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WHAT'S NEW IN Global Mapper v8.

Added new tab to the Options dialog for some multi-spectral raster files (currently
only GeoTIFF files with more than 3 bands of data and Erdas IAGI!E" E#$"
%&EG'(((" and r)I* imagery with 3 or more bands of data+ to allow
controlling which bands are used for the red" green" and blue color channels
during display,
Added support to chec- for new releases of Global apper" both automatically
and manually using a new .elp menu option,
Added support for feather blending raster data to a polygonal boundary rather
than /ust along selected edges, This ma-es it much easier to feather blend the
border of a large collection of ad/acent files,
Added option to associate a list of default attribute01alue pairs with each area"
line" and point classification on the 2 )tyles tabs of the #onfiguration dialog, If a
default attribute list is pro1ided for a type any new features created with that type
using the *igiti3er Tool will automatically add those default attribute01alue pairs,
New Import/Export Formats
o Added support for loading *$G files,
o Added support for importing data from $As& ,map format files,
o Added support for e4porting lines with ele1ation and0or roughness 1alues
to be e4ported to $As& ,map format files for use in the $As& wind
analysis application,
o Added option to e4port sur1ey section (i,e, section0township0range+ area
features to &latte 5i1er A)#II *igiti3er format files,
o Added support for e4porting gridded ele1ation data to &G format
grayscale grid files,
o Added support for loading !TF-format contour files as supplied by the
67 Ordnance )ur1ey,
o Added support for loading 7I!G*O planimetric polygon files li-e
those used by )T ()eismic icro-Technology+ software,
Imae !e"t#$#er %&a'es
o Added option to shift all of the control points for a file when rectifying
imagery or 1ector data, This effecti1ely pro1ides an easy way to shift a file
by a gi1en distance,
o Added Apply button to the image rectification dialog to allow the results
of repositioning a layer to be immediately seen in the reference map
(##t#)er Tool %&a'es
o Added option to the *igiti3er Tool to automatically create 1ertices at the
intersections of selected line features,
o Impro1ed beha1ior of 1erte4 insertion into area and line features so that
the new 1erte4 is inserted at the clic-ed location rather than the nearest
point on the feature to the clic-ed location,
o $hen inserting new 1ertices in selected line and area features with the
*igiti3er Tool" automatically select the newly added 1ertices to allow easy
mo1ing and /oining of them,
o Added option when creating range rings with the *igiti3er Tool to create a
8multi-ring9 by combining the outer rings of multiple range rings into a
single combined boundary,
o $hen adding range rings and point features are selected" added option to
add the new range rings at the selected point locations,
o #hanged beha1ior of mo1ing features and 1ertices with the *igiti3er Tool
so that the mo1e operation is terminated once the feature(s+01ertices are
mo1ed, This is to pre1ent inad1ertently mo1ing the features again,
o Fi4ed problems in *igiti3er Tool with hori3ontal and 1ertical snapping not
wor-ing properly for the last 1erte4 added to line and area features,
o #hanged 8point-in-polygon9 selection hot -ey from A:T to the ;&< -ey,
!ow if you hold down the ;&< -ey when left clic-ing to select with the
*igiti3er Tool" the top-most area feature containing the clic-ed location
will be selected,
o ade holding down the A:T -ey when selecting features and0or 1ertices
automatically put you in o1e mode after the selection" thus pro1iding a
=uic- way to manually reshape or mo1e features,
*ol#s& M* +"G*SMapper, S-pport %&a'es
o Added option to the &olish & e4port to allow the use of a template &
file for getting the map settings to sa1e in the newly created & file,
o ade addressing and routing attributes for line features be written to
&olish & files on e4port if they e4ist in the data being e4ported,
o ade all point features e4cept for -nown cities be written out to &olish
& files as 5G!>( features rather than 5G!'( features,
o ade features in &olish & files that do not ha1e data at le1el ( still be
S"r#pt#' %&a'es
o Added new E?&O5T@ETA*ATA command to the scripting language to
allow e4porting of te4t metadata for loaded layers to a file,
o Added ability to grid e4ports from script files when using the
E?&O5T@E:EAATIO!" E?&O5T@5A)TE5" and E?&O5T@AE#TO5
script commands,
o Added )AAE@*I)T@B@FI:E parameter for
GE!E5ATE@&AT.@&5OFI:E script command to allow specification that
a file containing distance and ele1ation 1alues should be sa1ed rather than
one with the ?CB coordinates of the path profile line,
o #orrected beha1ior of &OI!T@)&A#I!G parameter for
GE!E5ATE@&AT.@&5OFI:E script command, It was generating one
less sample point than needed,
o Added new *EFI!E@).A&E script command, This is currently used for
defining a polygonal feather blend boundary,
o Added ability to e4port #*F format files from a script,
o Allowed &O:CGO!@#5O&@FI:E to be used for E?&O5T@AE#TO5
command, For now all line and area features will /ust be cropped to the
bounding bo4 of the specified polygon, &oint features for some formats
will actually be cropped to the polygon,
WMS %&a'es
o Fi4ed problems e4porting $) data layers to Global apper &ac-age
files, !ow the full detail of the data layer will always be e4ported,
o 5emo1ed limit on the length of $) ser1er 65:s added through the
8)elect $) *ata )ource to :oad9 dialog,
o Added support for adding custom $) sources with a =uestion mar- at
the end of the ser1er 65:,
o Added support for adding custom $) sources with a ser1ice name other
than $) (this was not wor-ing properly before+,
Added option to 'D-bit 5GE and %&G-in-TIFF GeoTIFF e4ports to ha1e any
bac-ground0no data pi4els mar-ed as transparent, This wor-s by adding an alpha
channel to the file, This might not be supported by all applications,
Added support for loading the B coordinates for 3* area features from most 3*
Added option to the )imple A)#II Te4t e4port to write out the C (latitude+
coordinates before the ? (longitude+ coordinates if desired,
Added support for cropping )imple A)#II Te4t e4ports to a selected area feature,
!ote that this will only crop point features to the selected area feature, E4ported
area and line features will only be cropped to the bounding bo4 of the selected
$hen e4porting 1ector data to )imple A)#II Te4t files" made area features that
e4tend outside of the e4port bounds be cropped to the e4port bounds,
Added option on the File menu of the &ath &rofile0:O) dialog to sa1e the sight
line and the Fresnel 3one line (if applicable+ to a 7: format file for display in
Google Earth,
ade o1erwrite of e4isting wor-space files fail-safe by not writing out the
wor-space to the e4isting file until the wor-space sa1e is complete and error-free,
This pre1ents any errors during a wor-space sa1e from wiping out an e4isting
wor-space file that was being o1erwritten,
Added additional progress reporting when batch con1erting files,
*ramatically sped up the loading of map catalog files with lots of files in different
Fi4ed problem with scale being slightly changed when printing to scale with a
header and0or footer,
ade )tate &lane pro/ections with !A*F3 .A5!0.&G! datums be properly
sa1ed and loaded from &5% files,
Added support for loading E#$ and %&G'((( files with more than F bits per
color channel" including ele1ation-based files,
ade the TIFFTAG@)A&:EFO5AT 1alue be written out for >G-bit ele1ation
TIFF files so that E)5I products can properly read them when negati1e 1alues are
Added option to s-ip files for which the pro/ection cannot be automatically be
determined when batch con1erting files,
Added support for decoding some additional !ITF imagery formats" in particular
'-band >G-bit per band imagery,
Added &O)GA5HD (Argentina+ datum,
Fi4ed bug in gridding while e4porting with an o1erlap percentage specified that
caused the o1erlap to not be applied to the right or bottom sides of some files
when splitting up the e4port to a fi4ed ground si3e,
Added support for loading r)I* imagery with more than F bits per color
Fi4ed display of A*5G0A)5&06)5& data sets with D-bit count 5:E
Added option to the Aector *isplay tab of the #onfiguration dialog to ha1e only
the border of selected area features highlighted,
Added additional :ambert France pro/ections to handle the newer pro/ections
with larger false northings, ade the attributes used for each of these :ambert
pro/ections be listed on the &ro/ection selection dialog as well,
Added support for decoding and encoding :ambert France pro/ection codes from
GeoTIFF files,
Added support for automatically decoding pro/ection and datum information from
te4t metadata files accompanying e4ican topo maps,
Fi4ed rare problems loading some !O)0GEO format files,
Fi4ed bug cropping repro/ected area features on e4port to apInfo IF0I*
format files, The bug caused those areas to not be e4ported,
Impro1ed beha1ior of near-white colors when e4porting to image-optimi3ed
$hen e4porting 3* point features to *?F files" e4port the ele1ation information
after the coordinate information rather than before,
Fi4ed problems loading positioning information from Touratech (TTIA+ ,cal files
where the first pi4el control point is at (("(+, Also added support for automatically
decoding )wiss Grid pro/ections from those files,
Fi4ed application of Fresnel 3one analysis to 1iew sheds, It had nearly no effect in
the 1F,(( release for 1iew sheds (it did wor- properly for line of sight analysis
E4panded support for FA)T-format :andsat imagery to allow the direct loading of
panchromatic" A!I50)$I5" and thermal imagery without needing a @T:,F)T
header file,
Fi4ed problem with line 1ertices showing up slightly offset from the line when
3oomed way in on line features that are also being repro/ected,
Impro1ed display of D-band *igital Globe Iuic-Eird imagery with F bits per
color band,
5emo1ed special TIFF and GeoTIFF metadata pages and placed all of the
information on the main metadata page so that the information could be easily
copied to the clipboard,
Impro1ed decoding of diacritic te4t from !IA G!) point data files, The 6TF-F
encoded te4t is now con1erted to the current system codepage for impro1ed
display of diacritic and other e4tended characters,
Fi4ed 1ery slow display of some large tiled TIFF files,
*ramatically sped up e4port of Terra)er1er-6)A data when it is being e4ported in
a pro/ection other than Geographic,
Added %&EG'((( ,/p'" E)E chart ,-ap" and &olish ,& files to the list of
8)upported #ommonly 6sed Types9 list on the file selection dialog,
Added option to #)A e4port to include :ATIT6*E and :O!GIT6*E columns
e1en if the pro/ection is not Geographic,
*rastically reduced memory re=uirements when e4porting 1ector data to Global
apper &ac-age files and sa1ing generated 1ector features (li-e contour lines+ to
wor-space files, This should eliminate all error messages when e4porting pac-age
files and most when e4porting wor-space files,
Added 1ersion to title bar,
$hen e4porting a A5: file" made the lowest 1ertical e4aggeration setting on
the slider correspond to no 1ertical e4aggeration at all,
Fi4ed bounds of e4ported A5: files so that they will tile properly, In addition"
additional comments were added A5: file headers to describe the ground
location of the data and additional digits of ele1ation precision were also written
out in most cases,
$hen using the ;Add :oaded Files< or ;Add Onscreen Files< batch con1ersion
dialog buttons" allow the user to add files of types other than the specified input
file type,
Allowed for entry of a3imuth and altitude light angle 1alues at greater than integer
precision on the Aertical Options tab of the #onfiguration dialog,
o1ed the #onfiguration button on the toolbar to be ne4t to the O1erlay #ontrol
#enter button as that is a more logical grouping,
#hanged the globe button on the toolbar to launch the online Terra)er1er-
6)A0$) data access dialog rather than going to the Find *ata Online page at
$hen mar-ing a waypoint from a trac-ed G&) location" automatically add
ele1ation (if a1ailable+ and timestamp attributes,
Fi4ed error message and loc-up on )earch-K)earch by !ame dialog when
searching on the last start letter (li-e ;B<+ and ha1ing non-alphanumeric characters
starting some of the strings,
ade )tate &lane pro/ections be recogni3ed from E#$ files rather than using the
base pro/ection (li-e :ambert #onformal #onic+,
6pdated )urfer E:! e4port to use new comma-delimited format,
)ped up some raster0ele1ation e4ports from map catalogs (e4ports that span many
maps from the catalog in a single e4port row+,
ade ele1ation units for most gridded ele1ation e4ports default to the ele1ation
units of the loaded data or" if the 1ertical display units are manually set to metric
or statute on the Aertical *isplay tab of the #onfiguration dialog" to meters or feet
Added option when gridding on e4port and naming the rows or columns with
numbers to specify a step 1alue by which to increment the row or column
numbers rather than /ust >,
ade the default pro/ection system displayed for files for which the pro/ection
cannot automatically be determined be configurable, This default pro/ection
system can be set by sa1ing a default,pr/ file in the Global apper installation
WHAT'S NEW IN Global Mapper v8.00
Added support for loading data from OpenG# $) ser1ers, This is done through
the new File-K*ownload Online Imagery0Topo aps menu command (formerly
the *ownload Terra)er1er menu command+, )e1eral sources are built-in"
pro1iding easy access to gridded ele1ation data for the 6) (!E*+ and the world
()5T+ as well as color imagery for the entire world, 6sers can easily add their
own $) data sources as well,
Added support for e4porting loaded 1ector data to the &olish & format for use
with the cG&)apper application (www,cgpsmapper,com+ which allows the
creation of new maps for Garmin G&) units,
Added support for loading &olish & format files li-e those used by the
cG&)apper application,
Added support for loading 1ector data from 7:07B format files,
Added support for loading !ITF (!ational Imagery Transmission Format+ format
Added support for loading Geodas Grid (G5*HF+ format ele1ation files,
Added support for loading some Intergraph #OT format files,
Added support for loading #*F (GE) #artographic *ata Format+ files,
Greatly impro1ed the raster layer options by adding support for color balancing
(indi1idual red" green" and blue ad/ustment+" linear min0ma4 contrast stretch"
setting transparency for multiple layers at a time" feather blending (see below+ and
cropping to nati1e bounds or by a gi1en number of pi4els,
Added feather blending support for raster layers to the Options a1ailable from the
O1erlay #ontrol #enter, This is an e4tremely powerful feature that allows
smoothly blending raster layers with underlying layers, For e4ample" you might
ha1e high resolution imagery on top of lower resolution imagery, $ith feather
blending" you can smooth the sharp edge and ma-e the transition at the border
Added support for chec-ing clearances with respect to the first Fresnel 3one when
calculating 1iew sheds and performing line of sight analysis, This allows for a
more accurate 1isibility calculation depending on the wa1elength being
Added support for ha1ing labels be displayed at a fi4ed height in meters rather
than at the same si3e at each 3oom le1el, This option is on the bottom of the font
selection dialog when either selecting a font for a classification on one of the 2
)tyles tabs on the #onfiguration dialog or when selecting a font for a feature
when editing it,
Added option to always display the label for a particular feature or classification
if labels are displayed, This option is on the bottom of the font selection dialog
when either selecting a font for a classification on one of the 2 )tyles tabs on the
#onfiguration dialog or when selecting a font for a feature when editing it,
(##t#)er Tool %&a'es
o Added an undo option when digiti3ing new features with the *igiti3er
Tool or drawing new measurements with the easure Tool, )imply press
#trlLB and the last 1erte4 added to the feature0measurement being drawn
will be remo1ed,
o #hanged the snapping beha1ior in the *igiti3er Tool so that snapping is
disabled using the A:T -ey (rather than #T5:+ and that snapping to
1ertices only is enabled by holding down the ;A< -ey (rather than ).IFT+,
o $hen digiti3ing new features or mo1ing e4isting feature or 1ertices using
the *igiti3er Tool" made holding down the #T5: -ey ma-e the new
location be snapped 1ertically" holding down the ).IFT -ey ma-e the new
location be snapped hori3ontally" and holding down both the #T5: and
).IFT -eys snap the location diagonally,
o Added a new ad1anced selection option popup menu to the right-clic-
popup menu for the *igiti3er Tool when one or more area features is
selected, This new menu has options for selecting all point and area
features within the selected area(s+" ma-ing it easy to select and edit
features within a particular area,
o Added option to the *igiti3er Tool to allow creating new line features
from the boundaries of selected area features,
o $hen placing new range ring features with the *igiti3er Tool" ma-e the
range ring center snap to e4isting features /ust li-e line" area" and point
features do when drawing them, Cou can hold down #trl when placing the
range ring to disable snapping,
o $hen adding areas as islands to e4isting features with the *igiti3er Tool"
prompt the user for whether or not the original areas should be mar-ed as
deleted, &re1iously the original areas were always mar-ed as deleted" but
this is not always desired,
Export %&a'es
o Greatly sped up e4ports to numerous binary formats" including )hapefiles"
Global apper Grid files" and )urfer Grid files" especially when e4porting
to a networ- dri1e,
o Added option when gridding data on e4port to ha1e the column name be
first and then the row name in the generated filename" rather than the
default of row name first" then column name,
o Added option when gridding data on e4port to turn off the prepending of
3eroes to numeric column or row names in order to ma-e them all the
same length,
o Added option to sa1e a gridded file of slope 1alues rather than ele1ations
when e4porting to a Float0Grid format,
o #orrected te4t encoding recorded in e4ported 7:07B files to I)O-
FFMH-> rather than 6TF-F,
o Added option when e4porting to 7:07B format files to fa-e an
ele1ation for '* area features in order to get the same draw order in
Google Earth as you see in Global apper,
o $hen gridding an e4port that is also cropped to a selected area feature"
don<t create files to any grid cells that don<t intersect the selected area
o $hen e4porting )hapefiles" remo1e any duplicate 1ertices from the
e4ported lines,
o Added option when e4porting GeoTIFF files to generate &5% files for the
GeoTIFF files,
o Added option when e4porting 3* *?F Face files to generate the
coordinates as E#EF (earth-centered earth-fi4ed+ rather than in whate1er
pro/ection system is selected (use E?&O5T@E#EFNCE) parameter for
E?&O5T@E:EAATIO! command in scripting language to script this
o Added option when batch con1erting to *G! format to control whether or
not 3* *G! files are created,
o Fi4ed problems sa1ing some :ambert #onformal #onic based pro/ections
to E#$ files, In the 1O,(D release a bug was introduced which would
cause some pro/ections to not ha1e a pro/ection string written to a newly
created E#$ file,
o ade transparency when e4porting &!G files wor- when including either
loaded 1ector data or the displayed scale" legend" and0or grid,
o $hen e4porting )imple A)#II te4t files" ma-e the G@TC&E attribute be
e4ported when necessary if either attribute e4port option is enabled rather
than only when the style attributes e4port option is enabled,
!e"t#$#"at#o' %&a'es
o $hen rectifying imagery" made snapping to nearby 1ector data in the
5eference ap 1iew be turned off by holding the Alt -ey when left
clic-ing rather than holding down the #trl -ey, This allows both snapping
and 3ooming to a clic-ed location to be done by holding down the #trl
o $hen rectifying imagery" made left-clic-ing in the Boomed Image and
5eference Image 1iews drop a small red dot to 1isually indicate the clic-
o In the image rectification dialog" made holding down the #trl -ey increase
the pan si3e to a half screen when panning with the edge arrow on any of
the map 1iews,
*ro.e"t#o'/(at-m %&a'es
o ade &5% files be sa1ed if possible in the newer &5% well--nown-te4t
($7T+ format rather than the older E)5I-originated format that is no
longer supported by E)5I products, There is an option to use the older
&5% format if desired on the General tab of the #onfiguration dialog,
o Added support for the Eipolar Obli=ue #onic $estern .emisphere" Times"
Old Israeli Grid" and !ew Israeli Grid pro/ections,
o Added #orrego Alegra" !I* (!ew Israeli *atum+" OI* (Old Israeli
*atum+ and I!*HM (Iatar+ as built-in datums,
o Added #lar-e >FF( (&alestine+" #lar-e >FF( (5G)+ and )phere 5adius
G3O>((( m as built-in ellipsoids a1ailable for use with custom datums,
o Fi4ed problems using and sa1ing the Iuebec T pro/ection for which
support was added in the last release,
o ade the names of state-plane 3ones listed on the pro/ection selection
dialog include the FI&) 3one number of the 3one,
o Allowed the use of the !A*F3 .A5!0.&G! datums with )tate &lane
o Fi4ed problems decoding the :ambert France pro/ections from old format
&5% files and wor-spaces,
o Increased accuracy of O)GE3G datum con1ersions,
o ade central meridian scale factor for :ambert #onformal #onic
pro/ections only be used in the >)& (both first and second standard
parallels the same+ case since it can only be unity (>,(+ in the ')& case,
o Fi4ed decoding of 6T 3ones in the )outhern hemisphere from some new
format &5% files,
o Fi4ed Trans1erse ercator pro/ections when used with datums based on
perfect spheres (these would only ha1e been custom datums based on a
spherical ellipsoid+,
Added option to custom shader dialog to allow initiali3ation of a custom shader
from a )urfer #:5 shader palette file,
$hen creating or editing a map catalog and using the 8Add :oaded Files9 or
8Add Onscreen Files9 buttons" made files from other loaded map catalogs be
added as well if they are not already in the map catalog being wor-ed with,
$hen sa1ing a wor-space with any gridded ele1ation data loaded" made the
current shader and other 1ertical display settings be written to the wor-space so
that the 1iew will be the same when the data is reloaded,
Added new ad1anced options list to the General tab of the #onfiguration dialog to
allow selecting ad1anced options li-e treating *?F I!)E5T entities as points"
automatically adding custom types for *?F layers" e4porting old format &5%
files" preferring world file coordinates o1er embedded coordinates for GeoTIFF
files" and prompting for whether or not >G-bit EI: data is imagery or ele1ation
Added )AAE@)#A:E@A!*@:EGE!* parameter to the E?&O5T@5A)TE5
script command to allow sa1ing the distance scale and0or ele1ation legend to
generated raster format files,
Added &OI!T@)&A#I!G parameter to the GE!E5ATE@&AT.@&5OFI:E script
command to allow specifying the spacing between sample locations along a path
profile rather than the number of points,
Fi4ed reading of )hapefiles with &olygonB and &olygon shape types which
donPt ha1e B or 1alues for all features,
Allowed specification of the default ele1ation units to use for 1ector data with
ele1ations from the Options button of the O1erlay #ontrol #enter, This ele1ation
units 1alue will be used for any ele1ation 1alues associated with 1ector features in
that layer that do not e4plicitly contain a unit identifier (i,e, 8ft9 or 8m9+,
$hen sa1ing0updating feature measure information for polygon features that ha1e
islands0holes" include the area of the island features as a separate
I):A!*@A5EA attribute, Also subtract the area of those islands away from the
total polygon area stored in the E!#:O)E*@A5EA attribute to gi1e a true
representation of the actual area co1ered by the polygon,
Greatly impro1ed the load speed and reduced the memory re=uirements for most
E& format files,
Impro1ed auto-assignment of type names based on feature descriptions when
loading *?F files to handle type names with spaces or underscores in them,
Fi4ed error when sa1ing a wor-space file containing a map catalog with auto-
collar cropping enabled,
Fi4ed problems decoding !EA G&) streams where the only 1alid sentence is
the QG&5# sentence,
Fi4ed problem with the label bac-ground for labels set to display with filled
bac-grounds being white rather than the current 1iew bac-ground color in some
instances when raster or gridded ele1ation data is also being displayed,
ade the si3e of the 1ector search dialog be remembered between runs,
Allowed E#$ and r)I* files without embedded positioning information to use
positioning information from additional sources" li-e world files,
5eplace underscores with spaces in waypoint names loaded from #ompeG&)
format files,
ade symbols for waypoints from #ompeG&) files be automatically set if the
symbol name for the waypoint matches a Global apper symbol name,
Fi4ed restoring of default drawing styles for area and line features from the tabs
of the #onfiguration dialog, This has been bro-en since the 1G,(F release,
Added support for reading coordinates from world files where the coordinates are
separated with tabs rather than being on separate lines,
ade the list of layers in the O1erlay #ontrol #enter be scrollable with the mouse
#orrected image registration 1ia #ompeG&) I& files with control points in
multiple 6T 3ones or in a 6T 3one in the )outhern hemisphere,
Impro1ed decoding of #ompeG&) I& files using :ambert #onformal #onic
)ped up the import of large *TE* files,
ade symbol and type loo-ups by name wor- properly for types and symbols
with accented characters,
*on<t allow multiple custom shaders with the same name to be used,
Fi4ed loading of Arc A)#II Grid files with lines o1er 'MG 7E in length (up to a
ma4 of 'E per line+,
Fi4ed bug with display of raster layers te4ture mapped o1er loaded ele1ation
layers that do not use the shared default shader,
Fi4ed bug in the encoding of area features in *:G-O files and allowed correct
reading of incorrectly encoded *:G-O files with area features,
Fi4ed display of tiled >G-bit grayscale TIFF imagery,
Fi4ed recording of G&) trac-log when attached G&) de1ice always reports an
ele1ation of (,
Fi4ed auto-contrast ad/ustment for some large images with >G bits per color
ade rotation 1alues from E:$ files used to position EI: files be used,
Added option to Aector *isplay tab of the #onfiguration dialog to allow hiding
any e4tra te4t displayed below road icons" li-e alternate names for the road,
Added option to the General tab of the #onfiguration dialog to control whether or
not grid lines should e4tend beyond the edge of loaded data,
Added support for dragging Global apper )cript (G)+ files onto a running
instance of Global apper and ha1e them be run,
Added support for >G-bit per color channel separated (Geo+TIFF files with more
than 3 bands of data,
Impro1ed rendering of some lat0lon data that crosses the anti-meridian (>F( E0$+"
such as range rings,
Added option to the easure Tool to ha1e measured lines and areas be drawn
along great circles rather than on straight lines (all measurements are always
along great circles+,
Fi4ed rare problem with min and ma4 1alues being treated as in1alid from some
)urfer Grid files,
ade national wilderness and wildlife areas in >((7 )*T) *:G files be detected
and automatically classified as 8!ational &ar- (Other+9,
Impro1ed positioning of imagery using O3i ,map files that reference the )wiss
Grid pro/ection,
#orrected positioning of imagery using O3i ,map files that specify a 8map scale
factor9 ()F+ 1alue other than >,
Added support for reading te4t from TE?T entities in *?F files,
ade lin- elements in G&? files be sa1ed as attributes in the created features,
Fi4ed 1ery rare loc-up when creating an ele1ation grid from 3* 1ector point
features or during A)#II file import,
Fi4ed problem with attribute tags in e4ported *G! files not being recogni3ed by
Added Gridding tab when generating contours to allow brea-ing up the contour
generation into multiple smaller pieces,
Impro1ed the 1isual appearance of gridded ele1ation data along the edges of the
data when interpolating (the 1isible seem is reduced or disappears altogether in
some cases+,
WHAT'S NEW IN Global Mapper v/.00
Added 7:07B e4port function, This allows any loaded 1ector data to be
e4ported to a 7:07B format file for use in Google Earth,
Fi4ed problem on some systems that would cause the application to disappear or
crash when attempting to select a new file for loading or sa1ing, This problem
occurred on $indows ?& )&' systems which also had Adobe Acrobat 5eader 1O
installed, Apparently the installation of Acrobat 5eader changed some built-in
$indows beha1ior in a way that bro-e Global apper (and se1eral other
(GN Import/Export %&a'es
o Allowed batch con1ersion of 1ector data to *G! format files,
o Allowed e4port of *G! format files from Global apper scripts using the
E?&O5T@AE#TO5 command,
o ade tag 1alues be read in from *G! files and stored as attributes,
o ade point features stored as (-dimensional lines in *G! 1O files load
o $hen e4porting *G! files" made the current 1iew bac-ground color be
sa1ed as the *G! bac-ground color,
o $hen e4porting *G! files" made the correct unit con1ersion and type
1alues be used rather than reporting all units as meters,
o $hen e4porting *G! files" made the le1el number used for e4ported
features that originally came from a *G! file be maintained,
o $hen e4porting *G! files" made te4t features be e4ported for line and
area features that ha1e labels,
o $hen e4porting *G! files" made te4t labels be si3ed proportionally to the
font si3e used for the label in Global apper, The e4port options dialog
also has an option to scale the te4t to ma-e it larger or smaller and still
maintain the proportionality,
o $hen e4porting *G! files" made generation of a 3* *G! file optional,
o $hen e4porting *G! files" added an option to also generate a &5% file
containing the nati1e pro/ection of the coordinates in the *G! file,
o $hen e4porting *G! files" added an option to specify the unit resolution
to use" such as >(( to use centimeters when the e4port ground units are
Allowed sa1ing of the 3* 1iew to images of a si3e other than the 3* 1iew
window si3e on systems that support this operation, any older or underpowered
1ideo cards will not support this operation" but newer 1ideo cards with the latest
dri1ers should be o-,
Added support for loading %apanese *E (%*E+ ,mem files,
Added support for loading )EG&> seismic shotpoint format data files,
Added support for loading #ompeG&) 5TE" T57" and $&T format files,
Added option when batch con1erting to a 3oned pro/ection" li-e 6T or Gauss
7rueger" to 8Automatically )elect the Eest Bone9 for each file being con1erted"
allowing easy con1ersion of files that span multiple 3ones, The auto-selection
option will be at the top of the 3one list for those 3ones where it is a1ailable,
Export Gr#11#' %&a'es
o Added option when gridding data on e4port into ad/acent tiles to ma-e
those tiles o1erlap by some percentage of the tile si3e, This is to allow
more easily o1erlaying the data in other non-mapping applications" li-e
o Added option when gridding data on e4port and separately naming tile
rows and columns to specify the start number or letter for the rows and0or
columns rather than /ust using > and ;A<,
o Added option when gridding data on e4port into a specified number of
rows and columns to crop the right and bottom grid cells to the specified
e4port bounds, This may ma-e the grid cells not all ha1e the same si3e"
but will pre1ent e4traneous data from appearing on the right and bottom
o #hanged naming of numeric rows0columns when gridding data on e4port
to ma-e the numeric name for e1ery tile be padded with (<s to the
ma4imum length of the numeric label for any row0column, For e4ample" if
>(( columns of tiles were being e4ported" the columns names would go
((>" (('" R" >(( rather than >" '" R >((,
o ade most settings on the Gridding tab of e4ports be remembered
between runs,
o Added option when gridding data on e4port to not e4port grid tiles where
the destination file already e4ists, This is useful for continuing a canceled
e4port" or re-e4porting /ust some tiles that you want different data in,
)imply delete the tiles that you want to re-e4port" then do the e4port again
with the option to s-ip e4isting files chec-ed,
o Added option when gridding data on e4port to specify a prefi4 to apply to
the column and row names when separately naming rows and columns,
$hen loading )hapefile" apInfo" and *?F format files" use the layer
name0attributes to try and auto-classify features,
$hen e4porting )hapefile and apInfo IF0I* features and including the
description as an attribute" also include the classification as a G@TC&E attribute
if the description for any of the feature being e4ported is not the default of the
classification name,
Added built-in support for the Iuebec T pro/ection,
Added support for western hemisphere 3ones when using the Gauss 7rueger G-
degree 3one pro/ection,
Added built-in support for the :65EF (:u4embourg+ datum,
Impro1ed accuracy of the *utch Grid pro/ection and the *utch (5*+ datum,
$hen performing cut-and-fill 1olume calculations" also calculate and display the
surface area that needs cut and filled respecti1ely,
ade the 8&ath *etails9 dialog for a 3* path profile display the along-ground
distance (i,e, distance with ele1ation changes ta-en into account+ as well as the
minimum and ma4imum ele1ation 1alues along the path,
Added support for loading 6)5& data sets (A)5& data with 6T coordinates+,
ade all appropriate border pi4els be mar-ed as transparent in A*5G" A)5&" and
6)5& data sets,
Added option to )imple A)#II E4port to ma-e style attribute e4port be controlled
separately from data attribute e4port,
Added button to the custom shader edit dialog allowing the ele1ation 1alue for an
e4isting ele1ation0color range be changed,
Added option to the *igiti3er Tool when multiple point features are selected to
identify any point features that are within a user-specified distance of other
selected point features, This is helpful for finding duplicate points,
*isplay the height of any gridded ele1ation data in the status bar as you mo1e the
cursor around" e1en if the cursor is near 1ector data (the height will be appended
to the nearest 1ector feature description+,
$hen placing new point0te4t features or mo1ing a single point0te4t feature with
the *igiti3er Tool" ma-e the point snap to e4isting features /ust li-e line and area
features do when drawing them, Cou can hold down #trl when placing the point
to disable snapping,
ade #)A files created by the :owrance )onarAiewer software be automatically
detected and loaded rather than prompting the user for input parameters,
Added option to #*F e4port to allow e4porting coordinates in either the current
pro/ection system or lat0lon,
Allowed *TE* files with in1alid column numbers in the data record to be loaded,
Added support for loading Geosoft Grid files with right-handed 1ector
Added automatic detection of world files that ha1e an e4tra ,t4t appended to the
Impro1ed loading of ATT5IE 1alues from *?F 1alues,
Impro1ed e4port of point0te4t features to *?F files,
Fi4ed loading of 3* :I!E entities from *?F files where the start and end points
had different ele1ations,
ade 3*FA#E entities be loaded from *?F files,
Added option to use the display label as the layer name when e4porting to *?F
files rather than the description0type if a layer name is a1ailable for a feature,
Allowed 8#rop to )elected Area Feature9 option to be used when generating
Added option when generating contours to control whether or not unit indicator
suffi4es should be appended to labels for the generated contour features,
Added I!#@6!IT@)6FFI? parameter to the GE!E5ATE@#O!TO65) script
command to allow specification of whether unit indicator suffi4es should be
appended to the labels for the generated contour features,
Added )phere 5adius G3O>'(D m as an a1ailable ellipsoid for adding custom
Fi4ed problem with custom datums created by the user being written out to new
files" li-e GeoTIFFs" as the Adindan datum,
Fi4ed incorrect loading of some )I &lanet format height files (they would
appear garbled+,
Fi4ed errors loading some G&? files with e4tremely long te4t strings in them,
Fi4ed problem with missing lat0lon grid lines in some pro/ections where the
lat0lon grid is not 1alid o1er the entire data bounding bo4,
Fi4ed automatic remo1al of collars for files with 1ery cur1ed lat0lon boundaries"
such as the Antarctica *5Gs,
Fi4ed loading of attributes from IF0I* files when one of the attribute names
starts with 8Inde49,
Fi4ed errors trying to batch con1ert raster data with both the 86se Other )ource
Files As Filler9 and 8Auto Ad/ust #ontrast9 options enabled,
Impro1ed rectification based on an O3iE4plorer ,map file when that ,map file has
a 6T grid and each control point has both lat0long and grid coordinates or
the ,map file has control points that are mar-ed as e4cluded,
Allowed ground control points specified for rectification with the I&O5T script
command to be specified in a pro/ection other than the specified pro/ection for the
file being rectified, The use of either the G#&@&5O%@!AE or
G#&@&5O%@FI:E!AE parameters will cause the control points to be pro/ected
automatically to the file pro/ection before rectification occurs,
$hen loading :I*A5 :A) data" sa1e the class of each sample point as an
$hen batch con1erting from :I*A5 :A) data to other 1ector formats" add an
option to only include sample points classified as 8ground shot points9 in the
*on<t display &O:C:I!E entities from *?F files that are mar-ed as 3* polygon
meshes or polyface meshes,
$hen loading generic A)#II files with =uoted fields" ma-e sure the =uoted fields
are properly treated as a single field and that the =uotes are remo1ed for all fields,
Also treat bac--to-bac- double =uotes as a single =uote mar- in the te4t that
doesn<t act as a field delimeter,
$hen loading generic A)#II te4t files and using column names from the first line
of the file as attribute names" don<t include attributes from non-coordinates lines,
Fi4ed problem introduced in 1O,(' release with sa1ing Trans1erse ercator
pro/ections to E#$ files (the pro/ection name was not being sa1ed for some
Allowed 1iew shed calculations to ha1e a radius as small as one thousandth or a
mile or -ilometer rather than the pre1ious minimum of one tenth of a mile or
Fi4ed some printing issues and impro1ed printing performance when printing to
large paper si3es,
Added a registry -ey to allow specifying that positioning information from TIFF
world files" if a1ailable" should be preferred o1er the positioning data stored
within TIFF file headers, If you create a
.7EC@#655E!T@6)E5S)oftwareSGlobalapperSTIFF&referTF$ *$O5*
1alue with the 1alue set to >" then the world file positions will be preferred,
Added support for reading and writing obli=ue stereographic pro/ections from0to
GeoTIFF files,
Added support for reading and writing Gauss 7rueger (G-degree 3ones+
pro/ections using the &ul-o1o >HD' datum from0to GeoTIFF files,
Added support for reading and writing the &otsdam0*.*! datum from0to
GeoTIFF files as well as Gauss 7rueger Germany (3 degree 3ones+ pro/ections
with that datum,
Added chec-bo4 to the A)#II import file to allow using the same configuration
for all files during that load or batch con1ert operation,
Allowed positioning data from O3i ,map and #ompeG&) ,imp files to be used to
position E#$ files that do not contain embedded positioning information,
#orrected positioning of some non-$G)FD apTech maps, In some cases the
wrong datum would be used, !ow if there is any doubt the user is prompted to
select the correct pro/ection,
ade user-defined pro/ections be automatically decoded from r)I* files,
Fi4ed e4port of !A*F3 datums to Erdas Imagine format files,
ade French :ambert pro/ections be decoded and encoded from0to E#$ files
Impro1ed positioning of !O)0GEO format charts by positioning them using the
specified nati1e chart pro/ection if recogni3ed,
$hen using the GE!E5ATI!G@#O!TO65) script command" allowed negati1e
inter1als to be specified if the )I!G:E@:EAE:@O!:CNCE) parameter is
Fi4ed half pi4el shift and other positioning problems when e4porting to new
Float0Grid format files,
Fi4ed errors loading te4t from some single-precision E(( files,
*ramatically sped up the calculation of auto-contrast statistics for large r)I*
$hen loading apInfo IF0I* format files" don<t set any numeric fields to
ha1e a 1alue of ( when their 1alue is actually empty,
Fi4ed bug from 1O,(3 release that could cause discontinuities in rectified imagery
that used the triangulated rectification method,
$hen displaying feature information for polygon features that ha1e islands0holes"
include the area of the island features as a separate item in the Geometry section
of the Feature Info dialog, Also subtract the area of those islands away from the
total polygon area to gi1e a true representation of the actual area co1ered by the
Impro1ed compression of 'D-bit 5GE GeoTIFF files created by Global apper
that are created with the :B$ compression option,
Impro1ed consistency of multiple 1iew sheds calculated from the same center
point with the same sample spacing but different radii when the specified sample
spacing is much larger than the spacing of the ele1ation files that are used,
)ped up calculation of 1iew sheds when the ele1ation data being used comes from
a map catalog or Global apper Grid files,
)ped up contour generation when the ele1ation data being used comes from a map
catalog or Global apper Grid files,
Added support for specifying a scale factor for :ambert #onformal #onic and
)tereographic pro/ections,
)ignificantly sped up e4port to any raster format using a palette" such as palette-
based GeoTIFF or &!G e4ports,
Added option to do case-sensiti1e searches with the )earch-K)earch by Attributes
menu command,
ade map catalogs be e4portable to Global apper &ac-age files,
Fi4ed orientation of G&) heading arrow when the display pro/ection is one in
which north is not necessarily straight up,
5educed memory usage for E(( files with lots of attribute 1alues,
Fi4ed calculation of &E5IETE5 and E!#:O)E*@A5EA 1alues for some
range rings that had incorrect 1alues stored,
Fi4ed decoding of 6T 3one G( pro/ections from !A)A :and)at ,met files,
$hen rectifying data with 1ector data displayed in the 5eference pane" made
clic-ing near a 1ector feature automatically 8snap9 to that feature to assure e4act
ade statistics ()T?+ files be generated for ele1ation EI: file e4ports,
Added ).O$@3*@AIE$ command to the scripting language to allow scripts
and wor-spaces to bring up the 3* 1iew window,
Added option to generate ?CB grid files in row-ma/or order,
Added option to anti-alias pi4els (interpolate+ when batch con1erting between
raster formats,
Fi4ed rare problems loading some portions of Arc Einary Grid format files
(technically" some 3'-bit 5:E encoded tiles with 1ery large 1alues were
incorrectly decoded+,
Fi4ed problem with labeled areas e4ported to :andmar- Graphics A)#II format
files ha1e two TE?T labels e4ported,
ade image-optimi3ed palettes always contain white and0or blac- if those colors
are in the image being e4ported, This ma-es collars stay the color they are
supposed to be,
ade trac-ing of Garmin 6)E G&) de1ices wor- for newer de1ices" li-e the
)&'O'(" that send some e4tra information when first connected,
Added warning to e4ports when a large amount of Terra)er1er data would be
e4ported to e4plain that it could be 1ery slow and gi1e the user a chance to cancel
the operation,
WHAT'S NEW IN Global Mapper v/.02
New Import Formats
o Added support for loading *G! 1F and later format files,
o Added support for loading apTech format files" including encrypted
E)E files and other apTech topo maps and aerial na1igation maps,
o Added support for loading Idrisi format raster and ele1ation files,
New Export Formats
o Added support for e4porting loaded 1ector data to *G! format files,
o Added support for e4porting loaded data to Erdas Imagine IG format
o Added support for e4porting loaded data Idrisi format files,
o Added support for e4porting F-bit and 5GE GeoTIFF files with :B$
compression, :B$ compression typically results in much better
compression that the default methods" but may not be supported by all
software applications,
(raw#' %&a'es
o )ignificantly impro1ed the display of raster and gridded ele1ation data at
intermediate 3oom le1els by always anti-aliasing the display when not
3oomed into the pi4el le1el of the data and not 3oomed out so far that it
doesn<t matter much, There will be a slight performance hit for this" but
the impro1ement in display =uality seems worth it,
o ade pressing the E)# -ey during a draw abort the draw as soon as
*ro.e"t#o'/(at-m %&a'es
o Impro1ed accuracy of the !A*'O (#anada+" AG*GG" AG*FD" and
!BG*DH datums by using the !T1' grid shift method for sub-meter
datum transformation accuracy,
o Added generic !A*'O datum that will automatically use the most
accurate local datum con1ersion based on the location being con1erted,
o Added support for the iller Oblated )tereographic pro/ection,
o Allowed use of the !BG*'((( datum with the !ew Bealand ap Grid
o ade additional datum codes" li-e those for the !TF datums" be
recogni3ed for GeoTIFF files,
o ade ET5)FH datum be recogni3ed in additional spellings from &5% files,
o #orrected small error when transforming the 5ome >HD( datum to other
o Added #lar-e >FF( (Eenoit+ as an a1ailable ellipsoid for adding custom
3#ew S&e1 %&a'es
o Added option to the 1iew shed tool to find a 1iew shed of /ust where a
beam will hit the terrain, A start and end transmission angle are specified
in addition to the transmitter height in order to find the beam intersection
o Added option to the 1iew shed tool to specify a minimum distance from
the transmitter to perform the 1iew shed analysis,
Impro1ed loading of *?F files that ha1e features in the E:O#7) section of the
&rompt users to unload all loaded data when loading wor-space files rather than
automatically unloading all loaded data,
Added option to batch geocode addresses from a file from the )earch-KFind
Address menu command,
Added support for gridding the e4port of )imple A)#II Te4t" A5:" and Bmap
&lus Grid files,
Added support for re1ersing the order in which rows and columns are named
when gridding files on e4port,
ade the path profile0line of sight dialog maintain its si3e between showings"
pre1enting the user from ha1ing to continually resi3e it to get the si3e they want
for different path profiles,
Added option to the Aector *isplay tab of the #onfiguration dialog to allow an
arrow to be drawn along line features in the direction that they tra1el,
Fi4ed scaling problem when e4porting 1ector data to a raster file using the
E?&O5T@5A)TE5 command from a script file,
ade custom symbols from ,ico files draw in their actual si3e instead of always
using the default system si3e of 3'43',
Added new built-in point symbol" 8*ot T Cellow9,
Fi4ed problems loading some G&) Trac-a-er files that ha1e no waypoints in
ade degree symbols display correctly on Asian 1ersions of $indows that
weren<t fi4ed in the earlier update,
Fi4ed problems with render progress on status bar not wor-ing properly with map
catalog files,
Fi4ed problems with some maps that result in multiple layers" li-e A*5G files" in
map catalogs,
Allowed custom per-layer shaders to wor- properly with map catalogs containing
ele1ation data,
Fi4ed problems with some iso-height area contours not being generated in some
rare cases when generating contours,
Fi4ed loading of pac-age files containing ele1ation data from wor-spaces,
Fi4ed occasional problems with missing outer row and0or column of data when
e4porting a raster or ele1ation file and cropping to a selected" rectangular area
Fi4ed problems with ele1ation shading and display of the ele1ation legend when
negati1e scaling factors are used on the Alter Ele1ations dialog,
ade up to 3 decimal digits of precision be used when sa1ing ele1ation 1alues to
many A)#II formats,
Added option to remo1e archi1e files (li-e ,3ip and ,tar,g3+ from the list of files to
batch con1ert0repro/ect by right-clic-ing on the batch con1ert file list and
selecting the appropriate option,
Added option to add files to the list of files to batch con1ert0repro/ect from a te4t
file containing a list of full paths to files, To access this option" simply right clic-
on the file list in the Eatch #on1ert05epro/ect dialog and select the appropriate
Added option to add files to a map catalog from a te4t file containing a list of full
paths to files, To access this option" simply right clic- on the map list in the ap
#atalog dialog and select the appropriate option,
#orrected half-pi4el offset in placement of r)I* files with embedded coordinate
$hen e4porting )hapefiles" do not e4port line features that are at a point (all
1ertices coincident+ or area features that are a point or a '-1erte4 line,
$hen e4porting )hapefiles" ma-e sure that lines that get cropped to the e4port
bounds maintain their original direction,
ade attributes for which none of the features being e4ported ha1e a non-empty
1alue still be e4ported to *EF files that are created with )hapefiles,
Allowed confirmation prompt when closing loaded o1erlays from the O1erlay
#ontrol #enter to be disabled so that it won<t be shown again,
Fi4ed out of memory errors when 3oomed in really far on some r)I* files,
Fi4ed loading of E(( files with empty annotations,
ade deleted holes in area features not be e4ported to *:G-O format files,
Added support for trac-ing !EA G&) de1ices that use QE#2 sentences rather
than QG&2 sentences,
Fi4ed determination of )tate &lane pro/ection from Erdas Imagine ,img files that
use a negati1e 3one number in the header,
Fi4ed problem with )T:" 3* *?F mesh" and 3* *?F mesh e4ports that would
cause a one sample gap between gridded files when e4ported,
Added right-clic- option to the )earch by Attributes dialog to allow selecting all
search results,
ade files opened by dragging them onto Global apper be added to the list of
recently used files under the File menu,
$hen dragging multiple files onto Global apper to load them" ma-e the 86se
)elected &ro/ection for All9 chec-bo4 option wor- if the user is as-ed for a
Added a registry -ey to allow o1erriding where temporary files" li-e e4tracted
archi1e contents and downloaded Terra)er1er tiles" are stored, If you create a
.7EC@#655E!T@6)E5S)oftwareSGlobalapperSTemp*ir string 1alue with
the folder that you want the temporary files to be based in" that folder will be used
the ne4t time that you run Global apper,
Added option to sa1e the ele1ation legend in the main 1iew to a E& file by
right-clic-ing on it and selecting the appropriate option,
Added option to control whether or not unit labels (e,g, 8m9 or 8ft9+ are displayed
on the ele1ation legend, This setting can be changed by right-clic-ing on it and
selecting the appropriate option,
Fi4ed problem with grid line labels being cropped at the bottom when footer
strings were used during printing,
ade new E4plorer-style dialogs be used for all file selection,
Fi4ed crash when displaying metadata for map catalogs that contain ele1ation
Fi4ed errors loading some tiled TIFF files with separated color channels,
ade dot symbols loo- better when printed,
ade the filling in of small gaps wor- when e4porting *E files with arc
degrees as the current 1iew0e4port units on the &ro/ection tab of the #onfiguration
$hen creating area features from selected line features with the *igiti3er Tool"
only prompt for name" attribute" and style information once" then use that
information for all remaining areas created from the selected lines if no other
information is a1ailable from the lines ma-ing up the area,
ade the count of selected features appear in the status bar when the *igiti3er
Tool is acti1e and you are not acti1ely wor-ing with the selected features,
#orrected decoding of !ew Bealand ap Grid pro/ections from E#$ files, They
were being decoded as a closely-appro4imated Trans1erse ercator pro/ection,
Fi4ed loading of some A)5&-format data files,
Fi4ed errors loading *:G-O files with area features and non-contiguous element
I*s for lines (these are 1ery rare+,
$hen e4porting *?F format files" made area features be fully cropped to the
specified e4port bounds rather than /ust e4porting in whole any area that intersects
the e4port bounds,
Fi4ed ordering of data written to G&? files to ma-e sure that really pic-y
applications" li-e Garmin<s ap)ource" can always read them,
Fi4ed problem when doing multiple line connection operations from the )earch
by Attributes dialog that would result in e4tra long lines (they would loop o1er
themsel1es+ after the first line connection operation,
ade 8:ongitude of &ole9 attributes for &olar )tereographic pro/ections be sa1ed
and read from &5% files,
Added support for a EOTTO@6& parameter in EI: file headers to specify that
the data starts at the lower-left rather than the top-left, %ust add a line with the te4t
8EOTTO@6& C9 to the ,hdr file to flip the data 1ertically,
Added a :ACE5@*E)# parameter to the GE!E5ATE@#O!TO65) script
command to allow the name of the generated contour layer to be changed from
the default,
Fi4ed problem with point features getting the wrong attributes from some E((
ade holes in area features maintain the descriptions of their parents when
e4ported to A)#II te4t files,
Allowed minus signs" dollar signs" and underscores to be used at the start of labels
when e4porting to *?F format files, &re1iously those characters were remo1ed
from the start of lines to pre1ent errors, !ow a space is /ust inserted before those
characters to get rid of the errors,
Added support for a :AEE:@O!@:I!E parameter in A)#II te4t files for
specifying that labels for a line feature should be centered on the line,
WHAT'S NEW IN Global Mapper v/.04
Added option on Aector *isplay tab of the #onfiguration dialog to allow more
control o1er the order that 1ector features are drawn in, Cou can now select to
ha1e the layer order in the O1erlay #ontrol #enter ta-e top priority for 1ector
data" allowing 1ector layers to be drawn under raster layers and also allowing
e4plicit forcing of 1ector layer draw order,
Added support for searching on address in the 6) under the )earch menu,
Added option to download Terra)er1er data near an address,
ade transparency and translucency in &!G files be used,
Added support for creating transparent &!G files (this is now the default+,
(##t#)er Tool %&a'es
o Impro1ed ease of digiti3ing lots of area" line" and point features by ma-ing
the *igiti3er Tool stay in the creation mode after creating a feature rather
than forcing you to re-select the feature type to create each time, Cou still
/ust need to right-clic- to cancel the current operation,
o Added display of the number of points digiti3ed so far when drawing a
new line or area feature with the *igiti3er Tool,
o Added option to re1erse the order of the 1ertices in selected line features
using the *igiti3er Tool,
o Added option to find unconnected endpoints in selected lines with the
*igiti3er Tool, This pro1ides an easy method of identifying connecti1ity
problems in loaded data,
o Fi4ed creation of duplicate attributes when editing multiple features at a
time with the *igiti3er Tool and adding a new attribute which already
e4ists in some of the features being edited,
o Added option to measure cut-and-fill 1olumes to the right-clic- menu
when a single line or area feature is selected,
New S-pporte1 Import/Export Formats
o Added support for e4porting loaded 1ector data to :owrance 6)5 format
files for use in :owrance G&) de1ices,
o Added support for loading :I*A5 data from Terra)can ,bin and ,ts format
o Added option to print to (Geo+TIFF format files,
o Added ability to batch con1ert to Global apper &ac-age files,
o Added support for e4porting loaded ele1ation data to Optimi Terrain
format files,
*ro.e"t#o'/(at-m/5'#t %&a'es
o Aastly impro1ed accuracy of 5TH( ()weden+ datum transformations,
o Added Indonesia >HOD and Eu-it 5impah datums,
o Added support for using the French angular unit 8grades9 with the
Geographic pro/ection,
o Fi4ed rare problems pro/ecting between a )tate &lane pro/ection and a
:ambert #onformal #onic pro/ection,
o Fi4ed loading of Erdas Imagine ,img files with embedded pro/ection
information, This was bro-en in the 1O,(> release,
o Added support for loading and sa1ing )outhern Trans1erse ercator
pro/ections in E#$ files,
o Added support for using pro/ection and positioning information from
,TAE files for E#$ files,
o Added support for decoding !ew Bealand ap Grid pro/ections from
,TAE files,
o Added option to write an in1alid datum code to *E files when e4porting
with a 1iew0e4port datum set to one that is not supported by the *E
o *o not allow modifying the Origin :atitude for ercator pro/ections since
it is not used (the latitude origin is always the e=uator for ercator+,
o Fi4ed sa1ing of some pro/ections to apInfo TAE files, )ome pro/ections
either could not be written at all or if they had a central meridian scale
factor parameter it would always be set to >,(,
o ade pro/ection information from supplemental files (li-e ,pr/ files+ be
used if a1ailable for GeoTIFF files that do not contain pro/ection
information internally rather than always as-ing the user to select the
pro/ection in that case,
o Added G5) >HGO (Indonesia >HOD+" )phere 5adius G3OF3FF eters " and
$ar Office (c#aw >H'D+ as a1ailable ellipsoids for adding custom
o Fi4ed name of the 8E1erest >F3(9 ellipsoid in the custom datum dialog, It
was being incorrectly listed as 8E1erest >H3(9,
ade #trlL5ight #lic- in the Boom Tool restore the last 3oom scale,
ade the name of the map that a 1ector feature is in always be displayed in the
Feature Info dialog for the feature,
Added button on the General tab of the #onfiguration dialog to allow restoring all
settings to their default 1alues,
Added support for trac-ing G&) de1ices on #O ports up to #OGD (pre1iously
the highest support serial port was #O>G+,
ade the #O port and baud rate settings for serial G&) de1ices be properly
remembered between sessions,
Added shortcut -ey (#trlLT+ for starting and stopping the trac-ing of a connected
G&) de1ice,
ade font information about labeled features be sa1ed in )imple A)#II Te4t files
e4ported with the 8include attributes9 option set,
Added support for using new font attributes when reading generic A)#II te4t
files, )ee the 6ser<s anual section for that menu command for details on the
new supported attributes,
Added ability to combine line features in the )earch by Attributes dialog, %ust
select the lines to combine" then right clic- on them in the list and select the
combine option that appears,
Fi4ed errors loading label points from some ,e(( files,
Added support for rectifying E#$ and %&G'((( files,
Added support for loading TAE-referenced raster files which do not ha1e the
same base name as the TAE file, Cou must select the TAE file to load for this to
If a color palette is specified in a TIFF header for files with a grayscale
photometric interpretation" use the color palette rather than creating a grayscale
one, Apparently some products" li-e ArcGI)" will create TIFF files in this way for
some reason,
ade TE?T feature labels from IF0I* files be read in and used,
ade sa1ing a path profile to a E& file sa1e a bottom-up rather than a top-down
bitmap since some applications (including Global apper+ can<t read top-down
Fi4ed problems batch con1erting to )hapefile format and e4porting to the 8source
file9 folder when the input files are either archi1es (e,g, ,3ip or ,tar,g3 files+ or the
output is being gridded,
$hen using the 8Add :oaded Files9 or 8Add Onscreen Files9 buttons in the batch
con1ersion dialog and map catalog files are loaded" made the maps referenced by
the map catalog be added to the con1ert list if they are of the right type,
Fi4ed loading of attributes from some *EF files that had padding bytes after the
*EF header,
Added support for decoding *) lat0lon 1alues which use a hyphen as the
)ped up the e4port of raster and ele1ation files when only a subset of a large
number of files is being e4ported,
Fi4ed really slow drawing of some rotated E)E files,
Fi4ed 1ertical flip of !TF-format grid files,
$hen e4porting apInfo IF0I* format files" made area features be fully
cropped to the specified e4port bounds rather than /ust e4porting in whole any
area that intersects the e4port bounds,
ade line and area border widths be stored correctly in apInfo IF0I* files,
$hen using area features with ele1ations as obstructions for 1iew shed
calculations" ma-e the tested recei1er heights inside area features /ust be based on
the terrain and only use the area heights as obstructions, This ma-es it easier to
simulate things li-e wooded areas bloc-ing reception within those areas and not
/ust beyond them,
Added :andsat True #olor lin-s from resmap,com to the File-KOpen E#$ File
from the $eb menu dialog,
Added support for reading in 3* *?F line features and sa1ing the separate
ele1ations for each 1erte4 rather than using the ele1ation of the first 1erte4 for the
entire line,
Added ability to create regularly spaced tiles of ele1ation grids from 3* 1ector
data when right-clic-ing on 1ector layers in the O1erlay #ontrol #enter and
selecting the option to create an ele1ation grid from the data, This ma-es it easier
to deal with 1ery large data sets that cannot be gridded all at once without running
out of memory,
Added support for Global apper &ac-age files larger than 'GE in si3e,
WHAT'S NEW IN Global Mapper v/.01
ade the middle mouse button drag the map in all of the tools and not /ust the
Boom tool,
Added option to use an ele1ation shader other than the shared ele1ation shader
selected on the toolbar for rendering an ele1ation layer, This option is a1ailable
from the Options button in the O1erlay #ontrol #enter,
Added option to grid (i,e, tile+ data during batch con1ersion,
ade decimal digit fields e4ported to )hapefiles display as decimal numbers by
default when loaded into other applications rather than displaying /ust as whole
Added and0or impro1ed metadata display from the O1erlay #ontrol #enter for
most file types, The impro1ed metadata display allows copying the metadata to
the clipboard and easy 1iewing of pro/ection information,
*ro.e"t#o'/(at-m/5'#t %&a'es
o Added support for the !A*F3 .A5!0.&G! datums,
o Impro1ed accuracy of !A*'O Alas-a" Old .awaiian ean" and &uerto
5ico datums by adding support for using the !A*#O! datum con1ersion
methods for those datums,
o Impro1ed accuracy of !TF France datums by adding support for using
1ariable grid shifts depending on the location within France,
o Added support for creating custom datums that use the O-parameter Eursa-
$olfe datum transformation method (pre1iously only the 3-parameter
olodens-y method was supported+,
o Added built-in support for the Irish Grid pro/ection,
o Added support for yards as a linear unit,
o Added support for millimeters as an ele1ation unit,
o #orrected detection of 6T 3ones in the )outhern .emisphere from old-
format E)5I &5% files,
o Impro1ed decoding of some pro/ections from O3iE4plorer ,map files,
New S-pporte1 Formats
o Added support for loading !TF-format grid files" such as those used for
ele1ation data in Great Eritain,
o Added support for loading some FA)T format imagery files" such as those
used for :OA :andsat data in some parts of the world,
(##t#)er Tool %&a'es
o ade holding the ? and C -eys when mo1ing 1ertices or features with the
*igiti3er Tool" clamp the mo1e hori3ontally or 1ertically,
o $hen creating new line or area features with the *igiti3er Tool" the length
and enclosed area (if applicable+ will be displayed in the status bar as the
new feature is drawn,
o $hen mo1ing or /oining 1ertices of line or area features with the *igiti3er
Tool" the length and enclosed area (if applicable+ will be displayed in the
status bar as the 1ertices are mo1ed,
Meas-re Tool %&a'es
o $hen creating a new line feature from a measurement in the easure
Tool" set the length of the measurement to also be the default display label,
o $hen displaying length and other measurement strings" such as with the
easure Tool" remo1e any trailing 3eroes from the length to ma-e it more
Imae !e"t#$#"at#o' %&a'es
o Added new hot-eys to the image rectification dialog, !ow AltL5 will act
li-e pressing the 86pdate )elected G#&9 button" AltLI will mo1e the
G#& list selection up" and AltLB will mo1e the G#& list selection down,
o Impro1ed the crosshair cursor used in the Boomed and 5eference 1iews of
the Image 5ectification dialog,
o Impro1ed the symbols used in the image rectification dialog for displaying
ground control points to ma-e it easier to see the data behind the control
Map %atalo %&a'es
o Added the ability to display metadata about maps in a map catalog by
right-clic-ing on the map in the map list in the ap #atalog dialog and
selecting a popup menu option to display metadata about them,
o Added the ability to ha1e map catalogs be displayed within a range of map
o Fi4ed problems using files with Obli=ue ercator pro/ections in map
o Fi4ed problems with some files" particular pac-ages with multiple data
layer" being included in map catalogs,
#orrected placement of Erdas Imagine ,img files with a 6T pro/ection in the
)outhern .emisphere,
Added support for getting pro/ection information for r)I* files from ,au4 files,
Added option to generate world files when e4porting to EI:0EI&0E)I format
files, $hile the information in the world files is also in the ,.*5 file generated"
some software only chec-s for a world file, Ey default" both will be generated,
Added support for loading %&G files directly from ,3ip and ,tar,g3 archi1es,
Fi4ed loading of some 5aster &roduct Format (5&F+ data" li-e #A*5G0#IE data"
that had odd security descriptor 1alues in the frame files,
*isplay a progress dialog when printing to show the progress of generating the
high-resolution image to send to the printer,
*rastically sped up the e4port of E& files when capturing the screen to one or
printing to one,
ade 3ooming the main map 1iew with the mouse wheel only 3oom half as far as
the 3oom buttons on the toolbar,
Fi4ed problems introduced in the 1O,(( release with calculating 1iew sheds when
the global pro/ection units are either arc seconds or radians,
ade the feature type lists on the Generic A)#II Import dialog be sorted
If the datum can not be determined from a GeoTIFF file" as- the user to confirm it
if we canPt determine the datum from some other source rather than /ust assuming
the datum is $G)FD,
Added ability to generate blac--and-white GeoTIFF files that use blac- for the
minimum 1alue rather than white, To do this" select the Grayscale T in Is Elac-
palette option when e4porting a blac--and-white GeoTIFF file,
ade auto-collar cropping wor- correctly for >JG37 scale Alas-a *5Gs,
Impro1ed dialog that appears when Terra)er1er connections fail,
ade point features with labels be e4ported as TE?T entities to *?F files rather
than either being split up into separate &OI!T and TE?T entities or being created
as a &OI!T entity with attributes,
Impro1ed display of ele1ation lines in the path profile dialog when the ele1ation
range is small,
Fi4ed problems with the wrong font being displayed when editing custom area"
line" and point types from the #onfiguration dialog,
#orrected datum used for A&F (e,g, AA&" *!#+ data, !A*F3 was being used
when it should ha1e been $G)FD, There was no position error howe1er as those
datums are the same positionally,
Fi4ed problem with the 3oom scale changing after a print pre1iew,
Fi4ed problem with grid lines not being sa1ed to raster files or printed if no other
1ector data is loaded,
Allowed correct loading of ele1ation TIFF files that don<t correctly specify their
min0ma4 ele1ation range,
Added option to clamp 1alues outside the 1alid ele1ation range to the specified
ele1ation range when modifying the 1alid ele1ation range of a layer from the
Options button in the O1erlay #ontrol #enter,
Added support for loading large TIFF files with C#E#5-encoding (usually
%&EG-in-TIFF files+,
$hen loading E#$ and %&EG'((( files with apparently flipped C coordinates"
made it optional to flip the image 1ertically since it some cases that is not correct,
Added new red and yellow diagonal crosshair symbols,
$hen sa1ing &5% and world file names (e,g, ,tfw" ,/gw+" use lower case to ma-e it
easier to use these files on platforms that are case-sensiti1e" li-e :inu4,
ade true 3* *?F polylines be generated when e4ported 3* line features (such
as those from ?CB files+ to *?F files,
ade features from Tiger0:ine files include the #F## (census feature class code+
as an attribute of the feature if a1ailable,
Impro1ed generation of range rings to always use a great-circle distance method if
possible" e1en if the current pro/ection is not Geographic,
Added support for automatically positioning imagery using A)TE5 browse ,meta
WHAT'S NEW IN Global Mapper v/.00
Added support for grouping collections of map files together into a 8map
catalog9, ap catalogs allow you to easily load" 1iew" and manage large
collections of data without using too much system memory,
Added support for trac-ing real-time G&) locations from Garmin 6)E G&)
Added option under the )earch menu to allow searching loaded 1ector data on the
name" description" or attribute 1alues, The searching allows both te4t and numeric
comparisons in the search criteria, Features can be edited and deleted directly
from the search results,
Added 8Gridding9 tab to most e4ports to allow splitting up the data into regularly
spaced tiles on e4port if desired rather than /ust e4porting a single file,
Meas-re Tool %&a'es
o Added support for calculating 8cut-and-fill9 1olumes within area
measurements and along linear measurements using the easure Tool
(right clic- to see the #alculate Aolumes option+,
o ade the bearing from the start to the end of line features be added when
creating new lines using either the easure tool or the *igiti3er tool,
o #hanged the cursor used in the easure Tool to ma-e it easier to perform
precise measurements,
(##t#)er Tool %&a'es
o Added ability to easily create rectangular" s=uare" circular" elliptical"
circular arc" and elliptical arc area and line feature using the *igiti3er
Tool, There are additional items on the right clic- popup menu for drawing
these shapes,
o Added option to create concentric range rings (i,e, circles of a gi1en
radius+ on the right-clic- menu in the *igiti3er Tool,
o Added an option when editing 1ector features with the *igiti3er Tool to
add file lin- attributes by selecting files rather than manually typing the
file names,
o ade area features selected with the *igiti3er Tool be drawn in their
normal style during e4ports cropped to the selected area feature(s+,
o ade point feature labels be displayed e1en if the points are selected with
the *igiti3er Tool,
2( *at& *ro$#le/6#'e o$ S#&t Tool %&a'es
o Added support for calculating 8cut-and-fill9 1olumes along a path profile
using the 3* &ath &rofile0:ine of )ight Tool,
o Added additional menus to the 3* &ath &rofile dialog to pro1ide easier
access to some of the options, Also made the path details be copied to the
clipboard when displayed,
o Added additional options to the 3* &ath &rofile dialog for controlling the
from0to position display format and the coloring and style of the profile
o Fi4ed problems with the path profile tool when the loaded data is not
correctly pro/ected (i,e, the lat0lon readout in the status bar reads that the
coordinates could not be determined+,
o ade ele1ation 1alues sa1ed to ?CB files from the path profile dialog
ha1e ' digits after the decimal place rather than >,
2( 3#ewer %&a'es
o In the 3* 1iewer" allow the 1ertical e4aggeration to be increased all the
way to a factor of >((,( rather than /ust '(,(,
o In the 3* 1iewer" made the &anorama0$al- mode toolbar button act as a
mode /ust li-e the 5otate" o1e" and Boom buttons since that is how it
o In the 3* 1iewer" added an option to the &roperties dialog to allow the
bac-ground color to be changed,
o In the 3* 1iewer" added an option to the &roperties dialog to allow the
height used in the &anorama0$al- mode to be manually set and to also
specify whether the height should be a constant height relati1e to the
ground or a constant height relati1e to sea le1el,
o In the 3* 1iewer" made the 1ertical e4aggeration and bac-ground color
settings be remembered between instances of running the software,
7at"& %o'vert/!epro.e"t %&a'es
o Added option to the Eatch #on1ert05epro/ect dialog to allow the
specification of an additional string to append to the names of the files
created during the batch con1ert process,
o Added option to the Eatch #on1ert05epro/ect dialog to allow some files to
only be used as filler for other files, To mar- files this way" simply right
clic- on them in the source files list and select the option to /ust use them
as filler files,
o Added option to create >-bit blac--and-white GeoTIFF files with the
Eatch #on1erter,
o 5educed memory re=uirements during batch con1ersion when using all
loaded files as filler data and there are lots of files being con1erted,
Imae !e"t#$#"at#o' %&a'es
o $hen shift-clic-ing in the 5eference pane of the image rectification
dialog" made the selected coordinates be rounded to the nearest minute for
lat0lon 1alues and the nearest >((( units for other pro/ections,
o ade the image rectification dialog start out ma4imi3ed if the dialog was
ma4imi3ed the last time the user closed the dialog,
o ade the :atitude and :ongitude coordinate 1alues in the ground control
point list of the image rectification dialog be displayed using the current
&osition *isplay Format selection in the #onfiguration dialog,
o $hen double clic-ing on a control point in the control point list in the
image rectification dialog and the rectify coordinates are lat0lon 1alues"
format the pro/ected ? and C coordinate fields using the current &osition
*isplay Format from the #onfiguration dialog,
o $hile )hift-clic-ing in the Boomed 1iew in the image rectification dialog"
automatically add the control point to the control point list use the clic-ed
o $hen #trl clic-ing in the Entire Image 1iew in the image rectification
dialog" automatically recenter the 5eference 1iew if there are enough
control points entered to con1ert the clic-ed coordinates to a ground
o a-e layers that are hidden in the O1erlay #ontrol #enter still be rendered
in the rectify window when re-positioning that layer,
o *efault to use triangulated rectification when rectifying imagery any time
that M or more control points are entered and the 8Automatic9 rectification
method is selected (pre1iously this happened at F control points+,
Added support for using the bounds of a loaded layer when e4porting or
performing other operations that re=uire bounds in a script file, The
:ACE5@EO6!*) parameter has been added to se1eral script commands to
support this,
Added O!:C@GE!E5ATE@ETA*ATA parameter to the E?&O5T@5A)TE5
script command to allow scripts to /ust create the metadata files li-e world files
and TAE files when e4porting GeoTIFF" %&G" and &!G files rather than doing a
full e4port,
ade wor-space files support relati1e filenames" allowing data referenced by
wor-space files to be mo1ed so long as the wor-space file is mo1ed as well,
Added option to Terragen ,ter file e4port to allow the creating of non-s=uare
terrain files, This files should wor- with Terragen (,H,4 and later,
Added option to create area features from the bounds of the selected layer in the
O1erlay #ontrol #enter by selecting and then right-clic-ing on the layers that you
want to create the bounds from,
Added support for loading data in the G&) Trac-a-er (,gtm+ format,
Added support for the Eonne and #assini-)oldner pro/ections,
Added support for non-3ero central meridians when using the Gall )tereographic
Added support for the .artbeesthoe-HD datum,
Added support for loading *TE* files that ha1e .*5 and0or AO: records at the
Added support for loading A)TE5 .*F files with ,hdf( and ,hdf> e4tensions as
well as additional 1ariations of A)TE5 )$I5 data,
Fi4ed e4port of high-color ('D-bit and abo1e+ and F-bit grayscale TIFF files to
image-optimi3ed palette-based TIFF and &!G formats when the TIFF file
incorrectly specifies that it is grayscale and not 5GE,
)ped up display of Terra)er1er data that crosses 6T 3one boundaries,
Added support for finding world files with a ,wld e4tension when loading most
imagery formats (i,e, E&" %&G" TIFF" GIF" and &!G+,
#orrected placement of .awaiian data loaded from Tiger files (the !A*F3 datum
was being used rather than Old .awaiian ean+,
ade the si3e of the feature info dialog be sa1ed between sessions,
Fi4ed decoding of )tate &lane pro/ections from new format &5% files, The
problem was introduced in the 1G,(H release and made some &5% files with )tate
&lane pro/ections decode the pro/ection into the core pro/ection rather than
-eeping it as )tate &lane, This should not ha1e affected any coordinates,
#orrected incorrect interpretation of 8Foot9 string from new format &5% files,
&re1iously this was interpreted as 6) )ur1ey Feet when it should ha1e been
interpreted as International Feet,
Fi4ed application crash loading some slightly odd ,3ip files,
ade additional digits of precision be stored for settings li-e custom grid spacing,
anually compute the min0ma4 sample 1alues for 6)G) *Es that ha1e a non-
unity B resolution since they are often stored incorrectly" resulting in odd shading
in Global apper, This will apply to things li-e decimeter and centimeter *Es,
ade full e4tents of polar data repro/ected from a polar stereographic pro/ection
to another pro/ection be displayed whene1er possible (pre1iously the part nearest
the pole and near the anti-meridian could get clipped off+,
Increased the ma4imum number of grid lines that could be displayed when using
the custom grid spacing setting,
ade TIFF files that use a transformation matri4 for position information be
automatically positioned rather than re=uiring rectification,
ade degree symbols display correctly on Asian 1ersions of $indows,
#orrected drawing and 3ooming in on E#$ and %&EG'((( files that ha1e flipped
C coordinate 1alues in the header,
Added option to contour generation to control whether or not small gaps in the
data are filled (pre1iously they always were+,
Impro1ed the speed of e4porting downloaded Terra)er1er data to new raster files,
#orrected display of 3one numbers for Gauss 7rueger Germany pro/ection,
Only show the warning message about user-defined datums in GeoTIFF files
being interpreted as $G)FD once each session,
$hen changing the current 1iew pro/ection" maintain the current 1iew window if
possible rather than 3ooming out to all loaded data,
Added option to initiali3e sample spacing 1alues to the current screen sample
spacing from the dialog allowing specification of sample spacing in units other
than the current pro/ection units when performing raster and ele1ation e4ports,
Added red" blue" green" and white dot symbols,

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