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Ss. Cyrll and MeLhodlus unlverslLy, laculLy of hllology-


From the conducted survey among Macedonian students of higher education from 4 universities,
we came to the conclusion that the concept of metacognition is very important in the educational
-Firstly, most of the students think they use metacognitive skills and consider them useful.
-Not many professors help students in the learning process, but this differs among universities as
can be seen in our chart.
-Professors rarely incorporate any metacognitive techniques in the classes.
-Finally, most of the students, if not all, think that the incorporation and usage of metacognitive
techniques in the educational setting is of the highest importance.

For professors:
-Familiarize students with the concept of metacognition and incorporate it in the class lectures;
-Make students think about the learning process, and promote brainstorming;
-Provide students the opportunity to practise independently, which, in turn builds fluency and
mastery of the skill;
-Strategies in and off themselves are not magic. It is how you teach and incorporate them in your
students learning.

For students"
!Organize your learning methods by thinking about what makes you an efficient learner;
-Pose questions and determine importance;
-Students need to identify the task on which they are working, check and evaluate their progress.
-Students need to determine the order of steps to be taken to complete the task and set the intensity
or the speed at which they work the task.

October 2012
The following
Universities were
included in the survey
1. Do professors at
your university
encourage you to use
2. Do you apply
metacognitive skills
and methods in your
learning process?
3. Do professors help
students develop the
ability to monitor their
own learning processes
at your university?
4. Do professors at
your university use
5. Do you think
techniques can add
value to the
educational setting?
UKIM 30% 90% 20% 20% 100%
FON 100% 80% 70% 60% 100%
IBU 60% 100% 20% 40% 100%
SUT 50% 80% 10% 30% 90%

Chastian, K. (1988). Developing Second Language Skills: Theory
and Practise Third Edition (pp. 166). Florida, USA: Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich Publishers
Students' Opinions
"The most effective way to retain something in long-term
memory is by frequent repetition, and by trying to find
the logic in things"

"Most of our professors teach us WHAT to learn, but not
"I would say most of the professors so far have not
openly discussed the matter of the learning methodology.
By far just one professors of my college tried to direct us
on how to read effectively, mark the text and associate it
with practical ocassions"
"First of all, I really focus when the professors are
lecturing, then I highlight the important parts from the
book and learn them"
"I think that the professors from our university help us
our learning process"

Has it ever occured to you that you should use metacognition in your learning process? The concept of
metacognition is a very useful tool for improving your cognitive skills and making yourself an efficient
learner. Metacognition refers to higher order thinking that involves active control over the thinking
processes involved in learning and is often referred to as "thinking about thinking" and can be used to
help students learn how to learn. Furthermore, metacognitive knowledge involves executive
monitoring processes directed at the acquisition of information about thinking processes. Metacognitive
awareness means being aware of how you think. In the ELT classroom, it means being aware of how
you learn. Rather than focus students attention solely on learning the language, L2 teachers can help
students learn to think about what happens during the language learning process, which will lead them
to develop stronger learning skills. In addition, understanding and controlling cognitive processes may
be one of the most essential skills that classroom teachers can help L2 learners develop. Strong
metacognitive skills empower second language learners. Because of the influence metacognition has in
the learning world, we conducted a survey among English Language students at four universities in
Macedonia: Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, International Balkan University, State University of
Tetovo, and FON University. The results were surprising as they showed us a variety of opinions about
metacognitive techniques among students of higher education.


Gama, A. C. (2004). Integrating Metacognition in Interactive
Learning Environments. PhD Dissertation, Department of Philology,
University of Sussex, UK.

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