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Fetal development

Learn how your baby is conceived and how your baby develops inside the mother's womb.
!estation is the period o# time between conception and birth when a baby
$rows and develops inside the mother's womb. Because it's impossible to
%now e&actly when conception occurs' $estational a$e is measured #rom the
#irst day o# the mother's last menstrual cycle to the current date. (t is
measured in wee%s.
)his means that durin$ wee%s * and + o# pre$nancy' a woman is not yet
pre$nant. )his is when her body is preparin$ #or a baby. A normal $estation
lasts anywhere #rom ,- to .* wee%s.
Week 1 - 2
)he #irst wee% o# pre$nancy starts with the #irst day o# a woman's
menstrual period. "he is not yet pre$nant.
/urin$ the end o# the second wee%' an e$$ is released #rom an ovary.
)his is when you are most li%ely to conceive i# you have unprotected
Week 3
/urin$ intercourse' sperm enter the va$ina a#ter the man e0aculates.
)he stron$est sperm will travel throu$h the cervi& 1the openin$ o# the
womb' or uterus2' and into the 3allopian tubes.
A sin$le sperm and the mother's e$$ cell meet in the 3allopian tube.
When the sin$le sperm enters the e$$' conception occurs. )he
combined sperm and e$$ is called a 4y$ote.
)he 4y$ote contains all o# the $enetic in#ormation 1/A2 needed to
become a baby. Hal# the /A comes #rom the mother's e$$ and hal#
#rom the #ather's sperm.
)he 4y$ote spends the ne&t #ew days travelin$ down the 3allopian
tube. /urin$ this time' it divides to #orm a ball o# cells called a
A blastocyst is made up o# an inner $roup o# cells with an outer shell.
)he inner $roup o# cells will become the embryo. )he embryo is what
will develop into your baby.
)he outer $roup o# cells will become structures' called membranes'
which nourish and protect the embryo.
Week 4
5nce the blastocyst reaches the uterus' it buries itsel# in the uterine
At this point in the mother's menstrual cycle' the linin$ o# the uterus is
thic% with blood and ready to support a baby.
)he blastocyst stic%s ti$htly to the wall o# the uterus and receives
nourishment #rom the mother's blood.
Week 5
Wee% 6 is the start o# the 7embryonic period.7 )his is when all the
baby's ma0or systems and structures develop.
)he embryo's cells multiply and start to ta%e on speci#ic #unctions. )his
is called di##erentiation.
Blood cells' %idney cells' and nerve cells all develop.
)he embryo $rows rapidly' and the baby's e&ternal #eatures be$in to
Your baby's brain' spinal cord' and heart be$in to develop.
Baby's $astrointestinal tract starts to #orm.
(t's durin$ this time in the #irst trimester that the baby is most at ris% #or
dama$e #rom thin$s that may cause birth de#ects. )his includes certain
medications' ille$al dru$ use' heavy alcohol use' in#ections such as
rubella' and other #actors.
Weeks 6 - 7
Arm and le$ buds start to $row.
Your baby's brain #orms into #ive di##erent areas. "ome cranial nerves
are visible.
Eyes and ears be$in to #orm.
)issue $rows that will become your baby's spine and other bones.
Baby's heart continues to $row and now beats at a re$ular rhythm.
Blood pumps throu$h the main vessels.
Week 8
Baby's arms and le$s have $rown lon$er.
Hands and #eet be$in to #orm and loo% li%e little paddles.
Your baby's brain continues to $row.
)he lun$s start to #orm.
Week 9
ipples and hair #ollicles #orm.
Arms $row and elbows develop.
Baby's toes can be seen.
All baby's essential or$ans have be$un to $row.
Week 10
Your baby's eyelids are more developed and be$in to close.
)he outer ears be$in to ta%e shape.
Baby's #acial #eatures become more distinct.
)he intestines rotate.
At the end o# the *8th wee% o# pre$nancy' your baby is no lon$er an
embryo. (t is now a #etus' the sta$e o# development up until birth.
Weeks 11 - 14
Your baby's eyelids close and will not reopen until about the +9th wee%.
Baby's #ace is well:#ormed.
Limbs are lon$ and thin.
ails appear on the #in$ers and toes.
!enitals appear.
Baby's liver is ma%in$ red blood cells.
)he head is very lar$e::about hal# o# baby's si4e.
Your little one can now ma%e a #ist.
)ooth buds appear #or the baby teeth.
Weeks 15 - 18
At this sta$e' baby's s%in is almost transparent.
3ine hair called lanu$o develops on baby's head.
;uscle tissue and bones %eep developin$' and bones become harder.
Baby be$ins to move and stretch.
)he liver and pancreas produce secretions.
Your little one now ma%es suc%in$ motions.
Weeks 19 - 21
Your baby can hear.
)he baby is more active and continues to move and #loat around.
)he mother may #eel a #lutterin$ in the lower abdomen. )his is called
<uic%enin$' when mom can #eel baby's #irst movements.
By the end o# this time' baby can swallow.
Week 22
Lanu$o hair covers baby's entire body.
;econium' baby's #irst bowel movement' is made in the intestinal tract.
Eyebrows and lashes appear.
)he baby is more active with increased muscle development.
)he mother can #eel the baby movin$.
Baby's heartbeat can be heard with a stethoscope.
ails $row to the end o# baby's #in$ers.
Weeks 23 - 25
Bone marrow be$ins to ma%e blood cells.
)he lower airways o# the baby's lun$s develop.
Your baby be$ins to store #at.
Week 26
Eyebrows and eyelashes are well:#ormed.
All parts o# baby's eyes are developed.
Your baby may startle in response to loud noises.
3ootprints and #in$erprints are #ormin$.
Air sacs #orm in baby's lun$s' but lun$s still aren't ready to wor% outside
the womb.
Weeks 27 - 30
Baby's brain $rows rapidly.
)he nervous system is developed enou$h to control some body
Your baby's eyelids can open and close.
)he respiratory system' while immature' produces sur#actant. )his
substance helps the air sacs #ill with air.
Weeks 31 - 34
Your baby $rows <uic%ly and $ains a lot o# #at.
=hythmic breathin$ occurs' but baby's lun$s are not #ully mature.
Baby's bones are #ully developed' but are still so#t.
Your baby's body be$ins storin$ iron' calcium' and phosphorus.
Weeks 35 - 37
Baby wei$hs about 6 *>+ pounds.
Your baby %eeps $ainin$ wei$ht' but probably won't $et much lon$er.
)he s%in isn't as wrin%led as #at #orms under the s%in.
Baby has de#inite sleepin$ patterns.
Your little one's heart and blood vessels are complete.
;uscles and bones are #ully developed.
Week 38 - 40
Lanu$o is $one e&cept #or on the upper arms and shoulders.
3in$ernails may e&tend beyond #in$ertips.
"mall breast buds are present on both se&es.
Head hair is now coarse and thic%er.
(n your .8th wee% o# pre$nancy' it's been ,9 wee%s since conception'
and your baby could be born any day now.
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