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Author: Kai 'Oswald' Seidler
Version: Thu 27 Jun 2013 10:28:17 AM CEST
Jump-off point
1. Install and upgrade XAMPP
How to upgrade XAMPP?
An error occurred during the upgrade! What now?
2. Starting XAMPP
What's the meaning of the messages while starting XAMPP?
I got the error "/lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.2' not found". What now?
What's the secret about "Error 1"?
Apache doesn't seems to start. What can I do?
What do I do if the error message is "Invalid argument: Could not set permissions on
What do I do if the error message is "Invalid argument: Unable to create
What do I do if the error message is Invalid argument: Configuration failed?
What do I do if the error message is The configuration file now needs a secret
passphrase (blowfish_secret) shows up?
What do I do if the error message is cannot restore segment prot after reloc:
Permission denied?
3. Running XAMPP
After I rebooted my Linux box XAMPP stopped running! How can I fix this?
How can I make my XAMPP installation more secure?
How do I activate eAccelerator?
How do I activate Opcache?
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How do I activate the OCI8/Oracle extension for PHP?
XAMPP runs, but none of the images are shown?
How do I backup/restore my XAMPP system?
4. Stopping XAMPP
5. Deinstall XAMPP
6. XAMPP's future
How to upgrade XAMPP?
If an upgrade exists, you should use it: a) it's much smaller than the full XAMPP package and b) your
configuration and HTML files won't be overwritten.
Step 1: Download
Okay, the first step is very obvious. Please download the upgrade packages from the XAMPP section of
our website. Please take note that only matching upgrade packages can upgrade your XAMPP version.
If you donwloaded a wrong version you will get an error message if you try to upgrade.
Step 2: Extracting the archive
Now extract the downloaded package:
tar xvfz xampp-linux-upgrade-x.x.x-y.y.y.tar.gz
By the way: It doesn't matter where in the filesystem you extract the packet. Just make sure it's on the
same machine as your XAMPP installation.
Step 3: Start upgrade
After unpacking the archive you can start the upgrade process. First, get root access to your system, for
example by using the 'su' command:
And now start the upgrade process:
Now you should see something like this on your screen:
Stopping XAMPP for Linux 0.9.6...
XAMPP: Stopping Apache...
XAMPP: Stopping MySQL...
XAMPP for Linux stopped.
Upgrading 0.9.6 to 0.9.7...
Installing new files...
Upgrading existing files...
patching file lampp/etc/httpd.conf
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Successfully upgraded XAMPP.
XAMPP: Starting Apache...
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...
XAMPP started.
Ready. You successfuly upgraded XAMPP.
By the way: the upgrade will stop a running XAMPP and will start XAMPP as soon as the upgrade is
finished. XAMPP will be started after an upgrade even if it was not running before.
Step 4: Testing
Now use your favourite web browser and test the new XAMPP version by accessing your web site. For
example simply type http://localhost in the location bar of your browser window.
After upgrading you can delete the lampp-upgrade directory; it isn't needed any more.
An error occurred during the upgrade! What now?
Under special circumstances you can get the following warning message:
The file /opt/lampp/XXX couldn't be upgraded.
The new version of the file could be found under: /opt/lampp/XXX-0.9.7
The upgrade program carefully tried to upgrade one of your configuration files. In order to upgrade the
file, the program had to edit some lines you had already changed. Seeing as nobody wants to lose
valuable configuration information, the upgrade program decided not to change the file but save a copy
of the new file in addition to the original one.
What's the meaning of the messages while starting XAMPP?
You may get three error messages while starting XAMPP:
LAMPP-Apache is already running.
An Apache daemon is already running.
The LAMPP startup script did not start XAMPP-Apache because there is an Apache instance already
running. To start XAMPP properly, first you have to stop this daemon.
LAMPP-MySQL is already running.
A MySQL daemon is already running.
Mostly due to the same reasons as the above error. The LAMPP startup script found a MySQL daemon
already running on your system. To start LAMPP properly, you have to stop this daemon first.
I got the error "/lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.2' not found". What now?
/opt/lampp/bin/XXX: /lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.2' not found (required by
Your Linux system is too old. XAMPP needs a newer Linux distribution that uses the glibc 2.1 version.
What's the secret about "Error 1"?
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Good question :) This error can exist for multiple reasons. Apache spits out this error under several
circumstances. To find the exact reason we have to do some research:
tail -2 /opt/lampp/logs/error_log
If you now see "Invalid argument: Could not set permissions on ssl_mutex" or "Invalid argument:
Unable to create scoreboard" please take a look at answers below. If you see another error message
please email it to me. Maybe we can solve the problem together. My email address is
Apache doesn't seems to start. What can I do?
See "Error 1" above.
What do I do if the error message is "Invalid argument: Could not set permissions on
The whole error message is:
[error] (22)Invalid argument: Could not set permissions on ssl_mutex; check
User and Group directives
In this case you have to change the Group directive (about line 318) in /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf.
You should find there something like:
Group ...
Change the "..." to "nobody", "nogroup" or #-1. One of these three possibilities should work.
What do I do if the error message is "Invalid argument: Unable to create scoreboard"?
The whole error message is:
[crit] (22)Invalid argument: Unable to create scoreboard (anonymous shared
memory failure)
In this case you have to remove the hash (#) in front of the Scoreboard directive (about line 71) in
There, you should find something like:
#ScoreBoardFile logs/apache_runtime_status
Simply remove the hash at the beginning of this line:
ScoreBoardFile logs/apache_runtime_status
Now this error message should not bother you anymore.
What do I do if the error message is Invalid argument: Configuration failed?
In this case, Apache is unable to get the IP address for your host name. It should normally work but
sometimes (mostly if you're using DHCP) this situation could happen.
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Simply call the following command (Please use copy&paste. The ` characters are mandatory):
echo `hostname` >> /etc/hosts
This will fix the configuation error of your system and the Configuration failed error should dissapear.
What do I do if the error message is The configuration file now needs a secret passphrase
(blowfish_secret) shows up?
This message may appear since XAMPP for Linux 1.2 was released. Since version 2.5.2, phpMyAdmin
supports the encryption of cookie-saved passwords.
Edit config.inc.php at line 60. You find this file in the phpmyadmin directory of your XAMPP installation.
The line should look like this:
$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = '';
Enter in this line a password-like word or phrase, for example:
$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = 'holla';
That's all. You should now be able to use phpMyAdmin in the same way as before.
What do I do if the error message is cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission
I assume you are using Fedora? Since version 4 - I think - SELinux is activated by default and this is
preventing the succesful start of XAMPP.
At the moment I only know one solution - deactivating SELinux:
setenforce 0
Now XAMPP works fine again. If you know a better solution, please email me. I'm no SELinux expert
and the only I know about SELinux is how to disable it. ;)
After I rebooted my Linux box XAMPP stopped running! How can I fix this?
Correct. That's normal Linux behaviour (which applies to any other Unix-like system. It's the admin's job
to make sure a particular application is started at bootup.
There is no real standard way to configure the boot process of a Linux system, but most of them
should allow you to start XAMPP at boot time using the following steps.
1. First, find out your default runlevel.
Simply type egrep :initdefault: /etc/inittab.
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You should now see a line containing a number between two colons.
In most cases 3 or 5 (2 if you're using Debian).
2. Go into the directory which configures this runlevel. If for example your runlevel is 3, then you
have to change into the /etc/rc.d/rc3.d directory:
cd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d
If your system didn't provide /etc/rc.d/rc3.d please try also /etc/init.d/rc3.d and /etc/rc3.d.
3. Now carry out the actual configuration by typing:
ln -s /opt/lampp/lampp S99lampp
ln -s /opt/lampp/lampp K01lampp
Now XAMPP should start and stop automatically if you boot or shutdown your machine.
OpenSuSE 10.0 is a little bit stange: You need to set up a symbolic link from /etc/init.d/lampp to
ln -s /opt/lampp/lampp /etc/init.d/lampp
And than use the runlevel editor (expert mode) from YaST to activate XAMPP for the specific
How can I make my XAMPP installation more secure?
In the default installation, XAMPP has no passwords set and it is not recommended to run XAMPP with
this configuration accessible by others (e. g. on the Internet).
Simply type the following command (as root) to start a simple security check:
/opt/lampp/lampp security
Now you should see the following dialog on your screen (user input is highlighted):
XAMPP: Quick security check...
XAMPP: Your XAMPP pages are NOT secured by a password.
XAMPP: Do you want to set a password? [yes] yes (1)
XAMPP: Password: ******
XAMPP: Password (again): ******
XAMPP: Password protection active. Please use 'lampp' as user name!
XAMPP: MySQL is accessable via network.
XAMPP: Normaly that's not recommended. Do you want me to turn it off? [yes] yes
XAMPP: Turned off.
XAMPP: Stopping MySQL...
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...
XAMPP: The MySQL/phpMyAdmin user pma has no password set!!!
XAMPP: Do you want to set a password? [yes] yes
XAMPP: Password: ******
XAMPP: Password (again): ******
XAMPP: Setting new MySQL pma password.
XAMPP: Setting phpMyAdmin's pma password to the new one.
XAMPP: MySQL has no root passwort set!!!
XAMPP: Do you want to set a password? [yes] yes
XAMPP: Write the passworde somewhere down to make sure you won't forget it!!!
XAMPP: Password: ******
XAMPP: Password (again): ******
XAMPP: Setting new MySQL root password.
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XAMPP: Setting phpMyAdmin's root password to the new one.
XAMPP: The FTP password for user 'nobody' is still set to 'lampp'.
XAMPP: Do you want to change the password? [yes] yes
XAMPP: Password: ******
XAMPP: Password (again): ******
XAMPP: Reload ProFTPD...
XAMPP: Done.
(1) Setting a password will protect the XAMPP demo pages (http://localhost/xampp/) using this
password. The user name is 'lampp'!
After calling this command your XAMPP installation should be "secure". For my part I've no idea what
else could be insecure.
How do I activate eAccelerator?
(since XAMPP for Linux 1.4.12)
To activate eAccelerator simply find the following lines in your /opt/lampp/etc/php.ini:
Remove the semicolon at the beginning of each line and restart XAMPP. eAccelerator is now active. For
more information about eAccelerator, check the eAccelerator home page: http://eaccelerator.net.
How do I activate Opcache?
Opcache module is only included in PHP 5.5 (coming soon!)
How do I activate the OCI8/Oracle extension for PHP?
(since XAMPP for Linux 1.3)
To activate the OCI8/Oracle extension for PHP please execute the following command:
/opt/lampp/lampp oci8
The following dialog will start:
Please enter the path to your Oracle installation:
ORA_HOME [/opt/oracle/OraHome1]
installing symlinks...
patching php.ini...
OCI8 add-on activation likely successful.
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LAMPP: Stopping Apache with SSL...
LAMPP: Starting Apache with SSL...
Now the extension should be active. I have only had a few chances to test this feature, so please report
if this worked for you or not: oswald@apachefriends.org.
XAMPP currently only supports Oracle 10 out of the box. If you're using Oracle 11 you may need
to put your own hands on. Also XAMPP is a 32 bit only application which only works with a 32 bit
Oracle client library.
Both limitations only affect the Oracle client library XAMPP is linking to. On the server's side you
may use any Oracle version you like.
XAMPP runs, but none of the images are shown?
That's a special problem with some Linux systems. Please open your /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf and
look for these two lines:
#EnableMMAP off
#EnableSendfile off
Remove the # in both lines and restart your Apache. Now you got all your images back.
How do I backup/restore my XAMPP system?
Since XAMPP for Linux 1.4.2 you can make easily backups of your XAMPP data.
Warning: The backup and restore functionality is still under development and may not work correctly.
Attention: There is a small but annoying bug in version 1.4.2 of XAMPP. Please take a look here!
Step 1: Creating the backup
Create the backup by calling:
/opt/lampp/lampp backup
/opt/lampp/lampp backup secret
Where secret is your MySQL root password.
This command will create the following output:
# /opt/lampp/lampp backup
Backing up databases...
Backing up configuration, log and htdocs files...
Calculating checksums...
Building final backup file...
Backup finished.
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Joi n us on
Take care of /opt/lampp/backup/xampp-backup-22-01-04.sh
Step 2: Take care of your backuped data
The file /opt/lampp/backup/xampp-backup-22-01-04.sh (in the example above) contains your
backuped data. Get this file to a save place.
Step 3: Restore your backuped data
On the new machine you need the same version of XAMPP as on your original/source machine.
Call (as root):
sh xampp-backup-22-01-04.sh
You shoud see something like this:
# sh xampp-backup-22-01-04.sh
Checking integrity of files...
Restoring configuration, log and htdocs files...
Checking versions...
Installed: XAMPP 1.4.2
Backup from: XAMPP 1.4.2
Restoring MySQL databases...
Restoring MySQL user databases...
Backup complete. Have fun!
You may need to restart XAMPP to complete the restore.
That's all. As you can read you may need to restart XAMPP.
It should work perfectly (I tested it many times) but remember it's a beta feature.

Last modi fi cati on: Thu 27 Jun 2013 10:28:17 AM CEST
2002-2013 Apache Fri ends, Impri nt

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