF7. $his
boo& is rom @dgar #undy Ministries- It is a collection o articles that ha*e appeared in
the public media on #illy Graham o*er a period o 9? years- #illy Graham is condemned
by his o"n "ords and his o"n actions- I people only too& a loo& at "hat #illy Graham
is on public record saying it "ould startle them- Who is #illy Graham "or&ing or3 Is he
trying to build the 'hristian churches up/ or is he trying to lay the oundation or a one,
"orld religion3 While some people may on irst thought thin& that it is a great idea to
ha*e e*ery one belong to the same religious structure/ they need to relect on the dangers
inherent in one single religious body "ith all,encompassing po"er- $he ground"or& or
such a dictatorial global religious body is already partially constructed/ and is re*ealed
in other "ritings o Fritz Springmeier-
!o" many people &no" that in ?7:: and ?7:A #illy Graham announced that he had a
policy o sending people "ho come or"ard at his crusades to the church o their choice
"hether that church or synagogue is 'atholic/ Protestant or Be"ish- For instance/ the
Protestant 'hurch 1ie ;uotes #illy Graham in its 87 Sept ?7:A issue/ 0Reerring to the
#illy Graham Ne" 5or& 'rusade scheduled or May/ ?7:D/ Dr- Graham said4 OWeOre
coming to Ne" 5or& not to clean it up/ but to get people to dedicate themsel*es to God
and to send them on to their o"n churches,,'atholic/ Protestant or Be"ish-0
$here is one other boo& "orth pointing out at this point- It "as not a source boo& or my
in*estigation/ but I &no" the author/ and the boo& came out recently/ so it is li&ely still
a*ailable- $he boo& is The A%%i"i$ation o& E!an(e$i%t Bi$$y Gaha" into the Ro"an
Catho$ic Chuch )y E'in Wi$%on- $he address is Iuebec #aptist Missions/ #o=
??9 / 'ompton / Iuebec / 'anada / B<# ?1<-
ItOs s nice that men li&e @r"in Wilson are noticing #illy GrahamOs lo*e aair "ith the
'atholic 'hurch- !e pic&ed up on #illy GrahamOs statement about the Pope/ 0Pope Bohn
Paul II has emerged as the greatest religious leader o the modern "orld and one o the
greatest moral---leaders o this century-0 ($he Saturday @*ening Post/ Feb/
?7C<-) !o"e*er/ se*eral o these anti,'atholic ministries are re2ecting the bigger
picture- $hey ha*e strongly resisted learning about mind,control and the e=posure o the
conspiracy in #e Wise As Serpents- #ecause o this/ se*eral o these 'hristian ministries
to 'atholics ha*e lots o inormation about #illy Graham and his close "or&ings "ith
the 'atholic 'hurch/ but little comprehension o ho" the 'atholic 'hurch its into the
bigger picture/ and ho" the Ne" World +rder is actually coming about-
$here has been "idespread concern about #illy Graham among 'hristians- #ecause the
controlled media donOt report these concerns/ people are not realizing the e=tent o the
concerns "hich ha*e been *oiced- @*en beore the co,authors got in*ol*ed in e=posing
the Illuminati and their control o*er religion and their plans or a Ne" World +rder/
there has been a long history o concern by de*out 'hristians o*er #illy Graham- $here
has been a gro"ing dissatisaction among conser*ati*e 'hristians to"ards #illy
$he introduction to @r"in WilsonOs boo& "hich is "ritten by Dr- #ob Bones ('hancellor
o #ob Bones %ni*ersity) pro*ides an introduction to the concerns 'hristians ha*e about
the man "ho has been set up by the media and the money elite to be their greatest leader-
We ;uote only a paragraph o "hat Dr- #ob Bones said/ 0Some o us "ho grie*ed o*er
GrahamOs irst do"n"ard steps to"ard compromise "ith apostasy and biblical unbelie
&ne" that he "as pursuing a direction rom "hich there "ould be no turning bac&-
While "e grie*ed o*er him and prayed or him/ "e had to "arn men against his ministry
as "e had "arned #illy against his direction-0
$he irst area is doctrinal concerns by de*out 'hristians/ "ho ha*e been decei*ed that
#illy Graham thin&s as they do- 'hristians usually ta&e or granted that #illy Graham is
sound doctrinally- $he ollo"ing paragraph o belies o #illy Graham "ere documented
in ?779 by Fritz Springmeier in his Bune O?779 ne"sletter/ "ith its large document
pac&et- Main line 'hristians "ould be shoc&ed to ind out "hat #illy Graham really
belie*es and is on public record as supporting- $his "ill help sho" non,'hristians/ "ho
read this/ that #illy Graham is not really the 'hristian he pretends to be- $his is not to
preach at non,'hristian readers/ or some o the non,'hristian readers "ill agree "ith
#illy GrahamOs stands- $hese *ie"s are "ritten to sho" ho" a ma2or 'hristian leader
can ha*e a alse public image that has sur*i*ed mainly because the ull public record o
#illy GrahamOs stands are &eep lo" &ey- I "e are big enough to loo& at the deceptions
o our politicians and statesmen/ "e must be big enough to ace the deceptions o our
Some o the areas that #illy Graham de*iates rom Scripture are as ollo"s- !e is on
public record supporting homose=uality/ abortion/ his disbelie in a literal hell/ his
support and practice o inant baptism to sa*e children/ his support or the 'atholic
churchOs "orship o Mary (yet he calls himsel a Protestant)- !e has repeatedly praised
inidels and apostates as great 'hristians- !e acti*ely supported the American
go*ernment policy to ight the Kietnam War- !e "ould not challenge the idea that the
#ible is mythology/ "hen directly ;uestioned-
$he deception doesnOt stop "ith the Protestants/ 'atholic supporters ha*e been &ept in
the dar& about his abortion *ie"s- $he deception goes "ay beyond Protestant/ 'atholic
belies- As a programmed multiple "ho participates in Satanic Ritual/ #illy Graham has
decei*ed e*eryone-
$he %econd area is concerns about his support or a +ne,World 'hurch and a +ne,
World,Go*ernment- $his stems rom l- #illy Graham Os public endorsements o the
World 'ouncil o 'hurches and the National 'ouncil o 'hurches/ 8- #illy GrahamOs
consistent attendance at the World 'ouncil o 'hurchesO meetings/ 9- that #illy Graham
has done more than anyone in the "orld to bring about the +ne,World,!arlot church/
and he has done more than anyone to unite all the 'hristian groups into one
organization/ 6- #illy GrahamOs support o the Pope and the 'atholic church "hich is
the largest 'hristian religion and one o the pillars o the Ne" Age +ne,World religious
body being set up- :- $he support that the N'' and W'' gi*es him/ A- $he support that
the internationalists and globalists gi*e #illy Graham-
#illy Graham "as irst as&ed to do his Portland 'rusade in ?779 by the W''LN''
representati*e in this area "ho is a homose=ual/ a Ne" Ager/ and leader o the
ecumenical mo*ement-
A thid area is concern o*er the lac& o depth that con*ersions at #illy GrahamOs
crusades ha*e- Some o the details on this are l- +nly 8T o the people coming or"ard
at a 'rusade ha*e ne*er been 'hristians and are actually gi*ing their lie to 'hrist or
the irst time/ and o these C<T all a"ay/ 8- A great ma2ority o people that come
or"ard are sent to 'atholic and e=tremely liberal 'hurches/ e=tremely e" are sent to
solid #ible belie*ing churches- In the 'atholic Standard and $imes/ $hursday/ Buly ?A/
?778/ p- ?</ this 'atholic paper reported that ?/7<< 'atholics responded to #illy
GrahamOs call to ma&e decisions or 'hrist in the Philadelphia 'rusade and "ere reerred
to about 8:< parishes- 9- People that come or"ard are sent e*en to Be"ish synagogues
and Ne" Age churches-/ 6- 'on*erts are gi*en the impression that 'hrist "ants
decisions or him/ rather than that 'hrist "ants disciples- :- $he people attending the
crusades are almost all 'hristians/ due to the high numbers o 'hristian counselors and
the high number o church people "hich are al"ays intentionally bussed in/ (Frady
e=poses this/ and in ?778 a "riter o the Williamette Wee& did a ma2or story or the
magazine detailing ho" she had searched the entire "ee& at the #illy Graham 'rusade
or an unsa*ed person and ailed to ind a single non,'hristian- $here "ere a e"/ but so
e" she didnOt ind any- William ette Wee&/ +ct- ?/?778 -) A- Most decisions at the
crusades are or tri*ial things such as to stop smo&ing-
Interestingly/ 'hristians "ith discernment spo&e about ho" hurting the churches "ere
ater the #illy Graham 'rusade here in Portland - $hey had been made "ild promises o
success/ they "ere leeced o their money/ and then gi*en a lu&e"arm spiritual boost-
$heir comments reminded me o this "arning to #illy Graham clear bac& in the ?7:<s
as to ho" he "as ruining the har*est ield- Part o SatanOs Planetary control is through
religious leaders-
'hristians ha*e been conditioned to belie*e that #illy Graham is a great prophet o God
by the establishment media/ "ho ha*e told us or years that #illy Graham "as the most
respected man in America - $he percentages that the controlled Media ha*e reported or
#illy GrahamOs popularity may ha*e been inlated- $here are se*eral studies that sho"
ho" the establishment uses polls dishonestly to manipulate thin&ing- $he establishment
media is able to create ideas so irmly "ithin the mind o the public that it becomes
almost impossible to deprogram people- What people see on $-K- becomes "hat you
belie*e- $he $-K- image becomes real-
What actually happens at a crusade is ar dierent rom the media
image- In Scotland or instance/ a poll "as ta&en o church membership one month
beore the #illy Graham Scotland 'rusade/ and t"o months ater the 'rusade- 'hurch
membership had actually declined substantially- So ater spending millions o the
'hristiansO dollars/ #illy Graham had not e*en helped the church attendance o the
Scottish churches- When #illy Graham holds his crusades/ the churches in the area
sponsor the crusade- In Poland / in a nation 7:T catholic/ the churches that sponsored
his crusade in Warsa" "ere 'atholic churches and "hen people "ent or"ard they "ere
sent to 'atholic churches- 5et/ "hen the mass media report on 'rusades/ it is made to
sound li&e thousands o people became ne" 'hristians-
Many o the de*out 'hristians that ha*e supported #illy Graham ha*enOt thought
through "hat is really going on at the crusades- $hey ha*e been so caught up "ith the
media image that they are not able to critically comprehend that the crusades are really
ma2or spiritual disasters- $he boo& or counselors at the #illy Graham 'rusade here in
Portland speciically stated that only #illy Graham "as allo"ed to proselytize/ that the
crusade counselors "ere orbidden to proselytize anyone at any time during the crusade/
or else they "ould lose their 'rusade badge as a counselor- (See these instructions in
$he #illy Graham 'hristian 1ie E Witness 'ourse/ Minneapolis/ MN4 #illy Graham
@*angelistic Association/ p- 6D/ Instructions A-A-) #ut thousands o the 'hristians
in Portland "ho became counselors or the O78 'rusade ne*er ga*e it a second thought
that only #illy Graham "as allo"ed to proselytize/ because they trusted #illy Graham-
Money that could ha*e gone to helping *ictims o mind,control "ent to"ard supericial
decisions or 'hrist- Money that could ha*e gone to doing some serious damage to the
e*il/ has gone or Madison a*enue hype and or big sho"s- +n top o this/ the large
sums that are spent on the #illy Graham 'rusades ser*e as a co*er or the Net"or&s
money laundering that they do through GrahamOs 'rusade using a series o Monarch
sla*es in a comple= series o money drop os-
A &outh area is concern o*er his methodology- A body language e=pert says that #illy
GrahamOs tal&s are simply canned- $hey are simply "ell,rehearsed canned,body
mo*ements and not coming rom the heart- !is crusade uses Madison,A*enue sales
techni;ues instead o traditional scriptural methods to get con*erts- #illy Graham
crusades al"ays spend great sums o money or bill boards promoting #illy Graham and
bumper stic&ers promoting #illy Graham/ the end result is that #illy GrahamOs name is
usually promoted millions o times more oten than Besus 'hrist- 'hristianity is
consistently "atered do"n and identiied "ith the "orld and its "ays- And a great deal
o boasting is done about numbers o decisions instead o real meaningul discipleship-
A &i&th area is concern o*er #illy Graham acceptance o 'ommunism- Although many
people eel communism is dead/ this area is still rele*ant- I you thin& communism is
dead go li*e in North >orea / "here #illy Graham "ent in ?778 ull o praise or North
>orea - See 'hristianity $oday/ May ?C/ ?778 / p-::- (#y the "ay/ #illy Graham E
amily ha*e sat on the board o 'hristianity $oday/ and still control it/ so it "ouldnOt
mis;uote him-) l- #illy Graham has repeatedly o*er international mass media claimed
that there "as no religious persecution under the communists/ 8- #illy Graham has
praised Mao,$se,$ungOs principles/ 9- Graham has praised communist leaders on
numerous occasions/ 6- Dyed,in,the,"ool communists "ho ha*e been the ones gi*ing
orders to torture 'hristians or some reason eel comortable spending time tal&ing to
#illy Graham-
The Actua$ Heita(e and Na"e o& Bi$$y Gaha"
$here is a connection bet"een Mar=ism and a group o Satanists called Fran&ists- +ne
o the strongest satanic cults to ta&e control o*er the Be"ish population "as called
Sabbatianism- Ba&ob Fran& assumed the role o leader o this group/ and ater"ard this
brand o Satanism "as called Fran&ism- (FreudOs se=ually,obsessed theories came rom
Fran&ism-) Fran& taught his ollo"ers to con*ert to another religion and hide behind
that religion to practice their Satanism- (+ne o se*eral boo& on the sub2ect o Fran&ism
is $he 'ontemporary Faces o Satan by Ratibor,Ray M- Bur2e*ich-)
#illy GrahamOs amily "hen they originally came o*er to this nation "ere o the Fran&
amily "hich is related to Ba&ob Fran&- Ater coming o*er to this nation/ they changed
their name to Graham "hich is a Scottish name- $"o groups o people "ho are o*er
represented in the po"er structure o*er the last 8<< years are Scots and cabalistic satanic
02e"s-0 +b*iously/ not all Scotsmen nor 2e"s are in*ol*ed in the NW+- Se*eral other
researchers independently disco*ered that #illy GrahamOs heritage "as the 2e"ish Fran&
!o"e*er/ Fritz "as beginning to suspect that there must be some &ind o Be"ish blood
in #illy GrahamOs heritage/ because o the all the things he "ould stumble upon- For
instance/ the intimate connections Graham had "ith Be"ish leaders and Be"ish 'hristian
ministries- And his assurances to them that they are GodOs chosen people/ a special
group- Graham pri*ately told them/ that because they are a special chosen group they
donOt need to come to 'hrist- (Fritz disco*ered all this by accident reading Be"ish
Further/ the paper called 0$he ',7 Report For internal use only0 states on page ?? that
#illy GrahamOs daughters ha*e li*ed in Israel / and that #illy Graham Os son ought "ith
the Israeli army in the Si=,Day War-
In the #e Wise As Serpents boo&/ chapter 8-?/ 0$he Be"ish author Gerald S- Strober in
his boo& American Be"s 'ommunity in 'risis/ p- ??< states that ater a resolution in
Feb- ?7D9 at Pittsburgh by the N'' ailed to declare the N'' against con*erting the
Be"s/ that #illy Graham announced the ollo"ing day a statement that God had a special
place or the Be"s and re2ected coerci*e e*angelistic eorts-0
Pri*ately/ Graham has assured Be"ish leaders he is against con*erting the Be"s to
'hristianity- Strober also inorms his readers (p- ???) that many 'hristian organizations
that are 0Be"ish Missions0 ta&e their marching orders rom #illy Graham- $his conirms
numerous reports---0 So Strober in eect is saying donOt "orry Graham is "ith us/ and
he controls most o the 'hristian organizations that are supposedly missions to
e*angelize us- Messianic Be"ish groups are strongly pro,#illy Graham- Some o these
groups ha*e gained in size and then strangely gone bac& into Budaism- $hat &ind o thing
has been happening here in Portland / not to mention other localities- No" it is clearer
"hy Be"s coming or"ard at 'rusades ha*e oten been and are being reerred by the
'rusade people to Reormed Be"ish synagogues-
Ho' Bi$$y Gaha" i% a 88G /a%on.
$his is an important issue/ ho"e*er/ e*en i #illy Graham "ere not a 99[ Mason/ there
are many things that he is doing that should "arn 'hristians not to support him- $here
ha*e been a number o people in casual con*ersation "ho ha*e mentioned #illy Graham
being a 99[ Mason/ or instance a 'IA leader/ a NSA person "ho is against the NW+/
and *arious Masons-
$hese accidental re*elations are "hat can be considered casual e*idence/ in that it is
accidentally heard- Some o the people "ho ha*e read FritzOs #e Wise As Serpents boo&
ha*e been e=periencing *alidation o "hat "as "ritten on #illy Graham by their o"n
casual contacts "ith people- $hese types o encounters are *ery meaningul to the people
"ho e=perience them/ but their signiicance is hard to communicate to others-
!opeully/ readers o this/ "ho are truth see&ers/ "ill ha*e their o"n casual,e*idence,
*alidation e=perience- +ne piece o casual e*idence came rom a Shriner 'lo"n- It
turns out the only clo"ns "ho "ere chosen to perorm or the #illy Graham ?779
Portland 'rusade "ere Shriner 'lo"ns- $here "ere non,Masonic clo"ns a*ailable/
e*en some 'hristian clo"ns/ but the masons "ere the only ones Graham allo"ed to
perorm or him-
Karious people/ "ho ha*e "or&ed in the system or the Illuminati/ such as an e=,"itch
"ho is no" a 'hristian/ an e=,99[ Mason no" a 'hristian/ and a 'FROs person also no"
a 'hristian/ all testiy that #illy Graham is a 99[ Freemason- A "oman and a man "ho
are e=,Satanists and no" 'hristians also ha*e mentioned about #illy GrahamOs Masonic
membership- (+ne has to understand that there is a close "or&ing relationship bet"een
the 1odge and the Illuminati-)
$o progress up the ran&s in Satanism/ they "ill re;uire you to go through Freemasonry-
Freemasonry then teaches people about the symbology o the mystery religions- $he
lodges bring in emale Monarch sla*es or some o their @gyptian se=ual,magic rituals-
I the reader "ere to get up in the morning and your mother/ sister/ and brother "ere in
the &itchen and said that your mother had 2ust dran& a cup o coee/ you "ould be able
to tell rom their aces i they "ere telling the truth/ and you "ould &no" that your
mother had dran& a cup o coee- $his is the "ay it is or us- We &no" these "itnesses
&no" the truth/ and "e &no" they are not ma&ing it up- #ut i people donOt belie*e that/
then they need to go scrounge up their o"n "itnesses/ and ris& their o"n hide in doing
the contacting- $he material "e presented here is not ri*olous "or&- As pearls o *alue/
"e hope that this research is not ta&en and allo"ed to become pearls gi*en to s"ine-
#ecause #illy Graham is such a &ey person or the Illuminati and the Satanic plan to
bring in the Anti,'hrist and the +ne,World,Religion/ &ey parts o GrahamOs lie ha*e
been intentionally shrouded/ When he 2oined the Masonic lodge c- ?76C/ they
intentionally &ept his membership more secret than others- Why3 $hey are secret about
their membership in general/ but e*en more so i the person is a &ey Illuminatus and a
big &ey to their religious control-
$his is "hy they ha*e &ept the membership o 'harles $- Russell/ ounder o the
Watchto"er Society ;uiet- $his is "hy they &eep the memberships o the Mormon
prophets secret- It has been a consistent pattern by the Masonic 1odge to &eep these &ey
peopleOs membership *ery ;uiet- It "ould be much easier i "e had a membership
certiicate/ but or people "ho donOt "ant to belie*e no amount o e*idence "ould
In terms o a paper trail "e ha*e the ollo"ing4 #illy GrahamOs boo&s consistently reer
to basically only Masons- #illy Graham endorsed the Masonic DeMolay program or
youth as GodOs "or&- $his endorsement by #illy Graham is in a Masonic boo& that is
used to educate people about 0the crat0 (that means Freemasonry)- $hat boo& is $he
'lergy and the 'rat and it says that the people "ho are ;uoted in it are Masons- (See
!aggard/ Forrest D- $ransactions Missouri 1odge o Research/ Kol- No- 8D/ $he 'lergy
and the 'rat/ p- ?8D- "here Graham endorses the Masonic youth program-)
In terms o "itnesses "ho ha*e put "hat they ha*e "itnessed in "riting "e ha*e the
ollo"ing4 Bim Sha"/ e=,99[ Mason ,, the highest ran&ing Freemason to deect to
'hristianity/ "rites about #illy Graham being at his 99[ initiation ceremony- !untington
!ouse reused to print his boo& co,authored "ith $om Mc>enney unless they too& out
#illy GrahamOs name on pg- ?<6/ and substituted a general description- (See $he Deadly
Deception/ p- ?<6,?<:-) +nly Freemasons are allo"ed to attend these initiations- (See
$he Ne" Age/ the oicial organ o $he Supreme 'ouncil 99[- Wash- / D-'-/ +ctober
?7A?/ p- 9<-) Some 'hristians ha*e tried e*ery thing in their mind to get around Bim
Sha"Os testimony- And the Masonic 1odge are no" claiming that he "asnOt a 99[
Freemason- $here is no doubt that he "as a 99[ Mason- What "e are seeing is ho"
important it is to the Illuminati to &eep #illy GrahamOs membership secret-
+riginally/ Dr- Morey "ho "rote a boo& on Freemasonry told me o*er the phone that
#illy Graham "as a 99[ Freemason and that he had held his membership ile in his hand
in the library o the !ouse o the $emple / "hich is "here the Supreme 'ouncil o the
99[ has their head;uarters- !o"e*er/ no" he denies it and says that he only "as told by
the librarians that the ile e=isted/ but that he didnOt e=amine the membership ile- !e
"rote a letter to 'hristian Ne"s to the editor "hich "as printed- At least/ his letter to the
editor o 'hristian Ne"s says that the Scottish Rite ha*e a #illy Graham ile- Fritz
stands by his original statements about "hat Dr- Morey said/ e*en though he has gone
bac& on his original story and is getting people to thin& Fritz someho" in*ented "hat he
told me-
$here are a great many things that are suspicious about Dr- Morey- !is boo& on
Freemasonry claims that Freemasonry started out a 'hristian organization- !is boo& "as
printed by a company that uses the >nights $emplar logo as their company logo/ and
"hose company head is most li&ely a Freemason- I it loo&s li&e a duc&/ ;uac&s li&e a
duc&/ and "al&s li&e a duc&,,"hat do you thin& it is3 1ong beore I actually &ne" #illy
Graham "as a 99[ Freemason/ I elt that "as the 0most li&ely0 e=planation or "hat I
"as learning o him- What caused me to thin& that "ay3 @*erything about the man/ 2ust
shouted Freemason- $he "ay he tal&s/ "ho he has as riends/ etc- etc- $his article is not
capable o going into depth about small nuances and details/ but suice it to say that the
Masons &no" ho" to broadcast to other Masons that they are a Mason-
It should be pointed out some o the &ey people or #illy GrahamOs sta ha*e been
Freemasons- 1etOs loo& at a e" o the &ey people helping #illy Graham4
Wi$$ia" /. Wat%on,,DIR@'$+R +F $!@ #I115 GRA!AM @KANG@1IS$I'
ASS+'IA$I+N/ he is a Freemason/ and he is also President o +ccidental Petroleum
'orporation- 'hairman o +ccidental "as Armand !ammer- Watson is also a member o
the de*elopment council o the Masonic run #aylor %ni*ersity - #aylor %ni*ersity has
participated in the mind,control/ (See also the e=pose o #aylor %ni*ersity in #e Wise
As Serpents-) !e also "as a member o the ad*isory council to the South"estern #aptist
$heological Seminary in Ft- Worth "hich had at least three Freemasons on its board o
trustees/ and li&ely more-
Da!id /. /cConne$$,,DIR@'$+R +F $!@ #I115 GRA!AM @KANG@1IS$I'
ASS+'IA$I+N/ he is a Freemason/ !e "as also %-S- ambassador to the %nited Nations
(?7AC,A7)/ business associate "ith Illuminatus 'harles Gambrell/ in #el& Stores o
'harlotte/ North 'arolina-
Athu 9ee /a$oy,,'+,'!AIRMAN o the #I115 GRA!AM 'R%SAD@ Ad*isory
'ommittee or the ?7D9 St- 1ouis 'rusade ,, 98[ Freemason/ deacon in the
So- #apt- 'hurch -
Who are some o the primary ministers that had "or&ed "ith 99[ Freemason #illy
Graham o*er the years3 #illy Graham has helped set up other 99[ Masons in ministry-
#illy Graham has placed his stamp o appro*al on almost e*ery "ell,&no"n apostate
'hristian out there- When #illy Graham had a crusade in Bapan / the Bapanese minister
that he had up on the platorm "as a "ell,&no"n e=tremely liberal 'hristian- A
conser*ati*e Bapanese "as shoc&ed- #illy Graham is also endorsing many o the boo&s/
and ministries o these apostates-
Some o the three biggest ministers in the protestant "orld/ Robert Schuller/ Norman
Kincent Peale/ and +ral Roberts are all 99[ Masonic brothers o 99[ Freemason #illy
Graham- (See Roberts/ +ral- Miracle o Seed Faith/ p-7-) #illy Graham has helped each
o these brothers "ith their ministries-
Ro)et Schu$$e taught principles o church gro"th to %nity School in >ansas 'ity - A
'hristian/ "ho used to be on sta there/ said that Robert Schuller "as ully a"are that
1ucierian Initiations "ere going on at the school and that he didnOt care- Robert
Schuller/ 99[ Freemason/ "as helped into ministry by #illy Graham- Schuller also
participates in the Monarch program and is also se=ually ser*iced by Monarch
sla*es- Norman Kincent PealeOs orm o 'hristianity called positi*e thin&ing is actually
only "hite "itchcrat "ith dierent names- Peale simply is a 0'hristian0 "itch-
No"an 4incent 0ea$e/ 99[ Freemason/ his church recei*e the bul& o people "ho
came or"ard at the N5 'rusade- Norman Kincent Peale is a A[ Illuminatus (Pilgrim
Society)/ and a 99[ Freemason- In the magazine Psychic Magazine o San Francisco
Peale says o occultist >res&in/ All heOs doing is dramatizing "hat IO*e been preaching in
my "riting or years- Norman Kincent Peale controls the appro=- W8<< million
Presbyterian MinisterOs Fund- !e celebrated the 8:th anni*ersary o the %nited Nations-
!e "as the &eynote spea&er at the birthday o the late Mormon prophet Spencer W-
>imball (a secret Mason)- Peale praised >imball as a true prophet o God/ and a great
man o God- Peale practices "itchcrat/ and palms it o on unsuspecting 'hristians
under dierent terminology- $he alse unity mo*ement "hich is so strong today/ "ants
to unite the de*out 'hristian "ith the li&es o Norman Kincent Peale- Peale is a good
riend o #illy Graham/ and #illy Graham reerred the largest number o ne" con*erts
o the N5 #illy Graham 'rusade to PealeOs church-
Oa$ Ro)et%/ 99[ Freemason/ helped into ministry by his Masonic brother #illy
Graham- +ral Roberts has been seen by "itnesses participating in SRA and Mind,
control- +ral Roberts %ni*ersity and the charismatic mo*ement is another important
religious ront- $he 'harismatic mo*ement has been iniltrated by multiples since day,
one- $he history o the iniltration is e=tensi*e- +ral Roberts had 'hero&ee blood-
According to some things that +ral Roberts has said/ some 'hristians thin& that he
recei*ed his healing po"ers rom an old Indian "ho healed him through Indian
shamanism "hen +ral "as young- At times/ +ral does use the same methods that spirit
mediums use to heal "ith- According to sla*es "ho ha*e been deprogrammed/ they
"ere in satanic rituals "ith +ral Roberts- 'hristian ministers/ "ho ha*e participated in
his ministry are saying that they ha*e seen massi*e s"indle in his healing ministry- !is
uni*ersity is being used as a programming center- !is bas&etball team at one time had
Monarch sla*es playing on it- We do not &no" i they still do-
%nder the prayer to"er is one o the programming sites- #illy Graham/ a handler
himsel/ helped launch +ral Roberts %ni*ersity / and is a riend o +ral Roberts- From
the IlluminatiOs point o *ie" $ulsa is the Guardian 'ityo Apollo- $he 'ity o Faith is to
be the center or healing rom A@sculapius/ a demon related to Apollo-
While portraying themsel*es as 'hristians/ iniltrators "ithin the charismatic mo*ement
are carrying out satanic rituals to get demonic healing po"ers- $ulsa is one o/ i the
main center or the campaign to iniltrate 'hristianity *ia the 'harismaticLPentecostal
mo*ement "ith programmed multiples-
G. Bo"iey O=na"/ 99[ Freemason/ "as head o the F'' churches/ supporti*e riend
o #illy Graham/ G- #romley +=nam has a long history to him o "or&ing or the elite/
interested readers can pic& up his story in #e Wise As Serpents in the chapter that goes
into the details about ho" the 'hristian churches "ere organized by the F'' and W''
or the Illuminati-
$he NW+ is iniltrating the churches *ia the @arth Ste"ardship Mo*ement- An attempt
"as made at Rio de Baneiro to get an @arth 'harter but there "asnOt enough time/ their
"ere lots o N-+-G- delegates and 2ust in general lots o people to coordinate (6/<<<
attended)- Another @arth Summit "as promised/ but instead they decided at the end o
SeptL+ct o O7: to ha*e a State o the World Forum to be held byLsponsored by the
Gorbache* Foundation at the Presidio/ 'A- $he e=,head o the >G#/ Gorbache* is no"
head;uartered in the Presideo/ a ma2or mind,control programming site- 'hristian basher
$ed $urner "as the chairman o the conerence- $he cost "as W:/<<< per person and the
in*itations "ent out to only select people- $here "ere ?<< handpic&ed politicians "ho
recei*ed in*itations/ along "ith #illy Graham and Mother $eresa- $his "as coordinated
"ith the :<th anni*ersary o the %N "hich "as being celebrated all o*er the "orld-
$he charismatic mo*ement claims to ha*e the !oly Spirit in a special "ay/ ho"e*er/
some seem to be lac&ing in all discernment that the !oly Spirit "ould gi*e- $here are
se*eral boo&s e=posing the big name 'harismatic ministers- +ne is "ritten by an e=,
charismatic Assembly o God minister- !e sho"s a picture in his boo& o an Assembly
o God lier promoting the 0$estimony o B- @dgar !oo*er-0 5es/ the Assembly o God
promoted the 0testimony0 o B- @dgar !oo*er/ "hile he "as &no"n to be a po"er hungry
indi*idual "ho practiced homose=uality- It "as this type o hype that caused this
minister to gro" disillusioned "ith the charismatic mo*ementOs so called spirituality-
Recently/ the spiritual discernment o #illy Graham and many other big time ministries
"as e=posed "hen these big 'hristian ministries "ere conned out o W::< million
dollars- #illy Graham introduced Bohn G- #ennett to thousands o people at a recent
#illy Graham 'rusade in Philadelphia in ?778- Bohn #ennett ga*e his testimony at the
crusade- #ecause #illy Graham/ Bohn $empleton/ and 1aurance Roc&eeller "ere
apparently supporti*e o Bohn G- #ennett/ big time 'hristian ministries 0trusted0 him-
Bohn told many o the big 'hristian ministries that i they ga*e him millions o dollars/
or e*ery million he recei*ed he "ould gi*e them t"o million bac&- Many o the big
'hristian ministries ga*e #ennett money,,in act he collected W::< million ("hich he
ran o "ith) rom ministries such as Pat RobertsonOs/ #ill #rightOs/ 'huc& 'olsonOs/ 1uis
PalauOs/ Westminster $heological Seminary/ Wheaton 'ollege / the Sal*ation Army and
many others-
$he reader may ha*e heard o this Ne" @ra Foundation scam- $hatOs "hat it "as-
#ennett told these 0'hristian0 leaders 0Gi*e Ne" @ra one million dollars and "eOll gi*e
you bac& t"o million-0 $he donations o hard earned money by many innocent 'hristian
belie*ers "ere lost- !o"e*er/ the 'hristian belie*ers are partially responsible because
the church has reused to clean house o "ol*es that set in their pulpits- For instance/
"hen #illy Graham came to the Portland area all the *arious denominations rom the
most liberal to the most conser*ati*e supported him- +nly about a dozen churches did
not get in*ol*ed and only one church acti*ely tried to e=pose #illy Graham,,e*en
though there has been a mass o documentation e=posing #illy Graham as a "ol or 9<
When the church reuses to ollo" GodOs Word and supports these men,,then they must
ta&e some o the blame "hen these men gi*e their millions o hard earned dollars a"ay
to a con artist-
InadeHuate Reaction%
When people ha*e been "arned about #illy Graham/ one o the common responses is
or people to call up the #illy Graham crusade sta- I I as& a biologist a ;uestion about
biology I can e=pect to get a credible ans"er- I I as& a mother about her son I can
e=pect to get a credible ans"er- #ut ho" in the "orld can someone call up the #illy
Graham 'rusade sta and e=pect to get a credible ans"er to the ;uestion 0Is #illy
Graham a Mason30 $he person that ans"ers the phone is li&ely a secretary/ someone
"ho &no"s #illy Graham no more than the 2anitor- What does that person &no" about
the Freemasons3
#ecause the Freemasons are a secret society/ in general/ there are only t"o basic
categories o people,,people in*ol*ed "ith Freemasonry/ and they certainly &no" "hatOs
going on in it but they ha*e ta&en blood oaths on penalty o death not to tal& about it/
and those "ho arenOt in*ol*ed "ith Freemasonry and donOt &no" anything about it-
$here are only a e" people "ho are not masons/ "ho are inormed about the Masons-
$he ans"er o some secretary o*er the phone to the ;uestion/ 0Is #illy Graham a
Freemason30 is o little *alue/ because the secretary or other sta member has not had
the opportunity to get reliable inormation- $his is rom the standpoint o getting a
reliable "itness/ calling some secretary or sta member is simply not a credible
response to all the documentation- No court "ould *ie" a secretary o a large
organization as an e=pert "itness ;ualiied to settle such a dispute-
$he second catch is that such "itnesses are not reasonably unbiased- It is e=pected that
#illy GrahamOs sta "ould ront or him any ;uestions that could e=pose him to bad
publicity- $his last comment is not speculation- $here is proo that #illy GrahamOs sta
has consistently lied o*er the years to pre*ent negati*e publicity about #illy Graham-
When Richard Ni=on met "ith his political buddies to decide "ho to ha*e run "ith him/
the person he as&ed irst in the smo&e,illed room "as #illy Graham- I ha*e read the
account o this is more than one place/ but I "ill ;uote Marshall FradyOs description o
"hen #illy Graham "as as&ed "ho he thought should run "ith Ni=on as Ni=onOs *ice,
presidential running mate- #illy Graham chose 99[ Masonic brother (then only 98[)
Mar& !atield-
!ere is FradyOs description4 0!is assimilation into the Ni=on presidency had already
been "ell under"ay/ in act/ at that con*ention in Miami "hen/ ater Ni=onOs
nomination/ Graham "ound up sitting in Ni=onOs penthouse suite among the smoggy
late,night deliberations o*er Ni=onOs *ice,presidential selection4 Graham himsel/
"hate*er initial uncertainty he might ha*e elt to ind himsel in such a political loc&er,
room session/ soon pitched into the proceedings "ith his o"n eusi*e recommendation
o Mar& !atield4 0!eOs a great 'hristian leader- !eOs almost a clergyman- !eOs been an
educator/ and heOs ta&en a more liberal stand on most issues than you/ and I thin& the
tic&et needs that &ind o balance-0
In ?778/ Mar& !atield/ along "ith Prince !all Freemason Bessie Bac&son both "ere on
tele*ision in Buly o last year deending #illy GrahamOs actions- Mar& !atield/
according to a deprogrammed sla*e has been a user o Monarch se=ual sla*es- N5Os
%nion Seminary is controlled and unded by the Roc&eellers- President o %nion
Seminary "as Dr- !enry Kan Dusen- #illy Graham made him a prominent person in his
crusade and said he "as a 0classic e=ample0 o a mass e*angelism con*ersion- I that is
a good e=ample o GrahamOs con*ersions/ "e 'hristians should shudder-
It is no coincidence that the Southern #aptists o "hich #illy Graham is a member/ is
controlled by the Freemasons- #roo& !ays/ Pres/ o the So- #apt- 'on*ention "as a high
ran&ing Freemason as "ell as part o the 'FR- None o the So- #apt- 'on*entionOs
Presidents ha*e opposed Freemasonry- Pres- #ill 'linton/ a sla*e handler/ is a member
o the @mmanuel #aptist 'hurch "hich is a Southern #aptist 'hurch in 1ittle
Roc& / Ar&- $he late #ill Moyers "ho promoted the Mystery Religions "as a Southern
#aptist- Moyers "ent to the SW #aptist $heological Seminary/ the same school run by
one o #illy GrahamOs sta directors- Bohn #uchanan is another Southern #aptist- Bohn
#uchanan "ent to a So- #apt- Seminary/ and then "or&ed as a ront man or People or
the American Way started by Be"ish Norman 1ear/ an anti,'hristian- People might be
shoc&ed to learn o some o the Ne" Age teachings and Ne" Age teachers that ha*e
been allo"ed into the Southern #aptist churches- $he Southern #aptist youth program is
based on Masonic ideas and is *ery Masonic in its ritual-
$he reader is than&ed or "ading through a lot o diicult material- $he reader can see
"hy #illy Graham may "ell be the greatest deception that has e*er been successully
pulled o- #ut as Abraham 1incoln said/ 05ou can ool some o the people all o the
time/ and all o the people some o the time/ but not all o the people all o the
time-0 @*er since the early ?7:<s/ there ha*e been 'hristians e=posing #illy Graham-
#ut the control o the 'hristian media and the 'hristian seminaries is ar more e=tensi*e
than most people realize- $he #e Wise As Serpents boo& diagrams out ho" the 'hristian
religious denominations are being controlled/ and ho" the Masons and Illuminati,
connected administrators and trustees ha*e control o most o the Seminaries- #illy
Graham "ithout a doubt "or&s directly or the Satanic hierarchy- #ut a rational and air
appraisal o "hat the man is/ and "hat damage he has done to 'hristianity "ill probably
not be gi*en much o a chance- Nobody/ no matter "ho they are is going to ool
'hrist- $here "ill be a real e*aluation done on 2udgment day and "hen that day comes
'hrist said/ 0MAN5 WI11 SA5 $+ M@ IN $!A$ DA5/ 1+RD/ 1+RD/ !AK@ W@
N+$ PR+P!@SI@D IN 5+%R NAM@/ 'AS$ +%$ D@M+NS IN 5+%R NAM@/
AND D+N@ MAN5 W+ND@RS IN 5+%R NAM@3 And then I "ill declare to them/ I
ne*er &ne" youM depart rom Me/ you "ho practice la"lessnessJ0 Mt D488,89
The To2 Secet A"i%h Font -And Hutteite%.
It "ill probably assist the reader to &no" that both o the authors ha*e irst hand
e=perience "ith the ollo"ing inormation about the Amish- Fritz "as Amish or se*eral
years as an Amish church member in church districts in >ansas / Missouri / and Illinois -
!e has also *isited numerous Amish settlements in the %-S- E 'anada / and
li*edL"or&ed "ith the horse and buggy +ld +rder Mennonites (not to be conused "ith
the +ld +rder Amish Mennonites) in +ntario 'anada or hal a year-
!e has a manuscript o a boo& that he "rote about the +ld +rder Amish Mennonites/
and has gone so ar as to in;uire "ith publishers li&e National Geographic i they "ould
li&e some o his material- !e has also attended a *ariety o Mennonite churches/
including 'hurch o God in 'hrist/ Menn- (!oldemanOs)/ 'harismatic Mennonite/
'onser*- Menn- and #eachy Amish churches across the %-S-
!e also &no"s irst,hand that Illuminati sla*es/ some o "ho are programmers/ ha*e
been iniltrated by the Illuminati into Mennonite churches- Perhaps "hat may come
across as the strangest religious ront/ and it is certainly one o the biggest secrets o the
intelligence agencies is their use o the +ld +rder Amish Mennonites as a ront- $he
Amish are the most paciistic people/ so the IlluminatiLintelligence agencies ha*e placed
some o their best programmed assassins behind the ront o being Amish- $he ront is
real,,they are Amish/ "ell/ many o them/ some "ere Illuminati children s"itched at
birth to gi*e the programmers better bloodlines to "or& rom-
Some Amish "omen in cult amilies ha*e let the Illuminati impregnate them "ith
stronger bloodlines- Many Nazi bloodlines "ere hidden ater WW II under the
MennoniteLAmish co*er- $he Mennonites and some o the more progressi*e Amish
adopt many children- $he Amish in Missouri ( Bamesto"n )/ >ansas (south o
!utchison)/ and +&lahoma ( Guthrie / +> )/ >entuc&y / +hio (!olmes 'o-/ +!)/
and Pennsyl*ania ( 1ancaster / PA ) ha*e been in*ol*ed in selling their children to the
When the Illuminati "ould buy a child they "ould send in one o their o"n mid"i*es to
help "ith the birth and retrie*e the child- Generally/ the Amish "ould sell their children
"hen they realized they "ere going to ha*e t"ins- +ne "ould be gi*en to the cult/ and
one "ould be &ept by the Amish parents- #ecause these children are born outside o the
system/ and ha*e no birth certiicates/ they made e=cellent children to use in porn- $hey
also can be used as e=pendable children to use in porn- $hey "ere oten blond haired
and blue eyed- $he Amish "omen "ere not allo"ed to use birth control/ it "as
orbidden by the church/ and they "ere not allo"ed to ha*e an abortion/ and it "as their
duty to ha*e se= "ith their husbands- It is possible that some parents sold their children
2ust to get out o the responsibility o ha*ing another child-
$he Amish arms in >ansas and +&lahoma and in the border
states li&e Missouri and >entuc&y are mechanized "ith tractors/ and they donOt need the
large amilies that the Amish in other places need- Due to the strong legalism that
per*ades their church/ some ha*e tried to get around the tight spot that the rules place
them in by selling a e" unnoticed children-
!o"e*er/ there is an acti*e "itchcrat practicing occult group "ithin the Amish "hich is
li&e a bo= "ithin a bo= "ithin a bo=- It is *ery secret- $here are many "ays o
describing "hat is going on "ith the Amish- 1etOs describe ;uic&ly in hal a page (it
could be a boo& in itsel) "hat a deep loo& at the spiritual dynamics o "hat is going on
"ith their communities-
$he rise o Satanism "ithin their ran&s is simply a natural outgro"th o the spiritual
dynamics- $here "ere t"o trees in the Garden o @den/ one "as the $ree o 1ie and
one "as the $ree o the >no"ledge o Good and @*il- $he irst meant being transormed
by the 'reator "ho made them into the image o the Spirit o God and recei*ing spiritual
lie/ but the other tree "as perormance-
$he $ree o the >no"ledge o Good and @*il (religion) includes both 1a" (good) and
license (e*il)- As soon as a group gets legalistic/ they all rom grace- $hey then separate
themsel*es by their perormance and say in eect 0loo& at "hat "eOre doing0 "hich is a
orm o pride- God resists the proud/ so they through a number o spiritual dynamics
lose ello"ship "ith God- $his means they must cling to their legalistic traditions e*en
more/ because a li*e relationship "ith God is gone- (#ible Studies are orbidden by most
Amish church distrists/ and they donOt get ne" re*elation rom God/ they still are
"or&ing o o the re*elations o the ?A<<s/ "hen they "ere traumatized and ;uit
gro"ing- When they split rom the rest o the Mennonites/ they "ere li&e a child alter
split "hich ne*er gro"s up-)
When a group gets legalism/ they also get license/ because the t"o gro" rom the same
tree- @*ery Amish community has t"o large groups,,the legalistic ones and the license
ones- $he young people are e*en split this "ay- In 1ancaster 'ounty / the 0Groies0 is
the nic&name o the large license group o young people "ho ornicate and drin&- $here
is a smaller group o legalistic conser*ati*e young people too/ "ho are at the other end
o the spectrum- $here is one group (gang might be a more appropriate name) called
Bamborees "ho are an unruly and destructi*e collection o angry "ild young
people- $he #ishops in 1ancaster 'o- meet t"ice yearly to &eep this large settlement o
opposites together- A lot o compromise and loo&ing the other "ay is done or the sa&e
o peace- 0Peace0 at any price is the name o the game- @*en beore a prayer is said in
church the minister calls out/ 0Wenn mer eenich sin/ "ella mer bete-0 $his translates/ 0I
"e are in one accord/ then let us pray-0 #ecause peace is so important/ they are out o
balance in getting it- $hey place peace ar abo*e truth- In order to ha*e the appearance
that e*erything is "ell/ secrecy per*ades e*erything li&e the air one breathes- #ecause
their "hole culture is secret/ children raised in it arenOt a"are o ho" strong it is/ it is
simply a "ay o lie/ li&e it is or the Illuminati-
1egalism *alues conormity- 'onormity preers robotic obedience o*er understanding-
In act/ one #ishop told Fritz/ co,author o this boo&/ 0We donOt "ant our young ol&s to
understand "hy they do "hat they do/ "e only "ant obedience- %nderstanding is
dangerous-0 Does the reader begin to see ho" the Amish ma&e both the perect setting
or Monarch Mind,'ontrol/ and the perect co*er- $he Amish are a *ery secret group-
During their early history they suered se*ere persecution- $heir culture teaches them to
suer in silence/ "hich today helps their Satanic abusers iniltrate their culture-
In the past in @urope / "hen the 'atholic or Protestant church caught them they "ere
tortured to death- $hey "ere hunted as animals and treated "orse than animals "hen
caught- $his "as the trauma/ that Satan did to them/ and the lie that "as then handed
them "as that i they "ould cloister themsel*es secretly in the Ne" World a"ay rom
e*eryone else/ they "ould be sae- $he Amish ha*e shut out rom outsiders the true
la*or o their culture and belies- $hey are silent about their problems- $hey tell
themsel*es that outsiders couldnOt possibly be interested in their aairs-
$he Amish themsel*es are *ery di*ided rom each other- $he di*isions bet"een Amish
groups is called U"ietract- U"ietract can co*er anything rom a mild alooness to a ull
ledged shunning (called the Meidung)- $he Amish arenOt in general ;ualiied to tell
outsiders much in detail about their o"n heritage/ or religion because they are so
isolated rom the other Amish settlements and ha*e been raised in such an anti,
intellectual culture- Most Amish are content to &no" that the "ay they do things 0"as
al"ays done this "ay0 and that their elders and oreathers "ere gited men "ho
e=amined things *ery closely- $heir social norms are not intellectually ;uestioned by
most Amish/ but then American society has been *ery isolationist in the "orld and e"
Americans ;uestion their society E norms-
Americans e*en rebel in the prescribed ashion/ "hate*er the elite tell society is the 0in0
0cool0 0hot0 stylish "ay to do things- $he Amish are similar to the Mid,east culture in
that they ha*e a *ery indirect approach to saying things- $hey do not consider it proper
to spea& "ith a negati*e connotation about anybody- $hey also instincti*ely gi*e pat
ans"ers to outsiders to blunt ;uestions- $hese pat ans"ers border on being rigid/
pre2udiced/ and simple- $hey ser*e the purpose to deter curiosity- $he early Amish
leaders "ere e=,'atholic priests/ but most o the people "ere peasants "ho had little
ormal schooling/ had little #ible &no"ledge/ and came rom southern Germany and the
Rheinland "here "itchcrat "as practiced by the common people-
$he Spirit o Witchcrat ne*er let the Amish- It has al"ays been "ith them- $he ol&
"itchcrat is called #rauche/ and the crat is &ept secret by old men "ho pass the
incantations do"n in secret- When the Amish mo*ed toPennsyl*ania / they mo*ed in
ne=t door to Rosicrucians- When the Rosicrucian settlements ell apart they 2oined the
Mennonites/ thus bringing their hermetic magic along "ith them-
Some"here "ithin the Amish "ere some amilies that "ere under co*er or the Besuits/
and "ere sent in as spies long ago because they "ere corrupt- $hese amilies ha*e been
generational Satanists/ "hich practice pedophilia and other crimes in the saety o their
isolation- $hey "ere placed "ithin the Amish to help the 'atholic church destroy the
In @urope that happened under !itler/ "hen all the +ld +rder Amish "ere arrested in
?79C and "iped out o Germany- Prior to WW II/ the NaziOs part o the Illuminati sent
o*er a number o programmed multiples "hich set up an unnamed cult in upstate Ne"
5or& - $his cult "as to help !itler ta&e po"er in the %-S- "hen the NaziOs "on the "ar-
$hey did not "in the "ar/ but A< years later this Satanic cult still operates- No" 8nd and
9rd generation programmed multiples are no" part o this cult-
Someho" this Illuminati mission coordinates "ith the Illuminati pro2ect to get !itlerOs
bloodline hidden among the Amish/ although the authors are a"are o !itlerOs
descendants being in +regon / and Washington as "ell asPennsyl*ania - +ne o them
in Portland / +regon "or&s or the Federal go*ernment- 1ancaster 'ounty is sometimes
reerred to as the mother church- $his "as one o the original counties "hich the Amish
settled in "hen they irst came o*er to the Ne" World - William Penn in*ited
Rosicrucians/ Amish/ and other dissident religious groups to Pennsyl*ania -
$he Satanic co*ens in 1ancaster 'ounty / PA consist o members rom Amish/
Mennonite and #rethren churches- $hey are not simply all Amish- 1ancaster 'ounty Os
Amish "ill ello"ship "ill all the appro=imately 8<< other settlements o Amish around
the country- What is a peculiar phenomena/ is that many churches that do not ello"ship
"ith one another/ "ill still maintain 0communion0 "ith 1ancaster out o respect or
place in Amish history- !o"e*er/ 1ancaster 'ounty has some o the most immoral
reprobate Amish that there could be- All this is hidden *ery "ell rom the thousands o
tourists/ due to the secrecy o the Amish-
$he Amish do not oten pay ta=es/ do not pay social security because they are e=empt
rom the Social Security program/ and send many o their children to Amish schools-
$hey are truly a separate society "hich maintains rigid secrecy- I you "ere the Ne"
World +rder or the Illuminati "here "ould you "ant to hide your assassins3 $he saest
place is inside o the most paciist group in the "orld/ the Amish- Monarch mind,
controlled sla*es are being created out o Amish children-
During W-W- II/ Amish conscientious ob2ectors "ere orced by the go*ernment to do
alternate public ser*ice in lieu o military ser*ice- $his "as &no"n as 'i*ilian Public
Ser*ice- Amish E Mennonite conscientious ob2ectors "ere placed into Mental !ospitals
to help- $hey ser*ed at Allento"n State !osp-/ Allento"n/ PAM 'antons*ille State !osp-/
'antons*ille/ MDM 'le*eland State !osp-/ 'le*eland/ +!M Dela"are State !osp-/
Parnhurst/ D1M Den*er State !osp-/ Den*er/ '+M Greystone Par& State !osp-/ Greystone
Par&/ NBM !arrisburg State !osp-/ !arrisburg/ PAM !udson Ri*er State !osp-/
Pough&eepsie/ N5M >alamazoo State !osp-/ >alamazoo/ MIM 1ima State !osp-/ 1ima/
+!M 1i*ermore State KA !osp-/ 1i*ermore/ 'AM Macedonia State !osp-/ Macedonia/
+!M Marlboro State !osp-/ Marlboro/ NBM Mt- Pleasant State !osp-/ Mt- Pleasant/ ?<M
Norristo"n State !osp-/ Norristo"n/ PAM Pro*o State !osp-/ Pro*o/ %$M Rhode Is- State
!osp-/ !o"ard/ RIM Roseburg KA State !osp-/ Roseburg/ +RM Staunton State !osp-/
Staunton/ KAM $iin State !osp-/ $iin/ +!M Werners*ille State !osp-/ Werners*ille/
PAM 5psilanti State !osp-/ 5psilanti/ MI-
$he author/ Fritz/ belie*es that the complete story o ho" the Illuminati got a secret
oothold into the Amish community lies in "hat happened in mental hospitals to the
an=ious,to,please/ compliant/ innocent Amish boys/ "ho "ere assigned to these mental
hospitals- Many people do not realize that during W-W- I/ se*eral MennoniteL!utterite
conscientious ob2ectors "ere tortured to death by our go*ernment- Not a pretty picture
"hen you ind out ho" sadistic our go*ernment "as "illing to be to"ard its o"n
citizens- Not only did the Amish boys go to lots o mental hospitals during W-W- II/ but
all o the religious groups that participated in the conscientious ob2ector ser*ice (called
'i*ilian Public Ser*ice) contributed boys to the +ice o Scientiic Research E
De*elopment (part o the Army)/ "hich "as still using these boys or e=periments until
Dec- 9?/ ?76A-
What &inds o 0e=periments0 "ere the Amish boys/ "ho "ere oered up as guinea pigs/
sub2ected to by the +SRD3 We no" &no" that some o these e=periments "ere *ery
dangerous to their human guinea pigs- ?,< classiication "as the Selecti*e Ser*ice
#oardOs 'onscientious +b2ector classiication- During the Kietnam War/ Amish young
men "ent into I,W ser*ice (conscientious ob2ector ser*ice) at mental and regular
hospitals- $heir I,W ser*ice "as or t"o years- Some o these young men "ere
programmed at these hospitals- +ne Amish boy ater he got home rom I,W ser*ice
committed suicide-
$he secret satanic amilies "ithin *arious Amish settlements also oered up their
children- $his started a large scale super secret operation by the 'IALIntelligence
agencies to set up Delta teams "ithin the Amish- Who "ould e*er suspect an
Amishman3 $hey ha*e been e=pendable assassins or the 'IA or years- $hese young
men are strong arm boys- $hey ha*e no connection bet"een themsel*es and the outside
"orld "here they secretly carry out their missions/ and i they die/ there is no birth
record/ and perhaps a dozen other siblings or their amily to continue on "ith-
During the Kietnam War/ the MilitaryOs Selecti*e Ser*ice did things dierently than in
W-W-II- Any hospital or mental hospital "hich applied or appro*al could get I,W
(conscientious ob2ector) boys- $he Amish put together a Steering 'ommittee to "or&
"ith the go*ernment and the I,W ser*ice- In the I,W Steering 'ommittee meetings (and
the author Fritz attended one) it "as stated by 'ommittee members 0$he boys do not
come bac& the same From the hospitalsG0 and that the I,W ser*ice in the mental
hospitals "as 0pro*ing unsatisactory and harmul-0
Some o the mental hospitals "hich recei*ed Amish boys include 'olumbia MissouriOs
State Mental !ospital E !ospital comple=/ 'olorado Psychopathic !ospital in Den*er/
all o the hospitals that got W-W- III,Ws (as listed abo*e)/ 'entral State !ospital/
Indianpolis/ IND/ Ne" Bersey State !ospital/ Greystone Par&/ NB/ Philadelphia State
!ospital/ Philadelphia/ PA/ plus numerous others- At any one time/ there "ere hundreds
o Amish boys in I,W ser*ice-
It is suspected that many o these hospitals "ere in*ol*ed in mind,control/ and it is
&no"n that the 'olumbia / M+ comple= o hospitals and Mid,Missouri State Mental
!ospital / C<9 Stadium Dr- / 'olumbia / Missouri and the KeteranOs !ospital across the
street "ere in*ol*ed in mind,control or the 'IA-
A mental hospital had to apply to the Selecti*e Ser*ice #oard or appro*al to get I,W
"or&ers- $hen their personnel departments "ould hire the I,W boys or positions such as
nursing attendants- +ne State Mental !ospital administrator told Fritz that the "hole I,
W thing "as 0pretty conidential-0
$he Amish Steering 'ommittee "or&ed "ith the Mennonite 'entral 'ommittee (M'')
"hich in turn "or&ed or some ;uasi,religious group "hich is pri*ately unded called
$he National Ser*ice #oard o Religious +b2ectors (NS#R+) still acti*e
in Washington / D-'- $he Amish "ere slo" to act/ but by the end o the Kietnam War/
they had managed to get some o their arms appro*ed or I,W ser*ice and in ?7D?/ the
Steering 'ommittee "as able to announce that D< Amish I,W boys "ere "or&ing on
Amish arms in C states/ rather than in hospitals- !o"e*er/ this late change "as too late
to protect their settlements rom iniltration rom sophisticated Illuminati mind,control-
Ho' It I% Done
A programmed Amish boy "ill li&ely be contacted by "hat is called a 0'%$,+%$OO- $his
is the secret contact person "ho maintains contact bet"een the !andler and the Amish
Delta- '%$,+%$Os can either be gi*en se*eral sla*es (a #1+'> '%$,+%$) or in other
cases only &no" the up,line handler and do"n,line person (a '!AIN '%$,+%$)-
I urther secrecy is needed by the handler/ he can use OOsterile telephonesOO "hich the
IlluminatiL'IA ha*e "hich cannot be traced/ e*en by the telephone companies- When an
Amish boy is acti*ated and sent out on an assassination mission or the
IlluminatiLIntelligence agencies he is a proessional at "hat he has been trained and
programmed to do-
Amish boys/ programmed to be assassins/ are used in "hat their handlers call 0"et ops0-
$his intelligence lingo means that human blood "ill run- Wet ops/ also called blac& ops/
are debrieed by a brieing team- $he Amish multiple "ill ha*e to gi*e a detailed
account o the inished operation/ once under hypnosis/ once "ith a polygraph/ and once
under the drug scopolamine (a truth serum)- And "hen the debrieing team/ "hich
includes a Mind,control Programmer/ is satisied that all o the inconsistencies bet"een
the dierent accounts ha*e been ironed out/ then the Programmer "ill bloc& out all
memory and guilt o the operation- $he handler may "rite a 0blind memorandum0 "hich
has no ile no- or letterhead or name-
$hen Amish boyOs assassination alters "ill be praised or ha*ing done a great ser*ice to
humanity and to his country- $he Amish boy can no" be sent home to mil& co"s and
"or& on his labor,intensi*e tobacco arm "ithout any nagging guilt or horrible
memories suracing to trouble him (at least in theory)- $rained assassins do ha*e
memory lashes/ as all Monarch sla*es ha*e/ but they are only bits and pieces-
People also do not realize that the Amish li*e in many more states than Pennsyl*ania -
$hey mo*e all o*er the %nited States - I an Amishman "as tra*elling on a 'IA mission
there are numerous o e=cuses that could be made or "hy he could be on the mo*e-
$here are ar more Amish young people a"ay rom the Amish settlements than people
realize because they dress li&e the "orld-
Many young people lea*e "ith the &no"ledge that they can go bac& years later and be
accepted bac& into their community- What are some o the mitigating actors in all o
$he Amish do their o"n butchering- $hey are do"n,to,earth people "ho are not araid
o blood- @ssentially all Amish children gro" up helping "ith butchering/ and seeing lie
and death played out e*eryday on their arms- $he Amish do not embalm their dead/ and
ha*e their o"n cemeteries- $he Satanic cult "ithin the Amish can reopen the gra*es and
carry out satanic ceremonies ater"ard- $heir cemeteries are small almost hidden sites
"ith mar&ers hidden in grass- Some o these gra*eyards blend in "ith their rural
@lmo/ Boseph/ and Kictor Stoll are some prominent Amish men- Boseph and @lmo ha*e
tra*eled a great deal esp- to 'entral America - Boseph "rote a boo& on 'hild $raining
"hich teaches parents ho" to brea& a childOs "ill- $his author is supporti*e o discipline
and respect- $he boo& is pointed out/ only because it is a paper trail to sho" that the
Amish discipline and the IlluminatiOs discipline at times can be similar- $he only person
"ho might see an Amish boy being disciplined (since they are a rural people) "ould be
the immediate amily or an occasional Amish guest- An Amish man seeing a ather
carrying out the Monarch steps to build dissociation "ould li&ely not see anything
"rong- I the guest did see something "rong (i-e- too strict or mean)/ the ob2ections
"ould be &ept *ery lo" &ey- For sure/ no non,Amish "ould e*er hear about it-
$he Illuminati amilies li&e the Du&es and Reynolds control tobacco production and
cigarette manuacturing- In order to &eep their liestyle in Pennsyl*ania / the Amish ha*e
had to gro" tobacco or the Illuminati controlled companies- $his author can only
speculate "hat economic le*erage that has gi*en the Illuminati o*er the Pennsyl*ania
Hidin( A /a;o 0o(a""in( Cente
$he blueprints o the Portland Mormon $emple at 1a&e +s"ego / +R "hich sets o*er a
secret underground programming site/ "ere changed o*ernight ater they "ere loo&ed at-
$he original blueprints sho"ed that 1a&e +s"ego had allo"ed a building code to
bro&en- $he blueprint "as changed/ sho"ing that 1a&e +s"ego Os city employees "ere
"or&ing along "ith the Mormon church and the 'IA to &eep e*erything running smooth
"ith their high tech secret underground programming center/ "hich has the ront o
being sacred temple grounds- $hree separate Monarch sla*es independently described
this underground installation/ and there are other e*idences o it too-
In order to gain access to the underground programming tunnels/ a person has to ha*e to
place their palm on the "all/ "here a disguised instrument identiies a personOs hand-
$he entrances are disguised using the most sophisticated techni;ues- +ne is rom
the $emple 1aundry #uilding south o the temple and another is rom the hotel south o
the temple- $his hotel has a strange hard,to,ind entrance to its par&ing lot/ almost as i
they ha*enOt "anted unin*ited guests- $unnels are "idely used at the other *arious
programming sites-
E=tena$ ? Intena$ Dece2tion%
$here are some stoc& tools o deception that are used both e=ternally on the "orld and
internally on the sla*e "hen their system is programmed and structured- 1ater in the
boo& "e "ill co*er the structuring- Since this chapter co*ers deceptions/ "e "ill discuss
them here/ but the reader needs to bear in mind/ they "ill be employed in the
structuringLprogramming phases o the sla*eOs lie-
$he tools are Delection/ #linds/ Slides/ !egelian dialectics/ and
Deniability- De&$ection is ta&ing something good and delecting its purpose- $his is a
stoc& tool- For instance/ loyalty and obedience can be good *irtuous things i gi*en to
the correct authority- #ut delected to the alse sadistic authority/ they are disastrous-
$hey use Delection to redirect the po"er o truth "hich is opposed to them- !ealthy
oods/ bene*olence/ ecology/ lo*e/ acceptance/ etc- are all part o the 'reatorOs 'hristian
"al&- $hese truths and other are delected rom their original purpose o gloriying the
'reator to gloriying their o"n programs- Rather than publicly opposing 'hristianity/
they rename their o"n mo*ements 'hristian/ and then proceed to do *ery little or
'hrist/ and e*erything or 1ucier- $hey are e*en delecting "orship o Besus 'hrist onto
"orship o a demon named Besus-
$he ne=t e=ternally and internally used stoc& tool is called 0B$ind%0, these are deliberate
deceptions placed "ithin their o"n "ritings to conuse the uninitiated- !-P-#- gi*es a
good description o the use o these/ so do Masonic "riters li&e Albert Pi&e- !-P-#-
"riting describes the use o #linds in $he Secret Doctrine/ Kol- : Adyar edition/ p- 69:-
#linds are used in 'IA documents/ they are incorporated into the scripts that the alters
recei*e- For instance/ the in etro Moon 'hild ceremonies are not re*ealed to the non,
hierarchy alters/ but they are told that the Moon 'hildren ha*e to do "ith the cage
S$ide% are truth that has been "arped 2ust slightly to ta&e an in*estigati*e person into a
dead end- An e=ample o a slide/ is that the Ne" World +rder is satanic/ but that only
Nazis and stupid people thin& that Be"s are in*ol*ed- $his is a slide/ because then the
Rothschilds "ho hide behind their Be"ishness/ can not be mentioned as suspects "ithout
people yelling 0Anti,Semitism-0
In reality e=posing these abusers has nothing to do "ith Anti,Semitism/ itOs simply that
all abusers no matter "hat good ront they ha*e/ need to be correctly identiied as
dangerous- Another e=ample/ an alter "ho pretends to be helpul is placed in the system
"ho says that the door to get to a castle internally is the ith door on the right in such
and such hall- $he ans"er is correct/ but the door must be opened using the let side/
rather than the right side "here the door &nob is located- #ecause the ans"er doesnOt pan
out then the idea that the door is the correct door is discarded/ and the alterOs &no"ledge
is suspect- 1ots o psychiatrists are "riting papers about MPD "ith slides- $hey gi*e
some truth/ and then they gi*e people a path to go do"n that "ill dead end them rom
e*er inding the truth-
$hey use He(e$ian Dia$ectic%- $his dialectic process doesnOt happen on its o"n so it
oten has to be orced into happening- $he idea is that each idea (0ism0) called a 0thesis0/
li&e say 'apitalism/ naturally by deinition has an opposite/ an 0antithesis0- In
'apitalism the antithesis is 'ommunism- $he conlict bet"een the t"o produces a
synthesis- #y controlling both ends o the conlict/ one controls the end product/ the
synthesis- More than not/ the +ne,World,Po"er can be seen "or&ing behind both sides
o many conlicts- Indeed/ the Secret Societies ha*e been historically sho"n to be
behind all the re*olutions and "ars in Modern @urope since the American Re*olution-
In religious conlict/ both sides are oten being manipulated- Some o the *arious groups
openly admit their strategy is designed to create a synthesis- 5ou "ill ind !egelian
Dialectics has been introduced into the %-S- educational system by the S&ull E #ones
+rder/ an Illuminati group- It "as adopted in Russia by the Sla*ophiles in the ?7th
century- 'ommunism/ Nazism/ Fabians/ most Ne" Age groups/ 1iberation $heology/
and other parts o the Po"er use !egelian Dialectics- !egel in turn based his system on
the ancient Gree& atomists especially Democritus- !egalian dialectics is built into the
conlicting scripts that alters are gi*en- Sla*es "ho are t"inned to another sla*e "ill ind
!egelian dialectics employed in their t"inning programming- $he !egelian dialectics
can be "or&ed in "ith the double,binds that the programmers lo*e to use-
E%oteic $an(ua(e.
Indirect intererence "ith truthul inormation getting out- $his is done by stealing the
impact o the truth/ by printing a parallel story "ith disinormation at the same time/ or
0lea&ing0 an opposite story "ith disinormation at the same appro=imate time-
Disinormation lea&s can be done through the mass media/ or an indi*idual alter- g-
When orders are gi*en and language is used/ it is on purpose *ague so that the guilty can
deny their guilt- At this point/ it might be appropriate to co*er some standard 'IA
tactics- $hey use some Monarch sla*es as 01i*e 1etter Drops0- An 11D is a person "ho
"ill remail spy letters- $hey "ill use 0dead drop bo=es0 "hich are simply places that an
item or message is concealed to be retrie*ed by some other criminal in the Net"or&-
$hey may gi*e the sla*e a git "hich then has to be passed on- $hey may protect a
"ritten message by "riting it on edible paper- Sae houses are used/ indicated by things
such as 8 lion statues along "ith prearranged +->- signals/ such as the position o a
lo"er pot-
D. Intena$ Dece2tion%
When building an internal "orld/ the programmers use e*ery tric& in the boo& to hide
things- First the abuse has to be hidden in silence/ and then the MPD has to be hidden-
Ne=t/ the real core needs to be hidden- $hen/ the purpose o a Monarch sla*e needs to be
hidden- All the time that this is going on/ the programmers must constantly "or& at
&eeping the programmersO identities hidden/ and their programming sites hidden-
Programmers usually ha*e co*er names "hen programming/ and then hypnotically ha*e
the *ictim see them as something else- For instance/ Dr- Green had *ictims see him as a
cric&et- !e e*en used a cric&et noise ma&er "hile programming/ that clic&ed- In recent
times/ the Programmers and handlers are programming their sla*es to belie*e that they
are aliens- $he sla*e "ill generally be lied to that they ha*e a 0t"in0
some"here- Internally/ the Programmer "ill begin ma&ing the System "ith the core
related alters and then the ront alters- $he ront alters "ill be rearranged in a ashion
that the structure o the System is conused- $he ront alters "ill be gi*en hea*y
programming/ to con*ince them that nothing e*er happened to them/ they had a
"onderul lie- $hey "ill be gi*en ictitious stories about the programming/ so that
almost e*ery item in a System has a co*er story to mislead an alter about "hat is going
Many things are placed in bo=es- 'lo"ns programmed to cut/ are Bac&,in,bo= clo"ns
that pop up "hen an alter e*en thin&s unappro*ed thoughts- Some o the important
things in a System may be hidden out ront- An alter on the ront may thin& it is stupid/
and yet they ha*e access to internal maps o the entire system,,"hich they can
remember only on code- I a person (such as a therapist or nosey alter) goes to loo& deep
in the System or the material he might be rustrated- %nder a anatically un,se=ual
(ase=ual) alter/ "ill be a se=ual alter- %nder a stupid alter/ may be an alter gited in a
language or art- Alters are *ery oten hidden behind opposite types o alters-
Important things in the System/ and many unimportant things/ are all "ell guarded-
Sometimes particular alters ha*e to ser*e as the guards- Some o these guards are
called Gate*ee2e%- Gate&eeper alters "ill appear near the surace o a system/ and then
again deep in the System about le*el ?</ and ?8- Gate&eeper alters are alters that the
programmer must go through to get to deeper le*els- $he Gate&eeper alters are *ery
hea*ily programmed to &eep them in place- $hey "ill recei*e intensi*e lies- Some o
the access triggers "hich must accompany the *erbal codes are &ept secret/ by *irtue o
the act that no person in their right mind "ould use them/ such as needles/ electro,
shoc&s/ or slaps to certain parts o the body to trigger deep alters to ta&e the body-
Items in a System "ill be disguised/ such as the cloc&ma&er alterLdemons "ill ma&e
cloc&s to appear in the system li&e anything they "ant- $he only "ay these can be
ade;uately identiied is that these cloc&s are al"ays disguised as gold items- As the
Programmers "or&/ they li&e to ind "ord games/ plays on "ords and double,binds-
$hey "ill also put in scrambling programs/ dea alters and oreign language codes to
help protect their secrets- $he alters "ho loo& the least to ha*e programming may ha*e
the most- Duplicate alters o most alters are created/ so that e*en the alters themsel*es
donOt &no" i it is themsel*es or another alter- $hese duplicates are called mirrored
images E loo&ing glass people (1GPs)- Some o the mirrored images may turn out to be
demonic entities that ha*e been placed using high le*el demonology- Suicide alters/
"ho are trained to ha*e a big smile and be clo"ns/ mas& their intention to &ill the body
"hen they ta&e the body o a sla*e-
A popular method or hiding things "ithin the occult "orld/ has been bo=es "ithin
bo=es- A Masonic organization "ill ha*e a rite/ "ithin a secret rite/ "ith a secret group/
"ith an insider cli;ue- 'ommon e*eryday items that surround the sla*e "ill be gi*en
special meanings- $he songs the sla*e hears on the radio/ "ill or instance ha*e code
"ords- $he Programmers due to the corruption o the music industry &no"s "hat hit
songs are coming out/ and they "ill haul their sla*es in and program them according to
the lyrics o the soon,to,be hits- $he lyrics "ill be "ritten so that programmed meanings
can be attached to certain "ords and lines-
Something as innocent as "atching $-K-/ listening to the $-K- or to a sermon may
actually be programming a special message into the *ictim- !and signals "ill e*en be
done o*er the ne"s or other sho"s- For instance/ #ill 'linton at his inauguration made a
satanic signal during the inauguration ceremony- $his sign o Satan is a standard
hypnotic induction hand signal or sla*es- 'linton "a*es the sign o Satan "ith his let
hand at his inauguration- $his is a hypnotic induction signal or sla*es- Although some
might interpret this as 0I lo*e you0 "hich is handed by the right hand o a dea person/
this let handed signal "ill induct sla*es no matter "hat some people thin& the meaning
No "ise person "ould &no"ingly choose to ight their opponent blind and dea/ yet that
seems to be the choice "hich many nominal 'hristians are choosing- $hey "ould li&e to
li*e in denial and to characterize this boo& as doomsdayer stu and then dismiss and
ignore this material- $hey "ant to eat/ drin& and be happy- I people thin& that by putting
their heads in the sand they can escape the uture/ or e*en the present diiculties/ they
may be in or a rude surprise-
The +%e o& E%oteic 9an(ua(e
+ne method o deception is the use o @soteric language- @soteric terms are understood
by those deep in the occult/ but are misunderstood by the common people- $he best
e=ample is the term 0Saturn-0
$he "ord Saturn consistently turns up as an important "ord or the Illuminati and upper
le*els o the occult- #ecause Saturn is such an important concept/ it should be co*ered in
this part o the boo&- $herapists may encounter something to do "ith Saturn in a
programmed multiple- #eore Fritz began researching the elite o the occult "orld/
Saturn "as merely meant an enormous planet 7: times the size o the earthOs mass/ the
Ath o the solar system in an orbit o 87-: years around the sun- $his means that the co,
authors o this boo& are less than three Saturian years old-
Fritz "as also a"are that Saturn "as the ather o all Gods in the mythology o the
ancient "orld- Da*id M- $albot in his boo& $he Saturn Myth documents ho" all o*er
the "orld Saturn has been "orshipped e*en more than the sun god- Saturn has been the
secret god o the occult "orld- When "e read in Deut- ?C47,?</ 0When thou art come
into the land "hich the 1ord thy God gi*eth thee/ thou shalt not learn to do ater the
abominations o those nations- $here shall not be ound among you any one that ma&eth
his son or daughter to pass through the ire/ or that useth di*ination/ or an obser*er o
times/ or an enchanter/ or a "itch-0
All o these practices are abominations done by Satanists today and are becoming
commoner among Americans- Note that the irst item mentioned by Moses in this
passage "as passing (putting) children into the ire (o Moloch)- 'ommentary on $he
Pentateuch/ III/ reprint/ Grand Rapids / MI 4 @erdmans Publishing 'o-/ ?767/ p-979-)
(>eil/ 'arl F- and Franz Delitzch) on D$ ?C47,?<4 0Moses groups together all the "ords
"hich the language contained or dierent modes o e=ploring the uture and
disco*ering the "ill o God/ or the purpose o orbidding e*ery description o
soothsaying/ and places the prohibition o Moloch,"orship at the head/ to sho" the
in"ard connection bet"een soothsaying and idolatry/ possibly because ebruation/ or
passing children through the ire in the "orship o Moloch/ "as more intimately
connected "ith soothsaying and magic than any other description o idolatry-0
$he "orship o Moloch "as the "orship o Saturn- $here are perhaps *arious routes one
can ta&e to learn this- +ne route is a *ery close e=amination o the Scripture/ especially
the old Septuagint- Scriptures actually "rite o this act in Amos :48:,8A and Acts D46?,
69- Amos "rote/ 0Did ye bring unto me sacriices and oerings in the "ilderness orty
years/ < !ouse o Israel 3 5ea/ ye ha*e borne the tabernacle o your &ing (0siccuth
mal&ecem0/ or in the Septuagint it reads 0s&enen tou Moloch0J)/ and the shrine (&iyyun)
o your images/ the star o your God/ "hich ye made to yoursel*es0 AMS :48:,8A $he
'hristian Stephen ;uotes these passages o Amos and connects it "ith the "orship o the
golden cal (bull or $aurus)- !is "ords on this are recorded in Acts D46 ?- !e urther
connects it in the ne=t *erse "ith the "orship o 0the host o hea*en0- In line "ith
translations li&e the Septuagint/ he states in *erse 69 that Amos : reers to the cult 0o
Moloch and the star o the god Rephan0-
!ebre" "riting consists o only the consonants- $he *o"els can be added "ith "hat are
termed *ocalizations/ "hich are dots- $he Be"ish scribes in their contempt or heathen
gods placed *ocalizations (*o"el indicators) on the "ord Molech (M,1,'!) rom a
!ebre" "ord or 0shame0- #ecause the incorrect *ocalization "as added out o
contempt or the heathen names o abominable gods/ the "ord Molech (Saturn "orship)
has been mistranslated by some translators- Further/ the "ord 'hiun (>aimanu
in Assyria ) has been represented by the "ord Rephan in Acts D469- Rephan is >ai*an
('hiun) "hich is the arabian and syrian "ay o saying Saturn- Rephan apparently "as a
*ery limited or localized "ay o saying Saturn- $he adoration o the cal (bull) in the
"ilderness "as an important act o deiance by the Israelites,, "hile Moses "ent up on
the mountain to spea& to God ace to ace-
$his "orship o the bull "as actually "orship o SaturnJ Some call this star "orship/
and the bull "as "orshipped because at that time the constellation $aurus (the #ull)
mar&ed the position o the sun at the time o the spring e;uino=- $he act that the cal
"as gold "as no accident,,gold has many Satanic connotations- For a modern occult
reerence connecting the #ull/ astrology and gold together see @soteric Astrology by
Alice #ailey (1ucis $rust/ ?7:?)/ pp 9DC,D7- Karious scholars on ancient religion ha*e
"ritten that the "orship o Moloch "as Saturn "orship-
For instance/ Siculus Diodorus "rote/ 0- --there "as a brazen statue o Saturn putting
orth the palms o his hands/ bending in such a manner to"ard the earth/ as that the boy
"ho "as laid upon them/ in order to be sacriiced/ should slip o/ and so all do"n
headlong into a deep burning urnace---OO $he ancient Roman circus/ li&e so many public
acti*ities in America / "as based upon the occult- $he circus had D circuits/ and had a
pyramid in the center "ith 9 alters/ one to Saturn/ one to Bo*e/ and one to Mars- $his is
an e=ample o "hat the common people &ne" about Saturn- Moloch/ then "as the Sun
God/ during the Uodiac period rom $aurus to Serpens and Scorpio "hich is "hen the
sun is hottest- $he #abylonians reerred to Saturn as the 0star o the sun0-
In the Mithraic Mysteries/ Saturn "as the Sun God- (See !all/ Manly P- $he 1ost
$eachings o All Ages- p- acing 8?-) In act/ Saturn "as the Sun God o many o the
Pagan religions/ and "as the oundation o the Solar$emple - (ibid- !all tells us on pg-
7D/ 1o"er 1et/ that Saturn is the oundation o the Solar $emple -) $he $en tribes o the
Israelites ell into the ritual sacriices o Moloch (Saturn "orship and sacriice) "hich
brought them their 2udgment o Assyrian capti*ity- (8 >GS ?D4?A , ?D)
Astrology/ "itchcrat/ and ritual sacriice "ere also associated "ith Saturn "orship-
Isaiah the prophet tells those "ho "orship Saturn/ 01et no" the astrologers/ the star,
gazers/ the monthly prognosticators/ stand up/ and sa*e thee-0 ISA 6D4?9 Saturn did not
sa*e the Israelites rom capti*ity-
@=,Illuminati members ha*e re*ealed that Saturn is Satan- 5es/ Saturn is Satan- $he
Satanic Illuminati hierarchy teach the high le*el students that 0those "ho ser*e Saturn
promote the return o the lost son Saturn-0 $he religion o Saturn is Saturnian gnosis,,
"hich turns out to simply be a rehash o the gnosticism that the high le*el Satanists
belie*e in- Saturn is se*ere- Bupiter is mild- $he merging o Saturn (se*erity) "ith
Bupiter (mildness) is the creation o the ne" Golden Age,,according to high le*el
Satanic hierarchy teachings- $he earth has been caught in a battle bet"een a bi,polar
"orld,,the inner Solar 1ogos and the outer Saturnian sphere- $he trans,Saturnian planets
actually belong to Alcyone(J) "hich e*entually gets its planets returned- ($his may be
the reason/ that the Satanic hierarchy has treated us to 0good aliens rom the Pleiades-0
Alcyone is a star in the Pleides-) Page ?A? ---- Saturnian gnostic teachings are that
dar&ness contains the light-
What this means is that dar&ness is necessary or light to e=ist- And light appears "ithin
the matri= o dar&ness only by the Demiurge Saturnes,,the 1ogos- $his is "hat they
teach- According to Albert Pi&e in the Masonic $e=t #oo& Morals and Dogma gi*en to
98< Masons/ the "or& o the Sun is the perecting (also &no"n as the deiication o)
man- 'hristians *ie" that it is SatanOs "or& to teach men that they can be deiied ("hich
is rebellion to the one and only true God)-
In secret Satanic rituals/ the Grande Master has a scepter "hich represents his authority
to "ield po"er through the 1ord o this "orld "ho is &no"n as Saturn- Ne" Age leaders
are calling 0Saturn0 0Sanat >umera0- A de*il by any name is still a de*il- In a dialogue
"ith a Mother o Dar&ness/ this Mother o Dar&ness alter pro*ides some interesting
$he dialogue "ent li&e this4
Mother o Dar&ness4 0Saturn is the gate"ay that must be opened- For a season God has
"in&ed that man might be illuminated- #ut e=cessi*e light destroys- Man must not
orget his destiny is concerned "ith lo*ing regeneration o the earth FMother Gaia
"orshipG and balance- Soon the other eye o God must open- $hose "ho are illuminated
ha*e &ept the balance point- $he ma2ority o man&ind has not- Fe" see& the ancient seed
o "isdom that springs rom the bro" o 1ucier- Man becomes-- -orgetul o !is
spiritual ancestry and destiny----$hey are @llyllon- >eepers o nothing- $hey ill the earth
"ith their passing and cro"d the planes "ith nothingness- $hey are a "aste o the
energies- And so the other eye must open- @ach man shall recei*e abundance in "hat he
see&s- Some call it >arma---0
Inter*ie"er4 0What do you mean by the other eye30
Mother o Dar&ness4 0$he other eye o God as some "ould say- 'hemosh- 'leansing
Fire- $he outstreched arms o Molech-0
Inter*ie"er4 0What has that got to do "ith Saturn30
Mother o Dar&ness4 0@*erything- $his is a most secret thing- Saturn is the gate"ay- $he
point at "hich all thought is i=ed- $he point at "hich all eeling shall be pro2ected as
the eye opens- Much ritual and preparation has gone into the issuance through the
gate"ay o the ancient ones- $here has been a gathering o the elemental essence to
clothe them- A strengthened in*isible ;uintessence to hold them in this plane at the time
o ad*ent-
Inter*ie"er4 0And "hat "ill be the result o this ad*ent3 What "ill it mean30
Mother o Dar&ness4 0A restoring o balance- $hose "ho do not see& "isdom shall
cease- $hose "ho are so bound to the earth that they orget the light shall cease----When
the other eye opens the da"n shall come- $he Golden Da"n shall be upon us and the sun
o righteousness shall rise "ith healing in !is "ings---- $he urge to sacriice others is a
git- It is a liberation rom the a"ul rigidity or at least it permits an a"areness o other
humans- !o"e*er badly-- -treated as a result o that a"areness they ha*e ser*ed an
important purpose- $he balance is &ept and the light d"ells upon the illuminated- $he
energy is released into the circle and is con*erted into something po"erul and
useul----In this "ay you can see they do not truly die- 1ight increases- Wisdom
gro"s----Death begets lie- $he sacred cycle o the ancients- $he earth shall regenerate
hersel "hen the eye o Molech opens-0
$here the reader has it/ secret teachings rom a Mother o Dar&ness on Saturn-
Gnosticism belie*es that there is a orce (not Almighty God),,the Force as it is called
can be used or e*il or good- Within the hierarchy o the Satanists (Moriah)/ their
thin&ing has no problem understanding that 1ucier is the same person as Satan-
Satan is "hat happens "hen the e*il side o the Force is being used/ and 1ucier is that
person "hen the good side o the Force is being used- As in all o the Mystery Religions
and in the occult "orld in general/ people are told dierent things at dierent le*els-
Most people donOt "ant to ser*e e*il- $hey "ant to thin& they are good,,their pride
moti*ates them to "ant to be thought o as good and great- $hey "ill easily ollo"
1ucier/ but are not going to admit to themsel*es or anyone that they are ollo"ing
Satan- N+ problem,,they are allo"ed to thin& they are 1ucierians- +R i being a
ollo"er o 1ucier is too strong a statement/ they can be a "orshipper o almost thing-
Satan in his pride has pro*ided esoteric teachings on the "orship o 2ust about
e*erything- $here are esoteric teachings about "orshipping roc&/ mountains/ trees/ the
stars/ animal spirits/ mother earth etc- I one probes deep enough into the layers o
hidden meanings all these "orships go bac& to Satan- $he i*e primary interloc&ed
concepts o Satan/ are all represented by the Serpent/ "hich are 1ucier (a&a 1ight,
bearer or godhood)M Search or light or "isdomM sun "orship/ the Sun god/ or energyM
ire also called >undalini orceM and the regenerati*e principle "hich is phallic and se=
"orship- $hese : interconnected concepts are represented "orld "ide by sna&es
(serpents) and represent "orship o the supreme serpent Satan-
$he big e*ent or operation that is being carried out is the e=ternalization o the
hierarchy- SatanOs secret hierarchy "ith its pure Satanists ha*e been around or
thousands o years- #ut the Satanic conspiracy to control man&ind is to become an OOopen
conspiracyOO- $he hierarchy is to be e=ternalized- And the elimination o 'hristians (those
"ho ha*enOt sought "orldly "isdom,,that "orldly "isdom "hich comes rom Satan) ,,is
to pa*e the "ay or SatanOs appearance-
$he Satanic occult conspiracy is to lea*e its secret conines in Masonic $emples and
+ddello" !alls and is to permeate Society in general- $his is "hat has been happening-
$he real light must go out or the dar& side to eel comortable coming completely out-
$he Mysteries/ also &no"n as the Mystery Religions are the Mysteries that one is
initiated into "hen one 2oins Freemasonry- In act/ the *ery irst item any prospecti*e
Masonic candidate must do is ill out a orm re;uesting to be initiated into OOthe
$he Mystery Religions "ere actually *eiled orms o the "orship o 1ucier or Satan-
1ucier is simply Satan dressed up as the 1ight,bearer- In the Mystery Religions the
disciples are taught that the spirits o men are the po"dered bones o Saturn- When one
learns "ho Saturn is,,it is a rather distasteul idea to thin& that men are taught that their
bodies belong to Saturn-
Further/ Freemasonry teaches about !iram Abi and '!iram- It turns out "hen "e
study the !iramic 1egend by FreemasonryOs best philosopher that "e learn "ho Santa
'laus is- Santa is a scrambling o Satan- Any"ay the !iramic legend goes li&e this
according to Freemasonry great e=pert on the Mystery Religions/ 0Saturn/ the old man
"ho li*es at the north pole/ and brings "ith him to the children o men a sprig o
e*ergreen (the 'hristmas tree)/ is amiliar to the little ol&s under the name o Santa
'laus/ or he brings each "inter the git o a ne" year-OO 0Part o the symbols/ are
displayed-- -to the initiated/ but he is intentionally led astray by alse
interpretations---Masonry conceals its secrets rom all e=cept the Adepts/ the Sages and
the @lectM and uses alse e=planations or its symbols to mislead those deser*ing to be
misled-0 ($his is according to the great Freemason Albert Pi&e in his boo& Morals E
It should come as no surprise that Saturn is one o the items "hich is mentioned by
*arious Masonic authors- For instance/ the Freemason Ragon/ "ho is considered an
e=pert on Freemasonry/ "rote/ 0$his is the important phenomenon/ the ineable
mystery/ the &ey to nature/ "hich the ancient sages succeeded in disco*ering/ and "hich
they adopted as the basis o Masonic doctrine---It is interpretation/ the re*olting
atrocities o sub2ect o Masonic legends- According to Saturn---"ere considered
interesting enigmas/ "hich in*ol*e acts "orth our notice-0 (Ragon/ $yileur General De
1a Franc,Maconnerie/ p- 8?7,?7 as ;uoted in Mohr/ Gordon- $he !idden Po"er #ehind
Freemasonry/ #urns*ille/ MN4 Weisman Pub-/ ?77</ p- ?<7) Alice #aileyOs @soteric
Astrology states that Saturn is the 1ord o >arma (p- ?<:) Kenus and Saturn shall rule
men during A;uarius- (p- ?6C) 0Saturn is the planet o discipleship--- "e stand at the
gate"ay o the ne" "orld/ o the ne" age and its ne" ci*ilization/ ideals and culture-0
(p- ?6C) $he occult boo& A $reatise on 'osmic Fire/ pp ??7A,?8<D states that Saturn is
the :th creati*e !ierarchy-
$his is the type o stu that the >aballa comes out "ith- And American businesses
"hich are controlled by the Illuminati are getting into the act o bringing the occult out
into society- Ford called its car $aurus (#ull,,the Pleiades)/ another car is named Aries
"hich is another occult astrological name- $hen there is the car named SaturnJJ
In conclusion/ Saturn turns out to be an occult name or Satan- Santa turns out to be an
occult name or Saturn- It also turns out that the name Saturn has been used or Satan or
centuries by the occult- $he ritual sacriices to Molech "as Saturn "orship- $he opening
o the eye o Saturn is the materialization o hordes o demons ta&ing place during this
time period-
!igh le*el Illuminati/ "ho "ill gather together in Atlanta in the summer o ?77A/ under
the co*er o the O7A +lympics "ill carry out high le*el rituals to open up a large hole or
the materialization o hordes o demons to complete their push to"ard a "orld
dictator- $he use o the name Saturn is an e=ample o ho" Satanism operates under the
co*er o layers o deception-
Many 'hristian "ords also ha*e occult meaning- $here is
a Morning Star 'hurch in $ulsa "hich ministers to *ictims o Illuminati $rauma #ased
$otal Mind,'ontrol- $here is also a prophetic magazine named $he Morning Star/ "hich
is *ery slic& and glossy- +n the other side o things/ the term 0the Morning Star0,,Stella
Matutina in 1atin, is another name or 1ucier- Stella Matutina is also the name o a
cabalistic blac& magic lodge "hich Satanist Aleister 'ro"ley led "hen the Golden
Da"n reorganized in ?7<9- $here are Morning Star rituals done by Illuminati
members- +ne Illuminati sla*e/ "ho "as trained to iniltrate 'hristian churches and
turn them to"ard the Ne" Age mo*ement/ channeled a demon named Besus- !e
iniltrated 'hristian churches or decades/ and "hen he spo&e about Besus/ he "as
reerring to the demon he channeled- We &no" about this because one day/ his ront
alters ga*e their lie to Besus 'hrist/ and he abandoned his 2ob o iniltration/ and sought
spiritual help-
People need to understand that almost all 'hristian terms ha*e dual meanings- Bust
because a term sounds amiliar doesnOt mean it is being used in the "ay that a sincere
'hristian "ould understand them-
In Su""ay
$o summarize/ the Illuminati are manipulating technology/ language/ ritualistic acti*ity/
subliminal a"areness/ ear/ lust/ human *ulnerabilities/ and conlicts- $hese
manipulations are e=ternal deceptions/ "hich help co*er up their trauma,based mind
control- $hey use the best co*ers as ronts- $hey use iction/ the best o religious ronts/
tra*elling entertainment ronts/ and the co*er o national deense- $hey use delection/
blinds/ slides/ !egelian dialectics/ deniability/ and esoteric language- $hey use agent
pro*ocateurs/ 0clean agents0/ 0legends0/ and sae houses- $he Illuminati ha*e reined the
art o deception ar beyond "hat the common man has imagined- $he *ery lie E liberty
o humanity re;uires the unmas&ing o their deceptions- $hat is "hat this boo& is about-
Cha2te I Science No. I The +%e o& E$ectonic% and E$ecticity
/ico'a!e% &o 0o(a""in(
Prozac and Sla*es and Micro"a*e $o"ers
$he %se o Wa*es and @lectricity to Implant $houghts
Tac*in(JID I"2$ant%
Monitoring Implants
'ommunication Implants
$he A1@V system intersects "ith the Monarch Mind 'ontrol Programming-
In Summary
$hese photos printed in a magazine in the all o ?7C? sho" electric prod mar&s on the
nec&s o these t"o sla*es "ho "ere used or porn-
Another basic component o the Monarch program is lots o electro shoc&- Stun guns/
stas "ith hidden electric cattle prods/ and cattle prods are re;uently used on the
sla*es- @lectroshoc& is used to create the dissociation rom trauma during the
programming/ and later it is used to remo*e memories ater the sla*e has carried out a
mission/ or to instill ear and obedience in a reluctant sla*e-
Sla*es generally carry horrible body memories o e=cruciating electroshoc& tortures to
their entire bodies- As the sla*es begin a therapeutic deprogramming process they "ill
reco*er these horrible memories/ not to mention many other painul memories- A sla*e
oten sho"s electroshoc& mar&s on their eet/ or bac&/ or buttoc& or legs ater they ha*e
been used- An o"ner o a sla*e "ill ordinarily carry a stun gun- $his is perhaps a
?8</<<< D' *olt stun gun to erase E compartmentalize memories/ but some o the stun
guns go up to 8<</<<< *olts D' to erase the memory o his sla*e- $hey "ill apply their
stun guns to the base o the s&ull- Ater gi*ing programming instructions they "ill
usually gi*e a high *oltage shoc& to the base o the s&ull to imbed the instructions deep
in the subconscious-
$hey oten use hypnotic cues along "ith the shoc&- For instance/ they "ill tell the sla*e
they are 0no" going o*er the rainbo"0/ and that "hen the sun goes do"n they "ill
orget e*erything/ beore they shoc& the body- $he shoc& destroys and scrambles the
memory "hich is still stored in the short term memory section o the brain- $hey must
shoc& the person "ithin 86 hours/ to insure that the short term memory doesn.t get into
long term memory as a coherent memory- $his means that i a sla*e is being used daily/
they get electro shoc&ed daily-
$ypes o de*ices used by handlers4 A cylindrical type cattle prod "ith 9L60 bet"een the
contact points is used e=ternally and internally- $his is manuactured by !ot Shot
Products/ Inc-/ Sa*age / MN ::9DC - Model #,?8- $hey ha*e a red or blac& rubber
handle "ith an o*erall length o ?80- $he lo" *oltage is bet"een ?</<<<,?:/<<< *olts-
$he medium *oltage is ?8/<<< to 8</<<< *olts- A bruise on the buttoc&s "ill be blac&
and blue spots about ? ?L80 diameter each-
A hand held "and type shoc& prod "hich has 8 L60 bet"een its contact points- It uses a
rechargeable battery pac&- $he prod ("and) is 8 ?L8. long/ and un"ieldy to handle-
Karious arm supply companies (li*estoc& e;uipment) sell this- $he medium *oltage is
?8/<<< to 8</<<<-
A stun gun "hich has e=actly 80 bet"een the contacts "ith a 7 *olt battery- $his stun
gun "as created or la" enorcement/ and is generally regarded as the best de*ice or
dropping a *ictim or or inducing hypnosis/ or setting in a hypnotic program- Its high
*oltage is 9:/<<< to ?8</<<< *olts- It is a light "eight (?8 oz-)/ compact de*ice/ D0 = 80 =
?0- $his de*ice "ill lea*e deep red dot (0holes0) scars and cancerous moles- $he *ictim
"ill de*elop moles rom the repeated use o this de*ice- $he muscled areas o the *ictim
are preerred- For instance/ the muscled area 2ust belo" the shoulder blade-
Farrall Instrument 'o-/ o Grand Island / N@ ma&es a cattle prod "ith an ad2ustable
*oltage control- $heir long distance "ireless shoc&er called Personal Shoc&er can shoot
a shoc& about D: indoors and 9<< eet outdoors- $he control bo= is hand held/ and the
recei*er is a leather case- $he shoc& can be ad2usted rom 7 to C<< *olts/ current is :
milliamperes/ and it lasts ? to 8 milliseconds- $his Personal Shoc&er "as manuactured
to be used on people-
An electronic irm in $u2unga / 'A ma&es a shoc& bo= used in programming- An
electronic bar& collar is used to train Illuminati E other Monarch sla*es in silence E
obedience- +n other occasions/ ancy gem studded collars and leather collars are itted
around the nec&s o emale sla*es or se= "ith "ol*es and ierce dogs/ "ho bite these
nec& collars "hen they mount- Many o the sla*es ha*e e=perienced these *arious
collars or obedience/ silence/ E bestiality-
In trying to trac& do"n "ho ma&es the larger electroshoc& machines/ especially the
computer guided ones/ "e only got started in*estigating- 'onmed (9?:,D7D,C9D:)
ma&es medical electrodes or portable monitoring units- Sentry Medical Products/ at
?D?D? Murphy/ Ir*ine / 'A 78D?6 (D?6,8:<,<899) ma&es S&in Mounted 'onducti*e
Medical @lectrodes or $ense %nit Machines- In Ki*o Metric/ in !ealdsburg / 'A also
ma&es sil*er 'hloride electrodes or placement on human s&in- @lectro,'ap Inter/
produces #@G placement systems- %ni,Patch Medical Products/ ?9 ?9,$ Grant #l*d-
W / Wabasha / MN ma&es all types o @lectrodes and some o theirs go onto machines
or shoc&ing people- 'lassic Medical Products/ :C8,$ W ?786A Apollo
Dr- / Mus&ego / WI ma&e electrodes or diagnostic and shoc& purposes- Arndt
Automation E Assoc-/ Inc-/ ?DDD< 1iberty 1ane / Ne" #erlin / WI / ma&e electrodes or
@'G and @>G machines- And a 'olorado company named #iomedical at @*ergreen/
'+ ma&es medical electrodes-
When a sla*e is ta&en to an impromptu programming site,,a hypnotic drug is in2ected
into them or a ;uic& induction "hile a metal band is put around their head and a current
o ?<</<<< *olts "ill be run through or say : seconds into their heads- $his "ill cause
the body to sha&e/ the eyes to close/ s"eat to pour out o the body etc- $he hands are tied
do"n "ith restraints- Sometimes the mouth is gagged so that the tongue doesn.t
protrude- Ater imbedding the hypnotic commands deep into the mind/ the programmers
might ad2ust the automatic timer on the e;uipment and gi*e the *ictim another blast o
*oltage or ?< seconds- $he person.s body "ill sha&e and ;ui*er or a "hile ater this-
$hey may dribble spit- Finally/ the person "ill be brought out o their hypnotic trance/
instructed not to remember anything/ to eel happy and sent on their "ay- $his entire
programming session can last ?: minutes- Programming sites li&e this can be the bac& o
a *an/ a bac& room in a restaurant/ or any other place that the e;uipment can be set up at-
$his is "hy a sla*e/ "ho has been used recently/ may hobble a little/ or "hen they get
memories eel a tight headband around their head along "ith a"ul headaches E lashes
o light- $he memory "ill eel li&e a robotic state to the sla*e-
!ere is a dra"ing that one sla*e made o the electric headband used to program an
$he sla*e handler "ill also carry a blac& or grey spiral boo& "ith all their o"n sla*e.s
access codes/ triggers/ cryptic &eys and programs- All this "ill it into a brie case- A
"or&ing &no"ledge o hypnosis is helpul to understand ho" to deal "ith the sla*e in
certain instances- #ecause the sla*e is under the most po"erul combinations o mind
control and is so di*ided against his or her o"n sel/ it is almost impossible to ha*e
many problems "ith the sla*e i the handler does "hat he is supposed to do- !o"e*er/
some handlers get drun& or loan the sla*e to ine=perienced people/ etc- and problems do
de*elop- + course the sla*es al"ays end up ta&ing the blame or e*erything that goes
I the sla*e gets out o hand/ because the handler doesn.t &no" "hat he is doing/ a stun
gun comes in handy to control the mismanaged sla*e- In other "ords/ a brie case "ith
the programming boo& and stun gun are basically all that is needed to control a Monarch
sla*e or the rest o his or her lie- Some o these stun guns are only a e" inches long
and loo& li&e bo=es- +ther stun guns are imbedded in stas- $he canes and the stas that
Satanists carry around/ li&e Michael A;uino (in public in act) are actually stun guns to
control their sla*es- $he Iueen Mother.s sta o the Illuminati has an electric stun gun
hidden in it-
'hildren in day care centers are reporting small bo=es "ith "ires that electroshoc&
them during programming- An e=ample is gi*en in Kol- ?/ o ho" the Illuminati
bloodlines connect to research about electric shoc&s to control people- For e=ample/
Da*id K- Reynold.s research/ "ho "rote/ 0Neuroelectric Research4
@lectroneuroprosthesis/ @lectroanesthesia/ and Noncon*ulsi*e @lectrotherapy-0
Another "ay o using electricity or torture is to use directed energy (a ne" technology)
on men.s genitals- With s&illul use o directed energy they can simulate a rape o a man
or "oman- Artiicial sodomy *ia directed energy "as irst tested in male prisons- @1F
"a*es "ill place thoughts into the men.s mind as the directed energy ma&e them eel
/ico'a!e% &o 0o(a""in(
$he =,rays belo" "ere used "ith the *ictimsO permission-
Mind control implant in the nasal ca*ity-
@lectrodes implanted in the personOs s&ull "hen a child in the ?76<Os-
$ransmitting implant in the corte=-
Implants enlarged rom Dmm and ?? mm- Dra"ings by Fritz Springmeier
+n Aug- 88/ ?7C7/ Phillip 1- Sto&lin/ P-+- #o= 8???/ Satellite #each/ F1 too& out a
patent ,,"hich is Patent Number 6/C:C/A?8 "hich is a de*ice that can be placed in the
auditory corte= o the brain- $his de*ice allo"s the ollo"ing process4 someone spea&s
into a microphone/ the microphone then has its sounds coded into micro"a*e/ "hich are
sent to the recei*er in the brain and the recei*er de*ice "ill transorm the micro"a*es
bac& so that the person.s mind hears the original sounds- In other "ords/ a person "ith
this de*ice in their head "ill hear "hate*er the programmers send *ia micro"a*e
Karious types o 0non,lethal0 "eapons ha*e been created and are no" being used-
Directed energy can be used to sculpt clouds- @1F "a*es can be used to place thoughts
in people.s minds "ithout using implants-
In ?77?/ a paper trail began to appear "hen the 'IA connected %-S- go*ernment Global
Strategy 'ouncil came out "ith a paper entitled/ 0Nonlethality4 De*elopment o a
National Policy and @mploying Nonlethal Means in a Ne" Strategic @ra-0 $heir paper
"as prepared by Banet Morris-
$he %SAF School o Aerospace Medicine/ #roo&s Air Force #ase/ $V put out a report
%SAFAM,$R,CD,9< entitled 0#eha*ioral response o rats e=posed to high,po"er
micro"a*e radiation-0 !igh,po"er ultra,short pulse,"idth emitters o micro"a*es "ere
used to alter the thin&ing in rats- $he report reers to t"o other reports4 one by $-
Wheeler/ et- al- 0Retrograde Amnesia in Rats Produced by @lectron #eam @=posure/0
entitled %SAFAM,$R,C9,9/ Feb- XC9- $he other report is by R- #ermant/ 0'lassical
conditioning o Micro"a*e,Induced !yperthermia in Rats-0 Radio Sci- ?6 (AS)4 8<?,
8<D/ ?7D7- $his is a clear paper trail/ that military research has gone on to control the
brain *ia micro"a*es-
Another institution in $e=as/ the $e=as Dept- o 'riminal Bustice $D'B,ID/ has been
putting high tech listening implants into the ear canal behind the ear drum "hich lets
them monitor "hat the ear is hearing,,a great "ay to spy- $his is according to an implant
*ictim "ho "ith medical help disco*ered his implant- $he Walter Reed Army Institute o
Research (WRAIR) disco*ered that pulsed micro"a*e audiograms also called analogs o
the sounds o spo&en "ords/ could be transmitted to a target/ and the eect on *ictim
"ould be to hear *oices in their head- $he ne=t ?? pages are patent no- 6/C:C/A?8- Ater
this/ "eOll re*eal the numerous mind control capabilities o @1F micro"a*e tech-)
$he ne=t pages/ rom page ?A7 to ?D6 may present the reader "ith some minor
diiculties in reading/ because "ith some "ords it "as not possible to process them/
because o poor printing- So some "ords are lost/ and this can ma&e certain sentences
appear strange ---
!earing De*ice %S Patent A,9
#ac&ground o the In*ention
?- Field at the In*ention
$his in*ention relates to de*ices or aiding at hearing in mammals- $he in*ention is
based upon the perception at sounds "hich is e=perienced in the brain "hen the brain is
sub2ected to certain micro"a*e radiation signals-
8- Description o the Prior Art
In prior art hearing de*ices or human beings/ it is "ell &no"n to ampliy sounds to be
heard and to apply the ampliied sound signal to the ear at the person "earing the
hearing aid- !earing de*ices o this type are ho"e*er limited to hearing dysunctions
"here there is no damage to the auditory ner*e or to the auditory corte=- In the prior art/
i there is damage to the auditory corte= or the auditory ner*e/ it cannot be corrected by
the use o a hearing aid-
During World War II/ indi*iduals in the radiation path o certain radar installations
obser*ed clic&s and buzzing sounds in response to the micro"a*e radiation- It "as
through this early obser*ation that it became &no"n to the art that micro"a*es could
cause a direct perception at sound "ithin a human brain- $hese buzzing or clic&ing
sounds ho"e*er "ere not meaningul and "ere not perception o sounds "hich could
other"ise be heard by the recei*er- $his type o micro"a*e radiation "as not
representati*e o any intelligible sound to be percei*ed- In such radar installations/ there
"as ne*er a sound "hich "as generated "hich resulted in subse;uent generation o
micro"a*e signals representati*e o that sound-
Since the early perception o buzzing and clic&ing urther research has been conducted
into the micro"a*e reaction o the brain- In an article entitled Possible Micro"a*e
Mechanisms o the Mammalian Ner*ous System0 by Philip 1 Stoc&lin and #rain F-
Stoc&lin/ published in the $I$ Bournal o 1ie Sciences- $o"er International
$echnomedical Institute- Inc- P-+- #o= 6:76 / Philadelphia - Pa- (?7D7) there is disclosed
a hypothesis that the mammalian brain generates and uses electra magnetic "a*es in the
lo"er micro"a*e re;uency region as an integral part o the unctioning o the central
and peripheral ner*ous systems- $his analysis is based primarily upon the potential
energy o a protein integral in the neural membrane- In an article by W- #ise entitled
01o" Po"er Radio Fre;uency and Micro"a*e @ects +n !uman @lectro,
encephalogram and #eha*ior/0 Physiol- 'hemistry Phys- ?<- 9CD (?7DC)/ it is reported
that there are signiicant eects upon the alert human @@G during radiation by lo"
intensity c" micro"a*e electromagnetic energy- #ise obser*ed signiicant repeatable
@@G eects tar a sub2ect during radiation at speciic micro"a*e re;uencies-
Summary o the In*ention
Results at theoretical analysis o the physics o brain tissue and the brainLs&ull ca*ity/
combined "ith e=perimentally,determined electromagnetic properties at mammalian
brain tissue/ indicate the physical necessity or the e=istence o electromagnetic standing
"a*es called modes in the li*ing mammalian brain-
$he made characteristics may be determined by t"o geometric properties at the brain4
these are the cephalic inde= at the brain (its shape in prolate spheroidal coordinates) and
the semiocal distance o the brain (a measure o its size)- It "as concluded that
estimation o brain cephalic inde= and semiocal distance using e=ternal s&ull
measurements on sub2ects permits estimation o the sub2ects characteristic mode
re;uencies/ "hich in turn "ill permit a mode by mode treatment at the data to simulate
hearing- $his in*ention pro*ides or sound perception by indi*iduals "ho ha*e impaired
hearing resulting tram ear damage/ auditory ner*e damage/ and damage to the auditory
corte=- $his in*ention pro*ides or simulation o micro"a*e radiation "hich is normally
produced by the auditory corte=- $he simulated brain "a*es are introduced into the
region at the auditory corte= and pro*ide or percei*ed sounds on the part at the sub2ect-
#rie Description + $he Dra"ings
FIG- ? A,ig?-gi sho"s the acoustic ilter ban& and mode control matri= portions o the
hearing de*ice at this in*ention-
FIG- 8 A,ig8-gi sho"s the micro"a*e generation and antenna portion o the hearing
de*ice o this in*ention-
FIG- 9 A,ig9,6,:-gi sho"s a typical *oltage di*ider net"or& "hich may be used to
pro*ide mode partition-
FIG- 6 sho"s another *oltage di*ider de*ice "hich may be used to pro*ide mode
FIG- : sho"s a *oltage di*ider to be used as a mode partition "herein each o the
resistors is *ariable in order to pro*ide ad2ustment o the *oltage outputs-
FIG- A A,igA,D-gi sho"s a modiied hearing de*ice "hich includes ad2ustable mode
partitioning/ and "hich is used to pro*ide initial calibration o the hearing de*ice-
FIG- D A,igA,D-gi sho"s a group o *ariable oscillators and *ariable gain controls
"hich are used to determine hearing characteristics o a particular sub2ect-
FIG- C A,igC,7,?<-gi sho"s a top *ie" o a human s&ull sho"ing the lateral
FIG- 7 A,igC,7,?<-gi sho"s the relationship o the prolate spherical coordinate system
to the cartesian system-
FIG- ?< A,igC,7,?<-gi sho"s a side *ie" o a s&ull sho"ing the medial plane o the
head- section A,A-
FIG- ?? A,ig,??,?8-gi sho"s a plot o the trans*erse electric ield amplitude *ersus
primary mode number M-
FIG- ?8 A,ig,??,?8-gi sho"s a let side *ie" o the brain and auditory corte=-
FIG- ?9 A,ig,?9-gi sho"s the total modal ield *ersus angle or source location-
Detailed Description o the Preerred @mbodiment
$his in*ention is based upon obser*ations at the physical mechanism the mammalian
brain uses to percei*e acoustic *ibrations- $his obser*ation is based in part upon neuro
anatomical and other e=perimental e*idence "hich relates to micro"a*e brain
stimulation and the perception o sounds- It is has been obser*ed that monochromatic
acoustic stimuli (acoustic tones/ or single tones) o dierent re;uencies uni;uely
stimulate dierent regions at the cochlea- It has also been obser*ed that there is a
corresponding one to one relationship bet"een the re;uency o a monochromatic
acoustic stimulus and the region o the auditory corte= neurally stimulated by the
cochlear ner*e under the physiologically normal conditions tonotopicity)-
It has been obser*ed that or an acoustic tone o a re;uency "hich is at the lo"er end at
the entire acoustical range percei*able by a person/ that thin lateral region (01ine0)
parallel to the medial a=is o the brain and to"ard the inerior portion o the primary
auditory corte= is stimulated-
For an acoustic tone "hose re;uency is to"ard the high end o the entire percei*able
acoustic range/ a thin lateral region parallel to the medial a=is and to"ard the superior
portion at the primary auditory corte= is stimulated-
Neural stimulation results in the generation at a broad band o micro"a*e photons by the
change in rotational energy state o protons integral to the neuron membrane o the
auditory corte=- $he physical size and shape o the brainLs&ull ca*ity/ together "ith the
(semiconductor) properties (conducti*ity and dielectric constant) o the brain tissue
pro*ide an electromagnetic resonant ca*ity-
Speciic single re;uencies are constructi*ely reinorced so that a number o standing
electromagnetic "a*es/ each at its o"n single electromagnetic re;uency in the
micro"a*e re;uency region are generated in the brain- @ach such standing
electromagnetic "a*e is called a characteristic mode o the brainLs&ull ca*ity- Analysis
in terms o prolate spheroidal "a*e unctions indicates that trans*erse electric ield
components o these modes ha*e ma=ima in the region o the auditory corte=-
$his analysis urther sho"s that trans*erse electric ield possess a *ariation o amplitude
"ith angle in the angular plane (along the *ertical dimension o the auditory corte=) and
that is dependent only upon the primary mode number- $he auditory corte= in the
normally unctioning mammalian brain is a source o micro"a*e modes- $he auditory
corte= generates these modes in accordance "ith the neural stimulation o the auditory
corte= by the cochlear ner*e- Mode "eighting or any one acoustic tone stimulus is
gi*en by the amplitude o each mode along the line region o the auditory corte= "hich
is neurally stimulated by that acoustic tone stimulus- A listing o mode "eighting *ersus
re;uency o acoustic stimulus is called the mode matri=-
In this in*ention/ the unctions o the ear/ the cochlear ner*e/ and the auditory corte= are
simulated- Micro"a*es simulating the mode matri= are inserted directly into the region
o the auditory corte=- #y this insertion o simulated micro"a*e modes/ the normal
operation o the entire natural hearing mechanism is simulated-
Reerring no" to FIG- ? and FIG- 8 there is sho"n an apparatus "hich pro*ides or
induced perception o sound into a mammalian brain- $his bearing de*ice includes a
microphone ?< "hich recei*es sounds/ an acoustic ilter ban& ?8 "hich separates the
signals rom the microphone into component re;uencies/ and a mode control matri= ?6
"hich generates the mode signals "hich are used to control the intensity o micro"a*e
radiations "hich are in2ected into the s&ull ca*ity in the region o the auditory corte=-
$he acoustic ilter ban& ?8 consists o a ban& o acoustic ilters Fl through F& "hich
span the audible acoustic spectrum- $hese ilters may be built rom standard resistance/
inductance/ and capacitance components in accordance "ith "ell established practice- In
the preerred embodiment there are 86 ilters "hich A9 correspond to the obser*ed
critical band"idths o the human ear- In this preerred embodiment a typical/ list at ilter
parameters is gi*en by $able I belo"4
$he rectiier outputs one through > are eed to > mode partition de*ices- $he mode
partitioning de*ices each ha*e N outputs "herein N is the number o micro"a*e
oscillators used to generate the micro"a*e radiation- $he outputs ? through N o each
mode partition de*ice is applied respecti*ely to the inputs o each gain controlled
ampliier o the micro"a*e radiation generator- $he unction o the mode control matri=
?6 is the control o the micro"a*e ampliiers in the micro"a*e ampliier ban& ?C- In the
preerred embodiment thus "ill be 86 outputs and 86 micro"a*e re;uency oscillators-
'onnected to each micro"a*e ampliier gain control line is a mode simulation de*ice ?A
"hich recei*es "eighted mode signals rom the mode partition de*ices ?6- @ach mode
simulation de*ice consists o one through & lines and diodes ?D "hich are each
connected to summing 2unction ?7- $he diodes ?D pro*ide or isolation rom one mode
partition de*ice to the ne=t- $he diodes ?D pre*ent signals rom one mode partition
de*ice rom returning to the other mode partition de*ices "hich are also connected to
the same summing 2unction o the mode summation de*ice ?A- $he diodes also ser*e a
second unction "hich is the rectiication o the signals recei*ed rom the acoustic ilter
ban& by "ay o the mode partition de*ices- In this "ay each mode partition de*ice
output is rectiied to produce a *arying D' *oltage "ith ma2or re;uency components o
the order o ?: milliseconds or less-
$he *oltage at the summation 2unction ?7 is thus a slo"ly *arying D' *oltage- $he
e=ample mode partition de*ices are sho"n in greater detail in FIG- 9/ FIG- 6/ and FIG-
:- $he mode partition de*ices are merely resistance net"or&s "hich produce ? through
N output *oltages "hich are predetermined di*isions o the input original rom the
acoustic ilter associated "ith the mode partition de*ice-
FIG- 9 sho"s a mode partitioning de*ice "herein se*eral outputs are associated "ith
each series resistor 9<- In the embodiment depicted in FIG- 6 there is an output
associated "ith each series resistor only/ and thus there are N series resistors/ or the
same number o series resistors as there are outputs- $he *alues o the resistors in the
mode partition resistor net"or& are determined in accordance "ith the magnitudes o the
re;uency component rom the acoustic ilter ban& ?8 "hich is re;uired at the
summation point ?7 or the gain control line or ampliiers 8<-
$he micro"a*e ampliier ban& ?C 'onsists o4 plurality o micro"a*e oscillators ?
through N each o "hich is connected to an ampliier 8<- Since the ampliiers 8< are
gain controlled by the signals at summation 2unction ?7- the magnitude o the
micro"a*e output is controlled by the mode control matri= outputs Fl through F- In the
preerred embodiment there are 86 ampliiers- $he leads rom the micro"a*e oscillators
I through N to the ampliiers 8< are shielded to pre*ent cross tal& rom one oscillator to
the ne=t/ and to pre*ent stray signals rom reaching the user o the hearing de*ice-
$he output impedance o ampliiers 8< should be ?<<< ohms and this is indicated by
resistor 8?- $he outputs o ampliiers 8< are all connected to a summing 2unction 88- $he
summing 2unction 88 is connected to a summing impedance 89 "hich is appro=imately
:< ohms- $he relati*ely high ampliier output impedance 8? as compared to the
relati*ely lo" summing impedance 89 pro*ides minimization o cross tal& bet"een the
ampliiers- Since the amplitude o the micro"a*e signal needed at the antenna 86 is
relati*ely small/ there is no need to match the antenna and summing 2unction
impedances to the ampliier 8< output impedances-
@iciency o the ampliiers 8< is not critical- 1e*el control o the signal at antenna 86 is
controlled by pic& o 8: "hich is connected to the summing impedance 89- In this
manner the signal at antenna 86 can be *aried rom < (ground) to a *alue "hich is
acceptable to the indi*idual- $he antenna 86 is placed ne=t to the sub2ect.s head and in
the region o the sub2ects auditory corte= 8A- #y placement o the antenna 86 in the
region o the auditory corte= 8A- the micro"a*e ield "hich is generated simulates the
micro"a*e ield "hich "ould be generated i the acoustic sounds "ere percei*ed "ith
normal hearing and the auditory corte= "as unctioning normally-
In FIG- 8A there is sho"n a second embodiment o the micro"a*e radiation and
generator portion o the hearing de*ice- In this embodiment a broad band micro"a*e
source :< generates micro"a*e signals "hich are eed to ilters :8 through :C "hich
select rom the broad band radiation particular re;uencies to be transmitted to the
person- As in FIG- 8 the ampliiers 8< recei*e signals on lines ?7 rom the mode control
matri=- $he signals on lines ?7 pro*ide the gain control or ampliiers 8<-
In FIG- A there is sho"n a modiied micro"a*e hearing generator A< "hich includes a
mode partition resistor di*ider net"or& as depicted in FIG- :- @ach o the mode partition
*oltage di*ider net"or&s in this embodiment are indi*idually ad2ustable or all ot the
resistances in the resistance net"or&- FIG- : depicts a *oltage di*ision system "herein
ad2ustment o the *oltage partition resistors is pro*ided or-
In FIG- A/ the sound source A8 generates audible sounds "hich are recei*ed by the
microphone o the micro"a*e hearing generator A<- In accordance "ith the operation
described "ith respect to FIGOS ? and 8- micro"a*e signals are generated at the antenna
?< in accordance "ith the redistribution pro*ided by the mode control matri= as set orth
in FIG- :-
$he sound source A8 also produces a signal on line A,6 "hich is recei*ed by a head
phone AA- $he apparatus depicted in FIG A is used to calibrate or it a micro"a*e
hearing generator to a particular indi*idual-
+nce the hearing generator is ad2usted to the particular indi*idual by ad2ustment o the
*ariable resistors in the ad2ustable mode partition portion o the hearing generator- A
second generator may be built using i=ed *alue resistors in accordance "ith the
ad2usted *alues achie*ed in itting the de*ice to the particular sub2ect $he sound
produced by headphone AA should he the same as a sound rom the sound source A8
"hich is recei*ed by the microphone ?< in the micro"a*e hearing generator A<- In this
"ay/ the sub2ect can ma&e comparisons bet"een the percei*ed sound rom the hearing
generator A<- and the sound "hich is heard rom headphone AA- Sound source A8 also
produces a signal on AC "hich is eed in cue light A7- 'ua light A7 comes on "hene*er a
sound is emitted rom sound source A8 to the micro"a*e generator A<- (A piece o te=t
omitted here,,illegible)
In Fig- D there is sho"n a modiied micro"a*e generator "hich may be used to
determine a sub2ectOs micro"a*e mode re;uencies- In this de*ice the acoustic ilter
ban& and the mode control matri= ha*e been remo*ed and replaced by *oltage le*el
signals generated by potentiometers D<- Also included are a plurality o *ariable
re;uency oscillators D8 "hich eed micro"a*e ampliiers D6 "hich are gain controlled
rom the signal generated by potentiometers D< and pic& o arm DA- $his modiied
micro"a*e hearing generator is used to pro*ide signals using one oscillator at a timi-
When an oscillator is turned on- the re;uency is *aried about the estimated *alue until a
ma=imum acoustic perception by the sub2ect is percei*ed- $his perception ho"e*er may
consist o a buzzing or hissing sound tat rather than a tone because only one micro"a*e
re;uencies being recei*ed- $he irst test o perception is to determine the sub2ect.s
lo"est modal re;uency or audibility- (MN ?)- +nce this modal re;uency is obtained-
$he process is repeated or se*eral higher modal re;uencies and continued until no
ma=imum acoustic perception occurs-
Another method o determination o a sub2ect.s modal re;uencies is through anatomical
estimation- $his procedure is by measurement o the sub2ect.s cephalic inde= and the
lateral dimensions o the s&ull- In this method/ the shape is determined in prolate
spheroidal coordinance- Purely anatomical estimation o sub 2ect.s modal re;uencies is
perormed by irst measuring the ma=imum lateral dimension (breadth) 1 FIG- ?/ o the
sub2ect.s head together "ith the ma=imum dimension D (anterior to Posterior) in the
medial plane o the sub2ect.s head- D is the distance along U a=is as sho"n in FIG- ?<-
$he ratio 1LD/ called in anthropology the cephalic inde=/ is monotonically related to the
boundary *alue @< deining the ellipsoidal surace appro=imating the interace bet"een
the brain and the s&ull in the prolate spheroidal coordinate system- @< deines the shape
o this interaceM @< and D together gi*e an estimate o a/ the semi,ocal distance o the
deining ellipsoid-
%sing @< and a/ together "ith &no"n *alues o the conducti*ity and di,electric constants
o brain tissue/ those "a*elengths are ound or "hich the radial component o the
electric ield satisies the boundary condition that it is zero at @<- $hese "a*elengths
are the "a*elenghts associated "i ith the standing "a*es or modes- $he corresponding
re;uencies are ound by di*iding the phase *elocity o micro"a*es in brain tissue by
each o the "a*elengths A sub2ect.s micro"a*e modal re;uencies may also be
determined by obser*ing the eect o e=ternal micro"a*e radiation upon the @@G-
$he re;uency o the M e;ual I mode may then be used as a base point to estimate all
other modal re;uencies- A typical e=ample o such an estimation is "here the sub2ect is
laterally irradiated "ith a monochromatic micro"a*e ield simultaneous "ith @@G
measurement and the micro"a*e re;uency altered until a signiicant change occurs in
the @@G/ the lo"est such re;uency causing a signiicant @@G change is ound- $his is
identiied as the re;uency o the MN ? mode/ the lo"est mode o importance in auditory
perception- $he purely anatomical estimation procedure (FIGS- C/ 7/ ?<) is then
perormed and the ratio o each modal re;uency to the M ? modal re;uency obtained-
$hese ratios together "ith the e=perimentally,determined M , I re;uency are then used
to estimate the re;uencies o the mode numbers higher than ?- $he prolate spheroidal
coordinate system is sho"n in FIG- 7- Along the lateral plane containing the = and y
coordinates o FIG- 7- the prolate spheroidal coordinate *ariable 6 (angle) lies FIGS- 7
and ?<- Plots o the trans*erse electric ield amplitude *ersus primary mode number m
are sho"n in FIG- ??- $he e;uation is $he 0ele*ation *ie"0 FIG- ?8/ o the brain rom
the let side/ sho"s the primary auditory corte= ?<- $he isotone lines and the high
re;uency region are to"ard the top o ?<< and the lo" re;uency region to"ard the
bottom o ?<<-
$he ormula I/ A,A-gi set orth belo" is the ormula or combining modes rom an
isotone line at ]N ]2 being e=cited to obtain the total modal ield at some other angular
location ]- For this ormula/ i "e let BN ? (2ust one isotone single re;uency acouistic
stimulus line)/ then it can be sho"n that A11 modes (in general) must be used or any
+N@ tone-
FIG- ?9 sho"s the resulting total modal ield *ersus angle ] or source location ] at
:-8:[/ ?8-:[/ etc- With reerence to the set o cur*es at the let top o this igure- A
spacing o appro=imately D-8:[ in ]. corresponds to a tonal dierence o about I octa*e-
$his conclusion is based on the side lobes o pattern coming rom ]N:-8:[/ etc- $he total
iled (*alue on y,a=is) alls considerably belo" the top cur*es or source locations "ell
belo" :-8:[ (to"ard the high acoustic stimulus end) and also as the source o re;uency
goes "ell abo*e ?<[ re;uency end) ] is plotted positi*e do"n"ard rom the (at lateral
location as indicates in FIG I ??- Resistor "eightings are obtained rom the (unreadable
"ord) (mF] ,]2G)- Formula I- $he scale bet"een acoustic re;uency and ] must be set or
estimated rom e=periment- Appro=imately :-8: ^ ?[ corresponils to a tonal stimulus at
about 8 &hz- (the most sensiti*e region o the ear) since this source location gi*es the
highest electric ield amplitude-
$he apparatus o FIG- D may also be used to determine *alues or a hearing de*ice
"hich are re;uired or a particular sub2ect- +nce the modal re;uencies ha*e been
estimated/ the de*ice o FIG- D "hich includes *ariable micro"a*e oscillators may be
used to determine *alues or the oscillators "hich match the sub2ect/ and to determine
resistance *alues associated "ith the mode partition de*ices o the mode control matri=-
In FIG- D manual control o the ampliier gain is achie*ed by potentiometers DA- In this
manner the ampliier gains are *aried about the estimated settings ror an acoustic tone
stimulus in the region o t"o thousand !ertz (8 &hz) until ma=imum acoustic perception
and a purest tone are achie*ed together- $he term purest tone may also be described as
the most pleasing acoustic perception by the sub2ect- $his process may be repeated at
selected re;uencies abo*e and belo" 8 &!z- $he selected re;uencies correspond to
regions o other acoustic ilter center re;uencies o the sub2ect- When modal re;uency
(oscillator re;uency) and gain set *alues (setting a potentiometer DA) are noted/ it is
then possible to calculate i=ed oscillator re;uencies and control resistor *alues or the
ad2usted hearing de*ice or this particular sub2ect- In the e*ent the sub2ect has no prior
acoustic e=perience/ that is dea rom birth/ estimated resistor *alues must be used-
Also/ a comple= acoustic stimulation test including language articulation and pairs o
harmonically related tones may be de*eloped to ma=imize the match o the hearing
de*ice parameters or those o this particular sub2ect- $ypical components or use in this
in*ention include commercially a*ailable high idelity microphones "hich ha*e a range
o :< !z to : &!z "ith plus or minus 9 d# *ariation- $he audio ilters to be used "ith
the acoustic ilter ban& ?8 are constructed in a con*entional manner/ and ha*e I *alues
o about A- $he ilters may also be designed "ith 9 d# do"n points (_ the band"idth
a"ay rom the center re;uency) occurring at ad2acent center re;uency locations- $he
diodes ?D in the mode control matri= "hich pro*ide isolation bet"een the mode
partition circuits are commercially a*ailable diodes in the audio range-
$he micro"a*e oscillators I through N and the micro"a*e ampliiers 8< are constructed
"ith a*ailable micro"a*e transistors "hich can be conigured either as oscillators or
ampliiers- @=amples o the transistors are GaAsF@$ ield eect transistors by !e"litt
Pac&ard &no"n as the !F@$ series or silicone bipolar transistors by !e"litt Pac&ard
&no"n as the !V$R series- All the cable bet"een the oscillators/ the micro"a*e
ampliiers/ and the antenna should be constructed "ith either single or double shielded
coa=ial cable-
$he antenna 86 or directing micro"a*e signals to the audio corte= 8A should be
appro=imately the size o the auditory corte=- A typical size "ould be one and one hal
'M high and one hal to one 'M "ide- $he antenna as sho"n is located o*er the let
auditory corte=- but the right may also be used- Since the characteristic impedance o the
brain tissue at these micro"a*e re;uencies is close to :< ohms/ eicient transmission
by commercially a*ailable standard 9< ohm coa= is possible-
$he in*ention has been described in reerence to the preerred embodiments- It is/
ho"e*er/ to be understood that other ad*antages/ eatures/ and embodiments may be
"ithin the scope o this in*ention as deined in the appended claims-
What is claimed is4
?- A sound perception de*ice or pro*iding induced perception o sound into a
mammalian brain comprising in combination4 means or generating micro"a*e radiation
"hich is representati*e o a sound to be percei*ed/ said means or generating including
means or generating a simultaneous plurality o micro"a*e radiation re;uencies and
means or ad2usting the amplitude o said micro"a*e radiation re;uencies in
accordance "ith the sound to be percei*edM and antenna means located in the region o
the auditory corte= o said mammalian brain or transmitting said micro"a*e energy into
the auditory corte= region o said brain-
8- A hearing de*ice or perception o sounds comprising in combination4 means or
generating a signal representati*e o soundsM means or analyzing said signal
representati*e o said sounds ha*ing an output means or generating a plurality o
micro"a*e signals ha*ing dierent re;uencies ha*ing a input connected to said output
o said means or analyzing said signals/ ha*ing an outputM means or applying said
plurality o micro"a*e signals to the head o a sub2ect/ and "hereby the sub2ect
percei*es sounds "hich are representati*e o said sounds/
9- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim 8 "herein said means or generating a signal
is a microphone or detecting sound "a*es-
6- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim 8 "herein said means or applying said
plurality o micro"a*e signals is an antenna-
:- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim 6 "herein said antenna is placed in the region
o the auditory corte= o the sub2ect-
A- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim 8 "herein the sub2ect is a human being-
D- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim 8 "herein said means or analyzing said
signal comprises4 an acoustic ilter ban& or di*iding said sounds into a plurality o
component re;uenciesM and a mode control matri= means or pro*iding control signals
"hich are "eighted in accordance "ith said plurality o component re;uencies/ ha*ing
an output connected to said means or generating a plurality o micro"a*e signal inputs-
C- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim D "herein said acoustic ilter ban& includes a
plurality o audio re;uency ilters-
7- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim C "herein said audio re;uency ilters pro*ide
a plurality o output re;uencies ha*ing amplitudes "hich are a unction o said signal
representati*e o sounds-
?<- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim 7 "herein said amplitudes are the "eighted
in accordance "ith transorm unction o the signal representati*e o sounds-
??- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim D "herein said mode control matri= de*ice
includes a *oltage di*ider connected to each o said plurality o said audio re;uency
?8- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim It "herein each o said *oltage di*iders has
a plurality o outputs "hich are connected in circuit to said means or generating a
plurality o micro"a*e signals-
?9- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim 8 "herein said means or generating a
plurality o miro"a*e signals comprises a purality o micro"a*e generators each ha*ing
a dierent re;uency and means or controlling the output amplitude o each o said
?6- $he apparattus in accordance "ith claims 8 "herein said means or generating
plurality o micro"a*e signals comprises a broad band micro"a*e source and a plurality
o ilters-
?:- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim ?9 "herein said generators each comprise a
micro"a*e signal source and a gain controlled micro"a*e ampliier-
?A- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim ?9 "herein said means or analyzing output
is connected to said means or controlling micro"a*e ampliier output amplitudes-
?D- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim ?9 "herein analyzing includes > audio
re;uency ilters-
?C- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim ?D "herein there are N micro"a*e
?7- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim ?C including a mode partitioning means
"hich pro*ides N outputs or each o said > audio re;uency ilters-
8<- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim ?7 "herein said N ampliiers each ha*e >
inputs rom said mode partitioning means-
8?- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim 8< "herein said N ampliiers ha*e > inputs
less the mode partitioning means outputs "hich are so small that they may be omitted-
88- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim 8< "herein said mode partitioning output
de*ice outputs each include a diode connected to each micro"a*e ampliier gain control
to pro*ide isolation bet"een all outputs- 89- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim 8<
"herein said > audio re;uency ilters are chosen to correspond to the critical
band"idths o the human ear-
86- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim 8< "herein said N micro"a*e generators are
each ad2ustable in re;uency output-
8:- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim ?C "herein the re;uency o each N
micro"a*e generators is determined by anatomical estimation/
8A- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim ?C "herein the re;uency o the lo"est
re;uency micro"a*e generator is chosen by determination o the eect o e=ternal
micro"a*e generation on the @@G o the sub2ect-
8D- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim ?C "herein the re;uency o each o said N
micro"a*e generators corresponds to the sub2ect.s micro"a*e modal re;uencies-
8C- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim 8D "herein the sub2ectOs modal re;uencies
are determined by measurement o the sub2ectOs cephalic inde= and the lateral
dimensions o the s&ull-
87- $he apparatus in accordance "ith claim 8C "herein the sub2ectOs lo"est modal
re;uency is determined by *arying the re;uency o the lo"est re;uency micro"a*e
generator about the estimated *alue until a ma=imum acoustic perception is obtained by
the sub2ect In ?7C7/ Bames '- 1in "rote @lectromagnetic Interaction With #iological
Systems "hich deals "ith transmitting ideas and "ords *ia electromagnetic "a*es-
#rie cases/ stereo spea&ers and bo=es are some o the disguises that the 'IA has been
caught using to hide their @1F micro"a*e emitters that plant thoughts in people- +ne
*ictim "ho spent time tal&ing to Fritz Springmeier reported ho" they had repeated tried
to tric& him into going to ree hotel rooms and other traps/ "here they tried to bombard
his head "ith the idea that he should sell drugs- !e cle*erly dismantled their de*ices
"hich they hid in the ceilings and other locations in these rooms to protect himsel rom
the thoughts they "ere trying repeatedly to beam into his head- !e "as on the run as a
ugiti*e to protect his mind- Na*al Intelligence and other groups ha*e conducted
research into @1F "a*es upon the human body and mind-
Some o the many things that can be done to the human body and mind "ith @1F "a*es
a- put a person to sleep
b- ma&e a person tired or depressed
c- create a eeling o ear in a person
d- create a zombie state
e- create a *iolent state
- create a state o being se=ually aggressi*e
g- change cellular chemistry
h- change hormone le*els
i- inhibit or enhance M(RNA) synthesisLprocesses
2- control the DNA transaction process
&- control biological spin and proton coupling constants in DNA/ RNA E RNA
%nortunately or us humans/ @1F "a*es can penetrate almost anything- $he %-S-
Military has built a Ground Wa*e @mergency Net"or& (GW@N) all o*er the %-S- "ith
se*eral hundred 9<<,:<<. GW@N to"ers that broadcast a *ery,lo",re;uency "a*e
(K1F) or mind control o the American public- A single GW@N to"er can broadcast up
to 9<< miles in a 9A<< circle- Plus C secret po"erul @1F transmitters ha*e been
established and 9 o them operate on the "est coast-
0o,ac and S$a!e% and /ico'a!e To'e%
Some o the Monarch sla*es are recei*ing Prozac- Prozac (luo=etine hydrocloride,a
serotonin re,upta&e inhibitor) is dangerous or e*eryone- Prozac is no" the second most
used drug in the "orld- $hree e=amples o the ongoing nightmare no" happening
"orld"ide4 September ?6/ ?7C7,,Boseph Wesbec&er on Prozac "ent crazy and got a gun
and opened ire in the Standard Gra*ure #uilding in 1ouis*ille &illing eight and
"ounding t"el*e others beore &illing himsel- 8< suits against @li 1illy "ere iled by
*ictim in this case-
Buly/ ?77<,,Rhonda !ala o Shirley/ N5 iled a W?:< million suit against @li 1illy
charging that Prozac had dri*en her repeatedly to attempt suicide-
August/ ?77<,,''!R called on 'ongress to ban Prozac and 9 "ido"s in 1ouis*ille/ >$
iled W:< million la"suits each/ charging that a man on Prozac had been dri*en insane to
&ill by the Prozac and had &illed their husbands- $"o other la"suits "ere iled in this
time period/ one rom Indianapolis/ and one rom 'hicago rom people dri*en to attempt
suicide by Prozac-
'ertain brain acti*ities trigger people on Prozac to become homicidal or suicidal-
$han&s to research by Illuminati controlled companies/ the Net"or& &no"s e=actly ho"
to used @1F "a*es *ectored on a particular person by 9 separate to"ers to stimulate the
Prozac controlled brain to murder- $his is being used to increase acts o anarchy and
*iolence in order to help insure anti,gun legislation- I a sla*e doesn.t comply or needs
to be thro"n rom the Freedom $rain they can become a useable statistic- Simply trigger
them to murder and then "atch the police gun them do"n- $he NW+ gains one more
statistic and another case to scare the public into accepting gun control-
The +%e o& Wa!e% and E$ecticity to I"2$ant Thou(ht%
$he programmers are al"ays trying to outdo "hat they.*e done beore- $hey are not
satisied "ith the old recipes or scrambled brains/ they &eep in*enting and reining ne"
methods- Anything and e*erything "ithin their grasp has been tried- $hey ha*e ound
that @1F and K1F electro,magnetic "a*es can be used to control people.s
thoughts- !armonics and sound "a*es are used to manipulate the RNA co*ering o
neuron path"ays to the subconscious- !armonic generators (code named 0ether,"a*e0)
are able to imbed detailed commands "hich are lin&ed to audible triggers- $his is one o
the standard eatures o the Monarch program- It allo"s the sla*es to be controlled by
trigger "ords "hich ma&e no sense or seem to carry no negati*e connotation to outside
listeners- For instance the "ords/ 0Mr- Postman "ait and see0 (a Marionette command)
might set o an access se;uence so that a sla*e li*ing a"ay rom its master goes to its
master (also called a handler)-
$he use o harmonics has ta&en a"ay much o the "or& o the big programmers- No"
harmonic machines can implant the programming and codes that the Programmers put
in- It.s ;uic&er and perhaps more eicient/ although the lesser cult groups ha*e to get by
"ith the older methods- And the Illuminati still ha*e many e=cellent programmers in
ull,time and part,time use- According to an eye"itness/ their top,programmers are ar
beyond their ?7:<,A< predecessors li&e Mengele-
$here are our types o brain "a*es4 alpha/ beta/ delta/ and theta- $he our basic models
o Monarch sla*es ha*e the same names as these our types o brain "a*es- !igh le*el
Illuminati models may ha*e programming that includes all o these types- According to
one e=(3),go*ernment source/ the 'IA has been labeling their harmonic,created total
Mind,controlled sla*es by the ollo"ing4 #ra*o 8 series models are men programmed to
run the #east computers- Delta series are models or espionage and assassination- Buliet
series are se=ual mind controlled sla*es- >ilo : series is military espionage- Michael ?
series sla*es are 'IA agents under total mind,control- +peration Greenstar "as the
Mind,control pro2ect to create %F+ abductions scenarios- Much o the high le*el
programming in the ?7C<s and ?77<s is no longer done "ith human programmers/ but is
done *ia programmed machines using drugs/ electricity and harmonics-
Tac*in(JID I"2$ant%
A great deal has come out in a "hole number o 'hristian boo&s/ as "ell as secular
boo&s about the microchips that are being implanted in both people and animals- $hese
microchips "ill do many things/ depending upon "hich type o microchip they are/
ho"e*er/ some o these microchips emit coded signals "hich allo" satellites "ith
computers to trac& the e=act location o the person or animal carrying the chip-
+b*iously/ a Mind,controlled sla*e is not going to ha*e the reedom to re2ect a chip li&e
this- $his gi*es the o"ner a method or trac&ing the sla*e should they e*er escape to
their e=act location- Many o the sla*es/ 'IA agents/ and military men ha*e these
implants already- Many Desert Shield troops (to ma&e sure they "eren.t lost in the
desert) "ere re;uired to get the trac&ing implants- Some countries are ma&ing it
mandatory or pets to get trac&ing implants-
/onitoin( I"2$ant%
As I "rite this/ I ha*e the report 0An eight channel micropo"ered PAMLFM biomedical
telemetry system0 "ritten by the Space #iology 1abL#rain Research Institute o the
%'1A 'enter or !ealth Sciences/ o 1os Angeles/ 'aliornia 7<<86-
What they are reporting on is an implant "hich "ill electronically report bac& "hat is
going on "ith a person.s body to "hoe*er is monitoring the person- $heir 0biotelemeter0
consists o a signal conditioner(s)/ multiple=er (or multichannel systems)/ and a
transmitter- $he entire size o the implant is A-9: cm- by <-7D cm thic&-
@@G monitoring is being done o ree,s"imming di*ers by implants- A re;uency o
89<< !z- "as used on the irst under"ater monitoring de*ices-
Co""unication I"2$ant%
First/ "e "ill gi*e an o*er*ie" o the sub2ect and then "e "ill co*er the details o ho"
the technology "or&s- In the #ible it predicts that in the end o church age that the rulers
o the "orld 0$hese ha*e one mind/ and shall gi*e their po"er and strength unto the
#east0 R@K ?D4?9-
Robert Muller/ a member o the Illuminati/ and ormer Assistant Secretary General o
the %N/ "ho has been in*ol*ed in setting up a 0Peace %ni*ersity0 in 'osta Rica/ said in
a symposium 0$o"ard a Global #rain/ +ur Ne=t @*olutionary Step0 (No*- 7,??/
?7C6 0We are beginning to lin& together to orm one,"orld/ minds and souls- 1et go o
our o"n belies , crap stu- We stand no" at the threshold o the irst spiritualization o
$he goal o ha*ing a single 0World Mind0 is being ad*ocated by people tied to the
Illuminati and the Ne" Age Mo*ement they ha*e created- In the Ne" Age boo& Gods o
A;uarius the author ad*ocates/ 0$he only *iable solution is to lin& the brains o all men
into one giant super brain- It has been the entire species that ha*e been de*eloping and it
must be lin&ed into one super being- A synthesis o human minds in a "orld brain-0
!olly"ood put out a mo*ie in ?7D< called 'olossus,$he Forbin Pro2ect "hich sho"s
ho" the ultimate computer "ill dominate the minds o men- %nortunately/ the
Illuminati no" ha*e the capability *ia their ronts to implant transmitters that "ill
communicate messages to the human brain that are recei*ed *ia computers- $he ability
to literally ha*e a single World #rain is "ithin the grasp o the elite- $hey must no"
simply igure out methods to accomplish it- All this Ne" Age tal& by "orld leaders li&e
Robert Muller about a single World Mind is not hot air- %nortunately/ the technology is
here already- Will humanity stop the secret elite/ or "ill humanity continue to slide into
deeper sla*ery3
'IA programmerLresearcher Proessor Delgado "rote in Physical 'ontrol o the Mind in
?7A7 that/ 0#rain transmitters can remain in a person.s head or lie- $he energy to
acti*ate the brain transmitter is transmitted by "ay o radio re;uencies-0 $he radio
re;uencies used to transmit to brain implants are usually rom ?: to 9: >!z- Radio
re;uency analyzing computers hoo&ed up to computers ha*e charted the radio
re;uencies being used to transmit to *ictims "ith implants- (See Mediae&o
In*estigating Reporting Group- #rain $ransmitters What $hey Are and !o" $hey Are
%sed- ?779/ pg- C-)
$he use by handlers o Fre;uency shit signals/ "hich is a special "ay o modulating
through a gi*en spectrum o re;uencies/ has been obser*ed and recorded- Some o the
irst brain transmitters loo&ed li&e bullets and "ere placed into the *ictim.s brain *ia the
nose- In the late ?7A<s/ some o the transmitters "ere simply s"allo"ed/ or carried
e=ternally by the *ictim- Small "ires imbedded behind the ears are one o the implants-
Sometimes implants are placed "ithin the painLpleasure center o the brain/ "hich
allo"s the handler to manipulate "hat eels great or "hat eels painul- $he Intelligence
agencies ha*e gi*en their implants a "hole *ariety o names- Some o these names or
brain implants are4
@D+M ,, @lectronic Dissolution o Memory
@@+M,,@lectronic @nhancement o Memory
@S# ,,@lectronic Stimulation o the brain
R!I' ,, Radio !ypnotic Intra,cerebral
'ontrol $erms that accompany these techni;ues include4
PR@MA,,Personal Radio E @lectro,Magnetic Fre;uency Allocation- $his is an
indi*idual.s personal re;uency "hich is scanned by a hand,held de*ice (such as a
Reading Wand)-
PRIM@ FR@A>,,$his is the Primary Fre;uency o an indi*idual/ "hich the intelligence
agencies "ill obtain and then manipulate to control an indi*idual-
KI$A1 !%MAN #RAIN FR@I%@N'5,, $his is a re;uency that is *ital or humans/
(the C<< M!z band) "hich is manipulated or mass mind,control-
In ?7DC/ Samuel 'ha*&in "arned in his boo& $he Mind Stealers 0With the increasing
sophistication and miniaturization o electronics/ it may be possible to compress the
necessary circuitry or a small computer into a chip that is implantable subcutaneously-
In this "ay/ the ne" sel,contained instrument could be de*ised/ capable o recei*ing/
analyzing and sending bac& inormation to the brain/ establishing artiicial lin&s bet"een
unrelated cerebral areas/ unctional eedbac&s/ and programs o stimulations contingent
on the appearance o predetermined "a*e patterns-0
Since 'ha*&in "rote this in ?7DC/ the Net"or& has come a long "ays on miniaturization
and sophistication o their implants- +ne o the most important end times
communications systems o the Illuminati and their intelligence agencies is their A1@V
system- $his "ill operate on se*eral le*els- $he electronic end o the A1@V system
"hich stands or Amalgamated 1ogarithmic @ncrypted $ransmission (A1@V) is a
method or encrypting electronic transmissions so that a computer "hich could decode :
$rillion codes a second "ould ta&e 8/<<< years to decipher one o these
transmissions- In other "ords/ "hen the A1@V system is operating,,it cannot be
decoded- $he A1@V system has D<< #illion $rillion codesJ 5es/ the intelligence
agenciesLIlluminati ha*e really outdone themsel*es "ith o*er&ill on this oneJ #y the
"ay/ this is *ery %1$RA secret-
The A9E> %y%te" inte%ect% 'ith the /onach /ind Conto$ 0o(a""in(.
$he A1@V (also called A1@V%S) is part o the trac&ing and Anti'hrist,'all,#ac&
Programming- +utside computers are able to interconnect "ith the Monarch Mind
'ontrol sla*e and call them bac& or Anti'hrist acti*ities- In other "ords/ the 'ouncil
o 7 o the Illuminati has placed an alter by the name o Ale= or a similar name in high
le*el sla*es and they ha*e either *ia implants or some other type o programming made
these sla*es a*ailable or programming *ia electronic communications that tie in "ith
their A1@V computers- (Fritz Springmeier touched on this Anti'hrist programming in
his 0'hapter 9 Mind 'ontrol0 monograph in ?778/ "hen he mentioned Imperial
conditioning-) Actually Imperial and @mperor programming are programs that "or& in
con2unction "ith the A1@V system-
All the police in this nation are to ha*e their communications encrypted by 'hristmas/
?77: in time or the start o the most intense period o anarchy- $he concentration
camps/ F@MA/ FDI'/ and the all the rest o the acronym monsters are s"itching o*er to
the secret operational re;uencies "hich this paragraph "ill no" pro*ide you- $his "ill
be 7?8 meg- to 7:6 meg- using either or both the A1@V or General Dynamic scrambles-
Motorola is pro*iding the hard"are- In other "ords/ "hen the most intense period o
anarchy and arrests begins/ the Ne" World +rder (#ig #rother) "ill ha*e electronic
transmission capabilities "hich "ill be totally secret- @*en police transmissions "hich
can be listened to no" by the bad guys "ill no longer recei*able-
$he Illuminati ha*e been sa*ing their best technology or use during their ta&eo*er in
the ne=t e" years- Implants "ithin sla*es are being used to communicate such thoughts
as (actual samples o things sent)4
a- 0murder your amily0
b- 0the go*ernment is to blame/ murder the President0
c- 0you can not get legal redress or "hat has been done to you by the go*ernment0
d- 0it is hopeless to ight us0
e- 0you "ant to ha*e se= "ith the opposite se=0
- 0you "ant to deal in drugs0
g- 0you "ant to protect your country by being loyal to the 'IA0
Since the early ?7A<s/ the Intelligence agencies ha*e been putting t"o,"ay radio
communication implants into *ictims- $his is called telemetry or remote control- $he
radio "a*e enters the implant/ the implant transmits it to the brain/ and the brain.s
reaction is then pic&ed up and relayed bac& to a computer "hich decodes "hat the brain
"a*es sho" the brain "as thin&ing- $hese implants in the early XA<s "ere hal the size
o a cigarette ilter- A e" o *ictims ha*e managed to escape the control o the System
and get =,ray pictures o the implants and then ha*e them remo*ed- +ne *ictim in this
Portland area has tried or years to ind a legitimate surgeon to remo*e the implant-
1i;uid crystals are said by some to be used- It is said that the li;uid crystals are
implanted to unction as transmitters- +thers say that the li;uid crystals "ere tried and
"ere lethal-
It "as disco*ered that i a strobe is lashed into the eyes at ten cyclesLper sec- or ?< hertz
(hz)/ the brain "ill retuned itsel to that re;uency- $he brain "ill do"nshit rom a beta
state o consciousness do"n to an alpha or belo"- $he entire corte= is inluenced by the
strobe light- Actually/ this "as 2ust a redisco*ery o "hat some o the ancients had
disco*ered- Flashing lights ha*e been used by people to go into altered states or a long
time- Ptolemy/ the amous ancient Gree& astronomer built a "heel that "ould lash
sunlight/ and people "ould stare at this contraption and go into an altered state- As "ith
many in*entions/ they can be used or good or bad-
$he ollo"ing machines are things that anyone can purchase/ 2ust li&e a stun gun or a
cattle prod- An array o mind,altering electronic de*ices ha*e been created o*er the last
e" decades- Personal light,and,sound machines that alter the brain.s consciousness that
"ere once WA</<<< dollars are no" a e" hundred- $hey ha*e goggles that it o*er a
person.s eyes- $he Synchro @nergizer/ "hich re;uires a trained operator to run its
control panel/ is a machine to electronically alter the brain.s consciousness "ith a sound
and light sho"- Nine lights "or& *ia the goggles to gi*e a light sho" to alter the brain.s
"a*e pattern- It is sold by Synchro,$ech o 'le*eland *ia Syncho @nergize on
#road"ay/ N5- An operator can start the Synchro @nergizer at the brain.s high beta
"a*es and then ta&es the "a*e pattern do"n"ard through the alpha/ and then to the
theta and sometimes into the delta (the sleep state)-
$here are smaller machines designed to do the same thing/ such as the Rela=man/ built
by Synchro,$ech- 'omptronic De*ice 1td- has put out a similar but superior machine
called D-A-K-I-D-Br- It can place a person into a deep delta "a*e sleep- $hese are 2ust
"hat are a*ailable to the public- Imagine "hat NASA/ the NSA/ and 'IA ha*e- I one
needs to "or& "ith more than one person/ the Synchro,energizer (WA</<<<) also built by
Synchro,$ech "ill place 98 people at the same time into altered states o consciousness-
$his machine uses ull,spectrum lights to change the brain.s state o consciousness- $he
1umatron machine uses strobe lights that can be set to ele*en dierent re;uencies-
When the light is directed through the retina it is con*erted to an electrical ner*e
impulse called a photocurrent- @*entually/ the photocurrent passes throughout the entire
Genesis is a machine "hich measures the brain.s responses and then matches music to
that response- !ospitals and corporations ha*e been purchasing Genesis machines- $he
$"ilight 1earning De*ice is a bio,eedbac& machine that has an @@G machine hoo&ed
up to t"o tape recorders- $here are dozens o technical articles on a "hole host o
sub2ects relating to the implants- $his is a *ast sub2ect that really needs its o"n boo&-
F+R F%R$!@R S$%D5 o the big S%#B@'$ o IMP1AN$S the reader is directed or
starts to the F+11+WING AR$I'1@S4
XScotland on Sunday/ 8 April ?77:/ had an article about ho" %-S- and S"edish scientists
ha*e pioneered a method to grat neurons to a computer chip- Stanord %ni*ersity/ 'A
helped "ith this- A person can no" be 0hot,"ired0 to a computer/ such as Arnold
Sch"artzenegger in the ilm $otal Recall-
1A $imes/ CL?DL76/ article about the !ughes Identiication De*ice "hich is a trac&ing
implant (microchip) "hich is called SmartDe*ice- A millionLper year are planned to be
;uietly inserted into people during surgery- XIn a recent article 0Alien,!uman
Interactions4 the Facts and Propaganda0 by >arla $urner/ she points out that many alien
abductees (li&e hersel) are 0monitored and harassed by human agents o some sort and
the cases o phone and mail sur*eillance are only part o the story---- !e "as compelled
by some post,hypnotic suggestion-- -there is strong e=ternal e*idence that these e*ents
ha*e been carried out by strictly human agents and not by aliens gi*ing the illusion o a
military presence-0 She goes on to e=plain about the implants/ "ires E tubes that are put
in *ictims o 0alien abductions0- >arla $urner doesn.t &no" that she is a *ictim o
trauma,based mind control/ but she.s getting close to understanding "hat she has been
sub2ected to-
X$he Bournal/ Ale=andria/ KA/ No*- C/ ?77:/ carried a story 0Surgeon/ a %F+ bu
operated and ound---0 $he story "as by Ste*e 'ha"&ins o the Scripps !o"ard Ne"s
Ser*ice- $he article tal&s about a Kentura/ 'A surgeon "ho has remo*ed implants rom
abduction *ictims- $he implanted items that are remo*ed rom *ictims/ disappear "hen
sent in or tests to determine "hat they are-
ORele*ance Magazine,art- on #eh- Mod- implants-
Fortean $imes SC9/ +ct-,No*- X7: article on Russia.s mind control called PIS "hich is
similar to America.s- #arry >arr o the 'enter or Scientiic In*estigation o 'laims o
the Paranormal states/ 0We ha*en.t heard o anything that/ "ithout the shado" o a
doubt/ couldn.t ha*e been made here on @arth- 1et.s see the e*idence-0
It is clear that some people are no" realizing that these implants are being placed into
people by human sla*e o"ners/ "ho simply are hypnotically telling their sla*es that they
are aliens- I#M began "or& on the implantable microchips under the co*er o other
goals- In the ?7A<s G-@- too& o*er the de*elopment- !oney"ell continued the "or& ater
they merged- $he R8@ Di*ision o the cIIi !oney"ell #ull in France has then gone on to
de*elop the Smart card- 1ithium batteries in implants "ere secretly being used in the
?7A<s long beore the public got "ind- Fairchild has publicly announced se*eral years
ago that they ha*e a bio,chip the size o a human hair "ith 6 times the capacity o the
#$7:8<<< pro2ect- $hese are some o the companies "ho ha*e pro*ided the Net"or&
"ith a large assortment o implantable chips-
In Su""ay
@lectro shoc& is used to control a sla*e and to erase memory- Stun guns are used daily
on some sla*es- Sla*es are under so much control that they "ill shoc& themsel*es i the
master "ants them to- @;uipment has been de*eloped to alter states o consciousness
electronically/ and also to trac&/ and monitor sla*es- $he most serious de*elopment in
electronics or mind control is their ability "ith high tech e;uipment to actually place
thoughts into a persons mind- !armonic machines (gi*en code names) are no" being
used to do lots o the programming- Po"erul indi*idual E mass mind control can ta&e
place *ia electronic meansM our ;uestion/ "ho "ill control the controllers o these
electronic means3 So ar the American E @uropean people ha*e been content to let them
get by "ith "hat they ha*e done-
Cha2te K The Science o& Stuctuin(
A. Stuctuin( o& /0D 'o$d%
B. The ceation o& o$e%
!o" the Sel o a Man Alter 'onsists o Shattered Shado" Alters/ A Script/ Mirrors
and Assigned Demons
$he Presideo S,P,I,N N Segmented Polycentric Integrated Net"or&s
Standard Roles Within An Illuminati Monarch Sla*e
Angry Alters Animal Alters 'hristian Front Alters 'lones
Deltas !o" $he Deltas Are 'reated !o" $he Deltas Are Acti*ated
Foreign 1anguage Alters Gate&eeper Alters !ierarchy And Deeper 'ult Alters
@gyptian Armies Flooding Alters Gems 1oo&ing Glass People Mirror Images
Programmer Alters Reporting Alters Scrambling Alters Se=ual Alters
#o=es And Sel,Abuse
C. Bui$din( in $ayeed de&en%e%
Deenses In Death
+*er*ie" + $he Princess Programming
D. Bac*u2 0o(a""in(
01abyrinth0/ A Kie" o a MonarchOs Internal World
$he Structuring Done in Monarch Star $re& and Star Wars Programming
A. Stuctuin( o& /0D Wo$d%
$he purpose o the mind,control is to build a System "ithin the mind that is a human
robot- It "ould do no good to torture the sla*e and get thousands o pieces (ragments o
the mind/ alter personalities) i these "ere not structured-
Kery e" Multiples ha*e e*er really gotten to see the deeper parts o their Systems-
Many o the early successes o therapists "ere actually only the integration o the ronts
o Systems/ "hile the deeper cult parts "ere let ully unctioning- $he integration o
the ront alters "as only a ruse to allo" the therapist to thin& the patient "as healed- $he
Illuminati.s organization/ "hose identity still remains secret to the therapist/ can
continue to use the Xhealed0 patient- @*eryone "as happy/ therapist/ client/ and the
Also I might add the boo& publishers such as those "ho published Sybil are also happy-
Sybil is an occult irst name,,but the boo&/ mo*ie and therapist gi*e no hint that ritual
abuse might be in*ol*ed in her system.s MPD (DID)- $he *ictim o When Rabbit !o"ls
(a boo& E a mo*ie) sho"s clear signs o ha*ing a ull,blo"n highly structured and
programmed MPD (DID) system/ but the mo*ie doesn.t e*en hint o programming or
Satanic in*ol*ement- $he "hole mo*ie "as a big slide- $he Illuminati &no" the details
and minutiae o e*ery ne" direction the therapeutic community decides to ta&e-
Indeed/ a number o their people are leading the pac&/ pro*iding leads and misleads-
$heir irst goal is to &eep therapists on side roads/ a"ay rom the real issues- $he second
goal is/ i they do get onto something/ to bring the sla*es in/ and structure in deenses so
that the therapists don.t go any"here- And then "hen one has success li&e "e ha*e seen/
they eliminate ront structures and ront alters/ and turn to massi*e reprogramming/ and
s&illully lin&ing primal traumas "ith the ne" programs- #ear in mind/ the internal
programming alters are also al"ays alert and "ill restructure the system constantly i
alters "or& against their programming-
Restructuring is a process that can continually go on/ not something completed "hen the
*ictim "as a child- For instance/ ne" le*els o alters can and are created "hen the *ictim
is in their 9<s/ either by the internal or e=ternal programmers- From obser*ations/ it is
clear that the most drastic changes are rom the e=ternal programmers/ "ho can "or&
much aster than the internal programmers- In the beginning/ the programmer must
bring order out o the chaos he has created- !e must use some type o structure to place
In recent years/ these ha*e been solar systems/ gala=ies/ and planets/ because they ha*e
gone to Star $re&/ Star Wars/ Alien types o programming- @ach planet may ha*e a type
o alter,,a amily/ i you "ill/ o alters "ho are similar- $hey "ill not be able to tra*el to
other solar systems/ or stars/ or gala=ies "ithout transportation- Spaceships/ and
teleporters ha*e no" replaced the ele*ator that the older systems used to go up and
do"n the "orlds- When the programming begins/ it must be simple enough that a child
can understand it-
+ne game that "as e=cellent to teach internal structures to child *ictims "as 'hinese
chec&ers- An innocent game/ but a great *ehicle to communicate placement o alters and
structures- Alter patterns "ould be placed upon the he=agram board "ith marbles- A
marble "ould represent an alter- Notice that alter colors (andLor 2obs) can be coded by
"hat marble is chosen- A ruby alter can be a red marble- A blue coded alter is a blue
marble- Structures "hich are to be superimposed upon each other in the child.s mind/ are
easy to superimpose- $a&e one pattern , o marbles o/ and place the superimposed
pattern o marbles o*er the same place- $his is ho" se*eral dierent structures can be
tied together in one locality in the mind- $his is one "ay structures can be layered in-
$he !e=agram chec&er board "as called 0$he !ouse o Da*id0 in one *ictim-
B. The Ceation o& Ro$e% Intena$, E=tena$, De2endence, etc.
Many splits in the mind are not de*eloped into ull blo"n personalities- Some are simply
ragments "hich are gi*en a single 2ob assignment- Generally/ a System "ill ha*e about
hal a dozen alters "hich re;uently ta&e the body and hundreds o alters "hich only
occasionally ta&e the body-
Internally/ the System must carry out the ollo"ing unctions4 Protect all inormation
and history that relates to the creation and use o the sla*e- All the structuring and codes
o the System are also secrets and need to be guarded- $he programming and the *ery
things that the sla*e can thin& about need to be guarded- $he sla*e is meant to be
entirely sel,go*erning- $he best boss is the boss "ho gi*es a directi*e and can go do
something else "hile the person recei*ing the order carries it out "ithout input and
super*ision- $he Monarch sla*e is the prime e=ample o ho" to delegate authority- $he
delegation o authority allo"s both the master and the *ictim himsel to blame the *ictim
or the orders they carry out- $he satanic cults "ill hide their alters "hich ma&e money
or the cult behind the blood and gore alters- $his protects their illegal money ma&ing
operations- Alters must learn to unction as designed by the Programmer- I they can.t
"or& together/ the Illuminati "ill try to get them to "or& together some"hat a&in to a
mechanic i=ing a car- I the alters can.t be i=ed/ they and their System "ill ha*e to be
thro"n a"ay- $he dramatic disparities o all the alters goes hand in hand "ith "hat at
irst seems apparent/ then not apparent/ and then apparent again,,there is a unity beneath
the multiplicity- Alter unctions and abilities o*erlap "ith other alters- No alter is
entirely separate rom se*eral common pools o intellect and dispositions that are
attributable to the entire alter system- Alters are real and separate persons- #ut the
common traits that run through an alter system are also real- +ne alter system may ha*e
a strea& o &indness and gentleness that runs through the entire system- $here may be a
e" alters "hich ha*e been battered enough not to display the trait/ but the trait is so
per*asi*e that it characterizes the System- $he programmers are also s&illed at building
in alters "ho can ser*e as balancing points- %nless the system o alters has balancing
point alters "ho are calm/ cheerul/ and emotionally stable/ a system could easily sel,
destruct "ith all the shatteredness/ pain and craziness that has been intentionally built
into the system-
@ach le*el or "orld "ill ha*e a balancing point- When the System is being charted
during the early programming process/ a Mother o Dar&ness and the Programmer and
the Grande Dame "ill ma&e a decision on ho" to label the chart- #y the time the child is
our/ the "ea&nesses and strengths that characterize the alter System ha*e been recorded
on charts and the child.s destiny in lie determined-
$he chart "ill read "hat occupation the child "ill be made into/ and "hat its unction
or the o*erall Illuminati plan "ill be- $his determines "hat types o programs and alters
must be created- Most people are still unamiliar "ith multiplicity and their rigid
thin&ing is challenged by the concept that one mind can ha*e se*eral personalities- +n
the other hand/ they can understand perectly that a computer can "all o sections o
memory/ and they can understand perectly that a single human mind is superior to all
the computers in the "orld assembled together/ and yet they can.t let go o their basic
simplistic oundational understanding o lie that one mind has only one personality-
$hey "ill allo" a computer this ability but not the human mind- $he creation o
multiple personalities also di*ides responsibility "ithin a person- A person "ho li*es
"ith a multiple/ say or instance their handler/ "ill orm "idely di*ergent relationships
"ith the dierent alters- In terms o programming/ each dissociated ragment o the
mind may be molded into something- Some ragments lend themsel*es to be molded
into ull personalities/ and some lend themsel*es into being molded into single,purpose
ragments/ and some must be discarded- A part o the mind can be de*eloped into a ull,
blo"n independent personality "ith all the idiosyncrasies that any other person has-
#ear in mind/ that generally the Programmers consider color identiication and the
coded numbers to be more critical or identiying an alter than a name- A name
humanizes the alter- Names are sometimes attached later i needed by a handler-
Some handlers simply reer to their se=ual alters by their generic name 0&itten0- +thers
may ha*e a speciic cat name such as 0$abby0/ 0#ast0/ 0!ecat0/ 0Adandara0 or 0the 1ion
o Budah0 or an alter- >eep in mind/ i ull blo"n personalities are created/ it happens
or both the beneit o the *ictim AND the programmers- During the Monarch
Programming an a*erage System "ill ha*e at least ?/<<< alters/ but not all o these "ill
be personalities designed to hold the body- For those "ho need to get a handle
theologically on ho" to approach this/ it is suggested that they approach it as a city o
persons- A city has both a unity and a multiplicity about it- It also must carry out certain
basic unctions i it is to sur*i*e- All cities ha*e administrations and city planners/ and
2ustice/ and police/ and garbage collectors/ and entertainment/ etc-
$he early Illuminati researchers soon accepted that their *ictim o multiple personalities
is in essence a city o people/ and so they used that understanding to construct in the
*ictim.s head/ using the *ictim.s creati*ity under torture and drugs to create all the
structures and eatures that accompany a geological land- $he map o the 1and o +z in
the Wizard o +z boo&s "as re;uently used or the ront parts o a System/ "ith some
additions and subtractions- $he engineering o the structures "ithin an Illuminati
Monarch sla*e/ loo&s li&e the original designs "ere done by engineering specialists,,
perhaps e*en #oolean algebra "as used to de*elop the original designs- !o"e*er/ once
"or&ing models o systems "ere pro*en to unction "ithout ail/ lesser s&illed
programmers E technocrats could help assemble a Monarch System o alters "ithout
ully understanding the engineering and all o the demonologyLmagic behind it- Bust li&e
in a city/ some people ha*e riends and &no" others/ and other people are strangers and
enemies/ so it is "ith an Illuminati system o multiples- Some alters may be a"are o
each other/ and some may e*en hate each other-
When building a system/ the Programmers ta&e ad*antage o their &no"ledge o ho"
multiplicity "or&s- $"o alters can ha*e se*eral possible relationships "hich are4
a- t"o,"ay amnesia/ "here neither alter &no"s about the other.s e=istence- $his is "hat
the Programmers "ant or most alters- $hey don.t "ant multiples to e*en &no" they are
b- one,"ay amnesia/ "here A alter &no"s # alter/ but # doesn.t &no" A- $his can be
accomplished by setting in one,"ay mirrors-
c- co,presence/ t"o alters can come on top o each other at the ront o the mind and
hold the body together- $his produces some strange beha*ior or the multiple as dierent
alters synthesize their thoughts- When a tough alter comes up behind a 'hristian alter/
the 'hristian alter may ind himsel letting loose o a cuss "ord "ithout &no"ing "here
e=actly it came rom- When a child alter comes up behind an adult/ the adult may ind
itsel tal&ing li&e a child-
d- co,conscious/ this is "hen t"o alters are a"are o "hat each other is thin&ing- As the
Programmers structure a System o alters/ they build in No,tal& "alls e*ery so oten
"here all communication and *isibility bet"een alters is "alled o- $hese No,tal& "alls
are speciically built structures and not the result o normal amnesia- A ?9 = ?9 grid may
ha*e/ or instance/ 8 No,tal& "alls- +ther methods "ill be used to di*ide all the le*els
rom each other- +ne method o di*iding the le*els is the le*el o trance or le*el 9 "ill
be dierent than the le*el o trance or le*el ?<- $his "ill not hold true across the board/
because some deeper alters are not in deep trance-
+ne Monarch sla*e/ programmed beginning in the ?7:<.s/ described her
System/ Scattered Parts #ro&en hearts/ di*ided parts/ they all li*e inside o me- !o"
many times can they di*ide my mind3 #ro&en hearts "ith di*ided parts scattered
throughout my mind- !o" many times can they "ipe me out beore I come bac& no
more3 'an they instill a "ill in me that is not mine3 $hey bro&e my heart too many
times and di*ided all the parts/ then scattered them through time- Some are good and
some are e*il- !o" many times can they split my mind3 $he lights/ needles and pain
"ent on much longer than "e can e=plain- Did these things happen/ or is it "hat they
"anted me to belie*e3 Does God e=ist or is it "hat I "ant to belie*e3 Does the store
house e=ist "here the computer is3 Are there computers in me that help split
me3 Scattered parts/ bro&en hearts/ "here do I e=ist3 Is there a castle built inside3 I so/
"hat person am I3 1ights/ needles/ and pain goes on today/ or is it lies that are made up
in a mind split ar too many times- #ro&en hearts/ di*ided minds/ scattered throughout
time- I don.t "ant to mislead you- Did the e=periments "or&3 And they split me too
many times3 1ights/ needles/ and pain- $hey can "ipe me out i I try to e=plain-
#utterlies/ butterlies/ lots and lots o them- I lay do"n at nights "ith them- I "rap up in
a blan&et made o them- I hear their hum as they lead me to the lights/ needles and pain-
$he needles and pain ma&e it so I can not thin&- I get so sleepy/ but I can not sleep- $he
pain races through my mind and splits it one more time- I ha*e orgotten more than most
"ill e*er &no"- $he computer "ill sho" ho" many times they can split the mind/ brea&
the heartM di*ided minds scattered throughout time- !o" many times beore I can come
bac& no more30 ,,recei*ed rom therapist Denny !ilgers-
+ur pre*ious boo& $hey >no" Not What $hey Do/ An Illustrated Guide to Monarch
Programming,Mind 'ontrol/ +regon 'ity/ +R/ ?77:/ p- 7?/ has a good description o
ho" e=tensi*e the internal structuring is4 0Many Systems ne*er get to the point o
seeing their internal "orld(s)- Further/ most alters ha*e only a small spot in "hich they
are to reside/ and they don.t get to see but a tiny raction o the entire System- Ater
these structures are built into the mind they continue to "or& and carry out their unction
on a subconscious le*el- Sometimes it ta&es years o "or& or a System to begin seeing
their internal "orld- $hey can begin doing this by turning lights on inside o their
$o ma&e a comparison/ "hen a person loo&s at a cloc& they see the inished result/ the
time it sho"s/ but they don.t see all the mechanisms- $he structures in the mind are part
o the mechanism to &eep the System o Alters structured in a "ay that is useul to the
abusers/ but oten all that obser*ers "ill see is the inished result/ the mechanisms stay
hidden- #ut "e are e=posing those mechanisms in this picture and on this page-
A therapist.s client may be responding in a "ay that ma&es no sense until one realizes
the internal structures that they are responding to- An alter generally must maintain the
spot in the mind "hich it is assigned- $o lea*e that location in the mind/ means tra*eling
through a System "hich is illed "ith dangers and traps o all &inds- +nly a e" o our
alters e*er *entured "here they "ere not to go/ and they al"ays encountered many
obstacles- !o"e*er/ i an alter gets trapped behind mirrors/ the alter should not brea& the
I the alter is a 'hristian they can use the blood o Besus 'hrist o Nazareth to bind and
cast out the demons "hich are in the mirrors- $he danger o the mirrors is the
demonology in*ol*ed- Some things "or& and some things don.t- We are spea&ing rom
our years o e=perience- $he mirrors are deadly and they "ere e*ery"here in our
System/ but they are deadly only i one can.t deal "ith the demonology- $he therapist
should at least be a"are that these images can be "or&ed "ith 2ust as i they "ere real to
manipulate situations in*ol*ing them- #ut i the structures are going to be "or&ed or
toyed "ith/ the therapist and sur*i*or need to ha*e an understanding about the
structures- I you don.t understand the mirrors/ or the Ri*er Nile/ or "hate*er then be
careul "hat you ha*e the sur*i*or do to them- $he structures (the images) that are built
into the mind o the Monarch sla*e are not tri*ial- An o*er*ie" o the structures that are
in our System alone "ill sho" that they "ent to a great deal o eort to build all &inds o
internal "orlds to house our thousands o alters-
A list o the internal structures that "ere contained in our System ollo"s4
Ant pits/ #ee $raps "L s"arms/ #lac& Glass Wall/ #lac& !oles (*orte=es)/ #o=es (Dr-
Green.s under B-B-/ bo=es ha*e buttons "hich access certain parts)/ 'andyland/ 'arpet
(Magic)/ 'astles/ 'astle dungeon (torture chambers)/ 'a*es/ 'loc&s (there are se*eral
incl- computer cloc&s)/ 'oncentration camp/ 'ords/ Desert/ Doll !ouse/ numbered
Doors by the thousands "L red hot nobs/ @le*ators/ @merald 'ity (connected to the
castle)/ @ucalyptus $rees/ Fields o 0orget me0 E island o 0orget me not0 (BB.s
Prgrmg)/ Fire"all/ 8 Forests (singing orest "ith 'edars o 1ebanon and +a&s/ and a
d"ars orest "hich has 9 &inds o trees)/ Fruit $ree (programming tree)/ Glass/ Glass
coin/ Golden >eys/ Gra*eyards/ !all"ays "ith red doors/ !ell Pit or !ell Fire (D
le*els,,pepperbo=- $here is a glassy "all beore the hell pit-)/ !our Glass (matri=)/
!ouse o Da*id/ Iceto"n/ In*isible 'ountries/ >eys (cloc& &ey)/ 1ibraries/ 1ight side
'ity/ Marshlands/ Mazes/ Mirrors (constructed *ia access permissions) (+ne,"ay)/
Moat/ Mountains/ Nursery (glass)/ +cean/ Paper $rees/ Petra Secret 'ity/ Playground/
Poppy ield/ Portals (or altars and demons/ li&e the third eye)/ Rubicon (outer space
beyond the stars)/ Ri*ers (Nile/ Rio Grande/ Shenandoah/ etc-)/ Room behind a closet
(e=istence not conirmed)/ Seeds/ Serpent tree/ Shats/ Shells/ Shiting sands/ Shoes
(gold/ sil*er/ and ruby slippers)/ Sna&e pits (traps)/ Spider chambers/ Stair"ay/ $orpedo
$o"n/ $in Woodsman.s 'astle/ $ree "ith s;uare paper bo=es containing Dad.s music
programming/ $ro2an !orse "L armies/ $unnels/ Kalley o the Dry #ones/ Kolcano (to
destroy E rema&e the system)/ Kortices (see #lac& !oles)/ Wasteland/ Water (Moats)/
Wateralls/ Wind/ Wires/ Worms/ and a 5ello" #ric& Road-0
In order to use the multiple in dierent lie styles,,they di*ide up a system o alters into
"orlds o alters "hich rarely see each other- $hese "orlds are also called cities- $he
"ords 0city0 or 0"orld0 are interchangeable "hen it comes to a Monarch System-
$ypically/ they recei*ed names such as Atlantis/ 'ity o Reuge/ Shangri,la/ and $roy-
1ater/ ater 'andy Bones e=posed the programming/ there "as a ma2or shit about this
time/ and many o the Systems "ere programmed "ith Solar Systems- @ach planet had a
dierent group or race o alter or demon- $he concept o Star $re& "as helpul or this-
Some o the Systems programmed in the ?7D<s/ used Star $re& as their basis- $he
distribution o alters "as similar to "atching the *arious episodes o Star $re&- Alters
that "ere created at the same time and let in an area o the System together are amilies-
$he programmers in their eorts to dehumanize these alters "ill stic& to animal names
such as reerring to them as 0litters0- $he ront le*el o a System "ould oten be gi*en a
co*er- $he ront le*el might see their "orld as a bas&etball court/ or se*eral houses/ or a
dollhouse/ or a street- $he ront "orld is set up to decei*e anyone rom disco*ering the
true structure o the system- $he programmers can lin& and unlin&/ and mo*e alters
around- @*entually they get something neat and tidy on a sheet a paper-
A standard Illuminati System is built li&e a ?9=?9=?9 cube "ith an ele*ator shat
running up and do"n rom the bottom to the top- $he ele*ator is constructed as a piece
o DNA and alters can ride up and do"n the ele*ator (go up or do"n in trance) to mo*e
"hen allo"ed- Most o the alters ha*e no sense o time/ and most o the alters do not
hold the body *ery re;uently- For *arious reasons most o the alters ne*er gro" up-
+b*iously/ i they don.t hold the body *ery much/ and are dissociated rom e*eryone
else.s memories/ they ha*e nothing to stimulate them to gro" up- !o"e*er/ the
Programmers must ha*e some o the alters "ho can unction as adults- For instance/
alters "ho go into bars must thin& o themsel*es as adults- $he alters "hich "ill hold the
body in public "ill be hypnotically made into adults- $he Net"or& li&es to lea*e many
child alters/ because most o them are pedophiles and they li&e the pseudo,pedophile
e=perience o ma&ing it "ith an alter that thin&s it is our years old- +r 2ust the opposite/
sometimes an adult alter "ill appear "ithin a child *ictim/ and this is a clue that this is
an accessLreporting alter-
Many o the Illuminati systems/ especially Mengele.s "ere set up on a ?9=?9 grid o
alters- $he grids are numbered top to bottom and side to side but not in the ashion one
might e=pect- $he typical Mengele grid "ill begin "ith A and proceed A/ D/ C/ 7/ ?</ ??/
?8/ ?9/ ?/ 8/ 9/ 6/ :- !o"e*er/ the structure doesn.t ha*e to be a grid/ any geometric
shape "or&s and has been used/ such as a sphere/ cube/ or pyramid-
Dr- Star and his "ie/ "ho is an +$+ programmer "or&ing out o 'orpus 'hristi/ $V
li&es to structure an alter system in the shape o the Seal o Solomon- $he 5in,yang
symbol is then e;uated "ith the entire Seal o Solomon- $he all,seeing eye is placed in
the center o Star.s systems/ 2ust li&e Mengele "ould put in an All,Seeing @ye- $he
hidden Sun o $iphareth is placed into Dr- Star.s *ictim.s systems/ as "ell as the our
elements/ and suluric acid- Alters are then placed in the *arious positions around the
#ecause therapists/ (and 'hristian ministers) are generally una"are o the deeper occult
things/ they usually miss seeing the occult philosophies behind the structures- For
instance/ the elements o earth/ "ind/ ire and "ater are not 2ust part o magic,,they are
in Druidism considered the our zones (or directions) also called rings "hich are held
together by the ith ring,,balance-
$his is the basis o 'eltic geometric art/ metaphysical maps/ and ancient Ireland "as
symbolically di*ided into our regions "ith a uniying ith- $his "as the bardic *ie" o
the uni*erse "hich is presented in the Kita Merlini ("ritten by Georey o Monmouth in
??:<)- Supposedly @ngland/ Wales and Scotland "ere also di*ided into 6 regions "ith a
uniying ith too- And all these our regions Ireland/ Wales/ Scotland and @ngland are
2oined again in the %->-
In Druidism/ the our magical elements the S"ord/ Rod/ 'up and Shield are uniied by
the 'ord "hile the our elements are uniied by the spirit- Ancient Druid stone statues o
triple aced gods and goddesses still remain today- !eads "ere considered sacred by the
early 'elts "hich is "hy the heads o the top Grand Dames are preser*ed ater they are
ritually murdered- I an outsider really "ants to understand "hy Illuminati systems are
constructed in the ashion that they are,,irst understand that there is a great depth o
meaning behind "hat structures are used to build an internal "orld- An e=,programmer
tal&s about ho" the programmers "ould call upon Satan in high le*el rituals to 0$ell me
"hat to do/ and I.ll do "hat you "ant0 to gain "isdom in ho" to design these alter
systems- Within a System/ a e" alters "ill be gi*en maps to the System- $here "ill be a
structure 0map0 "hich ta&es the system do"n through its progressi*e le*els do"n to its
undamental or primal le*el- $here "ill also be internal "orld maps/ maze maps/ or "hat
some call programming maps-
Ho' the Se$& o& a /an A$te Con%i%t% o& Shatteed Shado' A$te%, A Sci2t, /io%
and A%%i(ned De"on%
What really is an alter3 An alter is a dissociated part o the mind/ "hich is de*eloped #5
the programmers to be a complete personality- We "ill no" e=plain "hat an alter is- I
you "ere to loo& on the programmers. charts ound in his grey 9 ring binder/ or his lap
top computer you "ould see graphs "ith alters "ith access codes- What are these alters3
I the programmers didn.t in*est a great deal o programming and structuring/ each alter
"ould not be a complete personality- +n the chart/ the programmer "ill ha*e a s;uare
on a grid "here he "ill record the cult name/ the ront name/ the alter.s alpha,numeric
pull up code and its grid number- What seems neat and tidy is really not so neat and tidy-
$hat alter is really an alter "ith many shado"s o itsel- $his is a amily o ragments o
that alter "hich hold parts o itsel- $here is a particular secret term that only the
programmers use or these ragments/ but or purposes o discussion "e "ill call these
ragments 0amily ragments0 or 0shado" ragments-0
For instance/ a Gate&eeper alter "ill ha*e a shado" alter ragment that holds its ear/ one
that holds its pain/ one that holds its anger/ and many that hold its memories o abuse
and torture- What appears on the grid as a s;uare is in reality a bo= holding lots o
ragments- $he programmers understand ho" multiplicity "or&s/ so rather than chart an
alter "ith 8: ragments coming o o it,,they name the "hole mess ater the main alter
they ha*e created or that amily o ragments- $he main alter really is a ictional
persona created by the programmers lin&ed to numerous ragments o the mind- $he
mind o the child *ictim "ill cooperate "ith the torture and programming- $he
programmer "ill *erbally discuss his programming scripts "ith his close assistants/ or
instance/ the Grand Dame "ho helps himM but he doesn.t record the scripts do"n-
!istorically/ the Programmers ha*e al"ays indi*idually tailored their story scripts or
each child- #ecause the best are master story tellers/ "ho can ma&e a story come ali*e/
they do not need to depend upon stale "ritten scripts- $he Wizard o +z/ and Mother
Goose boo&s/ etc- are read prior to actual programming session/ to enhance the
programming session- $he inal alters are recorded/ but not the stories or the lies told
them- Ater a main alter has been created and shattered/ the programmers ind this main
alter "ithin the mind and gi*e it a personal history (*ia ilms/ *irtual reality headsets/
stories/ etc-)/ gi*e it a 2ob "ithin the system/ a place to li*e in the internal "orld/ and its
rules and guide lines on ho" to unction "ithin the system- It "ill be gi*en scripts about
the outside "orld- And shortly/ "e "ill e=plain those- $his doesn.t mean that alters don.t
e=ist,,they are physically part o the mental ma&eup o a multiple.s brain,,but an alter.s
e=istence is not at all "hat it sees or "hat outsiders see- #oth the alter and the therapist
see only a small part o the picture-
Bohn +- #earhrs (1imits o scientiic psychiatry/ Role o uncertainly in mental health-
N54 #runnerLMazel/ ?7CA/ pp- CA,??9-)/ "ho did therapeutic "or& "ith Multiples/
recognized some o the process that "e are describing- !e "rote about ho" an alter
"hen conronted "ith more pain/ guilt/ and rage "ill dissociate this mental hazardous
"aste into alters "ho unction as internal garbage cans- !e described a *ictim "ho had a
2olly ront alter Diane "ith a "inning smile- $his ront alter dumped her pain on a small
child alter Mary/ "ho li*ed in an internal 0basement0- !o"e*er/ in one particular case
Mary didn.t "ant the pain and she passed it to >arl (a 6 yr- old alter)/ "ho cried and
yelled so loud internally that Danny/ a ?8 year old alter "ho "as characterized by
toughness and courage too& the pain-
!o"e*er/ the actual situation is more subtle and comple= than #eahrs realized- @*ery
alter creates shado" alters o itsel to handle the anger/ ear/ guilt/ betrayal etc- $he
Programmers are totally a"are o these shado" alters and they "or& "ith them- I "e
picture an alter as a point in the mind,,a dot or small circle/ then "e can or the sa&e o
discussion picture the shado" splits o o that alter as rays coming out o that small
circle- No" "e ha*e an image o something loo&ing li&e a sun "ith rays-
Actually/ in real lie/ ater all the torture/ the shado" alters holding memories and all the
programs attached are simply one big mess that resembles the branches o a tree "ith
lea*es- $he Programmers ha*e made a thorough mess o the person.s mind,,and they
need some clean "ay to deal "ith this mess they ha*e created- So the Programmers use
the imagery that best resembles the mess they ha*e made- $he *ictim is told they ha*e a
tree "ith branches and lea*es gro"ing through them- $his tree "ith its branches gro"s
through out e*ery alter- $he image o the *ine and its branches is also used/ because then
the programmers can bring in the #ible to ma&e their programming seem to be
supported by God.s !oly Word- $he original alter is told that it is a mote o nothingness
(a *ery tiny circle)-
$he programmers don.t chart all the amily or shado" ragments o an alter because
they understand MPD (DID)- $he ragments "ill hold all the memories o abuse/ so the
alter can unction- $he ragments "ill also gi*e the alter the appearance o the ull range
o emotions- I a main alter gets angry or eels guilty/ "hat is happening/ is that it has
accessed its shado"s to e=press the ull range o emotions- $he Programmers abuse an
alter and get the Shado" alters- $hen they hypnotically attach a memory cue ("hich is a
code consisting o the alter.s name/ the date o the memory/ and perhaps something else
to complete the code) to the main alter so that they can access the memory anytime they
"ant- $hen they hypnotically E demonically build an one,"ay mirror bet"een this main
alter and the shado" alters they ha*e 2ust created- $hese one,"ay mirrors are li&e one
"ay "indo"s,,the reason they are reerred to as mirrors is that they are put in the child.s
mind *ia mirrors- Ne=t/ they rituallyLmagic&ly implant demons to guard the mirror(s)
and to guard each memory held by the shado" alters- $his separates an alter rom
&no"ing itsel and its o"n abuse- $he main alter has dissociated the pain/ etc- to its
shado" alters o itsel- $he Programmers then use the memory as blac&mail to &eep the
main alter in line- $he main alter has dissociated the pain/ but "ill reco*er the memory i
either one o three possibilities happen4 a- the Programmer or handler says the memory
code 9=/ or b- i an e*ent happens that triggers the main alter to remember/ c- the main
alter tries to remember the abuse and the programming/ and in doing so they "ill be
stepping outside o the circle assigned to them and "ill 0brea& the circle E brea& the
mirrors-0 Remember/ ho" "e described a Main alter as a small circle "ith the rays
(shado" alters) split o rom it- $he shado" or amily alters o a Main alter are the true
history o an alter-
$he Main alter is gi*en the script to totally lo*e the ProgrammerLMaster- It should be
angry at "hat has happened to it- $he ability to direct that anger is lost "ith the
dissociation/ but might be retrie*ed i the alter remembered/ so the programmers transer
it by creating some outside person or ob2ect or the alter to ocus their hate
upon- @laborate hate scripts are then gi*en to the main alter- $he lo*e o the Master no"
protects the Main alter rom ha*ing to remember its pain- Kery e" alters and *ery e"
non,multiple people "ould "ant to remember such trauma and it is *ery unpopular in
society to remember past traumas (ho" oten ha*e you heard e=pressions 0let bygones
be bygones0/ 0the past is past0/ 0don.t dig up old s&eletons0/ etc-) As long as the alter
lo*es its Master/ it is some"hat sae rom remembering its o"n traumas- And yet or a
Monarch sla*e to regain its o"n mind/ the alters must regain their o"n memories- $hat
is "hy to really brea& do"n the programming/ memory "or& is need-
$hat Monarch sla*es must regain their memories to heal is a hard one or many people
and ministers to understand- Most deli*erance ministries pray that God "ould ta&e
a"ay their bad memories- Further/ the programming holds the lies in place/ and the
demonology holds the traumas/ programs/ and memories in place- A Main alter is really
in the middle o special purpose Shado" alters "hich ha*e been split rom itsel- $he
Programmers do a re*ersal on this and tell the Main alter that it is on the outside loo&ing
in- Kagabond Programming ("hich tells an alter it is a *agabond) is then applied to teach
the alter it doesn.t belong to the inside "orld/ nor to the outside "orld- It belongs
no"here- $he Main alter "ill percei*e that it is on the outside loo&ing in at mirrors- $he
mirrors then guard the inside o the circle- $o try to remember the truth is to brea& the
circle o mirrors- $he circle o mirrors has magical signiicance/ because it ties in "ith
the "itchball or speculum "hich the "itches ha*e used o*er the centuries to see beyond
time and space- $he steps that the programmers do/ can be e=plained on many le*els-
Many o these steps are done or special occult reasons-
+ne o the irst things taught to a child is 0D+ N+$ #R@A> $!@ 'IR'1@0- $his has
both the internal meaning 0don.t go ater you o"n memories and the e=ternal meaning
0don.t lea*e the cult,,the circle-0 Special blac& mats (such as used in "restling) ha*e
been constructed by the Programmers- $he irst blac& mat is a circular mat "ith a 6.
radius- $he ne=t blac& mat has an C. radius ("ith a donut hole "ith a 6. radius) so that it
can it o*erLaround the irst circle- From there you ha*e concentric donut shaped pieces
o mat each our eet "ider in radius than the pre*ious/ "hich can all be 2oined together-
@ach o the concentric circles "ill ha*e a dierent colored circle painted on its edge-
$he *ictim child "hile it is in the cra"ling stage "ill be placed onto the middle dot and
told to stay- $hey "ill be punished e*ery time they mo*e- When they inally can do this
obediently/ they "ill be gi*en the 6. circle- $oys "ill be placed outside o the painted
line ("hich may or starters be a blue line/ then perhaps green/ and then red)- Bust o o
the mat are interesting things li&e a ull bottle/ a blan&et/ a coat/ ood/ toys/ etc- $he
child is cold/ hungry and bored- Will the child obey and stay in its circle3 I it doesn.t it
"ill be punished by being mildly shoc&ed/ or ha*ing its head dun&ed into a toilet/ or its
hand punished/ and it "ill be set bac& in the circle until it.s "ill is bro&en and it learns to
submit to the order to stay in the circle- $his teaches the *ictim child se*eral things4
don.t step outside o boundaries/ don.t brea& the circle/ it teaches them the colors that
"ill be used in the color programming o the internal "orld/ and it is again traumatizing-
What they see/ hear and do "ill no" be done in obedience-
Does the reader see ho" hard it is or the child E its alters to mo*e outside o the
scripts3 Alert readers "ill realize that there are ?9 colors in Illuminati systems and that
means ?9 = 6 eet N the radius o the inished ?9,concentric,circled blac& mat "hen all
the pieces are laid do"n- $his means a large indoor area "ith a loor space o at least
?86. across in needed- Military bases/ hospitals/ churches/ and uni*ersities li&e +ral
Roberts %ni*ersity ha*e gyms or auditoriums "hich the Illuminati use or this stage o
the programming-
The 0e%ideo
Mother o Dar&ness alters train the children- $he Presideo had a great place or this
training- $his is the programming or the 0'ircle Will Not be #ro&en0 script- $he Amish
do something similar/ to ma&e their children obedient/ "hich is one reason the Monarch
programming is easy to hide "ithin the Amish culture- $his type o programming is
reerred to in chapter : about the ronts and the $op Secret Amish Front- 1et us briely
mention/ that some systems are simply concentric rings (le*els o alters) each assigned a
dierent color- Another t"ist to the color coding,,an alter in some circumstances may
ha*e t"o colors- An alter may be coded #lac& belo" "hite/ so that "hen it sees blac&
color belo" "hite it is triggered- $he sections on a soccer ball/ ha*e been colored and
used or a programming *isual aid- Karious researchers "ho ha*e tried to identiy4 What
happens "hen a normal non,multiple sub2ect is hypnotized to not eel pain3 + course/
the sub2ect consciously tells the hypnotist that he eels no pain/ but researchers such as
the Wat&ins E !ilgards ha*e demonstrated that the sub2ect under hypnotism dissociates
the pain to another part o the mind- In other "ords/ hypnosis and MPD (DID) "hich are
both orms o dissociation are much closer in ho" they unction than some people ha*e
realized- In act/ some researchers/ "ho are "ell a"are o ho" close the t"o dissociati*e
unctions are/ ha*e deined MPD (DID) as 0spontaneous hypnosis0 (#eahrs/ ?7C8M #liss/
$he non,conscious area o the mind that hypnotic sub2ects dissociated to ha*e been
labeled 0ego,states0/ 0the hidden obser*er0 and 0a co*ert cogniti*e structural system0-
$he gi*ing a"ay o pain/ ear/ and other traumas to Shado" parts is similar to "hat
happens "hen researchers obser*e a person "ho is directed in hypnosis to not eel pain/
un&no"ingly gi*ing his pain a"ay to a hidden ego,state- A hiding place "here alters can
go/ a place o light "hich gi*es energy/ is created in a System- $he Ne" World +rder.s
+ne,World,Religion and their Mind'ontrol is organized on the hierarchal system "ith a
S-P-I-N- ront- $he Illuminati and the occult "orld that they super*ise has a strong
hierarchial system both "orld"ide and "ithin the sla*e- Fritz has spent a great deal o
time researching and communicating to other ho" the hierarchy controls on a large
scale/ and ho" it is miniaturized and ho" this identical hierarchy is placed internally
into the sla*e-
!o"e*er/ the big co*er or the hierarchial arrangement is the SPIN principal- What is
the Spin Principle3
S#0#I#N L Se("ented 0o$ycentic Inte(ated Net'o*%.
I one "ere to diagram a SPIN organizational chart it "ould not be a con*entional bo=
type coniguration such as an army company organization chart- Rather/ it "ould
resemble a ishnet "ith interloc&ing nodes "ith groups lin&ed to many other groups and
cluster around nodes- $here is no center to the net"or&- It is li&e the brain.s electrical
connections/ "ith an o*erlap o unctions/ so that good cells can ta&e o*er rom
damaged sections- A net"or& (one o their buzz"ords) is many times more greater than
the sum o its parts-
$he Ne" Age author Marilyn Ferguson does an e=cellent 2ob in describing ho" the
'onspiracy.s SPIN net"or& unctions- 0$his is a source o po"er ne*er beore tapped in
history4 multiple sel,suicient social mo*ements lin&ed or a "hole array o goals
"hose accomplishment "ould transorm e*ery aspect o contemporary lie- 0 #ecause
SPINs are so ;ualitati*ely dierent in organization and impact rom
bureaucracies---most people don.t see them,,or thin& they are conspiracies- +ten
net"or&s ta&e similar action "ithout conerring "ith each other simply because they
share so many assumptions- It might also be said that the shared assumptions are the
collusion- 0$he A;uarian 'onspiracy is/ in eect/ a SPIN o SPINs/ a net"or& o many
net"or&s aimed at social transormation- $he A;uarian 'onspiracy is indeed loose/
segmented/ e*olutionary/ redundant- Its center is e*ery"here- Although many social
mo*ements and mutual,help groups are represented in its alliances/ its lie does not
hinge on any o them-0 Ferguson/ Marilyn- $he A;uarian 'onspiracy- 1os Angeles/ 'A4
B-P- $archer/ Inc-/ ?7C</ p- 8?D- ,,,$he ne=t 8 pages are charts sho"ing an hour glass E
its turning mechanism/ E ho" a section can ha*e *arious codes/ trance depths/ etc-
$he programmers en2oy setting up double,binds- +ne o their tric&s is to create alters
"hich are gi*en negati*e spiritual roles "ith names to match- An alter may be named
0unorgi*eness0/ or 0the one "ho doesn.t trust anyone-0 For such an alter to trust
someone/ ma&es the alter eel li&e it is gi*ing up its name/ and thereore its identity- #y
combining the name "ith an identity that the alter doesn.t "ant to lose/ the
programming intend to double bind the alter- $he Satan alter "ithin a System "ill see
itsel as Satan- $he alter Satan eels that he is on the "inning side in a "ar/ due to the
lies that ha*e been told this child alter "hen it "as created- A girl child alter "ill be
made to thin& they are the e*il male Satan- $he point is that the identity o this alter is
tied up "ith their negati*e destructi*e role in the system- $he 'hristian therapist has a
better chance to sho" Satan that the Rule o the Kictor means that Satan ser*es Almighty
God/ than or a secular therapist to try to con*ince Satan that Satan doesn.t e=ist- And i
the secular therapist tries to debun& the #iblical *ie" o things/ "hat positi*e philosophy
or spirituality is the secular therapist going to gi*e this Satan alter to ight "ith against
the ine*itable e=ternal e*il that "e all ace in lie3
Standad Ro$e% Within An I$$u"inati /onach S$a!e
(Note4 that depending upon "hat the System.s occupation in lie is/ also determines
some o the types o alters created- I the System is a politician/ they "ill need special
alters to deal "ith certain secret acti*ities- I the System is a baseball pitcher/ they "ill
need alters that are trained to pitch-)
Alien alters or contact/ bonding "L aliens/ E acceptance o moc& alien in*asion
Angel (imitation) alters or di*ine messages/ these may be seen as Spirit Guide alters
Angry alters
Animal alters "ho are meant to act li&e animals
Assassination alters (Deltas)
#abysitter alters to loo& ater &eep them rom popping out inappropriately
#lac&mail alters (#etas/ and #lac& Wido"s)
#ird alters (used or hal a dozen *arious internal purposes/ including ra*ens or suicide/
do*es or peace/ or&s to ly o*er the internal mazes/ o"ls or "isdom/ etc- $he do*e may
be part o a alse trinity-)
'hild alters
'loc&ma&er E 'loc&holder alters (Also the Grim reaper may be associated "ith the
cloc&s-) 'ore related alters to imitate or protect the core rom anything
'o*en alters to lead co*en le*el meetings
'ourier alters ('arrier Pigeons)
Data alters to hold inormation (this encompasses a "ide range o alters/ including alters
"ho hold internal system inormation to alters "ho hold inormation or their masters-
Dea E Dumb alters to pre*ent the System rom hearing non,appro*ed users say access
Death alters to ta&e near death traumas
@lement alters (Alr or Wind/ Water/ @arth/ Fire) or magic& E compliance
@spionage alters
Firechild or #ombchild alters to ma&e body eel li&e its burning
Flooding alters (oten looding comes simply rom Shado" ragments)
Foreign 1anguage alters
Front alters or a good co*er
Gate&eeper alters to guard portals and gates Guard (or #loc&er) alters to guard important
areas o the System
Bustice alters,,alters "ho mete out 2ustice or disobedient alters
!ierarchy alters to ta&e part in Illuminati hierarchy ceremonies (there "ill be a big
demand or many o these alters,,dierent ceremonies and dierent times o the year are
gi*en dierent alters)-
!unts/ alters created or the master.s sport o being hunted
1oyalty alters "hich hold strong lo*e E de*otion to the master
Martial Arts alters to protect the System i need be
Mirror image alters/ or deception
Monster alters to scare the other alters
Mouse alters to run the cloc&s (computer/ and grids)
Nothing alters/ alters "ho belie*e they are nobody/ or Mr- Nobody/ or 0no,name-
+bser*ation alters (these deep alters ;uietly obser*e all that goes on in an alter system-
$hey may be called Watchers-)
Programmers/ Internal (alters cloned ater the original programmers to reprogram the
System/ also &no"n as Internalists-)
Programming alters to help Illuminati program
Protector alters to protect almost e*erything in the System (essentially nothing is let
unprotected in the System-) In some systems/ these alters may e*en be &no"n in the
System as Warrior E Iniltration Alters- $hey may include such titles as >eeper to the
Ribbon Alters to send messages rom computers to System areas
Reporting alters to gi*e the master reports regularly/ esp- important to monitor all
acti*ity by a therapist
Ruling alters/ such as Iueens E >ings
RunLreturn to master alters
Satanic hierarchy alters/ to insure that system is controlled by Satan
Se=ual alters (&ittens or porn/ SEM/ etc-)
Scrambling alters to pre*ent alters rom hearing Shell alters (to hide real alters rom
Suicide alters (clo"ns/ Russian Roulette alters/ etc-)
$ranced/ (alters tranced deeply to mo*e up and trance the body)
$ra*el alters/ "hich can sleep during tra*el or be obli*ious to "here they are going
Ne=t "e "ill discuss ho" some o these types o alters are created- $hese "ill be
discussed in alphabetical order- It should be pointed out that generally the Illuminati
choose one o the early ront Gate&eeper alters to be the alter "ho &no"s the entire
system as it is made-
$his oten is Gate&eeper no- 9- Ater the entire structuring is inished this alter "ill be
hypnotically programmed to orget that they &no" the entire system- #y the age o ten/
an Illuminati system "ill ha*e someone "ho &no"s the entire system- !o"e*er/ these
gate&eepers get hea*y programming not to remember-
An(y A$te%
#y the time the programmers are ready to create angry alters/ the child *ictim has been
"ell conditioned not to get angry/ but to passi*ely accept their abuse- $he programmers
ha*e to get the child.s mind to brea& "ith their prior programming to get angry- In order
to do this/ the child "ill be tormented "ithout end or se*eral days- $his is one o the
"orst parts o the programming/ and many children die in this stage- $he Illuminati pic&
their most gentle Mothers,o,Dar&ness systems to "or& "ith the male programmers- I
the gentle Mothers,o,Dar&ness sla*es didn.t bring some balance and aection to the
child *ictims/ the sadistic programmers "ould probably &ill all o the children at this
stage o programming- For more on this see @gyptian Armies 2ust a little urther-
Ani"a$ A$te%. (Meant to act li&e animals) Although a large share o an alter system is
dehumanized/ there are certain alters "hich "ill be created to actually hold the body and
act li&e animals- $he alter may e*en be named 0animal-0 A male or emale sla*e may
ha*e dog alters "hich bar& li&e a dog and get into the correct position to allo" a
Rott"eilerLGerman shepherdLDoberman to penetrate the sla*e se=ually- $his is
accomplished by ta&ing menstrual blood rom a dog in heat and smearing it on the
*ictim- Animal alters are created by the standard dehumanization methods/ and then
sho"n ilms o "hat they are to become- $hrough hypnosis and beha*ior modiication/
the alters e*entually accept the role they are tortured and programmed into ta&ing- It.s
hard telling "hat roles the programmers ha*e created/ it could possibly be any animal/
but cats/ dogs/ don&eys/ horses/ rats/ and mice are common e=amples-
Chi%tian Font A$te%. Most Illuminati Systems ha*e 'hristian ront alters- Some o
the early splits around 8 years o age are pro*ided the chance to genuinely accept 'hrist-
From these alters/ t"o things "ill be done- Front alters "ho are 'hristians "ill be
created/ and satanic alters- In order to get dedicated Satanic alters/ 'hristian alters are
se*erely traumatized and God is blamed or not helping them- $he Satanic alters "ill be
deeply con*inced that God has abandoned them- $he 'hristian alters "ill dissociate all
the trauma/ and "ill belie*e that they are normal,,nothing has happened out o the
ordinary in their lie- 'hristian alters "ill also/ li&e all MPDLDID alters/ tend to deal
"ith o*er"helming problems by dissociation- Many 'hristian alters "ill deny such basic
things such as that a Satanic conspiracy e=ists- $hey oten "ill be ar more zealous than
the normal 'hristian/ because they do not ha*e conlicting ego,states- I any situation
calls or compromise o their religious belies they can s"itch to someone else,,and
thereby escape ha*ing to compromise-
$here are many programmed multiples leading the 'hristian churches today- 'hristian
alters are coached *ia the modern church and their handlers to only 0spiritually minded0
and not to challenge e*il in the natural "orld- Some "al& around belie*ing that God "ill
cure e*erything/ "hich is true but not in the sense that some o the churches are
e=plaining- $hat doesn.t mean that all Systems "ill be 0Pollyanish0/ but it can happen-
$he original 'hristian alters "ill be shamed and then hidden by the programmers- $he
0host0 or 0presenting0 alter "hich holds the body "ill oten be a 'hristian- $his really
helps hide the entire mind,control- Interestingly/ a system o 8</<<< alters may ha*e
only less than a dozen 'hristians alters/ but the one or t"o strong 'hristian alters "ill
e=ert a disproportionate inluence on the System- $he Illuminati has had a hard time
controlling the 'hristian alters they allo"- In their zeal to iniltrate/ control and destroy
the 'hristian churches/ they ha*e opened many o their top sla*es up to the lo*e o God/
"hich has ended in the sla*es trying to brea& ree- %nortunately/ most ministers &no"
too little to help these people escape-
C$one%. $he clones are little children "ho ha*e been put into robot costumes and are
trained to attac& parts o the system "hich are not in compliance "ith the programming-
$he heads o the clones can be unscre"ed- $he clones can be ta&en out by *arious
tactics,,but there are hundreds o clones and they each ha*e been numbered- $he serial
numbers are placed on them- An e=ample o a clone.s number at the base o the nec&
might be ?:C-<<- $his may either be a model or actual serial no- but oten is tied to the
birth date o the *ictim/ "hich is generally part or all o the *ictim.s Monarch serial no-
$o create the clones during the ?7:<s/ mo*ie scenes o the di*ers o the Nautilus o the
mo*ie 8</<<< 1eagues %nder the Sea "ere sho"n- (With later models/ such as in Star
Wars programming/ the robots o these sho"s suice-) Some clones &ill "ith a &nie as
the di*ers in the mo*ie 8</<<< 1eagues %nder the Sea- When clones surace and ta&e the
body they are cold- Programming is encased in a clone- Alters/ particularly cult alters/
may not be able to see the clones- $hey may be hidden in almost anything internally/
including door &nobs and "alls- !o"e*er/ there is the possibility or the therapist that a
net made o cloth "o*en o light can be dropped and the lumps "ill re*eal the clones-
$hey may be behind mirrors too- Water has certain properties that can stop clones/ as
"ell as magnets- Micro"a*es "ill ta&e care o the electronics- A little micro"a*e can
ta&e out a group o clones- 'lones ha*e many shapes,,but they do not loo& li&e people-
$hey usually ha*e a s"itch to be acti*ated- Atlantis may be set up as the "orld or
clones/ in accord "ith 8</<<< 1eagues %nder the Sea programming- Whate*er the style/
robots E clones are popular items or programmers to install-
+ne o the ma2or deects o the irst e" decades o Illuminati programming/ "as that
the clones "ere set up so that "ater "ould stop them- $herapists could stop the clone
armies by applying "ater on them- Recent models ha*e corrected that deiciency- #ut
"hen the clones are stopped/ and the di*er suits are ta&en o o the child alters/ "ho are
inside o the robot suits/ then a child alter "ill be ound "hich is in the same drugged
state that it "as in "hen it "as being programmed- $his child ragment alter "ill oten
ha*e an I-K- ("ires and needles) in it/ and "ill be *ery druggy- It "ill be in its
programmed "ar,li&e angry state- In Druidism/ a s"an "as something dirty li&e a pig in
Budaism- Some alters "hich are assigned to protect/ are "arned they "ill become s"ans-
I the Iueen o the 'lones becomes a s"an/ the clones "ill become helpless- $he Iueen
o the 'lones (a triad) must do her 2ob or be turned into a s"an- 'hanging sub2ects to
alter clones/ 'loning programs include/ or instance/ 1ollipop E 1obster programs-
De$ta%. $he Deltas are alters trained to carry out special missions resulting in death- $he
Deltas "ho are inacti*e are asleep- $hey must be acti*ated- $he programming to acti*ate
them "ill be triggered i a mission is gi*en or i certain parts o the deeper parts o the
system are tampered "ith- Deltas "ill "or& as a team "ith the #eta.s to &ill- An
Illuminati System "ill be 0magically0 t"inned during programming to be a $"in "ith
another system.s Delta alters- And these t"o systems in turn are 2oined in programming
"ith another 8 person team/ so that 8 person and 6 person teams can be constructed- $his
gi*es the Illuminati more le=ibility in "hat &ind o missions it can send its sla*e out on-
6 person assassination teams are *ery common- $hey had 8 our,man Monarch sla*e
assassination teams at Waco/ $e=as the day that the Waco #ranch Da*idian building
burned up-
Ho' The De$ta% Ae Ceated. Illuminati Deltas are lin&ed to the moon children/ and
are the ospring o the moon child alter in the early cage programming- In the early
?7:<s/ the Illuminati "ould ta&e a child and orce it to "atch another child/ "ho they
ha*e bonded "ith/ be incinerated ali*e in a crematorium at high heat "hich "ould not
only melt the child but turn it to ashes- $he orm o the child in ashes "ould stay in the
shape o the child until the crematorium door "hich "ould ha*e glass in it or *ie"ing
"ould be opened- A small gust o air "ould cause the ashes to lose their shape- Watching
through glass and eeling the ire and hearing the child scream "as a trauma or any
child- $he Presideo and some o the Illuminati,run uneral homes "hich had this type o
crematorium "ere employed or ire traumas- $he ire trauma "as done so that the child
"ould *isualize melting rom heat- $his melting trauma "ould then orm the basis o the
good "itchLbad "itch programming "here "ater on a "itch ma&es her melt li&e in the
Wizard o +z story-
$he Delta and #eta alters are then to trance into their melted state "hene*er their
programmers "ant them to unction- $heir unctioning state is the 0melted state0- $he
programming is that the "itches melt do"n to N+$!ING- Ater a e" years/ the
programmers realized that they didn.t ha*e to ha*e a real trauma to get the programming
done/ because they could usually do it "ith a combination o hallucinatory drugs/
hypnotic drugs/ and paper dolls- Paper dolls "hich "hen cut out are all 2oined together
"ould be placed on a grid similar to an alter grid on a platorm- $he right hypnotic
suggestions are made/ and the child belie*es these paper dolls are ali*e and are burned
up- I the paper dolls didn.t "or&/ they.d go bac& to using a real child to get the 2ob
1ater/ the lo"er cat alters are taught ho" to be hunted and hunt at the 0lie or death0
#eltaine hunts- $hese hunts helped train alters "hich are then used to create the Deltas-
$he Deltas are not completed until later- $o create a trained assassin/ the alters "ere
desensitized to"ards pain and death by being sho"n gory ilms "ith the eyes orced
open- !ypnosis "as also used- $he potential *ictims "ere de*alued/ it is belie*ed the
Aryan alters "hich are *ery elitist and racist are used or Delta alters- Satanic rituals
"ere also in*ol*ed in the creation o the Deltas- Deltas "ill be trained in hand to hand
combat,,and &no" certain *ulnerable places to &ill people incl- brea&ing the nec&-
$raining included a great deal o "eapons training- In an early programmed multiple
System/ "hich "as created and programmed in Nazi Germany in the ?79<s/ the
assassination alters are placed behind a "all o ice- When the "all o ice is melted/ these
assassination alters are reed and they "ill go about their assignment to &ill by using an
ice,pic& type needle po&ed into the heart o their prey- $hese Systems "ere iniltrated
into the %-S- during the ?79<s to build a oundation or "hen the Nazi.s e=pected to "in
the "ar- 1ater/ American Delta alters "ere taught the art o assassination by po&ing a
needle through the eye o the *ictim- $his &ind o assassination is apparently hard to
Ho' The De$ta% Ae Acti!ated. $he access codes or the Deltas are structured dierent
than or the rest o the System/ e=cept or the se=ualLentrapmentLespionage alters "ho
are designed *ery similar- $he Deltas may be blac& color coded- When the programmer
"ants to use these Delta alters/ he "ill call them up rom their genii bottle or "here*er
they are hidden deep in the mind- $hey "ill be commanded to melt- When they ha*e
melted into the nothing state/ then the programmer gi*es an e=act script o e*erything
the Delta alter is to do/ 2ust li&e you "ould program a computer step by step,, rom step
a to step z-
For instance/ the programmer might say/ 0At a certain place you "ill be in the melted
state until you hear the "ords/ 0I.m going to >ansas 'ity/ "here are you rom Miss
Ruby shoes30/ at that point you "ill remain in the melted state and do part # o the
script-0 As the programmer continues "ith the script/ a Delta ragment "ill be gi*en
NW+ codes/ ban& account numbers/ and ma2or sports numbers (so other NW+ ol&s
&no" "ho is going to "in ahead o time)- $his ragment "ill simply be a mental loppy
$he Delta,#eta alters are habitually lied to by their programmers "hen they are gi*en
their detailed scripts- I they are carrying cocaine they may be told it is soap or needy
children- I they shoot someone/ then they "ill be told all &inds o lies about the person
they are to &ill- $hey ne*er are really gi*en a chance to step outside o their deep trance
and to e*er hear the truth about "hat they are doing- $hey li*e their li*es in a surreal
antasy "orld "here nothing really ma&es sense- $hey don.t try to thin& or themsel*es/
they 2ust ollo" orders-
Since a mission may call or other alters to hold the body/ the programmer must put
together his Delta script so that t"o scripts can be intert"ined- $he programmer may
"or& out something so that the Delta alter goes into a temporary sleep in the melted state
"hile out on the mission- $his "ay the programmer doesn.t ha*e to be present on the
trip to bring the Delta alter bac& into its unctioning 0melted0 state- $he Delta alters
can.t be out too long any"ay because they are not used to unctioning in the outside
"orld and they get tired ast- Se*eral Delta alters can s"itch so that they &eep ha*ing a
resh Delta alter come out/ but e*entually e*ery one begins to get tired- $hat is another
reason they "ill "or& in another script "ith ront alters- $he ront alters are used to
holding the body e*eryday- $he ront alters "ill ta&e a *acation/ "hile the Deltas "or&
on their detailed script o carrying secret messages and maybe &illing someone-
During an airplane trip/ a tra*el alter "ill hold the body "hile the Deltas sleep in the
melted state- Delta alters ("ho by the "ay ha*e photographic memories) are gi*en their
scripts by programmers/ not run,o,the,mill handlers- @*erything is too ine tuned in the
programming or a run,o,the,mill handler-
Delta alters ha*e an internal hour glass/ this hour glass may be a mural in their internal
"orld that they loo& at- As long as they are obedient/ the hour glass sands do not all- I
they are disobedient/ the sand begins alling/ and their lie is on the line- $here is no
room or mista&es- I the sand runs out/ death is to happen- 1arge hourglasses are oten
displayed in ront o Delta,#eta sla*es to remind them that there is no room or
mista&es/ no slac& or disobedience- $heir thin&ing is buried in airy tales- $hey are
programmed to see themsel*es in airy tales/ they are programmed not to see their
handlers or anybody.s else.s ace or that matter- $heir handlers pretend they are airy
tale characters or aliens- $hese alters do not ha*e a chance to understand "hat they are
doing- I the programmers get tired o the sla*e.s programming brea&ing do"n,,and it
does in part due to the se*ere abuse they get rom these sadistic programmersLhandlers/
then they "ill simply gi*e the sla*e an assignment in "hich the sla*e "ill end up dying/
i-e- a suicide mission- $his type o suicide mission is happening all o*er the %nited
States "ith great re;uency- An e=ample "ould be a lady "ho is getting too "ise about
the Ne" World +rder/ so a Delta is assigned to crash their car into the lady/ and its
"ritten do"n as 02ust an unortunate A''ID@N$ "ith atalities-0 A shop o"ner reuses
to pay the Maia or protectionM so a Delta *andalizes and tears up the shop and has a
atal shootout "ith the police-
Foei(n 9an(ua(e A$te%
$he IlluminatiLintelligence agencies realized "hen they started ma&ing sla*es "ith
photographic memories that they could create dierent parts o a sla*e.s mind to operate
on dierent languages- Illuminati hierarchy systems "ill employ oreign language alters
or se*eral purposes4
a- to acilitate the alter "or&ing in *arious situations/ or e=ample French is helpul to
"or& "ith 'atholics in Iuebec/ and "ith the 'ambodianLKietnamese criminal syndicate
that the Illuminati set up in this nation- A high proile e=ample o this is #o Gritz/ an
oicer o the Delta Force/ "ho due to his photographic mind (created *ia brain stem
scarring) can spea& Mandarin 'hinese- Mandarin 'hinese is not normally an easy
language or Americans-
b- to hide things in a system-
@=amples o this include code "ords attached to Gree& and !ebre" letters or body
programs- Another e=ample is ha*ing 1atin phrases or accessing deeper parts- I an
entire area o a system is put in a oreign language/ and the system is not gi*en any
alters capable o translation/ then you ha*e *ery eecti*ely isolated an entire section-
For instance/ systems are being created in their early teens "hich are sectioned o into :
or more languages/ say or instance/ German/ Spanish/ French/ Italian/ and Arabic- Some
o the Systems created in the late ?7:<s/ already "ere employing some o this- Since the
*ery best Illuminati programmer in the "orld is @uropean/ and spea&s se*eral languages
you can e=pect to start to see more and more o this 0$o"er o #abel0 programming
(multi,language systems "here parts can.t communicate-) $he reader realizes that such
multi,language capabilities are al"ays secret until the person starts brea&ing do"n the
programming- $he programmers tell alter systems that God "ants this programming
done/ because God conounded all the languages E then spread people into the 6 corners
o the "orld-
Gate*ee2e A$te%
$he Gate&eeper alters are 2ust that- $hey protect the gates or portals to all System le*els-
Inre;uently/ the programmers may also call them 0door&eepers0/ or 0tollmen0 E 0toll
"omen0- $he *ictim may reer to them as guards or bloc&ers/ although Gate&eepers are
more than guards/ they are an entrance or portal to something-
Gate&eepers may oten be the alter that "as split to get a particular section- @ach
gate&eeper may be at a deeper le*el trance than the one beore it- When a Gate&eeper is
split it creates a natural lin& to the alters that are created rom itsel- $hen the
Gate&eepers are gi*en programming not to see "hat they ha*e created and "hat they are
natural portals to- $hese steps create a natural portal or the deeper alters- +ne,"ay
mirrors are usually installed bet"een the Gate&eeper and the section they guard/ so that
the deeper alters can see out/ but the Gate&eeper can.t see in- #esides splitting o entire
sections rom the Gate&eepers/ clo"n alters "ill be created rom them to &eep the
Gate&eepers in line- $he irst ro" o doors in a system,,"hich the ront Gate&eepers
protect are oten set up as the 0red door(s)0-
Deeper in the system/ other Gate&eepers "ill be stationed in ront o important systems/
and these other doors "ill ha*e a dierent color code than the irst set o doors- $o train
gate&eeper alters/ they are ta&en to a door and by beha*ior modiication techni;ues (i-e-
se*ere torture) they are taught not to go beyond the door- $hey are to hold their place
and not step through the door- $hen they are strongly programmed *ia hypnosis to orget
the training session/ but not the lesson- $he irst ro" o Gate&eepers can ha*e no tie to
the cult and no tie to the outside "orld- $hey are taught they are *agabonds- $he only
real tie they are allo"ed to ha*e is themsel*es/ and they are aren.t allo"ed to &no" "ho
they themsel*es are- $he standard programming or Gate&eepers is to mess them up
"ith lo*e,hate double binds- Gate&eepers are oten *ery melancholic and i they go
against their programming/ they or the alters near them can easily commit suicide- $he
Gate&eepers al"ays recei*e hea*y programming and hea*y trauma- Front line
Gate&eepers may be near the ront o a System/ but due to their hea*y programming/
"hat they say should be ta&en "ith a big grain o salt- $hey usually pro*ide outsiders
"ith the lies the programmers ha*e so s&illully con*inced them to belie*e-
Illuminati Gate&eeper alters are in 9 parts- $he higher numbered gate&eepers ha*e a
pedestal "hich they are rotating on- A cat/ a butterly and a porcelain ace are the three
&inds o alters "hich are 2oined together and rotate- $he deeper Gate&eepers on
Illuminati models must be loc&ed in place beore con*ersation can ensue- $he
Gate&eeper alters are non,se=ual/ and programmed not to see "hat is belo" their eet
"hich are the se=ual alters- A stac&ing mechanism has been created to call each
gate&eeper alter out and stac&ed on each li&e a dec& o cards- $his command or some
systems is 0Stand in order according to ran& E serial no- Fsaid 9=G-0 Another stac&ing
mechanism can be achie*ed to place them all on the potter.s "heel according to order
"ith 0See no e*il/ !ear no e*il/ do no e*il0 "hich originally "as accompanied by a hand
mo*ement o e=posing cards- $he NW+.s 'harismatic branch gi*e their deeper
gate&eepers Porcelain Face Programming- Sometimes/ the rontline Gate&eepers also get
Porcelain ace programming- $he mo*ie Ghostbusters/ "hich has been used or a
programming script on some sla*es/ has a *ery strong demonic 0Gate&eeper0 in the
sho"- Banus/ the t"o,aced god/ "as a gate&eeper/ E the ?st month "hich is the gate to
the ne" yr- (Banuary) is named ater him- $he Illum- Great Rite ritual has a Gate&eeper
(male) and >eymaster (emale) to produce an Anti'hrist child-
Hieachy And Dee2e Cu$t A$te%
$he deeper cult alters may be placed in a crystal ball and the 'abalistic $ree o 1ie- $he
Mother,o,Dar&ness alters "ill be set up on the Maiden,Mother,'rone trinity o the
occult- Stormy alters/ and there may be A< or more deep le*el Stormy alters per system/
are alters that are to be in*ol*ed in all the man,made 0natural disasters0 that are planned
or the period o anarchy- Sergeant alters are deeper call bac& alters "ho "ill be
commanders o programs or the Anti'hrist ta&eo*er-
$he deep ront alters o the Mother,o,Dar&ness/ Grande Dames/ or Grande Master
alters "ill not be in a deep trance- $hey need to be ully alert or "hat they do or the
Illuminati- !o"e*er/ since they are only out at special points in time/ all they &no" is
Illuminati lie and philosophy- Illuminati philosophy "ill include such things as 0Pain is
strength- $he pain "e suer "ill gi*e us the strength to con;uer-0 $he Sisters o 1ight
(the le*el beore the Mothers o Dar&ness) "ill be under the leadership o a Iueen
Mother- She "ill direct them to abduct a handsome male or breeding purposes- Ater the
handsome male is used or breeding to get a male child or sacriice or a emale to raise
as a Sister o 1ight/ then the handsome male "ill be sacriiced- $he Sisters o 1ight "ear
"hite or this ceremony- #ecause these alters only &no" the traditional "ays/ they don.t
ha*e a realization o "hat they are doing-
An Illuminati multiple "ill carry on ritual unctions at a number o dierent le*els in the
occult- $here "ill be dierent alters or dierent le*els and dierent ritual dates- $he
bac& part o a hierarchy system "ill not be "or&ed until a sealing ceremony in*ol*ing
@gyptian magic at the age o ?7 in late Apr-,May- $hree &eys are gi*en at the ceremony/
"hich is tied to astrological e*ents- $he ?7 also represents 7 P ?< doors in the system-
$hen the bac& (deeper hierarchy) alters "ill begin to be used- $his bac& hal o the
System "ill be shaped by path"or&ings o the 'abalistic $ree o 1ie- In the irst le*els
o "itchcrat/ they "ill thin& they are "orshipping a male E a emale god- #y the third
le*el they "ill be inormed they are "orshipping one god,1ucier- Some Illuminati
groups/ "hich are Be"ish/ "orship a emale god at the co*en le*els-
$he secret Illuminati set o documents that the #a*arian go*ernment coniscated in ?DC6
and published as Die +riginalschriten der Illuminatense&te/ Munich has an accurate
organizational chart on p- 98 o these reprinted Illuminati papers- $here "ere ?9< or
le*els- Si= o these are unctional- Monarch sla*es "ho ha*e internal "orlds "ith ?9
le*els/ "ith A unctional and A hidden are not much dierent than the actual hierarchy
structure- In the Illuminati co*ens/ each co*en "ill secretly ha*e a copy o $he #oo& o
Ages/ "hich is *ellum/ and is basically a Who.s Who o the Illuminati/ and a copy o
$he #oo& o Generations/ "hich e=plains the ?9 bloodlines and "hat belongs to "hat
generation- A hand"ritten magic&al #oo& o Shado"s "ill also belong to the co*en-
+nly the >eeper o the #oo&s and the co*en leader "ill &no" about these things- $he
co*en "ill also ha*e a >eeper o the Seals "hich pertains to *o"s and oaths-
Ater !allo"een/ the co*en leader (priest or priestess) "ill secretly send all the co*en
records to head;uarters in @urope- It is important to realize that the internal structuring
o an Illuminati alter system "ill correspond to the e=ternal structures o the Illuminati-
$his may not be an e=act one,to,one correspondence- %nderstanding the Illuminati
hierarchy ran&s/ "hich by the "ay had remained secret until Fritz Springmeier.s recent
Ne"sletter From A 'hristian Ministry in Ban- X79/ is important-
Within the male membership in the hierarchy you "ill ind the ollo"ing positions/
Grande Druid/ Grande Master/ :,star general (Ser*ant o the Pentacle)/ Asmodeus/
Ipsimus (or Royal Ipsimus)/ and Supreme Master- #ards are "ise men "ithin Druidism-
Within the emale side/ are the Sisters o 1ight (7 grades)/ the Mothers o Dar&ness (??
grades)/ the Grande Mothers (?9 grades)/ the Grande Dames/ and the Iueen Mother-
@ach o the ?9 bloodlines ha*e their o"n go*erning monarchies/ upon "hich the
numerous mob crime amilies are modelled- $his particular arrangement may ha*e
de*eloped rom #as;ue "itchcrat rather than Druidism- Generational thrones (&ings/
princes/ priests) are *ery important- $he >ings are called +lympians- All o these
bloodlines cooperate by ha*ing councils- $hree groups ha*e been identiied as
preser*ing the plans or the "orld rule by the Anti'hrist/ the >eepers o the Da"n/ the
+rder o the Iuest/ and the +rder o the Garter-
E(y2tian A"ie%
$he @gyptian armies are hundreds o ragments "hich ha*e been programmed to ha*e
uniorms and to unction as parts o an army- $he main gods or spirits o @gyptian magic
may be the names o the captains o the armies/ such as the ollo"ing names Isis/ +sirus/
!orus/ Set and Ra- $hoth can be another name- In the $emple o Set/ alters "ith
@gyptian names abound/ and aren.t restricted to ragment armies- $he armies are built to
protect *arious internal structures- $he techni;ue to ma&e these armies are to torment
the *ictim child in such a "ay that they ma&e the child *ery angry- At the pea& o the
child.s rage/ they split the mind- $he result is lots o child alter ragments "hich are
angry- $hese are collected and shaped into an angry army o little children- When an
adult Monarch sla*e/ triggers a protecti*e army the adult alter inds themsel*es "ith
angry children alters "ho are li&e a large cro"d o toddlers "ho are screaming their
heads o- $here is no "ay to reason "ith these child ragments- Imagine trying to reason
"ith a little 8 year "ho is screaming- Without any"ay to reason "ith them,,the adult
alter has little deense against such an army-
F$oodin( A$te%
Flooding alters can be used as singles or as a group o alters- $here is almost al"ays a
number o looding alters in a system- $hey are de*eloped by using drugs "hich lo"er
dissociati*e barriers- $he drugs "ere used "hen these alters held the body and the drugs
caused all the dissociati*e "alls to come do"n- $hese alters hold the memory o this
looding- Drugged alters in "eird states can also be pulled up to ma&e a system eeling
$he Gem alters are early child splits- $hese alters are treated as bad as possible- $hey
are literally deecated upon/ and pissed upon- $hey are intentionally dehumanized and
taught to thin& as little as possible about themsel*es- At some point/ these alters "ho
ha*e no sel,esteem are told that they are something precious as Satan.s gems- #ut they
are "arned that i they e*er tal& to someone on the outside/ bombs "ill go o- Karious
bomb mechanisms are constructed using other alters and imagery- I these bombs go o/
these alters "ill be so dysunctional/ incoherent and in shoc& that the therapist "ill not
be able to "or& "ith the System again- $he Gems are then used to transmit the mind o
Satan to the System- #eyond the gems/ and the hour glass disciples/ there may be a stage
"hich has more memories hidden- I a therapist gets that ar/ see ho" to raise the
9oo*in( G$a%% 0eo2$e
$he 01oo&ing Glass Images0 is the Illuminati name or mirror image alters/ "ho are
split o o main alters in order to conuse e*eryone but the controller- Sometimes these
alters can be spotted because an alter "ill say/ 0I don.t &no" i I.m inside or outside/ I
thin& I.m inside-0 As pre*iously mentioned/ many alters also ha*e shado" alters created
rom themsel*es to ta&e their pain- It "ill be appropriate to discuss the o*erlays that the
Illuminati place o*er real alters- $he Illuminati "ill try to hide real alters "ith pseudo
alters/ mirror alters/ mirror images and other tric&s- Some alters are demons/ and others
are simply illusions o the mind- Shell alters pre*ent therapists rom tal&ing to the real
/io I"a(e%
Mirror images are purpose ragments "hose 2ob is to conuse both *ictim and therapist-
When an e*ent happens/ the abusers "ill ragment the alter "ho participated in the
e*ent/ and create mirror images o that alter- $his means that no one has the ull
memory- An alter doesn.t &no" i the mirror image is itsel or something else- It.s *ery
conusing- A triangle is ormed by
a- an alter
b- its mirror images
c- demonic mirror images-
When an alter tries to reco*er a memory it goes round and round in a *icious cycle and
inally concludes the memory is alse- I one alter holds a memory/ an alter close to it
"ill ha*e no eelings attached to the memory and "ill ind it diicult to accept the
memory as its o"n- It.s li&e "earing someone else.s coat/ it may it/ but it 2ust isn.t your
o"n- Mirror images/ E pseudo,alters are layered in/ so that it becomes perple=ing to
identiy "here an alter starts E "here it ends- $herapists may thin& they ha*e integrated
alters/ E actually only integrated their mirror images- 1oo&ing Glass People are similar
to the mirror images- $he Programmers may create a loo&ing glass alter by ha*ing a
drugged alter(s) o the *ictim endure the trauma o seeing someone.s ace peeled- $hen
the *ictim.s ace is also pretended to be peeled,,by pulling o something li&e elmer.s
glue "hich has ormed a surace on the *ictim.s ace- $hen the dead person.s s&in is
placed o*er the *ictim being programmed- $he 1oo&ing Glass People are charted on
grids and contain lots o the programs- $hey are conusing to the regular alters/ because
they appear internally li&e mirror images-
0o(a""e A$te%
Internal programming alters/ "hich are 0clone images0 o the 9 primary e=ternal
programmers "ill be placed into a Monarch system- + course the programmers "ant to
remain anonymous/ so these programming alters are aceless E "ear "hite robes- $hey
are gi*en *ast po"er in the authority structure o a system/ E can mo*e "here*er they
need to mo*e- When programming is discussed by a *ictim E therapist/ they "ill appear-
Re2otin( A$te%
$hese alters are programmed to record e*erything- $hey lac& an o*er*ie" o reality-
$hey are child parts that only &no" their 2ob- $he reporting alters "ill be in*ol*ed in the
recontact cues- Recontact alters are alters "hich are una"are o the abuse- $he
programmers may promise these recontact alters a*ors i they 0report to Daddy-0 For
years/ many therapists ha*e "or&ed "ith clients and ne*er realized that the secret and
"ell hidden reporting alters "ere reporting e*erything bac& to the handler-
Sca")$in( A$te%
$his is one o the hardest type o programs or the *ictim to master- $o ma&e sure that
the *ictim.s mind is *ery alert a drug is gi*en "hich clouds the thin&ing- $he alters must
try e=ceptionally hard i they are to concentrate and learn "hat their 2ob is- $hey "ill
learn ho" to ta&e something being said and scramble it- When alters are not supposed to
hear something/ these alters "ill be called up by the internal programmers E they "ill sit
on top o other alters and scramble e*erything they hear- $hese alters are technicians
"ho usually en2oy the mastery they ha*e o*er their diicult assignment- $herapists can
gi*e them a ne" 2ob scrambling incoming cult messages- Scrambling programs (lin&ed
to triggers or scrambling alters) ha*e at times been gi*en names such as 0A' D'0 E
0F1IP F1+P-0
Se=ua$ A$te%
$he early se=ual trauma is designed to amiliarize the child "ith se=/ and to access the
primal part o the mind- $he torture and se=ual abuse e*entually becomes gratiying to
the mind- $he mind does a re*ersal/ pain becomes pleasure- At any rate/ the
programmers are trying to get a type o nymphomaniac- $hey accomplish this on one
le*el- $he se=ual alters ha*e no eelings attached to "hat they do/ and their masters
ne*er allo" them to en2oy se=- $hey are not to ha*e clima=es/ although they may be
coached ho" to a&e it- (For punishment i a sla*e gi*es trouble/ the programmers might
e*en hypnotically or surgically se" up the clitoris to insure the sla*e recei*es no
gratiication- $he Arab shei&s o Saudi Arabia "ill cut o,,destroy,, the clitoris o their
Monarch sla*es in the same ashion that the Moslem "orld does "ith all their emales-)
$he Programmers ha*e been heard to program their sla*es/ 0Don.t be a hustler and don.t
pic& up strays-0 $he programmers must no" XXgroom.. these alters- 1ittle boys begin to
be orally se=ually molested "hen they are three- $hat is the standard age- Females (and
some males) need to learn ho" to appear and act seducti*e- $he programmers
understand human nature- $hey understand that there is a spectrum o emale se=uality/
"here on one end o the spectrum emales guard their bodies "ith their minds/ and on
the other end they guard their emotions "ith their bodies- When a "oman guards her
emotions "ith her body,,she is the type "ho cra*es se= or the physical pleasure o se=-
$here are an entire cluster o beha*ior traits that go "ith this type o personality/ such as
the "ay they "al&/ use their eyes/ stare at men/ the "ay they dress etc- $he se=ual
groomers and programmers "ill teach the se=ual alters these clusters o beha*ior- $he
se=ual alters "ill also pic& up lots o e=pertise naturally during the years o ha*ing to
se=ually ser*ice hundreds o abusers in e*ery ashion imaginable- When Roseanne #arr/
a Monarch sla*e/ in her recent $-K- inter*ie" "ith #arbara Walters said/ 0I.m been
scre"ed e*ery possible "ay/0 she "as not e=aggerating-
$he Gumby Programming is to ma&e the sla*e thin& their body is li&e Gumby and is
le=ible to mo*e into any position- $he sla*e is repeatedly threatened "ith their lie/ i
they do not perorm perectly- $he se=ual techni;ues o the "orld ha*e been collected
and impro*ed upon by the Illuminati and their intelligence agencies such as MIA/ E the
'IA- $here are techni;ues to use "ith old men/ or porn mo*ies etc- "hich the common
people aren.t e*en a"are o- $he intelligence agencies and the military/ "hen they use a
male Monarch sla*e or co*ert acti*ities/ "ill ind a emale sla*e "hose personality
matches the male and pair them se=ually during the period that the male sla*e is used on
co*ert operations- $his is done to ensure that the other side doesn.t ta&e ad*antage o the
male.s se=ual desires- Sub2ects such as ho" to train alters or espionage E prostitution
could be boo&s in themsel*es- $he Illuminati ha*e male instructors "ho teach small
classes o emales about the po"er o seduction E ho" the male brain shutdo"ns "hen
their se=ual organ gets in*ol*ed- Finishing schools li&e at 5oungsto"n/ +! teach
se=uality perormance based on ear o death- $he male E emale se=ual sla*es usually
are highly s&illed technicians "ho don.t ha*e emotions attached to "hat they do-
$here are some e=amples in proessional literature "hich "ill ser*e to illustrate ho" the
alters in an Illuminati system are named- A therapist in a proessional magazine pro*ided
the names o a client.s alters/ "hich "ere >aren B/ >aren Bo/ >aren Ba/ #aby Alpha/
Middle Alpha/ Adult Alpha- +ne o Fran& Putnam.s clients/ ("ho had P@$ scans done
sho"ing ho" dierent alters ha*e *astly dierent P@$ brain scans/ "hich are not
e=hibited by people "ho only pretend to ha*e MPD)/ had a Pam ?/ and a Pam 8- $hese
three methods here are common methods or nomenclature- In a ?9=?9=?9 grid o alters/
the top 8 sections o ?A7 each "ill usually ha*e a ;uite a number o duplicate names-
+ur hypothetical Mary/ "ould ha*e a Mary ?/8/ 9---??/ ?8/ ?9- She might ha*e @*es ?,?9
also- +n the charts these "ould be @*e A/ @*e #/ @*e '/ etc- She could also ha*e a
George Ann/ a Georgee/ a Georgette/ a plain George/ and a little child George/ and
se*eral alters attached to these "ho ha*e no names- Sometimes alters "ill be set up "ith
irst names and a surname/ so that a amily o alters "ill all ha*e the same last name
(surname)- Some alters are not named by their abusers/ they must end or themsel*es in
iguring out "hat to call themsel*es- $hey only ha*e access codes to pull them to the
ront o the mind-
$here seems to be no end to the *ariety o names o alters- Some are named ater the
;uality they ha*e li&e a robot named Steel/ or a crazy alter being named Dementia/ or a
animal alter being named Animal- !o"e*er/ a number o names &eep popping up in
System ater System/ so or "hat it.s "orth here are some popular names that Fritz has
seen occurring as alter names4 the Adepts/ Ale=is (or Ale=)/ Angel/ Anna/ #a&er/ 'harlie
(or 'harles)/ 'rystal/ Death/ Bezebel/ 1ilith/ Iueen/ Sadie/ and Samantha- $his is not a
scientiic sampling at all/ 2ust an obser*ation based on dozens o alter systems "hich
ha*e shared some o their alter.s names-
Bo=e% And Se$&#A)u%e
We "ill no" discuss one method o placing bo=es into an alter system- #et"een the age
o 6 and 6 ?L8/ an Illuminati child "ould be ta&en to Scotty.s castle/ 'A or
programming- A cedar chest "ould be placed in ront o a table- $"o Illuminati children
"ell into their programming "ould be assigned to guard the chest/ "hich "ould be
called the Doctor.s bo=- $hey "ould ha*e 0clean slate0 alters "ho &ne" nothing but
their hypnotic commands to guard the doctor.s bo=es- @=pendable children "ould be
coached to come into the room and try to get into the bo=- $he Illuminati children "ould
be gi*en strict orders to &ill them i they tried to get into the bo=- I the children ailed in
their guard duty/ they either got more programming or "ere in turn e=pended- $he
Illuminati children had sharp s"ords "ith "hich to guard the bo=/ "hich had 9 seals on
Internally/ Mengele "ould then hypnotically program in countless bo=es "ith 9
seals- 1oc&ed up in the bo=es "ould be sel,mutilation and body programs/ etc-
$herapists should &no" that these bo=es are deadly- Ater reaching the le*el o
obedience "here they "ould &ill or the programmer/ the Illuminati children "ould be
placed in a deep "ell or a "ell,trauma/ and then "hile deep in the "ell "ould be gi*en
*arious orders such as 0cut yoursel/0 0probe yoursel (electroshoc& onesel)0 and other
sel,abusi*e things- $he "ell torture "ould usually "or& at teaching the 0clean slate0
alters to abuse themsel*es- During many programming sessions/ the *ictim is told 0you
must pass a test/ "ill you pass the test30 $here is something that is more moti*ating in
these "ords/ than i the truth "ere said/ 0you must endure these traumas/ or our
en2oyment and to become a sla*e or And to ;uote a line rom the ilm When Rabbit
!o"ls/ 0$he "orse things got/ the more o us sho"ed up-0 $he mind &eeps protecting
itsel by dissociating the o*er"helming abuse-
C. 9ayein( 0o(a""in( i% $ayeed in.
1ayer ater layer o programming is put in- @ach alter or alter ragment is used as i it
"ere a component o a large system- $he result is that no alter or ragment is the "hole/
only a cog in a great machine- 'an a single cog rebel against the "hole machine3 It is
*ery diicult or a single component o thousands o components to rebel against its
abusers/ "hen it doesn.t e*en ha*e the ability to realize they are abusers and not the
alter.s natural order gi*er-
#esides programs/ items are placed into the mind too- @=amples include *aults/ saes
and doors "hich need combinations E &eys- $he Illuminati Programmers see the
layering in o programming as demonic- $hey eel the scripts/ and mo*ies are more
0ronts0 than the actual layering mechanism- $hey belie*e/ as one e=,Programmer
said/ 0$his programming in*ol*es an organization system/ established by horrendous
trauma/ or the alter personalities in*ol*ing internal mental imagery/ "hich is dri*en by
demons/ "ho pro*ide the po"er- %ndoing it re;uires an understanding o the mental
processes in*ol*ed/ the imagery or blueprint used/ and the spiritual dynamics-0 (#y the
"ay/ some readers "ill be ignoring this as 'hristian propaganda- !o"e*er/ this "as said/
not because this person is a 'hristian/ "hich this person isn.t/ but because this person
"anted others to be set ree- ItOs also true that the Word o God/ the !oly #ible/ "hich
"as the oundation o Western ci*ilization/ does spea& about spiritual "arare-)
No" "e "ill go into the *arious systems that are programmed in- $he Programmers
place into their sla*es a combination o the ollo"ing standard systems to ma&e up the
*ictim.s programming4
a- 'abalistic $ree o 1ie
b- 'arousel
c- 'astle
d- 'a*e and "ell
e- 'hess #oard
- Double !eli=
g- Flo"ers
h- !eli=
i- !our glass
2- the Mensa system
&- Pentagram
l- Pool o Death
m- Potter.s Wheel
n- Puppet System
o- Solemetric
p- Spider Web
;- Spiritual structuring
r- Stair"ell
s- a $elescoping system
t- $ornado System
u- %mbrella
Also an internal timing cloc& (system) &eeps time according to the rotation o ritual
dates/ "hich helps X2ustiy0 the SRA/ or 0it.s that time o the year-0
Bust a ;uic& note4 dierent programmers ha*e dierent preerences or ho" they do
things- It also may depend on "hat site they are using or the programming- Drugs and
*ideos are re;uently used to get the person to adopt the script they are to accept
internally- !o"e*er/ harmonics and electronics are increasingly being used- Ritual and
magical ceremonies may or may not ha*e rigid scripts-
A. Ca)a$i%tic Tee o& 9i&e
D,Aa-gi D,Ab-gi D,Ac-gi
While the 'abalistic $ree o 1ie means little to most people/ it is a *ery important,,
essential structure or Illuminati systems- $hereore/ in describing ho" these systems are
built it is important to describe this crucial magical tree- $he reason all these ollo"ing
items such as $rees o 1ie and goddesses are placed into sla*es is because $!@S@
S1AK@S AR@ PAR$ +F !IG! 1@K@1 SA$ANISM- $he sla*es are a relection o the
"orld *ie" o their programmers- 5ou and I "ouldn.t bother "ith all this because "e are
not into magic- $hat "e ind oursel*es reporting all this/ does not mean "e endorse any
o this- We don.t- #ut the programmers didn.t as& us "hat to place into their sla*es- I
you ha*e a lo" tolerance or understanding the Illuminati.s cabalism/ s&ip on do"n to
the 'arousel system-
$he 'abalistic $ree o 1ie is put into upper le*el Illuminati sla*es- It is a *ery deep
program laid in at about section (le*el) ??- $he 'abala is the basis o a- Freemasonry b-
$he magic o the Illuminati Monarch programming c- $he &ey to the spiritual mysteries
o the Scripture (according to 'aballists)- #ecause the "ord 'abala is a "ord originating
in the Middle @ast it can be spelled "ith a I/ a I%/ a > and a '- All these spellings are
+->- It can be spelled "ith one b or t"o/ etc-
Golem in the 'abala are ancient medie*al mind controlled sla*es,,are these precursors
to "hat "e ha*e today3
W!+ li&ed to program this3
Mengele/ and Wheeler (Dr- Green E Dr- #lac&) "ere s&illed in the 'abala/ especially
Dr- Green (Mengele)- Some o the Rothschild programmers ha*e been too- Mengele
learned rom the leading Be"ish >aballists/ during concentration camp days,,Mengele
himsel "as an Ipsimus in Illuminati- %ndoubtedly/ it is standard programming and
many other Illuminati programmers must be doing it too-
W!A$ is it3
$he 'abala is synonymous "ith !ermeticism or !ermetic magic- $he 'abala "as
Be"ish #abylonian magic- $he Be"ish blac& magicians brought it to @urope- It began to
get "idespread notice in @urope ater @nlightenment period- $he great pyramid
according to the occult is a symbol o the 'abalistic $ree o 1ie,,the branches o the
tree orm the our streams or lines to the base o the pyramid- #ecause the 'abala is the
basis o their hermetic magic/ Illuminati systems "ill be airly consistent in the ma&e o
a sla*e.s internal $ree o 1ie and $ree o @*il- A MaidenLMotherL'rone triad goddess
"ill sit at the top o the structure and "ill be married to the Anti'hrist E Satan-
$he 'abalistic $ree o 1ie area o the System may ha*e up to ?8 other trees- $hese are
other magical trees- $here are ?< circles or rooms "hich are 2oined by 88 lines that ma&e
up the 'abalistic $ree o 1ie called $he 'abala or short- $here are 6 "orlds o the
'abala,,9 pillars to the tree "hich are also gi*en dierent names to these pillars at
dierent times- As 2ust mentioned/ there are ?< spheres o the $ree o 1ie and they are
2oined by 88 paths- $he Mother,o,Dar&ness alters (at least some o them) are placed in
a $ree o 1ie/ and they do "hat is called path"or&ing0-
$he spheres o the tree (also called rooms) are called 0Sephiroth0 and they along "ith
the 88 paths that 2oin them are the 0ile dra"ers o this uni*ersal ile cabinet-0 #eore the
irst sphere there are 9 *eils o negati*e e=istence,,the Ain/ Ain Soph/ and Ain Soph Aur-
Alters in male and emale systems in the $ree o 1ie "ill consider themsel*es to be
gods or goddesses- $heir names "ill oten relect god or goddess names-
'hesed is a sphere "hich may be called a XX!all o Masters.. or the XXSphere o the
Adepts0- Geburah is called 0!all o >arma0 or 0!all o Budgment0- $he Illuminati alters
o course belie*e in >arma- $he center o the tree is called $iareth "hich means #eauty
or !armony- %nderstanding o the mysteries o sacriice may be attached here-
I "e thin& o the $ree as three pillars,,the right/ center and let pillars/ then "e start
"ith describing the i(ht 2i$$a rom the top room do"n,,an Illuminati system "ill ha*e
IshtarJ KenusL$he Morning StarL1ucier in the top room- $he ne=t room belo" this "ill
be an alter o destruction/ an alter o change/ unbinding and reeing- $he inal right pillar
room at the bottom is associated "ith *irtueL"hiteL*ictoryLendurance-
In the "idd$e 2i$$a at the top is $he 'ro"n- $his is the #ride o Saturn (Satan/ and the
Anti'hrist)- $he room in the middle pillar one do"n rom the top is the #lue Room-
Sometimes ront Mother alters are in the blue room- +ther rooms ha*e other colors
assigned/ "hich then tie in "ith the computer color coding- $he blue room is the
balancing point/ an important room/ the center o all things/ associated "ith the
t"inning- $he ne=t room do"n is the Foundation- $his room is the meeting point or the
ethereal and the earth- $he ne=t and inal room do"n on the middle pillar is the
>ingdom- It has the lie orce o the irst male child "ho "as sacriiced by the sla*e-
$his is the eet on the earth room-
$he &a $e&t 2i$$a has 9 rooms- $he top let is associated "ith MidnightLthe MotherLand
"ater- $he ne=t room do"n is associated "ith Discipline and control- $he ne=t room
do"n is an alter that perormed an eating the do*e ceremony-
@ach o these ?< rooms "ill not only ha*e its o"n name/ but each room.s alter "ill ha*e
its o"n magical name/ "hich is not to be conused "ith its access code- $he alter
associated "ith Wisdom 0'ho&mah0 (and maybe e*en named Wisdom) is usually ull o
good inormation-
In the occult literature/ the tree is said to be attached upside do"n,,that is its roots are in
hea*en- $his applies to the internal programmed tree- Mal&uth is the top o the tree-
Mal&uth is the 0Gate o Death0- $here seems to be more gate&eepers at these lo"er
le*els- $he 1ord o the @arth is the po"er o Mal&uth-
!o" it is put in3 +ur ans"er applies to Illuminati Mother,o,dar&ness le*el systems-
#eore a Mother,o,dar&ness system is ?A years old they "ill ha*e gone through all the
ceremonies in*ol*ed in the creation o the alters "hich correspond to the rooms o the
'abalistic $ree o 1ie "hich is placed in each system- $here is one alter assigned to
each o the ?< rooms o the tree- @ach one is created by a particular Illuminati
ceremony- Ater the age o ?A/ the System "ill be guided on a personalized path"ay by
the system.s o"n demons and the lie orce o the sacriiced baby under the tree "hich
relates to the story o 1ilith- 1ilith is not a single dri*ing orce/ but the demon 1ilith is
2oined "ith Uerodieth and 1ucier-
#et"een age ?A and ?7 the deep Satanic alters are "or&ing on 0path"or&ing-0 $his
path"or&ing "ill be completed beore they are ?7- $he ceremony at ?7 "ill include the
?/<<< points o light ceremony at the super secret Mother,o,Dar&ness castle o 'hateau
des Arnerois ('astle o >ings) close to the #elgium,French border in @urope and about
8< &ilometers as the cro" lies "est rom 1u=emburg- $his "ill be a sealing ceremony
"ith the Mothers dressed in blac&- Guards and hea*y orest protect the large castle rom
*ie"- $he people in the nearby spoo&y *illage o Muno/ #el/ basically belong to the
castle- $he castle has a cathedral inside "ith a dome "ith ?/<<< lights- $he "ords ?/<<<
lights is an Illuminati buzz "ord- When the President used it to describe the White
!ouse.s 'hristmas tree/ hierarchy people &ne" "hat he "as signalling- $he cathedral
has a great hall "ith columns on either side/ and the Iueen Mother.s throne "ill be set
up there- +nly a single male "a*ing an incense ball and robed in "hite "ith a red mantle
"ith gold symbols "ill participate in ?/<<< lights ceremony-Do"n in the secret basement
is "here an innocent child is sacriiced e*eryday to pro*ide blood to "rite in a hugh
boo& the record o ho" Satan is bringing his plans to ruition-
$he strongman protecting the tree o lie is 1ilithLUerodiethL1ucier spirits amalgamated-
#ehind the ?st line o the tree are CC< demons/ and tens o thousands more are attached
to this "hole apparatus- For 86 hours ater one o the Iueen ceremonies/ the Iueen alter
is a ;ueen and can ha*e anything she "ishes-
As pre*iously stated/ at ?7/ three &eys are gi*en/ and the bac& part o the System begins
to be "or&ed- $he System has an alter lay on a throne (li&e in @gyptian days) "ith a lily-
$he death/ burial and resurrection ceremony also is done sometime in here- $here are
7P?< doors to the tree "hich ma&e up the number ?7 ("hich is the year the system is
sealed)- $his is tied to an astrological e*ent- Note that e*ery ?7 years the ull moon
appears on the Summer Solstice day and this relates to the internal sun dial and "hat is
called 0moon s"ing-0 $he 'abalistic tree needs balance and becomes operational "ith
balance- Special rituals are chosen or each indi*idual/ so the rituals rom one alter in
one system to another "ill *ary- Indi*idualization may actually be a choice rom a
selection ,,that is menu o options,,rather than actually totally uni;ue-
$he 0#ecoming0 ritual at ?7 begins in the ceremony o inhaling a dying mother,o,
dar&ness.s breath- 'onsciousness o the tree is achie*ed by balance- $he Prana children
are attached to the tree and its ceremonies- 1ily became "hite "hen Moon child dre"
do"n the moon E e=changed hersel or the goddess- She then dre" do"n the stars o
hea*en (mil& rom the breast o the goddess)- $he lily she held in ceremony "as the
emale challis to hold this essence or light o light- (this ceremony has se=ual tones to
it---) As 1ily died in the ceremonies,,drin&ing something rom a special cup and laying
do"n on an altar "ith candles at her head and eet) night "as born- $he li;uid "as "ine
"ith lily essence in it as "ell as Rue/ "hich is a strong smelling @uropean plant- $"o
things happen as lily is consumed,,one concei*es and one dies rom poison-
Does this death and conception relate to moon cycles3 Night N Nuit Noir N #lac&- She
has names in t"o terms- She is death/ permanence "hich preser*es earthly attainments
i-e- position/ glory/ possessions/ etc-
What other items are in*ol*ed "ith this programming3 $he rooms o the tree o lie ha*e
names- @ssentially/ e*ery Illuminati hierarchy *ictim/ has the 'abalistic tree o lie
placed in them- $his tree lies belo" the other trees- $he circles that ma&e up the internal
'abalistic $ree o 1ie are called rooms or ;uads by the *arious sur*i*ors- Alters can use
the internal $ree o 1ie to "or& magic internally- It also reminds deeper alters o cult
control- $he circles o the tree are rooms that can be entered into- Mt- Iabbalah is a
igurati*e mountain in the 'abala-
What &ind o demonology is programmed in "ith this3 In the 'abala/ demonology is
important- Ashmedai is Asmodeus "hich means &ing demon- 1ilith is an important
demon in >aballah and is ound in Ill- Mother o dar&ness systems- 1ilith.s story rom
the 'abala about mating "ith Adam and &illing her son/ is used in Ill- ceremony and
programming- $he blood o ?st born is placed in a bo= in the System under each
tree- $his according to the programming gi*es the 0eternal lie orce to the tree-0 $his is
in line "ith occult doctrine o the po"er o blood/ and also ser*es as a misapplication o
the biblical 0lie is in the blood0 concept-
Metatron is a lesser top god o the >aballah/ and is recei*ing lots o !olly"ood attention
in recent mo*ies- $he our mothers o demons are 1ilith/ Naamah/ Agrath/ and Mahalath
(a-&-a- Rahab)- In the 'abala each demon has its o"n seal- Samuel E Amon o No are
important demon leaders in the 'abala- At least one System o the Mothers (and "e can
assume others do too) uses the #ilair/ #ilar/ #ilid cabalistic names or Satan/ rather than
$he She&inah rules the 'abalistic $ree o 1ie- $his is not the She&inah o God
Almighty/ but rom the sel,proclaimed 0ather o light0 1ucier- $here is a 0$ree o
@*il0 said to be belo" the $ree o 1ie "hich is all spirit and not alters- $his $ree o @*il
has spirits attached to each room rather than alters- In contrast/ both alters E spirits are
attached to the ?< rooms o the $ree o 1ie- Karious precious stones are attributed to
each o the sephiroth rooms/ as "ell as occult archangels- Again i "e loo& at the right
pillar at the top is #eelzebub "ith 'haigidel as assistant- $he >no"ledge Abyss
separates this room rom the room belo"-
$his ne=t room is Astarte "ith Gamchicoth as her assistant- $he inal room on the right
is #aal "ith !areb Serapel- $he middle pillar at the top is Satan E Moloch in 2oint
rulership- #elo" that is the Daath room- $he room belo" is #elphegor/ and the bottom
room on the middle pillar is 1ilith "ith Gamaliel as assistant- $he ar let starts at the top
"ith 1uciuge- $hen belo" that is Asmodeus- And the inal room on the let is
Addramalech- Finally/ belo" the bottom middle pillar li*e the our elements o lieM air/
"ater/ "ind/ and earth- Note that "hat is at the bottom is really at the top- +n the other
end/ the pyramid "ith the all,seeing eye rests on the t"o 'abalistic $rees- Ratz&iel is the
archangel o 'ho&mah- $he angels "hich carry out Ratziel.s directions are the
Auphanim (the "heels)/ a name ull o symbolism and programming possibilities-
$za&iel/ the Archangel o #inah is the >eeper o the A&ashic Records/ "here all the
System.s days/ lessons/ and lessons to learn are &ept- Since the library records are
spiritual/ during deprogramming they "ill ha*e to be "iped out- !o"e*er/ I.m told that
there is some"ay to retrie*e them- Some therapists are using sodium pentothal or
"hate*er to get access codes,,but there is another "ay to reco*er some o the records-
What Ae The Code% 9i*eD Gematria might play a role in Monarch codes- Gematria is
a 'abalistic teaching about numbers meaning letters- Gematria is used a lot by Moriah-
$hese are the magical numbers that also ser*e as letters to the !ebre" alphabet- 'ertain
deeper alters are good at "or&ing at astral le*els- $hese alters ha*e 0AS$RA10 or
0'RAF$. codes/ and code names/ "hich "ill include codes rom the names o herbs/
spices/ 2e"els/ and alpha,numeric codes- Simple e;uation codes are also used in the
deeper le*els- !+W does this program relate to the t"inning3 Many sur*i*ors ha*e
roses incl- red roses- $he Red Rose in the 'abala is associated "ith the $ree o 1ie- $he
Red one is assoc- "ith one part o the tree and the "hite "ith the other part- When paired
together they ma&e a blue rose "hich is the Rose o Mal&uth- It may be possible that
Red Rose and White Rose "ere used in the t"inning and that a 'abalistic blue rose
results in such a Monarch t"inning- $hat last statement is only a supposition-
Spea&ing o roses/ Rosemary (the Rose o Mary) is an occult term or a "oman "ho
concei*es a dar& child- It is also associated "ith a ragrance o the Mint amily- $he
Willo" $ree Ks- +a& $ree As A Programming !anger For MoriahOs Programming Alters
o an Illuminati System/ due to programming/ "ill percei*e a tree gro"ing in them
"hich has roots in their eet and its trun& and branches e=tending throughout their body-
%pon this tree/ ruit (programs) are placed- Illuminati programs may be to cut a 0tree0
limb o ("hich is actually the *ictim.s arm)/ or or a certain part o the body to get hot/
or or a certain part o the body to physically change in some "ay- $hese are attached
*ia the tree imagery- #oth oa& and "illo"s are trees are used-
Why might a programmer choose a "illo" tree rather than an oa& tree in the basic
programming3 $he ans"er lies in "hy a tree is used in the irst place- A tree is used
because o its imagery and because o its magical po"ers according to Druidism- $here
are a number o images a tree pro*ides and there are a number o magical po"ers too-
We "ill discuss the contrasts to de*elop our ans"er- $he oa& is a "ell,&no"n po"erul
Druid item/ but the "illo" tree is also sacred- $he oa& is so "ell,connected to the Druids
that some o the other sacred trees o the Druids are not ;uic&ly recognized as sacred-
1et us loo& at the intrinsic imagery ad*antages o the "illo" and then the magical
properties it might contribute- $he combination o the t"o/ "ill then pro*ide us "ith the
complete ans"er as to "hy a "illo" tree rather than an oa& tree might be used-
I"a(ey . $he imagery o a tree is used because it has branches/ lea*es and a root
system- $hese items are manipulated or programming purposes- For instance/ in the
Alice In Wonderland programming/ the girl 2umps hypnotically into the tree and alls
(hypnotically alling deeper and deeper) into the roots o the tree- $he deep root system
o the "illo" is an ad*antage o*er the shallo" root system o the oa&- When a storm
comes the "illo" bends and doesn.t brea&/ "hile the oa& is rather sti and brea&able-
Since these trees are programmed into a person a le=ible tree that can.t be bro&e is an
ad*antage- $he "rapping around imagery o the branches gi*es a great deal o le=ibility
or programming and a stronger imagery than the oa&- $he "illo" dra"s "ater rom
deep belo"- $he tree is 0the tree o lie0 (the programs are the lie o the system)/ and the
#ible is used to 0*alidate0 the programming- For instance/ the tree o lie by the ri*er
(R@K 88) is used-
$here are some other images that are important too- During Illuminati rituals the "illo"
branches are used as "hips to 0cleanse0 people the *ictims o programming- $he image
o a "illo" branch could easily trigger the memories o being punished ("hipped and
being cleansed)/ and this in turn "ould help hold the programming in place- $he ruit o
the trees are the programs,,and some o the ruit can be eaten and some not- Sometimes
children.s stories about lunch pails hanging rom trees or ruit in the trees is used to
create a place or the indi*idual programs are hung,,or this could be a place or the ront
programs/ and the more important programs are stored a"ay some"here more secret-
#ear in mind/ the trees in the programming sing and are able to "rap themsel*es around
people i they are going "here they aren.t supposed to go- $he "illo" has that le=ibility
naturally/ so it is easier to imagine it "rapping itsel around a person-
/a(ica$ 0o2etie%. Most e*erything that is done programming,"ise has a dar&
spiritual signiicance to it too- $he programmers "ill loo& or things that ser*e their
purpose both here and in the spiritual realm- $he "illo" tree is used to ma&e "itches
"ands/ and help to ma&e "itches brooms- (#irch can also be used-) It is planted around
DruidL'elt gra*es to protect them spiritually- It is belie*ed to also ha*e magical se=ual
po"ers- It is possible that some o the programmers might preer the magical se=ual
po"ers o the "illo"/ rather than those properties said to come rom the mighty oa&-
$his is not all o the "illo".s magical po"ers- It is connected "ith February and April in
dierent "ays/ and magically connected "ith spring- It.s possible that the person
recei*ing a "illo" tree might be born in this time period- Is it possible that "hat type o
tree is selected could sometimes be related to "hen a person is born- Some programmers
might be into being time appropriate,,this "ould depend upon the belies o the
programmer(s)- $he imagery o the "illo".s magical se=ual properties could be "or&ed
into the programming/ as certain alters might be as&ed to ma&e certain bre"s/ or taste o
certain things hypnotically- $his "ould be done at such a deep le*el it might not be
&no"n- Bust as in the case o the Alice In Wonderland programming/ "hen the person
drops clear to the bottom o the tree roots they ind themsel*es small and they go
through a door- #ut "hen they come bac& the alter is not going to remember the trip and
"hat they ate on the hypnotic trip do"n the tree-
Futhe con%ideation% on the choice o& Tee%. It is possible that the "e can ;uestion
the ;uestion- $hat is perhaps the ;uestion is not that the oa& or the "illo" tree "as used
to the e=clusion o the other,,but that #+$! trees "ere used in the programming-
Generally/ this seems to be the case- In one particular case/ it is possible that in a double
system ("ith a dormant third system as a inal bac&up)/ the oa& tree being the more
ob*ious Druidic symbol and ;uite strong "as used in the ront system/ and the totally
secret second system has the "illo" utilized- When the one person attempted to snap the
oa& tree at ground le*el in a crude attempt to deprogram themsel*es/ the root system
regenerated itsel through the irst mirror image/ and "hat came bac& "as more spirit
and more deadly-
Remember/ the tree ser*es as an umbilical cord lin&ing *ia its roots the person to their
spiritual lie orce ("hich are the e*il spirits "hich command and dri*e the system-)
!o"e*er/ "hen the oa& tree and its mirror images and the spiritual protectors (hideous
spirits) "ere properly done a"ay "ith/ and then urther deprogramming "as done/ a
crac& seems to ha*e de*eloped behind the pyramid crystal "hich allo"ed the person.s
original set o alters to e=perience a ne" or double systemJ Since that has happened it
seems there has been an increased dra"ing to "illo"s- In other "ords/ or this particular
*ictim it is con2ectured that the ront system (the ully operational set o alters) has an
oa&/ and the duplicate set o alters "hich "ere each bro&en o o each o the original
set) ha*e a system "ith a "illo" tree- $he trees roots o course are the umbilical cord to
the source (the "aters) that spiritually eed it- $hese relate to the soul ties- $hese roots
ha*e to be dealt "ith spiritually- $hey are so inter"o*en that they tie a person
completely up "ith their roots and programs that are inter"o*en and "rapped around
each other- +ther high le*el Illuminati sur*i*ors also ha*e a ront tree and a bac& tree-
Another consideration is that the trees ha*e lo"ers planted around them- %prooting the
trees are not suicient or deprogramming/ because the lo"ers are the deeper
generational material and "ill regenerate the trees- $ouching 1ilith.s bo= under the tree
can release o"ls and mon&eys and other animals that are dangerous- A generic code
oten can be used to ta&e out the lo"ers-
What Ae The Othe Tee%D +ther important occult trees are the $ree o the >nights
$able/ and the $ree o Alchemy- $here is such a thing as $ree Magic/ "hich in*ol*es
many &inds o trees and tree spirits- $he A=le tree according to "orld "ide occult belie
has the earth re*ol*ing about it- Many sur*i*ors o course ha*e the oa&/ "illo" or ash
trees placed in as their principle tree or as their bac& up tree-
$he inal bac& up tree in an Ill- System might be the occult 5ggdrasil tree (ash tree)- $he
5ggdrasil tree has 9 roots (spiritual/ terrestrial/ and inernal) and has a cosmic egg
attached to it- Generally only one tree is mentioned/ but a bac& up tree e=ists/ and then
third tree "hich is a bac&,door bac&,up tree- $herapists should be cautioned that these
trees oten come in groups o 9-
What ae the Bac*u2%D #eside the principle tree/ the programmers "ill oten plant a
lo"er that represents the generational ties- I the tree is ta&en out the lo"er "ill
regenerate the tree- $he petals/ the lo"er center/ the stem and roots represent dierent
generations o the *ictim- %nderstanding the Maiden,Mother,'rone combination in the
Mothers,o,Dar&ness- $herapists are going to ind Illuminati sla*es ha*ing 9 alters
placed together- $his is part o ho" these systems are structured- $he maiden is set up on
the pedestal as the 0a0 alter- $he irst programming chart "hich sho"s all the 0a0 alters
in the system consists only o the young maiden mothers- $he mother or second igures
are close behind the a.s- !o"e*er/ the crone part o the triads is meant to hide in the
bac&ground- $hey ser*e as the po"er o ad*ice behind the scenes- $hese Mother o
Dar&ness triads participate in *arious ceremonies- $heir initial initiation ceremonies
included "ater torture "ith electroshoc&/ "hich is the death/ burial and resurrection
ceremony- $here are the ull range o Satanic holidays or the Mothers and a loo& at the
rill range o holidays "ill pro*ide a person "ith the type o ceremonies that the Mothers
carry out/ "hich include the t"o solstices- Dierent Mother,o,Dar&ness alters
participate in dierent ceremonies- $he inside o their blac& *el*et go"ns are color
coded so that "ithin the ran&s o the Mothers are a "hole series o ran&s (grades)- All o
these Mother parts ha*e been told they are di*ine goddesses- $he ollo"ing inormation
"ill clariy this urther-
The /othe o <A< 0at%
$he Mother part o the Goddess $rinity is the high point in all cycles- $raditionally her
color is red/ the color o lie orce- $he Mother is associated "ith adulthood and
parenthood- $he Mother is ripeness and balance- Mothers acti*ely "or& magic&- She is a
nurturer- She is conident and has no indecision- $he Mother &no"s "hat she is- She is
the ull moon- Summer is the Mother.s time o the year/ the ull moon is her monthly
point o po"er- She is honored by #eltane (May ?)/ Summer Solstice/ and 1unasa (Aug-
?)- As stated beore there are certain rituals "hich call or Mothers rather than a maiden
or a crone-
/aiden O <B< 0at%
$he young maiden part o the mothers is the e;ui*alent to the 0apprentice0 le*el o the
mystery schools and Freemasonry- $he myth holds that the maiden "ill be eternally
youthul- @*en "ith the aging process/ the goddess can e=perience youthulness in the
mind- $he maiden is the creatress o ne" ideas- She also is the armed hunter o the
Mother.s la"s- She is the Guardian o the #alance- She is a"are o her se=uality- She is
independent and not controlled by men- She is the Way,Sho"er/ the >eeper o the >eys-
5ou "ill ind the maiden in the ollo"ing rituals4 Ne" beginning rituals Plans or
conception $he birth o a child $he irst menstruation or girls Puberty rituals or boys
The Cone o <C< 0at%
$hese alters rarely sho" themsel*es- $hey stay in the shado"s and pass on ad*ice- $he
crone aspect o the $riad o Goddesses has been called the $errible Mothers/ the !ag/
the Dar& Mother/ and the Wise +ne- She is associated "ith blac&/ death/ "inter/
menopause/ "isdom/ counsel/ reincarnation/ and the initiator into the deepest o the
Mysteries- $he "aning Moon is her monthly time o po"er- $he crones number is 7- 7 is
a number o "isdom and sacred magic&- Nine is also a moon number/ "hich means
spiritual completion and "holeness- $he crone has a cauldron- She is the great recycler-
She is the ultimate teacher- She contacts the Spirits and is an e=pert on demonology- She
is the >eeper o the Spiritual Records- She is the shado" behind the Mother.s throne-
According to the occult/ she is the elder o unlimited "isdom- $here are certain rituals
"hich call or the crone/ such as Winter Solstice- $he crone completes the "heel or
cycle o e=istence o the Mothers o Dar&ness- She is most li&ely in the system the most
dehumanized o the three that sit on the pedestal- $he ollo"ing are a sampling o the
goddesses you "ill ind- Since the names o these goddesses are not secret/ it is possible
or people "ho are not in the occult to trac& do"n "hat the popular goddess names are-
!ere are a e" that are placed into systems4
AS@$ (Isis) (Maiden),,She d"ells in the s&y as the sil*er sheen- Isis or Aset is the best
&no"n o the @gyptian goddesses- !er name means throne- She is a ruler- She is the
mother o the Anti,'hrist igure o !orus- She has a horned cro"n or a solar cro"n- She
has lots o titles-
#AS$ (Maiden),,#ast is the mother goddess o all cats- #ast loo&ed li&e an ?C. giant
"ith a cat head- Internally/ in the system she "ill loo& hugh- #lac& cats "ere sacred to
#ast- $he internal #ast may li&e obsidian and cats,eye- #ast corresponds to 5esod (the
Foundation) on the 'abalistic $ree o 1ie-
'AI11@'! ('rone),,'aillech "as the Scotch and Irish 'rone igure- She is &no"n as
the blac& mother- A deri*ati*e o her name is 'aledonia- She "as the Spirit o disease-
'aillech means an old "oman/ a hag/ or a *eiled one- 'aliornia is named ater a *ersion
o her name- Some thin& her name is a deri*ati*e o >ali-
!A$,!+R (Mother),,!at,!or is also &no"n as !et,!ert- She is the "omb o !orus-
She is Iueen o the Dead/ or Iueen o the West- In mythology/ !athor/ "hen turned
loose on the earth/ sle" humans until blood ran in the ri*ers- She is the a*enging
Mother- She is identiied "ith the hea*enly co" "ho made the Mil&y Way/ and the Nile
Goose/ "ho laid the Golden @gg-
IS!$AR (Mother in the s"amps),,Ishtar is 1ady o hea*en/ goddess o the moon- Istar
had a lion throne and a double serpent scepter- Ishtar "ent do"n through D gates into
dar&ness and then returned in order to try to ind her lo*er $ammuz- Sometimes Istar is
accompanied by dragons- She "as originally a #abylonian goddess-
>A1I ('rone),,>ali or >ali Ma is the best &no"n 'rone goddess- She "ill be deep in an
System- +ne image o her in mythology is s;uatting o*er the dead Shi*a de*ouring his
penis "hile physically eating his intestines- $his is an actual Satanic ritual that Mothers,
o ,Dar&ness participate in- >ali has both creation,E destruction abilities- >ali.s
nec&lace in Indian legend consists o s&ulls "ith magical sans&rit letters- >ali "as and is
"orshipped by a great number o people/ especially the !indus- +ne group o
"orshippers has been the $hugs/ "ho relate to the Assassins and the >nights $emplars-
Another group o >ali "orshippers are the gypsies "ho let India in the middle ages and
o*er the ne=t ollo"ing hundreds o years tra*elled all o*er the "orld- +riginally/ blood
sacriices o male animals or men "ere made to her- $here is a reported decrease in India
o such blood sacriices rom "hat it "as a century ago- $he a*orite *ie" o >ali is the
blac& >ali named Da&shina&ali- She is usually sho"n blac& and na&ed/ ull,breasted
"ith dishe*elled hair and a "ild grimace-
>+R@,P@RS@P!+N@ (Maiden),,A great mother o Gree& myth- >ore means
0maiden0 in gree&- In mythology/ she "atched the grain gro" among the "ildlo"ers/
especially red poppies- She became the mistress o the under"orld- She guards the
chasm that goes into the earth- She mar&s each spirit o the dead on their orehead "ith
pomegranate 2uice- Pomegranates are used in ritual- >ore returns in Spring to see her
mother Demeter- According to Gree& legend >ore "as raped in !ades- She is also
&no"n as the Iueen o the Dead- A similar Illuminati ceremony ta&es place "here a
male "earing a mas& acts li&e Satan- >ore ma&es the 2ourney to !ades by hersel
"ithout her mother- $he Gree& mystery schools/ "hich included many great Gree&
thin&ers/ ha*e had rituals around >ore-
MAA$,,Maat.s name means 0She "hose name is $ruth0- !er symbol is a red ostrich
eather- A ritual *o" is 0by the Feather o Maat-0 Maat.s presence might e=plain "hy a
System is inatuated "ith eathers- Maat is the one in legend "ho 0is the pattern0 ,,the
one "ho 0"ill ind a "ay to "ea*e us bac& into our proper places in the tapestry-0
B. Caou%e$ $he 'arousel in real lie is used as a de*ice to teach dissociation/ and ho"
the alters are to go up and do"n in trance- Sometimes you "ill see parents "ho seem to
be so lo*ing ha*ing their children ride or long periods on a carousel- $hey might
actually be programming them in dissociation-
An internal carousel is built into an internal system- Mirrors and shado"s are placed
around and perhaps in it- $he carousel spins and mo*es up and do"n repeatedly- In the
center o the carousel/ the Programmers oten place something or someone important-
$hey "ill oten put this at the bottom o the DNA double heli= and ha*e the double heli=
ele*ator shat coming up the center o the carousel- $he carousel.s bottom side "ill set
on top o the system.s s"itching mechanism- And the core "ill sometimes be placed in
the center o the carousel some"hat underneath it- $he s"itching mechanism is the main
control or turning the system (the Grandather cloc& so to spea&-)
$he carousel may ha*e umbrella programming immediately on top o it- ($his could be
Illuminati Delta alters/ "hich can be one o the deepest things put in-) $he carousel
must be approached rom the bac& side- At times an internal &ey/ "hich oten loo&s li&e
an old &ey is needed to enter the 'arousel- Many Illuminati systems are gi*en a &ey or
set o &eys/ and at times "hen they enter therapy the ront alters gi*e this to their
therapist not &no"ing "hat the &ey is/ but &no"ing it is important-
$he co,authors belie*e that these &eys are carousel &eys- A alse trinity "ill be assigned
to guard this/ "hich "ill consist o the False Prophet/ $he #east or Dragon/ and the
!ooed +ne- $he alse prophet and the #east (dragon) come out o the boo& o
Re*elations- $he !ooed +ne is a rare occult term or Satan/ not to be conused "ith
the popular usage o the !orned +ne in the occult- $he t"o terms are dierent-
I se*eral carousels are built into a system/ then they "ill ha*e other guards than the
alse trinity- In many Illuminati systems/ there are ?9 silent splits made rom the core
called silences/ and at this time during the splitting process guards are made to the
'arouselLcore- $he method o doing this is to place blac& co*ers o*er the eyes o the
*ictim/ and then probes are inserted into the base o the s&ull/ as "ell as electric shoc&s
being applied body,"ide and in the subcortical part o the brain- $he *ictim has their
mouth restrained rom screaming- $he pain rom this is about as e=cruciating as a
human can stand- First/ the ear part o the brain is acti*ated- $hen the logic part is
acti*ated/ and the *ictim is told repeatedly 0#e good/ obey-0 Ne=t/ the ear is stimulated/
and then the pain- $he head "ill ha*e e=cruciating pain/ and so "ill the body to the point
o nausea and sic&ness- An alter "ill be created to carry the pain/ and one to carry the
ear/ and one to carry the anger- $hese "ill be identiied and used to guard the carousel-
Si= alters "ill guard the carousel- $hey "ill be identiied and lin&ed to the most
important carousel/ "hich guards the core-
$o attempt to thin& about the carousel/ on the part o an alter/ may bring up these guards/
and the system "ill abreact in memories that are almost unbelie*ably painul- I a
therapist accidentally triggers this/ get the little child guard to bac& up or go to sleep-
Ma&e sure the heart o the *ictim/ and lungs continue to unction- $he alters "ithin the
*ictim.s system may ha*e 0aged0 slightly since their primal trauma/ and may appear
about 8 years o age- Most alters this young do not &no" ho" old they really are-
$herapists "ill attempt to associate the memory and pro*ide anchors rom the early
memory to the present- Association strategies are "or&ed out by the therapist to deal
"ith the particular trauma in relation to "hat alters are there to help and "ere in*ol*ed
in the trauma- $he association may be done in steps- +lder helping alters can help assess
the age o the inant alter by ans"ering ;uestions about size/ teeth/ physical abilities/
*erbal abilities etc- Kerbal abilities o illuminati inants may be ad*anced beyond norms-
C. Ca%t$e. A castle system "ill contain a moat/ dra"bridge/ turrets/ gargoyles/ a torture
dungeon illed "ith actual memories o torture/ secret passages/ lots o le*els/ E rooms
including a library- 'hild alters are oten hidden in the castle- Disobedient alters may be
loc&ed up in the castle- 1ots o traps are placed around and in the castle- $he castle "ill
house some alters and also some deadly programs- When castle alters get stirred up/ the
*ictim may internally see the castle lights go on- $he castle "alls may ha*e a grid on
them- $he castle may be guarded by monsters-
D. Ca!e and 'e$$. A gate&eeper "ill guard the ca*e- Disobedient alters may be put
do"n the "ell- $his system deals "ith a lot o dar&ness- 'atacombs may be connected to
the ca*e and "ell- Falling do"n the "ell is one "ay to get to the abyss (see the ilm
1abyrinth)- %sually there is only one entrance,e=it to this ca*e-
E. Che%% Boad. $his system utilizes the Alice In Wonderland story- It is put into male
sla*es- $he pieces o the chess board mo*e in *arious "ays setting o dierent
programs- $he de*il "ill e;ual the blac& &ing- A program might sound li&e this4 0#lac&
&night mo*es t"o spaces and one right- White &night mo*es t"o spaces and one let-
White &night challenges blac& &night- #lac& Iueen mo*es : spaces-0 $he *ictim "ho
recei*es this programming must be the type o thin&er "ho "ould play chess reasonably
"ell- $he script can be sho"n *ia *ideos "hile the *ictim is under hypnotic drugs-
F. Dou)$e He$i=. $his is a *ery important system- $he double heli= pattern is used as
an ele*ator shat running up and do"n the "orlds created or the alters- In general/ each
"orld lays at a trance le*el- $he double,heli= is put in at programming sites "here they
ha*e ull medical acilities/ such as 1etterman !ospital/ Presideo/ 'A- $he codes up and
do"n the ele*ator are alpha,numeric "ith lots o numbers- #ecause the "ay the double
heli= shape t"ists/ one can ride the ele*ator and get o a le*el ?/ 9/ :/ D/ 7 but you ha*e
to ride it the other "ay to get o at 8/ 6/ A/ C/ ?</ ?8- #ecause the double heli= is the
centerpiece o ho" the dierent physiological states o the mind are being layered/
ta&ing the *ictim do"n to these dierent physiological states and le*els is *ery ris&y and
by the time it is through it in*ol*es lots o blood transusions or the *ictim- $he
'aduceus is a double heli= "ith sna&es at the top- $he 'aduceus is an occult symbol
used in ancient #abylon/ ancient !indu India/ and by 'hinese occultists- Mercury in
occult lore carries a sta called a caduceus- Mercury.s sta is a cabalistic symbol-
William !eller.s boo& on the >aballah on page DC states/ 0Mercury.s sta/ called
'aduceus/ and made o intert"ined blac&,and,"hite t"in serpents/ heralds more
orthcoming splits into duality- +nce again/ it relects the ambi*alent mind/ its
conscious/ and subconscious states/ its "a&ing thoughts and imaginati*e dreams-0 So
according to cabalistic doctrine/ the caduceus represents the *arious states o the mind-
G. F$o'e %y%te". $his system is attached to other systems/ and utilizes the po"er o
peer pressure and generational ties- $he lo"ers "ill oten be bright- $he bud o the
lo"er "ill represent one person/ the stem and the lo"er represent others- $his system
might be connected to the %mbrella/ the $rees/ the $riangle and the Star- A lo"er can
regenerate an internal tree because o its generational roots- Flo"ers are also used as
ele*ator shats/ such as a sunlo"er- +ne has to 2ump into the center o the lo"er and go
do"n the stem to reach a lo"er le*el- Flo"er ields such as the poppy ield are used as a
hypnotic trigger to put an alter into deep trance-
H. He$i=. $his is a simpliied *ersion o the double heli=-
I. Hou ($a%%. $hree hour glasses "ill be placed around the =,y,z a=is in a ;uadrant- A
;uadrant consists o a section o alters in a "orld and their mirror images- $he hour
glass programming also includes a suicide program- ?8 disciple alters "ill be placed
"ithin the hourglass- @ach disciple has to memorize a disciple lesson- I something
triggers them/ they "ill begin to all through the hour glass- I each o these ?8 disciples
alls through the hour glass li&e sand/ then a sleeping giant li&e in Bac& in the #eanstal&
"ill "a&e up/ - When the Giant a"a&es/ he "ill &ill the body- And o course/ a mirror
image o the Giant alter "ill be made also to help insure that at least one o the giants
get the 2ob done-
5. /en%a. $his is a program put into sla*es "ho ha*e photographic memories- It
in*ol*es lots o numbers and math- It.s o*erall structure loo&s li&e a triangular,shaped
ish net/ "ith all the nodes or &nots o the net containing a triangle- $he core is placed at
the center o the triangle and is surrounded by more triangles- $here are circles o alters
"ithin circles o alters- 'ircles "ithin circles- $he a circle can rotate and seems ne*er to
end- $he programming is meant to be non,ending- $here are also triangles "ithin
triangles- $he eect o using a structure li&e this to house the alters is that they eel
trapped in endless circles and mazes o triangles "ithin triangles- $he codes in a Mensa
system "ill be e;uations (sometimes called union orce codes)/ bar codes/ and number
K. 0enta(a" %y%te". +ne pentagram system has pentagrams "ithin pentagrams- $he
geometric lines gro" rom pentagram to pentagram by lines running in opposite
directions- $his has the same eect as circles "ithin circles-
9. 0oo$ o& Death. +ne or more o these can be placed into an alter system- $hey oten
are ound inside the main castle- Dead alters and body parts and torture ragments/ are
all dumped into these system garbage dumps- $he Spirits o Death and Destruction
control these pools o Death- Kariations o this may be called 1a&es o Death/ and
Waters o Death- In some systems/ this is o*erseen by $as&master alters-
/. 0otteM% Whee$. $his is the e;ui*alent to a computer utility program- $he "ay it
unctions is that the Programmer pulls the alters he "ants to "or& on up on the potter.s
"heel in order to "or& on them- When they are pulled up on the potter.s "heel/ they can
be as&ed to stand in order and ran&- $hen the alters "ill come to the ront o the mind on
top o each other in their prearranged se;uence- $he 'harismatic mo*ement
programmer.s li&e to use this/ because the Programmer can become god/ and the sla*e
becomes the clay- 'an the pot tal& bac& to the potter3 $he #ible *erse in ISA 6:47 is
used/ 0W+@ unto him that stri*eth "ith his Ma&erJ 1et the potsherd stri*e "ith the
potsherds o the earth- Shall the clay say to him that ashioneth it/ What ma&eth thou3 or
thy "or&/ !e hath no hands30 $he ne=t *erse again repeats its "oes upon those "ho
;uestion parents "ho ashion a child- As is typical o a number o Illuminati programs/
at irst glance they loo& li&e they are merely per*ersions o the #ible/ but a closer loo&
re*eals that they are actually ancient occult rituals- For instance/ the Illuminati belie*e
0As abo*e/ so belo"-0 $his is druidic philosophy/ e*en though it sounds some"hat li&e
something rom the #ible- In the boo& In*ocation o the Gods Ancient @gyptian Magic
or $oday/ pg- 8<9/ the boo& gi*es a magical in*ocation that supposedly has been ound
in ancient @gyptian magical papyri- At any rate this in*ocation.s "ording is po"erul in
@nglish or a Monarch sla*e- $he In*ocation is called $he Potter.s Wheel- 0!ear the
sound o the potter.s "heel As it spinsJ >hnumJ See the clay on the potter.s "heel As it
spinsJ >hnumJ Feel the hand o the Mighty 1ord Form the seed to contain a soul As it
spins- See the soul/ on the Wheel o 1ie As it spinsJ >hnumJ #irth to death on the
Wheel o 1ie See the soul/ on the Wheel o 1ie As it spinsJ And "ith death "e are born
ane" While the *essel that.s tossed aside Will return to the potter.s "heel As it spinsJ0
$his is 2ust one more e=ample o "here programming and magic intersect-
N. 0u22et Sy%te". In this system the body eels totally dis2ointed and controlled by
strings- Mengele en2oyed this program- !e "ould say/ 0Dance Marionette dance-0 In
other "ords/ to paraphrase/ 0dance sla*e or me the controller0- Demons are laid in to
pull the strings o the puppet- $he internal controller may be a demon or a demonized
alter- It can be attached to other systems such as the Pentagram system- In a pre*ious
part o the boo&/ it "as discussed ho" the *ictim.s body is paralyzed by drugs and then
electroshoc&ed in a "ay that the person seems to be the Programmers puppet- $his is put
in "hen the child is *ery young- $his puppet programming is *ery con*incing to a small
child/ and is a *ery nasty program or the sla*e to e=perience-
O. So$e"etic %y%te". $his is used or go*ernmentLbusinessLresearch sla*es "ho must
perorm comple= tas&s and they "ant their minds to be less ragmented or not
ragmented- $he mind can be programmed and di*ided rom itsel "ithout creating alter
personalities- #ecause the di*isions in the mind due to dissociation and programming
lies are not as deeply structured/ *ictims "ho get solemetric systems ha*e strong
demonic orces and lot.s ritual to hold their systems in place-
0. S2ide We) %y%te" o B$ac* Wido' S2ide Sy%te". $his system is set up 2ust or
blac&mail and destruction *ia entrapment o unsuspecting people "ho are percei*ed as
threats to the Illuminati- $his system is ound in lots o "omen coming into churches
"ith decent by nai*e ministers- $he system has a "eb "ith connectors and sil& strands-
A target person "ill be symbolically placed into the "eb and then the blac& "ido"
alter(s) "ill entrap the *ictim- $his is programming to ta&e do"n pastors o churches
"ith se=ual entrapment- $he spirit Kiper ound in ISA :74: is placed into this system to
protect it- $here "ill be egg alters "hich "ill de*our the *ictim/ and Gate&eepers are
assigned to guard the system-
A. S2iitua$ %tuctuin(. $he spiritual structuring is not a single structure- A e"
people ha*e "or&ed "ith the deeper elements o the programming to help *ictims and
also &no" "hat the Illuminati programmers ha*e done and "hat their agenda is/ ha*e
come to realize that the spiritual structuring is the most important part o an Illuminati
system- What you "ill no" read is &no"n only to an e=clusi*e e"- Spiritual castles
(Grandather/ Father/ Mother/ and Grandmother castles) and spiritual temples (to
Moloch and #aal etc-) are constructed internally- @ntire spiritual "orlds are constructed
internally- $he most primal parts o the mind/ and the &ey early alters and the core
essence are usually ta&en to spiritual constructs "ithin the Illuminati sla*e- $he gems are
empo"ered by the light o 1ucier (an alter,demon combination)- #ut e*en more deeper
than that are the generational ties- $he programmers/ "ho themsel*es are generational
satanists/ are part o a plan "here the generational legal rights o Satan are accumulated
upon an indi*idual- In the Scriptures it says that the sins o the athers are *isited upon
the third and ourth generation- $his gi*es Satan a legal right to the generational *ictim-
@ach bloodline has its Prince demons attached to it,,2ust li&e in the #ible the Prince o
Persia "as both a man E and a demon- !idden "ithin spiritual constructs such as blac&
diamonds/ and diamonds/ are urther demonic constructs- $he thrones o the
generational Prince Demons are attached to the primal human part o the *ictim- $his is
entirely spiritual,,beyond that there are no "ords to describe it- It is *ery real to the
sur*i*or "hen therapists get to that point ("hich is *ery rareJ)- $he po"er o the
Illuminati is that it is generational- $hey build upon that/ "hen they build a system-
Some o these genealogies ha*e not been ree or many generations- I you "ant to spoil
a structure/ one need to bind the strongman- $he strongman in an Illuminati system is
the generational ties- All ties to the bloodlines need to be renounced- $he Programmers
"ill ta&e little Illuminati children to crypts o their ancestors in order to better attach the
generational spirits- $he "omb holding the premature child is used as a temple in the
Moon 'hild ceremonies- Ater the child is born the "omb structure "ill spiritually ser*e
as a temple or the primal human parts o an Illuminati sla*e- Whether the therapist can
realize these things or not/ in the *ery least/ they are a"are o the saying 0Father li&e
son0/ and are a"are ho" traits may s&ip a generation but ho" a grandson may mirror a
grandather- $he generational aspects to Illuminati sla*es are a ma2or role in the
R. Stai'e$$. $he stair"ell is 2ust as it sounds/ it is a stair"ell that is placed into a
system- $he stair"ell can be used as a trap or alters "ho are un"ise enough to be lured
by programming to go into it- $he stair"ell system connects *arious le*els- $here are
booby traps and demonic entities attached to the system- Stair"ells may be sealed up
"ith Gate&eepers assigned to protect them- I an alter proceeds do"n a stair"ell to get to
other le*els they need to realize that they initially "ill hit 0tornado (also called
"hirl"ind) programming0 and looding o memories- $he tornados "ill spin the *ictim
in"ard and disorient them- $he alter holding the body "ill eel as i it is out o control
and going to die-
S. Te$e%co2in(. Any telescoping ob2ect (such as a telescoping army drin&ing cup/ or a
telescoping rod) can be used to gi*e the *isual picture or the child to ollo" "hen it is
being programmed- A telescoping system oten has a time le*el/ a unction le*el and an
age le*el- $he game o 'hutes and 1adders along "ith Bacob.s 1adder ha*e been used to
place the story line into children-
T. Tonado Sy%te". $his is a ree loating system that mo*es around areas that the
programmers "ant protected- When it hits an alter(s) it causes conusion/ spinning/ and
s"itching/ as "ell as a eeling o losing control- It.s part o the elemental bac& up
programs discussed "ithin a e" pages-
+. +")e$$a. $his is associated "ith military programming- An umbrella protects
something/ such as the Delta assassination alters- An umbrella must be ta&en do"n rom
the inside and so must this protecti*e shield o the %mbrella program- +ne %mbrella
system had D gates to it-
De&en%e% In Death
What "ould happen i a sla*e physically got a"ay rom its master or handler3 $his has
happened countless times and the mind,control is so solid that the handlers don.t ha*e
too much to "orry about- Mind,controlled sla*es ha*e gone to therapists or years and
ne*er gotten ree o the mind,control- $he therapeutic process that the establishment has
schooled them in and then re;uires them to adhere to/ pre*ents the therapist rom doing
things that might really set the *ictim ree- $herapists are oten loath to gi*e any help in
any thing that smac&s o spirituality- $he spiritual issues in many o these sla*es are the
most crucial issues acing them- I they don.t resol*e these spiritual issues/ the deeper
alters "ill continue to adhere to their blood oaths o allegiance to their Satanic abusers
and their oaths to ser*e Satan loyally-
@ach cult "hich programs/ ma&es sure that they place in lots o loyal alters/ "hich
therapists call persecutor alters because they torment the alters "ho "ant reedom- I
therapists try to eliminate these persecutor alters/ they "ill ight bac& "ith the ull
tenacity and strength that the sur*i*al instinct gi*es to anyone- $heir persecutor role
needs to be *alidated/ and then redirected to"ard producti*e ends- Many persecutor
alters see lie simply as ollo"ing their instructions and that they are protecting the
system rom greater harm by stopping therapy- During programming that "as the case/
but i their System has reached a good therapist and has good support team o other
people/ their ears no longer apply- $he cult "ill attempt to sho" them that their ears do
still apply- !opeully/ the support team or the system o alters "ill "or& as hard at
protecting as the abusers do to reinorce the ear-
Many o the programmers ha*e been associated "ith the military- +ne o the tric&s that
the military learned is a deense in depth- $he Russians employed deenses in depth "ith
great success in ?769 in the big battle o >urs& during W-W- II- $he irst deense is that
the sla*e has no a"areness o the MPD (DID) or that they are being used as a sla*e-
Some o the alters "ill realize that something is "rong/ but the mind control is too
strong or them to see clearly- @ssentially the System is in trance all the time/ e*en the
ront alters/ they do not percei*e reality li&e people "ho are not in trance all the
time- $he ne=t line o deense is that the ronts o an alter System don.t ha*e a clue
about the abuse or "hat their system has been designed or- $he ront alters "ill ha*e
alters "hich are loyal to the master/ and alters "ho are ull o craziness and
disinormation- I the *ictim &eeps probing ("hich many don.t) they "ill disco*er an
occult in*ol*ement- @*en i they disco*er that the System is related to the occult "orld/
the programming is still intact- I the person inds out he is MPD/ and inds out that the
System "as part o the occult "orld/ then he still is captured by all the programming
"hich is intact-
Walls/ ire "alls/ mazes/ suicide programming/ internal armies/ programmed craziness
and many other tactics sap the strength o the ront alters i they try to de*iate rom the
straight and narro" programmed "ay o beha*ing-
W!@N $!@ FINA1 'A11 #A'> IS GIK@N,,many Monarch sla*es are programmed
to &ill their therapists because the Illuminati "ill be able to hideLprotect them once they
lea*e their place in society and return or the inal callbac&- Reporting alters hidden
"ell in the System/ obser*e and secretly report bac& to the Net"or& e*erything a
therapist does- $he alters ha*e i= me codes to call or help such as 0FIV M@0/ 0I%@@N
+F !@AR$0/ 0$!R@@ 1I$$1@ >I$$@NS W!+ 1+S$ $!@IR MI$$@NS0/ 0$!@
'+WS IN $!@ '+RN/ 1I$$1@ BA'>I@ !+RN@R W+N.$ 5+% P1@AS@ #1+W
5+%R !+RN-0 $he 2o&ers and internal programmers "ill "or& night and day to stop or
re*erse any "or& done to"ard reedom- $here are so many le*els/ suicide programs and
so many other deenses a person.s body is not strong enough to attac& the programming
head on-
$here are or instance #ells o Destruction programming/ $he War in the !ea*ens
suicide programming/ the Gethsemane Suicide Programming/ the +ctopus suicide
programming/ the In2ection o #leach/ the o*erdose o drugs/ the go insane program/ 2ust
to mention a e"- $he sla*e "ill be gi*en a "hole batch o these types o programs
"hich may all go o at once i the sla*e doesn.t comply "ith &eeping the mind control
secret- +ne internal protecti*e programming line is $he Man "ithout a 'ountry story-
Another is a "ater program but in "ith Scripture rom Ber- about Ahab stomping the
grapes- Another is or the sla*e to thin& they ha*e been turned into a ragile paper doll-
$he paper doll programming is put in by ma&ing the s&in *ery sensiti*e to any touch/
and then attaching that memory to the hypnotic suggestion o being a paper doll- An
octopus suicide program cho&es the sla*e i they are disobedient- A mush the brain is
triggered by a anning mo*ement- I the sla*e touches the programming/ Armageddon
programming is acti*ated in those "ho ha*e #ible programming- $he our horsemen on
their dierent horses ride out and bring their dierent mental tortures to the sla*e.s
mind- Winged mon&eys (possibly alter ragments) rom the Wizard o +z story
programming are called 0"atchers0- $hey "atch alters- $he sla*e is conditioned that i
any programming or demonology is ta&en out/ it "ill come bac& se*en times se*en
stronger- $he #ible (M$ ?8469,66) is used to put in this programming- Actually/ this is
more than programming/ there is a principle in operation here- $herapists need to be
cautious about pulling things out/ i they do not understand "hat the ramiications "ill
be- We "ant the *ictim to ha*e hope/ not to ma&e the tas& loo& harder-
+ne o the primary protecti*e programs is the B%DAS PR+GRAMMING- Anyone "ho
betrays the abusers is labelled 0Budas0 and is programmed to go out and act li&e Budas by
hanging themsel*es- I that mind control program doesn.t happen/ the Illuminati "arn
their people 0Remember $om 'ollins0/ "ho "as the son o an Illuminati Grand Mother/
"ho became a 'hristian/ started e=posing the Illuminati in churches/ and "as gunned
do"n in a grocery par&ing lot- Finally/ the members are "arned that they "ill be
sacriiced on a cross li&e 'hrist in "hat is termed 0a traitor.s death-0 %sually/ mind,
controlled sla*es "ill police their o"n actions and thoughts- $he therapist may hear their
Monarch client tal& about the Do*e/ ire/ Moriab/ and "ater as protectors- $hey may tal&
about a little bird do*e "ho is part o protection "hich lies itto the ebony trees- $he
basic deensi*e programming placed into the early Illuminati models "as based upon
the 6 #ASI' @1@M@N$S,,ire/ "ind/ "ater/ and air- When the programming is touched
by anyone/ the elements o the earth come ali*e- For instance/ i the programming is
touched the ollo"ing programs based on the our elements come ali*e4
WA$@R,,*ictim "ill reeze li&e ice/ "ill suocate li&e inhaling "ater/ "ill boil li&e
being placed in boiling "ater/ "ill eel a drip drip drip on the head/ and "ill lood "ith
memories- $his is "hy some Monarch sla*es do not li&e to s"im-
FIR@,,Kictim "ill burn inside and outside- $he *ictim "ill remember ire torture/ and
perhaps their ace melting- $his is "hy some Monarch sla*es don.t li&e to light a match
or a ire- Sla*es "ill ha*e their programming reinorced "ith the "arning/ 0I you
disobey us/ Satan "ill ta&e your ability to resist burning a"ay/ and you "ill burn in
hell-0 $he alters ha*e no "ay to concei*e that God could lo*e them/ so they eel i they
are to ha*e any chance not to burn in the aterlie o hell they must obey- $he ire
programs "hich acti*ate "hen they disobey reinorce this "arning- +ten *ictims report
a 0Ring o Fire0 burning "ithin-
@AR$!,,the *ictim "ill remember being dropped do"n a "ell/ being buried ali*e in
either hot sand/ or a cas&et- @arth means 0lie or death0- $he earth 0s"allo"s people up-0
$he *ictim may eel dehydrated rom memories o being buried in hot sand (hot earth)-
$his is "hy some *ictims ha*e a ear o being buried ali*e- In act/ this can be done
internally "here alters are internally placed in cas&ets and buried- Alters are also
internally thro"n into internal "ells- $he Illuminati programmers say/ 0AS!@S $+
AS!@S/ D%S$ $+ D%S$. to mean that the earth "ill bring death- Sometimes e*en
*olcanos erupt (earth and ire) out o the ocean ("ater) and destroy parts o a system-
Internal earth;ua&es also happen ;uic&ly and then the entire system "ill be shited and
AIR or WIND,,Korte=es suc& the person do"n and a"ay/ a strong "ind ta&es the
alter(s) into the Rubicon o +uter Space and the body dismembers itsel as it goes a"ay-
$he mind doesn.t understand "hy it is being torn apart/ only that it is being torn li&e a
tornado- $he alter may also go into a bubble and loat a"ay-($his eect is put in "L
drugs and hypnosis-) $hey "ill dissociate and nothing is real- !o" does one place into a
child these types o programs3 1et.s say the programmers "ant to put in the
$umble"eed Program "here the child eels li&e it has become a tumble"eed E can.t
ground and get its bearings on anything- 1et.s say the programmer also "ants the child
to lose his arms E legs "hile being blo"n a"ay- $he child is dehydrated so the mind is
o*erheated and hallucinating- Special drugs are also gi*en to the child to ma&e it more
delirious/ ma&e it more suggestible/ etc- $he little child by this point has no mind o its
o"n- !ea*y ans "ith hot air are placed upon the child- It is hypnotically told that it has
no arms and no legs- $he child is too "ea& to thin& or itsel- It is almost comatose- $he
child "ill be let or perhaps C hours as a script "hich &eeps repeating itsel is played on
a *oice bo=- $he child "ill hallucinate the script or the *ideo it is being sho"n- When
the child can gi*e the script bac& to the programmer e=actly li&e it is meant to be/ then
the programmers &no" they can stop- $he child alter is to ta&e on the identity o the
tumble"eed- I it responds li&e many Main alters,,it "ill pass this ability on to splits that
it creates or this purpose- $hese splits created or the tumble"eed script "ill be clean
slates or the programmers to manipulate- #y the "ay/ smelling salts are used to "a&e up
child *ictims "ho are too comatose-
O!e!ie' O& The 0ince%% 0o(a""in(
$he +mega programs pre*ent integrating the Multiple personalities/ and they hold the
body programs/ and run the computers- I ma2or tampering is done "ith the System/
"hich threatens to totally "ipe out the +mega programs/ then one o the bac&up
programs is the Princess programming- $he princess programming is a bac& up
program- It can be triggered se*eral "ays- +ne method is by astral communication
bet"een loyal alters and their Illuminati programmer- !o"e*er/ the main triggering
actor is that the System has recognized that serious tampering has been done to the
System- I serious deprogramming occurs/ the Princess program "ith 0Sleeping #eauty0
&ic&s in- $he programming is contained "ithin a bo=/ "hich is opened up upon the
appropriate cues- $he "ay it operates is that it &ic&s in "hen the handler loses control
o*er a system- $he princess "ho is &ept sleeping by spiders "hich bite her in a coin/
"a&es up and loo&s or the prince to come-
Daddy demon and the dar& princess are no" ruling rom the castle dungeon- A System.s
d"ars and $hor continue to guard as "ell as the big guard cats li&e #ast- Dar&ness sets
in on all the top sections o alters/ and thic& "alls and pain come/ then a "ebbing much
li&e a body,suit,cocoon "ill en*elope all but alters loyal to the master- It becomes hard
to breathe and the alters "ho had sought reedom rom the programming/ no" ind
themsel*es being tranced out- Alters "ho are cold and in lots o pain are called up by
code to torment the body- $he +uter Dar&ness o a System (sometimes called the
Rubicon) gets thic&er- I Gate&eeper and >itten alters ha*e porcelain ace programming/
then they "ill get their porcelain mas&s bac& as the +mega programming &ic&s bac& in-
$he porcelain mas&s ha*e cords bac& to the blac& princess- $he blac& princess.s coin
has cords to Papa- $he core "ill gi*e her energy to the dar& side/ and alters "ho "ant
reedom "ill recei*e *ery little energy- $hey "ill be *ery tired-
$hose alters "ho li&ed the light side and reedom are no" under attac&- $hey "ill be
isolated by "alls and then incapacitated by a cocoon "hich leads to death- $he alters
"ho do not "ant to be part o Satanism "ill be "or&ed o*er/ and they "ill continue to be
"or&ed o*er until they shatter- I need be/ they can be ta&en to the castle dungeon and
played mo*ies o torture "hich ha*e been coded and entered into the mind *ia codes-
Internal *oodoo "ill be carried out to scare alters into complying-
$he "orlds "ill reestablish their compasses- $he internal #@AS$ computer along "ith
the dar& princess run the sho"- $he bo= "hich opens up/ sets o the suicide
programming- $he primary tool in ighting the suicide programming is the "ill to ight-
I the "ill to ight is strong/ a "ay to ight through the "alls can be ound- I the "alls
are bro&en do"n/ then a strategy o isolating the castle.s programming can be carried
out/ and e*entually the blac& princess can e*en be retrie*ed- Since the princess and
daddy demon are running things *ia spiritual and demon processes/ the battle at this
point in*ol*es spiritual "arare/ although there are probably other methods to sol*e the
$he castle programming "ill be isolated by closing the portals/ and other saeguards-
$he #lac& Princesses can be turned rom their course- $he #lac& Princess can be
retrie*ed- $he castle.s po"er can be shut do"n- $he Princess programming can be beat/
but it ta&es hard "or&- A system must ma&e decisions to continue ighting the
programming "ith all their creati*ity/ strength and "ill po"er-
A rebirthing program "ill go o- $his rebirthing program is controlled by a System o
cloc&s- $he cloc&s are the stabilizing heartbeat and are tied to the eternal lie orce-
$here are also cloc&s "hich control the steps to the Princess Programming- $hese cloc&s
bring about steps "hich "ill ta&e the System do"n the road to no,return- $hese cloc&s
can be rozen and by reezing them/ one can stop the ne=t step rom ta&ing place- In the
rebirthing program/ umbilical cords and strings run rom alters bac& to the blac&
princess- $he blac& princess is in the torture chamber o the dungeon and the strings
carry the torture memories to alters in sections "anting reedom/ especially those
holding the body- I those alters "ant to stop the intense pain to the body they need to
reeze those strings and stop the torture memories rom coming up rom the torture
chamber- $he umbilical cords are 0eeding0 the alters rom the blac& princess-
$he >ittens alters/ most li&ely due to programming/ "ill "ant to protect the core so they
do not "ant to stop the process o control that the blac& princess is e=erting o*er them-
In other "ords/ they "ill ind it hard to sa*e themsel*es- Internal Koodoo "ill come
rom a dollhouse/ and only by dealing "ith inside the doll house can it be stopped- +ne
option is to create shields to protect alters rom the *oodoo- 'hristians ha*e the shield
o aith "hich really can unction in real lie/ and an internal shield o aith has protected
and shielded 'hristians rom Koodoo- $he dar&ness and "hat people (alters) call 0"alls0
can be looded "ith the blood o Besus/ "hich oten dri*es bac& the dar&ness and can
gi*e reedom to "or&- $he soul ties that are in*ol*ed "ith the princess programming
and the mas&s need to be bro&en and bound- $he System may be able to ind someone or
some place to get "isdom or understanding about their System- $he System also needs
to cut their soul ties to their Illuminati programmers- $he rebirthing program is also
gi*ing directions to the dar& princess- $here is an umbilical cord "hich ties the dar&
princess to the rebirthing program- $he blood o Besus can stop this tie-
D. Bac*u2 0o(a""in(
+ne o the bac&up programs is designed to deal "ith someone "ho has a good
understanding o a system/ and tries to ta&e a system out *ia spiritual "arare- A camera
is designed to relect an image onto a mirror and the deprogrammer "or&s "ith the
mirror images- $he deprogrammer has great success "ith the mirror images/ because the
camera can merely shit its *ie"/ and the things the deprogrammer is trying to get rid o
disappear- !o"e*er/ since the alters that are collaborating "ith the deprogrammer see all
the correct things happen/ they sincerely thin& they are being deprogrammed- When the
deprogrammer inishes the alters eel better/ see their "orlds come together/ but the
"or& has only been a sham- +ther bac&up programs pro*ide the deprogrammer "ith
mirror images and sham alters to tal& "ith- $he deprogrammer ne*er tal&s to the real
human elements- I "e try to gi*e a summary o the dierent bac&up programs "e could
a- each grid has programs attached to its grid no- and each section has a computer/ as
"ell as connecting computers bet"een sections,,,both the programming and the
computers ha*e the po"er to reprogram themsel*es-
b- the 6 elements o nature coming ali*e programs
c- the princess program (based on Sleeping #eauty)
d- a plutonium or atom bomb set up acti*ated by lasers to protect the internal hierarchy-
$he Monarch programming creates *ery comple= systems that are as sophisticated as an
Apollo spacecrat- $here is no "ay all the possible in and outs can be co*ered- !o"e*er/
the reader can "atch a mo*ie 01abyrinth0 to get a good idea o "hat the end product is
li&e or the mind o the *ictim- $he mo*ie represents "hat the internal "orld is li&e or
an alter "ho is trying to understand its mind- It "ould be "orth"hile to inish this
chapter on structuring by co*ering this mo*ie "hich illustrates the end product- $he
bizarre mo*ie 1abyrinth may be sho"n again on !#+ and is a*ailable rom some *ideo
stores- In act/ the *ideo stores ha*e a hard time meeting customer demands or this
popular *ideo- +ne o the co,authors &no"s a girl "ho has "atched 01abyrinth0 t"enty
<9a)yinth<, A 4ie' o& a /onachC% Intena$ Wo$d
In ?7CA/ a mo*ie called 01abyrinth0 "as produced by 'herry McFadden- $he mo*ie "as
Monty Python.s 0$erry Bones0 scripted- $he mo*ie is a portrayal o "hat the internal
"orld inside a Monarch mind,controlled sla*e loo&s li&e- $he Monarch sla*e has an
internal "orld built inside their mind in "hich the hundreds and thousands o alters must
li*e in- $he alters are gi*en a psychotic "orld o iction in "hich they must li*e in as
reality- An alter o a Monarch sla*e "ill ha*e t"o "orlds/ the e=ternal "orld o reality/
and their o"n internal "orld "hich/ because o the programming/ "ill seem more real
than the real "orld-
!ogel/ a gnome/ tells Sarah/ 0$hings are not "hat they seem in this place-0 $he internal
"orlds o the sla*e can be shited and rearranged by the internal programmers- $he
internal programmers can change codes/ eliminate alters/ and carry out e=tensi*e
deception to other parts o the System- As in the Monarch programming/ the mo*ieOs
castle reminds one o @merald 'ity- $he mo*ie 1abyrinth seems "eird and occultic-
Gargoyle el*es (similar to co*en demons) dance magic and a s"eet girl played by
Bennier 'onnelly mo*es rom one "eird scene to another/ "hile an occasional shot
gi*es us the hideous ruler o the 'astle played by Da*id #o"ie- $hese demons also
guard the baby that represents the innocent core-
Monarch sla*es *ery re;uently ha*e castles built into their internal "orld- Some sla*es
"ill ha*e a "hole series o castles/ some are >ing.s castles/ some are Iueen.s castles/
and some are castle.s shaped li&ed pyramids "ith all,seeing eyes in them- $he story line
o the mo*ie 1abyrinth is that the girl/ Sarah/ searches or her baby brother/ $oby/ "ho is
capti*e in a castle in a dream "orld- Actually/ this represents an alter searching or the
innocent core rom "hich it split o rom- +ten the core (the original innocent child
personality "hich split o personalities in order to remain innocent is loc&ed up in the
castle by the programmer "ho ser*es as Master o the castle- +ten in deprogramming/
the core is ta&en to a castle dungeon in a terrible bac&up program called the princess
program "hich "as 2ust described on a pre*ious page- $he princess programming
("hich is a bac& up program) unctions/ "hen the regular programming goes do"n
("hich is rare)- When the Princess bac&,up program &ic&s in the toad is &issed/ the
princess core is "o&e up/ etc- etc- Parts o the Princess program seem portrayed to"ards
the end o the mo*ie- In the mo*ie/ Da*id #o"ie/ "ho in real lie "as a satanist E a
roc& star "ho committed suicide/ plays the part o the Master o the 'astle- $he girl
soon goes into the dream "orld (internal "orld o her mind)- She must go through a
labyrinth i she "ants to get to the castle-
Although the mo*ie is iction/ it is close enough to ho" a Monarch.s mind thin&s/ that
an adult Monarch sla*e might "ell ha*e his or her programming reinorced i they sa"
this ilm- It also "ould trigger many Monarch sla*es and create ear in them- Monarch
sla*es ha*e many cloc&s built into their systems- $hey ha*e internal cloc& ma&ers and
internal cloc& &eepers- In the mo*ie/ cloc&s pop up e*ery"here 2ust li&e in a Monarch.s
mind- Some Monarch sla*es are programmed to see their internal "orld/ and others are
programmed not to be able to see their internal "orld- In other "ords/ many Monarchs
may not ha*e the ability to see a great deal at irst o this programming due to urther
programming/ and yet these images "or& in the deep recesses o their minds to &eep
their minds "ithin the conines o the programming-
Da*id #o"ie has the magical ability to rearrange time on the cloc&s- $he handlers oten
mess "ith the internal and e=ternal cloc&s o a sla*e/ so that the sla*e is disoriented
about "hat time it is- Alters "ithin a Monarch system are not allo"ed to stray rom the
path assigned to them- I they try to mo*e out o their assigned spot in the mind/ then
they encounter traps/ mazes/ tunnels and demons 2ust li&e in the mo*ie 1abyrinth- An
internal "orld o a Monarch.s mind "ill ha*e bric& "alls/ doors and *orte= tunnels 2ust
li&e in the mo*ie- When the girl alls into a *orte=/ she has magician hands all o*er her-
Monarch *ictims spea& o "hat *orte=es are li&e and they oten describe hands coming
out o no"here-
$he mo*ie begins "ith an oa& tree- $he oa& tree is an important part o the Illuminati
programming- $he Master programmer in the castle/ "earing a triangle medallion
around his nec& and loo&ing *eracious (Da*id #o"ie) sings/ 0Koodoo- --#abes "ith the
po"er-- -magic spells---dance magic---slap that baby and ma&e him pay----dance magic/
dance magic-0 'ob"ebs are built into the Monarch minds/ and "hen an alter goes "here
it shouldn.t they oten get cob"ebbing o*er them- $he tunnels in the mo*ie are ull o
cob"ebs- As the girl mo*es or"ard to"ard the magic demon,in*ested 'astle she
comes across many things,,all o "hich relate to internal items built into a Monarch
sla*e.s mind- Some o the things are slightly dierent in the mo*ie than in a sla*e.s
mind,,but the concepts are the same-
For instance/ the actual $hor igure loo&s li&e the Iron Man o the Wizard o +z series
rather than the iron robot that they portray- #ut the match is close enough or the
imagery to portray "hat it is meant to represent- During programming/ bracelets "ith
pieces "ill be gi*en to the child to teach them ho" the alters are to re*ol*e- A bracelet
li&e this is o"ned by the girl- $he girl encounters a d"ar- $he d"ars in the internal
"orld 0mine the 2e"els0 (that is the programming)-
$he Be"els are the particular programs that run a Monarch system o alters o an MPD
(DID) mind- $he d"ar in the mo*ie is told by Da*id #o"ie (the Programmer) that he
has 0lost his Be"els0,,that is that he has lost his programmingJ $he d"ar in the mo*ie
decides to help the girl- In Monarch programming the d"ar helps an alter by bringing it
programmingJ Some helpJ $he goblin (demon) is as&ed by the girl to ind a portal- $he
goblin opens a door and it appears to be a broom closet- !e opens it again and it appears
as a door- $his is the e=act "ay the programming is-
Portals and doors in the internal "orld ha*e co*er stories- At irst they loo& li&e one
thing,,but i the mind can get by the irst loo&,,they "ill turn out in reality to be
something else- $here is co*er programming o*er e*erything,,so that the sla*e doesn.t
trust his o"n mind- For instance/ besides lots o cloc&s undisguised/ cloc&s are disguised
in a System as any ob2ect/ but they can be recognized by the trained obser*er because
they are gold colored-
In the mo*ie/ ob2ects are constantly changing- Many monarch.s ear the roc&s coming
ali*e,,2ust as they do in the mo*ie 1abyrinth- In the bottom o the sla*e.s mind,,put in at
the deepest hypnotic le*els possible are the hell pits- $he mo*ie sho"s the hell pit and
e*en calls it the 0hell pit-0 Notice that as she goes into this strange "orld that the cloc&s
can be turned around- $his is true in the programming- $he cloc&s can be turned by the
programmer so that the sla*e can be told it is Banuary "hen it is December- A co*er
program can be entered so that the sla*e has memory o "hat he "as supposed to ha*e
done in December-
$hese alse memories are laid in "ith real torture memories and tied to emotions- $he
alse memories lac& certain characteristics o real memories,,and yet still they can at
times be diicult to separate rom the true memories/ especially i the mind,controlled
sla*e is in programming- $he ollo"ing is the story line o the mo*ie as it happens in
this bizarre mo*ie-
@arly in the mo*ie "e see a "itch "ith an hour glass- When the girl gets to the castle it
is guarded by a mechanical monster that resembles in some "ays $hor o the
programming- Notice that portals and holes open up- When they open up another le*el/
protectors attac& them and they must run bac& do"n their tunnel to sa*e themsel*es- $he
Monarch sla*e "ill get eelings o being crushed i an alter *entures "here it shouldn.t
in the mind- When the girl as&s the d"ar 0!o" can I belie*e anything you say30 She is
told/ 0What choice do you ha*e30 Fire demons come out dancing- $hey ta&e out their
eyeballs and eat them- $hey say 0#ad luc& do"n the path-0
What the ire demons represent are the Gamma programming and the threats that the
Gamma programming has upon the *ictim- $he programming tells an alter that it "ill
lose its head or other horrible threat i it doesn.t comply "ith the programming- 01et.s
ta&e o her head0 the ire demons say/ as they act out the *arious programs,,
decapitation/ delimbing/ etc- $hey also "ant to thro" her into the pit o eternal lames-
$hey go do"n a chute into the eternal hell pit- It is e*en called the eternal pit in the
mo*ieJ $he hell pits o a sla*e "ill generally smell li&e sulur,,"hich is e=actly "hat the
mo*ie.s hell pit does- A guardian o the pit (loo&ing li&e a dog) comes out-
Guardians "ithin the Monarch.s mind are generally ar more horriying than this dog-
$he guardian must gi*e permission or passage- Another trap appears,,as the sla*e.s
internal "orld is illed "ith booby traps- $he name o the dog the guardian rides on is
Ambrosius/ similar to Ambrosia- A peach "ith poison is gi*en to the d"ar- $he sla*e is
programmed to ear poisoned ruit- ($his is another airy tale turned into programming-)
Da*id #o"ie is called an 0adept0 "ho creates dream bubbles- $he sla*e.s mind "ill
ha*e adepts "ho are the programmers- $he mo*ieOs adept puts a princess in a bubble-
$hen she goes by memory bac& to "hen she "as at a Satanic ball "here people "ear
mas&s o birds/ goats/ and pigs- Illuminati ceremonies include balls li&e this "ith mas&s-
$his 1o*e story is reli*ing programming o the girl that she is a Iueen/ that she is
married to Satan/ and that this is a bonding ceremony- @*eryone is grabbing her- People
"ho ha*e been to this Illuminati ceremony "ill recognize it- Ne=t/ she sees mirrors-
When she shatters the mirrors (a no,no in the programming) she begins alling-
Generally/ i a sla*e shatters the mirrors in their mind,,they all into suicide
programming- She alls into a 2un&yard- $hen a satanic seed comes ali*e rom her ruit-
It is a "orm- An old hag gi*es her a teddy bear- $he programmers and parents o sla*es
re;uently gi*e stued animals- $he teddy bear "ithout hands represents to the *ictim
their helplessness- $he old hag says 0li&e a little bunny rabbit---Don.t you---#itsy #oob0
All this is Monarch programming stu- $hen she sees a boo& about the labyrinth- $he
Monarch.s mind has libraries and diagrams o their o"n system but these are &ept
guarded by the mirrors/ the demons/ and programming- $he girl Sarah inds a boo& (the
iles) o ho" the labyrinth is built- Actually/ you can too- I the original programming
"as Wizard o +z programming,,then "hen you loo&ed at the ront o the Wizard o +z
series boo&s you "ould ind a map that helped build the internal "orld- Some o the
items on that map "ill li&ely be ound in your Monarch system (but not all)- I your
Monarch system has Star $re& programming it is possible they "ill ha*e an internal
"orld similar to the diagrams sho"n in this boo& "here Star $re& programming is
In other "ords/ there are boo&s "hich do sho" the labyrinth/ 2ust as the mo*ie 1abyrinth
has Sarah ind a boo& sho"ing the internal "orld- #ut i an alter inds a map/ this does
not mean the alter can tra*el reely in its system.s mindJ In "or&ing "ith a mind,
controlled sla*e/ "e disco*ered one o the methods to get o*er the Wizard o +z mazes
"as to ly "ith the +r&s-
!o"e*er/ an alter caught in the mazes "as rightened to stay put by the demons that
surrounded it- ($his is so "ell portrayed in 1abyrinth-) $his happens in real lie to
Monarch alters "hich stray into the mazes- $hey are lost and then they can.t come out
and ta&e the body- $hey are simply lost in the mind- $he old hag gi*es her slippersJ
Slippers are important triggers or cues to go places internally- She is gi*en a horsey and
told she lo*es it- 0$a&e bac& the child you ha*e stolen-0
A erris "heel is sho"n- ('arrousels "ere used greatly in programming-) $hen she
brea&s an hour glass- !our glasses are internal cloc&s- $hen she encounters le*els/ doors
and tunnels- An Iron robot representing $hor comes out and bangs bangs bangs- $he
banging is the split brain headaches that the internal $hor causes the *ictim.s mind to
e=perience- A child is placed into the robot- +ten during the programming/ child alters
are programmed to put on a robot li&e suit and ser*e "ith other children as clone solders
in a clone army- ($he sea di*ers o the Walt Disney mo*ie 08</<<< 1eagues %nder the
Sea0 "ere used to program child alters into ho" they "ere to get into robot suits-)
$hese child alters orm armies that attac& i an alter tries to ight the programming-
$hese children alters are li&e children screaming,,it is impossible to reason or tal& to
them- Armies o these alters are diicult to stop in the mind- In the programming/ the
bra*e are told they are bra*e and *ice,*ersa- $he character says 0I ha*e no courage-0 #ut
is told 05ou are a man o courage-0 More cloc&s and a bell appears- A red and blue
guardian appear- Perhaps these colors represent the color programming- Roc&s and
cannons represent the protectors and the earth;ua&es they cause internally in a
Monarch.s mind-
When she enters the castle it is a carbon copy o @sher.s dra"ing entitled 0Relati*ity-0
(See $he Graphic Wor& o M'- @sher/ igure AD-) She runs up stairs and gets no"here-
@scher.s dra"ing/ according to e=,programmers/ are used or programming- $he Master
sings/ 0@*erything I.*e done/ I.*e done or you-0 Da*id appears e*ery"here rom e*ery
angle- $his is ho" the internal programmers/ "hich are clones o the real programmers
appear e*ery"here in the mind o the sla*e- !e sings/ 0Bust as I can be so cruel---loo&
"ithout your heart beat- --I must li*e "ithin you-0 She says/ 0Gi*e me the child Fthe
coreG0 and the programmer says/ 0I ha*e been generous- --but I can be so cruel ---- I ha*e
reordered time---turned the "orld upside do"n---all or you-0
$he internal and e=ternal programmers can be cruel- $he *ictim is trauma bonded to
them- $hey are cruel and &ind to the *ictim/ 2ust li&e Mengele "as to his thousands o
*ictims- $he internal "orlds can be turned in a Monarch system/ by turning the hour
glasses "hich are on V/ 5 and U a=es- $he hour glasses are turned "ith hand signals and
codes that are similar to "hat pilots use to tell their degree positions in the s&y- $he
programmer sings/ 0I as& or so little/ 2ust let me rule you/ and you can ha*e e*erything
you "ant---2ust lo*e me/ ear me/ and do as I say-0 !e tells her that her &ingdom is great-
Internally alters are gi*en great titles/ and are made ;ueens/ etc- $heir internal "orlds
gi*e them all they need/ and that the real e=ternal "orld "ill ne*er understand them- She
is told repeatedly 05our &ingdom is great-0 0#o" do"n and "orship me/ and you get
At this point she realizes she has dominion o*er the demons- When one listens to the
programming/ it seems that it is po"erul and in control- $he mo*ie does a good 2ob o
sho"ing ho" a sla*e.s mind has both an internal and an e=ternal "orld- A hall appears
"ith daisies- Daisies "ere used in programming- When she lea*es the internal "orld/ she
inds that the internal "orld is right there "ith her in her e=ternal "orld- She is
surrounded by internal cues- $hen she embraces and accepts her internal "orld to"ard
the ending o the mo*ie- Many systems ha*e an o"l in their system "hich represents the
master- In the mo*ie/ an o"l representing the master appears at *arious times E then
lies a"ay at the end- $o"ard the end the Master sings/ 0Po"er o Koodoo---0
$he internal "orld is ull o goblins/ d"ars/ "orms/ a hat/ door &noc&ers/ Fury ?/8/9/6/:
and many other things- Ra*ens are in the mo*ie- In real lie/ the programmers ta&e alter
ragments/ "hich are splits "hich are not de*eloped into ull blo"n personalities and
they program them to ha*e a single tas&/ or instance to thin& they are a ra*en and to bite
the body "hen e*er they ta&e the body- Whole loc&s o demons "hich ta&e the orm o
ra*ens may "ait inside the mind "aiting or their release to bite the body- When
triggered by the internal programmers "hen an alter crosses the boundaries set do"n by
the programming/ a loc& o ra*ens may come or"ard and 0ta&e the body0 (as they say
in MPD) o the sla*e and the Monarch sla*e "ill bite his or her lesh and *iciously tear
it "ith its teeth- #y "atching the mo*ie 1abyrinth/ and using this as a guide/ the *ie"er
"ill begin to understand the horror and control that the internal "orld holds o*er the
alters o a Monarch sla*e- Fe" Monarch sla*es e*er tell other people "hat is going on in
their minds/ no" you ha*e been pri*ileged to ind out-
$o learn this much or a Monarch sla*e comes "ith a high price- $he price is paid by
reli*ing or a second time "hat has been done to them/ ighting o the suicide programs
that clic& on "hen the sla*e.s mind disobeys- $he sla*e must also ight o torture
memories that recycle- $hese torture memories are acti*ated by the programming "hen
an alter disobeys its programming- As one Monarch sur*i*or described it to me/ 0$his
all can be "rapped up by deining it as the raping o the body/ soul and spirit-0
The Stuctuin( Done in /onach Sta Te* and Sta Wa% 0o(a""in(
$he original Monarch programming oten used the Wizard o +z boo&s and ilm as the
basic programming- $he Alice and Wonderland story then "as o*erlaid/ along "ith
many other ictional airy tales to complete the Mind 'ontrol o a Monarch Mind,
controlled sla*e- !o"e*er/ in recent years a superior story line has appeared- It has more
le=ibility and more secrecy- $his is the Star $re& series-
In recent years/ Star $re& is being used as a basis o programming- $hose "ho are
programmed "ith Star $re& programming can attend annual Star $re& 'on*entions
"hich are held in Ne" 5or& 'ity since ?7D8- $he child.s mind is tortured until the point
they "ill accept anything- $hey are told to build certain structures in their mind- $hese
structures may be castles/ or ri*ers or submarines or airields/ etc- In the case o Star
$re& programming they ha*e detailed maps and diagrams that ha*e been created to go
along "ith the Star $re& program- ($he real reason or the ulterior moti*e o these Star
$re& maps "as to create a blueprint or programming- Some pages o these are included
or you to loo& at-) $hen particular alters are placed "ithin these structures/ and they are
hypnotically gi*en cues that "ill pull them to the ront o the mind "hen the alpha,
numeric cue is said- Many o the more secret alters can only be accessed by a
combination o se*eral dierent cues "hich go to dierent senses,,such as the person
must be in a corner contacting 9 points/ a certain ring must be turned E a certain code
said or the alter to come orth- $he ad*antages o the Star $re& story line is that
a- almost any type o scenario can be it into the programming script because the Star
$re& characters in the series/ encounter about anything imaginable/
b- ha*e holograms/ "hich can ser*e as substitutes or mirror images in the
c- alien programming can be introduced in order to promote the moc& alien in*asion
being planned by the Illuminati/ and
d- the Star $re& series has its o"n language "hich can be used or trigger codes/ "hich
Monarch sla*es can study/ and learn- $he use o this &lingon language "ill ma&e it *ery
diicult or ordinary people to brea& into the sla*e.s programming-
Michael A;uino/ Satanist and 'olonel in the %-S- army/ has en2oyed using Star Wars or
programming- A;uino "rote his o"n *ersion o the Star Wars/ "hich he uses or
programming- $he programmer becomes Darth Kader/ "hich then is reproduced as an
alter "ithin the *ictim-
In the Star $re& series/ Data "as a dehumanized 0person0 "ho stored *ast amounts o
inormation- Monarch sla*es are al"ays created "ith libraries/ and *olumes o
inormation- $his inormation is stored in *arious "ays and can be retrie*ed in a *ariety
o "ays- Data o Star $re& lends himsel to become the model or an alter o a Monarch
system to copy- In other "ords the child is sho"n Data/ and is steered in the right
direction to create an internal person named Data- Any child i it is drugged/ tortured/
threatened "ith death i they don.t ollo" directions/ "ith "ea&ened and conused
minds "ill get to the point "here the child "ill create a Data alter in its mind/ rather than
+nce in place/ the Data alter "ill thin& o itsel as the mo*ie character- @*ery time the
child sees Star $re& or pictures o Data/ it "ill reinorce the programming- $he
transormer room techni;ue o beaming in Star $re& is "hat magicians ha*e tried to do
or centuries and "hich has been called 0bi,location,physical pro2ection0 as "ell as other
things- $his is said in magic to be mental control o*er the molecules o the body *ia
demonic po"er- Whether magicians ha*e e*er done this/ "ho &no"s/ some certainly
claim the po"er-
$he Illuminist is a po"er structure placed into some Monarch sla*es- It is constructed
rom parts o numerous demons/ rather li&e a demonic Fran&enstein/ E is portrayed in
Star $re&/ the Ne=t Gener- as the crystalline body- A cartoon series "as created or Star
$re&- In this series/ children "atch such things as >ir& in a magical uni*erse o Megas,
tu "hich has a Guardian o Fore*er- $"o other spin,out sho"s "ere Deep Space Nine
and S-$- Koyager- In other "ords/ a child could "atch : dierent Star $re& series- I the
child.s parents had cable $-K- the child be *irtually immersed into the *arious Star $re&
sho"s- %nortunately/ some o the children "ho ha*e been programmed "ith this are
doing e=actly that- Fritz has personally "or&ed "ith someone "ho has Star $re&
programming- $hey sit or hours and immerse themsel*es totally into all &inds o Star
$re& details-
We ha*e t"o Star $re& $echnical Manuals- Fritz.s ather is an engineer and designed
;uite a e" things- Fritz himsel has "or&ed as a manualLcomputer dratsperson or the
Federal !igh"ay Administration as "ell as or his ather o and on o*er the years-
#ased on that e=perience/ he realizes the enormous amount o "or& that "ent into these
$echnical Manuals or the Star $re& series is simply mindboggling- +ne manual is ?C9
pages and the other is in the neighborhood o 8:< pages- $he amount o engineering and
computer drating that "ent into these manuals is astonishing- Why did someone go to
such e=tremes3 $hese manuals are as good as i NASA "ere planning to build an
@nterprise spaceship- $he plans are done more proessionally than engineering designs
that "e ha*e seen groups li&e the %nited Nations dra"ing up- Why did all this
engineering/ design and drating happen or a ictional $-K- sho"3 $o create a boo& to
sell3 $he boo&s-- could hardly be best sellers- +ne originally sold or W?9 %-S- and the
other or WA-7:- +ne reason so much "or& and money "as put into these $echnical
Manuals is that they are used or programming helpless *ictims o the Monarch Mind
$he Follo"ing are the Descriptions o Why the @=hibits Are Important $o
Programming- $he $echnical (or $raining) Manual pages are coded-
@=hibit ? D,C-gi Star Fleet $echnical +rder ($M49D78A<,?) $his page sho" codes on
the ar let that are similar to the type o codes used in Monarch access codes- Alters are
trained to ta&e the body upon the proper access code- Also certain acti*ities or programs
can be triggered by codes also-
@=hibit 8 D,7-gi%niorm 'olor 'ode- ($M49D78A<,<) In creating a System "ithin the
sla*e.s mind/ geometric shapes are used- Within these shapes a number o "orlds or
uni*erses "ill be created- $hese "orlds can be 9,D- $hat means "hen building them in
the child.s mind they can ha*e height/ depth/ and "idth- +ne system "hich I ha*e seen
se*eral times in sla*es has been a ?9 = ?9 = ?9 cube- In order to gi*e another dimension
and to gi*e the programmers the ability to tie dierent things in dierent parts o the
system together,,the programmers use color coding- @ach alter "ill recei*e a color code-
I am amiliar "ith the standard color coding program/ and ho" it is put into the child.s
mind- Dr- Green (Mengele) used a bo= o colored scars and electroshoc& to program in
the color coding into *ictim.s mind- #esides alters/ other things in the system may be
color coded also- 1et.s say as Programmers "e place hidden obser*ers on each le*el/
system or "orld- $hen "e can tie those isolated alters together by color coding them the
same- During the programming/ computers are built into the mind to operate the
programming/ and they send their signals according to color coding-
@=hibit 9 D,?<-gi Mil&y Way Gala=y Map ($M9D78A<,8) $his is 2ust one o a number
o maps that go "ith the Star $re& programming- During the programming ("hich is
sophisticated torture o all &inds bac&ed up "L drugs) the child.s mind "ill be
encouraged to psychotically build "orlds in his or her mind- $hese "orlds are built "ith
*orte=es/ mine ields/ and in the case o Star $re& programming Radiation zones- I an
alter "ould attempt to "ander rom its assigned spot in the mind/ it "ill run into
Radiation zones/ "alls/ and other barriers- $hese zones are built into the mind/ to insure
that the multiple personalities do not contact each other- Aliens and holograms protect
certain areas and pre*ent personalities rom reely mo*ing around in the mind- $hese
0aliens0 are placed into the *ictim.s mind by high le*el demonology,,in other "ords
they are not aliens,,they are demons "hich ha*e been brought in by high le*el rituals-
@=hibit 6 D,??-gi 6-? 'omputer System (p-:<) $he irst thing created are the multiple
personalities- $hen these personalities are placed into a structured system- $o operate
that structured system and to insure compliance the Monarch programmer "ill put in
"hat is called +mega programming- +mega programming consists o computers/
"iring/ conduits and cords- $he most important part are the computers- $hese computers
contain the instructions/ and they are controlled by internal programmers "ho may be
alters or "ho may be high le*el demons- $he aliens (demons) "ho are placed
strategically in the mind to &eep the +mega programming intact are put in by
sophisticated high le*el demonology- $he high le*el demonology part o the
programming is the most secret and it is termed Gamma programming- $his is a diagram
"hich could be used to help build into the child.s mind a computer- In the early
programming/ a little girl "hile being tortured "ould be sho"n a multi,roomed
dollhouse- $he rooms "ould each ha*e a separate color- $he rooms "ould be lin&ed in
the child.s mind to computers- In other "ords,,the dollhouse structure "as the structure
the computers used- In the Star $re& programming/ the modern child simply is gi*en a
multi,roomed computer li&e the one dra"n-
@=hibit : D,?8-gi @ngineering Main #ridge Section $M49D78A<,9 Karious methods o
communication and tra*el "ithin a Monarch system.s mind "ill be built in- Karious
alters are allo"ed contact "ith other alters- Portals and one,"ay mirrors or one,"ay
"indo"s are built in also- In order to teach an alter to come to the ront o the mind/ an
airplane ta&ing o on a run"ay might be used as a *isual aid to teaching ho" to lea*e
the alters cubicle in the mind and come or"ard to ta&e the body- Karious internal
communication system.s can be built into the System- $he training manual is ull o
many possible communication and locomotion de*ices/ and this is 2ust one o a "hole
number o items that could be incorporated into a Monarch child.s mind as it is
@=hibit A D,?9-gi pg- C8- %tilities $he brain stems are scarred on babies and "hen the
body rebuilds itsel it o*ercompensates and the brain gets an incredible memory-
Monarch sla*es "ith scarred brain stems are running the computer systems or the Ne"
World +rder- I the sla*e has a photographic memory as many o them do/ then a
speciic chart li&e this utility chart could unction as the blueprint or the mind "hen it
creates its po"er pac&s- Po"er pac&s/ and energy cells (sometimes put in li&e light
bulbs) run the computers "hich are built into the sla*e.s mind- $his is part o "hat is
called the +mega programming-
@=hibit D D,?6-gi $M49D78A<,8 S-I-N-S- #ase Datum $his is a coordinate system- In
the early years the Monarch systems "ere built "ith 9 hour glasses each spinning on a
=/y/ or z a=is- $he hour glasses could be turned and in so doing the entire system o
alters could be turned- 1et.s say that "e ha*e a sla*e and "e ha*e created great 'hristian
ront alters- No"/ "e decide that the time has come to use the dar& Satanic alters ull
time- Since the dar& alters are hidden at the bottom o the system/ "e need to rotate the
System ?C< degrees so that the Satanic alters are no" on top- No" the Satanic alters "ill
recei*e e=tra energy to be out holding the body ull time- $his SINS #ase Datum is a
"ay o ma&ing a coordinate system or a Monarch System- 'ertain codes "ould then be
gi*en the System to ma&e a shit "hen the handler needs to turn a System-
@=hibit C D,?:-gi Darth Kader co*er o Warren Magazine/ plus the ne=t t"o pages- $his
inal e=hibit consists o not one but 9 pages "hich are the irst 9 pages o a article
"ritten by Michael A;uino- $his article is Michael A;uino.s o"n *ersion o Star Wars- It
is this *ersion that he "rote and then used to program Monarch Mind,'ontrolled sla*es-
Actually to gi*e credit "here credit is due/ an army colonel ("ho has since mo*ed to
Santa Fe/ NM) at the Army.s War 'ollege "or&ed "ith Michael A;uino at designing
mind,control programming around the Star War.s script- D,?D-gi
Cha2te F The Science o& Body /ani2u$ation and 0o(a""in(
A. Scain( the )ain %te"
B. S2$it )ain 'o*
C. /edica$ techno$o(ie%
D. Hi%ta"ine% I-G- Farben/ DuPont/ and Do" 'hemical
E. The u%e o& )ody 2o(a"%
Path"ays Kirtual Reality
Programming Damage to the #ody
Physical Aspects o the !uman #rain
Genetic @ngineering to 'reate Programmed Assassins Amphibious Man
A. The Scain( o& the Bain Ste"
@arly on it "as disco*ered that the brain "ould o*ercompensate or scarring on the brain
stem- $his is a principle similar to "eight liting- #y tearing do"n the muscle iber by
o*ere=ertion/ the body rebuilds the muscle stronger- #y scarring the brain stem/ it "as
disco*ered that geniuses "ho had photographic memories could be created- #rain stem
scarring "as used to create the "hiz &ids that the NW+ needed to run their big
computers- For instance/ the computers that 2ust NASA alone uses re;uire people "ho
can "or& in
A1G+1/ #ASI'/ '+#+1/ '+#+1 D6/ M%1$I'S '+#+1 *er- 6-6/ '+#+1 'b-6/
'+#+1 'P,A/ #+1/ @%1+R/ F1IP/ F+RAS$/ F+R$RAN/ !A1LS/ Illiac 6/ BASP/
B+SS/ B+KIA1/ L15APAS/ 1ISP/ 1ISP 8/ LMAPL/ NuSpea&/ PAS'A1/ P@AR1/
LP1A'@L/ P1L?/ P1L?,APAR@1/ P1ANI$/ Pra=is/ SA Machine 1anguage/ S@MAN+1/
SN+#@1/ %NIV/ WANG/ U#I@-
It ta&es a good memory to remember computer languages and programming- $hese "hiz
&ids/ "ho "ere both programmed "ith Monarch programming and had their brain stems
scarred can be seen in some o the %ni*ersity computer departments and the
intelligenceLmilitary agencies. computers rooms-
For instance/ at Ft- Meade / the NSA has 8 buildings "hich contain a completely sel,
suicient intelligence operation- ($he comple= has its o"n stores/ ban&/ dry cleaning/
dentistry/ barber shop/ PV/ hospital/ as "ell as the normal snac&bars and caeteria that
Federal buildings oten ha*e-)
$his comple= "hich is internally guarded by cameras "atching all the corridors/ has
se*eral ma2or computer rooms "here "hiz &ids are employed- Mo*ement by these "hiz
&ids/ re;uires that they ha*e the proper I-D- attached to them- $he 'IA "hich has had an
ongoing pro2ect to create them/ has called them 0'ompu,&ids-0 Some o the ele*ators
are pri*ate and operate only "ith the proper &ey- $he NSA.s computers participate in
electronically "atching the "orld- Another e=ample o "here compu,&ids (sla*es "ith
scarred brain stems) "or& on big computers (incl- a #east computer) is at Area :?
(Dreamland)/ NK-
$he method o scarring the reticular ormation o the brain stem is accomplished
electronically- $he RNA piles up and brea&s the continuity o the signals coming
through- Dierent people.s bodies are able to tolerate dierent le*els o abuse- Many o
the brain stem scarring *ictims die/ or end up "ith a pseudo,Multiple Sclerosis- Many
children are coming into hospitals and being misdiagnosed as ha*ing Multiple Sclerosis
"hen in act they are damaged rom programming and brain stem scarring- I the *ictim
is successully gi*en a photographic memory through their entire alter system due to
brain stem scarring/ then they are oten programmed to see "hat are called
0hieroglyphics0 (that is the co*er name) "hich is really 2ust the XIntergalactic 1anguage0
that NASA de*eloped in the ?7A<s and then turned around and used to program sla*es
"ith photographic memories- %nder the co*er o research pro2ects li&e NAD,9<68 (?D p-
9<88) 01anguage structure and message decoding or interplanetary decoding-0 in ?7AD
and NA:,988C6 8<,96?6 in ?7A: entitled 0Symbol science or communication language
o humans/ animals/ and inanimate ob2ects ,,application to mathematics/ cybernetics/
and automation-0
$he actual study no- or no-s or the Intergalactic 1anguage is not &no"n/ but they should
appear some"here in the *oluminous Scientiic and $echnical Aerospace Reports that
NASA puts out each year- $he script o this language "as sho"n in the beginning credits
o the strange mo*ie 1a"nmo"er Man- Some o the symbols are similar to Ascii
'omputer language ("hich is a language that interaces "ith many other computer
languages/ so that one language can be translated into another language-) $he Monarch
sla*es are told that this is an alien language- $his is the Way the Script o the
Intergalactic 1anguage 1oo&s4
Another method that has also been used to enhance memory is hypnosis- @stabroo&s "as
able in the ?79<s to create Multiple personalities *ia hypnosis and get incredible mental
eats accomplished by those parts "hich "ere as&ed under hypnosis to ha*e
photographic memories- Still another method is to place small transcei*ers into the head
or body o the person- $hese implants ha*e been attached in the nec& or other places/
and ha*e been connected to *arious parts o the brain- $hey ha*e literally created "hat
the mo*ies called 0terminal man-0
$his has allo"ed special intelligence agents to be lin&ed to large computers- $he
intelligence asset can get continuous inormation on anything the intelligence agencies
ha*e managed to get into their large computers- #rain implants can do"n load incredible
amounts o inormation to the brain/ ho"e*er/ the ability to use this inormation "isely
is still a s&ill- !a*ing a library o inormation a*ailable doesn.t necessarily mean a
person is "iser- For more on sla*e,computer interacing see the inde= or inormation on
A1@V/ Amalgamated 1ogarithmic @ncrypted $ransmissions/ and %NIV systems "hich
are used to tie the Monarch Mind to computers-
Drugs and torture are also used to enhance memory- #rain stem scarring is not the only
method to enhance memory/ but it has been a 0highly successul0 (i one doesn.t count
all the ruined li*es "hen it.s ailed) good method- MPD also naturally increases the
brain.s unctioning se*eral old/ and can help gi*e photographic memories- In re*ie"/
drugs/ torture/ hypnosis and MPD all "or& to enhance memory- Most sla*es ha*e some
photographic memory capability- $he most serious orm o memory enhancement is
brain stem scarring/ "hich produces a strong system,"ide photographic memory-
B. S2$it Bain Wo*
$he brain is 0bicameral0 or t"o,sided- $he t"o,sides (called hemispheres) communicate
*ia a superpo"erul connector called the corpus callosum- $he let hemisphere is
specialized in *erbal,linguistic transduction o speech and analytical thin&ing (logic/
math/ cause E eect/ language/ E se;uential thin&ing)- $he right side plays more o a
role in holistic,metaphorical inormation transduction such as imagery (art/ dance/
intuition/ sub2ecti*e/ spontaneous/ holistic/ E dream imagery)- $he primary role o
creating imagery is carried out by the right side-
Roger Sperry/ a neuroscientist "on a Nobel Prize or eeding inormation to only one
side o the brain/ and also or eeding simultaneously both sides o the brain dierent
inormation- !is results sho"ed that the t"o hemispheres could operate separately at the
same time- We hate to re"rite history/ but the "or& that "on Sperry a Nobel Prize "as
being done to un"illing human *ictims beore his publicly &no"n e=periments- Sperry.s
research let people "ondering i it "asn.t possible to ha*e one personality located in
one hemisphere/ and another person in the other-
Psychologist Bulian Baynes "rote a boo& arguing that man&ind used to ha*e t"o
personalities beore the t"o hemispheres e*ol*ed an ability to integrate- (!is boo& is
$he +rigin o 'onsciousness in the #rea&do"n o the #icameral Mind-) #eore the
public had heard about the ability o the t"o hemispheres to "or& independently/ the
Illuminati and M>,%ltra programmers "ere carrying out split brain programming/ by
t"o methods/ ?- shutting do"n one side and communicating only "ith one side o the
brain/ and 8- by simultaneously eeding dierent inormation to each hemisphere- $his
is oten do"n by the *ictim being loc&ed in place "ith their eyes orced open/ and
dierent mo*ies sho"n simultaneously to both eyes- $his creates a orm o split brain
programming- !igh speed ilms "ill be sho"n "ith one hemisphere recei*ing horror
scenes and the other getting amily settings- $his ma&es the t"o hemispheres "or&
separately and the *ictim eel crazy- $he mind eels ripped apart- +ne hemisphere is
trying to dissociate and is ha*ing a miserable e=perience/ "hile the other side is
e=periencing something 2ust the opposite-
When high speed ilms are sho"n or split brain programming/ the ilms are sho"n in :
minute increments- Front alters may be sho"n good ilms to ma&e them belie*e they
li*e in a perect "orld "ith a good amily lie- Right side satanic alters may recei*e
horror ilms sho"n *ia the let eye- $he right side o the brain doesn.t *erbalize "ell/ so
this is one reason sla*es ha*e emotions "ithout the ability to *erbalize-
A possible third method is to use drugs that bloc& the t"o hemispheres rom
communicating- A ourth method in split brain "or& is to spea& into the let ear "hile
gi*ing the right ear conusing noise- $his last method is sometimes done to orce alters
to concentrate "hen learning scripts- $he split brain programming done by the Illuminati
is grotes;ue- A drug is in2ected at the base o the s&ull into one hemisphere o the brain
to shut it do"n/ "hile the other hemisphere is &ept a"a&e- $orture is then carried out to
split the mind- What this does is create programs and alters "hich are associated "ith
only hal o the brain- $he brain is being urther di*ided rom itsel-
Wor& is done by the Programmers to de*elop the thin&ing o alters rom one side o the
brain to thin& dierently rom those o the other side- Split brain programming is not
2ust hypnosis/ as some ha*e been led to belie*e- Split brain programming pro*ides the
Programmers one "ay to &eep the let hand rom &no"ing "hat the right hand is doing-
It also gi*es them the ability to put in body programs or memories "hich eect only hal
o the *ictim.s body-
When one hemisphere is dominating in "hat the brain is doing/ the opposite nostril "ill
open and ta&e in air- When the right hemisphere is doing most o the thin&ing/ the let
nostril "ill be doing most o the breathing- Koluntary changes in nostril breathing can
help shit the center o brain acti*ity rom one side o the brain to the other- When a
person lays on his side/ the do"n"ard side hemisphere "ill be acti*ated/ because the top
nostril "ill breath best- $he control o nasal breathing has been part o the 5ogi.s art to
achie*e Samadhi-
$he distinctions bet"een the t"o hemispheres or t"o brains are used by the occult
"orld- Moriah *alues the intuiti*eness o the right hemisphere- As one Illuminati mind,
control programmer said/ 0It.s the right brain that has an inbuilt propensity or accessing
timelessness- $here is bound to be some unconscious prompting thereore that alerts us
to the imminence o orthcoming disaster/ that is/ i "e are suiciently sensiti*e to its
message----unless "e ha*e the "isdom/ the soul age/ to aect the use o those additional
acilities (to access right brain &no"ledge) "e "ill ind our intelligence sadly limited to
the let brain logic o the material "orld-0
While this boo& is not about occult philosophy/ occult philosophy is part o the
moti*ation behind some o the split brain "or&- In order or the Illuminati to create
alters "hich are highly intuiti*e and "hich are able to access the higher demonic
spheres/ they need to shut do"n the logic hemisphere- When the let hemisphere is shut
do"n/ then the right brain ("hich controls the let hand and let side o the body/ i-e- the
let hand path) is able to unction "ithout competition- $he *ictim must be able to get in
touch ully "ith his or her intuiti*e side to go into the 0spiritual dimensions0 "here
demons e=ist- $his is *ery nasty "or&/ because this split brain "or& in*ol*es high le*el
demonology- Most o the deeper Illuminati alters are right brain alters so that they "ill
be *ery spiritually intuiti*e-
$he 1esser >ey o Solomon is an important teaching boo& o the Illuminati- It states/
0An adept enters an abnormal plane and e;uips himsel to Xcharge. "ith magical energy
the pentacle and talismans-0 $he training that this ta&es is called 0training o the higher
"ill0 and split brain programming is part o ho" it is accomplished-
C. /edica$ Techno$o(ie%
Medical science has been probing the gray matter that ma&es up the human brain or
se*eral hundred years and they continue to probe it- With the use o *arious ne"
techni;ues they can loo& inside the human brain in "ays that "ere not a*ailable beore-
An enzyme called horseradish pero=idase (!RP) "hich ser*es as a mar&er or highlighter
allo"s brain researchers to *isually loo& at brain cells on unctioning
brains- Researchers such as Fran& Putnam/ at the National Institute o Mental !ealth/
ha*e ta&en P@$ scans o the brains o people "ith multiple personalities/ "hose brain
scans rom one alter personality to another are *ery dierent-
$his doesn.t occur in non,multiple people "ho pretend to ha*e dierent personalities-
$he brain scans ha*e sho"n that brains "ith multiple personalities are physically
dierent than other people.s brains- $he dierent personalities are oten in dierent
neurophysiological states- Medical science has helped the programmers put people into
dierent neurophysiological states or programming- Some o these states are dangerous
unless trained medical personnel are a*ailable to insure the *ictim doesn.t die- Which/
according to e=,Programmers/ does happen any"ay-
Medical science has identiied glutamate "hich is an amino acid as an important
neurotransmitter in*ol*ed "ith memory storage- !o"e*er/ ater countless tests and all
types o research/ "e still do not &no" completely ho" the brain stores memory-
!o"e*er/ the NW+.s Net"or& understands ar more than they ha*e let the public learn-
Ha!in( S*i$$ed /edica$ 9a) Technician%
!a*ing the medical &no" ho" doesn.t get the 2ob done in itsel- +b*iously/ the Net"or&
has needed to ha*e both hospitals and trained medical personnel- !a*ing s&illed "or&ers
is part o the success o the Monarch Programming- For instance/ the simple
interpretation o Alpha #F$ instruments/ re;uires that the operator be able to understand
"hat is bac&ground intererence- @*ery"here the instrument is located there is going to
be some amount o bac&ground intererence- +nly the good operators can realize "hen a
pseudo,alpha "a*e has been produced/ perhaps rom the child s"eating in the location
o the electrode/ or hair mo*ements/ or eye blin&s or t"itching-
$he Illuminati has their o"n mid"iery training program/ "hich "ill ta&e teenage
Monarch sla*es and train them- $hey also begin training their people in programming
and obser*ation rom inancy up- #y the time they are an adult/ the programming alters
&no" programming as second nature- $hey ha*e no shortages o doctors/ nurses/
psychiatrists/ and other "ell educated people- I they ha*e to sa*e an important Monarch
sla*e/ they may ly in a specialist rom "here*er the right specialist is-
When it comes to research/ some o it done by proessionals "ho don.t realize ho" their
research is going to be used- Many researchers are great on seeing detail/ but not the
bigger picture- $hey usually don.t realize ho" their research is going to be misused/ and
are *ery gullible people- $he 'IA inds that the researcher is ;uic& to 2ustiy in his or her
mind the moral *alue o the research they are doing-
Many members o the Illuminati are in*ol*ed in secret genetic research- !a*ing control
o*er numerous big hospitals/ is an important lin& in the ability o the Net"or& to
program so many people successully- Medical personnel are participating in acts that
help mind,control- +ne 'hristian nurse ;uit the %ni*ersity !ospital here/ because
ne"borns are secretly being gi*en implants- A e" years ago/ it "as disco*ered that $he
%p2ohn/ an American multinational company "as in*ol*ed in placing radiotransmitting
material in "ith their li;uid cortisone preparation Depomedrone/ "hich created an
implant "hen medical personnel put Depomedrone into their patients-
D. Hi%ta"ine%
!istamine is a chemical (a particular molecule) "hich the body uses to deend against
alien cells- It also has the ability to lo"er blood pressure and to lare up the s&in- $he
auditory sense can eect histamine production *ia programming- !istamine is a
molecule "hich is part o the immune system- 'hanges in histamine le*els eect moles-
It eects s&in changes in scars- $his is ho" the abusers can magically ma&e scars appear
and disappear/ "hich ma&es the programming seem e*en more real to alters- $he
abusers li&e to create in*isible scars that orm patterns and pictures- $he most popular is
the #aphomet head ("hich stands or Satan)- %pon command they can trigger the s&in to
ma&e these scars *isible-
I one pric&s someone.s s&in "ith a needle ha*ing histamine on the tip/ it "ill cause the
s&in to lare up red- #ioeedbac& has allo"ed people to mentally tal& to their s&in-
!ypnosis has controlled people.s immune system- States o mind eect the immune
system- Someho" a combination o these is used to allo" the handler upon command to
trigger the correct state o mind "ithin the *ictim to increase histamine production
"ithin the s&in area-
$he bone marro" o the body produces stem cells- $he stem cells are capable o
gro"ing into many dierent types o cells- First the stem cells gro" into some basic
dierent cells and those in turn gro" some more and urther dierentiate- For instance/ a
stem cell can become a myeloid/ "hich can become a polymorpho nuclear granulocyte
"hich in turn can become a basophil or mast cell- #oth basophils and mast cells are
leu&ocytes and they are part o the body.s immune system- #oth basophils and mast
cells are carriers o histamine-
!istamine does se*eral things in the body- !istamine causes dilation o blood *essels/
and it allo"s blood *essels to become permeable (lea&y so to spea&) "hich allo"s other
chemicals and luid to go through the blood *essels into the area bet"een cells and
tissues- All 'NS ('entral Ner*ous System) cells o the body ha*e receptors that the
histamine can attach itsel to li&e a ship doc&ing- When cells are damaged/ or alien cells
enter the body/ the basophils and mast cells release their histamine- For the body to ha*e
more histamine/ it must increase the number o basophils and mast cells- $his can be
accomplished by changing the ratio o stem cells that de*elop into other types o cells-
$he core o the histamine molecule is an ethylamine- Antihistamines are molecules that
resemble histamines enough that they can attach themsel*es to the histamine receptors
on regular cells and pre*ent the histamine molecules rom attaching- I the histamine
molecules don.t attach/ the body disposes o them- $he point being that histamine
remains in the s&in only so long beore the body disposes o it-
!istamine le*els in the body can raise IF the cells "hich carry the histamine are
increased- $his is the Structure o a !istamine Molecule4
It is belie*ed that breast implants ha*e some &ind o eect on raising histamine
production le*els in the body- Whether these breast implants are identical to "hat all
breast implants are/ or "hether they ha*e something special to agitate the body into
higher immune cells. production o the mast cell E basophils type is not &no"n-
!o"e*er/ there seems to be some relationship bet"een the Net"or&.s need to raise
histamine production in their sla*es/ and the breast implants that they are putting in
them- Putting the pieces together leads one to belie*e that the implants agitate the body.s
immune system into raising the le*el o its histamine carrying cells-
A number o "omen "ho ha*e gotten implants spea& about an increase in allergies- $he
allergic reaction is caused by high le*els o histamine- Whether this happens to some or
many is not &no"n at the time this is "ritten- $he three big Illuminati chemical
companies are I.G. Fa)en, Du0ont, and Do' Che"ica$- Do" 'hemical began
research "ith implanting silicon in ?7:A- Ater 9: years o studies in "hich they
implanted thousands o *arious animals "ith silicon/ the company &ne" e=actly "hat
silicon "ould do in the human body- $he FDA had public hearings in ?778 "here
internal documents o the Do" 'hemical 'o- "ere released "hich sho"ed that the
company &ne" all along that their breast implants "ere *ery dangerous/ years beore
they put them on the mar&et- $here is an incredible search going on or a anti,silicon
antibody so that they can clean up the mess they ha*e created in millions o people "ho
ha*e silicon implants- $he immediate chest "all and area around the breast implant gets
highly agitated- $he silicon lea&s through the membrane/ and then causes great
diiculties in the body- Many o the emale Monarch sla*es ha*e recei*ed breast
E. Body 0o(a"%
Researchers ha*e come a long "ay to"ard understanding the mind- $hey ha*e
disco*ered/ or instance/ that under stress the brain "ill con*ert ner*e signals into
0messenger molecules0 "ho then in turn direct the endocrine system to produce steroid
hormones/ that can reach the nucleus o *arious cells and cause them to change ho" the
body.s genes are "ritten out- $hese genes "ill then direct the cells as to ho" to ma&e a
*ariety o molecules "hich are used in gro"th/ metabolism/ se=uality/ and the immune
In other "ords/ the mind can re"rite genetics- $his "as the secret that helped get the
Monarch program o to its scientiic oundation- No" the actual mechanics o this ha*e
been obser*ed by researchers- +ne o the leaders in understanding the mind,body
relationship "as Franz Ale=ander- #lac& "as one o the researchers into ho" hypnosis
can be used to regulate the body and the body.s unctions such as the immune system-
>en #o"ers also "or&ed in this area- Dr- S-M- 1ambert o the Roc&eeller Foundation
studied ho" *oodoo could cause death by creating certain thoughts in the mind- Most o
the research in this area "as monitored/ i not sponsored by the Intelligence agencies
under the auspices o the Illuminati-
$he !ypothalamus bridges the mind and the body- It "or&s as part o the 1imbic,
hypothalamic system- $his system is a determining center or "hat state o mind the
brain is placed in- $he immune system communicates directly "ith the hypothalamus
part o the brain "ith its o"n 0messenger molecules0 &no"n as 0immunotransmitters0-
$his then is mind,brain lin& that the Monarch programmers ha*e ta&en so much
ad*antage o-
#arbara #ro"n/ a physiologist at Keteran.s Administration !ospital (in Sepul*eda)
"rote a boo& Ne" Mind/ Ne" #ody- #arbara #ro"n.s research "as go*ernment unded-
!er boo& got the public interested in bioeedbac&- #ecause o repeated success at getting
patients to control such things as their heartbeat/ Dr- #ro"n is con*inced that a person.s
heart rate/ breathing/ muscle tension/ glandular responses are all sub2ect to a person.s
"ill- $hose "ho ha*e "or&ed "ith *ictims o %-S- go*ernment M> %ltra mind control
&no" that "hat Dr- #ro"n "rites is correct and "as &no"n years beore she published
her boo&- #ioeedbac& is no" re;uired training in some prisons or some inmates-
It is clear rom the inal results that Monarch sla*es ha*e programming "hich can carry
out the ollo"ing unctions4
control the pulse rate and heart beat
control the body.s temperature
control the temperature o indi*idual body parts or sides o the body,,such as the right
side o the body might get hot/ and the let side o the body get ice cold- Fritz has
obser*ed this by touching the let and right sides o a *ictim "ho "as burning hot on the
right and ice cold on the let-
$he secretions o *arious enzymes and histamine production has been trained into the
*ictims and attached to *arious body programs to &eep the sla*e in line- !istamine
production appears to be regulated *ia surgery carried out on "omen.s breast- It appears/
but hasn.t been conirmed that the surgery "here breast implants are placed into emale
Monarch sla*es plays some role in histamine production E programmed control-
allo" the body to pretend that it is dead/ "hen actually it is in an altered state similar to
being comatose- $he internal deenses consists in part o body programs that are
triggered i the Mind,controlled sla*e steps out o line-
!ere is a good list o some o these body programs4
Auditory problems/ a #one disorder/ #lood lo"Lcirculation/ 'oma (zombie death sleep
"hich ma&es *ictim appear dead)/ Digesti*e ailure/ !eadaches,split brain/ !eart
ailure/ !istamine production/ +ptic problems such as blindness/ Respiratory ailure/
Sleep depri*ation/ Sleeping program/ and $emperature change-
#ody programs "ill be put in across the board or all alters- $he same code "ill "or& or
all alters "hen the internal programming alters "ant to trigger a body program- I a body
program is placed into the sla*e it may be anchored to something/ and that might be
something as drastic as the heartbeat- +ne o the programs causes the *ictim to hear a
heartbeat "hich is rerained in their minds as the 0heartbeat o Satan-0
Some o the body programs are carried out by creating an alter "hich has one mental
state,,such as an alter ragment "hich is burning or one that "as created by ice torture-
$his alter or this eeling o being hot or cold is then attached to something in the mind-
For instance/ i the *ictim mo*es to"ard the "orld/ a cold alter or a cold eeling o a
memory is hypnotically programmed to come up behind the alter holding the body-
Sometimes the sensation o burning can be eliminated by getting a irechild to bac& up
rom the ront o the mind "here another alter is holding the body-
Many eelings/ body sensations/ and drugged states are attached to programs- When the
alter hits a stringer/ he "ill go through a series o memories/ alse memories/ hypnotic
commands/ and body sensations that ha*e been attached together in stringers- $he
stringer type o programming is oten put in to set in a ront program "hich is to decei*e
an alter-
$he abilities o the human brain to control the body ha*e been seriously underrated by
people- #io,eedbac& researchers in the ?7A<s "ere surprised to ind out that i a single
ner*e cell.s acti*ity is placed upon a screen so that the sub2ect can see its acti*ity
graphed/ the sub2ect "ill be able to mentally identiy that cell apart rom any other ner*e
iber cell/ and "ill be able to ha*e *oluntary control o*er that single cell apart rom any
other- Bust to sho" ho" comple= the body is/ a single ner*e iber cell "ill ha*e A<<
connections- $his mental eat is simply mind,boggling or researchers-
$he Mar- :/ ?7D8 1-A- $imes reported that patients "ere being taught ho" to alter their
heart rate "ithout drugs- $his had already been happening "ithin the Monarch
Programming- $he heart is controlled by the mind and "or&s "ith the emotions o a
person- $here ha*e been people "ho ha*e literally died rom a 0bro&en heart-0 $his is a
historical act- $he Monarch programmers ha*e long been ta&ing ad*antage o the
mind.s ability to control the heart.s beating- A tiny little bit o tissue not really *isible to
the *isible eye called the sinus node/ sends out electrical signals that regulate and initiate
heart beats in an unbro&en rhythm- $he genetic code concerning the body.s metabolism
and the genetic code or the sinus node someho" get the entire heart beat generator
mechanism started-
$"o areas o the brain control the changes in heart beats that the sinus node "ould
ma&e- $he sinus node sends out the signals but it doesn.t change the rate- A *ery
primiti*e part o the brain stem is one o the control areas/ and the other control area
along the spine- #oth o these areas connect to the higher thin&ing areas o the brain-
$he three most re;uent e*ents that change heart beat are emotions/ sic&nesses/ and
muscle acti*ity- Since the "ill inluences emotions/ the higher brain can control the heart
beat and its pulse-
Alters are programmed so that they "ill trance out i anyone tries to pro*e to them that
they ha*e a heart,,"hich they ha*e been programmed to belie*e "as ta&en a"ay rom
them by the programmer- $he occult "orld learned this ability rom the Indian yogis
"ho ha*e been controlling their hearts or centuries- Some ha*e e*en sho"n in the
scientiic laboratory that they can stop their hearts or up to 9< seconds- (See Green o
Menninger Foundation.s "or&-) $he yogi.s also de*eloped the s&ill o changing their
body temperatures- For instance/ S"ami Rama in the lab o Dr- @lmer Green could ma&e
one side o his palm hot and the other side o his palm cold simply by mental eorts-
$his type o body control "as learned by the Illuminati years ago/ and has been applied
to the Monarch programming to ma&e the programming lies seem more real to the
*ictim than the outside "orld- A Monarch sla*e can get cold on the let side and burn on
the right side o his body- It has been "ell,documented that the mind can control the
blood lo" to *arious tissues and in this "ay change temperature in *arious dierent
parts o the body- $his "as irst reported to the public in ?7DC (#arabasz E McGeorge)-
It appears that a combination o yogi type bio,eed bac& techni;ues along "ith classical
beha*ior conditioning is able to account or some o the body programs in sla*es-
+ther body programs appear to be connected to the memories o alters- For instance/ i
the Programmer "ants the body to burn,,he has the System pull up an alter "hich "as
tortured "ith ire "ho comes up behind the alter holding the body/ and the body then
abreactes and eels li&e it is burning- As mentioned/ one techni;ue is the split,brain
programming "here the unctioning o the t"o hemispheres o the brain are separated/
"hich allo"s the patient to eel the 0right hand path0 and the 0let hand path0 separately-
$his type o programming is *ery po"erul in ma&ing the programming script seem
more real than outside reality-
!igh blood pressure or hypertension has been ound to be largely a unction o the mind-
!o"e*er/ con*entional medicine has ignored this or years/ and has a large *olume o
conusing and misleading research to the opposite- Rather/ than admit the cause/ the
medical establishment has labelled the largest percentage o hypertension cases as
0essential0 or 0idiopathic0 "hich are labels to co*er up that they don.t &no" (or reuse to
recognize) the cause o the high blood pressure-
At any rate the cardio*ascular systems (heart and blood *essels/ etc-) is so comple= that
it has been *ery diicult or researchers to get a grasp on many issues in*ol*ed in blood
pressure such as the release o hormones into the blood/ and the result o long term
stress on the cardio*ascular system- When tests sho" that the stress o unemployment
increases high blood pressure problems among men/ it "ould seem that the medical
establishment "ould begin to see the lin& that the mind has "ith controlling blood
pressure- Again bio,eedbac& and classic conditioning ha*e been successully used to
radically change a sub2ect.s blood pressure- $his along "ith the ability to go into deep
trances/ are abilities that the Monarch sla*e is programmed to ha*e to control their blood
pressure- Again the ;uestion may be/ "hy "ould they condition a sla*e this "ay3
#ecause/ i the Master can call out a hypnotic trigger and change the sla*e.s heart beat
and blood pressure/ does the reader see ho" 0puppet,li&e0 the sla*e eels3 $he sla*e.s
mind and body are literally o"ned by the master- $he sla*e is not e*en allo"ed to
control his o"n body- $his is "hat total mind control is all about-
$he medical proession uses the term 0path"ays0 to describe the "ays the mind creates
biochemical and physiological changes- In other "ords/ ho" does the mind consciously
decide to change its body3 When medical researchers began to understand ho" the t"o
hemispheres "or&ed/ they began to understand better ho" to acilitate mind,to,body
communication so that they could program the sla*e.s mind to control its body-
+ne o the better boo&s on this sub2ect is $he Psychobiology o Mind,#ody !ealing by
@rnest 1a"rence Rossi- Rossi and @ric&son de*ised a three,stage approach to accessing
the person.s inner resources or therapy- $his type o hypnotic,induced healing is a clue
to part o ho" the #ody programs are structured in or body control by the
programming- What some use or good/ is used by others or e*il- During the hypnotic
"or&/ Rossi uses "hat is called the 0inner mind0 o the person-
For instance/ to get a person to stop bleeding indirect hypnotic suggestions are made in
the ollo"ing 9 stages/
a- a time,binding introduction o 0Why don.t you stop bleeding3 No"J0
b- there is an accessing o state dependent unconscious processes that can control the
bleeding/ and
c- there is a response by the person "hich ratiies that the inner process o stopping the
bleeding has actually happened-
$he hypothalamus is a *ery small part o the brain- It is only the size o a pea/ but it
contains an immense amount o important tissues "hich control all types o inner
acti*ities o the body/ including the endocrine/ the immune/ the neuropeptide and
automatic systems- It is this area o the brain "hich is manipulated by hypnosis- $he
limbic,hypothalamic system is in a constant process o shiting "hat state o mind the
brain is in-
$here are numerous unconscious and conscious states that can be shited to- $hese are
labeled 0psycho,neuro,physiological states0 because researchers no" realize ho" a state
in*ol*es the entire person- All learning is associated and depends upon the state it "as
learned inJ A ne" sense organ "as disco*ered/ and %S- Ne"s E World Report/ Buly ?7/
?779/ p- A? reported on it- We do not &no" "hen this tiny sense organ/ "hich is located
in the nasal ca*ity/ "as disco*ered by the people doing mind,control/ but it is already
being e=ploited- $his organ responds to chemicals called pheromones/ "hich play an
important role in human emotions/ such as ear/ hunger and lo*e-
!uman s&in gi*es o odorless pheromones "hich other people can detect- #asic human
dri*es are controlled by Pheromones- @ndorin is a peptide/ o "hich at least :< ha*e
been charted- #y manipulating these chemicals/ people can be biochemically put into a
dierent state o mind/ and *ictims ha*e been manipulated by these chemicals- $hese
chemicals are being used in con2unction "ith 4itua$ Rea$ity to control sla*es. minds-
In the March,April X76 edition o $he Futurist the author Glenn F- 'art"right/ o McGill
%ni*ersity announces in his article 0Kirtual or Real3 $he Mind in 'yberspace0/
0Strangely/ the de*elopers o *irtual reality seem largely unconcerned by the possible
dangers inherent in launching indi*iduals into another reality-0 $his is because Kirtual
Reality is being de*eloped as another tool o mind,control- 'omputers can dynamically
control and synchronize all that needs to be coordinated to gi*e someone a *irtual reality
e=perience- $he researchersLprogrammers are trying to immerse as many o the *ictim.s
senses into their *irtual reality trip as possible- It becomes almost impossible to
distinguish reality rom the trip or the *ictim o this type o programming- McGill
%ni*ersity/ Dr- White ('ameron.s) old stomping grounds did some *irtual reality
People are no" getting in*ol*ed "ith "hat is called M%Ds (multi,user dungeons) "here
a person *ia *irtual reality can create a parallel lie- Some people are spending up to ?8<
hours a "ee& immersed in their *irtual reality second lie- In ?778/ Internet had 8<D such
games- No" the programmed sla*e only needs to hoo& into Internet to be
programmed- 'art"right.s article "arns that a person.s ego,center can be pro2ected
some"here else *ia *irtual reality/ "hich destabilizes one.s actual understanding o
"here their o"n identity is- !e also "arns that Kirtual reality "ill create other
personalities- !e "rites on page 86/ 0Multiple Identities- I it is possible in *irtual reality
or cyberspace to enter an altered state/ become disembodied/ s"ap genders/ create a
*irtual ego,center/ decenter the sel/ and assume a dierent identity/ then it may also be
possible to assume more than one identity at the same time- In this conte=t/ the
e=ponential increase in multiple,personality disorders in recent decades may be o more
than 2ust passing interest ---- ha*ing multiple/ serial/ and simultaneous personae in
cyberspace may not only be possible/ but may e*en be encouraged as a part o
interacting "ith others-.. Kirtual reality *ia the computer Internet has no" become
another tool o the Programmers-
Music Dissociated tones/ beats and music may accompany hypnotic induction drugs-
Pulsing beating sounds in the ears can change the brain.s "a*es- It is no secret that
music "ill put someone into an altered state- Music "ill change moods/ heart rate/ and
e*en one.s state o consciousness- In a home church setting/ that Fritz participated in/ the
;uestion "as as&ed o a group "hat they do to o*ercome depression- @*eryone present
listed 0listen to music0 as one o the things they do to o*ercome depression-
Sound "ill change body chemistry/ blood pressure/ breathing and digestion- (See
Bacobson/ Ste*en- 0Media Mind 'ontrol0/ Media #ypass/ Sept- X7:/ pg- :<)- $o ;uote
Bacobson/ 0Fast music "ill speed up the ner*ous system "hile slo" music "ill slo" it
do"n- Sounds *ibrate in dierent parts o the body- 1o" tones "ill *ibrate in the higher
portions and on into the head- Much o today.s popular roc& music is built around a
hea*y bass pattern louder than the melody- $hese lo",re;uency *ibrations re*erberate
in the lo"er parts o the body so that the music Xeels. good- $hese loud/ lo",re;uency
*ibrations and the dri*ing beat o most roc& music aect the pituitary gland/ "hich
controls male and emale responses-
$he repeating sound pattern induces the hypnotic state o mind that is similar to day
dreaming/ thus clearing the mind o all thought so that the message can be implanted in
the unconscious "ithout resistance- 0 It is important to note that the lyrics o many roc&
songs are not clearly distinguishable consciously- When you do not hear the message
clearly/ you cannot ma&e the conscious choice to accept or re2ect it- When you cannot
ma&e that choice or "hen that choice is ta&en a"ay rom you/ the message is
programmed directly to the subconscious/ thus circum*enting analysis and choice in
accepting the content o the message-
Si=ties roc& superstar Bimi !endri= said4 X5ou can hypnotize people "ith music/ and
"hen you get them at their "ea&est point/ you can preach into their subconscious
"hate*er you "ant to say-.0 1ong term e=posure to the hea*y metal themes o
sadomasochism/ satanism/ suicide and drug abuse can only ha*e a negati*e inluence on
the minds o the listener- $oday.s generation o children are being raised on this type o
music- Many o the big roc& bands consist o satanists- $his statement isn.t made
lippantly/ but rom ha*ing learned rom many "itnesses o the rituals these Satanic
bands participate in- Some o these satanists/ as the reader can already guess/ are
programmed multiples- For those programmed multiples "ho participate in hea*y roc&
music/ they are simply adding one more type o bondage and mind,control to their
already long list- $he spiritual damage done by roc& music "ill be briely addressed
later in 'hapter ?<-
0o(a""in( Da"a(e to the Body
Many o the body programs that acti*ate *ia trigger codes are simply memories o
se*ere torture- For instance/ the *ictim might be placed na&ed on a bloc& o ice/ "hich
contains the body o a rozen person- ($his is a common trauma used in programming-)
When this memory is triggered/ *ia an alter or alter ragment/ the *ictim.s body abreacts
and gets *ery cold-
Another common torture is to stic& a ureteric catheter up the e=ternal urethral oriice
("hose channel is called the urethra)- $his is painul- $hen the urinary bladder is illed
so that the *ictim is in e=treme pain/ and is made to hold their bladder in silence- $his
torture to the body is painul- #ut the long term eects o this torture/ "hich is done
repeatedly to sla*es to teach obedience/ is to seriously damage their urinary bladders-
$he abreaction o memories o this help blac&mail alters into obedience- $he body o
many sla*es are only &ept unctioning/ because they are gi*en repeated surgery by
doctors "or&ing under the auspices o the Illuminati- $hese doctors can be trusted on to
&eep ;uiet about the abused bodies they ha*e to &eep i=ing-
It "as mentioned in chapt- 8 that some people suering rom autism are ailures in mind
control programming- We &no" o one case "here a brilliant autistic teenager "ho.d not
tal&ed during childhood began tal&ing/ and shoc&ed his parents because he began tal&ing
about his spirit guides (see 'hapter ?< on spirit guides-) Some people diagnosed as MS
are really ailures o the mind control.s brain stem scarring- Many hundreds o "omen
"L breast implants are coming do"n "L symptoms that loo& li&e MS E 1upus- $his may
be because part o the "omen "L implants are programmed multiples- Another disease
that is belie*ed by some to be caused by programming ailures is lupus (a&a lupus
erythematosus or systemic lupus erythematosus)- @stablishment medical science claims
that the cause o lupus is un&no"n- Modem Maturity (ApLMy X79) E Nations #usiness
(May X79) are e=amples o magazines that ha*e run articles about 1upus- Ronald I- 'arr
and the 1upus Foundation o America put out a handboo& on the disease in ?7CA- $he
director o the 1upus Foundation has been an Illuminati programmed multiple-
$he eects o the programming are not 2ust in the mind- It has been scientiically sho"n
that the torture memories are enbedded in the cells o the body- In act/ the Illuminati
intentionally "ants the body in2ured by trauma pains E trauma memories/ because they
"ant to pre*ent the possibilities o the sanctiication o the body such as "ritten about in
8 $M 848 ?- Also/ the Programmers intentionally E zealously pre*ent the deeper alters
rom "anting to lo*e as ? '+R ?9 describes-
0hy%ica$ A%2ect% o& the Hu"an Bain
Neurobiologists and chemists ha*e learned a great deal about the physical aspects o the
brain- +ne has to be careul about simpliication- $he concept o the split brain has been
o*er simpliied/ because the best researchers on the t"o hemispheres &no" that there is
constant interplay bet"een the brain.s t"o hal*es,,unless the Illuminati ha*e tampered
"ith someone.s brain-
$he split brain concept has been replaced "ith the Penta,#rain (something a&in to a
pentagram)- $he Penta,#rain ta&es the triune,concept o the brain concei*ed by brain
scientist Paul Mac'lean and adds it to the split brain hemispheres and the duality o the
rontal,posterior dimension also- In this process/ 0mammalian0 E 0reptilian0 brains
(those parts o our brains that mammals E reptiles also ha*e) are accessed and "or&ed
on in people- $he best description read by co,author Fritz o the intricate chemical
changes that happen during 1earning and Memory is a Special Report entitled 0$he
'hemistry o 1earning and Memory0 'hemical E @ngineering Ne"s/ +ct- D/ ?77?/ pp-
86,6 ?/ by >aren B- S&inner/ 5ale 'hemistry Ph-D- in XD9/ Masters rom >ennedy School
o Go*t-/ !ar*ard- $his is a *ery technical report-
$he programmers do not learn this material/ but those "ho "ant to understand the nitty,
gritty molecular,biology o ho" the comple= memory processes "or& in the mind might
"ant to try to study the report- In *ery basic terms/ "hat it is communicating is4
Neurons (ner*e cells,,o "hich the brain has ?< billion) meet each other at 2unctions
(gaps) called synapses- At the synapses (gaps)/ neurotransmitters allo" them to
communicate- $here are A< trillion synapses- As a person gathers inormation/ the brain
changes the synapses/ in a sense re"ires itsel- Part o memory is ho" the brain
0re"ires0 itsel/ to use a layman.s term-
Genetics ha*e an important role in the initial hard"iring o the brain- Genetics also
determine receptor di*ersity (at the synapses) "hich relates directly to learning E
memory because it increases the "ays neurons can percei*e/ process and recall
inormation- $he !ippocampus has been ound to play a role in long term memory
storage- $he !ippocampus stores memory in the corte= to be encoded into long term
Numerous areas o the brain are busy "ith processing only one type o memory- In a
maca;ue mon&ey/ around t"o dozen distinct *isual areas o the brain or memory
storage ha*e been disco*ered- In other reports/ it has come out that memory is stored
holographically- German researchers ha*e been trying to igure out at the Ma= Planc&
Institute or #rain Research at Fran&urt/ Germany "hat mechanism is used to bind the
many *arious parts o inormation stored into a coherent recollection-
$he point that should be made at this point/ is that an alter does not e=ist in one spot in
the mind- $he mind percei*es that an alter does/ but an alter in terms o physical change
in the brain is actually a multitude o synaptic changes scattered throughout the brain-
$he brainOs conceptLimage o an alter and the dissociated state can be played "ith by the
programmers/ but they really don.t &ill alters li&e they pretend to do during
programming- Alters can.t be 0&illed0 in the mind- As the mind consolidates ino/ it ires
neurons in harmony (in phase) called a 0binding0 process- Perceptions "hich are not
memories are initiated this "ay- It is these perceptions that e=ist "ithout memories that
are so important to the programmers- Some ha*e called these perceptions 0global unity0
o the brain- $hese are in phase re;uencies rom 6< to D< !z-
NMDA receptors can percei*e patterned irings rom ner*e cells that are acti*e at the
same time/ "hich allo"s the brain to strengthen some synapses and let others gro"
"ea&er- Synaptic eicacy is called 1$P- Interested readers can study 1$P.s molecular
mechanism/ etc- in >aren S&inner.s Report-
'hanging sub2ects slightly/ let.s discuss ho" Moriah ertilizes t"o zygotes and
intentionally &ills one o the t"ins in the "omb- Studies ha*e sho"n that in cases "here
one t"in dies in the "omb/ the other t"in usually tries to lead t"o li*es- $his has
nothing to do "ith DID (MPD)/ e=cept that the sur*i*ing t"in "ill later be made into a
programmed multiple- $he Illuminati doctors ha*e perected a method to &ill a
de*eloping t"in so that the other enguls it in the "omb- $his is s&illully done/ and
creates some interesting mental changes in the sur*i*or- Moriah also belie*es that it
endo"s the sur*i*or "ith t"ice the spiritual po"er-
Genetic En(ineein( to Ceate 0o(a""ed A%%a%%in%
$his ne=t section is some"hat o an appendi= to this chapter- Readers may "ant to s&ip
it/ i readers are only "anting to 2ust learn !+W the mind,control is done- !o"e*er/ "e
elt that since genetic engineering "ent hand,in,hand "ith Moriah.s mind,control that a
loo& at one speciic type o military mind,control model "ould be "orth"hile or some
An e=ample o ho" genetic engineering is couple "ith the trauma,based mind,control
is A"2hi)iou% /an/ a particular top secret model o Monarch sla*e- $he ollo"ing
section is ta&en rom an earlier article by Fritz on this- As ar as "e &no"/ this "as the
irst and only article e*er "ritten on the sub2ect (not counting classiied secret
documents)- When the public sa" the #ritish Royal Na*y locate the sun&en 1usitania in
?79: using the Iron Man Di*ing Suit/ the #ritish Royal Na*y told the public that it had
no interest and no use or the suit- $he Royal Na*y lied about the Iron Man Di*ing Suit
that/ 0no use could be made o it as the Na*y FhadG no re;uirements or deep di*ing-0
$he Royal Na*y had no use or deep di*ingJ Do you s"allo" that3 $hat.s a bold enough
lie to dro"n on- $hey had 2ust used it to locate the 1usitaniaJ
$he lesson here is that "hen the World +rder is using a particular ad*anced technology/
they "ill tell the public that they ha*e no interest in it- $he #ritish/ American and
German na*ies continued ater W-W-I to do research beyond "hat the public &ne" they
"ere interested in- While the public thought that A;uaman "as simply a comic idea,,the
research "ent on to de*elop the ability or humans to s"im li&e ish- When the World
+rder has disco*ered a technological brea&through they pretend that they are still
researching the basic concept- +ten they prepare the public or their in*entions *ia
science iction no*els and mo*ies- $he reasons include their need to a*oid the uture
shoc& that can incapacitate a people-
I the reader has gone ishing/ she or he may be amiliar "ith ho" ish can breathe in the
air/ they don.t die automatically- $hey ha*e gills "hich are designed to ta&e o=ygen
rom "ater/ but their gills do absorb some o=ygen rom the air/ enough to &eep them
ali*e on land or a "hile/ so that i they are let on the ban& ater being caught they may
2ump bac& into the "ater and escape- 1i&e"ise/ people don.t automatically die rom
dro"ning- Near dro"n *ictims ha*e been reco*ered ater 6< minutes o being immersed
in cold "ater- !o"e*er/ normal humans do not sur*i*e breathing "ater as "ell as ish
breathe air- $here are some animals though "hich can breathe both air and "ater/
+*er the years/ the Ne" World +rder has secretly de*eloped the ability to create a
subspecies o people "ho can s"im and breathe "ater- Recently/ the +regonian
ne"spaper (Buly 8C/ ?77:) Arts E @ntertainment Guide/ p- 88/ ran an article entitled
0#ra*e Ne" Water"orld0- $his is an e=ample o a ictional supposedly uturistic setting
or a mo*ie about a technology they already possess- $he mo*ie Water"orld is the most
e=pensi*e ilm made recently- It is estimated that it cost bet"een W?6< million to W8<<
million to ma&e it- +ne o the main characters in the mo*ie is Mariner/ "ho is a human
"ho has been genetically changed to ha*e gills behind his ears- As mentioned already/
they use mo*ies li&e this to con*ince people that their present technology is only
something o the uture/ "hile still preparing people mentally to accept it- $hat "ay the
culture is not o*er"helmed i they encounter the technology in the near uture-
When secret researchers disco*ered that a particular chemical(s) added to the
bloodstream "ould enable the human lungs to ta&e o=ygen and remo*e carbon dio=ide
rom "ater/ they had the ability to ha*e men s"im in "ater li&e ish "ithout scuba gear-
No" they needed to co*er their trac&s/ so National Geographic Society ("hich has great
respectability in the public.s eye) has "ritten about e=periments to ind a "ay or men to
breathe "ater- In the National Geographic boo& @=ploring the Deep Frontier $he
Ad*enture o Man in the Sea/ published in ?7C</ they sho" a G@ e=periment on pg- 86C-
$he picture.s caption reads/ 0$o di*e li&e a "hale and breathe li&e a ish4 Scientists
search or "ays to increase man.s reedom and range in the sea- In a tan& at a General
@lectric research laboratory (right) ish s"im past a para&eet separated rom their "atery
"orld by a transparent membrane- Watertight but porous/ the membrane allo"s o=ygen
and carbon dio=ide to pass in and out- @;uipped "ith artiicial gills/ man may one day
breathe li;uid "hile di*ing-0
$he e=ample here is that they co*er their trac&s "hen they ma&e a disco*ery by setting
up e=periments that are allo"ed to be published that ma&e it loo& li&e they are only
beginning to understand the sub2ect- #ear in mind/ the Allies captured secret Nazi
German records/ and the Germans did not research using parrots,,they used li*e but
e=pendable people- $he Nazis "ere not abo*e in2ecting drugs that induce respiratory
paralysis or other responses and testing ho" the person.s body "ould respond to
dro"ning- I "ould suggest that they analyzed <8 contents in the human guinea pigs "ith
mass spectrometers- $he paper"or& o the secret Nazi research pro2ects that the Na*y
coniscated at the end o W-W- II/ "ould pro*ide a better picture o "hat "as researched
and disco*ered-
$he National Geographic article admitted that they had a membrane through "hich a
parrot could get o=ygen *ia the "ater around it- No"/ logic "ould tell you that i they
ha*e a membrane that "ill allo" a parrot to breathe surrounded by "ater that the
technical diiculties o adapting this to a person can be easily o*ercome,,so the concept
o gills or people is ;uite achie*able,,ho"e*er/ the ability or humans to directly
breathe rom "ater is already achie*able due to some other ad*ances they ha*e already
used secretly or years- In order to capitalize on their disco*ery o ho" to create
Amphibious Man/ military minds in the Illuminati "ent to "or& trying to thin& up
schemes on ho" to use men "ho can s"im li&e ish to their o"n e*il ad*antages- !ere is
a disco*ery that could beneit man&ind and yet they are thin&ing o "ays to use it or
$hey basically realized that amphibious man could be used li&e a gloriied Seal
team- Seal teams are the na*y.s semi,secret group o "ell,trained men/ "ho do
primarily land operations ater s"imming ashore- Monarch sla*es are being used in the
Seal teams- $he Seal teams are being secretly used to carry out assassinations/ such as
recently they "ere used to assassinate people in Ira;- $hey are trained in the ability to
land and disguise themsel*es as nati*es and carry out illegal assassination "or& during
times o peace- For missions li&e this only programmed sla*es "ill "or&/ because they
need to erase their memories-
Seal teams are located around the "orld/ especially in the San Diego !+ area- $he Seals
"ere originally gi*en dolphins to train and communicate "ith *ia clic&ers but these "ere
turned o*er the @+D (the na*y.s ordinance group) so that the dolphins can be used to
disarm mine ields or carry e=plosi*es- $he comic boo& scenario o A;uaman "ith
dolphins is not iction anymore- $he Seals use SDK (Deep Kehicles) "hich are tight
itting 6,person minisubs to submerge deep into the "ater/ beore s"imming "ith gear-
$he name "hich is being used "orld,"ide by people amiliar "ith the concept o men
s"imming li&e ish is 0amphibious man0-
$here are groups secretly "orld,"ide "or&ing on the use o this ne" sub,species o
man- $hey are genetically trying to engineer ne" s&in and other parts o the human body
to ma&e people more suitable or li*ing under"ater- In line "ith this/ men/ li&e
Frenchman Bac;ues Rougerie/ ha*e been designing and building A;ua,cities so that
people could li*e under"ater and ha*e industry such as ish arming to sustain
themsel*es economically- Special 0geothermal0 generators "ould help generate heat or
the A;ua,cities- Amphibious man is ali*e and "ell today-
%nderstand that the people "ho are being genetically engineered by the Illuminati are
also being raised under their mind,control- $he structures o their alter systems are *ery
comple= on Amphibious Man models/ because so much secrecy is riding on these
sla*es- $he internal systems o these sla*es are booby trapped e*ery "hich "ay so that
no tampering can be attempted/ plus the design "or& on these Systems is some o the
best- $hings are tied together li&e a 2igsa" puzzle- Fritz.s Summer X7: ne"sletter/
re*ealed or the irst time that today/ there are genetically engineered Amphibious men
"ho are able to s"im under"ater "ithout air tan&s-
$here "ere a number o diiculties that the elite.s scientists had to o*ercome to create
Amphibious man- Scientists had the beneit o being able to ma&e lots o comparisons ,
bet"een *arious animals- Some animals can use "ater/ some "ater and air/ and some
2ust air- $here are many other comparisons that ha*e been used in under"ater research-
In almost e*ery physical aspect related to animals li*ing under"ater there are
dierences bet"een *arious animals "hich can be compared so that the technical eature
"hich allo"s one animal to do something under"ater that another species can.t can be
identiied- +nce the eature is identiied/ then research can begin on ho" to obtain this
eature or human s"immers-
For instance/ one type o sna&e (the pelagic yello",bellied sea sna&e) "hich breathes air/
can under optimum conditions stay under"ater indeinitely- $urtles ha*e an incredible
tolerance or ano=ia/ in comparison to other reptiles/ "hich go under"ater- And sea
turtles ha*e the best tolerance o all the *arious turtles- $his is the type o dierence that
lends itsel to comparison research- %nder"ater comparison research had already begun
clear bac& in ?CA7/ "hen Paul #ert e=amined the dierences bet"een domestic chic&ens
and mallard duc&s- Doing comparisons it is easy to ind out that birds and mammals
"hich di*e ha*e greater storage in their bodies or <
than humans-
$he Bapanese Ama di*ers "ere studied in the early ?79<s by German under"ater
researchers- !o"e*er/ the public has been told that *ery little research in this area
occurred until the ?7A<s- >ooyman/ Gerald 1- Di*erse Di*ers Physiology and #eha*ior-
#erlin/ Ger-4 Springer,Kerlag/ ?7C7/ p- 99 states/ 01ittle urther e=perimental "or& "as
done on the sub2ect o gas e=change in human breath,hold di*ers until the early ?7A<s-0
'an you belie*e that the #ritish/ Germans and Americans didn.t research such an
important under"ater sub2ect or 9< years3 5es/ they did continue rantic secret research/
and they e*entually learned ho" to sol*e a number o undersea problems acing
First/ the regulation o respiration is carried out by "hat is called the 'hemoreceptors
"hich are carotid and aortic bodies "hich detect the changes in the partial pressures o
o=ygen and carbon dio=ide in the blood- $he '+8 brea& point mechanism is sensiti*e to
a number o phenomena/ "hich can pre*ent it rom protecting a person- When a person
breaths/ he has an ingassing and an outgassing o o=ygen/ carbon dio=ide/ nitrogen/ and
other gasses- $he le*els o each o these gasses and their nature are important actors in
ho" a person.s body under"ater unctions or dies- I the le*el o '+8 gets too high/ the
person can become unconscious- $he human circulatory system has to be changed to be
able to adapt to the ocean en*ironment-
In dealing "ith men s"imming under"ater all the la"s o gasses that regular di*ers ha*e
to deal "ith still apply to Amphibious Man,,such as Amonoton.s la"/ #oyle.s 1a"/
'harles 1a"/ !enry.s 1a"/ and !aldanian.s $heory on gas absorption and elimination
by body tissues- #lood glucose is the only source or carbon "hen humans di*e/ "hich
orces muscles to rely primarily on anaerobic glycolysis- $his means that o=ygen
depletion is not the only ma2or problem or those "ho hold their breath and s"im- #lood
glucose le*els must be attained or under"ater s"immers that "ill sustain acti*ity-
#reathing "ater must assure the proper unctioning o the circulatory system- $he high
salinity o sea "ater causes hypertonic reactions in the lungs- Fresh "ater has too little
salt in relation to the human blood E it causes hypotonic reactions- @ither "ay/ the "ater
(either resh or salt) causes the al*eolar tissue to damage and the body begins lea&ing
proteins out o the mouth-
Secret na*al intelligence researchers tied to the Illuminati studied "hat happens
under"ater to the heart rate/ cardiac output and stro&e *olume/ blood pressure and lo"/
the *arious important organs and the human brain/ the muscles and bones and *enous
circulation/ the hemoglobin ainity or <
/ the eect o being submersed on blood gases/
ho" o=ygen is stored/ and ho" hemoglobin concentrates in the body-
Another ad*ancement "as to disco*er ho" to manipulate the genetic codes or the
gro"th o s&in/ so that *ery dense s&in could be created- $he genetics or all types o
animals ha*e been spliced and diced and all o "eird humans and creatures ha*e been
created- Many are rea&s and ser*e the NW+ no beneit- +ne o the big underground
acilities or genetic research is Area :?/ "hich is also close to San Diego/ "here the
Seal $eams are !+-
Area :? is also an important mind control programming center- Fritz.s Bune,Buly,
August Ne"sletter X7: urther discussed the under"ater bases/ under"ater supply
depots/ under"ater mining research/ undersea "arare systems/ $e&tite II/ the mind,
control research during the 'onshei under"ater li*ing e=periment/ the %-S- Na*y
under"ater research ship the @agle/ Scripps Institution o +ceanography and the
Physiological Research 1aboratory or Na*al Intelligence use/ under"ater research by
Rothschild and #o"ers/ Remote 'ontrolled Kehicles (R'Ks)/ E '%RK (cable,
controlled %nder"ater Reco*ery Kehicle)/ and special under"ater tools such as the
hydraulic under"ater sa"-
Cha2te E The Science o& /ind /ani2u$ation )y 0%ycho$o(ica$ 0o(a""in(
A- +bser*ing a satanic amily conditioning their children
+ther Items $hat Parents Do $o $heir Monarch 'hildren
An +*er*ie"
Some o the elements "hich the Monarch program shares "ith other typical types o
cult mind control are4
#- #eha*ior modiication/ obedience training
'- Isolation
D- Repetition
@- Psychological moti*ators/ md- prideLneedsL"ants
F- Neuro,linguistic programming
Future Pacing
Pacing For !ypnosis Milton @ric&son
Reraming With Metaphors
$he Right #rain And $he %nconscious
Po"er Words/ Re*ersals And Puns
$he MindOs Natural Alarm 'loc&
G- $he in*ersion o pain E pleasure
/ethod%3 Beha!io /odi&ication, 0%ycho$o(ica$ /oti!ation and N90
+ne "ay to e=plain ho" the sla*es are conditioned is to relate an episode "here the t"o
authors obser*ed a Satanic amily carrying out conditioning to reinorce their children.s
mind control as their amily 0ate0 at a restaurant- Ater relating this interesting incident/
the chapter "ill co*er the *arious psychological methods used to condition sla*es-
A. O)%e!ation% o& a Satanic Fa"i$y Cayin( Out /onach Conditionin( on
Thei Chi$den
$he husband o the amily "as about 8C and the "ie "as about 8A- A young man
(perhaps an uncle o the children) about 8: also sat at the table "ith them- $he amily
had : children/ ranging rom about ? ?L8 years old to about D years old- During the entire
time "e "atched them/ "hich "as o*er an hour/ "e ne*er sa" one act o lo*e/ not one
act o nurturing on the part o the parents- @*erything "as programming/ programming
and more programming-
$he husband had an attitude o control o*er his children- !e "as a young some"hat
"ild coc&,sure type- From piecing together things it "as clear that he made a good
salary and that he and his "ie en2oyed proanity- !is "ie had the most dead loo&ing
eyes "e ha*e e*er seen in a person- She loo&ed e*ery bit the part o a Satanic priestess
o the "orst type- $he young man o about 8: had a *ery large &nie hidden on his bac&
that "e noticed only by close obser*ation o his mo*ements- Although it "as ? o.cloc& /
the adults "ere calling their meal 0brea&ast-0 $he main male child "as about : years
old- !e had an older sister and t"o younger sisters/ and they all had a baby brother-
During the entire time that the amily "as there/ the children ate almost nothing- $he :
yr- boy munched on a "atermelon rind/ trying to dra" some sustenance rom it- Part o
mind control is depri*ing the body o ood- $he poor children ne*er once as&ed or
anythingM that is a clue that something "asn.t normal- During most o the time that the
amily "as in the restaurant/ the mother and ather too& turns shooting one ;uestion ater
another at the i*e year boy- $he ;uestions "ere li&e4 What is the capital o Florida 3
What is the D<th element on the periodical chart3 What are the names o the irst i*e
presidents3 What is the s;uare root o ?8?3 $he boy "ould robotically ans"er each
;uestion successully- $he ;uestions "ere not ;uestions but programming and
commands- $he mother sternly said/ 0What ma&e o car "as that3 $hat.s a ;uestion-0
(Actually "hat she "as saying "as a command-)
Around this time they said/ 0Wa&e up/ "a&e up/ "a&e up-0 (hypnotic command-) A
couple "hich "as in the restaurant "as "atching ho" obedient the children "ere/ and
they "ere also o*erhearing ho" e=cellent this little boy could ans"er diicult rapid,ire
;uestions- $hey "ere impressed and the lady came o*er to tell the parents ho"
"onderul their amily "as- Ater oodling or ?< minutes o*er ho" great this amily "as
the "oman "ent on to other things- It "as diicult or both o us "atching to stomach
the compliments this stranger "as gi*ing to these parents- $he natural impulse "as to
get her to shut up her compliments- She nai*ely made all these compliments little
&no"ing/ that these parents "ere practicing one o the most hideous i not the most
hideous type o mind control in*ented- As&ing ;uestions rapid ire is another mind,
control techni;ue-
In act/ all o the elements o "hat Fritz "atched at the table that day "ere practiced on
Fritz/ the co,author/ "hen he "as in #east #arrac&s at West Point / %SMA- $he little girl
"as repeating her programming/ 0I don.t ha*e anything inside me-0 She "as actually
singing it- +ne o the girls had dierent alters coming out and "as ha*ing a con*ersation
"ith hersel bet"een dierent alters (personalities)- She placed her hand o*er her temple
in scarecro" ashion (Wizard o +z) programming- !er head mo*ement "as a dead
gi*ea"ay to those o us amiliar "ith Monarch programming- $he parents had chosen
the spot to eat because o the large surreal picture abo*e them on the "all "ith blue E
red lo"ers/ "ater and mountains- $he picture "as acting as a scrambling,scattering
mechanism/ "hen the boy studied the picture/ "hich he did or the longest time in a
$he middle girl "as dropping crayons into a styrooam cup and saying 0get into the
ire-0 $hen she "ould say 0I.m purple-0 0I.m pin&-0 0I understand youOre purple-0 0I
understand you.re pin&-0 0Get out o here or a minute-0 What she "as doing "as gi*ing
the crayons personalities- In the Monarch programming/ the person is totally
dehumanized so that some alters thin& they are ribbons/ some mon&eys/ some clo"ns/
some dolls/ some trees/ some lions or tigers/ etc- $he se=ual alters are oten programmed
to thin& o themsel*es as cats and butterlies- While the girl "as coloring/ her ather
reached o*er the table "ithout "arning and too& her colors/ 05ou don.t deser*e these
colors and I should ha*e ta&en them a"ay beore no"- $he girl had done nothing "rong-
$his is part o mind control- $he person learns that there isn.t a right or "rong only that
they must be obedient- $he little girl did not e*en respond "hen her colors "ere yan&ed
a"ay- When the mom tal&ed to them/ she said 0children0,,she ne*er once personalized
$he parents began another programming session and said something li&e/ 0I "ill span&
you- I you don.t count then you can be span&ed/ "e "ill count 8< times-0 $he constant
double messages "ere ob*iously brea&ing do"n the children to thin& as programmed
rather than respond li&e normal people to the outside "orld- $he "oman turned to her
little baby and said/ 0$ell daddy good,bye0- When the child "a*ed good,bye/ the "oman
snapped/ 05ouOre not going any"here-0 $his ser*es to create conusion- $hen she &issed
him and said/ 0#aby/ do you "ant a picture30
We decided to say something to them/ and "e did so in the orm o a compliment about
their children- Neither parent sho"ed any pride in the children "hen the earlier lady had
gushedly complimented the children/ nor "hen "e complimented them "ith a sentence-
Instead/ "hen "e complimented the children/ the ather began shooting o a series o
diicult ;uestions to the boy- $his "as simply more programming/ but apparently he
must ha*e thought that "e.d be impressed "ith the boy.s ability to ans"er diicult
;uestions that seemed "ay beyond "hat many teenagers "ould &no"-
$"o strange things happened during the course o our *erbal interaction "ith this satanic
amily- First/ the "aitresses had gi*en the amily ree ice cream coupons/ but the parents
ga*e them to us "ithout the children e*en batting an eyelid- Second/ I as&ed the ather
"hat the age o his children "ere and he didn.t &no"/ or acted li&e he didn.t &no"- $hen
he blurted out/ they are ?/ 8/ 9/ 6/ and : years old- !is "ie &ne" that that ans"er must
ha*e loo&ed bogus to us/ and she reprimanded him/ 05ou don.t e*en &no" the age o
your children-0 $o "hich he replied/ 05es/ they are 8/ 9/ 6/ :/ and A-0 !is second ans"er
"as e;ually implausible/ but his "ie didn.t protest/ and the poor mind controlled
children "ere e=periencing 2ust one more element o Satanic mind control- $hey are not
e*en allo"ed to realize ho" old they are- Dates/ and times/ and ages are &ept *ery
conused in the children.s minds or secrecy and control- Not only that/ but by gi*ing a
hypnotic induction 0?/ 8/ 9---0 the ather had lo"ered each o the alters "hich "ere
holding the bodies o his children into a deeper trance- With these alters tranced/ another
"ord rom the ather could ha*e easily pulled up other alters-
Othe Ite"% That 0aent% Do To Thei /onach Chi$den
Double bind communication is commonly gi*en multiples by all o their abusers- Some
o these double binds are "ell thought out and some 2ust occur due to the craziness o
the entire thing- For instance/ in ritual or programming/ the child may ha*e the option to
stab or be stabbed- In ighting the programming/ i an alter goes to"ard health/ the
programmers ha*e set in a booby,trap- Which e*il does the sla*e li*e "ith,,the lies o
the programming or the lies o the e=ternal "orld3 !o" does one tell the truth to a
therapist/ "hen the therapist is not capable o hearing the truth/ and yet still demands to
be told the truth3 5es/ double,binds abound-
Another tric& is to alternate leniency "ith harshness- $his tric& is done in the military
also/ and has been "or&ed "ith success by the 'hinese go*ernment upon the people o
Red 'hina- When leniency is alternated "ith &indness/ the eect is de*astating and
disconcerting because the person looses the ability to predict "hat is going to happen-
@*eryone li&es to control his or her lie- Predicting "hat is going to happen is part o a
person.s mind gaining control o*er their en*ironment- @*en that control is stripped rom
a sla*e- $hey soon learn to ;uit trying to protect themsel*es/ and they ;uit trying to thin&
or themsel*es but docilely submit to "hate*er ate assigns them- $he mind can.t igure
lie out/ so it ;uits trying to understand lie/ and 2ust atally submits-
Dr- Green (Mengele) "as *ery gentle "hen dra"ing blood/ and he "as *ery gentle "hen
gi*ing the children V,rays- !e "ould s"eet tal& them and gi*e candy- #ut he "as *ery
sadistic "hen he.d ollo" this up "ith abuse- $he programmers ha*e preerred to be
inconsistent "ith the children li&e this- Soon the child doesn.t &no" "hat hate and lo*e
are anymore- $he person/ "ho claims he lo*es them/ gi*es them torture or abandons
them to be tortured by someone else- A third tric& is to gi*e the *ictim monotonous
tas&s/ such as chanting or copying long amounts o "ritten material- $his helps prod the
dissociation/ and is a torture that doesn.t lea*e mar&s-
An O!e!ie'
All o the elements o mind control are incorporated into the Monarch program- I a
person sur*eys "hat the e*eryday cult mind control "hich is N+$ part o total Monarch
mind,control loo&s li&e/ you "ill ind the same elements o e*eryday cult control also
are employed at *arious places "ithin the Monarch programming o a person.s alter
system- ($his didn.t happen by accident either/ the Illuminati ha*e e=amined all these
lesser cults to see "hat they could borro" or their o"n mind control-)
So"e o& the e$e"ent% 'hich the /onach 2o(a" %hae% 'ith othe ty2ica$ ty2e%
o& cu$t "ind conto$ ae3
?- $he Needs + Indi*iduals Are Promised $o #e Met/ #ut Are Ignored For Group
Goals- $he Illuminati handler (master) "ill promise to meet indi*idual needs o alters/
but these needs are ignored or group goals- For instance/ certain Monarch alters o a
person.s system may be told they ha*e no aces and no hearts- $hey are programmed not
to see their aces and not to hear any heart beat- I a pulse monitoring machine is hoo&ed
up to the alter/ the alter "ill go into a trance- For instance/ the handler might promise
aces and hearts but "ill ne*er gi*e them to the Monarch sla*e "hen he could- $he
promise is a control mechanism-
8- Isolation From $he World/ So $hat the +nly Reality Is $he 1eaderOs Reality- $he
Illuminati isolates the sla*e so ne" ideas are a*ailable or allo"ed e=cept their cult
leader.s ideas- 0Whate*er the Papa #ear FmasterG says is reality-0 @ach alter "ill only
communicate "ith a e" other alters- What this does is di*ide the person rom their o"n
parts- $he "ill and mind is bro&en so that there is no organized resistance/ nor any
access to other alters "ho might &no" something- $he sla*e "ill oten be denied mother/
grandmother/ grandather/ aunts/ sisters/ children/ grandchildren/ E riends- $hey "ill be
depri*ed o all naturally occurring relationships *ia the mind control- $his doesn.t they
mean e=ist in a *acuum/ it means that the handlers "ill pre*ent natural relationships to
de*elop- Isolation is *ery &ey and parts are made to eel li&e animals rather than people
to isolate them rom humanity- No ideas are allo"ed the sla*e to conront their
programmer.s lies- $hey are programmed to hate 'hrist and the God o the #ible/ so that
they are isolated rom the true God and !is abundant spiritual resources-
9- $he PersonOs Sense + Identity Is 1ost- $he Monarch sla*e lose hisLher sense o sel to
the cult and to the person.s master- No sense o "here I begin E end/ and "here the
Master begins and ends- $he Monarch programming goes beyond "hat many cult ha*e
done/ the alters are hypnotized to not see their aces/ "hich is part o their identity-
6- Altered States and !ypnosis Is %sed- $he handlersLprogrammers use hypnotic
techni;ues- $hey induce dissociation by songs/ chanting/ guilt inducing sessions/ torture/
isolation/ as "ell as using songs/ repeating triggers 9V/ and lots o hypnosis-
:- A Sense + Peace Is Induced/ @specially When +ne Merges With Whoe*er Is
1eading- $he !ead + $he 'ult Will $a&e 'redit For What $he Sla*e Is- $hey induce a
sense o peace leading to the antasy o merging "ith leader/ oten suggested by leader-
$hen the *ictim has the abuser placed internally in them- For e=ample/ the master may
say he "as one "ith the sla*e and that he 0created0 the sla*e- $he handler "ill claim to
be God- A- +ut + #ody @=periences- +ut o body e=periences (+,#,@.s) are induced by
the torture E Illuminati training/ as "ell as splits-
D- Sensory #ombardment And Fatigue- Sensory bombardment used/ such as prolonged
sleep depri*ation/ en*ironmental control/ and lo*e bombing- 'ages/ lo*e bombing o
certain alters/ and a sterile nurseryLtoddler room are employed-
C- 'ritical $hin&ing And Disagreeing With $he 1eader Is Forbidden- $he sla*e must
suspend ability to thin& critically or disagree "ith leader- $he sla*e must ne*er ;uestion
the Master (also called the handler)/ ne*er get angry at the handler/ or else the sla*e
"ants to be punished- $he sla*e must al"ays obey or pay "ith pain- $he alters are
splintered rom others so can.t use their inormation or analysis-
7- $he sla*e must reorganize reality through identiication "ith aggressor (Illuminati
master)- Strong identiication is created "ith the master- $he sla*e is programmed to
protect the master-
?<- Indi*idual sees locus (location) o control "ith the Master and the Illuminati rather
than sel- Programming o*errules sel-
??- #lac& and "hite thin&ing is created by the programming-
Many o the Gnostic cults (see the Fritz.s #e Wise As Serpents boo& or an e=amination
o "hat a Gnostic cult is) ha*e employed these tactics- People in the Beho*ah.s
Witnesses and '%$/ "hich are Gnostic cults/ as "ell as members o many other groups,,
such as the 'IA "ill recognize that these methods "ere used on them- ($he 'IA is in
reality 2ust another cult/ and an Illuminati,controlled cult at that-)
Isolation For children "ho are being ta&en out o Day 'are 'enters and programmed
"ithout their parents &no"ledge/ they "ill be isolated rom their real parents- $he
abusers "ill tell the children that they are actually the 0real parents0 and that they intend
to come and ta&e the child a"ay rom its parents later- $hey "ill ma&e the innocent child
eel li&e it is cut o and re2ected by e*eryone including the "orld at large- In a sense/
this is true/ because the child is e=pected to endure the most horrible abuse and yet has
no one to tal& to- Feelings o isolation and despair ta&e control o*er the child.s mind-
$hese "ays o thin&ing are also spiritually enhanced by rituals to bring in demonic
spirits that "ill help insure the child is dominated by eelings o hopelessness-
During the entire lie o the sla*e/ the handlers and programmers are al"ays trying to
so" distrust in the *ictim- $he programming is oten designed to so" distrust in
e*eryone on the outside e=cept the godli&e igure the Master- @*en the Master is not
trusted so much as eared and obeyed by the sla*e- $he sla*e is also sub2ected to
isolation as a child being placed into reezers/ closets/ dar& rooms/ bo=es and isolation
tan&s- Sensory depri*ation is a serious thing/ that has been disco*ered to cause people to
hallucinate- $he brain goes into an altered state 2ust rom sensory depri*ation- Polar
e=plorers "ho see only "hite or days on end must deal "ith this danger-
!and"riting Modiication Psychology de*eloped o*er the years a number o pro2ecti*e/
ob2ecti*e and sub2ecti*e tests o personality- 1ud"ig >lages (o Germany)/ !-B- @ysenc&
(o @ngland)/ and M-N- #un&er (o the %-S-) are some o the notable researchers "ho
too& hand"riting analysis out o the occult realm and into the scientiic realm- ($he co,
author/ Fritz/ happens to be a certiied Graphoanalyst through IGAS/ "ho has done
Graphoanalysis proessionally- IGAS has strict standards not to allo" members to do
anything associated "ith the occult/ but insists they &eep their "or& on a scientiic
When a person "rites/ he "ill use about 8<< separate muscles in the hand/ arm/ and
body- $he mind coordinates all these muscle mo*ements- A good hand"riting analyst
has about C<< dierent things that he can loo& or in a sample o hand"riting/ such as
ho" hard did the "riter "rite "ith his instrument/ ho" big/ "here did he start on the
paper/ ho" did he cross his 0t0 etc- In other "ords/ the mind in order to "rite had to
ma&e hundreds o decisions "ithin seconds- $here are too many decisions to ma&e them
all the decisions consciously- $his is "hy document e=aminers can authenticate
signatures- Most o the many decisions as one "rites are done subconsciously/ and the
decisions are inluenced by state o mind/ personality/ the state o the physical body/ and
the en*ironment- $he good hand"riting analyst is able to "or& bac&"ards- Why "as
the decision made to ma&e the capital P loo& li&e an 13 Why did the person start their
"riting hal,"ay into the paper and "aste hal the piece o paper3 $hrough scientiic
studies and obser*ations/ a *ast "ealth o understanding has de*eloped by graphologists
about "hy certain decisions are made- Some graphologists use a "holistic method/
others li&e graphoanalysts/ analyze each stro&e- #oth methods "ill gi*e the same results
i the hand"riting analyst is s&illed at applying the principles o graphology-
!and"riting analysis has not gotten the credibility it deser*es/ in part/ because it is such
a po"erul diagnostic tool/ the intelligence agencies ha*e "anted to &eep it to
themsel*es- !o"e*er/ the nation o Israel/ uses hand"riting analysis to hire "ith/ and a
high percentage o the businesses use it in hiring also- $he nation o Israel has had a
high rate o success "ith hand"riting analysis-
!o" does hand"riting analysis play a part in the mind control3 Se*eral "ays- A number
o the programmers are s&illed in hand"riting analysis- $hey are "ell a"are that the
abuse o their sla*es "ill sho" in the hand"riting- $hrough beha*ior modiication
(usually torture) the ront alters are trained to "rite in a ashion that hides the abuse- $he
abuse "ill sho" in the hand"riting o most o the alters/ so many o them are
programmed not to read or "rite- $his is "hy some o the child alters "ill ha*e older
alters "rite or them- $he programmers "ere also a"are o ho" the mind healsLchanges
itsel *ia hand"riting therapy- I the mind "ill place enough energy into "riting a
particular "ay,,it "ill go ahead and put enough energy into becoming "hat it "rites- In
other "ords/ i I am lazy/ but I get determined enough to ocus the brain so that it
doesn.t ma&e hand"riting stro&es that indicate laziness/ then my brain "ill also change
its lazy attitude in other "ays- In other "ords/ I can begin to change a personality trait
by "or&ing on the hand"riting decisions that stem rom that trait- $he programmers can
and do help modiy their sla*es. personalities this "ay- $hey o course "ill employ a
number o personality changing techni;ues as a group pac&age- $he goal is to bring as
much pressure to bear as possible to get the original trait modiied- $his "ill be done in
accordance "ith the programming goals or the *arious alters "ithin a system-
Remember/ some alters need to be outgoing and other reticent/ some melancholic/ and
others sanguine or choleric- $he programmers &no" "hat they "ant and ho" to modiy
"hat they ha*e to get the temperament and personality traits they "ant-
B. Beha!io /od -/odi&ication.
#eha*ior modiication comes in *arious pac&ages- +ne pac&age has been called @1$
(@lectrolytic $rtmt) de*eloped by !-'- $ien- +ne simple *ersion o beha*ior mod is to
ind out "hat someone has done "hich is good/ and praise and reinorce that beha*ior-
$hen state the goal- And then continue to reinorce promptly the good things the person
is doing- $he goal in mind must be measurable- An e=ample o this/ might be or a
handler to praise his &itten and to purchase it nice things i a client is satisied "ith the
se=ual ser*ice he got- $he reinorcement needs to be soon/ and appropriate- XX$hin&ing
beha*ior.. is a term that beha*ior mod scientists use- 0Ad*erse conditioning0 is
another- Anectine/ "hich paralyzes the body and ma&es one thin& they are suocating/
can be used or a*ersion conditioning- $he *ictim is told not to do a particular beha*ior
or else e=perience discomort- When beha*ior modiication is done in programming/
you can be sure that there is paper "or& done to chart the progress- Rather than "orry
about "hat a person is thin&ing/ the beha*iorist charts a person.s beha*ior and then
gi*es reinorcements o correct beha*ior (or the opposite ad*erse re"ards o
punishment) to modiy it- Kictims are conditioned to carry out certain beha*iors- I an
alter does something "rong/ there is an immediate conse;uence set up or it- Soon it is
conditioned not to do "hat the programmer doesn.t "ant- $he beha*ior mod scientists
belie*e that creati*ity can be controllable- When a child creates a ne" orm he is
re"arded- Soon the child learns to create-
Illuminati Delta,#eta alters "ill be trained in espionage- $hey "ill be trained to
recognize a person.s physical identity instantly- +ne method o training "hich has been
used is to teach people to remember rele=i*ely rather than analytically- $housands o
aces or thousands o license plates/ or "hate*er are lashed on a screen/ and "hen a
repeat is sho"n the person must press a button- I a mista&e is made/ the sla*e is treated
to a nasty little shoc&- Ater a "hile a person de*elops the correct rele=es- Sla*es are
being trained in recognition rom the time they are small children/ this is important so
that they can build their internal "orlds "ith mirror images and other conusing things-
$he ollo"ing 0deeper0 programming is an e=ample o classical conditioning- $he
child.s hand is cut so that the child goes into a trance o shoc&/ and then each time they
use the "ord 0deeper0 they cut deeper to enhance the shoc&Ltrance state- #y pairing the
"ord "ith this trauma/ "hen they are through/ the "ord 0deeper, asleep0 "ill thro"
some alters instantly into a *ery deep trance-
E. 0%ycho$o(ica$ /oti!ation
When a person has been &noc&ed do"n and degraded/ traumatized by poor sleep and
little ood and "ater/ he is more susceptible to suggestion- !e can then be told that he
himsel is the cause or his o"n degradation- I he 2ust beha*es better/ his treatment "ill
When the person accepts his guilt or the bad situation he is in/ then the programmers
gi*e a target or the blame,,God/ country/ or "hate*er the person had depended upon-
$he programmer then aggra*ates these hostile eelings/ and &eeps nurturing them until
the person is li*id "ith anger to"ard the ob2ect o blame- $he *ictim is coached to
pro2ect their blame onto this target o blame- When this is accepted/ the conditions or
the *ictim impro*e- +nce the person has targeted their blame/ then the Programmer
becomes the riend to help one ight the e*il target- Anything and e*erything is
rationalized in this 0All becomes air in "ar-0
@nemies are easy to create- People readily accept them- $he intelligence community has
long played on people.s ears about communism- People might be shoc&ed to realize
that this "as one o !itler.s a*orite methods to recruit loyalty rom people- It is "hy the
Nazi.s secretly burned do"n the Reichstag/ and then blamed the communists- $he
Illuminati are masters at ma&ing 'hristianity the ault or e*erything rom homose=ual
suicide to the "orld "ars-
F. Neuo#9in(ui%tic 0o(a""in(
N1P means Neuro,1inguistic Programming/ "hich are practical communication s&ills-
Programmers "ere using N1P beore it became &no"n as N1P in ?7DA- Some N1P
techni;ues are ob*ious truths/ and some are more subtle truths in dealing "ith human
nature- N1P can be more o an art/ than a science- +ne o the truths in N1P is 0@*eryone
li*es in their uni;ue reality built rom their sense impressions and indi*idual e=periences
o lie/ and "e act on the basis o "hat "e percei*e our model o the "orld-0 (+.'onnor/
Boseph E Bohn Seymour- Introducing N1P- San Francisco/ 'A4 A;uarian Press/ ?779/
p-6-) $hat is "hy alters ha*e their "orlds created by their programmers/ and then the
occult alters are indoctrinated "ith satanic belies- ( 'hap- ?? Part A deals "ith this
1et.s list some other 0assumptions0 that N1P practitioners belie*e in "ithout e=plaining
them4 Almost all communication is non,*erbal- >no"ledge o content is not re;uired to
ma&e beha*ioral changes- +ur internal representation o the "orld is not the "orld but
only our o"n eeble map o it- $he map is not the territory- People "ill choose
predicates "hich correspond to "hat representational system they are using/ and "hich
one they choose can be seen rom eye accessing cues-
I one studies N1P/ one "ill ind that N1P boo&s such as #asic $echni;ues #oo& II by
'liord Wright/ teach people ho" to create dissociati*e states "hich are alternate
personalities/ and that they teach people ho" to de*elop dierent states o mind/ and
pseudo multiple personalities- It is diicult to e=press all the dierent cross,o*ers that
N1P has "ith Monarch Programming/ but at dierent times the concepts o N1P
certainly "ould be helpul to the handlers- !o"e*er/ it must be stressed that N1P IS
N+$ Monarch Programming-
+ne o N1P.s suggestions is that a person assess their 0present state0 and their 0desired
state-0 $his simply common sense suggestion is oten carried out during programming-
$he Programmer "ill tell the *ictim W!A$ >IND o alters they "ant produced and
!+W MAN5 "hen they begin the torture- $he moti*ation to do this is also suggested
by N1P and is accomplished by the programmers threats to the person.s lie/ and by the
person.s desire to be ree o pain and torture-
Milton @ric&son.s "or& on altered states has been pic&ed up by N1P- 1i&e"ise at least
part o the programming hypnosis is based on @ric&son.s ideas-
'lues For +bser*ing A Kictim 1ateral @ye Mo*ement (1@M) can be a useul s&ill to the
programmer- Monarch *ictims are sometimes programmed so that the real 1@M is not
done publicly by the *ictim/ to pre*ent people rom getting *isual clues as to "hat is
going on in their mind- A person "ho is thin&ing in *isual images "ill generally spea&
more ;uic&ly and at a higher pitch than someone "ho is not- $hese types o clues help
the Programmers be more s&illed/ but it isn.t a necessity-
N1P researchers ha*e noticed that people ha*e emotional states in "hich the entire body
"ill ta&e up a posture in carrying it out- Memories can come into a person that causes
the body to ta&e up the negati*e states again- $he N1P practitioners ha*e de*eloped
language "hich includes such terms as Anchors/ emotional states/ and triggers- $hese
"ords are used to describe ideas that ha*e long been in use- For instance/ let.s say that
"hen you heard a particular song at some point in your lie you "ere ha*ing a good time
(emotional state)- No" that e*ery time you recei*e a trigger to that memory/ such as the
song/ you regain that good eeling that is attached to the memory o the song- @*ery time
you hear the song/ you eel good/ "hich then in turn/ continues to act as reinorcement
o the association o a good eeling to the song- A stimulus that is lin&ed to and triggers
a physiological state or emotional state is called an anchor-
+ur li*es are illed "ith naturally occurring anchors/ such as our a*orite childhood
smells/ or the alarm cloc&- +ne o the Illuminati &ingpins in Germany/ a >rupp/ li&ed the
smell o manure/ and built his house so he could smell horse manure all day-
N1P is the art o building associations "ith an anchor- A past emotion can be lin&ed to
something today- I a person is araid o public spea&ing/ then a good eeling can be
lin&ed to gi*ing tal&s- $he s&illed programmer "ill anchor an emotion "ith se*eral
sense cues,,including auditory/ *isual/ and touch- $he person *isualizes an emotional
state rom the past- When the state is reaching its pea&/ the anchor is placed in- $he
anchor needs to be uni;ue/ distincti*e/ E easy to repeat in the e=act orm that it "as
Much o the trauma,based programming is actually setting anchors using e=treme
trauma- When the anchors are tested (ired)/ i the emotional state is pulled up/ then the
anchors ha*e "or&ed- Firing t"o separate anchors at once is called collapsing anchors-
$"o separate states can be ired at once- $here is a methodology or collapsing anchors
Futue 0acin(
Future pacing can be used to help program a person to"ard his occupational ob2ecti*e
"hich "as charted or the *ictim "hen they "ere small- Future pacing is a mental
rehearsal that is practiced in the imagination so that the person can deal "ith some uture
challenge- @=pectations can oten become sel,ulilling prophecies-
N1P also is used to teach people ho" to learn- It teaches people to learn a *ariety o
methods or a single s&ill- !o"e*er/ this type o sel,help ino is not reely gi*en to the
sla*e- It might be used i the programmers needed to de*elop the person hypnotically in
a certain direction-
0acin( Fo Hy2no%i%
#ecause /i$ton Eic*%on stands out as a genius among those "ho ha*e used hypnosis/
and people are still trying to igure out ully "hat he did/ it is appropriate to mention his
"or&- We don.t &no" ho" these ideas o Milton @ric&son.s are used by the
Programmers- We do &no" that the 'IA has paid close attention to his ideas/ and that
some o the Programmers ha*e some o the smoothest tongues- I there is some "ay to
utilize @ric&son.s "or& to help control Mind,controlled sla*es/ then the Intelligence
agencies ha*e no doubt ound it- +n the lip side/ se*eral deprogrammers used
@ric&sonian methods to unloc& the programming o the people they "ant to help- What
"e describe in this section is 2ust a small sampling o @ric&son.s methods-
Another type o N1P pacing besides the one 2ust pre*iously mentioned "as de*eloped
by Milton @ric&son- !e "ould gain rapport "ith anyone by describing to them "hat they
"ere eeling/ hearing and seeing- !e "ould induce a peaceul state by spea&ing slo"ly/
using a sot tonality/ and pacing his speech to the person.s breath- Gradually hypnotic
suggestions are introduced to lead them into "hat is called 0do"ntime-0 !e "ould
gently encourage people "ith gentle suggestions such as/ XIt.s easy to close your eyes
"hene*er you "ish to eel more comortable---0 #ut you may "onder ho" can anyone
&no" "hat someone else is thin&ing3
@ric&son de*eloped language that "as *ague enough or people to match their o"n
thin&ing to "hat he described- !e "ould use smooth transitional "ords such as 0"hile0/
0and0/ and 0as0- $he type o *ague sentences he "ould say are 0It is "ell &no"n that
people can read boo&s and ma&e changes-0 Milton @ric&son learned to distract the
dominant brain hemisphere/ and also spea& in a comple= "ay that all se*en (plus or
minus t"o parts o the conscious mind) "ould get engaged in trying to igure out "hat
his ambiguous statements meant- Milton ound that he could say anything i he set it up
in the conte=t o someone else saying it- !e also ound that the unconscious mind does
not process the linguistic negati*e- Rather than tell a child 0Don.t all0 tell it 0#e
Re&a"in( With /eta2ho%
Metaphors/ some rom Druidism or rom some other occult teachings/ are used by the
Programmers- For instance/ the seasonal changes that lea*es on trees ma&e is an
e=ample o a programming metaphor- For those readers "ho don.t &no" "hat reraming
is/ the ollo"ing in the boo& Reraming/ Neuro,1inguistic Programming and the
$ransormation o Meaning by #andler and Grinder (Moab/ %$4 Real People Press/
?7C8) is an e=cellent story to e=plain it4 0A *ery old 'hinese $aoist story describes a
armer in a poor country *illage- !e "as considered *ery "ell,to,do/ because he o"ned
a horse "hich he used or ploughing and or transportation- +ne day his horse ran a"ay-
All his neighbors e=claimed ho" terrible this "as/ but the armer simply said XMaybe-.
0A e" days later the horse returned and brought t"o "ild horses "ith it- $he neighbors
all re2oiced at his good ortune/ but the armer 2ust said XMaybe-. 0$he ne=t day the
armer.s son tried to ride one o the "ild horsesM the horse thre" him and bro&e the leg-
$he neighbors all oered their sympathy or his misortune/ but the armer again said
XMaybe-. 0$he ne=t "ee& the conscription oicers came to the *illage to ta&e young men
or the army- $hey re2ected the armer.s son because o his bro&en leg- When the
neighbors told him ho" luc&y he "as/ the armer replied/ XMaybe-.0
$he meaning o an e*ent depends upon the FRAM@ "e place upon it- $hose rames are
perceptions- +ccult airy tales are great or reraming e*ents- A rog turns into a prince-
RudolOs embarrassing red nose becomes a guiding light to bring happiness to people-
Many o the common things in our e*eryday lie are reramed by the Programmers to
ha*e hidden mind,control meanings- $he $eddy #ear the child is gi*en by her Daddy is
to remind her ho" helpless she is to pre*ent him rom raping her- $he carousel toy is to
remind the child o dissociation and the internal carousel built into the mind- Many o
the things that parents/ "ho are intentionally raising a programmed child/ do/ loo& nice
on the outside unless one can rerame "hat they are doing in the conte=t o total,mind,
control based on trauma and ear-
Reraming can be done by collapsing anchors- For instance/ the sober part o an
alcoholic and the drun& state o the alcoholic are gi*en the same anchor and then these
are collapsed together to get the drun& to stay sober- $he t"o states are ta&en in a
process o integration or the reraming to occur- Reraming someone "ith MPD is
almost impossible "ithout integration/ but reraming a particular alter "ith metaphors is
not out o reach- $he programmers ha*e much more chance to rerame "hile they
program than the therapist/ because the programmers set in deensi*e programs to
pre*ent other.s rom reraming-
0o'e Wod%, Re!e%a$% And 0un%
In N1P/ D senses are ta&en into consideration- First "e see/ then "e hear/ and inally "e
ha*e the senses o internal &inetics and our emotions- $he Programmer also ta&es into
consideration "hat are called 0po"er "ords0- $hose are "ords "hich ha*e speciic
meaning or the person- $he programmers also lo*e to use re*ersals and puns/ or
instance in Disney.s Duc&tales the character says/ 0I stole Xem air and s;uare-0 +ther
typical re*ersals are 01ie is death/ and death is lie0/ 0Pain is lo*e/ and lo*e is pain-0
Another e=ample is one used on 'athy +.#rien/ "here the "ords 0Ser*ice @ntrance0
"ere used to mean 0Ser*e us- @n,$rance-0 Naming an alter 0Allison Wonderland0 ,,a
pun on Alice in Wonderland,,is another e=ample o a programming pun- $he
programmers lo*e to use these types o things-
The /indC% Natua$ A$a" C$oc*
$he programmer.s ha*e made use o the mind.s natural ability to "a&e itsel up li&e an
Xalarm cloc&O i it "ants- Sla*es may be gi*en the coded message that the draconian
enorcer "ill come by to pic& them up at ? a-m- $he sla*e "ill automatically "a&e up in
the middle o the night/ and in a trance li&e a sleep "al&ing/ a deep 1GP alter "ill ta&e
the sla*e out to the street to be pic&ed up- Many sla*es are being used at night "ithout
their amilies suspecting anything- Sleeping patterns are also related to personality- R@M
sleep is belie*ed to help restore the eecti*eness o certain brain path"ays in "hich
norepinephrine is a transmitter substance- #y programming dierent alters to ha*e
certain sleep patterns/ their personalities can be ad2usted- + course this is done in
con2unction "ith many other aspects o mind control-
The Ri(ht Bain And The +ncon%ciou%
$he Programmers are also a"are that right,handed people use their let brain hemisphere
or highly conscious processess "hich re;uire good attention/ ocus and intentional
decisionsM "hile their right brain "ill tend to "or& on the unconscious and automatic
chores- Split brain programming ta&es this contrast into account-
Cha2te 1N3 The 1Nth Science # +%in( S2iitua$ Thin(% To Conto$ A 0e%on
$!@ W+M# E IN$R+D%'@D $+ $!@ '!I1D W!@N K@R#A1 AS $!@ '!I1D.S
A '1AN.S G%IDING SPIRI$ IS A1S+ 'A11@D A $+$@M- $!@ >@@P@RS +R
$!@R@ WI11 #@ +N@ A1$@R W!I'! >N+WS A11 $!@ D@M+NS W!I'!
!AK@ #@@N 1A5@R@D IN-
FR+M $!@ AG@ +F FIK@/ $!@ '!I1D.S '%1$ PAR$S WI11 #@ $A%G!$ $!@
G@N@A1+GI'A1 !IS$+RI@S +F $!@IR SPIRI$ G%ID@S-
A$ $!@ AG@ +F ?8/ S+M@ 'ANDIDA$@S F+R AM@R- $RI#A1 '!I@FS !AD $+
WAI$ IN $!@ WI1D F+R $!@IR $+$@M $+ G%ID@ $!@M- $!@5 M%S$
W!5 $!@ I11%MINA$I S$%D5 $!@ VI#A1IAN M5S$@RI@S WRI$$@N IN $!@
P+P+1 K%!-
Sa*ing this chapter or last (o the mind/ body/ spirit chapters) is li&e sa*ing the best
"ine or last- $he authors &no" irst hand that the Illuminati ears more than any other
inormation getting out/ that the spiritual aspects o programming "ould be re*ealed-
$his chapter has been organized into the ollo"ing parts4
A- %sing spiritual principles against a person
#- !o" the Monarch program miniaturizes "hat is done on a larger scale
'- Dehumanization
Porcelain Face Programming
!earts + Stone
!ypnotic Surgery
D- Fear
@- $he use o guilt/ shame E ridicule E anger
F- $eaching that the master is God
G- Portals/ ocal points golem baptism o the child *ictim to Satan
!- Ko"s E +aths
I- $he use o demon possession/ layering etc- sabbat ceremony
!+W $!@ PR+GRAMM@RS %ND@RS$AND D@M+N+1+G5 Koodoo
!o" $he Anti,'hrist Spirit 'ontributes $o 'ontrolling $he Sla*e
B- $he use o angel alters
>- $he use o Scriptures In Programming
1- $heta programming
Some o the groups "ho did research or the Monarch.s $heta Programming
!o" +ut,+,#ody @=periences (Astral Pro2ection) Are Done
>illing From A Distance
In Iuic& Re*ie"
$he PhilosopherOs Stone
Further Spiritual #ondage Snares
$he ?<th science includes some o the most secret elements o the Monarch
programming/ and certainly some o the most contro*ersial- Psychologists and
psychiatrists are an unli&ely group to del*e into demonology/ although there ha*e been a
number o studies done in this area-
Si= e=amples o such studies4
Y #raude/ S-@- (?7CC)- 0Mediumship and multiple personality-0 Bournal o the Society or
Psychical Research/ ::/ ?DD,?7:-
Y >rippner/ :- (?7CD)- 0'ross,cultural approaches to multiple personality disorder4
Practices in #razilian spiritism-0 @thos/ ?:/ 8D9,87:-
Y Rodgers/ R-1- (?77?)- 0Multiple personality and channeling-0 Beerson Bournal o
Psychiatry/ 7/ 9,?9-
Y Rogo/ D-S- (?7CD)- 0$he spiritual side o multiple personality-0 In D-S- Rogo/ $he
inantile boundary4 A psychic loo& at spirit Possession/ madness/ and multiple
personality (pp- 869,86A)- Ne" 5or&4 Dodd/ Mead/ and 'o-
Y Ron;uillo/ @-#- (?77?)- 0$he inluence o X@spiritismo. on a case o multiple
personality disorder-0 Dissociation/ 6/ 97,6:-
Y Smith/ RD- (?7C?)- 0!ypnosis/ multiple personality/ and magic4 A case study-0 Koices4
the Art and Science o Psycho,therapy/ ?D/ 8<,89-
$he Gamma programming is the secret layering in o demons- !o"e*er one "ants to
describe these demons,,the *ictim has to deal "ith their 0reality0- $he ceremonies to
demonize the *ictim occur e*en beore they are born- Generational spirits are *ery
important to determine ho" the Programmers program a person- #ut this ?<th science
goes "ay beyond 2ust demonology/ because it deals "ith the undamental issues that
eect our *ie"s o God/ our ello"ship "ith Almighty God/ and our *ie" o the occult
sciences o astral pro2ection/ @SP/ telepathy/ etc-
0at A. The +%e O& S2iitua$ 0inci2$e% To I%o$ate The Sy%te" Fo" God
In the course o deprogramming Monarchs/ and rubbing shoulders "ith programmers/ it
became clear that the programmers o the Monarch program are ully a"are o the
spiritual principles "hich are in operation or e*eryone- In ?79</ a leader o one o the
groups "hich today carries out trauma,based mind,control/ "rote that the occult masters
are not interested in upliting the souls o men/ but that 0$hese Masters- -- ha*e in reality
no interest in soul or astral de*elopment/ e=cept as a means o orming passi*e
Illuminized tools/ completely controlled in mind and actions-0
$he Monarch *ictims o today are the tail end o centuries o eorts by the >aballists/
Freemasons/ and the Illuminati adepts to completely control other human beings- $he
ollo"ing ;uote comes rom a communist manual on ho" to brain"ash a nation- It could
2ust ha*e "ell been "ritten by Monarch Mind,'ontrol Programmers- 0$he irst thing to
be degraded in any nation is the state o Man/ himsel- Nations "hich ha*e high ethical
tone are diicult to con;uer- $heir loyalties are hard to sha&e/ their allegiance to their
leaders is anatical/ and "hat they usually call their spiritual integrity cannot be *iolated
by duress- It is not eicient to attac& a nation in such a rame o mind- It is the basic
purpose o Fmind,controlG to reduce that state o mind to a point "here it can be ordered
and ensla*ed- $hus/ the irst target is Man/ himsel- !e must be degraded rom a
spiritual being to an animalistic reaction pattern- !e must thin& o himsel as an animal/
capable only o animalistic reactions- !e must no longer thin& o himsel/ or o his
ello"s/ as capable o Xspiritual endurance/. or nobility--- 0 As it seems in oreign nations
that the church is the most ennobling inluence/ each and e*ery branch and acti*ity o
each and e*ery church/ must/ one "ay/ or another/ be discredited- Religion must become
unashionable by demonstrating broadly/ through pyschopolitical indoctrination/ that the
soul is non,e=istent/ and that Man is an animal-0
1ater this chapter "ill describe ho" a person is dehumanized- +ne spiritual principle is
that i you can get a person angry at God/ you can get that person to commit any sin-
Great eort is ta&en/ *ia staged e*ents to ma&e the *ictim being programmed certain that
God has re2ected them- For instance/ some *ictims had someone play God and "al&
a"ay rom them "hen they needed help in a lie E death situation-
$he ?7C< !olly"ood mo*ie Altered States/ "hich is about a uni*ersity proessor in the
?7A<s "ho e=periments "ith mind,altering drugs and sensory depri*ation tan&s/ sho"s
some scenes "here God turns into a goat- Some o the religious scenes in this mo*ie/
match some o the anti,GodLreligious programming o some Monarch sla*es- $he
Monarch sla*es are repeatedly "arned that God is cruel and 2udgmental/ and that !e
"ants to destroy them or the "ic&ed things they ha*e done- #ible *erses that tell o the
"rath o God E God.s anger are read to the *ictim- An e=ample o ho" the sla*e is
programmed to hate God "ill no" be gi*en-
A hypnotic drug "ill be gi*en the *ictim "hen they are about A years o age- $his "ill
rela= the person and allo" the programmers to ta&e the child into the deepest trance/ so
that the programming "ill be sure to enter into the *ery iber o the child.s being- Ater
se*eral hours o being in a deep trance/ as the drug begins to "ear o/ the child "ill be
strapped *ery secure into a tight itting coin- A man "ith long "hite hair/ and a long
robe/ "ith sandals/ sta and a "hite robe "ill present himsel beore the child/ and
announce that he is 0God the great I AM0- $hen 0God0 "ill loo& in a big boo& and
announce he cannot ind the person.s name so he "ill ha*e to send the person to hell or
being bad- $he coin "ill then be lo"ered into a deep pit,,,li&e a mine shat/ and the
*ictim "ill be told that "hen they can no longer hear God.s *oice that they "ill be a cat
and not human- God can.t ind them in the boo& because they ha*e no soul/ and are a
cat- Deeper and deeper the child is lo"ered- $hey are told this is the penalty or ha*ing
tried to pray to God-
$he programmers ma&e sure that the sla*e is implicated in many gross sins/ such as the
murder o innocent children/ in order to insure that the person is sure that God hates
them- $hen the *ictim is told that God is a consuming "rath "ho hates them- $he
in2ustice o God creating a "orld o suering is also taught to the sla*e- All this is to
insure that the *ictim hates God- $hat hatred to"ard God "ill e=press itsel in the
*ictim.s system.s "illingness to do any sin/ "ithout conscience-
0at B The /onach 0o(a""in( I% A /initui,ation O& What Wa% Bein( Done
To Entie 0eo2$e% O Citie%
Demons are attracted by the 0scent0 o people- We are made in the image o God/ and
"e are attracti*e prey to those "ho hate God Almighty- 'ities are magnets or demons-
When demons target a person or people/ a common tactic is to ma&e trouble or the
person- When a person.s problems reach a crescendo/ they "ill be in a state o mind to
grab any solution that is passing by- People then ma&e pacts "ith demonic orces- $hey
sell their souls hoping or relie rom their problems- All this is clear as a bell to the
spiritually enlightened/ but the demonic orces are able to dull the senses o their *ictims
to the point they no longer ha*e the slightest realization that they ha*e sold their souls-
People ma&e a choice to accept the alsehood oered by the demons or their relie/
rather than stic& "ith the truth "hich seems to hurt- $he demonic lies may be that colds
and lus are caused by e*il spirits,,"hen in reality they are caused by *iruses and
bacteria- +r the opposite type o lie may be gi*en,,that demonic orces ha*e no
inluence o*er disease/ that only *iruses and bacteria e=ist-
In Arica/ modern medicine is oten *ie"ed as White Man.s magic/ because they ight
disease "ith incantations "hich the demons ha*e taught them to use to cure their
problems- Authority to demons is transerred to them by esti*als/ ceremonies and
pilgrimages- Strong demonic maniestations usually occur around esti*als/ ceremonies/
rituals and pilgrimages "hich are being done e*eryday around the "orld- $hese
ceremonies and rituals are "elcome mats or demonic orces gi*ing them the right to
rule- @*ery area o the "orld has them- And oten demonic signs and "onders occur at
these rituals and ceremonies-
$he po"er o a lie has to be preser*ed and uelled by tradition/ "hich is maniested *ia
rituals- Without tradition the po"er o the lie "ould die out- I the tradition is being
re2ected by a people/ the demons oten augment it "ith 0ne"0 deceptions- $he irst lie
doesn.t stand a chance- $he pre,e=isting bondage then is strengthened by ne"
deceptions that seem more appropriate-
I you "ere as&ed no"/ 0!+W D+@S SA$AN @NS1AK@ P@+P1@30 you should &no"
the ans"er because it "as 2ust gi*en it to you- $he ans"er is Satan.s control is trauma,
based- A trauma is applied to the li*es o people- $hey reach out or some type o ans"er
to the trauma/ and the demons oer some type o ans"er,,so many !ail MaryOs/ or so
many sacriiced cats/ or pray to some idol "hich is a disguised demon- $he lies are
turned into myths "hich the people belie*e- $he myths are a blurring o reality "hich
the people on one le*el may &no" are alse/ but their minds can.t brea& loose o the
po"er o the lie- $he po"er o the myths are uelled by tradition and demonic
maniestations and demonic attac&s-
Anyone "ho steps outside o the demonic lie is attac&ed- $he people eel they are being
personally attac&ed "hen their traditions are ignored- #ecause a people has "illingly
sacriiced the truth or the alsehood in their need or relie rom their trauma/ they ha*e
chosen to be decei*ed- $his choice to be decei*ed has a great deal o spiritual po"er to
it- $hey are no longer truth,lo*ers- It is not enough to come to these people "ith the
truth- $hey ha*e re2ected the truth- $hey must at some point "ill to see& the truth again-
$hese people can ha*e all the proo sho"n to them about the truth/ and they "ill
continue to re2ect it- $heir demonic bondage needs to be bro&en someho"- $his bondage
can be bro&en in a number o "ays- Pointing out the inade;uacies o the lies is
sometimes suicient to brea& the demonic spell o*er people- #ut ater the lies are
bro&en/ they need to be ollo"ed by the truth,,and the lo*e o truth-
$he Monarch Mind 'ontrol programming is simply the sophisticated application o
"hat has been done to humanity on a large scale being scaled do"n and applied to a
single human body- $rauma and lies are used in the same "ay- $he dierent alters sell
their souls to the lies in return or their saety- A basic ingredient to the programming o
a group o people (or a group o alters) is the same,,trauma and ear-
$he 1and o +z "as ruled by a shado",leader/ the Wizard o +z- Most countries are
ruled by unseen people and unseen po"ers- $he Wizard o +z story is so representati*e
o ho" lie is or Satan.s "orld- No "onder it is the programming base or so many
Monarch mind,controlled sla*es- $he solution to Satan.s control/ "as that the disciples
o 'hrist "ould be so united in lo*e that the "orld "ould see the solution- 0$hat they all
may be one-- -that the "orld may belie*e-0
For the Monarch sla*es/ the therapists ha*e "anted integration- For the "orld/ 'hrist
"anted integration- #ut there are ormidable spiritual strongholds "hich di*ide us-
$hese spiritual strongholds are ar stronger than most 'hristians can imagine- $he
heartbeat o the #ody o 'hrist is to bring all humanity to their 'reator God- $his can be
done by brea&ing do"n all the lies and programming that separate the parts o the #ody
o 'hrist so that those o 'hrist are so "ell integrated in lo*e and spirit that the "orld
belie*es on the po"er o 'hrist-
@ach o the programming acts has a spiritual/ mental/ and physical side to it- $he sla*e
has his or her "ill stripped rom them so it becomes unnecessary to thin& in terms o
their guilt,,they are sla*es "ho no longer ha*e the reedom o choice- I they &ill/ or
steal/ or tell an untruth (lie)/ they ha*e not done it intentionally-
Still the Programmers &no" that there are spirits in*ol*ed to spiritually prepare the sla*e
to do these acts- For instance/ they implant Spirits o Greed and lust into the *ictim- An
Illuminati *alue system is drilled into the *ictim- Any person "ho is not taught to
dedicate personal rights and possessions to God/ "ill end up "ith all types o surace
orces such as insecurity/ "orry/ anger/ en*y/ 2ealousy and tension- $his goes or
multiples or non,multiples- $hese surace orces "ill in turn cause all types o surace
"ea&nesses such as lying/ stealing/ cheating/ and arguing- I these surace "ea&nesses
are displayed by anyone/ they are e*idence that a deeper spiritual problem e=ists-
!o"e*er/ the sla*e is not being set up to display these *ulnerabilities as they "ill/ but
+N15 as they are programmed-
An Illuminati #eta model can ha*e se= only "ith "ho her master allo"s her to ha*e se=
"ith- Nor is she granted the pri*ilege o reusing to se=ually ser*ice someone- I the
sla*e is allo"ed ree "ill/ they oten "ill re2ect the lie style programmed into them- $he
reason they can re2ect the Spirits o Seduction E 1ust that ha*e been layered in to insure
that these moral "ea&nesses e=ist/ is because the "ill o the alter being programmed "as
being coerced- $here "as duress in*ol*ed- Satan has some claim/ but not the stronghold
that comes rom those "hose acti*e "ill is in*ol*ed in a sin- $hat doesn.t mean that
some sla*es don.t de*elop a taste or their per*ersion- $he point is that the ability to
ha*e these personality "ea&nesses/ should the programmers "ant them/ can be
spiritually set into the sla*e by teaching the sla*e to resist the grace and lo*e o God- It
may be shoc&ing to realize that the sla*es are speciically programmed to resist God.s
grace and lo*e/ and to hate !im- $his is not let to chance/ and is accomplished by a
number o e*ents in the sla*e.s lie-
Another spiritual area that is tampered "ith is the sel,image o the person- $hey are not
allo"ed to thin& o themsel*es as made in the image o God (unless they are ront alters
created or allo"ed to be 'hristian)- Instead o allo"ing the *ictim to learn about Besus/
the *ictim is consistently belittled and compared to others- $his is in *iolation o a
spiritual principle ound in 8 'orinthians ?<4?8/ 0For "e dare not ma&e oursel*es o the
number/ or compare oursel*es "ith some that commend themsel*esM but they measuring
themsel*es by themsel*es/ and comparing themsel*es among themsel*es/ are not
"ise-0 Bohn :466 and 8 'or- ?<4?D/?C teach ho" it is to be done correctly-
Fritz/ co,author/ &no"s o one programmer "ho is still programming "ho is ully a"are
o these scriptures and ho" they apply spiritually- When people are not allo"ed to
accept themsel*es/ they end up resisting the "ill o God- $he "rong attitudes are built
into the sla*e/ so that they "ill al"ays resist the "ill o God- Again i the programmers
"ant a 'hristian ront/ they may program the correct thin&ing into the ront alter- $o do
this doesn.t threaten their hold on the system in the least- $o ha*e Satanic alters and
'hristian alters "hich are diametrically opposed to each other.s thin&ing only insures
that i they "ould disco*er each other in the mind/ that they "ould re2ect "anting to
learn about the other part/ and "ould go into denial o the part.s e=istence- $he
programming and mind,control is being lin&ed to a belie system-
$a&ing this one step urther/ "e can also say that the programming is also a conlict
bet"een t"o aiths/ the aith that the alters place "hen they *isualize and create their
occult,system/ that is their aith in demonism and magic/ *ersus the aith o those "ho
ollo" the God o the #ible- $he method o creating hard,core Satanic alters rom
traumatized 'hristian alters is an ob*ious e=ample o this- Some secular therapists ha*e
been slo" to admit this conlict- I "e loo& at the Illuminati.s brand o Druidism/ "e
"ill notice that the #oo& o Pheryllt "hich is a Druidic boo& or rituals gi*es our
symbols "hich can be made to e*o&e the our elemental orces also called the our basic
portals- Kisualization is said to be the &ey to the occult/ and to opening portals "ith these
our signs- As the deeper parts o a sla*e are dra"n into such acti*ity/ they are in reality
placing their aith in that belie system- !o" can you ta&e something a"ay/ "ithout
gi*ing something in return3 An alternati*e aith in a God and belie system that is not
connected to mind,control is an important therapeutic aid- 5ou can not hate something
passionately i you are una"are o it- When t"o groups are *ery similar/ in order to high
light their indi*idual identity they "ill ha*e a high le*el o animosity to"ard each other-
In order to create strong Satanic alters "ho hate God/ the Illuminati actually encourage
the young t"o year old *ictim to understand and accept the lo*e o God-
%pon this aith in a lo*ing God "ill be built the re2ection and trauma to create "ounded
alters/ "ho hate God because they eel re2ected- Re2ection is a tool o Satan across the
board in the "orld- Re2ection creates a sine "a*e o hills and *alleys- ($he "ay o the
1ord is made straight le*elling these hills and *alleys-) When a person (or nation) is
re2ected they "ill oten shit to one o t"o e=tremes4 either they try to perorm to meet
up to e=pectations or they "ill retaliate against re2ection- #oth are e=tremes (the hills
and *alleys o the shado" o death) o the "hat resembles a sine "ay-
#oth re2ection and retaliation are tools o bondage- $he enemy "ill "or& a person to get
them to eel either re2ected or angry- I either side o the sine "a*e is latched onto by a
person (or nation) they "ill set in motion a dynamic "here they "ill end up "ith the
other side o the cur*e- $his is because the human mind has an inbred desire to balance
things out- I "e eel re2ection/ then "e may retaliate or try e=tra hard to perorm- $his
sets up a #+NDAG@ 1++P-
$he 'abalistic $ree o 1ie is the &no"ledge o good and e*il,,perormance- $he
programmer by repeatedly R@B@'$ING the sla*e/ build into the sla*e a high le*el o
perormance- $he sla*e is not allo"ed to get angry at the programmer,,"hich is the
opposite pea& o the sine "a*e- $he human mind "ill naturally try to balance the
perormance pea& "ith increasing the angerLretaliation pea& to match it in opposite
intensity- #ecause the sla*e can not get angry at their programmer/ they turn this anger
in"ard and up"ard to"ard themsel*es and God- $he perormance o the sla*e or the
master is a orm o alse lo*e- Perormance lo*e is alse lo*e- 0I you do this or me/
then I.ll lo*e you-0 'hrist lo*ed us "hen "e "ere yet sinners and unlo*able- $his is the
type o godly true lo*e described by Paul in ? '+R ?9 "hich see&s not its o"n-
Sel,preser*ation is a tool o death- $hat is one reason 'hrist did not preser*e himsel,,
e*en though he could ha*e called angels,,he "anted to sho" the "orld true lo*e- Fear
gets its root in death- $he threat o death o a spouse/ o onesel/ o one.s dreams/ o
one.s identity/ or o one.s leshly body creates ear- Death comes rom Satan- 1ie rom
5ah"eh God- Fear is built on a threat o some &ind o death- Sel,preser*ation then is
actually based upon ear "hich is in turn based on death- $his is "hy 'hrist said one
must lose their lie to gain it- $o escape the satanic bondage loop o sel,preser*ation
built on ear/ "e must reach out or the lo*e o God- Sel,2ustiication is not normally
seen by people as a bondage loop/ but it oten is- +nly the sureness that Almighty God
lo*es us gi*es us the strength not to get caught in the sel,preser*ation tactic o sel,
2ustiication- $here is a place or deending the truth/ but it must be done in lo*e- 'hrist
and his disciples taught that "e are 2ustiied by aith in God,,not by sel,2ustiication-
Sel,2ustiication can easily be related to the sel,preser*ation bondage loop- We simply
ha*e to ha*e an inner &no"ing that "e are made in the image o God/ and that !e is
"or&ing in each o our li*es- Since "e are !is "or&/ !e "ill 2ustiy us- All o the
Monarch sla*es/ are a "or& o God- $he cult has simply reashioned "hat God created-
$he sla*e needs to recapture the lo*ing *ie" God has o "hat !e created- God doesn.t
ma&e mista&es- !e has placed lots o beauty and *alue in each person- @ach person is
!is handi"or&/ isn.t the human body earully and "onderully made3
Ater someone has been made to participate in crimes against humanity/ the
Programmers intuiti*ely ha*e created a situation "here the person may all into sel,
2ustiication/ or e=ample/ 0$hey deser*ed to die-0 $his is a subtle/ but dangerous tool o
bondage- Much o the trauma,based mind,control is based on simple undamental
spiritual lie,spiritual death issues- $he Spirit o the 1ord does not gi*e ear- It comes
rom the enemy- Abductees/ "ho claim to ha*e met aliens/ claim that the aliens eed o
o human ear- Fear brings spiritual death- $o sho" this dynamic in another "ay/ let.s
describe a common thought or alters o Monarch sla*es- $his thought is 0I I stay "ith
the programming I.m sae-0 $his is the same thought that society in general is taught *ia
ear o sel,preser*ation- 0I I stay "ith the cro"d/ i I stay "ith the system/ then I "ill
be sae-0 $his is "hy peer pressure/ "hich seems sae/ can lead many young people into
death- All this ear o sel,preser*ation by remaining in the programming ("hether
indi*idual or societal) "ill be transerred to loyalty o the Anti'hrist,,that is the plan-
$he $ruth shall set you ree- Anytime "e re2ect the truth or saety and peace because o
our ear or sel,preser*ation/ "e accept a lie- I the truth sets a person ree/ then by
deinition/ sla*ery means to 0not to ha*e truth-0 All lies lead to bondage- $hey create
strongholds- Many religious groups are built upon a collection o truths and lies- $he
truths are used as the enticing attracti*e ront/ the lies are used as the ensla*ing bondage-
$his is "hy there is almost no end to all the lies used to program Monarch,type trauma,
based total Mind,controlled sla*es-
An important mind,control programming dynamic is the creation o images- $his "ill
ta&e some e=plaining- +ne spiritual dimension o humans is that "e li&e to behold our
God- $his "as built into us- Archeologists ha*e noticed that ancient man has al"ays
"orshipped- It is built into man to "orship/ and "e li&e to behold "hate*er "e
"orship,,"hether that is God/ oursel*es/ or some other image- In other "ords/ "orship
is image oriented- $his is the po"er o images- +ne o the most ignored commandments
o God/ o "hich Fritz "rote a boo& about in ?7DD/ "as the commandment God
ga*e 0thou shalt not---ma&e any li&eness o any thing that is hea*en abo*e/ or that is in
the earth beneath/ or that is in the "ater under the earth-0 @V 8<46
Students o God.s Word are "arned to 0e=amine e*erything careullyM hold ast to that
"hich is good-0 ? $!@S :48 ?- What is signiicant is that God.s commandments in @=-
8</ "hich "ere a distillation o !is la"s/ could ha*e simply stated 0$hou shallt not
ma&e any gra*en image0/ but instead "ent on to ma&e a big issue in that same passage
about any image o God.s creatures (the "ord translated 0things0 has historically been
understood as 0li*ing things-0) In D$ 64?: 0pasal0 images,,that is images ormed out o
any material "ith a tool (a=/ chisel/ or engra*ing tool) and the 0li&eness o male or
emale0 and 0similitude o any igure0 are orbidden- Ne=t/ it again orbids the
li&enesses o li*ing creatures- $he "ord 0image0 occurs about ?<< times in the #ible/
and is usually accompanied by 2udgements such as 0I "ill cut do"n- --destroy---brea&
do"n---smote-0 In a number o *erses (@' D48</ PS ?<A487/ 97)/ the scriptures spea&
about ho" man is al"ays see&ing in*entions that pro*o&e God to anger-
$he creation o images o many *arieties "as a big part o @gyptian magic/ and still is-
#ecause the creation o images is so esteemed today/ a balanced *ie"Ldiscussion o the
spiritual ramiications o images (E their creation) is a rare sub2ect- 0For the in*isible
things o !im/ rom the creation o the "orld are clearly seen/ being understood by the
things that are made/ e*en !is eternal po"er and Godhead/ so that they are "ithout
e=cuse-0 RM ?48<- (c- ISA A49) +ne e=,Programmer has tal&ed at length/ that part o the
moti*ation or the many programming images/ is so that they can establish a "orld built
by Satan/ because they "ant to insure that there is no testimony about God.s po"er- (#y
the "ay/ some deli*erance ministries are ha*ing success in helping heal *ictims by
pointing out that Satanic programmers only build rom elements God has already
Mirrors/ and lots o them/ are important in occult programming because they ma&e
images- $hey create so many internal images one doesn.t &no" "hich "ay to go-
Images are lies- We oten create alse images o the people "e "ant to lo*e- Do "e lo*e
them or their image3 Mo*ie stars are lo*ed or their image/ and rarely or "ho they
really are- Some o them ha*e ac&no"ledged that they don.t eel lo*ed by their ans/
because their ans are only "orshipping an image- Again/ "e must remember $!@
$R%$! S!A11 S@$ %S FR@@- What is our real identity3 Who are "e really in God.s
eyes3 Why did !e allo" us to be born3 What "as !is real purpose or us3 $hese real
;uestions "hich are so hard or so many o us/ are the reality that "e need in our li*es-
$he bondage o images has yet to be understood-
$he "ord 0duplicity0 is based on the "ord duplicate- Machia*elli taught the elite ho" to
rule through duplicity,,that is to rule *ia imitation images- $his is nothing more than one
o the operational principles o mirror images placed "ithin the Monarch Mind,
controlled sla*es- Whate*er gi*es lie is duplicated in a mirror image by Satan- 1ie
s"allo"s up death/ as the >ingdom o God.s genuine light gets progressi*ely brighter-
$he copy o this is that perormance must get progressi*ely better,,i-e- technology must
change to get better i "e are to ha*e lie- $he Amish sho" that society.s penchant or
technological progression/ does not impro*e lie- $he Amish ha*e a *ery successul lie,
style ree rom di*orce and crime- Missionaries to Arica ha*e come bac& at times
"ondering i the primiti*e tribe they spent time "ith didn.t ha*e many things "hich our
technologically ad*anced society had lost- $his doesn.t mean that an in*ention "on.t
help man&ind,,it is that man&ind "ill not get lie rom technology- $echnology must be
understood in the entire conte=t o lie- I a person catches onto the lie o technology or
perormance/ they may try the opposite lie,,platorming- Many troubled people reach
out to God/ recei*e help/ and then platorm by saying/ 0$han&s or the help God/ but I.m
+->- no"-0 God.s lo*e is not perormance,based/ but "e still need to continue to press
to"ard the mar& o the high calling o God/ transorming and rene"ing our mind/ e*er
gro"ing spiritually- $hings "hich do not gro" are labelled dead- !o" do "e gro"
"ithout being perormance oriented3 $hat is the message that 'hrist tried to bring
people- $he programmers get their sla*es caught in a perormance loop- $he sla*es are
not going to get reedom/ i a minister o some church traps them into some religious
group that is perormance,based/ rather than unconditional godly,lo*e based-
It is sad to see *ictims o mind,control ree themsel*es at great cost/ only to run rom
one controlling group to another- I "e neglect to loo& at the spiritual dimensions o
mind,control sla*ery/ "e then are neglecting to see some o the elements o total mind,
control sla*ery-
In Summary/ Some + $he First $hings Attac&ed
What is oten the irst thing "hich is attac&ed in indi*iduals and nations in order to
control them3 It is their sense o identity as a spiritual moral being- #oth indi*iduals and
nations are targeted to destroy their ethical sel,respect- $he indi*idual and the nation
must be brought to thin& o themsel*es as animals- Another primary tactic or tool is to
traumatize the *ictim "ho is to be controlled/ and then pro*ide relie "hen a demonic lie
is accepted- Re2ection is an important trauma/ because it creates a desire or
perormance and retaliation/ and gets people trapped in a bondage loop- 1ies put people
into bondage- Images are a type o lie/ that lead to bondage- $his is "hy so many images
and lies are placed into the Mind,controlled sla*e- $hese images and lies are inherently
bondage,ma&ers- Fear and sel,preser*ation are grounded in death- $o preser*e
oursel*es/ "e "ill allo" oursel*es to be ensla*ed- (@*entually/ Mind,controlled sla*es
and society in general in order or peace/ saety and sel,preser*ation "ill transer their
allegiance to the master programmer/ the Illuminati.s Anti'hrist-)
0at C The Dehu"ani,ation 0oce%%
$he dehumanizing o a multiple,,that is o a ragmented personality,,is done to most o
the alters/ but the ront alters are allo"ed to be human- #ecause alters ta&e on the
characteristics o "hat they "ere created rom/ the ront alters ha*e to be some o the
irst splits so that they ha*e a sense o amily and that they are human- $hat does not
mean that the irst series o splits can.t be dehumanized later,,they are/ they are turned
into gems (crystals)-
!o" do you ma&e an alter into an animal alter3 It may not be ;uite as diicult as some
may imagine/ because they can create alters "ith 0clean slates0,,that is they are the plain
tablets that Dr- White (Dr- D- @"in 'ameron) prided himsel that he "as able to ma&e
out o adult minds- When a part o the mind has no reality to reerence/ and is tortured
and told lies/ then it "ill accept "hat the programmer says is real- When an alter is
created *ia torture/ i you "ant a cat alter/ they "ill ha*e the child tortured in a cage
surrounded by cats o some type- $he ne" alters "ill be told they are cats- $heir
programmers "ill actually &ill a little child in the "orst "ay in ront o these alters and
tell them that that is "hat happens to little girls and boys- Do they "ant to be a little girl3
No- Ater "atching the horrible things that happen to little girls/ they do not "ant to be
little girls or little boys (as the case may be)- $hey "ant to be a cat/ because as a cat they
"ill not be &illed and tortured li&e the children- $he alters are orced to eat li&e cats "ith
cats- $hey are repeatedly shamed and degraded and repeatedly told they are cats- 1ie
detector Instruments are hoo&ed up to the child to determine i the alters actually belie*e
they are cats- When the alter can actually state/ 0I.m a &itten-0 or 0I.m a tiger-0 and pass
the lie detector test/ then the programmers &no" they ha*e succeeded-
#ut "hat i the mind resists being told it is a cat3 As long as the child is a girl it is gi*en
aeces to eat- #ut the cats are ed "holesome meals in ront o the *ictim- $he little girls
in the other cages are dirty and tortured and ill ed- Do you "ant to be a little girl3 A
great deal o simple torture is applied to ma&e sure that the correct ans"ers are gi*en- I
your lie depended upon saying you "ere a cat/ you.d be a cat too-
Further/ children ha*e a *i*id imagination- Normal children can easily role play/ and
they can easily imagine they are something they aren.t/ because their personalities and
egos ha*e not solidiied- Again nothing is let to chance- A a&e blood transusion o cat
blood may be gi*en the child- Kery oten high speed ilms o &ittens playing and ha*ing
un are sho"n in one eye/ "hile the other eye is orced to e" little girls ha*ing to
undergo the "orst o tortures- $his *ie"ing is orced upon the child/ as its eyes are held
open and the child is strapped into a *ie"ing chair-
$he dehumanization process "ill ma&e alters into *arious types o birds/ cats/ dogs/
aliens/ horses/ earth elements/ gemstones/ roc&s/ and countless other items- $hey "ill
then place in bac& up programming to insure that the alters continue to belie*e they are
not human- $he ingenuity o the bac& up programming to ensure that they continue to
belie*e the lies are e=tensi*e and ingenious- A great deal o hypnosis/ and drug induced
states/ and drug,hypnosis is used to carry out the dehumanization process- $he
programming "ill be reinorced by a cat alter.s en*ironment/ because the alter.s
handlers "ill al"ays reer to them as &ittens or other types o cats-
$he painul rape o a child "ith its legs held in a butterly coniguration is used to get
butterly alters- $o get a puppet/ the body is gi*en a drug "hich paralyzes the child-
$hen electro,shoc& is applied to certain muscles upon the command o the programmer-
$he eect is that the child has no control o*er his body/ and the programmer can ma&e
the child.s body parts 2er& and mo*e by electro,shoc&ing the muscles- $he child actually
becomes the puppet o the programmer- $his is a *ery po"erul program- +ne o the
names connected "ith Monarch programming is Marionette Programming- $he child
literally becomes a Marionette- $his concept appears to ha*e been coo&ed up by the
Germans under !itler- An alter System as a child is physically sho"n that they are a
marionette puppet- $heir muscles are electro,shoc&ed in such a "ay as to ta&e ad*antage
o the natural rele=es- When electro,shoc&ed that "ay/ the *ictim.s body parts 2er& out
o our control at the "him o the programmer to pro*e to the *ictim that they are a
puppet- At this time/ the rules are gi*en and rule number C is that the alters are their
Illuminati programmer Dr- Mengele/ used puppets in a dollhouse as he programmed- !e
did s&its "ith his puppets- 0Dance Marionette dance/0 he.d say in his thic& German
accent- PinocchioOs story "as used to name the spirit guide Bimney 'ric&et-
Along "ith rule no- C/ he taught the ollo"ing rules at this point4
?- 1isten to your instructions
8- $here is no room or error
9- 0$he Game $imer0,,these "ere the speciics o ho" to mo*e/ the melted mirror/ etc-
6- $here is a chain o command/ the >ing.s men
:- 5our Master "ould chart your course
A- 5ou "ill recei*e orders/ "hat to do/ a memorized script to ollo" and ulill
D- $he 'reator and Master "ould al"ays o"n you into ininity
C- 5ou are puppets on a string- 0Dance Marionette dance- 5ou are to spea& only those
"ords told to you/ and to only spea& those "ords "hen your string is pulled
7- $here is no room or ;uestions
?<- $he controller al"ays plays the role o the White Rabbit-
Dar& side alters o a System are taught to &no" these rules as part o their being- Dr-
Boseph Mengele (&no"n as Dr- Green) carried a *iolin/ "hich "as used during
programming- !e programmed sla*es to respond to the &ey "ord 0Fiddler0-
During programming/ the *ictim "ill be made to belie*e that all their insides ha*e been
remo*ed and tape recorders placed into them and surgically hoo&ed up- $o the child
being programmed this is real- $his is part o the dehumanization process to protect
them rom spiritual gro"th and reedom- $he programmers. dehumanization parallels
"hat is done in the army "hen the drill sergeant yells at the ne" recruits names such as
XXmaggot.. and XX"orm..-
0oce$ain Face 0o(a""in(
$he Porcelain Face Programming "as already touched on earlier in chapters 8 E D "hen
the ire tortures and Gate&eeper alters "ere "ritten about- Fire torture and melted "a= is
used to ma&e the child *ictim belie*e their ace has been burned- $hen the programmer
generously gi*es the traumatized alters a porcelain mas&- $he alter getting the Porcelain
ace may be gi*en a 0gem0 hypnotically li&e Bade and that becomes their secret
name- $here are se*eral dierent methods that are a*ailable to lay in the porcelain ace
programming- $here has been a great deal o porcelain casts made o people.s aces and
then mas&s made o them- In act/ "hen a handler dies/ at least in one case the
replacement handler "ore a mas& to loo& li&e the pre*ious handler- !uman baby s&in is
used to construct a mas& rom the *ictim.s acial cast-
A mas& is "orn by the Illuminati *ictim "hen they are married to the Anti'hrist- $he
Porcelain Mas&s are oten part o the 'amelot E Sha&espeare programming- Another
use o porcelain mas&s "hich "as only e=perimented "ith "as to place mas&s on Pa"n
alters "hich "ere used as alters "ho "ould guard things by scaring other alters "ith
their earul porcelain countenances- $his programming has spiritual ramiications/
because it is one o the programming methods to steal alters o their aces- $he alters
getting porcelain ace programming "ill only see a porcelain ace in the mirror until the
programming is ta&en do"n- As long as the computer on their le*el is operating the
programming to that alter "ill be intact-
Heat% O& Stone
$he programmers lea*e no stone unturned "hen they strip the alters o a system o any
*estige o humanity they might ha*e- $he programmers ma&e the alters belie*e that the
programmers ha*e surgically remo*ed their hearts E replaced them "ith a stone- $o
reinorce this programming the *ictim is hypnotized to all into a deep trance i at any
time the *ictim.s deeper alters are hoo&ed up to anything monitoring the heart- I and
"hen someone tried to pro*e that these alters ha*e a heart by ta&ing their pulse/ they
may be surprised "hen these alters trance deep enough that the machine doesn.t e*en
read- $his is ho" the programming &eeps the lies sae rom e=posure-
$he Programmers "ill hypnotically ta&e the hearts or a number o reasons- +ne is
blac&mail- $hey "ill promise to return the hearts/ i the *ictim obeys/ returns home to
the cult "hen needed/ and is present "hen the Anti,'hrist needs the *ictim- It is doubtul
these alters "ould get their hearts bac& by their cult considering all the alse promises
that are typically made- $he Programmers "ill gi*e the hearts to a ;ueen mother alter
or sae&eeping- $hey may be hidden some"here li&e in the $emple o Molech- $he
$emple o Molech in some sur*i*ors is used as a depository or memories o child
sacriices- It is not a place any alter could or "ould "ant to go in the internal "orld- In
return/ the Programmers gi*e the *ictim stones/ yes/ hearts o stone-
Stone,li&e protectors "ill stand guard in the bac&ground- $heir *oodoo doll appearance
relects the *oodoo images that are built into Monarch Internal Worlds- #y remo*ing the
*ictim.s hearts/ it remo*es any chance that dar& alters "ould ha*e a sot "arm spot in
their heart or anyone- $hey "ill be told that they are incapable o ha*ing riends or o
lo*ing others- $his is ;uite eecti*e in separating these alters rom others- $hat
isolation is a part o the mind control- #ecause the alters belie*e they ha*e no lie source
"ithin themsel*es,,that is no heart/ they ha*e to loo& to their master- I the master places
his hand upon the *ictim.s chest they may eel ali*e- #ecause people need a heart to eel/
alters are programmed to belie*e that they are incapable o eeling and ha*e no eelings-
$hey can not cry during their o"n suering/ and are encouraged to eel incapable o
caring or the suering o others-
In spite o all the brutality and isolation o the programming/ the alter.s humanity "ill
lay in the bac&ground/ but "hether alters "ill e*er ac&no"ledge that humanity is a big
;uestion- I people as& these heartless alters to gi*e their hearts to Besus/ they may be
told that they don.t ha*e one- In all co*enants/ something is gi*en to the cult- In this
case the *ictim.s hearts are (hypnotically) gi*en to the satanic Master- $here is a >eeper
o the Seals "ho &eeps the items gi*en "hen a *o" or co*enant is made- I a person is a
traitor to a *o"/ then the cult has an ob2ect to carry out *oodoo or magic upon to punish
the person- Monarch Mind,controlled sla*es &no" their orders/ and are loc&ed into
Hy2notic Su(ey
Ater the Programmers steal the deeper alters. hearts/ their identities/ their ree "ill/ their
real amilies/ and their aces and their humanity/ they are &ind enough to se" bac& into
the *ictim.s chest *ia hypnotic surgery blac& stones- $hey do all this surgery by
hypnosis- Kia hypnosis/ the Programmers can heal the *ictim.s "ounds ater they torture
the *ictim- $hey can basically ma&e or rema&e reality to be "hat they "ant-
0at D Fea
$he thing that stands out so *i*idly or those "ho ha*e met *ictim.s "ho are in therapy
is the Spirit(s) o Fear that control them- Wa*es o paranoia roll bac& and orth through
the alters- @*eryone needs to bear in mind/ that the programmers "ere sadists/ and they
didn.t get satisaction rom their programming until they could see ra" terror in their
*ictims- $he primary *ehicle or programming "as the ra" terror that is repeatedly
instilled into the *ictim- $o achie*e total terror/ the sadist programmer gains total control
o*er e*ery aspect o a person/ their thoughts/ their bo"el mo*ements/ their lie/ e*en the
po"er to commit suicide is stripped rom the *ictim- Nothing that originally belonged to
the *ictim is let untouched-
A realistic ear o most *ictims/ is that they "ill ne*er be belie*ed- Indeed/ many
therapists are ser*ing the inal insult to these se*erely traumatized people by denying the
authenticity o things the *ictim e=perienced himsel and e*en "ishes "ere not true- For
a *ictim to o*ercome their ear to tell/ ater all the years o programming not to tell and
threats not to tell is an enormous eat- Kery e" *ictims/ e*er get to this point- And yet/
"hen they do o*ercome this enormous barrier/ they must ace disbelie- $raditionally/
the psychiatrists ha*e treated these *ictims as i their abuse is nothing but psychotic
nonsense- !o" many leeing *ictims ha*e been loc&ed up and told they "ere Paranoid
Schizophrenics3 $he ear o losing one.s identity "ithin a co*en or religious group/
says the 'hurch o Scientology/ is balanced out by the structured rame"or& that these
groups ha*e- Members identiy "ith each other/ because they participate in the same
rituals and ha*e gi*en their allegiance to the same idealized master-
0at E The +%e O& Gui$t, Sha"e, Ridicu$e And An(e
$he 'hinese and police agencies ha*e been especially good at de*eloping methods to
solicit conessions- $his is done by a *ariety o punishment and re"ard strategies/ and
the Mutt E Be routine- 'onession and sel,criticism ha*e been used by religious
groups/ esp- the Besuits as a method to con*ert persons to and then perpetuate a
belie- +ne o the things that the deeper alters "ill not be taught about is orgi*eness-
#ecause orgi*eness o onesel and others is such an important spiritual dynamic/ to not
&no" about orgi*eness cripples many deeper alters rom healing rom the deep spiritual
"ounds they ha*e recei*ed- Forgi*eness is an act o the "ill- Forgi*eness o onesel is
usually a ma2or issue "ith deeper alters "ho generally don.t &no" ho" to do this-
!o"e*er/ the handlers and abusers "ill be sure to heap lots o guilt,,"hether deser*ed
or not onto the poor mind,controlled *ictim- It is natural or a person to ocus on
himsel,,ater all/ i a person doesn.t thin& or himsel "ho "ill3
+ten a person accepts their strengths/ but ocuses on their "ea&nesses hoping that that
"ea&ness "ill someho" be reduced by the ocus that is placed upon it- $he
programmers &no" ho" to ta&e ad*antage o that- $hey set impossible standards o
perection/ and then demean the *ictim because they ha*e ailed to li*e up to the
impossible standard o perection-
#lac& and "hite thin&ing de*elops in the sla*e.s mind- $he programmers "ill not allo"
the *ictim to display natural eelings o anger/ sadness or doubt- $o do so means that one
is a ailure and "ea&- + course they are natural eelings/ so the sla*e has to do a great
deal o repression and sel,incrimination or ha*ing these natural eelings- $he sla*e
learns to turn his or her anger in"ard- Many o the male sla*es end up committing
suicide- $hey beat themsel*es up "ith subconscious E conscious guilt- Anything and
e*erything "rong or bad in the sla*e.s lie is blamed upon him- + course not all things
are meant to be remembered by the sla*e- Guilt can play a natural role in the orgetting
o memories too- I the Monarch sla*e "ould remember something terrible/ the religious
ront alters can be made to eel repentant or such terrible thoughts- $hen the natural
desire to orget can be reinorced by suggesting that the e*il memory be remo*ed rom
the mind- In other "ords/ memories are orgotten because they don.t conorm to a
person.s moral code- I good morals are programmed into the ront alters/ they "ill ta&e
the hypnotic suggestion not to remember "hat has really happened that they had to
participate in- $he ront alters "ill only remember a sanitized *ersion- $he person may
e*en "ant to thin& o the memory as 0only a dream0 because the guilt associated "ith
belie*ing the reality o it- I a person is hypnotized to ha*e guilt about something that
they didn.t commit/ then they can be gotten to belie*e that they did it-
For instance/ a alse implanted memory o the Monarch sla*e &illing a child may be
implanted "ith the command/ i you do not obey "e "ill &ill more children and you then
"ill be guilty or not 2ust this child but others- People "ill tend to 2ustiy their abuse by
saying 0I "as bad/ I "as e*il-0 $he programmers ta&e ad*antage o this natural tendency-
Nothing the sla*e does is good enough or "orthy o praise- Ater they se=ually please a
customer/ they are called 0bitch0 and 0"hore0 to ma&e the sla*e eel guilty/ "hen all
they ha*e done is ollo" orders- $he "hole situation causes the sla*e to "or& harder or
appro*al "hich o course is *ery tentati*e and leeting at best- $he Master 2ust &eeps
control/ and sets the standards higher i the sla*e gets close to reaching perection- $he
Master must insure that the sla*e eels guilty and dirty- Many o the sla*es endure a guilt
that is common among soldiers and concentration camp sur*i*ors,,the guilt o ha*ing
sur*i*ed "hen others died- 0Why did I li*e and they die3 I "as no better than them30
Any desire on the part o deeper alters to "ant something or themsel*es is painted as
0selishness0- $hey "ill be internally and e=ternally punished or any pleasure- I a
se=ual alter en2oys a se=ual encounter/ she is programmed to internally eel some type o
se*ere punishment program- +ne standard punishment or a emale sla*e "ho appears
to ha*e actually en2oyed a se=ual act is to cut them rom *agina to rectum/ and se" them
bac& up "ithout anesthesia W!I1@ the sla*e is orced to "atch her punishment in
silence "ithout tears or screams-
+ne orm o tormenting a sla*e is to ridicule the sla*e as they ha*e to carry out a
"retched assignment- Many sla*es lose their zest or humor because they end up the
brunt o so many bad 2o&es- 'omedians/ because they are s&illed "ith puns/ and other
"ords games/ ha*e oten ser*ed as handlers or programmers- #ob !ope is the best
e=ample o a Monarch sla*e handler "ho uses his *erbal s&ills as both a handler and
comedian- #ob !ope has a side to him that the public doesn.t see- +*er the years/ #ob
!ope has spent millions o dollars on his team o gag "riters to &eep him "ell supplied
"ith gags-
$he use o anger is not haphazard- $he spiritual ramiications o anger are *ery "ell
&no"n to the programmers- $hey &no" that anger opens up spiritual portals or demonic
acti*ity- Remember/ chapter D on structuring e=plained ho" the programmer
purposeully push the *ictim almost to its brea&ing point to get angry alters- $he use o
anger is seen in a number o dierent areas o programming- $he Gate&eeper alters "ill
be depressed and angry alters to insure that they remain good portals or demons-
Gate&eeper alters unction as Gate&eepers in se*eral dierent capacities- Gate&eeper
alters "ill be ound to the "hole system/ oten on the second le*el (section) do"n-
Gate&eeper alters "ill also be ound guarding important sections li&e the 'arousel and
In re*ie"/ Anger to"ard God/ anger to"ard the outside "orld/ and anger to"ard
themsel*es are all built into a System- Where "as God3 Where "as the outside "orld/
"hen all these things "ere happening- Many/ i not all/ o the *ictims o Monarch turn
their anger on themsel*es/ "hich is the only sae place to *ent it- Most o the deeper
alters o a Monarch system "ill ha*e *ery lo" sel,esteem and "ill ha*e lots o guilt and
anger to"ard themsel*es- $he sla*e is *ictimized so much/ that "hen their handlers
gi*e them the chance to *ictimize someone else/ some *ictims ind release in assaulting
others- + course the entire process o transerence urther entraps the *ictim/ and
pro*ides more guilt and more debilitating spiritual dynamics- $he sla*e may be gi*en
the po"er o lie or death o*er others/ as "ell as the po"er o deciding another person.s
eternal ate- Sometimes this po"er is addicti*e- $his addiction can be a trap that binds
the sla*e to his source o po"er- $he po"er that the Illuminati gi*e their sla*es is one o
the ma2or barriers pre*enting deeper alters rom mo*ing to"ard reedom "hen their
systems ha*e a chance- Sla*es also turn a great deal o anger in on themsel*es-
$he sel,image o most alters in a System is e=tremely lo"- $he anger that alters ha*e
becomes a tool o the handler to insure that the sla*e ne*er thin&s highly enough o
themsel*es to do anything about the control o*er them- An e=ample o this is Monarch
sla*e 9oetta 9ynn- 1oretta 1ynn.s handler is her husband Doolittle- Although 1oretta
has "or&ed (sla*ed) *ery long hard hours she credits Doolittle or all her success- !er
programming allo"s her only to gi*e him credit or her successes- In her
0autobiography0 1oretta 1ynn A 'oal Miners Daughter/ "hich "as "ritten by a
proessional "riter "ho sat do"n and "or&ed "ith her/ 1oretta says on page A9/ 0In a lot
o "ays/ it "as good or me to marry someone older than me Fher husband Doo "as a
WW II *etLsatanist "ho married her "hen she "as ?9G/ because I could learn rom him-
#ut/ in another "ay/ it "asn.t so good because I "ent directly rom Daddy to Doolittle
"ithout e*er being on my o"n- @*en today/ men are telling me "hat to do- My husband/
my la"yer/ my accountant/ my personal manager F>en Riley/ her road manager has been
her mind,control handler/ and Ale= !ouston E Reggie Maclaughlin ha*e done some o
her recent programmingG- In a sense/ I still don.t ha*e complete control o*er mysel-
Maybe I ne*er "ill- #ut i it "asn.t or Doo Fher nic&name or her husband E handlerG/
"e "ouldn.t ha*e "hat "e ha*e today-0
Anger "ithin a System can be dangerous/ "hen one alter directs its anger to"ard
another alter- Sometimes one alter "ill try to &ill another alter- Actually/ this happens
more oten than one might imagine- I the alter succeeds o course/ the body "ill be
dead/ "ith the resulting conse;uence that e*eryone dies- $he programmers en2oy seeing
this type o drama/ but they don.t "ant it to be carried out to its inal conclusion/ so they
generally/ i not al"ays/ ha*e alters "ho can step in and ta&e the body and stop this- I
the alter system can.t/ then alters "ho understand "hat is going on can call their master
or help/ and the master can once again sho" ho" dependent they are upon him or lie-
$his is the 0di*ide and con;uer0 strategy- $he di*ide and con;uer strategy is used
repeatedly in constructing an alter system-
0at F Teachin( That The /a%te I% GodO
$he Programmers Set $hemsel*es %p As Gods
$he Programmers and the !andlers are setting themsel*es up as gods/ or Almighty God/
or as a being rom a superior race o aliens/ such as >oldasians or Pleiadians-
Interestingly/ i one listens/ these dierent alien races ma&e conlicting claims or
"hate*er good the earth has- !o"e*er/ those o us "ho ha*e ollo"ed the Monarch
programming &no" that these aliens are 2ust men "ho do the Programming-
$ime,lie Publishers (o"ned by men in the Illuminati) subtly ga*e this a"ay in their
boo& $he %F+ Phenomenon "hen they reerred to %F+ abductions as 0the +z actor-0
$hey go on to say that its li&e Dorothy in the Wizard o +z on page D?- $hen they go so
ar as to reemphasize the point by sho"ing a picture o Dorothy in +z-
In the $K series on aliens E %F+s called the 0V,Files0/ they begin a sho" "ith an 0I
lo*e you,I lo*e you not0 Monarch programming script- +ten the Programmers tell the
alters "hich they ha*e created/ that they are their 'reator and thereore their God- In a
spiritual sense/ they too& the place o God in e*ery "ay/ including attributing the
scriptures about God to themsel*es- $his "or&s "ell or Illuminati alters/ because they
are indoctrinated that all humans can be di*ine- It also "or&s "ell "ith non,Illuminati
alters as long as they are under mind,control-
!o"e*er/ the actions o the handlers are so ungodli&e/ that should the programming
brea& do"n/ and the alters get a taste o reality/ these lies soon are transparent- $he lies
that the handler is an alien are much harder to reute than the lies that the handler is God-
$he trend appears to be or the handlers to reer to themsel*es as a superior race o
aliens- Most i not all o the people seeing aliens/ are really 2ust being 2er&ed around by
their handlers- $his doesn.t mean that aliens do or don.t e=ist- It does mean that those o
us "ho ha*e been "or&ing "ith people "ho ha*e alien contact e=periences and "ho
understand Monarch Mind,control ha*e only seen people ob*iously under mind,control-
Fritz has yet to meet someone "ho has had an 0alien contact0 "ho "asn.t under mind,
In ?778/ a boo& @=posing $he Mystery o Ini;uity "as started by Fritz Springmeier
sho"ing the connections bet"een so called 0aliens0 and 0demons-0 Is it coincidence that
the demon Sir Bohn Dee con2ured or his enochian magic loo&s 2ust li&e a small grey
alien pictured so oten today3 People "ho ha*e participated in high le*el Illuminati
ceremonies spea& about guardians "hich are nephalim (hal human,hal demon) "hich
are the ospring o mi=ing humans "ith demons/ and "ho loo& li&e the *ariety o
0aliens0 that are so oten reported- $he sub2ect o nephalim and "hether aliens are or are
not *isiting us is too *ast or this boo&- !o"e*er/ these nephalim guardians are
percei*ed as real by Illuminati members/ and they stri&e incalculable ear "ithin the
members o the Illuminati-
As one o the big sources o ear/ the guardians ta&e their place as part o the control
mechanisms to &eep sla*es in place- Polls ta&en by others/ ha*e ound that ?<<T o
Satanists ha*e had a e=perience "ith %F+s/ and report some type o 0alien0 abduction-
($he Programmers E upper le*el hierarchy don.t get themsel*es in polls/ and the lo"er
le*els are all programmed-) $he point is that there is a close relationship bet"een %F+s
and the occult "orld- +n the ollo"ing page are some o the more respectable scripts
that persons/ "ho are *ictims o 0alien abductions0 see in their heads- Signs o MPD
"ere *isible in each o these cases/ and these abductee are placing their "ills at the
command o these 0higher beings0- $heir "ills are subser*ient to the "ill o the 0alien0-
$hey recei*e messages in these scripts in altered states o consciousness- Some o the
scripts are blatantly satanic magic scripts and sigils/ but the ma2ority are blatantly o
human design-
It stretches the imagination that most alien scripts "ould ha*e a language and script that
matches the @nglish alphabet/ "ith the same letter re;uencies o @nglish letters,,that is
XXa.s0/ XXm.s../ and are ound in abundance- It stretches the imagination passed the
brea&ing point to thin& that aliens light years a"ay "ith dierent *ocal cords or
"hate*er they ha*e/ e*ol*ed a script that corresponds to @nglish/ "hen our alphabet
doesn.t correspond to Gree&/ or Sans&rit/ or +gham that closely-
Iuite a e" abductees ha*e the 0aliens0 gi*e them more comple= *ersions o their 0alien
script0 as they get older- $he simpliied *ersion is recei*ed as a child/ and then it
e*ol*es- It appears that there are no" numerous programmers/ "ho are simply
concocting made,up scripts/ and hypnotically telling their poor hapless *ictim that the
script is alien- In this respect/ these scripts are really codes,,not 0alien scripts0- $hey are
ull o "hat are called ollo"s-
Follo"s are symbols that are similar to one another/ "hich are a *ariation on a theme-
$est results ha*e sho"n that made,up scripts ha*e many more ollo"s that an actual real
historical script- $he occult "orld are teaching that the A&ashic record o all recorded
inormation lies some"here in the essence o space called the reticulum dei (the net"or&
o God)- $he mind,control *ictim/ "ho actually gets his automatic "riting and his
inormation rom deep in his system/ is led to belie*e that he has gotten it rom the
A&ashic record- 'lic& here or picture
$he spiritual dynamics o the Programmer setting himsel up as God are ar reaching-
$he spiritual "orld mirrors the physical "orld- In the physical "orld/ in biology/
researchers ha*e ound that chemicals that resemble other natural body chemicals can be
substituted in or those original chemicals "ith ar reaching eects- For instance/ anti,
histamines do not destroy histamine/ they resemble histamine enough that they steal the
places that histamine molecules attach themsel*es to cells- #ecause the histamine
molecules ha*e had their attachment places stolen/ they can.t interact "ith the
cells- Within the spiritual realm the *ery same thing happens- $he Anti,'hrist is less o
a 'hrist destroyer as he is a 'hrist replacement- $rue spiritual po"er is replaced "ithin
the "orld by the religious spirit- Within 'hristendom/ the religious spirit has replaced
much o the positions that should ha*e gone to true aith- $hereore the po"er o true
aith is destroyed by simply being replaced and its position usurped- $he oundation or
the religious spirit are ear and pride/ "hich are also oundational pillars or the
Monarch programming- $he religious spirit can be detected "hen someone reads an
admonishment and can apply it immediately to others and not to onesel- When a person
sins/ or e=ample @li in the boo& o Samuel/ the religious spirit "ill propel them to ma&e
a sacriice to co*er that sin li&e @li did- !o"e*er/ that religious zeal to co*er sin by
doing good and gi*ing sacriicially o onesel/ stems rom the religious spirit not the
holy Spirit o God (See ? Samuel 94?9,?6)- Religious zeal done to co*er sin is not
accepted by Almighty God- @li.s sons 0despised the oering o the 1+RD0 (? SAM
+ne o the outgro"ths o SRA upon the Monarch *ictim is that they "ill generally
e=hibit blac& and "hite thin&ing- #lac& and "hite thin&ing is actually an element o the
religious spirit/ "hich in spiritual terms per*ades the Monarch *ictim- $he Monarch
*ictim.s system is set up to usurp true aith- Something has to replace true aith/ and the
religious spirit is a good substitute- Perectionism or unlo*ing idealism is part o the
religious spirit- $his perectionism "ill demand that i a person can not be perect/ they
should gi*e up- $he holy Spirit o God gi*es hope- $he religious spirit destroys hope by
demanding more than people can gi*e- As long as people are tra*elling the 2ourney o
see&ing God/ they don.t need to ha*e arri*ed to perection- Idealism "ants people to be
at the destination at once or not start the 2ourney- $his religious spirit has stopped many
*ictims o Monarch programming rom mo*ing or"ard to real reedom- It is a *ery
po"erul type o spirit- Many people are "aiting until they are perect to help minister
to others- Sadly this is an outgro"th o the religious spirit- We do not need to be perect
to help others-
$he ollo"ing is an actual account4 a 'hristian man "ho didn.t understand mechanics
*ery "ell stopped to see "hat he could do to help an elderly couple stranded on the
road- $he car miraculously started or the 'hristian and he "as able to ha*e the couple
ollo" him to a repair station at the ne=t to"n- #ut the attitude o the 'hristian "as to
ma&e himsel a*ailable to God,,not that he "as going to i= someone else.s problem-
$he couple "as sure they had been *isited by an angel- What is being discussed is ho"
setting onesel up as 0a god0 or 0God0 is part o the religious spirit that attracts itsel to
so many o us- +ne o the attributes o the religious spirit is that it "ill notice "hat is
"rong in a person rather than discerning "hat is right- %nless discernment is based upon
lo*e/ discernment "ill be "arped- 'hurches caught up in the religious spirit ha*e mercy
on the things that are abominations to God- 1i&e"ise/ they sho" un"arranted mercy on
the actions o ministers "ho ha*e mercy on things that are abominations to God-
+ne o the best e=amples is the religious ront this boo& discussed in detail in chapter :-
#illy Graham/ a Monarch sla*e handler/ is on public record endorsing Mao,tse,tung.s
teachings/ abortion/ sal*ation through "itchcrat/ the +ne,World,'hurch in alliance "ith
the "orld.s political po"er/ and many other things- Iuite a number o Freemasons/ e=,
and current members ha*e stated that #illy Graham is a secret Freemason/ ho"e*er/ his
sta denies this- $he religious spirit has run a campaign to co*er up #illy Graham.s
personal use o prostitutes/ many o them Monarch &ittens- And some o these Monarch
&ittens ha*e been able to re*eal the acts o their abuse- #illy Graham is a 0prophet0 "ho
"or&s or the Net"or&- $he point is that churches turn a blind eye to these things- Fritz
has tried to approach ministers about these things/ and there isn.t an open ear- #y the
"ay/ Almighty God still can step abo*e "hat #illy Graham is and "or& in spite o it-
Satanists can iniltrate the highest church positions/ but they "on.t stop good rom
e*entually con;uering e*il/ and God.s "ill being done- When "e "rite 0God.s "ill0/
please understand that God has se*eral types o "ill/ including a conditional "ill/ and an
ultimate "ill- !is conditional "ill is let men ha*e "hat they "ant- !is ultimate "ill is to
see !is creation be a "onderul paradise-
$he religious leaders in Besus. day got rid o true prophets- $he religious spirit today "ill
do the same- $he religious spirit causes people to lagellate their bac&s "ith "hips- A
Russian branch o the Illuminati/ called the S&optsi/ are amous or the sel,inlicted
tortures including castration that they carry out upon their bodies- $he religious spirit
causes people to ha*e sel,abasement or the "rong moti*es- Discipline and aith are
"orthy things to ha*e/ but not i they are done out o only lo*e or onesel rather than
also lo*e or one.s 'reator- $his is "hy satanic alters ha*e such a hard time seeing "hat
'hristianity has or them- $hey see the religious spirit o 'hristianity and they realize
that Satanism has a more po"erul orm o religion- Satanism is based upon legalism
(the rituals ha*e to be e=actly so)/ and upon pride and ear- $o ma&e an analogy/ the
religious spirit is li&e a man or "oman "ho dresses to get compliments rather than
dressing nicely to please their spouse- In other "ords/ the man "ho "ears something that
oends his "ie (because he "ants other men to thin& he is macho)/ has a similar
moti*ation as the religious spirit- $he author o the religious spirit is Satan/ the author o
God "ants people to choose things "hich are e=cellent and ma&e their li*es count or
eternity- +n the lip side/ the programmers/ "ho "orship E ser*e Satan in their
in*ocations/ murder their *ictims in 6 "ays o death,, mental/ moral/ spiritual/ and
physical death- $hey program 6 types o ongoing suicide into their sla*es- $hey bring
them mental suicide/ moral suicide/ spiritual suicide/ push some alters to physical
suicide/ and program others to commit physical suicide- $hey push their sla*es into
near death e=periences,,some alters die/ and are discarded-
+ten/ there are 0dead0 alters "ithin a li*e System-
a- $o perpetuate mental death/ the programmers administer drugs/ hypnosis/ and alse
philosophies/ and programming to "ipe the truth out o the sla*esO mind- $his is mental
murder -
b- Resistance to e*il is the essence o lie-
#y re;uiring their sla*es to engage in the "orst moral impurities/ these parts lose their
spiritual eyes- $his is moral murder- (8 Peter ?)
0at G 0ota$% And Foca$ 0oint%
Within the occult "orld/ the entire study o demonology is "rapped around the
geometric shapes that ser*e as ocal points or demons (such as made by crystals and
pyramids)/ and the portals by "hich demons can enter the human body- A demon doesn.t
ha*e to be materialized (con2ured up) to enter into a body- Geometric shapes "hich are
belie*ed to attract demons are placed into the internal "orlds o sla*es- $he "ill o the
person also plays a role in the introduction o demons into the body- $orture attaches and
layers in demons "ithin the body- Se= and blood sacriices are used to attach po"erul
demons- According to high le*el demonology/ certain po"erul spirits can only be
manipulated i there are blood sacriices- $his may seem strange/ ho"e*er/ the record
(e*idence) bears out that generational *ictims o possession "ho ha*e had demons
placed in *ia blood sacriices are deinitely controlled by more po"erul demonic orces-
All o the cha&ra points/ and the oriices to the human body ser*e as portals- #oth the
Illuminati and 'hristian deli*erance ministries agree that the mouth/ ears/ nose/ anus/
etc- are portals- !igh inlu=es o demonic energy into the body is accompanied by a
burning sensation- $he Mother o Dar&ness "ho is assigned to a child "ho is being
programmed has to oil the child periodically to protect it rom this burning- $he goal to
possess someone o spirits/ or to be possessed by spirits has been practiced since the
early times o man&ind-
In 1le"ellyn.s Ne" Worlds o Mind and Spirit magazine BuneLBuly ?776/ issue S769/
they "rite/ 0$he (o$e" o Prague is perhaps the most amous e=ample o Xpractical
cabala.,,the use o cabala or magical cabala-0 Scholem in his e=cellent treatise on the
'abala has an entire chapter about the Golem- $he golem "ere mind,controlled sla*es
created by the magic& o the 'abala- $he 'abala/ according to the best Masonic
authorities/ including Albert Pi&e in his amous Morals and Dogma boo& is the basis o
Freemasonry- #y e=tension then/ it is clear that the goal o ha*ing a mind,controlled
golem has been the goal o Freemasonry/ because that goal is the best e=ample o
practical cabala-
$his is the paper trail that lets us *ie" the secret goals o the secret "orld o
Freemasonry- $here are 'abalistic grades "ithin Freemasonry- Se=ual sla*es "ere used
by the higher and more occult Masonic rites in the ?7th century- $hese se=ual sla*es
"ere sub2ected to trances and demonic possessions- $hey "ere sub2ected to all types o
per*erse magical rituals- $he 'abala teaches intercourse "ith demons- $heurgy is the
s&ill or ability to in*o&e demons *ariously called angels o light/ genii/ spirits o *arious
&inds/ such as elemental spirits- Demons come "ith a price and that price is blood-
Satanism and 1ucierianism and other similar cults are blood cults that re;uire blood to
be sacriiced to pull in certain demons- For instance/ blood may be ta&en rom both the
tongue and the genital area and mi=ed in a certain ceremony to in*o&e a particular
demon- Demons are not bought "ith gold or sil*er/ they are bought "ith blood- Some
spirits are in*o&ed by placing alcoholic enemas into the child- $hese children get totally
into=icated "ith alcohol/ some to the point that they e*en die rom the ceremony- $his is
all done to bring in particular demons- $he Spirit 'horonzon and $yphon are critical
spirits to place into a person or the Mind,'ontrol to "or&- $he Illuminati do not belie*e
the Mind,control "ill "or& "ithout the assistance o these spirits- $yphon and
'horonzon do the tunneling and the MPD "or&-
An e=ample o an important ritual to demonize the *ictim is the )a2ti%" o& the chi$d
!icti" to Satan- Satan may be called Set in the ritual- $here are *ariations on this
ceremony/ so a *ictim.s personal baptism may *ary in some or all o the details- $his is
actual *ariation o the ritual done to Monarch mind,controlled sla*es4 $he child is
stripped nude and gi*en a purple robe- It is placed inside the pentagram/ and an 0altar0
"hich is made by a nude "oman or child is brought or"ard- A horse or 2ac&al is
inscribed "ith the inscription 0Nebeb&a0 on the nec& or orehead- $hen the animal is
sacriiced to "hate*er name the group is using or Satan (such as Set or Saman)- $he
abdomen o the beast is split open completely/ and the li*er remo*ed- $he 6 spirits o the
6 "atchto"ers are in*o&ed- $he sla*e child being baptized is smeared "ith at rom the
dead beast- $he Gate&eeper spirit is called by ringing a bell- $hen the child is placed into
the animal.s belly- A part o the ra" li*er is gi*en to the child and the rest consumed by
the group- $he child is then baptized in blood- A cut called the De*il.s Seal is placed on
the child on the let hand/ or under the armpit/ or on the upper part o the head- $his in
'abalism is the Mar& o Foundation- $he Priest reads out o the #oo& o Satan and the
#oo& o Names- $he *ictim repeats ater the Priest- In this ashion the Priest ritually
gi*es the person a ne" name- $he Dance o !od (Glory,the sphere on the bottom let o
the '- $ree o Sephiroth) is then begun in a circular motion by the cult/ to oppose Netsah
(Kictory,the sphere on the bottom right o the $ree)- $he Priest o the co*en "ill then
dismiss the demon(s) he has con2ured-
At times this ritual is done "ith a child sacriice rather than an animal/ E sometimes it is
done in con2unction "ith another ritual/ such as All !allo".s @*e- $o empo"er the
Monarch System/ special rings "hich ha*e been dipped in the blood o sacriiced
*ictims/ are gi*en to the *ictim "ith instructions to "ear it aithully- $he rings are used
as ocal points to insure the continued demonization o the *ictim- Some e=amples o
this "ould be a #lue $opaz ring/ a #lac& +ny= ring/ or a Diamond ring- #lac& +ny= is
used to capture souls- Whether the therapist belie*es this or not becomes irrele*ant in
*ie" o the act that the deeper alters in a Monarch System are s&illed in demonology
and they do belie*e it/ and ta&e consolation that their magical po"ers are ne*er
challenged by therapists- $hese deeper alters "ill continue to do much o the
demonization o the system or the Programmer/ and this delegation o this 2ob/ means
the ProgrammerLhandler is ree to ocus on other things- +ur e=perience is that "hen the
Sla*e Masters "ithin the Illuminati ta&e a"ay the hearts o the alters o a system/ they
gi*e them a heart o stone and a ring- $he ring is important or i they lose this/ they
thin& they "ill not get their hearts bac&- $he sla*es "ill "a&e up in the middle o the
night loo&ing or a ring,,but ne*er &no" "hat ring they are loo&ing or- 0'A$'! A
FA11ING S$AR/ P%$ I$ IN 5+%R P+'>@$ F+R A RAIN5 DA50 ties in "ith this
story line- $he star is magical stardust- During programming the Programmers use
0magical star dust-0 I the sla*e loses hisLher ring/ they are told the Master "ill ne*er
lo*e them- When the Master comes to gi*e his lo*e/ then the sla*e "ill get to use their
magical "and "ith its star dust- $he ring o the Programmer/ "hich has occult po"er
rom being used in ritual/ is also used as a hypnotic cue- $he ring also represents occult
po"er and authority-
0at H 4o'% And Oath%
$he Illum- E generational occult amilies attach Ancestral E Generational curses (noted
about in @V 8<4:,A/ D$ 8948/ 8 >G :48D/ B@R 984?C/ B@R 948:/ 1@K 8A46<) to the
*ictim- $he Programmers create soul ties (intermeshment "ith others in an ungodly
"ay)/ including intermeshment o spirits- Se=/ emotional dependence/ anger and lo*e
can be tied to this dependence- $he spiritual po"er o the 'ommunion meal,,"hich is a
orm o the Passo*er meal (deli*erance) E the Marriage Supper o the 1amb ("holeness
in hea*en) is re*ersed by #lac& Mass.s symbolismLbondage- $he Moriah E other occult
groups attach curses to a person that are brought on by occult in*ol*ement- $hese curses
are the conse;uences o sinul occult in*ol*ement- $he Monarch programmers orce the
sla*e to ma&e blood co*enants/ contracts/ oaths/ and to shed innocent blood- +ten times
the deeper alters eel li&e they ha*e made these contracts "illingly,,ho"e*er/ i they
could see the "hole picture they "ould realize that they "ere orced and decei*ed into
accepting these occult practices- $o ree themsel*es o these oaths and co*enants e*ery
alter has to brea& them/ or at least the main alter brea&s it or others-
What *arious "itchcrat and Illuminati sla*es "ill e=perience "ill be Satan dra"ing
blood rom their let hand and causing them to "rite in the sla*e.s o"n blood a ormal
contract entering his ser*ice- $he ceremony has a lasting impression- $heir signature in
the Great White #oo&/ "hich is an important Illuminati document/ "hich has e*eryone.s
signature "ill change color/ and they "ill lose their magical po"er/ etc- $his creates a
double bind/ i they &eep the System 0sae0/ they can.t get out- $hey need to understand
that greater is Besus than he "ho is the "orld- See '+1 84?: also/ "hich spea&s about
him triumphing o*er the principalities and po"ers-
$he Illuminati E the Net"or& &eeps boo&s "hich ha*e the signatures o all their
membership/ including sla*es- $hey tell the sla*e that i they e*er brea& a co*enant "ith
them/ that Satan "ill cause the signature in blood to turn green- In other "ords/ the sla*e
is led to belie*e and is con*inced that i they e*er renege on their *o"s to Satan and the
Ne" World +rder/ they "ill be instantly ound out- @*en the American presidents are
reported to be threatened "ith this type o threat- $he 0birthright0 o a child born to
Illuminati parents is to be allo"ed into satanic co*en le*el acti*ity- Alters "hich
unction at co*en le*els/ "ill be ar remo*ed in a Monarch system rom Illuminati
hierarchy alters- $he co*en le*el "ill also be called the anarchy le*el and is represented
by an A-
+ne o the early oaths ta&en by the Illuminati child beore the Grand Druid 'ouncil
is/ 0Satan the Way and the 1ight- No one comes to me e=cept through the ather o light
"hich is the Anti,'hrist- I/ Fbirth nameG/ by my ree choice ta&e the ollo"ing oath- I
commit to ser*e my body and spirit in union "ith the ather o light or the total
prosperity and insurance o the *ictory o Satan and the ather o light the Anti'hrist-
No" "ithin an unbro&en circle o spiritual po"er/ understanding and accepting the
conse;uences o brea&ing the spiritual circle "hich 2oins the Mothers o 1ight (later they
learn that they ha*e 2oined the Mothers o Dar&ness)- "ith each other and to the ather o
light- I FIlluminati co*en nameG "ith these bonds in place commit to rule "ithin the
spiritual union o*er the principalities o dar&ness to insure Satan.s po"er and control
o*er the "orld- I ore*er ta&e on the seal o the ather o light and commit my eternal
lie to ser*e Satan as the prince o peace/ sa*ior/ and spiritual light or e*er and e*er- I
no" denounce the truth o the God/ the resurrection o 'hrist and the po"er o the !oly
Should the person brea& this *o"/ they are programmed to remember torture on a cross/
"hich is designed to cause a seizure and heart ailure- $he Final Ko"s o a Mother o
Dar&ness or a Grand Master "ill ma&e these cult alters eel li&e they are bound and
trapped in ser*ice to Satan- $hey are almost al"ays una"are that Almighty God doesn.t
recognize such *o"s/ and "ill "illingly release them rom their e*il ser*itude- $he
blac& stone is used in the Mothers,o,Dar&ness *o"s- $he boo& o Re*elation spea&s
about a "hite stone "ith a name "ritten on it- Mothers o Dar&ness alters get a blac&
stone "ith their assigned Iueen goddess names "ritten on them-
$hose "ho ha*e been on the inside o Satanism &no" that oaths ta&en by occult lodges
and satanic cults are at times enorced- $he oaths describe the type o traitor.s death that
is to be carried out- An e=ample o the types o penalty these oaths carry can be seen in
the ollo"ing "ords/ 0All this I most solemnly and sincerely promise and s"ear "ith a
irm steadast resolution/ to &eep and perorm the same "ithout any e;ui*ocation/
mental reser*ation or secret e*asion o mind "hate*er/ binding mysel under no less
penalty than that o ha*ing my throat cut across/ my tongue torn open/ my heart pluc&ed
out my body se*ered in t"ain/ my bo"els ta&en rom thence and burned to ashes/ should
I &no"ingly *iolate this my solemn obligation-0
$he co*enants/ and *o"s and threats all "or& together to &eep people in line- Alters
"ithin a Monarch sla*e are conditioned by their ser*itude to belie*e that their lie is
controlled by Satan/ "ho is stronger than God- Where "as God "hen they needed him3
And yet many o the Monarch sla*es coming in or therapy ha*e had numerous miracles
in their li*es that ha*e gi*en them the latitude to reach out or health and reedom- I the
Monarch alters can not see the positi*es o "hat God has done/ they "ill remain trapped
in their pabout that night in $ransormation o America/ p-?87,?9<-)
Wor&ing hand in hand "ith the *o"s and the oaths/ are the e=treme measures the
Net"or& goes to/ to con*ince the perception that Satan rules- Actually/ the sur*i*ors o
the Illuminati.s mind,control "ere meant to play a big role in helping God upset the
detailed satanic script- And because these people sincerely ga*e their li*es to 'hrist
around the age o 8/ God "ill honor that and help them- At any rate/ e*en the inormed
secular therapist should realize these programmed sla*es are in the middle o some
po"er struggles- $hey are instruments o the Satanic hierarchy to carry out their plans-
$he Net"or& goes out o their "ay to enhance the sla*e.s perception that the occult
rules- Along this line/ President Reagan insisted the Monarch programmer Michael
A;uino "ear his blac& satanic ritual robes to a White !ouse party- (+ne can read more
sla*e that they are al"ays being "atched- $his is the 05ou can run/ but you can.t hide0
programming- Supposedly/ the sla*e is being "atched by satellite no matter "here they
go- For instance/ at +it Air Force #ase in Nebras&a/ an underground *ie"ing room is
used to con*ince Monarch sla*es they ha*e no place to hide- $here the "alls ha*e
numerous 0satellite pictures0 rom around the "orld- $he satellites are called 0@ye in the
S&y-0 A our,screen *ie"er pretends to respond to the type,in commands o an air orce
oicial "ho tells the sla*e/ 0Where "ill you run3 $o the Artic3 $he Antarctic3 #razil3
$he Mountains3---We can ind you there- $here is truly no place to run and no place to
hide-0 $his sho"/ "hich "as made to con*ince the mind,controlled sla*e o the NW+.s
pro"ess/ is 2ust a pre,made slide sho"/ it is 2ust theatrics- !o"e*er/ the computer chips
they ha*e been implanting into people do gi*e them the ability to trac& their sla*es- And
the intelligence agencies do ha*e spy satellites- $he NW+ is protected rom nuclear
attac& *ia the Pentagon.s 'QI (pronounced 0see,cubed,eye0) meaning command/ control/
communication E intelligence- An important part o 'QI is MI1S$AR "hich is a global
central ner*ous system o 7 satellites and about 9/:<< million dollar MI1S$AR
terminals on the ground- $he 'IA has among other things/ the W9<< million Korte= spy
satellite and a W:<< million Magnum spy satellite "hich "ere recently launched-
0at I 9ayein( In De"on%
$he American Bournal o Psychotherapy/ t"o noted psychiatrists and an M-D- rom India
"rote an article 0Multiple Personality in India4 'omparison "ith !ysterical Possession
State0- $he tenor o the article "as that in India/ the psychiatrists ha*e to deal "ith
demonic possession rather than MPD "hich is ound in the "est- $hey made
comparisons o demonic possession in India to the MPD o the "est/ "hich are similar
but not the same- 1ater/ other articles and letters "ere "ritten about this article- +ne o
the criticisms "as that these Indian psychiatrists "ere trying to compare their demonic
possession to the "est.s MPD "hen it "as ob*ious that their cases o demonic
possession did not meet all the criteria o MPD- In the e=perience o the co,authors o
this boo&/ demonic possession is not MPD (DID) but it does ha*e many o the same
I "e understand programming rom the Programmers point o *ie"/ they belie*e in
both MPD and Demonic possession- From the programmers point o *ie"/ they try to
create the alters and demonize the alters- Se*eral e=,Programmers ha*e told Fritz that i
a person really "ants to understand the Monarch trauma,based mind,control/ they need
to realize that it is undamentally demonic,based- #oth o the co,authors ha*e had to sit
through lectures by secular therapists "ho dismissed Satanism and the occult as simply
as an e=cuse on the part the abusers to traumatize their *ictims- According to these
secular therapists/ demon possession and satanic rituals ha*e nothing to do "ith
therapeutic issues/ but are merely games and charades put on by the abusers- We beg to
dier "ith this point o *ie"- Programming and mind,control can not be separated rom
demonology and occult ritual- @*en the 0alien programming0 uses lots o occult
symbols/ rituals E spiritual programming-
An e=ample o ho" ritual E programming o*erlap is the %a))at cee"ony to insure that
cult sla*es &eep silent no matter "hat/ e*en under torture- +n a ull moon sabbat/ a large
oa& tree "ill be used to hold this night ceremony- A Ma2ic ca&e/ also &no"n as a Red or
Acacia 'a&e is made or the ceremony- $he demon seer is in*o&ed using the name
Shaddai (one o its 7 mystic names)- An unbaptized child/ "ho has been ta&en rom
'hristian parents/ is in the middle o the Pentagram/ and a li*e altar consisting o a
"oman is used- A magic s;uare called Satar ormula is car*ed onto the child "ith an
@agle or Rooster cla"- $he child is turned to the 6 directions and then turned ace do"n
to"ard the east- $he child must curse and blaspheme God Almighty- $hen its mouth is
gagged "ith a purple cloth- Flesh is cut rom the child/ and mi=ed "ith blac& millet and
gi*en to Satan (also called Sheitan)- Prayers in @nochian are said- Incense is lit- $he
child is no" sacriiced to Satan/ using the ritual athame (perhaps a blac& handled
dagger)/ "hile the child is condemned by the cult to hell-
$his type o ritual is to instill ear o tal&ing and praying into the cult members- +ne o
the secret ceremonies to in*o&e demons comes rom $he #oo& o #easts- It is an ancient
ceremony to summon demons- $he ceremony begins "ith reading the $etragrammaton
@lohim/ the 'reature o Budgement is in*o&ed/ as "ell as the 7 mystic names o the
dead- A child is s&inned and sacriiced- $he #oo& o the +ld Faith is read rom- And
then the demons are dismissed and a bell rung in the 6 directions- Monarch sla*es recall
the stench o the demons/ and the roar that they ma&e "hen in*o&ed- $o li*e through a
horriying e=perience li&e this does impact the sla*e/ and therapists need to ;uit ignoring
the *arious impacts that eect the *ictim o occult ceremonies-
+n the lip side/ *ictims o mind,control need to realize that although demonic
possession is one o the tools o control/ that the diagnosis o 0demon possession should
not be used to co*er up the many other issues in*ol*ed "ith the mind,control including
body memories/ a lietime o se*ere abuse/ abandonment issues/ saety issues/ and all
the rest o the garbage that goes "ith ha*ing been a mind,controlled sla*e- $hese many
other issues need to be addressed too- When one o the authors o this boo&/ Fritz
Springmeier/ began "or&ing "ith Programmed Multiples/ he "as told by se*eral
independent o one another that they had problems "ith spirits/ "hich they called
1egion/ #eelzebub/ Asmodeus/ 1e*iathon and #ehemoth- +ccasionally !anan "as
mentioned- Ater doing some "or&/ alse satanic trinities "ere ound leading these
Structured Multiple.s systems-
Interestingly/ other ministers "ho "ere "or&ing in other areas o the country "ith
Illuminati programmed multiples "ere inding the same thing- I "e comb the rare
boo&s o @urope/ there is a boo& in French 'ruels eets de la *engeance du 'ardinal
Richelieu ou !istoire des diables de 1oudun by Aubin (Amsterdam/ ?D?A/ pp- 8?: P)
and as "ell as another one/ Delacroi=/ @tudes d.histoire et de psychologie du
mysticisme- Paris/ ?7<C/ pp- 98C,966-/ "hich tell the story o the %ruline con*ent in
1oudon bet"een ?A98 and ?A9C- $his con*ent plays a role in the Illuminati bloodlines-
What is o interest to us/ is that the nuns bac& in ?A98 ound themsel*es 0possessed0 by
demons- $hese demons made the people act li&e animals/ such as bar& li&e dogs/ ra*e in
altered states/ go into trances/ ha*e uncontrollable changes in personality "hich they
"ould be amnesiac about- A male *oice "ould appear in a emale/ etc- $he mystic
Father Surin/ "ho came and tried to help the con*ent/ himsel got possessed or 8< years
and had an entire change in personality or 8< years- !e "rote that at times he elt li&e
Satan- Se*en demons maniested themsel*es in *ery dierent but distinct persons "ithin
these nuns- $he 'atholic priest (an e=orcist) could ma&e the dierent demonic personas
ta&e the bodies o the 1oudun nun Beanne des Anges/ and her ace E body E *oice
"ould change rom one possession to the other-
$hese se*en demons "ere Asmod\e (also called Asmodeus)/ 1e*iathan/ #\h\moth/
Aman (!aman)/ Isacaaron/ #alaam/ and Gr\sil- $hey also had a alse trinity 1ucier,
#eelzebub,1e*iathon associated "ith them- French psychologist P- Banet in ?CCC noticed
that many o his patients ound themsel*es losing control o their body to "hat they
called a demon "ho "ould oten be named Astaroth/ 1e*iathan or #eelzebub- (P- Banet/
1 XAutomatisme psychologi;ue- Paris/ ?CCC/ pp- 66< P-) Reports rom other areas such
as Germany o*er the years are similar- Is this mere coincidence3 It is stretching the
imagination to belie*e that so many separate incidents ha*e commonalities/ and identical
demonic entities/ and yet are not related in some ashion-
#y the "ay/ medie*al "itchcrat/ Rosicrucianism/ and the Illuminati ha*e all had rituals
"here people dress "ith 'at/ 1ion/ +"l/ 'uc&oo/ and Parrot mas&s- In altered states/
these medie*al "itches may ha*e actually lipped into animal alters "ho thought they
"ere a cat or o"l/ etc-/ "hich "ould account or "ritten accounts by medie*al crat
adepts that "itches "ould transorm into animals-
Demonic possession is getting more and more recognition by psychologists- Some
psychologists ha*e disco*ered that their programmed multiples responded *ery
positi*ely to deli*erance o demons/ and "ere able to get more accomplished in a e"
hours o deli*erance than years o psychology- What does this tell us3 Well/ it is N+$
0scientiic proo. that demons e=ist/ but it is proo that deli*erance can be *ery helpul-
+ne can debate the e=act reasons "hy deli*erance "or&s,,perhaps it is merely that the
helping person is entering the other person.s construct,,but the e*ents o successul
deli*erance strongly indicate that "hat has happened is an actual deli*erance o
#ecause this boo& is about !+W the *ictim.s are controlled/ and the programmers
belie*e that the primary ingredient in the mind,control is demonology/ "e "ill co*er
demonology- I that bothers some readers/ then they need to as& themsel*es/ Are they
really "anting to understand !+W the mind,control is done/ or simply superimpose and
replace the !+W it is done "ith "hat they themsel*es "ould do3 Se*eral times
psychologists ha*e been heard saying/ 0We don.t &no" ho" the programmers thin&- It
"ould be helpul to &no"-0 !o" many people are really ready to hear the ans"er3
Recently/ one o the Programmers (and names could be mentioned) ne*er got e=cited as
long as his sla*e "as in therapy/ but "hen his sla*e got a deli*erance/ he came totally
+n the lip side/ anyone "ho can read this boo& entirely to this point and thin& that
Illuminati sla*es only ha*e a problem "ith demons has someho" missed most o the
boo&- $he programmers are so demon possessed that people "ho ha*e "or&ed "ith
them say that the po"erul demons "ithin them try to compete "ith each other or
po"er- $hose "ho ha*e "or&ed "ith the programmers &no" ho" the programmers
themsel*es ha*e been s&illed in con2uring demons "ith a nine,oot circle "ith magical
phrases li&e 0#agabi laca #achabe/ 1amac cahi achababe/---0 Rituals ha*e been
perormed at the programming sites- (+n the lip side/ deli*erance ministries can send
demons to the throne o Almighty God to get instructions-)
+ne o the irst stories read to a sla*e may be the Bungle #oo& by reemason E occultist
Rudyard >ipling (?CA:,?79A)- $he story is used to teach the child to ha*e animal spirit
guides/ such as the bear and leopard spirit guides ound in Bungle #oo&- $he main
character in Bungle #oo& is neither animal or human/ but in bet"een- Neither "orld
accepts this orphan boy- Sla*es are taught that they are not human/ but not ully animal/
but something that can.t be ully accepted or understood by anyone- Bungle #oo&
pro*ides the script or this- A bracelet &eeps the boy sae by gi*ing him the po"er o the
gods- $he sla*e is taught to get demonic po"er rom 2e"ellery "hich is gi*en to them-
$here are many other eatures o Bungle #oo& "hich are used or the initial
programming too/ such as the pac& o "ol*es (protectors in the system)/ sna&es in the
hell pit/ a #oa 'onstructor sna&e to guard the castle/ the need to pass through the
"aterall to get into a "onderul "orld/ a blac& 2ungle o death on the other side o the
"aterall/ castle 2e"els/ caged birds/ etc- 1ater/ alters "ill be told they are the leader o a
pac&- Kia the Bungle #oo& story used as a demonic programming script/ the child.s alters
are taught that they are orphans "ith no mother or ather/ and that they must play and
ha*e the animal spirit guides as their riends-
Demonology is the &ey to "hat the programmers accomplish- Some recent eorts to
e=pose the Monarch Mind 'ontrol ha*e portrayed the programmers as *ery cynical
about their 0magic&0- While there may be e=ceptions to the rule/ "ithin the Illuminati/
demonology is not ta&en lightly/ but is considered to be the real science o the Sciences
o Mind 'ontrol- $he goal o the Illuminati programmers is stated in their o"n "ritings
in latin/ 0Iuod superius est sicut ;uod inerius et ;uod inerius est sicut ;uod superius
ad perpetranda miracula rei unius---0 Meaning that their goal is to achie*e the "onders o
the 0one thing0 "here 0that "hich is abo*e/ is li&e that "hich is belo" and that "hich is
belo" is li&e that "hich is abo*e-0
In other "ords/ they ta&e the dar& spiritual realm o Satan/ as the pattern or the "orld-
$his 1atin phrase is also used to support astrology/ "hich inluences some o the
programming decisions- $he concept o astrology "as created by reraming God.s
0e*ent mar&ers0 as e*ent controllers- While Americans thin& o ?DDA as independence
year/ ?DDA "as originally chosen as the most a*ourable year to reorganize the mystery
religions into the ormal Illuminati because ?DDA consists o ??<< and AAA- ??<< is the
#abylonian counting system.s number or AAA- #abylonian Satanism is a oundational
part o Moriah.s Illuminism-
Some o its bloodlines are descendents o the Pharisees "ho secretly practiced
#abylonian Satanism at the time o 'hrist/ incl-- child sacriices- It.s standard operating
procedure in the occult "orld that "hat you see is not "hat you get/ double,meanings
are the norm- $hose students o Monarch Mind 'ontrol "ho do not "ant to del*e into
"hat the Programmers are doing are limiting their o"n understanding- Most o "hat the
Programmers do is actually spiritually based and connects to their understanding o
demonology- Much o "hat the *ictims o the Monarch Programming e=perience "ill
be understood in the conte=t o the spiritual "orld- +b*iously some is illusion-
+b*iously some is delusion- !o"e*er/ "hen the high le*el programmers teach no*ice
programmers/ they "ill be teaching the spiritual principles you the reader are about to be
told- (A e" therapists across the %-S-,,and their names "ill not be re*ealed/ ha*e had
miraculous reco*eries o their Monarch sla*es "hen they addressed these demonic and
spiritual issues- $hese are therapists/ "ho tried the old methods or years/ and then in
desperation "ere "illing to listen to e=,programmers and other inormed people about
the spiritual side o the programming-)
@*erything in lie has a physical and a spiritual side to it- $hings in the spiritual eect
the physical/ and things in the physical eect the spiritual- $hey are t"o "orlds- $he
Alice In Wonderland story is highly regarded by the programmers/ because it portrays
the situation that e=ists bet"een the spiritual "orld E the physical "orld- When people
"ithin the physical loo& to"ard the spiritual/ it is li&e loo&ing into a mirror- Initially/
they "ill only see the physical "orld relected bac&- #ut i they go beyond the mirror/
they "ould see a 0mirror image0 o the physical e=ists in the spiritual realm- When
'hristians pray they say/ 0$hy "ill be done on earth as it is in hea*en-0 @arth is a mirror
image o hea*en/ not an e=act copy/ but someday they "ill be ali&e/ according to
Scripture- According to messianic 2e"s "ho understand the +$ "ell/ the ceremonial
la" is being enacted in hea*en spiritually as it.s mirror image once "as done on earth-
When the programming is seen only in a secular ashion/ much o its design is missed-
What ha*e "itches used to see beyond time and space3 Mirrors- Remember the "itch
saying Xmirror/ mirror on the "all/ "ho is the airest o them all03 $he idea is magical
mirrors/ the speculums/ "hich "ill lead one 0through the loo&ing glass mirror0 that then
allo"s the *ictim to magically transcend time E space-
+ne o the important &eys to success "ith Monarch programming are generational
spirits- $he co*er or this is studies in genetic science- $he programmers belie*e that
genetics are important/ but the real abilities to program someone come rom the
generational spirits that are built up in bloodlines- $his is "hy the Illuminati "ere in part
s&eptical that non,generational occult bloodlines could be successully programmed-
$hey ha*e ound that they can be (especially "ith all their high tech e;uipment)/ but the
best candidates are those "ith strong generational spirits- $he dierence could be
compared to those "ho raise race,horses or the >entuc&y derby and those "ho ha*e
horses as a hobby- A race horse must ha*e high spirits- $he suburban house"ie E
daughter "ho ride as an occasional pastime could care less or that ;uality o horse- $he
military can produce cannon odder "ith the simple mind,control o #asic $raining-
$hey don.t need sophisticated time intensi*e mind,control techni;ues li&e the Monarch
Program or some military positions- $hird "orld children are being programmed to
become baseball players etc- #ut the highest occult a*ocational positions "ill be gi*en
to people "ith e=ceptional generational demonic po"er-
Within a Multiple you "ill ind duplicates o a particular name- For instance/ you may
ind thirteen Susies- Susy? may not e*en be a"are o the other Susies- $he internal
"orlds o the Monarch *ictim are structured along demonic patterns- Within the
demonic "orld the spirit Moriah is not itsel in e*ery *ictim that has Moriah- Moriah S
?</CC8 may be in *ictim A/ and Moriah S 9/9:: in *ictim #- #ut the dierence is
academic because the Moriah in each *ictim is a member o the same demonic amily,,
the Moriah Spirit Family- $hey are or all intents and purposes the same spirit- $he
Illuminati programmers are acutely a"are o the generational spirits/ "ho they are/ and
ho" they unction- $he ten commandments "arn that a person.s ini;uity "ill aect the
ne=t 9,6 generations- @V 8<4:b- A generational spirit is gi*en 0appointment0 o*er a
*ictim at birth- $he *ictim "ill recei*e generational spirits rom their biological ather
and mother- Satan can not be the creator o hea*en and earth/ but he can satisy his
desire to do so/ by creating an internal "orld "ithin the *ictim/ a hea*en/ earth and hell
o his o"n creation- $he armies o spirits "hich are placed into the inant "ill cooperate
"ith the programmer and the child to produce the programming- It.s li&e the Father
(0Papa0 the programmer)/ son (child) and unholy spirit (demons) "or& together- $he
internal creation o "orlds "ithin the *ictim "ill be the heart beat o Satan-
A Regional territorial commander demon "ill ma&e "ee&ly rounds in an area/ and so the
structuring "or& done "ith generational *ictims/ combines ideas rom the generational
spirits as "ell as the regional commander- $he curses and the *o"s gi*e the 'ommander
the legal right to e=ercise control o*er the *ictim- Within any geographic area/ there has
been a layering in o demons/ much in the same ashion that the programming and
demons are layered into a Monarch *ictim- $he most important territorial spirits in an
area are the root or original spirits- In the %nited States these are Indian Spirits-
$erritorial spirits may contribute ideas as to "hat "ill be eecti*e or programming in
their area- $here are geographic patterns to spiritual "arare- @ach area has its deities
and spirits "hich rule the *alleys/ homes/ and nations- $hese particular spirits e=ercise
po"er o*er the local people- $he e*angelist is not going to progress/ unless he
understands the spirits that are ruling "hat he is trying to liberate people rom- $he basic
territorial spirits are the original ones-
In the %-S- these are the Indian spirits- $hat is "hy the Illuminati pays such a strong
interest in the Indians- $he original principalities are the oundation/ the bedroc& upon
"hich e*erything else is layered upon- $his also is done in Monarch programming- A
number o Monarch sla*es ha*e Indian shamans and spirits placed in their systems-
%pon the original oundation/ the ne"er ideologies are layered in- In Russia/
communism "as simply layered on top o the original territorial spirits- In 'hina/
communism "as simply layered on top o the original territorial spirits- $his is one
actor "hy 'hinese E Russian communism "ere ne*er ali&e- $raumas and crises "ill
produce strongholds-
+ur understanding o our blind spots is oten "ea& because "e use others as our
measuring stic& rather than the di*ine "ord o God- #lindspots E strongholds may ta&e
outside inter*ention in our li*es to eliminate- !o" many o us see that Moroni on top o
Mormon temples is a ruling demon3 !o" many o us ha*e realized that the rising sun on
Bapan.s lag is the Sun goddess "ho is a ruling spirit o*er Bapan3 I "e go to !a"aii "e
"ill see some o the 0nati*es0 are interested in Pele/ the God o Fire- $he *olcanoes ha*e
been used by the demons to entrap the people to Pele/ the God o Fire- +ne o the things
that the author.s boo& @ze&iel A49 An Inhouse Directory sho"s is that many o the ritual
sites ha*e occult names- De*il.s 'anyon may "ell be a canyon or de*ils- $he names
people gi*e geographic areas are important- $hey sho" the types o pacts that people
ha*e been ma&ing-
When the psychiatrist >arl Menninger o the Menninger Foundation dealt "ith spiritual
issues "ith people in mental hospitals (i-e- he had them as& or orgi*eness o sins)/ he
"as able to clear out "hole sections/ and send the patients home "ell- (!is bro- Roy W-
Menninger/ an @pisc-/ E also a psychiatrist/ "or&ed in #oston State !osp- "hile in the
military in X:8,:9-) $here is a direct tie bet"een much o the insanity today and
demons- Spiritual principles should be studied by 'hristians to understand ho" demons
operate and "hat gi*es them entry rights and po"er- 'ertain ob2ects and people are ocal
points or spirits-
Who are the e=perts3 #asically/ t"o types o people in*ol*e themsel*es in studying
demonology,,those "ho are in*ol*ed "ith perorming "or&s o dar&ness such as magic/
or those in*ol*ed "ith perorming "or&s o godliness such as deli*erance ministries-
Besus told his disciples to command the demons to lea*e- !e didn.t as& his disciples to
let him cast out demons/ nor did he as& his disciples to as& the demons to lea*e- No/ the
responsibility "as placed upon his disciples E they "ere as&ed to command the demons
to lea*e- $he Illuminati maintain hidden libraries ull o ancient treatises on
demonology/ "hich they a*idly study- Some o the more important demonology boo&s
are the Si=th and Se*enth #oo& o Moses/ $he #lac& Ra*en/ $he Spring #oo&/ $he
Spiritual Shield- A "hole series o magical boo&s bearing the name o Solomon e=ist/ o
"hich the >ey o Solomon is "idely &no"n- 'la*icula Salomonis or the 'la*icle o
Solomon is also "ell &no"n-
More and more o the ancient "ritings seem to be coming to light in these end times/
and the hierarchy is getting bolder and bolder in the release o this inormation- A
'abalistic Be" "ill study the $almud until he is 6< or so/ and the study o the 'abala is
reser*ed or the only those "ho ha*e studied a long time- $he Uohar and the esoteric
teachings are not taught until late in lie-
+pposite the Illuminati/ are those dedicated 'hristians "ho study demonology/ not to
in*o&e demons but to ree people rom them- @ach state in the %nited States contains a
e" 'hristians "ho understand demonology and deli*erance rom it- $he blood o Besus
'hrist (5eshua ha Messiach) is *ery po"erul against demons- !igh le*el deli*erance
can not be done "ithout angelic and the !oly Spirit.s help- $he 'hristian "ho gets into
studying and ighting high le*el demonology needs to learn the signiicance o getting
God.s help- Without God.s help/ the deli*erance "ill bac&,ire in the ace o the
deli*erer- Members o the Illuminati are bound in ser*itude to Satan- +ne o the strong
shac&les that bind Satanists to Satan is the high le*el o demonology they are ensla*ed
!o" are the demons organized3 It is *ery clear that there are dierent types o demons/
and that they are di*ided up into dierent ran&s/ unctions/ orders/ etc- A great deal o
time has been spent by both brilliant 'hristians and satanic Magicians to chart out the
names/ ran&s/ and structure o the demonic armies that Satan commands- +ne accurate
method o ran&ing demons has 9A: ran&s o demons/ "ith no- ? being the highest le*el
o demons- $he numbers o top le*el demons are numbered in the trillions/ "hile the
lo"er le*el imps are incredibly numerous- $here is no shortage o demons to carry out
the "or& o Satan on this planet- $hese demons are sometimes *ariously reerred to as
spirit guides/ angels/ "izards/ ghosts and aliens or a number o other disguises-
#oth early 'hristians and the occult ha*e oten di*ided up the e*il spirits under ire/
"ater/ "ind/ and earth- $he po"er o @nochian magic comes rom the Watchto"ers o
these our elements- Some common types o @*il Spirits are4 Spirit o the Anti,'hrist (?
Bohn 649) Spirit o #ondage (Romans C4?:) Spirit o Di*ination (@ze&iel 8?48?) Spirit
o Death Dumb E Dea Spirit (Mar& 748:) Spirit o @rror (? BN 64A) Familiar Spirit
(1K 8<48D) Spirit o Fear (8 $M ?4D) Spirit o !aughtiness (PR5 ?A4?C/ ?7) Spirit o
!ea*iness (ISA A?49) Spirit o Inirmity (1> ?94?? Spirit o Bealousy (NM :4?6) 1ying
Spirit (8 '!R- ?C488) Per*erse Spirit (ISA ?74?6) Seducing Spirits (? $M 64?) Spirit
o Whoredoms (!osea 64?8/ and :46)
@ach o these types o @*il Spirits has a number o specialists- For instance the Spirits o
Whoredoms contains spirits "hich can specialize in the ollo"ing4 A Spirit o
%naithulness A Spirit o Prostitution ("hether Spirit/ Soul or #ody) A Spirit o the
1o*e o Money A Spirit o Idolatry A Spirit o 'hronic Dissatisaction A Spirit o
Fornication A Spirit o Glutton
$he Spirits o #ondage include4 A Spirit o Fear A Spirit o any number o addictions
(drugs/ alcohol/ etc-) A Spirit o the Fear o Death A Spirit o being a Ser*ant o
'orruption A Spirit o 'ompulsi*e Ini;uity
$hese lo"er echelon demons are too numerous to &eep trac& o- When a portal is opened
"hich gi*es a particular demon legal access into a body/ they mo*e *ery ;uic&ly into the
physical body- When a man lusts ater a "oman/ he "ill open a portal/ such as the mouth
through "hich a demon (spirit o lust)/ shaped or instance li&e a rog/ "ill 2ump in
through- $his demon "ill then insure that the e*il thought "ill be acted upon- $he
principalities and po"ers e=ercise dominion o*er spirits- Further/ high le*el Satanists are
"ell a"are o all these things- When godly people o aith identiy/ bind and cast out
speciic demons/ they should practice loosening the appropriate good spirit to ta&e its
I "e bind a spirit o #ondage/ "e loose a spirit o adoption- I "e bind a Spirit o @rror/
then "e loose a Spirit o $ruth- $here are 9 po"erul satanic co*ens o 8? persons- $hey
are distributed in Monterray/ 'A/ Phoeni=/ AU and the third in Idaho- 1-A- also has a
ourth head;uarters or the 'o*en o the 8?st Star- $hese 8?,person,co*ens are made up
o *ery intelligent/ po"erul persons- $hese type o co*ens attract po"erul commander
demons- Within the co,author.s area/ #end/ Portland and @ugene areas in +regon ha*e
po"erul co*ens-
$he po"er o these types o po"erul co*ens "ill be relected in the spiritual "orld-
Paul under the Spirit.s inspiration "rote/ X"hile "e do not loo& at the things "hich are
seen/ but at the things "hich are not seen- For the things "hich are seen are temporary/
but the things "hich are not seen are eternal-. 8 'or 64?C $he in*isible things are more
important than the *isible- I "e recognize this/ the Word o God says that this "ill help
us &eep rom losing heartJ X$hereore "e do not lose heart- @*en though our out"ard
man is perishing/ yet the in"ard man is being rene"ed day by day-. 8 'or 64?A Spirits
are in a sense a mirror image "orld- $hey are placed in the *ictim irst- $he
programming and the images that are built "ill be built "ith their cooperation and
Spirits are appointed to protect each program and each memory- A spirit commander
called a chie e=ecuti*e is set in command o the *ictim.s lie- Military command
structures around the "orld are structured on ho" the demonic command structure
e=ists- Some soldiers ha*e the same unction/ but are not actually the e=act same person-
So it is "ith demons- Kictims ha*e their o"n indi*idual demons/ but they are models o
"hat that type o demon is supposed to act li&e-
$he child is e=posed to ilms/ boo&s and stories- $he spirits interact "ithin the person.s
mind to loc& these pictures in place- $he demons in a sense ser*e as mirrors "ithin the
child.s mind/ relecting the images the child needs to i= in the mind- As the
programmer/ child and demons structure the internal "orld/ the demonic spirits "ill
guard these structures- $he orce or energy behind the structures is the demons- In order
to guard things urther/ demonic castles and temples "ill e=ist "ithin a system to guard
it- @ntire spiritual ;uadrants "ill e=ist/ that are entirely spiritual and contain absolutely
no alters- $hese spiritual "orlds can not be seen physically- +nly spiritual po"er and
discernment can re*eal them- In act/ "hile the normal person uses : senses/ the
Illuminati teach their alters and people in demonology to use D spiritual senses- $he
child "ill be sho"n ilms and stories/ but "ill then be programmed to orget them-
!o"e*er/ the demonic spirits "ill guard these concepts- $he core is in*ol*ed in gi*ing
energy to"ard these spiritual programming goals-
$he "ilul contribution o energy to these demonic goals must be guarded so the core is
hidden- While other children are playing "ith children/ the *ictim o Monarch Mind
'ontrol sla*ery is being taught to dance and play "ith internal playmates "hich are
demons- $his is to amiliarize the child to the spirit "orld- $he child.s amily becomes
its internal "orld- $here are some teachers in public schools and pre,schools that are
openly helping children do this- All the time that the programming is going on/ the
spiritual "orld stays hidden in the dar&ness-
Gnomes/ sometimes called d"ars/ are one o the our di*isions o nature spirits- $hey
&no" "here the gold is "ithin the earth- $his is "hy Boseph Smith/ Br- "ho "as rom an
important generational occult bloodline "hich has generational programmed MPDs/ did
magic to elemental spirits "hen he "as loo&ing or 2e"els and gold as a young man- In
relection o this/ the Gnomes (also &no"n as d"ars/ el*es/ or minihunes) o the
internal "orld mine the gold and 2e"els,,the programs o the System-
Illuminati programmer Manly P- !all "rote in his classic boo& $he Secret $eachings o
all Ages on page 'KI/ X---there are many types o gnomes e*ol*ing through the
sub2ecti*e ethereal body o Nature- $hese earth spirits "or& in an element so close in
*ibratory rate to the material earth that they ha*e immense po"er o*er its roc&s and
lora/ and also o*er the mineral elements in the animal and human &ingdoms-
Some/---"or& "ith the stones/ gems and metals/ and are supposed to be the guardians o
hidden treasures-0
$he Disney amily and the Disney corporations are part o the occult "orld- While the
names Dopey/ !appy/ #ashul/ Sleepy/ Grumpy/ Sneezy/ and Doc sound li&e names
pic&ed to please children/ they are actually the translation rom Scandina*ian o the
demonic d"ars $o&i/ S&a*aerr/ Karr/ Dun/ +rinn/ Grerr/ and Rads*id- Note that Disney
placed a character "ith a green mas& in a dar& mirror/ and had in his sho"s "hat "as
called the XSpirit o the Magic Mirror. "hich "as also called $he Sla*e o the Magic
Mirror- $he Monarch sla*es 0most precious programs0 are concealed in the ground and
are guarded by the gnomes built internally by the programming- $hese gems ha*e po"er
that is channelled rom Satan-
Most o the readers thought Sno" White and the D D"ars "as simply a harmless piece
o iction- $hey most li&ely didn.t realize that it is demonology- An e=ample o the
importance o these types o spirits is Findhorn.s use o them- Findhorn Institute in
Scotland/ "hich has branches by other names in other countries/ is li&e the Katican o
the Ne" Age- It secretly sends out orders to many "itches and Ne" Agers- $o spell it
out clearer/ Findhorn/ the Katican o the Ne" Age mo*ement/ is one o the channels o
communication rom the secret Illuminati councils to their people "orld"ide- $he
success o FindhornOs community/ according to Findhorn is their use o elemental gnome
spirits in their gardening and planting-
What is someone "ho belie*es in good spirits to do "ith this inormation3 $o recognize
that the patterns or the programming are inspired by demons/ are held in place by
demonic energy and are guarded by demons- $he programming can be collapsed upon
itsel i this demonic 0glue. is ta&en a"ay- #ut only a e" indi*iduals understand the
spiritual orces behind the programming- $his understanding ta&es spiritual eyes- I the
spiritual is not dealt "ith/ the person can be reprogrammed at "ill by the demonic
entities that still control the *ictim- $his is the 0missing piece that has rustrated
ad*anced secular therapists-
Within Illuminati sla*es/ they "ill ha*e the All,seeing @ye placed in their system
guarded by legions o demons- Within the *ery eye o the all,seeing eye/ the
Programmers "ill place some actual alters- $here "ill also be demons placed "ithin the
construct too- $he De,programmer must be careul to separate the demonic rom the
human element and get the alters "ho are held capti*e in the eye out- $he Programmers
do a great deal o mi=ing demons "ith alters/ and they place alters all o*er the system in
capti*e or hostage situations so that the System o Alters is literally blac&mailed into
cooperating i they don.t "ant to hurt parts o themsel*es- $he Programmers do both
internal and e=ternal blac&mail- Within the Monarch programming/ the demons are
layered in bet"een the "orlds- In the older Illuminati programming/ mirrors "ere placed
into the System and the demons "ere layered behind the mirrors- $he mirrors "ould
separate le*els "ithin the mind- $he demons "ould protect the mirrors- I a Monarch
alter "ould shatter a mirror/ the demons behind it are released and all hell brea&s loose
in their mind- $herapists "ho ha*e tried e*erything or years to deal "ith the mirrors/
ha*e ound that a e" minutes o correct spiritual "arare accomplished more than years
o trying psychological techni;ues-
In the ?7C< models o Monarch sla*es/ the Programmers began placing a planet o
alters/ interspersed "ith a planet o demons/ as they "ould build a solar system- $his had
the same layering eect as the mirrors- $he demons then "ould be assigned to protect
the dierent le*els/ in this case represented by dierent orbiting planets-
Principle demons that are popular to place into Monarch systems are4 `sculapius,,the
satanic miracle healer/ related to Apollos/ in the pagan "orld he "as depicted "ith his
head encircled "ith rays- In order to sho" pagans that it "as +->- to "orship Besus/ the
'atholic church put the golden rays o `sculapius around pictures o Besus- !e is also at
times represented as the sacred sna&e-
Absolom,,/ Amon,,(*arious spellings) A mar;uis o !ell/ "ho has the git o prophecy-
Apollyon , $his demon is o*er the bottomless pit and is described by R@K 74??- Demon
o ear and destruction/ "ho may be a deep part o a System-
Apollo,,$he Anti'hrist.s ather
Astar (Star/ Ashtareth/ Ashtaroth/ Astarte/ Ishtar) ,#ible students "ill ind this demon
reerred in many #ible passages including BDG 84?9 A'$S 8<-
#alilo,, "itch demon/ #eelzebub,, Ruling demon
#eliah,,the chie demon/ "ith the name meaning 0"orthless one0-
#eliel,, se=ual demon/
#es,, Spirit ruling the d"ars-
#lac&"ell,,legion demon/ upper ran&/ to di*ide the mind-
#lood(a&a 5ah"eh @lohim),,dar& spirit using God.s name E part o #lac& Mass/ conn-
"L early 9,year,old trauma to 0loc&ed,up child.-
'horonzon,,to help "ith constructing the mind control
Dameon,,Dagon,,the ish god o*er "ater- $he ish sign "as adopted by elements o the
'atholic church to secretly &eep Dagon "orship ali*e- $he Pope "ears the garb that the
Pontiace Ma=imus "ore as leader o the cult o Dagon- +ne system had a "ater
monster named '$!%1!%-
Geb,,*oice behind the earth spirit/
Gerberus,,Guardian angels,,the Illuminati may assign guardian angels called !aaza-
Ba*en,,double,minded demon >ali,,bloody emale goddess
>emosh 1e*iathan (Seen as a sea,monster/ or $yrannosaurus Re=/ or Dragon,li&e),$his
demon runs up and do"n the spine- 1e*iathan is related to the #abylonian reptilian God
$iamet ("hich loo&s li&e the Reptilian aliens portrayed today-) Is tied to the double,
heli=- It can actually be three spirits- #ible students can read about 1e*iathan in Bob 94C/
Bob 6?4C/ ?:/88/ PS D64?6/ ISA 8D4? 1ilith,,a bloody demon/ &no"n as the 0terror o the
night0- $he occult story is that she "as Adam.s "ie beore @*e/ and that her ospring
"ith Adam "ere demonic,human monsters- It might be "orthy to mention that in
Druidism/ the lie,orce or energy orce is considered to be the Dragon- $here are
se*eral names or this Dragon including Wy*ern/ n"y*re/ or the "inged lion-
Mammon,,the demon o a*arice
Meganosis,,Metatron,,Sometimes said to be @noch-
Moriah,Moloch (also spelled Molech),,$he *arious satanic,lucierian groups that
program oer child sacriices to Moloch/ an internal $emple o Moloch may guard the
innocent blood o children sacriiced during ceremonies- !istorically/ the people in
Israel sacriiced children to Moloch at $ophet in the Kalley o !innom near Berusalem-
Drums (tophim) "ere beat so the cries o the children couldn.t be heard-
Mormo, Important demon placed in Mormon Monarch sla*es-
Nanna,Nemo,,Mormon programming +ctopus,,blood suc&ing demon
+rion,,placed o*er Mormon *ictims/ the name +rion is popping out all o*er the
place/ Pan,protector o "oods Ron"e,S;uat,,a number o Illuminati Monarchs report
that this demon gi*es them the ability to understand oreign languages/ Shu,,does
internal "eather magic
+thers incl- , $yphon (program tunneling connections in the mind)/ Kerono/ Kultar Kal
(legion)/ Pan "hose depression sends one Rege (drugs)/ "ho sends one to
#acchus(addiction) "hich then starts a bondage loop-
$he Bo&ers $he e*eryday demons "ho the alters ha*e to contend "ith i they step out o
line/ are the Bo&ers- Bo&ers can 2ump out o the mirrors and drag an alter into the loo&ing
glass "orld- Alters going into the system a"ay rom their assigned li*ing ;uarters end
up in mazes o mirrors- $he mazes o mirrors can.t be bro&en because demons are
placed behind the mirrors- !o"e*er/ deli*erance methods "or& "ell to destroy the
po"er o these demonic protected mirrors- Many/ i not most o the occult "orld do not
*ie" spirits as e*il- Illuminati children are taught that these spirits are playmates- Since
the child is not allo"ed real riends/ they are happy to ha*e demons to play "ith inside
their mind- +ne ma2or religion "hose adherents publicly see& spirit (demonic)
possession,,although they again *ie" spirits as being capable o both good and e*il/
neutral in connotation much li&e the Gree& gods/ is Koodoo-
4oodoo (Kaudou) In discussing ho" trauma,based mind,control is done/ *oodoo must
be included as a component- Many o the Mind,controlled sla*es ha*e had *oodoo as
part o their trauma/ and many had *oodoo dolls placed into their Systems- When *o"s
and oaths are made/ an ob2ect is gi*en to the satanic cult or the Illuminati or the >eeper
o the Seals to guard- I the *o" is bro&en *oodoo magic can be used against the
oender by using the ob2ect gi*en in the sealing-
Koodooism came rom Arica/ "here it is called Bu,Bu- A recent boo& #lood Secrets is
the true story o demon "orship and human sacriice by a ormer BuBu high priest Isaiah
+&e/ "ho ga*e up BuBu magic or the 'hristian aith- $he #asuto in Arica call "itches
0baloi0/ the A&ans say 0obayio0 and the 1o*edu say 0*uloi0- $here are dierent names
and *ariances o magical practices/ but "hat most people don.t realize is that these are
2ust dierent styles o BuBu,ism- $he BuBu priests (called a babala"o) "ill rule the
religiousLmagic li*es o an Arican *illage- BuBu is satanic/ and much o it is &ept secret
by its high priests- $he Priests ta&e blood oaths o secrecy- $he West Arican name or
Satan is @su- A group in Phoeni=/ AU claims to be in contact "ith an alien named Besus
@su Sananda-
Another "ord that has come rom Koodoo is the "ord zombie- Many members o the
Illuminati go to the 'aribbean and South America to attend Illuminati rituals- %mbanda
(#razilian satanism)/ "hich is sometime mista&ingly called Macumba/ openly has
satanic rituals on 'opacabana #each- Many o the elite ha*e made their pilgrimage to
'opacabana #each/ incl- @uropean royalty and the Pope- $here are D bloodlines in
%mbanda/ and a ne"comer must 2oin one o these- I Amer- Illum/ sla*es ha*e memories
o Argentina and other 1atin American countries/ the memories could easily be true- $he
Illuminati "ithin the Beho*ah.s Witnesses. #ethel !I ("hich are programmed
multiples) ha*e used ;uiet islands in the #ahamas or rituals- In ?7:C/ it is belie*ed
(according to 8 partly de,programmed multiples) that it "as Andros Is-/ #ahamas "hich
they used or their rituals-
In !aiti/ Koodoo/ called Kaudou/ is the religion o the ma2ority o the people/ about 7<T
o the people- $his is interesting because it gi*es us an e=ample o "hat the situation is
li&e "hen an entire nation regularly see&s to be demon possessed- Possession beha*iour
in the *arious blac& occult groups/ such as %mbanda (brazilian satanism)/ !aitian
Kaudou/ and the St- Kincent Sha&ers (also called Uec&eeboom people) is a learned
beha*ior- 'andidates or mediumship in Sao Paulo %mbanda are gi*en special training
in trance E possession- $hey use dissociation techni;ues such as ocusing on a lighted
candle/ or turning the person and snapping the ingers to put people in trance- In the
%-S-/ because demon possession seems rare to psychiatrists/ they ha*e labeled demon
possessed people as 0crazy0- !o"e*er/ in !aiti/ an entire nation regularly conducts
rituals to become demon possessed- Since the norm is to be demon possessed/ it ails to
be abnormal beha*ior- Many o the other labels and e=planations that psychiatrists ind
easy to gi*e concerning demon possession in the %-S- ob*iously 2ust don.t e=plain "hat
is happening in !aiti-
Some o the e=planations gi*en by psychiatrists or demon possession in Koodoo is
a- repressed personality is coming to the surace/ b- that the *oodoo trance is an act to
impress a cro"d/ c- it stems rom hysterical ner*ous disorders/ and d- it stems rom
psychopathy/ neurosis/ or schizophrenia
a- In !aiti/ demon possession o people can not be a repressed personality because the
person being possessed o a demon must beha*e according to rigorous rules o ho" each
demon is supposed to act- Far rom e=pressing himsel/ the *ictim o demon possession
tries to personiy some mythical spirit "hose character on the "hole is oreign to
b- In !aiti/ most people "ho go into the demon possessed state are not obser*ed closely
because it is the norm or people to become demon possessed- People at the ceremonies
may cast absentminded loo&s at the people being possessed/ but the entire scenario gains
the possessed person *ery little attention- Nor does an entire cro"d in !aitian Koodoo
get possessed/ or go into a collecti*e delirium- $he e=citement is ;uite *aried "ith the
c- I e=planation c- "ere true/ it "ould mean an entire nation is hysterical and mentally
deranged- 6< years ago it "as sho"n that the !aitian people are not all hysterical/ but
that demon possession in !aiti "as the normal means o communicating "ith
supernatural po"ers- I demon possession trances "ere genetic in origin/ then "hy do
some groups o blac&s rom the same gene pool but li*ing in other nations ha*e
absolutely little to do "ith the occult3
d- In*estigators in !aiti ha*e had to discount demon possession as a neurosis- According
to one in*estigator the number o schizophrenics and psychotics is *ery small "ithin
cults li&e Koodoo- 0!ere the *ery mar&ed lac& o response to the cathartic therapies
employed in possession cults in the case o seriously disturbed indi*iduals---is itsel a
testimony to the robust mental health o the ma2ority o participants----$he latter ha*e no
diiculty at all in communicating their problems- $hey operate "ithin a culturally
standardized medium o communication- Nor in contrast to the true sel,insulated
psychotic/ do they miss their 0cues-0 $hey respond in the e=pected "ay/ and others react
e;ually predictably-0
A #razilian psychiatrist said that no 0ran&ly schizophrenic person "ould be able to pass
the probationary scrutiny0 in*ol*ed to 2oin this religious group- ($hese last t"o ;uotes
come rom a study o #lac& Religious groups-) Interestingly/ studies made o W-W- II
"ar criminals sho" no personality dierences bet"een them and the normal population-
'ould it be possible that there really is a demonic element in the li*es o people that
helps mo*e them in the direction o e*il3
So "hat is demon possession in !aiti.s Koodooism3 According to the !aitians a spirit
"hich they call 0loa0 2oins a person li&e a rider mounts a horse- $he spirit then controls
the person li&e a rider- $he possessed person is called a 0chual0 "hich means horse/ and
the spirit is said to mount or saddle his *ictim- #lood sacriices are oten associated "ith
the demon/ and the possessed person "ill drin& the blood rom the sacriiced animal-
Polished stones/ and herbs/ and trance and dissociati*e states are used to attract spirits-
While the Monarch sla*es ha*e trauma,based dissociati*e states/ the practitioners o
Koodoo ha*e ritually induced dissociati*e states- Koodoo rituals "ill in*ol*e chanting/
drums/ at times handclapping and renzied dancing to induce the dissociati*e states- In
act/ se*eral eatures ha*e been identiied "hich bring about dissociati*e states in the
blac& religions o the 'aribbean and South America-
First they ha*e dancing to a pronounced and rapid beat- Ne=t/ the induction into the
dissociati*e state re;uently ollo"s a period o star*ation andLor o*erbreathing
(hyper*entilation)- $he beginning o the demonic possession is characterized by a brie
period o muscle inhibitions/ or a collapse- $he person "ho is e=perienced at being
possessed ac;uires a speciic beha*ior pattern or the deity that is supposedly controlling
it- And inally/ the head and limbs may tremor under trance/ and the person may become
dissociati*e enough that they can pic& up red hot irons- $he possessed can be conscious/
semiconscious/ or unconscious- Studies made o this situation "here an entire nation
li&e !aiti acti*ely see&s demonic possession allo"s us to discount some e=planations
and get a better picture o "hat demon possession isn.t- It also helps to understand "hat
is in*ol*ed in demonic possession-
$he irst ma2or authoritati*e "or& on !aitian Koodoo "ritten in ?CC6 by Spencer St-
Bohn reported on the terror/ the blood rites/ and the cannibalism o !aitian Koodoo- $his
has been too much or some people to belie*e- Still/ i people stop to realize ho"
Koodoo came about it/ it ma&es sense- 'onser*ati*e estimates o the number o sla*es
brought into the port o Saint Domin;ue "hile it "as a plantation colony are 7<</<<<-
$he conditions on the island or the sla*es "as li&e a Nazi "or& camp- $he cruelty on
the colonial !aitian plantations "as beyond comprehension- $he Aricans brought in as
sla*es already practiced BuBu- %nder the crucible o the se*ere torture o sla*ery/ the
sla*es ormed !aitian *oodoo/ "hich is a conglomeration o Arican Koodoo/ Masonic
rites/ and @uropean magic and 'atholic saints and symbols- For 8 centuries/ their
Arican *audou "as these sla*es only po"er against their cruel plantation o"ners/ and is
partly credited or helping !aiti become the irst ree blac& republic in the re*olution o
In !aiti/ 'uba/ #razil/ $rinidad and other areas o the Ne" World/ "here BuBuism has
transormed itsel into blac& occult religions/ the old gods o Arica4 Damballa/ @rzilie/
1egba/ +batala/ +gun/ +shun and others ha*e been e;uated "ith 'atholic saints and
gi*en the names o these saints- $he ritually induced dissociati*e states o Koodoo are
generally accompanied by amnesia/ that is lost time- During this lost time/ the person
acts as i he is a spirit (god)- $his is a ritual based dissociati*e state rather than a trauma,
based dissociati*e state-
$he Illuminati Monarch programming at times attempts to combine the t"o bases,,ritual
and trauma,,to create a dissociati*e state- $his is "hy is it diicult to separate out the
religious actor-
%p to no" there ha*e been numerous cases o demonic possession in India/ but there has
been no case o a true multiple personality- $he reason "hy is that the multiple.s in the
%-S-,@urope are being cran&ed out by trauma,based mind,control and the Illuminati
hasn.t been programming in India li&e the %-S- E @urope- As the sla*es that are being
created disperse/ "ithin time/ "e "ill e*entually start seeing multiples in India-
In the American Bournal o Psychotherapy/ Ban- ?7C?/ p- ??:/ it states/ 0!o"e*er/ so ar/
no case o double or multiple personality so labelled by a psychiatrist/ has been reported
rom India in the proessional literature- 'onsidering that hysterical disturbances in
general are ;uite "idespread in the country/ this is surprising- +n the one hand/ it could
mean an actual lo" pre*alence o multiple personality in the country-0 For those o us
"ho understand "hat is happening/ it is ob*ious "hy multiples aren.t ound in India-
$he act that multiples aren.t ound in India ought to "a&e up people that multiple
personalities is not 0demon possession nor is it simply the result o bad parenting or
e*eryday type o horrendous trauma- Almost e*eryone has a trauma in their early lie/
and is some"hat dissociati*e/ but that doesn.t ma&e them ha*e multiple personalities/
"hich are programmed and ha*e separate histories and altar names- India has o*er t"ice
the population o the %-S- and yet no multiples reported- Ater reading this boo&/ the
reader understands "hy not-
It might be appropriate to point out here that the early American cases o MPD (no"
called DID) are rom bloodlines associated "ith the Illuminati- $he irst "idely reported
American case o MPD "as Mary Reynolds in ?C??- $he $op ?9 Illuminati #loodlines
co*ers the Reynold.s bloodline as being a ma2or Illuminati bloodline- $"o other earlier
Amer- MPD cases are one in*ol*ing a man rom @dinburgh %ni*ersity/ Scotland and one
ound discussed in a letter in ?D7? "ritten by a Re*erend Boseph 1athrop o Mass- to the
President o 5ale @zra Stiles- (See 1etters and Papers o @zra Stiles/ President o 5ale
'ollege/ ?DDC,?D7:- Ne" !a*en4 5ale %ni*- Press/ ?799-) $hose/ "ho ha*e trac&ed the
conspiracy/ or read Fritz.s "ritings/ &no" that 5ale ounded by the %nitarians has long
been important or the Illuminati- $he %nitarians ha*e been connected "ith hermeticism
and money rom the start-
Ho' The Anti#Chi%t S2iit Conti)ute% To Conto$$in( The S$a!e
Within the Illuminati hierarchy sla*es/ the Spirit o the Anti,'hrist operates- $he
Mothers,o,Dar&ness are only allo"ed to become Mothers,o,Dar&ness ater they marry
the Anti'hrist- $he entire "orld"ide collection o Mothers,o,Dar&ness alters "ill ser*e
the physical Anti'hrist as a pri*ate harem "hen he ta&es o*er- $hey "ill also ser*e as an
inner elite guard o the physical Anti'hrist- $hey describe the consummation o the
marriage "ith the Anti'hrist as being badly burned- #ecause the Anti'hrist/ "ho is ali*e
and "ell today/ "ill beLis already the master handler and the master programmer a
description o him is gi*en in Appendi= A-
!o" does the Spirit o the Anti'hrist inluence a Mind,controlled sla*e3 Some o the
things that this Spirit does to control indi*iduals is to cause them to 2udge themsel*es-
Another thing done to control the sla*e.s alters to change their ocus so they can.t gro"
spiritually/ bribe the person "ith enticing doctrines o demons/ and mislead people rom
true reedom into religious bondage- We "ill clariy "hat "e mean as "e e=plain these
things in the ne=t e" paragraphs-
Satan himsel spa"ned the Anti,'hrist spirit/ as "ell as leading the demonic angels into
their e*il- $he Spirit o the Anti,'hrist has as its purpose the destruction o e*erything
that God has built "ithin the person,,their loo&s/ their curiosity o beauty/ and their
personhood itsel- $he Spirit o the Anti'hrist is attached to the religious spirit "hen
people get 'hristianity "ithout the Spirit o 1ie- Many Monarch sla*es "ith the Anti,
'hrist spirit are "or&ing under the co*er o being good 'hristians- $he #ible e*en tal&s
about them/ 0For such are alse apostles/ deceitul "or&ers/ transorming themsel*es into
the apostles o 'hrist- And no mar*elM or Satan himsel is transormed into an angel o
light- $hereore it is no great thing i his ministers also be transormed as the ministers
o righteousnessM "hose end shall be according to their "or&s-0 8 '+R ??4?9,?:-
$he gree& "ord translated 0transorming0 is also the source o our "ord mas;uerade- It
means to ha*e a ront/ "ith a hidden character behind the ront- $he "ords o the
apostles "arn 'hristians about 0double,minded men0 (BS ?4C) and that Satan.s &ey
people "ill mas;uerade "ith alse ronts- In contrast/ the Scriptures admonish ollo"ers
o 'hrist to ha*e their public li*es match their pri*ate li*es- Satan la*ishes the Spirit o
the Anti'hrist upon his hierarchy- !e doesn.t la*ish his spirit "ithin "hat he *ie"s as
the 0rabble0 o humanity/ "ho do not directly ser*e him- When the Spirit comes into a
person/ it comes in as a cold clammy spirit that consumes all hope and all 2oy in lie-
Rather than being a resh breeze bringing 2oy/ this Spirit o the Anti'hrist is li&e a
*acuum suc&ing lie- It is li&e being raped- Kictims o this spirit/ say they elt li&e they
"ere raped and deiled by it- $he person.s o"n natural eelings o cleanliness "ill eel
*iolated- $his Spirit can touch our li*es in dierent "ays and at dierent le*els- When
our personal standards are *iolated/ the persons "ill oten not orgi*e themsel*es-
Instead/ they 2udge themsel*es-
$his urther illustrates ho" the Anti'hrist sets up abusi*e patterns- #y 2udging oursel/
rather than orgi*ing/ "e set oursel*es up as God/ or only God can 2udge a person/ or
!e is the only one "ho has a true standard and measuring stic& to 2udge by- 'aptured by
the cycle o abuse o the Spirit o the Anti'hrist/ a person "ill continue to beat up upon
themsel*es- At some point "e orgi*e oursel*es/ and in so doing "e are saying that the
memory no longer has mastery o*er us- As 'hrist is the incarnation o God in the lesh/
the Anti'hrist "ill be the incarnation o Satan in the lesh- (c- R@K ?946) Satan "anted
God.s po"er and glory/ but not the character o God- $he Spirit o the Anti'hrist has a
"isdom that it promotes "hich is 0earthly/ natural/ demonic-0 (BAS 94?6,?:) $he Spirit
o the Anti'hrist "ill entice people "ith the Doctrine o Demons- (See ? $IM 64?)
For instance/ 0For "hen they spea& great s"elling "ords o *anity/ they allure through
the lusts o the lesh/ through much "antonness/ those that are 2ust escaping rom them
"ho li*e in error- While they promise liberty/ they themsel*es are the ser*ants o
corruption---0 8 Ptr- 84?D,?7 $he Anti'hrist Spirit brea&s our ability to lo*e God E
others- Satan.s original pride came rom selishness- $he Spirit o the Anti'hrist brings
selishness/ but it brings it in a hidden "ay- $he Anti'hrist Spirit "ill cause pain-
!ea*en/ "here the Spirit o the Anti'hrist is absent,,has no suering- $he hidden
damage o pain is that it inlicts sel,ocus-
'hrist as !e hung on the cross "as able to continue to ocus on others- While most men
"ould ha*e been thin&ing about themsel*es in sel,pity Besus "as still thin&ing o
others- !e said to his mother/ 0Woman/ behold your son-0 And to Bohn/ 0#ehold your
mother-0 $o paraphrase/ $a&e care o my mother- 1ater he said/ 0Forgi*e them or they
&no" not "hat they do-0 (See the Gospel o Bohn) Besus e*en brought someone to the
1ord "hile he hung on the cross- !e "as e*angelizing- Don.t so many 'hristians loo&
or the ideal situation to lead people to the 1ord/ yet 'hrist did it under the "orst o
conditions- Sel,ocus/ selishness and pride are closely related- It is hard to point out
"here one begins and the other ends- $he Spirit o the Anti'hrist "ants to dra" others
to its position o pride- So it inlicts pain and suering/ li&e it did to Bob to dra" the
attention o the person o o 5ah"eh God and one.s ello"man and onto onesel- All the
commandments hang on us lo*ing 5ah"eh God "ill all our heart/ soul/ and mind/ and
lo*ing our neighbor as oursel*es/ but the Anti'hrist Spirit gets our ocus o o 5ah"eh
and others and onto oursel*es- #itterness may de*elop in us- #itterness grie*es the !oly
Spirit- #itterness "ill seat itsel in our mind/ and li&e a transponder "ill emit bitterness-
A lac& o peace and 2oy results- $he Spirit o the Anti'hrist has sidetrac&ed the "hole
maturing process-
As a child gro"s into an adult it learns to shit its ocus rom itsel to others- 'an "e go
in and ocus on our o"n problems and sol*e them3 I part o the problem is sel,ocus/
then the ans"er is 0no-0 $he ans"er lies in ocusing on the !oly Spirit- 1i*ing and
"al&ing in the Spirit o 'hrist is the health "e see&- (GA1 :4?AM BN ?:4?,??) Does it
"or&3 5es- $he authors &no" o many cases/ "here all &inds o indi*iduals sol*ed all
&inds o problems by recei*ing the !oly Spirit into their li*es- $hey see the supernatural
cleansing that happens/ but many times they don.t understand the principle behind "hat
they 2ust e=perienced- When some o their problems persist/ do they turn again to ocus
on the !oly Spirit3 +ten they ocus on themsel*es/ sel,pity/ bitterness/
etc- 'ounselling today oten ta&es this approach- It is ine to identiy the problem/ but
then ollo"ing that, the solution is not to ocus on the problem but to get out o the path
o death- $he process o healing- !ealing may be a process/ not an e*ent- We brea& an
arm in a second/ it ta&es many months to heal- We brea& our capacity to lo*e God and
our ello"man/ but "e e=pect an instant cure- Anyone "ho has met the Spirit o the
Anti'hrist needs to learn ho" to lo*e again- 1o*e is an action "ord- +ne learns to
hammer nails by hammering nails- +ne learns to type by typing- +ne learns to lo*e by
lo*ing- $he sur*i*or "ho has been controlled by the Spirit o the Anti'hrist may need to
get a teacher o lo*e/ a 01o*ing teacher0 so,to,spea&-
0at 5 The +%e o& An(e$ A$te%
Many Illuminati models had 0angels0 or 0spirit guides0 created that could pro*ide di*ine
messages to the Monarch sla*e- $he IlluminatiLIntelligence agencies ha*e been highly
successul "ith controlling people *ia their religious belies by implanting alters "ho are
seen by a Monarch sla*e as being a messenger rom God or the god(s)- For someone
li&e/ 1oretta 1ynn/ they use spirits o Indians- Another e=ample o this/ is someone
ha*ing 9 #lac& Angels- $he concept is the same though- $his "or&s in closely "ith
ha*ing demonic guides-
0at K Sci2tue% In 0o(a""in(
An e=,Programmer states that the Illuminati Mind,'ontrol intentionally used *erses
rom e*ery boo& o the #ible- $he Programmers also intentionally used e*erything Besus
said in one distorted "ay or another in the programming- A person can pic& up a #ible
"ith Besus. "ords in red/ and get a ;uic& idea o one area o the #ible "hich "as hea*ily
misused- $he programmers lo*e to rerame (t"ist) parables-
#illy Graham/ "ho is a Monarch handler/ is *ery adept at "ea*ing in programming
language in "ith biblical messages- For instance/ as this boo& "as being inished/ in his
?77: tele*ised 'hristmas message/ gi*en in ront o a ireplace "ith ?9 candles lit
behind him/ he said/ 0'ome home so I can gi*e you a ne" heart-0 A little later he
acti*ated the Plo"shares programming/ and a little later he said/ 0rom the cradle to the
cross to the ground0/ "hich is a phrase any deeper cult alter "ould ha*e an entirely
dierent meaning or than the person on the street-
Readers/ "ho read chapter :/ "ill remember "hat "as "ritten about #illy Graham-
When #illy Graham "as in Portland/ his ministry someho" got the addresses and phone
numbers to all the Monarch sur*i*ors in the area/ "ho he in*ited to a personal meeting
"ith him- While he had his mind,control sur*i*ors gathered/ he tal&ed to them and set
o their programming "ith their personal codes- $his "as obser*ed by se*eral
"itnesses- !is ministry also sends codes *ia their messages lashed across the bottom o
the $-K- screen-
$he reader needs to bear in mind that bloody Satanic holidays occur around 'hristian
holy days- $he Winter Solstice occurs around 'hristmas- @*ery 'hristmas/ the Illuminati
co*ens around the "orld build mangers "ith children "hich they sacriice- $his is
"or&ed in to enhance the programming they are doing "ith their children- Around @aster
time/ the Illuminati do Death/ burial and resurrection ceremonies (traumas)- Nothing
sacred to 'hristianity gets o*erloo&ed- $he method that it is moc&ed depends on "ho is
in control o that region.s ceremonies-
$he idea o using Scriptures or programming accomplishes se*eral things4 a- therapists
are usually secular and unamiliar "ith the #ible- $his pre*ents e=posure o the
programming cues and triggers and ronts- b- ministers are usually unable to belie*e in
psychology and mind,control programming and so their #ible &no"ledge is not o any
therapeutic beneit because they are ignorant o Satan.s de*ices-
Some 'hristian ministers are putting out ad*ice that Multiples need to be helped by
simply telling 0the person0 to ;uit using multiplicity as a "ay to cop out o
First/ there is no 0person0 "ho is using multiplicity as a cop out,,the personality o the
person has been shattered,,and no one person represents the entire mind-
Second/ the person is not in control o their mind to stop "hat is happening- $hey are
under total mind control-
c- the last place people "ould loo& or understanding Satanic programming is in the
d- "hen programmed multiples go to church/ they can be used/ and programmed by
using 'hristian terms- $here are 0'hristian0 churches in Washington/ Ar&ansas/
$ennessee/ and 'aliornia and many other places "hich are ?<<T cult mind,control
operations/ such as the 01ord.s 'hapel-0
e- When a programmed multiple tries to set themsel*es ree by ta&ing in spiritual
&no"ledge o God/ they ind that the #ible is a programming trigger/ that sets o
programming or brings up some alter- Reading the boo& o ? Bohn might bring up the
Illuminati.s alter named Besus-
- $he cult "hich is doing the programming by ma&ing a moc&ery o God/ can build
their egos and their pride- It may allo" them to eel they are more po"erul than God
g- $he *ictim can be told that 0God0 is telling them to do something- And "ho sets
himsel up as 0god03 ,,the cult programmer-
$here isn.t anything in the #ible that can.t concei*ably be misused/ but some o the
Scriptures and their programming misuse are listed belo"- Scriptures that lend
themsel*es to double,binds/ to obedience or co*er stories that seem to 2ustiy the
programmer and the programming are used- Names o Iueens and >ings in the #ible
can be used or alter names- $he men "ho "rote under inspiration/ &ne" that scriptures
could be misused/ in 8 'or 64 ?,8 Paul "rites about himsel/ 0$hereore seeing "e ha*e
this ministry/ as "e ha*e recei*ed mercy/ "e aint notM but ha*e renounced the hidden
things o dishonesty/ not "al&ing in cratiness/ nor handling the "ord o God
'learly/ mishandling the "ord o God deceitully is an ancient art-
Genesis Genesis 'reation Story,,co*er story or the creation o parts o a sla*e.s
$ree o 1ie,,used to create an internal 'abalistic $ree o 1ie or alter magic
Adam E @*e,,code "ords
Garden o @den,,part o the System/ usually the early pure part that needs to be guarded
by 0angels0(demons)
Angels,,alters or demons placed into a System- Angles could be a method by "hich the
abuser sends messages to the person/ thus gi*ing di*ine credibility to the programmer.s
message- Angel names can represent alters and demons placed into a person-
Sodom E Gomorrah,,a type o suicide program
Genesis 884?D,?C/ 0$hat in blessing I "ill bless thee/ Fthe programmer as god is going to
bless the *ictim "ith tortureG and in multiplying I "ill multiply thy seed as the stars o
the hea*en/ and as the sand "hich is upon the sea shoreM and thy seed shall possess the
gate o his enemiesM and in thy seed shall all the nations o the earth be blessed Fall the
areas o the systemGM because thou hast obeyed my *oice-0 Fthe programmer.s *oiceG
Melchizede&,,a type o occult order or ran&
Genesis 9C,,pledge o a signet/ bracelet E sta,,trigger cues to open up a System to
Boseph E @sau.s birthright,,Satanic birthrights emphasized as i sanctioned by God.s
@=odus $he ?8 (actually ?9 "ith Manassah and @phraim) $ribes o Israel can be used
or the code names o alters and sections o alters-
!ouse o Israel,,code name or sectionLstructure o a system
Plagues o @gypt,,Program to terrorize a sla*e-
+aths and 'o*enants,,their e=istence in the #ible is used to emphasize the *alidity to
Satanic oaths and co*enants- $he curses that God says "ill happen i disobedience ta&es
place are used by the !andlers to instill ear into the *ictim/ that i he doesn.t comply/
God.s curses "ill all on them-
$he 'atholicLBesuit programming relies hea*ily upon the #ible- $he #ible *erse @'1-
:46 0When you ma&e a *o" to God/ do not delay to pay it---It is better not to *o" than to
*o" and not pay/0 is used by these Satanic programmers to hold their *ictims under
*o"s made under duress/ hypnosis/ or deception- (D$ 8948 ? also emphasizes &eeping
your *o"s-) $hese Satanic Mind,controlled sla*e handlers do not tell their sla*es that
Numbers 9< states that many *o"s/ such as the *o"s o children are null and *oid- $he
irst ruits o things belong to the real God o the #ible and can.t be *o"ed a"ay- $he
Satanic groups li&e to ta&e the irst male child in moc&ery o "hat belongs to God- @*il
*o"s/ *o"s made under duress (2ust li&e contracts made under duress) are null and *oid-
#ut the !andlers ne*er tell their sla*es these 0iner points o the la"-0 Instead/ they use
the #ible to 2ustiy their o"n goals-
I AM Fone o the names o 5ah"ehG,,used as a programming cue or name
@V ?:, 0I am the 1ord that healeth thee0- $he programmer can apply this to himsel as
he helps rescue the *ictim rom a manuactured lie,threatening crisis-
$en 'ommandments "ith 1@K 8<,,used to belittle the *ictim to sho" him that he is
re2ected o God- When the Programmer sets himsel up as God/ he can misapply all the
*erses calling on people to ser*e God such as D$ 6487 0See& the 1ord thy God/ thus
thou shalt ind him/ i thou see& him "ith all thy heart and "ith all thy soul-0
See D$ C4?C also D$ ??4?9/ 0lo*e the 1ord your God/ and to ser*e him "ith all your
heart and "ith all your soul-0 + course many o the alters ha*e been stripped o their
hearts during programming and gi*en a heart o stone- $hey do not ha*e a real heart to
ser*e God/ but they can ser*e their master "ith their heart o stone-
+$ !istorical #oo&s ? >G chapters ?A,8 ?/ $he story o Ahab/ Bezebel/ and @li2ah- $he
Programmers play themsel*es in the role o Behu coming to protect "hat is his- $he only
admirable thing or Bezebel to do/ is to put her ma&e,up on and prepare hersel to die-
$his story is used to ma&e a "oman sla*e thin& that the only admirable thing to do is to
prepare to die li&e Bezebel-
$he Kineyard o Naboth is also used as a programming theme-
$he sho" Mysteries o the #ible is an e=ample o ho" the #ible and tele*ision can "or&
together to control a person- $his sho" had an episode about Bezebel/ Ahab and Behu- It
must be remembered that Dr- Green.s internal alter in some *ictims is called Behu/ and
that another programmer has ta&en the identity o Ahab and that one o the deep cats is
the Grande Dame programmer represented by Bezebel-
$he eect o the sho" on one Monarch System "as this4 Behu has the po"er o*er the
gates and to bring 2udgement upon Ahab and Bezebel- Bezebel in the sho" Mysteries o
the #ible is praised because "hen she &ne" she "as going to die she got her ma&eup on
and she got hersel ready or Behu and allo"ed hersel to be &illed- $he System
understood the sho" to mean in paraphrase4 0this is a threat/ you are to get yoursel
ready or Behu or "hoe*er and comply-0
Prophets @U (@ze&iel) ?4?:,?D and the rest o the chapter- $his "hole chapter is used to
build the internal circle "ithin circles o interconnecting "orlds o the alter system-
Beremiah ?C49,,When the child is 9 or 6/ a utility program called the Potter Wheel is
placed in so that the Programmer can "or& "ith an entire section o alters i he so
desires- When an alter(s) go up on the "heel/ they are a*ailable to be "or&ed on- $hey
"ill be as&ed to 0stand in ile according to ran& and serial no-0
@U 9D,$he story o the Kalley o Dry bones is used as a "ay o reacti*ating dead
robots,,or dead robotic clones "ithin a Monarch system-
B@R (Beremiah) 6D49,,in this *erse horses sho" up "hen a boundary "as crossed- $his is
used to put in protecti*e programming-
Nahum 948,,the s"ord N sta- $he entire 9rd chapter o Nahum is used to ma&e sla*es
eel that God has re2ected them- $hey ha*e no heart/ because o their e*ilness-
Daniel Daniel ?<,,the #east "ith ?< toes (used or programming in the #east
Gospels M$ :4?9 05e are the salt o the earth4 but i the salt ha*e lost his sa*ior
"here"ith shall it be salted3 it is thenceorth good or nothing/ but to be cast out and to
be trodden under oot o men-0 $his is used to 2ustiy punishment o the sla*e-
M$ A488,89 0$he lamp o the body is the eye- I thereore your eye is good/ your "hole
body "ill be ull o light- #ut i your eye is bad/ your "hole body "ill be ull o
dar&ness- I thereore the light that is in you is dar&ness/ ho" great is that dar&nessJ0
$hese "ords are used "ith a mean programming tric& "here disobedient alters are
pulled up/ loc&ed into place/ placed mentally "ithin crystal chandeliers and then the
se=ual organs/ mouth/ and side o the brain are shoc&ed in se;uence- $he 0light0 does a
se*ere shattering to all the alters "hich e=perience the shoc&s- $his shatters the
disobedient alters and they are replaced "ith others-
M> 9486,8:/ 0And i a &ingdom be di*ided against itsel/ that &ingdom cannot stand-
And i a house be di*ided against itsel/ that house cannot stand-0 %sed to help 2ustiy
bac&up programming that "ill not allo" disobedience- $he sla*e.s ront alters are told to
go along "ith the rest o the System.s desires/ and i not/ then the house (body) "ill all
(commit suicide)- $his type o scriptural programming is used in a demonic "ay to &eep
the *ictim rom straying rom the script o the mind,control-
M> 64A 0#ut "hen the sun "as up it "as scorched/ and because it had no root/ it
"ithered a"ay-0 $his is used to ma&e sure the roots o the programming are not
M> 648C,98/ 0And he said/ Whereunto shall "e li&en the &ingdom o God3---It is li&e a
grain o mustard seed- --#ut "hen it is so"n it gro"eth up and becometh greater than all
herbs/ and shooteth out great branchesM so that the o"ls o the air may lodge under the
shado" o it-0 In the programming/ a tree is programmed mentally into the *ictim.s
entire body- $his tree carries the programs/ and the birds nest in it- $his scripture is used
or the imagery o part o that programming-
M> :,,$his entire chapter deals "ith the story about 1egion ("hich is a large number o
demonic spirits)- $he story is also ound in M$ C499- 1egion is placed into the person to
guard the All,Seeing,@ye-
1> ?46A,:8/ When a person is traumatized and the Master is allo"ed to sa*e the *ictim/
he can present himsel as Sa*ior and "ill use this scripture to buttress his authority-
1> ??47,?</ 0And I say unto you/ As&/ and it shall be gi*en youM see&/ and ye shall indM
&noc&/ and it shall be opened unto you- For e*ery one that as&eth recei*ethM and he that
see&eth indethM and to him that &noc&eth it shall be opened-0 $his is used to reinorce
the &noc&ing triggers that open up a system- M$ D4C is almost identical to this scripture-
BN ?:46/ 0As the branch cannot bear ruit o itsel/ e=cept it abide in the *ineM no more
can ye/ e=cept ye abide in me-0 $his is used to orce the sla*e to stay "ithin the
programming script/ so that the ruit (the programs) "ill not be damaged- $he sla*e has
been gi*en lots o alters and demons "hose only assignment is to protect that ruit,
bearing (the program,bearing) capability o the System- $his chapter continues/ 0I ye
abide in me/ and my "ords abide in you/ ye shall as& "hat ye "ill/ and it shall be done
unto you----I you &eep my commandments/ ye shall abide in my lo*eM e*en as I ha*e
&ept my Father.s commandments/ and abide in his lo*e-0
BN ?:4D/?< In other "ords/ the Master is telling the sla*e/ i you do "hat I command/
you remain in my lo*e/ but I "ill pull my lo*e a"ay i you don.t comply-
A'$S ?D48C/ 0For in him "e li*e/ and mo*e/ and ha*e our beingM as certain also o your
o"n poets ha*e said/ For "e are also his ospring-0 $he sla*e is bonded totally "ith
their master- !is e=istence is their e=istence-
PaulOs Writings R+M ?4D/ 0And he said unto them/ It is not or you to &no" the times or
the seasons/ "hich the Father hath put in his o"n po"er-0 $he sla*e is to depend upon
the Master called God or all this-
R+M ?4?C/ 0For the "rath o God is re*ealed rom hea*en against all ungodliness and
unrighteousness o men/ "ho hold the truth in unrighteousness-0 %sed by the
ProgrammerLhandler to 2ustiy their "rathul abuse-
R+M A4?A/ 0>no" ye not/ that to "hom ye Page 9?8 ---- yield yoursel*es ser*ants to
obey/ his ser*ants ye are to "hom ye obeyM "hether o sin unto death/ or o obedience
unto righteousness-0 $his scripture is a good one to use "ith R+M ?94? to ma&e the
sla*e thin& that obedience to the Master.s authority is righteousness-
R+M D488/ 0For I delight in the la" o ater the in"ard man-0 God is Programmer/ and
the sla*e is to delight in programmer.s la"s-
R+M 748<,88/ 0Nay but/ < man/ "ho art thou that repliest against God3 Shall the thing
ormed say to him that ormed it/ Why hast thou made me thus3 0!ath not the potter
po"er o*er the clay/ o the same lump to ma&e one *essel unto honour/ and another unto
dishonour3 0What i God/ "illing to sho" his "rath/ and to ma&e his po"er &no"n/
endured "ith much longsuering the *essels o "rath itted to destruction-0 $he
programmers teach the alters that the Programmers are the Potter and the alters and their
minds are the clay- What right does the clay ha*e to ;uestion the Potter- $his is a
po"erul *erse used to insure compliance and acceptance o the programming-
R+M ?94?/ 01et e*ery soul be sub2ect unto the higher po"ers- For there is no po"er but
o God4 the po"ers that be are ordained o God-0 $here is the perect scripture to be
misused to pro*e to the sla*e that their master has to be God or at least ordained by God-
Who has po"er3 Where does po"er and authority come rom3 God- $his is a a*orite
*erse "ithin the 'atholic realms to demand loyalty to authority- $o dey their authority
is to dey God- It is the perect double,bind or the sla*e-
? '+R 94?A/ 0>no" ye not that ye are the temple o God/ and that the Spirit o God
d"elleth in you3 I any man deile the temple o God/ him shall God destroyM or the
temple o God is holy/ "hich temple ye are-0 $he sla*e has a temple built into their
System and they are told that their master is God- I they deile that temple (by touching
the programming),,their master "ill destroy them-
? '+R ??48D/ 0Whereore "hosoe*er shall eat this bread/ and drin& this cup o the 1ord/
un"orthily/ shall be guilty o the body and blood o the 1ord-0 Actual blood and an
actual human body are consumed- $he person is told they must be "orthy o this or else
they are guilty-
8 '+R ?488 0GodM "ho hath also sealed us/ and gi*en the earnest o the Spirit in our
hearts-0 'an be applied to the Programmer/ "ho is God-
8 P$R 8488,,Sla*es are cursed "ith the *erse and as dogs told to return to their o"n
*omit- During the tortures o eating oul things/ the sla*e doesn.t "ant to *omit,,
because it is a standard practice to ma&e sla*es eat their o"n *omit-
Re*elation (+r Apocalypse) $he White Stones o R@K- 84?D,,$he deeper alters go
through a ceremony "here the "hite stone is ta&en and a blac& stone "ith their name is
R@K- A,C- $he D seals are used or Armageddon Suicide programming- First/ the "hite/
second the iery red/ third the blac& seal/ and the ourth is pale/ it is death E hades/ ith/
is blood and beheading/ si=th/ is earth;ua&es internally/ and the se*enth is golden "hich
is silence-
RK 8?,,$he description o hea*en is used to build internal structures and the stones used
in hea*en are used or access points- 0$he street o the city "as pure gold/ li&e
transparent glass-0
RK 8?48? lends itsel to Wizard o +z 5ello" #ric& Road programming- $he "ords
0Alpha and +mega0 are programming triggers- $he trumpets and seals o Re*elation and
the horses o 2udgement are all part o the charismatic Monarch Mind 'ontrol- With An
Ancient Warning $he prophets o the #ible "arned that mind control "ould dominate
the "orld in the last days- For instance Paul "rote/ 0No" the Spirit spea&eth e=pressly
that in the latter times some shall depart rom the aith/ gi*ing heed to seducing spirits/
and doctrines o de*ils-0
? $M 64?/8 0---the god o this "orld hath blinded the minds o them "hich belie*e not---0
8 '+R 646L Along this line Besus the greatest prophet said/ 0When the Son o Man
comes Freerring to his o"n second comingG/ "ill he ind the aith on the earth30
1& ?C4C Paul "arns 01et no man decei*ed you by any means4 or that day shall not
come/ e=cept there come a alling a"ay irst From the truthG-0
8 $!@S 849/6 !e tells us that in the last days people "ill not endure sound doctrine
"hich means sound teachings- $he prophet Bohn "arn that the lo*e o the truth "as all
that "ould protect people in the end times rom the mass deceptions coming- It is this
mass mind control and indi*idual mind control "hich allo"s the satanic Ne" World
+rder to carry out a "orld,"ide satanic conspiracy right under the noses o the "orld.s
citizenry "ithout the ma2ority o people e*en being alarmedJ 0---$he "hole "orld lies in
the control o the e*il one-0 ? BN :4?7
0at 9
$heta Programming got its name 2ust as the Alpha/ #eta/ and Delta Programming in part
rom the our types o @@G brain "a*es- $heta "a*es are re;uent in children- $he 6
types o "a*es are rated according to their "a*e re;uencies "hich are delta, ?,9
cyclesLsecM theta 6 to D cyclesLsecM alpha C to ?9 cyclesLsecM and beta ?9 P cycles per
second- Psychic "arare became a branch o the Monarch Programming- $his is the
$heta Programming- It is the marriage o occult practices "ith state o the art science-
$he idea to be able to copy "hat @lisha did to the >ing o Syria (8 >G A4??,?8) "hen he
0telepathically0 spied on the enemy/ disco*ered their plans/ and thereby ruined their
chances o success-
$oday this has been called 0@SPionage0/ and the %-S- Army.s term is 0psychotronics0-
+ course/ the 'IA.s position is that they couldn.t ind anything that "or&ed/ but that is
simply not true/ because the co,authors &no" o many $heta alters and $heta model
systems "hich ha*e $heta programming "hich is successul- #lac& magicians ha*e been
honing their s&ills on ho" to delect magical attac&s or centuries- Are their eorts
superstition and empty nonsense/ or do they really ha*e eicacy3 $he Illuminati and
!itler belie*ed in blac& magic- And in recent times/ the other groups in*ol*ed in trauma,
based mind,control ha*e also loo&ed into magic based psychic "arare- For those
readers "ho s&ipped the split,brain programming section/ you may "ant to read that
section to ind out ho" the Illuminati create alters *ia split,brain programming "ho are
*ery intuiti*e and capable o interacting in higher demonic spheres such as the occult
planes o the magical Watchto"ers-
So"e o& the (ou2% 'ho did e%each &o the /onachM% Theta 0o(a""in( are4
AiResearch (Al can stand or artiicial intelligence) Manuacturing 'o-/ $orrance/ 'A
(such as psychic "arare E @SP)
#iological Dept- o Air Force Research/ #altimore/ MD (telepathy)
#ell $elephone/ #oston/ MS (telepathy)
Deense Intelligence Agency
Du&e %ni*ersity Parapsychology 1ab/ Durham/ N-'- (parapsychology/ @SP/ telepathy)
Garret Air Research 'orp-/ @l Segundo/ 'A- (@SP/ @1F)
General @lectric/ Schenectady/ N5
Institute o Noetic Sciences Maimonides
Dream 1ab in Maimonides Medical 'tr-/ #roo&lyn/ N5
NASA (telepathy and many other things)
National Institute o Mental !ealth (unneled money to telepathyLclair*oyance pro2ects
or the 'IA)
Na*al Surace Weapons 'enter and 'hina 1a&e
Princeton %ni*-/ (@SP/ remote perception/ telepathy)
Stanord Research Institute
Keterans. Administration !ospitals
Whether the public percei*es Psychic "arare as *iable or not/ billions o dollars ha*e
been spent on it/ and numerous $heta models produced- $"el*e psychics in a room
together are said to be able to guide missiles "hich are ired- $here are a number o
e=cellent boo&s that ha*e come out on the sub2ect-
$he Ne" @arth #attalion and the Delta orces o the %-S- Army consist o Monarch
sla*es trained in Psychic "arare- ($he reader is in*ited to read or instance Bohn
White.s boo& Psychic Warare Fact or Fiction3 (Wellingborough/ %>4 $he A;uarian
'ol- Bohn #- Ale=ander has been one o the more *isible and prominent military men
assigned to training and pro*iding the %-S- Army some elite units o "arrior,mon&s "ho
can ight "ith both martial arts and psychic "arare- + course/ they pic&ed their elite
mind,controlled programmed multiples or this- 'ol- Ale=ander.s position has director
o 0the Ad*anced System 'oncepts +ice0 in Adelphi/ MD- !e has "or&ed "ith 'ol-
Michael A;uino "ith Monarch sla*es-
%pper le*el martial arts in*ol*es the use o the occult- $he Nin2i are one o the e"
groups "ho openly realize that their martial art po"er comes rom demonic po"ers- A
hal cro"Lhal man spirit empo"ers them- $he Samurai "ould &ill the Nin2i because
they used "itchcrat in "arare- #ut the Samurai and many other martial arts also use
occult po"ers/ "hich are actually dierent orms o "itchcrat and demonology/ e*en
though they don.t recognize it as such- No" American Monarch sla*es in the %-S- First
@arth #attalion are taught to thro" energy balls/ to mo*e people during hand to hand
combat/ and do other things using occult orces- (5es/ these "arriorLmon& groups are
e*en getting into blood sacriices-)
In ?7CD/ $he Seattle $imes/ ran a ront page story on 1t- 'ol- Bim 'hannon/ "ho "or&ed
"ith the military $heta models- $he story is entitled 0$he Ne" Army.s e=periment "ith
XNe" Age. thin&ing0- $he article says/ 0So the army tried XNe" Age. thin&ing , the idea
that the "orld can be changed by changing the "ay people thin& about it/ and that the
mind has in*isible but tangible po"ers yet to be tapped-
'enters "ere established at Fort +rd/ 'ali-/ and in Washington/ D-'-/ to e=plore the
intriguing idea that mind po"er plus irepo"er could either "in "ars or ma&e them
unnecessary- From ?7C< to ?7C8 the proposals "ere e=panded at Fort 1e"is by 1t- 'ol-
Bim 'hannon----$he Army began by inding young oicers enthused "ith Xne" thought.
and combining them "ith s&eptical scientists- $he t"o groups "ere ;uic&ly dubbed Xthe
butterlies Fan appropriate name or Monarch mind,control menG and the bees-.---+ne
result "as an Army thin& tan& at the Pentagon that e*aluated the paranormal , unusual
psychic or mental phenomena- It brought in proponents o e=tra sensory perception
(@SP)/ mental spoon,bending/ people "ho Xchanneled. spirits and e*en a helmet
designed to unite the let (logical) and right (intuiti*e) hal*es o the brain-0
'ol- Bohn #- Ale=ander/ %S Army and part o the Monarch Programming/ "rote or
Psychic Warare/ 0Psychotronics may be described as the interaction o the mind and
matter- While the concepts may stretch the imagination o many readers/ research in this
area has been under"ay or years/ and the possibility or employment as "eaponry has
been e=plored- $o be more speciic/ there are "eapons systems that operate on the po"er
o the mind and "hose lethal capacity has already been demonstrated-0
Some o those systems are Monarch systems o the $heta Model/ and many o those in
the military are young men o the Illuminati- Some ha*e been seen at N+RAD/ in
'olorado/ "hich helps conirm that $heta models are being employed to bring in the
Anti,'hrist- (N+RAD is a main center or Ale= and Banus end,timed programming-)
?<,6-gi ?<,:-gi ?<,A-gi
'ol- Ale=ander claims that the ability to transer energy rom one person to another has
been pro*en/ that emanations o body energy ha*e been pro*en and pic&ed up by >irlian
photography/ and inally that hypnotic states ha*e been induced telepathically- $he
Pentagon and the 'IA spent many millions o dollars on @SP/ at least WA million per
year- According to the inormation that has lea&ed/ there are psychic humans/ but the
ability is not a consistent ability a*ailable or all- In the early ?7C<s it came out that the
Na*y had 96 psychics/ "ho they paid W6<< a month/ to trac& So*iet subs- $he 'IA
claimed during the cold "ar that 8<< Russian e=perts "ere "or&ing on telepathy- Many
o the Illuminati.s Monarch sla*es "ill spea& about learning on the astral plane-
+ne reason it is diicult to deprogram a sla*e/ is because the deeper parts &no" ho" to
astral pro2ect/ and can carry out the demonology "hich helps their master to astral
pro2ect to them so that the System can be reprogrammed- Whether the therapist belie*es
in demonology or not/ i the therapist deprograms a client and then inds out that the
deeper parts ha*e undone the "or& *ia the astral plane/ the therapist should loo& into
ho" to manage this problem- $his type o reprogramming rarely needs to occur because
e" sla*es are e*er e*en partially deprogrammed-
+ne o the most s&illed programmers o Astral Pro2ection is the Programmer #- #o"ers-
!e is &no"n nationally or this s&ill- !e "or&ed "ith the amous Manly P- !all/ "ho
also had a reputation in the Illuminati or Astral Pro2ection- Astral pro2ection is
accomplished by a ocused trance "here the spirit by demonic po"er lea*es the body
and tra*els to a particular point- Grand Masters "ithin the Illuminati can gi*e lessons to
students on the astral plane- Much o their Illuminati occult learning/ according to some
Illuminati sla*es "as done on the astral plane- We "ill discuss se*eral methods on ho"
this is done-
$he traditional druidic method (the three stepping stone method) to teach astral
pro2ection called 0spirit light0 is to get 9 stones/ a sil*er one/ a gold one and a blac&
one- $hree small stones "hich are painted "ould "or&- $he sil*er represented the
emale/ and the properties o sil*er- $he gold represented male and the properties o
gold- And the blac& stone represented midnight and the un&no"n and the properties o
coal- $he sil*er stone "ill be placed at a careully selected location at some distance
rom the student.s house/ and then arther out the gold stone "ill be placed/ and still
urther out the blac& stone- During sleep the Druidic student "ill practice see&ing out the
0three stepping stones0 in order-
$elepathy has been de*eloped by the Illuminati/ but is a closely guarded secret/ "hich
their Illuminati sla*e alters are trained in- $elepathy is used by Delta teams to coordinate
their acti*ity and to sense i one o them is in danger- Du&e %ni*ersity ("hich ties bac&
to the Du&eLReynolds Illuminati bloodlines) has done massi*e amounts o research into
psychic abilities- +nly certain people ha*e the ability to be a psychic- A certain type o
brain structure is re;uired and the 'IA has identiied and mapped e*eryone "ith this
natural ability in the %-S-
!o"e*er/ the Programmers are not abo*e 0cheating0 in creating psychic phenomena
"ithin the sla*e.s mind too- Since sla*es can not be consistently gi*en $heta
programming/ a surgical implantation o a sodiumLlithium po"ered high re;uency
recei*erLtransducers coupled "ith a multi,range discharge capacitor "as placed into the
brains o Monarch sla*es- $his gi*es the handlers the ability to signal by remote signals
to the *ictim.s brain- When the recei*er pic&s up the signals they electronically stimulate
certain areas o the brain "hich in turn triggers pre,set programming- Implants are no"
being placed in a high percentage o the Monarch sla*es-
Ho' Out#O&#Body E=2eience% -A%ta$ 0o;ection. Ae Done
Another method o creating psychic phenomena "ith the aid o electronics is astral
pro2ection using sound "a*es- $his method seems to "or& airly consistently/ although it
is possible it "ouldn.t "or& or some people- It "as disco*ered that astral pro2ection
occurs at a point that the body is asleep and the mind is a"a&e- Focus ?< is the state o
mind "here the body is asleep and the mind is a"a&e/ and "ith the proper stimuli the
mind can "ander o into the astral plane- A e" odd people get into the Focus ?< state
by themsel*es/ but it is rare-
$he brain "or&s o o "a*es that are less than ?A hz- and the human ear can.t hear
anything belo" 9< hz- so at irst it appears sound "a*es can.t inluence the brain-
!o"e*er/ i one ear hears ?<< hz- and the other ear hears ?<6 hz- the brain "ill hear a
ghost beat o 6 hz- 6 hz happens to be a thetaLdelta re;uency on the border o sleep and
"a&ing that can possibly launch an astral trip- Focus ?< is 2ust the starting point or
astral tra*el- Focus ?8/ ?:/ 8? and beyond are the real trip- When a person astral pro2ects
it is said to change the #@G pattern to a special pattern called Alphoid- $o stimulate
someone to astral pro2ect they are induced into sleep/ and then 2ust as they lose
consciousness/ the mind is 2olted a"a&e "ith some high,re;uency beta signals- $he
body remains asleep/ and the mind is then ree rom the body to "ander- A hemispheric
synchronizer ("hich "as patented in ?7D:) is used to get both hemispheres "or&ing
$hose "ho "ant to read more on this sub2ect might start "ith Bourneys +ut o the #ody
by Robert A- Monroe/ and Far Bourneys/ and D- Scott Rogo.s 1ea*ing the #ody4 A
'omplete Guide to Astral Pro2ection/ and A $ra*eller.s Guide to the Astral Plane by
Ste*e Richards-
+ther $heta 'ontrols @1F (@=tremely 1o" Fre;uency Wa*es) are being used to modiy
people thoughts/ implant thoughts/ and modiy their emotions/ such as ma&e a person
angry- @1F "eapons are being used on ci*ilian targets in the %-S- !igh pitched sounds/
and helicopter lying "ith PD mind control e;uipment are also augmenting the abilities
o the IlluminatiLIntelligence AgenciesLNW+ Net"or&-
@ssentially all Illuminati sla*es ha*e dar& side alters "ho are taught to be telepathic-
$here "ill be diering opinions as to "hether this is real or imagined- IF it is real/ and
"e "ill "or& o o that assumption/ then ho" do the Illuminati do it3
Again there are *arying opinions about ho" it mechanically "or&s,,it appears that it
may in*ol*e all or part o the ollo"ing components4
a- $he human ner*ous system is able to change the gra*itational constant in a ield
surrounding a person- I the sender had a lo" ield and the recei*ing party had a higher
than normal ield/ thoughts can lo" rom the sender to the recei*ing party-
b- Someho" altered states o consciousness inluence telepathy- @=periments "ith t"o
people "ho simultaneously hypnotize each other/ ha*e ound that they enter a shared
"orld in "hich they do not ha*e to *erbally spea& to communicate-
c- Demonic spirits pro*ide insights to those "ho are in*ol*ed in the occult "orld/ as a
method to urther entrap the occultist-
In other "ords/ the person is cooperating "ith some other intelligence- Although the
*arious occult groups ha*e dierent "ays o e=plaining telepathy/ "ith Alice #ailey E
1ucis $rust (and spin o groups li&e the I AM mo*ement) it is e=plained that you are an
ascended master- In some groups/ telepathy is described as putting on energy and then
controlling that energy- It is seldom in the occult "orld that telepathy is lin&ed "ith
demonology- !o"e*er/ those in the occult "orld "ho are s&illed in demonology are
ully a"are that the 0energy0 that one controls to carry out telepathy are demons- In the
occult/ the telepathic person must control his demon and then send it to another person-
$he irst person.s demon must then control a &indred spirit in that person- !igh ran&ing
demonology/ such as in the high ran&s o the Illuminati/ "ould *ie" telepathy as the
ability to control demons-
d- An e=cess o negati*e ions in the atmosphere has signiicantly increased telepathic
scores in e=periments- When telepathy occurs/ researchers ha*e noted that the
parasympathetic ner*ous system is acti*ated/ E this occurs along "ith an increased
amount o acetyicholine in the brain- According to the high le*els in the occult/ there
are D points in the Auric #ody- $hese points are not on the physical body/ but are on
"hat is called the etheric body (or the body.s astral energy) "hose location is
appro=imately in the same locality as the physical body/ e=cept that it e=tends or a e"
inches beyond- $he D points,,(all important demonic portal points) are the top o the
head/ the third eye/ the throat/ the chest,heart area/ the solar ple=us/ the lo"er abdomen/
and the genital area- ($he bac& o the head and the spleen ma&e up 8 other points that
are not considered as acti*e- $here are 8? minor centers/ and 67 ocal points ound on
the human body-)
Streams o energy called nadis carry the astral energy to "here the sender.s mind
ocuses to ha*e the energy ta&en- $he recipient eels this energy in the solar ple=us-
Another area that is said to be acti*e during telepathy is the throat- $he throat area on the
etheric body is said to be able to transmit mental thoughts i the sender and recei*er are
in harmony and rapport/ and are dissociated- Intuitional telepathy is said to be a unction
o the third eye and the throat areas "or&ing together to send thoughts- In re*ie"/ there
are se*eral dierent types o telepathy/ all o "hich use dierent points o the etheric
body- Whether therapists belie*e in telepathy or not/ i they "or& "ith Illuminati sla*es
"ho eel comortable to e=press themsel*es/ then the therapists "ill ind out that the
deeper parts ha*e been trained in mind reading and telepathy-
An Illuminati Monarch mind,control sla*e "ill be t"inned "ith another Monarch- I
these t"o persons are in the same room and send orth a glance o lo*e to"ard each
other/ they "ill establish a connecting energy lin& that allo"s them to telepathically
communicate- When t"o Multiple personality Systems meet/ there "ill be
communication going on dozens o le*els as all types o alters see& out their
counterparts and begin to communicate-
A drug containing al&aloids deri*ed rom the Ayahuasca *ine in #razil is said to place a
person into the telepathic state- 'anada outla"ed it in ?76D ater a company sold it
publicly in ?76A- $he %-S- may also ha*e outla"ed the drug- Sodium amytal destroys
psychic abilities/ and caeine enhances them- Also a positi*e intent by the recei*er and
the correct emotions o both parties helps-
Ki$$in( Fo" A Di%tance
Karious methods ha*e been attempted by the military to gi*e their "arrior mon&s the
ability to &ill by psychic po"ers- +ne reported pro2ect in the late ?7D<s/ "hich appears
to ha*e tried to lin& technology "ith some pre*ious occult ideas/ "as called Dreamscan-
When a person "as in his dream state/ "a*es matching brain "a*es are to be generated
by some type o hard"are/ in order to cause the death o the sleeper- Some intelligence
assets in A$E$ "ere said to be in*ol*ed in this-
In Auic* Re!ie'
$he military and the Illuminati are using telepathy/ psychic "arare/ astral pro2ection and
other occult sciences "ith their programmed sla*es- $he ability to carry out some o
these occult sciences (psychic abilities) can be greatly enhanced by certain drugs/ brain
"a*e patterns/ training/ and demonology- Non,illuminati models may not ha*e these
abilities built in/ but the deeper alters o Illuminati sla*es generally ha*e some alters
"ho are trained in all these abilities-
The 0hi$o%o2heC% Stone
+ne o the ma2or goals o Alchemy "as 0$he preparation o aurum potabile/ li;uid gold/
a so*ereign remedy/ because gold being itsel perect could produce peection in the
human rame-0 ,;uoted rom $he !istory o 'hemistry as ;uoted by Manly P- !all in his
$he Secret $eachings o All Ages/ p- '1K-
Gold has long been called the metal o "isdom by the Illuminati- $he Illuminati are "ell
a"are o the alchemical ;uest to create the correct type o gold "hich "ill bring
enlightment to the "orld- $he Rabbi.s/ "ho &no" the 'abala/ ha*e considered the secret
o "hite po"dered gold the greatest secret o all times- Someho" the @gyptian
Pharaoh.s had learned the secret o ho" to ma&e "hite po"dered gold "hich "hen seen
up close is transparent,,li&e the gold described in the #ible as ma&ing up the streets in
hea*en- $his gold is monotonic ("ith molecules in a high spin state)/ and loo&s li&e
ba&ing lour- It greatly enhances the pineal gland/ and a similar substance o iridium
greatly enhances the pituitary gland- Regular yello" gold or gold salts "ill cause the
hair o the sub2ect to all out/ but "hite gold is sae to ingest- Ater ingesting the "hite
gold or o*er 7 months/ a sub2ect "ill become e=tremely psychic and disease ree- $he
person.s body "ill also glo"- Whether the Illuminati disco*ered this "hite gold/ and
ha*e been using it secretly "hen their adepts "ent into hiding or months o long
training/ or "hether they "ere only playing "ith substitutes "e cannot say- (#y the "ay/
some occult groups groom sla*es in the crat or 86 hours a day or a year-)
At any rate/ in recent years a man named Da*id !udson/ "ho is o the !oly #lood line
(?9th Illuminati #loodline/ o the de Guise lineage)/ disco*ered and patented "hite gold-
!e named the "hite gold +rmus/ "hich is the occult name or the Prieure de Sion-
+rmus also pertains to gnosticism in the ancient "orld- +rmus is also the !ebre" "ords
or 0golden tree0/ "hich Da*id inds appropriate since this "hite gold is the eli=ir o lie
that the sho,bread (E manna) "as made rom- $his is said to be the reason the Priest
glo"ed "hen he came out o the !oly o !olies/ ater eating the sho,bread-
Da*id !udson/ told co,author Fritz that he "as supporti*e o the cabalistic goal o Adam
>admon- #ecause !udson &ne" the cabala *ery "ell/ it seems li&ely that he understands
"hat Adam >admon is really all about- Monarch sla*es o the !ouse o Rothschild ha*e
re*ealed ho" the Illuminati are able to do "hat they call Pro=ying- $his is a Mind,Spirit
transer/ done by the t"inning traumas/ channeling/ telepathic communication/ and astral
pro2ection so that all sla*es "orld"ide are being pulled into one single interlin&ed
Demonic +ne World Mind-
We do not understand ho" "hite gold and iridium help the body become a semi,
conductor so that the body is highly psychic/ but it does- We hope to ind out more-
Da*id !udson has the patent (%-S- patent and some international patents) on "hite gold-
$here are a number o scientiic studies on "hite gold "hich *eriy the po"er o "hite
gold on the human body- When the co,author Fritz tal&ed to Da*id !udson/ he certainly
&no"s the occult "orld e=ceptionally "ell/ besides being s&illed in the 'abala- !e
claims he has nothing to do "ith the occult "orld/ and that he stays a"ay rom the
Illuminati- !e says that he too& "hat "as occult and turned it into science- $he co,
author.s tal& "ith him let many ;uestions- Da*id !udson has gi*en man&ind the most
important secret that has capti*ated the best minds o the occult "orld or centuries/ the
Iuest or the Philosopher.s Stone-
Futhe S2iitua$ Bonda(e Snae%
$here are a number o acti*ities "hich are snares to entrap people/ both Monarch sla*es
and people in particular/ "hich are not commonly recognized as such- +ne has to *ie"
them in their o*erall conte=t and the conse;uences o "hat these acti*ities lead to-
According to #iblical teachings/ Satan is trying to de*elop man.s hidden abilities as "ell
as pro*ide him some e=traordinary supernatural po"er to encourage man.s indepedence
rom God/ as opposed to man.s aith in/ ello"ship "ith and dependence upon his
'reator- As man de*elopes these hidden po"ers that "ere part o Adam.s natural
mental/ psychic/ and physical abilities/ man&ind increasingly eels more godli&e-
Man.s independence rom his 'reator 5ah"eh God/ ma&es him more *ulnerable and
more dependent upon Satan- ('- *erses in Scripture about the all/ ? 'or- ?:46/:/6A/
ho" man is a combination o spirit/ body/ soul in ? $hes- :489/ and ho" Satan.s system
"ill do trade in the souls E the po"er o the souls o men/ R@K ?C4??,?9-) Due to the
corruption o man/ God doesn.t "ant to de*elop these abilities- For instance/ atomic
po"er may ma&e man po"erul/ but man has not de*eloped spiritually enough or these
abilities to be used in a godly ashion- Man&ind/ according to the #ible/ is not ready or
these abilities/ until man&ind is on a higher spiritual "al& "ith God- $oday/ man&ind
lac&s the authority rom God to use occult po"ers- Man&ind.s lirtation "ith occult
po"ers/ is similar to the teenage boy "ho is disobedient to his ather.s guidelines and
uses his ne" se=ual po"ers beore he has learned responsibility and ho" to use his ne"
po"er responsibly- We are not to be ignorant o Satan.s de*ices- %nderstanding about
these po"ers/ 2ust as the teenage boy understanding about se=uality in a constructi*e
"ay/ is not the same as the irresponsible use o these po"ers-
+ne o the most dangerous/ ensnaring spirits/ is the Spirit o Gambling- $he Illuminati
&no" that i they can get a man hoo&ed on gambling/ that gambling "ill bring in e*ery
e*il spirit "ith it- When a man is hoo&ed on gambling he "ill do anything- Gambling
introduces co*etiousness/ greed and lust- A man "ith big gambling debts "ill murder/
sell his children/ lie/ decei*e/ steal/ etc- $his is not simply the t"o authors. opinions/ but
the e=perience o the Illuminati in "or&ing "ith human nature- When the Illuminati
"ant to destroy a lineage/ they "ill purposeully try to get a man or "oman in that
lineage hoo&ed on gambling- $hat "ill begin a cycle o e*il spirits being passed do"n
or generations-
In order/ to introduce the gambling spirit into society on a mass scale/ they are "or&ing
o o se*eral traumas- $he re2ection/ abuse/ lac& o po"er and lac& o respect that the
American Indians recei*ed rom the White man/ has opened the American Indians up to
accepting the lie that opening gambling institutions on their reser*ation lands is a good
thing- $he American Indian is gaining bac& some po"er and money/ but their gambling
operations "ill actually lead them into urther bondage- $he state go*ernments are
inding it hard to inance pro2ects/ and their manuactured hardship is also opening the
door to state run gambling- Again "e see the trauma/ and the subse;uent programming
lie being done on a mass scale- +nce the gambling spirit is entrenched/ it "ill continue
to strengthen its control o*er people and society- $hese things are "ell,concei*ed
spiritual operations that are blindsiding Americans because 0e*il0 spirits are no longer
politically correct to tal& about- Illuminati Monarch sla*es/ such as a Mother o
Dar&ness or Grande Master/ are gi*en occult po"ers- $hey are also re;uently connected
to gambling,,they "ill ha*e alters "ho li&e to gamble- Rather than being acti*ities o
po"er and opportunity/ occult po"er E gambling are really acti*ities that ensnare
people- $he symbol that the Programmers use to symbolize the bondage loops that they
construct is the ininity sign/ the same sign that "e sa" on the ront o #illy Graham.s
Decision magazine-
Cha2te 11 Science No. 11##Intena$ Conto$%
A- $eaching +ccult Philosophies
$eaching $he Ideologies + War
Karious Delta Forces
Delta Assassination $eams
Delta Force First @arth #attalion Green #erets #o Gritz
#- Internal 'omputers,,Perect DelegationM Internal 'omputers Which Auto,'ontrol A Sla*e
Internal 'omputers Which Auto,'ontrol A Sla*e
Po"er Sources
'olor 'odes And Ribbons
!o" Monarch Sla*es Are Designed $o Interace With $he %ni= System + $he #east 'omputers
'omponents + $he 'ontrols Some o the $-K- sho"s E mo*ies/ "hich ser*ed as Monarch programming scripts
'- Internal !ierarchies
A. Teachin( Occu$t 0hi$o%o2hie%
1earning plays an important part in perception- $he Programmers try to get their *ictims
to subscribe to philosophies and ideas that "ill ma&e it hard or them to rebel against
their controllers- $his is "hat is termed indoctrination- $he same methods o teaching
that others ind useul are employed- Ways o thin&ing are incorporated by the sla*e *ia
handlers/ programmers/ and the cult they belong to-
@*eryone tries in their o"n "ay to ma&e sense o lie- $his is a natural brain unction/ so
that the human mind can understand ho" to deal "ith the uture- $he mind ta&es ra"
data/ and then applies some type o logic/ and comes to conclusions- +nce accepted
these conclusions can be as hard as nails/ and they "ill dey any attempt to change them/
e*en in the light o ne" e*idence- I the Programmer is smart enough/ he can get an alter
to logically belie*e anything- +nce the belie is embedded/ it "ill remain there
In the Illuminati/ 0great0 masters and adepts teach 0hidden mysteries0- $he sla*e eels
the authority that emanates rom this teacher "ith special gits and abilities- $he sla*e is
hardly in a position to ;uestion the teachings being gi*en rom on high- 'ircular
reasoning/ lies/ and other tric&s are used to con*ince the person that the occult "orld is
true- For instance/ 0God abandoned you/ thereore you need to cling to us/ the only ones
"ho "ould see any use in you-0 ($he truth is that the cult staged a crisis "here their
actor playing God abandoned the child to the cult.s abusi*eness- $he "hole e*ent "as
simply cult abuse,,"ith God ta&ing the blame-)
0We are trying to ashion a better man/ a man "ith ar more capabilities than beore/
"ith better genetics- $hose "ho oppose us/ are trying to &eep human&ind bac& in the
dar& ages-0 $his is circular reasoning and outright lies- ($hey are not interested in
helping man&ind/ only destroying it-)
$o ma&e occult philosophies more palatable/ the occult "orld attac&s the character o
anyone "hose lie "ould dispute their alse claims- $hey also use a great deal o
rationalization/ "here the end 2ustiies the means- Many sla*es ha*e had to sit and listen
to their masters rationalize their brutality-
Within the Illuminati/ ran&s are achie*ed "ith much learning and ritual- Within
the $emple o Set / a member is re;uired to read certain boo&s- Fritz/ the co,author has a
list o boo&s a $emple o Set member is as&ed to read/ "ith the comments attached by
the $emple o Set to each suggested title-
In their suggestedLre;uired reading 'ategory ?7 entitled 0$he Metamind0 is Metropolis
by $hea *on !arbou- $heir comments are 0An @=pressionistic portrait o a negati*e
utopia in "hich humans are controlled by machines-- -the basis or many
electronicLaudio,*isual ritual techni;ues employed by the 'hurch o Satan and urther
de*eloped by the $emple o Set -0 (p- '8?,8)
Another is Physical 'ontrol o the Mind4 $o"ards a Psychoci*ilized Society by Bose
M-R- Delgado- $heir comments/ 0Delgado/ Proessor o Physiology at 5ale %ni*ersity /
is one o the most distinguished authorities in the ield o @lectricalLchemical
Stimulation o the #rain (@S#)- $his boo& is necessarily dated/ but it is so "ell,"ritten
that it deser*es to be perused as a preace to more recent "or&s on the sub2ect-0 (p-',
$he Psychology o Anomalous @=perience by Graham Reed- $heir comments/ 0$his
boo& addresses unusual/ irregular/ and puzzling e=periences, de2a *u/ illusions/
delusions/ hallucinations/ etc-,in terms o the mind.s normal psychological processes o
gathering/ monitoring/ processing/ and storing inormation-0 (ibid-)
$his is 2ust a brie loo& to illustrate to the reader that leaders o groups li&e
the $emple o Set are a*id students o mind,control- (An almost complete membership
list o this group at one point in time/ is pro*ided in Appendi= A-) $he librarian o the
Multnomah 'ounty Detention 'tr- shared "ith co,author Fritz that Sheila/ ormerly
second,in,command o the #hag"an Shree Ra2neesh.s commune at Antelope/ +R
studied/ *ia 2ailLprison interlibrary loan/ boo&s on !itler.s mind,control techni;ues-
Many other e=amples could be gi*en o ho" mind,control is being studied and taught by
these groups- +ne more boo& on the $emple o Set .s reading list "ould be "orthy to
point out/ $he Psychology o Man.s Possible @*olution by Peter D- +uspens&y- $heir
comments/ 0Should be read especially by those members "hose magical ability is
hampered by la"s in their balance actor----A series o lectures "hich e=plain the
Gurd2ie approach to the concept better than G- himsel "as able to do-0
$here is an important lin& bet"een Gurd2ie/ mind,control/ MPD/ etc- but the sub2ect is
big and needs to be urther in*estigated- 'o,author Fritz has been in*estigating this lin&/
including tal&ing "ith leaders o the most successul Gurd2ie commune- As "ith so
many groups/ "hat you see/ is not "hat you get-
Teachin( The Ideo$o(ie% O& Wa
+ne o the "ays to control a person is to get them angry and then channel that hate-
Wars ha*e been used or centuries by the oligarchies that run things to control their
people- Right no"/ the Ne" World +rder is carrying out a Drug War/ an @n*ironmental
War/ and a #osnian conlict or the e=press purpose in their o"n plans to control us-
$hey ha*e a moc&,alien in*asion planned to urther 2ustiy more control o*er our li*es-
+*er the years man&ind has created an entire industry around "arare- $here are long
traditions "ithin military units/ that or some reason must be 0upheld0 by the men "ho
ser*e in those units- When people buy into the philosophies o "ar/ they can generally
be persuaded to gi*e up or do anything to contribute to that "ar- Ater all/ any sacriice
"ill be minor compare to the large numbers o bodies that "ill end up dead-
+ne o the large purposes o the Monarch type o trauma,based mind,control is to
produce robotic soldiers "ho "ill do anything- Normal military training is usually
suicient or most military needs/ so it is clear that Monarch sla*es ha*e some ulterior
uses that the military doesn.t "ant the public to &no" about-
4aiou% De$ta Foce%
$he military as "ell as other groups ha*e created numerous delta teams/ delta orces/
delta groups etc-
De$ta A%%a%%ination Tea"%
$hese teams are pro2ects that the Satanic !ierarchy and the 'IA collaborated together
on- $he programming that "as placed into people "as ingenious and *ery comple=- As
the program progressed o*er the years/ the programming became more sophisticated and
past mista&es "ere impro*ed upon- $he Delta $eams "ere programmed to carry out
*arious assignments such as political assassinations- $he members o these teams are
house"i*es and other ordinary people "ho "ere programmed years ago-
$he Delta $eams are part o the 'IA.s psychic "arare bag o tric&s- $he 'IA "or&s so
closely "ith the military that the Delta Force is easily e=pected to be tied in "ith the
'IA E %-S- intelligence-
De$ta Foce
$he system tapped Fran& #urns to create the Delta Force- Fran& #urns "as a Green
#eret- What &ind o things did Fran& get in*ol*ed "ith AF$@R 2oining the military3
!old on- Fran& #urns "as an SDS (Students or a Democratic Society,,an Illuminati
organization) organizer- !e "as also deep into Uen #uddhism/ "hich is the same as
mysticism- Fran& #urns as an oicer also studied under the @salen Institute- $he @salen
Institute is at#ig Sur / 'aliornia and is the American e;ui*alent o the inamous
$a*istoc& Institute- $he @salen Institute created 0sensiti*ity training0 programs or the
business "orld under the title 0+rganizational De*elopment (+D)- @salen people "ere
brought in to Fort +rd "here Fran& #urns "as the commander and began training
people- $he army promoted #urns to "or& in the 'hie o Stas oice as a 0senior
organizational eecti*eness consultant0/ "hich allo"ed #urns to introduce @salen
programs all through the army- $his could not ha*e accidentally happened-
Fran& #urns in a con*ersation "ith a t"o,star General about the need or 0"holistic0
soldiers coined the slogan 0#e all that you can be in the army-0 #urns phraseology began
the army.s recruiting slogan- It reers to the !uman Potential Mo*ement that the army
has incorporated rom the Ne" Age mo*ement- $he army is mo*ing to"ard becoming
an occult ighting orce that practices "itchcrat "ith its "arare- Some o the units
mo*ing that direction are Psy,+p operations/ "hich has included Satanists "ithin its
$he Delta Force net"or& o *arious Generals and other high ran&ing oicers is merely
one acet o the dri*e by the Illuminati to transorm the American army into something
a&in to occultic "arriors that "ill be as ierce as the Nazi Death head units- #ear in mind
that George #ush/ commander,in,chie o #urn.s Armed Forces has come rom an
Illuminati amilyL E the Ill- S&ull E #ones chapter that "as part o the secret support or
!itler- $hey ha*e been using as an insignia "hat they themsel*es (the S&ull E #oners)
call 0the Death !ead0-
It is not surprising then that support or the Delta $eam acti*ities has come rom the *ery
top- Fran& #urns set out to create a "arrior mon&- 1t- 'ol- Bim 'hannon/ in Delta
Forces/ also put or"ard the idea- 'hannon *isited more than ?9< Ne" Age groups
in 'aliornia doing "hat "as called 0social e=perimentation-0 It is an idea that the occult
ha*e repeatedly carried out-
!itler.s S-S- "ere a special elite group o "arrior mon&s rom "hich about 9/<<< "ent
through religious initiations- (As the "ar progressed the primary ocus o the S-S- shited
rom being the #lac& +rder to merely being a reliable military group called the Waen
SS-) $here "ere 9 le*els o initiation/ the last reser*ed or the hard,core Satanists at the
top- $he Nazi initiation seems to ha*e been an attempt to get the orce o the Kril-
$he +rdensburgen ('astles o the +rder) "ere training centers or the elite Nazis/
including the S-S- (!a*ing been in the military/ I &no" irst hand that the success o the
S-S- and Waen S-S- units in being ierce "arriors is attributed by some o our leading
military men to their training to be "arrior,mon&s-) +ne group o the S-S- called >nights
o Poseidon *olunteered themsel*es or castration/ in an e=periment to change them
bac& to the supermen o the mythical and magical !yperborea- Some o the best Sui
organizations "ere "arrior mon&s-
#urns and his $as& Force Delta generated the Fi%t Eath Batta$ion/ "hich is an occult
military unit trained in martial arts/ and "itchcrat- Men "ho are selected or First @arth
#attalion are gi*en an occult initiation "hich includes the ollo"ing oath4 0I ha*e the
capacity and thereore the duty to contribute to the de*elopment o mysel/ my
associates/ and our planet/ simultaneously no"J I ta&e personal responsibility or
generating e*olutionary conspiracies as a regular part o my "or&- I "ill select and
create conspiratorial mechanisms that are not costly in time or resources because I am
a"are o the i*e channels a*ailable to me (such as radio/ tele*ision/ and "ord o
mouth-) I "ill organize a sel,supporting high commando group that "ill create and
perorm e*olutionary brea&through actions on behal o people and planet- +ne people/
one planet- I "ill then pass this concept on to others "ho are capable o generating
urther sel,organizing commando teams-..
What e*er happened to deending this nation3 Military units such as the First @arth
#attalion although they are supported by American ta= dollars are not here to protect
America- $hey are global minded- $hey are here to protect an occult "orld go*ernment-
$hey are out there acti*ely promoting the Ne" World +rder-
Se*eral years ago/ @gendor states that W6-: million ("hich came rom you and I/ and
other Americans) had already been spent on Delta Force.s C< dierent pro2ects-
$he Geen Beet% is another organization that has been hea*ily targeted by the
Satanists/ to indoctrinate and recruit- $he Green #erets are increasingly mo*ing to"ard
being "arrior,mon& group- Many o them are no" programmed multiples- +ne man
"ho is being loo&ed up to by many American Patriots and 'hristian Patriots as the
leader to help them oppose the Ne" World +rder is Bo Git,-
!e "as a recent presidential candidate- #o Gritz "as a Green #eret and a Delta Force
commander- #o Gritz is *ery proud o the act that he "rote the manual or the Delta
Forces- !e also "or&ed or the 'IA- #o Gritz is one o the military.s best programmed
multiples/ and perhaps one o the most dangerous- Insiders ha*e told me he IS the most
dangerous- Numerous insiders both or and against #o/ ha*e tal&ed about #o Gritz/ and
that he is a programmed multiple-
According to #o Gritz.s campaign literature or President he "as a commander in Delta
Forces- Reproduced on a pre*ious page is #o.s o"n presidential campaign literature
"here he states that he is 0Intelligence +icer E Reconnaissance 'hie/ Delta Force-0
!e is also 0'hie/ Special Acti*ities/ %-S- Army General Sta/ the Pentagon0 and
0Principle Agent/ National Security 'ouncil/ Intelligence Support Acti*ity0- %nder
;ualiications #o states that he is a 0Security E 'ounter,terrorist Specialist-0
Within the go*ernment/ they are already reerring to 'hristians "ho are against the
NW+ as terrorists- #o is their greatest counter,intelligence counter,terrorist they ha*e-
!e came in li&e a storm and too& control o the Patriot mo*ement/ and it has been li&e
pulling teeth to "arn patriots about "ho he is-
#o Gritz himsel "as a Green #eret/ and "as used to assassinate 9<< people- !is blood
lust caused him at one point during the Kietnam War to shoot 9< prisoners in cold blood-
I also heard #o tal& about say being $emple recommend Mormon- $hat means he "as at
that time in good standing "ith the 1DS Mormon church so that he could go to the
$emple and participate in its rituals-
$hose "ho are alert realize that the temple rituals are li&e Masonic and Witchcrat
rituals- No" he is no longer a Mormon- #ut he still continues in the military philosophy
he belie*es in- #o Gritz is going around the nation teaching SPI>@ training to anyone
"ho "ants martial arts s&ills- #o has done an e=cellent 2ob in identiying or the Ne"
World +rder e*ery person in the nation "ho could threaten their plans or a martial la"
NW+ ta&eo*er- #o Gritz li&es to call attention that he is one o this country.s oremost
counter,terrorist agents- $his is true- $he Ne" World +rder belie*es patriots and
'hristians are terrorists/ because they stand in the "ay o the "orld.s acceptance o their
"orld dictator- #o Gritz has done a great deal to iniltrate and neutralize the opposition
to the Ne" World +rder- !e has been their best counter,terrorist agent-
B. Intena$ Co"2ute%##0e&ect De$e(ationO
Intena$ Co"2ute% Which Auto#Conto$ A S$a!e
I a master has to constantly spend time "hipping and moti*ating his sla*e/ as "ell as
ore*er "atching that the sla*e doesn.t escape or do shoddy "or&/ or physically or
*erbally in2ure the master/ then controlling the sla*e can end up to be a ull time 2ob-
When the master gets too much in*ol*ed in the control process/ he ceases to be master/
and becomes a sla*e to the control process-
$he intelligence agencies &ne" that they "ould ha*e to create mind control sla*es "ho
could police themsel*es- I the master has to constantly guard his sla*e/ the sla*e "ill be
more trouble than he is "orth- Many successul people ha*e gained their success
because they &ne" ho" to delegate- $he most successul super*isor is the one "ho can
delegate the best- $he programmers had to ind "ays to cut their super*isory
re;uirements to the bone i they "ere to ma&e o"ning a Monarch sla*e "orth"hile-
$he method chosen "as to build 0computers0 into the sla*e.s mind that "ould internally
regulate e*erything- $hey do this by ta&ing hundreds o the alters and dehumanizing
them and turning them into parts o a computer- For instance/ the shutter on the All,
seeing eye o the computer/ "hich is seen in the mind li&e a camera shutter/ is a child
alter "hoOs 2ob is to open and shut- (Another primal part is inside the eye.s pupil-) $his
shutter part &no"s "hat goes on in all the system subconsciously but i disco*ered by a
therapist and pulled to the ront o the mind "ill not be able to *ocalize about the
system- $he sot"are or this 0computer0 could be programmed into it/ and all the
indi*idual programming o e*ery alter can then be tied bac& to the computer-
In other "ords/ each alter "ould be programmed on ho" to *ie" lie/ to act/ to thin&/
and to unction in their 2ob- $his programming "ould be lin&ed to a computer- $he
programmers in*ented the perect method to decentralize their control o*er their sla*es
and yet still super*ise "ith the tightest o control- @ach alter is lin&ed to a computer
(internal,not an e=ternal one) built rom a oundation o ear and trauma- Since each
section o alters "as to remain secret/ each section o alters or a sla*e is gi*en its o"n
computer/ and then lin&ing computers "ere built to lin& the *arious sections/ and then
inally a ma2or bac&up computer is built/ and then inally the internal #east computer-
#ear in mind that this is all built internally in the mind o the *ictim- We are not tal&ing
about actual physical computers built out o physical microchips/ "ires/ condensers etc-
I the programmer concentrates on a single point "hen gi*ing instructions he "ill get
better results- Rather than complicating things or the sla*e/ you gain po"er o*er the
sla*e (and any subordinate) i you can gi*e simple clear instructions- For this reason/ a
large share o the alters in an alter system are gi*en *ery clear straight or"ard 2obs-
#ecause their 2obs are so straightor"ard/ these alters "ill oten remain ragments/ rather
than alter parts "ith ull blo"n personalities-
$he programmers don.t cloud the issue- An unde*eloped alter "ill be gi*en one single
clear/ basic 2ob- #y stringing ?/<<<.s o alters together "ith single tas&s/ a highly
sensiti*e system o alters can be created- @ach piece o the System is separated by some
degree o dissociation to ma&e it a separate piece- #y di*iding the mind so much/ it is
incapable o ighting "hat has been done to itsel- #eore "e begin describing the
technical details o an internal computer/ bear in mind that e*ery Monarch System is
uni;ue and yet they all ollo" certain patterns E methodologies- Most o the models or
the irst e" decades ollo" these patterns/ some o the ne"er ones ha*e more updated
0o'e Souce%
In an Illuminati System/ a computer is created or each section o alters- $hat computer
"ill be gi*en a 0po"er source0/ "hich i unscre"ed li&e a light bulb "ill go out- $he
light rom one o these po"er sources might be emerald blue or emerald green or other
color- $he reader may "ant to reer to chapter 6 or the codes to understand the
structuring o the *arious computers and systems-
Co$o Code% And Ri))on%
In a standard ?9=?9=?9 Illuminati alter system/ ?9 colors "ere used/ and each computer
"as gi*en a color- ('olor Programming) $hese "ould be pin&/ orange/ yello"/ "hite/
red/ bro"n/ blue/ green/ blac&/ purple/ sil*er/ gold and platinum/ and clear-
'olor programming is reported to ha*e been de*eloped at %'1A- Whate*er the case/
Systems all o*er the %nited States ha*e color programming- $he hierarchy o colors in
a System is oten as ollo"s (rom top po"er do"n)4 Platinum/ Gold/ Sil*er/ Purple/
#lac&/ Red/ Green/ #ro"n/ White/ +range/ 5ello"/ Pin&- 'lear is also used as a color or
secret areas o the system- $his hierarchy o color coding can be s"itched- $he internal
programmers can reassign colors i they need to/ in order to protect the programming-
Alters/ sections/ and parts o the computer are all color coded- $he color coding or
alters is not the same 2ust because the alters are in the same section- $he color coding
"ithin the Illuminati Mind 'ontrol is airly consistent/ ho"e*er a sample o an
alternati*e Illuminati color scheme "ill also be pro*ided- A sur*ey o colors is as
'1@AR- Secret or shell alters "ho can ta&e on any color are coded clear- $hese are
alters "ho ser*e as images or as a stage or other alters- $his "ould include 0Guardian
o the Kail0 alters-
G+1D- $his color is or the supreme leadership in the System/ "hich includes the Grand
Druid 'ouncil-
SI1K@R- $his color is or the Satanic alters "ho perorm high le*el Satanic rituals- $he
Mothers o Dar&ness ha*e sil*er coding-
P%RP1@- $hese alters see themsel*es as the abusers/ rather than the Illuminati- $hese
alters "ere in*ol*ed "ith the programming- $hey ha*e been taught to orget the abuse
and to rerame it in their mind as training-
#1A'>- $hese alters "ere born out o Satanic ritual/ and are Moon children- $he Delta
and #eta alters are blac& coded- $hey do the dirty "or& or the cult/ such as blac&mail
and assassination-
R@D- $hese altars see themsel*es as "itches- $hey "ere born out o "itchcrat ritual/
belie*e they ha*e great spiritual po"er/ and tend to deny that they ha*e been abused-
GR@@N or @M@RA1D GR@@N- $hese cat altars recognize they ha*e been abused-
$hey still see themsel*es as belonging to the cult amily/ and deny that they ha*e been
abused to protect their cult amily-
#1%@ A1$@RS- 'lones/ armies and the ribbons appear to ha*e blue coding- $hese
alters "ill go so ar as to hurt the body to protect it rom lea&ing inormation or
W!I$@- X$hese are Atlantean alters "ho ha*e been gi*en Aryan type racial nonsense to
thin& they are superior- $hey belie*e in genetic engineering/ and a master race-
+RANG@- $hese special protector alters are scouts "ho "arn o danger rom internal or
e=ternal threats-
5@11+W- $hese are the strong 'hristian alters o "hich there "ill only be a e" in the
System- $hey help ser*e as a balancing point to control the System as "ell as to hide
"hat the System is all about-
PIN>- $hese are core related alters- $hey maintain the true eelings o the true sel apart
rom the cult programming and the cult amily.s programming- $hese alters are *ie"ed
as "ea& because they are emotional and oten brea& do"n and "eep- $hey are ragile
An alternati*e color scheme that is used4
DAR> @M@RA1D GR@@N- $his color is assigned to the Anti'hrist,Satan alter(s)-
Green is the occult color or Satan and happens to be the most sacred color- Fe" people
outside o Satanists &no" that Green is more sacred or them than any other color-
1IG!$ GR@@N- $he gods and goddess alters "hich are triads "hich unction in
Illuminati ceremonies get this color coding- W!I$@- $he internal programmers "ho
come around in "hite robes get this color assigned to them/ as i they are doctors or
angels o light-
R@D- Se=ual alters are gi*en the natural color o se= and arousal red-
#1A'>- 'onnecting alters that are Ne=us alters bet"een *arious system parts- PIN>-
Reporting alters-
DAR> #1%@- Non hierarchy cult alters-
1IG!$ #1%@- Alters in charge o the "ay the system runs/ such as the 2udges-
5@11+W- Alters "hich are ritually and se=ually t"inned "ith alters o other systems-
+RANG@- Guard alters "hich are hea*ily programmed or obedience-
KI+1@$,P%RP1@- Front alters and small child alters placed into bo=es-
'1@AR- Shell alters to decei*e the outside "orld-
G+1D- $he traumatized alters upon "hich the programming is built on-
Boseph Mengele and the programmers "ho "or&ed "ith and under him/ used a large
dollhouse "ith 8A rooms- @ach o the rooms "ere painted "ith one o the ?9 dierent
colors in order to build into the child.s mind/ the ?9 ront and the ?9 bac& computers-
$he internal computers "or&ed o o color codes/ as "ell as other codes- A dollhouse
"as used to instill into the child.s minds the compartments o the computer- @ach room
"as done up in a dierent color-
+ne particular room "as a secret room/ and this represents the secret "orld o Petra
"hich is hidden behind t"o large roc&s- $his secret "orld is coded the color clear-
#esides the special color clear/ the ollo"ing colors appear in the system4 Gold/ Sil*er/
Purple/ #lac&/ Red/ Green/ #lue/ #ro"n/ White/ +range/ 5ello"/ and Pin&- @ach color
has meaning and a ran&- Bust as the hour glasses could be turned/ the color coding can be
s"itched in ran&- $his is "hy in some systems there is a 0'omputer +perator #lac&0/ a
0'omputer +perator Green0/ and a 0'omputer +perator Purple0/ etc-
During the programming a blac& bo= "ith needles and "ires "hich attach to the body
or electroshoc& is used- While electro shoc&ing the *ictim/ colored scars coming out o
a bo= are sho"ed to the child- $he scars "ould help orm the imagery needed to build
colored ribbons internally- Alters "ould be created using the $all #oo& o Ma&e #elie*e
story o the Panca&e people- %sing this as a base or oundation/ the alters "ould then be
dehumanized one step urther into thin&ing they "ere ribbons,,such as tic&er tape/
"hich could transmit inormation rom one computer to another area o the mind- $he
Ribbons had the ability to tra*el bet"een the dierent le*els and to transmit messages
through the System/ especially to the computers- It is belie*ed they could do this
because they "ere spirit-
When a System is accessed by a programmer/ one procedure is to obtain a Ribbon alter
and then inorm the Ribbon "hat he "ants- $he ribbons transmit messages to the
internal computers- $he ribbons on older systems use morse code-
Who are the Ribbons3 $he Ribbons are the beginning o the 1ucierian alter,li&e
demons and alters- $hey are primarily the message bearers rom the computers to the
dierent computers/ le*els and alters- $he Ribbons might ha*e angelic names (Michael/
Gabriel/ etc-)- $he "ord angel means messenger- $he ribbons ser*e a *ery similar
unction- $hey transmit tic&er tape "ith morse code messages- $hey are at "or& most o
the time or a System- A sample co*er story or "hat they guard,,"hich is the main
computer "ith the gems and the core/ is that the ribbons guard the System.s 0Garden o
@den0- Some more o the co*er story that may be gi*en is this4 Ribbons "ere
supposedly ormed out o the dust o the ground and "ere placed in the Garden o @den
to create e*ery pleasant tree- (See Genesis ?-) $he ribbons relate to the $ree o 1ie- #ut
to eat o the $ree o >no"ledge o Good and @*il "ill cause death-
$he name o the irst ri*er o our in the garden is Pashon- +ut o the irst ri*er come
our heads- $he Ri*er Pashon has gold/ ballium/ ony=/ rubies/ diamonds and precious
stones- $hese gems are the programs the d"ars mine- I the System has charismatic
programming/ the alters "ill ha*e porcelain ace programming- In this case each
ribbon.s color "ill match the color o the stones in the mas&s,,that is yello"/ "hite/ blue/
green/ purple/ red and blac&- $he colors o the ribbons correlate or match the colors o
the Dollhouse rooms- What do ribbons do3 $he Ribbons ser*e the programmers and the
computers/ "ho in turn ser*e the e*il master Spirits-
$hings that the Ribbons do or the computers ha*e been identiied as ollo"s4
a- $he Ribbons eat rom the system.s internal 0$ree o Good and @*il0-/
b- Ribbon programming consists o se*eral things,,"here they reside/ "ho they are and
"hat they are to protect-/
c- Ribbons must protect the computers in order to protect their o"n lie-
$he Ribbons "ill be programmed to belie*e that re*ersing the computer "ill re*erse the
Ribbons. lie- $he ribbons themsel*es operate "ith mechanical hearts (not human
hearts)- $he co*er stories may include the ollo"ing4 All Ribbons are hid behind a little
girl/ "ho is a ront or them E "ho tells the creation story- $he little girl "ill tell the
creation story "hich included the Ribbons- #ehind her runs a sil*er cord- $he sil*er cord
has to do "ith heart programming- $he sil*er cord has 9 strands that cannot be bro&en as
per @'1 64?8- $his sil*er cord goes o i the Ribbons are touched- Ribbons are set up so
that suicide programming is triggered i they are cut- Actually/ rench braiding conceals
a 6th strand-
In re*ie" as stated/ during the programming/ a bo= "ith colored scars "as sho"n the
child "hile se*ere electro,shoc& "as gi*en to the body- A colored scar represents a
ribbon "hich runs a message rom a colored room to a similar colored alter- In a System
"hich is structured into amilies and cities and "orlds and sections/ these
0geographically dierent0 structures in the mind o the *ictim can be connected *ia the
color coding-
In other "ords/ the alters are structured into a 9,D cube structure- $hen a ourth
dimension (the color coding) is added to tie in all o the three dimensions- A central
computer "as placed in at the bottom o the mind- %sing *arious techni;ues the *ictim
is brought to the deepest altered state possible/ and a computer is built into the mind *ia
hypnosis and alters- $his can be done by reezing the entire body and 2ust &eeping the
head acti*e- +r it can be done by bringing the body to a comatose state "here the heart
is beating aintly- $his step can only be done under the strictest medical super*ision-
$he memory storage area or the computers include the @merald 'ity 1ibrary (staying
"ith the Wizard o +z theme) "hich contains alters "hoOs only unction is to memorize
E retain "ith photographic memories pages and pages o inormation- $he layout "ith
codes o the entire system can be stored in a storage ban&/ so the programmer could
access this area i his o"n records "ere lost- $he libraries contain the historical
genealogies o satanic ini;uity rom early ancient times to present-
$his ancient occult inormation has been reported by at least hal a dozen Illuminati
sla*es as being retained internally by demons-
Ho' /onach S$a!e% Ae De%i(ned To Inte&ace With The +ni= Sy%te" O& The
Bea%t Co"2ute%
In line "ith "hat is being done by the Illuminati around the "orld "ith their net"or& o
computers,,the computers ha*e access codes similar to AAA AAA AAA/ and bac& out and
close do"n codes similar to 777 777 777- $hese are the codes that the %NIV uni*ersal
system uses/ and the Monarch sla*es are being created "ith codes that interace "ith the
%NIV system or computers- (+n some systems i the computer is shutdo"n it "ill
re;uest an input code o AAAAAAAAAAAA--- $his can then be re*ersed
$he %NIV system is being used to allo" the Ne" World +rder.s big #@AS$ computers
to communicate "ith any &no"n computer/ including the minds o their Monarch mind,
controlled sla*es- In the ?7A<s/ the %-S- Department o Deense began lin&ing
computers together into a superhigh"ay no" de*eloped into the Internet- !undreds o
thousands o computers around the "orld are tied in- 1i&e buildings in a city/ each
computer has its o"n uni;ue address- Most o these addresses are registered at the
Net"or& Inormation 'enter in Menlo Par&/ 'A- Indi*iduals can also be registered at
the NI' too-
$he %-S- Military lin&s into the system "ith their Arpanet and Milnet net"or&s/ "hich
tie together such di*ergent things as MI$ computers/ West Point computers/ N+RAD
computers/ Air Force Systems 'ommand Space Di*ision computers at @l Segundo/ 'A
and %-S- Army DAR'+M at Sec&enheim/ Ger- (to name a e")- $hese are all being tied
together to orm one *ast electronic brain-
$here are nine secret #@AS$ computers o the Ne" World +rder/ at the time this "as
"ritten- 0#ig #ertha0 is the nic&name o the #@AS$ computer located at the secret
military installation called Dreamland at the secret Groom 1a&e/ NK test site acility-
Papoose 1a&e is reerred to as S,6- $he other super,secret acilities in the area are named
S,8/ C,A/ and S,AA- $his area has become the Illuminati.s prime programming acility or
turning out Monarch sla*es/ and the Monarch sla*es "hich are turned out rom this area
ha*e turned out to be the "orst bas&et cases-
In other "ords the programming is *ery se*ere "hich is carried out in this area- $his
area has also been used or the space program/ or the %,8 E SR,D?/ or the 'IA.s A,?8
spy plane/ or the Stealth ighters (1oc&heed F,? ?DA Attac& plane) and bombers/ the
Aurora/ and or the %-S- go*ernment.s 0Abo*e $op Secret0 lying saucers- $he #ig
#ertha computer (named ater the Illuminati Mother,o,Dar&ness #ertha >rupp) can be
tal&ed to in hal a dozen languages and "ill ans"er a person bac& in the language they
+n a daily basis/ airplanes ly into the Groom 1a&e acility- $he callname o lights
bringing "or&ers and people go by the call name 0Banet0- About ?8 Banet lights come
into the acility e*eryday- $hese lights are usually #oeing D9Ds and arri*e rom places
li&e a secure terminal run by @GEG at Mc'arran Alrport in 1as Kegas and rom the
military.s Palmdale/ 'A acility- $hese D9Ds are unmar&ed e=cept or a red stripe
running do"n the uselage- 1arge military ',?9< arri*e "ith cargo/ and Illuminati
dignitaries arri*e in smaller t"in,engine crat- Kictims or the programming are brought
in *ia planes/ E other routes-
+ne o the #@AS$ computers occupies three loors o the head;uarters o the @uropean
@conomic 'ommunity building in #russels/ not ar rom the important Illuminati
Mother,o,Dar&ness "orld"ide head;uarters castle near the Fr-,#el- border near Muno/
#elgium- Another #@AS$ computer is in 1u=embourg- In obser*ing the operations o
the Illuminati/ it has been seen that telephone area codes are used as part o a mind,
controlled sla*e.s code- We do not understand e*erything about their codes/ but it does
tie in "ith other things that are happening-
@*ery person in the "orld has been assigned an ?C digit trac&ing number/ "hich consists
o 9 groups o A numbers- $he irst 9 numbers assigned in the #@AS$ computer to
e*eryone are AAA-
$he ne=t is one.s national code- $he %-S- national code is ??<- $hen the ne=t 9 numbers
are your telephone area code/ and then inally your 7 digit Social Security number-
$he code then is AAA P Nation code P $el- area code P social security no- N #@AS$ I-D-
no- or an indi*idual-
According to D"ight >inman.s boo& $he World.s 1ast Dictator/ 8nd ed-/ (Woodburn/
+R4 Solid Roc& #oo&s/ p- 8:A) KISA has already begun issuing KISA cards using the
#@AS$ ?C digit number- When an American ma&es a ban& transaction on an autoteller
"ithin a matter o seconds the #@AS$ has been inormed o the acti*ity- $hese
computers use %NIV-
$he particular programs or the economic transactions 2ust described are a "orld"ide
computer net"or& called SWIF$ (Society For World"ide Interban& Financial
$ransactions)- $he SWIF$ "or&s o o the %NIV system and can communicate "ith
any computer- It "as de*eloped by A$E$ and uses ' language- (#ear in mind that there
are dialects o %NIV/ such as the standard A$E$ %NIV and or instance #er&eley
%NIV- $he %NIV system uses both timesharing and multitas&ing- $he mind o a
Monarch sla*e also does both multitas&ing and time sharing-
+ne o the nice %NIV eatures/ is 0protected memory0/ "hich is also part o the
Monarch programming- A &ernal is "hat the %NIV programmers call a 0protected
person0- It is *ery similar to the internal 0person0 (alter) "ho helps the Monarch sla*e.s
programming unctions- $he big item about %NIV is that it has permissions granted-
$his is similar to the Monarch programming- Permissions are granted to 9 types o
entities- $he $op Programmer or 0god0 as he is called/ o the %NIV System recei*es
"hat is called the indi*idual permission- $he ne=t permission is called group permission/
and it is gi*en to insiders "ho "or& "ith the system- $he inal permission type is the
"orld/ "hich has *ery limited access- $he parallel bet"een this and the Monarch
programming is surprising- In some cases the programmers may ha*e matched things on
a one,to,one correspondence- $he Monarch program also has a $op Programmer "ho is
called 0god0 to the System- !e has total control o*er the system- !is programming
permissions can not be deprogrammed out by others "ho might "ant to usurp his
po"er- !idden rom the casual user o the %NIV system are the Daemons and Demons-
$he %NIV programmers decided to use the old @nglish spelling or demon N Daemon-
$hese are computer processes "hich "or& secretly behind the scenes and are gi*en
actual demonic names,,some corresponding to actual names o historically &no"n
demons/ such as Asmodeus- Asmodeus is also a demon "hich is placed into many
Monarch sla*es- In the %NIV system these demons are treated li&e persons in the
computer.s user director- Demons in the computer system do not ha*e to log onto the
computer/ but they "or& behind the scenes and are gi*en the same po"ers that people
users are gi*en- $hey are set up in the same structure as ho" the computer treats people-
Permission in the %NIV system is granted using an C bit count "ith < through D- $he
three &inds o permission are the read/ "rite/ and e=ecute permissions- I no permission
"ere granted in any "ay the %NIV system "ould indicate0 0on the screen "hich means
<<<<<< <<< or nine <.s- $he super user called god is gi*en the code DDD "hich means
super user- !o"e*er/ the permission o AAA gi*es the user the po"er to e*erything the
DDD permission gi*es/ e=cept that the DDD permission allo"s the god the master
programmer to e=ecute not e=ecutable programs- $he Postmaster Demon is the head
demon/ and his permission le*el in %NIV is AAA- (In the Monarch Programming 0Mr-
Postman0 is a code "ord used internationally-) $he most important part o the #@AS$
system is its communication po"er- $he @lectronic Mail System o the #@AS$ allo"s it
to communicate "orld"ide/ and along "ith electronic mail comes le*els o permission
to super user (god) is called Root- A programmer on the #east must get permission- !is
program must get permission- $hat program that gi*es permission must also get
permission- In other "ords/ there are le*els o permission that must be gone
through- $his is similar to the Monarch program- For instance/ the alters personalities
"hich "ould control the body during Illuminati gatherings ha*e *ery tight access
permission- It is *ery hard to access these hierarchy personalities-
#oth the %NIV system (and the Monarch programming) creates 0children0 by
0spinning0- $he 0child0 spins o- When the 0child0 is inished it is 0&illed0 in %NIV
lingo- When the programmers created child processes in the computer/ they "ere ha*ing
problems "ith the child processes &illing the parent processes- $he same type o
problems ha*e had to be dealt "ith in the Monarch programming- $he initial
programmer is oten the biological parent o the child/ and this parent is *ery responsible
or e=treme tortures being applied to the child "ho is being programmed,,not to mention
all o the e=pendible children/ "ho are &illed in ront o the child to highlight the reality
o the trauma- $he natural reaction o the child being created is to hate the programmer-
Naturally/ the Monarch programming had to o*ercome that natural tendency/ "hich it
does *ery successully-
$he %NIV system uses an internal cloc& "ithin its computer system- $he %NIV cloc& is
called 'R+N- 'R+N chec&s iles to see i the programmer has put in any iles to run-
$he %NIV system uses data bus lines/ "hich are li&e the Monarch programming
ribbons/ "hich go through the system- $hese ribbons or data bus lines ta&e inormation
and commands rom the computers to other computers-
Within the %NIV system/ insiders ha*e re*ealed that the Daemon (Demon) processes o
all the %NIV systems ha*e a security la"- $hat la" is that the Postmaster Daemon has
access to them in spite o "ho the god is o that particular %NIV computer system- So
"hile o"ners/ "ho purchase %NIV systems thin& that they ha*e e=clusi*e control o*er
their system/ an e=ternal Postmaster Daemon coming rom the #east could use its
permission le*els to o*er ride the po"er o the local o"ner o the system-
$he Monarch system has a similar eature/ the Illuminati programmers &no" ho" to
access the base or primal anchors to the programming and yan& out any programming
they "ant- All the sla*es o these lesser groups such as the 'IA/ 'hurch o Satan/ Maia/
etc- can all be reprogrammed rather ;uic&ly to ser*e the Illuminati/ i they are not
already due to the Illuminati programmers e=tra &no"ledge on ho" to get into the base
programming- In these many "ays/ the %NIV system ser*es both real computers and
also or the internal computers o some sla*es. mind-
$he sla*e.s system becomes a computer system- It unctions as a series o computers
that are connected to the master computer "hich is sun& into the mind at the lo"est
hypnotic le*el/ "hich is a le*el oten placed e*en belo" an internal 0hell pit0- $o access
the dierent computers/ combinations o cards "ere used or the codes (numbers are
also used- See 'hapter 6-)- Karious parts o a Monarch system correspond to "hat any
computer "ould ha*e- A microprocessor register has 9 sections on a computer to ma&e it
In Monarch Systems/ you "ould ind these 9 represented by ?- stored data in the library
and alters "ith photographic memories/ 8- an instruction section "ith codes/ and 9-
stac&ing mechanisms-
1in&ed to all this "ere a crystal/ cloc&/ hour glasses/ a compass and an entire demonic
command structure- $he eye in ront o the big computer "ill be protected by legions o
spirits- $he ront big computer runs ront ;uadrants and the bac& computer runs the
deeper ;uadrants- $he sot"are so to spea& or the +mega programming (computer)
may be set up to include a stac&ing program called the Potter.s Wheel- $he Potter.s
Wheel is a misuse o the #ible/ and is a type o programming that the
'harismaticLpentecostal mo*ement carries out- $he Mormons and the 'atholics ha*e
their o"n distincti*e 0sot"are0 programs-
An initial stac&ing mechanism "ould "or& by telling alters to 0Stand in +rder according
to ran& and serial no-0 Another code along "ith a hand signal "ould place the
Gate&eeper alters up on the Potter.s "heel or their 0creator0 to "or& on them- A group
o alters could be taught to go up on their Potter.s "heel by seeing a pattern o
dominoes- It is "hate*er the programmer decides- $he dominoes "ere used or coding/
but they also had the programming eature o being able to tie alters together so that i
the System is tampered "ith out o se;uence/ a domino eect "ould ta&e place- $his
domino eect is or one program to set o another program to set o another program-
Soon the Monarch sla*e.s mind is trying to deal "ith dozens o suicide programs
running simultaneously/ along "ith perhaps other programs such as scrambling
programs- For instance/ one story line used is the mice run up and do"n and open up
ne" le*els o programming and are tied to the pendulumLcloc& mechanism- $he mice
can acti*ate the hour glass/ and a gold,"inged green s&irted airy Whisper balances the
hour glass on her "ings- I the sla*e goes to"ard reedom/ the sla*e.s mind triggers
programs o all &inds/ and the mind ends up not &no"ing i it "as coming or going "ith
all the dierent programs "hich acti*ate-
A more e=hausti*e loo& at all the craziness and acti*ity o the +mega E Gamma
programs "hich acti*ate to deend the Illuminati.s Mind 'ontrol are gi*en in other
chapters- $he programming has been designed that i it "as ta&en out improperly/ it is to
come bac& Se*en times Se*en stronger- $his is also a clue that the programming is
partly a demonic maniestation/ c- M$ ?8469,6: et al-
Co"2onent% O& The Conto$%
At the center o the System are the mechanisms that control it/ such as the Master
'omputer/ the All,Seeing @ye/ the 'ompass/ the Master 'loc&/ and the Iuadrants that
tie in together- $he System may ha*e 9 hourglasses spinning on a=es- $hese hour glasses
can also be called matri=es/ "hich are on your standard 9 a=es/ a V a=is/ a 5 a=is E a U
a=is- $he "orlds are *arious sections o these matri=es- $here are bac&up "orlds E
mirror image "orlds-
+ccasionally/ there "ill be a double system- Some o the more important alter System
are e*en ar more comple= than a double System or a double Double System- @ach alter
is split so that e*ery alter has another alter created rom it- $hen there are demonic
doubles,,demonic mirror images in the System- $he double images sho"n in the picture
are *ery real "hen describing our System- Some therapists ha*e noticed 0Satanic
Guardian Angels0 "hich tal& to their patients- $hey do not &no" "hat to ma&e o these-
Some classiy them as hallucinations/ because they do not ha*e any room in their belie
system or demonology- $hese are the demons that do control the multiple.s mind-
$hor/ "ith his huge hammer is a painul demon- $hor.s image is made o cast iron E
carried an iron mallet- $hor is a blac& strong igure- When his hammer stri&es/ the sla*e
gets split brain headaches- Programmers can use the story o the Giant "ith the !ammer
in the +zma o +z boo& (pp- ?6?,?::) to gi*e the imagery "hen programming- A
special series o s"eeping motions "ith both hands "ill relie*e the split brain
programming/ but some alters can only tolerate these hand signals being done by the
#y the "ay/ $hor is an important protector in SatanicLoccult belies/ E the religion o
$hor no" has e;ual statureLpopularity in Germany as the 1utheran church- $he
programs are put into a System and gi*en codes- $hese programs use Gree&/ !ebre"
and Druidic letters (or other esoteric languages) in their acti*ation codes- Actually/ these
alphabets also are the "ay these people numbered "ith/ and the Gree&/ !ebre" E Druid
letters "ere used as numbers- $hese programs could be called %tility Programs/ because
they unction much li&e the utility programs o a computer- Along "ith all the
programming comes co*er programming-
Generally/ ront stories co*er almost e*erything in a System- Dominos ha*e been used in
Monarch programming as the basis or "hat is called a 0Mother #oard0 in actual
computers- $elephone tones &ey in on a sla*e.s computer matri=- At times/ telephone
tones in e*eryday lie "ill ma&e sla*es accidentally "ac&y- All computers run o o
base 8,,"hich uses the numbers </ and ?- < and ? can be represented as on and o- In the
programming/ they "ere represented by 0!e 1o*es Me0/ 0!e 1o*es Me Not-0 $he
Programmers/ especially Dr- Mengele/ en2oyed ta&ing a daisy and pulling its petals o
one at a time- First petal/ 0I lo*e you0- Second Petal/ 0I lo*e you not-0 IF the last daisy
petal "as 0I lo*e you not0,,then the child "as dramatically &illed in ront o other
children to be programmed- $he Illuminati.s method o death,,s&inning ali*e,,has been
de*eloped into a ine art/ or both programming and ceremonies- A dra"ing o this
s&inning procedure by a "itness is on pg- 99C-
$he daisy game/ "hich "as scary or a child/ heightened the *ictim.s attention- Matri=es
"ere built upon this deadly game- !o" did it eel to be programmed "ith Mengele.s 0I
lo*e you/ I lo*e you not0 programming3 A *ictim recalls/ 0$he child "as placed in a
cage e=posed and na&ed- $he lo" *oltage "ires "ere rigged to the metal o the cage-
$he child e=perienced a continual erratic or sporadic prolonged *oltage o shoc& until
the heart "ould pulsate and the an=iety le*el o the child became out o control- 0$hen
the Dr- "ould enter the scene "ith his sneering taunting smile "hile holding a daisy in
his hands- $he sporadic *oltage "ould continue to lo" through the child.s body- As the
shoc& continued/ the Dr- stood beore the child pulling petals o the daisy- !is only
communication "as *oiced in these "ords/ 01+K@ 5+%/ 1+K@ 5+% N+$/ 1+K@
5+%/ 1+K@ 5+% N+$/0 "hile pulling o the daisy petals- $his action "ould dri*e the
child crazy because the child &no"s ull "ell i that last petal is pulled o it meant
death- $he child that is not lo*ed is s&inned ali*e beore the other children- 0---"e can
no" begin to understand that the e=pendable children "ere in other cages placed all
around us or the eye to see- $hey "ent through the same process as "e "atched- When
the last petal o the daisy "as pulled rom the lo"er they "ere &illed- $hen the terror o
"hat "e had 2ust e=perienced through the seeing and hearing/ let us &no" "e "ere ne=t/
but "hen3 #y the time the doctor got to 0!e lo*es me not0 some children no longer
&ne" ear- $heir ashes "ere ta&en rom the crematorium and used in the garden or
ertilizer/ as a reminder to all "hat happens to unlo*ed children-
0In the clinical room/ the lights "ere used to program the day.s e*ents- $he bright light
continually lashed starting "ith D lights/ then si= dots/ then i*e dots/ then our dots/
then three/ then t"o dots/ then ? dot- In the blindness o the lights/ "e could hear the
doctor.s *oice/ 01+K@ 5+%/ 1+K@ 5+% N+$-0 o*er and o*er again- A child could
ha*e a alse trust "hen the lights lashed D dots- #y the time one dot "as lashing/ the
child.s terror had once again risen- $he doctor ne*er pulled the last petal o or us/ but
"e can.t orget ho" he teased us- !e smiled and "al&ed a"ay/ XN+/ I 1+K@ 5+%-. and
"al&ed a"ay-0
I "e use 1NI lo*e you and NNI lo*e you not "e can build the ollo"ing matri= or the
internal computer4 1 N 1 N 1 N ? 8 9 6 : A 8 9 6 : A ? 9 6 : A ? 8 6 : A ? 8 9 : A ? 8 9 6
A ? 8 9 6 : $his type o coniguration can e*en be tied to color programming/ and to
dominoes/ "here the numbers are represented as the dots on a domino- #y ma&ing
numbers into dots,,the numbers can be represented by lights in the same patterns o
blac& domino dots- $his means that dominos can be used to program a child/ and "ho
"ould suspect anything about dominoes3 Another thing that lends itsel "ell to use as a
programming code are a dec& o cards- Many sla*es ha*e this- It can be tied in "ith the
Alice In Wonderland story- When cards are used/ a section (also called a "orld or city)
o alters "ill be gi*en its o"n computer- $o access that computer/ a code consisting o
se*eral things including 8 cards can be used-
In re*ie" o "hat 'hapter 6 said about codes/ oten double codes are employed,,"hat is
meant by that is that suppose "e ha*e ?9 important alters in a section- $hey "ill
designate each o these 0A0 alters- $hen they number them each ? through ?9- #ut then
they "ill double code them so that as "e count up/ "e also count do"n- $hen they
attach a generic le*el number to them/ say 8/<<<- So putting this together "e ha*e
@merald Green 8<<?,?9a or our irst alter/ then ne=t is @merald Green 8<<8,?8a/ the
ne=t is @merald Green 8<<9,??a/ and so on- $hen the magical name o the alter or the
$ribal name o the alter can be attached onto this to complete an access code- While it
seems perhaps comple= at irst/ all an alter is remembering is a color/ a common section
no- and their ran& no- and their ile letter/ and their magical name- ($he name to pull
them up,,"ill not be their name or public use-) Alice In Wonderland/ the Wizard o +z
and the $all #oo& o Ma&e #elie*e played a undamental role as 0sot"are0 in a System-
$he Wizard o +z stories are oten used to sho" ho" E "hat structures to put in the
small *ictim.s internal "orld-
$he stories e*en teach !+W to create an internal "orld and its parts- So"e o& the T.4.
%ho'% ? "o!ie%, 'hich %e!ed a% /onach 2o(a""in( %ci2t% (i-e- the sot"are)
#atman #e"itched #obby.s World 'artoons (deliberate triggers) DameonL+men
mo*ies Disney mo*ies (all o them/ some "ith deliberate triggers) Duc& $ails 'artoon
(deliberate triggers) @$ (used in alien programming) Fantasy Island (deliberate
triggers) Ghost #usters (used or 0"ho ya. gonna call0 theme) 1o*e #oat (used or
mind control o cruise prostitutes) My Fair 1ady (inishing school or sla*es/ such as
5oungsto"n/ +!) Star Wars Ste*en >ing !orror Mo*ies $iny $oons 'artoons o
Ste*en Speilberg (deliberate triggers) Wizard o +z mo*ies Some o the boo&s "hich
"ere used as programming scripts/ "hich ha*en.t been mentioned yet/ are the Dead Sea
Scrolls/ the @gyptian #oo& o the Dead (satanic rituals ollo" closely the rituals o the
@gyptian #oo& o the Dead)/ Ste*en >ing no*els/ E Wilbur Smith.s- $he Mother Goose
nursery rhymes "ere used proliically or internal codes in sla*es-
No" that "e ha*e discussed the "idely used 0sot "are0 a*ailable to the programmers/
"e don.t "ant to orget the root program/ the tree "hich "as used as a method o
organizing the *arious programs/ 2ust li&e a computer.s subdirectories branch out more
subdirectories- I the programming is tampered "ith/ the sla*e "ill "ant to cut the tree,,
ho"e*er/ since the tree is in them/ this means they "ill "ant *ery badly to cut their
arms/ especially their *eins- $he programming is not guarded as much as the computers-
@*erything guards the #@AS$ computer including dea alters "ho ha*e to be
communicated "ith using a hand number code system- Such a code might resemble
inger signing ?/8/9/6/:/?< N ?: E ollo"ing this "ith a shutdo"n code "hich simply
re*erses the access e;uation- Surrounding the central All,seeing,eye "ill be alters E
programs "ith insanity/ ear/ hopelessness/ cutting/ burning/ aloneness/ etc-
Strong demonic orces are attached to these alters E programs- $hey also can trigger the
sla*e to ha*e abusi*e beha*ior as punishment- A System is gi*en a lie orce "hich is
able to regenerate a system/ the 2o&ers "ho protected the programming/ and you ha*e
the alpha,numeric codes/ the cards/ and dominoes (represented by a dice) that ormed
the access codes to parts o the System- $he alters "ill oten eel the heartbeat ("hich
may be an alter) associated "ith the computer- In the bac&ground is a 1ucierian blue
light- $his Satanic light empo"ers the Bo&er- It along "ith the Bo&er and the internal
programmers gi*e a System the ability to regenerate itsel- +ne can shut do"n internal
computers "hich run programming to the le*els o the System using the same codes that
the original programmers use/ but until one also ta&es care o the ?9 Bo&ers E the
aceless "hite,coated programmers "ho control the +mega Programming/ then the bac&
up computers can regenerate the programming E rebuild the system-
I the computers are gi*en cards as access codes,,it "or&s in "ell to create Bo&ers "ho
are "ild cards "ithin the system/ "hich can imitate anything- $he Bo&ers ha*e a
1ucierian orm- 1ucierian is the term that the programmers used- $his means that it is
spirit- #ecause the Bo&ers are Spirit/ they can ta&e any orm they need to and they can do
"hat they "ant to do/ until they are bound E cast out "ith the rest o their hierarchy o
demons- $he Bo&ers "ill pop up "hen a *ictim tries to study the codes E programming
that direct that *ictim.s lie- Around this cult core are the 2e"els ("hich are the programs
the d"ars mine)- Remember the story o Sno" White and the Se*en d"ars3 Also
s"irling around Silence are ribbons "hich "e "ill discuss later-
$R@@S- $he trees bud at certain times- $his is one "ay the imagery o the tree to
connect to the time that rituals are to happen- I the tree is barren o lea*es (no
programs,,i-e- deprogrammed)/ then the system is to gro" more lea*es-
C. Intena$ Hieachie%
$he programmers build chains o command "ithin the groups o alters that they create-
$hey credit themsel*es "ith bringing order out o chaos- When a system o multiple
personalities thin&s o rebelling/ they are in the similar situation as a colony "anting
reedom rom its mother country- 'an "e go*ern oursel*es/ and "hat go*erning
structures can "e &eep,,since the structure itsel is colonial3 'an the mind "or& together
to help itsel3 $he concerns are legitimate ;uestions- And yes/ the multiple.s mind can
unction outside o the control o the programmer.s hierarchial arrangement/ but not
"ithout alters ta&ing on dierent 2ob assignments- In the sla*e.s hierarchal chain o
command/ adult alters are assigned to insure that child alters don.t get out/ unless the
abusers "ant a child alter out- 1i&e"ise/ commander alters are needed to &eep the
s"itching smooth/ and to &eep things orderly- Subordinate alters are taught to submit to
their &ing/ or go*ernor/ or ;ueen alter- Immense po"er and indoctrination is gi*en to the
&ey cult alters ruling a system- $he internal hierarchial arrangement means that the host
alter coming into therapy (oten a 'hristian) may not be as completely open as therapists
thin&- $hey must play an internal game o going to"ard health "hile not pushing the
buttons o deeper more po"erul alters- A lot o internal politics may go on- A ront alter
may promise a deeper alter secrecy in order to consult "ith it- $his ma&es or all &inds
o triangulation and manipulation "ithin the alter system itsel- $he entire hierarchy o
alters has a lot in*ested in protecting the core rom trauma/ "hich "as "hy the core "as
split in the beginning- $rad- therapy goes ater the core E the multiplicity that protects it/
thus insuring resistence rom the entire hierarchy incl- ront alters/ "ho in MPD systems
see&ing help are oten close to the core- $he core sel is best not directly pursued by the
therapist/ but gently encouraged on its o"n to reconnect-
Cha2te 17 The Science O& E=tena$ Conto$% /onitoin( -A%%et Conto$.
A- Monitoring (Asset control)
7 subconscious desires ( 0"ea&nesses0 ) Marilyn Monroe Draconian enorcers
Planning A $ypical Intelligence +peration/ +r $he Standard $e=tboo& $echni;ues + A
Modern Intelligence Agency
#- $he art o blac&mail
'- #ribes
D- $he 'ontrol o the Milieu Mazda eagle Groton $he #eta $heta Pi Iuest
Program Madonna gypsies %S+ 'amp Sho"s/ Inc- International #rotherhood o
Magicians Intrepid Par& @l*is Presley
Star $re&/ $he Ne=t Generation
$rancer II
$he 1ittle Princess
Miss %ni*erse 'ontest
$he Manchurian 'andidate Fran& Sinatra Dean Martin William Boseph #ryan/ Br
$he Simpson 'artoons
@- #onding E t"inning
F- Peer pressure
A. /onitoin( -A%%et conto$.
@*ery intelligence ser*ice since time began has sought methods o o"ning people and
ensuring they stayed loyal- $"o o ?9 Illuminati amilies "ho are &no"n to ha*e
de*eloped e=tremely "ell,run bloodline intelligence groups are the 1i amily and the
Rothschild amily- $he 1i.s amily started its 'hinese intelligence bac& in ?6<< A-D-
$hey had already been an ancient 'hinese aristocratic amily or many centuries prior to
this- Some o their techni;ues or their agents "ere state o the art mind control
techni;ues- $he Rothschild.s personal spy net"or& and their o"n mail ser*ice "as
&no"n to be superior to the national @uropean go*ernments during the ?7th century-
$raditional spycrat has in*ol*ed the ability to recruit and &eep agents loyal- $he
proessional spoo& manipulates his recruits or a li*ing- !e becomes adept at controlling
people- For thousands o years/ spy operations ha*e honed their s&ills at controlling
people- #ecause they "or& secretly/ they generally ha*e done "hate*er they "anted-
When you combine the resources and centuries o intelligence operations o the
Illuminati/ along "ith the credibility o go*ernment intelligence agencies supposedly
guarding our national security/ the combination is horriic- $here are no moral or
inancial restraints on "hat is being done- I the intelligence groups "ant to dabble in
&eeping a se*ered head ali*e apart rom the body/ (or a rozen body "ith an acti*e head)
"hich they ha*e done/ there is no one to stop them-
!andlers o sla*es use both natural and contri*ed cues to con*ey to the sla*e that they
"ant obedience- A natural non,*erbal threat cue "ould be brus;ue mo*ements/ and an
innuendo in their *oice- A contri*ed cue "ould be placing both hands behind the head/
"hich is a code or 0I AM 5+%R MAS$@R/ +#@5 M@-0 Another cue or sla*es to
obey is "hen the master ma&es a ist "ith his right hand and touches his orehead- $his
means/ 0+#@5-0 @*en children/ "ho "ere multiples/ "ho "ere being taught to control
their mother "ho "anted to lea*e the cult/ ha*e been obser*ed using the ist to the
orehead to try to get obedience rom their mother- Staring is one method that the
Programmers use- 'harles Manson/ "ho "as both a sla*e and a handler/ is an e=ample
o ho" a penetrating hypnotic stare is used by the Programmers-
+ne "ay to control people is to "ear clothes o authority- Dr- Green/ Dr- #lac&/ Dr- Star/
Michael A;uino and other programmers ha*e "orn Nazi uniorms "hile programming/
and at other time ha*e "orn Satanic Priestly garb-
A beginning point to control people is understanding human needs/ and understanding
the indi*idual to be controlled- A good case oicer learns e*erything he can about the
asset (person or sla*e) he is to control- 'ase oicersLhandlers ha*e been constantly
"or&ing at impro*ing their s&ills o control- Monarch sla*es "ho must unction as
intelligence oicers/ "ho recruit spies/ are trained in the art o listening and
con*ersation- 1earning to listen "ithout interrupting is a guarantee o success- 'IA
handlersL programmers ha*e an e=tremely personable side to them,,and a *ery deadly
animalistic side to them too- $hey "ill be trained to loo& anyone they "ant to recruit in
the eyes and "ithstand their stare- 0Friendship begins "ith a smileM recruitment "ith a
stare-0 ($his is a ;uote rom the boo& Su*oro*/ Ki&tor- Inside $he A;uarium- Ne" 5or& 4
Macmillan/ p- ?<C- During training/ men in %-S- Army Intelligence are told to read this
boo& to understand ho" %-S- intelligence "or&s-)
$he entire li*es o Monarch sla*es are &ept on records- Ubignie" #rezins&i/ and the
heads o the 'IA/ and Sec- o Deense 'heney are 2ust some o the men &no"n about
"ho ha*e access to the computer records that contain records on e*ery acti*e Monarch
sla*e- Not e*eryone has a price/ but e*eryone "ill respond to their needs being met-
Bames >- Kan Fleet/ an important military intelligence oicer/ "rote about ho" to
manage people- In military intelligence/ they &eep iles on people "here they identiy
"hich subconscious desires o people are important to the person at the time- All this
inormation is &ept in S+F$ FI1@S,,"hich are not oicial iles/ so these iles ha*e
ne*er oicially e=isted and are not gi*en up e*en to 'ongressional subpoenas- $he
Intelligence agencies &no" that i they ind out "hat the person "ants abo*e all else in
lie/ they can control the person-
$he nine areas that are monitored to see i they are important at the moment are4
?- emotional security
8- recognition o eorts or reassurance o "orth
9- creati*e outlets
6- a sense o personal po"er
:- a sense o roots,,belonging some"here
A- immortality
D- ego,gratiication
C- lo*e in all its orms
7- ne" e=periences +nce they monitor these areas and then they determine "hich needs
are priority needs or the person/ then they "ill use "hat they call 0the depth approach0
to subconsciously gratiy those needs in a "ay that they gain control o*er the person-
Modern companies are doing this too- Dough mi= isn.t sold/ but ma&ing a amily
memory "ith the children is- Soap isn.t sold to get dishes clean,,but rather sot beautiul
hands are sold- 'osmetic companies don.t sell an item,,they sell you hope or an image-
Fruit dealers don.t sell ruit/ they sell health and *itality- 'ar dealers don.t sell cars/ they
sell prestige and images- Freezers aren.t sold/ emotional security rom ha*ing a ull
reezer is sold- $hey ha*e learned to genuinely appeal to the 7 subconscious desires-
In intelligence/ these desires are called 0"ea&nesses0/ because intelligence case oicers
and handlers "ill attempt to manipulate those desires or their o"n gain by sincerely
helping the person- $hey set up short,range E long term goals and plans on ho" to
manage a person-
For instance/ i a Monarch sla*e.s day to day alters "ant ego,gratiication/ a creati*e
outlet/ and reassurance o "orth/ the Illuminati may promise the sla*e that i the alters
comply they "ill gi*e them a singing contract in 1as Kegas-
I they need to appeal to their emotional security,,they can promise a big salary and a
nice house-
I they need to appeal to immortality they can promise to a"ard them a star
on !olly"ood #oule*ard or "hate*er religious immortality they can credibly oer- ($he
sla*e "ill get the short end o any deal-)
Anything the sla*e gets is going to come at a price- $he sla*e "ill ha*e to do something
in return or the Net"or&- Illuminati alters are promised po"er/ honor/ glory and "ealth-
'onsidering the po"er and "ealth o the elite/ they do ha*e the resources to ma&e good
on this i they "ant- !o"e*er/ the price o obedience might be to sha*e one.s head in
submission and sacriice a child-
Another important point is that the abusers "ant to get the acti*e cooperation o the
person being used- $his can be accomplished by lies (or acts i they are con*enient)
"hich appeal to the person.s *ie"s o right and "rong-
For instance/ a pedophile "ill tal& to the child "ho they are going to rape to get its
cooperation- $he 'IA handlers "ill listen to "hat a Sla*e needs/ and sol*e it or
them- #ear in mind/ they "ill only do this i the sla*e doesn.t li*e "ith the handler and
is pulling in the "rong direction- For instance/ the 'IA has lots o sleepers/ "ho are
dangerous people 2ust "aiting to be set o- In these cases/ the 'IA has to "or& "ith
ront alters "ho aren.t a"are o the mind control- Rather than orce an issue "ith
control/ sometimes a gentle manipulation "ill "or&- $hen again some sla*e alters are
under such strong mind control that they simply need an order/ and don.t need gentle
$he isolation that the handlers impose on their sla*e to pre*ent real relationships "ith
outsiders/ and the strong bonding o the sla*e to its master (trauma bonding/ etc-) that is
administered *ia the mind control/ actually pro*ides a chance or reedom IF the sla*e
sur*i*es its master.s death- Most sla*es are programmed to die soon ater their master
dies,,the co,author 'isco "as- I the sla*e sur*i*es the suicide programming/ the
Illuminati "ill ha*e already ta&en into consideration "ho the sla*e "ill be passed onto-
'isco.s system sur*i*ed their programmerLmaster.s death/ and they "ere not able to
brea& the intense bonds "hich made the System loyal to that master- #ecause there is so
much secret mind,control sla*ery going on/ i only a small percentage begin to brea&
loose because their loyalty programming bac&ires on the Illuminati/ it has still gi*en us
on the other side a signiicant brea&-
Another e=ample o an MPD system becoming e=posed "hen a handler dies/ is "hen
Rothschild/ the President o +ilield Scrap E @;uipment in >entuc&y / committed
suicide- !e "as the handler o a highly unctioning MPD sla*e/ "ho "as his secretary/
Mary Da*is- Mary Da*is could not unction ater his death and sued in court,, Da*is *-
+ilield Scrap E @;uipment 'o-/ 6C8 So-8d 7D< (1a- App- 9rd 'ir- ?7CA),,or "or&er.s
compensation because she could not unction ater her handler.s death-
#ecause the Illuminati ha*e &ept their membership secret/ people ha*e not seen the
connections bet"een the *arious cases o multiple personality that surace- In Io"a in
?7CD/ a Multiple named Freeman "as arrested or stealing a car- In South 'arolina in
?77</ a Rutherord "ith MPD "as in court- In North Da&ata in ?7CC/ an MPD daughter
named Bohnson tried to sue her abusi*e ather named Bohnson or her se=ual abuse- In
?7C6/ a Multiple named !all "as hit by a truc& and "as in court- In ?7CD/ a Multiple
named Bones tried to use his MPD to get o o a murder con*iction in Washington- In
?7CC/ Marie Moore/ a Multiple in N-B- ran a co*en "hich tortured teenagers- $he police
ound a "ell hidden body in her house/ but the corrupt 2udicial system did not con*ict
her o murder- In ?7CC/ a Ms- Wheeler applied or Social Security disability beneits due
to mental impairments such as MPD- In each o these MPD cases4 Freeman/ !all/
Bones/ Bohnson/ Moore/ Rutherord/ and Wheeler are all surnames that ha*e many
members in the Illuminati-
$he secrecy o the Illuminati has protected people rom seeing their hidden genealogies-
$rac&ing these genealogies "ould in turn start e=posing the e=tent o their mind control-
As the handlers isolate the sla*e rom mainstream society/ they can begin to gi*e them
things that "ill satisy their long suppressed emotional needs- $hese are gi*en in a "ay
that they urther loc& the person in to the control- For instance/ the sla*e has been
stripped o po"er/ he cra*es po"er,,so he is gi*en po"er o*er other people.s li*es- $he
sla*e has been stripped o its real amily/ so he is gi*en roots by a long generational
occult bloodline/ and a cult amily-
@ach Monarch sla*e e=ists in their o"n situation/ but there are oten common eatures to
ho" they are controlled- For instance/ the handlers li&e to restrict the mobility o their
sla*es- Some o the sla*es "ill ne*er "rite their o"n chec&s/ "ill ne*er dri*e any"here/
and "ill seldom "atch tele*ision unless it is something li&e a Walt Disney mo*ie "hich
is mind,control programming- Some sla*es are allo"ed to dri*e/ but only on a limited
basis and their sense o direction is stripped rom them hypnotically-
In Banuary/ ?77:/ this co,author.s ne"sletter From A Follo"er o 'hrist had a eature
article on /ai$yn /onoe- Monarch mind,controlled sla*es li&e 1oretta 1ynn and
Marilyn Monroe li*ed tightly controlled li*es/ and "ere not allo"ed to dri*e
automobiles- $he one e=ception is that 1oretta has been allo"ed to dri*e her car around
the ranch- $he ollo"ing is some e=cerpts rom the co,author.s Banuary X7: ne"sletter
because it gi*es a good e=ample o ho" Marilyn Monroe/ a mind,controlled sla*e had
her lie *ery tightly controlled-
@=cerpts ---+n a day in +ctober/ ?7:D/ a "oman named 1ena Pepitone "as hired to ta&e
care o Marilyn Monroe- In ?7D7/ she published her memories o the time she "as the
primary person ta&ing care o Marilyn Monroe- I personally thin& that 1ena Pepitone
"as clean/ and didn.t &no" "hat she "as dealing "ith- She describes in detail her lie
"ith Marilyn Monroe- $he inside story o lie "ith Marilyn is nothing li&e people might
imagine- 1ena.s boo& is such a clear description o ho" lie "ith a Monarch sla*e can
be,,that I decided to use her boo& as the basis o some articles-
Marilyn Monroe "as an orphan/ and during her inancy the IlluminatiL'IA programmed
her to be a Monarch sla*e- #eore becoming an actress/ "hile she "as still a stripper/ she
spent time "ith the ounder o the 'hurch o Satan Anton 1aKey- Kictims o 1aKey
ha*e pointed him out as a mind,control programmer- At that time/ Marilyn "as going by
se*eral names including Mona- When they made her a star/ Marilyn li*ed on the ?9th
loor/ in ?9@ at Sutton Place/ N5 , the "orld o the rich and amous- $hat is "here 1ena
came to help her-
!o"e*er/ Marilyn.s e=istence "as not that o a rich person/ but "as more li&e that o an
inmate- Marilyn "as allo"ed to ha*e no personal lie/ outside o the dictates o her
programmers and her masters- $he programmers and users bore do"n so hard on
controlling Marilyn that they repeatedly came close to dri*ing her insane-
$he ollo"ing ormat the "ords in italic are direct ;uotes rom 1ena Pepitone.s boo&
"hich is entitled Marilyn Monroe 'onidential An Intimate Personal Account/ N54
Simon E Schuster/ ?7D7- Y p-?A, 0Floor,to,ceiling mirrors "ere e*ery"here- @*en the
dining alco*e at the rear o the li*ing room had a table "ith a mirrored top- All these
mirrors didnXt cheer things up-0
In programming Monarch sla*es/ mirrors are used a great deal- Within the Monarch
sla*e.s mind/ countless mirror images are made- $he sla*e sees thousands o mirrors
e*ery"here in their mind- #ecause Marilyn "as so stripped o any personal identity/ she
decorated her house as her mind loo&ed on the inside,,ull o mirrors- Although other
Monarchs may ha*e some desires to decorate "ith mirrors/ Marilyn is the most e=treme
case I &no" o illing one.s house ull o mirrors-
Y p-8:,, 0Marilyn Xs bedroom "as deinitely not a ;ueen Xs chamber--- $here "ere no
paintings in the cramped/ s;uare room/ only mirrors- Marilyn.s controllers &ept her
do"n- @*en "hen she "as amous and great/ she li*ed li&e a sla*e- She "as not allo"ed
to ha*e any sel,esteem beyond "hat she "as programmed or-
Y p-87 ,, 0May "as inally able to call or the chaueur to ta&e Marilyn a"ay- 0 ---
Marilyn "as a capti*e/ she didn.t go any"here on her o"n/ she al"ays had someone
dri*e her-
Y p-98,, 0First o all/ Marilyn.s lie "as incredibly monotonous or her- !er doctor Xs
appointments (I later learned these "ere appointments "ith psychiatrists) and her acting
lessons "ere *irtually all she had to loo& or"ard to- She spent most o her time in her
little bedroom--- Marilyn "ent out o the house to be either programmed or groomed-
+ther than that she stayed cooped up in her room- Does the reader begin to see that the
"oman "as a sla*e "ith no lie o her o"n3
Y p-99,, 0She FMarilynG didn Xt e*en o"n a tele*ision/ ne*er listened to the radio-0 $hey
stripped Marilyn o any contact "ith the outside "orld to insure that their mind control
"ould "or&- $hey "ere araid that something might go "rong "ith the irst Presidential
sla*e that "as allo"ed to be highly *isible to the public----
Y p-6?,, FMarilyn saysG/ 0Shit- My lie is shit/ 0she "ept- 0I can.t go any"here- I.m a
prisoner in this house- 0 Marilyn is only telling the truth-
Y p-69,, 0#ecause Marilyn had no real riends/ she concentrated on hersel0 $he closest
riend Marilyn had is saying that Marilyn Monroe had no real riends- Doesn.t that stri&e
someone as strange- Marilyn didn.t ha*e any real riends- Almost the only ones in her
lie "ere her abusers/ and they "or&ed hard to strip her o any personal goals or esteem-
Y p-D<,, 05ou can go any"here/0 I F1enaG assured her- 0Any"here in the "orld0 0Who
"ith3 she as&ed sadly- 0Who "ith3 #y mysel00Mr- Miller/ your riends---0 0What
riends3 I ain Xt got nobody-0 Many times during the programming/ the programmers
separate the *ictim rom anyone "ho could be a support person/ they are isolated rom
ha*ing riends and relati*es unless the relati*es are in the occult-
Y p- D? ,,Marilyn repeatedly calls hersel a prostitute- She says/ 0$hey laugh at me- What
am I - - - nothing--- a prostitute- 0Further on the page Marilyn tells 1ena that no one has
cared about her or her entire lie/ including her mother----
Y p-DD,, 0Don.t ta&e my baby- So they too& my baby rom me--- and I ne*er sa" it again-
0Ater Marilyn had a healthy baby it "as ta&en a"ay rom her and she "as ne*er
allo"ed to see it- It "as *ery li&ely sacriiced- Marilyn "as too araid to as& "hat they
"ere going to do "ith it-
Y p-?<<,, Marilyn loses her baby at the same place that some o her programming "as
done at- +ne can speculate that they too& the baby or some per*erted use----
Y p-?96 ,, 0$he operation too& place at Polyclinic !ospital "here Marilyn had lost her
baby the year beore--- FMarilyn saidG0Going bac& to that hospital.s a nightmare--- -Pain3
What Xspain30 For her/ the only pain "as in not ha*ing her o"n child0 - Notice she
al"ays go bac& to the Polyclinic !ospital- Monarch *ictims ha*e had to endure *ast
amounts o horrible torture- $hey learn to sur*i*e by disassociation- When Marilyn says
0What is pain30 she is being accurate in relecting her response to pain- She could not
ha*e pain,,because she "ould disassociate it- 'ertain alters are created to ta&e the pain/
and the other alters don.t ha*e to e=perience it-
Y p-?9:,, 0I ound Marilyn in a small room "ithout any *ie"- It "as *ery depressing/
especially since there "ere no lo"ers or any other signs that Marilyn had riends "ho
"ere thin&ing o her-0 Imagine a great actor li&e Marilyn is gi*en a room "ithout a *ie"
and no lo"ers or anything to cheer her up-
Y p-?9D,, 0Marilyn.s no" almost daily *isits to the psychiatrists --- She "as closely
Y p-?79,, Marilyn.s hal,sister tries to come into Marilyn.s lie- Marilyn says/ 0I ha*e a
right to ha*e a amily-0 And on the ne=t page/ 0Gee/ you.re really my sister- My sister---
At least you li*ed "ith relati*es-0 Marilyn.s masters did not "ant her to ha*e any
amily- $hey oten strip the deeper alters o a Monarch sla*e rom any ties to any non,
cult person----
Y p-?77,,Marilyn orders a W9/<<< @merald green dress to be made- @merald green is
oten the most a*orite color o Monarch sla*es because o their Wizard o +z
programming "hich is usually the oundational programming-
Y p-8<8,, 0Fran&--- clipped t"o gorgeous emerald earrings on Marilyn Xs ears-0 Again "e
see that emerald green is oten used by Monarch sla*es-
Y p- 8<:,, 0A side rom her e*enings "ith Fran& FSinatraG/ Marilyn.s lie in 'aliornia
seemed identical to her lie in Ne" 5or&- She didnXt read/ didnXt "atch tele*ision/ didn.t
go any"here- Although the sun "as al"ays shining/ Marilyn "as as pale as e*er- She
didn.t li&e to go outside during the day-0
As time goes on the case oicer or handler "ill "ea*e and e*er irming e*er tightening
"eb o control around his asset- $hey "ill oten use rapport- Many o the 'IA.s
Monarch programmers are *ery li&able people/ they ha*e learned the s&ill o 0#-S-0 and
building rapport- Some o this in*ol*es 2ust understanding people and N1P- $he handler
"ill loo& or telltale signs such as absenteeism/ lateness/ ner*ousness/ or inconsistency-
!e "ill rely on intuition/ spies/ astral pro2ection or psychic abilities to &eep tabs on the
asset- $hen i a problem de*elops it "ill be addressed "ith appeals to patriotism/ greed/
ambition/ or ear- Whate*er "or&s is the motto o the game-
When sla*es are pic&ed up/ the men pic&ing them up are called Daconian en&oce%-
#oth authors o this boo& are *ery amiliar "ith some o these men- $hey are oten big
male Monarch sla*es- A popular Illuminati access point is to grab the right hand "ith the
enorcers thumb in the area bet"een the *ictim.s thumb and inde= inger- $he pressure
"ill be strong enough to lea*e a bruise ater the access- At dierent times in dierent
states there ha*e been patterns to "hat &ind o car they dri*e- $hey oten ta&e the cars
rom cooperating dealerships/ so that there is no license number to trace- $hey also use
stolen license plates on their cars- In ?779/ in N5 they "ere using bro"n Kol&s"agens-
In the +regon area (especially Portland)/ a ull time Monarch sla*e enorcer named Re=
dri*es his large red pic&up or at times someone else.s other *ehicle (li&e his Illuminati
boss.s "hite pic&up truc&)- !e "ill carry a gun and a cattle prod-
$he cars in some places ha*e been oten red or blac&- A "hite or sil*er car sometimes is
used to denote someone o ran&- When limousines are used to pic& up sla*es/ they may
s"itch license plates regularly because the plates contain access codes- $his "as one
reason the establishment began allo"ing people to customize their o"n license
platesJ When one "ants to control a group o people/ as a leader o a country
Machia*elli.s boo& is great- Some o those principles can be scaled do"n to "or&ing
"ith indi*iduals-
Fritz has obser*ed that almost across the board/ i sla*es are let "ithin a non,cult
amily/ relati*es "ill consistently mispercei*e "hat is happening in the sla*e.s lie-
S"itches bet"een personalities are reinterpreted to it the "orld *ie" o the obser*er,,
the multiple is merely percei*ed as 0moody0 and 0irrational0- !al,"ay decent co*er
stories "ill generally suice to co*er the sla*e.s acti*ities or the maia/ the 'IA/ and
the satanic cult they belong to- $he sla*e merely needs to pull up a good ront alter or
public consumption/ or people "ant to thin& the best o e*eryone- $he public "ill "atch
the D,S"ans airy tale "here a magical coat turns s"ans into a princess/ ne*er guessing
that a ne"s story ar greater is happening all around them-
+ne "ay to control a person is to identiy "ho the &ey people are in their lie and then
inluence those people- Some o the "or& in controlling Monarch sla*es goes on behind
the scenes/ e*en "ithout the sla*e e*er realizing it- A number o Monarch sla*es ha*e
been maneu*ered into marriages "ithout actual mind,control e*en being necessary-
+ne o the items to successully controlling people is that they &no" "ho they are
ta&ing orders rom- In the military/ oicers get rustrated because they end up getting
conlicting orders rom conlicting 2urisdictions- $his happens "ith the control o
Monarch sla*es too/ "hen too many chies and not enough Indians are around- When a
sla*e ends up ser*ing se*eral handlers "ithin a short period o time they can get really
messed up- $his is because the sla*es recei*e se*ere abuse and their programming can
be splintered and destroyed i not handled correctly- + course/ the sla*e ta&es the
blame/ but that doesn.t eliminate the problem-
I a handler "ants a better chance o his sla*e unctioning smoothly/ the sla*e shouldn.t
be tampered "ith by lots o handlers- $his common sense logic o management seems to
ha*e been missed by a large number o handlers- +ne thing can be said/ someone "ho is
a common drug dealer had better not tamper "ith an Illuminati Mother o Dar&ness alter
sla*e i they "ant to stay ali*e-
It appears that sla*es are seldom tampered "ith "ithout permission- Another ingredient
in controlling people is &no"ing "hat your competition is going to do- #ecause the cults
"or& "ith the intelligence agencies/ they oten &no" "ho/ "hat/ "here/ "hen/ and ho"
their enemies are going to challenge them- $he authors o this boo& could "rite a boo&
on ho" the IlluminatiLintelligence agencies ha*e "atched them- People such as
therapists and ministers "ho challenge the Monarch trauma,based programming ha*e
nice gro"ing dossiers in 'IA iles-
A note should be made that the American intelligence agencies tattooed some o their
sla*es "ith blue Monarch butterlies/ bluebirds/ or roses or identiication purposes- $he
bluebird relates to the 'IA pro2ect name Pro2ect #luebird- Some satanic cults tattoo the
0sign o the great #east0 on the heads o *ictims- $hey also place scars "ith occult
designs on their *ictims- $he Illuminati sla*es/ "ho are hierarchy members o the
Illuminati/ are not tattooed/ although a hard,to,see scar consisting o dots in a triangle on
the third eye is done to some members- $he prohibition against mar&ing up one.s body is
not consistently enorced in the Illuminati,,it seems this standard is enorced more "ith
the "omen than the male Illuminati members- 'IA sla*es ha*e recei*ed the #utterly
tattoos rom the age o about ?? on up-
0$annin( A Ty2ica$ Inte$$i(ence O2eation, O The Standad Te=t)oo* TechniHue%
O& A /oden Inte$$i(ence A(ency
$he ollo"ing points are o a scenario "hich "as de*eloped as ollo"s by the author4
Fritz obser*ed ho" the 'IA "ere carrying out an operation to recapture a Monarch sla*e
"ho "as trying to escape- $hese acti*ities ollo" standard spoo& te=tboo& methods/ and
or instance/ it the same patterns o an intelligence operation codenamed +peration
Sphin= described in detail in the boo& #y Way o Deception- #y e=posing ho" an
operation is put together perhaps it "ill become clearer ho" the 'IA monitor an asset
they ear is escaping-
P+IN$ ?- An e*ent that loo&ed li&e an accident "as planned- $he e*ent "as impossible
to miss- $his can include car accidents/ people "a*ing one do"n to tell you that you
ha*e a lat tire/ etc-
P+IN$ 8- $hey studied their prey to determine hisLher routine- $hey "ill "atch a
residence intently to determine the person.s routine and ta&e ad*antage o this-
P+IN$ 9- $hen an insigniicant accidental e*ent is planned- Repeatedly/ in the many
Monarch people the authors ha*e &no"n/ the tiniest insigniicant points in people.s li*es
are being manipulated- (#ear in mind the intelligence people are carried a"ay and
o*erdo much o "hat they do/ e*en o*er planning some o their ops-)
P+IN$ 6- $he chie is gi*en the order to 0hit at con*enience-0 $hey are "atching and
probing to disco*er a "ea& point/ and "hen they ind a "ea& point they "ill stri&e at
P+IN$ :- 1istening de*ices are installed- ($he Illuminati.s intelligence agencies are
illegally monitoring the Bi*es o Americans "ith bugs that go up to 8 Ghz- 'ompanies
li&e $e&tronics "hich "or& "ith the 'IA are selling counters "hich "on.t detect bugs at
8 Ghz- In other "ords/ "hat is mainly sold the public is inade;uate/ but #> Precision
does sell a counter "hich goes past 8 Ghz- or those "ho "ant to &no" "hen they are
being illegally spied upon- Since MI,A E the 'IA cooperate/ the 'IA can simply say that
their American intelligence inormation is rom MI,A- It may be illegal or the 'IA to
spy in the %-S-,haJ no one stops them/ but #ritish MI,A can legally spy on American
citizens-) $he intell- groups themsel*es use #A##1@RS/ "hich are electronic de*ices
that emit noise E chatter E destroy the eecti*eness o bugs-
P+IN$ A- $eams o e=perts are brought in to brainstorm about the operation- $he people
called in on a case "ill be coordinated by a team or teams- +ne o these teams "ill
consist o *arious e=perts "hose combined brains "ill gi*e great ability to plan-
P+IN$ D- $he person "ill be "atched by mo*ing in an obser*er into a nearby building-
P+IN$ C- An intelligence "oman or man "ill be sent door to door selling perume or
something else,,perhaps they "ill pose as Beho*ah.s Witnesses-
P+IN$ 7- $he door to door underco*er intelligence person "ill be *ery personable/ *ery
nice to tal& to-
P+IN$ ?<- $he team "ill ta&e all the sur*eillance inormation and spend hours going
o*er e*ery detail/ and they "ill debate and get tense as they hash out the signiicance o
certain intelligence pieces o inormation as they "or& out a plan o action-
P+IN$ ??- $he Intelligence people "ill ta&e ad*antage o the social needs o someone
close to their prey- $hey might gi*e his "ie some opportunities or un things a"ay
rom the house- $hey &no" ho" to ta&e ad*antage *ery ;uic&ly E smoothly o the
social needs o people "ho are around a Monarch sla*e- ($hey put used car salesmen to
P+IN$ ?8- $he intelligence people ha*e the capability to enter "ithout &eys-
P+IN$ ?9- $hey practice 0motionless ollo"ing-0 $hat means they ollo"ed people in
shits- $hey "ill ollo" by tag teams so to spea&/ and use car phones-
P+IN$ ?6- $hey li&e to use 0trade0 occupations as a co*er-
P+IN$ ?:- $he man "ill gi*e a business card "hich had an actual oice/ etc- but "hich
"as a ront- $hey "ill be "illing to gi*e a business card,,"hich is a real address/ but
only a 'IA ront- $he day they realize they are e=posed/ the phone "ill ;uit "or&ing-
!andlers and men "ithin the Net"or& oten use business cards and other cards they
carry in their "allets as codes indicating *arious things-
In intelligence operations/ the agents "ill ta&e their 0intelligence,,that is the ino they
ha*e collected/ and put it through 6 steps- ?) 0direction0/ "ho is going to collect "hat
"here- 8) 0collection0/ the actual spying- 9) 0processing0/ analyzing and integrating "hat
they ha*e collected/ and 6) 0dissemination0/ distributing (*ia reports/ tal&s/ charts) the
analyzed and re"ritten reports to their customers-
Most o the intelligence groups ha*e a reputation or distorting the truth in the third
stage to it their agency.s 0party line0- 'ount St-,Germain (?A73,?DC6) is a good
e=ample o an intelligence oicer- !e "as one o the leading Illuminati o his time- !e
did alchemy or 1ouis VK/ and magic or the Masonic leader >arl/ prince o !esse- !e
spied or the Dutch and the French/ and "ho &no"s "ho else- !is undamental
allegiance "as to the Mystery Religions o the Illuminati-
Modern day e=amples are 1ord Kictor Rothschild/ one o the leaders o MI,A/ Sir Dic&
Goldsmith White/ Be"ish/ Mason/ E leader o MI,A rom :LA,A7/ Sir Bohn Rennie leader
o MI,A rom A7,D9 "hose son 'harles $atham +gil*y Rennie "as a &no"n/ ma2or drug
runner/ Ma2or General Sir Bohn Sinclair/ o the Illuminati/ MI,A chie rom X:9,:A-
MI,: has had a number o IlluminatiLFreemasons called Director,Generals (rather than
'hies) running it too- Nigel West/ a pseudonym or a man "ho "or&ed or MI,A
de*oted an entire chapter in his boo& MI,: about ho" !ugh Astor and Kictor Rothschild
ran #ritain.s double agent di*ision-
A11/ I repeat A11 o the German agents spying on @ngland during W-W- II "ere
double,agents actually "or&ing or the #ritish- I anyone tried to "or& or the German.s
secret ser*ice "ho "asn.t disloyal/ that person could only "or& or the Germans IF they
turned into a double agent or the #ritish-
$oday/ almost e*ery one "or&ing against MI,:/ MI,A and the Illuminati.s Ne" World
+rder/ is a double agent- $his boo& may be ollo"ed by a number o similar boo&s by
double agents o the Ne" World +rder.s Net"or&- 'IA +perations In*ol*ing George
White George White/ "or&ing or the M> %ltra Mind 'ontrol program supplied during
the ?7:<s a long list o prostitutes to the 'IA or study- During the ?7:<s/ the 'IA "as
reining its &no"ledge o "hat ma&es a prostitute tic&- !o" do you use them3 !o" do
you train them3 !o" do you teach them to do both espionage and seduction- What are
the elements o seduction3 All these sciences "ere reined- For instance/ i a prostitute
stays longer than she is paid or/ she "ill shoc& the 2ohn/ and he "ill ind his ego greatly
boosted- With the right methods/ the prostitute agent can elicit all types o secrets rom
the *ulnerable male- With the ability to create #lac& Wido" Spiders (deadly seducti*e
Monarch alters)/ the Illuminati gained one more sure method to control others-
Seduction and then blac&mail- $he 'IA/ 2ust as F#I B- @dgar !oo*er did/ &eeps detailed
iles on se=ual preerences- It supplies "hat people "ant/ but the supply comes "ith a
price that the indi*idual is no" under blac&mail-
B. B$ac*"ai$
$his dirty game has been honed to a ine art/ "hich is a standard eature o the
IlluminatiLintelligence groups- $he 'IA term or blac&mail is an 0+> FIV-0 When they
use a person.s past sins to orce someone to do something they reer to this as
0biographic le*erage-0 Any "ea& point in a person can and "ill be e=ploited- Se=ual
entrapment or blac&mail is reerred to as a X!+N@5 $RAP0- #lac& "ido" alters are
being trained and sent out or this purpose- #lac&mail o the sla*e begins "hen it is
beginning to get *erbal-
At 9/ the cults "ill tell a child they ha*e a bomb planted inside them/ that the cult can
detonate i they don.t obey- In order to blac&mail/ or threaten/ you ha*e to ha*e
something to threaten the person "ith- Men are re;uently entrapped by se=ual beha*ior
"hich is criminal- Sometimes they are also entrapped by murder- $he Monarch sla*e
"ill be allo"ed to ha*e children so that they can be blac&mailed into complying to sa*e
the children or grandchildren- $he Monarch sla*e in turn may be used to blac&mail
others- 'ertain alters are trained in this- A Monarch #eta model is highly trained in
seduction and "ill seduce a man- $hen an alter "hich eigns death "ill ta&e the body
and the man "ill be threatened or ha*ing &illed the "oman- Many politicians and
ministers are operating under blac&mail today-
When Bimmy S"aggart.s ministry ell/ o*er 8<< Assembly o God ministers called
head;uarters and conessed that they had similar problems- $he e=tent that blac&mail is
being used by the NW+ "ould boggle people.s minds- Porn ilms are ta&en o the
Monarch *ictims/ so that they can be used to blac&mail the *ictim- Monarch *ictims are
orced to commit ritual murders "hich are photographed and then used to blac&mail the
poor mind,controlled *ictim- Perhaps/ one o the cruelest orms o blac&mail "hich is
carried routinely by handlers/ is the threat to incarcerate the mind,controlled sla*e in a
mental hospital- $he co,author Fritz has read a number o boo&s about the situation in
America.s mental hospitals/ and sections o these boo&s "ill literally ma&e a person
*omit rom disgust- $he legal climate in this nation has made it easy to stic& someone
else in a mental hospital- +nce there/ they are routinely gi*en tran;uilizers Mellaril/
$horazine or Stelazine so that they can.t rebel against the most "retched conditions-
Nadine Scolla "as a nurse in a mental hospital "ho "rote an e=pose based on her diary
"hile she "or&ed- !er boo& is entitled >eeper o the >eys (Westla&e Killage/ 'A4 FEB
Publishing 'orp-/ ?7DA)
$he ollo"ing are ;uotes rom her account o "or&ing in a mental hospital/ 0!o" can
they allo" such places to e=ist3 $hey really need to reorm/ but "ho is going to do
it3-- -We.re supposed to be ci*ilized and yet many people are treated "orse than the
lo"est orm o animals- Who cares about these patients3 (p- ?:)-- -
Doctors recei*e one hundred thousand dollars a year starting salary/ and the nursing
personnel recei*e the highest pay in the proession/ and yet the patients get the "orst o
care- (p- ?7)-- -
I could see that the patients had no rights here- (p-8D)--- Fon page 67,:< she reports about
a secret hospital gra*e yard "here patients could be buried "ithout anyone
&no"ingG-- -Do you remember the young rape *ictim and ho" they treated her , the girl
"ith beautiul oli*e s&in and long bro"n hair3--- $hey illed the bath tub "ith cubes o
large ice and dropped her into it- $hey remo*ed her rom that and placed her in scalding
hot "ater- She came out red as a lobster- !er body "as badly blistered- $his treatment
didn.t help/ so they decided upon shoc& treatment- XI ne*er sa" anything so a"ul in all
my lie- $hey orcibly strapped her do"n/ tied her hands and legs/ stuc& the electrodes to
her head and placed a tongue blade in her mouth- She couldn.t scream/ "iggle/ or do
anything- Ater the treatment-- -$ammey "as dead- !er body "as limp , she "as still
trapped in the chair- It "as more than I could ta&e- I had to go o by mysel and cry-.
I don.t understand ho" our local go*ernment can allo" these people to be treated "orse
than a dog in the local pound- At least the animals ha*e their o"n cubicle and their o"n
ood dish- (p-D9)0
According to "hat Nadine Scolla "as told/ hal o the patients in mental hospitals are
schizophrenics- A hety percentage o these 0schizophrenics0 are really programmed
multiples "ho are being ;uietly discarded by the system- !o" many *ictims o trauma,
based total mind,control ha*e ended up sent to mental hospitals3 Many tens o
thousands/ maybe the e=act number "ill ne*er be &no"n- America.s mental hospitals
ha*e also played an acti*e role in the programming and the research or the
C. Bi)e%
$heir s&ill at bribes is an e=tension o understanding human nature/ and human needs
and "ants- It "or&s together "ith blac&mail-
D. The Conto$ O& The /i$ieu
+ne o the basic ideas o creating a mind,controlled sla*e/ is to control the entire milieu
o the sla*e- $his is e=pressed in Ne=us Se*en- $he en*ironment o the sla*e is designed
or "hat is called 0story immersion-0 A Monarch sla*e "ho has been gi*en the basic
Alice In Wonderland and Wizard o +z programming "ill see ob2ects connected to these
story lines in almost e*ery store- Restaurants in Dallas and San Antonio ($he $ime
Machine Restaurants) "hich are used to reinorce programming/ ha*e mirrors on their
"alls/ doors and ceilings and their "aitresses dressed li&e programming script
characters,,such as Dorothy o the Wizard o +z-
It is no accident that one o the leading Satanic singers calls himsel +zzy +zburn/ or
that a certain Me=ican "itch calls hersel +z- It is no accident that recently a "itch
"rote the boo& $he Witches o +z- It is no accident that the elite ha*e promoted the
Wizard o +z theme "ith tele*ision product ad*ertisements- It is no accident that the
%-S- has +z stamps/ that tele*ision has +z cartoons/ and +z characters are appearing all
o*er the place- For a "hile e*en >ansas had an +z theme to their license plates (01and
o Ahs0)-
!illary 'linton/ (a Ath le*el Illuminati "itch E sadistic Monarch sla*e handler) recei*ed
a "itch.s hat in anticipation that she "ould be called the "ic&ed "itch o the West/ and
that Mary Matalin ("ho married 'linton.s top campaign ad*isor Bames 'ar*ille) had a
photograph o !illary 'linton as the Wic&ed Witch o the West on her "all "ith the
caption 0I "ill get you/ my pretty/ and your little dog tooJ0
$he "itch.s hat and the caption both are popular "ith these people associated "ith the
White !ouse because they are so rich in triple and ;uadruple meanings- $he deadliest
meaning is that the Monarch Sla*es that se=ually ser*ice !illary and #ill 'linton ha*e
Wizard o +z programming- !illary is really the Wic&ed Witch o the WestJ to these
poor #eta sla*es- $he constant bumping into Wizard o +z paraphernalia or pictures o
it helps ocus the sla*e.s mind onto their Wizard o +z programming-
MGM Grand recently built a multi,million dollar pyramid comple= "ith a theme par&
"hich is based on the Wizard o +z and the Alice in Wonderland themes- $he hotel at
the MGM Grand is the "orld.s largest "ith :/<<< rooms/ "hich sho"s that mind,control
is big business- A team o actors dressed up in the Wizard o +z theme li&e Dorothy and
her riends ($in man E Scarecro") and "al&ed on a yello" bric& road constructed in the
MGM comple=- @merald 'ity is part o the theme par&- $he comple= cost W? billion
according to the 1as Kegas Re*ie" Bournal/ Dec- ?7/ X79 page Al- $his comple= is gi*en
the occult name 1u=or/ and is at 97<< 1as Kegas #oule*ard South- It has been ad*ertised
as the 0Ne=t Wonder o the World-0 It.s a shame that the ?77<.s big "onder is a
programming center-
Another part o the control o the Milieu is labelled 0planned spontaneity0 by the
controllers- $he Monarch *ictim repeatedly inds e=periences 02ust happening-0 $hese
are the coincidences that are so mystical that people eel there must be a higher
signiicance to the e*ent- Many o these are "ell,staged e*ents- A sla*e may try to
escape marrying the person they are commanded to marry- $he handlers stay one step
ahead o the sla*e/ and through a series o coincidences introduce another acceptable
person- $he sla*e in an eort to escape grabs the irst a*ailable substitute "ho has been
coached on ho" to push all the correct green mental buttons to get the escapee to marry
them- X$he sla*e 2umps rom the rying pan into the ire- $hings "hich *alidate the
programming and the mystical belies o the cult "ill be repeatedly introduced- $he s&ill
in introducing these secretly into the lie o the sla*e are amazing- $here is no limit to
"hat can be attempted/ and some o these staged e*ents are "orthy o !oudini-
$he occult "orld has placed their symbols all o*er the %nited States- $he most esteemed
institutions such as Walt Disney are ountains o the occult- Walt Disney mo*ies are
steeped in magic/ and yet American society is so dro"ned in the occult/ they ha*e been
desensitized to ho" it permeates American culture- $he concept o 0Sacred &no"ledge0
*ersus 0proane &no"ledge0 is introduced- I the sla*e should escape/ the irst choice is
to send someone "ho can pic& them up- I ha*e heard o sla*es escaping rom @urope on
the plane/ only to be pic&ed up by a handler "hen they land in Ne" 5or&-
Mt- Shasta.s programming site/ accessed by helicopter/ specializes in reprogramming
escaped sla*es- Berry 1ee 1e"is has a notorious reputation among the Net"or& as being
e=ceptionally sadistic in reprogramming escapees- !o"e*er/ i the sla*e is not needed/
and is "anting out,,tens o thousands o them ha*e been loc&ed up in mental hospitals
as paranoid schizophrenics- In the mental hospitals they can continue to get drugs and
electro,shoc&,,the *ery things that caused their problems in the irst place- $he insiders
ha*e a name or these sla*es/ they call them 0bro&en butterlies0-
I the sla*e tries to go to court/ according to some the Non 'ompos Mentis 1a" pre*ents
them rom testiying against their abusers- At any rate/ "ith or "ithout this la" it "ould
not be easy or a *ictim to get his testimony accorded the respect it deser*es- I they get
psychiatric help,,their therapist can not tell anyone about "hat they ha*e suered/ and
the therapist is hamstrung about "hat they can do in court or the client- Recently/ ?:
states ha*e created statutes o limitations on sadistic rape- $his is in response to all the
Monarch sla*es "ho ha*e begun reco*ering memories-
$he e=tent that entire culture and society protect the Monarch Programming is
enormous- Anyone admitting MPD (a&a DID) is in ear o being labelled crazy and
losing some o their rights and their 2ob- #ecause the conspiracy (the Net"or&) is so
*ast/ an e=amination o ho" the Illuminati controls society "ould be needed to co*er the
sub2ect o milieu control- $his "ould ta&e an entire boo&- $he reader is encouraged to
read some o Fritz Springmeier.s other "or&s "hich e=pose ho" the Illuminati.s control
e=tends o*er all le*els o society-
Most people ha*e settled their minds on this issue "ithout getting the acts- When the
real acts are sho"n/ it blo"s people.s minds- Some o the easiest and e*eryday items to
sho" people/ are simply a dollar bill,,"ith its Illuminati symbol on the bac&/ and a can
o *egetables "hich has a bar code on it- @*ery bar code has 9 secret and non,unctional
numbers in the bar code/ "hich are AAA-
$he silent hammer that stri&es out at the Monarch sla*e is that e*ery"here they go/ the
occult "orld is there- Se*eral cars are named ater Satan- $he name Saturn/ and #elair
are "ell,&no"n as occult names or Satan- When Freemasonry.s greatest
philosopherLIlluminati Mind,control ProgrammerLGrand Druid 'ouncil member Manly
P- !all "rote 'abalistic >eys to the 1ord.s Prayer (1os Angeles/ 'A4 $he Philosophical
Research Society/ ?7A6/ p- ?<) he "rote 0Saturn N !allo"ed be thy name-0
$he men "ho head these auto manuacturing companies are in the Illuminati- $here is
no ;uestion that they "ere N+$ ignorant o the signiicance o these names- Many other
occult names o big signiicance to the Illuminati in*ol*ing eagles ha*e been placed on
cars- @lectra is a recent car named ater a demon- Kiper is a slo" and deadly creature/
"hy "ould one "ant to use it to name a car3 Kiper is also the name o an important
demon- Kiper is ound in #lac& Wido" Monarch sla*es- Some readers may begin to eel
that things are being stretched- $he connections o numerous car names to the occult
could be e=posed/ but that is not the purpose o this boo&- We "ill ;uote straight rom a
company their o"n e=planation or their car.s name in this ne=t paragraph/ simply to
ma&e the point/ "hether other percei*e it or not/ the Monarch sla*es ha*e to e=ist in a
"orld ull o satanicLoccult symbology that ordinary people don.t understand-
/a,daM% president/ Norimasa Furuta/ published a boo& in ?77< "hich it intended to gi*e
to all its employees- $he boo& e=plains its purpose 0---"e ha*e "ritten a boo&let to
e=plain ho" MAUDA became the name o our corporation and "hat it means in order to
help e*eryone "ho is related to MAUDA enhance their creati*ity and de*elop their
potential-0 $he boo& entitled $he Globe4 In Search o the +rigins o Mazda/ goes on to
e=plain about the ounder o Mazda car company/ Matsuda Bu2iro/ "ho is heralded as a
great seer "ho 0belie*ed in himsel/ in his riends/ and in hea*en/ and he achie*ed a
truly global *ision-0 Mazda company.s boo& $he Globe then e=plains that the company
name Mazda comes rom the god Ahura,Mazda "hich "as the 0god o light0 and the
0god o "isdom0 according to the boo&- Bu2iro belie*ed that Mazda represents the
0origin o ci*ilization-0 $he 0god o light0 (1ucier) is oten credited or starting
ci*ilization by those "ho aren.t 'hristians- $he name Mazda according $he Globe
symbolizes 0unlimited possibility and stimulates people.s dreams-0 Mazda.s boo& puts
do"n in "riting their Ne" Age goals to 0establish peace or man&ind "ith a global point
o *ie"/0 and 0a spiritual oundation0 to"ard "hich to "or& to"ard a 0ne" age-0 $he
boo& urther states ci*ilization started in @gypt and that 'hristianity e*ol*ed rom the
pagan mystery religions-
Another boo& associated "ith Mazda cars/ is the boo& $he Meaning o 1ie gi*en to
e*eryone "ho test,dri*es a Mazda,,that "as as long as boo& supplies last- I ;uote the
boo& 0---the time "hen regions and continents e=isted &eeping a certain distance rom
each other is a thing o the past---- We are eager to transmit the meaning o MAUDA to
the children o MAUDA "ho "ill create a ne" MAUDA--- With a strong desire or peace
and through the production and sale o automobiles and machine tools/ MAUDA has
ad*anced on a course to unite the people o the "orld0 (pp DC,D7-) An adept o the
Illuminati is taught about Ahura Mazda- !e "ould &no" that Mazda "as the Persian
God o 1ight "ho "as also &no"n as +rmus,,"hich is another name or the Preiure de
Sion/ "hich is a po"erul group protecting the ?9th Illuminati #loodline-
Some o the names o cars "hich could be triggering to SRA sur*i*ors include the
Demon/ the Kagabond/ Dodge Ram (Goat o Mendes)/ #uic&.s Phoeni=/ Ford.s 'obra/
Mercury.s 'ougar/ @agle Beeps/ the 1e #aron @agle 1ogo/ Na*istar @agle $ruc& ("hich
may ha*e @agle mud laps/ and Goodyear @agle G$ tires)- For most o us an ea($e is a
symbol o "hat is noble and beautiul- !istorically/ the eagle and the sna&e ha*e been
the logo o the tribe o Dan/ considered the 0blac& sheep0 o the ?8 tribes- $he Prophet
!osea said/ 0Set the trumpet to thy mouth- !e shall come as an eagle against the house
o the 1+RD/ because they ha*e transgressed my co*enant/ and trespassed against my
la"-0 (!+S C4?) And the Prophet +badiah said/ 0$hough thou e=alt thysel as the eagle/
and though thou set thy nest among the stars/ thence "ill I bring thee do"n/ saith the
1ord-0 (+# ?46)
$he co,authors o this boo& didn.t create Illuminati history nor their symbols- We are
only reporting on them- We "ould li&e the eagle simply to represent "hat is noble and
earully made by God- Indeed/ in some *erses li&e in Isaiah the eagle has a positi*e
connotation- !o"e*er/ the construct/ the reraining that is done by the Illuminati upon
these symbols is that the eagle represents Satan.s empire- $he Assyrian/ Roman/ and
Nazi empires used the eagle- $he Illuminati point these things out to their initiates/ and
as&/ 0Is this a symbol o 'hristianity/ or the po"er o our lineages "hich ruled those
empires30 It is not the co,authors desire to interpret "hat !osea and +badiah meant-
Nor is it our desire to dissuade anyone rom buying the cars mentioned abo*e- +ur only
point is that the sur*i*or li*es in a "orld o occult symbols and occult programming
triggers- !o" do you con*ince someone to ;uit earing the po"er o their abusers "hen
it has its symbols on their money/ their canned ood/ their cars/ and their churches3 (5es/
there are such things as All,Seeing @yes in some churches and Masonic logos on others/
and other occult symbols- !islop.s $he $"o #abylons is de*oted to sho"ing all the
pagan symbology in the 'atholic church-)
Are "e e=aggerating3 Fritz "ent into one ast ood restaurant and the cups and
placemats had a "izard thro"ing occult energy balls "ith occult symbols/ the ne=t ast
ood place had place mats sho"ing the >ing Arthur story "hich is an e=tremely
important myth or the Illuminati (the ;uest or the GrailJ)/ the ne=t ast ood place had
place mats gi*ing children instructions on ho" to hypnotize your parents/ the ne=t one
had a Wizard o +z theme/ and the ne=t one "as selling occult mo*ies- Fritz &ept these
place mats to use in his tal&sJ
$his nation is immersed in the occult and so desensitized they don.t realize it- $he
public thin&s nothing o a Gargoyle 'oloringLActi*ity boo&- $his type o thing is
commonplace in American society- I one e=amines Golden #oo&.s Gargoyle
'oloringLActi*ity boo& (?77:) still being sold/ you "ill ind Gargoyle demons named
ater geographic locations that the child can color/ you "ill ind a Magus "ith a #oo& o
Spells that the child can color- For acti*ities/ the child can duplicate pictures/ "or&
codes/ match shado"s "ith their igures/ match ob2ects and images/ and "or& "ith robot
heads o "hich se*eral can be placed on one body- All these acti*ities reinorce the type
o s&ills that the programmers "ant children under mind,control to ha*e- $he boo& has
castles/ robots/ a sentence about a &itten "hich is a code about a computer dis&/ and
mazes- A perect boo& or the programmers to gi*e a child/ and the nai*e public "al&s
by these &inds o boo&s on their store shel*es e*eryday-
$he Illuminati.s mind,control goes on in part right in ront o America.s nose/ and they
don.t see it- +ne o the saddest things or Monarch mind,control sur*i*ors is that the
Programmers are so systematic in destroying e*erything o beauty and *alue in lie-
@*erything concei*able that can be degraded "ill be- $his mind control has spread li&e
an unseen cancer to e*ery segment o lie/ and threatens to destroy this nation rom the
inside out- Imagine that e*ery time you heard your o"n national anthem that it
reinorced your mind,control programming3 $hat is the lie o these *ictims o mind,
We "ish the American people could realize that George #ush and #ill 'linton are on the
same team- #oth are descendants o the top ?9 Illuminati bloodlines/ both are totally
corrupt morally/ both are into the occult/ and both "ere trained by the same person in
subliminal language techni;ues- $he best in subliminal language techni;ues is said to
be $ony Robins/ and he is "ho the elite got to train both George #ush and #ill 'linton-
Monarch Mind 'ontrolled Sla*es ha*e been created since the late ?76<s- Since the early
XA<s/ Monarch Sla*es ha*e been specially created or American presidents- $hese
models are called Presidential Models- $here are no" li*ing about A<< people (Monarch
sla*es) "ho "ere created into Presidential Models- $hat is a large harem- Presidential
Models it a particular set o physical standards/ not one o the Presidential se= sla*es
has been blac&- President >ennedy/ Bohnson/ Ni=on/ Ford/ #ush/ Reagan and 'linton
ha*e all been sla*e handlers-
Many sla*es ha*e some deeper alters "ho ha*e a realization that their Presidents are in
on the corruption/ ho" does that ma&e them eel3 $he cults "hich program pay
particular attention to sho" the child/ men in police uniorms and ministers o churches
"hich are participating "ith the cult- $his has the eect o embedding in the mind o the
*ictim that there is no escape,,that the entire structure o society is secretly in cahoots
"ith the programmers- Not all policemen nor all ministers are dirty/ but because o the
Monarch program/ the entire structure o American society has been seriously
compromised to the e=tent that all sectors are iniltrated and contaminated-
%nortunately/ the "orst ears o the *ictims/ are in reality close to the truth- $he
Monarch *ictim is urther *ictimized because no one "ants to belie*e them in ho"
controlled American society has become- $he truth is "e are on the *erge o losing
ci*ilization as "e &no" it/ and entering into a dar& sadistic sla*e,master society that "ill
ma&e !itler.s $hird Reich loo& li&e child play- What part o our li*es are not controlled-
We go to our 2obs,,our boss is naturally gi*en the right to control us- For many
centuries/ the Machia*ellian elite ha*e pro*ided the masses "ith 0#read and 'ircus0-
$hat means 0&eep the people ed and entertained and they "ill not rebel-0
Ater Americans come home they are &ept busy "ith entertainment- $he only e=ception
to their "or&/ and $K "atching/ are their trips to their churches- @*en the *arious
religions are secretly under elite control- See Fritz.s #e Wise As Serpents boo& or an
C<< page e=pose o ho" the *arious 'hristian groups and Ne" Age Religions are
controlled- $he point is that people are &ept busy and occupied/ and they seldom try to
step outside o the path that the elite "ant them to stay in- A sla*e.s ront system "ill be
a normal busy person or years/ "hile the deeper alters ser*e their *arious unctions or
the elite- $here is simply little that occurs that sha&es the routine that gets established- I
the handler doesn.t li*e "ith the sla*e himsel/ he "ill oten place another sla*e as the
spouse/ to o*ersee the sla*e- $he marriage couple.s deeper alters spy on each other- $he
schools that the sla*es "ill go to are oten controlled by the abusers- Some o the more
ob*ious ones are Goton/ a school or the elite.s children/ and Santa 'lara %ni*ersity
and Williamette %ni*ersity used by the Illuminati to train their politicians or public
The Beta Theta 0i is a political raternity through "hich ;uite a e" Illuminati
politicians ha*e 2oined- $he Besuit schools throughout the %nited States are used or
abuse and programming- Note/ that #ill 'linton "ent to the Besuit uni*ersity in
Washington/ D-'- called Georgeto"n %ni*ersity- A number o the military school that
parents ship their elementary boys o to are used by the elite or the ongoing abuse and
programming o sla*es- $he Illuminati oundation/ the W->- >ellogg Foundation/ ga*e
the initial unding or the Aue%t 0o(a" or the public schools- $he Iuest Program is
being adopted by *arious public schools- It also goes by the names S&ills or
Adolescence/ S&ills or Gro"ing/ and S&ills or 1i*ing- +ne o the early editions o
Iuest had an e=ercise called 0ele*ator0 "here the teacher uses *isualization and guided
imagery- $he teacher places her school children in a mild hypnotic trance described in
the Iuest literature as 0a ;uiet contemplati*e mood-0 $hen the teacher tells the students/
05ou are on an ele*ator-0 @ach button on the ele*ator represents an age o the child-
When the students push a button/ the ele*ator ta&es them bac& to e=periences at that age-
It is not possible in the scope o this boo& to co*er ho" e*ery sector o our li*es are
controlled- $hose "ho are interested need to read some o Fritz Springmeier.s other
"riting including #e Wise As Serpents- !o"e*er/ it "ould be appropriate to co*er ho"
tele*ision sho"s and !olly"ood are intimately lin&ed to Monarch Mind,'ontrol
programming- A great deal that is coming out o !olly"ood is lin&ed to mind control in
some ashion- Some o the hottest entertainers are Monarch sla*es/ such as /adonna/ a
Marilyn Monroe replacement- 'o,author Fritz "as gi*en a catalog to Kidima=/ "hich is
an Ne" Bersey occult porn *ideo club by someone "anting to help his research- $his cult
*ideo club sells actually snu ilms- $hey sell the real lie ootage o cannibalism/ *irgin
sacriices/ occult rituals/ and "orse- When Madonna "as a teenage sla*e "ith the name
1ouise 'hiccone li*ing in N5 @ast Killage/ a real lie ilm "as made o her being raped
(a setup)/ and then her cult amily ta&ing the rapist and sacriicing him- Kidima= sells
this or W?7 to their members- Some o their *ideos are li*e ootage o ho" &idnapped
people ha*e been tortured into becoming sla*es- +ne o the catalog listing says/
0tortured until their "ills are bro&en and they become +lga.s submissi*e
sla*esJ---WARNING @V$R@M@ GRAP!I' KI+1@N'@---#A'> #5 P+P%1AR
D@MAND-0 #y the "ay/ the Illuminati ha*e their o"n pri*ate porn distribution- Many
people as&/ 0Why do they need mind,controlled sla*es30 Part o the ans"er is they need
them to ma&e their sic& porn-
$he history o the connections bet"een the entertainment "orld and the occult and
royalty go ar bac&- +ne group o people &no"n or their tra*elling entertainment/
the (y2%ie%/ ha*e some interesting parallels "ith the Illuminati bloodlines- A gypsy
pro*erb is/ 0I you "ant to stay sur*i*e/ you must be a de*il-0 #oth groups ha*e &ept
their bloodlines and their identity- #oth are secreti*e- #oth groups li*e double li*es-
Gypsy children "ill be gi*en a secret magical name/ and a name to use or outsiders-
Gypsy children are oten baptized in a magical circle- #oth groups are into the occult/
such as cannibalism/ blac& magic/ the e*il eye/ and "hite sla*ery- $he gypsies belie*e in
'harani/ a big bird consumed by ire "ho rises rom the ashes- $he Illuminati call this
the Phoeni=- #oth groups ha*e a secret code that allo"s them to do anything to outsiders
("ho are called 0Gad2a0 by gypsies meaning 0enemy0)-
$he gypsies originated in India and migrated "est to Iran and $ur&ey and then to Greece
and then into "estern @urope in the ?6<<s 2ust prior to an occult re*i*al in @urope- $he
largest gypsy tribe in India is Ghor- $hey ollo" Durga (>ali)- +ther tribes also "orship
>ali under dierent names such as the #lac& Kirgin or "hich they ma&e an eigy
called 0#ibiaca0 "hich simply means 0lady0- Gypsies made up early groups o tra*elling
entertainers- Sir Francis #acon/ "ho "rote under the pen name o Sha&espeare/ "as the
ounderLleader o the Rosicrucians o his time- ($he proo o "ho Sha&espeare "as is in
se*eral boo&s/ or instance/ see Alred Dodd.s research in his e=cellent boo& Francis
#acon Xs Personal 1ie Story-) $he pre*ious t"o paragraphs are oered as e=amples o
ho" close the occult "orld and entertainment ha*e been o*er the centuries- $he history
o the t"o "orlds coincide or many centuries bac&/ so it shouldn.t come as a surprise
that today.s entertainment industry is still closely lin&ed to the occult "orld/ nor should
it come as a surprise that the Illuminati ha*e made sure they ha*e control o*er the
During W-W-II/ the entire country "as mobilized or the "ar eort and !olly"ood "as
recruited so to spea& to help "ith the "ar eort- For instance/ cartoons "ere created as
training ilms and as "ar propaganda- $he military hired thousands o entertainers
or +SO Ca"2 Sho'%, Inc. "hich "as under the Special Ser*ices Di*ision o the %-S-
Army- #ob !ope/ "ho "or&ed or MI,A/ #ritish o*erseas intelligence/ "as the leading
entertainer or %S+ tours- Ater the "ar bro&e out he "ent on ?8 ma2or o*erseas tours
"hich too& him and his beautiul troop o stunning &noc&,out girls to e*ery ront o the
"ar,,rom the ;uiet ronts li&e Panama to places li&e Italy and North Arica- $o ma&e a
long story short/ #ob !ope "as used to run messages to programmed multiples or
#ritish E American Intelligence- 1ater/ ater the "ar #ob !ope became a sla*e handler-
In some o Fritz.s other "ritings/ #ob !ope.s connections to the Illuminati are gone
into- %-S-+- magicians "ere ound to be the most o*erall popular %S+ sho"-
$he Intenationa$ Bothehood o& /a(ician% is intimately connected to the occult
"orld and puts out a magazine $he 1in&ing Ring- %nder the auspices o the %S+
(controlled by military intelligence) the country "estern industry.s roots de*eloped- $he
country "estern industry became a ront or drug running/ money laundering and "hite
sla*ery or the Programmers o Monarch total Mind,controlled sla*es- $he %S+ also
created at least 8<< bands/ rom "hich came 1a"rence Wel&.s band/ Sam Donahue.s
band/ 'laude $hombill.s band/ and Guy 1ombardo.s band to name a e"-
+*er the last 6: years perhaps the most popular place or couriers to be signalled to meet
"as by someone holding a bird in a cage or at a shop "ith birdcages- $he allusion to
carrier pigeons is so ob*ious- 1oo& at a caption 0Spea&ing o WR@NS0 "ith a cartoon
rom #ob !ope.s boo& I Ne*er 1et !ome (N54 Simon E Schuster/ ?766) "ritten in
?766 during the middle o W-W- II- $he cartoon sho"s #ob chasing a girl "ith a bird
cage and saying/ 0$"eet/ $"eet/ $"eet-0 !ypnotic commands are gi*en 9 times- What
seems li&e a harmless cartoon/ is more li&e a signal telling people that #ob !ope is in
charge o a loc& o carrier pigeons (couriers)/ "hich "e &no" he "as- When tal&ing to
a group o soldiers during the "ar/ #ob said/ 0In 1ondon the bobbies caught a guy
"al&ing around in the og "ith a bird cage gi*ing the mating call but the American
counsel got me-0
Walter #o"art in his researcher.s edition o +peration Mind 'ontrol discusses the case
o t"o W-W- II *ets/ "ho had their W-W- II memories erased by the military using drugs/
hypnosis and beha*ior modiication/ beore they "ere released rom the army in ?76D-
$his is ound in 'assiday/ >aren and Budith A- 1yons- 0Recall o $raumatic Memories
Follo"ing 'erebral Kascular Accident0 Bournal o $raumatic Stress- N54 Plenum Pub-
Kol- :/ No- 6/ +ct- ?778/ p- A8D-
$he point is that e*idence is suracing rom *arious locations that the %-S- go*ernment
"as carrying out mind,control during WW II- $his "as done under the auspices o
#ritish Intelligence (MI,A) during W-W- II- When 'anada entered the W-W- II "ith
#ritain/ one o the best #ritish secret agent training schools "as set up bet"een Whitly/
+nt- and +sha"a/ +nt- on 1a&e +ntario.s north shore across rom the %-S-,'an- border-
$he site "as called Inte2id 0a*- Agents called it 0the camp0 or 0the arm0-
$oday/ the 'IA ha*e their o"n 0arm0 ('amp Perry)- $he oicial #ritish name or this
spy camp "as #ritish Security 'oordination Special $raining School No- ?<9 E !ydra-
S$S ?<9- It "as also &no"n as 'amp V- #ritish S+@ (Special +perations @=ecuti*e) set
itsel in N5'- Americans rom the F#I and +SS "ent to 'amp V or training/ as "ell as
the S+@/SIS/ #S'/ and the 'anadian R'MP- $he #ritish "ere already using mind
control at this stage- $he connections are endless-
@dgar Allen Poe/ "ho "as into the occult and "or&ed or #ritish intelligence "rote $he
Ra*en- Kincent Price starred in !olly"ood.s *ersion o the Ra*en/ and passages o the
boo& ha*e been used as codes or a number o Monarch sla*es/ "ho had to memorize
portions o the boo& "ith their photographic memories- Warner 'ommunications came
out "ith the boo&LE mo*ie 0Sybil0 "hich is about a "oman "ith multiple personalities-
$he boo& and mo*ie 0Sybil0 are ull o mental slides (misinormation detours are called
0slides0 by the 'IA) to pre*ent people rom loo&ing and thin&ing in the right directions
concerning MPD- Structured MPD (DID) li&e Sybil.s/ occurs only rom *ery speciic
trauma,based programming- @*en the name Sybil is an occult name/ although the idea
that occult "as in*ol*ed in creating Sybil.s MPD is not hinted at- $he chie inancial
po"er behind Warner 'ommunications "as the IlluminatiLPilgrim Society member
@ugene R- #lac&/ retired head o the World #an&- Warner 'ommunications is
head;uartered at Roc&eeller Plaza/ and has produced ;uite a e" occult mo*ies and
occult boo&s/ or instance their mo*ie about a demon 0It 1i*es Again-0
When Monarch sla*es "atch tele*ision/ the sho"s they "atch can relate to their
programming in the ollo"ing "ays-
?- First/ many o the sho"s ha*e code "ords or programming scenarios "hich are
deliberately in the sho"s to control the sla*es4 such as Star Wars/ Star $re&/ $he Wizard
o +z/ the 1o*e #oat/ Fantasy Island/ I Dream o Beanie (Delta Genie in the bottle
programming/ and 05+%R WIS! IS M5 '+MMAND0 type trigger)/ $he 1ittle
Princess/ the Miss %ni*erse 'ontest ?77:/ Duc& $ails (created to control child sla*es/
"ith deliberate triggers such as 0earth;uac&0)/ #obby.s World cartoon/ Ste*en
Spielberg.s $iny $oons/ My Fair 1ady (used in se*eral o the sla*e inishing schools)/
@$ (or alien programming)/ etc-
8- Some o the sho"s "hich are supposedly pure iction sho" elements o actual
Illuminati ceremonies/ Illuminati history/ drug running methods/ etc-/ such #ell/ #oo& E
'andle/ #urn Witch #urn/ 'urse o $he Koodoo/ @;uino=/ Manos/ $he !ands o Fate/
Witchcrat XD</ as Spirits o the 1i*ing Dead/ Fran&enstein/ Night o the 1i*ing Dead/
#e"itched ("ith actual "itches as actors)- Raising 'ain sho"s torture and MPD-
!ellraiser 9 depicts 0gate&eepers-0
9- Some o the sho"s portray the Monarch total mind,control program (J)4 $elephon/
$he Manchurian 'andidate/ Kideodrome/ 1abyrinth/ $rancer II/ $he Attac& o the
Robots/ Dr- Goldoot E the #i&ini Machine/ Attac& o the Puppet People/ $he War o the
Uombies/ 'olossus,$he Forbin Pro2ect/ and $he Point o No Return starring Bane
Fonda.s #ridgett/ "ho is connected to the +$+- (#y the "ay/ Monarch mind,controlled
sla*es ha*e been sho"n the mo*ie 0$elephon0 to emphasize to them that their minds are
controlled by their handlers/ and or them not to orget it-)
6- Many o the mo*ies and sho"s use Monarch sla*es as actors E perormers4 such as
Rosanne #arr/ #ette Mittler/ Marilyn Monroe/ 1oretta 1ynn/ 'rystal Gayle and possibly
Wayne Ne"ton (a child singing protege/ "ho ne*er "rote a chec& or himsel in his
lie)- $hey also use lots o sla*e handlers such as Fran& Sinatra/ Peter 1a"ord/ E #ob
!ope- And occasionally they use programmers such as Anton 1aKey/ Berry 1ee 1e"is-
'isco/ the co,author o this boo&/ "hile in the Illuminati/ "as gi*en repeated reason to
belie*e that E$!i% 0e%$ey "as also a Multiple programmed by the Illuminati- We &no"
that at times he "ent by code names/ one "hich is publicly &no"n "as Bohn #urro"s-
!is group/ called the Memphis Maia/ ha*e tal&ed about his ability to go into altered
states o consciousness/ e*en seem dead- Recently/ another Illuminati sla*e/ also stated
that @l*is "as an Illuminati sla*e- 'isco points out that @l*is. t"in brother "as dead at
his birth/ and that @l*is &ne" that this ga*e him double spiritual po"er (according to
Illuminati belies)- $he Illuminati "ill oten &ill a t"in/ so that the other "ill get the
po"er o t"o souls- From "hat "e understand/ @l*is Presley.s handlerLprogrammer "as
a 'ol- $om Par&er-
@l*is belonged to a team o 6 Illuminati men- @l*is is publicly &no"n to ha*e studied
yoga/ numerology/ drugs/ and recei*ed some ne" age spiritual training in an academy
o*erloo&ing Pasadena/ 'A- !e "as an acti*e member in the $heosophical
Society- Ater @l*is Presley supposedly died/ the Sun International 'orp- came out "ith
an @l*is Presley album called +rion/ "ith the "inged,sun,dis& on its co*er- $he "inged,
sun,dis& is an important @gyptian magical symbol used by the +$+/ $heosophical
Society etc- Mae #oren A=ton/ &no"n as the Grand Dame o Nash*ille/ played a pi*otal
role in @l*is Presley.s lie- @l*is E the #eatles "ere chosen by the Illuminati to
introduce roc& music to the %nited States- $here is no doubt about @l*is. and the
#eatles. musical talent-
@l*is. close riend Wayne Ne"ton is highly suspected as also being a sla*e- @l*is
"or&ed "ith #urt Reynolds and Berry 1ee 1e"is "ho also connect in "ith the
Illuminati.s mind,control operations- $he authors are puzzled "hy @l*is. gra*e/ "hich
had millions o dollars spent on its security/ has his name misspelled3 We are also
puzzled "hy @l*is/ "ho repeatedly stated he "anted to be buried beside his mother/ is
buried beside his ather/ "ho he pri*ately stated "asn.t e*en his real ather- Why has no
one e*er tried to collect insurance on @l*is. death3 +nce again/ it seems/ the ront stories
that the public hears are ull o inconsistencies- We belie*e that some people in the
Illuminati &no" the true story about @l*is Presley- For sure @l*is. mysterious mind,
control programmerLhandler 'ol- $om Par&er "ould &no"-
Sta Te*, The Ne=t Geneation
$he original series o Star $re& had lost money/ but in September/ ?7CD a ne" series
called Star $re&/ $he Ne=t Generation "as started "ith W? million dollars budgeted or
each o its 86 episodes- $he episodes pushed the Illuminati.s agenda in e*ery sho"-
People "ere being aroused to bombard Paramount "ith re;uests or a ne" Star $re&-
#ob Bustman "ho "or&ed "ith Roddenberry said/ 0When I let Star $re& in ?7AC it "as
a disaster- It "as a ailure as ar as the net"or& "as concerned-0 $hat is because it didn.t
ma&e money- !olly"ood tells us it ma&es these mo*ies because they are "hat the public
"ant and that they ha*e to go "here the money is,,the closer truth is that !olly"ood
ma&es mo*ies that push an agenda,,!olly"ood ma&es mo*ies that !olly"ood "ants to
ma&e- And since Star $re& "as part o the NW+.s mind,control/ the sho" and it
successors had to go on-
!o" important is Star $re&3 A "itness has tal&ed about #oeing "or&ers snea&ing o
their 2obs and hiding in the tunnels underneath the huge Seattle #oeing plant so they
could "atch Star $re& sho"s- $his enormous #oeing plant is used or rituals and mind,
control- $his #oeing building is enormous/ or it is "here they ha*e assembly lines to
build the huge 2ets/ li&e the D6Ds/ D<Ds/ etc- An e=tensi*e maze o tunnels lays
underneath the main building/ large enough to accommodate all the tens o thousands o
"or&ers on any shit-
It is interesting "ho "as associated "ith the production o Star $re&4 $he Ne=t
Generation- Script "riters or the Ne=t Generation had a Star $re& #ible to "rite rom-
$hese script "riters included such persons as Alan Adler/ Dennis Putnam #ailey/ three
Grays/ Debra Mclntrye/ Ronald Moore/ Grant Rosenberg/ Randee Russell/ #ryan
Ste"art- $hese are common names "ithin the Illuminati-
'oca,cola/ an Illuminati,run corporation/ "as one o the ma2or ad*ertisers or Star $re&/
and the god,man Dalai 1ama o $ibet/ "ho is a Star $re& an/ *isited the cast o Star
$re& in ?7CC in !olly"ood and got his picture ta&en "ith members o the cast- Probert
"ho "or&ed "ith Star $re& productions also "or&ed "ith Walt Disney.s Imagineering
!ere are some o the Star $re& scenes4
Y A Wizard o +z head is sho"n on a sho"-
Y Data is a humanoid "ith an on,o s"itch "ho can store *ast amounts o data- !is
memories can be so strong that personalities in those memories ight or control o Data-
(See the episode aired ?L89LC7)-
Y !olodec& creations o people (humans "ho are mirror images) "ho are a"are o
themsel*es- $his is a "ell,used concept or programming Monarch alters- $he irst
episode "ith this aired ?L? ?LCC and got se*eral a"ards,,an @mmy A"ard/ and an a"ard
rom the George Foster Peabody A"ard board- A e" other items "hich "ill sho" the
reader the occult agenda o Star $re&/ the Ne=t Generation and ho" it its into the mind,
control programming (dates that the sho" aired are in parenthesis)4 a Reptilian Race
called $ellisians (?<L?8LCD)/ a 'osmological @gg,rom the cabalistic magical "orld *ie"
(?<L8ALCD)/ a brain scanned by a probe (??L7LCD)/ age regression/ re*erse aging and
memory loss (8LCLCC)/ android duels E a crystalline body (?L?CLCC)/ a race o computer
operators (8L?LCC)/ an ozone hole in the atmosphere &ills a planet (8L?:LCC)/ a
matriarchal oligarchy,,shades o the Mother o Dar&ness.s oligarchy (?L8:LCC)/ people
"ho are only holographic pro2ections (6L??LCC)/ a cyberneticist E androids (8L?9LC7)/
doubles (mirror images) (6L9LC7)/ hal,human hal,robot people (:LCLC7)/ clones o
people (:L88LC7)/ a holodec& person "ho doesn.t &no" his last name (AL?7LC7)/
#etazoids (??L?9LC7)/ and a drug "hich causes hysterical paranoia (DL?DLC7)-
'olorado is the area "here trauma,based alien,theme programming is carried out "ith a
moc& %F+- Gaston/ one o the programmers in that area/ is turning out top secret
Monarchs "ith solometric systems- N+RAD and 'olorado Springs and se*eral other
'olorado locations are ma2or head;uarters or end,time call bac& programming-
Interestingly/ they ha*e placed the Star $re& Fan 'lub in 'olorado-
$his recent mo*ie portrays Monarch Mind 'ontrol and SEM- Mind,controlled sla*es
are re;uently used to create SEM ilms- $he Illuminati.s SEM porn ilm industry has
been booming or o*er 6 decades- ('ompare the name Kideodrome "ith Kidima=
mentioned abo*e-) $he porn ilms done o a particular Monarch sla*e "ho is used as a
porn star "ill be coded according to the code name gi*en to the star- 1et.s say they call
the Star 01ily0/ then the porn mo*ies "ill be cataloged 1ily ?/ 1ily 8/ 1ily 9/ etc- $his
type o porn in*ol*es a great deal o real torture/ humiliation/ and actual deaths o
people- $his type o porn is portrayed in the !olly"ood mo*ie Kideodrome- $he main
character in Kideodrome represents "hat a mind,controlled sla*e "ould see- $he main
character Ma= is told/ 0I "ant you to open up to me-0 !e then eels intense pain and
doubles up and alls do"n/ and submits/ 0all right-0 $hen he is ordered to 0Gi*e us
channel C9-0 !e then proceeds under the mind,control to &ill t"o partners/ "ho he has
pre*iously li&ed and "ith "hom he has had no ;uarrels- !e is urther told/ 05ou are an
assassin or Kideodrome- $hey can program you- $hey can ma&e you do "hat they
Interestingly/ the name o the brand o cigars smo&ed on the sho" are named Medicis-
!e is told/ 0$o become the ne" lesh you must &ill the old lesh-0 $his is the type o
suicide programming gi*en Monarch sla*es- !e is ordered/ 0'ome to Mic&ey-0 Mic&ey
happens to be part o Mic&ey Mouse programming and one o the nic&names o the
programmer Michael A;uino- !e is then sho"n a picture o suicide- $hen the hypnotic
command/ 0'ome to Mic&ey0 is said three times- 01ong li*e the ne" lesh-0 $he mo*ie
announces/ 0$he battle or the mind o North America "ill be ought in Kideodrome-0
Tance II
$his is also billed as a 0cult classic0- Who decides "hat is a 0cult classic03 At any rate/
this is another ilm "hich depicts part o the Monarch total mind,control- We "ill not
ta&e the space to co*er indepth/ but "ill touch on a e" items here- $he main character is
Mc>no"lty "hich sounds a lot li&e M> %ltra- Is it a play on "ords3 It could be- A
council li&e the Illuminati.s "ith lietime appointments is in the ilm- $he persons under
control in $rancer II bear some resemblance to the Monarchs- Some o the language that
is used is lited rom the language handlers use- 0F+11+W M5 INS$R%'$I+NS/
S1@@P/ S1@@P/ S1@@P0 a person is instructed- 0RA##I$ SP@A>ING0/ 05+%
#@1+NG IN A GR@@N W+R1D-0 $he mo*ie also has Freeze codes "hich are a color-
$his ?7C9 mo*ie "ith >en Marshall and 1ysette Anthony is 2ust one more e=ample o
hundreds o !olly"ood mo*ies "hich sho" some aspect o the Illuminati ELor their
mind,control- >rull is an island ruled by sorcery- A prince searches or a magic ornament
to sa*e his bride and their &ingdom- $he ilm has a poppy ield/ castles/ an All,Seeing,
@ye/ armies o robots/ Satan/ and other eatures that a Monarch internal "orld "ill be set
up "ith- A person can turn into a dog/ pig or lion-
The 9itt$e 0ince%%
$his Shirley $emple mo*ie "as 2ust one o many !olly"ood ilms used or
programming- $he princess has a nice 0dream0- Sla*es are programmed to *ie" their
ser*ice in the real "orld as dreams/ and their antasy "orlds in their internal mind as
reality- $he Princess has a scene "ith hot cross buns and ra*ens- $his scene "as used or
programming- $he Princess sits on a throne- $here are airies and a 2o&er/ "hich are used
in programming- $he ather is said to be dead/ but is not dead in this mo*ie,,,thus
creating the type o re*ersal that the programmers li&e to "or& into the minds o sla*es-
A rich genie helps the princess/ and "hen she inds her Daddy/ she "a&es him up "ith a
&iss and a song- $he girl.s name is Sarah/ a name "hich appears "ithin a number o
Monarch system.s as an alter name-
/i%% +ni!e%e Conte%t
$he broadcast o the ?77: Miss %ni*erse 'ontest did a *ery unusual reeze,raming o
the sho" "hile it "as on- $he screen "as mysteriously reeze,ramed 7 times/ this "as a
trigger or Illuminati Mothers o Dar&ness alters- A Mother o Dar&ness type throne "as
sat upon by the "inner o the contest- An all,seeing,eye "as lashed up on the screen
"ith the code A MA5 UING "ritten on it- $his is the type o puns that the programmers
en2oy- $he "inners o the contest came rom INDIA/ 'ANADA/ and the %SA- $he
order and names o those countries ha*e to do "ith end times programming- $he names
"ere a code to certain Mothers o Dar&ness systems- India "ore a Mother o Dar&ness
type garment- 'anada "ore blac& and "hite/ and %SA "ore Red- Miss India ga*e
another code during the inter*ie"s/ 0I someone "ants to put mon&ey.s on your bac&/ i
you stand up they get on your bac&-0
The /anchuian Candidate
In ?7:C/ the author Richard 'ondon had his no*el $he Manchurian 'andidate published
"hich describes an American Army sergeant/ "ho is captured and programmed to
assassinate on the cue o a ;ueen o diamonds o a dec& o cards- Richard 'ondon. s
ability to thin& about the potential o beha*ior modiication and hypnosis/ had allo"ed
him to stumble upon "hat had actually been going or o*er a decade-
Fan* Sinata bought the mo*ie rights or this boo&/ let the mo*ie out briely and then
s;uelched the second release o the ilm- Fran& Sinatra has been a sla*e handler- !e has
handled #ob !ope.s sla*es/ "hen #ob !ope has lent them to the Rat Pac& ("hich
consisted o Dean /atin/ Fran&/ Sammy Da*is/ Br- Peter 1a"ord E Boey #ishop)-
Fran& Sinatra spends time "ith the Roc&eellers and the Rothschilds- #oth he and Dean
Martin ha*e handled sla*es- Dean Martin "as described by $he !olly"ood Reporter as
a 0hypnotically attracti*e/ homegro"n American monster-0
In Fritz.s pre*ious "ritings he has e=posed ho" Peter 1a"ord E Sammy Da*is/ Br-
"ere satanists- Dean had the audacity to "ant to bring out a sla*e on his $-K- sho" on a
lease in a tiger outit- As mentioned pre*iously/ the se=ual alters see themsel*es as
&ittens or cats and are gi*en obedience training "ith the type o collar Dean "anted to
bring them out on stage "ith on tele*ision- $he tele*ision net"or& stopped it-
As Fran& Sinatra gre" up/ his parents al"ays had money- !is mother "as a cigar,
smo&ing cruel oul,mouth "oman/ "ho perormed illegal abortions- She got caught once
and had to ace the penalty on Feb- 8D/ X97 in a !udson Special Sessions 'ourt- Fran&.s
hero "as #en2amin 0#ugsy0 Siegel/ boss o Murder/ Inc- About 9<T o the dirty "or&
or the Illuminati is carried out by the Maia- $he Illuminati ha*e their o"n death s;uads
"hich are superior to the Maia/ but indi*iduals must approach one o the Illuminati
councils or appro*al to assassinate- +ten it is easier or someone in the Illuminati 2ust
to put out an unauthorized contract than to go through proper channels-
#ugsy associated "ith all the Maia heads including 'harlie 01uc&y0 1uciano "ho
controlled mind,controlled sla*e Marilyn Monroe- #oth Fran& Sinatra and 'IA mind,
control programmer Wi$$ia" 5o%e2h Byan, 5- (a&a William Boseph #ryon/ and
William Benning #ryan III/ etc-) "ere members o the $ommy Dorsey #and- #ryan
programmed people "hile he "as "ith the Air Force as 'hie o Medical Sur*i*al
$raining "hich "as the Air Force.s co*ert mind,control section- 1ater he opened up his
o"n hypnotherapy Institute on Sunset Strip in !olly"ood "here he programmed some
people in the Illuminati "ho are actors- !e also "as the person "ho programmed Sirhan
Sirhan to be in*ol*ed in the Robert >ennedy assassination- !e also hypnotised Al*ert Di
Ater #ryan died in spring/ ?7DD/ the 'IA cleaned out all o his iles including his home
iles- #ryan "as at/ A. ? ?L80/ and a Satanic priest in the +ld Roman 'atholic church-
$his is same satanic church that William Schnoebelen "as a Satanic priest in/ beore
gi*ing his lie to 'hrist- (#ill Schnoebelen tells his o"n story in 1ucier Dethroned-
'hino/ 'A4 'hic& Publications/ ?779-) Schnoebelen "as oered a sla*e but turned
do"n the opportunity to be a handler-
In William B- #ryan/ Br-.s boo& entitled $he 'hosen +ne $he Art o Bury Selection/
#ryan teaches ho" to use hypnosis on 2ury members to "in one.s case- +n the bac& o
the boo& he states about himsel/ 0In addition Dr- #ryan ser*ed as an @lectronics
@ngineer in the Na*y in World War II/ "as Director o all Medical Sur*i*al $raining or
the %nited States Air Force/ and a leading e=pert on brain"ashing-0 William B- #ryan
"as the technical director or Fran& Sinatra.s mo*ie $he Manchurian 'andidate- It "as
hoped that the mo*ie "ould scare Americans into thin&ing that the enemy (the
communists) "as carrying out mind,control-
The Si"2%on Catoon%
$here are episodes o the Simpsons "hich blatantly promote the Freemasons/ the
Illuminati and e*en sho" items o the Monarch mind,control such as 0ollo"ing the
5ello" #ric& Road-0 $he episodes are ;uite re*ealing-
Aspects o Illuminati programming can also be seen in the mo*ie 0Spirits o the Dead0/
"here spirit copies o one.s abusers are placed into the sla*e/ and the mo*ie 0'at Girl0/
"here a beautiul girl is turned into a &iller beast- Se*eral mo*ies ha*e come out
sho"ing the concept o creating robotic people such as the ?78<.s mo*ie Golem/ the
?7AA mo*ie 'yborg 8<CD/ and the mo*ie Fran&enstein-
According to Illuminati history/ the 'ollins Illuminati bloodline did pre,8+th century
e=periments to create a Fran&enstein/ and Mary Shelley.s no*el is actually secretly
based on their research- $he Rothschilds ha*e carried out successul production o
synthetic people this century- $his is all in accord "ith the blac& magic goal o
controlling bodies/ "hether li*e or dead-
$he 7< mm- 0Night o the 1i*ing Dead0 e=presses the satanic blac& magic goal to
control bodies- And i the Illuminati can.t control their sla*es/ the inal solution/ i
nothing else "or&s/ is to, as the 'IA say, 0terminate "ith e=treme pre2udice0 (a-&-a
0@=ecuti*e Action0)/ li&e they did to Mary Pinchot Meyer on +ct- ?9/ ?7A6/ Princess
Grace >elly E countless others-
E. T'innin( And Bondin(
$"o Sisters,o,1ight (the le*el beore Mothers,o,Dar&ness) "ill be placed beore a
many,aced mirror "ith intense lights and programmed to see each other as inseparable-
$hey become t"ins/ and are programmed to die i the other one dies- $hey are taught to
be one in body/ mind/ and soul- $hey are bonded in many "ays/ including torturing each
other/ and se=ual bonding-
$he trauma bonding that they undergo "ill consist o
a- being put in lie or death situations together
b- gi*en programming scripts "hich intert"ine E ill in to complete each other to ma&e
a "hole
c- are placed in 2obs that re;uire total compliance "ith the programming in order to
d- are bonded together to other people-
$he scripture 0A house di*ided against itsel cannot stand0 (M$ ?848:/ M> 948:) is used
to program people to stay in line "ith "hat the team is doing-
!igh le*el our,person emale teams and a our,person males team are programmed to
"or& together ater the Anti,'hrist ta&es o*er- $hese types o teams orm the male,
emale component o a larger 9,part team- With the ad*ent o ad*anced medical
technology the Illuminati are no" able to ma&e ;uintriplets/ implant the eggs in
surrogates/ and then s"itch the identical children during their lietimes- $his type o
high le*el subteruge is going on/ and it ma&es the identities o some sla*es complicated
to say the least-
Readers may "ant to get some o the articles Fritz has "ritten about the clones/ synthetic
people/ organic robotoids/ and double loo&,ali&es that the Rothschilds and the rest o the
Illuminati amilies are engaged in creating- $he t"inning programming is *ery comple=
and detailed-
Within the Rothschild bloodlines,,the : amily lines that began "ith Mayer Amschel.s :
sons going to : capitals, net"or&Lbond their emale sla*es together "ith Gennier,Sally,
@lsie,Sarah,Penelope programming- ($he Ath son to inish the red schield he=agram
isL"as a bastard-) $his is all part o a comple= satanic "orld mind that is being created-
$his is the Adam >admon- $"ins (E teams) claim to be telepathic "ith each other/ and
obser*ations o sla*es/ has tended to support that claim-
Many therapists ha*e ailed to ta&e the t"inning part o the programming into account-
$"ins must be deprogrammed together or best results/ i one is let out they may try to
impede therapy-
F. 0ee 0e%%ue
At the beginning o the programming/ the Programmers are dealing "ith a small inant
"ho is unable to *erbalize to others about their abuse- $hey are urther rightened in
e*ery "ay/ and tortured/ and gi*en beha*ior modiication to teach them to remain silent-
@*en "ithout all these strong threats "hich al"ays e=ist/ the child "ould not be capable
o ighting bac&- $he child "ill naturally thin& this is the "ay the "orld is/ and o
course/ the programmers are reinorcing the idea that this is the heritage or path that the
child is supposed to be ollo"ing-
$he dissociati*e parts o the child do not ully comprehend that being se=ually assaulted
daily by their ather is "rong- $hey are being misled by their abuser that it is correct/
that that is their purpose in lie- $he child is ne*er gi*en a chance to realize that it has a
right to reuse- It is conditioned to obedience- $he abuse seems to be 2ust another part o
things that belong to the "orld o adults- For children/ adults do many things beyond
comprehension/ at times ridiculous- And they seem to need no reason to do these things/
e=cept or the act that they are adults- +ther adults that come and go are also
participants in the abuse/ so the child doesn.t grasp that he can be deended by other
$he programmers are al"ays doing une=pected things to the child/ so the child ;uits
trying to igure lie out/ and atalistically complies "ith "hat it is e=pected to do-
'hildren all o*er the "orld gro" up in an adult "orld/ and are at the mercy o adults-
As the alters begin to e=perience lie/ they are generally in situations "here the attitudes
o the people around them/ reinorce their programming- #oys are told by society in
general to ta&e their lumps in lie 0li&e a man0- $hey are taught to ight their o"n battles/
and not to "hine- Fe" boys ris& the shame that comes rom tal&ing about their abuse-
Society is not &ind to 0"hiners0-
Females are permitted to sho" emotions/ "ithout the social sanctions le*ied on males- I
the child *ictim o mind,control comes rom a amily "here only one o the parents is a
participant in the abuse/ then "hat oten happens is that the clean parent/ "ill ne*er e*en
discuss abuse issues "ith their child- Fe" adults e*er really discuss abuse issues "ith
children- $he child is generally isolated rom their peers as much as possible by the
child.s handler.s and programmers- $hey place other children that belong to the cult in
the child.s lie to report on "hat the child is doing- When the child *ictim begins to
0stretch their "ings0 so to spea& and meet other people/ there are *ery e" people that
"ill threaten the control o the programmers- When the sla*e does ind a good therapist
to ma&e riends "ith/ this riendship "ill trigger all &inds o programming/ unresol*ed
issues around adults/ trust/ etc-
$he sla*e eels double,binded- I they mo*e to"ard health and reedom/ it creates many
more problems than staying in sla*ery- $hey need to see the bigger picture- $hey need to
be gi*en something positi*e to li*e or outside o the sla*ery- Psychiatrists are not
permitted by their boards to get personally in*ol*ed in their clients li*es- $raditional
therapy doesn.t address some o the issues that "ill stop the sla*e rom "anting to gain
reedom- Internal peer pressure rom multitudes o programmed loyal deeper alters/ and
e=ternal peer pressure rom cult children the *ictim is bonded to/ begins to e=ert an
o*erpo"ering orce or the child to stay on the beaten path- Fe" people e*er buc& the
system/ and go against peer pressure- Someone as hurt and docile as a sla*e is going to
"ant acceptance/ and is not li&ely going to "ant to step out o line "ith society and their
peers- %ntil society admits that there is a problem "ith mind,control/ it "ill be a
dangerous thing socially or a child sla*e to admit to "hat the *ictim is actually
e=periencing e*ery day-
Are there any !AGA#ARDS or M+S@S3 No" the reader has the F+RM%1A or the
mind control- No" "hat3 $hese programmed multiples continue to eat a"ay at the
moral iber e*ery one o America.s Institutions li&e an army o termites- +n the outside
the structures still loo& strong/ but they are being readied to collapse/ or the reign o the
Illuminati.s Anti'hrist- $here is a series o boo&s called the Illuminati boo&s "hich are a
ictional account o ho" the Illuminati run the "orld- In the no*els/ the Illuminati run
essentially e*erything,,"hich is actually "hat is happening- $he hero/ !agabard ights
against this ancient conspiracy- Who isn.t amiliar "ith the #iblical e=ample o the elite
ruler/ "ho lea*es his place o royalty to lead a nation in sla*ery to reedom3 $his hero.s
name is Moses- !e also rees the people spiritually rom the spiritual bonds o their
hermetic magical culture- I there are any !agabards or Moses. or Aarons out there/ it is
time to buc& this World System- 01@$ +%R P@+P1@ G+- 1@$ +%R '!I1DR@N
G+-0 $hus saith the 1+RD/ 1et my people go/ that they may ser*e Me- (@V C4?b)
A22endi= One The 0o(a""e%
S ome o $!@ IlluminatiOs 'ompanies
A - Introductory remar&s Kril Society
# - %nderstanding the programmers Dr- Mengele Dr- 'ameron Berry 1ee 1e"is and
Michael A;uino
' - Monarch Mind 'ontrol Programmers 'ountry Music Industry $he $emple o Set-
D - Dr- Green
@ - Dr- White
F - $he Anti'hrist as a Master Programmer
May each E e*ery person listed get right "ith 5!W! God beore they die- Short 1ist o
some addresses o abusers "ho are part o the Net"or&/ a-&-a- Ne" World +rder
Addresses may not be current but are my last address or them- $his inormation may
ha*e mista&es/ this is only to display to readers that the *eil o secrecy is no longer
holding up or the Mind 'ontrol Programmers-
A'LD' satanic Roc& #and/ ?? 1eonminster Rd-/ Morden/ Surrey SM6/ @ngland
Ade/ !enry- 'IA E drug dealer E Monarch sla*e abuser/ ?AA9 'ounty Rd- ?9/
Waterloo/ IN 6AD79
Aga >han IK/ !-!-
Prince >arim- Satanist E leader o Ismaili Muslims/ Aiglemont/ A<8D< Gou*ieu=-
Alabama 'ountry Music group/ satanists and Monarch sla*e handlers/ #o= :87/ Ft-
Payne/ A1 9:7AD
#aily/ Bohn/ sla*e abuser/ ?:8: Pine St-/ +ice ?<- Redding/ 'A 7A<<?
#arnes/ Don/ sla*eabuser E in co- sherri oice/ D9<7 Gro*e Rd-/ Frederic&/ MD 8?D<?
9<?,A76,8?:8M ?:?9 'edarcrest 1n/ Frederic&/ MD 8?D<89<?,AA9,C9?A
#enson/ @zra $at/ satanistLleader o 1DS church- 'hurch o Besus 'hrist /
Administration #ldg-/ 6D @- S- $emple- Salt 1a&e 'ity / %$ C66?:
#o"ers/ Wilbur D-/ Ipsimus in Illum- E Monarch programmer E 'IA drug dealer- ?D9:
N@ ??th/ #end / +R 7DD<? ph- :<9,@K8,:?A8 (@K or Xe*ergreen.)
#ro"n/ @dmund G- (Berry)- Br-/ Illum- satanist E 'A politician E sla*e abuser- D<< S-
Flo"er St-/ SA<< / 1os Angeles / 'A 7<<?D (phns 6?:,78C,A96A/ 6?:,78C,:<D9)
#ro"n/ 'harlie- Air Force Intell- E murderer E Monarch sla*e abuser/ #o= C -
Greenbrier/ $N #undy/ McGeorge/ IlIum-/ ?99 @ast ?Cth St- / N5 / N5 ?<<8? #us- 8?8,
#yrd/ Robert '-- Satanist and mind,control programmer E Sen- rom W-KA/ 9?? Senate
!art +ice #ldg-/ Washington- D-'- 8<:<?
'linton/ !illary- Illuminati "itch E mind,control sla*e handler/ (address besides White
!ouse) Rose 1a" Firm/ ?8< @- 6tn St- / 1ittle Roc& - Ar&- D88<?
'ochran/ !an& 'IA drug &ingpin- !enderson*ille - $N/ A?:,C86,D<??
'o=/ Wayne/ Satanic !igh Priest E Monarch handler E dangerous serial &iller/ Rt- l-
#o= C6/ 'hatham/ 1A D?88A
Dante/ Michael (Michael Kitti)- Monarch sla*e abuser and porn ma&er/ 96C: 'anon
Dri*e - #e*erly !ills / 'A 7<8?8 8?C,C:C,768:M +range / 'A 78AA: / D?6A9D,<:7<
Day/ #rad/ sla*e abuser E co&e pusher- :9<< 1as Pablanos NW- Albu;uer;ue/ NM
CD?<D Dra&e/ Bim (and son)/ sla*e abuser E pornLdrug dist-/ ???D9 N- >endall Dr-
SF?<: / Miami / F1 99?DA
Fonda/ Peter- RR S9C/ 1i*ingston / M$ :7<6D
Fonda/ Bane/ cLo Fonda Films/ P-+- #o= ??7C / Santa Monica / 'A 7<6<A
Ga*oruh&/ Bohn/ Police chie "or&ing or Illum- protects Monarch
programmersLhandlers- ?8? Partridge 'ircle - Wintersprings / F1 98D<C 9<:,A77,<A?C
Grace/ B- Peter/ business leader E illuminati- ''AGW/ ?9<? 'onnecticut A*e- / NW-
S6<</ Washington / D' 8<<9A
Grateul Dead satanic cult roc& band and Illuminati cocaine distributors- P-+- #o= ?:AA/
Main +ice St-/ Montclair/ N-B- <D<69
Greene/ Bac&/ 'IA E "hite sla*ery E Monarch sla*e abuser E country entertainer/ #o=
6C:A Goodletts*iiie/ $N A?:,C:7,98C6
!aggard/ Merle/ sla*e abuser E country singer- P-+- #o= :9A / Palo
'edro / 'A 7A<D9 !estbec&/ Kaughn- Monarch abuser E Danish cocaine distr-/ :?:
Rhapsody Pa;uet 'ruises- ?<<D N- American Way/ Miami/ F1 99?DA
!ope/ #ob/ sla*e o"ner and sla*e handler "L intelligence agencies/ 9C<C Ri*erside Dr-/
#urban&/ 'A 7?:<:
!ouston/ Ale=/ satanist E Monarch programmer E 'IA/ ??:: Ridge !ill Rd-/
Goodletts*ille/ $N 9D<D8 A?:,C:7,9:69
!ummell/ @d/ Monarch programmer/ 'attleman.s Stea& E Seaood 'o-/ ?<8A< S-W-
Nimbus A*e- Suite M,9/ $igard/ +R 7D889 :<9,A8<,DC86 (also 1as Kegas3)
!umperdin&/ @nglebert/ 'astro Kalley - 'A 76:6A :?<,D99,A<C:
>ing Buan 'arlos I/ >ing o Spain and Illuminati/ Palacio de la Uarzuela / Madrid - Spain
>ISS satanic roc& band/ A9A9 Sunset #l*d-/ S6?D/ 1os Angeles / 'A 7<<8C
>issinger/ !enry/ Illuminat E P8 Freemason/ ?C<< >- St- / NW- S6<<- Washington -
D-'- 8<<<A
>res&in/ occultist/ P-+- #o= ?9C9/ West 'ald"ell/ NB <D<<A
1ang/ Kelton/ "hite sla*ery E drug running/ 8A6 #luegrass Dr-/ !enderson*ille/ $N
9D<D: A?:,C86,A<DA (also at $"itty 'ity A?:,C88,98?<)
1e"is/ Berry 1ee/ Monarch sla*e programmer E musician/ P-+- #o=
9CA6- Memphis / $N 9D?D9 M 9986 1ynchburg St- Memphis / $N 9C?96 7<?,9CC,??9:
Mac1aine/ Shirley/ actressLauthorLNe" Age occultist/ CC77 #e*erly #l*d- / 1os
Angeles - 'A 7<<6C Madonna/ satanist E monarch sla*e/ D: Roc&eeler Plaza/ Ne"
5or&/ N5 ?<<?7
Manson/ 'harles/ satanist E monarch sla*e and monarch sla*e handler/ 'orcoran Prison/
?<<8 Diary A*e-/ 'orcoran/ 'A 798?8
Martin/ Diane/ 'IA drug dealer E Monarch sla*e abuser/ 6:,A6? F- Apapane St-/
>eneo&e/ !A 7AD66 Mc>ee/ 1loyd/ drug dealer E Monarch sla*e abuser/ A:<? Meo;ui/
Albu;uer;ue/ NM/ CD?<DM 9<<< 'olonnade 't- NW- Albu;uer;e/ NM CD?<D :<:,96:,
Mc+uinn/ Mi&e/ sla*e handler E money launderer/ Miami/ F1 9<:,9CA,?:?8 E 9<:,
8:?,:98< Meado"s/ !al/ dir- o the 'IA near death mind,control programming center-
S"iss Killa Ampetheater/ #o= 8D/ 1ampe/ M+ A:AC?
Merritt/ Be/ 'IA drug runner E sla*e abuser/ St- $homas/ %S Kirgin Islands/ C<7,D66,
Mitterrand/ Francois
Maurice Marie/ Illuminati E close riend to Rothschilds E Pres- o France/ Palais de
lX@lys\e- ::,:D rue du Faubourg Saint,!onor\- D:<<C Paris/ France
Nelson/ Willie/ singer E monarch sla*e handler- P-+- #o= 998C< / Austin - $V DCDC6
Nunn/ Sam- IlIuminati/ 9<9 Senate Dir&sen +ice #ldg-/ Washington- D-'- 8<:?<
+.#rien/ @arl- 'IA Monarch abuser/ ?8A?6 1a&eshore/ Grand !a*en/ Ml 676?D
+*erstreet/ $ommy/ 'IA E "hite sla*ery- P-'- #o= 6??<9 / Nash*ille / $N 9D8<6
Parton/ Dolly/ satanist- 'roc&ett Road / Rt- S?- #rent"ood / $N 9D<8D
Pope Bohn Paul II (a&a >arol Wo2tyla)/ Illuminati E Freemason- Apostolic Palace/
Katican 'ity
Pride/ 'harley/ sla*e abuser E "hite sla*ery E country singer E 'IA- cLo 'hardon Inc-/
9?7C Royal 1n-/ S8<6/ Dallas/ $V D:887
Prophet/ Ronnie/ Satanist E Monarch sla*e runner/ ?<9< ?Dth A*e- N-/ Nash*ille/ $N
9D8<C A?:,98?,<:97
Iueen #eatri= (Wilhelmina Armgard)- Illuminati E Iueen/ o the Netherlands / #innen
!u ?7- $he !ague 8:?9 AA- $he Netherlands
Reynolds/ Dr- !erbert !-/ Illuminati E %ni*- '@+/ #aylor %ni*-/ Waco $V DAD7CM 99A
Guittard A*e- Waco/ $V DAD<A C?D,D:9,6<??
Riley/ >en/ 'IA E Neo,nazi E 1oretta 1ynn.s handlerLroad manager/ Rt- 9/ Rosebroo&
't-/ Gallatin/ $N 9D<AA
Roc&eeller/ Winthrop Illumnati &ingpin E porn dealer- Winroc& Farms/ MorriIton/ AR
D8??< :<?,D8D,:6C?
Roric&/ Da*id (a-&-a- Da*e Roe)/ satanist E "hite sla*ery/ ?8?? Mallard/ Fran&lin/ $N/
Rose/ I*an/ 'IA E White sla*ery E Monarch abuser/ RR 8/ Mt- Pleasant Rd-/
Spartansburg/ PA ?A696 C?6,A76,867A
Ryan/ Dr- Michael N-/ one o Illum-.s co*erup doctor "ho patches up sla*es/ 9:9 Ne"
Shac&le Is- Rd-/ !enderson*ille - $N 9D<D:/ A?:,C86,C6D:/ A?:,C86,C67A
Smith/ Dan/ car E drug dealer E sla*e abuser/ P-+- #o= 8A8 - Ne" Martins*ille/ W- KA
Ste*ens/ Bim/ Monarch sla*e abuser E drug runner/ ?D8A N- Magnolia/ +cala/ F1 98AD<
7<6,A88,?7AA 7<6,A88,8?97
$anis/ #ob/ 'IA E Air Force Intell-/ Monarch abuser E Maia E pornographer/ D8DC N-
1a&eshore/ West +li*e- MI 676A<
$rain/ Russell/ 'lub o Rome/ ?C<9 >alorma S;-/ Washington/ D-'-/ 8<<<C,6<8? 8<8,
$rump/ Donald- Illuminati/ D8: Fith A*e- Ne" 5or&/ N5 ?<<88
Kanderpool/ Darcy/ Monarch programmer/ 8A8< Regatta Dr- S , ??A/ 1as Kegas/ NK C7?
Wal&er/ Bimmy/ Monarch sa*e abuserLpornographer/ 7<6 'ars"ell Waycroos/ GA 9?:<?
Warloc&/ #illy/ actor/ 78<< Sunset #l*d-/ SA8:/ 1os Angeles/ 'A 7<<A7 Westberry/
>ent/ song"riter/ satanist E "hite sla*ery- 9:7 1ee Road / 'otton$o"n / $N 9D<6C
PSo"e o& THE I$$u"inatiC% Co"2anie%3
Air America / 'IA ront/ "or&s out o $ulsa M Nederland / $V M #erea / +! -
E Bac&son / MS - $he $ulsa addresss is ?6?7 S- ?9:th @ast A*e- / $ulsa / +> D6?<C,
6?9? 7?C,896,9<6?
'argill/ Inc-/ large grain cartell run by Illum- P-+- #o= 79<</ ?:6<D McGinty Rd/
Minneton&a/ MN ::66<
Dungeon Master/ Desmodus Inc-/ hard gay porn/ s E m pubIisher/ #o= ??9?6- San
Francisco/ 'A 76?<?
@li 1illy E 'o-/ Illuminati drug co-/ 1illy 'orporate 'enter/ Indianapolis/ IN 6A8C:
Machinery International/ Inc-/ 'IA ront/ 9<8 Fall 'r Dr-- Richardson / $V D:<C< 8?6,
Rothschild Pediatric Group/ 6DD< S- I ?< Ser*ice Rd-/ Metairie/ 1-A D<<<? :<6,CCD,
Rothschild Pedatric Group/ ?7D< +rmond #l*d-/ Destrehan/ 1A D<<6D :<6,DC6,A<9A
Southern Air $ransport/ 'IA ront/ A6<< N-W- 9Ath/ Miami/ F1 99?AA Summit A*iation/
'IA ront/ Summit Airport/ Middleto"n/ Dela"are ?7D<7 9<8,C96,:6<<
A22endi= One -continued.
a- Introductory remar&s Kril Society
b- %nderstanding the programmers Dr- Mengele Dr- 'ameron Berry 1ee 1e"is and Michael A;uino
c- A list o &no"n programmers 'ountry Music Industry
d- Dr- Green
e- Dr- White
- $he Anti'hrist as a Master Programmer
A. Intoductoy Re"a*%
For any recipe you need a coo&- So "ho has been coo&ing up the R@'IP@ or ma&ing
Monarch Sla*es3 $he authors elt that ater reading the recipe/ that some readers "ould
be interested in learning about the master ches "ho ma&e human robots using trauma,
based mind,control- According to an e=,Programmer/ the Programmers or decades ha*e
been treated li&e royalty "hene*er they step oot onto a military base/ or enter a hospital
that carries out mind control- $hey are al"ays e=pected- Generally/ the commanding
general on a base "ould meet them and escort the programmer in a limo- I the base
commander couldn.t ma&e it/ an important physician might ta&e his place-
$he programmers ha*e &eys/ and codes to get into special areas- Ater many thousands
o Americans died in WW II ighting Nazism/ our go*ernment.s intelligence agencies
(incl- the military intelligence groups) in cooperation "ith the Illuminati and its people
in the Katican/ smuggled ?</<<< o the "orst Nazi,ascist "ar criminals into this
country- $his is on public record no"- Part o this "as under +peration Paperclip- $he
DoD (Dept- o Deense) also "or&ed at smuggling Nazi mind control programmers
under Pro2ect A9- @*ery W-W- II *eteran "ho ought ought to be angry that ater putting
his lie on the line or 0democracy0 and reedom/ and supposedly deeating the Nazis/
our go*ernment brought in men li&e the S-S-.s inamous butcher Dr- Boseph Mengele to
program American children "ith trauma,based mind,control li&e he had in the
concentration camps- In act/ Fritz has "or&ed "ith an Illuminati *ictim o Boseph
Mengele/ "ho "as programmed in Germany in a concentration camp/ and then
smuggled to the %-S- *ia 'anada by Besuits "or&ing "ith the Illuminati-
+nce in the %-S-/ this person continued to be programmed by Mengele/ "ho "ent by
many names including Dr- Green- !e is described in detail in part d- o this Appendi=-
We must begin to get beyond the ronts and co*ers that the programmers ha*e or the
"orld- Be"ish proessor @rnst #ergmann/ o the inamous 1eipzig %ni*ersity / is also
surprisingly a strong ad*ocate o Nazism- !is main boo& is A National Socialist
Philosophy o 'ulture- !e "rites/ 0A ne" type o man&ind is being de*eloped-0 !e is
mentioned here so that people stop loo&ing at labels/ and start loo&ing at "hat is really
going on- +ne o the principle goals o Nazism "as to rema&e man&ind- $he Ahnerbe o
the Nazis "as set up to do genetic research and e=periments- And one element o that
"as to be able to create the preect obedient mind,controlled sla*e-
A irst glance at the lies told us by our press "ill gi*e one the impression Nazism "as
anti,communist/ nationalistic/ E 'hristian- !o"e*er/ a close loo& at !itler and today.s
Nazi leadership/ "ill re*eal that Nazism is Socialism (or Mar=ism/ e=actly "hat
communism is about) and that Nazism is not nationalistic/ but international in its *ie"-
Further/ it is Satanic and based on the Nordic mystery belies (+din/ $hor/ etc-)- It is not
based on 'hristianity-
$he 4i$ Society "as the mother o the Nazi party- 0Kril0 means the 1ight Force- What
1ight orce3 1ucier the light bearer.s light orce- $he true nature o Nazism is being
concealed- When !itler came to plan/ he "as placed into po"er in accordance "ith the
Illuminati plan "hich "as spelled out in "riting- $his plan said/ 0No"adays i any state
raise a protest against us it is only pro orma (pro*ided in ad*ance) at our discretion and
by our direction/ or their anti,semitism is indispensable to us or the management o our
lesser brethren-0
Illuminati international ban&ers brought !itler to po"er/ and Illuminati &ingpins li&e
Roc&eeller/ +nassis and the >ing o S"eden traded "ith the Nazis- Spain stayed neutral
during the "ar to ser*e as a conduit o supplies to &eep !itler.s "ar going- !itler "as a
participant in rituals "here human sacriices "ere carried out- !e himsel &illed a
number o men by pulling their hearts out o their bodies "hile they "ere ali*e- +ne
Monarch sla*e remembers his ather/ "ho "as po"erul in the Illuminati/ describing
ho" !itler &illed a man in ront o him by pulling his heart out- Some o !itler.s &ey
ad*isors and &ey men "ere in the Illuminati-
$here are also lots o tie ins "ith the +$+/ the Kril Society/ the $hule Society/ the
Society o Green Men- $he head o the $ibetan Mon&s that !itler imported to help him
lead Germany "as &no"n as $he Man "ith the Green Glo*e- $he mon&s "ere posted in
#erlin/ Munich/ and Nuremberg-
#y the "ay/ the NW+ is still using $ibetan Mon&s- !a*e you e*er "atched ho" much
tra*el the Dalai 1ama gets in3 And did you notice that $ibetan Mon&s "ere imported in
the #a&aa Kalley 'olorado by a %-N- leader3 $he Mishpu&a (Be"ish Maia) leader
Pritz&er "ho li*es in seclusion on !aulon Rd-/ 1iberty*ille/ I1 A<<6C on a ?9<< acre
piece o e=pensi*e real estate/ had the Dalai 1ama consecrate a shrine or him- !aulon
Rd- has t"o access points/ a northern and a southern- ($he road "as bought by Pritz&er
and is guarded- Pritz&er has been acti*e in 'hicago or the Mishpu&a- !e is reported to
ha*e spent millions reno*ating his house/ "here or some reason/ dead bodies &eep
sho"ing up on its estate grounds-)
+ur political leaders ha*e been a"are that Nazi Mind,control e=perts "ere imported
ater the "ar- For instance/ some o the Nazi "ar criminals smuggled in became some o
Richard Ni=on.s personal riends- @*en the Mossad "ere ully a"are that thousands
upon thousands o the "orst monsters that the "orld has &no"n "ere smuggled into the
%-S- or the Illuminati by the Katican/ the Intelligence Agencies/ and other groups-
$he Rothschilds and Nelson Roc&eeller orced the Be"ish Uionist leadership in Israel to
&eep silent about the Nazis "ho "ere smuggled into the %-S- ater W-W- II- In return or
Israel.s silence and the Mossad.s silence about the thousands o high le*el satanic Nazis
"ho "ere brought into the %-S-/ the nation o Israel "as allo"ed- $hey made a deal/
according to high le*el insiders-
Nelson Roc&eeller had enormous po"er in South America- In Bune ?76:/ "hen the
%-N- "as being set up at San Francisco/ Nelson Roc&eeller attended- While Nelson
Roc&eeller "as there/ he busied himsel "ith directing the South American delegates-
Roc&eeller.s bloc o ?7 1atin American countries had more %-N- *otes than @urope.s
nine members- Roc&eeller "as a &ey person/ i the Uionist.s "anted the %-N- to *ote so
that the nation o Israel could be established- $he Uionist leadership used "hat they
thought "as blac&mail/ i you don.t let Israel be established "e "ill e=pose ho" you are
smuggling Nazi "ar criminals into the %-S-
+ course/ the Illuminati "anted Israel to be created,,so those in the Uionist leadership
"ho &ne" the bigger plans o the Illuminati/ &ne" that the Illuminati,run 'IA "asn.t
gi*ing up anything- I anyone as&s "hy the Mossad didn.t e=pose MI,A and the 'IA.s
e=tensi*e hiring o Nazi "ar criminals/ they say today that they "ere using it or
blac&mail to get Israel "hat it needed- $hose in the &no"/ realize that is 2ust an e=cuse-
$he Mossad has hired its o"n share o Nazi criminals/ and at some point learned mind,
control programming rom the 'IA/ perhaps e*en rom Mengele (Dr- Green)- $he Nazis
used 'roats and White Russians to carry out some o their genocide policies- Not all o
the monsters o W-W- II "ere German/ many "ere White Russian collaborators-
@ssentially e*ery White Russian War 'riminal rom W-W- II that sur*i*ed the "ar "as
placed on one NA$+ payroll or another- $he %-S- intelligence e*en hired German SS
administrators- Why3 #ecause %-S- intelligence is controlled by the Illuminati- $he
White Russian Nazis "ere settled in the N5,NB area/ especially in South Ri*er/ NB- +ne
o the "orst monsters "as Stan&ie*ich "ho ended up li*ing in Richmond !ills and
"or&ing or the 'IA- !e got a 2ob "or&ing or Radio 1iberty in N5J Isn.t that ironic
that 0Radio 1iberty0 has hired such monsters- Does our go*ernment put out propaganda
or is it really the champion o reedom that it portrays itsel to be3
$he Nazi mayor o Mins& "as brought o*er by the 'IA and gi*en a 2ob at the N-5-
1ibrary o running the Sla*ic des&- +ne o the chie White Russian "ar criminals/ the
Kor >ommando Mos&au chie recruiter "as made head o*er a N5 county medical
Bohn Foster Dulles/ brother o the director o the 'IA/ "as trustee o the Roc&eeller
Foundation- $he Roc&eeller Foundation "as a participant in Nazi mind control research
done by Mengele and others or the >aiser Wilhelm Medical Institute in #erlin- Ater
the "ar/ Bohn Foster Dulles helped smuggle Nazis into this country/ including those "ho
"ere Illuminati Mind,control e=perts-
#ill 'asey/ later director o the 'IA/ "as also busy helping bring in Nazi "ar criminals
ater the "ar- !e ser*ed on the International Rescue 'ommittee in N5 "hich he used to
bring Nazis into Ne" 5or&- Prior to the "ar Be"ish German scientists "ere smuggled
into Ne" 5or& through the Arnold E 'onstable Store/ "hich housed the AD1 on the top
$he South American countries/ especially Argentina/ ruled by the Perons/ "as connected
to both the Illuminati in Germany and the Illuminati in the states- Many Germans "ent
to Argentina/ and they simply continued doing "hat they had done in the past- Satanism
"or&ing under the *eil o Nazism "as *ery strong in Argentina "here many o the
German Illuminati leaders mo*ed ater the "ar-
Another place that the Germans lo*ed to mo*e to "as +regon/ especially Portland/ +R-
$he head o !itler.s intelligence "as the brilliant Reinhard Gehlen "ho "or&ed or the
'IA ater the "ar- !e is Illuminati- !is brother "as Doe Winters "ho li*ed in Pullach
ater the "ar-
Mengele/ (the Dr- #lac& o Monarch Programming/ "ho "as an Illuminati Grand Master
himsel) "ould occasionally *isit Doe Winter.s Pullach residence- $o reno*ate the image
o Nazi criminals/ they became Anti,communist crusaders- A group o ascists rom
Asia and @urope "ere ta&en by %-S- Intelligence and moulded into the WA'1 (World
Anti,'ommunist 1eague)- And "e o the sheppel (sheep) "ere gi*en more !egalian
dialectics- $hose o us "ho still care about humanity.s reedom/ and that human spirit
not to be bro&en by the elite.s total mind control/ ha*e got to get beyond labels/ and the
media.s propaganda/ and the alse ronts-
B. +nde%tandin( The 0o(a""e%
Many men ha*e contributed to the research o trauma,based mind control- $he men "ho
learned ho" to torture during the ancient #abylonian days/ during the Roman days and
during the Medie*al days passed their secrets to the rulers o the secret Mystery
Religions- Some o the ?9 Illuminati bloodlines trace their history bac& to the ancient
times o #abylon- #ecause the programmers are dri*en by the spirit,"orld/ they are
*ery 2ealous and competiti*e to"ards each other- It is a dog,eat,dog "orld amongst
them- $he demonic orces "ithin in them are in competition too- 5es/ the programmers
ha*e had their riction/ their 2ealousies E po"er struggles "ith each other- Some o these
inner battles ha*e been ought "ith and o*er their mind,controlled sla*es- When t"o
programmers "or& on a single sla*e/ they might both put in their o"n secret bac& doors
to insure that the sla*e remains loyal to himsel rather than other programmer-
$here has also been ongoing tension bet"een the hal,blooded E ull blooded Illuminati
programmers- #ecause each o the *arious programming centers specializes in perhaps a
dozen types o programming/ programmers go to dierent programming centers- $he
props or the scripts are oten &ept at the programming centers- $he programmers "ill
dress according to the script they are gi*ing the *ictims/ "hich might mean they may be
dressed as the Wizard o +z/ a Nazi/ a doctor in a "hite coat/ a "hite rabbit costume/ a
corrigan s"eater as Mr- Rogers/ or in the nude-
+ne o the most cruelest e*il geniuses in recent times "as D. /en(e$e- Dr- Mengele
used 9/<<< t"ins during the time o ?769,?766 or research- Most o these t"ins died-
$he t"ins "ere chosen out o the *ast numbers o people "ho "ere brought in to the
German concentration camps- #y the time W-W- II ended/ Mengele &ne" a great deal
about ho" to torture children in order to get them to bond totally "ith him- @*en today
some o the sur*i*ors o his horrible e=periments belie*e that Mengele lo*ed children-
$hey lo*e him as their ather- Mengele also de*eloped the ability to create artiicial
t"inning bet"een t"o people- Mengele carried his *iolin "ith him "hen he came onto
military bases- !is *iolin hid his color bands and probes or color programming-
+ther men "or&ed "ith Dr- Mengele and soon became programmers in their o"n
right- D. Ca"eon o 'anada became a Monarch mind,controlled sla*e programmer
&no"n as Dr- White-
Another programmer "ho "as not a ull blooded generational Satanist "as Gog &no"n
as Dr- #lue- !einrich Mueller is &no"n as Dr- #lue- Dr- #lue li*ed in the north"est area
and has t"o sons,,their programming and cult nic&names are $eddy #ear ($heodore)
and Robin !ood (Michael)-
$"o programmers &no"n successi*ely as Dr- #lac& are 1-W- and W-#- A protege o 1-
W- is @d !ummel "ho "or&s in states such as $e=as and +regon- @d "as originally
rom $e=as/ and W- and #- "ere originally rom +&lahoma beore they began "or&ing in
the North"est-
$"o o the most ruthless programmers on the West coast are 5ey 9ee 9e'i% and
/ichae$ AHuino- $hese t"o men are as cold blooded as they come/ ran&ing right beside
Mengele in their ability to torture- Michael A;uino (D+# ?<L?AL6A/ 869< 1ea*en"orth
St-/ San Francisco/ plus other addresses)/ because he "as in military intelligence/ "as in
a position to pass on his diabolical programming abilities to dozens o military oicers-
!is "ie "or&s "ith him/ and her name is 1ilith Sinclair (D+# 6L8?L68)- Michael
A;uino has tra*elled all o*er the %-S- doing programming- Michael A;uino used 'athy
+.#rien as the star *ictim in his training *ideo "hich teaches military oicers ho" to
create Monarch mind,controlled sla*es-
+ne o the old time programmers (early ?7:<s,C<.s) "ho "or&ed as a psychiatrist in
southern 'aliornia "ent by the programming name o Sid- $he principle Illuminati
programmers "ere &no"n as Dr- #lac&/ Dr- White/ Dr- Green/ and Dr- #lue- $hey
o*ersa" the training o thousands o part,time programmers- $he better programmers
are able to get into the mind o the *ictim much li&e 'olombo (Peter Fal&)/ "ho is/ by
the "ay/ in his personal lie is part o this all-
$he reader needs to understand that a *ictim "ho is gi*en the Monarch mind,control
may ha*e a number o programmers/ but the sla*e "ill be trained to only respond to the
*oices o a limited number o users- I someone tries to use a sla*e and has the "rong
*oice/ it could trigger suicide programming- A human robot may ha*e alters "hich can
rescue the body rom a suicide alter/ but the message "ill be clear to the mind,controlled
sla*e that it should stay a"ay rom non,appro*ed users or ace possible suicide- We
ha*e no" entered an era "here second and third generation robotic mind controlled
sla*es are programming- $he programmed are no" doing much i not most o the
programming- $his means many o the programmers are men "ith MPD-
Some programmers are hard,core military men "ho see any type o 0discipline0 or
0training0 as good i the end product produces better obeying soldiers- $hese hard,core
military men ha*e lost any proper boundaries on "hat is +->- or training- $his e=plains
"hy the "hole apparatus to create mind,controlled sla*es is turning out ne" sla*es at an
alarming rate- $he small number o *ictims "ho are painsta&ingly sa*ed by de,
programming and therapy is slight compared to the number o ne" sla*es being created-
+*er t"o million Americans ha*e been programmed by trauma,based mind control
since ?76D/ E the 'IA admitted its Mind 'ontrol publicly in ?7D</ and yet the e=istence
o the mind,control is still secret to the general public-
Doctors such as Dr- Gaes&y/ at the #ethesada Na*al !ospital and Dr- #eecher at
!ar*ard/ under the auspices o the 'IA "or&ed to perect the use o drugs to mind,
control people-
Dr- Bensen/ "as the 'IA programmer "ho programmed 'andy Bones (birth name Bessica
Wilco=/ and 'IA alias Arlene Grant)/ the amous se= ob2ect o males during W-W- II-
'andy Bones "as a Monarch carrier pigeon (courier) or the 'IA- 'andy Bones recei*ed
some o her programming at $he Farm "hich is the 'IA.s 'amp Peary-
Dr- William Bennings #ryan also helped the 'IA in programming- Na*al Psychologist
1t- 'omdr- $homas Narut contributed his ideas on ho" to de*elop mind,controlled
assassins- Some o the assembly,line Delta assassination teams are using programming
techni;ues based on Narut.s programming research-
A Dr- Bames Monroe also "or&ed or the 'IA in Mind 'ontrol programming-
R@AD@RS AR@ AS>@D $+ R@M@M#@R $!A$ S+M@$IM@S S@K@RA1 P@+P1@
MA5 !AK@ $!@ SAM@ NAM@- Disclaimer4 $he readers are as&ed to chec& these
peopleLnames out or themsel*es beore dra"ing any inal conclusions/ maybe the
leopard has changed his spots-
C. /onach /ind Conto$ 0o(a""e%
Morse Allen
1t- 'ol- Bohn Ale=ander
Richard Dabney Anderson
Michael A;uino (program co*er name Malcolm/ also &no"n to some children as
Mic&ey/ #etty Ford is his mother/ Illum/ bloodline/ married to 1ilith Sinclair)
#ill #ennett
Wilbur #o"ers (program co*er name #illy #oy/ a Rothschild)
Dr- William Bennings
#ryan #urcham #urnell,!ighto"er
Sen- Robert '- #yrd
Dr D @"en 'ameron (program co*er name Dr White)
Sue 'arper
Boe 'irco
Mar& 'irco
Wayne 'o=
Dr- #ernard Diamond
Michael Delaney (prog- co*r name Robin !ood)
Russell G- Frazier
Gaston #eth George (a Rothschild)
'lair George
Dr Sydney Gottlieb
'ol- Wilson Green
Bohn Gunter (program co*er name 1ittle Bohn)
!aggin !arric& in Den*er/ 'o-
'ol- !eight (sp-3)
1a"rence !in&le
Ale= !ouston
@d !ummel
Dr- !arris Isbell
Dr- Bensen Bohnson
Ste*e >ilgore
>ris >ristopherson
!elga 1aRouche
!an& 1e*ine
Berry 1ee 1e"is
Dr- Bohn 1illy
'ol- Manassah
Irby Mandrell
!al Meado"s
Dr- Meiers (program co*er name $he Bolly Green Giant)
Se"ard Prosser Mellon (program co*er name Go*ernor)
Dr- Bose Mengele (program co*er name Dr- Green)
Dr- Boseph A- Meyer
$ed K- Mi&els
Dr- Bames Monroe
!einrich Mueller (program co*er name Dr- #lue)
$heodore son o !einrich Mueller (program co*er name $eddy #ear)
Nathan 1t- 'omdr-
$homas Narut
Dr- Martin $- +range
'ol- $om Par&er
Pete Peterson
>en Riley
Da*id 1ong Rothschild
Guy de Rothschild
Alden Sears
Dr- Star Ma2-
'ol- $aylor
1eo $aylor
Darcy Kanderpool
Weir >ent
1eo Wheeler (program co*er name Dr- #lac&/ a 'ollins)
Robert Whitlo"
!arold Wol
S+%R'@S4 Fritz Springmeier.s Ne"sletters +ct- ?:/ ?779M Dec- ?/ X79M Feb/
X76M Ban-/ ?77:M March,April/ ?77:M 0Perpetrators0 (Monograph)/ ?779 by 'athy
+.#rien/ Fritz Springmeier.s o"n list o people rom Sur*i*ors/ In Search For the
Manchurian 'andidate
County /u%ic Indu%ty
Perpetrators In*ol*ed and &no"ledgeable o Monarch Mind 'ontrol (Most are in*ol*ed
"ith the 'IA.s drug running net"or&-)
!enry Ade
Alabama band
Atlanta #andana
1ynn Anderson
Berry #arlo"
#o=car Willie
Ray #urdette
Glen 'ampbell
Ace 'anon
Dee 'lar&
Roy 'lar&
Da*id Allen 'oe
Pat 'orn
!elen 'ornelious
Wayne 'o=
Da*e De#olt
Penny Deha*en
'harlie Dic& $
he Driters
Roy Drus&y
Nar*el Felts
$he Four Guys
Randy and Rudy Gatlin
Bim Glaser
Kern Gosdin
Bac& Greene
Merle !aggard
Ale= !ouston (and @lmer)
@nglebert !umperdin&
Waylon Bennings
George Bones
$he Budds
Merle >ilgore
#uddy >illen
Kelton 1ang
!an& 1e*ine
Berry 1ee 1e"is
@rnest Ray 1ynn
Ronnie 1utric
Bac& MacFadden
Reggie Maclaughlin
#rent Magor
Marty Martell
George Moet
1orrie Morgan
#onnie Nelson
Willie Nelson
+a&ridge #oys
Merril +smund
$ommy +*erstreet
Berry and Arlene Petty
Ray Pillo"
'harlie Pride
Ronnie Prophet
Beannie Pruett
Giles Ree*es
Da*e Roe (Roric&)
Da*e Roland (and Sugar)
$G Sheppard
!an& Sno"
Ronnie Stoneman
Bimmy Sturr
Bimmy S"aggart
Mel $illis
#uc& $rent
1eroy KanDy&e
Bim Kest
Mac& Kic&ory
#illy Wal&er
'harlie Wal&er
Bim Webb
Dottie West
Shelly West
>ent Westberry
#obby Whitton
Michael McArthur/ a recent con*ert rom Satanism "ho helped abduct children
pro*ided irst hand testimony that the ollo"ing are in*ol*ed in abductions o children4
0'huc&y0 (a&a //Mi&e/0 a&a 0Peters0.) ,,F#I hit man in Di*- : o F#I/ in*ol*ed also "ith
Insla" 'ase
Nichol !arrah ,F#I agent "ho abducts children or sacriice
1inda >rieg,Satanist "or&ing or F#I
>en 1anning,F#I agent "ho abducts children or sacriice "hile claiming SRA doesn.t
Nic& +.!ara,,F#I hit man/ satanist/ "ho has co*ered F#I child &idnapping by
murdering "itnesses
>epe Richardson,,'IA agent "ho abducts children or sacriice
In addition to all this/ the ollo"ing are a e" o the 'IA people "ho are both Sla*e
!andlers and drug dealers/ "ho ha*en.t gotten their names mentioned yet4
Pat #o"lin
George #ush E son
Sue 'arper (not &no"n i she deals drugs)- She does dir- 'IA operations and the
Nor"egian 'aribbean 1ines-
!an& 'ochran/ a drug o*erlord
Alan Dulles
Diane Martin o !a"aii
Irby Mandrell "ho controls other amily members "ho are sla*es such as #arbara/
1ouise/ E Iriene-
Bim Maynard/ 'IA co*ert ops #elize Be Meritt/ St- $homas/ %-S- Kirgin Is-
'arl Misel
Bim Mitchell
@arl +.#rien
1inda Scale
#ob $annis "L Air Force Intell- in Ml
The Te"2$e o& Set.
$he $emple o Set ($he $emple o Po"er) is built upon mind control- Since most o the
members are either *ictims o mind control or perpetrators or both/ it "ould be
producti*e to gi*e the membership o this organization-
Dr- Flo"ers/ the Grand Master o the +rder o the $rapezoid/ may "ell be a
programmer- In the least he is a sla*e handler- Some $otal Mind,controlled sla*es "ill
ha*e +rder o the $rapezoid things internally- I they do/ the therapist should recognize
that this is $emple o Set (Po"er) programming- $he membership o the 'hurch o Set
has been a closely guarded secret- !ere it is-
A e" "ords o e=planation are in order- Most o the names in the list are the actual
names o people/ but some people 2oined the $emple o Set under aliases- For instance
@ddie W- !ands is an alias or @d"ard Wayne 'o= o 'hatham/ 1ouisiana- @- Wayne
'o= may ha*e chosen this alias because he runs an international business o selling let
hands ta&en rom *ictims o human sacriice- $he let hand is called by these Satanists
0the hand o glory-0
Although Senator Robert '- #yrd.s name doesn.t appear on the $emple o Set.s ormal
membership/ he properly should be included in any membership list/ because it "as his
legal e=pertise that helped A;uino set up the $emple o Set so that it "ould be legally
protected by the 'onstitution- #ehind this legal Satanic organization is a large amount o
illegal Satanic acti*ity/ including sacriice/ sla*ery/ mind control/ porn and drugs-
Senator #yrd is an e=ample o ho" e*il men can per*ert the use o the 'onstitution or
Another name "hich is not on the ormal membership roster is Berry 1ee 1e"is/ but
Berry 1ee 1e"is "or&s so closely "ith the Monarch sla*es o the $emple o Set that he
is an integral part o the $emple o Set system- $his secret membership list ollo"s this
pattern NAM@ +F P@RS+N,P+SI$I+N IN $!@ $@MP1@ +F S@$ (i-e- ran&)/ P1A'@
+F R@SID@N'@/ +$!@R +''%1$ +R S@'%1AR FA'$S A#+%$ $!@ P@RS+N-
Roman numerals are used to identiy Setian ran&s/ I ha*e ta&en the liberty to abbre*iate
these roman numerals into our e*eryday numbers/ such as KI[ N A[-
!ere is the PAS$ AND R@'@N$ S@'R@$ M@M#@RS!IP IN $!@ $@MP1@ +F S@$
(a spin,o o the 'hurch o Satan/ and recently reconstructed as the $emple o Po"er-)4
Ale=/ Fran& R-,,Setian ?[/ Illinois Alle\/
Bohn D-,Adept 8[/ Mass-/ editor o satanic ne"sletter #rimstone-
Fran& Sinatra an-
Anderson/ 5olanda,,Adept 8[/ 'ali- Adept at #lac& Magic- Satanic priestess-
A;uino/ 1ilith Sinclair,,Magistra $empli 6< $reasurer/ she ounded the 1ilith Groto
"hich "as the largest and longest,unctioning Grotto o the 1aKey.s 'hurch o Satan-
+n the $ o S.s 'ouncil o nine/ + the Sinclair bloodline-
A;uino/ Michael,$he *ain Ipsissimus A[ o the $emple o Set/ Missouri/ 1t- 'ol- %-S-
Army "ith high le*el security clearance/ in Military Intelligence and army.s Psychic
"arare battalion/ Green #eret/ member A'1%/ Deense Intelligence 'ollege/ and
prominent teacher o ho" to create Monarch sla*es-
Austen/ Da*id,,Priest o Set 9[/ 1ondon/ @ngland/ #lac& Magician "ho studies
#arrett/ Ronald 1-/ Br-,,Priest o Set 9[/ 'olorado/ e=,Airborne Ranger/ interested in
#ennett/ 'liton #-,,Setian ?[/ 'olorado/ studies 'ro"ley/ medie*al Satanism and
>enneth Anger
#er&ey/ '- Boseph/ 9rd,,Adept 8[/ Kirginia/ does occult art and practices @nochian
#lood/ 1inda,,Wrote a boo& about her time "ith Michael A;uino and the $emple o
#lount/ 1arry D-,,Setian ?[/ $e=as/ studies Friedrich Nietzche and blac& magic
#ozeman/ 'layton '-,,Adept 8[/ +regon/
#radley/ 'urtis A-,Setian ?[/ 'olorado/ Freemason/ reads e*erything on *ampires
#ro"ning/ Willie,,%SAR oicer in Ml
#uc&man/ Samuel,Setian ?[/ Accra/ Ghana/ West Arica/ "ants to spread blac& magic in
West Arica
#utch/ William $-,,Priest o Set 9[/ Penn-/ 1t 'ommander o Na*y S@A1s/ studies
ancient @gyptian Satanism
'ampbell/ Adam N,Adept 8[/ Melbourne/ Kictoria/ Aust-/ satanist interested in politics
'handler/ >endal $-,,Setian ?[/ Penn-- a musician into hea*y metal music
'lar&- Bulian R-,Priest o Set 9[- @ngland/ practicing hypnotherapist in 1ondon/ has
sna&es or pets
'ruse/ Roger D- 8nd,Setian ?[ / Georgia/ interested has studied 'linical Psychology
De'ecco- R- Amn,Magistrer $empli 6[/ Maine/ on $ o S.s 'ouncil o Nine
Di'icco- 'arman B-/ Br-,Setian ?[- Ne" Bersey- studies #ruce 1ee/ Machia*elli/ and
Anton 1aKey/ li&es #lac& SabbathL+zzy
DuNard,Phillips/ 'arolyne,,Adept 8[/ Missouri/ @gyptian E@nochian Magic/ heads an
@gyptian magic 1odge
@gen/ Shane M-,Setian ?[/ Wellington/ Ne" Uealand/ interested in !ea*y Metal music/
martial arts and mind control @ngels/ Georges,Setian ?[/ #elgium/ practices #lac&
@*ans/ 1arry,,Priest o Set 9[/ +&lahoma/ Sentinel o the Gates o !ell Pylon
Farnsler/ William @-,Adept 8[/ $e=as/
Felcza&/ Bohn B-,,Adept 8[/ 'ali-/ has stuied a "ide *ariety o occult systems
Ferguson/ Ric& A-,,Setian ?[/ +hio/ Flo"ers-
Nancy >-,Magistra $empli 6[/ $e=as/ @ditor o the Scroll o Set/ part o the #ull o
+mbos Pylon in Austin/ $V-
Flo"ers/ Dr- Stephen @-,Magister $empli 6[/ $e=as/ Grand Master o +rder o the
$rapezoid/ e=pert o Runes and Germanic occultism
Fo=/ D- Pete,Setian ?[/ Illinois/ interested in Nazism.s occultism
Friedel- Peter,,Priest o Set 9[/ West Ger- member o the +rdo Satuni (holds a high
degree)/ 9<[ in the Scottish Rite/ member o the Iuatuor 'oronati 1odge o 1ondon/
generational satanist o the Illuminati/ promotes Satanism.s gro"th in @urope-
Gallo- Walter B-,Setian ?[/ Ne" 5or&/ ormer painter- interested in 'ro"ley and Nazism
Gibbs/ 'ynthia >-,,Setian ?[/ 'ali-/
Go/ Boseph A,Adept 8[/ Mich/
Grady- Bames S,Kirginia Gregoire/ Raymond A,Priest o Set 9[- Wash/ state
Gris\/ >e*in M-,Setian ?[/ hypnotherapist E rehab counselor
Guliae/ Nic&olai N-/ Br,Adept 8[/ 'ali-
Gyori- Bohn G-/ Br-,,Adept 8[/ $e=as !and/
@ddie W-,,Setian ?[- 1ouisiana (See pre*ious art/ in +ct- ?: ne"sletter on Wayne 'o=
"ithin the list o "itch co*ens/) !ardee/ #ryan '-,Setian ?[/ Wyoming/ "as part o a
guild o magicians called the G-$-P/
!ardy/ Patty A,,Priestess o Set 9[/ Maine/ li&es to read Robert Anton Wilson
!ay"ood/ Michael $-,,Setian ?[/ Illinois/ (no" perhaps in Pittsburg PA)
!earty/ Marie 1-,,Setian ?[/ +ntario/ 'an-/
!inson/ @ulit M-,Adept 8[/ #lac& Magician "ho studies 'ro"ley/ A;uino/ the Golden
Da"n/ Nietzsche/ *ampirism/ etc-
Bantschi&/ Walter,Adept 8[/ West Germany- #lac& Magician "ho studies *ampirism/
demonology/ raternal orders Bohnson/ Bames R-/ Br-,,Adept 8[/ Ne*ada-
Bohnson/ 1ynn (later married W-$- #utch),,high Setian "ho let to orm the $emple o
Boyner/ Bames ',Sec/ o the +rder o 1e*iathan/ #a=ley- GA
>ali*oda/ >urt,Setian ?[/ Illinois/ studied +$+ blac& magic
>eil/ Berey B-,Setian ?[/ mmbr Rune,Gild/ >ing/ Stephen P-,,Setian ?[/ So- 'arolina/
>no"les/ Bames 1-/ Br-,,Setian ?[/ Minn-/ has studied @nochian Magic- ($he >no"les
amily is some"hat prominent-)
1aa&so/ Petri,Setian ?[/ Finland- 2oined $ o S as a young man going into the Finish
armed orces
1ance/ Rebecca ',Priestess o Set 9[/ 'ali-/ member o $he 'hildren "hich is a Satanic
1ee/ Bohn,,Setian ?[/ Iueensland/ Aust-/ interested in Nazism and SS rituals
1e"is/ -Bames,,ipsissimus A[/ 'ouncil o Nine/ #a=ley/ Georgia/ "as ormerly "ith the
'hurch o Satan
1illy/ Bames !-/ Br ,,Setian ?[/
1ima/ Peter B-,,Setian ?[
1ynch/ Scott '-,Setian ?[/ !alia=/ No*a Scotia/ interested in Neo,Nazism and the
Mahoney/ Michael,,Setian ?[/ Mass-
Mann/ Dennis >,Priest o Set 9[/ +rder o the $rapezoid/ and +rder o the Kampire/
Ne" 5or&/ %SAR in Ml- propaganda e=pert and an attorney
Matthe"s/ 1ee B-,Adept 8[/ 'onn-/ studies the 5ezidee Satanists McGranahan/
$imothy 1-,,Adept 8[/ Illinois
Mensohel/ Robert,,Magister $empli 6[/ 'ali-/ Member o Mensa/ computer "hiz &id/
editor Ruby $ablet
Moatt/ Robert !-,,Magister $empli 6[/ 'ali-/ co,dr o $ o S 'ouncil o 7/ editor
S'R+11/ operated Set,Amentet Pylon in 1A- Moore/
Patric& R-,,Setian ?[/ F1
Neilly- Robert W-,Magister $empli 6[/ +ntario/ 'anada/ co,dr $ o :/ 'hrmn 'ouncil o
Nine/ @SP research
Nielsen/ Ruth A-,,Adept 8[/ WI/ e=,'atholic nun/ into magic/ incl- hermetic magic and
Nourse/ Andre",,Setian ?[/ MA/ amateur radio/ computer programmer/ into massage
+sbourne/ Amanda,,Adept 8[/ 'A/ li&es Stephen >ing No*els and Star $re&/ and lo*e
horror ilms
Page- Richard @-,Setian ?[/ Ml/ into runic and @nochian magic
Par&in/ Antony,,Adept 8[/ 1ancashire/ @ng-- li&es Nazi SS things
Pridgen/ William D-,,Adept 8</ So- 'ara-/ li&es the "or&s o 'ro"ley/ 1o*ecrat/ Grant/
R-A- Wilson/ Bohn "heeler and others-
Radt&e/ Walter,,Adept 8[/ 'A- e=perimental artist/ interested in Da Kinci/ $esla/
Reichensperger/ Peter,,Setian ?[/ mathematician- @soteric +rder o Dagon- "or&s "ith
Reynolds/ 1inda,,Magistra $empli 6[/ $enn/ co,leader o Seshen Pylon/ San Francisco
Rietze/ Perry A-,Setian ?[/ F1/ Satanist interested in Satanic #ible/ ritual magic/
@gyptology/ and demonology
Rigby- Michael S-,Adept 8[/ $V Ri*era/ Peter N,,Adept 8[/ 'ali-/ interested in the
magical eects o drums and music
Robinson/ Robert W-,Priest o Set 9[/ %$- interested in sna&es/ studying the Illuminati/
built ritual sites in Death Kalley/ e=plores Aztec ruins-
Ro"lett/ 'urtis A,,Adept 8[/ GA/ interested in Aleister 'ro"leyL$helema
Rush/ Bennier,,Adept 8[/ N-S-W- Australia/ uses $arot cards as a hobby
Russell/ Diane,,Setian ?[/ F1/ practices #lac& Magic Sandling-
Frances S-,,Adept 8[/ Dorset/ @ng-- interested in Bohn Dee (@nochian Magic)- 'ro"ley
E 1aKey- Does #lac& Magic rituals-
Sass/ Bames D-,,Setian ?[/ P-+- #o= AAA/ Daytona #each/ F1 98??:/ !ard core blac&
Saunders/ Richard,,Adept 8[/ @ngland- interested in #lac& Magic and 'haos Magic
Schumacher/ Beurgen,Setian ?[/ Germany/ "or&s !atha 5oga/ li&es +dinism/ studies
Scott/ @ardley W-,,Setian ?[/ NB/ a drummer "ith a roc&L2azz usion/ li&e @nochian
magic E its con*ersion to Setian symbolism
Shull/ Robert W-,Adept 8[/ KA/ Sno"/ !eather 1-,,Adept 8[/ NM/ artist
Sobole"s&i/ R- Douglas,,Setian ?[/ PA/ Rosicrucian (AM+R+) C[/ amateur
Spriet- Patric&,,Adept 8[/ #elgium/ interested in Nazism and @gypt/ multilingual in :
Stout/ Bulie,Adept 8[/ $V/ $aylor/ 1ucier @-,,Setian ?[/ MA/ @=ec/ Sec- o #rimstone/
a 2ournal o the Anc- #rotherhd o Satan/ 89? >ennedy Dr S?9</ Maiden/ MA <8?6C
$hompson/ @lana,Setian ?[/ +R/ interested in the occult/ science iction and
anthropology esp- the Middle @ast
Kan Patten/ William P-,Setian ?[/ N5/ li&es !ea*y Metal music li&e +zzyL#lac&
Sabbath/ reads Stephen >ing- studies Nazism
Watson/ Amoid R-,Setian ?[/ $V/ interested in @gyptology/ the 5ezidi Satanists/
@nochian Magic/ and other things-
Webb/ Don,Adept 8[/ $V/ Weirich/ Richard B-,Setian ?[/
Wendall/ Margaret A-,Magistra $empli 6[/ 'A/ "as a prominent mmbr o 'h- o Satan/
ounded the Scroll o Set E has been its editor
Whita&er/ 'olleen G-,!onorary Setian/ +!/ artist/ interested in the $arot/ 'ouncillor E
@=/ Dir/ or 'h o Satan
Whita&er/ Roger 1-,!onorary Setian/ +!/ a ilm ma&er/ li&es horror ilms
Win&hart/ Roland,Priest o Set 9[/ Germany/ helps Peter Friedel operate the #lac&
Diamond Pylon in Germany or the $ o S
Ua2&o"s&i/ Marie M/,,Priestess o Set 9[/ 'A- Uimmer/
#rian @-,Adept 8[/ +!-
D. D. Geen -D. 5o%e2h /en(e$e.
$he most signiicant programmer/ perhaps one could gi*e him the title o the ather o
Monarch Programming "as Boseph Mengele/ an e=,Nazi 'oncentration 'amp doctor-
$housands o Monarch mind,controlled sla*es in the %-S- had 0Dr- Green0 as their chie
programmer- Physically the doctor "as :.C0/ dar&,bro"n hair/ greenish bro"n eyes/ and
graceully handsome- !e "as a Dr- Be&yll,Mr- !yde character "ho disarmed people by
his &indness- !e "as gentle and ;uiet and intelligent/ "hile still ha*ing a *ery sadistic
brutal side to him- Boseph Mengele "as born into a "ealthy Satanic bloodline/ and
became one o the most po"erul Satanists in the "orld- !e "as an e=pert on
demonology and the 'abala- !e "as at least a Grand Master in the Illuminati/ but ho"
high he "ent up the hierarchy ladder is un&no"n to this author-
#ecause he "as part o the Illuminati and their bodies are not to ha*e *isible scars/
Boseph Mengele did not ta&e the SS tatoo on his body "hen he 2oined the Nazi
SS- Mengele became the camp doctor at the amous Ausch"itz 'oncentration 'amp-
Boseph Mengele "as in a *ery &ey position as the camp doctor at Ausch"itz- !e "as
able to use countless thousands o people as guinea pigs or e=periments- +ne o the
chie items that had to be charted in detail "as ho" much torture *arious humans could
ta&e- $he charts "ere "or&ed up so that the Illuminati "ould &no" e=actly ho" much
torture and ho" much nurturing to carry out in creating trauma,based mind,controlled
Ater Boseph gre" up in Gunzberg "ith a amily noted or their secrecy/ and an abusi*e
mother/ he studied at Fran&urt,am,Main "hich is a satanic stronghold in Germany- !e
interned at 1eipzig/ a to"n &no"n or being the site o modern learning theories- 1ater
he 2oined the SA and then later the SS- At the end o W-W- II the %nited States army
too& custody o Mengele/ and the secret satanists o the satanic brotherhood/ got
Mengele ;uietly smuggled into the %-S-
Mengele "as gi*en a higher proile in South America to lead people to thin& that he
spent his time in South America- Actually Mengele spent a great deal o time tra*elling
"orld"ide especially to places li&e $a*istoc& and 'hina 1a&e.s Na*al Intelligence base
"here Monarch sla*es "ere created rom innocent children- Although Mengele did
indeed li*e in #razil/ Argentina and Paraguay a great deal o misinormation and
disinormation has been dumped on the "orld by the 'IA and other groups "or&ing or
the Illuminati-
Mengele continued to lo*e music and dancing throughout his lie- !e became a human
puppet master "ho used music to program "ith- !e li&ed both the *iolin and the piano-
!e did lots o musical &ey,tones programming- Some o his prot\g\s also used music to
program "ith- $his bent to"ard using music then contributed to the act that the
American country "estern industry is an outgro"th o the Monarch program- $he
country "estern industry is a co*er or the drug running done *ia Monarch sla*es-
Another bent o Mengele.s also contributed to a direction that the Monarch program
too&- Mengele "as ascinated by t"ins and t"inning- Mengele e=perimented on
thousands o t"ins/ most o "ho died rom the torture o the e=periments- Science
e=periments need t"o groups/ one o "hich is a control group- $"ins ma&e research
easy- Mengele used them e=tensi*ely- !e "as de*eloping/ along "ith some German and
Italian researchers/ the capability to trauma bond people to their abuser to such an e=tent
that the *ictim "ould be totally loyal to their abuser- During episodes in the camps "hen
Mengele sa*ed people rom e=ecution by the S-S-/ some o those people remained loyal
to him to this day in spite o an a"areness o ho" many people he cruelly tortured to
Monarch sla*es are programmed to thin& they ha*e a t"in some"here- Many o them
ha*e been t"inned into 8 person and 6 person teams also- Mengele "as &no"n by
people in the camps by his *ictims as the Angel o Death/ Kater (ather)/ Katerchen
(daddy) and Schoner Boseph (beautiul Boseph)- Monarch mind,controlled sla*e *ictims
"ho "ere programmed by him &no" him by names such as Doctor Green/ Papa/ Da*id
and Fairchild- Monarch sla*es remember the cadence o his shiny blac& boots as he
marched bac& and orth "hile programming them-
Whether programming in a lab/ or e=perimenting on humans Dr- Mengele en2oyed
reducing people to the le*el o animals- !o"e*er/ many times his *ictims "ere
restrained rom crying tears- Mengele is "ell,&no"n by his Monarch *ictims or his
daisy game programming- !e "ould pull o a daisy and say I lo*e you-0 $hen he "ould
pull o one and say/ I lo*e you not-0 When the last daisy petal came out I lo*e you not/0
he "ould then &ill a small child in ront o the child he "as programming-
Mengele "as in Dallas during the &illing o BF>/ "hich "as achie*ed by trained
Monarch sla*es- (In act/ the #eaumont/ $V @nterprise on Mon- April ?</ .76 in the
Metro Sect- #/ on page # cont- to 6b reports that a s"orn aida*it e=ists "here a man
connects Boseph Mengele "ith >ennedy.s death and to ha*e seen Mengele at the $e=as
#oo& Depository-) 1uis Angel 'astillo "as 2ust one o the Monarch mind,controlled
sla*es sent to &ill BF> on No*- 88/ .A9- A "oman rom Germany named Mrs- >rebs/
along "ith a host o other programmers/ "or&ed "ith Mengele on the >ennedy
In ?7:A/ as part o the ongoing deception (and also sho"ing the audacity o the
Illuminati) Boseph Mengele applied and got an Argentinean oreign resident permit
under his o"n name- !e e*en tra*elled to @urope to *arious countries in ?7:A using his
o"n name-
E. D. White -D. D. E'en Ca"eon.
Dr- White "as the co*er name or D- @"en 'ameron (b- Dec- 86/ ?7<? , Sept- C/ ?7AD)-
!e "as born in Scotland/ "as tall/ imposing/ E blue eyed/ li&ed "his&ey/ and "ore
custom,made suits- !e called "omen 01assie-0 !is a*ourite boo& gro"ing up "as
Fran&enstein/ it is said that Fran&enstein inspired him to go into psychiatry-
'ameron "as president o the po"erul American Psychiatric Association/ and later the
president o the 'anadian Psychiatric Association/ and then later the irst president o the
World Association o Psychiatrists- !e "as chairman o the 'anadian Scientiic
Planning 'ommittee-
Dr- D- @"en 'ameron/ o Montreal/ 'anada "as Dr- White "hen carrying out Monarch
programming- 'ameron tried to continue some o Mengele.s eye color research in
'anada- Mengele "as trying to disco*er or the Nazi.s ho" to ma&e bro"n eyes blue-
'ameron recei*ed unding rom the Illuminati- 'ameron also got unding rom the 'IA-
$he Roc&eeller Foundation ga*e him W6</<<< in ?769 to create the Allen Memorial
Institute or psychiatry/ an Illuminati ront- !e began doing programming early in the
?7:<s- 'ameron had ser*ed on the gruesome "estern ront in W-W-I-
As an Illuminati &ingpin and programmer/ 'ameron (Dr- White) "as *ery sadistic and
cold blooded- !e *isited other programmers on the West 'oast periodically- +ne leading
'anadian doctor said that 'ameron 0"as not possessed o the necessary sense o
humanity to be regarded as a good doctor-0 $he man "as able to instill ear into people
by loo&ing at them- !e met re;uently "ith Allen Dulles/ the head o the 'IA- !e
tra*elled re;uently including ma&ing stops in Washington- Many o the Monarch
sla*es on the east coast "ere *ictims o 'ameron- !e "or&ed long hours at his mind,
control "or& li&e a dri*en man-
In ?7A?/ 2ust one o 'ameron.s institutions administered under his super*ision A</<<<
electrical shoc&s to patients- $his is 2ust "hat "as recorded at one institution or one
year- Who &no"s ho" many *ictims got electrical shoc&s and programming by this
man3 !e "or&ed "ith the Besuit part o the NW+ in 'anada- 1eonard Rubenstein "as
one o his trusted assistants- 'ameron encouraged dissension among his sta in di*ide
and 'on;uer tactics to maintain his po"er- 'ameron had a big ego that allo"ed him to
steal other people.s "or& and gi*e himsel credit or it/ in his publications-
F. The Anti#Chi%t Chie& hand$eJ2o(a""e
(?) $he Anti'hrist "ill ha*e both public and pri*ate li*es- $he t"o "ill not be the same-
Deep in the heart o the Anti'hrist he "ill "ant to rob/ &ill/ and destroy-
(8) !e "ill be a man o "ar/ but his public image "ill be that he is a man o peace-
(9) !e "ill be a "inner- $he public al"ays li&es a "inner- $his "ill be a man "ith a
hardened heart/ but a man o charisma-
(6) 'harisma has been noted to de*elop "hen a person is a oreigner (no*el) and has
some eature that causes people to eel sorry or the person ,,some "ound or physical
deect (li&e Gorbache*Os red splotch on his head)- $he Anti'hrist "ill ha*e the public
appearance o being a genius/ not only a "izard o "ords/ but a commercial genius/ a
military genius/ a diplomat o the highest order/ a leader/ and an intelligent good loo&ing
(:) !o"e*er/ this is the public image- Some o this "ill be created by Madison a*enue
techni;ues- !e "ill be earless/
(A) a s&illed negotiator/ a po&er ace "ho is capable o craty deception- In act
deception characterizes the man- !e is Satan in human lesh/
(D) "ho "ill use religion or e*il- !e "ill use good or e*il-
(C) !is lineage is rom se*eral directions- !e may ha*e !ittite blood/
(7) blood rom the $ribe o Dan/
(?<) and blood rom Assyria -
(??) !e may also claim to ha*e @gyptian royal blood-
(?8) !e "ill be proclaimed the returning messiah or the #uddhists/ the Islamic religion/
the Ne" Agers/ the 'hristians/ etc- Inman Mahdi/ the Messiah- etc-
(?9) !o"e*er/ the group o people "ho he "ill be most connected to/ "ill be the Be"s-
(?6) !is sphere o inluence "ill not 2ust be 2e"s/ but he "ill reinstitute blood sacriices
in the $emple in Berusalem -
(?:) $his may "ell be the abomination o desolation that the Word o God "arns about-
(?A) $he Anti'hrist "ill arise on the scene li&e a thie in the night (?D) and "ill surprise
people by his rise to ame- !e "ill come rom obscurity ,,
(?C) but he "ill ha*e all the correct credentials
(?7)/ and bloodlines-
(8<) All the correct occult signs "ill occur around this indi*idual-
(8?) #ecause o historical precedence/ "e &no" that chaos and conusion "ill set the
stage or the grand entrance o this man onto the stage o public attention-
(88)Problems "ill be created/ so that this great man can pull man&ind out o the "orst
disasters- $he "orld "ill be trauma,bonded "ith him-
(89) !e "ill be a sa*ior sa*ing man&ind rom e=tinction and death-
(86) !o"e*er/ "hile he promises and pro*ides a ne" lie or human&ind/ he is actually a
merchant o spiritual death-
(86) $he eternal ate o indi*iduals is determined by ho" they respond to him-
(8:) A remnant o true belie*ers "ill endure to the end
(8A)/ but many "ill succumb to the deception-
(8D) $he Anti'hrist "ill not ha*e to ace a hostile church,,the church "ill be in apostasy
and "ill accept him-
(8C) $he Anti'hrist "ill ha*e to ace a e" Bohn the #aptist types/ "ho he "ill use his
guillotines on-
(87) In other "ords/ the Anti'hrist "ill not be antagonistic to"ard the church,,but he
"ill subtly destroy it and cause it to ser*e only him- !e "ill disregard the true la" o
(9<),,the spirit o the la"/ but he "ill be a legalist/ "ho "ants la" and order
(9?)- !e "ill ha*e both a False Prophet and another close riend the #east-
(98) $he daily blood sacriices "ill become the global correct *ie"/ and 'hristians "ho
oppose these sacriices "ill be in trouble-
(99) All the trappings o Rabbinic and $almudic and 'abalistic Budaism "ill be re*i*ed
and lourish-
(96) !e "ill pretend to be li&e 'hrist,,he "ill be compared to 'hrist in the media,,but
he "ill also be opposed in reality to e*erything 'hrist stands or- As so many Satanic
cult leaders do/ and as is standard "ithin Illuminati rituals,,the Anti'hrist "ill be &illed
and brought bac& to lie-
(9:) $his simulated death "ill be done in ront o the public/ and this "ill gi*e him the
appearance o superhuman strength and di*ine a*or,,or being able to recei*e a deadly
"ound and then to heal and re*i*e so ;uic&ly- Berusalem "ill be the religious capital o
the Ne" World +rder (9A),,but there is reason to belie*e that there "ill also be both a
political and an economic capital/ and a computer and a police center- (9D) $here "ill
probably be 9 public capitals and many other centers
(9C) Bust as during the Roman @mpire there "ere many religious centers/ such as
@phesus "as the spiritual center or Diana "orship being one o the D "onders o the
Ancient "orld- Mt- +lympus in Greece "as a sacred mountain in ancient times/ "ith
sites or consultations "ith the +racles- In modern Anti'hrist times/ Glastonbury/ %>
and Mt- Shasta/ 'A may ser*e as spiritual centers- $he Ne" Age pilgrimages to Mt-
Shasta "hich are co*ers or the mind control done there may "ell continue to ser*e that
same unction in the Anti'hristOs reign-
(97) Rome or 1ondon could become political capitals- An economic capital could be
established almost any"here- $he computers are already being centered in @urope- +nce
he has ta&en po"er/ he can enter into Berusalem li&e a hero/ triumphantly-
(6<) !e "ill command uni*ersal "orship *ia the technological ad*ances that ha*e been
made in communication- All the spirits o e*il "ill collect themsel*es in this one person
o e*il- !e "ill be shre"d/ and "ill be able to understand dar& e*il things- !e "ill do
things according to his o"n "ill- At least some outside o the inner circle "ill &no" that
he is homose=ual/ (and bi,se=ual)-
(6?) !e "ill ha*e the ull orce o the "orldOs system behind him/ trying to ma&e him
loo& better- !e may be born in the Middle @ast ,,perhaps in Pa&istan li&e 1ord Maitreya
(Rahmat Ahmad)-
(68) !istorically/ SatanOs Anti'hrist spirit has captured a number o men-
(69) For instance/ Antiochus IK @piphanes/ 'aligula/ Nero/ Ghulam Alimad and !itler-
!o"e*er/ these ha*e been only partial maniestations- Satan "or&ing through secret
Satanists such as >arl Mar= set up 'ommunism- In Russia/ Mar=/ @ngels and 1enin
"ere made into a Father/ Son and !oly Spirit triad- $he picture o the 9 "as prominently
displayed all o*er Russia- 1enin "as created into a 'hrist li&e igure- ($he e=tent o ho"
much communism substituted these men or the trinity hasnOt been co*ered by the
controlled Western media-)
$he men o this alse godhood "ere gi*en the attributes in Russia o the Father/ Son and
!oly Spirit by state propaganda- I mention all these things/ because again this "as a
partial maniestation o the Anti'hrist spirit along "ith the #east and the False Prophet-
$hose "ho "ould understand ho" the Anti'hrist "ill act in public/ need to study
Machia*elli/ !itler/ Antiochus IK @piphanes/ 1enin/ and the many other partial
maniestations o the Anti'hrist spirit/ such as the Popes-
Most Reormation reormers and early American puritan leaders regarded the Pope as
the Anti'hrist- !e certainly has oten been a good e=ample- $he pri*ate lie o the
Anti'hrist "ill be *ery identical to other Illuminati &ingpins- !e "ill participate in
Illuminati rituals- !e has already been presented to Illuminati councils or appro*al- All
the Mothers o Dar&ness "ill ser*e him as brides/ as "ell as an inner body guard- 1i&e
Faust/ and e*eryone else in the Illuminati/ the Anti'hrist has made many co*enants/
oaths/ and *o"s to Satan himsel- !e has been taught that he is a god man- In public/ he
"ill proclaim himsel di*ine- In pri*ate/ he "ill consider Satan to be his o"n god-
!e "ill stri*e to do the best 2ob or Satan possible/ because he has been taught that he
"ill rule "ith Satan in hell/ and his position in hell "ill be determined by ho" good he
does his 2ob no"- !e "ill be totally turned o*er to Satan/ the Father o all lies- !e "ill
east on the blood o sacriiced indi*iduals/ and may "ell be addicted to drin&ing blood/
li&e Kice,Pres- Al Gore is-
(66) $hose "ho do not ha*e a lo*e or the truth/ "ill come under the spell o the
Anti'hristOs deception "hich "ill be looded o*er the tele*ision screens/ and through the
controlled media-
(6:) !e "ill push all the correct buttons *erbally "hen he spea&s/ and he "ill e*en
latter people- (6A) !e "ill be the "orldOs tyrannical but much lo*ed dictator/ a ather
(6D) $he Anti'hrist "ill be "or&ing on creating supermen / the genetic "onder man that
!itler "as "or&ing to create- Instead o using GodOs approach to perection/ the
Anti'hrist "ill ha*e the most superior genetic approach so ar- In other "ords/ to the
public "ith their "arped thin&ing/ he "ill loo& li&e he is impro*ing the human race
genetically/ and in e*ery other "ay too-
$he Illuminati are planning to install him as 1ord o*er the earth around the year 8<<<-
+ccultists (incl- &no"n Satanic leaders) ha*e been prophesying his coming- !olly"ood
under the direction and inancing o the Illuminati ha*e gi*en us the Damien series and
other ilms on the Anti'hrist- Da*id #auer/ a psychic ad*iser and #aptist minister/ has
prophesied that the Anti'hrist "ill come in the year 8<<<- Bean Di=on/ "ho has
connections to the Illuminati has prophesied this too- So has the @nglish astrologer
@d"in 1yndoe- $hey declare that this leader "ill be a sa*ior o man&ind- Beanne Di=on
"ent so ar as to say that the Anti'hrist "as born on Feb- :/ ?7A8- (See Di=on/ B- My
1ie and Prophecies- Fred- Miller/ ?7D?-) $he "itch Sybil 1ee& e*en pointed to a son o
a Berusalem dentist- Da*id Morris as being the man- (1ee&- S- Reincarnation4 the Second
'hance- N54 Stein E Day/ ?7D6)-
All &inds o people are pointing at the year 8<<<- +ccult prophecies about the year 8<<<
come rom Irene !ughes/ Alan Kaughn/ @dgar 'ayce/ >enneth +dhar and many others-
De Sabrato an occult prophet belie*es 'hrist "ill return in 8<<9 in the orm o an @$
'hrist- !o"e*er/ i plans all apart there are indications that the Anti'hrist could arri*e
later in the 8?st century- !enry >issinger said/ 0We are going to ha*e a Ne" World
+rder/ i not in this generation/ then in the ne=t-0
+ne o the men "ho "or&ed high up in the Ne" World +rder- and "ho had inside
inormation elt that the Anti'hrist "ouldnOt rule until 8<6D and that he "ould be born in
Ne" 5or& 'ity and ha*e blond hair and blue eyes- From "hat the 1ord has sho"n this
author/ and ta&ing into account the *ulnerabilities o the IlluminatiOs plans/ this author
"ould state that the Anti'hrist may not arri*e until ;uite a e" years rom no"- +n the
other hand/ there are already candidates "ho ha*e been presented beore the Illuminati
councils "ho are candidates to become the Anti'hrist-
$he primary candidate or the position o Anti'hrist is being &ept in a hea*ily guarded
small to"n near 1ondon- +nly those "ho are summoned by him enter into the room
"here he is located- Indi*iduals "ho come into his presence immediately "ant to
"orship him- !e is a Rothschild-
$he mother o either the NW+Os Bohn position or the 'hrist position "as S- @- D- Fname
may be a*ailable on re;uest rom Fritz SpringmeierG and his name is Ale=ander
Rothschild/ Br- $he name Ale=ander is *ery important to the Illuminati- #aron
Rothschild passed on his spiritual po"er "hen he "as ritually murdered in ?7DA- $his
Rothschild Anti'hrist is &no"n as the Son o Apollo-
(6C) From a reliable source close to 1ord Maitreya- he is Be"ish- $he Illuminati ha*e a
Mary position/ also &no"n as the Madonna position/ "hich are "omen that are closely
connected to the Anti'hrist- Within the last e" years/ all the Madonna,position systems
united in ritual in 1ondon/ Fran&urt/ Austria/ and S"itzerland- $he name Iueen o
!ea*en (Seriramis) is also applied to high le*el "omen close to the Anti'hrist-
Programmed multiples/ "ho rise abo*e the Grande Dame le*el/ enter le*els designated
by a- b/ c E d- Guine*ere/ the name o >ing ArthurOs "ie E 1ancelotOs mistress/
designates one o the positions o the 6,emale Illuminati teams around the Anti'hrist- It
is "ritten Gennier or @nglish spea&ing systems-
(67) Prior to the Anti'hrist 8 "itnesses are to come to "hich spiritually is called Sodom
and @gypt- R@K ??4C- In the past/ God has sent his 8 "itnesses (MosesLAaron)/ (the t"o
to Sodom/ see G@N ?C4?AP) on Nisan ? (Passo*er)- $he orthodo= Be"s e=pect the return
"itness o @li2ah on Passo*er- $he real 8 "itnessesLE or the Satanic 8 alse "itnesses
may appear around the Passo*er time- (c- R@K ??4?,9/ D4?,?D/ ?64?,:/ B+@1 849<,98/ E
A'$S 84?7,8?-) $hese "itnesses and the IlluminatiOs Bohn the #aptist3 position are some
o the prominent people "ho are slated to die in the end time drama being prepared by
the Illuminati "ho are trying to copy scripture/ and by God Almighty "ho is directing
things on a higher le*el- Readers must bear in mind that Satan &no"s the Scriptures too/
and is a great imitator-
?- $his is a uni*ersal trait o men "ith the Anti'hrist spirit- While 'hrist is truth/ Satan
is deception- !a*ing a acade/ being t"o,aced (li&e the god Banus) is standard or these
men- Budas Iscariot "ith his &isses or 'hrist is 2ust one e=ample o thousands o
e=amples- Bames 94?D sho"s that the !oly Spirit is "ithout hypocrisy/ but the @*il Spirit
is de*oid o the !oly Spirit s ruit and is ull o hypocrisy-
8- $he Spirit o Satan desires to rob/ &ill/ and destroy- Satan s desires "ill consume the
thin&ing o the Anti'hrist- $he Word o God indicates that "hate*er the Anti'hrist "ills
to do/ he "ill do according to Dan- ??49A- In this sense/ he "ill be the master magician/
the Adept o Adepts- 9- Scripture indicate that he "ill bring a alse peace to the earth/
and that he "ill be a man "ith ierce countenance-
6- Scripture indicate he "ill be "orshipped/ and the po"er o the media to ma&e heros
+ut o any actor has been "ell established-
:- Scriptures indicate he "ill be considered *ery intelligent- $hey also indicate "hat
spheres o inluence he "ill lead/ and "hat roles he "ill play- $a&ing these into account/
and ta&ing into account "hat the Illuminati ha*e planned/ and ta&ing into account that
Satan s "orld li&es to de*elop certain public images or its heroes/ then it is a gi*en that
Satan s Anti'hrist "ill appear gited or "ell de*eloped intellectually in many areas-
While intellectual stature is not important to God/ it has al"ays been in Satan s "orld-
A- Dan- C489
D- Scripture/ and common &no"ledge among Satanists is that the Anti'hrist "ill be
produced rom the seed o Satan and aminated by Satan himsel- 1& 8849 sho"s that
Satan himsel entered Budas/ ho" much more so then "ill the Anti'hrist be the
embodiment o Satan-
C- $he Scripture sho" that Satan li&es to use good things li&e the Word o God or e*il
7- Illuminati belie is that they are descended in part rom the !ittites- ?<- @arly
'hristian leader Irenaeus elt that Scriptures and early teachings indicated that the $ribe
o Dan "ould raise the Anti'hrist- $he Midrash on Gen- 674?6,?D supports his *ie"/ and
it states that dar&ness "ill come o*er the "orld rom the $ribe o Dan- +ther conspiracy
researchers li&e mysel ha*e disco*ered that the $ribe o Dan s lineage is playing a big
role in the Illuminati-
??- Isa- ?<4:/ ?8
?8- Beanne Di=on prophecies that he "ill be descended rom Pharaoh- $he Illuminati are
ma&ing coronation plans at the Great Pyramid in ?777- It is ;uite possible that the
Anti'hrist may ha*e blood rom a Pharaoh/ or at least the pseudo,documentation to
ma&e people belie*e it-
?9- $he Illuminati are already doing this "ith 1ord Maitreya
?6- $he Word o God sho"s that he is accepted by the Be"s as being the +ld $estament
messiah-- In order to do that he must ha*e some credentials that loo& good-
?:- Re*-
?A- Mt- 864?:
?D- $he Illuminati ha*e been "or&ing hard to &eep the Anti'hrist s identity a big secret-
'- Acts ?4D and Mt- 8649A- God has &ept some things secret too- Satan "ill come li&e a
thie in the night- 8 Ptr 94?<- ?C- $he Son o Perdition "ill be re*ealed ,,8 $hes 849,6
"ith po"ers and signs and lying "onders 8 $hes 847-
?7- !e steals ( cuts o ) the "orship deser*ed by 'hrist or himsel- Re*- ?94?A/ ?D/ and
c- 8 thes- 847- It is clear that the Anti'hrist must ha*e credentials that allo" himsel to
be palmed o as a 'hrist- !e "ill be a genuine imitation 'hrist-
8<- We &no" he "ill ha*e an elite generation satanic bloodline because he belongs to the
Illuminati/ "hich in itsel is the elite bloodlines- !e "ill be the elite o the elite- $here
are spiritual reasons "hy Satan needs people rom generational satanic amilies or his
leadership- !is legal claims o*er the Anti'hrist and his occult po"ers are increased by
the circumstances o being rom multi,generational satanic amilies-
8?- $his is simply part o being "ithin Satan s &ingdom-
88- $his is according to the Illuminati s plans/ "hich ha*e been discussed at length "ith
this author by people trying to escape the Illuminati-
89- A common tactic by satanic leaders/ there is little doubt that this tactic "ill also be
used by the supreme dictator/ the Anti'hrist-
86- Satan gi*es spiritual death/ 'hrist gi*es lie,,that is one o the themes o the #ible-
8:- Re*- ?748<- $hose "ho ta&e the Anti'hrist s mar& are thro"n into the 1a&e o Fire-
8A- $he gates o !ell "ill not pre*ail against the church- $here "ill be aith/ although it
"ill be as in the days o Noah,,it "ill be a rarity- Karious scriptures indicate that Satan
"ill ne*er "ipe out the entire church on the earth-
8D- Mt- 86486- !e "ill brea& the !oly People- Dan ?84A,D
8C- A number o scriptures indicate that there "ill be a alling a"ay, 'hrist as&s/ Will
there e*en be aith3 $his apostate church is #abylon the Great/ "hich is described in
Re*- ?D, ?C- $he entire "orld "ill "orship him- Note ho" many 'hristians are united
"ith the ecumenical acti*ities o mainstream 'hristendom- $he ma2ority o churches are
no" participating in ecumenical acti*ities/ e*en the supposedly conser*ati*e
87- Re*- ?84??/ Re*- A4?<
9<- Scripture call him the 1a"less +ne because he hates God s spiritual la"s and "ill try
to destroy the sacriice o 'hrist by reinstituting blood sacriices-
9?- $his is according to Illuminati plans/ and also matches "hat the pre*ious partial
maniestations o the Anti'hrist ha*e been li&e- !itler "as al"ays preaching la" and
order- $his is a common theme by the NW+- Satan is al"ays a great legalist-
98- !e "ill deny the Father and the Son (? Bohn 8488) and present to the "orld the False
$rinity described in the boo& o Re*elation- (Re*- ?94?) 99- '- Bn- ?A48
96- $his has already happened- $he $emple rituals ha*e been reinstituted/ and e*en the
blood sacriices are secretly being done underground-
9:- $his is hinted at in a couple o places in Scripture- It is such a standard satanic tric&/
that it "ould be amazing i it "ere not done- Part o anticipating one s enemies actions is
to &no" their thin&ing- $his "ould be in line "ith satanic tactics-
9A- '- 1&- 8?486- When the $imes o the Gentiles ends/ Berusalem is to be restored to
being a spiritual center- c- Dan- ??46:,?84?-
9D- $his is a conclusion by the author ater studying plans o the elite/ including %N
plans/ and other acti*ities and statements by those in the NW+-
9C- $his is a conclusion by the author ater studying plans o the elite- 97- $his is
speculation on author s part- "hich ta&es into consideration "hat is already going on in
6<- Illuminati plans- $he Be"s ha*e long "aited or the Messiah (the Ne" Da*id) to
enter Berusalem through the Golden Gate- $his e=pectation "as mentioned to the author
"hen he "as in Berusalem-
6?- Dan- ??49D- $he Illuminati ha*e been promoting homose=uality because they "ant
people to accept the homose=uality o the Anti'hrist- In Dan- ??49D it indicates that
Neither regard-- -the desire o "omen-
68- See the #e Wise As Serpents boo&- 'hapt- ?-6
69- Bohn 84?C and I Bohn 649
66- $"o dierent e=,Satanists ha*e independently pro*ided inormation on Al Gore s
addiction to blood- Illuminati &ingpins are oten addicted to the Adrenalchrome that
pools in the body 2ust prior to a person being sacriiced- Karious ne"sletters gi*e more
inormation on this and related issues-
6:- Mt- 8646/:/??M 8 $hes- 84?<,?8 #ecause they recei*ed not the lo*e o the truth---
6A- Dan- ??498
6D- Re*- ?949/6/ D/ C/?D
6C- $his entire paragraph comes rom *arious Illuminati Mind,controlled sla*es "ho
"ere in important positions around the Anti'hrist/ "ho ha*e been deprogrammed-
67- $his inormation comes rom hal a dozen top important Illuminati mind,controlled
sla*es "ho are in the process o being deprogrammed-
A22endi= T'o3 The 0o(a""in( Site%
So"e /A5OR /IND#CONTRO9 0ROGRA//ING SITES 'ith e=2$anation% o&
thei 2o(a""in(.
(Fritz Springmeier originally e=posed many o these sites in ?779/ so it is possible they
ha*e made some changes since they "ere originally e=posed- Most o these operated or
years/ and may still be operating- We are a"are o that some o their programming bases
ha*e been mo*ed ater e=posure-)
#esides these ma2or programming sites/ there are countless minor ones- For instance/
some o the programming sites or "ater,beach tortures ha*e been *isited by the co,
authors/ but are not listed- $he massi*e #oeing Plant in the Seatle/ WA area "ith its
large amount underground tunnels has been used or programming/ as "ell as the AR'+
#ea*er Kalley Plant in Pennsly*annia- So has the chapel at the 'oast Guard Academy
at Ne" 1ondon / 'onn- "hich "as built by A-W- Mellon o the Mellon Illuminati amily
*ia their Mellon Foundation-
$his list is not put orth as comprehensi*e- Without ;uestion/ this list is only the tip o
the iceberg-
87 Palms/ 'A Area :? (Dreamland/ Groom 1a&e )/ NK,,Area :? is also &no"n as
Dreamland- $here are a number o e=tensi*e underground acilities in the area- $his "as
one o the irst genetic research acilities in the%-S- and perhaps the irst ma2or genetic
research acility- $he peopleL"or&ers E *ictims are brought in by airplane and tube
shuttle- $he "orst cases o %F+Lalien type o Monarch programming is coming out o
Area :?- $he eggs rom sla*es are being har*ested and "eird genetic creatures are being
de*eloped rom human eggs "hich ha*e been genetically mi=ed "ith other things-
#ethseda / MD ,,$he #ethesada Na*al !ospital #ingham / %$ ,,A red bric& house/
"hich "as a closed !ouse o Prostitution- $he building "as used or >>>
programming- 'hild porn "as produced in the basement/ and upstairs programmed child
sla*es ser*iced >>> members- $he >>> acti*ity in the area connects in "ith the
Illuminati controlled >ennecott 'opper 'o- (a&a %tah 'opper 'o-) Russell G- Frazer/
head o #ingham.s >la*ern E doctor or >ennecott 'opper 'o- did the electro,shoc& to
split personalities-
#lac& Forest/ Germany,,#ecause the %-S,%->- and Germany do so much programming/
and some o the people in the %-S- "ere programmed in the %->-/ Germany or Russia/ it
is "orth"hile to mention some o the German programming sites- A number o
"itnesses report about castles in the #lac& Forest "hich are used or programming E
#asal/ S"- on the border "ith Germany is a important Illuminati center-
Fran&urt / #erlin and Uurich are all important programmingLritual sites- $he Besuits and
the 'atholic churches are *ery acti*e in programming in Germany -
#oulder / '+ ,,$he head;uarters or @M'/ a type o electra,magnetic mind control that
is being broadcast to modiy the thin&ing o Americans/ and to control sla*es-
#utner / N-'- ,, 'enter o 'orrectional Research / all types o mind control are carried
out and e=perimented "ith on the inmates-
'amp Peary / KA ,,$he 'IA.s $he Farm is located on a narro" strip o land bet"een the
5or& E Bames Ri*ers near Williamsburg / KA / used or programming 'IA sla*es- It has
red bric& buildings/ and loo&s similar to a small college- $he oicial crytonym "as
IS+1A$I+N- People "ho are brought in "ho don.t &no" "here they are or training are
called #lac& $rainees-
'hina 1a&e Na*al Research #ase (Inyo&ern)/ 'A,,$his acility had a country store/ and
hangers/ and a hospital (address or the hospital is the code, 898 Na*al Air Weapons
Station) "hich all pro*ided sites or programming- $his site has been operational since
the early ?7:<s- 1arge numbers o children (batches o ?<<< or 8/<<< or 9/<<< children
"ere run through this acility at a time- $his acility did much o the original traumas
and mind,splitting tortures that created the MPD- +ther acilities then specialized in
urther programming that "as then layered in on top o the
original 'hina 1a&e programming- A great deal o dehumanization in cages "as done to
large numbers o tiny children at 'hina 1a&e Na*al Facility-
Nimitz !ospital did drug testing o the children prior to their programming-
'olorado Springs / '+ ,,$he A1@V system programming and end,times Military
programming is coming out o 'olorado Springs and is connected to N+RAD- +ne o
the 'olorado sites is doing alien programming "ith moc& %F+s-
Dillsboro Ni&e #ase,,Monarch programming o many &inds
Disneyland / 'A ,, Disneyland has been an o hour site or Illuminati and satanic rituals
or years- Programming has gone on using Disneyland as one big prop or programming-
Many o the Disney mo*ies are used or programming/ and some Disney scripts are
especially tailored or Monarch sla*e programming- $he Peter Pan programming can use
the ship- $he space programming can use the space props- $he satanic programming can
use the castles- 1ots o mirror programming is done at Disneyland / and Disney"orld -
$here is also Magic Mountain programming/ and programming using the Around the
World Dolls/ and its theme song- Some o Wizard o +z and the 'inderella
programming "as also done at Disneyland using costumes- Pre*erbal children are ta&en
to Disneyland to get them ready or the scripts-
Disney"orld / F1 ,, Disney"orld "as created as the eastern counterpart to
the Disneyland programming site- +ne o the rides in Disney"orld plays 0It.s a small/
small "orld0 "hich is Disneyland de*eloped programming theme-
Ft- 'ampbell / >$,,#ase programs are placed in here-
Ft- Detric& / MD ,,in*ol*ed "ith medicalLbiological e=perimentation
Ft- !olabird / MD ,,$his site is no longer in e=istence/ but "as
the Army Intelligence School - 'I' used the school- $he place "as &no"n as 0the
Ft- !ood / $V ,,programming in*ol*ing military uses o Delta Monarch sla*es "as done
Ft- !uahuachua / AU ,,!I or Army Intelligence-
Ft- >no= / >$ ,,$he ?st @arth #att- "as de*eloped here-
Ft- 1e"is / WA ,,in*ol*ed "ith the Psychic "arare part o the Monarch Programming-
Ft- Mc'lellen ,, Ft- Meade / MD ,,$he National Security Agency "as created on 6 No*
?7:8 - Its head;uarters "ere Fort Meade / KA- $he National Security Agency (NSA)
employs tens o thousands o employees and has a budget larger than the 'IA- It has
also been &ept ar more secret/ "hile the 'IA has been used as the all guy to protect the
National Security Agency.s reputation-
In the late ?7A<.s/ under +peration Minaret and Program Shamroc&/ the NSA and its
#ritish counterpart G'!I began monitoring much o the communication "ithin
the %SA and %> - $he NSA monitors all American calls *ia computers using trip
"ords/ speciic names/ speciic addresses/ speciic telephone numbers/ etc- NSA has
se*eral computer to record all the millions o con*ersations "hich the computers ha*e
e=amined and deemed "orthy o recording- !o" the NSA can get any use out o
millions o recorded telephone con*ersations is beyond me3 What intelligence agency
could ade;uately process so much inormation3 $hese organizations no" monitor all
communications "ithin both countries- At least one congressman got upset that his
phone "as bugged by the NSA- (see Da*id 'orn.s article/ 0$he case o the bugged
senator0 in Nation/ Feb- A/ XC7 / p- ?:8-)
NSA has de*eloped a iberoptics net"or& called Internet computer net"or&- An orange
boo& is used to speciy some o the NSA.s security le*els- An inormant in the National
Security Agency states that establishment ne"spapers li&e the Wall Street Bournal and
the Ne" 5or& $imes are used to communicate secret messages "hich are placed "ithin
"ant ads/ buzz "ords in editorials/ and *ia other methods- #ecause o some o "hat this
person told me/ I ha*e gi*en some possible e=amples in this ne"sletter o ho" people
might be using the papers or secret messages- For instance using Michael Bac&son "ith
his hands ma&ing some type o sign might be a signal-
Manried Adler and the %S Senate 'ommittee in*estigating the 'IA ound that 7<T o
the 'IA.s secret messages are transmitted *ia the media/ "ith the aid o coded te=ts and
pictures- A raised oreinger or t"o raised oreingers "hile a spea&er is tal&ing means
that the message is a Masonic message coming rom a Masonic spea&er-
$he Illuminati uses code "ords "ithin the large establishment papers to "arn their
people "hat they are going to do "ith the economy- In this "ay/ people in the Illuminati
can ta&e appropriate responses-
Goddard Space Flight 'enter,,NASA mirror,theme programming
Grissom AF#/ IND,, !olly"ood/ 'A,,+ne o the programmersLhandlers in the
!olly"ood area is surprisingly Anton 1aKey- $his is one reason Anton 1aKey has
ollo"ers "ho "ill carry out his *ery "ishes- 1aKey.s children o course "ere
programmed too- !is o"n girls ha*e been participating in the nude in satanic rituals
since little children-
!omestead AF#/ F1,, >ir&land AF#/ NM,,1ampe/ M+,,$his has been the site o a
'IA near,death trauma center "here sla*es are programmed- It is an RER center or the
'IA "here they can ha*e any se=ual per*ersion or drug they "ant- $his has been a large
cocaine supply depot also- !al Meado"s "as director o this center "hich is deep in the
"oods surrounded by cabin chalets o*erloo&ing a small deep la&e- A gra*el road leads to
the site "hich is enced and "ell,guarded- !al Meado"s address "as #o= 8D/ 1ampe/
M+ A:AC?-
1angley/ KA,, Sla*es or the "ants o intelligence-
1as Kegas (sites in and around 1as Kegas)/ NK,,MGM.s Grand !otel and $heme par&
"ere built or programming/ but there are also some sites outside o the city used- In the
general area o 1as Kegas in remote sites/ the elite gather or sla*e auctions once a year
"here Monarch sla*es are sold and traded- +ne o the a*orite sla*e auction sites "as 8<
miles out o 1as Kegas and ?< miles o the main road into the site- $he Mob is in*ol*ed
"ith Monarch sla*es in 1as Kegas- A blue,eyed ?? year old girl "ill go or W:</<<<-
$oronto/ 'anada is another regular site or Monarch sla*e auctions-
Mc'lellan AF#/ 'A , Kery bad 'hild and adult porn using Monarch *ictims is
distributed through this base as "ell as the other bases listed in this list- A $-W-
Sanderson "or&ed "ith Monarchs at this base-
MacDill AF#/ F1 ,,Near $ampa/ F1
Ma="ell AF#/ A1 ,,
Montreal/ Iue-/ 'anada ,McGill %ni*-/ McGill Psychiatric $raining Net"or&/ Allan
Memorial Inst-/ St- Mary.s !osp-, $he Uombie Room (Sleep Room) in the basement/ the
Isolation chamber and the Grid Room at St- Mary.s !ospital "ere used or
Mt- Shasta/ 'A,,%nderground acilities around this huge mountain in the 1a&e Shasta
area are putting out Monarch programming that ma&es the people thin& they are in
communication "ith aliens- $his acility is or torturing E reprogramming captured
runa"ay Monarch sla*es- People are brought into the area *ia helicopter/ plane/ or lying
saucer- $his site is probably the largest mind,control programming center- It is in a
remote "ooded area- It is hea*ily guarded/ has ences/ and a large contingent o blac&
helicopters- Mt- Shasta is e;uipped "ith state o the art high tech programming
e;uipment- Mind,controlled sla*es "ho are soldiers are programmed and trained at the
Mt- Shasta acility-
Nash*ille/ $N,,$hese sites "or& "ith the 'ountry Western Music Industry "hich is
actually a 'IA ront or mo*ing drugs to inance their dirty blac& acti*ities- Fiddler.s
Inn/ Nash*ille its in "ith the Monarch Programming-
Papillion/ N@,,
Patric& AF#/,,Portland (+ld +MSI/ Ne" +MSI/ #ldg- Near Monarch !otel at CC<< S@
Sunnyside Rd-/ Mormon $emple/ etc-)/ +R- $he +ld +MSI building had a bac& door on
the "est side in "hich sla*es "ere ta&en in to the bottom loor and reprogrammed-
Although security guards aren.t *isible/ they are there "ith electronic sur*eillance- $he
people running +MSI are tied in the Illuminati- $he D',9 airplane outside o the
building "as used in the programming as a hypnotic trigger- $he submarine doc&ed
outside o the ne" +MSI building is also used as a programming hypnotic tool- $he ne"
Mormon $emple has an e=tremely high tech underground tunnel acility or
programming built underneath it- Witnesses ha*e collaborated their testimony on this
high tech programming site under the Portland Mormon $emple- Although building
plans are to be public inormation/ the city o 1a&e +s"ego ma&es it *ery diicult to
*ie" the temple.s building plans- $he plans sho" that the oundation "alls are ar
thic&er than any concei*able earth;ua&e "ould e*er call or- $he reason is that the
oundation helps house an underground arena or the Illuminati E and their guests to
"atch per*erse sho"s-
Presideo/ 'A (incl- Alcatraz/ San Francisco),, $he Illuminati and *arious Satanic cults
used the Presideo or their programming- Split,brain E other programming "as done at
1etterman hospital- Fort Point "as used or Illuminati ritual E programming/ as "ell as
a number o churches/ underground gun emplacements and the large circular Gree&
column art building at the Presideo- Alcatraz/ abandoned as a prison/ "as used or "ater
tortures and other programming- $unnels connected buildings/ and the MuleL!orse
buildings and the cemetery also "ere used- $his is one o the older programming sites-
Psychic "arare acti*ity also "as e=perimented on in this area- 1etterman !ospital has
been used or the initial drug testing o the inants beore programming- 1ots o isolation
programming in damp cold places "as done at the Presideo- 1ots o porn and military
programming ha*e also been done here-
Redstone Arsenal/ A1,,
San Antonio/ $V,,
Salt 1a&e 'ity (Mormon $emple),,$his underground acility "or&s in con2unction "ith
the Mormon hierarchy "ho are allo"ed to create sla*es- $he Illuminati put in base
programming that still gi*es them ultimate control beyond the control that the Mormon
programming has-
Scotty.s 'astle/ Death Kalley/ 'A,Mengele (Dr-Green) programmed in some o his
0internal bo=es0 as "ell as other Illuminati programming "as done at this site- Mengele
had a large circular red bed in the castle "hich he stoc&ed "ith his little girl sla*es/ "ho
already had &itten se=ual alters- Scotty.s 'astle is a castle located in Death Kalley 'A- It
has a *ery interesting history- $o reach the castle one is re;uired to dri*e through many
miles o desert- I one dri*es to lnyo 'ounty/ 'A/ the same county that has 'hina 1a&e
Na*al $esting Grounds/ and Inyo&ern/ and then you dri*e on !"y- ?7< into Death
Kalley National Monument (it is not a par& or orest/ dead *alleys are called
monuments)/ ne=t you go north on a road ater Sto*e Pipe or 9: miles-
$he man "ho built Scotty.s 'astle "as Walter Perry Scott (?CD8,?7:6)- Walter P- Scott
"as the son o an alcohol distiller and horse breeder in >entuc&y- Walter did not get any
ormal education- !e let home and "ent "est "here he "or&ed as a mule dri*er/ and a
"ater boy- From there he became a horse "rangler- #ecause o his talent "ith horses
#ualo #ill made him the eature rider along "ith Annie +a&ley in #ualo #ill.s amily
sho"- $he sho" tra*elled and Scotty "as "ith it ele*en years- During this time/ Scotty
made many important riendships "ith men o po"er and "ealth- In ?7<</ Walter
married and let the sho"- !e got a loan rom Bulian Gerard/ a N5 ban&er/ to go
prospecting or gold "hich he ailed to pay bac&- Bulian Gerard "as repeatedly sending
people to hassle Scotty to get his money bac&- In ?7<:/ Walter Scott (0Scotty0) scattered
gold nuggets and W?<< bills rom N-5- to 1-A- Where he got all this gold and W?<< bills
is a mystery/ but it "asn.t rom prospecting- $he idea o inding a secret mine "as *ery
ob*iously a co*er or ho"e*er Scotty managed to get his money- Scotty is "ell,&no"n
or his penchant to thro" a"ay W8< gold pieces as i they "ere candy "here*er he
"ent- Nobody belie*ed he had a mine/ strangely the IRS ne*er got interested in Scotty-
$he IRS "ent ater 'harles 'aughlin "ho "as e=posing the elite/ the ban&ers/ the
Freemasons/ etc- in the early ?79<.s on his radio sho"- $here "as no reason to suspect
'aughlin o any cheating on his Income $a=/ and the audits ound the IRS actually o"ed
'aughlin money- !o"e*er the national papers printed ront page stories o the IRS
in*estigation/ and practically ignored that the man "as e=onerated- 5et/ the IRS let
Scotty alone- !mmm-
Although Scotty "as married/ he became intimate riends "ith Albert Mussey Bohnson
(?CD8,?76C)/ a 'hicago millionaire/ "ho "as *-p- rom ?7<A to ?78A o the National
1ie Insurance 'o- Albert M- Bohnson "as born in +hio/ and li*ed in Ar&ansas and
Missouri beore mo*ing to 'hicago- Bohnson came out and stayed in Death Kalley- $he
stay helped his health/ and he and Scotty remained close riends- In ?786/ construction
secretly began on a castle in Death Kalley- $he best o materials "ere used and the
materials had to be hauled clear out in the desert by truc& to Grape*ine 'anyon "here
the castle sits- !undreds o "or&ers "ere hired- $he castle got its &itchen tiles rom
Spain- Special rugs "ere made on the @uropean island o Ma2orca or the castle- $iles
or the incompleted pool came rom the Mediterranean- Many o the urnishing o the
castle came rom cathedrals and palaces in Spain and Morocco- Draperies made or the
castle "ere hand,tooled in selected sheeps&in leather- Si=ty hand,car*ed panels/ each o
a dierent design/ "ere installed in the music,room ceiling- A Welte Mignon organ
reported to ha*e cost W?A</<<< ,,the inest o its &ind in Western %nited States "as
placed in the music room/ e*en though Scotty could not play the organ- $"el*e
bathrooms "ere installed- Se*eral &itchens "ere installed- $unnels and secret rooms
"ere built under the buildings- Around W8 million (dollars o that time period) "ere
spent on building the castle/ supposedly rom Scotty.s 0gold mine-0 $he castle became
&no"n as Scotty.s 'astle- It is ideal as a Satanic ritual site- It can accommodate
numerous people- It is remote- It has hidden rooms and areas and tunnels-
$a*istoc&/ @ngland,,$his has been the primary programming center or @ngland- $he
Rothschild programmers "or& out o $a*istoc&- A large number o sla*es in America
ha*e been programmed there- $a*istoc& has been doing mind,control since beore
W-W-ll- %nder the super*ision o 1ondon.s W #oard E 8< 'ommittee MIA and MIS.s
Section #IA ran double agents and mind,controlled spiesLcouriers during W-W- II- MIA
has had an oice at 'entury !ouse/ No- ?<</ Westminster #ridge Road- MI: oices
ha*e been in part on 'urzon St- MI: has operated behind a number o ronts/ incl- their
a&e tra*el agency 'asuro !olidays- MI,:.s address or mail is Room <::/ $he War
+ice/ 1ondon- Special Intelligence Ser*ice (SIS) dealt "ith all types o mind control-
$a*istoc& "as under SIS- $he #ritish go*ernment has had their o"n telephone
e=change "ith a 888 prei=/ "hich "as later lin&ed to another secret e=change 5$AN-
+utsiders could dial 888 C<C< to get into the secret go*t- e=change-
Men li&e mind,control e=pertLhypnotist @ric $rist "or&ed or $a*istoc&- A si=,man team
"hich "ore blac& berets also helped "L mind control at $a*istoc&- $"o people "ho
became terrorists ater their *isits to $a*istoc& are Angela Da*is and Stoc&ley
'armichael "ho "ent to a conerence at $a*istoc& entitled Dialectics o 1iberation in
?7AD- Its main building is a bland A,story building-
$he address is $he $raining +ice/ $he $a*istoc& 'linic/ ?8< #elsize 1ane/ 1ondon/
%> NWs S#A- $el- no- <D?,69: D???- $he chie e=ec- is Anton +bholzer- $he 'hair o
Pro- 'omm- is Nicholas $emple- #oth are s&illed in psychology- $he $a*istoc& 'linic
"as ounded in ?78</ and in ?76A the $a*istoc& Institute "as created as an independent
body to assist the $a*istoc& 'linic- $he Institute does more o the research-
$he Royal Free !ospital at the %ni*ersity o 1ondon "or&s "ith $a*istoc& 'linic/ as
"ell as the Science Policy Research %nit (SPR%) o Susse= %ni*ersity- A large number
o #ritian.s psychologist/ social "or&ers and police get their training at $a*istoc&-
$a*istoc& has set themsel*es up as the authority on ritual abuse and MPD (DID)- In
other "ords/ the primary programming site/ is pretending to be the leading institution
trying to sol*e the problemJ $hat.s a good co*er-
$in&er/ AF#/ +>,,$in&erbell programming is carried out here- $his programming
ma&es alters thin& they are li&e $in&erbell in that they "ill ne*er gro" up or age-
$itus*ille/ F1,,At the >ennedy Space 'enter- Mind control testing is done/ and base
programming such as the Wizard o +z programming is done here- Also NASA high
tech programming is done here-
$ulsa/ +>b#elie*ed to ha*e an Alice In Wonderland theme to their programming- +ral
Roberts %ni*ersity is used or programming- $he programming to iniltrate and capture
the 'hristian church *ia the healingLcharismatic mo*ement has centered around $ulsa
and +ral Roberts %ni*ersity-
%tah State Prison,,$he prison has carried out mind control or o*er 9< years on their
inmates or the intelligence agencies "ith the help o the %-S- go*ernment.s po"er to
co*er it up-
Kersailles/ I1b#rain implants are put into Monarchs here-
Washington/ D-'- area,,$he basement o the Pentagon and other acilities around
Washington D-'- such as the Besuit Georgeto"n %ni*- !osp- are in*ol*ed "ith Mind,
'ontrol- Presidential Models are mo*ing in and out o Washington/ D-'- carrying
messages and perorming their se=ual acts or the lusts o politicians- $here is also a
NASA Mind,control Programming 'enter in Washington D-'- Secret tunnels connect
the White !ouse to other buildings- $hese tunnels are used to bring in sla*es- Some
secret rooms in the lo"er White !ouse are set aside or rituals-
Wright,Patterson AF#,,Near Dayton/ +!/ Kirtual reality programming is carried out
5oungsto"n/ +!,,$he 5oungsto"n 'harm School has been run by Illuminatus Prosser
Se"ard Mellon along "ith a %-S- 'ongressman named Bim $raicant- $he old stone
building originally belonged to one o the railroad elite- $his school is or #eta models
and gi*es them ad*ance se=ual charm training- $his school produces about A ne"
Monarch sla*es e*ery three days- Maia deals are carried out on the second loor o the
charm school- A sla*e "ho is being trainedLprogrammed at the 'harm school "ill ta&e a
course that last a e" days- $he irst day may be spent hanging in a dungeon "hich "as
once a basement "ine cellar- $he torture dungeon has all the traditional torture de*ices/
a stretching rac&/ "hips/ hanging chains/ etc- In the dungeon rooms "ere a blac& Nubian
goat 0Satan0/ a small don&ey 0Nester./ and a small "hite pony 0$rigger0/ as "ell as dogs
and sna&es- $he sla*e is taught silence in the dungeon as they are sub2ected to bestiality-
#uilding near the Presideo used or Mother,o,Dar&ness rituals-
$he Ath Army !I at the Presideo
+a& $ree At $he Presideo
#uilding Near $he Presideo
Fort Point/ Presideo
Mule #arns
'emetary at $he Presideo
A 'hurch At $he Presideo
Across $he #ay From $he Presideo
Mother + Dar&ness 'astle/ #elgium
#uilding In Washington
Mother o Dar&ness 'astle We ha*e 2ust touched the surace o the *est net"or& o
programming sites- $"o e=amples o an entire series o programming sites,,(?) the
'oast to 'oast campground resorts and (8)/ the Besuit,run institutions/ "hich are oten
programming sites incl- Besuit 'ollege/ WK- An e=ample o the ormer is the Par& 'ity
Diamond 'a*erns-
>$ 'oast to 'oast resort/ "hich has had a sensory depri*ation tan&/ headphones or
state o the art harmonic programming- etc- $hese membership camp sites are used to
program children- Nor ha*e "e touched upon the large numbers o programmed
Russians E @astern @uropeans that are coming Into this nation- When this boo& "as
"ritten more people immigrated to the %-S- rom Russia than any"here else- @urope is
teeming "ith programming sites/ including the Katican -
Sebulun Uulucht in Marienheide / Germany is about the only @uropean attempt at

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