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Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
Chapter One
1.1 Introduction
Human Resource is one of the most important factors of any organizations success.
Resources mae things possi!le !ut people mae things happen. A companys core
competence resides in its people and in its intellectual capital" not in its assets on the
!alance sheet. #ther assets lie sill" technology" physical assets and financial assets can
!e easily copied !y other organizations. $ut if an organization has highly silled and
capa!le %orforce it cannot !e easily copied !y other organization. So ac&uisition"
deployment and retention of sufficient silled manpo%er are cutting edge for an
organization. 'hese things greatly depend on effecti(e recruitment and selection process.
Successful employee planning is designed to identify an organization)s human resource
needs. An organization %hich identifies and attracts ne% mem!ers effecti(ely" selecting
on the !asis of a careful assessment of sills" no%ledge" aptitude and trac record" can
loo for%ard to sustained success" producti(ity and gro%th. 'his Recruitment and
Selection Policy sets out ho% to ensure" as far as possi!le" that the !est people are
recruited on merit and that the recruitment process is free from !ias and discrimination.
Recruiting is the process of disco(ering the potential candidates for filling up the
organizational (acancies. *rom another point of (ie%" Recruitment acts as a lin !et%een
the employers and the +o! seeers and ensures the placement of right candidate at the
right place at the right time.
A lot of careful planning and thought are re&uired for selection acti(ities to !e successful.
'he selection process is composed !y a num!er of steps. ,ach of theses steps pro(ide
information to the decision maer that %ill help them to predict a!out the %hether an
applicant %ill pro(e to !e the successful +o! performer. If inaccuracy e-ists during the
process of recruitment and selection" organization fails to get the !est one and lost the
suita!le candidates. 'hus" this process should !e (ery systematic.
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
1.2 Objectives of the Study
#!+ecti(es are the focus points of any analysis. Purposes and the o!+ecti(es are the
prere&uisite to set out something or accomplish a mission. 'he success or failure of a
study mostly depends on ho% its purposes and o!+ecti(es are considered.
'he o!+ecti(es of this report can !e identified as Primary o!+ecti(e and specific
Primary objective:
'o sho% the recruitment and selection process of Advanced Chemical
Industries imited.
Specific Objectives:
'o identify the importance of recruitment and selection process0
'o measure the strength and %eanesses of ACIs recruitment and selection
'o find out the opportunities and threats of recruitment and selection process0
'o no% ho% to select a suita!le source to communicate %ith candidates0
'o no% ho% to get potential candidates for an organization0
1.! Scope of the Study
'his study is designed to sho% the employee recruitment and selection process of
Ad(anced Chemical Industries 1ACI2 Limited. In this regard" information is taen from
the authority of the company. *rom the study it has !een tried to find out the usefulness of
recruitment and selection process of the company. So that higher authority can put their
eyes of this process to o(ercome the !arriers of recruitment and selection process. In
future they %ill !e highly !eneficial if they tae ma+or steps to reduce the !arriers in the
%ay %hich is recommended through the study.
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
1." #ethodolo$y
'he type of the report is almost descripti(e %hich is !ased on !oth primary and secondary
data. 'o study and shape the report as the final format the follo%ing t%o main aspects are
%ata Collection
*or the tas I ha(e chosen Ad(anced Chemical Industries 1ACI2 Limited" as in recent
time the company is one of the top employers in $angladesh. In preparing report" a
relia!le source of collecting data is (ital measures. In this report" !oth primary and
secondary sources of information ha(e !een used.
Primary data are o!ser(ed and recorded as part of an original study. 4hen the data
re&uired for a particular study can !e found neither in the internal records of the
enterprise" nor in pu!lished sources" it may !ecome necessary to collect original data" i.e."
to conduct first hand in(estigation. In the report the researcher has used the follo%ing
source to collect primary data/
*ace to face con(ersation %ith the higher authority
Communicating %ith some staff
5irect con(ersation %ith the HR employees
Secondary data are collected through the follo%ing sources/
#ffice Record
Annual Reports
5ifferent !oos etc.
All the data ha(e !een collected during the internship period.
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
%ata Collection
%ata Collection
%ata Presentation
%ata Presentation
Secondary data
'opic selection 7
selecting a site
5ata collection Primary data
5ata Presentation
Su!mission of *inal 'erm
%ata Presentation
*rom different sources all the information is collected regarding the company" relati(e
competitors" and the recruitment 7 selection process of candidates. After collecting all the
data" they are organized and assem!led for final report. All the data are checed properly
!y the super(isor !efore the su!mission of the final report. *inally" the report is su!mitted
on due date.
Ho%e(er" the flo%chart for preparing the report is/
1.& imitations of the study
It %as not an easy tas to mae a comprehensi(e internship paper !ut the ma-imum effort
is gi(en to prepare this. Ho%e(er" some limitations occurred through this %or" such as/
It %as difficult to communicate %ith each concern person of the company" as
many of them %ere !usy %ith their assigned +o!0
As Human Resource 5i(ision 1HR52 is a (ery confidential part of the
organization" most employees are not %illing to disclose all the data and
information" %hich is (ery much (ital for the report.
All of the things the researcher needed are not a(aila!le0
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
'i$ 1.1: Sta$es of #ethodolo$y
Another pro!lem of the study is time constraint" !ecause it is (ery short time to
no% a!out the organization as %ell as recruitment and selection process.
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
Profile of Advanced Chemical Industries imited
Chapter ()o
2.1 *istorical +ac,$round
ACI Limited %as esta!lished as the su!sidiary of Imperial Chemical Industries 1ICI2 in
the then ,ast Paistan in 1:9;. After independence" the company %as incorporated in
$angladesh in 1:<3 as ICI $angladesh =anufacturers limited as a Pu!lic Limited
Company. In 1::." the company %as di(ested to local management and the name of the
company changed to Ad(anced Chemical Industries 1ACI2 Limited. ACI inherited the rich
ICI culture of product &uality" customer ser(ice and social responsi!ility.
Initially in 1::." ACI started primarily %ith pharmaceutical !usiness %ith a turno(er of
$5' ;> million only !ut later the ne% management !rought a!out fundamental changes
in the policies and in the year .>>; turno(er gre% to o(er $5' <"398 million. 'he
Company has di(ersified !usiness interest in pharmaceuticals" agricultural including
fishery 7 li(estoc and consumer !rands. At present" ACI has three Strategic !usiness
units along %ith 11 Su!sidiaries" 3 ?oint (entures and 1 Associate.
ACI is a fast gro%ing company that has su!stantial contri!ution in the economy of
$angladesh. In response to gro%ing demands of the consumers of $angladesh" ACI has
di(ersified its !usiness to include %ide range of products in its portfolio. ACI has started
its e-pansion policy !y e-ploring and strengthening the pharmaceuticals %ing further so
that it can continue gi(ing relia!le ser(ice to the consumers of $angladesh.
ACI is the first company in $angladesh to achie(e IS# S>>1 in 1::8 for &uality
management and also the first company to achie(e IS# 16>>> in .>>> for en(ironmental
management system. ACI is also the first company from $angladesh to !ecome the
honora!le mem!er of @nited Aation Blo!al Compact. It is the only $angladeshi company
%hich %as declared as a nota!le C#P 1Communication on Progress2 recognized !y
@ABC 1@nited Aation Blo!al Compact2. ACI has !een accepted as a founding mem!er
of community of Blo!al Bro%th Companies !y the 4orld ,conomic *orum %hich is the
most prestigious !usiness net%oring organization in the %orld.
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
C 2.2 Corporate #ission
A mission is a !lueprint for success. A companys mission statement descri!es its present
!usiness scope 1%here %e are and %hat %e do2.ACIs mission is/ Dto enrich the -uality
of life of people throu$h responsible application of ,no)led$e. s,ills and
technolo$yE. ACI is committed to the pursuit of e-cellence through %orldFclass products"
inno(ati(e processes and empo%ered employees to pro(ide the highest le(el of
satisfaction to its customers.
2.! /ision of the Company
A (ision maps out a companys future !usiness scope 1%here %e are going2. 'o realize the
mission ACI %ill/
,ndea(or to attain a position of leadership in each category of its !usinesses.
Attain a high le(el of producti(ity in all its operations through effecti(e and
efficient use of resources" adoption of appropriate technology and alignment %ith
core competencies.
5e(elop its employees !y encouraging empo%erment and re%arding inno(ation.
Promote an en(ironment for learning and personal gro%th of its employees.
Pro(ide products and ser(ices of high and consistent &uality" ensuring (alue for
money to its customers
,ncourage and assist in the &ualitati(e impro(ement of the ser(ices of its suppliers
and distri!utors.
,sta!lish harmonious relationship %ith the community and promote greater
en(ironmental responsi!ility %ithin its sphere of influence.
2." /alues of the Company
0uality: ACI al%ays stri(e to pro(ide the !est possi!le &uality for their products
and ser(ices in order to meet and e-ceed customers e-pectation.
Customer 'ocus: ACIs main focus is al%ays their customers. 'hey are al%ays to
pro(ide the finest products and ser(ices to their customers in order to attract and
retain customers.
'airness: ACI al%ays attempts to maintain fairness in %hat they do and produce.
'his helped them to gain customers faith and confidence and also to operate
successfully in the maret %ith their competitors.
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
(ransparency: ACI maintains transparency !y pro(iding the desired goods and
ser(ices to their customers and sharing their goals %ith their employees.
Continuous Improvement: ACI al%ays attempts to mae impro(ements in their
products and ser(ices in order to meet customers demands and cope %ith the
current trend. In this %ay" they are a!le to compete successfully in the maret in
comparison to others pro(iding the similar ind of products and ser(ices.
Innovation/ ACI strongly !elie(es in inno(ation. As a result" they go for fre&uent
research and de(elopment in order to impro(e and upgrade their product on a
fre&uent !asis.
2.1 Activities of the Or$ani2ation
ACI Limited is committed to pro(iding customers %ith a !road range of &uality products
from its !usiness operations. It has di(ersified its !usiness in (arious sectors such as the
health care di(ision" consumers !rands di(ision" and agri!usiness di(ision. $esides its 3
ma+or strategic !usiness units" it has 11 su!sidiaries" 3 +oint (entures and 1 associate.
#ajor +usiness
ACI formulates and marets a comprehensi(e range of more than 6>> products co(ering
all ma+or therapeutic areas" %hich come in ta!let" capsule" po%der" li&uid" cream"
ointment" gel "ophthalmic and in+ection forms. ACI also marets %orldFreno%ned !randed
pharmaceutical products imported from %orldFclass multinational companies lie
AS'RAG,A,CA" @H and @C$" $,LBI@=. ACI is acti(ely engaged in introducing
ne%er molecules and Ao(el 5rug 5eli(ery Systems 1A55S2 to meet the needs of present
and future. ACI introduced the concept of &uality management system !y !eing the first
company in $angladesh to achie(e IS# :>>1 certification in 1::8 and follo%s the policy
of continuous impro(ement in all its operations. ACI maintains a congenial and
supporti(e relationship %ith the healthcare community of $angladesh" %ith the !elief that
!usiness e-cellence can only !e achie(ed through pursuit of &uality !y understanding"
accepting" meeting and e-ceeding customer e-pectations.
Consumer +rands
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
'his !usiness segment has three ma+or categories of product rangeF home care" air care
and hygiene care. Products under home care category include ACI Aerosol 1ha(ing
maret share of ;8I2 and ACI =os&uito Coil. ACI has also (ery attracti(e product range
in this Air Care category. ACI has another (ery strong range of products in its Hygiene
Product category. Sa(lon Li&uid Antiseptic 1<8I maret share2 is the highest selling
antiseptics in the country. Products lie Sa(lon Antiseptic cream" Sa(lon *amily
Protection Soap and Sa(lon *emme Sanitary Aapin" Janish 'oilet Cleaner are also under
this category. ACI Consumer !rands also deals %ith products of internationally acclaimed
company lie Colgate Palmoli(e and Ai(ea. Recently ACI ,lectronics a su! unit of ACI
Consumer $rands has launched Panasonic Audio (isual items in the country.
ACI Agri!usiness is the largest integrator in agricultural sector of $angladesh. ACI
Agri!usiness deals %ith li(estoc and fisheries" crop protections" seeds" fertilizer and
agriFmachineries. @nder Agri!usiness" the follo%ing !usiness units are currently
Crop Care 3 Public *ealth
Crop care 7 Pu!lic health is dealing %ith all type of crop protection items. It is pro(iding
a complete range of cost effecti(e products %hich can pro(ide appropriate solutions for
the farmers through insecticides" her!icides" and fungicides. 'his !usiness has !een
transferred to ACI *ormulations Limited form 1st ?anuary of this year.
Seeds di(ision is dealing %ith hy!rid rice" (egeta!le and maize seeds. It has partnership
%ith reno%ned HKJ seed companies of the %orld. ACI started the seed !usiness in .>>9.
It has its o%n research and de(elopment stations in Bazipur and $angladesh Agricultural
@ni(ersity" =ymensingh.
CR#P,L is dealing %ith commodity !uying" storing" preser(ing and selling. ACI Crope-
is a remara!le addition to the agricultural ad(ancement in the country. 'he pro+ect
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
assists the farmers in (arious %ays F e-changing their crops at the time of their necessity"
pro(iding them %ith technological assistance and ad(isory ser(ices and so on.
Animal *ealth
'his di(ision is dealing %ith high &uality nutritional" (eterinary" poultry medicine and
(accines including proposal for pisiculture" cattle rearing and cattle fattening. Integrated
fisheries and li(estoc pro+ect %ill !e implemented soon.
'his unit is dealing mainly %ith micro continent and foliar fertilizer %ith a focus in !asic
fertilizer. It launched micronutrient fertilizers lie Ginc Sulphate" =agnesium Sulphate"
Ammonium Sulphate" $oron" Sulphur :>I and Sulphate of Potash. 'hey are !eing
imported from China" @.S.A" Canada" 'ai%an" Argentina" and 'urey etc. ACI
Agri!usiness stri(es for pro(iding Done stop solutionE to farmers !y pro(iding all sorts of
acti(ities regarding agriculture. ACI Agri!usiness is ha(ing a strong partnership %ith
national and international R75 companies" @ni(ersities" and research institutions.
DPartnership %ith the farmerE is the main theme of ACI Agri!usiness
International alliances
ACI represents Colgate Palmoli(e Company as e-clusi(e mareting partner and
distri!utor for the territory of $angladesh. Colgate is the %orld%ide leader of the oral care
products category. ACI %as appointed as sole distri!utor and mareting partner of
$eiersdorf AB" Bermany0 the manufacturer of Ai(ea !rand products. ACI represent
Bodre+ Consumer Products Limited. ACI consumer $rand is also selling lo% calorie
s%eetener products of =erisant for %eight conscious customers and also for them %ho
%ant to a(oid direct sugar. In additions to these" ACI represents significant num!er of
%orlds reputed companies in Pharma and Agriculture sectors.
2.& Or$ani2ational *ierarchy
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
2.7 *ierarchy of *uman 4esource %epartment 8*4%9
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
#ana$in$ %irector
Chief Operatin$ Officer. Pharmaceuticals
5:ecutive %irector. Consumer +rands
5:ecutive %irector. A$ribusinesses
Chief Operatin$ Officer. ACI o$istics
*ead of Creative Communication
5:ecutive %irector. 'inance 3 Plannin$
#ana$er. #IS
*ead of 4#IA
%irector. +usiness %epartment
%irector. Corporate Affairs
Secretarial Affairs
;e) /enture
'i$ 2.1: Overall Or$ani2ation<s *ierarchy
2.= Competitor Analysis
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
1=anaging 5irector2
15irector" Corporate Affairs2
*4 #ana$er
Asst #ana$er
1HR Ser(ices2
Asst #ana$er *4
Sr. *4 5:ecutive
*4 5:ecutive
Sr. Officer> *4
Asst. Officer>
*4 Services
'i$ 2.2: *ierarchy of *4%
Officer> *4 Services
'he ma+or competitors of ACI in the pharmaceutical maret in last year are as follo%s/
Company Share 8?9
S&uare Pharmaceuticals Limited .>.>9
Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited <.83
$e-imco Pharmaceuticals Limited <.>:
'he Acme La!oratories Limited 8..8
,sayef Pharmaceuticals Limited 6.96
ACI Limited 6.8.
#psonin Chemical Industries Limited 6.3>
Renata Limited 6...
Aristopharma Limited 6.1;
5rug International Limited 3.3:
#thers 3:.>>
'otal 1>>I
*rom the table 2.2" it has !een sho%n that the largest maret share of Pharmaceuticals
!usiness has !een captured !y S&uare Pharmaceuticals Limited. In comparing %ith this
company ACIs position is comparati(ely lo%er. Ho%e(er" here to mention that Pharma
!usiness of ACI Limited has !ecome the 3rd fastest gro%th company in .>13 in
Consumer +rand
'he ta!le in ne-t page depicts the ma+or maret share 1Consumer $rands2 of the ma+or
players of the maret in the year .>13/
+rand ;ame Share 8?9
ACI Aerosol ;6..:
RecittF$eneizer <.;3
S&uare 'oiletries 9.6>
=os&uito Coil
ACI =os&uito Coil .;.::
RecittF$eneizer 86.93
Blo!e $angladesh Ltd 8.:<
=aladesh International Ltd 6.18
Li&uid Antiseptic Sa(lon Li&uid Antiseptic 1ACI Limited2 <;.:8
RecittF$eneizer 1..1>
Antiseptic Cream Sa(lon Antiseptic Cream 1ACI Limited2 <..6>
=illat Chemicals Ltd 3.6>
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
(able 2.2: Competitors of Pharmaceuticals
8Source: IMS fourth quarter, 2013)
'he main competitors of ACI Agri!usiness 1deals %ith se(eral fields2 and their relati(e
maret share for the year .>13 are as follo%s/
Animal *ealth
Here to mention that in Animal Health of ACI Limited has created a strong position
1ha(ing ;I maret share2 comparing to its competitors in .>13 in $angladesh.
#ajor Competitors
#ar,et Share 8?9
ACI Limited 1:.9>
Padma Agrochemical Limited ;.>>
Blo!al agro(et Limited 9.>>
Syngenta $angladesh Limited 9..>
Alpha Agro chemical Limited 8.9>
#thers 86.9>
'otal 1>>I
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
(able 2.!: Competitors of Consumer +rands
8Source: In house source9
@raph 2.!: Competitors of Animal *ealth
8Source: In house source)
(able 2.": Competitors of 'ertili2er
8Source: In house source)
*rom the information a!o(e it !ecomes clear that ACI Limited has got the upmost
position 1ha(ing 1:.9I maret share2 in fertilizer !usiness comparing to its nearer
competitors ha(ing !elo% 1>I of maret share.
'hough the maret position of ACI Limited is (ery strong in *ertilizer !usiness" the
company still couldnt create the same in Seeds !usiness 1ha(ing 9I maret share2
relati(e to its competitors.
#ajor Competitors #ar,et Share 8?9
Cho%dhury ,nterprise .>.>>
=.S. 'rading 1>.>>
=adina enterprise 1>.>>
'rade e-cel Agro 8.>>
ACI Limited 8.>>
#thers 8>.>>
'otal 1>>I
ACI Limited. has started this !usiness sector not long and the company is trying to mae
a good position in this field. Table 2.5 sho%s the maret share of CR#P,L of ACI
Limited. is no% 8I %hish is relati(ely lo%er than its competitors.
2.A 'uture Plans
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
@raph 2.": Competitors of Seeds
8Source: In house source9
(able 2.1: Competitors of C4OP56
8Source: In house source9
Plans of *uman 4esource %epartment
'he (ision of Human Resource 1HR2 department of ACI is creating a %or en(ironment
to foster creati(ity" inno(ation and producti(ity for achie(ing !usiness e-cellence through
dynamic and dedicated people. 'o%ards this (ision HR plans the follo%ing to achie(e in
coming year/
'o !e an employer of choice0
Creating a positi(e 7 enthusiastic %oring en(ironment0
'o create an en(ironment for learning and gro%th for de(eloping internal human
,sta!lishing the (alue of the company through maing a firm related to (alues 7
sho%ing it in different forums0
Creating a culture of positi(e attitude to gain significant competiti(e ad(antages.
Other Plans
'o e-pand the !usiness the company al%ays taes initiati(es !y enlarging its e-isting
!usinesses as %ell as entering ne% !usinesses. ACI Pharmaceuticals is e-pected to !e
introducing three ne% lines of medicine products namely/
Anti Cancer"
Hormone 7 Steroid and
Amino Acid.
*or this ne% initiati(e" Company needs funding facilities to allo% it to import capital
machinery and carry out construction of physical facilities. #ut of the total proceeds of
$5' 1.>> !illion that %ill !e raised through issuance of .>I con(erti!le zeroFcoupon
!ond" $5' 8:<"1:6"199 1i.e. appro-. 9>I2 is earmared for the e-pansion scheme of the
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited

Chapter (hree
!.1 Importance of 4ecruitment and Selection
Recruitment is an important part of an organizations human resource planning and their
competiti(e strength. Competent human resources at the right positions in the
organization are a (ital resource and can !e a core competency or a strategic ad(antage
for it.
'he o!+ecti(es of the recruitment and selection process are/
'o o!tain the num!er and &uality of employees that can !e selected in order to
help the organization to achie(e its goals and o!+ecti(es0
'o create a pool of prospecti(e employees for the organization so that the
management can select the right candidate for the right +o! from this pool0
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
4ecruitment and Selection Process of ACI imited
'o act as a lin !et%een the employers and the +o! seeers and ensures the
placement of right candidate at the right place at the right time0
@sing and follo%ing the right recruitment processes can facilitate the selection of
the !est candidates for the organization.
!.2 4ecruitment Process of ACI imited.
In ACI" recruitment is not a!out filling +o!s that are currently (acant M it is a!out maing
a continuous" longFterm in(estment to !uild a high &uality %orforce capa!le of
accomplishing the organizations mission no% and in the future. 'he entire process of
recruitment depends on the le(el and +o! responsi!ilities of a particular position.
ACI conducts t%o forms of recruitment namely Internal Recruitment and ,-ternal
Recruitment. Internal Recruitment is the process of identifying and attracting applicants
from among indi(iduals already holding +o!s %ith the organization. #n the other hand"
e-ternal recruitment is the process of identifying and attracting +o! applicants from
outside organization. 4hen a position is created or !ecome (acant" ACI first tries to fill
up the position internally. If there is no suita!le internal candidate the organization goes
for e-ternal recruitment.
'he company follo%s the su!se&uent steps to recruit candidates for different positions/

Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
Step/ 1
Step/ 1
Step/ 1
Bob Analysis
Step/ 1
Bob Analysis
Step/ .
Step/ .
Step/ 3
Step/ 3
'i$ !.1/ Recruitment Process of ACI Limited.
Step 1: #anpo)er Plannin$ and Bob Analysis
In ACI" 'he first process of recruitment starts %ith =anpo%er Planning and analyzing
+o!. =anpo%er Planning is the process of analyzing an organizations liely future needs
for people in terms of num!ers" sills and locations. It allo%s the organization to plan
ho% those needs can !e met through recruitment and training. It is (ital for ACI to plan
ahead. As the company is gro%ing" ACI needs to recruit on a regular !asis for different
units of the !usiness.
'he company performs the follo%ing functions through manpo%er planning/
In this stage company estimates its la!or re&uirements as %ell as the a(aila!ility of
re&uired la!ors. Comparing all these factors including e-ternal factors" company maes a
manpo%er planning. 5uring the planning a Staff Engagement Proposal is made. A Staff
,ngagement Proposal 1see Appendi-FA2 is a formal document that proposes the filling of
a +o! opening indicated !y the signature of ,-ecuti(e 5irector of Strategic $usiness @nit
and appro(ed !y =anaging 5irector of ACI.
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
*ig 3../ $asic elements of ACIs =anpo%er Planning
119 'orecast abor
119 'orecast abor
129 'orecast abor
129 'orecast abor
Compare 8!9 %etermine
8!9 %etermine
1"9 %evelop Action
1"9 %evelop Action
As the Human Resource 5epartment 1HR52 of ACI plans for %orforce" at the same time
?o! Analysis is also done. ?o! analysis is an important element in %orforce planning
com!ined %ith +o! descriptions and person specifications.
Bob description
A +o! description sets out the title of the +o!" to %hich the +o! holder is responsi!le" a
simple description of roles and responsi!ilities etc. ?o! description includes/
=ain purpose of the +o! descri!e in an effecti(e %ay0
Scope of the +o! F e-panding on the main tass and the importance of the +o!.
?o! importance is indicated !y gi(ing information such as the num!er of
people to !e super(ised" the degree of precision re&uired and the (alue of any
materials and e&uipment used0
5escription of %oring conditions.
Person Specification
=anager dra%s up the person specification %hich is allo%ed !y the organization to profile
the ideal person to fill the +o!. It is (ery important that the sills" aptitudes and no%ledge
included in the specification are related precisely to the needs of the +o!0 if they are
inflated !eyond those necessary for effecti(e +o! performance" the ris is that someone
%ill !e employed on the !asis of false hopes and aspirations" and !oth the employer and
employee %ill end up disappointed in each other. So they clearly defined the specification
of the +o!.
*actors %hich are considered !y the company %hen dra%ing up the person specification
Sills" no%ledge" aptitudes directly related to the +o!0
'he type of e-perience necessary0
'he competencies necessary0
,ducation criteria and training 1if needed20
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
Any criteria relating to personal &ualities or circumstances %hich must !e
essential and directly related to the +o!" and must !e applied e&ually to all groups
irrespecti(e of age" se-" race" age" nationality" religion or !elief" disa!ility"
mem!ership or nonFmem!ership of a trade union. 'o do other%ise is potentially
ACI has clear organizational structures" detailed +o! descriptions and person
specifications. It pro(ides userFfriendly %ays of applying for +o!s and a consistent
approach to recruitment. 'his means it can manage its changing demand for staff.
Step 2: 4e-uisitions
ACI limited gets all re&uisitions from its head office. ,(ery year %hen the companys
!udget is prepared" the possi!le posts for different departments are also determined !y the
head office.
'he three years data 1.>11F.>132 of designation offered !y ACI are as follo%s/
In graph 3.1" it has !een sho%n that in .>1. in ACI near a!out 1>> posts %ere offered
%here in .>13 almost .>> posts %ere offered. Again almost 18> posts %ere offered !y the
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
@raph !.1: ;o. of posts offered by ACI imited.
8Source: #ffice Record of ACI2
.>11 .>1. .>13 Kear
head office in .>16. Here to mention that designations for all the lo% le(el +o!s are
maintained !y the responsi!le +o! areas.
Step !: Sourcin$
#nce the HR5 carries out proper planning for %orforce and analysis of the +o!" they also
identify right sources to let the applicants no% a!out the positions and find out right
people. ACIs main sources of recruitment are ne%spaper ad(ertisement" employee
referrals" uni(ersity placement offices" and employment agencies" sill in(entory and
nominations etc. Ho%e(er" the company uses t%o types of sources.
?o! Posting
#nline CJ !an
Succession Plan
@nsolicited Applications
,mployee Reference and Aet%ors
RNsumNs recei(ed online
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
Internal Sources
5:ternal Sources
@ni(ersity and Placement #ffices
,mployment Agencies
?o! *airs
'here is no single !est source of recruitment0 each source has its strength and
%eanesses. ACI uses the follo%ing criteria to select %hich sources are most appropriate
for each search/
0uantity of abor: 'he num!er of +o!s to !e filled up is an important
determinant for choice of source1s2. *or e-ample" %hen ACI %ants to recruit large
num!er of =edical Ser(ices #fficer 1=S#2 it goes for Ae%spaper ad(ertisement.
'he num!er of ne%spapers in %hich ad should !e pu!lished also depends on the
num!er of +o!s. If num!ers of (acant +o! is more then ad is pu!lished on t%o or
more Ae%spapers and is usually pu!lished on *riday for greater co(erage.
0uality of abor/ If the &uality re&uirement is (ery high and the applicants are
rare then the ne%spaper ad is prepared attracti(ely to dra% attention.
5:perience 4e-uired: 'he choice of source1s2 also depends on e-perience
re&uirement of the position.
Budget Constraints: 4hile choosing source it is al%ays considered for less costly
!ut more effecti(e sources. *or e-ample" for entry le(el management positions"
uni(ersity placement offices" online" +o! fairs are mainly used !y ACI.
It is another important issue for the company is to search the applicants. 'he HR
5epartment starts candidate searching. Searching for candidates first re&uires the
de(elopment of a message and then the selection of a medium to communicate that
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
Choice of Sources
Applicant Searchin$



Communication #essa$e:
Information presented !y the organization to the +o! applicant is essential to the decision
to apply for a +o!. #rganizations may use any of the four types of communication
'raditional =essages
Realistic Recruitment =essages
Attracti(e =essages
'argeted =essages
ACI generally uses traditional and attracti(e communication message depending on the
situation. ACI represents the organization in a manner such that applicants are encouraged
to apply" +oin and stay %ith ACI. *or nonFmanagement positions the communication
message is usually $engali. 'he communication message also helps an organization to
create a positi(e image to the +o! seeers.
Here is a Ae%spaper ad Sample for the position of Sales #ana$er
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
$e Part of a Jalue 5ri(en Sales 'eam
#ur Jalues: Ouality" Customer *ocus" 'ransparency" *airness" Continuous Impro(ement and Inno(ation
Advanced Chemical Industries Limited, certified under ISO 9001 for Quality Management System
and ISO 1001 for !nvironmental Management System is one of the leading conglomerates in
"angladesh #ith a multinational heritage$
%o &rovide the highest standards of services to our valued customers #e are loo'ing for a
committed and &erformance driven individual for the &osition of Sales Manager in our Consumer
"rands division$
%he incum(ent #ill (e res&onsi(le for managing the entire sales related activities$ )e*She #ill
manage and ensure efficient o&erations to ma'e ACI Consumer "rands &roducts availa(le #ithin
the customer reach and thus ensure the continuous gro#th and &rofita(ility of the com&any$
Key Accountabilities
Sales management including setting tour &rogram, finali+ing content of an e,&ense statement,
setting u& territory #ise sales target, formulating incentives to field forces, formulating agenda of
monthly sales meeting and regional meeting, launching ne# &roducts, evaluation of the selling
s'ills of a field force$
-lanning, organi+ing and monitoring the sales activities of the team to ensure the sales target
and o(.ective of the com&any$
/ormulating sales strategy and action &lan$
0istri(ution management that includes sales &rocess, esta(lishing distri(ution roadma&,
com&onents of a distri(ution e,&ense, inventory management, setting &roduct #ise reorder
level of finished goods in de&ots$
We offer
-rofessional #or'ing environment
Attractive com&ensation &ac'age
-erformance (ased career &rogression
We require
Minimum 129 years of e,&erience in /MC3 sales in a senior &osition
Masters in any disci&line$ )aving M"A degree #ill (e an added advantage
3o getter attitude 4 e,cellent team &layer
3ood communication and inter&ersonal s'ills
A(ility to su&ervise 500 field forces
A&&licants are re6uested to send their 78sum8 along #ith a &ass&ort si+e &hotogra&h to )uman
7esources 0e&artment, ACI Centre9 :5 %e.gaon Industrial Area, 0ha'a21:01 (y ; May :010$%o
a&&ly online, &lease visit ###$aci2(d$com$
Communication #edium:
Aot only is the message itself an important part of the recruitment process" so" too" is the
selection of the medium to communicate the message is also important. ACI uses the
follo%ing communication medium/
Classified ad(ertisements
5isplay ads
#nline ads
#rganizational %e!site
@ni(ersity placement officePAotice $oards
!.! Selection Process of ACI imited.
In ACI" selection is the process of assessment and e(aluation of +o! applicants %hich
starts from collection of rNsumNs from the applicants and ends up %ith final selection. 'he
company also uses a (ariety of different assessment methods in the selection process. It
has !een determined first the steps that need to !e applied in the selection process.
'he selection process of ACI Limited consists of the follo%ing steps/
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
Step: 2
Short istin$
Step: 2
Short istin$
Dept. Head
Dept. Head
Step: "
Step: "
Step: 1
Step: 1
Step: &
Salary ;e$otiation
Step: &
Salary ;e$otiation
Step: 7
Offerin$ a Position
Step: 7
Offerin$ a Position
Yes No
Step: !
Critten (est
Step: !
Critten (est
Step: 1
Step: 1
8Source: Office Record of ACI)
Step 1: Application
'he first step of selection process starts %ith collecting the applications. 'hrough
different sources ACI collects a huge num!er of applications from different applicants.
'he no. of CJs recei(ed for different positions from different sources o(er last three
years is as follo%s/
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
'i$ !.!/ Selection Process of ACI Limited.

In grap !." it has !een seen in .>>< the estimated posts offered !y the company %ere
almost 1>> and against these posts the company recei(ed 18>>> applications 1grap !.22
%hich are huge in num!er. Su!se&uently" in .>>; and .>>: there %as a massi(e gap
!et%een the post offered and the applications recei(ed.
Step 2: Short istin$
It is (ery important stage for the company to select the eligi!le candidates. 'hrough
different sources ACI collected a large num!er of CJs. 'his tas is done primarily !y
HR5 and then they send it into the responsi!le departments %ho ha(e the (acant
positions. 'he responsi!le departments again re+ect a num!er of CJs from the CJs sorted
!y HR5. Among them a limited no of candidates for ne-t step named #ritten Test are
'o sort the CJs" the company checs and gi(es priority in to the follo%ing factors/
RNsumNs and Co(er Letters
@ni(ersity or ,ducational Institution
Rele(ance of the 5egree and CBPA
Rele(ant 'raining and ,-perience
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
@raph !.2: ;o. of C/ received
8Source: Office Record of ACI)
.>11 .>1. .>13
Reference Chec
Salary ,-pectations
'he follo%ings are the num!er of applicants after sorting their CJs 1follo%ed !y pre(ious
It is surprising that the rate of candidates %ho ha(e !een sorted for further test is
comparati(ely (ery lo% %ith the rate of CJs recei(ed during the year .>11 to .>13. *or
e-ample in .>13 the company gets a!o(e 38>>> CJs 1grap !.2) !ut among them only
!elo% 3>>> candidates 1grap !.!) ha(e seen selected for ne-t step.
Step !: Critten (est
After selecting eligi!le candidates" HR5 arranges a %ritten test for them. In ACI %ritten
test is only applica!le and mandatory for assessment of +unior management" unionized
and nonFmanagerial contractual positions. In e-ceptional cases %here specific no%ledge
and sill areas are needed to !e identified and inter(ie% is not informati(e enough"
%ritten test is applied as a selection tool. Ho%e(er" on agreed !asis" HRP$usiness @nit
prepares the &uestion patterns" (enue and time of %ritten test. 'he candidates ha(ing
a!o(e 9>I mars only are eligi!le for ne-t inter(ie%.
Sometime IO test is taen %hich is applica!le for all management and nonFmanagement
contractual positions. HR is solely authorized and responsi!le for selecting the &uestion
patterns" (enue and time of IO test.
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
:011 :01: :01;
Selected candidates
@raph !.!: ;o. of selected candidates
8Source: Office Record of ACI)
No. of Candidates
Step ": Intervie)
'he ne-t step compliance !efore sitting for (i(a" the !oard mem!ers agree on the
predictorPcriteria 1for e-ample" predictor for success in a particular position may !e
communication sill" team !uilding sill andPor goal orientation etc2 to !e used to +udge
the candidate. 'hese criteria are selected form the Inter(ie% Checlist $see Appendi%&').
'he criteria used in inter(ie% checlist (ary for position to position. 'he inter(ie% rating
form is also customized !ased on these criteria. 'he (i(a $oard =em!ers go through the
rNsumN" inter(ie% rating form $see Appendi%&C)( person specification and +o! description
of the rele(ant position !efore the (i(a. *or appropriate predictors to !e identified and
used for selection process" first a selection plan is de(eloped. A selection plan descri!es
%hich predictor1s2 %ill !e used to assess the HSA#s re&uired to perform the +o!.
*ollo%ing is the standard inter(ie% process follo%ed !y ACI for +unior management"
nonFmanagerial contractual" unionized employees" midFle(el and senior management
i. *or +unior management" nonFmanagerial contractual and unionized employees
inter(ie% are conducted in a single phase" !ut !efore offering employment" it
re&uires appro(al from Head of the 5epartment and 5irectorFCorporate Affairs.
@sually the inter(ie% !oard consists of a representati(e from HR 5epartment and a
representati(e from the concerned department.
ii. *or midFle(el management" inter(ie% is conducted in t%o phases. In the first phase"
inter(ie% !oard consists of a minimum midFle(el e-ecuti(e from HR and a senior
e-ecuti(e from the concerned department. In final phase" the inter(ie% !oard
consists 5irectorFCorporate Affairs 15irector" Corporate Affairs is the Head of HR
5epartment2 and the Head of $usinessP*unction.
iii. *or seniorFmanagement" inter(ie% is conducted in t%o phases. In the first phase" the
inter(ie% !oard consists of Head of HR 5epartment and the Head of
$usinessP*unction. 'he final selection is made !y the =anaging 5irector.
Step 1: Assessment
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited

4hen the inter(ie% is satisfactory" a candidate is offered straight to a position. $ut if the
management cannot mae decision" they feel to need to assess the candidates further.
Here the follo%ing tests are taen/
Personality (est:
ACI uses the follo%ing checlist during the inter(ie% to test personality of a candidate/
A sample of Personality (est Chec,list
'he inter(ie%ers as &uestions to identify these traits of the candidate. In ACI"
personality test is used for mid and top le(el management positions.
Ability 3 Bob ,no)led$e (ests:
In ACI" a!ility tests are used for nonFmanagement and entry le(el management positions.
'here are t%o ma+or types of a!ility tests/ aptitude test and achie(ement test. $ut ACI
uses 1do not use all the time2 only a!ility test that is usually done during %ritten test.
A!ility tests are used to test a persons cogniti(e a!ility 1perception" memory" reasoning"
(er!al and mathematical a!ilities etc2. 4here" ?o! no%ledge tests attempt to directly
assess an applicants comprehension of +o! re&uirements.
%iscretionary Assessment #ethods:
If the initial assessment methods select more suita!le candidates than a(aila!le (acant
positions then discretionary assessment method is used. @sually the rele(ant !usiness
head taes the discretionary assessment method. 'his assessment method is typically (ery
su!+ecti(e and relies hea(ily on the intuition of the decision maer. 5iscretionary
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
Personality (est Chec,list
5motional stability: HePshe is calm" optimistic and %ell ad+usted.
5:troversion: HePshe demonstrated the tendency to !e socia!le" asserti(e" acti(e and up!eat.
Openness to e:perience: 'he person demonstrated the tendency to !e imaginati(e" attenti(e to
inner feelings" ha(e intellectual curiosity and independence of +udgment.
A$reeableness: 'he person demonstrated the tendency to !e altruistic" trusting" sympathetic" and
Conscientiousness: the person got the tendency to !e purposeful" determined" dependa!le and
attenti(e to detail.
assessment method tries to identify %hether the persons (alues match %ith (alues of ACI"
and liely fit !et%een the person and ACI
Step &: Salary ;e$otiation
'he scale of salary depends on the le(el of +o!s. 'he company does not follo% to gi(e a
fi-ed salary as the head of HR 5epartment negotiates salary %ith the suita!le candidate
%hene(er necessary. Here some factors are taen into account such as maret (alue of a
particular position" candidates maret (alue" candidates a(aila!ility and companys
financial capa!ility.
Step 7: Offerin$ a Position
Head of HR is the sole signing authority for any employment letter up to management
grade =IL" nonFmanagement and all contractual employees if not any other person is
authorized 1!y Head of HR 5epartment2 for special reason. 'he =anaging 5irector is the
sole authority to sign any employment letter. He offers the +o! to the selected candidates
after the final appro(al is o!tained.
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
SCO( Analysis and 'indin$s
Chapter 'our

Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
".2 #eanin$ of SCO( analysis
S4#' analysis is a tool for auditing an organization and its en(ironment. It is the first
stage of planning and helps mareters to focus on ey issues. S#OT stands for stren$ths
1%hat an organization can do2. )ea,nesses 1%hat an organization cannot do2.
opportunities 1potential fa(ora!le conditions for an organization2. and threats 1potential
unfa(ora!le conditions for an organization2.
'he role of S4#' analysis is to tae the information from the en(ironmental analysis
and separate it into internal issues 1strengths and %eanesses2 and e-ternal issues
1opportunities and threats2. #nce this is completed" S4#' analysis determines if the
information indicates something that %ill assist the firm in accomplishing its o!+ecti(es 1a
strength or opportunity2" or if it indicates an o!stacle that must !e o(ercome or minimized
to achie(e desired results 1%eaness or threat2.
".2 SCO( analysis of 4ecruitment process of ACI imited.
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
'i$ 1.1: SCO( analysis
At present ACI Limited has !ecome one of the leading companies in $angladesh. 'he
maret position of the company pro(es the companys effecti(e staffing process.
Ho%e(er" the S4#' analysis of recruitment process of ACI Limited is gi(en !elo%/
'he Strengths of ACIs recruitment process are/
o 5ffective in>house functions: ACI uses inFhouse functions %hich ensure that
recruitment searches are consistent. ACI can manage a rNsumN !an of its o%n and
the specific needs of the organization are met. As they use inFhose functions they
ha(e greater control on the recruitment process and they can easily customize
some aspects of process.
o Centrali2ed 4ecruitment: 4hether internal or e-ternal0 ACI usually employs
centralized recruitment. 'hat is recruitment acti(ities are coordinated !y the
Human Resources 5epartment. #ne of the most important ad(antages of this
centralized recruitment functions is that duplication of effort is eliminated.
o 'ormal Staff 5n$a$ement Proposal 'orm: ACI uses formal Staff ,ngagement
Proposal form along %ith +o! description for filling e(ery +o! opening in the
organization. 'his ensures that right type of applicants is !eing targeted.
o 'le:ibility: Since it is (ery difficult to identify the e-act num!er of candidates to
!e contacted to fill up a particular (acant position" ACI does not ha(e any
particular approach regarding this. 'he HR department of ACI tals %ith the
related department head and decide ho% many applicants %ill !e contacted against
a (acant position. 'his gi(es HR 5epartment fle-i!ility and discretion for using
+udgments. 'his is an e-cellent practice as long as HR ,-ecuti(es can use their
+udgments appropriately.
o Cost>effective #edia: ACI mainly use Ae%spaper ads" @ni(ersity placement
offices and online as e-ternal sources and nominations and succession plans as
ma+or sources of internal recruitment. )or instance" ACI maintains close
relationship %ith $angladesh Agricultural @ni(ersity and Pharmacy 5epartment
of ma+or pu!lic uni(ersities. *rom these sources ACI easily collects rNsumNs of
precise candidates (irtually %ith no cost.
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
o Communication #essa$es: ACI is careful a!out selecting communication
messages in ads. 4hile de(eloping communication message ACI re(ie%s +o!
description and person specification of the position. )or e%ample" for +unior le(el
management and nonFmanagement positions ACI uses $engali message and
message is highly attracti(e. 'his strategy has !een pro(ed effecti(e to attract
applicants o(er the years.
'he recruitment process of ACI Limited consists of follo%ing %eanesses/
5mployee<s dissatisfaction: 4hen a position !ecomes (acant" it is not possi!le
e(ery time to fill that position %ith e-isting employees as it causes another
position (acant. In that case to reduce comple-ity the company goes for e-ternal
source. 'his creates dissatisfaction among e-isting employees.
4ecruitment +ud$et: 'he recruitment process is the most e-pensi(e component
of organizational staffing system. 'here is no proper guidelinePpolicy in ACI
regarding %ellFde(eloped recruitment !udget.
4e)ardin$ 4ecruiters: 'here is no system of re%arding recruiters for
successfulPeffecti(e recruitment %hich may ha(e moti(ated the recruiters for
!etter recruitment practice and inspire for recruitment process de(elopment.
Special -ualification: 'here are some technical positions in %here it needs
candidates %ith special &ualification" !ut some cases the company do not get
Although there are some %eanesses in the recruitment process" the opportunities are
e-pressed ne-t/
#ar,et position: As ACI Limited !ecomes the employer of choice0 it maes easy
for the company to attract more &ualified candidates.
%evelopment: Recently ACI Limited is de(eloping their Human Resource
5epartment. It is !ecoming more organized and adopting !etter policies regarding
recruitment of employees.
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
Cor,in$ 5nvironment: Companys %oring en(ironment is another important
issue that attracts candidates. In spite of offering comparati(ely lo%er salary for a
position" sometime candidates are %illing to +oin.
'he recruitment process of ACI Limited consists of follo%ing threats/
(ime constraint: Sometime organization needs immediate recruitment %ithin a
(ery short time. 'o perform this function properly" company does &uic
recruitment %hich may not !e successful.
#oney Constraint: *or some managerial posts it needs (ery e-perienced people.
$ut some cases it is not possi!le for the company to hunt them from another
organization as they demand (ery high salary.
".! SCO( analysis of Selection process of ACI imited.
'he Strengths of ACIs selection process are/
Selection plans: ACI de(elops selection plans for each department at the
!eginning of the year %hich helps the organization in selecting the right employee
at right time.
5ffectiveness of intervie)ers: Recently ACI has formed a panel of inter(ie%ers
and decided to train up them for increasing assessment capa!ility of the
+est practice: $efore any selection inter(ie% ACI customizes the selection
checlist and inter(ie% rating form for that particular position and send the rating
form and checlist to the inter(ie%ers. 'his system has !een helping the
inter(ie%ers to as right &uestions and remain focused on inter(ie% rating form.
'he selection process of ACI Limited consists of follo%ing %eanesses/
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
ac, of revie): ACI does not ha(e any proper methods of re(ie%ing the
selection process. As a result if any selection %ent %rong it is difficult to tae
necessary immediate action.
;o medical test: ACI does not conduct medical checup of the candidates !efore
offering employment letter. After the final selection" candidates only gi(e a
medical declaration. Sometime the relia!ility of this declaration is (ery lo%.
ess development scope: As %ith recruitment" there is little effort for continuous
de(elopment in selection process.
'he #pportunities of ACIs selection process are/
Company<s Pro$ress: 'he continuous progress of ACI in the current maret
situation is a focus for the company to hire &ualified candidates.
Corporate Culture: 'he corporate culture of the company supports many +o!
candidates to apply for the position %ith the organization as it can fit their
personal preferences and needs.
'he selection process of ACI Limited consists of follo%ing threats/
5mployee<s s)itchin$: 'here are some employees %ho s%itch the company after
getting proper training and company needs to hire again.
Competitor<s attitude: ,mployees al%ays %ant !etter salary. It is threatening for
ACI that if its competitors offer more salary to ACIs employees" they may s%itch.
".2 'indin$s of the 4eport
'he follo%ing findings regarding recruitment and selection process of ACI Limited ha(e
!een e-posed through this report/
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
ACI uses inFhouse functions %hich ensure that recruitment searches are
ACI usually employs centralized recruitment.
ACI uses formal Staff ,ngagement Proposal form along %ith +o! description for
filling e(ery +o! opening in the organization. 'his ensures that right type of
applicants is !eing targeted.
*le-i!ility in +udgments to identify the re&uired no. of employees needed.
ACI is careful a!out selecting communication messages in ads.
ACI de(elops selection plans for each department at the !eginning of the year
%hich helps the organization in selecting the right employee at right time.
Recently ACI has formed a panel of inter(ie%ers and decided to train up them for
increasing assessment capa!ility of the inter(ie%ers.
'he company gets (ery fe% candidates %ho are (ery e-pert in some specialized
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
4ecommendations and Conclusion
Chapter 'ive

'hough the company performs its acti(ities effecti(ely !ut there are some grey areas %here
ACI is not performing up to the mar and can impro(e. 'o impro(e the present
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
recruitment and selection process and mae the %hole process !etter" follo%ing
recommendations has !een proposedFFFF
'he recruitment process is the most e-pensi(e component of organizational
staffing system. 'he high costs of recruitment points to the importance of
esta!lishing %ellFde(eloped recruitment !udget. 'here is no proper guideline or
policy in ACI regarding recruitment !udget. 'he company should esta!lish
detailed recruitment !udget !y consulting %ith the departments or di(isions.
ACI do not ha(e a %ellFde(eloped record eeping system of the applicants. ACI
may %or to de(elop a record eeping or data storage system to eep record of the
pre(ious applicants.
'here is no proper guideline in ACI regarding selecting recruiters. A guideline
regarding this area may !e helpful for !etter recruitment planning.
As the more &ualified people demand high salary" sometime the company cannot
afford them. In that case ACI can attract them !y offering !enefits and facilities.
ACI should !e fle-i!le in the use (arious assessment methods and employ
assessment method that is most appropriate for a particular position.
ACI should continuously try to de(elop its recruitment and selection process and
use inter(ie% that is more structured.
$efore offering employment letter" ACI should chec medical report of the finally
selected candidates !y the medical institutions %hich ha(e corporate agreement
%ith ACI.
'here should ha(e initiati(e in the organization for continuous impro(ement of
Present tight la!or maret is maing it more difficult for organizations to find" recruit" and
select talented people. 'he competition for talent is intensifying" as there are fe%er
&ualified applicants a(aila!le. 'his shortage of applicants maes it all the more important
for organizations to !e a!le to effecti(ely attract" select" and retain &uality candidates.
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
'he outcomes from this study sho% ACIs recruitment and selection process is more or
less structured" efficient and it is capa!le of achie(ing its desired o!+ecti(es. After
thorough assessment" %e can say that ACIs recruitment and selection process is
satisfactory. ACI can try to de(elop its recruitment and selection process in some areas"
such as maing a proper recruitment and selection !udget" using of cost effecti(e !ut
more fle-i!le communication medium and careful in selecting the assessment methods.
In addition" the company needs to more careful in in(iting &ualified candidates.
Candidates loo for more than +ust an attracti(e salary0 candidates are seeing
organizations that can offer them (arious inds of !enefits" the potential to ad(ance" and
an en(ironment in %hich they can learn and flourish. If the organization cannot offer
these" +o! seeers %ill find one that does. 'hus" it is important for the company to no%
e-actly %hat they ha(e to offer potential employees" and then highlight their !est features
%hen recruiting candidates.
*inally" !etter recruitment and selection strategies result in impro(ed organizational
outcomes. It can !e said that inspire recruiting is the disco(ering of potential candidates
for actual or anticipated organizational (acancies. 'he more effecti(ely organizations
recruit and select candidates" the more liely they are to hire and retain satisfied
employees. In addition" the effecti(eness of an organizations selection system can
influence !ottomFline !usiness outcomes" such as producti(ity and financial performance.
Hence" proper selection can minimize the cost of replacement and training" reduce legal
challenges and result in a more producti(e %orforce.
Cate$ory: +oo,s
1. Anthony" 4. P." Hacmar" =.H." 7 Perre%e" P. L. 1.>>>2" *uman resource
mana$ement/ A strategic approach" 6
edition" =ason" SouthF4estern
.. $ratton" ?. and Bold" ?." 11:::2" *uman resource mana$ement: (heory and
Practice $Second Edition)( London/ =acmillan.
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
3. 5essler Bray" 1.>>32" *uman resource mana$ement.
edition" PrenticeFHall"
6. Rahman" =." A." 1.>>:2" *uman resource mana$ement. 5haa" Gahin
8. Rahman" =." A." 1.>1>2" *uman resource mana$ement: A Strate$ic Approach.
5haa" Gahin pu!lication.
Cate$ory: Articles and Ceb Site
1. Annual Report of ACI Limited
.. Pu!lications
3. %%%.aciF!d.com
Staff 5n$a$ement Proposal
5epartment /
Location /
?o! 'itle /
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
?o! BradeP /
Salary Range /
Aum!er Present Sanctioned 'otal After
Re&uired Strength Strength Appro(al
Appro(al re&uired
'ype of ,mployment/
1Please 'ic2
,-pected ?oining 5ate/
?ustification for Additional =anpo%er/
Preferred method of recruitment/

Signature of 5ept. Head Recommended !y 5" CA Appro(al of =5
5ate 5ate 5ate
Intervie) Chec,list for the position of 5:ecutive
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
Ae%spaper Ad(ertisement
14ithP4ithout Company Aame2
Aotice $oard Circular
Already Located 1CJ ,nclosed2
HR 5epartment CJ $an
'hird PartyP#%n Source
*rom ,-isting ,mployees
Permanent Contractual Casual
1. Or$ani2ation
She plans her day systematically. She no%s %hat has to !e done and in %hat order.
She %rites do%n %hat specific goals ha(e to !e accomplished during the day.
She tals in an organized %ay. She maes a point logically and systematically.
She goes into meetings and presentations %ellFprepared. She had taen time to do her home%or.
She has demonstrated the a!ility to plan" organize and e-ecute a ma+or pro+ect.
2. Initiative
She has strong sense of urgencyF eenly a%are of the need to mo(e &uicly on things.
She seems to mo(e into action promptly and decisi(ely %hen a pro!lem arises.
She eeps on top of things" follo%s through and maes sure that things get done.
She has sho%n a %illingness to cut through red tapes in order to mo(e things ahead.
She has sho%n initiati(eFtaing the !ull !y the horns and dealing %ith things.
She has sho%n a consistent pattern of independent decisionFmaing and action Mtaing.
!. Communication s,ills
She communicated ideas clearly and succinctly during the inter(ie%.
She stopped periodically to mae sure %e are on the same %a(elength.
She used %ords effecti(elyFusing the right %ord or phrase in the right spot.
She tals in an interesting fashion. She is an interesting person to listen to.
5ifficult or a%%ard &uestions %ere handled smoothly. She didnt get flustered.
She listens %ell. She really pays attention and %ors hard to understand
". Personality8(he +i$ 'ive9
5motional stability: HePshe is calm" optimistic and %ell ad+usted.
5:troversion: HePshe demonstrated the tendency to !e socia!le" asserti(e" acti(e and up!eat.
Openness to e:perience: 'he person demonstrated the tendency to !e imaginati(e" attenti(e to
inner feelings" ha(e intellectual curiosity and independence of +udgment.
A$reeableness: 'he person demonstrated the tendency to !e altruistic" trusting" sympathetic" and
Conscientiousness: the person got the tendency to !e purposeful" determined" dependa!le and
attenti(e to detail.
1. Satiability
4e ha(e discussed my concerns a!out hiring good people and then ha(ing them lea(e.
She has addressed those concerns" and I feel comforta!le %ith ho% she has done that.
She has a realistic (ie% of the +o!F%hats in(ol(ed %hat it %ill !e lie.
She has a realistic (ie% of the company and %hat he %ill !e lie to %or here.
Her longFterm career aspirations can !e realistically satisfied %ithin this company.
She has demonstrated a reluctance to Rhop from one +o! to another %ithout good reason.
5:hibit ".2: Sample Intervie) 4atin$ 'orm
Sample Intervie) 4atin$ 'orm
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited
ACI I#I(5%
I;(54/I5C 4A(I;@ 'O4#
AA=,/ P#SI'I#A/
Executive, Local Purchase
R A T I N G Total
ding 1>F:
Jery Bood
L Rating2
Appearance 1
Oualification for the ?o! 1
'rac Record 7 Rele(ant ,-perience 2
Communication Sills 2
Leadership Oualities 2
,nthusiasm and initiati(e 1
ConfidenceP=aturityPPersonality 1
Strength for this +o!/
on any aspect
If the candidate is selected0 specify any aspect to !e particularly stressed during pro!ationS
Suitability for the Bob:
Long hoursP?o! Hazard
@nderstanding of the ?o!
Commitment to a career
=otor Cycle 5ri(ing License
Suita!le for employment
Hold for comparison %ith others
Aot recommended
1Signature of inter(ie%er2
Recruitment and Selection Process of ACI Limited

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