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Frequently Asked Questions about Islam

The following are some frequently asked questions about Islam. These questions are
actual questions we have received in the past.
Who is Allah?
Allah is the name of the one true God. It is simply the Arabic word for God. or
e!ample" #hristian Arabs" when saying God in the Arabic language will say
$Allah%. &uslims believe and worship the same God that all the prophets"
including Abraham" &oses" 'esus" to name a few" worshipped. &uslims believe
that God is (ne and only one" he alone is the lord of the universe" the creator"
sustainer etc. )veryone needs him but he does not need any one. *o one is
associated with him. +e is the only creator and rests are his creation. +e alone has
the right to be worshipped and he alone we supplicate,ask to fulfill our needs. (ne
does not need any intermediary to achieve his mercy.
-o &uslims worship a moon god?
*o. &uslims do not worship a moon God. &uslims worship the one" true God"
the creator of the heavens and the earth and the creation that e!ists within it" the
same God that &oses" 'esus" Aaron" 'oseph and all the other &essengers
I had been under the impression that Allah .God/ was an impersonal god. #an you
clarify this?
Absolutely" one of the biggest misconceptions that people have about &uslims
and our relationship with God is that we cannot have a connection with +im.
+owever" nothing could be further from the truth. It is part of the duty of a
&uslim to be connected to God at all times" and one of the key methods to
facilitate this is praying five times daily" as &uslims are required to do. In
addition to these five prayers" all the other forms of worship" like invocation"
recitation of 0uran" the remembrance of God" and repentance are all means of
drawing closer to God.
It seems to me that Islam is a religion of fear. #an you e!pand upon that? Is Allah
a God that induces fear?
Islam is religion of balance" religion of middle path" balance between spirituality
and legal in1unctions" balance between the rights of creator . rituals / and rights
of his creation and similarly it is balance between hope to receive God2s mercy
and fear of his accountability. +owever 3rophets taught us that God2s mercy
prevails over his wrath. The Quran mentions Gods compassion and mercy 192 times, as
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opposed to Gods wrath, which is mentioned only 17 times. God" as &uslims believe" is
compassionate and merciful" but also 1ust. If one who has lived his life according
to commands of God is treated the same as the one who has been oppressor and
tyrant then it is not 1ustice. We believe in his compassion and mercy" but if we are
wrongdoers" then we should be afraid of his 1ust punishment. We have a balance
between the two. If we are only assured of his mercy and there is no fear of
accountability then it is against our intellect to submit ourselves to commands of
God when it goes against our desire.
7. Why do some people suffer so much in this life especially the innocent such as
&uslims view this life only as a test and transitory in nature. Assume for a minute
that you are standing in a train station" waiting for a train. (r in an airport
terminal waiting for a plane. The uncomfortable nature of the platform or the
terminal is forgotten when one has in mind that he is heading to the comfort of his
home" and the situation that the person is in is very temporary. The same applies
to our lives. In this world we are simply striving for attracting God2s mercy in the
everlasting life. What happens in this life is less important than how we respond
to those events. 8o in this world events that are apparently good and bad are
simply a test on how we respond to them. A lot of wealth is apparently a good
thing but in eyes of God on what a person does with that wealth or how it was
earned is the criteria for earning God2s pleasure so it is a test from God. (n the
other hand poverty is a test for person how he respond to his situation. -oes he
still meet his needs legally or does he resort to illegal means. -oes he or she still
patient and grateful? While the cause of sufering is not always evident, the way that people
respond to difculty is a test of their moral fber. Responding to hardship with patience and fortitude
is a virtue for which Muslims believe a great reward is promised in this life and the afterlife.
Additionally, there may be a silver lining behind every difculty. For instance, major disasters often
bring out the best in people, inspiring them to perform remarkable acts as they respond to a
personal or anothers hardship with compassion and courage. Muslims believe that they are
responsible for coming to the aid of sufering people and will be held accountable in the afterlife for
how they respond to those in need.
What are the similarities and differences between concept of God in Islam vs
#hristianity and 'udaism.
'ust like 'ews and #hristians " &uslims also believe in one God. +owever the
concept of monotheism in Islam not only means that one simply says God is one
and he is the lord of this universe but also believes that no one shares the divinity
or powers of God" only he has the right to be worshipped" he alone has the power
to benefit you" he alone has the right to be obeyed blindly and accordingly he
alone can we pray to. +e alone is the creator and everybody else is his creation.
What are the similarities and differences between Islam" 'udaism" and
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We believe that God sent 'esus" &oses and all the messengers 9peace be upon
them all:" who preached the same message of believing in one God" but that the
message was tainted over time. The only difference in #hristian and &uslim
belief is that we do not believe that 'esus was the son of God" and also do not
believe 'esus was crucified. There are also no ma1or difference in the beliefs of
'ews and &uslims" e!cept 'ews don2t believe that &uhammad 9peace be upon
him: was the final messenger sent by God. ;nlike #hristianity &uslims believe
that God is (ne and only one" he alone is the lord of the universe" the creator"
sustainer ets. +e has no partners in his names and attributes and hence he alone
has the right to be worshipped and he alone &uslims supplicate to. Also unlike
#hristians and 'ews "&uslims believe that all prophets are role model and sinless.
-o &uslims believe in the Ten #ommandments?
&uslims do accept the Ten #ommandments as laws given to mankind from God"
due to the fact that they are confirmed in the 0uran. or e!ample" the
commandment" $Thou shall not take any god e!cept one God% is a belief found in
Islam" as it is stated in the 0uran" $There is no other god besides God"<.=>?4@/.
There are many other verses in the 0uran that confirm the various other
commandments as well.
What is the view of who #hrist .'esus/ was in the Islamic faith?
'esus .peace be upon him/ is regarded as a sinless 3rophet of God" and the 0uran
mentions his miracles" his Airgin birth" etc. in great detail. Also" his mother" &ary
.peace be upon her/ is mentioned in the 0uran" with a whole chapter being
dedicated to her. We also believe that 'esus will return before the -ay of
'udgment to bring forth 1ustice.

What is the significance of praying five times a day" instead of one time a day?
Worship is a means to strengthen the relationship between creation ie +umans
with his #reator ie God. All acts of worship in Islam are meant to strengthen this
bond. The purposes of worship is to strength our faith B make us God conscious
so that it enables us to be better humans in all other aspect of our live
The salat" or prayer" is an important pillar of Islamic practice. &uslims are
required to pray five times daily at set periods of time throughout the day. The
prayer is an opportunity for one to connect with God and remember +im" the
bounties that he has given us" as well as atone for sins that might have been
committed in between the prayers.
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When a person prays five times daily" he will maintain a spiritual connection
with God" and constantly remind himself what the purpose of his e!istence in this
world is" to serve his creator.
What are the differences between 8hia and 8unni Islam?
The fundamental beliefs between 8unni and 8hia &uslims are the same. or
e!ample" we believe in the oneness of God and in the prophet hood of
&uhammad equally.
The difference between 8unnis and 8hiDites arose after the death of the 3rophet
&uhammad when there was a dispute as to who should take the leadership
position to replace the 3rophet. (ne group suggested that it should be Ali" who
was related to the 3rophet was also married to his daughter. The other group" the
ma1ority" thought that the leader should be Abu Eakr" a staunch ally of the
3rophet from the very beginning and his very close friend. ;ltimately this was
what was decided and Abu Eakr became the #aliph .leader of the &uslims/. Ali
pledged allegiance to him.
The group that thought that Ali should have been the leader created a splinter
group" which went on to be known as the 8hiDites. 8hia in Arabic means <splinter
-oes Islam offer forgiveness of sin? If so" how is forgiveness attained?
Fes" forgiveness is attained in many ways. irstly" simply through God forgiving
us because he is &erciful. 8econdly" through repentance. Thirdly" as was the case
with the 3rophet 'ob" for e!ample" through affliction" illness" etc. And yes" it is a
type of cleansing through trials. And there are other ways that God forgives sins.
-o &uslims believe in salvation?
Fes. It is true salvation that enables one to have is sins forgiven" and enables
oneDs entry into paradise. That salvation is attained through the mercy and grace of
+ow do you get salvation in your religion?
8alvation is through believing and practicing Islam" in addition to &ercy and
Grace from God. &uslims firmly believe that the forgiveness of God is not reliant
upon deeds alone. We perform deeds to attract the mercy of God" and to do our bit
to show that we tried our best to please God in our lifetimes.
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What is the biggest misconception about Islam and women?
(ne common misconception is that women are oppressed" in that they are not
allowed any say in the general course of their own lives. This couldn2t be farther
from the truth. Islam grants women an innumerable amount of rights. &uslim
women have and continue to play a variety of roles in private and public life. As
well as their roles as wives and mothers in their households" they are doctors"
lawyers" professors" scholars" etc. as well as other types of professionals who
contribute to the society at large.
Are &uslim women allowed or encouraged to go for higher education or work"
i.e. is there any restriction imposed by the religion?
Fes" &uslim women are allowed to work and pursue higher education. As long
as her duties do not conflict with or hinder her responsibilities in her home as a
wife and mother" she is certainly allowed to pursue higher education and,or seek
employment. When we hear about oppression of women in certain societies" it is
generally due to cultural practices" and nothing to do with Islam.
A good reference which delves into sub1ect more inGdepth is the book" $Gender
)quity in Islam% by -r. 'amal Eadawi. It is available for free on the Internet .you
can google the title and find a link to the book/.
Why can &uslim men marry four wives but not women?
3olygamy is allowed in Islam" as outlined in the 0ur2an" but the ruling only
applies to men" not women. .3olygamy is when men marry more than one wife"
and when women marry more than one husband it is known as polyandry" which
is not permissible in Islam/. It is allowed when the need is there. or e!ample"
with the current war in Iraq" many widowed women have crossed over into
neighboring countries in search for employment" and because the lack of support"
have turned to prostitution to support their families. If they were to have married
become a second wife" they would not need to do that" and an evil would be
prevented from society.
Also Islam recogniHes that it is better for &an to own up responsibility by
marrying a woman as second wife with full rights than to indulge in relationship
that do not give women her full rights ie girlfriend etc
Eear in mind that &uslims must also respect the law of the land" and where it is
against the law" &uslims are not supposed to engage in polygamy. )ven though
the allowance is there" polygamy is rarely practiced" e!cept in a few countries
where it is the norm.
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In addition" there is the condition that the wives must be treated equally in all
aspects by the husband.
What are the rights of women in Islam as a mother" wife" sister and daughter?
The rights of given to women in Islam are immense. 3lease refer to the te!t"
$Gender )quity in Islam% for a detailed e!planation of the rights of women in
Islam. In short" among her many rights" a woman is allowed to choose her own
spouse" initiate a divorce" receive equal treatment in love and kindness from her
parents" to seek employment .or to not seek employment and be fully supported
by her husband and,or male relative in her family if she chooses/" to seek higher
education" possess property" and to hold positions of leadership. Jemember" most
of these rights were given to women under Islamic law 4=66 years ago" and
women in the modern world were deprived of such rights until the last century or
What is the actual meaning,reason for women wearing a head cover at all times?
All societies and nations even today recogniHe that in public place we need to
cover ourselves but they differ on how much to cover. &uslims believe that God
knows best and hence we cover according to what God considers to be modest.
This command applies to both men and women but the minimum we need to
cover I different for men and women.
Women wear the h1iab .or Islamic head covering" which also includes covering all
aspects of the body e!cept the face and hands/ first and foremost because the
religion requires it. #hapter 5=" verses C6GC4 in the 0ur2an address this sub1ect
and the modest behavior required of both men and women?
Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for
them. Lo! Allah (God) is Aware of what they do. And tell the believing women
to lower their gaze and be modest and to display of their adornment only
that whi!h is apparent and to draw their veils over their bosoms and not to
reveal their adornment save to their own husbands or fathers or husbands
fathers or their sons or their husbands" sons or their brothers or their
brothers" sons or sisters sons or their women or their slaves or male
attendants who la!# vigor or !hildren who #now naught of women"s
na#edness. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide
of their adornment. And turn unto Allah together $ believers in order that
ye may su!!eed.% .The 0uran" 5=?C6GC4/
The hi1ab also serves as a means of protection for women" to prevent harassment
of a se!ual nature. It dignifies a woman and compels society to 1udge her based on
her intellect" not her body.
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The same law actually is part of 'udaeoG#hristian law. If we look at the rules and
regulations of womenDs dress in the Eible and the Torah" we will find parallels
with the Islamic ruling.
If men and women are equal" why do only women cover themselves?
#ontrary to common knowledge" men as well as women are required by Islam to
practice modesty in their actions and in their dress. The only difference is that
women are required to cover more aspects of their bodies than men. &en" as well
as women" are asked to $lower their gaHe and guard their modesty%. &en are also
required to dress modestly and to wear loose clothing.
What are your thoughts on e!tremists within Islam?
There are a lot of people who 1ustify e!tremism by using religion or even nonG
religious philosophies " and this is not 1ust a phenomenon on associated with
Islam and &uslims. )very one who commits wrong always rationaliHes his,her
action to remove his,her guilt and the philosophy they use is the one they grew up
with. In case of misguided &uslims they use inGcorrect interpretation of Islamic
te!t to 1ustify their wrong acts.
What does the Kholy war2 have to do with Islam? What is 'ihad
'ihad is an Arabic word which is often mistranslated as <holy war"< a concept
which does not e!ist in Arabic. The Arabic words for holy war <harb muqadasa"<
are not found anywhere in the 0ur2an or hadith .prophetic sayings/. The term
1ihad literally means <striving.%
The struggle can include resisting our own bad desires" resisting against tyrant by
standing up against him,her " speaking up for 1ustice and finally resisting
physically against any oppression.
Islam is a peaceful religion" but this does not mean that if &uslims are attacked
they should 1ust accept that persecution. Instead the Loran allows &uslims to
fight to defend their property" their families" and their religion. +owever" most of
the verses in the Loran are taken out of conte!t by people wanting to malign
Islam. If we look at those same verses in the full conte!t of the verses surrounding
them" and also keeping in mind the reason of the revelation of those verses" we
will have a clear understanding of the true meaning of those verses. &ore often
than not" those very same verses give precedence to peace and peace treaties
rather than fighting. And even when the command of fighting takes place" the
wording is to fight back as the enemies fight against you" and if they lay their
arms down" then you should also lay your arms down.
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Armed struggle is the last resort and with rules of engagement clearly laid down
for eg *on combatants are not to be harmed" women and children are not to be
harmed" green trees can not be cut down and declaration of armed struggle is
decision of head of state and not bunch of individuals.
Why doesn2t the American &uslim community speak out against this 9terrorism:?
They have been notably silent.
We &uslims do speak out against the criminal elements that are found in every
group" and it is not 1ust limited to &uslims. 3lease visit
http?,,www.muha1abah.com,otherscondemn.php for a list of 1ust some of the
condemnations against terrorism from various &uslims leaders and organiHations.
Jadical &uslims believe that $infidels% should be destroyed. Is this 1ust a radical
sect? What do mainstream &uslims believe?
The term $infidel% did not come from the &uslims nor is it part of Islamic
theology" but in fact originates in the 4Ith century from the Matin $infidelis% or the
rench <infidele< from in" meaning $not"% and fidelis meaning $faithful.% Today"
according to the American +eritage -ictionary" an $infidel% is $one with no
religious beliefsN $one who is an unbeliever with respect to some religions"
especially #hristianity or IslamN% or $of" or relating to unbelievers.%
While some people have translated or conflated the word $infidel% with the Arabic
term kafir" it is not synonymous with the Arabic although some aspects are
similar. The term kafir was originally defined as a person who re1ects God or who
hides" denies" or covers the truth. It merely means non &uslims.
0uran e!plicitly states that $There is no compulsion in religion% .0ur2an" 5?5I7/.
8pecifically" the 0ur2an mentions $3eople of the Eook"% which is generally
understood to refer to 'ews and #hristians. &uslims are commanded to safeguard
their right to worship and their places of worship.
If &uslims believed that non &uslims should be destroyed" then &uslims would
have destroyed all of the 'udaeoG#hristian minorities that lived under their rule for
O66 years in 8pain" over 4666 years in 3alestine and hundreds of years in other
countries. In India &uslims rules for 4666 years yet it is still not a muslim
ma1ority country. (n the contrary" religious minorities were given their due rights
and well protected.
Is the punishment for body or soul?
3unishment is for the soul.
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If you were to die today do you think you would directly go to heaven or hell?
*o. &uslims believe that all soul stay in intermediate place till day of 1udgment
when they will be brought back alive on the day of 1udgment and then the will go
either heaven or hell.
Are &uslims certain that they will get to paradise sometimes even after suffering
in hell first.
Fes if they die with faith in their heart.
If you sin against another person can God forgive you for that sin on the day of
1udgment" if the person will not forgive you? Why?
God can forgive any sin that has been committed as a result of not fulfilling his
right but since he is 1ust he will not forgive sins committed against another human
being unless the act of repentance includes seeking forgiveness from the person
and he,she forgives. +owever if a person is truly repentant but ha snot been
forgiven he will ask the person " on day of 1udgment" whose rights has been
violated to forgive in return for his sin to be forgiven.
What does God have to do in order to forgive your sins?
God can forgive any one for any sin e!cept the sin of associating partners with
God. +e does not need to do anything to forgive any one.
(n the -ay of 'udgment will anyone stand before God and ask him to forgive
Fes only with permission of God for e!ample 3rophet &uhammad will interceded
on our behalf " our good deeds will intercede on our behalf.
+ow will God determine who goes to heaven and hell?
According to Islamic teachings" only God knows where a person will end up in
the afterlife since only God knows a person2s intentions" deeds" circumstances and
limitations. In the 0ur2an" two of GodDs ninetyGnine names include $the 'udge%
and $the 'ust.% &uslims believe that God will 1udge human beings according to
+is complete 1ustice on the -ay of 'udgment based both on their beliefs and
actions" taking into account the opportunities and abilities that +e gave them.

If a person is a good person throughout their life" but does not believe in God" will
he,she go to hell?

According to Islamic teachings" God rewards whoever believes and behaves
righteously in this life. As for the afterlife" &uslims believe that God knows the
innermost secrets of human hearts and +e will 1udge everyone with absolute
1ustice. The concept of natural 1ustice means that if one does not believe in God
then he,she is not entitled to the mercy of God for e!ample if one does not
recogniHe the constitution of ;8 by pledging oath of allegiance one does not get
the citiHenship and accordingly all the rights that come up with citiHenship. If
someone does not recogniHe the authority of the state he,she is treated as rebel
even though he,she may do all the good deeds and will not be treated the same as
another citiHen who accepts the authority.
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What does Islam say about 8atan?

The word $1inn% refers to a third type of creation" in addition to humans and
angels. +umans are said to have been made from clay" angels from light" and 1inn
from fire. While Islam teaches that some 1inn are good and submit to God" it is
believed that others" such as Iblis or 8haytan .8atan/" try to tempt people to do
evil" similar to the belief in #hristian theology.
What good is $free will% if everything is predestined? If God already knows if we
are going to heaven or hell" why doesnDt +e 1ust put us there?
According to Islamic teachings" unlike angels or animals" humans have the free
will to choose to do good or evil in this life. &uslims believe that even though
God knows people2s ultimate destination" they themselves do not have that
knowledge. Therefore" whatever actions people commit are based on their free
will for which they are held accountable. +owever humans can only choose the
intention and action the results are not in their hand.
+ow do the stories of the prophets in Islam compare with those in #hristianity
and 'udaism?
8ince Islam is not a new religion and e!tension of the same message from the
same source" the stories of the prophets in the 0ur2an are similar to and often
reflect the stories that are in the Eible. 8ome e!amples include? the story of *oah
and his arkN the story of Abraham and 8arah and the birth of their son Isaac" who
is also considered a prophetN the story of 'acob and his twelve sons" including
'oseph" who is also considered a prophetN and the most oftGmentioned prophet in
the 0urDan" &oses" and the story of his mission in )gypt to rescue his people. All
of these stories are recounted throughout the 0ur2an and bear striking similarity to
Eiblical versions with the main difference being the belief by &uslims that none
of the prophets committed sins.
Why can2t you have images of the 3rophet &uhammad? Why the uproar over the
-anish cartoons or the recent film?

(ut of a sense of great respect" &uslims generally refrain from depicting the
3rophet &uhammad and actually all the previous prophets" including Abraham"
&oses" or 'esus" who are all highly revered in Islam. This is a position similar to
Jabbinic 'udaism and a number of other antiGiconic #hristian denominations. Eut
the issue with both the -anish cartoons and the film was that they did not merely
portray the 3rophet &uhammad G they did so in an offensive and provocative
While &uslims believe in the right to freedom speech" note that even under the
;.8. #onstitution" there are limits on speech that balance oneDs right to free speech
against the rights of others" including limits on <the lewd and obscene" the
Islamic #enter of Irving (utreach -epartment A0 sheet" v.4" rd 44,56,44
profane" the libelous" and the insulting or DfightingD words G those which by their
very utterance inflicted in1ury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace.<
.#haplinsky v. *ew +ampshire .4@=5/ 75 8.#t. >77" >7@./ This is why people
generally avoid racist or antiG8emitic speech or representations. Additionally" in
most &uslim countries" as in many countries throughout the world" control of
speech is regulated by the government .ie. #hina" Jussia/" which is why many
&uslims wrongly assumed that the ;.8 government supported the film.
'esus was a nonGviolent reformer while &uhammad fought in wars. Why the
difference between 'esus and &uhammad in terms of their approach?

While 'esus lived and interacted with others as a prophet and reformer" he did not
embody the various roles e!emplified by the 3rophet &uhammad during his
lifetime. The 3rophet &uhammad" for e!ample" held the positions of religious
leader" husband" father" social reformer" statesman" 1udge" and military leader. This
provides a complete picture of his actions under different circumstances.
-uring the first thirteen years of &uhammad2s prophethood in &ecca" he did not
fight back against the severe persecution of his followers" some of whom were
killed while others were sub1ected to a severe boycott" had their property
destroyed or confiscated" or were forced to emigrate. It was only after the 3rophet
&uhammad was in a position to defend his community without harming civilian
populations that he responded to the &eccans. Ey then" the early &uslims had
been forced to migrate to &edina" where hostilities against them continued by the
&eccans who were threatened by their growing number and influence in the
region. .ighting to defend oneself against oppression or to prevent oppression
against someone else is permitted in Islam" whereas fighting as an act of
aggression is not./

Why did the 3rophet marry so many women?

According to Islamic teachings" the 3rophet &uhammad was married to only one
wife during the prime of his lifePfrom the age of 5I until he was over I6. In fact"
his first wife Lhadi1a was actually 4I years older than him" meaning she was =6
and he was 5I when they were first married. (nly after Lhadi1a2s death did the
3rophet &uhammad marry more than one wife" all but one of whom had been
divorced or widowed. According to &uslim historians" these marriages were
contracted to assist needy widows and divorcees" and to solidify the community
of &uslims by forging alliances among the tribes in and around &edina. It is
important to note that polygamy was prevalent in Arabia in the >th century as it
was in many cultures" as demonstrated by references in the Eible to polygamous
marriages by many of the prophets or patriarchs.

Why did the 3rophet &uhammad marry a nineGyear old? If she was not nine" how
old was she?
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It is important to note that any discussion about age and marriage in a preG
modern era needs to be understood in the conte!t of the culture" time" and place.
4=66 years ago" it was common for both genders to marry at puberty due in part to
a much shorter life span than today. In fact they were not considered young girls"
rather they were considered young women back then. It is a historic fact that girls
from the ages of @ to 4= were being married in )urope" Asia" and Africa" in fact
even in the ;nited 8tates girls at the age of 46 were also being married 1ust more
than a century ago.
Fet with these facts no historian claims that all these people were sick perverts"
historians would call anyone who made such a claim to be arrogant and very
stupid who has no grasp or understanding of history.
8ince Aisha was betrothed to another person prior to her engagement to the
3rophet &uhammad" and there are no records of any ob1ection to the first
engagement" this indicates that the practice of early marriage was common at the
time. Aisha had been through puberty by the age of @" and in Islam a female who
underGgoes puberty is considered a lady and is fit for marriage.
It may be of interest to note that Aisha became one of the most educated"
outspoken" and influential women in early Islamic history about whom the
3rophet &uhammad said? $Take half of your religion from this young lady.%
+ow does Islam view other religions?

Islam is the religion that was sent down with every prophet and the message has
been the same. The 0ur2an emphasiHes the place and validity of some of the prior
religions before the advent of prophet &uhammad 3E;+ as they were the same
message. $or each of them We have established a law" and a revealed way. And if
God wished" God would have made you a single nationN but the intent is to test
you in what God has given you. 8o let your goals be everything good. Four
destiny" everyone" is to God" Who will tell you about that wherein you differed%
.0uran? I?=O/. Additionally" the 0ur2an recogniHes the validity of previous
prophets and scriptures including Abraham" &oses and 'esus and the holy books
revealed to them. 3revious religions are viewed as being rooted in the same
primordial truths which were conveyed by the prophets or founders of all of ma1or
religions. At the same time" the 0ur2an describes itself as the last and final
message which confirms as well as corrects the corruption in prior messages.
Accordingly after the revelation of final message only this message is valid.
For more resour*es on Islam+
Islamic #enter of Irving (utreach -epartment A0 sheet" v.4" rd 44,56,44

Please *onta*t t,e ICI Outrea*, de-artment at ./01230100456 e7t8 3559 or
outrea*,:ir;in<mas=id8or< >it, any questions or )or more in)o8
Islamic #enter of Irving (utreach -epartment A0 sheet" v.4" rd 44,56,44

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