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Presente Simple

It snows in Alaska.
I watch television everyday.
I visit my cousin all the time.

En general, el presente simple expresa hechos o situaciones que existen, por lo general,
habitualmente, sino que ahora existen, han existido en el pasado, y es probable que
existan en el futuro.
Formacin del Present Simple
Affirmative Form
Subject + Verb + Complement
I speak English.
Negative Form
Subject + Don't / Doesn't (auxiliary verb) + Verb + Complement
I don't speak English.
Question Form
Do / Does (auxiliary verb) + Subject + Verb + Complement ?
Do you speak English?
Negative Question Form
Don't / Doesn't (auxiliary verb) + Subject + Verb + Complement ?
Don't you speak English?

The third person singular (he, she, it) is usually formed by adding -S to the root of the
verb. Sometimes -ES is added. -S, -ES and IES are added in positive sentences.
a. James listens to music every night.
b. He rarely watches TV.
c. She usually takes the train to work.

Pasado Simple

It snowed yesterday.
I watched television last night.
I visited my cousin last year.
Actividad ocurrida en un momento dado en el pasado; esto ocurri ya . Comenz y
termin en el pasado. (Todo lo subrayado a continuacin indica ese "momento dado en
el pasado")
a. I saw the manager a few minutes ago.
b. In the seventeenth century Europe, there were many problems.
c. We went sightseeing with our friends yesterday.
Tambin podemos usar for (durante) para expresar algo en el pasado simple:
a. I stayed in Canada for 6 months.
En algunos casos, el pasado simple no se refiere a acciones pasadas:
a. Its time you found a decent job.
b. Its time you gave up smoking.

"If" and "wish" - Clause (frases con "If" [si...] y "wish" [desear...])
a. If I went shopping, I would buy some bread.
b. Even if I knew the answer, I wouldnt tell you.

a. I wish you worked with us. ---> (but you dont)
b. I wish we were in Miami lying on the beach.

As if / As though (como si fuera) --> (pretend to be)
a. She speaks as if she was an expert.(she is not)
b. I feel as though the world turned round me.(it doesnt)
c. She speaks as if she is an expert.(I believe she is)

Would Rather sb did sth = Wish Clause
I would rather you smoked less.
I wish you smoked less.

Time expressions used with simple past:
four hours / two days / three weeks ago (hace X tiempo)
I saw Jack yesterday then he disappeared. (y luego)
Last night / year / week (el/la ltimo/a)
in + past time: In June, in 1986
the day before

Tiempo Futuro Simple con Will

It will snow tomorrow.
I will watch television tonight.
I will visit my cousin later.

En un determinado momento en el futuro esta accin va a suceder.
Usamos el "Will" o la contraccin 'll para indicar futuro:

1. Predicciones (Cosas que pensaos que sucedern en el futuro)

a. Doris moved to another country. Youll/ will never see her again.

2. Acciones que decidimos hacer ahora, en el momento de hablar:

A: What would you like to drink?
B: Ill have coke , please.

3. Cuando te ofreces para hacer algo por alguien:

You dont have a car. I will take you to the airport.

4. Promesas

I promise, I wont/will not tell anybody your secret.

5. Futuros planes o situaciones que salen en los telediarios o noticias en general:

The Minister will return from Ireland next week.

6. Para expresar disposicin o indisposicin de llevar a cabo una accin futura:

My father wont/will not drive when there's snow or fog.

7. Para peticiones o para dar rdenes a alguien:

Will you pass me salt, please?

Los verbos modales como "will" se usan para indicar posibilidades, sugerencias,
obligaciones, etc. NUNCA van seguidos de un verbo conjugado, siempre tiene que
ponerse un verbo en INFINITIVO:

Can: I can play the guitar. (puedo tocar)

Could: I could play the guitar when I was younger. (poda tocar)
I could go with you to the concert, if you lend me some money. (podra ir)

Shall: Shall I open the door for you? (Quiere que le abra la puerta?)
I shall phone the President to make an arrangement. (Llamar al presidente...)
*Solo se usa en situaciones muy formales.

Should: I should go to the Doctor's because I feel ill. (debera ir)

May: May I have a word with you Sir? (Podra hablar con usted sr.?)
A: May I enter the conference room? (Podra entrar a la sala de conferencias?)
B: Yes, you may Madame. (Por supuesto sra.)
*Solo se usa en situaciones muy formales.

Must: You must clean your room today! (Debes limipiar...)
*Indica obligacin (bastante estricta)

Might: I might go to the party, but I'm not sure yet. (Puede que vaya a la fiesta...)
*Solo usado para posibilidades o cuando uno est indeciso de (hacer) algo

Will: *Vase los usos de will en la pgina anterior

Would: I would like you to come with me to the cinema. (Me gustara que vinieras...)
He wouldn't go swimming because he was afraid. (No quera ir a nadar...)
I would take you to the airport, but I can't. (Te llevara..., pero no puedo) --> para
expresar indisponibilidad
*Vase los usos de will en la pgina anterior, punto 2

Para seguir mirando los tiempos progresivos llamados "continuous" o
"progressive" (present/past continious + present/past perfect continuous) y
los tiempos en pasado (present/past perfect + past participle) por favor,
mira la pgina siguiente:


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