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Installation instruction

of the flat solar collectors models

ES1V2.0, ES1V2.65, ES2V/2.0 AL,
integrated in the tile roof.
01/2012 et ac!uainted "efore starting the installation.
Installation instruction
of the flat solar collectors models ES1V2.0, ES1V2.65,
ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2.65
integrated in the tile roof.
1. Introduction
Lightning #rotection
In case the height at which the collectors are to e installed e!ceeds 20 metres
and a "ilding is not e#"i$$ed with the lightning $rotection it is necessar% to
connect all electricall% cond"cting elements with an earth rod &minimal earth
rod cross'section ( 16mm
), and then with a com$ensating $otential.
In case the height at which the collectors are to e installed does not e!ceed
20 metres it is not necessar% to $ro*ide the lightning $rotection.
If the "ilding is e#"i$$ed with the lightning $rotection it is im$ortant to
chec+ the connection of the solar s%stem to the lightning $rotection. ,hat tas+
sho"ld e $erformed % an electrician.
-om$letel% "sed "$ solar collectors can e ret"rned to the man"fact"rer.
,he ret"rned solar collectors shall e "tili.ed % the man"fact"rer in the wa%
which is the least "rdensome for the nat"ral en*ironment.
2. Safet% during installation
&efore commencing the installation 'or( it is necessar% to immediatel%
get ac!uainted 'ith the safet% ti#s)
2.1. *otes included in the instruction.
,he installation instr"ction incl"des im$ortant information concerning safet%
and $ro$er $ositioning of the collectors on the roof as well as the correct
e!ec"tion of the h%dra"lic connection. /rawings and information incl"ded in
the instr"ction a$$l% to a *ertical installation of the collectors.
Installation of the collators can onl% e $erformed % #"alified $ersonnel with
$rofessional e!$erience in the field of water s"$$l% and gas s%stems.
0$on com$letion of wor+s an installer sho"ld hand o*er the installation
instr"ction to a c"stomer and clearl% e!$lain the $rinci$les of o$eration and
directions essential to a $ro$er o$eration of the solar s%stem.
2.2 A##lication
,his instr"ction incl"des a descri$tion of an *ertical asseml% set to carr% o"t
the installation of solar collectors &*erticall% and hori.ontall%) on the roof
with the inclination ranging from 10
"$ to 65
,he asseml% set shall e!cl"si*el% e "sed to $erform the installation of solar
collectors, it m"st not e "sed to install different de*ices on the roof.
Installation of onl% solar collectors on the s"$$orting str"ct"re g"arantees its
safet% of o$eration.
Installation instruction
of the flat solar collectors models ES1V2.0, ES1V2.65,
ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2.65
integrated in the tile roof.
+. &efore commencing the installation.
As the wor+ on the roof can e dangero"s it is recommended to hire a
roofwor+ firm.
,A*E$ -. E//I* S0ALE,.
In case the collectors and asseml% materials are e!$osed to solar radiation
for a long time, there is a ris+ of getting scalded % hot elements.
In order to a*oid the danger of scalding %o" sho"ld2
"se $rotecti*e clothing,
co*er the collectors and the asseml% materials with can*as co*er
&than+s to which the heating "$ % s"neams will e red"ced).
+.1 /rans#ort and storage.
d"ring trans$ort the collector connectors are $rotected % r"er ca$s,
collectors sho"ld e stored in a dr% $lace. In case the collectors are stored
o"tside the% sho"ld e $rotected against weather conditions.
+.2 /echnical ,ocumentation
Solar installation set consists of different com$onents. 3efore
installing an% of the com$onents %o" sho"ld ecome
familiar with an ade#"ate instr"ction.
A se$arate installation instr"ction is attached to a gi*en de*ice or a $iece
Installation instr"ction of solar collectors,
installation instr"ction of the $"m$ gro"$,
installation instr"ction of the solar controller,
installation instruction of the hot 'ater container.
+.1 0om#leteness of deli1er%
3efore commencing the installation it is necessar% to chec+ if the deli*er% is
com$lete and the deli*ered com$onents are free of damage.
in case of disco*ering an% damages the defected elements or $arts sho"ld
e immediatel% re$laced,
the re$lacement needs to e carried o"t with the a$$lication of original
s$are $arts onl%.
the asic set is designed for two solar collectors, e!tending the solar
instalation for each s"ccessi*e solar collector is associated with
$"rchase an aditional e!tension set for each solar collector
Installation instruction
of the flat solar collectors models ES1V2.0, ES1V2.65,
ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2.65
integrated in the tile roof.
List of Items
Basic set Extension set
Description Quantity
Left top edge flashing 1 -
Right top edge flashing 1 -
Top extension flashing 1 1

Left lower edge flashing 1 -
Right lower edge flashing 1 -
Lower extension flashing 1 1

Left side flashing 1 -
Right side flashing 1 -
Hook-in element 2 -

Centre flashing 1 1
Support frame for centre flashing 1 1

Cover flashing left 1 -
Cover flashing right 1 -
Cover flashing - 1
ind protection rail 2 1

Collector !racket " 2
Collector clamping #"$ x "$mm% " -
Linear collector clamping !ar #11" x &$mm% 2 2

Seal strip 2$'2$ 2()lfm 1()lfm
Seal strip *$'&$ &()lfm 1()lfm

ood wedge 2 1

Coloured and sealed screw "() x &)mm 2
Self-tapping screw +2 "(2 x 1&mm ,
Coloured and sealed self-tapping screw +2 "(2 x 1&mm 1" -
Sheet strip 1* 2
ood screw " x &$mm &2 1$
ood screw ) x "$mm 12 "
ood screw ) x 11$mm * &

+.2 Additional tools and e!ui#ment
' le*el,
' harness with $rotecti*e ro$e &to wor+ high ao*e gro"nd),
scaffolding, a roof ladder or a crane.
+.5 Location of a collector
4otential #"antit% of the asored radiation de$ends on a $ro$er location of
the asorer in relation to falling s"neams.
5$tim"m is a $er$endic"lar $osition of a collector s"rface in relation to the
falling solar radiation.
Installation instruction
of the flat solar collectors models ES1V2.0, ES1V2.65,
ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2.65
integrated in the tile roof.
6ecommended location of a collector2
inclination angle2
70 ( 75
for a %ear'long installation,
a$$ro!imatel% 10
for installations "sed in s"mmer,
a$$ro!imatel% 60
for installations "sed in winter,
$ositioning of a collector in the so"thern direction &or a$$ro!imate to the
so"thern direction).
Solar collectors must not "e installed at the inclination "elo' +0
o1er 35
It is recommended to install the collectors on the so"thern roof slo$e. /"ring
the installation wor+ $artic"lar attention sho"ld e $aid to $rotect the
collectors from eing o*ert"rned % strong winds. 4ermissi"le sno'
and 'ind load amounts to ma5. 2,0 (*/m6.
-ollectors field sho"ld e located in s"ch a wa% that the asorer will
not e shadowed % the ad8acent "ildings, trees, etc.
In case of a larger n"mer of collector fields it is im$ortant that the front row
of the collectors do not shadow the ac+ one.
+.6 /echnical data for the flat collector models7 ES1V/2.0, ES1V/2.65,
ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2.65
.lat collector S%m"ol ES1V/2.0 ES2V/2.0 AL ES1V/2.65 ES2V/2.65 8nit
9idth A 1006 1006 1120 1120 mm
:eight 3 200; 200; 2156 2156 mm
/e$th - <5 <5 <5 <5 mm
-ollector weight m 70 70 7= 7= +g
Area S 2,02 2,02 2,65 2,65 m
-onnectors2 -" $i$e > 22 22 22 22 mm
?l"id *ol"me V 1.< 1.< 2.2 2.2 dm
@a! wor+ing $ress"re $
6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 ar
5$tim"m flow min. ' ma!. m 60'=0 70'60 ;5'105 ;5'105 dm
$e!uired s#ace
ES1V/2,0 and ES2V/2,0 AL for 1ertical installation
6e#"ired ao"t 2700 mm in height and 1<00 mm in width for the first
collector and A 1110 mm in width for each consec"ti*e one. In case of
mo"nting a collector on the inclined roof the minim"m distance etween
collectors and the roof edge is 1m.
ES1V/2,65, ES2V/2,65 for 1ertical installation
6e#"ired ao"t 2<00 mm in height and 1=00 mm in width for the first
collector and A 1220 mm in width for each consec"ti*e one. In case of
mo"nting a collector on the inclined roof the minim"m distance etween
collectors and the roof edge is 1m.
Installation instruction
of the flat solar collectors models ES1V2.0, ES1V2.65,
ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2.65
integrated in the tile roof.
+.3 .lo' resistance for collectors
+.9 :arrant% conditions of the installation and use of the collectors ES2V/2.0 AL
'ith aluminum a"sor"er
.t is allowed to use onl/ solar fluids that is accepted and offered !/ the producer( e0g0
12S3L.C3L-+L -&$(
.t is allowed to wash the solar thermal s/stem and perform the leak test onl/ with solar fluid(
The solar thermal s/stem must !e closed #hermetic%4
the solar s/stem can not contain automatic vents #potential place through the installation can
get into air%(
!efore the first start( the solar s/stem must !e completel/ deaerated( and !e leakproofed !/
the plum!er(
an/ leaks are associated with getting air into the solar thermal s/stem with maximi5e the risk
of corrosion0 3nce air get into the solar s/stem the solar fluid must !e replaced0
.t is allowed to use onl/ connections s/stems that are offered !/ the producer(
It is recommended to do the solar system with flexible stainless steel tubes or steel tubes. It is
forbidden to connect directly the connector pipe of the collector witch any copper or brass parts of
the solar system witch increases the possibility of electrochemical corrosion.
Installation instruction
of the flat solar collectors models ES1V2.0, ES1V2.65,
ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2.65
integrated in the tile roof.
1-10 x E!"#!$0 %L
'0 ,0 1(0 !10 !*0 &&0 &,0 '(0 (10 (*0 )&0 ),0 *(0 +10 +*0
li-uid flow.dm


1-! &-' (-) *-+ ,-10
1-10 x E!"#!$)(
li-uid flow.dm


1-! &-' (-) *-+ ,-10
(0 100 1(0 !00 !(0 &00
li-uid flow.dm&#h/


0 !0 '0 )0 +0 100 1!0 1'0 1)0 1+0 !00
li-uid flow. dm


2. Installation and commissioning of the solar s%stem7
2.1 Installation of the collectors on the roof
2.2 Installation of the connection s%stem ; h%draulic connection of the collector
2.+ Lea( test and commissioning of the instalation
/<E =-*/E$ / I*S/ALLE$ =8S/ &E S8$E -. A 0-$$E0/ I*S/ALLA/I-* A*,
LEA>4$--. -. /<E 0-LLE0/-$S &E.-$E E*0L-SI* /<E S-LA$ S?S/E=)
2.2 Enclosure of the solar s%stem
7.1. Installation of the connection s%stem ; h%draulic connection of the collector
0lease note4 The minimum roof pitch for the installation of this flashing is &$67
.nto consideration of mandator/ safet/ measures uncover the roof for the assem!l/ of the
roof integrated solar collectors #)$$mm !roader as re8uested for the collectors%0
2.1.1 Installation and #ositioning an additional "atten
Installation instruction
of the flat solar collectors models ES1V2.0, ES1V2.65,
ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2.65
integrated in the tile roof.
+ttach an additional !atten at the lower end #with
the same dimensions as the existing one% in a
distance of 1*$mm along the total width of the
installation0 This is needed to counteract the snow
Hook in the left lower edge flashing at the upper
!atten0 9ount it together with a collector !racket !/
the help of a wood screw #" x &$mm% at the
provided holes in the sheet0
This connecting link must overlap the tile 1$mm at
:lease note4 The lower frame
must have a roof pitch7 3therwise
the tile has to !e cut as indicated
on the picture0
2.1.2 connecting the lo'er edge flashing

2.1.+ connecting the lo'er edge flashing

2.1.2 montage of the solar #anels
Installation instruction
of the flat solar collectors models ES1V2.0, ES1V2.65,
ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2.65
integrated in the tile roof.
Connect the left edge with the lower extension
flashing0 :ush them together till the indicated mark
is reached0 ;ix it again together with a collector
!racket !/ the help of a wood screw #" x &$mm% at
the provided hole0
Repeat this procedure with the right lower edge0
:lace the left solar collector on the lower
flashing #exact on the indication mark%0
.nsert the collector in the collector !racket0
.ndication mark
2.1.5 montage of the collector clam#ings
2.2 Installation of the connection s%stem ; h%draulic connection of the collector
2.2.1. <%draulic connection of the har# collectors ES1V/2.0 and ES1V/2.65

:%dra"lic cond"its and fi!t"res can e connected at the left or right side of
the collector atter%. ,he instr"ction $resents the connection at the right side,
as an e!am$le.
-ne;sided connection of ma5imum 5 collectors.
9hen forming a atter% %o" can connect ma!im"m 5 collectors.
elow E!$ansion 8oint cross'fitting

Installation instruction
of the flat solar collectors models ES1V2.0, ES1V2.65,
ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2.65
integrated in the tile roof.
;ix the left collector at the upper and lower left
side !/ the help of the collector clamping #"$ x
"$mm% and wood screws #) x "$mm%0
+fterwards place the right collector0 Set !oth
linear collector clamping !ars #11" x &$mm%
!etween the collectors( push the collectors
together and screw the clamping !ars down !/
wood screws #) x "$mm%0 ;ix the right collector
also at the upper and lower side !/ the help of
collector clamping #"$ x "$mm% and wood
screws #) x "$mm%0
123E4 parallel to the montage make the
h/draulic connection of the solar s/stem
Collector clamping
2.2.2. <%draulic connection of the meander collectors ES2V/2.0 AL. ES2V/2,65

,he $ower s"$$l% and ret"rn m"st e connected to the diagonal of the
collector or the atter%. ,he $ower s"$$l% sho"ld e connected to the lower
connection and the ret"rn to the to$ connector. ,he -onnection for $ower
s"$$l%/ret"rn is aritrar% ( in can e from the left or right sight. In the two
other connections sho"ld e clam$s. ,he instr"ction $resents the connection
at the right side, as an e!am$le.
-ne;sided connection of ma5imum 10 collectors.
9hen forming a atter% %o" can connect ma!im"m 10 collectors.
clam$ e!$ansion 8oint cross'fitting

elow e!$ansion 8oint clam$
2.2.+ 0onnecting the collectors 'ith a clam#ing #i#e union.
-ollectors ES1V/2.0 and ES1V/2.65 ( connecting "$$er connectors $i$e
-ollectors ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2.65 ( connecting "$$er and ottom
connector $i$e
1 ( connector $i$e of
the collector
2 ( strengthening slee*e
1 ( $i$e "nion n"t
7 ( clam$ing ring
5 ( $i$e "nion ni$$le
@o"nt the $i$e "nion on the first collector, then mo*e
the second collector closer and fasten the $i$e "nion on oth collectors.
Installation instruction
of the flat solar collectors models ES1V2.0, ES1V2.65,
ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2.65
integrated in the tile roof.
$lace the strengthening slee*e &2) in the connector $i$e of the collector &1),
$i$e "nion n"t &1) sho"ld e $"t on the connector $i$e of the collector &1),
clam$ing ring &7) sho"ld e $laced on the connector $i$e of the collector,
screw the n"t &1) onto the $i$e "nion od%,
$lace the strengthening slee*e in the connector $i$e of the second collector,
$"t the n"t on the connector $i$e of the second collector,
$lace the clam$ing ring on the connector $i$e of the second collector,
mo*e the second collector closer to the $i$e "nion,
screw the n"t onto the $i$e "nion ni$$le.
,he n"t sho"ld e tightened "$ so as to sec"re the lea+'tightness of the
connection, howe*er, not too strong in order to a*oid damage to the
connector $i$e of the collector.
2.2.2 0onnection of the collectors feeding
1 ( connector $i$e of the collector
2 ( strengthening slee*e
1 ( n"t
7 ( clam$ing ring
5 ( elow od%
6 ( ins"lated fle!ile cond"it
$lace the strengthening slee*e &2) in the connector $i$e of the collector &1),
elow n"t &1) sho"ld e $"t on the connector $i$e of the collector &1),
clam$ing ring &7) sho"ld e $laced on the connector $i$e of the collector &1),
screw the n"t &1) onto the elow &5),
fle!ile cord n"t &6) needs to e screwed on the elow &5),
connect the fle!ile cond"it to the solar s%stem.
2.2.5 0onnection of the collector return
1 ( connector $i$e of the collector,
2 ( strengthening slee*e,
1 ( clam$ n"t,
7 ( clam$ing ring,
5 ( com$lete $i$e'cross with a man"al air esca$e and an
immersion slee*e,
6 ( ins"lated fle!ile cond"it
$lace the strengthening slee*e &2) in the connector $i$e of the collector &1),
$"t the clam$ n"t &1) on the connector $i$e of the collector &1),
$lace the clam$ing ring &7) on the connector $i$e of the collector &1),
immersion slee*e with the com$lete $i$e'cross &5) needs to e $laced in the
connector $i$e of the collector &1),
screw the clam$ n"t &1) onto the $i$e'cross &5) at the left side,
screw the ins"lated fle!ile cond"it &6) at the ottom of the $i$e'cross &5),
connect the fle!ile cond"it to the solar s%stem.
Installation instruction
of the flat solar collectors models ES1V2.0, ES1V2.65,
ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2.65
integrated in the tile roof.
2.2.6 0onnection of the clam#s ; for collectors ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2,65
@o"nt the clam$s on the em$t% connectors &on the diagonal of the collector or the
1. -lam$
2. Solar collector
2.2.3 0onnection of the tem#erature sensor
,amage to the s%stem
In case of wrong installation of a tem$erat"re sensor or damage to
the signal cale there is a ris+ of damage to the s%stem.
' signal cale m"st e $rotected against damage &e.g. damage ca"sed %
irds, rodents) "sing a $rotecti*e coat.
,em$erat"re sensor sho"ld e installed
in an immersion slee*e.
insert the tem$erat"re sensor into
the immersion slee*e,
$rotect with a clam$ing s$ring against
mo*ing o"t.
2.2.9 0onnection of collecting conduits
:%dra"lic connection with collecting $i$es sho"ld e e!ec"ted % means of
an ins"lated fle!ile cond"it. It is not allo'ed to connect stiff collecti1e
#i#es directl% to the collector.
,he connection of fle!ile cond"its with the s%stem m"st e done elow the
le*el of the air esca$e.
0ni*ersal roof *entilators and antenna $enetration sho"ld e "sed to e!ec"te
the $assage of cond"its across the roof.
A cale for the tem$erat"re sensor sho"ld e laid together with the fle!ile
ret"rn cond"it.
Installation instruction
of the flat solar collectors models ES1V2.0, ES1V2.65,
ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2.65
integrated in the tile roof.
2.+ Ins#ection of the installation
0$on com$letion of the installation wor+ it is necessar% to2
ins$ect the installation correctness of all elements of the s%stem,
chec+ the s%stem % means of a $ress"re test,
fl"sh the s%stem with water,
fill in the s%stem with the solar agent.
After the $ress"re test and water fl"shing of the s%stem it m"st e immediatel% filled
"$ with the solar agent. 5therwise, the tightness test and fl"shing need to e carried
o"t directl% efore filling "$ the installation with the solar agent.
2.+.1 .illing u# the installation
.illing u# the installation "% using a filling station
1. ?illing station &=)2 -onnect the hose &1) with the "$$er *al*e &1), hose &2)
with the ottom *al*e &7).
2. 5$en the *al*e &1 and 7) and r"n the $"m$.
1. -losing the *al*e &5) will ca"se the flow thro"gh the solar collectors.
/"ring filling and *enting the s%stem, %o" sho"ld se*eral times o$en and
close the *ent &5).
7. /o not t"rn off the $"m$ "ntil the installation will e com$letel% *ent '
"ntil from the hose sto$ flowing air "les.
5. 5$en the *ent &5) and close the *ent &7) and still $"m$ the fl"id "ntil the
installation will reach the re#"ired $ress"re, $ B 2,5 ar ' 4ress"re
meas"rement &12).
6. -lose the *al*e &7) and $"m$ "ntil the installation will reach the re#"ired
$ress"re, $ B 2,5 ar ' 4ress"re meas"rement &6).
;. ,"rn on the controller $l"g &;) to the networ+ and enale C 210V
circ"lation $"m$ in man"al mode.
Installation instruction
of the flat solar collectors models ES1V2.0, ES1V2.65,
ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2.65
integrated in the tile roof.
<. 6emnants of the air sho"ld e remo*ed a"tomaticall% % "nscrewing the
*al*e man"all%
=. In case of decrease or asence of flow "nscrew the central screw in the
circ"lating $"m$ and let the air e!hale. /o this e!ercise "ntil f"ll *ent
10. In the case of $ress"re dro$ on the 4ress"re meas"rement &6) elow 1,5
ar com$lete "$ to the to the re#"ired $ress"re $B2,5 ar
11. /isconnect the hose from the filling station from the *al*es &1, 7)
2.+.2 Venting of the solar installation
After *enting the solar installation % means of a filling station and a man"al
air esca$e %o" sho"ld close the air esca$e *al*e, in case of an a"tomatic air
esca$e it is necessar% to close the all *al*e.
3.+.+ Insulation 'or(
Ins"lation wor+ sho"ld e done after $erforming all ins$ection o$erations.
:igh tem$erat"re and weather resistant ins"lation m"st e "sed to ins"late
the cond"its which are o"tside the "ilding.
If necessar%, $rotect the ins"lation against damage ca"sed % irds.
:igh tem$erat"re resistant ins"lation m"st e "sed to ins"late the cond"its
inside the "ilding.
2.2 Enclosure of the solar s%stem
/<E =-*/E$ / I*S/ALLE$ =8S/ &E S8$E -. A 0-$$E0/ I*S/ALLA/I-* A*,
LEA>4$--. -. /<E 0-LLE0/-$S &E.-$E E*0L-SI* /<E S-LA$ S?S/E=)
2.2.1 montage of the side flashing
Installation instruction
of the flat solar collectors models ES1V2.0, ES1V2.65,
ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2.65
integrated in the tile roof.
+ffix !oth hook-in elements at the outer side of each
collector0 <se four self-tapping screws #"(2 x 1&mm%
for each element at the provided holes0
2.2.2 Su##ort frame for centre flashing
2.2.+ montage of the 0o1er flashing

2.2.2 montage of the co1er flashing

Installation instruction
of the flat solar collectors models ES1V2.0, ES1V2.65,
ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2.65
integrated in the tile roof.
+ffix the cover flashings at the front side of !oth
collectors0 The indication mark at the cover flashing
has to !e positioned at the outer side of each
collector0 <se the coloured and sealed self-tapping
screws #"(2 x 1&mm% at the provided holes in each
cover flashing0 The overhang on the outer sides is
=etween the collectors the overlap of the cover
flashings should !e 2&mm0
Clip the centre flashing !etween !oth
collectors0 ;ix the centre flashing at the
provided holes with one screw in the
middle and two screws at the lower end
#coloured and sealed self-tapping screws
"(2 x 1&mm%0
Clip in the support frame for the centre flashing
!etween the collectors #in the vertical centre%0
.ndication mark
2.2.5 montage of the side frames
2.2.6 montage of the seal stri#

2.2.3 .i5ng the 'ind #rotection rail

Installation instruction
of the flat solar collectors models ES1V2.0, ES1V2.65,
ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2.65
integrated in the tile roof.
Clip in !oth side flashings #left and right side% at the hook-in
element of each collector0
;ix each side flashing !/ the help of five sheet strips and five
wood screws #" x &$mm% along the outer side at the !attens0
+dditional attach the side flashings at the lower end !/ the
help of two coloured and sealed self-tapping screws #"(2 x
Stick the seal strip #2$ x 2$mm% across the total
width( including the centre and the side
;ix the wind protection rail in the middle of the
wood wedge !/ the help of four wood screws #" x
2.2.9 .i5ng the 'ind #rotection rail

2.2.@ montage of the Left to# edge flashing

2.2.10 montage of the Left to# edge flashing
Installation instruction
of the flat solar collectors models ES1V2.0, ES1V2.65,
ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2.65
integrated in the tile roof.
9ount the wood wedge at the !attens and fix
them with three wood screws #) x 11$ mm%0
The wood wedge has to !e in touch with the
side flashings on !oth outer sides0
%ttention4 The wood wedge has to lie on two
Clip in the left top edge at the wind protection rail and fix
it at the wood wedge with two wood screws #" x &$mm%(
as shown on the small pictures0 This has to !e done
outside of the seam7
+ttach the edge flashing additional !/ the help of a sheet
strip and a wood screw #" x &$mm%0
ood screws ) x 11$mm
ood screw " x &$mm
Screw together the top edge and the side
flashing and fix them at the wood wedge(
which is under the side flashing( with a
coloured and sealed screw #"() x &)mm%0
Coloured and sealed screw
Sheet strip
The distance !etween the flashing
and the wind protection rail should
!e )mm7
2.2.11 montage of the to# edge flashing
2.2.12 montage of the right to# edge flashing
'.'.1& monta5e of the top ed5e flashin5

Installation instruction
of the flat solar collectors models ES1V2.0, ES1V2.65,
ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2.65
integrated in the tile roof.
:ush together the top extension flashing and the
left top edge #approx0 "$mm% and fix them
outside the seam with two wood screws #" x
;ix the right top edge again with a coloured
and sealed screw #"() x &)mm%> additional
with a sheet strip and a wood screw #" x
ood screws " x &$mm
+ffix the top flashing in total four times !/ the help of
sheet strips and wood screws #" x &$mm% at the
!atten0 Stick the seal strip #*$ x &$mm% across the
total width and on !oth sides down till the side
flashings are reached0
%ttention4 ;inall/ the leading edge of the tile should
!e at the position of the seal strip7
'.'.1' 6inishin5 wor7s
'.'.1( 6inishin5 wor7s
Installation instruction
of the flat solar collectors models ES1V2.0, ES1V2.65,
ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2.65
integrated in the tile roof.
+t the end cover the roof completel/ up to the
Stick the lead strip on the tile #e0g0 with
pol/urethane ? foam% and press it against
the tile0
5. =aintenance and Ser1ice
/"ring the maintenance and other +ind of wor+ a collector m"st e $laced firml%
to e!cl"de the danger of tri$$ing o*er and falling down,
It is not allowed to $erform an% re$air and maintenance wor+ "nder a lifted
collector which has not een $rotected against cas"al falling down,
6e$air and maintenance wor+ sho"ld e done % means of s"itale tools and the
ser*icing $ersonnel sho"ld wear $rotecti*e glo*es and shoes,
3efore the commencement of maintenance wor+ it is necessar% to wait till the
tem$erat"re of a collector lowers to s"ch an e!tent that a ris+ of getting scalded
% hot elements is e!cl"ded,
5*erha"l of the solar s%stem needs to e done in accordance with warrant%
recommendations for $artic"lar elements of the s%stem.
In order to g"arantee fail"re'free o$eration of the whole s%stem it is
recommended to carr% o"t the following maintenance wor+ at least once a %ear2
Frost protection ( chec+ the solar fl"id resistance to frost % means of a control
de*ice &refractometer). In case of a significant fall in frost resistance of the solar
fl"id it sho"ld e re$laced and the s%stem m"st e deaerated once again.
System pressure ( wor+ing $ress"re in the solar s%stem needs to e chec+ed.
After the start'"$ $eriod no dro$ of $ress"re is $ermissile.
Expansion vessel ( in$"t $ress"re of the e!$ansion *essel sho"ld e chec+ed.
,o this end, disconnect the *essel from the s%stem and meas"re the $ress"re. ,he
in$"t $ress"re sho"ld e 2,5 ars.
,he control and $rotection s%stem sho"ld also e ins$ected along with the
str"ct"re for s"$$orting and fi!ing a collector on the roof.
In order to guarantee the #ro#er o#eration of the 'hole s%stem, e1er% time 'e
recommend %ou to enter into a contract for maintenance 'or( 'ith a s#ecialist
installation firm.
Installation instruction
of the flat solar collectors models ES1V2.0, ES1V2.65,
ES2V/2.0 AL, ES2V/2.65
integrated in the tile roof.
Energet%(a Solarna Ensol S#. A o.o. 23;200 $aci"BrA, ul. 4ias(o'a 11 /el/fa57 0029 +2 215 @665

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