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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. 158088 July 6, 2005
This is petition for mandamus file! b" petitioners to co#pel the
Office of the E$ecutive Secretr" n! the Deprt#ent of %orei&n Affirs to trns#it the
si&ne! cop" of the Ro#e Sttute of the Interntionl Cri#inl Court to the Sente of
the Philippines for its concurrence in ccor!nce 'ith Section (), Article *II of the )+,-
The Ro#e Sttute estblishe! the Interntionl Cri#inl Court 'hich .shll hve the
po'er to e$ercise its /uris!iction over persons for the #ost serious cri#es of
interntionl concern $$$ n! shll be co#ple#entr" to the ntionl cri#inl
Its /uris!iction covers the cri#e of &enoci!e, cri#es &inst hu#nit",
'r cri#es n! the cri#e of &&ression s !efine! in the Sttute.
The Sttute 's
opene! for si&nture b" ll sttes in Ro#e on 0ul" )-, )++, n! h! re#ine! open for
si&nture until Dece#ber 1), (222 t the 3nite! Ntions 4e!5urters in Ne' 6or7.
The Philippines si&ne! the Sttute on Dece#ber (,, (222 throu&h Charge d
Affairs Enri5ue A. 8nlo of the Philippine 8ission to the 3nite! Ntions.
provisions, ho'ever, re5uire tht it be sub/ect to rtifiction, cceptnce or pprovl of
the si&ntor" sttes.
Petitioners file! the instnt petition to co#pel the respon!ents : the Office of the
E$ecutive Secretr" n! the Deprt#ent of %orei&n Affirs : to trns#it the si&ne!
te$t of the tret" to the Sente of the Philippines for rtifiction.
It is the theor" of the petitioners tht rtifiction of tret", un!er both !o#estic l' n!
interntionl l', is function of the Sente. 4ence, it is the !ut" of the e$ecutive
!eprt#ent to trns#it the si&ne! cop" of the Ro#e Sttute to the Sente to llo' it to
e$ercise its !iscretion 'ith respect to rtifiction of treties. 8oreover, petitioners
sub#it tht the Philippines hs #inisteril !ut" to rtif" the Ro#e Sttute un!er tret"
l' n! custo#r" interntionl l'. Petitioners invo7e the *ienn Convention on the
;' of Treties en/oinin& the sttes to refrin fro# cts 'hich 'oul! !efet the ob/ect
n! purpose of tret" 'hen the" hve si&ne! the tret" prior to rtifiction unless
the" hve #!e their intention cler not to beco#e prties to the tret".
The Office of the Solicitor =enerl, co##entin& for the respon!ents, 5uestione! the
stn!in& of the petitioners to file the instnt suit. It lso conten!e! tht the petition t
br violtes the rule on hierrch" of courts. On the substntive issue rise! b"
petitioners, respon!ents r&ue tht the e$ecutive !eprt#ent hs no !ut" to trns#it
the Ro#e Sttute to the Sente for concurrence.
A petition for mandamus #" be file! 'hen n" tribunl, corportion, bor!, officer or
person unl'full" ne&lects the perfor#nce of n ct 'hich the l' specificll" en/oins
s !ut" resultin& fro# n office, trust, or sttion.
?e hve hel! tht to be &iven !ue
course, petition for mandamus #ust hve been institute! b" prt" &&rieve! b" the
lle&e! inction of n" tribunl, corportion, bor! or person 'hich unl'full" e$clu!es
si! prt" fro# the en/o"#ent of le&l ri&ht. The petitioner in ever" cse #ust
therefore be n &&rieve! prt" in the sense tht he possesses cler le&l ri&ht to be
enforce! n! !irect interest in the !ut" or ct to be perfor#e!.
The Court 'ill
e$ercise its po'er of /u!icil revie' onl" if the cse is brou&ht before it b" prt" 'ho
hs the le&l stn!in& to rise the constitutionl or le&l 5uestion. .;e&l stn!in&.
#ens personl n! substntil interest in the cse such tht the prt" hs sustine!
or 'ill sustin !irect in/ur" s result of the &overn#ent ct tht is bein& chllen&e!.
The ter# .interest. is #teril interest, n interest in issue n! to be ffecte! b" the
!ecree, s !istin&uishe! fro# #ere interest in the 5uestion involve!, or #ere
inci!entl interest.
The petition t br 's file! b" Sentor A5uilino Pi#entel, 0r. 'ho sserts his le&l
stn!in& to file the suit s #e#ber of the Sente@ Con&ress'o#n ;orett Ann
Rosles, #e#ber of the 4ouse of Representtives n! Chirperson of its Co##ittee
on 4u#n Ri&hts@ the Philippine Colition for the Estblish#ent of the Interntionl
Cri#inl Court 'hich is co#pose! of in!ivi!uls n! corporte entities !e!icte! to the
Philippine rtifiction of the Ro#e Sttute@ the Ts7 %orce Detinees of the Philippines,
/uri!icl entit" 'ith the vo'e! purpose of pro#otin& the cuse of hu#n ri&hts n!
hu#n ri&hts victi#s in the countr"@ the %#ilies of *icti#s of Involuntr"
Disppernces, /uri!icl entit" !ul" or&niAe! n! e$istin& pursunt to Philippine
;'s 'ith the vo'e! purpose of pro#otin& the cuse of f#ilies n! victi#s of hu#n
ri&hts violtions in the countr"@ Binc 4cinth Ro5ue n! 4rrison 0cob Ro5ue,
&e! t'o B(C n! one B)C, respectivel", t the ti#e of filin& of the instnt petition, n!
suin& un!er the !octrine of interD&enertionl ri&hts enuncite! in the cse of O/o0'
30. F'4+o.'(, J..@
n! &roup of fifth "er 'or7in& l' stu!ents fro# the 3niversit" of
the Philippines Colle&e of ;' 'ho re suin& s t$p"ers.
The 5uestion in stn!in& is 'hether prt" hs lle&e! such personl st7e in the
outco#e of the controvers" s to ssure tht concrete !verseness 'hich shrpens the
presenttion of issues upon 'hich the court so lr&el" !epen!s for illu#intion of
!ifficult constitutionl 5uestions.
?e fin! tht #on& the petitioners, onl" Sentor Pi#entel hs the le&l stn!in& to file
the instnt suit. The other petitioners #intin their stn!in& s !voctes n!
!efen!ers of hu#n ri&hts, n! s citiAens of the countr". The" hve not sho'n,
ho'ever, tht the" hve sustine! or 'ill sustin !irect in/ur" fro# the nonDtrns#ittl
of the si&ne! te$t of the Ro#e Sttute to the Sente. Their contention tht the" 'ill be
!eprive! of their re#e!ies for the protection n! enforce#ent of their ri&hts !oes not
persu!e. The Ro#e Sttute is inten!e! to co#ple#ent ntionl cri#inl l's n!
courts. Sufficient re#e!ies re vilble un!er our ntionl l's to protect our citiAens
&inst hu#n ri&hts violtions n! petitioners cn l'"s see7 re!ress for n" buse
in our !o#estic courts.
As re&r!s Sentor Pi#entel, it hs been hel! tht .to the e$tent the po'ers of
Con&ress re i#pire!, so is the po'er of ech #e#ber thereof, since his office
confers ri&ht to prticipte in the e$ercise of the po'ers of tht institution..
le&isltors hve the stn!in& to #intin inviolte the prero&tives, po'ers n!
privile&es veste! b" the Constitution in their office n! re llo'e! to sue to 5uestion
the vli!it" of n" officil ction 'hich the" cli# infrin&es their prero&tives s
le&isltors. The petition t br invo7es the po'er of the Sente to &rnt or 'ithhol! its
concurrence to tret" entere! into b" the e$ecutive brnch, in this cse, the Ro#e
Sttute. The petition see7s to or!er the e$ecutive brnch to trns#it the cop" of the
tret" to the Sente to llo' it to e$ercise such uthorit". Sentor Pi#entel, s #e#ber
of the institution, certinl" hs the le&l stn!in& to ssert such uthorit" of the Sente.
?e no' &o to the substntive issue.
The core issue in this petition for mandamus is 'hether the E$ecutive Secretr" n!
the Deprt#ent of %orei&n Affirs hve 56(60+-.6'l !ut" to trns#it to the Sente the
cop" of the Ro#e Sttute si&ne! b" #e#ber of the Philippine 8ission to the 3nite!
Ntions even 'ithout the si&nture of the Presi!ent.
?e rule in the ne&tive.
In our s"ste# of &overn#ent, the Presi!ent, bein& the he! of stte, is re&r!e! s the
sole or&n n! uthorit" in e$ternl reltions n! is the countr"Es sole representtive
'ith forei&n ntions.
As the chief rchitect of forei&n polic", the Presi!ent cts s the
countr"Es #outhpiece 'ith respect to interntionl ffirs. 4ence, the Presi!ent is
veste! 'ith the uthorit" to !el 'ith forei&n sttes n! &overn#ents, e$ten! or
'ithhol! reco&nition, #intin !iplo#tic reltions, enter into treties, n! other'ise
trnsct the business of forei&n reltions.
In the rel# of tret"D#7in&, the Presi!ent
hs the sole uthorit" to ne&otite 'ith other sttes.
Nonetheless, 'hile the Presi!ent hs the sole uthorit" to ne&otite n! enter into
treties, the Constitution provi!es li#ittion to his po'er b" re5uirin& the concurrence
of (F1 of ll the #e#bers of the Sente for the vli!it" of the tret" entere! into b" hi#.
Section (), Article *II of the )+,- Constitution provi!es tht .no tret" or interntionl
&ree#ent shll be vli! n! effective unless concurre! in b" t lest t'oDthir!s of ll
the 8e#bers of the Sente.. The )+1< n! the )+-1 Constitution lso re5uire! the
concurrence b" the le&islture to the treties entere! into b" the e$ecutive. Section )2
B-C, Article *II of the )+1< Constitution provi!e!G
Sec. )2. B-C The Presi!ent shll hve the po'er, 'ith the concurrence of t'oDthir!s of
ll the 8e#bers of the Sente, to #7e treties $$$.
Section )9 B)C Article *III of the )+-1 Constitution stte!G
Sec. )9. B)C E$cept s other'ise provi!e! in this Constitution, no tret" shll be vli!
n! effective unless concurre! in b" #/orit" of ll the 8e#bers of the Btsn&
The prticiption of the le&isltive brnch in the tret"D#7in& process 's !ee#e!
essentil to provi!e chec7 on the e$ecutive in the fiel! of forei&n reltions.
re5uirin& the concurrence of the le&islture in the treties entere! into b" the Presi!ent,
the Constitution ensures helth" s"ste# of chec7s n! blnce necessr" in the
ntionEs pursuit of politicl #turit" n! &ro'th.
In filin& this petition, the petitioners interpret Section (), Article *II of the )+,-
Constitution to #en tht the po'er to rtif" treties belon&s to the Sente.
?e !is&ree.
0ustice Is&ni CruA, in his boo7 on Interntionl ;', !escribes the tret"D#7in&
process in this 'iseG
The usul steps in the tret"D#7in& process reG ne&otition, si&nture, rtifiction,
n! e$chn&e of the instru#ents of rtifiction. The tret" #" then be sub#itte! for
re&istrtion n! publiction un!er the 3.N. Chrter, lthou&h this step is not essentil to
the vli!it" of the &ree#ent s bet'een the prties.
Negotiation #" be un!ert7en !irectl" b" the he! of stte but he no' usull" ssi&ns
this ts7 to his uthoriAe! representtives. These representtives re provi!e! 'ith
cre!entils 7no'n s full po'ers, 'hich the" e$hibit to the other ne&otitors t the strt
of the for#l !iscussions. It is stn!r! prctice for one of the prties to sub#it !rft
of the propose! tret" 'hich, to&ether 'ith the counterDproposls, beco#es the bsis
of the subse5uent ne&otitions. The ne&otitions #" be brief or protrcte!, !epen!in&
on the issues involve!, n! #" even .collpse. in cse the prties re unble to co#e
to n &ree#ent on the points un!er consi!ertion.
If n! 'hen the ne&otitors finll" !eci!e on the ter#s of the tret", the s#e is opene!
for signature. This step is pri#ril" inten!e! s #ens of uthentictin& the
instru#ent n! for the purpose of s"#boliAin& the &oo! fith of the prties@ but,
si&nificntl", 6+ )o-0 (o+ 6()64'+- +,- 76('l 4o(0-(+ o7 +,- 0+'+- 6( 4'0-0 8,-.-
.'+6764'+6o( o7 +,- +.-'+y 60 .-9u6.-). The !ocu#ent is or!inril" si&ne! in ccor!nce
'ith the alternat, tht is, ech of the severl ne&otitors is llo'e! to si&n first on the
cop" 'hich he 'ill brin& ho#e to his o'n stte.
Ratification, 'hich is the ne$t step, is the for#l ct b" 'hich stte confir#s n!
ccepts the provisions of tret" conclu!e! b" its representtives. T,- /u./o0- o7
.'+6764'+6o( 60 +o -('1l- +,- 4o(+.'4+6(: 0+'+-0 +o -;'56(- +,- +.-'+y 5o.- 4lo0-ly
'() +o :63- +,-5 '( o//o.+u(6+y +o .-7u0- +o 1- 1ou() 1y 6+ 0,oul) +,-y 76() 6+
6(6564'l +o +,-6. 6(+-.-0+0. I+ 60 7o. +,60 .-'0o( +,'+ 5o0+ +.-'+6-0 '.- 5')- 0u1<-4+
+o +,- 04.u+6(y '() 4o(0-(+ o7 ' )-/'.+5-(+ o7 +,- :o3-.(5-(+ o+,-. +,'( +,'+
8,64, (-:o+6'+-) +,-5.
$ $ $
The lst step in the tret"D#7in& process is the exchange of the instruments of
ratification, 'hich usull" lso si&nifies the effectivit" of the tret" unless !ifferent
!te hs been &ree! upon b" the prties. ?here rtifiction is !ispense! 'ith n! no
effectivit" cluse is e#bo!ie! in the tret", the instru#ent is !ee#e! effective upon its
Hemphasis suppliedI
PetitionersE r&u#ents e5ute the si&nin& of the tret" b" the Philippine representtive
'ith rtifiction. It shoul! be un!erscore! tht the si&nin& of the tret" n! the
rtifiction re t'o seprte n! !istinct steps in the tret"D#7in& process. As erlier
!iscusse!, the si&nture is pri#ril" inten!e! s #ens of uthentictin& the
instru#ent n! s s"#bol of the &oo! fith of the prties. It is usull" perfor#e! b"
the stteEs uthoriAe! representtive in the !iplo#tic #ission. Rtifiction, on the other
hn!, is the for#l ct b" 'hich stte confir#s n! ccepts the provisions of tret"
conclu!e! b" its representtive. It is &enerll" hel! to be n e$ecutive ct, un!ert7en
b" the he! of the stte or of the &overn#ent.
Thus, E$ecutive Or!er No. 9<+ issue!
b" Presi!ent %i!el *. R#os on Nove#ber (<, )++- provi!es the &ui!elines in the
ne&otition of interntionl &ree#ents n! its rtifiction. It #n!tes tht fter the
tret" hs been si&ne! b" the Philippine representtive, the s#e shll be trns#itte!
to the Deprt#ent of %orei&n Affirs. The Deprt#ent of %orei&n Affirs shll then
prepre the rtifiction ppers n! for'r! the si&ne! cop" of the tret" to the
Presi!ent for rtifiction. After the Presi!ent hs rtifie! the tret", the Deprt#ent of
%orei&n Affirs shll sub#it the s#e to the Sente for concurrence. 3pon receipt of
the concurrence of the Sente, the Deprt#ent of %orei&n Affirs shll co#pl" 'ith the
provisions of the tret" to ren!er it effective. Section - of E$ecutive Or!er No. 9<+
S-4. =. "o5-0+64 R-9u6.-5-(+0 7o. +,- E(+.y 6(+o Fo.4- o7 ' T.-'+y o. '(
E;-4u+63- A:.--5-(+. > The !o#estic re5uire#ents for the entr" into force of
tret" or n e$ecutive &ree#ent, or n" #en!#ent thereto, shll be s follo'sG
A. E$ecutive A&ree#ents.
i. All e$ecutive &ree#ents shll be trns#itte! to the Deprt#ent of %orei&n Affirs
fter their si&nin& for the preprtion of the rtifiction ppers. The trns#ittl shll
inclu!e the hi&hli&hts of the &ree#ents n! the benefits 'hich 'ill ccrue to the
Philippines risin& fro# the#.
ii. The Deprt#ent of %orei&n Affirs, pursunt to the en!orse#ent b" the concerne!
&enc", shll trns#it the &ree#ents to the Presi!ent of the Philippines for his
rtifiction. The ori&inl si&ne! instru#ent of rtifiction shll then be returne! to the
Deprt#ent of %orei&n Affirs for pproprite ction.
B. Treties.
i. All treties, re&r!less of their !esi&ntion, shll co#pl" 'ith the re5uire#ents
provi!e! in subDpr&rphHsI ) n! (, ite# A BE$ecutive A&ree#entsC of this Section. In
!!ition, the Deprt#ent of %orei&n Affirs shll sub#it the treties to the Sente of the
Philippines for concurrence in the rtifiction b" the Presi!ent. A certifie! true cop" of
the treties, in such nu#bers s #" be re5uire! b" the Sente, to&ether 'ith
certifie! true cop" of the rtifiction instru#ent, shll cco#pn" the sub#ission of the
treties to the Sente.
ii. 3pon receipt of the concurrence b" the Sente, the Deprt#ent of %orei&n Affirs
shll co#pl" 'ith the provision of the treties in effectin& their entr" into force.
PetitionersE sub#ission tht the Philippines is boun! un!er tret" l' n! interntionl
l' to rtif" the tret" 'hich it hs si&ne! is 'ithout bsis. The si&nture !oes not
si&nif" the finl consent of the stte to the tret". It is the rtifiction tht bin!s the stte
to the provisions thereof. In fct, the Ro#e Sttute itself re5uires tht the si&nture of
the representtives of the sttes be sub/ect to rtifiction, cceptnce or pprovl of
the si&ntor" sttes. Rtifiction is the ct b" 'hich the provisions of tret" re
for#ll" confir#e! n! pprove! b" Stte. B" rtif"in& tret" si&ne! in its behlf,
stte e$presses its 'illin&ness to be boun! b" the provisions of such tret". After the
tret" is si&ne! b" the stteEs representtive, the Presi!ent, bein& ccountble to the
people, is bur!ene! 'ith the responsibilit" n! the !ut" to crefull" stu!" the contents
of the tret" n! ensure tht the" re not ini#icl to the interest of the stte n! its
people. Thus, the Presi!ent hs the !iscretion even fter the si&nin& of the tret" b" the
Philippine representtive 'hether or not to rtif" the s#e. The *ienn Convention on
the ;' of Treties !oes not conte#plte to !efet or even restrin this po'er of the
he! of sttes. If tht 'ere so, the re5uire#ent of rtifiction of treties 'oul! be
pointless n! futile. It hs been hel! tht stte hs no le&l or even #orl !ut" to
rtif" tret" 'hich hs been si&ne! b" its plenipotentiries.
There is no le&l
obli&tion to rtif" tret", but it &oes 'ithout s"in& tht the refusl #ust be bse! on
substntil &roun!s n! not on superficil or 'hi#sicl resons. Other'ise, the other
stte 'oul! be /ustifie! in t7in& offense.
It shoul! be e#phsiAe! tht un!er our Constitution, the po'er to rtif" is veste! in the
Presi!ent, sub/ect to the concurrence of the Sente. The role of the Sente, ho'ever, is
li#ite! onl" to &ivin& or 'ithhol!in& its consent, or concurrence, to the
4ence, it is 'ithin the uthorit" of the Presi!ent to refuse to sub#it tret"
to the Sente or, hvin& secure! its consent for its rtifiction, refuse to rtif"
Althou&h the refusl of stte to rtif" tret" 'hich hs been si&ne! in its behlf
is serious step tht shoul! not be t7en li&htl",
such !ecision is 'ithin the
co#petence of the Presi!ent lone, 'hich cnnot be encroche! b" this Court via
'rit of mandamus. This Court hs no /uris!iction over ctions see7in& to en/oin the
Presi!ent in the perfor#nce of his officil !uties.
The Court, therefore, cnnot issue
the 'rit of mandamus pr"e! for b" the petitioners s it is be"on! its /uris!iction to
co#pel the e$ecutive brnch of the &overn#ent to trns#it the si&ne! te$t of Ro#e
Sttute to the Sente.
IN #IE% %HEREOF, the petition is "ISMISSE".

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