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I knew you

Week 1
Our deepest need is to be fully known and fully
loved. Read Psalm 139:1-18 together. These verses
show us clearly that God not only just knows us, but
He actually knows us better than we know

1) Have you ever had a friend or family member
that you felt truly knew you and loved you? Who
was it and how did that relationship make you feel?

2) God knows the best and worse about you. Why is
it encouraging that verses 17 and 18 say ...
"How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.
They cannot be numbered! I cant even count them;
they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I
wake up, you are still with me!" ?

3) We all have questions about who we are, and we
don't always go to God for the answers. Where do
you feel your heart looking to find answers and
acceptance? (Example: boys, good grades, friends,
being pretty, church, sports, a hobby...)
4) God knows you and He loves you. He wants you
to know His love, just like you want your friends and
family to know your love for them. Think of one
person in your family that you love, and tell the
group something you love about that person. Try to
find an opportunity this week to tell that family
member how much you love them. As you do that
pray for God to show you how much He loves you.

5) Application: This week read Psalm 139 again and
ask God to speak to your heart through the words. At
some point when you are alone, read it aloud to
yourself as if God was speaking to you. (Example:
instead of saying "You know everything about me,"
say, "I know everything about you, Jessica." But of
course insert your name there.)
**Decorate your journals!
I knew you
Week 1
Father Daughter Time
Week 2

1) Discuss in your group who the people are in your life
that you love spending time with and what you like to
do together?

2) What is your favorite way to spend time with God?

3) Read the Prodigal Son story (Luke 15:11-32) out
loud in your group and discuss the following questions:

4) How does the story display unconditional love?

5) What do you think of the fathers handling of things in
the story?

6) How is this story a display of Gods love for us?

Write down new ways you want to spend time with God
this week (ex. While cooking, cleaning your
room, resting in a quiet place, etc.) and write
down all the ways God speaks to you while you are
hanging out with Him in your everyday life.
Dreaming With God
Week 3

1.) If money didn't matter and there were no
limits what would be some of your dreams?

2.) What are fears or obstacles that would hold
you back from those dreams?

3.) What are some practical ways you could
overcome those fears/obstacles?

4.) How can you prepare yourself now for where
God may take you in the future?

5.) Take some time this week and dream with
God. Write down what you feel he is telling you,
and think of a friend you trust and can tell that dream to!
Flowers Fade
Week 4

1.) What are the areas in your life that you have let
the world define beauty instead of God?

2.) How can we help each other to walk out beauty
on a daily basis?

3.) 1 Peter says that a gentle and quiet spirit is
beautiful to Jesus. What does that look like in day
to day life?

4.) In a world that is throwing so many different
standards of beauty at us how do we keep a pure
mindset of what Jesus says beauty is without it
getting tainted?

5.) What are 3 things you love about yourself that you see as
Week 5

"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."

This means that as friends it is our responsibility to love each other
at all times and to help each other when we are going through
trouble. Think of one friend that has done a good job loving you,
and think of some of the ways they have shown their love to you.
When we are feeling insecure it is hard to love people well. We
worry about what other people think of us, and are jealous when it
seems that other people are getting something that we want. God
wants to set us free of that. He wants us to know that He loves us,
and as a Father He wants to protect us from feelings of insecurity.
He wants us to find our security in how He sees us. Think of
something that you sometimes feel insecure about, and share it
with the group. After everyone shares, take a few minutes for
prayer. (Either the group leader can pray for everyone, or each of
the girls can pray for the person on their right.)

God has given us gifts and He has given us dreams. He gets excited
to see us use our gifts, and He gets excited to fulfill our dreams.
Sometimes we forget how much He cares about these things, and so
we start to stress and strive to make things happen in our lives. We
become self-centered. When we trust God with our gifts and
dreams we can have peace because we know He is in charge. We
can even love people better and celebrate when they accomplish
their own dreams, because we know that the same God who did
that for them, will be faithful to do wonderful things for us. What
is something in your life that you care a lot about, that you need
help trusting God with? (ie. Something you love, something you
want to achieve, or something you want to be good at?) How can
you be better about encouraging the people around you who also
have similar cares, gifts, and dreams?

Think of three friends that you can pray for and encourage
this week, and think of creative ways you can express your
love for them. Brainstorm as a group fun ways to love on
your friends extra this week!
Being secure in Christ starts in our minds. As we read the
Bible and spend time in prayer with Jesus, He shows us how
He sees us. This week memorize the verse, "We love because
He first loved us." In moments when you are feeling
tempted to envy someone, or compare yourself to them,
recite that verse to yourself and do your best to speak out
something encouraging in that moment. The Beauty Arise
girls call that "acting in the opposite spirit"- The evil spirit
of the devil speaks lies into our minds, but the Holy Spirit of
God is us gives us strength to act in the opposite way of how
we are feeling. "greater is He that lives in me, than He that
is in this world."

** Decorate and write an encouraging note for a friend or
family member. It could be someone that you are tempted to
compare yourself to, or just a friend that you love. Celebrate
them by writing some of the wonderful things you see in
Week 5
Beauty Arise
Week 6

1) Read Isaiah 61:1 and Luke 4:18 out loud in your group.
Think of any stories from the Bible where we see Jesus
fulfill these verses during His time on the earth.

2) Think of a time in your life when someone comforted or
encouraged you. Share that with the group. How did they
comfort you? You can also share about a time when you
were able to comfort someone else.

3) What are some things that would hold you back from
sharing Jesus with others? What are some things that hinder
us from praying for people?

4) What are some practical things that we could do to bless
other people? Be creative.

5) Think of two names of people that you will encourage this
week. Then as you go throughout your week try to do one
random act of kindness each day to express God's love to
someone you meet. (It could be holding a door open for
someone, giving a compliment, helping a friend with their
books... Etc)

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