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Glass Ionomer Cement

This is a group of dental cements based on powders of

alumina-silicateglass and liquids consisting of
polyacrylic acid.
Calcium fuoro-alumino silicate glass.
Silica(!"#$ alumina(!%.&"#$ aluminum
fuoride$calcium fuoride$ sodium fualuminum
phosphate.The mi'ture of this powder (which
contains silica$ alumina$ sodium$ and
aluminum fuoride# is fused at ahigh temperature and
the molten mass is then shoc(-cooled and )rmly
ground to a powder.
- Particle si*e: +, -m for )lling and!,-m for luting and
lining materials.
- The release of ions from glass(important for setting
characteristics$solubility$ and the release of fuoride#is
a function of the type of glass employed.
- The esthetics of these restorationsdepend on the
refracti.e inde' andpresence of pigments in the glass
of powder.
The main ad.antage of silicate: release fouride
The main ad.antage of Polycarbo'ylate acid: adhesion
to tooth strucure.
Polyacid (similar to the liquid of *inc polycarbo'ylate
- / wide range of polyacrylic acids (or polycarb'ylates#
are used with a large .ariety of formulations.
- Polyacids used mostly are copolymers of acrylic and
itocanic acid or acrylic and maleic acid plus tartaric
acid and water.
- The .iscosity of liquid depends both upon the
polyacid concentration and its molecular weight.
Tartaric acid
- Controls p0 during the settingprocess$ which in turn
controls the rate of dissolution.
-1mpro.es the handling characteristics$ increases
wor(ing time$ and shortens setting time.
- Water is the most important constituent of the
cement liquid$ as it hydrates the reaction products.
The amount of water in the liquid is critical.
Too much water results in wea( cements.
Too little water impairs the reaction and subsequent
Availble as:
2. Powder3liquid
!. Capsules$ pre-proportioned$ powder and liquid
inside (when we use it we press the base the
4iaphragm(between powder and liquid# open# .
5. /nhydrous cement$ water-
hardening(water6settable# 7similer for 819C
About owder!liquid t"ere is some roblems:
- @'cessi.e solubility of cement in sali.a coupled with
slow setting reactions.
- :btaining correct or incorrect P3;ratio.
- =educed powder leads to a smooth creamy paste$
which leads to a slow setting reaction and a wea(er
cement that is more
susceptible to dissolution.
About sittin# reaction:
Ahen the powder and liquid are mi'ed together the
acid liquid attac(s the glass particles. Thus$ calcium$
aluminum$ sodium$ and fuoride ions are leached into
the aqueous medium probably in the form of
- Calcium polysalts form )rst and later aluminum
- The set cement consists of agglomerates of
unreacted powder particles surrounded by silica gel
and embedded in an amorphous matri' of hydrate
calcium and aluminum polysalts.
@.en after the cement has apparently set$
precipitation of the polysalts for the initial set
continues to occur.
0owe.er$ formation of calcium salts is probably
responsible for the initial set.
- Aith time$ the slower forming aluminum polysalts
become the
dominant phase in the matri'.
- @'posure of the cement to water before the
hardening reaction is complete leads to loss of cations
and anions which form the matri' as they can be
Mec"anical Proerties:
Compressi.e strength 2+, MPa
Tensile strength &.& MPa
0ardness B $%N
The initial solubility is high (,."# due to leaching of
intermediate products. The complete setting reaction
ta(es place
in ! hours. Therefore$ the cement should be
protected from sali.a during this period.
Class ionomer cements are more resistant to attac( by
organic acids.
- Class ionomer cement pro.ides good adhesion to
enamel and dentine.
- The e'act mechanism has not been fully understood.
- The bonding is due to the reaction of carbo'yl groups
of the polycarbo'ylic acids and the calcium in enamel
and dentine
- The bond to enamel is always higher than that to
dentine$ probably due to the greater inorganic content
of enamel and its greater homogeneity.
(1norganic in enamel B&" organic about 5-!" better
than dentine#
- Pulp resonance: mild.
- Pulp reaction is greater than *inc o'ide-eugenol but
lower than *inc phosphate cement
- in deep ca.ities$ the pulp should be protected by a
layer of Ca(:0#!.
- fuoride release
- adhesion D may reduce in)ltration of oral fuids
between restorati.e material and tooth structure.
The esthetic of glass ionomer cement is inferior to
composite. Class ionomer cements lac( translucency
and ha.e a rough surface te'ture.
- Conditioning of the tooth surface
- Proper manipulation
- Protection of the cement during setting
- Einishing
P3; 5:2 by weight
%and mi-in#
The powder and liquid is dispensed Fust prior to
mi'ing$ a cool and dry glass slab is preferred as it
allows all the powder to be incorporated into the mi'
and it maintains its plasticity.
The powder is di.ided into two equal increments. The
)rst increment is incorporated into the liquid rapidly
with a stiG spatula to produce a homogenous mil(y
The remainder of the powder is then added. The
mi'ing is done in a folding pattern in order to preser.e
the gel structure.
Hi'ing time: about + seconds.
Mi-in# b. mac"ine
Class ionomer cement can be supplied in capsule form
containing proportioned powder and liquid and is
mi'ed in an amalgamator which is operated at a .ery
high speed. The capsule has a no**le and so the mi'
can be inFected directly into the ca.ity.
Advanta#es o/ mec"anical mi-in#
- >etter properties due to controlled P3; ratio.
- ;ess time is required.
- Con.enient deli.ery system.
- Cement quantity is limited by the manufacture.
- Shade selection is limited (composite pro.ides a
wider range of colors#.
Protection o/ cement durin# settin#
Class ionomer cement is e'tremely sensiti.e to air and
water during setting.
Thus$ immediately after placement into the ca.ity$ a
pre-shaped matri' is applied to protect the cement
from the en.ironment
during the initial set$ to pro.ide ma'imum contour so
that minimal )nishing is required.
The matri' is remo.ed after ).e minutes.
1mmediately after remo.al$ the cement surface is
again protected by:
2# / special .arnish supplied by the manufacturer$ or
!# /n un)lled light cured resin.
we use the Hatri' >and in :
2# Class 1onomer Cement
!# Composite
5# Colored restoration
0Matri- bands: are widely used by dentists while )lling
ca.ities on any of the .ertical surfaces of a tooth. Hatri'
bands are typically made li(e the well-(nown ToIemire
design. Typical matri' bands are formed of thin$ foil-li(e
stainless steel metal. / matri' band is typically wrapped
around the tooth to be repaired and held in place using a
con.entional band retainer appliance. Aith the matri'
band in place$ the dentist can apply restorati.e material to
the side of the tooth inside the band. The matri' band is
remo.ed from about the tooth once the restorati.e
material is set.12ust /or 3nowled##
)IASTMA: sace between anterior Teet" 1usuall.
betwee incisor4
Treatment: 5lled b. comosite6
)ental comosites
4ental composits were de.eloped in the 2B&,s.and
replaced acrylic resins and other restorati.e materials
as a
coloured restoration$ and nowadays it continues to
e'pand and
replace other materials.
Caries legion in.ol.ing pits and )ssures and
occlusal surface of
posterior tooth is called class 2 caries legion $
following proper
cleaning this ca.ity is )lled by an amalgam restoration
class 2 amalgum restoration$if it was )lled by a
restoration then its called class 2 composite
Eractured tooth are restored by a composite
restoration that
appro'imates the colour of the tooth.
Caries legion in.ol.ing occlusal surface and part of
the pro'imal
one then its called class ! caries legion( and
accordingly we will
name the composite3amalgam restoration#.so class 2$!
within the posterior teeth.
1f the caries legion in.ol.es Fust the pro'imal part of
the tooth
then its called class 5 caries legion.
1f the caries legion is pro'imal J incisal then its
called class
caries legion.
Caries legion in.ol.ing the cer.ical 5rd of the
anterior tooth or
the posterior one is called class + .
- any dental composite consists of matri' a and
- Eiller : large particles within the matri' material.
- Hatri' is the substance in between.
- /ny matri' consists of : principle monomer $
diluent monomer$ acti.ator3initiator and a celine
coupling agent.
/nd the dr said to be continuedKK..
4one >y
Hohammad /l-Shantir
Those who are afraid to fall$ will ne.er fy.
Special thanx to Yazan Al-masry, Anas Al-mughrabi, Malik Al-issa,
Rakan al-abbady.

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