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Business-Inform Review, a Magazine for It-Professionals

Another issue of Business-Inform Review Issue for Professionals (#5, 2!"# magazine has
$een release%& it has $een 're'are% $( )Business-Inform* Information Agen+( (Russia# an%
Re+(+ling ,imes Me%ia (-hina# s'e+ialists. ,he magazine is %e%i+ate% to the +urrent issues of
international an% Russian mar/ets of offi+e 'rinting an% 'rinting su''lies. ,he main se+tions of
the magazine are0 1lo$al In%ustr( 2ea%ers, Mar/eting, Printing 3utsour+ing, Patents an%
Intelle+tual Pro'ert(, 3ffi+e 45ui'ment an% Printing ,e+hnolog(, Printing 6u''lies, Business-
Inform Pro7e+t, Re+(+ling ,imes Me%ia 8ews. More than 5 arti+les (long an% short# 'u$lishe%
in the magazine re'resent various 'oints of view of worl%9s lea%ing s'e+ialists on +urrent mo%ern
offi+e 'rinting in%ustr( issues.
In 1lo$al In%ustr( 2ea%ers se+tion the magazine has 'resente% one of the worl%9s lea%ers in high
5ualit( toner 'ro%u+tion, :a%i Imaging ,e+hnologies (Mala(sia#. ,he author, ;avi% 1i$$ons
(Re+(+ling ,imes Me%ia %ire+tor#, in his arti+le ),he <orl%9s =irst Palm 3il-$ase% -hemi+al
,oner* is giving a %etaile% %es+ri'tion of a mo%ern +hemi+al 'alm-oil $ase% $io-toner
'ro%u+tion, an interview with :a%i9s -hief 4>e+utive 3ffi+er ?im 6iong 2iew, an% im'ressions
from visiting :a%i9s 'ro%u+tion 'lant.
In Mar/eting se+tion our magazine has 'resente% the results of the Russian 'rinting e5ui'ment
an% su''lies mar/et resear+h 'erforme% $( Business-Inform agen+( s'e+ialists in :anuar(-:une
of 2!", the ten%en+ies an% fore+asts of 1lo$al 'rinting mar/et %evelo'ment, an% mar/eting-mi>
anal(sis of +om'ati$le su''lies mar/et.
In Printing 3utsour+ing se+tion there are arti+les from Russian +om'anies ,e/o (regar%ing the
values of Prisma 'ro7e+t in im'lementation of m's-solutions# an% ;alz (regar%ing the +om'an(9s
e>'erien+e of m%s-solutions im'lementation using Ri+oh an% ?(o+era e5ui'ment#.
In Patents an% Intelle+tual Pro'ert( se+tion a list of -anon9s 'atents registere% in Russia in 2!@-
2!" has $een 'u$lishe%, as well as arti+les an% notes regar%ing the main issues with 'rote+tion
of oem-'atents on worl%9s su''lies mar/et, 'atent wars in the aftermar/et, an% oem lawsuits on
the international mar/et in 2!". ,he $est s'e+ialists in the worl% are anal(zing oem +laims
against the mar/et of +om'ati$le su''lies, the( are giving a%vises on 'ra+ti+al a+tivit( of
re+hargers on the mo%ern mar/et. ,he oem-re'resentatives are e>'laining, wh( it is so im'ortant
for their +om'anies to 'rote+t the intelle+tual 'ro'ert( an% $ran%9s image.
In 3ffi+e 45ui'ment an% Printing ,e+hnologies se+tion we have 'u$lishe% the arti+les %e%i+ate%
to Mor'ia organization (sets u' +oor%ination $etween manufa+turers of 'rinting e5ui'ment an%
mo$ile %evi+es 'ro%u+ers in or%er to stan%ar%ize 'rinting solutions im'lemente% in mo$ile
%evi+es#& as well as to the latest laser 'rinter an% mf' mo%els from 6in%oh (?orea#, su''lie% on
the Russian mar/et sin+e 2!"& an% the %is+ussion $etween the lea%ing glo$al in%ustr( s'e+ialists
on the su$7e+t of in/7et 'rinting re'la+ing laser 'rinting on the offi+e mar/et in 2!".
In Printing 6u''lies se+tion we have 'u$lishe% a large amount of information regar%ing the
+urrent state of international an% Russian offi+e 'rinting su''lies mar/ets. ,he lea%ing s'e+ialists
from international an% Russian +om'anies are 'resenting the $est of the latest 'ro%u+ts,
anal(zing the mar/et ten%en+ies an% giving a%vi+es regar%ing the 'ossi$le wa(s of 'ro%u+t an%
servi+es mar/et %evelo'ment. A s'e+ial attention in this se+tion has $een 'ai% to as'e+ts of
+onsuma$les +hoi+e (the arti+le )Aow to -ut Printing -osts -orre+tl(* $( ,ania Aagemann#.
Besi%es this we have 'u$lishe% the %etaile% information a$out 4uro'ean ,oner B In/7et
Remanufa+turers Asso+iation, its stru+ture, fun+tions an% 'ra+ti+al a+tivities.
A s'e+ial attention has $een 'ai% to the news of Business-Inform 2!"-2!5 Informational
Pro7e+t. A new Business-Inform 2!" Cirtual 4>hi$ition (its +ontent an% fun+tionalit(# has $een
'resente%, as well as a s+he%ule of events an% a list of 'ro%u+ts release% within the framewor/ of
Business-Inform 2!"-2!5 Pro7e+t. An announ+ement regar%ing the 3ffi+e 45ui'ment an%
6u''lies 4>hi$ition Business-Inform 2!5 (Mos+ow, All-Russian 4>hi$ition -enter, Ma( !D-2!,
2!5# has also $een 'u$lishe%.
In Re+(+ling ,imes Me%ia 8ews se+tion we have 'u$lishe% a wi%e s'e+trum of worl% news from
Mar+h-:ul( 2!". ,he news are 'la+e% in Mar/eting, 3em 8ews, Patents an% Intelle+tual
Pro'ert( se+tions in +hronologi+al or%er, ma/ing it more +omforta$le to loo/ through a large
amount of information.
Business-Inform Review magazine is 'u$lishe% in Russian an% 4nglish (Mar/eting an%
Business-Inform Pro7e+t se+tions# languages with a total run of !5 +o'ies. ,he magazine is
alrea%( availa$le for sale in Russia. ,he offi+ial 'resentation of the magazine a$roa% will $e hel%
within the framewor/ of Rema>Asia 4>'o 2!" International 4>hi$ition (-hina, Ehuhai,
3+to$er !F-!G, 2!"#. 3n Business-Inform we$-site $oth versions (Russian an% 4nglish# are
availa$le online.
Regar%ing the 'ur+hasing of Business-Inform Review Issue for Professionals (#5, 2!"#
magazine, an% regar%ing the 'la+ement of a%vertisements an% informational materials in the
following issues (#F, 2!"# 'lease +onta+t )Business-Inform* Information Agen+( (e-mail0
$izinformHlist.ru , infoHsfor'.ru , tel. IJ "D5 DGGF!"F#.

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