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Category: Designer
Search Abbreviations:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O -
P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
The abbreviation may be deceiving (not what you thing
exactly). It will start with the first letter of the word, but what follows maybe not so much.
A/C - Air Conditioning
A/G - Aboveground
A/H - After Hours
A/W, W/A - Air/Water
A - Ampere
A - Anchor
A - Anode
A - Area
AB - Afterburner
AB - Anchor Bolt
AB - Asbestos Board
AB - As-built
ABD - Abandoned
ABD LOC - Abandoned Location
ABD-GW - Abandoned Gas Well
ABD-OW - Abandoned Oil Well
ABDOGW - Abandoned Oil and Gas Well
ABL - Above Baseline
ABRS - Abrasion
ABRSV - Abrasive
ABS - Absolute
ABV - Above
AC - Acid
AC - Actinium
AC - Air Conditioner
AC - Alternating Current
ACB - Air Circut Breaker
ACET - Acetylene
ACLD - Air-cooled
ACLR - Air Cooler
ACP - Asbestos Cement Pipe
ACPL - Acoustical Plaster
ACR - Acrylic
ACS - Access
ACST - Acoustic
ACT - Automatic Custody Transfer
ACTR - Actuator
AD - Access Door
AD - Anode
AD - Area Drain
ADD - Addendum
ADD - Addition
ADDL - Additional
ADDT - Additive
ADH - Adhesive
ADJ - Adjust
ADJ - Adjustable
ADJ - Adjacent
ADPT - Adapter
AEC - Architecture, Engineering, and Construction
AF - Above Floor Level
AF - Above Finished Level
AFF - Above Finished Floor
AFL - Above Finished Level
AFP - Average Flowing Pressure
AFTCLR - After Cooler
AG - Above Ground
AG - Silver
AGG - Aggregate
AGGR - Aggregate
AGL - Above Ground Level
AHD - Australian Height Datum
AHDR - Air Heater
AHM - Ampere-hour Meter
AHR - Anchor
AHU - Air Handler Unit
AI - Instrument Air
AIC - Amperes Interrupting Circuit
AIH - Air Inlet Heater
AIR - Average Injection Rate
AIRCOND - Air-condition
AK - Alaska
AL - Alabama
AL - Alarm Low
AL - Aluminum
AL - Ames Laboratory
ALIGN - Alignment
ALM - Alarm
ALTN - Alternate
ALY - Alloy
AM - Americium
AMM - Ammeter
AMT - Amount
AMP - Ampere
AMU - Atomic Mass Unit
ANAL - Analysis
ANALY - Analyze
ANGV - Angle Valve
ANOD - Anodized
ANT - Antenna
AP - Access Panel
AP - Analyzer Test Point
APPROX - Approximately
APP'D - Approved
APPV - Approve
APPVL - Approval
APR - April
APT - Apartment
AR - Acid Resisting
AR - Argon
AR - Arkansas
ARCH - Architecture
ARCW - Arc Weld
ARR - Arrange
ARR - Arrangement
AS - Acoustic Sealant
AS - Arsenic
AS - Australian Standard
ASB - Asbestos
ASC - Above Suspended Ceiling
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASPH - Asphalt
ASSEM - Assemble
ASSOC - Association
ASSOC - Associate
ASSY - Assembly
AT - Acoustical Tile
AT - Asphalt Tile
AT - Astatine
ATF - Along Top Flange
ATM - Atmosphere
ATTEN - Attenuation
AU - Gold
AU - Utility Air
AUTH - Authorized
AUTO - Automatic
AUX - Auxillary
AVG - Average
AW - Acid Waste
AW - Acid Water
AWG - American Wire Gauge
AWT - Automatic Well Test
AX - Axis
AZ - Arizona
AZ - Azimuth
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