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Absta!t "
#. I$t%&'!ti%$
#(#. Ba!)g%'$& %* t+e st'&,
#(-. I$t%&'!ti%$ %* t+e SBI
#(". P%ble. state.e$t
#(/. Resea!+ Ob0e!ti1es
#(2. Sig$i*i!a$!e %* t+e esea!+
#(3. Li.itati%$s

-. Liteat'e e1ie5
-(#. I$t%&'!ti%$
-(-. Stess
-(". O!!'6ati%$al stess
-(/. Fa!t%s %* stess
-(2. E**e!ts %* 0%b stess
-(3. Stess i$ Ba$)s
". Resea!+ Met+%&%l%g,
"(#. Resea!+ &esig$ 8
"(#.#. S!%6e
"(#.-. Sa.6li$g
"(#.-.#. P%6'lati%$
"(#.-.-. Sa.6le si9e
"(#.-.". Sa.6li$g .et+%&
"(#.-./. Sa.6li$g 6la$

"(-. Data !%lle!ti%$ 8 a$al,sis
/. Fi$&i$gs #3("-
2. :%$!l'si%$ ""("/
3. Re!%..e$&ati%$s "2
4. Aea %* *'t+e st'&, "2
7. Bibli%ga6+, a$& ;ebli%ga6+, "3("4
<. ='esti%$$aie "7("<
Bankers are under a great deal of stress. During the past decade, banking sector has
undergone rapid and striking changes like policy changes due to globalization and
liberalization, increased competition due to entrance of more private corporate sector bank,
donsizing, introduction of ne technologies etc. due to these changes the employees in
banking are e!periencing high level of stress. "ne of the final outcome of stress is #ob
$he main purpose of the research is to find hether the employees feel ork%stress under the
orking conditions of &B'( 'f there e!ists #ob stress, than to hich e!tent( $he basic
ob#ective is to understand #ob stress and its nature, causes symptoms of stress in &B'.
$his study e!amines the relationship beteen #ob stress and #ob performance on bank
employees of banking sector. $his research is basically e!ploratory and )ualitative in nature.
$o get the data, )uestionnaires ere filled by the employees of &B'. $he sample size is *+.
$he result as analyzed using graphical representations and charts.
$he results are significant that the employees in &tate bank do not feel stress. $he study also
suggested that there is a negative relation beteen #ob stress and #ob performances and shos
that #ob stress significantly reduces the performance of an individual. $his study is also useful
to direct the top management to formulate strategies and processes keeping in vie the causes
and conse)uences of stress in order to cope ith the stress successfully.
$he nature of ork has gone through huge changes over the last centuries and is still
changing at a rapid speed. $hey have touched almost every profession. -ith the change
comes stress. .ob stresses in the life of orkers, affects health of organization.
During the past decade, banking sector had undergone rapid and striking changes like policy
changes due to globalization and liberalization, increased competition due to entrance
of more private corporate sector bank, donsizing, introduction of ne technologies
etc. due to these changes the employees in banking are e!periencing high level of
stress. $he advent of technological has drastically changed pattern in all sectors
including the banking sector.
.ob stress results from the interaction of orker in condition of ork. /ccording to the school
of thought, difference in individual directors such as personality and coping style are
most important in predicting hether a certain #ob condition ill result in stress. -hat
is stressful for one person may not be problem for someone else. $he noticeable factors
that may leads to stress are the design of task, management style, interpersonal
relationship, orkloads, career concerns and environment condition.
$he main reason for conducting this research is to find stress and to identify all common
factors hich may leads to employee ork stress. "ur area of concern is the &tate Bank
of 'ndia.
State Bank of In!a 0SBI1 is a multinational banking and financial services company based
in 'ndia. 't is a government%oned corporation ith its head)uarters in 2umbai,
2aharashtra. /s of December 2+1,, it had assets of 3&4,55 billion and 16,+++ branches,
including 17+ foreign offices, making it the largest banking and financial services company
in 'ndia by assets.
&tate Bank of 'ndia is one of the Big Four banks of 'ndia, along ith '9'9' Bank, :un#ab
;ational Bank and Bank of Baroda.
$he bank traces its ancestry to British 'ndia, through the 'mperial Bank of 'ndia, to the
founding in 15+* of the Bank of 9alcutta, making it the oldest commercial bank in the 'ndian
&ubcontinent. Bank of 2adras merged into the other to presidency banks<Bank of
9alcutta and Bank of Bombay<to form the 'mperial Bank of 'ndia, hich in turn became the
&tate Bank of 'ndia. =overnment of 'ndia nationalised the 'mperial Bank of 'ndia in 17>>,
ith ?eserve Bank of 'ndia taking a *+@ stake, and renamed it the &tate Bank of 'ndia. 'n
2++5, the government took over the stake held by the ?eserve Bank of 'ndia.
&B' is a regional banking behemoth and has 2+@ market share in deposits and loans among
'ndian commercial banks.
1. /griculture credit
2. /udit
,. Banking 'nspection
8. Banking :olicy A ?egulations
>. Banking &upervision
*. 9orporate &ervices
6. Bconomic /nalysis
5. Cinancial 2onitoring 3nit
7. 2onetary :olicy
1+. ?esearch
11. &tatistics and Data -arehouse
12. B!change :olicy
1,. Duman ?esource
18. 'nformation &ystems A $echnology
1>. 'slamic Banking
1*. Eegal &ervices
16. Eibrary
15. :ayment &ystem
17. ?eal $ime =ross &ettlement &ystem 0?$=& &ystem1
2+. &mall and 2edium Bnterprises
21. $raining and Development Department 0$DD1
22. $reasury "perations
2,. &trategic A 9orporate :lanning
28. 2icrofinance
.ob stress is a common ork%place problem e!perienced by all professionals irrespective of
their nature of ork.
/s part of this study, e ant to study the main factors associated to #ob stress in &tate Bank
of 'ndia. 'n this study e ant to addressF
Do the employees feel ork%stress under the orking conditions of &B'(
'f there e!ists #ob stress, than to hich e!tent(
$here may be various causes of #ob stress
$he purpose of this research study is to test the association of the independent variables 0role
conflict, role overload, role ambiguity, interpersonal conflict, career development,
physical orking condition1 ith the dependent variable that is stress.
$he basic )uestions e ant to investigate in this research study are as follosF
$o analyzes different causes of stress in &B'.
$o observes or identify different symptoms of ork stress in &B'.
$o evaluates the impact of stress on occupational performance.
$he basic ob#ective is to understand the #ob stress and its nature.
3nderstand theoretical vie point of stress.
Do it has affected employees in &B'.
$his pro#ect ill certainly add value to the e!isting knoledge base and simultaneously
give us ability and motivation to indulge in further advance researches in the field of
management sciences.
$his study ill help the managers to understand their orkforce.
$his study is also useful to direct the top management to formulate strategies and
processes keeping in vie the causes and conse)uences of stress in order to cope ith the
stress successfully.
/ll the branches and departments of &B' may not be covered due to shortage of time
and resources.
&ome of the respondents might hesitate to fill the )uestionnaires considering it
astage of time as they ould be busy in their daily ork.
$he employees of the &B' might not be free at our convenient time.
Eimited data collection scope that result reduced generalizibility of the findings.

;oadays ith the fast moving life, competition has also increased. Bveryone is trying to
fight and lead the competition. $here is a situation of panic all around due to such a rapid
moving economy. $his panic has caused stress. 0Dal .ohnson1
&tress is a groing occupational problem in the current society. 9ompeting ith stressful
situations in the orkplace is a common incidence for all employees mainly in a service
industry. Dans &elye as one of the fathers of stress research. Dis vision as that stress is not
essentially something bad G it all depends on ho you take it. $he stress of e!citing, creative
successful ork is useful, hile that of failure, shame or infection is harmful. &elye believed
that the effects of stress ould be practiced irrespective of the situation positive or negative.
/ great deal of further research has been conducted, and vies have moved on. &tress is no
vieed as a Hbad thingH, ith a range of harmful l and long%term effects. $hese effects have
seldom been found in positive situations.
$he most commonly accepted definition of stress 0?ichard & Eazarus1 is that stress is a
condition or feeling e!perienced hen a person perceives that Idemands e!ceed the personal
and social resources the individual is able to mobilize.J 'n short, itKs hat e feel hen e
think eKve lost control of events.
&tress is a condition of strain that has a direct bearing on feelings, thought process and
physical condition of a person 0:rof. Dileep Lumar1. De stated &tress has been defined in
different ays in the past over the year. Cirstly, it as conceived as pressure from the
atmosphere, and then itMs considered as nervous tension ithin the person. $odayKs is one of
the interactions beteen the situation and the individual. 't is the both psychological and
physical disabilities state that hen the resources of the individual are not sufficient to cope
ith the demands and pressures of the situation.
H&tress is e!perienced by almost every one of us. $he reasons can be family tensions or
problem at the orkplace. $he perception of stress is usually misunderstood because of its
comple!ity. Doever, &tress is a personKs adaptive response to e!cessive psychological or
physical demands caused by one stimulus. 0.ames A .onathan, 17581 $he stimulus causing
the stress is said to be a stressor. 't is not necessary that a stimulus causing stress for one
person may also affect other individuals. &tress is caused only hen a stimulus places
e!cessive demands on the individual and some individuals have more patience for certain
demands as compared to other individuals.H
&tress at ork is a moderately ne phenomenon of present lifestyles. $he nature of ork has
gone through strong changes over the last century and it is still changing at rapidly speed they
have touched almost all professions. "ccupational stress or #ob stress poses a threat to
physical health. -orking at #ob related stress in the life of organized orkers, as a result,
affects the health of organizations. 0&anyo 2oosa, 2++71
&tress e!ists in every organization either big or small the ork places and organizations
have become so much comple! due to hich it e!ists, ork place stress has significant
effects over the employees #ob performance, 0?. /nderson, 2++,1
&teers 017511 indicate that, "ccupational stress has become an essential topic for study of
organizational behavior for a number of reasons.
1. &tress has destructive psychological and physiological effects on employees.
2. &tress is a main reason of employee turnover and absenteeism.
,. &tress practiced by one employee can influence the safety of other employees
4. By controlling stress, individual and organization can be managed more effectively.
/ccording to the researchers there are five ma#or categories of ork stress 09ooper, et al
17551. $hese five categories includeF
1. Cactors intrinsic to the #ob.
2. ?ole in the organization.
,. ?elationships at ork.
8. 9areer development.
>. "rganizational structure
'n an article entitled K&tress in the orkplaceK, Eisa02++81 makes the point that hile a certain
amount of stress is needed to motivate individuals into action, prolonged stress can have a
huge impact on overall health.
/t ork place stress is becoming a ma#or an!iety for employers, managers and government
agencies, oing to the "ccupational Dealth and &afety legislations re)uiring employers to
practice Nduty of careM by providing employees ith safe orking environments hich also
cover the psychological ellbeing of their staff. 0Eisa, 2+1+1
$he stress is not limited to any one level of employee. Eine operations people have more
responsibilities to perform. 2anagers, ho used to take charge of only eight or nine orkers,
are no managing tice or three times that many. $he resulting stress is causing burnout, the
symptoms of hich include lack of interest, lack of energy, irritability, errors, complaining,
tardiness, absenteeism, illness, and decreased motivation. 0Dave Boman1
.ob stressors refer to any attribute of the orkplace that poses a danger to the individual,
hether due to #ob demands that a person cannot meet or due to a lack of sufficient resources
to do the #ob. Cor #ob stress to occur, the environmental demand of the #ob is usually much
out of balance ith the ability of the employee. $his occurs hen an individual has little
control over the #ob, hen ork demands go beyond his or her abilities or hen #ob
circumstances prevent the accomplishment of personal e!pectations and goals. &tress is
additive. $herefore, a raise in the number of stressors in the ork situation results in an
increase in overall #ob stress level. 0 Earson et al1
2a#or causes of #ob stress have been identified as task demand, role demand and
organizational structure 02./ Lhan et al1, 02++61
Duman beings are not able to create a balance beteen their personal and professional life
and this sort of situation has lead to stressful conditions among them. $he only centre of their
life is to be successful 0in%fact to be at the top1 in spite of giving attention to their personal
and family life. $his is the reason the social values have been badly ignored no a days. /my
$ain 02+1+1 clarified that there may be various real life situations in our lives that cause
stress in our lives. &ome personal factors may be continuous orking for long hoursO orking
under pressure, sometimes%inappropriate marriages cause problems or improper relation ith
others. Dealth problems are also caused by stress.
.ob stress can be caused due to many reasons. &ome of these factors include role conflict, role
ambiguity, interpersonal conflicts, ork overload. .ob stress also occurs hen the situation
has high demands and the orker has little or no control over it. :oor health and in#ury can be
caused by stress.
-hen an individual is assigned a ma#or responsibility ithout proper authority and delegation
of poer stress is developed. 0Pansell, et al1.
.ob stress results from the poor interaction of the orker A the conditions of ork and
Differences in individual characteristics such as personality and cope certain #ob conditions.
/ personKs position in the orkplace can also affect levels of stress. -hile place of ork
stress has the potential to affect employees of all categoriesO those ho have very little
influence to those ho make ma#or decisions for the company. Doever, less poerful
employees are more likely to suffer stress than poerful orkers. 2anagers as ell as other
kinds of orkers are at risk to ork overload 0:rimm, 2++>1
Bconomic factors that employees are facing to increased stress levels. 0:rimm, 2++>1,
economic factors that may lead to orkplace stress are the folloingF
&tress from investors, ho can )uickly take out their money from company stocks.
$he lack of employment and professional unions in the orkplace.
'nter%company rivalries caused by the efforts of companies to compete globally.
$he illingness of companies to siftly lay off orkers to cope ith changing business
0Eisa, 2+1+1 Despite the fact that hen a certain amount of stress is needed to motivate then
individual take action, e!tended stress can have a huge impact on overall health. Bach
profession has its on uni)ue factors that may cause stressO causes of many other professions
are giving beloF
'ncreased orkload
"rganizational changes
Digh demands
Eack of support
:ersonal and family issues
:oor ork organization
Eack of training
Eong or difficult hours
'nade)uate staff numbers and resources
:oor management communication
Eack of control or input
"ccupational stress may produce both psychological and physiologic disorders. 't can affect
personal ell%being and productivity 0Quick et al, 17721.
$here may be different effects of stress. &tress can be both positive and negative. 't depends
on the individual that ho do heRshe react to the situation. $he positive stress can help you to
energize in order to get your goals on time. &tress can be beneficial to you if you do not take
it on your nerves. 0.eff foster, 2+1+1
$he negative outcomes of stress have been recognized as financially costly. ;egative
outcomes of #ob stress among individuals include illness, decline in overall )uality of ork,
#ob dissatisfaction, bunking off, and staff turnover 0&chab1. $ension is created hen the
demands of the #ob or the #ob situation e!ceeds the capacity of the person to respond
successfully. 02./ Lhan et al1, 02++61
/ #ob stressed individual can cause #ob dissatisfaction, increased absenteeism, increased
fre)uency of drinking and smoking, increase in negative psychological symptoms and
reduced aspirations and self esteem 0.ick and :ayne, 175+1. "ccupational stress is connected
ith individual, interpersonal and structural variables 0Lutz and Lahn, 17651.
$he stress has effect on psychological as ell as emotional state of an individual. &tress%
related disorders encompass a broad selection of conditions, including psychological
disorders 0e.g., depression, an!iety, post%traumatic stress disorder1 and other types of
emotional strain 0e.g., dissatisfaction, fatigue, tension, etc.1, maladaptive behaviors 0e.g.,
aggression, substance abuse1, and cognitive impairment 0e.g., concentration and memory
problems1. 0:rince $homas1
$he employees ith high level of role ambiguity react to situations ith an!iety, depression,
physical symptoms, a sense of futility or loer self esteem, loer levels of #ob involvement
and organizational commitment, and perceptions of loer performance because of the
e!pectations of the organization, of the supervisors and of themselves 0/ldag et al1
$he advent of technological changes has changed the orking style of the bank employees.
=lobalization and privatization has led the banking sector to modify their policies in order to
cope ith the environment. 0.eff foster, 2+1+1
2any people orking in banking and finance sector believe that stress is a poerful
instrument for their ork and over and over again take steps to control it hen they feel the
effects of overload stress. /t place of ork stress is the harmful physical and emotional
reaction that occurs hen there is a poor match beteen #ob demands and the capabilities,
resources, or needs of the orker. 0Earson et al1
.an &chui#er017721 found that during the past decade banks have had to cope ith
deregulation, liberalization and Kde%specializationM. &uch changes in the banking sectors have
definitely affected the ork load of its employeesK the employeesK task has been increased due
to high level of competition. $here are different banks that are competing ith each other and
due to this the level of competition. $he high level of competition among the banks has
resulted into an increased level of tension. $he staff of banks has loads of ork. $hey have to
keep themselves up to date in the market.
'n the article M"ccupational &tress in &ocial -orkM 0Caith =ibson et al1 the effects of stress is
shoing in all the professional lives like social orkers, nurses and teachers. &tressors can be
identified in both professional and

private lives.
$he discovery of the harmful physical and psychological effects of stress on both individuals
and organizations is idely studied in many parts of the orld. 2ost researches e!amine that
occupational stress of employees in the banking sector. Bank employees cannot afford the
time to rela! and Hchill outH hen they are faced ith ork variety, discrimination,
favoritism, delegation, and conflicting tasks. "ccupational stress is seen in beteen among
managers of different age group. Cinally, the researchers founded that a orker determining
the levels of occupational stress by playing a significant role. 0:rince $homas1
't ould be an e!ploratory, )ualitative and )uantitative research and e ill use both the
)uantitative and )ualitative approach to analyze data and find out the association R
relationship beteen stress and the factors affecting it.
"-1.1 SCO#E
=eographicF $he scope of this research ould be limited to Dead%office of &B' 02umbai1.
"-1.2 SA%#$ING
,.1.2.1 :opulationF $otal population of the employees at &B' is 22++ employees.
,.1.2.2 &ample sizeF / total of *+ employees out of hich 1> employees ill be from top
management, 1> employees ill be selected from middle management and ,+ employees ill
be selected from loer level.
,.1.2., &ampling methodF the sampling method ill be probability sampling that is based on
random selection of employees.
,.1.2.8 &ampling planF $he employees ould be contacted through Questionnaires and if
necessary intervies ill also be conducted.
&urvey ould be conducted ith the help of )uestionnaire in order to collect re)uired data.
$he )uestions ill be &tructured and close%ended type and respondents ill be asked to mark
the appropriate bo! matching the correct anser.
Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, both the techni)ues ould be used to analyze,
interpret and represent the data.
$he responses to the structured close%ended )uestions ill be rated and presented through
graphs, charts etc. 2& B!cel ill also be used in the research.
1. Do often do you feel you have too little authority to carry out your responsibilities(
S,a-e Rat!n. 1 2 " & )
E/0-o1ee 2 1, 22 22 , +
$he above sub divided bar chart shos that 1, out of *+ means that 21@ employee feel that
they never have too little authority to carry out their responsibilities. -hereas 22 means ,6@
employee seldom feel that they have too little authority to carry out their responsibilities.22
means ,6@ employees feel that sometimes they have too little authority to carry out their
responsibilities. , out of *+ mean that >@ feel that often they have too little authority to carry
out their responsibilities. 'n addition, none of the employee said that they all the time feel that
they have too little authority to carry out their responsibilities. 't means that mostly of the
employees have the authorities to carry out their responsibilities.
2. Do often do you feel you are unclear about the scope and responsibilities of your
S,a-e Rat!n. 1 2 " & )
E/0-o1ee 2 8 21 26 5 +
$he above sub divided bar chart shos that 8 out of *+ means that *.6@ or 6@ employee feel
that they are never unclear about the scope and responsibilities of #ob. -hereas 21 means
,>@ employee seldom feel that they are unclear about the scope and responsibilities of #ob.26
means ,6@ employees feel that sometimes they are unclear about the scope and
responsibilities of #ob term. 5 out of *+ means 1,@ feels that often they are unclear about the
scope and responsibilities of #ob. 'n addition, none of the employee said that they all the time
feel that they unclear about the scope and responsibilities of #ob. 't means that mostly of the
employees are clear about the scope and responsibilities of #ob.
,. Do often are you unaare that opportunities for advancement and promotion e!ist
for you(
S,a-e Rat!n. 1 2 " & )
E/0-o1ee 2 , 27 21 6 +
$he above sub divided bar chart shos that , out of *+ means that >@ employee feel that
they are never unaare that opportunities for advancement and promotion e!ist for them.
-hereas 27 means 85.,@ employee seldom feel that are unaare that opportunities for
advancement and promotion e!ist for them.21 means ,>@ employees feel that sometimes
they are unaare that opportunities for advancement and promotion e!ist for them. 6 out of
*+ means 11.*@ or 12@ feels that often they are unaare that opportunities for advancement
and promotion e!ist for them. 'n addition, none of the employee said that they all the time
feel that unaare that opportunities for advancement and promotion e!ist for them. 't means
that mostly of the employees are aare that opportunities for advancement and promotion
e!ist for them.
8. Do often do you feel that your orkload is too heavy and that you could not
possibly finish during the ordinary orkday(
S,a-e Rat!n. 1 2 " & )
E/0-o1ee 2 > 2, ,+ 2 +
$he above sub divided bar chart shos that > out of *+ means that 5@ employee feel that
never their orkload is too heavy and that that could not possibly finish during the ordinary
orkday. -hereas 2, means ,5.,@ employee seldom feel, that orkload is too heavy and
that they could not possibly finish during the ordinary orkday. ,+ means >+@ employees
feel that sometimes orkload is too heavy and that they could not possibly finish during the
ordinary orkday. 2 out of *+ means ,.,@ feel that often orkload is too heavy and that you
could not possibly finish during the ordinary orkday. 'n addition, none of the employee said
that they the entire time feel that your orkload is too heavy and that you could not possibly
finish during the ordinary orkday. 't means that mostly of the employees sometimes think
that orkload is too heavy and that they could not possibly finish during the ordinary
>. Do often do you feel that you ill not be able to satisfy the conflicting demands
of various people around you(
S,a-e Rat!n. 1 2 " & )
E/0-o1ee 2 2 2* 22 1+ +
$he above sub dividend bar chart shos that 2 out of *+ means that ,.,@ employee never
feel that they ill not be able to satisfy the conflicting demands of various people around
them. -hereas 2* means 8,.,@ employee seldom feel that they ill not be able to satisfy the
conflicting demands of various people around them. 22 means ,*.*@ or ,6@ employees feel
that sometimes that ill not be able to satisfy the conflicting demands of various people
around them. 1+ out of *+ means 1*.*@ or 16@ often feel that they ill not be able to satisfy
the conflicting demands of various people around you them 'n addition, none of the employee
said that they all the time feel that they ill not be able to satisfy the conflicting demands of
various people around them. 't means that mostly infre)uently the employees feel that you
ill not be able to satisfy the conflicting demands of various people around them.
*. Do often do you think that your orkplace environment is not very pleasant or
particularly safe(
S,a-e Rat!n. 1 2 " & )
E/0-o1ee 2 16 25 1, 2 +
$he above sub divided bar chart shos that 16 out of *+ means that 25@ employee never feel
that orkplace environment is not very pleasant or particularly safe. -hereas 25 means
8*.*@ or 86@ employee seldom feel that orkplace environment is not very pleasant or
particularly safe. 1, means 21.*@ or 22@ employees sometimes feel that orkplace
environment is not very pleasant or particularly safe. 2 out of *+ means ,@ often feel that
orkplace environment is not very pleasant or particularly safe. 'n addition, none of the
employee said that they all the time that orkplace environment is not very pleasant or
particularly safe. 't means that mostly infre)uently the employees feel that orkplace
environment is not very pleasant or particularly safe.
6. Do often do you not kno hat your superior thinks of you or ho heRshe evaluates
your performance(
S,a-e Rat!n. 1 2 " & )
E/0-o1ee 2 + 26 26 * +
$he above sub divided bar chart shos that + out of *+ means that +@ employee never feel
that they do not kno hat their superior thinks of them or ho heRshe evaluates their
performance. -hereas 26 means 8>@ employee seldom feel that, they do not kno hat
their superior thinks of them or ho heRshe evaluates their performance. 26 means 8>@
employees sometimes feel that they do not kno hat their superior thinks of them or ho
heRshe evaluates their performance. * out of *+ means 1+@ often feel that they do not kno
hat their superior thinks of them or ho heRshe evaluates their performance. 'n addition,
none of the employee said that they all the time feel that they do not kno hat their superior
thinks of them or ho heRshe evaluates their performance. 't means that mostly infre)uently
the employees feel they do not kno hat their superior thinks of them or ho heRshe
evaluates their performance
5. Do often do you find yourself unable to get the information you need to perform
your #ob(
S,a-e Rat!n. 1 2 " & )
E/0-o1ee 2 + ,+ 2> > +
$he above sub divided bar chart shos that + out of *+ means that +@ employee never find
them self unable to get the information they need to perform #ob. -hereas ,+ means >+@
employee seldom find them self unable to get the information they need to perform #ob. 2>
means 81.*@ or 82@ employees sometimes find them self unable to get the information they
need to perform #ob. > out of *+ means 5.,@ often find them self unable to get the
information they need to perform #ob. 'n addition, none of the employee said that they find
them self unable to get the information they need to perform #ob. 't means that mostly
infre)uently the employees find them self unable to get the information they need to perform
7. Do often do you orry about making decisions that affect the lives of people you
S,a-e Rat!n. 1 2 " & )
E/0-o1ee 2 + 12 21 26 +
$he above sub dividend bar chart shos that + out of *+ means that +@ employee never
orry about making decisions that affect the lives of people they kno. -hereas 12 means
2+@ employee seldom orry about making decisions that affect the lives of people they
kno. 21 means ,>@ employees sometimes orry about making decisions that affect the
lives of people they kno. 26 out of *+ means 8>@ often orry about making decisions that
affect the lives of people they kno. 'n addition, none of the employee said that they orry
about making decisions that affect the lives of people they kno. 't means that most
employee fre)uently orry about making decisions that affect the lives of people they kno.
1+. Do often do you feel that the #ob causes you the physical disorders( 0Eike headache
backache A an!ietyS.etc.1
S,a-e Rat!n. 1 2 " & )
E/0-o1ee 2 * 2> 17 1+ +
$he above sub divided bar chart shos that * out of *+ mean that 1+@ employee never feel
that the #ob causes them the physical disorders 0like headache, backache, an!ietyS.etc1.
-hereas 2> means 82@ employees seldom orry feel that the #ob causes them the physical
disorders 0like headache, backache, an!ietyS.etc1. 17 means ,2@ employees sometimes feel
that the #ob causes them the physical disorders 0like headache, backache, an!ietyS.etc1. 1+
out of *+ means 1*@ often orry feel that the #ob causes them the physical disorders 0like
headache, backache, an!ietyS.etc1.'n addition, none of the employee said that they feel that
the #ob causes them the physical disorders 0like headache, backache, an!ietyS.etc1.'t means
that most employee does not fre)uently feel that the #ob causes them the physical disorders
0like headache, backache, an!ietyS.etc1.
11. Do often do you feel that you may not be liked and accepted by people at ork(
S,a-e Rat!n. 1 2 " & )
E/0-o1ee 2 2 27 21 5 +
$he above sub divided bar chart shos that 2 out of *+ mean that ,@ employees never feel
that they may not be liked and accepted by people at ork. -hereas 27 means 87@ employee
seldom feel that they may not be liked and accepted by people at ork. 21 means ,>@
employees sometimes feel that they may not be liked and accepted by people at ork. 5 out
of *+ means 1,.,,@ often feel that they may not be liked and accepted by people at ork. 'n
addition, none of the employee said that they feel that they may not be liked and accepted by
people at ork. 't means that most employees do not feel that they may not be liked and
accepted by people at ork.
12. Do often do you feel unable to influence your immediate supervisorMs decisions and
actions that affect you(
S,a-e Rat!n. 1 2 " & )
E/0-o1ee 2 + 25 ,+ 2 +
$he above sub divided bar chart shos that + out of *+ means that +@ employee never feel
unable to influence their immediate supervisorMs decisions and actions that affect them.
-hereas 25 mean 8*.**@ employees seldom feel unable to influence their immediate
supervisorMs decisions and actions that affect them. ,+ means >+@ employees sometimes feel
unable to influence their immediate supervisorMs decisions and actions that affect them. 2 out
of *+ means ,.,,@ often feel unable to influence their immediate supervisorMs decisions and
actions that affect them. 'n addition, none of the employee said that they find feel unable to
influence their immediate supervisorMs decisions and actions that affect them. 't means that
mostly infre)uently the employees feel unable to influence their immediate supervisorMs
decisions and actions that affect them.
1,. Do often do you not kno #ust hat the people you ork for e!pect of you(
S,a-e Rat!n. 1 2 " & )
E/0-o1ee 2 * ,1 2, + +
$he above sub divided bar chart shos that * out of *+ means that 1+@ employees never
kno #ust hat the people they ork for e!pect from them. -hereas ,1 means >1.**@
employees seldom kno #ust hat the people they ork for e!pect from them. 2, means
,5.,,@ employees sometimes kno #ust hat the people they ork for e!pect from them. +
out of *+ means +@ often kno #ust hat the people they ork for e!pect from them. 'n
addition, none of the employee said that they orry about making decisions that affect the
lives of people they kno. 't means that most employee fre)uently kno #ust hat the people
they ork for e!pect from them.
18. Do often do you think the amount of salary you are getting is not satisfactory(
S,a-e Rat!n. 1 2 " & )
E/0-o1ee 2 > 2+ 28 11 +
$he above sub divided bar chart shos that > out of *+ means that 5@ employee never think
that the amount of salary they are getting is not satisfactory. -hereas 2+ means ,,@
employee seldom think that the amount of salary they are getting is not satisfactory. 28 means
8+@ employees sometimes orry think that the amount of salary they are getting is not
satisfactory. 11 out of *+ means 17@ often think that the amount of salary they are getting is
not satisfactory. 'n addition, none of the employee said that they think that the amount of
salary they are getting is not satisfactory. 't means that most employee fre)uently think that
the amount of salary they are getting is satisfactory.
1>. Do often do you feel that you have to do things on the #ob that are against your better
S,a-e Rat!n. 1 2 " & )
E/0-o1ee 2 8 ,7 16 + +
$he above sub divided bar chart shos that 8 out of *+ means that 6@ employee never feel
that they have to do things on the #ob that are against their better #udgment. -hereas ,7
means *>@ employee seldom feel that they have to do things on the #ob that are against their
better #udgment. 16 means 25@ employees sometimes feel that they have to do things on the
#ob that are against their better #udgment. + out of *+ means +@ often feel that they have to
do things on the #ob that are against their better #udgment. 'n addition, none of the employee
said that they feel that they have to do things on the #ob that are against their better #udgment.
't means that mostly infre)uently the employees feel that they have to do things on the #ob
that are against their better #udgment.
1*. Do often do you feel your #ob interferes ith your family life(
S,a-e Rat!n. 1 2 " & )
E/0-o1ee 2 , 28 26 * +
$he above sub divided bar chart shos that , out of *+ mean that 5@ employees never feel
that their #ob interferes ith their family lives. -hereas 28 means 8+@ employee seldom feel
that their #ob interferes ith their family lives. 26 means 8>@ employees sometimes feel that
their #ob interferes ith their family lives. * out of *+ means 1+@ often feel that their #ob
interferes ith their family lives. 'n addition, none of the employee said that they feel that
their #ob interferes ith their family lives. 't means that the employees fre)uently feel that
their #ob interferes ith their family lives.
16. Do often you are satisfied ith your #ob performance(
S,a-e Rat!n. 1 2 " & )
E/0-o1ee 2 + + + ,, 26
$he above sub divided bar chart shos that ,, out of *+ means >>@ of the employees feel
that they are often satisfied ith their performance. 26 means 8>@ employees feel that they
are satisfied ith their performances nearly all the time. $his means that the employees
fre)uently feel that their #ob performance is satisfactory.
$he productivity of banks depends on the employees of the organization. $he psychologically
healthy employees lead to the progress of the organization. "ccupational stress and the
orkplace health have been the issue of ma#or concerns over last decade.
$he purpose of this research as to identify the e!istence of stress among the employees of
&tate Bank of 'ndia. &tress level is very lo among employees in the &tate Bank of 'ndia in
terms of our scale of measurement.
$he literature revies helped to identify some ma#or factors that can help to kno hether
the employees at the &tate Bank of 'ndia feel stress or not. $he employees at the &tate Bank
of 'ndia are clear about their responsibilities and #ob duties.
/ lack of opportunity for groth or advancement can increase #ob stress. /t &tate Bank of
'ndia the employees are aare about the opportunities for advancements and promotion.
-orkload can be one of the reasons for the orkplace stress. $he employees at &tate Bank of
'ndia seldom feel orkload hen they find an ordinary ork day not enough to complete
their heavy tasks.
$he employees at &tate Bank of 'ndia are satisfied ith the orkplace environment of the
bank. Dangerous and unelcome environments can place pressure on orkers and increase
ork stress.
/ lack of supportive relationships ith supervisors and co%orkers can increase #ob stressO
this may play out in poer struggles beteen orkers and management. $he employees of
&tate Bank of 'ndia kno about hat their supervisors thinks about them and they are )uite
motivated to ork for them. $he research findings sho that they usually kno about the
response of the supervisors. $his reduces the level of an!iety and depression.
$hey are )uite confident in making decisions as shon by the findings. $he findings help to
kno that the #obs of the employees in &tate Bank of 'ndia do not harm their physical health
0like headache, an!iety, backache, etc1.
$he employees at the &tate Bank of 'ndia are satisfied ith the salary they are getting. &alary
stress can make any one loose sleep, be restless and make anyone very unhappy person.
$hatMs hy salary should be satisfactory.
.ob satisfaction is the key element for a successful employee performance. $he employees of
&tate Bank of 'ndia are satisfied ith their #ob performance. $his shos that the management
of &tate Bank of 'ndia is effective in managing its employeeKs performance.
/s the conclusion suggested that the employees in the &tate Bank of 'ndia do not feel any
ma#or sort of ork stress. -e recommend that that the management of &tate Bank of 'ndia
should continue their stress management practices as they have been doing it. $he
management of &tate Bank of 'ndia should take active part in making stress management
training programs for their employees.
"n behalf of this research, e ill recommend other organizations as ell to reduce the
orkplace stress of employees and should organize stress management programs for the
employees. $he management shouldF
3ndertake stress audit at all levels in the organization to identify stress area improving
conditions of #ob and alleviating #ob stress.
Bncourage open channel of communication to deal ork related stress.
Cormulate individual stress alleviation program.
=ive attractive system of reard and recognition of good ork.
Develop realistic self%concept among employees that is neither overstated nor
Bncourage the cross%functional and interdepartmental ork arrangements to reduce
ork related stress among lo performers and lo achievers.
.ob stress may have impact on the motivational level of employees in banks. $he further
studies may also help to kno hether employeeKs culture or background creates stress or
-orkplace stress can be real cause of absenteeism and turnover in banks. Curther researches
may be done to kno ho the organizational environment creates stress among the
employees of banks.
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2/?'$/E &$/$3&
&coring 2ethod % -rite in the score hich best matches youF
1 V never, 2 V seldom, , V sometimes, 8 V often, > V nearly all the time.
57e8t!on S,o9e
1 Do often do you feel you have too little authority to carry out
your responsibilities(
2 Do often do you feel you are unclear about the scope and
responsibilities of your #ob(
" Do often are you unaare that opportunities for advancement
and promotion e!ist for you(
& Do often do you feel that your orkload is too heavy and that you
could not possibly finish during the ordinary ork day(
) Do often do you feel that you ill not be able to satisfy
the conflicting demands of various people around you(
* Do often do you think that your orkplace environment is not
very pleasant or particularly safe(
3 Do often do you not kno hat your superior thinks of you or
ho heRshe evaluates your performance(
4 Do often do you find yourself unable to get the information
you need to perform your #ob(
: Do often do you orry about making decisions that affect the
lives of people you kno(
Do often do you feel that the #ob causes you the physical
disorders( 0Eike headache, backache, an!ietyS.etc.1
Do often do you feel that you may not be liked and accepted by
people at ork(
12 Do often do you feel unable to influence your immediate
supervisorMs decisions and actions that affect you(
1" Do often do you not kno #ust hat the people you ork
for e!pect of you(
1& Do often do you think the amount of salary you are getting is
not satisfactory(
1) Do often do you feel that you have to do things on the #ob that are
against your better #udgment(
1* Do often do you feel your #ob interferes ith your family life(
13 Do often you are satisfied ith your #ob performance(

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