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BBMCAlling Quirks to ^hvist

CSc22J'VB<^^iA*'sS JVX\FSJ^77^
MARCH 2005
Mountaintop Experiences
As holidays go, this past Christmas season ranks up there with the best! Not
only did Marti and I have the pleasure of being introduced to our "newest"
grandchild - Anna Elizabeth Baumann, but we were also able to participate in
our grandchildren - Stephen and Katherine - becoming Christians. I was
honored to be able to take their confession of faith and immerse them into Christ.
West Towne Christian Church, in Knoxville, made all of the necessary
arrangements for this.
We are very happy to report that Russell has moved back to Knoxville, and he is
still with his original employer - Community Tectonics Architects. He has
purchased a home in west Knoxville and is settling in quite well.
Tills is also a very exciting time for Susan. After waiting and saving for years,
she has purchased her veiy first home, located in west Knoxville, and moved
into it a couple of weeks ago. She continues to teach at Rocky Hill Elementary
f fiTgi
Stephen and Katherine with Grandpapa --
during their visit to Colorado last summer
We prouiUy announce
the tir^k of our daugkier
Amia Eliza^Ci
8 pounds, 19 V-i inckes
ana v_.arey JDaumann
Does this photo really need a caption?
Times in Turkey (A New Era?)
Missionaries and Turkish Christians recently requested permission from the
Turkish government to distribute New Testaments on the streets of Istanbul,
Ankara (the capital city) and Izmir. With the approval of the government, over
54,000 Bibles and New Testaments were distributed.
One of our workers recently had the opportunity to speak uninterrupted for
fifteen minutes on a national TV program in Turkey. This particular program
carries a viewer rating of between 70and 80%. Along with some other things, he
was able to read a passage from Scripture - Romans 15: 20, 21. After being
questioned about ''the darkness" which is mentioned in that passage, our worker
replied that "it refers to the sin that people are in bondage to." He also stated
that "Turkey desperately needs Jesus" and that "Jesus is the light of the world."
Most of you have heard of Ramadan, the Islamic holiday that requires Muslims
to fast in the daylight hours for a month. But, do you know about their other
major holiday - Kurban, the feast of the sacrifice? It is a four-day holiday in
which most families purchase a lamb or cow to kill/sacrifice and then give some
of the meat to poor people as well as enjoy themselves. There are two meanings
given to this holiday. One is to remember when Abraham was preparing to
sacrifice his son (we know it to have been Isaac, but they claim erroneously that
it was Ishmael). The second meaning is to receive merit with Allah. Kurban is a
very spiritual time for Muslims.
The "hollowing out of Clrristianity in Europe" is underway, according to Oriana
Fallaci in her book The Force of Reason. She states that Europe is increasingly a
post-Christian society, one with a diminishing connection to its tradition and its
historic values. The numbers of believing, observant Christians has collapsed in
the past two generations to the point that some observers call it the "new dark
continent." Analysts estimate Britain's mosques host more worshippers each
week than does the Church of England.
This prayer letter is published and distributed by
Turkish World Outreach
508 Fruitvale Court, Grand Junction, CO 81504
MB9 culling ^arks to ^Jurist
<^cAZJi^<AJVJV'3 <yV'WN5^7T:?
APRIL 2005
This year - 2005 - will be our last year of active missionary service. Our
emotions, relative to this fact, are many and varied. The years we spent in
Africa are among the best years of our marriage. Also, it has been satisfying
and rewarding to serve with Turkish World Outreach, and we have certainly
enjoyed living in western Colorado. However, we are convinced that it is
finally time to "come home"!
We are currently in the long, drawn-out process of "taking our leave" from
Grand Junction. Quite naturally, selling our house is at the top of the list. A
contract on the house, representing a fair selling price, would be just fine! We
could then think of packing up and shipping our goods to Knoxville. UTien
we will be in Knoxville (?) is simple up to the Lord. It could be as early as
June or as late as September (or so).
It is vitally important that we retain our monthly financial support through
most of 2005. Many of you have supported us for years and years, and we
sincerely hope that you will be able to "hang on" a bit longer! We thank God
every day for bothyour prayers and your finances. IPs been a blessing to have
been in partnership with you for over twenty-five years.
With regards to our move back to Tennessee, our relocation expenses figure to
be in excess of S6,000. If the Lord puts it on your heart, and after you have
completed your obligation to your local congregation, please consider a one
time gift to help defray these moving expenses.
S:- i,
Elizabeth Baumann - four months old Ft
Andrew, Carey and "little'' Anna recently found it necessary to relocate to the
Atlanta area where Andrew will continue to work for the same company that
he's been with for the past five years. They are renting an apartment for six
months or so and will eventually look for a home to purchase. We are
thankful that their Knoxville residence had a contract on it within the first two
days of being on the market. Russell and Susan will miss having them "at
home", but Jeff, Robbie, Stephen and Katherine are quite happy about the
move since it will put them much closer to Stockbridge.
Once we are settled in Knoxville, we plan to visit all of our supporting
congregations one last time. We will be "in touch" with you later to try to set
up a date to come, give a final report and say our goodbyes. If you have a
particular date in mind in the summer or fall, please let us know and we'll try
to set it up.
It seems like only yesterday that we left the United States of America for
Zambia. My memories of the years we spent there preaching, teaching and
planting churches are dear to my heart. When the Lord closed the door there.
He presented other opportunities for service in Grand Junction, Colorado -
Ron's work at Turkish World Outreach and mine with Cornerstone Christian
School. 1 can't begin to tell you how rewarding it has been to invest in the
lives of children. Being able to point young students to the Lord as I've taught
Science, Math, History, etc. has been a real joy.
Please pray for us as we leave behind the friends that we have made here.
Also, please pray for opportunities of service for us as we retmrn to Knoxville.
Once again, thank you for your faithful financial and especially your prayer
support. My medical oncologists kept saying a couple of years ago "We can't
believe how well you're doing." 1kept telling them "1have people praying for
me and that is what is making the difference." Your prayers have
strengthened me, comforted me and lifted me up. May the Lord richly bless
you in your walk with Him.
We are thankful for the honor and privilege of being able to serve for
many years in the Kingdom
The sale of our house here in Colorado
Our plans for final visits with our supporting congregations
Finances needed for our relocation expenses
For the continuation of our monthly financial support to the end of
Andrew and his family getting settled in Atlanta
This prayer letter is publishedand distributedby
Turkish World Outreach
508 Fruitvale Court, Grand Junction, CO 81504
cAUiD0 yurks to ^brist
MAY 2005
'' A proud Papa - Andrew and Anna
Uncle Russell and Aunt Susanholding Anna
Our three grandkids -
Katherine, Anna and Stephen
Jeffrey with daughter Katherine and Anna
That "long, drawn-out process" (which I mentioned in our last newsletter) in
taking our leave from Grand Junction turned out to not be very long after all.
Our house sold immediately without even putting a sign in the yard. I have
completed the training of my replacement, and our packing up of the house is
nearly completed. The moving company is now scheduled to pick up our goods
on Monday, the 23''^ of May. Marti's last day with her classroom children is
Wednesday, the 25^ of May. All of this means that we will be "on the road" to
Tennessee on the 25^ or 26*^ of May.
We are still hoping that some additional gifts will be received to help with the
expenses involved in moving home. We now have received approximately one-
third of the expected $6,000 necessary to make the move. Those special gifts,
along with our regular monthly support, should continue to be sent to Turkish
World Outreach here in Grand Junction. Also, as I mentioned before, we need to
retain our monthly support for most of 2005.
...thankful for the rapid sale of our house in Grand Jimction
... thankful that most of the packing has been completed
... thankful for the extra gifts that have been received for our relocation
...the need for additional gifts necessary for our relocation
.. .the need for our regular monthly financial support to continue
...safety as we travd home to Tennessee
"ITiis prayer letter is published and distributed by
Turkish World Outreach
508 Fruitva,le Court, GR^NDJunction, CO 81504

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