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Submitted by,
Reg no:13350036
Natural Science


Page No
1 Introduction 4
2 Content 5-11
3 Conclusion 12
4 Reference 12

A Botanical garden is a garden dedicated to the collection ,
Cultivation and display of a wide range of a plants labeled
With their botanicalnames.it may contain specialist plant
Collections such as cacti and succulent plants ,herb gardens
Plants from particular parts of the world and so on .there
May be green houses ,shade houses again with special
collections such as tropical plants. visitor services at a
botanical garden might include tours ,educational displays
,act ,exhibitions ,book rooms, open air theoretical and musical
Performances and other entertainment.
Botanical gardens are often run by universities or
Other scientific research organizations and often have
associated herbaria and research programs.

garden is a controlled and staffed institution
For the maintenance of a living collection of plants under
scientific management for purposes of education and research
,together with such libraries ,herbaria ,laboratories and
Museums as are essential to its particular under takings.
Each botanical garden naturally develops its own special fields
Of interest depending on its personnel , location ,extent
available funds and the term s of a
charter .it may include green houses ,test grounds ,an
herbarium , an arboretum and other departments.it maintain
a scientific as well as a plant growing staff and publication is
one of the major mode of expression.
The botanical garden may be an independent institution
,a governmental operation ,or affiliated to a college or
University. If a department of an educational institution,
It may be related to a teaching program .in any case it exit
For scientific ends and is not to be restricted or diverted
By other demands .it is not merely a landscaped or ornamental
Garden, although it may be artistic ,nor is it an experiment
Station or yet a park with labels on the plants.the essential
Element is the intention of the of the enterprise ,which is
The acquisition and dissemination of a botanical knowledge.
history of botanical gardens closely linked to the
History of botany it self .the botanical gardens of the 16 th and
centuries were medicinal gardens. But the idea of a
botanical garden changed to a encompass displays of the
beautiful ,strange, new and sometimes economically important
plant trophies being returned from the European colonies

And other distant lands .later in the 18
century , they become
More educational in function , demonstrating the latest plant
Classification systems devised by botanists working in the
associated herbaria as they tried to order these new treasures
then in the 19
and 20
centuries ,the trend was towards a
combination of specialist the eclectic collections demonstrating
many aspects of both horticulture and botany.
Botanical gardens in the modern sense, developed from
Physic gardens ,whose main purpose was to cultivate herbs for
Medical use as well as research and experimentation such
gardens have a long history.in Europe for example Aristotle
Is said to have had a physic garden in the lyceum at Athens ,
Which was used for educational purposes and for the study
Of botany .


Botanical gardens are often run by universities or other
Scientific research organizations and often have associated
herbaria and research programs in plant taxonomy or some
Other aspects of botanical science. In principle ,their role is to
Maintain documented collections of living plants for the
purposes of scientific research ,conservation, display and
education ,although this available and the special interests
pursued at each particular garden.
Botanic gardens are uniquely positioned to help address
the issues relevant to restoring ecosystems. they
Provide knowledge and expertise in plant
Taxonomy ,horticulture ,biodiversity ,inventory ,conservation
Biology ,restoration ecology and ethno botany .all key
For achieving successful restoration.
Botanical gardens also collectively serve as a global
Repository for documented plant material , with at
Collections of seed banks . Utilizing knowledge gained
From these collections, related herbaria and libraries
And combined with landscape knowledge from field surveys
And ecological research .Botanic gardens bring the
understanding necessary to ensure that restoration leads to
the adequate taxonomic diversity and incorporate appropriate
genetic provenance.
Botanic gardens can there for restore diverse and
ecologically resilient places ,avoiding the dangers and pit
Falls associated with growing the origin of modern botanical
garden can be traced to European medieval medicinal garden
Known as Physic Garden . The first of these being founded
During the Italian renaissance in the 16
century. This early
Concern with medicinal plants changed in the 17
century to an
Interest in the new plants imports from explorations outside
Europe as botany gradually established its independence from
Botanical gardens are parks devoid of play something like
century museums where plants bear labels with
unpronounceable names .modern botanical gardens, however
a global treasures in an age of ecological crisis .Today
numbering more than 2000 gardens world wide .they are
places devoted to the culture , study and exhibition of
documented collections of living plants 12 ,13 further they,
are committed to developing documenting ,verifying,
maintaining , sharing ,propagating and disseminating a
description offered by the American association of botanical
gardens in appropriate plants in the wrong environment.
Botanic gardens are also well placed to raise awareness
amongst the general public of the need for and benefits that
can be derived from successful ecological restoration projects.
Botanical gardens are nothing is better than spending the
Day outside surrounded in the beauty of nature cannot get any
Better than Arkansas and Arkansas cannot get much more
beautiful than these public botanical garden.

This 210 acre park is located near hot springs national park.
The gardens show case floral landscapes,Free flowing streams
And waterfalls ,as well as architectural structures in a natural
wood land setting theres also a Japanese garden ,lots of rare
Shrubs and flowers and rock gardens .located at 498 Arkridge
Road,hot springs national park .

wood gardens are located on 105 acres
With a mission to celebrate the arts and nature. The garden of
wild wood include the pavilion daffodil garden featuring a
spring daffodil and flowering tree garden,the Richard C butler
arboretum featuring natural wood land plants ,the breeze
garden featuring native perennials, ferns and grasses.

Botanical gardens are often run
by universities or other scientific research organizations
and often have associatedHerbaria and research programs in
plant taxonomy or some other aspect of botanical science.
A botanical garden is a controlled and staffed institution
for the maintenance of a living collection of plants under
scientific management for purposes of education and research,
together with such libraries ,herbaria ,laboratories and
museums as are essential to its particular underthings.
Botanical garden may include green houses ,test grounds ,an
herbarium ,an arboretum and other departments

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