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Running head: DIVERSE 1

Diverse Culture & Socio-emotional Development

amongst Learners
Summary of Culture Diversity & Socio-emotional Development amongst learners in school
The following paper is an annotation of the following topic.
People tend to categorize other people as fingers; the are all different !ust as all human
"eings are uni#ue and diverse$ %nthropologist &d'ard () *lor +,-./0) stated that 1the aspects
of human development and culture consisted of 12no'ledge) "elief) art) la') morals) custom and
an other capa"ilities and ha"its ac#uired " man as a mem"er of societ3 +p$ 40$ *hat is 'h
human development is one of the most 'ell researched aspects of pscholog; therefore) the
manner and cultures in 'hich people gro' and defines people is 'h I have chosen to 'rite
a"out this topic$
5ulti-culturism in toda6s societ is constituted " the large amounts of diverse
individuals that are present in ever single countr around the 'orld$ ( having interactions
'ith diverse people; 'e "ecome educated and have e7periences from their "eliefs and cultures
that 'e might not usuall e7perience in toda6s societ +Le 8rancois) 9.,,0$ I "elieve that
"ecause of this learning environment 'e 'ill all learn regardless of everone6s6 capa"ilities$
5ossler &:itt +9.,.0 descri"e human development in the &cological theor " ;rie
(ronfen"renner as internal and environmental factors such as: genetics) e7ternal stimuli) and
cultural heritage that activate emotional degrees for and of learning$
8urthermore) through social interactions) people learn a"out their emotions 'hich 'ill in
turn help develop our socioemotional s2ills +<ensen) 9..=0$ *he purpose of this paper is to give
an ela"oration of multiculturalism and socio-emotional development in students and ho' "oth
'ill guide educators and their students to learn in an inclusive classroom environment$
Completed Research for Multiculturalism and Socio-emotional Development
5an "elieve that ever since culture diversit hoisted in the ;nited States that is 'hen
Civil >ights movements "egan and communities "ecame a'are of human rights$ %rthur Diana
Ayton-Shenker +,--=0 1The Challenge of Human Rights and Cultural Diversity ela"orates on
'orth and importance of amalgamating Cultural Diversit and human rights amongst all the
communities$ &S?L teachers <ana &chevarria and %nna @raves pu"lished a "oo2 I used in one
of m %shford ;niversit classes called 1Sheltered Content Instruction: Teaching nglish
!earners "ith Diverse A#ilities$ I used this "oo2 during m &nglish Language Learners classes
and in m o'n classes to aid me 'ith the pedagog in sheltered instruction for diverse learners$
*heorists Auitt and & Aummel) "oth criti#ue %iaget&s Theory of Cognitive Develo'ment
mentioned in the &ducational Pscholog Interactive$ I 'ill discuss more regarding this topic
throughout the follo'ing pages$ Since there are diverse cultures 'ithin the classrooms and each
and ever student 'ill have a uni#ue learning e7perience) I conducted some research diverse
(rain (ased !earning to help me comprehended the different stles of learning of different
individuals$ I came across the "oo2 Teaching "ith the #rain in mind " educator and "rain
researcher &ric P$ <ensen$ :hile perusing this "oo2 online) I realized that I had this "oo2 'hen I
'as eighteen ears old and so I rummaged through m old collection of "oo2s to find it$ *he
"elief of "rain-"ased learning las in the fact that ever "rain is uni#ue) each individual develops
and learns 'ithin his or her o'n time and pace$ *herefore) it is appropriate to sa that the one
size-fits-all theor that 'asB is used in the educational sstem does not 'or2$ :hen students
"egin to enroll in school) the success of their learning depends of a multitude of factors such as
prior learning e7periences) culture) preferred modalities their emotions and the environment$
Le8rancois presents 'ell-rounded) thorough and informative discussions of
pschological principles and theories in education in his "oo2 %sychology for teaching$ I am
currentl using this "oo2 and "ecause I find it aided me 'ith m &nglish Language Learners6
instruction I 'ill "e reccling that information in the near future$ 8inall) all these features of
this essa 'ill sho' aspects of societ other than education that have "een dramaticall affected
" 5ulticulturalism$
Learners and actors of Socio-emotional! Cognitive! and Cultural Development in their
(ecause of m teaching &SL career) I have noted that socio-emotional development is a
prominent feature in education$ *he reason for this is "ecause learners develop academicall
emotionall and phsicall as the gro' and mature 'hile learning$ In other 'ords) 'hile
students are learning) the are affected " their "iological ma2eup) the affective filter that is
present in the classrooms and the pschological differences present learning$
5oreover) %sychology for Teaching) " Le 8rancois +9.,,0 and the cological theory "
;rie (ronfen"renner as cited " 5ossler) &:itt) +9.,.0 shed light on the emotional status of
childhood development$ (oth state that for children to mature as 'ell as develop formativel)
their environment namel) genetics) values and cultural and social e7periences must help 'ith
earl cognitive development$ I am the eldest of eight children and I have taught oung learners)
therefore) I discovered that the manner in 'hich children accommodate and assimilate
themselves to a specific situation is contingent on ho' the 'ill manage themselves sociall in
their surroundings$ 8or e7ample) scientists such as &ric2son theorized that children 'ill start
developing their o'n self image) responsi"ilit for their actions and independence 'hen the
start going to school and ma2ing ne' friends "et'een the ages of three to si7 ears old$ *his he
called initiative vs$ guilt) 'hen these children are gathered in important social and cultural
settings$ *he stage of industr vs$ inferiorit is "et'een the ages of si7 to t'elve ears) is 'hen
the children "egin developing a positive self-concept 'ith their school) educators) peers) and)
famil mem"ers for important social and cultural influences$
It seems appropriate that &ric2son6s theories are clearl related to childhood personalit
and emotional development$ *hese stages of child development hold a paradigm on socio-
emotional and cultural development 'here as <ane Piaget6s research focuses more on a child6s
assimilation and accommodation to their surroundings$ In addition) <ane Piaget states that there
are four different accommodative factors that consist of ; e#uili"ration) maturation ) active
e7periences and finall social interactions$ &ach single one of these listings has a set definition$
*a2e e#uili"ration 'hile a student is learning ne' voca"ular for e7ample$ %n effective
educator 'ill "ring "alance to the student " "eing a"le to connect the ne' language learning
'ith prior learning through accommodating that student$ If a person loo2s more closel) "oth
active e7periences as 'ell as e#uili"ration can "e used during a lesson here$ *he stage of mature
linguistics cultures "egins 'hen the learner is a"le to learn) internalize and retain the ne'
information " using different modalities such as visual and 2inesthetic reinforcements$
*o add on to this) &chevarria) & @raves) +9.,,0 sate that ounger children have different
levels and a"ilities$ *herefore) one of the important learning methods that teachers use 'ith
these students is called scaffolding$ *his is a sstem of support " teachers and parents in 'hich
students learn specific concepts and then continue on to other stages of comple7 learning to
enhance the students6 literac and cognitive development$
*o understand learners6 cognitive development- the theories that &ric2son presents aid
educators in understanding the different stages of socio-emotional and cognitive development
that oung and older children e7perience$ 8or e7ample) to ensure that there is clear
communication; teacher) caregivers and or parents must ensure that there is positive open line of
communication and reinforcements "et'een the adults and the child$ *his 'ill help 'ith learner
development in regards to learning) learning an7ieties and teaching techni#ues$ 8or instance)
having students surve their o'n multiple intelligences learning stles provides meaningful
assessment and learning$ 8urthermore) educators could use that information in the classroom
and provide direct individualized instruction$ Providing learners 'ith 2inesthetic and mental
learning opportunities enhances student motivation) participation and retaining information$
%dditionall) to "uild and develop fluent social s2ills and a"ilities; researchers such s
Piaget "elieve that children should have solid interaction "et'een classmates) teachers) and
adults$ *he more interaction people have through cultural perspectives the more open minded
and accepting the 'ill "e$ Le 8rancois) +9..-0 "elieves that introducing ne' cultural
e7periences and challenges 'ill help children 'ith the thought process and ma2e 'a for
children to "e more sociall responsi"le for their "ehaviors$
In the end) I "elieve that all these findings have helped me develop an understanding of
the manner in 'hich children develop metacognitivel and sociall$ %s an &SL teacher for "oth
children and adults) I 2no' that the information a"out the different characteristics of emotional
and cognitive development 'ill guide me in developing m teaching s2ills as a 'hole$ using the
five senses helps 'ith stimulation for learning and teaching$
Diverse Cultures and Socio-emotional Development
:ith the constant development of the educational institute in the ;S and programs such
as the 8oreign &7change Students Programs) people must tr and conve their emotions in a
sociall and culturall correct manner$ Nevertheless) the most vital aspect of this method is for
teachers to "e trained to realize ho' those emotions are 'or2 and are formed$ >achel Carrillo
Sr!a +9.,,0 additionall mentioned that feelings originate in our "odies as a defense
mechanism$ *his sstem as she calls it 1the affective filterC discharges different tpes of
chemicals into the "rain) 'hich then activates the emotions of fright) happiness) anger) and
sadness$ If the affective filter is high 'hile learning) the negative emotions 'ill setup a "loc2 in
'hich students 'ill not "e a"le to receive 2no'ledge$ Nevertheless) people having emotions are
environmentall) culturall and cognitive responses to circumstances that happen around us$
I "elieve that the environment and the stimuli that is present 'ithin it) is 'hat ma2es
people have emotions$ *hese emotions impact the 'a learners "ehave and then help develop
their attention) outloo2 on life) memor) and lateral thin2ing a"ilities$ So) providing students
'ith "rain-"ased learning is one of the most efficient methods a teacher could use in class to
support learning and learners6 cognitive development$
Le 8rancois) +9.,,0) tells us that oung children evince themselves in given situations "
going different stages of their oung lives$ So famil) culture) religion and education all pla a
vital factor in "enefitting learners$ ( providing an education for all people) e#ualit has and is
"ecoming a code for universal human rights$ In the end) I have learned that regardless of s2in
color) ethnic "ac2ground and or religion; people have emotions and feelings 'hich have al'as
had a ma!or affect on ho' students receive and this perceive 2no'ledge$ *a2ing this into
consideration) teachers can ensure that 'ith the correct training and "rain "ased learning
methods) students and especiall &nglish Language Learners 'ill "e a"le to develop their
learning stles and achieve their hopes and academic dreams$
"nnotated #i$liography
%ton-S) D$ +,--=0 *he Challenge of Auman >ights and Cultural Diversit$
*he 'riter and pu"lisher) Diana %ton-Shen2er6s article descri"es supporting
5ulticulturalism " creating and then using a universal code of Auman >ights$ %ll humans have
rights in 'hich the possess$ Aence I have used the article to highlight human development and
"ac2grounds such as cultural identit) self image and e7pression) and treating all cultures e#uall
'ithin the communit$ ;nder the ;niversit Auman >ights Declaration) the societ 'ill vie' all
the diverse cultures as individuals 'ho 'ill "e treated as e#ual as one another regardless of his or
her religious "eliefs) ethnicit and social heritage$ Due to massive num"ers of immigrants that
have flooded the ;nited States during the past fe' decades) pu"lic institutes and this
proclamation of ;niversal Auman >ights has started to provide "etter education opportunities for
people around the glo"e$ *his transformation empo'ers multiculturalism education amongst
'orld nations and promotes cultures to 'or2 and learn as one$ *hrough the use of education)
people are a"le to have ne' e7periences that the have not had in the past and learn something
that the 'ithout education) 'ould have never e7perienced "efore$
*his article 'as do'nloaded from: http:BB'''$gem-ngo$orgBuploadsBSu"themeD%$doc$
&chevarria) <$ & @raves) %$ +9.,,0 Sheltered Content Instruction: Teaching nglish
!earners "ith Diverse A#ilities *ourth dition Pearson &ducation) Inc$
(oth <ana &chevarria and %nne @raves are professors of "ilingual and Special &ducation
programs in the State of California$ *he "oo2 'hich I have used in m previous courses at
%shford ;niversit 'as "eneficial "ecause it identifies a plethora of researched "ased teaching
and learning pedagog for effective instructing of proficient &nglish spea2ing students and
diverse &nglish language learners$ 8or instance) the concept methods that the authors use in this
"oo2 consist of developing) organizing and handling enriching structural teaching environments
for culturall diverse students$ &chevarria and @raves state that effective learning "egins 'ith
simpl setting up an structured inclusive learning and teaching environment$
&chevarria) <$) <$)& @raves$ <$ Sheltered Content Instruction: *eaching &nglish Language
Learners 'ith Diverse %"ilities Eitalsource e(oo2 for %shford ;niversit$ %earson !earning
Auitt) : & Aummel) <$ +9../0$ %iaget+s Theory of Cognitive Develo'ment
*his article clarified Piaget6s theor on cognitive development in ounger children and older
children$ In addition) Piaget6s theor outlines the procedure of "rain development in four
complete stages$ *hese stages center on the aspect of socio-emotional children go throughout
their !ourne to "ecoming adults$
*he research 'as retrieved from: PiagetFs theor of cognitive development$ ducational
%sychology Interactive$ Ealdosta) @%: Ealdosta State ;niversit$ >etrieved GdateH
from http:BB'''$edpscinteractive$orgBtopicsBcognitionBpiaget$html
<ensen) &$ +9..=0$ Teaching "ith the #rain in mind +9nd ed$0$ %le7andria) E%$ %ssociation for
Supervision & Curriculum Development$
*his "oo2 helped me 'ith practical learning strategies to enhance m students development in
the classroom$ It provided me insight as an educator and a parent 'ith sstemic 'as I could
affect ounger children6s diverse learning stles$
Le 8rancois) @$ +9.,,0 %sychology for teaching +,,th ed$0 San Diego) C%: (ridgepoint
&ducation) Inc$
I have "een using Le 8rancois;s "oo2 for the past month and a half and I have found that it
"rough me a ne' perspective on m teaching stle " ela"orating a"out the different aspects of
socio-emotional and Cognitive Development$ *hroughout chapter 9 of the te7t"oo2) &ric2son
and Piaget shed light on the various stages of childhood personalit and intellectual development
derived from active cultural e7periences and values) 'hich pla a role in forming children6s
emotional stages of learning$ 5oreover) the information presented in the te7t a"out child
development 'ill and has helped me 'ithin m o'n classes and dealing 'ith multicultural
development amongst students in m o'n classrooms$
5ossler) %) > &:itt) @ +9.,.0$ Adult Develo'ment and !ife Assessment$ (ridgepoint
&ducation) Inc$) ,/=.. &vening Cree2 Drive North) Suite I..) San Diego) C% -9,9J$
*his listed "oo2) I had to use during m first ear in %shford ;niversit and I glad I had a
chance to reccle 2no'ledge I learned a fe' ears ago$ In this "oo2) it focused on real life
scenarios that encourage learners to thin2 criticall and appl sociological and pschological
developments and theories into adult learners o'n e7periences$ In chapter three of the te7t) it
discusses the famous &cological theor " the reno'ned scientist ;rie (ronfen"renner$ In this
theor) he addresses the fact that humans live in a societ that is intert'ines and has directional
influences on our emotional states and development 'ithin institutions such as famil)
educational and the communit$
Sr!a) C$) > +9.,,0$ Ho" to Reach and Teach nglish !anguage !earners: %ractical Strategies
to nsure Success$ <ohn :ile & Sons P&*$
Sr!a is a native Spanish and &nglish spea2er 'ho uses her 2no'ledge of "eing "ilingual to teach
&nglish as a Second Language$ %s an author) she provides practical strategies and methods for
educators to assess and teach &nglish Language Learners in t'o 'a immersion programs and
mainstream classes$ In addition) I used this "oo2 a fe' classes ago 'hile I 'as ta2ing an &LLs
course$ %s an &SL educator) I have found that the strategies presented in the te7t"oo2) illustrated
different practical means of implementing all the teacher and learner techni#ues of &nglish
language learning$
*lor) ($ &) +,-./0 %rimitive Culture: researches into the develo'ment of mythology) 'hiloso'hy)
religion) art) and custom) +Eolume ,0$ London) %l"emarle Street: <ohn
I must state that this is m favorite "oo2 that I have used in m research "ecause it has as I li2e
to call it 1all the cultural studies availa"le into oneC$ *lor6s theories created a "road definition
of culture 'hich has "een used " scholars around the 'orld to enlighten people regarding this
important aspect of human development$ Since an given societ 'ill have institutes such a
religion) education) language and so forth) nn his "oo2) *lor states that regardless of a
communit6s statues human all have the same minds$

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