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Teacher's Name:
Anastasia Bartzoulianou
Observation: ....................
Teaching Practice: Social Media
LN!T": #$ min.
No o% students in &lass: '
L(L: B)
&LASS P*O+,L: -oung adults. mi/ed abilit-. The- 0or1 0ell in certain 2airs. Mi/ed. male and
Pictures o% logos 3)4. &artoon 2ictures 3)4. 5or1sheet 364. List o% 7uestions 364. Ne0s2a2er Article
5or1ing on students' reading s1ills: b- reading an article on social media. *eading %or gist as 0ell
as reading %or detail. 9se o% sub s1ills: s1imming %or main ideas o% an article. scanning %or detail.
5or1ing on students' s2ea1ing s1ills:
+ree s2ea1ing. discussing ideas. e/2ressing o2inions. %inding arguments.
LANGUAGE ANALYSIS: no. it's a straight reading;s2ea1ing class. No vocabular- e/ercise involved
arl- %inishers. 9n1no0n vocabular-. ,t is a big article. it could ta1e a long time.
arl- %inishers can underline the ans0ers in the te/t.
ncourage them to ignore unnecessar- le/is and guess %rom conte/t.
S2lit <uestions into t0o grou2s.
STAGE Teacher activity Student activity
5arm u2s
a4 As1 Students ho0 man- o%
them use T0itter;+aceboo1.
b4 As1 Students i% the- 1no0
an- other social net0or1s.
5rite ans0ers on the board
c4 As1 Students: 0hich
net0or1s do the- 2re%er using=
And 0h-=
a4 *aise "ands
b4 +ree %eedbac1
c4 +ree %eedbac1
a4 T > Ss
b4 Ss ? T
c4 Ss > T
) min. ,ntroduce to2ic.
raise interest.
2ersonalize to2ic
Sho0 logos.
a4 Put Logos on Board. As1
students to discuss 0or1sheets
in 2airs. !ive one e/am2le.
Monitor discussing.
b4 :esign short table. 5rite
results on board. under each
logo. :iscuss # or @ 2oints in
a4 Students. in
2airs. tal1 about
their choices and
mar1 them on
b4 Students tell
teacher about their
a4 S> S
b4 Ss > T
A min. Pre>reading.
!enerate ,deas.
+ree S2ea1ing.
&artoon 6
Sho0 2icture. as1 %or o2inion:
each social medium has
di%%erent ideas about ho0
users should ma1e %riends.
5hat are those ideas=
Students tal1 %reel-.
discuss ideas
T> Ss
Ss > T
) min. Pre>reading. +ree
&artoon )
As1 students 0h- !oogle
0ants to be more li1e
+aceboo1. and 0h- +aceboo1
and T0itter 0ant to be more
li1e !oogle
Students 0or1 in
2airs and tell their
o2inions to the
S ? S
Ss > T
A min. Pre>reading. *ead
%or !eneral ,dea.
+ree S2ea1ing.
*ead Te/t
a4 *ead %or gist.
5hat is the 2oint o% the te/t=
*ead in grou2s. !rou2 A. 2age
6. !rou2 B. 2age )
b4 Students. in 2airs. have to
ans0er <uestions. !rou2 A
ans0ers <uestions 6>#. !rou2
B ans0ers <uestions @>'
a4 Students re2l- to
general <uestion.
2ersonal o2inion
b4 Students 0or1 in
2airs. %inding
ans0ers to s2eci%ic
Ss ? T
Ss ? Ss
Ss > T
# min.
' min.
a4 *ead %or gist
b4 *ead %or detail
Set :ebate. Students 0or1 in
t0o grou2s. Setting: a %riend
3grou2 A4 0ants to delete their
+aceboo1 account. Another
%riend 3grou2 B4 tries to
convince them not to. Monitor
Students %ind
arguments to
convince o22osite
grou2. One student
in each grou2
volunteers to 0rite
do0n the
arguments be%ore
the- begin debating
Ss ? Ss B min. Post>reading
activit-. S2ea1ing
Le""!n Materia%"
%!$! &. ace'!!(
%!$! ). T*itter
1. Mar( ,-. in the '!/ under ace'!!( !r T*itter0 t! #ar( h!* #any thin$" y!u can d!
*ith each "!cia% #ediu#. Mar( ,1. in the '!/ i2 y!u can3t u"e the #ediu#.
). I2 there are #!re u"e" y!u can thin( !20 add the# t! the %i"t.
S!cia% #edia u"e" ACEBOO4 T*itter
U5date !ther" a'!ut y!ur %i2e
Te%% a 6!(e
Share ne*" "t!rie"
Share 5icture" !r vide!"
P%ay $a#e"
Di"cu"" a t!5ic *ith 2riend"
!r a"( the# 7ue"ti!n"
State y!ur !5ini!n !n a #atter
C!nnect *ith 2riend"
C!nnect *ith 2a#i%y
!%%!* arti"t" !r ce%e'ritie"
!%%!* ne*"8#edia
!%%!* !r$ani9ati!n" !r
$!vern#ent "!urce"
:!in event"
Chat 5rivate%y
Send Private Me""a$e"
!*O9P A.
6. 5here in the 0orld. do +aceboo1 user numbers gro0 the most=
). 5hat 1ind o% users does the +aceboo1 attracts in 0estern mar1ets. as o22osed to emerging
#. "o0 much time do the users in 9nited States s2end on +aceboo1. on the average=
!*O9P B.
@. "o0 much larger is +aceboo1. com2ared to T0itter=
A. "o0 much T0itter is going to ma1e %rom advertising. com2ared to the 2revious -ear=
'. "o0 %ast is T0itter gro0ing on mobile 2er -ear. com2ared to +aceboo1=
D!e" T*itter have #!re in2%uence than ace'!!(<
Mar1 Cuc1erberg's social net0or1 is still gro0ing. but t0eets have the edge in 2romoting ne0s content ?
es2eciall- on mobile
Posted b- +rDdDric +illou/
Monda- B November )$66 6#.$B !MT
M!re T*itter u"er" u"e the "ite !n #!'i%e" than ace'!!( u"er"0
acc!rdin$ t! a c!#Sc!re "urvey.
Ph!t!$ra5h= :!nathan >!rd%e8Re/ eature"
Y!u hear thin$" a'!ut ace'!!(. Y!u "ee thin$". As its audience matures. a subtle shi%t might be
under 0a-. O% course. numbers remain staggering. +aceboo1 is heading to0ard the E$$ million
users mar1. mostl- b- con<uering ne0 mar1ets. The gro0th is distributed as %ollo0s: Middle>ast
A%rica. Asia>Paci%ic and Latin America gro0 b- about '$F a -earG uro2e b- #AF to @$FG and North
America b- )AF. And demogra2hics are shi%ting: older 2eo2le are Hoining in 0estern mar1ets. 0hile
a -ounger audience gro0s in emerging ones. More changes are under 0a- as the internet s2reads
on both landlines and mobile devices: over the 2ast three -ears. &hina added more internet users
than e/ist in the 9S toda-. +urthermore. in the %astest gro0ing mar1ets. +aceboo1 ca2tures more
than I$F o% all social net0or1 tra%%ic. So. %or the near %uture. +aceboo1 doesn't have a gro0th
On mature mar1ets. the %uture loo1s bright as 0ell. ,n the 9S. uni<ue users gre0 b- ))F
bet0een June )$6$ and Se2tember )$66. reaching a total o% 6AA million. Notabl-. the average time
s2ent 2er 2erson gre0 %rom 'h )min to Bh @)min.
AndK 5hen -ou s2ea1 0ith gro0n>u2s and -oung adults 0ho used to be +aceboo1
enthusiasts. -ou hear the %ollo0ing:
L +aceboo1's inter%ace and %eatures have become overl- com2licated. The result is it ta1es more time to do
the same old things.
L Managing %riends leaves -ou 0ith t0o choices: s2ending a lot o% time delicatel- 2runing lists. circles and
grou2s. or being s0am2ed.
L &onstant and insidious changes in +aceboo1's 2rivac- %eatures 1ee2 ta1ing 2eo2le o%%>guard: all o% a
sudden. -ou %ind man- things about -our digital li%e. mostl- mundane stu%% such as 0hat -ou read and
listen. being broadl- available outside -our initial circle. 7uasi>2aranoid caution has become a must. And
again. since Mo2enM is the de%ault setting on +aceboo1. recovering -our o0n 2rivac- gets increasingl-
L A rise in the advertising 2resence. 0hich rein%orces the im2ression o% being trac1ed do0n: users don't
have the slightest idea o% the breadth and de2th o% +aceboo1's mining o% their 2ersonal activities.
,t no0 seems +aceboo1's usage is undergoing a s2lit. Active +aceboo1ers become increasingl-
engaged. s2end more time doing more stu%%. 0hile MreasonableM users 3over )A4 become more
reluctant and care%ul.
+h! 'ene2it" 2r!# "uch "hi2t< T*itter0 5ri#ari%y. !loball-. T0itter's microblogging;social net0or1
is much smaller than +aceboo1. 0ith a re2orted )$$ million users. onl- a %raction o% 0hich are
reall- active. Business>0ise. +aceboo1 is #$ times larger than T0itter and is e/2ected to gross
N@.)Bbn this -ear. according to eMar1eter ultra>2recise estimatesG that's more than t0ice last
-ear's revenue. As %or T0itter. its advertising strateg- is gaining traction: again. eMar1eter e/2ects
T0itter to ma1e N6#I.Am. u2 )6$F %rom the 2revious -ear.
!iven the di%%erences in size and reach. does it ma1e sense to com2are the t0o=
Let3" c!n"ider the ne*" #edia "ect!r. +rom a 2ure <uantitative stand2oint. +aceboo1 remains a
solid re%erral %or ne0s sites as 2eo2le MLi1eM and lin1 to stories. But +aceboo1 encourages %l->b-s. ie
vie0ers that 0on't sta- on the site. T0itter's re%errals to ne0s content are o% a di%%erent nature.
T0eets and ret0eeets usuall- come %rom 2eo2le 0ho have chosen to %ollo0 a given individual. a
ne0s organisation or a s2eci%ic subHect. The re%erral is there%ore much shar2er. more targeted than
the im2ulsive Mthro0>on>m->+aceboo1>0allM t-2e.
+or 0hat it 0orth. let's loo1 at an essa- 2ublished last Saturda- in the 5all Street Journal. Titled
O5h- &an't 5all Street "andle the TruthP. it is 0ritten b- Mi1e Ma-o. a long>time anal-st 0ho
made re2eated calls to dum2 ban1 stoc1s.
The essa- generated BIA +aceboo1 Mli1esM ? 0hich is small %or a stor- that is %reel- available in the
5all Street Journal Social +aceboo1 a22lication.
,n the meantime. the same 2iece 3and the mention o% Ma-o's boo14 has been inde/ed 6@$.$$$
times in !oogle. than1s to onl- #I) t0eets.
Still using the 5all Street Journal as an e/am2le. let's have loo1 at 5alt Mossberg's 2resence 3he is
the Journal's 0orld>%amous tech 0riter4. On +aceboo1. his 2age has EB@ Mli1esM. On the 5SJ Social
a22lication. 0here Mossberg a22ears as an editor. he has )A) readers and the a22 has been able
to collect a total M)#Q readersM.
Not ver- com2elling.
But. on T0itter. Mossberg has )'@.$$$ %ollo0ersR
An!ther (ey e%e#ent in T*itter3" 2av!ur= the #!'i%e 2act!r. T0itter's 6@$>character %ormat turned
out to be a 1iller on smart2hones: according to recent &omScore stud-. about 6#.AF o% T0itter
users are mobile ones. vs BF %or +aceboo1 and AF %or Lin1ed,n. And the microblogging service is
gro0ing %aster on mobile 3SBAF -ear on -ear4 than Lin1ed,n 3S'IF4 and +aceboo1 3SA$F4. That's
the 2rivilege o% sim2licit- and straight%or0ardness over %eature>itis.

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