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G.R. No.

187246 July 20, 2011

EDWIN TABAO y PEREZ, Petitioner,
Edwin Tabao (petitioner) seeks reconsideration of or Reso!tion, dated "ne #, $%%&, den'in( )is
petition for review on certiorari for fai!re to s)ow an' reversib!e error in t)e assai!ed *ort of +ppea!s
(*+) decision to warrant t)e e,ercise of t)is *ort-s discretionar' appe!!ate .risdiction, and for raisin(
sbstantia!!' facta! isses.
T)e evidence for t)e prosection revea!s t)e fo!!owin( facts/
+t arond 0%/%% p.1. of "anar' $0, 0&&2, t)e petitioner was drivin( )is To'ota *oro!!a car bearin(
p!ate n1ber P*34000 a!on( 5overnor 6orbes corner 5. Ta7on Street towards Na(ta)an w)en it
sdden!' ra1ped on an is!and divider, b1pin( Roc)e!!e Lanete w)o was crossin( t)e street. +s a
res!t of t)e i1pact, Roc)e!!e was t)rown into t)e 1idd!e of t)e road on )er back.
Leonardo 8ende7- speedin( b!e To'ota *orona car wit) p!ate n1ber PES49:; ran over Roc)e!!e-s
bod'. <'standers = ar1ed wit) stones and wooden c!bs = fo!!owed 8ende7- car nti! it stopped
near t)e Na(ta)an 6!'over.
6rancisco *ie!o, a newspaper de!iver' bo', p!eaded wit) t)e b'standers
not to )rt 8ende7. *ie!o went inside 8ende7- car, sat beside )i1, (ot )is driver-s !icense, and ordered
)i1 to 1ove t)e car backwards. 8ende7 fo!!owed )is order, bt )is car )it t)e center is!and twice w)i!e
backin( p.
*ie!o went ot of t)e car and approac)ed t)e spraw!ed bod' of Roc)e!!e> )e and t)e
petitioner bro()t Roc)e!!e-s bod' inside 8ende7- car. T)e t)ree of t)e1 (t)e petitioner, *ie!o and
8ende7) bro()t Roc)e!!e to t)e UST 3ospita!,
w)ere s)e died on 6ebrar' :, 0&&2 de to septice1ia
secondar' to tra1atic in.ries.
T)e defense presented a different version of t)e incident.
T)e petitioner narrated t)at at arond 0%/%% p.1. of "anar' $0, 0&&2, )e was drivin( a!on( 5overnor
6orbes corner 5. Ta7on Street w)en )is car ra1ped on an is!and at t)e foot of t)e Na(ta)an 6!'over.
3e tried to 1ove t)e car backwards, bt fai!ed to do so. 3e a!i()ted fro1 )is car and t)en saw t)at its
two rear w)ee!s )ad been e!evated.
3e retrned inside )is car to trn off its en(ine> )e t)en noticed
t)at 1an' peop!e were approac)in( )is car.
3e a(ain a!i()ted fro1 )is ve)ic!e and saw a person !'in(
on t)e road.
3e !ooked at )is !eft side and saw a car t)at was @rnnin( fast !ike a wind@ pass b'. 3e
approac)ed t)e person !'in( on t)e road, and noticed t)at s)e was sti!! breat)in( and 1oanin(.
+fterwards, )e saw 8ende7- car backin( p> )e carried t)e victi1 towards t)at car.
T)ereafter, )e,
8ende7 and *ie!o bro()t t)e victi1 to t)e UST 3ospita!.
8ende7, for )is part, testified t)at at arond &/%% to &/2% p.1. of "anar' $0, 0&&2, )e !eft )is
(ir!friend-s )ose in <!1entritt, Sta. *r7, 8ani!a. +s )e was drivin( a!on( 5overnor 6orbes corner
5. Ta7on Street on )is wa' )o1e, )e saw a ve)ic!e t)at )ad ra1ped on an is!and divider. Sdden!',
anot)er ve)ic!e overtook )is car fro1 t)e ri()t and ct )is !ane. 3e s!owed down )is car w)en )e saw a
r(4!ike ob.ect fa!! fro1 t)e car t)at overtook )i1,
and stopped w)en )e rea!i7ed t)at w)at )ad fa!!en
was a person-s bod'. A)en )e 1oved )is car backwards to )e!p t)is person, 1an' peop!e approac)ed
)is car. 3e a!i()ted fro1 )is car and inBired fro1 t)e1 w)at )ad )appened. T)e peop!e rep!ied t)at
so1eone was rn over> so1e of t)e1 pointed to )i1 as t)e c!prit. 3e denied )avin( rn over t)e
victi1 w)en t)e' tried to )rt )i1. T)e petitioner carried t)e victi1 and p!aced )er inside 8ende7- car.
T)ereafter, t)e two of t)e1 bro()t t)e victi1 to t)e UST 3ospita!.
T)e Office of t)e *it' Prosector fond probab!e case and t)ereafter c)ar(ed t)e petitioner and
8ende7 wit) reck!ess i1prdence res!tin( to )o1icide before t)e Re(iona! Tria! *ort (RT*), <ranc)
2&, 8ani!a.
T)e RT*, in its decision
dated Septe1ber 0?, $%%2, fond t)at it was @ver' c!ear t)at
bot) accsed are responsib!e for t)e deat) of Roc)e!!e Lanete,@
and convicted t)e two ($) accsed of
t)e cri1e c)ar(ed. It fond t)at t)e petitioner-s car first )it t)e victi1, casin( )er to be t)rown into t)e
road on )er back, and t)at 8ende7- car ran over )er as s)e was !'in( down. It )e!d t)at t)e two fai!ed to
observe t)e necessar' precation and de care in operatin( t)eir respective ve)ic!es, to wit/ t)e
petitioner was not attentive to )is drivin( sc) t)at )e fai!ed to see t)e is!and divider and b1ped
Roc)e!!e> 8ende7 was drivin( )is car too fast at ni()tti1e sc) t)at )e was nab!e to avoid rnnin(
over )er as )er bod' !a' prone on t)e street. T)e RT* sentenced t)e1 to sffer t)e indeter1inate
pena!t' of for 1ont)s and one da' of arresto 1a'or, as 1ini11, to two 'ears, 0% 1ont)s and $%
da's of prision correcciona!, as 1a,i11. It a!so ordered t)e1 to pa' t)e )eirs of t)e victi1 t)e
fo!!owin( a1onts/ (a) P;9#,;2;.0$ as acta! da1a(es> (b) P?%,%%%.%% as civi! inde1nit'> and (c)
P?%,%%%.%% as 1ora! da1a(es.
T)e petitioner fi!ed an appea! before t)e *+, docketed as *+45.R. *R. No. $#;%0. T)e *+, in its
dated "!' $9, $%%9, a(reed wit) t)e facta! findin(s of t)e RT*, and affir1ed its decision
wit) t)e 1odification t)at t)e petitioner be sentenced to sffer an indeter1inate pena!t' of for 1ont)s
and one da' of arresto 1a'or, as 1ini11, to for 'ears, nine 1ont)s and 0% da's of prision
correcciona!, as 1a,i11.
T)e petitioner 1oved to reconsider t)is decision, bt t)e *+ denied )is 1otion in its reso!tion
8arc) 09, $%%&.
T)e petitioner fi!ed before t)is *ort a petition for review on certiorari a!!e(in( t)at t)e corts a Bo
erred in convictin( )i1 of t)e cri1e c)ar(ed. +s ear!ier stated, we denied t)is petition for fai!re to
s)ow an' reversib!e error in t)e assai!ed *+ decision to warrant t)e e,ercise of or discretionar'
appe!!ate .risdiction, and for raisin( sbstantia!!' facta! isses.
T)e petitioner now co1es to s via t)e present 1otion for reconsideration, raisin( t)e fo!!owin(
In its *o11ent, t)e Peop!e of t)e P)i!ippines, t)ro() t)e Office of t)e So!icitor 5enera!, pra's t)at
t)e 1otion be denied for bein( pro for1a> t)e petitioner 1ere!' advanced t)e sa1e ar(1ents w)ic) )e
raised in )is appe!!ant-s brief and 1otion for reconsideration before t)e *+.
+fter de consideration, we reso!ve to CEND t)e 1otion.
+s a (enera! r!e, findin(s of fact of t)e tria! cort, especia!!' w)en affir1ed b' t)e *+, are bindin(
and conc!sive pon t)is *ort> we wi!! not nor1a!!' distrb t)ese facta! findin(s n!ess t)e' are
pa!pab!' nspported b' t)e evidence on record or n!ess t)e .d(1ent itse!f is based on a
1isappre)ension of facts.
+fter a caref! review of t)e records, we see no reason to overtrn t)e
!ower corts- facta! findin(s t)at fond t)e petitioner (i!t' of t)e cri1e c)ar(ed.
R!"#l!$$ %&'(u)!*"!, +!*!(,lly )!-%*!) .y ou( '!*,l l,/,
"o*$%$0$ %* 1olu*0,(%ly, .u0 /%02ou0 &,l%"!, )o%*+ o( -,%l%*+ 0o )o
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"o*$%)!(,0%o* 2%$ !&'loy&!*0 o( o""u',0%o*, )!+(!! o-
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)!-%"%!*"y o- ,"0%o*. I0 %&'l%!$ , -,%lu(! %* '(!",u0%o* o( , -,%lu(!
0o 0,#! 02! *!"!$$,(y '(!",u0%o* o*"! 02! ),*+!( o( '!(%l
.!"o&!$ -o(!$!!*.
T2u$, %* o()!( -o( "o*1%"0%o* 0o .! )!"(!!)
-o( (!"#l!$$ %&'(u)!*"!, 02! &,0!(%,l ),&,+! $u--!(!) .y 02!
1%"0%&, 02! -,%lu(! %* '(!",u0%o* o* 02! ',(0 o- 02! ,""u$!), ,*)
02! )%(!"0 l%*# .!0/!!* &,0!(%,l ),&,+! ,*) -,%lu(! %*
'(!",u0%o* &u$0 .! !$0,.l%$2!) .!yo*) (!,$o*,.l! )ou.0. W! ,(!
&o(,lly "o*1%*"!) 02,0 ,ll 02(!! /!(! !$0,.l%$2!) %* 02%$ ",$! %*
,""o(),*"! /%02 02! (!4u%(!) l!1!l o- !1%)!*"! %* "(%&%*,l ",$!$.
T)e petitioner was positive!' identified b' an e'ewitness
T)e fact of Roc)e!!e Lanete-s deat) was stip!ated drin( pre4tria!, as we!! as d!' estab!is)ed drin(
A)at re1ain to be proven be'ond reasonab!e dobt are t)e ine,csab!e !ack in precation on
t)e part of t)e petitioner and t)e direct !ink of )is ne(!i(ence to t)e victi1-s deat).
+n e'ewitness accont estab!is)ed t)at t)e petitioner-s ve)ic!e acta!!' )it Roc)e!!e Lanete.
E'ewitness identification is vita! evidence, and, in 1ost cases, decisive of t)e sccess or fai!re of t)e
One of t)e prosection witnesses, Eictor Soriano, nfortnate!' for t)e petitioner-s
case, saw t)e incident in its entiret'> Eictor t)s provided direct evidence as e'ewitness to t)e ver' act
of t)e co11ission of t)e cri1e.
In )is Septe1ber 0, 0&&; testi1on', Eictor 'o$%0%1!ly %)!*0%-%!) t)e
petitioner as t)e person w)o drove t)e car t)at ra1ped on an is!and divider a!on( 5overnor 6orbes
corner 5. Ta7on Street, and )it Roc)e!!e. To direct!' Bote fro1 t)e records/
I/ 8r. Soriano, do 'o re1e1ber w)ere were 'o on or abot 0%/%% o-c!ock (sic) of "anar'
$0, 0&&2J
+/ Des, 1a-a1.
I/ A)ere were 'oJ
+/ I was at t)e corner of 5overnor 6orbes and 5. Ta7on.
I/ A)at were 'o doin( at t)e corner of 5overnor 6orbes and 5. Ta7on at t)at ti1eJ
+/ 8' sidecar was parked t)ere becase I was waitin( for 1' wife, 1a-a1.
I/ +nd w)en 'o were t)ere at t)e corner of 5. Ta7on and 5overnor 6orbes at t)e said ti1e
and p!ace, was t)ere an' nsa! incident t)at )appenedJ
+/ Des, sir.
I/ +nd w)at was t)at nsa! incidentJ
+/ I saw an accident invo!vin( a speedin( car w)ic) ra1ped over t)e is!and and b1ped a
wo1an w)o was crossin( t)e street.
I/ A)en 'o saw t)at t)e car ra1ped over t)e is!and and )it and b1ped a wo1an, w)at
)appened to t)e wo1an t)at was )it and b1ped b' t)e car w)ic) 'o said ra1ped over t)e
+/ T)e wo1an was t)rown at t)e 1idd!e of t)e road on )er back, 1a-a1.
I/ A)en 'o saw t)is wo1an after bein( )it and b1ped b' t)e car t)at ra1ped over t)e is!and
and was t)rown at t)e 1idd!e of t)e road, w)at e!se )appenedJ
, , , ,
+/ T)e wo1an was no !on(er 1ovin( at t)at ti1e w)en I saw anot)er car co1in(.
, , , ,
I/ A)at e!se )appened w)en 'o saw t)e car co1in( ver' fastJ
+/ T)e wo1an spraw!ed at t)e 1idd!e of t)e road was ran over b' t)e speedin( car and t)at car
stopped w)i!e (oin( p to t)e f!'over.
, , , ,
I/ Do said 'o saw a car t)at ra1ped over t)e is!and and t)at t)e car t)at ra1ped over t)e
is!and was t)e car t)at )it and b1ped t)e victi1 t)at was t)rown at t)e 1idd!e of t)e street.
Now, wi!! 'o be ab!e to identif' before t)is cort t)e driver of t)at car t)at ra1ped over t)e
is!and and )it and b1ped t)e victi1J
+/ Des, 1a-a1.
I/ If t)at driver of t)e car t)at )it and b1ped t)e victi1 is inside t)e cortroo1, wo!d 'o be
ab!e to point to )i1 before t)is 3onorab!e *ortJ
+/ Des, 1a-a1, )e is )ere.
I/ Ai!! 'o kind!' point before t)is cortroo1 w)o is t)at driver of t)e car t)at )it and b1ped
t)e victi1J +!t)o(), Dor 3onor, t)ere was a!read' a stip!ation at t)e start of t)e pre4tria!
ad1ittin( t)at t)e accsed Tabao is t)e driver of t)e car w)ic) ra1ped at t)e divider.
Aitness approac)in( a 1an seated inside t)e cortroo1 and w)o stood p and identified as
Edwin Tabao, t)e accsed in t)is case.
Ge1p)ases orsH
On cross4e,a1ination, Eictor frt)er e!aborated on w)at )e saw of t)e incident/
I/ 8r. Soriano, 'o said t)at t)e first car ra1ped over t)e is!and and b1ped a wo1an, and as a
res!t of t)at, t)e wo1an was t)rown at t)e 1idd!e of 6orbes Street. Co 'o confir1 t)atJ
+/ Des, sir, t)at is tre.
I/ +nd can 'o te!! s )ow t)e wo1an was )it, was b1ped b' t)e car t)at ra1ped over t)e
+/ T)e wo1an was crossin( t)e street and w)en s)e saw t)e on4co1in( car, s)e tried to avoid
t)at bt t)e car Gw)ic)H ra1ped over t)e is!and b1ped t)e wo1an.
I/ In ot)er words, t)e car first ra1ped over t)e is!and before it )it t)e wo1anJ
+/ Des, sir.
I/ A)at part of t)e car b1ped t)e wo1anJ
+/ T)e b1per of t)e car, t)e !eft side of t)e b1per.
I/ A)at part of t)e bod' of t)e victi1 was )it b' t)e carJ
+/ 3er !eft side of t)e bod'.
I/ +re 'o sa'in( t)at t)e victi1 was facin( t)e car w)en t)e car b1ped )er.
+/ Des, sir, s)e was facin( t)e car. S)e was abot to avoid t)at car.
I/ 3ow was t)e wo1an t)rown at t)e 1idd!e of 6orbes StreetJ
+/ S)e was t)rown backwards.
I/ +nd w)at part of t)e bod' of t)e victi1 first )it t)e pave1entJ
+/ T)e back of )er )ead.
, , , ,
I/ +nd 'o said after t)e wo1an was t)rown at t)e 1idd!e of t)e streetG,H anot)er speedin( car
ran over t)e bod' of t)e wo1anJ
+/ Des, sir.
, , , ,
I/ Now, fro1 t)e ti1e t)e bod' of t)e victi1 was t)rown at t)e 1idd!e of t)e street, )ow 1c)
ti1e )ad !apsed w)en t)e second car ran over t)e bod' of t)e victi1J
+/ Not 1ore t)an one 1inte. A)en I saw t)e car, it was a !itt!e bit far t)en I saw t)e car
rnnin( ver' fast. It did not take 1ore t)an a 1inte.
, , , ,
I/ Now, did 'o point at an' person (at)ered at t)e scene of t)e accident t)at it were (sic) t)e $
accsed w)o were responsib!e for t)e accidentJ
+/ I to!d *ie!o abot t)at and I to!d )i1 t)at w)oever bro()t t)e victi1 to t)e )ospita! is t)e
one w)o ran over t)e victi1.
T)e petitioner nonet)e!ess c!ai1s t)at Eictor is not a credib!e witness de to inconsistencies between
)is affidavit and cort testi1on'. 3e )arps on t)e fact t)at Eictor dec!ared in )is affidavit t)at t)e
petitioner-s car first )it Roc)e!!e before it ra1ped on an is!and divider> w)i!e )e testified in cort t)at
t)e petitioner-s ve)ic!e ra1ped on t)e is!and divider before )ittin( t)e victi1.
Ae find t)ese ar(1ents n1eritorios.
Ciscrepancies andKor inconsistencies between a witness- affidavit and testi1on' in open cort do not
i1pair credibi!it' as affidavits are taken ex parte and are often inco1p!ete or inaccrate for !ack or
absence of searc)in( inBiries b' t)e investi(atin( officer.
+t an' rate, Eictor was ab!e to sfficient!'
e,p!ain t)e discrepancies between )is affidavit and cort state1ents. Eictor reasoned ot t)at t)e
secretar' w)o t'ped )is affidavit 1ade a 1istake> and e,p!ained t)at )e si(ned t)e affidavit despite t)e
inaccracies in para(rap) $ becase t)e secretar' to!d )i1, @kasi )o 1a((!o an( nai1akini!'a na.@
+ccordin(!', w)en Eictor infor1ed )is !aw'er drin( t)e first da' of t)e )earin( abot t)e inaccrac',
t)e !atter to!d )i1 to state t)e trt) re(ard!ess of w)at was written in )is affidavit.
T)e (enera! r!e L t)at contradictions and discrepancies between t)e testi1on' of a witness and )is
state1ents in an affidavit do not necessari!' discredit )i1 L is not wit)ot e,ception, as w)en t)e
o1ission in t)e affidavit refers to a ver' i1portant detai! of t)e incident t)at one re!atin( t)e incident as
an e'ewitness wo!d not be e,pected to fai! to 1ention, or w)en t)e narration in t)e sworn state1ent
sbstantia!!' contradicts t)e testi1on' in cort.
In t)e present case, we see no sbstantia!
contradiction in Eictor-s affidavit and in )is cort state1ents as )e dec!ared in bot) t)at )e saw t)e
petitioner-s car ra1p on t)e is!and divider and b1p Roc)e!!e. +s to w)et)er t)e car ra1ped on t)e
center is!and before or after it b1ped t)e victi1 does not detract fro1 t)e fnda1enta! fact t)at Eictor
saw and identified t)e petitioner as t)e driver of t)e car t)at ra1ped on t)e is!and divider and )it
Roc)e!!e. +s ear!ier discssed, Eictor sfficient!' e,p!ained t)is inconsistenc' drin( t)e tria!.
Eictor, w)o stood on!' seven 1eters fro1 t)e incident, c!ear!' and in a strai()tforward 1anner
described )ow t)e petitioner-s car )ad b1ped t)e victi1. Ae t)s see no reason to overtrn t)e !ower
corts- findin( re(ardin( Eictor-s credibi!it', 1ore so since t)e petitioner did not i1pte an' i!! 1otive
t)at co!d )ave indced Eictor to testif' fa!se!'. T)e fnda1enta! and sett!ed r!e is t)at t)e tria! cortMs
assess1ent re(ardin( t)e credibi!it' of witnesses is entit!ed to t)e )i()est de(ree of respect and wi!! not
be distrbed on appea!, especia!!' w)en t)e assess1ent is affir1ed b' t)e *+.
T)e positive identification in t)is case, cop!ed wit) t)e fai!re of t)e defense to i1pte an' i!!41otive
on t)e e'ewitness, to or 1ind, works to dispe! reasonab!e dobt on t)e fact t)at t)e petitioner-s car
)ad in fact )it Roc)e!!e. T)e e'ewitness accont provides t)e necessar' !ink between t)e petitioner-s
fai!re to e,ercise precation in operatin( )is ve)ic!e and Roc)e!!e Lanete-s deat).
T2! '!0%0%o*!( -,%l!) 0o !3!("%$! '(!",u0%o* %* o'!(,0%*+ 2%$ 1!2%"l!
T)e ri()t of a person sin( pb!ic streets and )i()wa's for trave! in re!ation to ot)er 1otorists is
1ta!, coordinate and reciproca!.
3e is bond to anticipate t)e presence of ot)er persons w)ose
ri()ts on t)e street or )i()wa' are eBa! to )is own.
+!t)o() )e is not an insrer a(ainst in.r' to
persons or propert', it is nevert)e!ess )is dt' to operate )is 1otor ve)ic!e wit) de and reasonab!e
care and cation nder t)e circ1stances for t)e safet' of ot)ers as we!! as for )is own.
T)e petitioner repeated!' ad1itted t)at as )e drove )is ve)ic!e on )is wa' )o1e fro1 work on "anar'
$0, 0&&2, 2! )%) *o0 *o0%"! 02! %$l,*) )%1%)!( at t)e foot of t)e Na(ta)an 6!'over. +s a res!t, )is car
ra1ped on t)e is!and so t)at bot) its rear w)ee!s beca1e @e!evated@ fro1 t)e road and )e co!d no
!on(er 1anever t)e ve)ic!e.
T)e petitioner even testified t)at )is car )ad to be towed.
drin( cross4e,a1ination, )e ad1itted t)at all for w)ee!s of )is car, not .st t)e two rear w)ee!s
1entioned in )is ear!ier testi1on', !ost contact wit) t)e (rond.
T)e entire ve)ic!e, t)erefore, ended
p on top of t)e is!and divider. 3e pts t)e b!a1e for t)e ra1pin( and, essentia!!', )is fai!re to notice
t)e is!and on t)e darkness of ni()tti1e and t)e a!!e(ed newness of t)e is!and.
To or 1ind, t)e fact t)at t)e petitioner-s entire ve)ic!e ended p ra1ped on t)e is!and divider stron(!'
indicates w)at acta!!' )appened in t)e nfortnate incident. T)e ve)ic!e co!d not )ave ended p in
t)at condition )ad t)e petitioner been drivin( at a reasonab!e speed. Ae are not persaded b' t)e
petitioner-s rat)er si1p!istic accont t)at 1ere darkness, cop!ed wit) t)e traffic is!and-s a!!e(ed
newness, cased )is car to veer off t)e traffic tra.ector' of 5overnor 6orbes Street and to end p
.1pin( on top of t)e traffic is!and intended to c)anne! ve)ic!ar traffic (oin( to t)e Na(ta)an 6!'over.
+ 1otorist is e,pected to e,ercise ordinar' care and drive at a reasonab!e rate of speed co11ensrate
wit) a!! t)e conditions encontered,
to enab!e )i1 to keep t)e ve)ic!e nder contro! and, w)enever
necessar', to pt t)e ve)ic!e to a f!! stop to avoid in.r' to ot)ers sin( t)e )i()wa'.
It )as not
escaped or notice t)at t)e intersection of 5overnor 6orbes Street and 5. Ta7on Street is ad.acent to
t)e vicinit' of t)e incident. + driver approac)in( an intersection is (enera!!' nder dt', a1on( ot)ers,
to keep and 1aintain )is ve)ic!e nder contro! so )e can, if needed, stop at t)e s)ortest possib!e
Ordinar' or reasonab!e care in t)e operation of a 1otor ve)ic!e at an intersection wo!d
natra!!' reBire 1ore precation t)an is necessar' w)en drivin( e!sew)ere in a street or )i()wa'.
T)e fact t)at t)e petitioner was drivin( near t)e 5overnor 6orbes Street and 5. Ta7on Street
intersection (ives rise to t)e e,pectation t)at )e wo!d drive at a speed t)at anticipated = or wo!d
)ave anticipated = t)at ot)er persons are on t)e road, w)et)er as pedestrians or as 1otorists. T)e facts
s)ow, )owever, t)at t)e petitioner was drivin( )is car at an inappropriate speed for a ve)ic!e crossin(
an intersection. Ot)erwise, )e s)o!d )ave been ab!e to pt )is ve)ic!e to a co1p!ete stop or, at t)e ver'
!east, at a speed t)at wo!d )ave prevented )is car fro1 c!i1bin( entire!' on top of t)e is!and divider.
T)at t)e petitioner-s entire ve)ic!e !anded on top of t)e traffic is!and = bod', c)assis, for w)ee!s and
a!! = sfficient!' indicates )is speed at t)at ti1e. T)e force t)at prope!s an entire car off t)e street and
on top of a traffic is!and co!d on!' )ave been inordinate speed, or at !east speed be'ond t)at of a
1otorist co1in( fro1 or (oin( to an intersection. In s)ort, t)e ra1pin( of )is ve)ic!e de1onstrab!'
indicates to s t)at t)e petitioner fai!ed to observe t)e dt' to 1aintain a reasonab!e speed. Ae
t)erefore be!ieve Eictor-s testi1on' t)at t)e petitioner was speedin( w)en )e b1ped t)e victi1.
Ae are !ikewise not persaded b' t)e petitioner-s c!ai1 t)at darkness and t)e traffic is!and-s a!!e(ed
newness .stif' )is fai!re to notice t)e is!and. T)e petitioner-s ad1ission t)at )e did not notice t)e
traffic is!and is in itse!f an indication of )is fai!re to observe t)e vi(i!ance de1anded b' t)e
circ1stances. U!ti1ate!', it s)ows t)e cri1ina! reck!essness for w)ic) )e )as been convicted. T)e
record s)ows t)at pedestrians were present in t)e vicinit' at t)e ti1e of t)e incident. T)e *+ even
pointed ot t)at t)e vicinit' is near residentia! areas, w)i!e we pointed ot its pro,i1it' to an
intersection. T)e darkness and t)ese circ1stances s)o!d )ave cased t)e petitioner to be 1ore a!ert
and 1ore vi(i!ant, to sa' not)in( of s!owin( )is car down. New!' constrcted or not, t)e is!and divider
s)o!d )ave received t)e petitioner-s de attention. 3is bare a!!e(ation t)at t)e is!and !acked 1arkers or
ref!ectori7ed 1arks is !ikewise not persasive. +s t)e tria! cort correct!' observed, 1an' ot)er
ve)ic!es passed t)e sa1e road t)at ni()t bt on!' t)e petitioner fai!ed to notice t)e is!and divider.
t)s find t)e tria! cort to be correct w)en it )e!d t)at t)e petitioner fai!ed to e,ercise precation in
operatin( )is ve)ic!e on t)e ni()t of t)e incident.
T)e !ocation of t)e victi1-s in.ries vis4N4vis
t)e position of t)e petitioner-s ve)ic!e
T)e petitioner insists t)at )is car co!d not )ave b1ped t)e victi1 becase )is car was co1in( fro1
t)e ri()t side (i.e., fro1 EspaOa), w)i!e t)e victi1 was )it on t)e !eft side of )er bod'. 3e ar(es t)at if
t)e victi1 was on )er wa' to )er )ose on 8abini Street co1in( fro1 t)e corner of 5overnor 6orbes
Street and 5. Ta7on Street (w)ere s)e a!i()ted), t)en t)e responsib!e ve)ic!e co!d on!' )ave co1e
fro1 t)e !eft (i.e., fro1 Na(ta)an) as on!' t)ose ve)ic!es co1in( fro1 t)is direction co!d )it t)e
victi1 on t)e !eft side of )er bod'. 3e frt)er c!ai1s t)at )is car )ad no dents or scratc)es.
T)e petitioner-s ar(1ents are 1is!eadin(.
Cr. Ser(io +!te7a, "r., t)e attendin( p)'sician, testified t)at t)e victi1 sffered 1!tip!e in.ries
@co1patib!e and consistent wit) a ve)ic!ar accident.@
3e did not state t)at t)e in.ries sffered b'
t)e victi1 were on!' on )er !eft side. In fact, a persa! of Cr. +!te7a-s initia! 1edica! report s)ows t)at
t)e victi1 sffered in.ries bot) on t)e !eft and ri()t sides of )er bod'. In addition, Cr. 6!oresto +ri7a!a,
"r., t)e Nationa! <rea of Investi(ation 1edico4!e(a! officer w)o condcted an atops' on Roc)e!!e-s
bod', confir1ed t)at t)e victi1 sffered in.ries on varios parts of )er !ower ri()t and !eft e,tre1ities
as a res!t of t)e initia! or pri1ar' i1pact.
T)e petitioner re!ies )eavi!' on Cr. +!te7a-s state1ent a!!e(ed!' dec!arin( t)at t)e victi1-s in.ries on
)er !ower !eft !e( and !eft t)i() were t)e @pri1ar' i1pact@ in.ries. 3owever, t)is state1ent was not
based on t)e acta! incident bt on Cr. +!te7a-s pres1ptions. 6or c!arit', we reprodce Cr. +!te7a-s
I/ Now doctor, 'o said t)at t)ese in.ries 'o fond , , , on t)e bod' of t)e victi1 are co1patib!e
and consistent wit) a ve)ic!ar accident. Ao!d 'o te!! t)is cort )ow t)ese in.ries were sstainedJ
, , , ,
Coctor, w)at wo!d be t)e possib!e sitation w)en 'o se co1patib!e and consistent ve)ic!ar
+/ If I wo!d be a!!owed to 1ake so1e pres1ptions, if t)e patient was standin( p at t)at ti1e )e was
)it b' a ve)ic!e, I wo!d pres1e t)at t)e pri1ar' i1pact in.ries, in.ries )it first b' t)e ve)ic!e are
t)e in.ries of t)e !ower !e( and t)e !eft t)i() considerin( t)at t)e )ei()t of t)e in.ries are
appro,i1ate!' t)e )ei()t of t)e b1per as we!! as t)e )ood of t)e car.
I/ T)ere are severa! kinds of ve)ic!es, doctorJ
+/ Des, Dor 3onor, I was t)inkin( of a car. Now, after bein( )it b' GaH car, nder nor1a! condition, t)e
victi1 is nor1a!!' t)rown at t)e srface of t)e street.
Ge1p)ases orsH
6ro1 t)is e,c)an(e, we find it c!ear t)at Cr. +!te7a was 1ere!' 1akin( a )'pot)etica! state1ent t)at a
person w)o is pres1ed to be standin( w)en )it b' a ve)ic!e wo!d sffer pri1ar' i1pact in.ries on
)is !ower !e( and !eft t)i(). 3e never dec!ared t)at Roc)e!!e sffered pri1ar' i1pact in.ries on )er
!ower !eft e,tre1ities. +t an' rate, it was not i1probab!e for t)e victi1 to )ave been )it on t)e !eft side
of )er bod' as Eictor testified t)at s)e (victi1) tried to avoid t)e petitioner-s car, and was in fact facin(
t)e car w)en s)e was )it.
Ae !ikewise do not be!ieve t)e petitioner-s c!ai1 t)at )is ve)ic!e was not invo!ved in t)e incident de
to t)e absence of dents or scratc)es. +s t)e petitioner )i1se!f ad1itted, )is ve)ic!e was not sb.ected to
an' investi(ation after t)e incident. 8oreover, t)e pictres of t)e car, presented b' t)e petitioner in
cort, were taken !on( after t)e incident and after a repair )ad a!read' been done to t)e ve)ic!e. T)ere
was t)erefore no wa' of verif'in( petitioner-s c!ai1 t)at )is car did not )ave an' dent or scratc) after
t)e incident. +t an' rate, t)e absence of a dent or a scratc) on t)e petitioner-s car, ass1in( it to be
tre, does not conc!sive!' prove )is non4participation in t)e incident. T)e absence of an' dent or
scratc) is inf!enced b' severa! factors/ t)e t'pe of paint, t)e speed of t)e car, t)e points of i1pact, and
t)e 1ateria! sed on t)e car-s e,teriors.
Aei()t of e,pert testi1on'
T)e petitioner !ikewise c!ai1s t)at t)e *+ vio!ated Section ;&, R!e 02% of t)e Revised R!es of *ort
w)en it disre(arded t)e testi1on' of defense witness Po!ice Senior Inspector Cani!o *orne!io w)o
testified t)at t)e petitioner-s car co!d not )ave b1ped t)e victi1 becase t)e !atter-s bod' was not
t)rown in !ine wit) t)e car, bt on its side. T)e petitioner ar(es t)at PKSr. Insp. *orne!io is )i()!'
Ba!ified in t)e fie!d of traffic accident investi(ation, and as sc), )is state1ents are @backed4p b'
Gt)eH princip!es of app!ied p)'sics, en(ineerin(, and 1at)e1atics.@
T)e petitioner-s ar(1ents fai! to convince s.
Section ;&, R!e 02% of t)e Revised R!es of *ort states t)at t)e opinion of a witness on a 1atter
reBirin( specia! know!ed(e, ski!!, e,perience or trainin(, w)ic) )e is s)own to possess, 1a' be
received in evidence. T)e se of t)e word @1a'@ si(nifies t)at t)e se of opinion of an e,pert witness is
per1issive and not 1andator' on t)e part of t)e corts. +!!owin( t)e testi1on' does not 1ean, too, t)at
corts are bond b' t)e testi1on' of t)e e,pert witness. T)e testi1on' of an e,pert witness 1st be
constred to )ave been presented not to swa' t)e cort in favor of an' of t)e parties, bt to assist t)e
cort in t)e deter1ination of t)e isse before it, and is for t)e cort to adopt or not to adopt dependin(
on its appreciation of t)e attendant facts and t)e app!icab!e !aw. It )as been )e!d of e,pert testi1onies/
+!t)o() corts are not ordinari!' bond b' e,pert testi1onies, t)e' 1a' p!ace w)atever wei()t t)e'
1a' c)oose pon sc) testi1onies in accordance wit) t)e facts of t)e case. T)e re!ative wei()t and
sfficienc' of e,pert testi1on' is pec!iar!' wit)in t)e province of t)e tria! cort to decide, considerin(
t)e abi!it' and c)aracter of t)e witness, )is actions pon t)e witness stand, t)e wei()t and process of
t)e reasonin( b' w)ic) )e )as spported )is opinion, )is possib!e bias in favor of t)e side for w)o1 )e
testifies, t)e fact t)at )e is a paid witness, t)e re!ative opportnities for std' and observation of t)e
1atters abot w)ic) )e testifies, and an' ot)er 1atters w)ic) deserve to i!!1inate )is state1ents. T)e
opinion of t)e e,pert 1a' not be arbitrari!' re.ected> it is to be considered b' t)e cort in view of a!!
t)e facts and circ1stances in t)e case and w)en co11on know!ed(e tter!' fai!s, t)e e,pert opinion
1a' be (iven contro!!in( effect. T)e prob!e1 of t)e credibi!it' of t)e e,pert witness and t)e eva!ation
of )is testi1on' is !eft to t)e discretion of t)e tria! cort w)ose r!in( t)erepon is not reviewab!e in
t)e absence of abse of discretion.
Ae e1p)asi7e t)at PKSr. Insp. *orne!io was not an e'ewitness to t)e incident> )is testi1on' was 1ere!'
based on t)e Traffic +ccident Report prepared b' SPO; Ed(ar Re'es w)o )i1se!f did not witness t)e
incident. +t an' rate, now)ere in PKSr. Insp. *orne!io-s testi1on' did )e conc!sive!' state t)at t)e
petitioner co!d not )ave been invo!ved in t)e incident. 6or c!arit', we reprodce t)e pertinent portions
of PKSr. Insp. *orne!io-s testi1on'/
I/ A)en 'o said in !ine wit) t)e 1otor ve)ic!e t)at b1ped t)e victi1, is it t)at w)en a victi1 is
b1ped b' t)e 1otor ve)ic!e, t)e victi1 wo!d be t)rown in !ine wit) t)e ve)ic!eJ
+/ Des, 8a-a1. Usa!!', t)at is t)e otco1e of t)e incident.
I/ 3e cannot be t)rown sidewardJ
+/ 8a'be if anot)er ve)ic!e wo!d )it t)e pedestrian becase t)at a!so )appened. A)en a pedestrian is
)it b' a ve)ic!e and anot)er ve)ic!e )it t)e pedestrian, it wi!! be t)rown so1ew)ere e!se.
I/ 8r. Aitness, 'o are testif'in( as far as t)e ve)ic!e of Tabao is concerned. Do said t)at t)e !ine of
ve)ic!e t)at b1ped t)e victi1 wo!d be in !ine. +re 'o te!!in( s t)at it is not possib!e t)at w)en t)e
ve)ic!e of Tabao )it t)e victi1, t)e victi1 wo!d be t)rown sidewardsJ
+/ Des, 8a-a1.
I/ A)at do 'o 1ean, 'es, 8a-a1J
+/ 3e can be t)rown eit)er in front of t)e ve)ic!e t)at )it t)e victi1 or s!i()t!' offset wit) t)e car of
Tabao. It G1a' beH bt not far fro1 t)e side.
I/ <t )e wo!d be t)rown sidewiseG,H not fronta!J
+/ S!i()t!' to t)e side bt not considerab!e !en(t) of distance awa' fro1 t)e car. It is sidewards.
I/ In 'or 8at)e1atics, do 'o consider t)at if a ve)ic!e is speedin( fast, )e co!d )ave t)rown
an't)in( t)at is b1ped b' t)at ve)ic!e far awa' fro1 t)e ve)ic!eJ
+/ Des, 8a-a1, possib!e.
I/ So, t)at probabi!it' is a!so possib!e aside fro1 t)e probabi!it' t)at 'o said t)e victi1 is t)rown in
!ine or in front. So, 'o are now sa'in( it co!d be said t)at t)e victi1 can be t)rown sidewiseJ
+/ It G1a' beH t)rown sidewise. +s I said Ga w)i!eH a(o, it 1i()t be s!i()t!' offset wit) t)e ve)ic!e t)at
)it t)e pedestrian bt not too far fro1 t)e side of t)e b1pin( ve)ic!e.
I/ So, it co!d depend on t)e speed of t)e ve)ic!e t)at b1ped t)e ob.ect b1pedJ
+/ Des, 8a-a1.
I/ A)et)er it is forward or sidewise, t)e distance of t)e ob.ect t)rown wo!d depend on t)e speed of
t)e ve)ic!e t)at b1pedJ
+/ Des, 8a-a1.
I/ So, if it is speedin(, it co!d be t)rown fart)erJ
+/ Des, 8a-a1.
I/ Sidewise or fronta!J
+/ It s)o!d be fronta!.
I/ Do said it co!d be t)rown sidewise do I take it correctG!',H it can be t)rown sidewise a!soJ
+/ 8a'be. +s I )ave said Ga w)i!eH a(o, it G1a' beH s!i()t!' offset wit) t)e !ine of t)e ve)ic!e.
, , , ,
I/ So, do we take it fro1 'o t)at 'or basis on!' of te!!in( t)e cort t)at Tabao is not in Gan' wa'H
responsib!e is t)e distance of t)e victi1 fro1 t)e car t)at b1pedJ
+/ I a1 not sa'in( cate(orica!!' t)at t)e car of Tabao is not responsib!e. <t as I can see in t)e sketc)
presented toda' in t)is 3onorab!e *ort, t)e position of t)e victi1 is too far fro1 t)e ve)ic!e of 8r.
Tabao. If I were t)e investi(ator in t)is partic!ar case, I s)o!d indicate t)e 1easre1ent of t)e victi1
fro1 t)e car and t)is sketc) GdoesH not indicate t)e distance.
I/ Now, fai!re of t)e investi(ator to indicate t)e distance, wo!d t)at s)ow t)at it was not Tabao w)o
b1ped t)e victi1J
+/ I cannot sa' cate(orica!!' t)at t)e car of Tabao indeed, )it t)e victi1. <ecase t)e distance is ver'
si(nificant in t)is sketc) for proper eva!ation.
, , , ,
I/ So, it cannot be said t)at w)en an ob.ect is b1ped b' a ve)ic!e, it wi!! be t)rown forward. It wi!!
a!! depend on w)ic) portion of t)e b1per )it b' ob.ect b1pedJ
+/ Des, 8a-a1.
6ro1 t)e fore(oin(, it is c!ear t)at PKSr. Insp. *orne!io did not discont t)e possibi!it' t)at t)e victi1
co!d )ave been t)rown on t)e side. 3e !ikewise ad1itted t)at t)e !ocation of an accident victi1 in
re!ation to t)e ve)ic!e wo!d a!so depend on t)e speed of t)e ve)ic!e and t)e point of i1pact.
T)e defense of denia!
T)e petitioner denied t)at )is car )ad b1ped t)e victi1, and insists t)at )e .st saw t)e victi1-s bod'
spraw!ed on t)e road after )is car )ad a!read' ra1ped on t)e is!and divider.
T)e petitioner-s defense of denia! 1st cr1b!e in !i()t of Eictor-s positive and specific
testi1on'.1avvphi1 Ae reiterate t)at t)e petitioner, aside fro1 1ere!' a!!e(in( t)e inconsistenc'
between Eictor-s affidavit and cort testi1on', did not i1pte an' i!! 1otive on Eictor-s part to fa!se!'
testif' a(ainst )i1. T)e petitioner, in fact, ad1itted t)at )e and Eictor did not know eac) ot)er prior to
t)e incident. Ae )ave consistent!' )e!d t)at positive identification of t)e accsed, w)en cate(orica! and
consistent, and wit)ot an' s)owin( of i!!41otive on t)e part of t)e testif'in( e'ewitness, s)o!d
prevai! over t)e denia! of t)e accsed w)ose testi1on' is not sbstantiated b' c!ear and convincin(
+ denia! is ne(ative evidence. To be be!ieved, it 1st be bttressed b' stron( evidence of
non4c!pabi!it'> ot)erwise, t)e denia! is pre!' se!f4servin( and )as no evidentiar' va!e.
Ae si(nificant!' note t)at t)e petitioner c!ai1ed for t)e first ti1e in )is present petition t)at )e saw a
@r(4!ike t)in(@
bein( t)rown ot of a passin( car as )e was abot to a!i()t fro1 )is car after trnin(
off its en(ine> )e !ater discovered t)at t)e t)in( t)rown was a person-s bod'. 3e reiterated t)is c!ai1 in
)is 1otion for reconsideration before t)is *ort. T)is assertion was a c!ear rip4off fro1 )is co4accsed
8ende7- version w)o !ikewise c!ai1ed to )ave seen t)e sa1e t)in(. To or 1ind, t)e 1odification of
t)e petitioner-s stor' was a be!ated atte1pt to cover p )is fai!re to convincin(!' e,p!ain t)e presence
of t)e victi1-s s!1ped bod' on t)e road near )is car and a !ast4ditc) effort to e,c!pate )i1se!f.
Now)ere in )is affidavit or ear!ier cort testi1onies, or even in )is previos p!eadin(s wit) t)e !ower
corts, did )e ever state t)at a passin( car )ad t)rown a @r(4!ike t)in(@
on t)e street. T)e petitioner-s
sdden c)an(e of stor' at t)is sta(e of t)e proceedin(s casts dobt on t)e veracit' of )is c!ai1.
In addition, we are baff!ed b' t)e petitioner-s act of freBentin( t)e )ospita! after t)e incident. +1anda
Dcon(, t)e victi1-s ant, testified t)at s)e saw t)e petitioner @severa! ti1es@ at t)e )ospita! w)en t)e
victi1 was confined t)ere> bt wo!d i11ediate!' !eave w)enever )e saw 1e1bers of t)e victi1-s
fa1i!'. Ae find it )i()!' nsa! for a person w)o a!!e(ed!' )ad no participation in t)e incident to be
over!' concerned wit) t)e victi1-s we!!4bein(. A)at p77!es s even 1ore is w)' t)e petitioner wo!d
evade 1e1bers of t)e victi1-s fa1i!' w)enever )e was seen b' t)e1 at t)e )ospita!.
+!! to!d, we see no reason to overtrn t)e !ower corts- findin(s of fact and conc!sions of !aw findin(
t)e petitioner (i!t' be'ond reasonab!e dobt of t)e cri1e c)ar(ed.
A3ERE6ORE, pre1ises considered, t)e *ort reso!ves to CEND t)e 1otion wit) 6IN+LITD, no
sbstantia! ar(1ent )avin( been addced to warrant t)e reconsideration so()t. *osts a(ainst t)e

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