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This Revised Detailed Project Report (DPR) has been prepared to cover the cost of
construction of approaches of 2 Lane ROB in lieu of level xin! no" #$% at &a'irpur
(arru)h *a!ar Road% on Delhi +aipur Rail,a- Line"
The Rail,a- over Brid!e has been proposed to facilitate the free .ove.ent of
traffic at level xin! no" #$% at &a'irpur (arru)h *a!ar Road +aipur Rail,a- Line"
/everal trains pass on this trac) dail- as the Delhi +aipur Rail,a- line is the
.ain line" There is a heav- traffic on this Road" This road ta)es fro. the #$% at &a'irpur
(arru)h *a!ar Road to crossin! and further to (arru)h *a!ar" 0eepin! in vie, the
.ixed t-pe of traffic% a !radient of 1 in $2 has been proposed on both sides for the
approaches of the Rail,a- over Brid!e for s.ooth runnin! of vehicles" The approaches
are further connected ,ith su..it curves and valle- curves on both sides" R33 retainin!
,all have been provided in solid fill portion ,ith open cast foundation"
4 2Lane ROB ,ith footpath shall be constructed ,hich ,ill have total ,idth of
12"22 .tr" 4 #"55 . ,ide service road has been provided on both sides and under !round
covered drain has been proposed on both outer sides of the service roads"
6oreover provision for overhead 7antr- boards stair cases on ROB for
pedastrians i"e on both side of roads% paintin! of all concrete surface of the ROB ,ith
,ater based ce.ent paint 8 sand in solid fill portion has also been .ade"
4ccordin!l- this detailed esti.ate a.ountin! to Rs" 29%2#%::%:$2; has been
prepared to cover the cost of construction of this ROB"
1" Width of ROB is 12!! "t#
3lear 3arria!e ,a- < =":2 .tr"
(oot path < 2 x 1"=: . ,ide < #":2 .tr"
3rash Barrier < 2 x 2": . ,ide < 1"22 .tr"
Tot$% o&t'# to o&t'# (idth < 12!! "t#"
2" L')*th of ROB
Sid' So%id fi%% (") Sti%t'd +o#tio)
Tot$% (")
&a'irpur side 2$$"22 6 1:2"22 6 #9$"22 6
(arru)h *a!ar side #22"22 6 1:2"22 6 $:2"22 6
Rail,a- portion :$">=2 6 :$">=2 6
Tot$% ,--!! M .,-/0 M /1//0! M
#" (a) The ROB dec) slab has been )ept flat in :$">=2 . (rail,a- portion)"
(b) ?alle- curves have been provided in a len!th of :2 .tr" @ach"

$" The !radient of 1A$2 on &a'irpur as ,ell as on (arru)h *a!ar side has been provided"
:" /)e, an!le ,ith existin! rail,a- line is >
as per site condition"
5" Top of @xistin! Bi!hest Rail line at Rl- xin! is 122"22 .tr"
(RL at centre line of Rail,a- portion is 129"9: ." This has been calculated as follo,"
Bi!hest Rail top Level < 122"22 .
3lear Bei!ht (as per Rail,a-s) < >"2:2 .
/uper structure Bt" includin! ,earin! coat (as per Rail,a-) < 1"922.
FRL < 1!12, "
Total hei!ht fro. hi!hest rail top to for.ation level is 9"9:2 . in rail,a- portion"

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